marisa aschettino portfolio 2014

Marisa Aschettino

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Post on 21-Jul-2015




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Marisa Aschettino

Table of Contents Farmgate Market - Dhaka, Bangladesh - Urban Practice Studio 2013

Immigration Museum - Washington, DC - Sacred and Cultural Studio 2013

Harsimus Stem Embankment - Jersey City, New Jersey - Urban Practice Studio 2012

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Farmgate Market - Urban Design Studio 2013Dhaka, Bangladesh Partner: Joseph O’Conner

Analysis and redesign of the significant economic and urban node of Farmgate, located in the capital city Dhaka, Bangladesh. Significant focus was placed on cultural understanding and developing a non-western way of thinking. This was supported by a trip to Mumbai, India to provide greater immersion. The resulting design created an active pedestrian space that integrated the unique micro-economy of the street vendor culture with the use of various shading devices to allow it to thrive

Vendor Location

Pavement Change

Vendor Shading

Full Shading canopy

Pedestrian Pathway

B - Street Vendors

A - Elevated Metro C - Underground pass Dupont Underground

D - Green Space E - Dhaka’s bus network





Fast Traffic no stoppingprivate cars and motorcycles

Slow Trafficfrequent stopping

bus, taxi, and limited local traffic

Light Railcontrolled stopping

Commercial spaceno trafficvendors

Pedestrian Pathfoot traffic



Program DiagramConcept - Embracing street vendor culture

Immigration Museum - Sacred Cultrual Studies Studio 2013Washington, DC Partner: Erica Donnelly

An immigration museum in the heart of Washington, DC engaging the experiential aspect of architecture. Our approach was to reveal the layers of immigrants who help make America what it is today by creating an interactive and experiential museum


Temporary Gallery Space

Origin Exploration Gallery

Origin Exploration Gallery Central Circulation Walk of Memories


Different roots that create one foundation;A cultural meshing revealed.Out of many, there came one.Striving for the universal dream.

Hope drives the journey; its light illuminates paths unknown.Though its glow may dim through fear and yearning,Hope endures. A chance to start anew...



Concept - Revealing the roots of America

Floor Plan

Embankment Meeting Hall - Urban Design Studio 2012Jersey City, New JerseyMaster Plan - Group

Master plan developed with focus on two-story-high stone structures that once carried railway tracts and creating a cohesive pedestrian path connecting the individual embankments through to the water. Each student designed an individual embankment block. Meeting hall meant to strengthen community connections and experience the historic stone structures and one moves through the building.

Existing Conditions


Community Connection

Parti Circulation

Proposed Master Plan