market street, balranald on tuesday 21st july 2015 street, balranald on tuesday 21st...

Balranald Shire Council Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21 st July 2015. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… This is Page 1 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21 st July 2015. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21 st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor), Cr Mannix, Cr Cooke, Cr Jolliffe, Cr O’Halloran, Cr Barnes, and Cr Campbell. General Manager Aaron Drenovski, Director Corporate & Community Development Elizabeth White, Director Infrastructure & Development John Stevenson were also in attendance. APOLOGIES: Nil DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS Nil CALENDAR OF EVENTS Calendar of Events July - August July 21 Council 28 Community Safety Precinct Meeting @ 2pm August 3 Hostel Committee Meeting @ 5pm 4 Euston Beautification & Tourism Committee Meeting @ 9.30am 4 Tourism Committee Meeting @ 5pm 5 Balranald Beautification Committee Meeting @ 7pm 26 Council

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Page 1: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 1 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers, Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21

st July 2015,

commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor), Cr

Mannix, Cr Cooke, Cr Jolliffe, Cr O’Halloran, Cr Barnes, and Cr Campbell. General Manager Aaron Drenovski, Director Corporate & Community Development Elizabeth White, Director Infrastructure & Development John Stevenson were also in attendance.



Calendar of Events July - August


21 Council

28 Community Safety Precinct Meeting @ 2pm


3 Hostel Committee Meeting @ 5pm

4 Euston Beautification & Tourism Committee Meeting @ 9.30am

4 Tourism Committee Meeting @ 5pm

5 Balranald Beautification Committee Meeting @ 7pm

26 Council

Page 2: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 2 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Recommendation: That: “The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Wednesday 24th June 2015 copies having previously been circulated to each Councillor be taken as read and confirmed.” “The minutes of the Confidential Meeting of council held on Wednesday 24th June 2015 copies having previously been circulated to each Councillor be taken as read and confirmed.”

07.15.3512 RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Mannix and Cooke that the Minutes

of the Ordinary and Confidential Meetings of Council held on Wednesday 24th June 2015 be accepted. PRESENTATION/DELEGATIONS Presentation from Chair of South West Arts Board, Airlie Circuitt and Acting RADO, Spencer McGill. Apology this month rescheduled for August Council Meeting.


1/7/2015 GM & I met with Wentworth’s Mayor and GM @ Euston, re the Local

Government Reforms, Western Division & Primary Health Networks.

6/7/2015 Attended the Robinvale/Euston dinner @ Robinvale Golf club

7/7/2015 Euston Beautification & Tourism Meeting

7/7/2015 GM & I met with Land and Water Commissioner – Jock Laurie to discuss

mining projects

7/7/2015 GM, Deputy Mayor and myself met with Adrian Picolli, took him out to the

Yanga Weir and also the Southern Cross replica.

9/7/2015 Staff Recognition and presentation breakfast – great turn out.

9/7/2015 GM & I met with the Masonic Lodge and received a cheque for $2,000

towards Wintong School restoration.

14/7/2015 Council Workshop

16/7/2015 Met with the NSW Governor, Mr David Hurley and his wife Linda. Later

that evening had a meal with them at the Balranald RSL Club, Mrs Doreen

Greenham OAM, CEO Wayne Whitby and his wife Cathy, from RSL Club,

Shire executive and partners along with most of the councillors and partners

attended at which was a great night, singing and piano playing. Thanks to

Doreen and Bec for supplying the music.

Page 3: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 3 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.


I am attending a mayoral mentor session in Sydney with LGNSW.

General Manager will be on leave for the month of September, due to the

arrival of a new child. He will be here for the council meeting unless the

baby arrives around that time.

Ms Norma Male will be 100 in January 2016 notification will be forwarded

to the Governor, Federal and State politicians. Carol has this organised.

07.15.3513 RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Cooke and Mannix that the Mayoral

Minute be accepted.


07.15.3513 RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Barnes and Mannix that;

1. all Committee Reports below be noted.

2. Council submit a grant application for Euston Courthouse works.

Page 4: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 4 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

MINUTES OF THE BALRANALD SHIRE LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE HELD AT THE BALRANALD SHIRE DEPOT ON THURSDAY 11th JUNE 2015 COMMENCING AT 10.35am PRESENT: Graeme Manning (Balranald VRA), Paul Murphy (Balranald SES), Steve Walker (RFS), Andrew Ticehurst (NSW Fire & Rescue), Scott Fullerton (REMO NSWP), Sgt Narelle Tucker (Balranald Police), Katherine Ferguson (NSW Ambulance), Kimberly Wessel (NSW Ambulance, Cr Leigh Byron (Balranald Council), Cr Trevor Jolliffe (Balranald Council), Cr Steve O’Halloran (Balranald Council) and Aaron Drenovski (GM Balranald Council). APOLOGIES: Pat Croft (Balranald MPS), Lance Howley (RFS), Peter Bath (Fire Brigade), Paul Hadlow (Balranald VRA), Trent Swinton (NSW Police), Paul Condon (NSW Police) and Inspector Steve Worthington (NSW Police). BUSINESS FROM MINUTES: Aaron Drenovski advised that any updates to the contacts or representatives for the Committee should be provided to Council. Aaron also advised that Emergency Management Training had been undertaken over two days in Euston. This training consisted of the Introduction to Emergency Management and the Emergency Operations Centre Complex courses. There were attendees from various groups including the RFS, Essential Energy, Balranald Shire Council and Wentworth Shire Council amongst others.

Previous minutes were accepted – Andrew Ticehurst and seconded by Trevor Jolliffe. AGENCY REPORTS: RFS:

Steve discussed the attached report.


A couple of motor vehicle accidents since the last meeting of the LEMC

One search was conducted and the missing person was found in fine condition

Fire & Rescue NSW:

Skills maintenance training completed

Page 5: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 5 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Basic life support training was undertaken here in Balranald

NSW Ambulance:

Thank you for new signs regarding Malcolm, Duryea and Windomal Rd’s

Recent MVA – other emergency services arriving at scene wearing incorrect gear.

Spoken to Iluka regarding emergency access to accommodation camps. Iluka has said that they will review the plans and ensure there is more access for emergency vehicles.


Staff are currently one short in Euston. Should have a new staff member in August.

Currently in the process of changing radio from Analog to Digital

Balranald Shire:

Training undertaken in Euston SES:

Advised that tree removal by SES operators is now a more lengthy process due to WHS and arborist requirements.

REMO REPORT: Scott discussed the attached report. GENERAL BUSINESS: A discussion took place in regards to setting aside an hour at the next meeting to discuss / practice an Emergency Operation Centre. It was indicated that input would be required from all services. NEXT MEETING: The next LEMC Meeting will be held on 8th October 2015 at 10.30am. There being no further business the meeting closed at 11.20am. Recommendation: that the report be received.

Page 6: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 6 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Page 7: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 7 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Page 8: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 8 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BALRANALD BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE HELD AT THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, ON 1ST JULY 2015, COMMENCING AT 7:00PM PRESENT: Cr Steven O’Halloran, Cr Elaine Campbell, Vicki Burke, Greg Camin, Mary Grisdale, Jill Bath, Karen Norfolk, DID John Stevenson and GM Aaron Drenovski. APOLOGIES: Cr Jeff Mannix, Gaye Renfrey and Marg Vanzanten. Business arising from the Minutes 1. Council staff to complete the infill of soil mix to Greenham Park entrance

garden beds. Mary G to coordinate a variety of plantings, to be undertaken as soon as plants are available via working bee.

2. General discussion on other street tree plantings. General Manager stressed the need to install advanced trees, 3m-4m, and to take particular care with their installation and watering system for rapid initial growth. A consensus was reached that the first projects would be limited to:

Discovery Centre / Heritage Park perimeter of old gaol and playground (approx. 12 trees)

Church St median – generally from Greenham Park easterly to St Joseph’s School

Following a discussion on species it was agreed that Chinese Elms and Manchurian Pears would be utilised for these first two sites.

General Business: 1. Greenham Park gateway to incorporate a number of Pink Magic and White

Iceberg roses (approx. 30 plantings) in rear planter box. Middle box to incorporate Kaleidoscope plantings (30). Front box to incorporate Society Garlic (30).

This planting is to be undertaken via above working bee set for Sunday July 26th at 9am.

2. General discussion on most suitable Committee meeting time. Consensus was to remain 7pm on the first Wednesday of the month.

3. General discussion on restoration of Glimmer Garden at Bidgee Haven. DID advised that trainee gardener is soon to commence and will be caring for these matters as part of duties as soon as he is familiar with the work load.

4. Cr S O’Halloran informed the Committee that the draft budget of $5,000 for Committee projects had now been finalised at $10,000 as per previous years.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.50pm. Next Meeting: Wednesday 5th August 2015 at 7pm at the Council Chambers. Recommendation that the report be received.

Page 9: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 9 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

MINUTES OF THE BALRANALD SHIRE EUSTON BEAUTIFICATION & TOURISM MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT EUSTON COURTHOUSE ON TUESDAY 7th JULY 2015 COMMENCING AT 9:30AM PRESENT: Mayor Leigh Byron, Cr Ken Barnes (Chair), Mrs Bev Harbinson, Mrs Edna Price, Mrs Maureen Pupillo, Mr Barry Watts and John Stevenson DID. APOLOGIES: Mrs Vicki Barnes and Mrs Vivienne McMahon. Business Arising from the Minutes:

1. Chairman Ken B summarised a number of comments on actions arising from previous meetings.

Mallee Fowl Artwork for Medley Park – artist to present his work later in the meeting. Artwork would be located on a typical Mallee Fowl mound and at this time there will be no additional signage.

General discussion on artwork to embellish the roundabout central area. Investigations will be undertaken towards a style of art that incorporates motifs relative to the area (water and fish). DID to liaise with Committee members and write to the two op shops seeking their support.

Maureen Pupillo sought clarification on the way forward for improvements to the Courthouse building including a continuing improvement plan both exterior and interior. DID to provide details to next meeting.

New Business: 1. Artist Stuart Taylor arrived at the meeting and met the


Edna Price and Mayor L Byron left the meeting at 10:10

2. A general discussion took place on the planning of future improvements to the Courthouse being designed to suit the available budgets. Maureen Pupillo reminded the Committee that there may well be local opportunity for assistance with joinery refurbishment via Robinvale Mens Shed. DID to remain in contact with the group.

3. At this juncture the Committee adjourned to Medley Art Park where Stuart displayed the Mallee Fowl on the grass. It was decided that the mound and artwork will be located forward of the garden to the right hand side of the path and the history board will be relocated to the left hand side, and modified to a lectern type setting. DID to proceed to install the birds and a gravel mound, surface of mound to be covered with natural vegetation.

Page 10: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 10 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

4. The group also viewed the William Davies profile panel at the wharf with a view to improving its readability. Artist Stuart simply suggested it be raised approximately 1 meter placing the skyline behind the cut-outs. Committee agreed.

There being no further general business the meeting closed at 11:15am. Next Meeting to be held at 9am on Tuesday 4th August 2015 at the Euston Courthouse. Recommendation that the report be noted.

Page 11: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 11 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

REPORT OF THE BALRANALD SHIRE COUNCIL TOURISM AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT THE BALRANALD SHIRE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON TUESDAY 7th JULY 2015. PRESENT: Cr. Ken Barnes (Chair) Cr Steve O’Halloran, Elizabeth White and Connie Mallet. APOLOGIES: Linda Nelson, Simone Carmichael, Jo Gorman, Peter Lawler, Silvana Keating & Cr Leigh Byron. As there was no quorum, the meeting did not take place.

NEXT MEETING – 4TH August 2015

Recommendation: for information

Page 12: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 12 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

MINUTES FROM THE BALRANALD SHIRE COUNCIL CULTURAL COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF BALRANALD ON MONDAY JULY 13th 2015 COMMENCING AT 5.00PM. PRESENT: Doreen Greenham (Chair), Margaret Butler, Sue Balshaw, Cr Steve O’Halloran, General Manager Aaron Drenovski, Cr. Elaine Campbell and Cherie Murphy (minutes). APOLOGIES: Jan Lawler, Cr Alan Purtill, Bella Mannix, Mayor Byron The minutes of the Meeting held on Monday May 11th 2015 were read and accepted.

Moved Sue Balshaw Seconded Margaret Butler

Cr. Elaine Campbell joined the meeting at 5.05pm BUSINESS ARISING: Movies during School holidays Sue asked the General Manager of the outcome of the movies that were supposed to be shown over the last school break. The minutes from the last meeting reflected that the General Manager was looking at holding more movie sessions during the school break (26 June – 13 July). The General Manger advised that presently Council are only able to run old movies, not new releases, because of the movie projector at the Theatre Royal. To be able to run new releases, Council would need a more superior movie projector – in the $80,000 range, which is unaffordable, but the General Manger has had brief discussions with a mining company possibly becoming a funding source. The General Manager has also been in discussions with the CWA who are interested in running the movie sessions, with Councils assistance. The CWA has 7 to 8 committee members at present and would like to try different ideas, such as various sessions to cater for all types, like a ladies night with nibbles etc. The CWA have also advised that they would request Council waive the hire fee and pay for the movie, and hopefully the movies will be well received. The General Manager said that previous movie sessions had a turn-out of approximately 90 people, and he feels this is the result of the movies not being new releases. A good example is that the CWA are hosting a movie session in Swan Hill and are taking a bus load of people from Balranald over there – it would be great to get others from neighbouring towns to come to Balranald for a movie session. The other factor is that we need to break even and there is no point in holding movies that people can watch in their lounge rooms. The General Manager will keep discussions going with the CWA, with the possibility of trialling their idea.

Page 13: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 13 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Comments were made as to the lack of heating at the Theatre Royal, and there is no way people would attend a session in the colder months. Doreen Greenham stated that heating needs at the Theatre Royal should be investigated. All committee members present agreed. The General Manager responded saying the biggest problem with heating the whole of the Theatre Royal is that the ceiling is so high and there is no insulation in the building – it’s just not viable. The General Manager also advised that he and the Building Inspector had investigated the possibility of securing the open trusses on the ceiling where bi-fold doors close off the main hall area to the reception area, so as to install heating in the front area of the hall. This area could seat around 100 people for a movie session. The committee were pleased with this information, and would like further details of progress towards this result in upcoming meetings. Music night – Variety Concert Margaret Butler advised, that, due to circumstances beyond the committee’s control, the variety concert will need to be postponed to mid 2016. There are many pressures at the moment, including additional pressure on schools / teachers to have acts available, especially with their 150 year celebrations this year, and the fact that the concert would be held in a busy time between the 5 Rivers Outback festival and the Balranald (horse) Races. Margaret said she was pleased with the enthusiasm and assistance she has been offered regarding the concert. The committee, made up of Doreen Greenham, Hutch Lawrie, John Curran, Allan Purtill, Bella Mannix, Central School music teachers and herself will meet in January of 2016, to nut out details for the concert, and minutes will be presented to Council with a request to Council to waive the hall hire fees – as “all monies received are to go towards the purchase of a grand piano”. At present, the committee have acts including St. Josephs, a band, 2 solo artists, recitations, an act from the hospital staff, sing Australia (hopefully) and John Curran being MC for the night, also singing, some comedy and ukulele act. Sue Balshaw said that the music night would need to be held during the warmer months if held at the Theatre Royal. Margaret felt March to April would still be mild enough to hold the concert then, but this was only a tentative suggestion at this stage as decisions / dates would need to be made by the whole committee, with all details forwarded to Council for acceptance. Cr O’Halloran felt that a tentative date should be made so as to lock it in (tentatively).

Page 14: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 14 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Margaret said she had been unable to contact the school (being school holidays) and wanted to confirm with Aaron (Central School principal) and Gerri’s replacement at St Josephs before committing to a date. Sue felt that October or November was better timing than early 2016 as school would only just be back and it would make it harder. Margaret said as the school would be busy with the 150 year anniversary, this wouldn’t be an option, and the idea of the concert was to make money for the grand piano, although didn’t want to make admittance fees too expensive, feeling that $10 / family or $5.00 Adult would suffice. Sue advised the committee that they made about $3,000 at the last concert held. The General Manager suggested Saturday 23rd April 2016 as a tentative booking at this time. The committee agreed, although would ensure the date coincided with football being played locally. NEW BUSINESS: Variety Concert Cr Campbell advised that she approached Kiandra Dalton Chloe Calleja and Jessie Armstrong to sing at the convert. Margaret Butler mentioned Tima Serevi and the Fijian group that was here previously would be a great addition also. Elaine suggested she talk to Millie Egan to see if the group could sing – if enough notice was given, they may be able to come back. Skills Audit Sue Balshaw queried the skills audit, and if any progress had been made, and who was doing it. Sue believed the skills audit was for to have a complete database through South West Arts. The committee felt that the data base was for local use only. ROUND TABLE DISCUSSIONS Cr O’Halloran raised, for information of the committee, that The managers of the Shamrock Hotel are in discussions to have the 60 piece Australian Scottish Band play in Balranald. Kieran and June at the Shamrock have two tentative bookings at this stage, he believed the dates were 22 August and 12 September, but was unable to confirm. Cr O’Halloran suggested that Council offer the Theatre Royal as a back-up undercover area in case the weather is not favourable. Doreen Greenham advised that she will make contact Kieran or June for further information.

Page 15: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 15 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Art Gallery The General Manager advised the committee that the split system had been approved for the back room at the Gallery. On another note, the committee would have noticed the solar power system installed on the roof of the Discovery Centre. The company / installer also advised the General Manager that, as a good will gesture to the community, they would like to install a small solar power system to another building – the General Manager suggested The Gallery. This system would only assist the back area of the building where the split system was installed, although would keep electricity costs down, they just needed to check the trees located on the property would not hinder this installation. The General Manager also advised the committee that $5,000 had been earmarked in the budget to replace the broken toilet at the Gallery. The committee thanked the Council for their foresight in thinking of and suggesting the Gallery for solar power and also for the split system and badly needed toilet. NEXT MEETING: 14th September 2015 at the Council Chambers commencing at 5pm. MEETING CLOSED: There being no further business the discussions was declared closed at 5.31pm.

Footnote: at the General Managers request, Council staff member Cherie Murphy contacted June for confirmation of date(s). June advised Cherie that they are still waiting to see if the band was available and of a confirmation date. Cherie told June that the Theatre Royal is unavailable as another group has already booked the Hall for 22 August. June said that she preferred the September date, but it would depend on availability. Cherie advised June that she would tentatively book the Theatre Royal for 12 September and would await further details from her or Kieran.

Page 16: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 16 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BALRANALD SHIRE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & GRANTS COMMITTEE HELD AT THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, ON 14TH JULY 2015 COMMENCING AT 5.00PM PRESENT: Cr L Byron, Cr J Mannix, Cr L Cooke, Cr T Jolliffe, Cr S O’Halloran, Cr K Barnes, Cr E Campbell, Aaron Drenovski, Elizabeth White, and John Stevenson. APOLOGIES: Cr A Purtill

Community building partnerships Applications close 5pm 7 August 2015 $200k is the amount to be share by the Murray Electorate (12 Councils, so maximum you should apply for would be $20k & usually require $1 for $1 contribution). Example projects to consider – Toilet at the Cemetery, Pony Club yards, Euston foreshore improvements, Shade for the Library or Discovery Centre Playground, items for the footy club, tennis club or Race Track The committee agreed that each of the clubs listed as well as the motor cross club be made aware of the current grant and that where needed Council would provide consent as the landowner. Stronger Communities Programme ($5k-$20k and must be matched)

$150K per Federal Electorate per year for two years (shared amongst 16 Councils, which suggests need a really good project for In late August the MP advises selected proponents to lodge an application, hence we need to lobby Sussan Ley prior with a project in mind. Example Projects to consider – additional heating of the indoor pool, with Council matching funds being that which we put towards the new fencing & filter works.

The committee agreed that when the grant opens Council submit a project for improved heating of the hydrotherapy pool which would be complemented with the new entry works and filter upgrade. National Stronger Regions Fund $20k-$10M grant towards funding priority infrastructure in regional communities ($1B fund over 5 financial years starting this year) Grant funding must be matched in cash on at least a dollar for dollar basis Round two opend on 15 May and closes on 31 July and there will be further rounds.

Page 17: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 17 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

The committee agreed that at this stage Council does not have a project that meets the critieria – particularly the need to match funds on at least a dollar for dollar basis. Population Attraction & Retention Considerations & Strategies There was a brief discussion on this item and it was postponed to a following meeting. CLOSURE There being no further business the meeting closed at 6.05pm. Recommendation That the report be noted.

Page 18: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 18 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.


DELEGATES REPORTS Cr Purtill - Governor of NSW’s visit to Balranald. Cr O’Halloran - Murray Darling Basin Association phone hook-up

meeting. - Governors Visit (write letter to the Governor expressing

appreciation for visiting Balranald) - Senate Inquiry into Murray Darling Basin Plan Meeting,

suggested Council put in a Water Submission. Cr Barnes - 2015 Cancer Council Shitbox Rally


Page 19: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 19 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Corporate and Community Development Division

07.15.3514 RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Cooke and Jolliffe that Item C-1 Statement of Funds report be deferred until later in the meeting as there is an error.


File number: 80 Reporting Officer: Elizabeth White Director Corporate and Community Development Operational Plan Objective: Our Leadership 6.3.2 (a) Provide good governance, prudent financial management and effective support services for all its activities.

Officer Recommendation:

1. That the policy be advertised for 28 days to allow any public


2. That the policy be considered for adoption at the August meeting.

07.15.3515 RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Jolliffe and Barnes that;

1. the policy be amended reflecting the mobile phone contract; and

2. recommendation be adopted.

Purpose of Report To advise Council of the requirement to adopt the policy on payment of expenses and provision of facilities for Mayor & Councillors Policy on an annual basis. Report Councils are required on an annual basis to review and submit their policy to the Director-General of the Department of Local Government within 28 days of adoption by Council, even if they propose to adopt an unchanged policy. The current policy is attached for Council consideration.

Financial Implication Nil to this report

Legislative Implication Local Government Act Sec 253 (1) – (5)

Policy Implication Updated Policy

Attachments Policy – Payment of Expenses and provision of facilities for Mayor & Councillors Policy

Page 20: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 20 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

POLICY TITLE: PAYMENT OF EXPENSES AND PROVISION OF FACILITIES FOR MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS PART 1 INTRODUCTION COMMENCEMENT OF THE POLICY This policy will take effect from 16 October 2013 PURPOSE OF THE POLICY The purpose of the policy is to ensure that there is accountability and transparency in the reimbursement of expenses incurred or to be incurred by Councillors. The policy also ensures that the facilities provided to assist Councillors to carry out their civic duties are reasonable. OBJECTIVES AND COVERAGE OF THE POLICY To define, in conformity with the requirements of Section 252 of the Local Government Act 1993, the Council’s policy on the payment of expenses and provision of facilities for Mayor and Councillors in discharging the functions of civic office and when attending on Council business. MAKING, ADOPTION AND REVIEW OF THE POLICY The policy was considered by Council at its Meeting held in October 09, when it was endorsed for public exhibition. The policy which was advertised and placed on exhibition for 28 days was developed taking into account legislative and other government policy provisions and guidelines. No submissions were received and the policy was adopted by Council in November 2009. Council is required each year prior to 30 November to review and submit its policy to the Director-General of the Department of Local Government within 28 days of adoption by Council, even if the policy is unchanged. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS In accordance with Section 428 of the Local Government Act 1993 and Clause 217 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, Council is required to include in its Annual Report the following information regarding the payment of expenses and provision of facilities to the Mayor and Councillors: Expenses

the cost of phone calls including mobiles, home located landlines, facsimile and internet services

spouse/ partner/ accompanying person expenses

conference and seminar expenses

training and skill development expenses

interstate travel expenses

overseas travel expenses

Page 21: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 21 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

care and other related expenses Provision of facilities

The cost of the provision, including rental, of dedicated office equipment allocated to councillors on a personal basis such as laptop computers, mobile phones, telephones and facsimile machines and internet installed in the councillors’ homes. This item does not include the costs of using this equipment, such as calls. LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER GOVERNMENT POLICY PROVISIONS The policy was developed and will operate in accordance with Sections 252, 253, 254 & 428 of the Local Government Act 1993, Clause 217 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, Model Code of Conduct, relevant Department of Local Government Circulars, Guidelines and ICAC publications. APPROVAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR COUNCIL BUSINESS Council will only meet travel, accommodation and other expenses for approved Council business as follows:

Council Business Required Approval

Council Meetings Attendance at meeting

Council Committee Meetings Attendance by Committee Member

Workshops, briefings or inspections

Authorised by Council, or jointly by Mayor and General Manager

Conferences, seminars or training

Authorised by Council, or jointly by the Mayor and General Manager if it is a matter of urgency or when it may be appropriate to take advantage of early bird registration discounts. Any approval by Mayor and General Manager to be advised to Council at next Meeting.

Meetings of other organisations Attendance by Council’s appointed delegate

Meetings or functions attended by the Mayor, or the Mayor’s nominee

Attendance by Mayor or the Mayor’s nominee and reported to or endorsed by Council via Mayoral Minute or General Manager’s report.

Page 22: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 22 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

PART 2 PAYMENTS OF EXPENSES TRAVEL EXPENSES Within Council’s Area Where Councillors are required to use their own vehicle for travel to and from home on authorised Council business, reimbursement will be in accordance with the kilometre rate as prescribed in the Local Government (State) Award and will be paid monthly in arrears. Outside Council’s Area The Mayor and General Manager be authorised to determine the appropriate mode of travel having regard to economy, time and safety factors. Travel by air within Australia to be economy class, unless otherwise specified by Council. When travelling by vehicle, a suitable Council vehicle will be provided. If a Council vehicle is not available or it is not feasible to use a Council vehicle, Councillors will be paid the prescribed kilometre rate for using their own vehicle. Should a Councillor decide to use their own vehicle, when a Council provided vehicle is available, they will be reimbursed on the basis of fuel and lubricant costs only. When travelling in private or Council vehicles on Council business, the driver is personally responsible for all traffic or parking fines. OTHER EXPENSES Expenses such as conference registration fees, accommodation costs, reasonable meal and out-of-pocket costs incurred in attendance on authorised Council business, shall be paid by Council or reimbursed to Councillors on production of receipts. Receipts will not be required for items less than $20 such as tolls, parking refreshments, taxi fares, internet fees, laundry, newspapers but the claimant will be required to itemise and certify the expenditure. The following meal rates have been determined by reference to Taxation Determination TD 2014/19 Table 1. The travelling allowances overnight rates have been indexed by 5% on last year’s figures.

Page 23: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 23 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Limits for expenses shall be as follows Meal expenses Capital Cities Breakfast $25.35 Lunch $28.55 Dinner $48.65 Incidentals $18.70 Meal Expenses Tier 2 Country Centres Breakfast $22.70 Lunch $25.95 Dinner $44.75 Incidentals $18.70 Meal Expenses Other Country Centres Breakfast $22.70 Lunch $25.95 Dinner $44.75 Incidentals $18.70 Travelling allowances overnight (per night away) Canberra $268 Sydney $309 Melbourne $298 Adelaide $281 Brisbane $328 High cost country centres $252 Tier 2 country centres $219 SPOUSE AND PARTNER EXPENSES Council will meet the reasonable costs of spouses and partners for attendance at official Council functions that are of a formal and ceremonial nature, when accompanying Councillors within Council’s area. Council will also meet the reasonable meal costs of spouses or partners when accompanying Councillors at conferences and seminars, not exceeding the one day journey limits. Any registration fees, reception costs, official dinner costs, additional travel, additional accommodation and conference tour costs associated with a spouse or partners attendance at conferences, seminars, etc. will be the personal responsibility of individual councillors. TELEPHONE COSTS AND EXPENSES

Page 24: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 24 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Council will reimburse costs of telephone, fax and mobile phone calls on Council business to a maximum of $600 per annum. Councillors will need to maintain a record of calls for claim purposes. LIABILITY INSURANCE Council shall take out Public Liability and Professional Indemnity insurance cover which shall extend to actions taken against Councillors in relation to the exercise of their duties as Councillors. PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE Council shall take out Personal Accident insurance for Councillors whilst engaged in activities connected with the Council business including travelling directly to and from such business. LEGAL EXPENSES AND OBLIGATIONS Council will determine by resolution the reimbursement of reasonable legal expenses of: a) A Councillor defending an action arising from the performance, in good faith, of a function under the Local Government Act; or b) A Councillor defending an action in defamation provided the statements complained of were made in good faith while exercising a function under the Act; or c) A Councillor for proceedings before the Local Government Pecuniary Interest Tribunal, or an investigation body, provided the subject of the proceedings arises from the performance in good faith of a function under the Act, and the Tribunal or investigation body makes a finding favourable to the Councillor. Legal expenses incurred in relation to proceedings arising out of the performance by a Councillor of his or her function under the Act are distinguished from expenses incurred in relation to proceedings arising merely from something that a Councillor has done during his or her term of office. REIMBURSEMENT AND RECONCILIATION OF EXPENSES Reimbursement of costs and expenses to Councillors will only be made upon the production of appropriate receipts and tax invoices, and the completion of the required claim forms. Expenses and costs incurred must be in accordance with the requirements of this policy. Claims for costs and expenses must be submitted within three (3) months of incurring the cost or expense. DISPUTE RESOLUTION In the event of any disputes that arise about the provision of expenses and facilities, the matter shall be resolved by Corporate Service Committee recommendation to Council.

PART 3 PROVISION OF FACILITIES The following facilities will be provided to allow the Mayor and Councillors to discharge the functions of civic office

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Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 25 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Page 26: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 26 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Councillors Council will provide Councillors with the following facilities:- a) Secretarial and basic photocopy facilities in upon request. b) Where appropriate, prior to, during or following Council and Committee

meetings, a light meal, supper and refreshments. c) Where Council resolves to approve the electronic form of delivery of

Council agendas and business papers, Council will provide for the issue of a laptop/notebook computer with email capacity and other support equipment such as printers.

d) Council will pay for the cost of providing and connecting equipment and the operating costs and costs associated with any of the disposable items related to the use of any of the equipment. Council provided equipment will remain the property of the Council and is to be used for Council purposes only and is to be returned to Council offices at the time the Councillor ceases to hold office.

Mayor In addition to facilities provided for Councillors, Council will provide the Mayor with the following additional facilities:- a) An Executive standard motor vehicle for official and private use. Where

the vehicle is used privately the fuel cost will be the personal responsibility of the Mayor. Receipts for such fuel will be submitted with the monthly reimbursement claim.

b) An office in the Council’s administration building. c) Secretarial support as required. d) A mobile phone including up to $200 per month call and rental

charges. Any Charges in excess of this amount shall to be reimbursed to the council.

No General Expenses Council will not meet any general expenses.

RETURN OF FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Any facilities and equipment provided to the Mayor and Councillors will be returned to Council immediately following the completion of their term of office, extended leave of absence or at the cessation of their civic duties.

Adopted by Council – 15th October 2013 Refer Minute No – 10.13.3635 Updated by Council 28th October 2014 Minute No. 10.14.3416

Page 27: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 27 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

ITEM C – 3 TOURISM REPORT - JULY 2015 File number: 771B Reporting Officer: Director of Corporate & Community Development Operational Plan Objective: Pillar 3: Our Economy – 3.2.1 Tourism

Officer Recommendation:

1. That Council accept the June Tourism report for information

07.15.3516 RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Cooke and Jolliffe that the report be noted. Purpose of Report To provide Council with a progress report on Tourism. Report Attached to this report is the Tourism Monthly Reporting Dashboard for the month of June 2015. The following is a summary of the Statistics provided in this report;

Walk-In increased by 196% compared to June 2014 and increased by 9% compared to last month. The percentage of visitors coming from within N.S.W. in June is 45%, and has increased by 1% from May. The largest percentage of visitors in May has been from interstate with visitors coming from VIC. S.A. QLD. W.A. and Tasmania. International visitors made up 3% of visitors, coming from Germany, Sweden, Singapore, UK and France. Income increased by 195.97% compared to June 2014 and decreased by 1.67% compared to last month. Most popular merchandise – Balranald Postcards, Independence Studio Products, Koala Hill products, Robinvale Estate products and Frog Figurines. Social Media continues to be a popular and valuable marketing medium with both the Council Facebook page and the Balranald Discovery Centre Facebook pages topping the 1450 LIKES mark over the month of June.

Financial Implication Nil

Legislative Implication Nil

Page 28: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 28 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Policy Implication Nil

Attachments Tourism Monthly Reporting Dashboard

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Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 29 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Page 30: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 30 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Page 31: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 31 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Page 32: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 32 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Page 33: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 33 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Page 34: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 34 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Infrastructure and Development Reports

Item I - 1 CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATES File number: 600 Reporting Officer: Director Infrastructure and Development – John Stevenson

Operational Plan Objective: Pillar 6

Officer Recommendation: That the report be noted.

07.15.3517 RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Purtill and Cooke that the report be noted.

Purpose of Report To advise Council of Certificates issued under delegated authority. Report

The following Construction Certificates, Complying Development Certificates, Section 68 Certificates and / or Notices of Determinations have been issued since the June 2015 meeting of Council.

Application Owner/Applicant Locality Description

DA 02/2016 Mr Barry


Murray Terrace, Euston


Financial Implication Nil.

Legislative Implication The approvals process.

Policy Implication Nil.

Attachments Nil.

Page 35: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 35 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Item I – 2 MAINTENANCE AND CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM File number: 726 Reporting Officer: Director Infrastructure and Development – John Stevenson

Operational Plan Objective: Pillar 5 – Our Infrastructure Officer Recommendation: That the report be noted.

07.15.3518 RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Jolliffe and Cooke that the report be noted.

Purpose of Report To provide Council with a progress report on works, since the May meeting. Report 1. Road Maintenance

Targeted maintenance grading has recently been carried out on the following roads: Tapalin Mail Rd

Tamit Rd Euston Cemetery Rd Tillara Rd Weimby Kyalite Rd Clare Freshwater Rd

Hatfield The Vale Rd Mildura Ivanhoe Rd

2. Roads to Recovery Program

Marma Box Creek Road Construction works are nearing completion on the 1.5km extension of the road westerly from the end of the existing bitumen. The gravel has been delivered and is now being placed and compacted. This construction work has been delayed slightly due to wet weather in June. Final trimming and sealing is anticipated to be completed within the fortnight.

Page 36: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 36 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

3. Repair Program

Balranald Ivanhoe Road Construction works are nearing completion on a 2km extension of the sealed road southerly from the end of the existing bitumen seal at the northern end of existing gravel. This construction work has been delayed slightly due to wet weather. Gravel placement and compaction is nearing completion with the seal scheduled to be placed by the end of July. Council is also patch repairing a 700m existing seal section in order that it may also be resealed at the time of this sealing program.

4. Reseal Program Council’s 2014/15 Reseal program is nearing completion with two small sections to be resealed on MR67 North in late July weather permitting. The primer seals on Marma Box Creek Rd and Ivanhoe Rd will be undertaken within the next month as these pavements are completed. Council is currently discussing the quality of work on a small section of the reseal at the Ivanhoe boundary with the contractors, Primal Surfacing. As a result Council is withholding payment of that section of the program pending further contractual advice.

5. Miscellaneous Works

Senior Citizens Public toilet block renovations are ongoing.

Greenham Park entrance area beautification is continuing.

Replacement from of AC raw water main in Dowling St from Moa St to Yuranigh St.

Cleaning out of water treatment plant sludge pond. Discover centre works

o Installation of two new solar lights at car park and playground

o New pathway from RV parking to visitor information building

o Installation of visitor direction signage

Demolition of the Mad Mile behind the Royal Theatre. Bird Walk track maintenance. Footpath grinding.

Financial Implication As per budgeted works program.

Legislative Implication Nil.

Policy Implication Rural Roads Policy.

Page 37: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 37 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Attachments Nil.

Page 38: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 38 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

MR67 North Road Construction

Page 39: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 39 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Marma Box Creek Road Construction

Page 40: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 40 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Tapalin Mail Patrol Grading

Dowling St Water Main Replacement

Page 41: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 41 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Discovery Centre Solar Lighting

Page 42: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 42 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

ITEM I – 3 ILUKA (BALRANALD MINERAL SANDS PROJECT) File number: 623 Reporting Officer: John Stevenson, Director Infrastructure & Development Operational Plan Objective: Pillar 5 – “Our Infrastructure” Officer Recommendation: Council note the submission towards Iluka’s eventual consent(s).

07.15.3519 RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Campbell and Mannix that the report be noted.

Purpose of Report To provide a formal submission in relation to the Environmental Impact Statement for the Iluka, West Balranald and Nepean mines. Report Council produced a submission, which was in turn overviewed by legal opinion prior to its submission to the NSW Dept. of Planning. The submission, which includes reference to all matters previously considered as most relevant to the interests of Balranald community, is attached for information. Council will respect that further work with the assistance of the RMS is ongoing towards the submission of proposed conditions of consent relating to transport routes, road safety and future road maintenance agreements. The attached submission also highlights the approval of an accommodation camp and associated works as a local consent, separate from this State Significant Approval.

Financial Implication Nil. Council’s contribution towards road maintenance is ongoing as the existing annual works budget(s).

Legislative Implication


Policy Implication Nil.

Attachments Submission Letter

Page 43: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 43 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Attachment: Submission Letter

Page 44: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 44 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Page 45: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 45 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Page 46: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 46 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Page 47: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 47 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.


BERTRAM RD, EUSTON File number: DA 37/2015 Reporting Officer: Director Infrastructure and Development – John Stevenson

Operational Plan Objective: Pillar 5 Our Infrastructure 5.3 Undertake key infrastructure improvements.

Officer Recommendation:

Council consent to the subdivision of Lot 5 DP 26023 & Lot 4 DP 1114530, creating a new 1ha allotment around all structures and part vines, via boundary realignment which extinguishes Lot 4 DP 1114530, subject to the following conditions; 1) The subdivision complies strictly with the sketch plan as

submitted. 2) Any new driveway access to the newly created lot, or alteration to

existing access, is to be to the satisfaction of Council or its delegate, and at the applicants full cost.

3) Subject to the concurrence of Telstra and Essential Energy. 4) Separate application must be made for any alterations to the

existing dwelling or the construction of any new buildings on the newly created lots.

5) Subject to the concurrence of Euston Co-op Society providing individual water allocations to both parcels.

6) No dwelling entitlement exists on the parent allotment.

07.15.3520 RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Cooke and Jolliffe that the report be

received and recommendation be adopted.

Purpose of Report To seek Council’s consent to a 2 lot subdivision via boundary realignment in a RU4 area.

Report Council has received an application from the owners to extinguish the rear former channel parcel Lot 4 DP 1114530 and create a 1ha allotment on Bertram Rd encompassing approximately half a hectare of existing vines, the dwelling and outbuildings. The intention is for the parents to remain on the farm as owners of the small lot whilst the son takes possession of the farm. The proposal has merit as no additional new parcel is created, small lot 4 (former channel

Page 48: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 48 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

easement) is extinguished in lieu of the new 1ha parcel. The residue of farm will be approx. 10.4ha. Despite the intention of the LEP to restrict parcels in this zone to 16ha, Council has on many occasions provided consent to smaller lots on the proviso that intensive agriculture can continue. The bulk of parcels in this RU4 zone have generally always been less than the prescribed area. Clause 4.2C of Councils LEP provides for rural dwellings in the zone if such a dwelling does not impair the use of the land for agriculture. The adjoining property landholders have been notified in accordance with Sect 88 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, and no submissions were received.

Financial Implication Nil.

Legislative Implication Nil.

Policy Implication Nil.

Attachments Plan of Proposal

Page 49: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 49 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Attachment: Plan of Proposal

Page 50: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 50 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

General Manager’s Reports Item G - 1 UPCOMING CONFERENCES File Number: 026 Reporting Officer: Aaron Drenovski, General Manager Operational Plan Objective: Pillar Six: Our Leadership – A community that values and fosters leadership, lifelong learning, innovation and good governance.

Officer Recommendation: That Council determine to attend the 3 conferences and nominate its delegates to each of the conferences.

07.15.3521 RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Cooke and Mannix that the report be

received and the following conferences be attended;

LGNSW Annual Conference - Mayor Cr Byron, Cr O’Halloran and General Manager Aaron Drenovski attending. National Local Roads & Transport Congress - Director Infrastructure & Development John Stevenson and Cr O’Halloran attending. Purpose of report To advise Council of the forthcoming LG Water Management Conference, LG NSW Annual Conference and the National Local Roads & Transport Congress. Report The LGNSW Water Management Conference is scheduled for 24-26 August at Bowral. The conference registration fee is $572 per person. The conference presents Local Government with a broad range of information, from a local government perspective, on water management and issues associated with water supply and sewerage services provided by water utilities. The LGNSW Annual Conference is schedule for 11-13 October and to be held at the Rosehill Gardens Racecourse, Rosehill. Early bird registration (paid by 31 August) is $899 per person otherwise $999 per person. The Conference is the annual policy-making event for the 152 councils of NSW.

Page 51: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 51 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

The National Local Roads & Transport Congress is scheduled for 17-19 November in Ballarat. The congress registration fee is $890 per person. The congress provides a platform to engage with the Federal Government and Opposition on road and infrastructure polices and initiatives.

Financial Implication Councils Conference/Delegates budget is $20,000 for 2015/2016

Legislative Implication Nil

Policy Implication Nil


Page 52: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 52 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Item G - 2 DONATION REQUESTS File number: 56 Reporting Officer: Aaron Drenovski, General Manager Operational Plan Objective: Pillar 1: Our People – A Community that is proactive, engaged, inclusive and connected.

Officer Recommendation: That Council provide a donation to each of the applicants as per the officer recommendation contained within the reported table.

07.15.3522 RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Mannix and Purtill that

1. the report be received and recommendation be adopted.

2. The donation policy be reviewed and a draft be brought back to


Purpose of Report To advise Council of 5 requests for a donation from Council. Report Council has recently received 5 completed donation application forms with the critical detail provided in the table below. As part of Councils privacy management the completed forms have been provided to Councillors under separate cover.

Community Group or


Project or Event Name

Project or

Event total cost

Funds requested

Officer recommendation based on

Council’s Policy

Station Kids Swimming Group

Swimming Lessons

$6,680 $300 $300

Balranald New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve Community Family Night

$6,250 $3,500 $3,500

Balranald Central School

Year 12 Formal N/A $300 off the hire of the Hall

$300 off the hire of the hall

Michael & Josie Harding

Year 10 Work Experience at Royal Children Hospital

N/A $150 $150

Kobe Lloyd NSW all schools AFL

$3,000 $800 $150

Page 53: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 53 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

National Carnival

With regards to the Balranald Central School Year 12 formal, in 2014 Council donated 75% of the hire fee of the hall ($513) and in 2013 donated 100% of the hire fee. At the March 2014 Council meeting, Council resolved to support the Balranald New Year’s Eve Committee with a contribution of $3,000 towards the cost of the fireworks.

Financial Implication $4,400 based on officer recommendation from the 2015-2016 Budget of $20,000.

Legislative Implication Nil

Policy Implication In accordance with Council’s Donations Policy

Attachments Donation Application Form provided under separate cover

Page 54: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 54 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Item G – 3 SUMMARY OF MEETINGS File number: 25 Reporting Officer: Aaron Drenovski, General Manager Operational Plan Objective: Pillar Six: Our Leadership – a community that values and fosters leadership, lifelong learning, innovation and good governance Officer Recommendation: For information

07.15.3523 RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Campbell and Mannix that the report

be noted. Purpose of Report To advise Council of a summary of meetings held. Report The Mayor and General Manager had a meeting with the Mayor and General Manager from Wentworth Shire on Wednesday 1 July. Discussion focused on Primary Health Networks, Local Government reform and Western Division. The Director Infrastructure & Development and the General Manager met with Iluka Representatives on both Thursday 2nd July & Friday 3rd July. There was some discussion on the Environmental Impact Statement as well as the Volunteering Planning Agreement (VPA). Council provided Iluka a wish list of projects to consider as part of the VPA and the next stage is for Iluka to get back to Council regarding that list. The General Manager had a meeting on Monday 6 July with Lynne Flanagan (Chairwomen of the Balranald Health Committee) regarding the new Primary Health Networks & Council’s hydrotherapy pool. At the meeting a phone hook-up was held with Robinvale District Health Services representative who indicated that they have a 2 year contract to provide Allied Health Services to Balranald. At the time of the meeting we were unaware who would be funding the community nursing and have since been advised it will be Far West Local Health District. On Tuesday 7 July the Mayor and General Manager had a meeting with the Land and Water Commissioner Jock Laurie. We provided Jock with an update on how Council saw both of the mining projects progressing and that the community in general was welcoming of the proposed developments.

Page 55: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 55 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Page 56: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 56 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and General Manager on Tuesday 7 July had the opportunity to show our local state member Adrian Piccoli both the Yanga Weir and the Southern Cross Plane. We highlighted the need for the Yanga Weir to be replaced in order to improve the water storage of Yanga Lake, which in turn would improve community and tourism usage of the facility. Adrian was provided an inspection of the Southern Cross Replica Plane by members of the “Friends of the Southern Cross” committee. Adrian suggested that they could put in an application for grant funding via the current round of community building partnerships funding. Councillor O’Halloran and the General Manager attended the Senate Inquiry into the Murray Darling Basin Plan meeting held at Barham on Wednesday 8 July. Over 1,000 people attended the meeting which was organised by the independent senator for Victoria John Madigan. There were a number of passionate 3 minutes speeches made by both politicians and concerned community members regarding the negative effects of the Basin Plan and the audience voted in favour of a number of resolutions. The Mayor and General Manager attended a meeting at the Balranald Masonic Lodge on Thursday 9 July. Council were provided with a $2,000 cheque to put towards restoration works to the Wintong School House located at the Discovery Centre Precinct. Councillors and senior management attended a Councillor Workshop held on Tuesday 14 July. Matters considered included the Bidgee Haven Hostel operation, additional roads to recovery funding and the Little Bunyips Playgroup building lease.

Financial Implication Nil

Legislative Implication Nil

Policy Implication Nil

Attachments Nil

Page 57: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 57 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Item G - 4 CORRESPONDENCE File Number: 712 Reporting Officer: Aaron Drenovski, General Manager Operational Plan Objective: Pillar 1: Our People – A community that is proactive, engaged, inclusive and connected

Officer Recommendation:

For information

07.15.3524 RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Mannix and Barnes that the report be noted. Purpose of Report To advise Council of recent correspondence of interest. Report 1. Email from Joy Harris, Secretary of “Friends of Southern Cross”. 2. Letter sent to Regional Telecommunications Review Committee (Claire

Butler for submission).

Page 58: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 58 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

From: J & J Harris [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, 16 June 2015 11:44 AM To: Aaron Drenovski Cc: [email protected] Subject: preservation of X on West O'Connor St The General Manager, Balranald Shire Council Dear Aaron, I write to you as the (very) new secretary of the ‘Friends of the Southern Cross’. The committee of the above mentioned organisation and interested persons held their first formal meeting since the plane’s arrival on Friday last 12.6.2015. As you are aware, the plane is a replica, but Balranald has an important link with Kingsford Smith and the Southern Cross as the famous aviator visited our town and took many locals on joy rides. The cross at the end of West O’Connor Street, a reminder of his visit, is in a state of disrepair and the group requests that the site be preserved. Members are keen to place a plaque there once the repair work is completed. This is not a request for money, rather that the site of the X be preserved for locals to see and tourists to visit. Any ‘in kind’ assistance would of course be greatly appreciated. Could this letter please be tabled as correspondence at your next council meeting? Yours Faithfully Joy Harris Secretary, Friends of the Southern Cross Ph 03 5020 6887

Page 59: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 59 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Page 60: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 60 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Page 61: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 61 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

07.15.3525 RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Cooke and Barnes that amended Item

C-1 Statement of Funds be inserted.

ITEM C-1 STATEMENT OF FUNDS File number: 85 Reporting Officer: Elizabeth White Director of Corporate and Community Development Operational Plan Objective: Pillar Six: Our Leadership – a community that values and fosters leadership, lifelong learning, innovation and good governance

Officer Recommendation: For information

07.15.3526 RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Cooke and Barnes that the report be


Purpose of Report Funds Report for the Month Ending 30th June 2015

Investment Held: Bankwest 500,000

Bendigo 1,000,000 NAB 1,000,000 Westpac 1,500,000


FUNDS HELD Investment Bank Combined Restricted Balance General 2,400,000 -249,108 2,150,892 909,992 1,240,900 DWM 0 82,872 82,872 28,000 54,872 Water 100,000 454,398 554,398 91,585 462,813 Sewer 1,500,000 316,688 1,816,688 1,619,979 196,709

Total 4,000,000 604,850 4,604,850 2,649,556 1,955,295

For Councillor’s information: Council staff are currently working on yearend financial statements for audit in August 15 this will result in changes to the “restricted” cash once this have been finalised

Page 62: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 62 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Report All investments shown have been made in accordance with Section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993, the regulations and council’s investment policy.

Bank Reconciliation Balance B/F From Previous Month


ADD Receipts for Month: Admin 0

Caravan Park 33,622 Debtors 203,907 Discovery Centre Sales 3,812 Grants – 1

st Stage Skate Park 49,500

Hostel 75,235 Interest 4,815 Rates & Water 244,697 Sundry - Includes DA/603/149/Pound Release/Truck Wash 11,063 Workers Comp - Hostel 7,095 633,745

LESS Payments for the Month: Admin 11,034

Caravan Park 24,506 Communication 3,698 Councillors 9,124 Fleet Exp 5,634 Freight 1,852 Fuel 28,603 Hostel 18,236 Lease 15,263 Payroll 272,504 Power 23,621 Repairs & Maintenance 65,635 Roads 1,256,194 Discovery Stock on Hand [Not sold] 3,689 Sundry 15,294 Tourism 2,287 Water 32,158 1,789,332

Cash Book Balance as at End of Month


Less Outstanding Deposits as at end of Month


Plus Unpresented Cheques as at end of Month


Bank Balance as at End of Month


Page 63: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 63 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

07.15.3527 RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Mannix and Barnes that the late

agenda items be inserted into the agenda.


COUNCIL MEETING File Number: 028 Reporting Officer: Aaron Drenovski, General Manager Operational Plan Objective: Pillar Six: Our Leadership – A community that values and fosters leadership, lifelong learning, innovation and good governance.

Officer Recommendation: That the Standing Orders be changed to allow the August Council meeting to be held on Tuesday 25th August 2015.

07.15.3528 RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Cooke and Mannix that the report be

received and change the August Council Meeting to be held on Wednesday 26th August 2015.

Purpose of report To request a change of date for the August Council Meeting. Report It is proposed to change the date of the August Council meeting from 18th August 2015 to 25th August 2015 to allow the Mayor, and General Manager to attend the Casey City council meeting on Tuesday 18th August 2015 following an invitation from Mayor Mike Morland.

Financial Implication Nil

Legislative Implication Nil

Policy Implication Nil

Attachments Nil

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Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 64 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.


LOCAL GOVERNMENT File Number: Reporting Officer: Aaron Drenovski, General Manager Operational Plan Objective: Pillar Six: Our Leadership – A community that values and fosters leadership, lifelong learning, innovation and good governance.

Officer Recommendation:

That Council: 1. Acknowledges the importance of Federal funding through the Financial Assistance Grants program for the continued delivery of Councils services and infrastructure; 2. Acknowledges that the council received $3.31 million in 2014-15; and 3. Will ensure that this Federal funding, and other funding provided by the Federal Government under relevant grant programs, is appropriately identified as Commonwealth grant funding in Council publications, including annual reports.

07.15.3529 RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Cooke and Jolliffe that the report be received and recommendation be adopted. Purpose of report To assist the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) and State Local Government Associations to have the Federal Government reverse the decision to freeze the indexation of Federal Assistance Grants (FAGs). Report ALGA has written to Council (as per the attached letter) requesting our assistance for advocacy to have the Federal Government reverse the decision to freeze the indexation of FAGs. Council received $3.31M Federal Assistance Grants for 2014/15, $2.075M General Component and $1.235M Roads component. A freeze on the indexation of FAGs for three years beginning in 2014/15 will result in a permanent reduction in Council’s FAGs base by 13% or 0.43M by 2017/18. ALGA have provided a draft resolution which has been prepared as the officer recommendation.

Financial Implication Nil

Legislative Implication Nil

Policy Implication Nil

Attachments Letter from ALGA

Page 65: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 65 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Page 66: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 66 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Page 67: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 67 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Page 68: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 68 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.


Reporting Officer: Aaron Drenovski, General Manager File Number: 120

Officer Recommendation: For information

07.15.3530 RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Mannix and Barnes that the report be

noted. Purpose of Report To bring forward for Councillors information the Action Report with actions taken on previous council resolutions.


JUNE 2015




12.14.3459 DID Investigate likely future public recreation area for improvements in the Chinese Cemetery.

Consent from Crown Lands


12.14.3459 DID Arrange Tree removal around the old gaol and replacement.


02.15.3498 DID Prepare lease for Balranald Motocross Club.

In Progress

03.15.3511 DID Relocate Bill Trough as a planter feature. In Progress

DID Correct footpath going nowhere at Discovery Centre.

Landscaping in Progress

DID Disabled toilet door at Theatre needs repairing and a disabled bar needs installing.

In Progress

05.15.3555 DID Balranald Beautification Committee Minutes

Proceed with Cleaning of old gaol.

Budget consideration for repairs to old kitchen in gaol.

Proceed to construct retaining wall at Greenham Park Entrance.

In Progress

In Progress

In Progress

05.15.3555 DID Euston Beautification Committee Minutes Move History board to side of Medley Park.

In progress.

05.15.3565 DID Participate in RMS Active Transport – Safety Roads program

In progress

Page 69: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 69 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

6.15.3483 DID EUSTON BEAUTIFICATION * Investigate Embellishing the paddle steamer sign with some additional metal attachment. * Contact Mildura Recycling Centre re; wave seats. *courthouse roof leak *Cemetery garden plaques as per cenotaph plaques. *Euston entry signs need revitalizing or cleaning. *Directional walkway signage off Cary Street. *Caltex service station site needs clean-up. Exterior of Courthouse maintenance.

In Progress In Progress Completed Awaiting funding Undertaken Contacting owner In Progress

06.15.3485 GM CARAVAN PARK COMMITTEE *Check order of white stone delivery from last time and have Wayne deliver another small truck load to Cabin 9and 10. *Aaron to clarify whether RV’s and Caravans can both park in the free parking areas & check guidelines of free parking and RV Accreditation. *Write to Dee & Matt offering renewal of lease.

Delivered Email sent to committee Letter Sent

06.15.3486 DID BALRANALD BEAUTIFICATION * Seek grant opportunities for Heritage Park Improvements. * Liaise with Bidgee Haven staff to restore glimmer garden after installation of water mains. * Clarify cover and protection of committee volunteers during working bees. * Approach Caltex re; patrons parking on footpath to fuel with diesel. * dead trees in Bank St & Church to be removed., * driveways to be reinstated over new water mains in Malcolm Street * Congratulate staff members involved in Malcolm Street water line.

In Progress Trainee Appointed Letter Sent In Progress Works Programmed Completed

06.15.3490 DCCD Notify Pay clerk of the 2.5% increase in Mayor & Councillor fees for 2015/2016 financial year.

27.06.20015 Completed

06.15.3492 DCCD Make changes to Operational Plan and distribute. Write to those who put submissions in for the Operational Plan.

06.15.3494 DCCD Continue to liaise with Services NSW regarding new agreement & costings.


Page 70: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 70 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

06.15.3495 DCCD Arrange a workshop for determining of community membership on councils committees


arranged for


06.15.3497 DID Water Policy incorporating all council water supply & use.

06.15.3499 DID Reallocate 2015/2016 REPAIR program funds

to MR 514 Completed

06.15.3500 DID Notify owners of Subdivision approval of DA 42/2015


Questions DID Remove and Replace dead trees in Median Strips around town.

Works Programmed

GM Notify Cr Cooke with costs for General Manager’s Residence shed

Email Sent

DID Arrange for screenings to be placed on River Bend Road to settle dust.


DID Arrange quote for upgrading power at Greenham Park

Quotes Sought

06.15.3508 GM Notify Cristal Mining of outcome from meeting.

26.06.2015 Letter Sent

Page 71: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 71 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.


File Number: 030 Reporting Officer: Aaron Drenovski, General Manager Cr Purtill Can Council dig out and replace dead trees on

median strips around the town? Works programmed to be done.

Cr Cooke What was the cost of shed for GMs house? And was there 3 quotes received?

2 quotes were received.

Where did the money come from for new Roller door on GMs shed?

R&M Budget

Whose role has the Economic Development and when is the meeting?

GM, meeting arranged for 14/07/2015

Have we got an Economic Development Plan? Yes, we are using an old one.

What happened to the fencing around the sandpit at football ground and why was it removed?

It was removed as it was dangerous.

Cr Jolliffe Residents are concerned with the dust from people driving on Swimming Bend road. Can something be done to stop the dust?

DID will arrange for screenings to be placed to help settle the dust.

Can some focus be put on the back country roads to ensure the safety of school children being driven to school in all weather?

To be included in the Roads to Recovery Program

Cr O’Halloran

Also asked about the sandpit fence at Football Ground.

As above

Do all vacant shire positions get advertised? Yes

Why haven’t the gumtrees at Discovery Centre been replaced?

Works programmed

Can the power at Greenham Park be upgraded to provide enough power?

Quotes are being sought

Cr Campbell

Visitors making appointments and speaking with GM are finding difficult! Health Council has repeatedly tried calling and making appointments regarding heated pool.

Resolved – rang customer and made appointment to speak with GM.

Cr Cooke Could more accurate detail be recorded of questions asked in Question Time, and answers given be supplied in more detail? Could answers not just be emailed to Councillors, but rather be supplied in the Agenda/Minutes so as public can view the replies?

Questions without notice will no longer be part of the meeting agenda as they are not contained in Councils code of meeting practice.

What measures Balranald Council are taking to address the Fruit Fly problem here?

DID to investigate

Cr Cooke Re the Murray Darling Basin Regional Economic Diversification Programme in NSW. All three (3) projects from our Shire were unsuccessful. Do you think the three (3) projects may have been unsuccessful because the grant criteria was misunderstood?

No. 2 applications were private applications and council application was prepared by a consultant that specialises in grant submissions.

Page 72: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 72 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.

Can Council Administration simply create employment positions? Where is the additional salary funds derived from to accommodate these newly created positions? Or, as councillors should we only be adopting the Director positions?

Section 332 of the Local Government Act states: (1) A Council must determine:

an organisation structure

Those positions within the organisation structure that are senior staff positions

The resources to be allocated towards the employment of staff

The General Manager intends to review the structure and put a report to Council

Cr Jolliffe The guttering in Yuranigh St between Dowling St West and O’Connor St has water laying in it and resident got bogged.

DID has noted this and will look at it.

Cr O’Halloran

Has Federal Government any monies (grants) to move Hamilton Plant to Balranald mining area.

GM will chase it up.

Cr Barnes Can Councillors have a copy of the final budget? Will have it out to Councillors shortly, just finalising page numbers.

Cr Campbell

Where is Iluka building their accommodation? Where is it at?

Iluka has on numerous occasions indicated Mungo Street as the preferred location. Council is yet to receive a Development Application for the facility.

Cr Byron Sound recording of our committee meetings and council meetings.

Report to August Council Meeting.

07.15.3531 RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Mannix and Purtill that council go into

closed committee to discuss confidential matters.

Page 73: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 73 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.


07.15.3532 RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Mannix and Jolliffe that the meeting revert back into open council and the Mayor reported the recommendations of the closed committee.

CC –1 AGGREGATION OF RATES File number: Confidential Reporting Officer: Director of Corporate & Community Development Operational Plan Objective: Pillar 1: Our Leadership 6.3.2 – Provide good governance, prudent financial management and effective support services for all its activities. Reason for Confidentiality This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 10A (1) (d) (i) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public and press for business relating to the following: - Commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed confer a commercial position of a person who supplied it.

07.15.3533 RESOLVED on the motion of Crs Mannix and Campbell that a meeting with the developer and General Manager, Directors and Mayor to discuss the options and report back to Council.

Page 74: Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015 ......Market Street, Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015, commencing at 5pm. PRESENT: Cr Byron (Mayor), Cr Purtill (Deputy Mayor),

Balranald Shire Council

Minutes – Ordinary Meeting – 21st July 2015. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is Page 74 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of Balranald Shire Council held in the Council Chambers Market Street Balranald on Tuesday 21st July 2015.