mark of the beast 666 part ten: illuminati logos of...

Page 1 of 25 MARK of the BEAST 666 Part Ten: ILLUMINATI LOGOS of SUN WORSHIP Ancient Egyptian sun worship. We don’t do this anymore do we?

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MARK of the BEAST 666 – Part Ten:


Ancient Egyptian sun worship. We don’t do this anymore do we?

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Numbers 25:1-5 – And Israel abode in Shittim, and the people began to commit

whoredom with the daughters of Moab. And they called the people unto

sacrifices of their gods: and the people did eat, and bowed down to their gods.

And Israel joined himself unto baalpeor (the lord of peor): and the anger of the

LORD was kindled against Israel. And the LORD said unto Moses, Take all the

heads of the people, and hang them up before the LORD against the sun, that the

fierce anger of the LORD may be turned away from Israel. And Moses said unto

the judges of Israel, slay ye every one his men that were joined unto baalpeor.

Gills Exposition: the meaning is, and which all the Targums give into, that these

heads of the people were to assemble at some proper place, the court of

judicature, and order the delinquents to be brought before them, and try, judge,

and condemn those they found guilty, and cause them to be hanged somewhere

near the tabernacle, and before it, having neglected the worship of God there,

and served an idol; and this was to be done openly in the daytime, that all might

see and fear; and if it was the sun that was worshipped in this idol, as some think,

they were hanged against the sun, to show that the idol they worshipped was not

able to deliver them; but, in the face of it, and as it were in defiance of it, they

were ordered to be hanged up; and this, according to the Targum of Jonathan,

was in the morning against the rising sun, and where they hung all day, and were

taken down at sun setting:

This is how serious God takes worshipping the sun. He is the same yesterday,

today and forever, He doesn’t change. Is this same idolatry happening today?

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Yes, it is. It is happening in the catholic church, the mormon church, Jehovah’s

witness church, islam, our top governments and militaries and big corporations

are bowing down to the sun/baal/nimrod – still today. That is who the secret

societies and the masons worship. It is happening at Christmas with the

evergreen trees brought into most people’s homes and this is nothing more than

an altar to nimrod. Why do we think God is ok with this same idolatry that is

happening today? We serve the same God, He hasn’t changed, He still hates


Recurring Illuminati motifs and logo's in advertising include but are not limited to:

the dot in circle, eye of horus, rising sun (swoosh - as in horizon), compass and

square, 666, two towers, Star of David, pentagrams and pyramid without

capstone. These symbols are used by those sold out to satan as a signal of their

domination to insiders.

Talking about the dot in the circle, the real shocker is the importance given this sign by Adam Weishaupt and the Order of the Illuminati. Burns explains that

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because Illuminism was so determined to keep the true nature of the Order under wraps, its founder, Weishaupt, ordered that the actual words "Illuminati" and "Illuminism" never be used in correspondence. Instead they were to be replaced by the astrological symbol for the sun; that is, the circle with a dot in the middle. Burns also gives evidence that the point within the circle was used by the Druids of Britain, whose stone temples were circular with a single stone erected in the center. They believed this design conferred magical powers.

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Remember these huge corporations have sold out to satan. In their name and colors and logos you will usually see allegiance to him. They are about money.

Also, this store recently changed their policy stating that transgender people can use the restroom and or fitting room of their choice regardless of their

biological/genetic gender. This is blasphemy against God and Christians. We are boycotting this store until they remove this from their policy.

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We see symbols of sun worship in our modern designs for our homes.

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Symbols for the sun, the dot in the circle.

"The Illuminati have designed their many rituals, signs, codes, symbols,

architecture, art and other devices so that the world around us has become a

veritable Grand Theatre of the Occult." (Texe Marrs, Codex Magica)

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The Roman Pantheon, originally a temple, and today is a church.

The interior of the roof is intended to symbolize the heavens. The Great Eye, 27

feet across, at the dome's apex is the source of all light and is symbolic of the sun.

Its original circular bronze cornice remains in position. The interior features sunk

panels (coffers), which originally contained bronze star ornaments. This coffering

was not only decorative, however but reduced the weight of the roof, as did the

elimination of the apex by means of the Great Eye.

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In the Vatican – sun, moon and stars.

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Washington Monument (obelisk/phallus of nimrod), notice the circle that it sits in

and seems to be exuding out from. That circle in the occult represents the female

part or womb. The occult is all about fertility and perversion. The obelisks are in

honor and worship of nimrod/sun.

The capital building and white house are close by with the “pregnant belly” being

the oval office and the round dome on the capital building.

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The “Oval Office” of the White House to those in the occult is the “pregnant belly”

set up to be in line with the Washington Monument which represents nimrod’s

phallus. They set these things up so that at certain times of the day their shadows

penetrate planned sites like the oval office. Remember

ashtoreth/semiramis/queen of heaven said that she was impregnated by a ray of

the sun (nimrod).

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We see the sun, moon and stars in artwork and decorations.

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Moon/ashtoreth/queen of heaven and sun/nimrod and tammuz. This type of

artwork is very popular in Mexico.

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False trinity – all three together: nimrod/ashtoreth/tammuz.

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**Joseph’s dream: sun and moon and stars bowing down to him.**

Gen.37:10 - And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father

rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed?

Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to

thee to the earth?

This was literally talking about people.

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From a Tomorrowland event, satan’s pentagram – turned this way to represent

baphomet. In 2012 they had 185,000 in attendance to one of these events.

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This is Freemasonry for women.

Masonic lodges showing the eastern star.

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Sports logos – stars are used in everything.

The six pointed star is commonly used for our police badges and who do you think

came up with this and why? Of course those in power in honor of their god.

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The elite came up with it because they are the ones that satan is letting carry out

his plans in this world. You can easily see how baphomet fits the 5 or 6 point star.

More sun worship in our big corporations: Shell gasoline.

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Sun worship in BP – gasoline.

Sunworship in Wal-Mart which is well known for working with the military and

government: facial recognition and dumbs and their facilities can easily be shut

down and become military bases or fema camps.

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Laundry Detergent

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Energy drink – the bull, or horned god and the sun are both for nimrod.


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Not only does Macy’s have two stars in this logo but they also included the word

magic which God is against 100%.

Lot going on in these logos: Star – bucks, the “mermaid” has two tails – part

human and part fish – she is a nephilim, “Bucks” – the horned god. / On star –

talking about Saturn which stands for satan/nimrod/sun. Heineken flipped upside

down you will see the baphomet star, and 3 6’s in the name (the e’s) along with

the false trinity in the leaves.

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Look at all these Big corporations that just happen to honor the sun by making it

part of their logos.

These companies don’t just happen to accidentally put the sun logo, or the 666,

or the all seeing eye of horus/lucifer, or pyramids in their logos. This is done on

purpose, and it lets them know who belongs to the club. Who has made

allegiance to satan.


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Isaiah 27:9 – By this therefore shall the iniquity of Jacob be purged; and this is all

the fruit to take away his sin; when He maketh all the stones of the altar as

chalkstones that are beaten in sunder, the groves and images shall not stand up.

This is what God will do to the obelisks, and idols.

Jeremiah 43:13 – He shall break also the images (pillars) of bethshemesh, that is

in the land of Egypt; and the houses of the gods of the Egyptians shall He burn

with fire.

This is yet to come, God will destroy all of this idolatry.


Healing: Joanne / Jennifer

Christian mate: Karen / Michelle

To know their purpose: Misty M. & Michelle

Obelisks and “pregnant” domes

Numbers 25:4 research – hanging the idolators up before the sun