market research task (autosaved)

Market Research Task - Jade Ockerby The market research task I have completed was done online on survey monkey so I can collect qualitative and quantitative data regarding different people’s opinions on music magazines. It was also to find out a suitable target audience and content for my new music magazine. In my survey I asked question like: what is your favourite type of music, how many of these magazines have you heard of and do you read magazines? These questions will then help me to create my own music magazine. This type of research which I have done is primary research meaning I found the results myself. My first question which I asked was ‘what is your age?’ I chose this question because it helped me to identify my target audience for my music magazine. It is evident that the only two categories that were popular were 13-18 and 45-54. There was 94.12% who answered my survey and were aged between 13-18 and only 5.88% who were aged between 45-54. This data indicates that my target audience is between 13-18 as this is the most popular category for my survey. Due to my target audience being younger this would make my magazine a lot cheaper so that teenagers can afford it. Also I will have to make the artists whom I chose very current so The second question I asked was ‘what is your gender?’ I asked this question early on in my survey because it helps me to figure out the target audience. As you can see on the graph to the right there was far more females than males who completed my survey. This suggests that my target audience is females; this means my magazine will have to be girly and use bright colours so it is eye-catching for females. This is stereotypical because males

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Page 1: Market research task (autosaved)

Market Research Task - Jade Ockerby

The market research task I have completed was done online on survey monkey so I can collect qualitative and quantitative data regarding different people’s opinions on music magazines. It was also to find out a suitable target audience and content for my new music magazine. In my survey I asked question like: what is your favourite type of music, how many of these magazines have you heard of and do you read magazines? These questions will then help me to create my own music magazine. This type of research which I have done is primary research meaning I found the results myself.

My first question which I asked was ‘what is your age?’ I chose this question because it helped me to identify my target audience for my music magazine. It is evident that the only two categories that were popular were 13-18 and 45-54. There was 94.12% who answered my survey and were aged between 13-18 and only 5.88% who were aged between 45-54. This data indicates that my target audience is between 13-18 as this is the most popular category for my survey. Due to my target audience being younger this would make my magazine a lot cheaper so that teenagers can afford it. Also I will have to make the artists whom I chose very current so my target audience can relate to them and enjoy them. This means that the genre of my magazine is going to be something up to date like pop, R&B or heavy metal. According to the social demographic scale the majority of people who completed my survey would be E this is lowest grade workers and where students are in the table.

The second question I asked was ‘what is your gender?’ I asked this question early on in my survey because it helps me to figure out the target audience. As you can see on the graph to the right there was far more females than males who completed my survey. This suggests that my target audience is females; this means my magazine will have to be girly and use bright colours so it is eye-catching for females. This is stereotypical because males are going to enjoy and be more interested in a magazine which is more suited to them, like having darker colours like green, blue, black, also genres like rock and R&B. Whereas females are going to be more interested in very bright colours and genres like pop, this is also very stereotypical. The percentage of females that completed my survey is 94.12% and the percentage of males that completed my survey is 5.88%. However I will make sure that inside my magazine there is also things for males to be interested in so they can also read it, this means I am making my audience wider.

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only 3 The next question that I asked was ‘are you employed’, this question will also help me figure out my target audience. As you can see by the graph to left there are more people which are unemployed compared to the people who are employed. This indicates to me that the majority of people who will be reading my magazine are going to be students due to them not having a part time job. This also then means that I am going to make my magazine very cheap and affordable for students who are unemployed. Out of the people who I asked to complete my survey the percentage who are employed was 18.75% and the people who responded to my survey who were unemployed was 81.25%.

After I asked the question about if the people who completed my survey were employed I decided to ask them to state them employment. I did this because it helped me to figure out the price of my magazine due to my target audience being young students. As you can see by the information on the right there are only 3 out of the 17 people who completed my survey that are employed. However 2 of them only have small part time jobs as sale assistants. Furthermore the information also tells me that 13 people skipped the question highlighting that they don’t have a part time job. This indicates to me that my magazine is going to be cheap so that my audience can afford to buy it.

The fifth question I asked on my survey was ‘do you buy magazines’. I asked this question to see whether my young target audience would buy my magazine. As you can see on the graph to the left the percentage of people who said yes they do buy magazines was only 29.41% compared to the percentage who said no they don’t buy magazines which was 70.59%. Because my target audience is going to be younger people this means I need to make it very eye-catching and bright see it stands out to the younger eye. I am going to have bold fonts and bold colours so my target audience can relate to it and enjoy reading it. The more eye-catching the better because that means more people will buy it.

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My next question that I asked was ‘will you be willing to buy a magazine app on your smartphone’. This is because I think it will help me find my target audience as most young people now will be more willing to do this because of their smartphones. I think it will be more common with the younger people due to them constantly being on some kind of smartphone device, so this will help me to find my target audience. As you can see to the right there is a graph with my results, instantly you notice that ‘yes’ is the smallest category however ‘maybe’ is the biggest. This indicates that the majority of the people who answered my survey are willing to do it. The percentage of people who said yes was 11.76%, the percentage of people who said no was 41.18% and finally, the percentage of people who said maybe was 47.06%.

The next question that I asked was ‘would you be willing to pay a small amount to get a paper copy delivered to your house from your app’. This also helps me to understand my target audience because most young people have smartphones so they would be able to do this, however older people are less likely to have a smartphone so this wouldn’t be possible. The percentage of people who answered my survey and said ‘yes’ was 88.24% and the percentage of people who answered my survey and said no was 11.76%. Also younger people don’t really go to the shop to buy magazines so having a smartphone app would help them and allow them to read more magazines. And to make it even better for them they can pay a small amount for a paper copy to be delivered to their house. This would make it more convenient for students to still be able to do work and read magazines.

The question I asked after ‘would you be willing to pay a small amount to get a paper copy delivered to your house from your app’ was ‘if not why’? This helps me to get my target audience. As you can see to the right the information to my question is there, there was only one person who answered this question out of everyone who took part in my survey. This show to me that I am going to have to make my magazine stand out compared to every other magazine out there, and if there is a magazine app I will have to make it colourful and bold. There were 16 people who skipped this question because they don’t see the point in an app; this suggests younger people prefer a paper copy because it is real and bright.

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Furthermore I asked ‘what is your favourite genre of music’. This question helps me to figure out my target audience because the more popular genres are what I am going to use in my magazine. The percentage of people who said rock was their favourite was 35.29%, the most popular genre was pop which was 94.12% this indicates to me that for my target audience I should chose this genre for my magazine. Furthermore country got 0%, dance got 47.06%, R&B got 47.06%, blues got 5.88% and so did jazz and folk and finally other got 52.94%. From these results it is clear that I am not going to choose country music for the genre of my magazine because none of the people who completed my survey chose this genre. It is clear to me that I am going to choose the genre pop for my magazine; this is because this was the most popular genre on my survey.

The final question that I asked was ‘have you heard of any of

these magazines ‘. This helps me to figure out my target audience

because the most popular magazines I will use to help me set out

my magazine. The most popular magazine that I had in my survey

was Q the percentage it got was 94.12%, also Kerrang got 70.59%,

Mix mag got 70.59%, Vibe got 47.06%, Top of the pops got

35.29%, NME got 82.35%, Billboard got 52.94%, Classic Rock got

11.76% and finally, other got 5,88%. These results suggest that I

could use all of these magazines to help me design my magazine

because all of the magazines titles I named got chosen.