- mari garcia (sa) · 2020-06-02 · - mari garcia (sa) ceres - malvin artley (italy) dancing with...

ARIES 2019 edition: 2019:Trials and Transitions - Mari Garcia (SA) Ceres - Malvin Artley (Italy) Dancing with the Grim Reaper - Part 2 Jeannie Monks (Qld) From the President We have now moved past the Equinox and the nights are longer than the days. I find it hard to wake up in this period between the Equinox and the end of Daylight Saving – time seems out of kilter somehow. The mornings are dark and the evenings are long. In addition, Mercury is retrograde, and this is always a time when I’m uneasy, waiting for the power to go off (tick), chaotic train organisation (tick) and the Crows to lose (tick). Forwarded emails have not arrived, planning has gone awry, and (here’s my favourite) for my birthday I was given three books I’ve already read! We moved into Aries most spectacularly with a Supermoon that illuminated clear March skies. I had hoped to watch it setting over the sea in the morning, but by the time it reached the horizon the Sun was well up and the Moon had faded almost to invisibility. Living by the sea, I am really aware of the (apparent) movement of the ecliptic, with Sun, Moon and planets setting due west right now, after hitting

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Page 1: - Mari Garcia (SA) · 2020-06-02 · - Mari Garcia (SA) Ceres - Malvin Artley (Italy) Dancing with the Grim Reaper - Part 2 Jeannie Monks (Qld) From the President We have now moved

ARIES 2019 edition:

2019:Trials and Transitions

- Mari Garcia (SA)

Ceres - Malvin Artley (Italy)

Dancing with the Grim

Reaper - Part 2

Jeannie Monks (Qld)

From the President

We have now moved past the Equinox and the nights are longer than the days. I find it hard to wake up

in this period between the Equinox and the end of Daylight Saving – time seems out of kilter

somehow. The mornings are dark and the evenings are long. In addition, Mercury is retrograde, and this

is always a time when I’m uneasy, waiting for the power to go off (tick), chaotic train organisation (tick)

and the Crows to lose (tick). Forwarded emails have not arrived, planning has gone awry, and (here’s my

favourite) for my birthday I was given three books I’ve already read!

We moved into Aries most spectacularly with a Supermoon that illuminated clear March skies. I had

hoped to watch it setting over the sea in the morning, but by the time it reached the horizon the Sun was

well up and the Moon had faded almost to invisibility. Living by the sea, I am really aware of the

(apparent) movement of the ecliptic, with Sun, Moon and planets setting due west right now, after hitting

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its most southerly declination at Christmas and heading for its most northerly at the Cancer Ingress. The

starry dome and the flat horizon, bringing the astrology chart to life.

I am very happy to announce that Lijan Tran has volunteered to join the committee. An extra pair of

hands and an extra perspective is most welcome. Thank you so much, Lijan!

Thank you to Victoria Powell for her well-prepared talk last month, The Jackpot Queen. On April 13th, we

will begin with a Special General Meeting with the aim of updating our constitution. We want to change

our financial year in line with our membership year (Jan – Dec), and to update our financial rules to cover

electronic payments from our account. In the next week I will be sending you each a proxy form which I

hope you will return to me, if you are not able to attend the meeting. An ordinary members’ meeting will

follow the Special General Meeting, and I will be speaking on the Sixth and Twelfth Houses. I hope to see

you there.

In the light of Christchurch, it seems inappropriate to sign off in my usual way. Instead, this wish: May

the hand of a friend be always near you.


FAASA 2019 Events

April 13, 2 pm. Sunrise, Sunset.

The Twelfth and Sixth Houses - Cate Whelan

May 11, 10 am - 4 pm WORKSHOP

Blueprinting Your Health - Kira Sutherland

June 8, 2 pm. The Saturn Pluto Conjunction.

Here it goes again! Joy Usher

July 13, 2 pm. One Chart 4 Ways - Kris

Svensden, Jill Amery, Adrienne Barkla & Vivienne


August 10, 2 pm. The Australian Political Scene

- Marcus Smith

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Members are advised that although the March talk by Victoria Powell, The Jackpot Queen, was not recorded, Victoria

has made available for members the Powerpoint presentation of over 60 slides. This can be requested from Kris

Svendsen at [email protected] for the usual price of $5.

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Page 5: - Mari Garcia (SA) · 2020-06-02 · - Mari Garcia (SA) Ceres - Malvin Artley (Italy) Dancing with the Grim Reaper - Part 2 Jeannie Monks (Qld) From the President We have now moved

2019: Trials and


by Mari Garcia

On the 21st March 2019, the Sun ingresses into the tropical sign of Aries and the Equinox signals an

important turning point of the year. Ingresses of the Sun into the equinoctial signs of Aries and Libra as

well as the solsticial signs of Cancer and Capricorn have traditionally been considered as important

mundane events. The ingress is derived from the Latin ingressus, which means ‘to go in’ or ‘enter’. The

Ingress chart is drawn for the moment that the Sun enters the first minute of the sign and indicates the

beginning of a new cycle.

The Aries Ingress in astrology provides us with a window into the potential of the year to come. The

Ingress is set for the geographical place in question. There are several initial factors which must be taken

into account in order to make a detailed judgment.

The Ascendant of the Ingress Chart

The Aries Ingress Chart for Australia is set for the capital, Canberra and features an Aries Ascendant. The

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rules for judging Ingress are first to consider the sign on the Ascendant:

If the ascendant of the ingress chart is in a moveable or Cardinal sign1. the chart remains valid for

three months only, and it is necessary to draw-up charts for the Sun's entry into Cancer, Libra and


If the ascendant is in a common or mutable sign the chart remains valid for six months, and the

Sun's ingress into Libra should be used for the latter half of the year.

If the ascendant is in a fixed sign, however, the chart remains valid for the whole year.

The Cardinal sign on the Ascendant of this Aries Ingress Chart is the first indicator that the year will be

one of uncertainty and instability. Cardinal signs are redolent of instability and uncertainty as they are the

lynchpins of the seasons and therefore describe both transition and the uncertainty which accompanies

them. This also means that another three charts for each of the subsequent equinoxes and solstices i.e.

Cancer, Libra and Capricorn will have to be generated in order to judge the nature of the entire year

ahead and the unfolding of events.

The Lunar Phase of the Ingress Chart

The distance between the Sun and the Moon and whether it is waxing – between New and Full Moon; or

waning – between Full Moon and Balsamic. The Lunar phase can indicate whether the energy of the time

suggests increase or decrease, beginnings or endings. This Aries Ingress has a lunar phase three degrees

short of a Full Moon at 0 Libra, bringing light and revealing matters which previously have not been

visible, or matters which are now at their peak. While writing this article there have already been certain

revelations which have rocked the Australian political landscape. One of the most telling is that of

Glencore, a coalmining concern, using one of the world’s best political operatives, the CT Group, to run a

vast, secret communications campaign aimed at shifting public and government attitudes towards coal.2

Other revelations have centred on Ministers and other Members of Parliament and their support of

industries or business concerns which point at conflicts of interest – and all this before the Ingress hits!

The Australian electorate should be bracing itself as there is much more to be revealed. The Full Moon

occurs less than four hours after the Ingress at exactly 11:42 am with the Moon shining her light in the

Ingress Sixth house of industrial relations, unions, wages, the armed forces, working class, public service

and public health. I expect that working conditions and the notion of a universal or living wage will be a

major issue but more importantly there will be some sort of revelation which impacts on these matters.

Already we are hearing that the Labor Party has declared that the upcoming election will have wages as a

central issue.

The Ingress also has Uranus rising in the First house, underscoring the nascent instability of the Cardinal

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Ascendant and indicating that the unexpected, the unusual and the unorthodox will be the cause of upsets

and upheavals.

The Lord of the Ascendant

The lord of the Aries Ascendant is Mars in Taurus in the Second house. Mars is in the sign of its detriment

and sits in a tight trine to Pluto in Capricorn, conjunct the MC. Additionally, Pluto is conjunct Saturn, ruler

of the Capricorn MC and in its rulership.

The nature of Mars is combative and physically expressive and its poor condition suggests that this period

will be characterised by harsh or cruel actions, or cowardly responses rather than strong, direct and

forceful undertakings. This is also reinforced by the trine to Pluto and Saturn. Authority and hard line

enforcement is also another feature and we will see a more intransigent stance taken on certain matters

which will cut across all sides of politics. As this article is being written, we are seeing the exposure of

certain activities and behaviours such as the continuing cruelty inflicted on those in detention, the hard

line approach to any sort of opposition to mining and fracking with severe financial and civic deterrents

and the shrill condemnation of any opposition to the established status quo.

The Prime Minister and Government

The Sun in Aries is exalted and represents the Prime Minister. Although having some strength, the Sun sits

in the difficult Twelfth house, although in the first sign of the Ascendant, and does not aspect any other

planet or point. Thus the Sun although it is essential dignified it is accidentally debilitated by its placement

in the twelfth and therefore it is a frustrated planet; it has all the drive and nowhere to go. If we apply this

to how Prime Minister Morrison is behaving and the actions he is taking, we are seeing a frustrated and

desperate man. This will only be exacerbated as the Ingress takes effect and what is more, the Sun will

not make any aspect, for nearly three weeks until it finally makes an exact square to the Ingress Saturn

on the 10th April. This may possibly be the announcement of the election date when Morrison must literally

put himself on the line. As we approach a federal election in May, this translates into Morrison heading a

party that is behind in the polls and on the nose of the electorate. The Government has been fighting spot

fires on different flanks: refugees, the economy, their support of big banks and big business, house prices,

energy costs, wages and the lack of real economic growth have eroded its position. This coupled with a

leadership spill as well as a swathe of parliamentary retirements on the eve of federal election speaks of a

Government on the back foot. The lord of the Capricorn MC is Saturn, in rulership, sitting on the MC

conjunct Pluto. There are hard times for the Government and if they try and use the same tactics

employed previously to ‘manage’ their message to the electorate, they do so at their peril. Saturn sextiles

Mercury as well as Neptune and the deception may last a little while but Mercury will eventually separate

from Neptune and the truth will out.

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If we overlay the Ingress Chart with the Australian Referendum Chart3, the Ingress Sun sits in the

Referendum Eighth house of change and crisis while the Ascendant ruler of the Ingress, Mars in Taurus

also trines the Referendum Moon at 26 Virgo.

The Ingress Mars sits on the Referendum MC and in the Tenth house of the Government. This describes a

Government which will take some very ruthless actions as it looks to control and impose its authority at a

time when scandals and crises are erupting everywhere: the Paladin contract, the Murray-Darling

mismanagement, the loss of the vote on the MediVac Bill, the Hakeem Al-Arabi debacle where ASIO,

Border Force and Immigration failed to guarantee the safety of an Australian resident, as well as many

others which seem to be appearing daily. As of writing this article, the MediVac Bill for refugees on Manus

and Nauru has seen the Government trigger a fear campaign which has seen its standing in the polls rise

several percentage points.

I believe that we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg because as we near the Ingress itself, there is a

real possibility that we will see some brutal actions and reactions from all sides of politics. The blatant

populist appeal of the scare campaign launched citing refugees taking hospital places, public housing, etc

at the cost of the population, is aptly described by the Mars-Moon trine and the fact that the Moon of the

Ingress is also the Moon of the Referendum Chart. Thus we see the appeal to the people, to populist and

popular beliefs especially about immigration, refugees and the ‘cost’ to the social fabric.

Note: the Christchurch terror attack by an Australian a week before the Ingress4 has ignited the debate on

racist and xenophobic attitudes and speech which have underpinned much of the political rhetoric in

Australia over the past nineteen years.

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The Australian Referendum Chart has a Saturn Neptune opposition straddling the Fifth-Eleventh house

axis, with Neptune representing idealistic, left-wing political ideals (socialist tendencies) versus Saturn

which represents the established order, conservatism and those who uphold it. They both make a tight

square to the Virgo Moon in the Second house forming a T-square suggesting that the nation has always

swayed between opposing left wing vs. right wing political thought channelled through popular belief. The

people (electorate) maintain a middle of the road approach with a tendency to favour one or the other at

different times influenced by financial factors and national wealth or its lack.

The Ingress Moon conjuncts the Referendum Moon triggering the T-square and the popular debate of

conservative versus progressive goals is underway with the argument based on the economic advantage

or disadvantage of both. In the Referendum chart the Moon rules the Twelfth house of hidden fears and

agendas so there will always be a lurking feeling of fear of the unknown and how this impacts on the

national wealth. This has been capitalised on by both sides of politics at present with opposing views as to

the economic advantage or disadvantage of migration, to cite an example. What is interesting is that this

T-Square will be activated again between the 14th – 16th April but this time by transiting Mercury opposing

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the Referendum Virgo Moon and thus creating a transiting Grand Mutable Square. Mercury signifies the

nation’s communications, media and telecommunication as well as trade and commerce. It is also the

dispositor of the Virgo Moon as well as ruling the Second house of national wealth and the Eleventh house

of the parliament and elected representatives. We might see the national debate especially on the issues

of immigration and wages to escalate and I expect this will also be the likely time when the election is

called. As Mercury will be separating from Neptune what may have seemed a good idea at the Ingress will

be showed up as being deceptive, misleading or fraudulent especially where it pertains to the Parliament

or a representative.

The Opposition

The Cancer IC is the Opposition with its lord, the Moon in Virgo in the Sixth and forming a wide grand

trine to Mars in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn. It is also square Jupiter, which is in rulership in Sagittarius

in the Ninth house. The Opposition, whether it is Labor, Greens or Independents must look to inspiring or

providing the electorate (the Moon) with an alternative vision otherwise they will be caught in a vortex

with Mars and Pluto wielding fear and retribution. There is also the danger that inciting extreme or overt

actions will have consequences. It may sound melodramatic but I think that there is a real danger here of

unleashing the dogs of war5 if discretion and moderation are not observed by those in positions of

influence. As the Moon, the dispositor of the IC is so involved it is likely that we will see a very different

Opposition to what we have been used to in elections over the last nineteen years.

Interestingly, the election held nineteen years ago6. sported a Saturn-Pluto opposition and today we

witness the conjunction. That election was predicated on the social divide caused by the Tampa incident

and the September 11 terrorist attacks. Saturn-Pluto represents the unexpressed violence in the collective

and this expresses itself in definite opinions about collective violence, either choosing to support and

nourish it, or the expression of the abhorrence of violence, prejudice, hate and ignorance, and the drive to

wage battle against these dark shadows of society. With the conjunction perfecting in January 2020, what

we will see in this quarter and in the lead-up to the election, is a very real war of two worlds and the deep

divisions in our Australian society are set up for revelation, reflection and relevance. The battle lines that

are slowly being drawn and highlighted involve the very real issues of idealism vs. reality. The idyll

enshrined in the misappropriated term ‘lucky country’ has been unravelling and I believe that it is time to

reflect on what Australia is really about and not simply bask in reflected glory: According to Donald Horne,

author of The Lucky Country:7

“ Australia is a lucky country run mainly by second rate people who share its luck. It lives on other

people's ideas, and, although its ordinary people are adaptable, most of its leaders (in all fields) so lack

curiosity about the events that surround them that they are often taken by surprise.”8

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Allies and Aliens

Venus lord of the Libran Seventh house is in Aquarius in the Tenth and also in aspect to Mars. The

Seventh house represents relations with other countries: friendly, hostile, political, cultural or commercial.

With the ruler of the Seventh in the Tenth we will be seeing a very strong emphasis on foreign relations

and their impact as we lead up to the election. Australia’s relationship with several countries at present

has been a challenge to say the least. There have been upsets with Indonesia, tensions with Thailand,

terseness with New Zealand, suspicions with China, unease with the UK and uncertainty with the USA. And

just today President Erdogan of Turkey has escalated matters in a provocative speech9. which has the

Prime Minister weighing his options of diplomatic sanctions.

Additionally, the immigration debate and the debate on the divisiveness of political and social rhetoric and

its impact will continue to escalate and it is with concern that we enter into a time when this rhetoric has

suddenly delivered a very real manifestation with the Christchurch attacks. It is a time to consider how the

nation defines, identifies and deals with allies and foes. For too long, Australia has relied on our allies to

define our foes and we are now being challenged to do so for ourselves. There is not enough room to

discuss the different issues but suffice to say every planet ruling the angles aspects each other viz Aries

Ascendant ruled by Mars; Libra Descendant ruled by Venus [Mars squares Venus]; Capricorn MC ruled by

Saturn; Cancer IC ruled by Moon [Saturn trines Moon and Mars, sextiles Venus]. This emphasises the

volatility of the period and the connections they make suggest that it will be a period of dissention,

discontent and if we and our leaders are not prudent with words and wise in actions, then there is a real

possibility that the period, culminating in the election could see some very real fracturing of the electoral


Parliament is represented by the Eleventh house and we see both Neptune and Mercury there in close

conjunction and in a tight sextile to the elevated Saturn. We have only a few sitting days before the break

for the Budget and as we have seen, there have been revelations of lies, inaccuracies and inconsistencies.

The other thing we have seen is the announcement of retirements of several MP’s at the next election

which will change the mix of the next Parliament and the next Government. There is not enough room to

cover the unfolding story of the year in one article so I will cover the following ingresses in instalments

over the year.

Mari Garcia

20th March 2019


1. Cardinal signs mark the turning point of the seasons and as such are considered to be inconstant and in transition.

2. Knaus, Christopher 'National disgrace': Glencore coal campaign revelations prompt calls for reform. Guardian Australia, 8

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March 2019. Source: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/mar/08/national-disgrace-glencore-coal-campaign-


3. This Chart is based on the Referendum vote for federation in 1900 set for Perth where the last vote was set and would

determine whether federation went ahead. The chart is for the opening of the poll.

4. The Christchurch attack on two mosques by an ultra-right gunman occurred at 1:40pm on Friday 15 April in Christchurch,

New Zealand. Source of this information at https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2019/03/christchurch-terror-

attack-timeline-of-the-events.html [accessed 20/3/19]

5. From Mark Anthony’s speech in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. The entire quote is “ranging for revenge, with Ate by his

side come hot from hell, shall in these confines with a Monarch's voice cry 'Havok!' and let slip the dogs of war.”

6. This election was held on 10th November 2001.

7. Title of the 1964 book by Donald Horne, a critical appraisal of Australian culture and society. Horne’s message was that

while Australia had been lucky, he was doubtful whether it deserved its luck and was worried that, unless it lifted its game,

its good run would not last. But the purpose of Horne’s use of the phrase “the lucky country” is usually forgotten. It is

commonly misunderstood as laudatory.

8. Horne, Donald The Lucky Country. Penguin, 1964.

9. Erdogan’s comments were made after an Australian was charged with the Christchurch mosque terrorist attack. He is

credited as having said, “Your grandparents came, some of them returned in coffins," the leader said. "If you come as well

like your grandfathers, be sure that you will be gone like your grandfathers." Source:


travel-concerns-gallipoli-anzac-day [Accessed 20/3/19]

Mari Garcia is a consulting astrologer, writer and educator. She runs a consulting practice and is co-principal of ASTRO

MUNDI and has lectured at the FAA bi-annual conferences, at UAC and the International Breaking Down the Borders

Conference. Mari’s published work includes Scala Coeli: A Ladder to Heaven, An Ancient Art in the Modern World: Australis

97 Congress papers, The Book of Notable Births, Astro Mundi Astrology Primers, and the Traditional Astrology Glossary of

Terms. She writes regularly for local, national and international and publications. Her interests include mundane and political

astrology, mythology and traditional astrology.

For more information visit http://mgarcia550.wix.com/mari-garcia or www.astromundi.com


by Malvin Artley

Page 13: - Mari Garcia (SA) · 2020-06-02 · - Mari Garcia (SA) Ceres - Malvin Artley (Italy) Dancing with the Grim Reaper - Part 2 Jeannie Monks (Qld) From the President We have now moved

There is more to the little world Ceres than meets the eye, both astronomically and astrologically

considered. Ceres was long considered to be the largest asteroid in the main asteroid belt, between Mars

and Jupiter. But now evidence is emerging that little Ceres may not be an asteroid at all, and also that her

origins may have lain farther out in the solar system than her current home – much farther out. And as it

turns out, Ceres has more in common with Pluto than simply her mythology. The ancients knew more

about the worlds that orbit our sun than they let on. Ceres is actually very similar in her composition to

Pluto than she is to the asteroids. And that brings up many opportunities for re-interpreting how Ceres

works in a horoscope. There is more to Ceres than home, hearth, bread, fertility and motherly relations.

But first, a little astronomy and a deeper look at mythology.

Here’s the theory, as astronomers are beginning to understand it: There are two models/theories about

the formation of our solar system and how the planets came to be in their present orbits.1 They are as


“…the Grand Tack hypothesis2, suggests that Jupiter and Saturn initially ducked inward to the inner solar

system, before gravitational imbalances sent them back to their current orbits far from the sun. The other,

the Nice model3, suggests the four gas giants (Jupiter through Neptune) initially had tiny, tight orbits,

which eventually spread out slowly to what we see today. The two theories aren’t mutually exclusive…”

As to the second model, this does not refer to an attractive mannequin, but instead to the city in France.

It’s scientific convention to name theories after cities and so forth. Regardless of the theory, though, the

result is the same: Ceres probably started her evolution in the outer reaches of our solar system and then

got pulled in due to the gravitational pull of Jupiter and Saturn, whereas Pluto was left cast out into the

depths of the solar system by the gravitational pull of Neptune, as the latter slowly spiraled out to its

present orbit. And that leads into the mythology we have passed down to us by the Greeks and Romans.

Ceres is the Roman name for that little world, now known as a dwarf planet. Her Greek and more ancient

name was Demeter, one of the twelve Olympian gods. Her daughter was Persephone, or Proserpina in

Greek. Ceres/Demeter was the sister of Juno, Vesta, Neptune and Dis (Pluto). We won’t go into the

mythology here, as it is fairly well known among astrologers, except for one part of it. Actually, there are

two parts, starting with this, from the Aeneid4:

“When Ceres sought through all the earth with lit torches for Proserpina, who had been seized by Dis

Pater, she called her with shouts where three or four roads meet; from this it has endured in her rites that

on certain days a lamentation is raised at the crossroads everywhere by the matronae.”

This idea of the crossroads will be important in a bit. The second part of the mythology of interest is the

idea of the change of seasons, with which Ceres is also associated:

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“The Romans explained the turning of the seasons with the following story: Ceres was the sister of

Jupiter, and Proserpine was their daughter. Proserpine was kidnapped by Pluto, god of the underworld, to

be his bride. By the time Ceres followed her daughter, she was gone into the earth. Making matters

worse, Ceres learned that Pluto had been given Jupiter's approval to be the husband of his daughter.

Ceres was so angry that she went to live in the world of men, disguised as an old woman, and stopped all

the plants and crops from growing, causing a famine. Jupiter and the other gods tried to get her to

change her mind but she was adamant. Jupiter eventually realized that he had to get Proserpine back

from the underworld, and sent for her. Unfortunately, Pluto secretly gave her food before she left, and

once one had eaten in the underworld one could not forever leave. Proserpine was therefore forced to

return to the underworld for four months every year. She comes out in spring and spends the time until

autumn with Ceres, but has to go back to the underworld in the winter. Her parting from Ceres every fall

is why plants lose their leaves, seeds lie dormant under the ground, and nothing grows until spring when

Proserpine is reunited with her mother.”5

From the preceding, then, we see that Ceres is intimately linked with Pluto, all the while living at Jupiter’s

side. They were pretty smart, the Ancients. But this brings us to the point of this article. Aside from the

more mothering, nurturing aspects of Ceres, there is another, somewhat harsher reality that shows

especially in the directions/progressions to and from Ceres, and which shows her connection with Pluto in

terms of her qualities – those directions/progressions indicate turning points or crossroads in a person’s or

nation’s life, depending on the planets aspected, the houses involved, etc. And in event charts, too, a

prominent Ceres can indicate an event that represents a turning point. Something must be given up or an

attachment released, in the nature of Pluto, in order that a new way forward can be realized. I have

personal examples that illustrate this.

In tracking the solar arc directions through my chart, one of the more significant ones was the direction of

Ceres square my Uranus. That was the year I discovered astrology. It changed my life. There was another

significant direction when I was very young, a fall, which was when the meridian was directed to my

Ceres, which resulted in a very serious injury. Then there was yet another with a Jupiter direction to my

Ceres, which was when I landed one of my most significant jobs and set my course as a technician,

another life-changing moment and turning point. There have been many such examples. Then, any

direction of Ceres has to be weighed against the other factors going on in the chart at the time to gauge

where the most significant turning is taking place.

Transits to Ceres in a chart can indicate significant turning points, too, especially if the transit is an outer

planet. But even in times of intense negotiations, Mars transits to Ceres, for instance, can indicate game-

changing factors introducing themselves. There was a recent example of this in the British Parliament in

the Brexit debate. Theresa May’s Brexit deal was due to be presented for a third vote, although lacking in

any significant changes. The day before the third vote was due, the Speaker of the House, John Bercow,

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cancelled the vote, throwing the government into disarray. Ceres in the UK chart (1 Jan 1801, 00:00,

London) is in the 8th house, square to Saturn and opposite Neptune, forming a t-square with Saturn at the

apex. At the time of the cancellation, Mars was transiting over Ceres, triggering the t-square and the

decision, thus killing the vote (8th house).

The directions to the UK at the moment show a turning point as well, with the Moon directed to a square

with the UK Ceres and the Midheaven and opposite the UK Saturn, activating the aforementioned t-

square. The biggest factor affecting the UK, though, is the direction of Pluto to the UK Ascendant, and the

directed Ascendant to the UK Mars. Prior to that, in August of 2017, Saturn began to make a direction to

the UK Mars, showing the inability to move forward with Brexit plans. And now, with directed nodal axis to

Neptune there is no clear sense of a way forward for the government. The transits are quite stressful now,

too, with transiting Saturn opposite the UK Moon, the Moon ruling the 10th house (the sitting government).

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What we have with the UK over the next six months at least is a great amount of stress, much in the way

of confusion, a government under fire and quite a bit of anger in the UK public. The government’s troubles

will only increase as Saturn inches closer to Pluto, making its retrograde station there at the end of April,

opposite the Moon. It is not difficult to see that the UK is at a turning point in its history. But there is the

UK Ceres, being squared by the Moon by direction, the Moon indicating both the government (ruling the

10th house) and the public in general. The people voted for change with the Brexit vote, but the

government has not lived up to expectations. We just see a change in government there in the months to

come, regardless of what happens with Brexit.

With this brief introduction to Ceres, we may perhaps see that Ceres is more than simply another asteroid,

and a nurturing influence. It is a planet in its own right, and should take its rightful place in any horoscope

along with Pluto, her sibling. Sometimes a mother has to practise tough love with her loved ones, kind of

like pruning a plant to allow for more abundant growth. She indicates sea-changes in attitudes and shows

a new path forward. Whether or not we take that path is up to us. But the next time we come to a

crossroads in life, it might be wise to stand there for a moment and consider the path we choose

carefully. Along one of those paths, though, a brighter future beckons. Ceres is there to show us the

proper one to choose.

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1. http://discovermagazine.com/2017/dec/separated-at-birth

2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_tack_hypothesis

3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nice_model

4. Servius on Vergil, Aeneid, 4.609

5. https://www.ceresva.org/Goddess/Ceres.htm

Malvin Artley is an accredited member of the American Federation of Astrologers. His primary focus over the past 25 years

has been on the sciences as they express esoteric aspects of nature and with bridging work between the two. His special

interests in those fields are the human subtle energy system and the chakras; physics and technology; astronomy, and all

aspects of Chinese occultism. He sends out periodic emails about astrological happenings and development, has lectured

on various aspects of esoteric studies, written numerous articles and authored two books - "Bodies of Fire, Vol I" and "The

Full Moons:Topical Letters on Esoteric Astrology" and worked with several non-profit organizations dedicated to the teaching

of esoteric studies, most notably the University of the Seven Rays. Born and raised in the US, now residing in Italy, Malvin

spent 20 years in Adelaide and would be well known to longstanding FAA members.

For more information visit: http://malvin artley.com

Dancing with the Grim

Reaper: Death, Loss and

Beyond - Part 2

by Jeanni Monks (Qld)

Continuing from last newsletter:

Chart Signatures - how different people may deal with Grief/Loss

Predominant Earth/Fixed signs : taught to avoid showing emotions – be strong for others – chin

up - get on with practicalities of life.

Lots of planets in Taurus – fear of emotional change – security

Lots of Scorpio planets – fear of betrayal or being vulnerable

Sun/Saturn aspects ; Saturn in 10th house; Saturn conjunct Ascendant = I need to control my

environment by suppressing feelings, be the responsible one!

Strong Virgo; Virgo Rising or Virgo Moon : with the need for things & life to be perfect – change

can be challenging.

Predominant Mutability/Piscean/12th house emphasis - may avoid facing grief or romanticise

memory of dead person. (Told ‘Be glad your mother is no longer in pain, she is now happy in

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Strong Aquarian/Uranus may refuse to acknowledge the emotional intensity of grief and may

intellectualise it. (Told to grieve alone.)

Angle to Sun and Moon identifies the lunation phase which determines how a person can step

forward into grief or evade it. For example, a Balsamic Moon person may more easily accept loss

because theme of letting go is part of their lifelong experiences.

Strong 8th house planets emphasis indicating probing beneath surface for deeper understanding

can bring powerful experiences of death during childhood through loss pets, friends, family etc.

Charts with “wounds” may experience grief more deeply and hence may find they need more

time in processing the event and the changes it brings than what society allows. These include:

Sun-Pluto connections which may confront the father’s mortality at an early age and have to learn

to build inner trust as a way of dealing with betrayal.

Moon in Capricorn or Moon-Saturn connections with their associated unconscious patterns of

separation-anxiety and "skin hunger," which may go back to the womb - an unconscious need for

human touch that may remain unfulfilled, leading to feelings of insecurity and a fear of rejection.

Moon Scorpio or Moon-Pluto connections which describe an awareness of very intense, adult

emotions surrounding them at birth or early childhood for which they have no resources or

understanding and which may get pushed into the unconscious.

Pluto in the 12th hypothetically may imply a dramatic or intense birth, the memories of which are

usually repressed and later expressed as a fear of death and loss of control.

Pluto on the IC may signify violence encountered in the home or an intense childhood experience

filled with passionate adult emotions, possibly including the death of the mother or an immediate

family member.

Pluto conjunct the Ascendant can indicate someone who does not run away from deep emotions

and is naturally confronting, who feels at home with deep emotional intensity and may confront

grief as a way of understanding themselves.

‘Letting Go’ Timing Process

Examine Transits/Progressions/Solar Arcs/Solar Returns & Eclipse triggers. For example:

Progressed Moon in Pisces/12th

Progressed Moon in Scorpio/8th/aspect to Pluto

Progressed Sun in 8th/12th/aspects to Saturn/Pluto

The Secondary Progressed Lunation Cycle predicts the seasons of a person’s life; the ebb and flow

of energy as well as times when it is appropriate to push forward with our dreams to make them a

reality and when it is appropriate to withdraw and let go – or when we may experience loss and

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grief. For example a Progressed Balsamic Phase.

Case study: Robin Williams: 21/7/1951- 11/8/2014

Robin Williams’ mind "was a museum of a lot of different rooms," "There was the funny room, there was a

hilarity room, there was a quiet room, there was the sad room. Billy Crystal – a close friend said that there

was also just the empty room where nothing happened.

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References : 1. Esoteric Healing by Alice Bailey pg. 350

2. Leoni Hodgson: Medical Astrology pg. 125

Jeanni holds a BA in Psychology, a post-graduate diploma in Education/Counselling; Masters in Esoteric Psychology and the

FAA (Federation of Australian Astrologers) Practitioners Diploma. Jeanni is the Vice-President of the APA (Association of

Professional Astrologers) and an active committee member with the QFA (Queensland Federation of Astrologers) and an

examiner on the FAA Examination Board. Jeanni conducts astrology classes from Beginners to Advanced levels and is an

empowering astrotherapist in ‘soul purpose’ horoscope consultations. She works with the ‘Spirit of Women’ flower essences,

for deep spiritual healing; and is available for one-to-one & skype consultations, lectures and workshops.

Mobile: 0407 324 861. Email: [email protected] Website: jeannimonks.com

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screen. Please be aware that some formatting may be lost if opened on a mobile phone.

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Southern Star Editor: Adrienne Barkla Email: [email protected]

Phone: 0408 241 250 Internet: www.faasa.com.au

Submissions: All articles and advertisements are to be submitted in word format (preferred) to the Editor via email by the 12th day of each month. Disclaimer: The Editor reserves the right to edit or refuse submissions to the newsletter. The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Federation of Australian Astrologers or the Southern Star Editor © Southern Star, FAA SA Inc 2017. All rights reserved.

FAASA Membership Fees (per calendar year) Full - $80 Concession* - $60 Joint Full - $115 Joint Concession* - $85 Newsletter Only - $40 *Concession cards need to be sighted by the Treasurer when paying membership subs. Only pension cards and healthcare cards issued by Centrelink are deemed Concession.

FAASA Committee President Cate Whelan 08 8557 7417 [email protected] Vice President Kris Svendsen 0424 682302 [email protected] Treasurer Judy Best 0415 781 280 [email protected] Secretary Anna Kadow [email protected] National Councillors Cate Whelan 08 8557 7417 [email protected] Kris Svendsen 0424 682302 [email protected] Members Anne Hamilton 08 7524 2726 [email protected]

Adrienne Barkla 0408 241 250 [email protected] Darren Koch 0437 934 766 [email protected] Lijan Tran [email protected]

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