marketing management (micro and macro environment)

Principles of Marketing The Marketing Environment (Micro and Macro environment )

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Marketing Management (micro and macro environment)

Principles of Marketing

The Marketing Environment(Micro and Macro environment )

Page 2: Marketing Management (micro and macro environment)

Marketing Environment • Two types of marketing environment: • Micro-environment

– Consists of factors close to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers. The company itself, marketing channel firms, customer markets & a broad range of publics

• Macro-environment – Consists of the larger societal forces that affect the entire

microenvironment.– Demographic, economic, natural, technological, political,

competitor, and cultural forces

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• Marketing management’s job is to build relationships by creating customer value & satisfaction.

• The success of marketing plans requires working closely with the company’s microenvironment.

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Company’s Microenvironments

• Suppliers are firms & individuals providing resources needed by the company to produce goods & services.

• Some hotels have contracted with restaurant companies to supply their food &beverage services




•Marketing Intermediaries

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Company’s Microenvironments

• Marketing managers must work closely with top management and the various company departments.

• The finance department is concerned with finding & using funds required to carry out the marketing plan.

• Top management sets the company mission, broad strategies, objectives, and policies.

• Under the marketing concept, all managers, supervisors, and employees should work in harmony to provide superior customer value and satisfaction.– all departments impact marketing plans & actions




•Marketing Intermediaries

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Company’s Microenvironments

• The marketing concept holds a successful company must satisfy the needs and wants of consumers better than its competitors.

• Both large and small firms must find marketing strategies that give them specific advantages over competitors operating in their markets.




•Marketing Intermediaries

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Company’s Microenvironments

• Marketing intermediaries help the company promote, sell, and distribute its goods to the final buyers.

• The Internet as a booking engine has created many opportunities, but it has also made interactions with intermediaries more complex.

• Marketing services agencies are suppliers that help formulate & implement marketing strategy & tactics..




•Marketing Intermediaries

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• The company and all of the other actors operate in a larger macro-environment of forces that shape opportunities and pose threats to the company.

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Competitors • competitive products, substitute products for

one another, companies competing for your consumer’s purchasing power.

• A major effect on a business.• High barriers to exit from the industry present a

different set of competitive problems.

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• Direct Competitive Products

Which would you buy?

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– Indirectly Competitive Products– products than can be substituted for one another

– Plastic Containers vs. Glass vs. Tin vs. Aluminum – Sugar vs. Artificial Sweeteners – Typewriter vs. PC– Ocean Liner Vs. Air Travel

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Demographic Forces

• Demography is the study of human populations in terms of size, location, age, gender, race, occupation, and other statistics.

• The demographic environment is of major interest to marketers because it involves people, and people make up markets

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• Generation Y: Born between 1979 and 1994, size = marketing impact, fickle and skeptical group, techno’s

• Generation X: Born between 1965 and 1978, time premium, majority have children and houses, savvy and cynical consumers

• Baby Boomers: Born between 1946 and 1964Younger Boomers (ages 41 to 49)

– Home is the castle, spend on kidsOlder Boomers (ages 50 to 59)

– Spend on home upgrades & Holidays

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Economic Forces • Factors influencing consumer buying power and

strategies (stage of the business cycle, inflation, unemployment, resources, income etc)

• Affecting consumer purchasing power & spending patterns.

• Marketers must pay close attention to major trends and consumer spending patterns both across and within their world markets.

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Inflation and Deflation Inflation: The devaluation of money by reducing

what it can buy through continued price increases. Deflation: Falling prices

UnemploymentThe proportion of people in the economy who do not have jobs and are actively looking for work.

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• Income– Discretionary income: the amount of money

people have to spend after paying bills and necessities.

• Resource Availability– Demarketing: reducing consumer demand for a

good or service to a level that the firm can supply.

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Natural Forces

• The natural environment consists of many amenities that attract tourists, such as Conserve natural habitats, resources, endangered species, minimise environmental impact, recycling, energy efficient products and clean air.

• The natural environment involves natural resources needed as inputs by marketers or that are affected by marketing activities.

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Technological Forces

• The technological environment: application of knowledge in science, inventions, and innovations to solve problems

• The most dramatic force shaping our destiny is technology– which has given us wireless Internet, the ability to send documents

around the globe electronically & inexpensive worldwide transportation

• Technology has affected hospitality in many ways:– e-Tickets allow customers to check themselves in at the airport. This

saves time for the customer andlabor for the airlines made communication easier

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Toyota PriusHeating Technologies

Technology Advances Consumer Needs

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Technology increases exponentially New technology as a key to long-term

competitive advantagecreate more efficient operation or

better productsmay render existing products



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Political Forces• Marketing decisions are strongly affected by

developments in the political environment. – laws, government agencies, and pressure groups that

influence & limit the activities of various organizations and individuals in society

• Legislation and regulation affecting business have been enacted for three reasons. – Protects companies from each others– Customer from unfair business practices– Society’s interest against unrestrained business


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Cultural Forces• Core beliefs and values are passed on from

parents to children and are reinforced by schools, churches, business, and government.

• The cultural environment includes institutions and other forces that affect society’s basic values, perceptions, preferences, and behaviors. – people in any society hold persisting core beliefs

& values

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Issues: • Obesity in Children• Negative Body Images• Video Games • Healthy Eating etc ..

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Elements of Culture

1. Language2. Manners & Customs3. Technology & Material Culture4. Social Institutions – business, family5. Education –transmitting values, skills, attitudes etc6. Aesthetics – attitude toward beauty, art, music etc 7. Religion

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World’s Religions (2014)

Religion can affect marketing strategy