marijuana light it up? @empoweredpres

Marijuana, light it up? Legalize weed? Anti Marijuana? marijuana lightitup?

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Marijuana, light it up? Legalize weed? Anti Marijuana?

marijuanalight it up?

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Recently in the U.S. there’s been a push to legalize marijuana.

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The pot smoking weed toking stereotype is changing.

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Business moguls enjoy it… “Of course I know how to roll a joint.” Martha Stewart

business moguls

“of course i know how to roll a joint.”-martha stewart

enjoy it...

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Celebrities are doing it. “Good weed and cold drinks, that’s the mother f*cking recipe.”

Wiz Khalifacelebrities are doing it.

“good weed and cold drinks, that’s the mother f*cking recipe.”

-wiz khalifa

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Even the president has tried it… “I smoked pot as a kid, and I view it as a bad habit and a vice…I don’t think it is more dangerous than alcohol.” U.S. President

Barack Obama

Even the president has tried it...

“I smoked pot as a kid,

bad habit and a vice…and I view it as a

i don’t think it is moredangerous than alcohol.”

-U.S. President Barack Obama

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Rich and successful professionals admit they’ve tried weed.

rich and successful


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But!…There are still many that oppose the legalization of marijuana.

but!...there are still many that


of marijuana.legalizationthe

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“Most people talk about legalizing pot as if it were no worse than alcohol. As if no one has ever died as the result of using marijuana…”

ever died

marijuana... “as the result of using

as if no one hasthan if it were no worsetalk about legalizing pot“most people

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“but the truth is alcohol has created so much dysfunction & destruction in our society…” alcohol has

created so much dysfunction &

destructionin our society…

“but the truth is

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“Why would we want to introduce yet another drug that gets people high and back its usage with the power of congress?” Dr.Howard Samuels, Licensed Psychotherapist and recovering Cocain and Heroin addict.

“whywould we want to

introduce yet another drug

that gets people highand back its usage with the

power of congress? “

-dr. howard samuels, licensed psychotherapist and recovering cocain and heroin addict

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Some fear the harmful mental & physical effect on teens.

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“It takes years to raise a teen to realize his or her potential. It takes much less time for marijuana to destroy it.” Leslie Walker, Pediatrician and Professor, University of Washington School of Medicine

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“They (parents) expect none of this will be exposed to their children…”they [parents]“ expect…

none of this will be

exposed to theirchildren...“

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“When in fact that is not true. Legalization means that this is now legally protected commercial speech.”

“when in fact that is

legalization meansthat this is now

not true

legally protectedcommercial speech. “

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There are supporters on both sides.

but first…

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Here’s a little weed info.

here’s a little


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What happens to the brain when you smoke weed?

what happens

to the

brain smoke


when you


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dried leaves




hemp plantmarijuana

refers to the :Cannabis sativa

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(THC) Tetrahydrocannabinolcontains the psychoactivemarijuana(mind-altering) chemical


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Blood Stream




when smoked,

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carries the chemical


to the


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a major

giving usershigh…

-Arnold Schwarzenegger

it’s a leaf”.“that is not a drug.

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Weed, effects on the body. Drowsy and lightheaded Bloodshot foggy vision

Dry mouth Quickened heart rate

Muscles slackened

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"When you smoke the herb, it revealsyou to yourself.”

-bob marley

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Weed has deep historical roots.

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First used 10,000 years ago in China.

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uses hempof


the marijuana plant also provides many

such as:

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uses hempof


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paperin fact…


uses hempof

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The United States of America’s



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was written on


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billion dollarindustry.

marijuana is a

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billion. legalized


u.s. sales

(estimated by the Pew Research Center)

for 2015.

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"up in smokethat's where my

money goes.i take a toke

go up in smoke.”and all my cares

-cheech and chong, from “up in smoke”

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Marijuana is the third

most popularrecreational drug in America.

Marijuana Tobacco Alcohol


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Many uses of medical cannibus have been discovered.

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useseases chronic pain

nausea suppression

glaucoma treatment

muscle spasm treatment

prevent epileptic seizures

reduces symptoms ofurinary incontinence

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However, the use of recreational marijuana is extremely controversial.

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Doctors and Politicians debate the positive and negative effects.

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altered sensesblurred vision

cognitive impairmentaltered blood pressure

increased heart rate


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Some argue that smoking weed can cause significant lung damage.

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“Marijuana users usually inhale more deeply and hold their breath longer than tabacco smokers do, further increasing the lungs exposure to carcinogenic smoke.” American Lung Association

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Much of the concern is for adolescents and the potentially damaging effect on the developing brain.

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“Marijuana’s deleterious effects on adolescent brain development, cognition, and social functioning may have immediate and long-term implications.” AACAP marijuana legalization policy statement 2014

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There’s medical research that supports and opposes the use of marijuana.

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Research it for yourself. Hear both view points. Then ask yourself,

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Will legalizing marijuana make your country better…

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or worse?

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Learn more

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