march 13, 2013 · 3:52 pm a jesuit elected pope, that’s not...

N4TM Tag Archives: Knights of Malta MARCH 13, 2013 · 3:52 PM A Jesuit Elected Pope, that’s Not Breaking News… Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires has been elected to be the 266th pope of the Catholic Church, taking the name Pope Francis. He is the first Latin American pope to lead the church, as well as the first Jesuit priest.

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Page 1: MARCH 13, 2013 · 3:52 PM A Jesuit Elected Pope, that’s Not PDFs...Jesuits are considered “good” because they do so many humanitarian


Tag Archives: Knights of Malta

MARCH 13, 2013 · 3:52 PM

A Jesuit Elected Pope, that’s Not Breaking News…

Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires

has been elected to be the 266th pope of the Catholic Church, taking the name Pope Francis.

He is the first Latin American pope to lead the church, as well as the first Jesuit priest.

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Are we surprised? No. I would think not. Click

here for an article on the newly elected pope.

You should look into who the Jesuits are really if you don’t already know. If you’ve ever heard the term “black pope,”

you’ll know that the Jesuits operate outside of the Papacy. For the “Pope” to be a former Jesuit is interesting in the

least. I’m not as proficient in this area and I can’t teach anything on Jesuits. I chalk them up to being ‘evil’ because

they are secret and they’ve done some gnarly things in History but so has the Catholic Church. I have written one post

on Jesuits and it was a sort of expose mixed with sarcasm and cynicism that they are “good” and we (Christians) are

“evil.” Jesuits are considered “good” because they do so many humanitarian deeds, thus, they give the appearance of

“light” and do “good works;” however, they also take oaths to kill those opposed to the Catholic Order and they are in

my opinion dark, scary, and evil. See here for old N4TM post on Jesuits. I don’t believe they are good and ‘we’ are

evil, that was the sarcasm. Here’s an interesting article written by TIME no-less on the Jesuit Black-pope take a

gander here. Otherwise, remember, I don’t particularly care who the pope is because it’s a false system in my opinion.

The “TIME’s” article I posted was dated 2008, which makes this section highly interesting…

“Most Jesuits steer clear of offending the Vatican hierarchy, focusing on frontline missionary work amongst the poor

and oppressed. Noted in particular for their vast network of schools and universities, the Jesuits are widely

considered the day-to-day educational and intellectual motor for Roman Catholicism. Pecklers, who teaches liturgy at

the Gregorian University in Rome, has lately been working on an education project in the hinterlands of Mongolia.

“Whereas a Benedictine is centered around his monastery, the Jesuit’s life is the road. The way we’ve achieved our

credibility is getting our hands dirty, getting involved in issues of countries.” Still, the order is facing many of the

same challenges that face the entire Church, including declining numbers of clergy, especially in Western Europe and

North America, and the tricky balancing act between faith and politics.

Since the Second Vatican Council, many Jesuits have favored progressive reform in the Church,

seeking to adapt Catholic traditions to modern life. Kolvenbach’s request to Benedict to step down as

he approached the age of 80, Vatican sources say, could have implications for the “white” papacy as

well if a Pope were to consider retiring because of old age or ill health.

For now, though, there’s just one “papal” transition to worry about. The delegates will do their voting inside the

Jesuits’ vast, marble-lined headquarters on Borgo Santo Spirito. Doors closed, no outsiders allowed in. When one

man has received the necessary majority, rather than white smoke, we’ll know there is a new “black pope” by the

sound of applause through the wooden doors of the Jesuit sala. As for revealing the new Superior General’s identity

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to the world: before the delegates are allowed to leave the voting hall, a lone messenger will take the short walk over

to St. Peter’s Square to be sure that, by tradition, the first person to know the name of the new Jesuit leader

is the one and only real Pope.”

Read more:,8599,1700157,00.html#ixzz2NSiUrJX8

WEIRD. So the “White Pope” is “black” (ergo a Jesuit). What would that translate to, the shadow government coming

to the forefront and running the show in plain sight? WEIRD!


FEBRUARY 28, 2012 · 7:26 PM

Brannon Howse’s “Monumental” Hypocrisy

Brannon Howse has now turned on his

longtime friend, Worldview Weekend Family member, Kirk Cameron.

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Brannon Howse, who uses Kirk

Cameron’s name and quote as an endorsement on his own website See HERE, is now confronting his friend over a

new movie that Kirk Cameron has done on none other than Brannon’s area of expertise, America’s Foundation.

Here is a synopsis taken from “PyroPictures”

“What’s wrong with America, and how can we make it right? This is the question Kirk Cameron asks as he retraces

the footsteps of our forefathers in the hope of rediscovering America’s true “national treasure.” What made us one of

the most exceptional nations the world has ever seen? How did we stray from such a great beginning? Journey with

Kirk throughout America and Europe as he explores the foundational doctrines and governing principles on which

America was founded. In the end, he realizes that the key to restoring our country is it is not a grand, top-down

program that begins in the Oval Office. It begins with our families, around our dinner tables as we seek to renew our

nation from the bottom up.” (END of Synopsis) No surprise Kirk has gained the endorsement of Mormon Glenn Beck

and “Founding Father” expert David Barton (Barton and Beck have fused together). Brannon issued at statement in

his letter which gives the appearance of discernment and that he’s warning his listeners but pay close attention:

“Let me first begin by saying that I want to be gracious with people on this topic because for many years I was committed

to the fallacy of moralizing, Americanism, Christian activism and the need to “reclaim America”. I even pulled one of my

own books which was published in 2005. I have pulled several Worldview Weekend DVDs that promoted the

reconstructionism or “reclaiming America” message. I have asked my radio and television audience to forgive me if my

example caused them to take their focus off our ultimate calling which is the proclamation of the gospel. I called my

friend Kirk Cameron and left him a voice mail in the early summer of 2011 to warn him of the Americanism trap that had

ensnared me for a time and I wanted him to learn from my mistakes. If Kirk had returned my call I would have shared some

of the information contained in this article concerning America’s founding. This article and movie grieves me because Kirk

has been a friend for several years and has stayed in my home and traveled and spoken for many Worldview Weekends. In

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addition to asking him to privately examine this evidence with me, I also invited him on to be a guest on my radio program

for February 27, 2012 to discuss his film and his appearance on the TV program of Mormon Glenn Beck to discuss his

Christian film; but that did not take place. ” Brannon Howse Facebook Commentary also on his site see here (not an


Thank you Brannon, yes you have spent years, I would say more like

DECADES running your mouth about Americanism and Dominionist Theology about taking America Back. I would

have never known who David Barton was if it wasn’t for Brannon Howse. Brannon says above that he removed “one”

of his own books, there are many he’s left on there however, and “several” Worldview Weekend Dvd’s that “promoted

reconstructionism.” Granted, but Howse’s house is far from cleaned out. Brannon is still selling Kirk Cameron’s

DVD’s, MP3′s, Books, and image to endorse his site. If I put up every http that shows this Brannon would no doubt

remove pics or alter his site like he did after I posted the picture of him and Newt Gingrich at a 2005 shindig that was

on Brannon’s own site when I saved it! So I’ll let you spend time poking around Brannon’s site and you can play

“Where’s Kirk Cameron” on your own time. FYI, Candace Cameron Bure is Kirk Cameron’s sister, who’s also a

Worldview Weekend family member.

Kirk Cameron’s new Idolatry

Kirk Cameron Goes from “Left Behind” fame (CNP Founder, Author of Left Behind Tim LaHaye & friend of Brannon

Howse) to playing a pivotal role in “Returning Christians” to their “Founding Fathers.” In this movie Kirk supposedly

traces the steps of the Pilgrims, maybe he’ll take the sheep further back to their roots one day and go all the way to

ROME, maybe. Here’s his promo for “Monumental:”

Great Deals on eBay!

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I in no way agree with Kirk Cameron’s latest Movie. I am not advocating for Kirk Cameron in any way shape or form.

Kirk spent a lot of time researching Americana IDOLS, he should refresh his memory with these verses:

EXODUS 20:3-5

Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is

in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the

iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

Brannon’s Hypocrisy

What I would like to point out is that Brannon seems more

upset about Kirk Cameron’s new found Idolatry in worshiping Americana Statues and Monuments (maybe he should

have a sit down and review his own speech he gives when using WOTM evangelism), and less upset about Kirk’s

Ecumenicism. Granted Brannon Howse has the same circle of friends who are Ecumenical, and this may be why

Brannon is leading you one way, to “Warn you” that Kirk is going down the slippery slope of joining hands with evil

Beck; try to forget when Brannon was endorsing Beck and attempting to get the Fox News cameras on him! Is




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Brannon really that upset about the movie “Monumental” or is he really jealous that Kirk Cameron is getting a huge

movie deal, probably a book or two, interviews on all major media and Brannon who catapulted Barton, and yet

Brannon is still locked away in a studio somewhere wondering why after all his compromise and covering for his

“Family” friends, CNP, Jesuits, Dames of Malta, that he’s still not getting the same fame? Apparently Cameron and

Howse shared sentiments about Glenn Beck’s infamy as a fellow “Christian” among evangelicals although he’s a self-

professing Mormon. In this article Cameron was going to attend Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor Rally, if it weren’t for

a mix up on tickets (and Brannon Howse’s insistence that Beck is dangerous), but at the end of the documented

conversation when challenged by Brannon Howse, Kirk Cameron leaves room for Glenn Beck,

“Howse asked if Beck’s apparent view that “we all pray to the same God” isn’t by definition false teaching.

Cameron demurred a bit and reflected on his own conversion, explaining there was much he didn’t know about

essential doctrines of the faith. “I want to be careful not to jump on somebody if they’re in the throes of

understanding the truth of the Bible. We can’t condone heresy but we need to give God the room to move in

people’s hearts, if that’s indeed what’s happening.”

He concluded by saying that while he wants to wait and see if Beck’s professed faith in Jesus is “real,” he is “very

encouraged by the movement all around the country to get back to the foundations of our country. God is using

Glenn Beck.”

It will be interesting to see if Beck’s influence can keep the anti-Mormon criticism at bay. Moreover, what if the

Mormon convert from Catholicism were to have a born-again Christian conversion—to the kind of Christianity

you can bet David Barton and others are “sharing” with him and which Cameron is “praying for.” (not an

endorsement of site, Source: Religion Dispatches)

We see why Kirk Cameron left room for Beck; here’s Cameron as a guest on GBTV promoting “Monumental” pay

particular note following the promo of the movie

Brannon’s Family Tree (click to enlarge): (Tim LaHaye CNP founder also founded Pre-trib Research Center.

Kirk Cameron stared in all three of the Left Behind Movies, originally the Left Behind Series authored by Tim LaHaye

and Jerry Jenkins. In the video promo of “Monumental” it sounds as if Cameron has some issue with Pre-trib theory

Daily Deals on eBay!

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and is leaning more toward a Dominionist view point.) Links never constitute an endorsement of the site. *future

post on LaHaye may be coming!

**Update** 7.17.12 I have received a few comments on this

post or in regards to this post on my blog and people have asked me to “Correct” or retract what I’ve said about

Brannon, because Brannon has admitted and repented for his former promotion of “Dominionist ideology” and has

cut ties to David Barton and Glenn Beck and thus deserves some “slack.” I’ve also been encouraged by these

commentators that Brannon Howse now utilizes Christian J. Pinto of Adullam Films to “expose” the “Jesuits” and

“founding fathers as Christian propaganda.” To these assertions I have this to say in response. I will not change what

I wrote above because all the information is true and correct. I didn’t say that Brannon Howse continues to support

Glenn Beck, I said he did at one point. Brannon may tell his radio listeners one thing and not stop to consider you

checking what he says. By this I mean, he tells you he no longer supports Kirk Cameron or David Barton however in

five minutes on his site I found both these men’s material STILL for sale on Brannon’s website. Brannon also has no

problem whatsoever promoting CNP, Moonie supporter, Tim LaHaye, and all of Tim LaHaye’s members or former

members of both CNP and Pre-Trib Study Group. I recently did a post on Tim LaHaye, Why They Don’t Warn -part 1,

in which you can go through the list of members that LaHaye has and see for yourself that many of LaHaye’s

members double dip for Brannon Howse and Worldview Weekend. Is this coincidence? I think not. Here is a screen

shot from last night of Brannon Howse’s website STILL selling David Barton- Dominionist and false teacher:

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Click to enlarge pics. Here is another screen shot of Howse

selling Kirk Cameron and Tim LaHaye:

click to enlarge

*~Here’s a tip off, Brannon Howse has endorsed Phyllis Schlafly over the years. Since Brannon has had Christian J.

Pinto on his show and a Worldview Weekend member; has Brannon exposed Phyllis Schlafly for being a DAME

OF MALTA? Considering that I don’t still listen to what Brannon says on his radio show maybe some of you who

continue to support him know if he has exposed her. Here’s the link to Phyllis Schlafly’s bio on WW: (not an endorsement). Her most

recent article for Worldview Weekend posted on July 2, 2012.

JANUARY 15, 2012 · 12:18 AM

Jesuits beget Jesuits: Norman Geisler Veritas & Calvary Chapel Bible College

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Veritas Evangelical SeminaryAffiliation

Veritas Evangelical Seminary is a free standing inter-denominational institution with its own Board of Directors,

without affiliation to any particular church or denomination.

Souce: C:\Users\Dad\AppData\Local\Temp\pdfdownload\pdfdownload-20120012\VESCatalog2011.pdf

Board of Directors

■ Luman R. (Roger) Wing (San Diego, CA)—Research Scientist [Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Board

Member, former UTT Board Member, Pastor Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa]

■ Don Stewart (Laguna Niguel, CA)—Author/Speaker [Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Board Member,

Pastor's Perspective co-host, His Channel]

■ David Shirley (Murrieta, CA)—Pastor/Educator [Calvary Chapel Pastor Westminster


■ Joseph M. Holden (Winchester, CA)—President [Calvary Chapel Bible College Academic Adviser

& Teacher]

■ Brian Brodersen (Costa Mesa, CA)—Pastor/Chairman [Calvary Chapel Bible College Vice

President, Assistant Pastor Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa]

Source: (page 63) C:\Users\Dad\AppData\Local\Temp\pdfdownload\pdfdownload-20120012\VESCatalog2011.pdf

(Veritas Evangelical Seminary) Adjunct Teachers/Guest


Ergun Caner (Missler/Compass, ISCA/Geisler)

Arnold Fruchtenbaum ( Radio Free Church/John Higgins, Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism/Billy

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Graham (UN))

Ed Hindson (Missler/Compass)

Thomas Ice (Missler/Compass)

J. Randall Price (Missler/Compass)

Brian Nixon (Calvary Chapel of Albuquerque Pastoral Staff/Skip Heitzig, Publishing staff CCCM/Chuck Smith, Word

for Today/Don Stewart&Chuck Smith)

Ron Rhodes (Missler/Compass)

William E. Nix (

Jay H. Smith (

Calvary Chapel Bible College: Guest Teachers/Lecturers Dr. Richard Bennett, Cheryl Brodersen, Joey Buran, Charlie Campbell John Chubik

Dr. Paul Copan, John Courson, Dr. Ed Bulkley, Dr. Norman Geisler, Ken Graves,

Skip Heitzig, Jack Hibbs, Bob Hoekstra, Sean Housman, Poncho Juarez, Todd Kent

David Guzik, Wayne Taylor, Rafael Manzanares, Don McClure, John Millhouse

Norman Geisler Author of the Chicago Statement of 1978, formulated post PhD. from Jesuit School, Loyola

University; is the Founder of Veritas Evangelical Seminary, and founder of International Society of Christian

Apologetics (ISCA). Geisler is a part of Calvary Chapel Bible College, a frequent speaker at Calvary Chapel Churches,

and conversely all of his Board Members of Veritas are Calvary Chapel related Pastors and/or Speakers and/or CC

Board Members of other Calvary Chapels. The Chicago Statement of 1978 was signed by over 300 Evangelicals,

including David Hocking and Josh McDowell to name a few.

Now some would have you to believe these people are not one in the same. What do you think now that you see the


Geisler, Missler, Smith, GrahamChuck Missler admits he was a co-laborer with Chuck Smith at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa for over 25 years, it’s in

his bio on every site Chuck admits to running. Some would have you to believe Chuck Missler and Chuck Smith have

little to do with one another now, in spite of the obvious facts that Chuck Missler speaks at Calvary Chapels and his

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organization: the Mind propagates the same roll call of speakers at various Calvary Chapels

across America and abroad. Maybe we need to see a more recent connection. How about this:

This is from a site

called “Darwin is dead” site address is:

“Creation Science Fellowship of Calvary Chapel meets 7:30 P.M.

the first and third Saturday of each month at 3000 West

MacArthur Blvd in Santa Ana, California. The six-story LOGOS

Building is located just west of Fairview Rd and MacArthur Blvd,

and is adjacent to the main campus of Calvary Chapel of Costa

Mesa. Admission is free. Parking is free. We are open to the

public.” Source: (not an endorsement)

If you view the page you will see that is related to CCCM and you’ll see the speakers they have.

February 12, 2011 – Special extra meeting on the 2nd Saturday of

February – Chuck Missler, Ph.D. (Biblical Studies) spoke on the topic, “Cosmic Electricity: A

Billion, Billion, Billion, Billion Times Stronger Than Gravity!”

Chuck Missler appears to still be close to Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. Chuck Missler provides CC’s with their list of

“Speakers” constantly. Norman Geisler is a Jesuit trained PHD(not an endorsement of the site). Geisler has stated

along the same lines of Chuck Missler that he believes UFO’s are really demonic Nephelim. Geisler wrote a couple

“Covenants” in his lifetime that gained the “Speakers/Pastors” that are involved in Calvary Chapel. All of Norman

Geisler’s board members are related to Calvary Chapel. Norman Geisler may be a subversive Jesuit who is begetting

further Jesuits by his involvement in CC Bible College and Veritas. Chuck Missler, CNP member shares his men with

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CC and Geisler. They are one in the same. There is no “discernment” there are no “watchman” this is a highly

designed well oiled machine. I pray you research all that I’ve presented here.

The Building where Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa holds their “Creation Science Fellowship” meetings is in the same

building that Samaritan’s Purse (Franklin Graham) has an office.

Click on picture for enlarged version. I’m sure the use of Samaritan’s Purse

and Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa has nothing to do with each other. Just like Skip Heitzig and Greg Laurie being on

the Billy Graham Evangelical Association board has nothing to do with Calvary Chapel. I’m sure Arnold

Frauchtenbaum’s attendance and signature of Lausanne Covenant (LCJE- Lausanne Consultation of Jewish

Evangelicalism run by Billy Graham) has nothing to do with anything either. The Lausanne Covenant is part of the

United Nations and World Council of Churches, but that has nothing to do with a one-world-apostate-ecumenical-

interdenominational-false church. Billy Graham’s Masonic ties and work with the Vatican has nothing to do with

Veritas, Calvary Chapel Bible College, shared board members, man issued and signed covenants. I’m sure it’s all


You will not find a “Discernment” ministry that has anything to do with book deals or conference speakers related to

Calvary Chapel truly exposing what is going on within Calvary Chapel. Do not expect any “Researcher” or “Speaker”

who shows up at a Calvary Chapel to tell you who is on whose board or who is on the “pass go” list. Some

discernment sites and “speakers” may give the appearance of warning about Calvary Chapel’s heresy but they may be

playing you for a fool to keep you preoccupied with some exposure while they are busy covering up for their friends.

OCTOBER 15, 2011 · 10:49 PM

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Another Jesuit for Another Gospel

What do Bill Bright

(Campus Crusade for Christ), Billy Graham (Billy Graham Evangelistic Association), Tim LaHaye (CNP founder, Left

Behind co-author), and Chuck Smith have in common? They have all benefited financially from Nelson Bunker

Hunt. Nelson Bunker Hunt is a business tycoon famous for trying to make a run on Silver (see here), an Equestrian,

and something I’ve learned recently, a Jesuit for the Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem. The following

information is an attempt to show the relationship between Nelson Bunker Hunt and “another gospel.” The

“Evangelical” Non-Denomination movement was and is funded by Socialists, Nazi-Sympathizers, Anti-Communists,

Jesuits, and all in all evil people. There is a saying, “An enemy of my enemy is my friend.” This thinking leads to

‘frenemies’ and an enemy who’s a temporary friend ultimately will return to their natural state of being your enemy.

God does not work this way. God’s word tells us not to yoke with unbelievers. This group of Elitists believe it’s okay to

work with the enemy, to join hands, to make Covenants and oaths together for a common cause. Jesus did not have a

separate gospel for Global Elites like some of the “Family” members would like to believe. I understand that all this

information takes a turn down the shadowy world of conspiracy theories that the “New World Order” has Jesuits

working for the return to Rome, but oddly enough, they really do have evil plans and they are increasingly revealing it

themselves as though we should be grateful for their great ideas. You don’t have to believe one thing in this post. It’s

not up to me to convince you that what we have been told and sold as an “Act of God” via a “Jesus Movement” is truly

a conceived fabrication of men leading men and deceiving generations of Jesus Christs’ sheep. The good news is, if

you’re truly called of God He can reveal the truth to you (the truth is Christian Society has chosen to follow men and

not Christ and has conversely allowed idol worship, blindness, and delusion to take root).

Today’s CRU Yesterday’s Orchestrated MovementDr. William (Bill) Rohl Bright (1921-2003) – CNP Board of Governors (1982). Formerly fancy foods salesman.

For 11 years, Bill and Vonette Bright were groomed for leadership and trained in ecumenical doctrine living in the

home of Henrietta Mears,

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Billy Graham (left) Bill Bright (right)

who with Charles Fuller, Harold Ockenga, J. Edwin Orr of Oxford University and Armand Gesswein worked

together to establish ecumenical campus movements. President and Founder of Campus Crusade for Christ,

member of the National Honorary Committee of the RHA (Religious Heritage of America), and a leading participant

at the founding of the STEP Program and Foundation.

In 1951, Nelson Bunker Hunt, heir of the Hunt Oil Company fortune, and Wallace Johnson, founder of Holiday

Inns, worked with and $$ funded $$ Bill Bright’s Campus Crusade for Christ to the tune of $15.5 million.

In 1967, formed Christian World Liberation Front (CWLF) as a covert front for Campus Crusade,

which split off and became a leading ministry in the Jesus People movement. Bunker Hunt arranged a

retreat for more than 500 millionaires who pledged $20 to Campus Crusade. [Media Spotlight 22:1, p.8; Saloma 53;

Diamond 51-56] SOURCE: *this is not an

endorsement of the site.


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On the Sunset Strip, evangelist Arthur Blessitt opened the His Place nightclub and coffeehouse as a 24 hour way

station for youth. At the University of California at Berkeley, Dr. Jack Sparks and some other members of Campus

Crusade decided to begin a counter-cultural outreach program called the Christian World Liberation Front (CWLF)

directed towards reaching campus radicals.

The ensuing groundswell of activity spawned a number of other developments as well. Realizing the need to open

their churches to the hippie generation Realizing the manufactured ‘counter culture’ of drugged out hippies could

also be used to further Ecumenical purposes (changes mine), many conservative pastors recruited hippie liaisons to

their ministerial staff. Both Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel (in Santa Ana, California) with the recruitment of

Lonnie Frisbee, and Lyle Steenis of Bethel Tabernacle (in Redondo Beach) with the recruitment of Breck Stevens

found their churches radically transformed in the wake of their decisions. SOURCE: Click Here *this is not an

endorsement of the site.

Campus Crusade was the organization responsible for the “evangelistic blitz” at Berkeley in 1967, when six hundred

volunteers arrived at the California flagship school. About this time, the organization began to expand its domestic

and international outreach to other segments of the population. Five years later its Christian convention brought out

a crowd of more than eighty thousand at the Dallas Cotton Bowl, and more than one hundred thousand more

attendees arrived later for a Christian rock concert. This event, Explo ’72, made Campus Crusade a pioneer force in

*CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN MUSIC. (LOVE SONG a famous Calvary Chapel Hippie band (still circuit singing

at CC’s) was catapulted at Explo ’72) SOURCE: Here this is not an endorsement of the site.

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Bunker HuntNelson Bunker Hunt is on the Council for National Policy (CNP) President Executive Committee (1983); CNP

Senior Executive Committee (1983-84); CNP Executive Committee (1988). Heir of the Hunt Oil Company fortune.

Financial backer of CNP, CBN, JBS.

In 1951, Bunker Hunt and Wallace Johnson, founder of Holiday Inns, worked with and funded Bill Bright’s Campus

Crusade for Christ donating $15.5 million.

In 1967, Hunt formed the Christian World Liberation Front (CWLF) as a covert front for Campus

Crusade, which split off and became a leading ministry in the Jesus People movement. Bunker Hunt

arranged a retreat for more than 500 millionaires who pledged $20 to Campus Crusade. He once organized a

paramilitary force called “Americans Volunteer Group” which he intended to use as a “death squad” against political

opponents. [Hougan 55-56; Saloma 53; Diamond 51-56, 250]

Shady Dealings, from Financing Moves of God to Covert Ops

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In 1967, Nelson Bunker Hunt provided Cameron Townsend, founder of the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL)

and the Wycliffe Bible Translators, property in Dallas for a new international translation center. Thy Will Be Done,

by Gerard Colby and Charlotte Dennett, documents the business and political connections between Wycliffe Bible

Translators, the Rockefeller family, and the CIA. The result of the dealings was the genocide of indigenous tribes in

the Amazon basin, although Cam Townsend denied the deaths.

Hunt funded Ed McAteer, “the Colgate-Palmolive salesman who was the organizing force behind the politicized

Fundamentalist movement… The sheer human energy amassed by wealthy SIL backers like North Carolina’s James

A. Jones, one of the largest contractors for military bases in Vietnam, and oilman Nelson Bunker Hunt of Texas.

‘Bunker Hunt had helped me considerable,’ McAteer freely offered…Wycliffe Associates’ ’500 Club’ was designed to

offer the richer members a way out of service through cash; $500 or more each year was all it took to get a special

certificate of membership. Some gave much more. Texas’s corporate leaders were prominent in helping Cam build

SIL’s International Linguistics Center near Dallas; the Linguistics Center’s board meeting was one of those special

occasions where a Rockefeller business partner like Trammel Crow could rub shoulders with an ultra rightist like

Nelson Bunker Hunt. But they were the old core of supporters.” [Colby & Dennett 570, 805]

Bill Bright persuaded Nelson Bunker Hunt to underwrite the $6 million cost to produce the ‘Jesus’

movie in the 1970s.

Hunt, whose John Birch Society background is documented by Conway and Siegelman in Holy Terror, also made a

contribution of $1 million to the Moral Majority in 1981, according to Perry Dean Young.” [Ominous Politics]

Donated $10 million to Pat Robertson‘s Christian Broadcasters Network in 1970.

Another JesuitRecently Understand The Times exposed Ret. General Jerry Boykin as an active Jesuit of the Knights of Malta.

Boykin has been circulating around Calvary Chapels for years. He circuit speaks at Calvary Conferences in the US and

Israel. If Boykin is a Jesuit, and Nelson Bunker Hunt is a Jesuit, what are the odds that there are more inside Calvary


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Hunt is also a member of the Military and

Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem, a racist “brotherhood” modeled after the

Hospitallers. “Its international membership is consisting of Roman-catholic, Anglican, Protestant,

Orthodox, United, Old Catholic, New Apostolic and other Christians” 36

The Order of Saint Lazarus has been linked to Lady Malcolm Douglas Hamilton. Lord Hamilton was the host to

Rudolph Hess, Hitler’s second in command, when – in 1940 – Hess made his secret flight to England. Hess was

seeking to meet with the British aristocratic circle known as the “Cliveden Set.” 37 (Source: Click here -this is NOT

an endorsement of the site).

Another Site states that Nelson Bunker Hunt is a “Knight for the Order of Malta” SOURCE: see site

here scroll down for list of names and associations *this is not an endorsement of the site.

Members of the “Here’s Life, World” Intl Executive Committee (l980): Bill Bright, Nelson Bunker

Hunt, Roy Rogers, W. Clement Stone, Dr. Jacob Malik (former pres of the United Nations General Assembly),

Wallace E. Johnson.

Bunker Hunt funded the “STEP Program and Foundation”… the result of a meeting of some 200 …wealthy and

powerful evangelical, religious, political and business leaders… 76. held on Dallas, Texas April 21st and 22nd 1982, at

the behest of multimillionaires Clint Murchison, Jr. and Nelson Bunker Hunt! STEP, an acronym for “Strategies to

Eliminate Poverty” was …formed to alleviate poverty through private sector funding and volunteerism…! According

to the Christian Inquirer, Nelson Bunker Hunt “kicked off” the STEP Program in November of 1981, with a $1 million

contribution. It is most interesting to note that among Those attending the April 1982 meeting in Dallas, besides the

previously mentioned Dr William Bill Bright, Murchison, and Hunt, were: Dallas Cowboy Coach Tom Landry,

Television evangelists Jim Baker, [and CNP's] James Robison and Pat Robertson, (Holly) Coors;

Dallas businesswoman [Late] Mary C. Crowley, and the Rev. E.V. Hill – keynote speaker at the meeting and

president of STEP. [Miller 4] SOURCE:

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William H. Regnery was one of the founders of the American Security Council. He was later replaced by his

son, Henry. Regnery and Nelson Bunker Hunt, son of the Texas oil tycoon, H.L. Hunt, funded the

intelligence-gathering organization, Western Goals Foundation which provided intelligence on liberals and

“communist subversives” to the John Birch Society in the ’60′s. The John Birch Society was bankrolled by

Nelson Bunker Hunt.

If the Military-Industrial Complex had a mail stop, the American Security Council was it. They had direct ties to

Nelson Bunker Hunt’s John Birch Society, Daniel Graham’s High Frontiers and the Western Goals

Foundation. The ASC was also the major architect of the Cold War. Through their lobbying arms, the National

Security Caucus and the Coalition for Peace Through Strength, the ASC produced innumerable articles and

publications including their Guidelines for Cold War Victory and the National Strategy for Peace through Strength.

They also had a profound influence on policy decisions during the Reagan Administration. Indeed, Ronald Reagan

credited the organization with no less than “winning” the Cold War. **Source:

predicament **this is not an endorsement of the site.

CNP, Hunt, and Calvary Chapel SpeakersHerbert William Hunt- CNP Board of Governors (1982). Multimillionaire and brother to Nelson Bunker Hunt. In 1981,

William Herbert and Nelson Bunker Hunt provided the start-up $$ money $$ for the Council for National

Policy.SOURCE: Here *this is not an endorsement of the site. (Account from Tim LaHaye himself referring to Hunt at the

foundation of CNP)

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CNP founder Tim LaHaye CNP Financial Contributor Nelson Bunker Hunt

CNP foundation CNP was founded in 1981 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization by Rev. Tim

LaHaye of the Religious Roundtable, who was also the first CNP president, 1981. LaHaye, the right-wing,

evangelical political motivator and author of the Left Behind series. The original directors, as listed with CNP’s

articles of incorporation filed with the Texas Secretary of State were Howard Phillips, a long-time conservative

activist with plenty of conservative groups under his wing, and Bob J. Perry, a Texas businessman who has long

donated vast amounts of money to conservative causes.SOURCE: Here *this is not an endorsement of the site.

Nelson Bunker Hunt is currently a member of Council of National Policy (CNP). Here is a list of other CNP

members who are also close long time friends of Calvary Chapel:

■ Charles (Chuck) Missler (Koininia House, 66/40, Swansat)

■ Tony Perkins (Family Research Council; founded in 1983 has near identical logo to CNP) [FRC is parent to

Watchman on the Wall, for pastors; where Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills is a member and avid

promoter of FRC and Tony Perkins.]

■ Joseph Farah (World Net Daily Founder and editor) Writers for WND include: Hal Lindsay, Greg Laurie,

Phyllis Schlafly (CNP member and Dame of Malta) Frequent guest to Calvary Chapel sponsored “Prophecy”

Conferences see previous post

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■ Brad Dacus (Pacific Justice Institute Founder and avid Calvary Chapel Speaker)

■ Tim LaHaye & (CNP founder, Writer of Left Behind Series, Avid Calvary Chapel Speaker, Compass Speaker,

Pre-Trib Research Center, Tim LaHaye Ministries)Beverly LaHaye (Concerned Women of America)

■ Bill Bright (now deceased, Campus Crusade for Christ, Author of Four Spiritual Laws, Jesus Film, Wrote

“Seven Mountains” Prophecy with YWAM Loren Cunningham )

■ Pat Matrisciana (Citizens for Honest Government/Jeremiah Films, Husband of Caryl Matrisciana)

■ Jay Sekulow (American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ, ECLJ European Centre for Law and Justice, SCLJ

Slavic Centre of Law and Justice)

CNP, Nelson Bunker Hunt, and the “Tea Party”The Council for National Policy was started allegedly to counter the workings of the Council on Foreign Relations

(CFR), yet there were five CFR members on the early membership rosters of the CNP. The CNP was started in 1981

by Nelson Bunker Hunt, Pat Robertson, Tim LaHaye, (who accepted millions from Sun Myung Moon who claims he

came to finish what Jesus started) and T. Cullen Davis who helped fund the CNP to get it off the ground. T. Cullen

Davis was tried for murder not once, but twice. A book written about the trials is still available entitled, “Blood Will

Tell: The Murder Trials of T. Cullen Davis” by Gary Cartwright. For a short synopsis click here.

Many of CNP’s highest-ranking members also belong to the Masonic Knights of Malta and are associated with Fabian

socialism and the eugenics movement, not to mention cultists like Sun Myung Moon and Scientology as well as the

heretical and cultic Dominionist/Reconstructionist movement. Oil baron and CNP member Nelson Bunker Hunt was

a former member of the racist pro-eugenics group called the International Association for the Advancement of

Ethnology and Eugenics. The group was heavily involved in the promotion of eugenics and segregation. I know two

members who left the CNP stating it was in bed with the left from its inception. One of these former members writes

for SOURCE: *this is not an endorsement of the site.

Skip Heitzig (BGEA)-general Jerry Boykin (SMOM)- Joel Rosenberg (Heirtage Foundation)-Greg Laurie (BGEA)- Tim LaHaye

(CNP)- Youseff

I did not address Billy Graham and his Ecumenical movement known as Lausanne, because others have done better

jobs at exposing it. I highly recommend you research Billy Graham. He has supplied much of the confirmation of his

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ecumenical heretical shenanigans on his own site: Wheaton Archive and Lausanne.Org. Billy Graham has an

Evangelistic Center called, “The Cove,” where Skip Heitzig, Bob Coy, Erwin Lutzer, Chip Ingram, Alistair Begg and

others are recurring guests. It doesn’t take much to draw conclusions and connect the dots. Greg Laurie has a long

history of working closely with Billy Graham, Laurie sits on the board of BGEA and Samaritans Purse. Billy Graham

was the Keynote Speaker at EXPLO ’72. Explo ’72 was funded in part by Nelson Bunker Hunt, organized by Campus

Crusade for Christ (Bill Bright) and was in it’s purpose an Emergent Post-Modern Attempt of its time to target the

young hippies. Explo ’72 put a stamp of approval on the “Jesus People Movement” by having Mega Star Evangelist

Billy Graham there. The beginning of Billy Graham’s epic stardom can be traced to

Masons and Ecumenical origins. Billy Graham has been exposed for years and has dealings with C. Peter Wagner

(N.A.R (New Apostolic Reformation/Dominionist/Kingdom Now) infamy) and others (too many to name for this

post). All one has to do is spend time on Graham’s sites and names will be revealed (esp. Wheaton Archive). This

post is for informational purposes. It has been over two weeks of research and many hours of reading. I have

inserted many links (none constitute an endorsement) I suggest you spend an equal amount or more time before you

ignore all the information presented here. I can not emphasize enough that there has been a ongoing deception for so

long that it’s near implausible to believe that these so called ‘great men of God’ could be doing this on purpose, but I

will leave you with this:


But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will

secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift

destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed.

By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle,

and their destruction does not slumber.

SEPTEMBER 21, 2011 · 6:38 AM

The Jesuit




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