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Cummins Onan MARINE GENERATORS Reliably Everywhere So You Can Be Anywhere BDC for Manuals - specs - Bolt torques

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Cummins Onan


Reliably Everywhere So You Can Be Anywhere BDC for Manuals - specs - Bolt torques

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(kW, 50/60 Hz, Model)


6/7.5 QD MDKBJ


7/9 QD MDKBK space saver

9.5/11.5 QD MDKBM

11/13.5 QD MDKBN

13.5/17 QD MDKBP

17.5/21.5 QD MDKBR

19/23 QD MDKBV

22.5/27.5 QD MDKBT

27/32 QD MDKBU

35 QD 50 Hz MDDCK

40 QD 60 Hz MDDCA

40 QD 50 Hz MDDCF

50 QD 50 Hz MDDCG

55 QD 60 Hz MDDCB

65 QD 60 Hz MDDCC

65 QD 50 Hz MDDCH

80 QD 60 Hz MDDCD

80 QD 50 Hz MDDCJ

99 QD 60 Hz MDDCE BDC for Manuals - specs - Bolt torques

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The Power of the Voyage...Reliably Everywhere So You Can Be AnywhereDecades of innovation...relentless passion for

designing and building only the best q u a lity .th e

largest worldwide support and service network

in the industry.Cum m ins® Onan® Marine

Generators power your voyage like no other. Our

reputation for reliability, technological excellence

and worry-free, clean and quiet operation makes

us the global leader in marine generator set

production. We’re everyw here .so you can be


Performance you rely on.™

The Leader in Marine Generators... Worldwide

■ W o rld w id e leade r w ith m o re than 70 yea rs o f

m a rin e e xp e rie n ce

■ G lo b a l g e n e ra to r s u p p lie r to m ilita ry , rec re a tio n a l

and co m m e rc ia l boa te rs , in c lu d in g th e w o r ld ’s

f in e s t y a c h t bu ild e rs

■ C o m p le te line o f C u m m in s O nan m arine

g e n e ra to rs fro m 4 -9 9 k W

■ S ta te -o f- th e a rt re lia b ility co u p le d w ith qu ie t,

s m o o th o p e ra tio n

■ E x te n s ive g lo b a l s u p p o r t and d is tr ib u tio n n e tw o rk

th a t ’s th e re fo r you , w o r ld w id e



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Voyage to the Horizon of Your Choice

Accurate, timely information empowers you

to voyage to the horizon of your choice. The

Cummins Onan QD™ Quiet Diesel Series of

digitally controlled generator sets not only

power your voyage, but deliver smart power

with extensive diagnostics. You know what’s

happening with the touch of a button—like

detailed information about generator status and

operation that enables confidence in the safety

and reliability of your power system. You gain

access to this intelligence through a networked

4 BDC for Manuals - specs - Bolt torques

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system that frees up valuable space otherwise

cluttered with multiple monitoring devices. And

the best part is knowing that if you’re alerted

to any issue, support and service is available

worldwide from the world ’s largest, best-trained

certified distributor/dealer network in the industry.

Cummins Onan helps you easily and confidently

travel the course ahead.

Innovation Far Beyond the Current Horizon■ Q D ™ Q u ie t D iese l S eries d ig ita l 4 -9 9 kW

g e n e ra to r m o d e ls are th e f irs t m arine g e n e ra to rs

w ith s e lf-m o n ito r in g c a p a b ility and n e tw o rk

c o m m u n ic a tio n

■ E le c tro n ic c o n tro l c o n s ta n tly m o n ito rs th e

g e n e ra to r ’s o p e ra tio n and a le rts th e u se r to any

p o te n tia l p ro b le m s . S ta tu s -a t-a -g la n c e in fo rm a tio n

inc lu d e s :

• E ng ine and a lte rn a to r de ta il

• A C v o lta g e and fre q u e n c y

• C o o la n t te m p e ra tu re

• O il p ressu re

• B a tte ry v o lta g e

• G e n e ra to r h o u rs

• P re -a la rm c o n d it io n a le rts

• N o tif ic a tio n and d ia g n o s tic m essa g e in te x t

u pon s h u td o w n

■ H ig h ly re lia b le c o n tro ls th ro u g h in n ova tive , p roven

d ig ita l te c h n o lo g y

■ M u ltip le g e n e ra to r s ta tu s n e tw o rk in te g ra tio n

o p tio n s , in c lu d in g S m a rtC ra ft N e tw o rk e d ™

p ro to c o l and SAE J1 9 3 9 C A N p ro to c o l

■ C u m m in s O nan D ig ita l D isp la y s ta n d a rd on

3 5 -9 9 kW m od e ls , and a va ilab le as an o p tio n on

o th e r m od e ls .



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* * a *

Powerfully Quiet and CleanSo You Can Savor the Journey

Cummins Onan is the global leader in marine

power generation due to the highly advanced

design and development process no one can

match. But it’s not just about state-of-the-art

engineering for its own sake—Cummins Onan

generator sets provide you with peace and quiet

so your voyage isn’t marred by your equipment.

Our precision engineering and superior

mechanical integrity set us apart, so you can

savor your journey.

Quiet performance is designed and built into

each of our products. The optimized mounting

system greatly reduces vibration. Cummins Onan

marine generator sets are emissions-certified

to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

emission standards, so your destinations remain

pristine for future generations. All alternators,

engines, controls and other components work

together to provide optimum-quality power,

durability, fuel economy and ease of service. So

you can enjoy your voyage worry-free.6 BDC for Manuals - specs - Bolt torques

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Unmatched Engineering for an Unmatched Experience

■ C u m m in s O nan M arine G e n e ra to rs are d e s ig n e d and

m a n u fa c tu re d in ISO 9001 c e rtif ie d fa c ilit ie s

■ D es ig n e d e xc lu s ive ly fo r m arine a p p lic a tio n s

■ S o p h is tic a te d re co rd in g e q u ip m e n t, c o m p u te r

ana lys is s y s te m s and v ib ra tio n -re d u c tio n te c h n o lo g y

p in p o in t e lim in a te n o ise and m o ve m e n t

■ E le c tro n ic g o v e rn o r m a in ta in s is o c h ro n o u s fre q u e n c y

c o n tro l and c lo se v o lta g e reg u la tio n fo r th e q u a lity

p o w e r n e e ds o f d ig ita l a p p lia n ce s and c o m p u te rs

All Cummins Onan Marine Generators go through extensive, noise and vibration testing to ensure you have the quietest generator available.


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or&■ ■FoU .A

C u ^ - -


Cummins Onan ensures that whatever course

you set, you have the peace of mind of knowing

w e ’re there if you need us. The largest worldwide

certified support and service network in the

business means it’s easy to get genuine parts,

quality service and expert installation assistance.

You can rest assured knowing that Cummins

Onan distributor/dealers undergo extensive

training and a highly rigorous certification

process, resulting not only in worldwide

availability but world-class service and support.

8 BDC for Manuals - specs - Bolt torques

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Cummins Onan Marine Generators are also

backed by a five-year Limited Warranty covering

virtually everything but routine maintenance

for the first two years of ownership. Parts and

labor on major power train and generator set

parts are covered during years three through

five. Coverage is completely transferable at no

charge, and additional extended warranty and

maintenance programs are available for an even

higher level of confidence and peace of mind.

See for your nearestdistributor/dealer who will provide complete warranty details.


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Performance You Rely On

■ R e liab le p ro d u c ts

■ L o w v ib ra tio n and n o ise

■ O u ts ta n d in g p e rfo rm a n ce

■ D ig ita l p o w e r fo r y o u r d ig ita l w o rld

■ E le c tro n ic g o ve rn in g fo r q u a lity p o w e r

■ S e lf p ro te c tiv e s h u td o w n s

■ E x tens ive d ia g n o s tic in fo rm a tio n

■ La rges t w o r ld w id e d is tr ib u to r /d e a le r

n e tw o rk in th e in d u s try

10 BDC for Manuals - specs - Bolt torques

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p r o d u c t l i n e s p e c i f i c a t i o n sQuiet Diesel™ SeriesModel


6/7.5 QD MDKBJ


7/9 QD MDKBKSpace Saver


11/13.5 QD MDKBN

13.5/17 QDMDKBP

kW Hz RPM Ph Voltage Amps Length x W idth x Height, mm (in) Unhoused/Housed

5 60 2900 1 100 50 Not available unhoused120 41.7 662 (26.1) x 511 (20.1) x 524 (20.6)

120/240 41.7/20/84 50 2400 110/220 36.4/18.2

115/230 34.8/17.4120/240 33.3/16.6

220 18.2230 17.4

7.5 60 2900 1 120 62.5 Not available unhoused120/240 62.5/31.3 664 (26.1) x 583 (22.9) x 535 (21.1)

6.0 50 2400 110/220 54.5/27.3115/230 52.2/26.1120/240 50.0/25.0

220 27.39 60 1800 1 120 75 911 (35.9) x 566 (22.3) x 585 (23.04)

120/240 75/37.5 911 (35.9) x 566 (22.3) x 593 (23.4)7 50 1500 110/220 63.6/31.8

115/230 60.9/30.4120/240 58.3/29.2

220 31.89 60 1800 1 120 75 823 (32.4) x 479 (18.9) x 560 (22.05)

120/240 75/37.5 Not available housed7 50 1500 110/220 63.6/31.8

115/230 60.9/30.4120/240 58.3/29.2

220 31.811.5 60 1800 1 120 95.8 1033 (40.7) x 566 (22.3) x 585 (23.04)

120/240 95.8/47.9 1033 (40.7) x 566 (22.3) x 593 (23.4)9.5 50 1500 110/220 86.4/43.2

115/230 82.6/41.3120/240 79.2/39.3

220 43.213.5 60 1800 1 120 112.5 1033 (40.7) x 566 (22.3) x 585 (23.04)

120/240 112/56.3 1033 (40.7) x 566 (22.3) x 593 (23.4)11 50 1500 110/220 100/50

115/230 95.7/47.8120/240 91.7/46

220 5017 60 1800 1 120/240 141.7/70.8 1127 (44.4) x 602 (23.7) x 672 (26.5)

3 120/208 59.0 1127 (44.4) x 602 (23.7) x 698 (27.5)277/480 25.6240/416 29.5127/220 55.8255/440 27.9139/240 51.1120/240 51.1

13.5 50 1500 1 110/220 122.7/61.4115/230 117.4/58.7120/240 112.5/56.3

220 61.4230 58.7

3 220/380 25.6240/416 23.41 1 0/1 90 51.3255/440 22.2110/220 44.3230/400 24.4115/200 48.8115/230 42.4120/208 46.9120/240 40.6

Weightkg (lb) (dry)

166 (365)

195 (429)

252 (555) 272 (600)

238 (525)

290 (640) 315 (695)

290 (640) 315 (695)

377 (830) 404 (890)








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q u ie t d ie s e l ™ SERIES


17.5/21.5 QD MDKBR




60 1800

17.5 50 1500

19/23 QD MDKBV 23 60 1800

19 50 1500

22.5/27.5 QD MDKBT 27.5 60 1800

22.5 50 1500

Ph Voltage Amps

1 120/240 179/89.6120/208 74.6

3 277/480 32.3240/416 37.3127/220 70.6255/440 35.3139/240 64.7120/240 64.7

1 110/220 159.1/79.5115/230 152.2/76.1120/240 145.8/72.9

220 79.63 220/380 33.2

277/480 26.3240/416 30.4127/220 57.4255/440 28.7139/240 52.6120/240 52.6

1 120/240 191.7/95.83 120/208 79.8

277/480 34.6240/41 6 40127/220 75.5255/440 37.7139/240 69.2120/240 69.2

1 110/220 172.7/86.4115/230 165.2/82.6

220 86.43 220/380 36.1

277/480 28.9240/41 6 33110/190 72.2255/440 31.2110/220 62.4230/400 34.3115/200 68.6115/230 60120/208 66120/240 57.2

1 120/240 229/1153 120/208 95.4

277/480 41.4240/41 6 47.7127/220 90.3255/440 45.1139/240 82.7120/240 82.7

1 110/220 205/102115/230 196/97.8120/240 188/93.8

220 102.33 220/380 42.7

277/480 33.8240/41 6 39.1110/190 85.5110/220 73.8230/400 40.6115/200 81.2115/230 70.6120/208 78.1120/240 67.7

Length x Width x Height, mm (in) Unhoused/Housed

1127 (44.4) x 602 (23.7) x 672 (26.5) 1127 (44.4) x 602 (23.7) x 698 (27.5)

Weightkg (lb) (dry)395 (870) 422 (930)

1127 (44.4) x 602 (23.7) x 672 (26.5) 1127 (44.4) x 602 (23.7) x 698 (27.5)

395 (870) 422 (930)

1358 (53.5) x 622 (24.5) x 731 (28.8) 1358 (53.5) x 622 (24.5) x 761 (30.0)

565 (1245) 601 (1325)

12 BDC for Manuals - specs - Bolt torques

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q u ie t d ie s e l ™ s e r ie s


27/32 QD MDKBU




60 1800

27 50 1500

35 QD MDDCK 35 50 1500

40 QD MDDCA 40 60 1800

40 QD MDDCF 40 50 1500

50 QD MDDCG 50 50 1500

Ph Voltage Amps

1 120/240 267/1333 120/208 111

277/480 48.1240/416 55.5127/220 1 05255/440 52.5139/240 96.3120/240 96.3

1 110/220 245/123115/230 235/117120/240 225/113

220 122.73 220/380 51.3

277/480 40.6240/416 46.9110/190 1 03110/220 88.6230/400 49115/200 97.5115/230 85120/208 94120/240 81.2

1 115/230 304.3/152.2110/220 318.2/159.1120/240 291.7/145.8

3 240/416 105.2/60.7115/230 219.6/109.8220/380 114.8/66.5110/190 133255/440 57.4110/220 115230/400 63.2115/200 126.4120/208 121.5120/240 105.3

1 120/240 333.4/166.73 240/416 69.4

127/220 131.2255/440 65.6120/208 138.8120/240 120.3277/480 60.2139/240 120.3

1 115/230 347.8/173.9110/220 363.6/181.8120/240 333.4/166.7

3 240/41 6 69.4115/230 125.5220/380 76.0110/190 152255/440 65.6110/220 131230/400 72.2115/200 144.5120/208 139120/240 120.3

1 115/230 434.8/217.4110/220 454.6/227.3120/240 416.6/208.3

3 240/416 86.7115/230 156.9220/380 95.0110/190 190255/440 82110/220 164.1230/400 90.3115/200 180.5120/208 173.6120/240 150.4

Length x Width x Height, mm (in) Unhoused/Housed

1358 (53.5) x 622 (24.5) x 731 (28.8) 1358 (53.5) x 622 (24.5) x 761 (30.0)

Weightkg (lb) (dry)590 (1300) 626 (1380)

1734 (68.3) x 822 (32.4) x 994 (39.1) 1738 (68.4) x 840 (33.1) x 1039 (40.9)

990 (2183) 1090 (2403)

1734 (68.3) x 822 (32.4) x 994 (39.1) 1738 (68.4) x 840 (33.1) x 1039 (40.9)

972 (2143) 1072 (2363)

1734 (68.3) x 822 (32.4) x 994 (39.1) 1738 (68.4) x 840 (33.1) x 1039 (40.9)

998 (2200) 1098 (2420)

1779 (70.0) x 822 (32.4) x 994 (39.1) 1783 (70.2) x 840 (33.1) x 1039 (40.9)

1067 (2352) 1167 (2572)








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QUIET d ie s e l ™ SERIES

Model kW

55 QD MDDCB 55


60 1800

65 QD MDDCC 65 60 1800

65 QD MDDCH 65 50 1500

80 QD MDDCD 80 60 1800

80 QD MDDCJ 80 50 1500

99 QD MDDCE 99 60 1800

Ph Voltage Amps

1 120/240 458.4/229.23 240/416 95.4

127/220 180.4255/440 90.2120/208 190.8120/240 165.4277/480 82.7139/240 165.5

1 120/240 541.6/270.83 240/416 112.8

127/220 213.2255/440 106.6120/208 225.5120/240 195.5277/480 97.8139/240 195.5

1 115/230 565.2/282.6110/220 591.0/295.5120/240 541.6/270.8

3 240/416 112.8115/230 204.0220/380 123.4110/190 274255/440 106.7110/220 117.3230/400 213.3115/200 234.7120/208 225.6120/240 195.5

1 120/240 666.6/333.33 240/416 138.8

127/220 262.4255/440 131.2120/208 277.6120/240 240.6277/480 120.3139/240 240.7

1 115/230 695.6/347.8110/220 727.2/363.6120/240 666.6/333.3

3 240/416 138.8115/230 288.7220/380 151.9110/190 304255/440 131.3110/220 262.6230/400 144.4115/200 288.8120/208 277.7120/240 240.7

1 120/240 825.0/412.53 240/416 171.7

127/220 324.8255/440 162.4120/208 343.5120/240 297.7277/480 148.9139/240 297.8

Length x Width x Height, mm (in) Unhoused/Housed

1779 (70.0) x 822 (32.4) x 994 (39.1) 1783 (70.2) x 840 (33.1) x 1039 (40.9)

1779 (70.0) x 822 (32.4) x 994 (39.1) 1783 (70.2) x 840 (33.1) x 1039 (40.9)

2142 (84.3) x 822 (32.4) x 994 (39.1) 2146 (84.5) x 840 (33.1) x 1039 (40.9)

2142 (84.3) x 822 (32.4) x 994 (39.1) 2146 (84.5) x 840 (33.1) x 1039 (40.9)

2142 (84.3) x 822 (32.4) x 994 (39.1) 2146 (84.5) x 840 (33.1) x 1039 (40.9)

2142 (84.3) x 822 (32.4) x 994 (39.1) 2146 (84.5) x 840 (33.1) x 1039 (40.9)

Weightkg (lb) (dry)1067 (2352) 1167 (2572

1067 (2352) 1167 (2572)

1320 (2910) 1434 (3161)

1320 (2910) 1434 (3161)

1320 (2910) 1434 (3161)

1320 (2910) 1434 (3161)

14 BDC for Manuals - specs - Bolt torques

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About Cummins OnanC u m m in s O nan G e n e ra to rs is a b ra n d o f C u m m in s

P o w e r G en era tio n , a s u b s id ia ry o f C u m m in s Inc., (NYSE:

CM I). C u m m in s Inc. is a g lo b a l leade r th a t m a n u fa c tu re s ,

d is tr ib u te s and se rv ice s eng ines, fue l sys te m s , co n tro ls ,

a ir h a n d lin g , f iltra tio n , e m iss io n s o lu tio n s and e le c trica l

p o w e r g e n e ra tio n . H e a d q u a rte re d in C o lu m b u s , Ind iana

(USA), C u m m in s se rves c u s to m e rs in m ore than 160

c o u n tr ie s th ro u g h its n e tw o rk o f 55 0 c o m p a n y -o w n e d

and in d e p e n d e n t d is tr ib u to r fa c ilit ie s and m ore than 5 ,000

de a le r lo ca tio n s . T he C u m m in s O nan b ra n d is fo u n d on

g e n e ra to rs and p ro d u c ts m a n u fa c tu re d fo r th e RV, m arine ,

co m m e rc ia l, res ide n tia l and p o rta b le g e n e ra to r m arke ts .

The following Cummins brands also offer marine products:C u m m in s M e rC ru ise r D iese l, a jo in t v e n tu re be tw een

C u m m in s Inc. and M e rc u ry M arine , is th e in d u s try ’s

p re m ie r “ p ro p to h e lm ” p e rfo rm a n c e so u rc e fo r bo a te rs

a ro u n d th e w o r ld w ith d iese l m arine en g in es from

7 6 -7 1 5 h p fo r c o m m e rc ia l and re c re a tio n a l a p p lica tio n s .

For m ore in fo rm a tio n on p ro p u ls io n p ro d u c ts 15 L and

b e lo w and p ro p to he lm in te g ra te d so lu tio n s , in c lu d in g

d rives , p rops , c o n tro ls and in fo rm a tio n sys te m s , v is it

w w w .c m d m a r in e .c o m .

C u m m in s M arin e o ffe rs a c o m p le te line o f p ro p u l­

s ion , g e n e ra tin g se t and a u x ilia ry p o w e r s o lu tio n s from

3 7 -1 9 0 0 kW (5 0 -2 5 4 7 hp), d e s ig n e d s p e c if ic a lly fo r the

ch a lle n g es o f co m m e rc ia l m arine a p p lic a tio n s . O ur

p ro d u c ts are s u p p o r te d by a g lo b a l te a m o f o ve r 350

m a rin e -c e rtif ie d d is tr ib u to rs , o ffe rin g sa les, se rv ice and

a p p lic a tio n e xp e rtise . P roven re liab ility , d u ra b ility and

te ch n o lo g y . E very T im e . Learn m ore a b o u t C u m m in s

m arin e p ro d u c ts by v is it in g ou r W e b s ite

h ttp :/ /m a r in e .c u m m in s .c o m . BDC for Manuals - specs - Bolt torques

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Performance you rely on.™ BDC for Manuals - specs - Bolt torques