march 2, 2016 - peralta colleges · 2016-03-02 · march 2, 2016 dear colleagues: the many heroes...

March 2, 2016 Dear Colleagues: The Many Heroes to Our Students and Community Every day I discover Peralta heroes. Last week, I received the email below, which describes a program for training managers and supervisors for County government. These programs do wonders for succession planning and are needed in every organization. I tried to introduce this kind of a program at several institutions without success. After learning that we have it here, Laney instructor Anna Beavers is my new hero. My other one this week is Dennise Eskridge, a counselor at Laney. We had not met before, but she sent me a copy of her program review. Seeing what she was doing gave me both concern and excitement. When we met this week, I realized that, as a part-time faculty (counselor), she was going above and beyond the call of duty with this program review. Her vision for some of our most vulnerable students made a star in my book. I am hoping that she will receive the support to make the impossible possible. Laney Offers Program to County Employees As noted above, I received the following email: Dear Chancellor Laguerre: I am writing this email to see if you will be able to attend and participate in the Laney College/Alameda County Management Academy Cluster 11 graduation on May 11, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Alameda Conference Center, 125 12th Street, 4th floor, Oakland. The Alameda County Administrator Susan Muranishi will be attending and participating in the graduation. Since the inception of this program in January 2006, Alameda County employees have graduated and received their Management & Supervision Certificates from Laney College's Business Department. Please let me know if you will be able to attend by Thursday, February 26 so that your name can be added to the graduation program. Overview: The Alameda County Management Academy was created in January 2006 through a partnership between the County of Alameda and Peralta Community College Chancellor’s Office-Laney College to promote opportunities for professional management

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Page 1: March 2, 2016 - Peralta Colleges · 2016-03-02 · March 2, 2016 Dear Colleagues: The Many Heroes to Our Students and Community Every day I discover Peralta heroes. Last week, I received


DearChancellorLaguerre:I amwriting this email to see if youwill be able to attend and participate in the LaneyCollege/Alameda County Management Academy Cluster 11 graduation on May 11, from6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Alameda Conference Center, 125 12th Street, 4th floor,Oakland. The Alameda County Administrator Susan Muranishi will be attending andparticipating in the graduation. Since the inception of this program in January 2006,AlamedaCountyemployeeshavegraduatedandreceivedtheirManagement&SupervisionCertificates fromLaneyCollege'sBusinessDepartment.Please letmeknow if youwill beabletoattendbyThursday,February26sothatyournamecanbeaddedtothegraduationprogram.Overview: The Alameda County Management Academy was created in January 2006through a partnership between the County of Alameda and Peralta Community CollegeChancellor’s Office-Laney College to promote opportunities for professionalmanagement

Page 2: March 2, 2016 - Peralta Colleges · 2016-03-02 · March 2, 2016 Dear Colleagues: The Many Heroes to Our Students and Community Every day I discover Peralta heroes. Last week, I received


and leadership development skills for the Alameda County employee workforce. The“ManagementandSupervisionCertificateProgram”isdesignedtopreparethoseAlamedaCounty employees who aspire to future roles as managers and supervisors. TheManagementandSupervisionCertificateisasix-course(18-unit)programtaughtbyLaneyCollege Business instructors, with classes held twice a week in the evenings over a 14-monthperiodattheCountyofAlamedaTrainingandConferenceCenterlocatedat12512thStreet,Oakland.TheAlamedaCountyemployeescompletingthe14thmonthprogramwillreceiveaManagementandSupervisionCertificateofCompletionfromLaneyCollege.The County of Alameda Human Resources Department will give each employee whocompletesandreceivesaManagementandSupervisionCertificate fromLaneyCollegesixmonths supervisory level work experience credit to be used towards jobadvancement/promotionwithinAlamedaCounty.Since its inception, ten cohort groups, a total of 290 Alameda County employees, havesuccessfully graduated theManagement and Supervision Certificate Program,withmanybeing promoted to supervisorymanagement positions. Cohort Group 11will graduate inMay2016andanewCohortGroup12willbegininFall2016.PeraltaCommunityCollegeDistrict-LaneyCollegeandAlamedaCountyhaveagreedtoholdaspecialgraduationceremony foreachCohortGroup inwhichtheAlamedaCountyHeadAdministrator, the Peralta District Chancellor, the Laney College President, as well asManagerswithintheCountyOffices,andspecialdesigneesattend.BelowaretheManagementandSupervisionCertificateProgramcurriculumcourseswhichstudentsarerequiredtocomplete.M/SVN60IntroductiontoManagement(3units)M/SVN64OrganizationandManagement(3units)M/SVN82EssentialsManagementCommunications(3units)M/SVN56HumanResourcesManagement(3units)BUS5HumanRelations(3units)M/SVN61PsychologyofManagement(3units)Totalnumberofunits:18unitsThankyou,AnnaRoviraBeaversBusinessInstructorBusinessandEconomicsDepartmentChairLaneyCollege

Page 3: March 2, 2016 - Peralta Colleges · 2016-03-02 · March 2, 2016 Dear Colleagues: The Many Heroes to Our Students and Community Every day I discover Peralta heroes. Last week, I received




Butler,EconomicDevelopmentManagerfortheCityofAlameda.Bonnie’sprioritiesareBachelors-trainednursesandthepotentialforPeraltatomakeithappen.TheAlamedaHealthSystemhasashortageinHomeHealthCareandCNA.Furthermore,thereisanexpresseddesiretoconnectwithMerritttoincreasethenumberoftrainedhealthprofessionals,especiallyinthefollowingareas:CNA,Dietary,PharmacyTech.AnewcompanythatisrelocatingtoAlamedaneedstechnicianstrainedinmanufacturingmedicaldevices.Theyintendtohireover1,000employees. ThemayorisinterestedindatathatshowthepercentageofourCOAstudentswhotransfertoUCandCSU.Shealsowantstoseefemaleprofessionalstobalancethemale-dominatedtradeslikeAutoandAviation.Nextsteps:IagreedtoexploreshuttleservicefromCOAtoMerrittandLaneytomakeaccesseasierforAlamedastudents.Wewillexplorewebtechnologyforclassroomstoincreasestudentenrollment.WewillalsoworkonCNAcohortstaughtatCOA.TransferStudentSuccessDenniseEskridgerunstheTransferStudentSuccessprogramforLaneyCollege.TheexistingprogramiscomprisedoftheremnantsoftheStudentSupportServices(SSS),aTRIOprogramfundedbytheU.S.DepartmentofEducation.Thelossoffunding

Page 4: March 2, 2016 - Peralta Colleges · 2016-03-02 · March 2, 2016 Dear Colleagues: The Many Heroes to Our Students and Community Every day I discover Peralta heroes. Last week, I received




Page 5: March 2, 2016 - Peralta Colleges · 2016-03-02 · March 2, 2016 Dear Colleagues: The Many Heroes to Our Students and Community Every day I discover Peralta heroes. Last week, I received




Page 6: March 2, 2016 - Peralta Colleges · 2016-03-02 · March 2, 2016 Dear Colleagues: The Many Heroes to Our Students and Community Every day I discover Peralta heroes. Last week, I received




Page 7: March 2, 2016 - Peralta Colleges · 2016-03-02 · March 2, 2016 Dear Colleagues: The Many Heroes to Our Students and Community Every day I discover Peralta heroes. Last week, I received




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