marketing channels

Marketing Channel and Market Testing #Peny Meliaty Hutabarat #Suci Defina Sari #Kutut Wijanarko Marketing Channel

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Page 1: Marketing Channels

Marketing Channel and Market Testing

#Peny Meliaty Hutabarat #Suci Defina Sari #Kutut Wijanarko

Marketing Channel

Page 2: Marketing Channels

Marketing Channels

-Structure & Functions

Segmentation For

Marketing Channel Design

Market Testing -- Crawford Chapter 18 --

Marketing Channels

Structure & Functions

-- Coughlan Chapter 1 -- Segmentation For

Marketing Channel Design

-- Coughlan Chapter 2 --

Marketing Channel

Page 3: Marketing Channels

Marketing channels are the routes to market used to sell every

product and service that consumers and business buyers

purchase everywhere in the world.

Marketing Channel

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Important of Studying Marketing Channels


Important Asset of Marketing Strategy # Differentiator #Difficult to replicate

End-User Satisfaction # Overall brand image

Awareness of channel important is low # Opportunity for competitive advantage

Difficult to create and maintain channel #Difficult and costly to change #Right the first time

Marketing Channel

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What is a Marketing Channels?

A marketing channel is a set of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption.

Set of Interdependent Organizations.

A Process (usually over time)

Process with purpose

- “ to satisfy end-users”

The marketing channel is often viewed as a key strategic asset of a manufacturer

Marketing Channel

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Why Do Marketing Channels Exist and Change?

Demand-Side Factors

Facilitation of Search

Intermediary channels arise because buyers and sellers cannot find each other

Adjustment of Assortment Discrepancy

Manufacturer = large quantity of limited variety

Consumers = large variety in small quantities (customization & choice)

1. Sorting out (packer : orange size and grade)

2. Accumulation (wholesaler : gather together supply)

3. Allocation (wholesale distributor : breaking bulk)

4. Assorting (complementary

Bottom Line : Meeting customer demands, driven by the consumer.

Marketing Channel

Two forces for channel development and and change

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Channel Development & Change

Supply-Side Factors

Routinization of transactions

Electronic Data Interchange ; Continuous replenishment program (CRP)

Reduction in number of contacts

Employing more and more intermediaries is subject to diminishing returns simply from the point of view of number and cost of contacts in the market

Bottom Line : mitigating risk, minimizing management costs, maximizing utility




Marketing Channel



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Marketing Channel Source : Marketing Channels (a relationship management approach) ;

Pelton, lou E.2002

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What is The Work of The Marketing Channel?

Producers Retailers






























Marketing Channel

Marketing Flows in Channels

Intermediaries participate in the work of marketing channel because they both add value and help reduce cost in the channel.

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Marketing Flows

Processes flow through the channel

Done at different points in time by different channel members

Flow of information

The eight universal marketing channel flows :

1. Physical possession

2. Ownership

3. Promotion

4. Negotiation

5. Financing

6. Risking

7. Ordering

8. Payment

Marketing Channel

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Who Belongs To A Marketing Channel?


Intermediaries (retailers, wholesalers, specialized)


Channel Members

“Channel Captain” : An organization that taks the keenest interest in the workings of this product or service and that act as a prime mover in establishing and maintaining channel links.

Marketing Channel

“Channel format as Combination of Channel Members The various channel participants can combine in many ways to create effective marketing channels. The range and number of channel members are affected by the nature of demand by end-users, and the captaincy of the channel can vary from situation to situation.

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Channel Analysis Framework

Decisions about Efficient Channel Response :

#Channel Structure : What kind of intermediaries are in my channel? ;

Who are they? ; How many of them?

# Splitting the workload With what responsibilities?

# Degree of commitment: Distribution alliance? Vertical integration / ownership?

# Gap analysis What do i have to change?

CHANNEL DESIGN PROCESS : # Segmentation Recognize and Respond to target customers’ service output demands


Channel Power: Identify sources for all channel members

Channel Conflict: Identify actual and potential source

Manage/ Defuse Conflict : Use power source strategically, subject to

legal constraints

Goal : Channel Coordination

Insight for specific channel institutions : Retailing, Wholesaling and Logistics, Franchising

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• Splitting market into groups of end-users Similar within groups Different between groups Based on demands for the outputs of the marketing channel Added value Service outputs

Example : Segments of book end-users

Marketing Channel

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Channel Structure

Splitting the Workload

1. Types of channel members 2. Identities of specific channel members 3. Channel intensity : number of each type

• Assign channel flows to channel members Meet target segment’s service output demands Reliable Minimize total cost, while meeting service level

Marketing Channel

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Degree of Commitment

Gap Analysis

Transactional relationships

- Pursue individual goals

- No guarantee of continued business


- Enduring connections throughout companies

- Pursue common goals

The difference between optimal and actual channels

Demand side gaps

- Service output demands are not being met

- Undersupplied

- Oversupplied

Supply side gaps

- At least one flow is costing too much

- Lack of expertise

- Waste

Closing gaps is difficult and costly

Vertical integration

- Own channel members

- Reasons

- Channel members do not exist

- Company can handle flows as efficiently

- Channel member is not sufficiently committed

Marketing Channel

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Channel Power

Channel Conflict

Ability to control other channel members

Necessary to implement channel design

May be used to optimize channel to benefit of all channel members

Actions of channel members prevent channel from achieving its goals

Goal conflict

Domain conflict

Perceptual conflict

Marketing Channel

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Manage/ Difuse Conflict

Channel Coordination

Marketing Channel

Identify sources of conflict

- Poor channel design

- Poor performance

Take action

- Exercise channel power

Result of

- Channel designed to meet service output demands of target end-user segments

- Application of channel power to ensure smooth implementation of the channel design

Ongoing process

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Marketing Channel

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End-User Channel Preferences

Product or service can be bought

in multiple way, ex; corporate

personal PC and online bill payment

Diff. end user have diff. demands

Identify how the end-user wants to

buy as well as what the end-user

wants to buy

Marketing Channel

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Service Outputs

Bulk breaking

Spatial convenience

Waiting time

Product variety

Customer service

Information provision

Marketing Channel

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Service Outputs

Bulk breaking

• Enabling customers to buy in their desired quantities

Spatial convenience

• Reducing customers‟ transportation requirements and search costs

Waiting time

• Time period between ordering and receiving products and services

• Longer waiting times mean customers must be able to predict needs and plan further in advance

Marketing Channel

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Service Outputs

Product variety

• Variety; diff. classes of good making up the product offering (the breadth of product lines)

• Assortment; depth of product brand/models offered within each generic product

Customer service

• Easing the shopping and purchase process

• Must be sensitive to the target end-user

Information provision

• Education of customers about product attributes, product usage capabilities, solutions retailing, pre-purchase services, and post-purchase services

Marketing Channel

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TABLE 1-1: SERVICE OUTPUT DEMAND DIFFERENCES (an example of segmentation in the book-buying market)

Browser buying best-sellers to take on vacation Student buying textbooks for fall semester at college


Service Output

Demand Level Descriptor

Service Output

Demand Level



“I‟m looking for some „good

read‟ paperbacks to enjoy.” Medium

“I only need one copy of my

Marketing textbook!” High




“I have lots of errands to run

before leaving town, so I‟ll be

going past several bookstores.”

Medium “I don‟t have a car, so I can‟t

travel far to buy.” High





“I‟m not worried about getting

the books now… I can even

pick up a few when I‟m out of

town if need be.”


“I just got to campus, but

classes are starting tomorrow

and I‟ll need my books by




and variety

“I want the best choice

available, so that I can pick

what looks good.”

High “I‟m just buying what‟s on my

course reading list.” Low



“I like to stop for a coffee when

book browsing.” High

“I can find books myself, and

don‟t need any special help.” Low



“I value the opinions of a well-

read bookstore employee; I

can‟t always tell a good book

from a bad one before I buy.”


“My professors have already

decided what I‟ll read this



Marketing Channel

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Service Outputs

Service output demanded by meaningful

segment of end-user

Costly activities of channel members

Marketing Channel

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Segmenting the Market

Identify all relevant service outputs

A priori segmentation

Service output segmentation

- Maximally similar within groups

- Maximally different between groups

- On dimensions that matter

Marketing Channel

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Manufacturer (New High Technology Product)

Full-Service Responsive

Support References/


Lowest Total Cost





Associations, Events,






Dealers TeleSales/


Internal Support - Install, Training & Service



Source: Reprinted with permission of Rick Wilson, Chicago Strategy

Associates, 2000.

Marketing Channel

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Meeting Service Output Demands

Cost—prohibitively expensive

- Decide whether or not to provide the service

- Decide whether to cover the cost or explicitly charge the customer

Competitive—what do the competitors offer?

- Providing extra service may not affect market share

Ease of entry

- New competitors

Other elements of excellence in offering

- Very low price

- Truly superior product

Marketing Channel

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The Role of Service Output Demand Analysis in Marketing Channel Design

Assess segment attractiveness

Select segments to target and not to target

Customize the marketing channel for each

targeted segment

- Create new marketing channels

- Modify existing marketing channels

Marketing Channel

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Marketing Channel

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Market Testing The objective

1. to get insight about opportunity in obtaining solid forecast of dollar and unit sales.

2. As diagnostic information to revise and refine anything about the launch.

Marketing Channel

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The Market Testing Decision

Marketing Channel

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Factor to be considered in market test decision

Any special twists on the launch

What Information is needed


Nature of the marketplace

Marketing Channel

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Methods of market Testing

Pseudo Sale : refers to the presentation of the product directly to its potential consumers in order to record their thoughts about it and then use it to figure out if the product will have a market or not.

Controlled Sale : the newly developed product is actually displayed for sale, but the only difference is that it is controlled.

Full Sale : all variables are go, including competition and the trade.

Marketing Channel

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Methods of market testing and where are used

Marketing Channel

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Pseudo Sale Method Speculative Sale

the marketing team presents the product to the potential consumers. Once the presentation is over, the potential consumers are free to ask any questions about the product to the marketing team. And of course, here the marketing team must make sure to reply to them in a convincing manner. The next job then is figuring out how much the potential customers are willing to pay for the product. In the end, the marketing team asks them whether they would be interested in buying it. In the process, all the reactions and answers of these potential customers are recorded.

Marketing Channel

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Pseudo Sale Method Simulated Test market

Simulated test market refers to a marketing research technique where consumers are subjected to engineered advertising and purchase decisions to examine their response to a new product or service.

Marketing Channel

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Control Sale Method Informal Selling

In informal selling category, a specific location is picked where a salesperson trained by the marketing team is stationed with the new product. This location can be anything ranging from trade show to hallway of a mall. As people come to see this product the salesperson is supposed to give them a presentation of the product. After hearing his explanation if the people buy the product and then again come back to buy another portion of it after a week or two then the marketing team sees it as a good sign.

Marketing Channel

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Control Sale Method Direct Marketing

direct marketing is an "interactive system of marketing which uses one or more advertising media to effect a measurable response and/or transaction at any location, using mail, telephone, TV, Fax, or computer network.

Marketing Channel

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Control Sale Method Minimarket

the marketing team selects a few different stores (limited outlet) for displaying their newly developed product. These stores happen to be very specific. They must be close to the potential customers who are in need of the product and also their sales people. In majority of the cases, a marketing team picks those stores which already have old connection with the company of the newly developed product. However, the goal remains the same. The marketing team wishes to see if the potential customers buy the product and makes repeated purchases in later time.

Marketing Channel

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Full Sale Method Test Marketing

Product development stage where the product and the marketing program are introduced on a small scale into one or more selected cities or market areas. Test marketing provides the marketer the opportunity to observe consumer behavior toward the product in a real market situation, gain experience with the marketing program, and assess potential problem areas before launching a full-scale product introduction.

Marketing Channel

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Full Sale Method Test Marketing

Marketing Channel

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Full Sale Method Rollout

Sometime called tired marketing or limited marketing is a term for the introduction of a new product or service to the market and often accompanied by a strong marketing campaign to generate a large amount of consumer’s interest.

Marketing Channel

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Full Sale Method Pattern of information gained at various stage of rollout

Marketing Channel

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Marketing Channel