march 2018 - the sanctuary apostolic pentecostal …...istence will be glorious and far exceed...

March 2018 This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 Local & Worldwide Outreach The Sanctuary Apostolic Pentecostal Church

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Page 1: March 2018 - The Sanctuary Apostolic Pentecostal …...istence will be glorious and far exceed anything that mortal eye has ever beheld. For it is written, eye hath not seen nor ear

March 2018 This is the day that the Lord has made; let

us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Local & Worldwide Outreach

The Sanctuary Apostolic Pentecostal


Page 2: March 2018 - The Sanctuary Apostolic Pentecostal …...istence will be glorious and far exceed anything that mortal eye has ever beheld. For it is written, eye hath not seen nor ear


• Bible Quizzing (3-19)

• Sunday School (3-11)

• Today’s Christian Girl (7-16)

• Refuge (12-21)

• Men’s

• Ladies

• Joy (Just Over Youth 55+)

• Young Marrieds


• Hospitality

• Drama

• Youth/Adult Choir


• Home Bible Studies

• Outreach

• Van Ministry

Ministries for You Connect ● Thrive ● Reach Out

The Sanctuary Apostolic Pentecostal Church

Please see a greeter/hostess to learn more or to get involved in any of these ministries

The Sanctuary Vision

The Sanctuary Apostolic Pentecostal Church family and I are driven to see the fullness of God’s potential reached and preached in all aspects of our lives.

Pentecost is not just life’s greatest experience, but a way of living and a relationship with the One True God.

-Pastor Todd Bertram

Page 3: March 2018 - The Sanctuary Apostolic Pentecostal …...istence will be glorious and far exceed anything that mortal eye has ever beheld. For it is written, eye hath not seen nor ear

Schedule Sunday:

9:00 am Pre-service prayer

9:30 am Sunday School (all ages)

10:30 am Worship service &

Children’s Church (ages 5-11)

5:30 pm Pre-service prayer

6:00 pm Praise Explosion


7:00 pm Prayer


6:30 pm Pre-service

7:00 pm Bible Study


7:00 pm “Student Night” (Youth

ages 12-21)


Men’s Prayer 8:00 am

Outreach prayer/visitation 9:30 am

Spanish Service—6:00 pm (Second

Saturday of each month)

March Birthdays

Upcoming Events

& Calendar


1 Jaida Pearson 5 Hunter Smith 7 Darrell Baker 10 Barbara Price 11 Tommy Hood Jesslyn Lee 13 Kolbey Johnson

15 Dynasty Moultry 16 Zachary Bailey 17 Jan Forister 20 Kate Richardson 26 Michelle Lee 30 Kyvontez Leek

(Current month’s calendar inside)

April 7—Pastor’s Birthday Celebration

April 14—DYI Ladies

April 20-21—AL District Conference

April 29—Youth Lead Service PM

May 5—Mother’s Day Dinner

May 13—Mother’s Day

May 20—Graduation Service

May 28—Memorial Day Picnic

June 5-8—AYD Youth Camp

June 16—Father’s Day Luncheon

June 17—Father’s Day

June 19-22—Crusader’s Camp

Page 4: March 2018 - The Sanctuary Apostolic Pentecostal …...istence will be glorious and far exceed anything that mortal eye has ever beheld. For it is written, eye hath not seen nor ear


New well in South Sudan by

Wells of Life

GUATEMALA: Our Children’s Home just celebrat-

ed our very first anniversary. Over this past year we

have been able to care for a total of fifteen children

from the ages of three to ten. We were also thrilled to

see three of our children returned to family members

through our Family Reunification Program. Seven of our

children just completed the school year and we are so

proud of their accomplishments. Most had never been

to school before and several actually learned to read.

How exciting is that?

We survived an outbreak of chicken pox, the mumps,

lots of lice, parasites and one broken bone. Not to men-

tion the twenty eight trips to the dentist to repair and

clean their teeth. We are thrilled with the changes we

have seen in our children. They attend Sunday School

in one of our local churches and we hold children’s ser-

vices twice a month as well as learning their

weekly memory verses. They are learning so

much about the love of the Lord. It is so sweet

to hear them singing worship songs and skip-

ping about the property.

—Lynne Jewett

ESTONIA: We have started a new preaching point in Tartu,

Estonia’s second-largest city! We’ve been making the two and a

half hour trip every other week for service, and several first-time

guests have been praying to receive the Holy Ghost. Please

pray for a breakthrough in Tartu. AIMer

Kyuwon Kim was a blessing this summer,

winning several to the Lord. Three were bap-

tized, and two received the Holy Ghost. Also,

we baptized a Spirit-filled lady who has been

attending our services for the past three years!

—Nathan and Ingunn Turner

ARGENTINA: Bible school

graduation was an event greatly

blessed of the Lord. This year we

saw a total of forty seven Bible

school graduates receive their di-

plomas and enter into the harvest

field. It was a year of history in the

making as the first graduating

class of the satellite campus in

Bahía Blanca had their first gradu-

ation with ten students graduating.

There were a total of thirty-seven

graduates from the Buenos Aires

campus, many of them already

actively involved in the work of the


Our speaker this year was Broth-

er Damion Larrañaga, District

Superintendent and a former IBA

alumnus. He challenged the grad-

uates to win souls, start churches

and believe the Lord for greater

things than ever before. Projected

enrollment for the next year looks

great! There is a tremendous

sense of expectation in the air that

the greatest days for the church

are here. The Instituto Biblico

Apostolico will continue to train

and equip students to answer the

challenge of our day.

—Michael and

Miriam Sponsler

Page 5: March 2018 - The Sanctuary Apostolic Pentecostal …...istence will be glorious and far exceed anything that mortal eye has ever beheld. For it is written, eye hath not seen nor ear

Baptismal Service in

Khartoum area of Sudan

Bro Nick Guinn (USA) & Bro

Chris Simpson (CANADA) minis-

tered powerfully to our young




and man. As Elihu was “in God’s stead” (Job 32”6) and “also formed out of clay”

and exhorted Job to be not “afraid” (verse7), even so Christ “in God’s stead,” was

made like unto sinful “flesh” in order that man be not “terrified” at his presence.

His words, “neither shall my hand be heavy upon you,” conceals the words of

Jesus; “My yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” As Elihu was the end of the ar-

guments of Job’s three friends, even so was Christ the end of the accusation,

condemnation, and reproof of the Conscience, Law and Prophets. At the transfig-

uration Peter, Moses, and Elias were silenced, and they saw “no man” but Jesus


The departure of Elihu is as mysterious as his appearance. In the closing of his

remarks he exhorts Job to “stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God.”

Jesus showed man (sinful man) the “wondrous works of God,” and as Elihu’s

presence was swallowed up by the presence of God coming and speaking out of

the “whirlwind,” so it was on the day of Pentecost, that the testimony of Christ

was confirmed by the “rushing mighty wind” (Acts 2:1-4; Mat. 10:20), God speak-

ing in the Holy Ghost. (See Job, 32nd Chapter to 37th , Elihu’s testimony. Chap-

ter 38 to 41, God’s testimony.)

When man was deprived of the happiness of Eden, he lost all that he had. Like

Job, it seemed he could say, “The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away,

blessed be the name of the Lord.” He was stripped of everything but yet he of-

fered homage unto God. In the “latter end” of his life, God blessed Job more than

he did at the beginning. So shall it be with man, the latter days of our human ex-

istence will be glorious and far exceed anything that mortal eye has ever beheld.

For it is written, eye hath not seen nor ear heard what God has prepared for

them that love Him. (1 Cor. 2:9, 10).

It was through faith and patience that Job passed through the terrible ordeal and

obtained the multiplied blessing in the end. His undaunted courage and confi-

dence sustained him. He endured as seeing Him who is invisible. The hope of a

resurrection gave him strength to press his claim. Though in the beginning he

reasons, “If a man dies shall he live again?” And, again, “As a cloud is consumed

and vanisheth away, so he that goeth down to the grave shall come up no more,”

yet toward the last he caught a distant vision of his Lord and cried, “I know that

my Redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth. And

though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh I shall see God.”

Thus, we who are called unto suffering, that we might obtain a better resurrec-

tion, must not be “slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience

inherit the promises.” Though our conscience has accused us, the law has con-

demned us, and the prophets have reproved us, thank God, that there is a

“daysman” between us; one that has laid his hand on both God and man, the

man Christ Jesus, our Lord.


Allegory In The Book of Job

Written By: Bishop G.T. Haywood

Published By: The Christian Outlook (1923)

That there was once a man whose name was Job there can be no doubt, from the

fact that God classes him with Noah and Daniel (Ezek. 14:14), while James refers

to his patience in connection with the “prophets” and “the Lord” (Jas. 5:10, 11).

But in the record of his life is concealed a most wonderful allegory of the fall and

rise of the human family.

Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael and Isaac were real persons, yet in reading Ga-

latians 4:22-31 we find that the apostle Paul in speaking of the casting out of Ha-

gar and Ishmael says that those things “are an allegory.” (Verse 24). An allegory

is “the description of one thing under the image of another.”

Job, in his prosperity, was like man “hedged” about in Eden. Satan, the accuser of

the brethren, intended to make man curse God, by depriving him of his blessings

in Eden. But though man was put out of the garden, yet he endeavored to worship

God through sacrifices and offerings. (Gen. 4:1, etc).

To offset the spirit of worship Satan caused the world to be filled with sin and vio-

lence. There was none good, no, not one. The human family was full of “wounds,

and bruises, and putrifying sores”; “the whole head was sick and the whole heart

was faint. From the sole of the foot even to the head, there was no soundness in

it.” Isa. 1:5,6.

The three friends of Job are the conscience, the Law and the Prophets. As these

three men’s council was unprofitable so far as helping Job out of his condition,

even so the conscience, law and prophets were unable to deliver man from his

miserable, loathsome state.

The cry of Job, in his misery, for a “days-man” (mediator) who could “lay his hand

upon both” himself and God (Job 9:33), and his yearning cry, “Oh that I knew

where I might find Him” most wonderfully portrays the craving of the human heart

for the Savior, who could lay his hand upon man and God. The conscience ac-

cused him, (Romans 2:14, 15); the Law condemned him (2 Corinthians 3:9), and

the Prophets reproved him (Isaiah 29:21; 59:1-15), but none of these three could

show man the way out of his miserable, wretched condition.

The sudden appearance of Elihu upon the scene and his silencing of the argu-

ments of Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar is like Christ coming “suddenly” to this earth

(Mal. 3:1; Lu. 2:1-14; Mat. 3:13-17) as a “days-man” or Mediator between God

Page 6: March 2018 - The Sanctuary Apostolic Pentecostal …...istence will be glorious and far exceed anything that mortal eye has ever beheld. For it is written, eye hath not seen nor ear

Ever wondered what our annual Save Our Children offering goes


1. North American SOC Rallies

2. Global Children’s SOC Rallies

3. Overseas Orphanages

4. UPCI Children’s Disaster Relief

5. Junior Bible Quizzing Extravaganzas and the Junior Bible Quizzing National Finals

6. Teachers Certification

7. Investing in Futures — Silvis, Illinois

8. BREAD (Bible Reading Enriches Any Day)

9. Seven Super Sundays

10. Teacher Training

11. North American Youth Congress (NAYC)

12. UPCI Divisional Programs

13. Children’s Ministries General Conference Service

14. Family Ministry Council

Psalm 127:3-5 “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,

the fruit of the womb, a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a

warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man

who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame

when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.”

Children's children are the crown of old men;

and the glory of children are their fathers. Proverbs 17:6

But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to

come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 19:14

Train up a child in the way he should go:

and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Pastor Bertram, Julie & Leslie

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Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.

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Marvin Holt Green Pond

5 6 7 8 9 10

20th Anniversary Service

11 Daylight Savings Time

20th Anniversary Service

12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Bible Quiz Tournament

25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Sunday School Skate

(ages 2-11)

Alabama Ladies’ Conference 3/16—3/17


Sunday School 9:30 am Worship Service 10:30 am Praise Explosion 6:00 pm


Church Prayer 7:00 pm


Prayer for Pastor/Family


Bible Study 7:00 pm


Student Night 6:45 pm

First Friday of Month Game Night 7-10 pm


Men’s Prayer 7:00 pm