marianne zinn-kuwabara gracious balance 2009.pdf · the omo people as photographed by hans...

Lee Carroll will be channelling Kryon in Toronto Lee Carroll will be channelling Kryon in Toronto Lee Carroll will be channelling Kryon in Toronto For more info, visit:: Gracious Balance Newsletter Gracious Balance Newsletter Gracious Balance Newsletter subject line and I will re- move you from the mailing list. If you received this newsletter from someone else and would like to be added to the mailing list, e- mail [email protected] m, and write ‘add me’ in the subject line. Welcome to the Aug/09 issue of the Gracious Bal- ance Newsletter created to connect with and inform clients and friends. I will be including articles about EMF Balancing Tech- nique, Reiki and spiritual items of general interest. Watch for postings of up- coming events held by my- self as well as other com- munity events of interest. If you have any events you would like included in the newsletter, please write me. If you do not wish to re- ceive the newsletter , e-mail [email protected] m, write cancel’ in the August 2009 Marianne Zinn Marianne Zinn Marianne Zinn-Kuwabara Kuwabara Kuwabara Gracious Balance Gracious Balance Gracious Balance Dear Friends: I am sending out this newsletter more quickly than usual because I wanted you to hear about the upcoming Kryon event which has recently been posted. Also I have found some interesting new articles which I thought you might appreciate. Inside this Issue A Message from The Star Elders through Aluna Joy with information about the series of 3 eclipses just past. 2 The Omo People as photographed by Hans Sylvester 3 Consciousness and the Brain: an article by Glenda Green A link is available for a free one-hour lecture on this topic. 4 The UCL Workshop 5 Upcoming Events & Contact Information 6

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Page 1: Marianne Zinn-Kuwabara Gracious Balance 2009.pdf · The Omo People as photographed by Hans Sylvester 3 Consciousness and the Brain: an article by Glenda Green A link is available

Lee Carroll will be channelling Kryon in TorontoLee Carroll will be channelling Kryon in TorontoLee Carroll will be channelling Kryon in Toronto

For more info, visit::

Gracious Balance NewsletterGracious Balance NewsletterGracious Balance Newsletter subject line and I will re-move you from the mailing list. If you received this newsletter from someone else and would like to be added to the mailing list, e-mail [email protected], and write ‘add me’ in the subject line.

Welcome to the Aug/09 issue of the Gracious Bal-ance Newsletter created to connect with and inform clients and friends. I will be including articles about EMF Balancing Tech-nique, Reiki and spiritual items of general interest. Watch for postings of up-

coming events held by my-self as well as other com-munity events of interest. If you have any events you would like included in the newsletter, please write me. If you do not wish to re-ceive the newsletter , e-mail [email protected], write ‘cancel’ in the

August 2009

Marianne ZinnMarianne ZinnMarianne Zinn---KuwabaraKuwabaraKuwabara

Gracious BalanceGracious BalanceGracious Balance

Dear Friends: I am sending out this newsletter more quickly than usual because I wanted you to hear about the upcoming Kryon event which has recently been posted. Also I have found some interesting new articles which I thought you might appreciate.

Inside this Issue

A Message from The Star Elders through Aluna Joy with information about the series of 3 eclipses just past.


The Omo People as photographed by Hans Sylvester


Consciousness and the Brain: an article by Glenda Green A link is available for a free one-hour lecture on this topic.


The UCL Workshop 5

Upcoming Events

& Contact Information


Page 2: Marianne Zinn-Kuwabara Gracious Balance 2009.pdf · The Omo People as photographed by Hans Sylvester 3 Consciousness and the Brain: an article by Glenda Green A link is available

A Message from The Star Elders through Aluna JoyA Message from The Star Elders through Aluna JoyA Message from The Star Elders through Aluna Joy Just out of site, in the background of all living things, something mi-raculous is happening. Our entire universe is changing and is being transformed along with all life on Earth. Ascended Masters and An-gelic Realms of LIGHT are assisting humanity and Earth in a great and long awaited transformation. The recent eclipse trio you are now completing included 2 lunar eclipses and one very long total solar eclipse. (July 7, July 21-22 and August 5-6). Eclipses are a powerful force that physically block light or create a shadow on the Earth. The ancients used this time to clean out their internal shadow aspects of themselves. But this time, humanity instinctively used the eclipse trio for doing something else. This is the good news. Something big is taking place. Tree roots grow underground in the dark. A tree can not reach for the sun without an equal amount of the tree's unseen root system growing in the opposite direction away from the sun. These are the trees roots. The Maya have a name for this process. It is called the Wakah Chan, the tree of life, the tree of the world. The Maya have a sacred tree in the Mundo Maya, and it is called the La Ceiba (Say-ba) Tree or the Kapok tree. It has sap that is red like blood, just like a human being. In the darker winter months, when the tree loses its leaves, it looks like the tree is upside down. Today you might feel that you are that upside down tree. This is because you are now growing roots up to the sky, up and to a new world. Today the living Maya still perform a sacred ceremony named Ya'axche'. This ceremony acts out the connection between Heaven and Earth and Man's necessity for roots in the underworld. They know how important appropriate roots are for a human being to evolve. The underworld is not to be feared but respected. It is where all new life comes from. This is what is so exciting today. Your roots to a new world are now beginning to grow underneath you. These roots are building a foundation for a new world that you have already created/imagined/envisioned in your hearts and spirit. You are doing this with the ever increasing creative force of the universe that you all have developing inside of you. A new world is beginning to take form even if you can't see it as yet. To root yourselves into this new world, you must rip up the old roots that your physical body has become quite comfortable and accustomed to. Now you are adapting to new energies coming from a beautiful new world. The Shift of the Ages . . . The Great Transformation . . . is beginning to manifest as a physical reality. It is moving from your heart's intent into your dimension. And, OH YES . . . and you are really feeling it. Just like an expecting mother, you will need rest, eat food and have peaceful space. Allow yourself to have these things whenever possible. During this same time of the eclipse trio, a huge asteroid hit Jupiter. When a planet is slammed, you are going to feel this. As above . . . so below. There is no separation between you, and us, and the entire universe. So no wonder you are feeling like you are being forced to take down time, re-boot and heal your wounds. We expect that you might have been experiencing headaches, body aches, and being very tired and hungry! We see many having unusual negative thoughts and feelings and anger and melt downs that seam to come out of no where! If you are reading this . . . Congratulations you made it! This is GOOD NEWS. There is light at the end of this tunnel! The creative force/source of the universe is now beginning to live though you; not just intermittently dancing around you and teasing you with end-less possibility. Your physical bodies are being re-trained to adjust to what your hearts and spirits have known for eons and that is . . . you are become living masters! Your bodies are working hard to stay in balance with the new root system grounded beneath you. Be gentle with yourselves. Be Patient, and listen to you HEARTS ~ The Star Elders

For more about Aluna Joy, go to

Page 2 Gracious BalanceGracious BalanceGracious Balance

Page 3: Marianne Zinn-Kuwabara Gracious Balance 2009.pdf · The Omo People as photographed by Hans Sylvester 3 Consciousness and the Brain: an article by Glenda Green A link is available

Page 3 August 2009

Photographs of the Omo People of Southern Photographs of the Omo People of Southern Photographs of the Omo People of Southern Ethiopia by Hans SylvesterEthiopia by Hans SylvesterEthiopia by Hans Sylvester

Hans Silvester, born in 1938 in Lorrach, Germany is an acclaimed award winning photographer who has published numerous photography books, including Les Peuples de l’Omo, Abrams' Horses of the Camar-gue, Desert Eves: An Indian Paradise, and H2O: The Beauty & Mystery of Water. Hans Silvester turns his pho-tographic eye toward ancient Africa, the birthplace of humanity. Silvester was essentially adopted by his subjects during his travels, and his stunning color photographs present a rare, intimate view of their world. He has published 2 volumes of photo-graphs. The first volume presents the everyday lives of the Omo people, their rituals, parades, children’s games, and even their battles. In the second volume, each photograph becomes a masterpiece of abstract art, revealing close-ups of the tribes’ traditional body paintings.

The Omo People

The Omo Valley region is a little visited area of Ethiopia containing some of the most vibrant and di-verse ethnic groups in Africa. The The Omo people live on the border of the National park . The lower Omo River valley is home to a fas-cinating mixture of small contrast-ing tribal groups in Ethiopia. Their life styles are as varied as the peo-ple themselves are and those life-styles are in danger of extinction.

Here are photos of one of the Omo tribes.

Page 4: Marianne Zinn-Kuwabara Gracious Balance 2009.pdf · The Omo People as photographed by Hans Sylvester 3 Consciousness and the Brain: an article by Glenda Green A link is available

Consciousness and the BrainConsciousness and the BrainConsciousness and the Brain

Page 4 Gracious BalanceGracious BalanceGracious Balance

Although our consciousness is a great deal more than our brain, EKG tests have revealed some interesting evidence of how our brains cre-ate a transitional bridge with the greater field of consciousness.

There are four primary waves (or octaves) of brain wave consciousness: Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta.

Delta is a very slow wave, which nurtures us in our sleep. It runs at about .5-4 hertz cycles per second. As adults we know this primarily in our deep sleep, although it is also the wave found in comatose states and also in states of meditation occasionally reached by the most ad-vanced Zen meditators. What you probably did not know is that Delta is the primary wave state of infants from conception to 24 months of age, whether or not they are sleeping, eating, or playing.

Theta runs at about 4-8 hertz per second. In adults, it is most commonly experienced just before falling asleep, during some dream time, and in the transitional stage of waking up. However, it is also the state most commonly part of out of body experiences, spiritual enlighten-ment, and imaginative creation. Theta is the most dominant wave state of children ages 2-6 in all their waking moments.

Alpha runs at about 8-12 hertz per second. In adults, this is the wave form that most frequently accompanies creative activity, play, pleasur-able sensations, relaxation, and meditation, and elective learning. Alpha is the most dominant wave state of children ages 6-12 in all their waking moments.

A few more important observations about Alpha is that awareness in this state is more omni-directional, spontaneous, assimilative, and open to new experiences. In a study done of those who engage in intuitive work, ranging from art to therapy to dowsing is that these intui-tive abilities are directly connected with the Alpha state, and an inability to access Alpha will completely shut down the ability. This proba-bly is the most accurate explanation of such phenomena as "writer's block." The disability is instantly remedied by the restoration of a more important ability to enter and stay in the Alpha state. This, of course is what a good vacation will do for all of us. Alpha is also the most potent state for examining and changing our beliefs about life. There will be much more on that later.

Finally, Beta runs at 13-30 cycles per second, and is the state of consciousness in which most adults spend their waking hours. This is the eyes-wide-open, practical problem-solving energy of survival. It is very focused on causes and consequence, and is very logical with a linear orientation. Beta is directed, results oriented, and competitive. This is the wave form of thoughts "in the world." Although Beta wave consciousness can store and access vast amounts of information, its primary function is to acquire information and deploy consciousness for the solving of life's problems. In this linear function it sees space in time in a very concrete and three-dimensional way with little capacity to connect with or create with the larger spectrum of consciousness. The fact that most adults spend most of their time in this mode ac-counts for why the world is the way it is.

Just to complete the rundown, there is one other measurable brain wave which is called Gamma, a very high frequency wave found only in exceptional moments and events. It seems to be the winner and hero state which springboards without resistance directly from the alpha to Gamma with only intermittent fluctuations of beta.

An interesting and vital connection between the power of consciousness and the power of belief is that they are formed and changed only in the brain wave states of Alpha, Theta, or Delta. No beliefs were ever changed in a beta state of consciousness. Millions of hours of com-bined experience of therapists in all lines of human healing confirm that no one ever changes a belief in a beta state of consciousness. After every one of his miraculous healings, Jeshua would always say, "It is your faith that made you whole." Could it be that he was referring to a change of consciousness from Beta to Alpha or Theta wherein a belief could be changed? When all of our attention has been placed on the struggles for survival that some troubles can bring, it indeed takes courage and a leap of faith to step outside that logical world of cause and effect, judgment and regret, to sail into the free and open waters of consciousness where changes can occur.

This is a powerful subject that "The World" does not want you to know. The world is vested in structure and the perpetuation of past realities that have already been established. What we must realize is that even if all the past realities were perfect (which they are not), they would be stagnant without growth and openness to new possibilities for living.

~ Glenda Green

Page 5: Marianne Zinn-Kuwabara Gracious Balance 2009.pdf · The Omo People as photographed by Hans Sylvester 3 Consciousness and the Brain: an article by Glenda Green A link is available

The UCL WorkshopThe UCL WorkshopThe UCL Workshop

Page 5 Gracious BalanceGracious BalanceGracious Balance

“A Step towards Balance, and Peace-filled Self-empowerment”

Human consciousness is evolving and that evolution is reflected within our energy anatomy. The Univer-sal Calibration Lattice (UCL) is a system within the energy anatomy, radiating from the very core of our being, and it is ready to be strengthened. This stand-alone workshop is the prerequisite for all EMF Balancing

Technique® trainings and workshops.


MORNING PROGRAM: Understanding The Lattice!

Energy Circle

Begin the energetic alignment process and experience the energy that you are!

Theory and Substance

”Science, Physics and the New Energy Dynamics”

” Your Electromagnetic Nature”; you ARE energy”

The Calibration Process”: an overview of the EMF Balancing Technique©

“The Magnificent Lattice”: learn about the structure of this part of your energy anatomy and how it works to process emotions and manifest your reality “

“Growing Through The Lattice”; how to make your lattice work for you to enhance your individual growth and speed your spiritual evolution!

The Spiral Sweep

A unique energy exercise and alignment to take home that will bring instant peace and relaxation and enhance evolutionary processes.

AFTERNOON PROGRAM: Everyday Applications for Balance and Growth

Alternating Sweep

This powerful manifestation exercise can change your life as you begin to actively co-create your own reality.

Sharing the Energy

The Send Symbol and the 1-Minute 1-Step Rush will send balancing energy across the room or around the planet!

Introductory EMF Session

Learn to give the Introductory Session, an abbreviated version of a full EMF Balancing Technique© session that balances the entire UCL! You will begin to hold the full charge

of your being as you give and receive an empowering, loving and nurturing Introductory Session in this workshop.

Page 6: Marianne Zinn-Kuwabara Gracious Balance 2009.pdf · The Omo People as photographed by Hans Sylvester 3 Consciousness and the Brain: an article by Glenda Green A link is available

Upcoming EventsUpcoming EventsUpcoming Events Reiki Trainings

Reiki I:

Sept. 19 in Waterloo

Oct. 4 in Toronto

Reiki II:

Sept. 20 in Waterloo

Oct. 11 in Toronto

Reiki Master Practitioner: A new one-day course available by request

Reiki Master Teacher:

A two-day course: by request

Trainings include certification, instruction, manuals, and practi-

cal application.

EMF Balancing Technique®

Practitioner Trainings

Energetic Foundations:

Phases I-IV

Toronto: November 24 - 29

Internship for professional certi-

fication can follow for those students wishing to practice


See the website for pricing.

Additional trainings scheduled on request

EMF Balancing Technique®EMF Balancing Technique®EMF Balancing Technique®

Transform your life!

• Deepen energetic connections to the Earth & your Infinite Self.

• Honour and acknowledge your sacredness

• Experience profound peace filled self-empowerment

• Integrate body, mind, emotion and Spirit gracefully

• Organize your infinite consciousness which is expanding

Call anytime to book sessions !

UCL Workshop Waterloo: Sunday, September 13/09

“A Step towards Balance, Peace, and Self-empowerment”

This 1-day workshop stands alone as a valuable, personal growth experience. It is also the first step in becoming an EMF Balancing Technique Accredited Practitioner should you so choose. The workshop includes instruction and a manual. Morning Program: A fast paced and informative overview of the Universal Calibration Lattice, what it looks like and how it works and how it can work for you in your individual growth and evolu-tion. Afternoon Program: Experience an afternoon of activity and energetic alignments, honoring your unique pattern of Wholeness. Learn exercises of clear co-creation. Practice transmitting balanc-ing energy across the room or around the world. Understand your part in the family of Humanity. Receive and learn how to give an empowering, loving and nurturing EMF Balancing Technique Intro-ductory Session.

Cost: $99

Waterloo : 519-886-0035

Toronto: 647-439-3852

E-mail: [email protected]

“In the Energy of Love”

Gracious BalanceGracious BalanceGracious Balance

556 Royal Beech Court, Waterloo &

404-80 Charles St. E., Toronto .