march 2013 parent newsletter

From the Principal: Ms. Rosemary Distaso-Libbon, Principal Parent Newsletter March 2013 Bishop Montgomery High School 5430 Torrance Boulevard, Torrance, California 90503 (310) 540 - 2021 Dear Parents, I want to begin this letter with my thanks to the Admissions Committee for their dedication and hard work during the review of the incoming freshman applications. The task of reading applications is one we do happily, and as I tell the freshman applicants, we read every word—more than once! The applicants never fail to be interesting as well as impressive. They, like our current students, possess so many talents. I’m sure that each one of you remembers the high school application process, an experience that is exciting but also stressful. I want to say a special thanks to Mrs. Casey Dunn, our Director of Curriculum, to Mrs. Dione Dierks, Mr. Andy Marafino and Ms. Amy Traxler who have contributed so much to the admissions process. Thanks, too, to Mrs. Jan Fitzpatrick for being the all-important first contact. I want to say thanks as well to Mrs. Vigon-Morfii, our Vice-Principal for organizing the shadows and to Mr. John Fitzsimons and his Ambassadors for their generosity. Our entire school community owes a debt of gratitude to all those who participate in this very important process of selecting the members of the Class of 2017. Thanks to all of you who completed the online evaluation. I want you to know that we appreciate the time you invested in the process which helps us to evaluate the present and plan for the future. As you know, we are also preparing our report for WASC accreditation. The accreditation visit will be in February of 2014. I want to thank Mrs. Laura Fabbri, our WASC Coordinator, for all of the work she is doing to direct us as we prepare the report and I want to also thank the parents who accepted our invitation to be members of our focus groups. Please continue to pray for our seniors and their parents as they await admissions decisions from colleges. Seniors receive their letters in March and April and I know that they await these letters with anxiety. The Class of 2013 is nearing the end of their journey as high school students and our prayers for them are important. There are a few dates on your March calendar that I would like to highlight: · March 4: Faculty Meeting, 8:45 a.m. start · March 8: Re-registration Day, mandatory, 8:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. (Senior Holiday) · March 9: Black and Gold Event · March 11: 8:45 a.m. start · March 15: Freshman Registration · March 19: Feast of St. Joseph · March 22: Grading Period Ends · March 24: Palm Sunday

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Bishop Montgomery Parent Newsletter March 2013


Page 1: March 2013 Parent Newsletter

From the Principal: Ms. Rosemary Distaso-Libbon, Principal

Parent NewsletterMarch 2013

Bishop Montgomery High School5430 Torrance Boulevard, Torrance, California 90503(310) 540 - 2021

Dear Parents,

I want to begin this letter with my thanks to the Admissions Committee for their dedication and hard work during the review of the incoming freshman applications. The task of reading applications is one we do happily, and as I tell the freshman applicants, we read every word—more than once! The applicants never fail to be interesting as well as impressive. They, like our current students, possess so many talents. I’m sure that each one of you remembers the high school application process, an experience that is exciting but also stressful. I want to say a special thanks to Mrs. Casey Dunn, our Director of Curriculum, to Mrs. Dione Dierks, Mr. Andy Marafino and Ms. Amy Traxler who have contributed so much to the admissions process. Thanks, too, to Mrs. Jan Fitzpatrick for being the all-important first contact. I want to say thanks as well to Mrs. Vigon-Morfii, our Vice-Principal for organizing the shadows and to Mr. John Fitzsimons and his Ambassadors for their generosity. Our entire school community owes a debt of gratitude to all those who participate in this very important process of selecting the members of the Class of 2017.

Thanks to all of you who completed the online evaluation. I want you to know that we appreciate the time you invested in the process which helps us to evaluate the present and plan for the future. As you know, we are also preparing our report for WASC accreditation. The accreditation visit will be in February of 2014. I want to thank Mrs. Laura Fabbri, our WASC Coordinator, for all of the work she is doing to direct us as we prepare the report and I want to also thank the parents who accepted our invitation to be members of our focus groups.

Please continue to pray for our seniors and their parents as they await admissions decisions from colleges. Seniors receive their letters in March and April and I know that they await these letters with anxiety. The Class of 2013 is nearing the end of their journey as high school students and our prayers for them are important.

There are a few dates on your March calendar that I would like to highlight:· March 4: Faculty Meeting, 8:45 a.m. start· March 8: Re-registration Day, mandatory, 8:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. (Senior Holiday)· March 9: Black and Gold Event· March 11: 8:45 a.m. start· March 15: Freshman Registration· March 19: Feast of St. Joseph· March 22: Grading Period Ends· March 24: Palm Sunday

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Principal cont.

· March 25: Winter Sports Banquets· March 27: 12:45 Dismissal, Report Cards Mailed· March 28: Holy Thursday, Easter Vacation Begins· March 31: Easter Sunday· April 10: Classes Resume, 8:45 a.m. start

I want to thank you for observing our new regulations regarding campus security. I think it is very important that we close the main school gates at 8:00 a.m. once the students have arrived and keep them closed until 1:15 p.m. Thank you so much for your cooperation.

Congratulations to all of our students who were honored at the Undergraduate Awards on February 12th. We are so proud of their many academic achievements. I want to offer special congratulations to our Students of the Semester: Class of 2016: Kelly Huben and Daniel Robinson Class of 2015: Bethlehem Tesfaye and Derikson Bessler Class of 2014: Dianna Kim and Matthew Kurata Class of 2013: Melissa Villalon and Kyle Kutler

Thank you to all of the parents who attended!

Finally, my prayer for all of you is that Holy Week will be a deeply prayerful time spent in preparation and anticipation of the Risen Christ who is the source of our salvation. How miraculous that the story of Jesus Christ does not end with the Crucifixion, but is fulfilled in the glory of the Resurrection and that through His sacrifice we can become transformed, become new in Christ.

Thomas Merton, one of my favorite spiritual writers, offers the following meditation. I share it with you hoping that reading it is an opportunity for you as it is for me to reflect on the promise that each day holds to receive God’s grace.

Every moment and every event of man’s life on earth plants something in his soul. For just as the wind carries thousands of winged seeds, so each moment brings with it germs of spiritual vitality that come to rest imperceptibly in the minds and wills of men. Most of these unnumbered seeds perish and are lost, because men are not prepared to receive them: for such seeds as these cannot spring up anywhere except in the good soil of freedom, spontaneity and love.

……”The seed is the word of God.”...Every expression of the will of God is in some sense a “word” of God and therefore a “seed” of new life……..

If these seeds would take root in my liberty, and if His will would grow from my freedom, I would become the love that He is, and my harvest would be His glory and my own joy.

From New Seeds of Contemplation Thomas Merton

I wish you a joyous Easter.

Rosemary LibbonPrincipal

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Guidance & Curriculum Ms. Yvette Vigón-Morffi - Vice Principal - ext. 231

Mrs. Casey Dunn - Guidance/Studies Coordinator - ext. 226

CarpoolPlease email [email protected] if you would like to include or take off a carpool request in the newsletter.

Re-registration will take place on Friday, March 8th. Re-registration Day is a mandatory school day for all students grades 9-11. Please do not make appointments or travel plans on this day before 1:00. Between March 1st and March 8th, please review your child’s course selections for next year and sign at the bottom of the course request sheet. Your help in these matters is greatly appreciated.

As I mentioned last month, many local organizations are now publishing and distributing their scholarship applications. Those students who have attained high academic marks and are involved in the school and the community are strongly encouraged to apply for these grant awards. Also, the FAFSA must be submitted or postmarked no later than March 2nd. This year we will be submitting the Cal Grant GPA verifications electronically. If we have your student’s social security number on file, the verification will be received by the California Student Aid Commission. Hopefully, both you and your child have applied for and received a pin number to be used as the electronic signature for the FAFSA if you will be submitting online.

If you have any questions regarding these matters, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected].


Casey DunnGuidance/Studies Coordinator

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DisciplineMs. Betty Behen, Dean of Women, ext. 234

Mr. Lee Flores - Dean of Men - ext. 232

Student Drop-off and Pick-up: Thank you for your cooperation with the Student Drop-off and Pick-up procedures. The Traffic Division of the Torrance Police Department and Bishop Montgomery HS appreciate your efforts in keeping our students and our community safe. Please continue to pick-up and drop-off your student at the pick-up and drop-off zone located in the east parking lot adjacent to the school. *****STUDENT DROP-OFF & PICK-UP PROCEDURES*****

Drop-off Procedures Parents driving west on Torrance Blvd.

1. Parents driving west on Torrance Blvd., who are making a left turn, can come into the campus.2. Parents may not make a left turn into the East Parking Lot.3. Parents must drive onto the campus and continue driving until they have arrived to the designated drop-off point located in

the East Parking Lot.4. Drop-offs are prohibited in front of the school. Parents must drop-off students in the designated passenger drop-off

points located in the East Parking lot adjacent to the school. Parents will enter the East Parking Lot through the northeast entrance by the marquee.

5. The Security staff will be available to control traffic

Parents driving east on Torrance Blvd.1. Parents driving east on Torrance Blvd. cannot enter the campus. All parents driving east on Torrance Blvd. must proceed

to enter the East Parking Lot in order to drop-off their students in the designated drop-off points. Students may not be dropped-off on Torrance Blvd.

Please note that U-turns are not permitted. The only legal place to make a U-turn is on Torrance Blvd. and Prospect.

Exiting the East Parking Lot1. All drivers exiting the East Parking Lot must make a right turn only. Cars may not proceed onto the street until they have

stopped at the stop sign.2. Please do not merge to make a left on Henrietta, as attempting to do so will cause

a delay for the other parents who are attempting to exit.

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Discipline cont.

Picking-up and Dropping-off Off-Campus:All parents should pick-up and drop-off their students on-campus. To avoid the last minute rush, we encourage you to arrive before 7:30AM. The traffic flow on Torrance Blvd. is heavier after this time and may affect how quickly you are able to exit the campus. If you decide to pick-up or drop-off your students anywhere else, please refrain from picking up or dropping off your students at our neighboring businesses or residential driveways as this creates an inconvenience for our neighbors. Please respect the property of our neighbors by refraining from moving trashcans, taking property, littering, or parking or pulling into our neighbors’ driveways. Also, please make sure to drop-off your students in areas that are safe and legal. We have received many reports that there have been BMHS parents or carpools driving recklessly on Palos Verdes Boulevard and students are being dropped-off by their parents/carpool drivers illegally by the red curb zones, in front of fire hydrants or in the middle of the street. In the interest of the safety of all pedestrians and drivers and as a courtesy to our neighbors, students should be dropped-off on campus. Students whose parents fail to comply with the pick-up and drop-off procedures will be dealt with on campus. The Torrance Police Department has also been contacted and they have informed us that they will be citing drivers along Torrance Boulevard, Henrietta and Palos Verdes Boulevard. It is essential to give our neighbors the same respect and courtesy that we expect from each other on campus.

Lastly, in the interest of our students’ safety, we also would like for you to remind your children to obey all traffic and pedestrian laws. Many students are crossing the street when the signal light is red or are not using the appropriate crosswalks. We have received phone calls from parents, faculty, and residents concerned over our students’ safety. Please remind them to follow all traffic and pedestrian laws.

Jackets: Have we forgotten? The ONLY logo jackets acceptable to wear during the school day are official BMHS jackets or BMHS athletic team jackets. Students wearing logo jackets or jackets with graphics and emblems that are not affiliated with Bishop Montgomery High School or a BMHS athletic team will be receiving violations/detentions.

Sweatshirts: BMHS sweatshirts are the ONLY sweatshirts that are allowed. They DO NOT SHRINK, please purchase a size appropriate for your student. During the 2nd Semester, Seniors are allowed to wear a non-hooded college sweatshirt of the college they will be attending.

Prom Time. Prom is just around the corner. As per the Parent-Student Handbook pg. 20, “The school does not permit the renting of hotel rooms or other facilities for students’ use for activities pre- or post- Bishop Montgomery dances... The school does not assume responsibility or liability for damages, loss of property, or injury caused when such rental agreements are incurred by students or their parents.”

Prom Dance: Remember that your student must fill out the Prom Bid when bringing a non-BMHS student to the dance. The Guest Pass must be signed by the Discipline Office & turned in to the Bookstore by the deadline. The bid must also include a signature from the dean of the student’s school along with a stamp of the school seal. The Deans reserve the right to refuse any non-BMHS student from attending the Prom. All students and their guests are required to bring and show a picture ID card from their school. YOU are responsible for the behavior of your student’s guest.

Prom Dress Attire. The dance is formal. Gentlemen are required to wear tuxes or suits. Ties are required unless dress shirts with a mandarin collar are worn. Gentlemen may not wear earrings, sunglasses, hats, gloves nor may they carry canes.Ladies may wear two pairs of earrings but may not wear earrings in the upper earlobe. Fitted dresses may not be excessively tight. Dresses should be comfortable for dancing and sitting. The slit on the dress may not exceed two inches above the knee. The length

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Discipline cont.

of the dress MUST BE AT THE KNEE (MAY NOT BE ABOVE THE KNEE). Sleeveless and strapless dresses are permitted provided that the bodice appropriately covers the chest and back. Backless dresses are NOT PERMITTED AND may not fall below mid-back. Ladies are reminded that the display of excessive cleavage is inappropriate and unbecoming. Dresses may not show a bare midriff or contain cutouts, which expose the torso (FRONT OR BACK). Additionally, the dress material which covers the chest to KNEE area must be opaque not transparent (mesh or chiffon style material is not permitted in this area).Dress shoes are required for ladies and gentlemen. The hotel requires that shoes remain on at all times while on the premises. Students’ attire should be appropriate, modest and in good taste.Please do not assume any liberties with these guidelines when you or (in the case of gentlemen with guest passes) your date purchase dress attire. All non-BMHS guests are required to conform to these guidelines. Anyone not adhering to the above stated guidelines will not be permitted to enter the dance, and will be sent home. In these cases the bid money will not be refunded. Freshmen may not attend the Senior Prom dance.The school reserves the right to refuse admittance to any person not properly attired.

Please note the new Safety Measures concerning the front gate.

In adhering to BMHS’ commitment to provide the safest learning environment possible for our students, teachers and staff, we are changing our policy regarding entrance to campus through the school’s front gate. The front gates will be locked daily from 8:00am to 1:15pm. The gate allowing access to the second and third level parking lots will also be locked.

Parents, students or guests arriving after 8:00am must enter campus through the east parking lot where a BMHS security guard will check them in and allow them to enter the campus.

Please note as of now there are NO changes to the drop-off and pick-up procedures. This change only affects our security during the school day. Thank you for your understanding as we implement this change.

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Mrs. Milana McDermott - Dean of Student Life - ext. 273


Winter Spirit Week/Catholic Schools WeekThe Bishop community celebrated Winter Spirit Week during Catholic Schools Week, January 28th-February 1st. We recognized our winter varsity athletic teams and enjoyed performances by our spirit squads. Students showed their class spirit on class color day and celebrated Black and Gold Day on Friday. One of the highlights was the ever-popular student vs. teacher volleyball game on Friday. Thanks to everyone for their spirited participation! Blood Drive with Providence Little Company of Mary HospitalKey Club sponsored our annual blood drive on campus Wednesday, February 25th. This is a great way for our students, faculty and parents to help support important needs in our local community. Thanks to all the students, faculty and parents who participated this year. Parents who are interested in donating blood can contact the Activities Office for more information.

Club Proposals for 2013-2014Bishop’s active club program continues to be a great way for students to become more involved at student life. Club proposals for the 2013-2014 school-year will be accepted this spring. If your student is interested in proposing a new club, they must attend the lunch meeting on Wednesday, February 27th in Activities. Approval for all 2013-2014 clubs will be finalized by the end of March. Further details on dates and deadlines will be given in morning announcements.

Spirit Squad Applications for 2013-2014Is your student interested in trying out for the 2013-2014 Spirit Squad? If so, there is a mandatory meeting on Wednesday, March 20th in the Student Activity Center. Both new and returning members are required to attend. Applications will only be distributed at this meeting, so don’t miss out! Applications are due on Thursday, April 11th.

Spring Spirit WeekPlanning is underway for Spring Spirit Week March 11th-15th. We look forward to honoring our spring varsity athletes, and will have more opportunities for students to show their school spirit at Class Color Day, Black & Gold Day, and will conclude with a spring dance. Students should listen to announcements for more details. Show your spirit, Knights! Applications for 2013-2014 ASB and Class OfficersThis is an important time as students select their student government leaders for the next school year. Student government provides an excellent opportunity for students to hone leadership skills and take an active role in their school community. Please encourage your students to run for an office and get more involved in their school next year.

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Activities cont.

All elected officers will be required to participate in the summer leadership training and planning meetings June 17th-18th. Students are invited to stop by the Activities Office for more details.

ASB OFFICERS: Elections for ASB Officers will take place during period one on Tuesday, March 5th. Applications were distributed during a lunch meeting on Thursday, February 14th in the Activities Office. Applications are due on Tuesday, February 19th.

CLASS OFFICERS: Elections for Class Officers will take place the week of March 25th. If your student is interested in running for class office, they should attend a mandatory informational meeting on Tuesday, March 12th. Application packets will be distributed only at this meeting and will be due on Tuesday, March 19th.

Bishop AmbassadorsBishop Ambassadors is a leadership organization that promotes student involvement in marketing our school to prospective families. Bishop Ambassadors are actively involved in Back to School Night, Open House, HSPT Testing Day, Freshman Registration, Feeder School Visits and Shadow Days. Applications will be distributed this spring for 2013-2014. Interested students should listen to announcements for more details on application dates and deadlines.

There are many upcoming activities this spring for all Knights! Please encourage your students to participate in these upcoming events. Their involvement in these activities makes for great high school experiences and wonderful memories for years to come!

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AthleticsMs. Alexa Johnson - Athletic Administrator - ext. 269

Mr. Kareem Mutrie - Director of Athletics - ext. 255

Mr. Ed Hodgkiss - Director of Athletics - ext. 260

Three Bishop Montgomery winter athletic teams have made CIF-SS playoffs.

Boys’ BasketballBoys’ Basketball Makes School HistoryWith their 74-34 victory over St. Bernard in the regular season finale, the Bishop Montgomery boys’ basketball team completed the first unbeaten regular season in the history of the program. The Knights, Del Rey League champions, are a perfect 26-0 on the season.

Boys’ Basketball Rankings:CIF Division 4AA - 1stLos Angeles Times - 1stCalHi Sports California - 3rdMaxPreps National - 3rdUSA Today National - 11th

The Knights lost to Laverne Lutheran 63-59 in the semi-finals of the Division 4AA playoffs. They are 29-1 and will play in the state playoffs.

Girls’ Basketball The #7 ranked Lady Knights lost to JSerra 61-58 in the quarterfinals of the Division 4AA playoffs. They finished 22-8.

Boys’ SoccerThe Knights lost 2-1 to South Torrance in the 1st round of the Division 4 playoffs. They finished 10-10-3.

Stay tuned to the BMHS Facebook and Twitter pages for results and updates on all sports teams.

Go Knights!

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DevelopmentMr. Andy Marafino - Marketing & PR Director - ext. 246

Mrs. Amy Traxler - Director of Development - ext. 249

Mrs. Dione Dierks - Assistant Director - ext. 244

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Development Office is looking for volunteers for the Black & Gold Gala, Saturday, March 9, 2013 at the Torrance Marriott. We have one shift available: 5:00pm – 12 midnight. Volunteers will work at the event—monitoring silent auction tables, assisting with the live auction, overseeing the Balloon Burst, and cleaning up once the event concludes. All volunteers must work the entire shift, no exceptions. No shortened shifts or split shifts are available. This shift requires volunteers to stand for long periods of time, and requires volunteers to be involved with Gala activity and guests at all times. It is a very busy evening. If interested, contact Amy Traxler at [email protected]. Due to this limited shift availability, positions will be filled on a first come, first served basis. PSI credit will be given.

BLACK & GOLD SILENT AUCTION DONATIONS: PSI HOURS! Did you donate to Black & Gold Gala? If your donation totaled less than a full semester’s worth of hours ($150 = 10 hours), you or your student must bring your PSI hours form to the Development Office to have the amount of hours equivalent to the value of your donation signed off. The Development Office cannot directly credit hours with the tuition office unless they are for a full semester’s worth of hours. Partial hours will only be credited on the PSI form. Also, if your donation was valued at one semester’s worth of hours plus a few additional (i.e. $180 = 12 hours), you have been credited for one full semester’s hours (10 hours), but need to have the remaining partial hours (2 hours) signed off by the Development Office on your PSI hours form. Questions??? Call the Development Office at ext 249.

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Development cont.

Development/Alumni News Andy Marafino, Director of Development & Alumni – 310-540-2021 ext. 246 Dione Dierks, Assistant Director – ext. 244 [email protected] Amy Traxler, Assistant Director – ext. 249 [email protected] VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Development Office is looking for volunteers for the Black & Gold Gala, Saturday, March 9, 2013 at the Torrance Marriott. We have one shift available: 5:00pm – 12 midnight. Volunteers will work at the event—monitoring silent auction tables, assisting with the live auction, overseeing the Balloon Burst, and cleaning up once the event concludes. All volunteers must work the entire shift, no exceptions. No shortened shifts or split shifts are available. This shift requires volunteers to stand for long periods of time, and requires volunteers to be involved with Gala activity and guests at all times. It is a very busy evening. If interested, contact Amy Traxler at [email protected]. Due to this limited shift availability, positions will be filled on a first come, first served basis. PSI credit will be given. BLACK & GOLD SILENT AUCTION DONATIONS: PSI HOURS! Did you donate to Black & Gold Gala? If your donation totaled less than a full semester’s worth of hours ($150 = 10 hours), you or your student must bring your PSI hours form to the Development Office to have the amount of hours equivalent to the value of your donation signed off. The Development Office cannot directly credit hours with the tuition office unless they are for a full semester’s worth of hours. Partial hours will only be credited on the PSI form. Also, if your donation was valued at one semester’s worth of hours plus a few additional (i.e. $180 = 12 hours), you have been credited for one full semester’s hours (10 hours), but need to have the remaining partial hours (2 hours) signed off by the Development Office on your PSI hours form. Questions??? Call the Development Office at ext 249.

Reservations are being accepted through Friday, February 22, though space is

limited. Support BMHS and our students with the purchase of your ticket or table of 10 today!

And, don’t miss the “BALLOON BURST...” Balloons are available pre-sale with your invitation RSVP, at the door, and throughout

the evening until they sell out. Purchase as many balloons as you wish for $25 each.

EVERYONE IS A WINNER! Inside each balloon will be a prize valued at $20 or more. Prizes include gift certificates from various retailers and local attractions. One balloon will have a GRAND PRIZE with

your choice of $500 tuition credit or $250 cash!!

Thanks to the generosity of our BMHS families, alumni and local businesses, our live and silent auctions will be filled with one-of-a-kind finds and spectacular items for all!











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Performing ArtsEric Hankey - Music Director

Where Can You Go In Music?I’m always excited for “shadow season”, when eighth graders visit our school with our students. I’m especially impressed about how open and honest the guides and eighth graders are with each other, and I’ve heard many conversations that include the prospective student saying something like, “You can do that here at Bishop? Awesome!”

March is national Music In Our Schools Month, and it’s a great time to realize what music means to all of us, no matter how old we are. As our students are planning their schedules for next year during this registration season, we’d like to remind them of what they could do in music here at Bishop:

- Jazz Band – guitar, drums, saxophone, piano, bass, trombone, trumpet- Drumline – yes, just like in the movie – with competitions, too!- Vocal Jazz – whether it’s a cappella or with a band, and you choose the music- Wind Ensemble – some people call it “band” or “orchestra”, but the students in it say they can’t live without it- Color Guard – a.k.a. “Tall Flags”, “Silks” – indoor & outdoor dance routines with flags, rifles, and more- Music Production Class – learn everything you can about the music business in one year, from recording and pa systems,

to piano/bass/guitar/drums, to music reading & theory, to a cappella & beatboxing, to producing albums & videos!

And remember, just like with everything in high school, no one expects you to be “professional” at something you’re just learning. This is your best opportunity to try something to expand your breadth of knowledge – and that includes music!

The New Campaign – Performing Arts BuildingsWe have plans to build at least two new performing arts buildings here at Bishop – a 150-seat state-of-the-art theater, and a large Performing Arts Rehearsal Building. The campaign’s total goal is $3,000,000, and we’d love to break ground as soon as we can – we’ve literally filled up all of the space available on campus right now! If you or anyone you know would like to become a contributor at any level, we’d like to talk to you – please contact Mrs. Rosemary Distaso-Libbon, our principal, at [email protected]. Thanks!

Upcoming Events:

WinterGuard Final Competition on 3/17

Indoor Drumline Competitions on 3/2, 3/23, 4/13, and 4/20

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Performing Arts cont.

Wind Ensemble Competition on 3/25 at the Armstrong Theater here in Torrance

And of course, the big Music Department Spring Tour to Washington, D.C., April 3-7th!

If you’d like more information about any of these activities, or to find out how to join, please email me: [email protected]. It’s never a bad time to start!

“Knight Music” Booster Club The “Knight Music” Booster Club includes parents of members of Band, Winter Guard, Jazz Band, Jazz Combo, Drumline, Vocal Jazz, and Music Production. Their meetings are usually on the last Monday of the month at 6:00 pm in the Conservatory (convent) – additional meetings are scheduled as needed. The next meeting is Monday, March 18th, 2013 – please join them to help keep the many projects they organize rolling.

Things We NeedAs always, we are grateful for any musical equipment and cash donations – they are also always graciously accepted,

and are eligible for tax deductions. At this point, we are also outfitting more of the Conservatory’s (convent’s) rooms with recording equipment, and donations of amplifiers, headphones, and cables would be very useful. Thanks!

“Like” Our Facebook Page! Remember – now you can go to the official BMHS Music Department Facebook Page: All of our pictures and videos from all of our groups, as well as up-to-the-minute information about events and activities – “Like” us!

We’re always practicing, planning, and organizing, including school concerts, local performances, competitions, parades, tours, and lots of other important things – come on up any day before or after school, 6:30-7:50am or 2:15-3:00pm (although we’re often there earlier and later.) To get in touch with Mr. Hankey, please call the school, or email at [email protected].

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If you are applying for financial assistance for the 2013-2014 school year please download the BMHS assistance form (2-pages) located on the BMHS website. Click on the Admissions bar and scroll down to Tuition Assistance, you may also pick up the form from the Tuition Office ($50 fee)


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ATTENTION SENIOR PARENTSAll accounts must be current by March 12th, 2013 in order for your student to purchase a Prom bid. Past due accounts must be paid with a credit Card, money order, or cash. No personal checks will be accepted at this late date.


Final Payment for all Senior accounts is May 2nd, 2013. All accounts must be paid in full in order for your student to sit for final exams, May 22nd and May 23rd, and to receive his/her diploma.


FINAL PAYMENT:The final tuition payment for 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students is May 10, 2013.

PAST DUE ACCOUNTS Past due accounts must be paid with a credit card, money order, or cash. No personal checks will be accepted at this late date for past due accounts.

FINAL EXAMS:All accounts must be paid in full in order for 9th, 10th and 11th grade students to sit for final exams beginning on June 10, 2013.

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We have so much left to do, and so little time to do it

Moms, we’re giving you March and April off from volunteering because May is so jam-packed with events!

1) Teachers’ Appreciation Day – Friday, May 10th

2) Senior Luau – Friday, May 17th

3) Senior Awards – Thursday, May 30th

4) Graduation Decoration – Friday, May 31st

Be sure an come to the meetings to get the information andGet your PSI hours filled for the Spring…

Our March meeting will be filled with sign-ups for the rest of the events, includingchoosing chairpersons for Teachers’ Appreciation and Luau.

Our April meeting will include the filling of the Senior Jars!! This is an after theMeeting event, and gives you PSI hours for filling, and for donating candy.Wrapped candy, and $17.50 worth of donated candy will give you 1 PSI hour.

We will also make our nominations and choose the new 2013-2014 board

Our May meeting is the pre-paid installation dinner. We will be taking pre-paidreservations for $12 per person at the March & April meetings.

And don’t forget, the early bird raffle for those who arrive before 7 pm….

MARCH “Just Desserts” will be provided by SOPHOMORE moms...


LORI RODRIGUEZ 310-594-7780 [email protected]

1 Corinthians 9:23-24 (New International Version 1984, ©1984)“I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings. Do you not know that in a race all the runnersrun, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 25 Everyone who competes in the games

goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.”

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Page 18: March 2013 Parent Newsletter
Page 19: March 2013 Parent Newsletter

Bishop Montgomery Garden GroupEarn your hours and enjoy outdoor activity with the gardening group on a Saturday morning. Great for freshmen parents to meet new parents or if you just love garden-ing. The gardening group is dedicated to maintaining the beautification of the school landscape. Bring your hat, gardening gloves, gardening tools (hoe, rake, your favor-ite pruners) and come join us on a Saturday morning.

PSI dates:Sat. Mar. 2ndSat. Apr. 13thSat. May 4th

Start Time 8:30am

Lee Claudino/Trish Hoying

Page 20: March 2013 Parent Newsletter

March 2013

Sun M

on Tue


Thu Fri


Physics Trip TBA


hristian Serv. Aw

ards TB


Senior T

uition MU


Be C

urrent In Order

To Purchase T

he Prom


Pennies for patients until 3/22 N

ewsletter D

ue 3/7

1 P. 6 #4 Freshm

en Notification

Letters Mailed

Tuition due W


Mtg 1:00pm


3 4

P. 5 #2 7:45 Fac M

tg 8:45 start A

SB candy sales end

Senior assembly p. 6

5 P. 4 A

SB election

Soph Retreat

6 P. 3 D

enim day

Improv @

lunch N

HS Induction C


7 P. 2 W


SC Band C



club proposals due at lunch; G

ym closed 5:30

Soph Retreat

8 Re-reg D

ay M

andatory 8:00am


(Senior H


9 Black &



10 D

aylight Savings Time Begins


P. 1 #2 8:45am

start Prom

/luau sig. clearance begins Spring Spirit W

k 3/11-15

12 P. 6 C

lass Color D

ay C

lass off. apps dist Prom

bid sales begin B

attle of Bands

13 P. 5, 6, 1 #5 B

attle of bands 1:40 Curr./E3 M

tg. Sen. Talent Show



14 P. 2, 3, 4 #5

1:40 Dept./E3 M

tg. Band finals 5 m

in off per 3, 4

15 P. 4 #4 SA

C closed all day/G

ym closed 6pm

1:45 Frosh Reg/U



old Spring Spirit D

ance 7—10

3/15-16 State Latin C

onv B

and to Santa Cruz

17 Feast of St. Patrick

18 P. 3 6:00 B

and Bst. M


6:30 Athl B

st. (Lib) 7:00 M

others’ Club M

tg. (Fac) Spirit squad banquet

19 P. 2 Feast of St. Joseph C

lass officer apps due at lunch Italian Field Trip C

hristian Service Mass @


20 P. 1 Denim


Incoming 9th grade Spirit Squad/

Band Info M

tg. 3:30 C

lass off campaign begins

Sr. Retreat


a Production

21 P. 6 Sr. R

etreat D

rama Production

22 P. 5 #4 G

rading per. ends K

night of Honor

Pennies for patients deadline W

inter Guard com


Sr. R

etreat D

rama Production

23 D

rama Production

24 Palm

Sunday 25 P. 4 G

rades due 11:59pm


a Production W

inter Sports Banquet

26 P. 3 C

lass off. elections 27 P. 2 #4 R

eport cards mailed

12:45 dismissal

Holy W

eek serv. in Rel.


28 H

oly Thursday N

o classes

29 G

ood Friday N

o classes


31 Easter C

aesar Chavez D



a Production

Interfaith Panel Rel. D

ept. Lab Days Easter V


Page 21: March 2013 Parent Newsletter