mapping the insect biodiversity of map the insect biodiversity of the dominican...

ABSTRACT The authors propose an Entomology Research Project with a goal to map the insect biodiversity of the Dominican Republic. Distribution patterns of ants, beetles and other insects can be superimposed on high resolution base maps containing informa- tion on geology, botany and geography. Analysis of insect patterns of distributions can inform scientists, policy makers and the public on areas rich in biodiversity and endemism. The Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University under the research direction of Dr. Brian Farrell and Edward O. Wilson has established a long term research study of the insect bio- diversity of the Dominican Republic. So far, thousands of speci- mens of ants, beetles and other insects have been collected, identi- fied and, geo-referenced. An NSF supported digital imaging ini- tiative has successfully imaged thousands of species of insect types at the Museum of Comparative Zoology and an effort is underway to image the insect diversity of the Dominican Republic. Insects, especially ants and beetles are the focal point for measur- ing biodiversity in tropical and subtropical countries around the world. Students working in the DR can obtain references, images, classification information and now distribution patterns of insects from their home country. This data can by analyzed and used to map important areas of endemism, conservation priorities, refugia and habitat destruction. This existing research and teaching col- laboration project in the field of biodiversity is a model system for bridging technology between countries. INTRODUCTION HARVARD IN THE CARIBBEAN The long history of scientific exchange between the Caribbean and the Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ) at Harvard and neighboring institutions places Harvard University in a position to foster research in this important biogeographic region. The Caribbean ranks in the top 4 of 25 biodiversity hotspots designated by Conservation International for their high proportions of endemic species. Because the Caribbean is small relative to other hotspots, a digital encyclopedia of the species found there is within reach, complete with web pages on each species containing high resolution photos, distribution maps and information on the biology and practical importance to humans. Professor Brian D. Farrell and Professor E. O. Wilson pursue Caribbean insect studies in the Entomology Department. Farrell focus- es on the evolution of plant-feeding beetles in the superfamilies Curculionoidea and Chrysomeloidea with their hostplants. Of particu- lar interest is the bark beetle family Scolytidae, well known for the intricate galleries they produce in forest trees. While some bark beetles are symbiotic with pathogenic fungi that help in their attacks on plants, other bark beetles have become agriculturalists, cultivating particular strains of fungi deep inside trees for their own food and the often path- ogenic fungi they transport. Because they often attack trees with resins, bark beetles are also among he very most abundant insects represented in Dominican amber, the fossil resin of an extinct species of tree (Hymenaea) in the bean family Fabacaeae. Professor E. O. Wilson pur- sues research on the ants of the West Indies, also well represented in amber. Farrell and Wilson contribute images of the type specimens of Caribbean bark beetles and ants to the Caribbean Type Initiative, an online database complementing the more comprehensive Entomology Type Database. While the MCZ-administered Ernst Mayr grants pro- vide support for researchers from each corner of the globe to visit important collections for examination of type specimens, these data- bases bring the types from our collection to researchers worldwide. THE CONSORTIUM FOR BIODIVERSITY OF THE CARIBBEAN The Consortium for Biodiversity of the Caribbean (CBC) is an informal consortium of scientists and institutions committed to furthering knowledge of the insects and plants of Hispaniola and the Caribbean and building the capacity of Caribbean scientists to contribute to that knowledge. The CBC consists of the following organizations or institutions: the Departmento Botanica at the Jardin Botanico Nacional (JBN), the Department de Entomologia at the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural (MNHN), the Fundación Ecológica Punta Cana / Punta Cana Center for Sustainable Tourism and Biodiversity Laboratory (PCSB), the Department de Biologia at the Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo, the Department of Invertebrate Systematics at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh (CMNH), the Department of Entomology at the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University (MCZ), the Department of Systematic Biology at the Smithsonian Institution (SI), and Conservation International (CI). Professor Brian D. Farrell of the MCZ serves as acting supervisor and liaison. The CBC provides an assembly of personnel and equip- ment in three database/imaging centers in the Dominican Republic (at JBN, MNHN, PCSB), and assists these centers in achieving the common goals: 1) Complete documentation of native and invasive insect and plant species diversity in Hispaniola via barcoding and imaging specimens in the Dominican National Collections and specimens newly sampled from the National Parks for the database served on the internet at present by the MCZ; and 2) Continually improving the standard of georeferencing and the accuracy in tax- onomy and coverage of diversity in the database in a way consis- tent with the grants that initiated and maintain the centers. The American centers (CMNH, MCZ, SI) accomplish imaging and databasing of their collections of Caribbean specimens as well as digitizing relevant literature. The CBC has begun with a focus on the Dominican Republic, with a goal of developing materials, pro- tocols and inter-institutional relationships that facilitate expansion to other countries in the Caribbean and elsewhere, as well as to other components of biodiversity. OBJECTIVE The initial objective of the Entomology Research Project is to map all of the specimen level GIS information associated with specimens collected in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. To date, there are over 28,000 specimens in our online database (, including insects and plants, representing several hundred localities. An equal number of insect specimens and associated data are in process now and more will come as our research on Hispaniola continues. The GIS map will then use the collected coordinates to pinpoint localities on a map. Additional attributes to be associated with these points will include an image of the specimen, habitat and ele- vation information and notes. The ultimate goals for the CBC centers are to provide a complete database of insects and plants of Hispaniola via mechanisms that strengthen Dominican scientists and institutions, and provide docu- mentation of best practices for use in other countries. These prac- tices provide the mechanism for simultaneous digitization of histor- ical and new collections in the DR, with the goal of reaching an eventual equilibrium with new acquisitions and collections. At the same time, each of the CBC centers contributes to this effort in a way that strengthens the personnel and institution via production of deliverable products, such as field guides and posters, based on specimens entered into the database. While the Dominican database and supporting centers are currently managed by the MCZ, the goal is to eventually establish the information technology infrastructure for serving the database on the web from the Dominican Republic, and encourage substantial participation of additional partners or members with the establishment of additional CBC centers in the DR and in Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico and Cuba. FUTURE Over the next five years, it is anticipated that this project will result in the first near-complete online searchable atlas, together with maps and images, of the insect fauna of any country, especially timely with today's focus on biodiversity hotspots and inventory of the planet's biota. MAPPING THE INSECT BIODIVERSITY OF HISPANIOLA ENTOMOLOGY RESEARCH PROJECT MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY BRIAN FARRELL, EDWARD O. WILSON, GARY ALPERT & DAVID TURELL

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The authors propose an Entomology Research Project with a goalto map the insect biodiversity of the Dominican Republic.Distribution patterns of ants, beetles and other insects can besuperimposed on high resolution base maps containing informa-tion on geology, botany and geography. Analysis of insect patternsof distributions can inform scientists, policy makers and the publicon areas rich in biodiversity and endemism.

The Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard Universityunder the research direction of Dr. Brian Farrell and Edward O.Wilson has established a long term research study of the insect bio-diversity of the Dominican Republic. So far, thousands of speci-mens of ants, beetles and other insects have been collected, identi-fied and, geo-referenced. An NSF supported digital imaging ini-tiative has successfully imaged thousands of species of insect typesat the Museum of Comparative Zoology and an effort is underwayto image the insect diversity of the Dominican Republic.

Insects, especially ants and beetles are the focal point for measur-ing biodiversity in tropical and subtropical countries around theworld. Students working in the DR can obtain references, images,classification information and now distribution patterns of insectsfrom their home country. This data can by analyzed and used tomap important areas of endemism, conservation priorities, refugiaand habitat destruction. This existing research and teaching col-laboration project in the field of biodiversity is a model system forbridging technology between countries.



The long history of scientific exchange between the Caribbean and theMuseum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ) at Harvard and neighboringinstitutions places Harvard University in a position to foster researchin this important biogeographic region. The Caribbean ranks in the top

4 of 25 biodiversity hotspots designated by Conservation Internationalfor their high proportions of endemic species. Because the Caribbeanis small relative to other hotspots, a digital encyclopedia of the speciesfound there is within reach, complete with web pages on each speciescontaining high resolution photos, distribution maps and informationon the biology and practical importance to humans.

Professor Brian D. Farrell and Professor E. O. Wilson pursueCaribbean insect studies in the Entomology Department. Farrell focus-es on the evolution of plant-feeding beetles in the superfamiliesCurculionoidea and Chrysomeloidea with their hostplants. Of particu-lar interest is the bark beetle family Scolytidae, well known for theintricate galleries they produce in forest trees. While some bark beetlesare symbiotic with pathogenic fungi that help in their attacks on plants,other bark beetles have become agriculturalists, cultivating particularstrains of fungi deep inside trees for their own food and the often path-ogenic fungi they transport. Because they often attack trees with resins,bark beetles are also among he very most abundant insects represented

in Dominican amber, the fossil resin of an extinct species of tree(Hymenaea) in the bean family Fabacaeae. Professor E. O. Wilson pur-sues research on the ants of the West Indies, also well represented inamber. Farrell and Wilson contribute images of the type specimens ofCaribbean bark beetles and ants to the Caribbean Type Initiative, anonline database complementing the more comprehensive EntomologyType Database. While the MCZ-administered Ernst Mayr grants pro-vide support for researchers from each corner of the globe to visitimportant collections for examination of type specimens, these data-bases bring the types from our collection to researchers worldwide.


The Consortium for Biodiversity of the Caribbean (CBC) is aninformal consortium of scientists and institutions committed tofurthering knowledge of the insects and plants of Hispaniola andthe Caribbean and building the capacity of Caribbean scientists tocontribute to that knowledge. The CBC consists of the followingorganizations or institutions: the Departmento Botanica at theJardin Botanico Nacional (JBN), the Department de Entomologiaat the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural (MNHN), the

Fundación Ecológica Punta Cana / Punta Cana Center forSustainable Tourism and Biodiversity Laboratory (PCSB), theDepartment de Biologia at the Universidad Autonoma de SantoDomingo, the Department of Invertebrate Systematics at theCarnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh (CMNH), theDepartment of Entomology at the Museum of ComparativeZoology at Harvard University (MCZ), the Department ofSystematic Biology at the Smithsonian Institution (SI), andConservation International (CI).

Professor Brian D. Farrell of the MCZ serves as acting supervisorand liaison. The CBC provides an assembly of personnel and equip-ment in three database/imaging centers in the Dominican Republic(at JBN, MNHN, PCSB), and assists these centers in achieving thecommon goals: 1) Complete documentation of native and invasiveinsect and plant species diversity in Hispaniola via barcoding andimaging specimens in the Dominican National Collections andspecimens newly sampled from the National Parks for the databaseserved on the internet at present by the MCZ; and 2) Continuallyimproving the standard of georeferencing and the accuracy in tax-onomy and coverage of diversity in the database in a way consis-tent with the grants that initiated and maintain the centers.

The American centers (CMNH, MCZ, SI) accomplish imaging anddatabasing of their collections of Caribbean specimens as well asdigitizing relevant literature. The CBC has begun with a focus onthe Dominican Republic, with a goal of developing materials, pro-tocols and inter-institutional relationships that facilitate expansionto other countries in the Caribbean and elsewhere, as well as toother components of biodiversity.


The initial objective of the Entomology Research Project is to map all of the specimen level GIS information associated with specimenscollected in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. To date, there are over28,000 specimens in our online database (, includinginsects and plants, representing several hundred localities. An equal

number of insect specimens and associated data are in process now andmore will come as our research on Hispaniola continues.

The GIS map will then use the collected coordinates to pinpointlocalities on a map. Additional attributes to be associated withthese points will include an image of the specimen, habitat and ele-vation information and notes.

The ultimate goals for the CBC centers are to provide a completedatabase of insects and plants of Hispaniola via mechanisms thatstrengthen Dominican scientists and institutions, and provide docu-mentation of best practices for use in other countries. These prac-tices provide the mechanism for simultaneous digitization of histor-ical and new collections in the DR, with the goal of reaching aneventual equilibrium with new acquisitions and collections. At thesame time, each of the CBC centers contributes to this effort in away that strengthens the personnel and institution via production ofdeliverable products, such as field guides and posters, based onspecimens entered into the database. While the Dominican databaseand supporting centers are currently managed by the MCZ, the goalis to eventually establish the information technology infrastructurefor serving the database on the web from the Dominican Republic,and encourage substantial participation of additional partners ormembers with the establishment of additional CBC centers in theDR and in Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico and Cuba.


Over the next five years, it is anticipated that this project will result inthe first near-complete online searchable atlas, together with maps andimages, of the insect fauna of any country, especially timely with today'sfocus on biodiversity hotspots and inventory of the planet's biota.