marketing for newbies special report

The Step By Step Action Guide for Super Fast Results In Internet Marketing © Newbies Web Guide

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The Step By Step Action Guide for Super Fast Results In Internet


© Newbies Web Guide

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Boring Legal Stuff: Legal Notice Whilst all attempts have been made to verify the information that is provided in this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibilities for errors, omissions or contradictory information contained in this report. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this report. The information contained in this report is strictly for informational and educational purposes only. The author and publisher do not warrant the performance, effectiveness or applicability of any information or sites listed or linked to in this report. All links are for information purposes only and are not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose. Results from using any information in this report will be totally dependent on individual circumstances and factors beyond the control of the author. The author's results may vary from your results. This book is not intended as legal, investment, business or accounting advice. The purchaser or reader of this publication assumes all responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Ciaran Doyle and all his business entities in the present and the future assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever on behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials.

©Copyright Notice This work is all rights reserved. No part of this publication (Marketing For Newbies) may be reproduced, transmitted or copied in any forms, electronic or mechanical. Unauthorized use, sharing, reproduction or distribution is strictly prohibited. You may NOT distribute this report in any form. This report does NOT come with resell rights, PLR Rights or any rights pertaining to the distribution of this report within prior consent. If you got this product from anywhere other than you have an illegal copy. Please send me an email and I’ll promptly take action.

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Table Of Contents:

4. About Ciaran Doyle

5. Task 1: 100 Things

6. Brainstorming

- Niche Marketing

10. Keyword Research

16. The Free Giveaway

- The Google Process

18. Domain Name & Hosting

- What is Wordpress?

20. Setting up your Squeeze Page

- Squeeze Page Template

22. Creating Your Autoresponder

24. Driving traffic to your FREE Offer

26. Creating your own product to sell

- The Easy Interview Process

28. Creating Your Sales Page

30. Traffic Generation for your paid product

32. Putting it all together

- Step By Step Graph

- Putting it all together graph

35. Conclusion


36. Goal Setting

37. Relevant Links

38. The basics of what you need

39. List of hobbies

41. Inspiration

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About Ciaran Doyle.

I sometimes have to ask myself this and trace back how I got started on the internet. My first introduction into being an entrepreneur was when I was in primary school and used to sell packets of crisps to one of my class mates. They were these nasty scallion flavoured ones and I was getting £1 a week for them from a boy in my class.

I sometimes have to ask myself this and trace back how I got started on

the internet. My first introduction into being an entrepreneur was when I

was in primary school and used to sell packets of crisps to one of my

class mates. They were these nasty scallion flavoured ones and I was

getting £1 a week for them from a boy in my class.

I suppose that’s really what business is for me and how it started. The

internet is exactly the same. You find something or create something

that somebody wants and you give it to them, Easy!

About 4 years ago I got completely sick of my job in the corporate world

and decided to try something new. I knew there had to be something

better suited to me out there and there was, Internet Marketing. But for

the first 3 years I did absolutely nothing, sure I made a few hundred

bucks now and then but nothing like I knew I should be making.

It was when I sat down and said to myself, Ciaran you have to do this

that things started changing. I wrote out a plan of attack, and worked

solidly for about a week straight.

Within one week and my first proper website I was making about $350 a

day. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I looked at my accounts.

I worked hard and I continue to work hard now and I just want to tell you

if you work hard and put in the effort you can do it too.

To your success


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Task 1: 100 Things.

Now this is not my idea, I actually heard from a friend of mine and great

internet marketer Mark Anastasi. When I did this little exercise my mind

started to open up and see new ways of making money all around me.

So this exercise is broken down into 3 parts.

Part 1: Write down 100 reasons why you must make money

Part 2: write down 100 things that could happen if you DON’T make


Part 3: Write down 100 ways that you can make money

Now this does take a bit of time but I would definitely say that you should

really try to get this finished as soon as you can. When I first did it, it was

amazing how my mind opened up. I was writing down Part 3: 100 ways

to make money and I was stuck at about 20 ideas. Damn I couldn’t think

of any more, but I pushed on, and I pushed on, eventually another idea

came, then another and another until I was about 50 ideas now and I

came to another mental block.

I thought and thought, took a break, cleared my head and got back to it,

my brain opened up again and again, until eventually I reached the 100


You won’t believe how powerful this is until you do it yourself. You will

start to see money making opportunities all around you. Give it a try, you

won’t be sorry.

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Step 1: Brainstorming:

This is the beginning of you making a living for yourself from the internet

so you really want to make sure that you are giving this your best shot.

Brainstorming is easy and if you don’t find it that easy at first, don’t give

up because it gets a whole lot easier. So you need to start writing a list

of things:

What are your interests or hobbies? (write a list)

What do you love doing (I love cooking)

What do you know a lot about?

Are you passionate about something? One of my students is

passionate about the environment, you can check out what she is

doing with her passion here:



Write down at least 10 ideas that you think can make you money.

I would recommend you not choosing something like money

making online or weight loss as these are too broad of markets.

What I would recommend are finding smaller niche markets.

Write down your Niches Here:











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Niche Marketing:

What is a Niche Market? A niche market is a small targeted group of

people who like or are involved in a particular subject or hobby etc. An

example of a niche market that a friend of mine is in is:

Losing weight for ladies who have just had a baby

Another one could be: How to braid horses hair

Backgammon for beginners

How to improve your credit score

The list is endless and most likely if you have a hobby or an interest you

might be able to make money from selling information about a pain or a

problem related to that hobby or interest. There are a few things that you

must do first though and silly people will not follow these, so please don’t

be silly, follow what I have to say. (There is a huge list of hobbies and

ideas at the back of the workbook)

So what problem do I see occur way too much?

1. You create a website: now this isn’t any old website, this is the hottest, coolest, up to date website on the planet today. When people see it they are instantly going to fall in love with it and they are going to spend loads of cash on it and on and on….

2. You create a product: again this is the most awesome product that

you have ever created. You spent loads of time and money creating it and you just know that when people see it they are going to love it more than life itself. You reckon it could be bigger than the Tickle Me Elmo doll that sold out a few years ago, or maybe the Wii, or the iPod….

3. You spend lots of money on design: Well why not, you know that

you are going to need things to do your correspondence on when people start buying your brilliant product so why not spend that extra bit of cash right now, you might get it at a discount!

4. You get a professional Copywriter in: This is an absolute must,

who is going to buy your product if you haven’t spent at least $5,000 getting your copywriting done by a professional, after all everyone else has.

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So where did it all go wrong? You were so sure that what you had would be an instant success but it all fell apart somewhere. Do you know where? It fell apart at the very BEGINNING!

The reason being… There was no RESEARCH!

You see most people make this mistake, spending loads of time creating

a product and then trying to find the market to market it to.

What you need to do first is find that there is a market, then find what

they want and then give it to them. It is simple and follows along like this:

1. Find a hungry market

2. Find out their problems

3. Give them the solution to their problem.

What are the things that people are really „gung ho’ for getting?

1. To make more money (be that by getting a better high paying job,

starting a business, making money from websites, investing in

stocks and shares)

2. People want to feel secure in what they have (again this could be

about investing in stocks, creating security for their family)

3. Enjoy life. Want to have more time to do the things they love

4. Want to look good, health and fitness (lose weight, have big

muscles, tone up, etc)

5. Want to be attractive to others (want to be able to pick up the

opposite sex, etc)

6. Want to make their life better (thirst for new experiences and


7. Want children to be safe and healthy (lose weight, obesity,

knowledge, school, friends, no drugs etc)

a. Fear

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b. Anger

c. Sickness

d. Pain

e. Anxiety

f. Allergies

8. Want to get rid of diseases, aches and pains.

9. Companionship (want to be loved, start dating again, to feel


10. Want to be popular

11. Want to learn more about how to be better at hobbies

This is just a small list of what people want, do your ideas come in here?

If you are stuck for ideas there are so many places to look for

information: One of my favourites is Google Trends where you can find out trends from all over the

world. This shows you in real time what is HOT right now, an absolute


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Step 2: Keyword Research

This is probably my favourite part of the whole process. I love the

keyword research part because it has made me lots of money just by

being able to see new markets that I can work with.

The tool we are going to be using is called the Google Keyword Tool

you can use the tool here:

But even before we get into this we need to brainstorm keywords for

your chosen niches.

So with your ten main subjects lined up I want you to pick go to the

Google keyword tool and search for each key word and see how many

searches they have each.

Pick the top 2 searched keywords.

Then what I want you to do is brainstorm 10 words or phrases that YOU

would associate with these niches. Please don’t use the keyword tool

just yet as this will ruin the process.

Niche 1:











Niche 2:









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When you have written down all of these keywords, (don’t worry if you can’t

get the full 10 on each, 6 is ok for now, but I can guarantee you that when you get

into this work and start making money you are going to have pages full of keywords

to play with .) you must go to the Google keyword tool:

In here I want you to take one niche at a time and one keyword at a time

and place it into the keyword tool. What I then want you to do is take the

top ten keywords from the search, but not only that I want you to take

the amount of searches that it has had last month also and put them into

the tables below. This is the easiest way to start building a great money

making keyword list. Do it for all your keywords. It might take a bit of time

but will be worth it.

My Top 10 Keywords From Keyword Tool My Amount Of Searches braiding 1. 6600

2.braid horse 2. 4400 braids 3. 1900

4.braided horse 4. 2900

5. 5.

6. 6.

7. 7.

8. 8.

9. 9.

10. 10.

Top 10 Keywords From Keyword Tool Amount Of Searches

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

6. 6.

7. 7.

8. 8.

9. 9.

10. 10.

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Top 10 Keywords From Keyword Tool Amount Of Searches

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

6. 6.

7. 7.

8. 8.

9. 9.

10. 10.

Top 10 Keywords From Keyword Tool Amount Of Searches

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

6. 6.

7. 7.

8. 8.

9. 9.

10. 10.

Top 10 Keywords From Keyword Tool Amount Of Searches

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

6. 6.

7. 7.

8. 8.

9. 9.

10. 10.

Top 10 Keywords From Keyword Tool Amount Of Searches

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

6. 6.

7. 7.

8. 8.

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9. 9.

10. 10.

Top 10 Keywords From Keyword Tool Amount Of Searches

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

6. 6.

7. 7.

8. 8.

9. 9.

10. 10.

Top 10 Keywords From Keyword Tool Amount Of Searches

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

6. 6.

7. 7.

8. 8.

9. 9.

10. 10.

Top 10 Keywords From Keyword Tool Amount Of Searches

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

6. 6.

7. 7.

8. 8.

9. 9.

10. 10.

Top 10 Keywords From Keyword Tool Amount Of Searches

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

6. 6.

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7. 7.

8. 8.

9. 9.

10. 10.

Top 10 Keywords From Keyword Tool Amount Of Searches

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

6. 6.

7. 7.

8. 8.

9. 9.

10. 10.

Top 10 Keywords From Keyword Tool Amount Of Searches

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

6. 6.

7. 7.

8. 8.

9. 9.

10. 10.

If you need any more just print out this page a few times.

Next Step:

You have created great keyword lists now what you have to do is

evaluate the keywords and the searches to find out which market you

want to target. What we must look for is:

High Searches V‟s Low Competition.

By doing all this keyword research and writing it all down it enables you

to see which would be the best way to enter the market.

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When you have decided on the outcome of this and see which keywords

are best and which is your top key word for market penetration it is time

to create your Free Giveaway.

Put these keywords to the side as these we can use when we really

need to start marketing, and when I say marketing, I mean getting

visitors to your website using tools like Google Adwords and CPV, etc.

I would normally create a folder on my desktop called “Keywords” and

name each keyword set the generic keyword, so: “Horse Braids


This will help you be more organised, which I believe is crucial to online

business success.

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Step 3: The Free Giveaway

Once you know what market you want to target, then you have got to

create a free giveaway to start building your list. Now this is a really

simple thing to do. You can either do it yourself which I would

recommend or you can get someone else to do it.

So let’s go on as if you are doing it!

All you need to do to create a free product is find about 10 different

problems that people are having in a particular niche and write a piece of

about 300-500 words for each, almost like writing an article.

I use a process I made up called the Google process to find out the ten

ideas. So follow what the process says.

Google Process So what is this Google Process and how can it help you not mess up when thinking about releasing a Product? Its research! That’s all, and where better to find out about your target audience than in Google. Instructions:

1. Type “Keyword” & Forum into: Google 2. Check the Google Adwords Ads

3. Look on Google Blogs

4. Check Google Answers

5. Join some Google Groups

6. Search YouTube

But don’t only look in these places for information on your target audience and their problems, there are lots more places to find the valuable information you are after.



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©2010 Page | 17 And once you have gone into all of these places and found out the real meat and potatoes “The Pain Points” behind what makes these people tick, you put them into the box below: Once you have the pain points you can start creating the free giveaway report. You can even use the structure of how I did this free guide. Just follow step by step. Include disclaimers etc, check with a law professional before making claims etc.

Next Step:

When you have created your Free product you are well on your way to

starting collecting the much needed names to start your email marketing

campaigns, but first you need a website with a Domain Name & Hosting.

I would recommend buying your own domain name and hosting account

rather than using a free account. It looks more professional and that is

what we are trying to get across to people.

Ten Pain Points For Your Free Product











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Step 4: Domain Name & Hosting

Now in order to do anything related to making money on the internet I

believe you need to have your own domain name and a hosting account.

The hosting account that I use will give you a free domain name when

you sign up with it. It is probably one of the best hosting accounts, I have

never had any problems with it and it also is really easy to use. It’s called

Host Monster and you can pick it up here:

Hosting Recommendation: I have used this hosting since I got

online and have never had any problems.

Grab It Here

Once you have your domain name and hosting you want to put a

website on it.

The great thing about Host Monster is that it has a function called

Simple Scripts that allows you to put a full Wordpress Website on it in a

matter of seconds.

What is Wordpress?

Wordpress is an open source Content Management System that acts as

a website for the internet. The webpage that you got this report from is a

Wordpress Website.

The beauty of Wordpress is that because it is open source it means that

anyone can create things for it, and they have including:

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Beautiful themes to create amazing websites of all manner! One of my

favourite is called Woo Themes, it is a premium Wordpress theme seller,

meaning they charge you for their themes, but I believe they are worth it.

You can check out Woo themes here:

There are also many other places that you can get free themes. Just

simply go to Google and type in Free Wordpress Themes.

Once you have uploaded your Wordpress Website using Simple Scripts

in the CPanel of your hosting account you can then start to think about

what you are going to do with your new found website.

Next step:

You can set your “squeeze page” up on your Wordpress site and you don’t really need to know very much HTML at all. The squeeze page is the nickname for a little page that collects people’s names and emails for giving them some free content. You put your details in one to pick up this free report.

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Step 5: Setting Up Your Squeeze Page: This is extremely simple to do. I use a service called GetResponse to collect names and email addresses. It will cost you about $25 a month to use the service but it is so easy and cool to use, plus they have just created a new section that will enable you to make lovely squeeze page forms making this process even easier. You can try GetResponse here: GetResponse

Autoresponder System Recommendation: This I believe is probably the best and easiest Autoresponder system to use. Essential! Grab It Here

When you have signed up you might like to look through their tutorials. You can view them here:

Below you will find an example of what a squeeze page is like, you can use this as a template if you want

Attention: Do You Want To Know More (insert niche) ? Read On!

"Find Out How You Can ______, – Even if You Have No Experience or Are _______!"

From: Your Name Date: Dear Friend,

My name is NAME and like you, I'm always looking for ways to improve my _________.

Recently I discovered the secrets on how anyone can master __________ fast... and I want to share this discovery with you!

On the next page, I'll reveal the untold secrets on...

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(INSERT 5 Things They can learn from your gift) • Tops tips on.... • The one strategy that could seriously..... • The unique loop hole that..... • The long lost tactic that enables you to.... • Plus the one killer method that... • ......And much, much more!

Simply Fill In Your Name & Email Below To Discover The Secrets Of How YOU Can Improve Your



Use an email address you check regularly so you can receive all information. Your details will be

strictly protected and safe. It will never be sold. Click here (insert privacy policy here) for our privacy policy

IMPORTANT: Information on Improving Your _________ will be sent to your email once you click 'Click Here For Instant Access!" (check your junk folder to ensure you receive the email). Enter your correct

email address to make sure you get all information.

Talk soon

Your Name

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer

© Copyright – All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

And it’s as simple as that. Now you will want to try and write this yourself, but at least this will give you a template to us.

Next Step:

Once you have this created your webpage it is time to set up the

Autoresponders from GetResponse. This is where you can get your

creative juices flowing. I would recommend signing up to a few people’s

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free courses on the internet to see how they write email Autoresponders.

This will help you out no end, I still do it.

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Step 6: Creating your Autoresponder. First off what is an Autoresponder? Autoresponders are the life blood of any internet marketer. It is software that allows you to create send messages automatically to people who sign up to your list. That’s right, you can pre make these Autoresponders (Messages) and then have them sent out when you want. (You DECIDE) So the process goes like this:

1. They sign up for your free guide or report 2. You send them an email that they have to click to say that they

asked for the guide. (This is easy set up inside GetResponse, just look at the tutorials), or if you don’t want to you can set it up so they don’t have to confirm.

3. You immediately send them a message saying Thank You and Congratulations for getting my free report and you add a link for them to be able to download the guide from.

4. Then about 3 days later (you can set this up automatically) you send them an email saying that you hope they enjoyed the book, and ask them to tell you about them. Just some easy things (creating a relationship)

5. Then you start talking to them and giving them good information. 6. When it comes time to sell them your product they want to get it

from you. I recommend sending emails every three days; you don’t want to over kill it. You can learn how to use the Autoresponder system in the GetResponse Tutorials.

Next Step:

The next step is actually looking at this picture:

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Any idea what this is?

It’s an empty mall. And a mall with no people makes no sales, the exact

same as a website with no traffic. So the next step is to get Traffic or

Visitors to your paid website.


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Step 7: Driving Traffic To Your Free Offer

There are so many ways that you can drive traffic to your website, both paid and free ways. To start off I would recommend using something fast to get traffic to your squeeze page to know if you have a product that people really want. I would recommend using Google Adwords or some banner advertising for this. Other strategies include:

Article writing


Video marketing (Youtube)


Benner advertising

MSN Adcenter

Joint Ventures

Integration marketing



Social media marketing

Next Step:

Once you have started driving traffic to your Free Offer and people have

started opting in for your information.

1. It’s time to build a relationship with them.

a. Give them great content

b. Ask them questions about what they want to learn (this is

GOLD!) I use a free survey

software where I create questions to find out what they want.

2. When you have built a relationship with them and they trust you it’s

time to create your PAID Product from the questions they asked

you about what they want to learn.

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3. It’s as simple as that, they tell you what they want and you give it

to them.

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Step 8: Creating your own product to sell. There are many different ways to create a product to sell to people. One of the easiest ways that I have seen and used is actually creating a product from interviews of successful people in your chosen field. Here are the steps that I did to create my first product.

1. Find 5 really important questions that people need answered (you don’t need to have the answers, Remember, you people could have already have asked these in the Survey)

2. Find the top 20 -50 people in your chosen niche and send them a letter asking them if they would like to be interviewed for your upcoming product. You can find their addresses here: (if they have a website)

3. Send them a nice letter and then follow up about a week later with

an email or a phone call or even friend them on Facebook and get in contact that way.

4. Arrange the interview time

5. Send them the questions before the meeting so they have time to

prepare for the interview.

6. Sign up for Skype to record the interview. You will need a piece of software called Pamela for Skype to record the call. You can pick it up here: Pamela

7. Record the interview with the person.

8. Then get the audio and send it off to be transcribed.

9. Get the transcription created into a product

That’s how simple it is to create your first product. If you have recordings and transcriptions you can then use that material again, for articles, videos, podcasts, blog posts, Facebook posts, etc.

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Next Step:

Once you have your first product created you need to know how to sell

it. So what you need to sell your first product are a few things:

1. A website

2. Optin Page

3. Autoresponder

4. Emails

5. Sales Page

6. Merchant Account (Clickbank for digital products)

So, let’s get into creating the Sales Page.

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Step 9: Create sales page This is a step that I would recommend you outsource to people. I do not do this myself and really can’t give you any advice on writing long copy. There is a tool that I use and it is really good, it’s called Burpies and is a copywriting tool. It’s just a fill in the blanks. Probably the best way to write copy is to look at how others write it. Go and search the internet to see if there is any good copy there. If there is just start creating a swipe file where you take loads of different bits of copy you like so when you are creating your own you can sort of look back over the good copy and use it in yours. Here is a list of some amazing copywriting that you can view; I would

also recommend you signing up to their newsletters as they are


Alan Forrest Smith (UK Copywriter)

Ray Edwards

Copy Blogger

These three are some of the best around. I know Alan & Ray and would

recommend learning from any of these guys. They charge huge

amounts of money but get massive results. I know they do writing

courses so if you are interested in learning well these are the top guys.

Once you have your sales page and your thank you page created you

must then submit your product to Clickbank and they will decide whether

they want to sell it for you or not. I have never had any products

declined, actually I know no one who has, so it is pretty easy to get


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Next Step:

You have created your online business now

1. A website

2. Optin Page

3. Autoresponder

4. Emails

5. Merchant Account (Clickbank for digital products)

6. Sales page

You need more traffic.

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Step 9: Traffic generation for you PAID Product We have looked at the traffic strategies used to drive visitors to your Free Product and this section is pretty similar, except now, you also have a list that you can send your offer to. So, first off you send your free offer to your list. If you have built up the relationship properly then you hopefully will make some good sales. Then you can get into the other strategies like I mentioned before. Traffic strategies include:

Article writing


Video marketing (Youtube)


Benner advertising

Google Adwords

MSN Adcenter

Joint Ventures

Integration marketing



Social media marketing The list goes on and on, the more you have the better because it means more traffic, but just start off with 1 first and then move onto the next when you have gotten real good at that one.

Next Step: The next step for you is to decide on which strategy you want to use. You have:

Loads of content (articles, videos, podcasts)

Keywords (Adwords, MSN or Yahoo PPC)

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You already have lots of keywords that you can work with, remember the folder I asked you to create? Now when I started making money online I started using Google Adwords. I love Adwords and think that it is probably the fastest way to make money online. You can have an advertising campaign up and running within a few minutes. I have a course dedicated to showing you how to set up your Adwords Campaigns perfectly. You can pick up the course called the “Adwords Cash Blueprint” here: But even if the “Adwords Cash Blueprint” is not for you and you would prefer to use free methods first I want you to remember this: “The most important thing I will say is to really stick to one or two

strategies to get traffic in the beginning. If you try too many nothing will work”

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Putting It All Together Now this is the exciting part that you need to get right. This is where it all comes together and you start making some money. So the steps are as follows:

1. Brainstorm your top 10 niches 2. Keyword research to find the best niche 3. Create Your Free Product 4. Buy domain name & hosting 5. Set up your website (using Wordpress) 6. Set up your squeeze page to collect names 7. Set up your Autoresponder messages 8. Drive traffic to your free offer 9. Build list & relationship 10. Create Paid Product 11. Get Sales page created 12. Submit product to Clickbank 13. Drive traffic to your offer

Follow the steps in the graphs below. Start at step 1 and work your way down, then step 2 and work your way down and then step 3 and work your way down. Then the graph after that is putting it all together.

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Brainstorm 10 Niches

Use the Google keyword tool to find

out 2 most popular.

Low Competition vs. High Searches

Brainstorm 10 Keywords For each

chosen niche & Do KR for each

one (Collect Search numbers)

Create Free Product

Buy domain name &


Set Up Wordpress


GetResponse Autoresponder

& Set up Squeeze page (Use


Send Autoresponder Messages &

Build list & Relationships

Create Paid Product & Get Sales

Page Created & Submit to Clickbank




Drive Traffic To Squeeze Page




Paid Product

Drive Traffic To Squeeze Page



Paid Product


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Drive Traffic To Squeeze Page

Putting It All Together:

SQUEEZE PAGE Collect Names & Send

Emails. If They Optin, Send

Them To The Sales Page.

Paid Product If they buy, then you go onto

bigger sales, If they don’t they go

back to Autoresponders




Workshops Mentoring Big Sales

Step 1: Drive traffic to the

Squeeze Page.

Step 2: Collect Names & Send

Emails. Put them onto

Autoresponder System of messages.

People sometimes need to see a

message 7 times before they buy.

This is where you do your selling

through your email list.

Step 3: Either they buy or they

don’t buy. If they do, send them to

your other higher ticket products in

the future. If they don’t buy, put

them back to the Autoresponder

messages and then do process


Step 4: When they buy they are

your customers. If you treat them

well and respect them they will be

happy to hear from you and maybe

even want to learn more from you.

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Conclusion: Remember that this is only the beginning for you as an internet marketer. There are so many things that you can do on the internet to make money on the internet. As you develop you will start to pick up new and exciting ways, one of my favourites is Affiliate Marketing, where you get a commission for helping sell someone else product. The commissions can be great and you can make a lot of money this way. Other people like to buy and sell domain names, and others still like to buy run down domains and do them up and then sell them on for a profit. When you get good at this you can start to offer your own services like I do. I offer mentoring to my students, consulting to my clients, seminars and workshops for people wanting to learn from me. I love doing the last two. I have really gotten the bug of teaching people in live environments and hopefully will be doing this for a long time. I think the most important thing that I can tell you is that please don’t give up. Sometimes things won’t work out like you had planned, but never ever give up on your dream Write down your goals, make sure you know exactly what you are going for and don’t stop until you have achieved it. And never and I repeat never stop learning. The difference between a mediocre life and a great life can be just one paragraph away. I look forward to hearing your success stories

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Pick up your FREE Money Making SEO


This is the exact same system that Ciaran has used to get top positions for his websites in Google & the other search engines. This is his gift to you. Just follow the simple step by step instructions and you should be getting the same results in no time. You can pick it up by clicking the link below:

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Write down your Goals here:

1 Month Goals 6 Month Goals 1 Year Goals

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Here are some useful links that I have found have helped me through my IM journey. Domain Names: Hosting: Host Website Creation Tools: Wordpress Xsite Pro Affiliate Programs: Clickbank (CPA) Video Directories: Youtube Dailymotion Article Directories Autoresponder Software GetResponse Outsourcing Odesk Elance Rentacoder

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The Basics Of What You Need!

A website hosting account that CPanel

In the US: Try Hostmonster

In The UK: Try Nativespace

You need a good quality domain name

If you have a domain name already you need to point the DNS name servers

to your web host

If you don’t have one, you can purchase one at the same time as your

website hosting.

Wordpress, Website templates

Wordpress (One click install with the hosting companies recommended above)

Recommended Wordpress plugins

All In One SEO pack

Google Sitemap Generator

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LIST OF HOBBIES: Quilting Marbles Lock picking Historical re-enactment Model (scale model) building Rafting Free Running

Scrapbooking Microchips Low-tech

Ancient re-enactment (See also: List of ancient re-enactment groups) Live steam models Rock climbing Gliding

Amateur Science related Sculpture Militaria Spud gun Dark Ages re-enactment Matchstick models Rockhounding (rock and mineral hunting/collecting) Golf

Amateur astronomy Sewing Miniature figures Go-Karting Early Medieval re-enactment Military models Ice Skating Gymnastics

Amateur chemistry Soapmaking Moths Refurbishing High Medieval re-enactment Model aircraft Plinking Handbalancing

Amateur microscopy Stained glass Newspapers

Renaissance re-enactment Model cars, including radio-controlled cars Sailing Hanggliding

Amateur telescope making Stamping Patches Electronics Jousting Model commercial vehicles SCUBA diving Horseshoes

Electronics Warm glass Pens Amateur radio English Civil War re-enactment Model engineering (Machining) Sight seeing Hunting

Fireworks Weaving Photographs CB radio Modern re-enactment Model houses Skiing Ice skating

Genealogy Wood carving Plates Circuit bending North America Fur Trade reenactments (known as "Rendezvous") Model figures Skateboarding Kick Boxing

Lasers Woodworking Postcards DIY audio French and Indian War re-enactment Model military vehicles Snorkeling (Snorkelling) Kitesurfing

Mass-Observation Lifecasting Posters Designing and building electronic circuits American Revolutionary War re-enactment Model nations Snowboarding Lacrosse

Physics demos or experiments

Quotations Hardware hacking Napoleonic war re-enactment Model railways/railroads Survival Camping Marbles

Robots Collecting Recordings (Records, CDs, Cassettes) TV and FM DXing Franco-Prussian War re-enactment Backyard railroads Stone skipping Martial arts

Antiques Rocks and Minerals Home theater American Civil War re-enactment Model rockets Traveling

Martial Arts Tricking

Animal-related Artwork Scale models Wild West re-enactment Model yachting Treasure hunting (possibly with metal detectors) Mountain Biking Animal Fancy (keeping or breeding animals for pets or show) Autographs Salt and Pepper Shakers Film-making Cowboy action shooting Trekking Netball Animal rescue (injured or orphaned wild or domestic animals) Aviation archaeology Shopping lists Animation World War II Music Urban Exploration Orienteering

Bird watching Banknotes Snow globes Brickfilm

Karaoke Walking Paintball

Beekeeping Baseball cards Souvenirs Short movies Interactive fiction Musical composition and MIDI composition (production) Parkour

Dog breeding Beetles Spoons

Collaborative fiction playing musical instruments Performing arts Racquetball

Falconry Books Stamps Games Gamebook Songwriting Amateur theater Ringette

Fishkeeping Bottles Stickers Board games Interactive storytelling Singing Dancing Rowing

Herpetoculture Business cards Swords Backgammon Role-playing game DJing / MCing Glowsticking Rugby

Horses Butterflies Teddy bears Checkers Whirling Dirvishes Juggling Running,Jogging

Hunting Calendars Thimbles Chess

Observation Magic tricks Sailing

Dog training Cameras Trading Cards (such as Baseball Cards) Carrom Internet-based hobbies Amateur astronomy Singing Shooting rifles

Elephant training Candlesticks Treasure hunting (possibly using Metal detectors) Chinese Checkers Blogging Bird watching Poetry reading Skateboarding

Cans Toys Clue BookCrossing Geyser gazing Bhangra Dancing Squash

Arts and crafts Cards Watches and Clocks German board games CrimeBloc Horoscopes Fire Poi / Sock Poi Surfing

Altered art Conifer cones Wine Go Currency bill tracking People/crowd watching Fire staff Table tennis

Beading Bottle caps Yardsticks Monopoly Facebooking Transportation spotting (see below) Tae Kwon Do

Blacksmithing Christmas Accessories Pente Geocaching Bigfoot Watching Photography Tennis

Calligraphy Classic Videogames Computer-related Risk DeviantART Loch Ness Monster Scouting Astrophotography Track

Collaging Clocks 3D computer graphics design Rummikub Google whacking Darkroom work (developing and printing photographic film) Trampolining

Cosplay Coasters Animation design Tournament Scrabble GPS drawing Outdoor/nature activities Kite aerial photography Unicycling

Crochet Coins Computer games Shogi IRC Backpacking Ultimate

Cross-stitch Comic books Computer programming Stratego MMORPG Birdfeeding, birding, and birdwatching Sports or other physical activities Volleyball

Dollhouses Crystals Open source and the free software movement Card games MUD Bouldering Aerobics Walking

House making Currency Competitive programming - e.g. ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest or TopCoder Bridge MSN Buildering or urban climbing Aggresive Skating Weight lifting

Drawing Dice Distributed computing projects Cribbage MySpace Butterfly watching Airsoft Wrestling

Embroidery Die-cast toys Ebay Gin rummy Newsgroups Camping Archery Skateboarding

Enamels Dolls Image editing Hearts Random surfing Caving Aviation Skating

Engraving Dumpster diving Retrocomputing Poker StumbleUpon Canoeing and kayaking Backyard wrestling Skiing

Figure painting Enamels Modding / Overclocking Rook Wikipedia Dragonboat Racing Badminton Slacklining

Glassblowing Fashion Design Spades World Wide Web Fishing Baseball, softball, and rounders Snowboarding

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Henna Feathers Food Trading Card Games/Collectible Card Games Yahoo Answers Freestyle Rolling Basketball Swimming

Jewelery making Fossils Baking euchre Friendster Footbag/Hacky Sack Bowling Triathlon

Knitting Found objects Barbecue (Grilling) Cue sports Mindsay Gardening (forest gardening, organic gardening, wildlife gardening, bonsai, and permaculture) Boxing Yachting

Leather crafting Fountain pens Hosting Parties Dominoes Orkutting Geocaching Cheerleading Yoga

Metal Working Guns Homebrewing (beer making) Fantasy sports Librivox recording Hiking Cricket Soccer

Origami Handbags OpenCola Role-playing games Historical Trekking Cross country Pilates

Painting Hats Home Canning Sudoku Literature Horse riding Cycling

Figure painting (hobby) Jewelry Cake making / cake decorating Tiddlywinks Constructed languages (conlanging) Hunting Dagorhir Toys

Tole painting Keychains Wine tasting Video games Geofiction, including model nations Kite flying Dance LEGO

Watercolor Knives (Pocket Knives, Hunting Knives, Kitchen Knives) Wargaming, sometimes with miniatures Learning foreign languages Laser skirmish Diving

Radio control toys

Splatter painting License Plates DIY (Do It Yourself) Reading and bibliophilia Letterboxing Freshwater and saltwater fishing, including fly fishing Erector Sets

Papercraft Lunchboxes Home Repairs Gardening Penpal Mountain climbing Fencing/Historical Fencing Cycling

Photography Manga Interior Design Bonsai Writing Nudism Football Meccano

Pottery Matchcovers and matchboxes ("Phillumenism") Logging Inventing ideas Grafting Zines Paintball Football (soccer)

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Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that

we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that

most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and


Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world.

There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't

feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest

the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in

everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give

other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically

liberates others.

~ Marianne Williamson quotes from A Return to Love