march workshop survey results

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  • 8/9/2019 March Workshop Survey Results


  • 8/9/2019 March Workshop Survey Results


  • 8/9/2019 March Workshop Survey Results


  • 8/9/2019 March Workshop Survey Results


  • 8/9/2019 March Workshop Survey Results


  • 8/9/2019 March Workshop Survey Results


    other activities in morning session

    We were able to meet as a grade level to figure out class lists for next year. It was veryhelpfulDiscussion about assessment in our department.

    We came together as a faculty for breakfast. It was a nice way to begin our day. We seldomhave the opportunity to get together and enjoy one another's company.

    We had a chance to share and plan a writing unit. We also looked at student work to discussadditional goals in writing.Learning about intervention strategies (RTI)We participated in an excellent presentation and discussion regarding RTI. I also beganworking on a new Wiki space for my anticipated grade level change.

    RTI presentation from Cohoes special ed teachers. EXCELLENT program, but they have 4reading teachers per building and 4 special ed teachers. We are quite understaffed for thissoon-to-be state mandate.

    Crisis intervention suggestions: speaker

    Learned about guidelines and procedures for creating class lists. Working with colleagues toimplement the procedures.

    discussing the elementary foreign language program, viewing the FL videos and wiki page,

    discussing grading of state examsWe learned about Master Cam & CNC controlled machines in the Technology Dept. @ SHS.

    Intro to Smart Board lessonrevising cumulative review assignments for 10H and submitting them for copies for the restof the year

    We discussed curriculum recommendations for our 6th graders entering SJHS next year.

    Principal did an outstanding job updating up about procedures. We had many "what if"situations discussed.Loved working with fellow teacher. Rarely is there time to do this. We worked on readingideas. Very worthwhile

    * Crisis management* Junior High placements

    crisis management

  • 8/9/2019 March Workshop Survey Results


    jr. high forms

    brainstorming ideas for professional developmentWe reviewed Emergency Drill procedures through scenarios/games.

    We completed some team building activities and also focused on Rachel's Challenge.

    disaster scenarios with the N. Colonie police

    The morning technology session in the auditorium, while recognizing the efforts of those whopresented, was not the best way to spend my time. For example, being instructed on how towork my email was a waste of time.

    Tabletop conversation with the Colonie Police department.

    Report cards

    Relaxation workshop and work on summer construction plans, class lists.

    infinite campus grade book training

    Mr. Corr came in and talked about testing. This took a large part of our morning.

    faculty meetingTeambuilding as a part of Rachel's Challenge

    Way too much discussion about IOWA's that we had hardly any time to work with technology.working on report card redesignSchedules for OT's for summer and for next year

    I participated in a table top training with our building response team and the Colonie Police.Presentation on dealing with a crisis.

    emergency/safety procedures

    How to use Infinite Campus' gradebook

    meditation and then a shared session to make class lists for next year.

    Presentation by Dr. Amanda Nickerson to faculty at Soutghate about crisis response.Training for Naviance - new Guidance Program

    After our faculty meeting, the time I was able to spend with my colleagues was wonderful.We were able to have a nice discussion about retention and recruitment in the elementary bandand orchestra programs. It would have been nice to do this for the entire morning. I didn'tfeel as if the first part of the day was very productive.

  • 8/9/2019 March Workshop Survey Results


    ee as e rs par o e ay was very pro uc ve.

    I went to an introduction to using inifinite campus gradebook after morning faculty meeting.

    Training on NavianceEmergency Drill Procedures and mini-Tabletop training

    starting up PLCs

    smart board over-viewcurric mapping discussion

    Thanks to Mr. Corr for coming to speak at our faculty meeting re. ITBS. This was verypositive and hopefully productive. RTI presentation by Cohoes District after the facultymeeting. It was somewhat helpful.

    discussion of midterm exams and applicability to new English learning standards

    Recruitment/retention strategies

    Adjusting reading groups based on informal assessments.Crisis meeting

    Crises Committee-tabletop

    IOWA's, Crisis Prevention, and Class Placements

    developed class lists

    Attended department workshop on Smartboard and then acted ass host to visiting personnelfrom Guilderland School District.Sharing ideas about retention of students at different grade levels.Sharing ideas about retention of students at different grade levels.

    We took part in a table top exercise for safety and security.

    planning the schedule for next year and many discussionsWe worked on scheduling for the combined class Maplewood model.

    Rachel's Challenge

    Organizing book room

    faculty meeting about RTIwe had two presenters come in and talk about an RTI model that has been effective in theirschool and how they began implementing the steps to RTI.

  • 8/9/2019 March Workshop Survey Results


    emergency procedures etc.

    other activties afternoon session

    Attended a presentation of a local artist. Than worked on placing orders for 2010-2011 school year

    I spent the afternoon working with other teachers discussing the results of the math survey.

    I attended the science session at Blue Creek and enjoyed the format.

    We reviewed contents of district math survey and implications for staff development needs andcurriculum work. We also shared

    Working on bid order for next year.Touring HVCC Smart Tech Building and learning what industry is looking for in the 21st centurylearner

    Creating a social studies test. I felt time would have been better spent meeting as a grade level fofurther development of our Math curriculum map.

    math.....addressing issues with basic facts and problem solving

    We were given information about the new spelling program to be implemented in grade 2creating our 7th grade final exam (for the new program)

    Working with my colleagues to develop our first 7th grade final exam in June.

    rewriting the notes packet for the upcoming circles unit in 10 H with a fellow colleagueLearning about science notebooks and updates with the science curriculum

    We worked on tailoring the list of possible accommodations for students that will be listed aschoices to write in on North Colonie IEPs.

    An overview of CAFE

    New spelling pilot

  • 8/9/2019 March Workshop Survey Results


    Worked with grade-level colleagues from other schools to draft a unti test aligned to the revisedsocial studies curriculum units.

    Very disorganizedI was part of a group that had the good fortune to get hands on experience from Julie Dwyer'sscience presentation.

    We spent a lot of time going over the Math survey, instead of talking about curriculum ideas andresources.

    Working on OT schedules for next year

    My colleagues and I also created a parent survey to be sent out this week regarding topics forupcoming parenting programs.Discussing the math text, testing, etc...

    working on lesson plans

    We discussed curriculum mapping.

    Training for Naviance.

    The afternoon was excellent. It was so nice to get an up close look at the SmartBoard and the waywe as music teachers can use it in the classroom. It would have been helpful if our session couldhave been broken up. The entire music department was involved and therefore, it was harder to getthings accomplished. It would be been more beneficial if we had the ability to do a session just forelementary staff. Our presenter, Lisa V. was excellent! She had so many great ideas! She also pu

    her whole presentation on the server, so we can go back and refer to it when needed.

    The Math department worked on making final exams for 8G and 8 .

    Continued work on Naviance.math computation & problem solving; math survey resultsIEP paperwork

    I met with my elementary reading dept. colleagues here at LR. Our time was spent sharing a lot o

    comprehension questions and strategies. It was extremely productive and would like it to happenmore often. Thank you for offering the option to do this.

    working on revising English 11R midterm exam

  • 8/9/2019 March Workshop Survey Results


    fine tuning IEP curriculum modificationsWe worked on the Daily Cafe. It was very informative. Many teachers shared their experiencesworking with the Daily Five.

    Math-mostly problem solving strategies

    I took personal time to attend a funeral

    lab prep and organizing lab materials


    I did not attend due to family illness

    What else would you like to see added to the professionaldevelopment workshop days in the upcoming school year?more opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focusmore time to meet with grade level colleaguesmore time to meet with departmentsmore time to meet with departments, more training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focus, more information about managing inclusion in the classroom

    more time to meet with departmentsmore time to meet with departments, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of my contentarea or curriculum focusmore training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focus, more training sessions on technology integrationOther (Please specify) belowmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focus, more training sessions on technology integration, more informatioabout managing inclusion in the classroom

    more opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focusmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focus, more training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focus, more training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departmentsmore time to meet with grade level colleaguesmore time to meet with departments, Other (Please specify) belowmore opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focus

  • 8/9/2019 March Workshop Survey Results


    more opportunities to earn a out new aspects o my content area or curricu um ocusmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focusmore time to meet with departments, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of my contentarea or curriculum focus, more training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with departmentsmore opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focusOther (Please specify) belowmore time to meet with grade level colleagues

    more time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departments, moreopportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focus, more trainingsessions on technology integrationOther (Please specify) belowOther (Please specify) belowmore training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departments, Other (Pleasespecify) belowmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focus

    more time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departments, moreopportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focusmore time to meet with departments, more training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with departmentsOther (Please specify) belowmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departmentsmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departments, moreopportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focus, more trainingsessions on technology integration, more information about managing inclusion in the classroom

    more training sessions on technology integration, more information about managing inclusion in theclassroommore time to meet with grade level colleaguesmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focusmore time to meet with departmentsmore time to meet with departments, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of my contentarea or curriculum focusmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focus

    more time to meet with grade level colleagues, Other (Please specify) belowmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with grade level colleaguesmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departments, moreopportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focus, more trainingsessions on technology integration, more information about managing inclusion in the classroommore time to meet with departments, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of my contentarea or curriculum focusmore time to meet with departments, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content

  • 8/9/2019 March Workshop Survey Results


    more time to meet with departments, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of my contentarea or curriculum focus, more training sessions on technology integrationmore training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focus, more training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departments, moreopportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focusmore opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focus, more traininsessions on technology integration

    more time to meet with departmentsmore time to meet with departmentsmore time to meet with grade level colleaguesmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focus, more training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with departments, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of my contentarea or curriculum focus, more training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with grade level colleaguesmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focus, more training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departments, moreopportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focusmore opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focusmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departments, moreopportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focusmore training sessions on technology integrationmore opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focus, moreinformation about managing inclusion in the classroommore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more training sessions on technology integration

    more time to meet with grade level colleagues, more training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with departments, more training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departmentsmore time to meet with grade level colleaguesmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focusmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departments, moreopportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focusmore time to meet with grade level colleaguesmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more training sessions on technology integration, mo

    information about managing inclusion in the classroommore time to meet with departmentsmore time to meet with grade level colleaguesmore time to meet with departmentsmore time to meet with departments, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of my contentarea or curriculum focusmore opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focusmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more training sessions on technology integrationmore training sessions on technology integration

  • 8/9/2019 March Workshop Survey Results


    more training sessions on technology integrationmore training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departments, moreopportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focusmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focusmore time to meet with grade level colleaguesmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departments, moreopportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focus

    more time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departments, moreopportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focusmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focus, more training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focusmore opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focus, more traininsessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with departmentsOther (Please specify) belowmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more information about managing inclusion in theclassroommore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focus, Other (Please specify) belowmore opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focusmore opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focus, moreinformation about managing inclusion in the classroommore opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focus, more traininsessions on technology integration

    more time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departments, moreopportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focus, more trainingsessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with grade level colleaguesmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focusmore training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focus, more training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with departmentsmore time to meet with departments, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of my contentarea or curriculum focus, more training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with departments, more information about managing inclusion in the classroommore time to meet with departments, Other (Please specify) belowmore time to meet with departmentsmore opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focusmore time to meet with departmentsmore time to meet with departments, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of my contentarea or curriculum focus, more information about managing inclusion in the classroom

  • 8/9/2019 March Workshop Survey Results


    area or curriculum focus, more information about managing inclusion in the classroommore time to meet with grade level colleaguesmore opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focus, more traininsessions on technology integration, more information about managing inclusion in the classroommore time to meet with departmentsOther (Please specify) belowmore time to meet with departmentsmore opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focusmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of my

    content area or curriculum focus, more training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focus, more information about managing inclusion in the classroommore time to meet with departmentsmore training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with departmentsmore training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more information about managing inclusion in theclassroom

    more time to meet with departmentsmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departments, moreopportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focus, more trainingsessions on technology integration, more information about managing inclusion in the classroom,Other (Please specify) belowmore opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focusmore opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focusmore time to meet with grade level colleaguesmore time to meet with departments, Other (Please specify) belowmore time to meet with grade level colleagues

    more time to meet with grade level colleagues, more training sessions on technology integrationmore opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focusmore opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focus, more traininsessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with departments, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of my contentarea or curriculum focusmore time to meet with departments, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of my contentarea or curriculum focusmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departmentsmore training sessions on technology integrationmore training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with departmentsmore time to meet with departments, more training sessions on technology integrationmore opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focus, more traininsessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departments, more trainingsessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with grade level colleaguesmore time to meet with de artments, more o ortunities to learn about new as ects of m content

  • 8/9/2019 March Workshop Survey Results


    more time to meet with departments, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of my contentarea or curriculum focusmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focus, more training sessions on technology integration, more informatioabout managing inclusion in the classroommore opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focusmore time to meet with grade level colleaguesmore time to meet with grade level colleaguesmore opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focus

    more time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focusmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focus, more training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with departmentsmore time to meet with departments, Other (Please specify) belowmore time to meet with departments, more training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with departments, more training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of my

    content area or curriculum focus, more training sessions on technology integration, more informatioabout managing inclusion in the classroommore time to meet with grade level colleaguesmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departmentsmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departments, moreopportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focusmore time to meet with grade level colleaguesmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departmentsmore opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focus, moreinformation about managing inclusion in the classroom

    more information about managing inclusion in the classroommore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departmentsmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focusmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departments, moreopportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focusmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focus, more training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with departments, more training sessions on technology integration

    more time to meet with grade level colleaguesmore opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focus, more traininsessions on technology integrationmore opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focusmore opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focus, more traininsessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with departments, more training sessions on technology integrationmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more training sessions on technology integrationOther (Please specify) belowmore time to meet with rade level collea ues more o ortunities to learn about new as ects of m

  • 8/9/2019 March Workshop Survey Results


    more time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focus, more information about managing inclusion in the classroommore time to meet with grade level colleaguesmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focus, more training sessions on technology integration, more informatioabout managing inclusion in the classroommore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of mycontent area or curriculum focusmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departments, moreopportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focusmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more time to meet with departmentsmore time to meet with grade level colleaguesmore time to meet with departments, more opportunities to learn about new aspects of my contentarea or curriculum focusmore time to meet with grade level colleaguesmore time to meet with grade level colleagues, more training sessions on technology integration, moinformation about managing inclusion in the classroommore opportunities to learn about new aspects of my content area or curriculum focus

    other in future workshop days

    Longer periods of time to work with others in my department so that we can discuss and complete aleast one full objective of the department

    More time to work on development of projects or integrating technology with support.Since the elementary teachers were split up for the afternoon, I would have liked to have gone tothe afternoon session in the morning, and then meet with my own grade level colleagues in theafternoon to have the opportunity to share out what we learned.

    I would appreciate time to develop technology integration such as a Wiki space and Notebook files,both of which are time intensive.

    I think it is much more beneficial to have time to do cirriculum planning and organize materials forour classes, than to be booked into workshops all day. This year was helpful in that respect .Doing more activities that pertain to our teaching area

    learning about programs in other area schools, learning about different industries and corporationsthat have a presence here in the capital district, learning more about the opportunities in thecommunity that can be brought back into the classroom to help students see the real worldapplications of our curriculumThe more time you can give us to independently work on curriculum and revisions, the better! I hadlot of time to work independently, and this turned out to be the best workshop day I've had sinceI've been at Shaker!This schedule fit the needs of my department well (Special Education).

  • 8/9/2019 March Workshop Survey Results


    s sc e u e e nee s o my epar men we pec a uca on .

    One year (I think about ten years ago) we were able to go to observe classes in other schools. I fethat was really beneficial.

    PS- in the phrase "pair activities" pair is spelled PARE.- the word "activities" is misspelled in the afternoon session box.

    Curriculum mapping in Science, Math, Reading, Writing.

    We need at least one mental/physical health activity built in to the workshop days. The mostvaluable workshop day we have had was the one with all of the choices.....started off with a comediato get us laughing. If we could balance this type of workshop with the curricular work, it would keeveryone positive. The workshop I sat in on on Friday seemed very hostile. People need a chance tolet loose, so they can address the compex and stressful issues at hand.

    As foreign language teachers in the JH we are scattered throughout the building, thus we don't getoo many chances to work together on our curriculum/program/tests, etc. It helps us, tremendousto have the time to sit together and work on aspects of our language curriculum.

    I think it would be very beneficial for the sessions in the morning to be the workshops at differentlocations so that we can come back and share what we learned.

    We seem to get great ideas but never have the time to share them with our fellow teachers.

    I would like to meet with my own coworker during these days to work on the above items. We can sat computer/look at reading/science and just focus on what we can do to improve. Our grade levelmeets during the year and we then can share our knowledge with them.

    More sharing among grade level colleagues in other schools.

    More training on Daily FiveThis was one of the first workshop days in which a significant amount of time was given to work onfinal exam writing and curriculum development. We were able to spend time that we never seem tohave talking to fellow department members. This was the most productive workshop day in a longtime and much needed! Thanks to those who organized it as department centered in the high school.

    PLEASE, let teachers propose workshop activities that will actually enhance their teaching insteadof the mass drivel we are forced to sit through. I still can't believe that we were shown how to

    delete our email in the morning workshop - what is this? 1996?

    department field trips, inservice type coursesRather than the auditorium technology session, we could have had more time in our departmentslearning how technology specifically works with our content area.

    The time that was allocated during the workshop day was great!!! I think more workshop days shouldallocate time for teachers to focus on curriculum and tehnologies we don't have time for throughouthe work week.

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    t e wor wee .

    I thought having time to work on curriculum was the best use of my time thus far. I felt the timewas productive, especially with the cut-backs in curriculum development this summer. Thank you fproviding me the opportunity to work with my colleagues and devloping end of year review - which isneeded for 11R and 11A.

    Heidi Meidenbauer

    Why are we curriculum mapping? What makes it better than what we were doing before?

    Wellness days have always been great. Much of what we do on workshop days is repetitive. Wealways liked having a wellness day to choose what we were interested in doing.

    I like having time to work with my department to share ideas and lessons.Also, I would like to have more training on using the smartboard.

    I truly appreciated having time to collaborate with my colleagues, as we do not have manyopportunities to get together and share information.


    I would love to share lesson ideas with my grade level colleagues in an informal manner. I could seehaving the grade level present, setting up stations that fit with the major subjects, and rotatingthrough the stations. Each time the participants arrived at a station, they could share some oftheir most useful activities with peers. Maybe a separate station could be technology/smartboarduses. After 10 minutes, we switch. Everyone tries to go to all the stations, and a running list iskept at each station. The key is to make sure the lessons correspond to our grade level learningobjectives. We would all leave with a list of activities, a general idea on how to run them, and the

    person who teaches them as a contact. Eventualy, this information can be put on the mappingdatabase.Community day would be nice again.

    As a music department, we get very little time to work with our elementary colleagues. Usually,things are rushed through due to lack of time. The time we had on the workshop day to meet as aninstrumental faculty was great. There were so many topics that we could have covered! In thefuture, it would be nice to have more time to do music department activities, especially as anelementary staff.

    RTI; PLCsHaving other teachers show how to do things with the technology is not helpful at all. There is toomuch technical information provided and without a computer/hardware to do along with them, theinformation is all lost.Would love to have a big name reading guru speak to the entire elementary teaching staff. I thinkwe have strayed from our reading goals for N. Colonie.Wellness days

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    I thought this workshop was very beneficial and productive. It was a great day!

    Sharing knowledge of outside agencies and possibly visiting with other department personnel.

    I think the goal of the afternoon was useful, but too ambitious for 2 hours.

    sharing of materials and ideas with colleagues

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  • 8/9/2019 March Workshop Survey Results


  • 8/9/2019 March Workshop Survey Results


  • 8/9/2019 March Workshop Survey Results


  • 8/9/2019 March Workshop Survey Results
