marketing project report

1 Final Project Report of launching a new product in Jhang Contents Serial # Topics Page # 1 Introduction 2 2 Mission statement 3 3 Selection of product 4 4 Promotion Stage 5 5 SWOT analysis 5 6 Launching stage 10 7 Pestel analysis 11 8 Feedback 14 Punjab Group Of Colleges Jhang

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11 Final Project Report of launching a new product in JhangContentsSerial #TopicsPage #


2Mission statement3

3Selection of product4

4Promotion Stage5

5SWOT analysis5

6Launching stage10

7Pestel analysis11


Introduction:This project has been started for the students of to gain experience about launching a new product in a new market. This will help them to know that how they can use their skills and talent in the process of marketing.The project has been assigned to group consist of three members. The name of this group is The EleGant these members as follows: Mohammad Rizwan Ahsaan Khan Ahmad YarThese members work together and give a pleasant end to this project. They work with great courage and in a tactful way and achieve their goals almost perfectly.

Mission Statement:The mission behind this project is to introduce a new product dabur Oil Hair-brush in jhang. We are trying to recognize the new and world most popular produced this product in Jhang. We want to provide the best quality at affordable price.We want to enhance your satisfaction not our business:

Selection of product:

Name:Class:Phone #:Gender: O Male O FemaleAnything which is better used of this product in another city or country, but not find in Jhang?Name: Place:Do you like to purchase it, in Jhang?Yes No At what price?The first step was to search that, which is the product is not launched in Jhang before? To know the answer we conduct a survey in the collage. The format of survey format is following:

After the survey we analyze all the information and conclude that the Oil Hair-Brush are the choice of majority and liked by both girls and boys.Promotion stage:After the completing the stage of selection of product, its the time to promote the idea into the mind of our targeted customer that near in the future they are enjoying something new in their city. We think it best to enter into the market with suspense, so that we just show the name of our Group.This flex give a little idea about the event coming in the future. But it is not easy for all the targeted customer what sill be happen in the coming days. Our idea was a question in the mind of readers and creating interest to know it more. But we are waiting for the last 2nd day of launching the product because the competitors already have shown their ideas ago many days.SWOT analysis:It is very necessary to now the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the dabur Hair oil brush in the new market.Following are SWOT analysis of the dabur Hair oil brush:Strengths:

Dabur India Limited is the fourth largest FMCG Company in India with Revenues of over Rs 7,073 Core & Market Capitalization of US $5 Billion. Building on a legacy of quality and experience of over 130 years, Dabur operates in key consumer products categories like Hair Care, Oral Care, Health Care, Skin Care, and Home Care & Foods.The Sustainable Development Society (Sundesh), a non-profit organization started by Dr. Burman, aims to carry out welfare activities in the spheres of health care, education and other socio-economic activities. Dabur drives its corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives through Sundesh.

In the Brand Trust Report 2012, Dabur was ranked 45th among India's most trusted brands and subsequently, according to the Brand Trust Report 2013, Dabur was ranked 65th among India's most trusted brands. In 2014 however, Dabur was ranked 109th among India's most trusted brands according to the Brand Trust Report 2014, a study conducted by Trust Research Advisory, a brand analytics company.Weakness:Weaknesses include increasing finance costs and tax charges. The 130-year-old company, promoted by the Burman family, had started operations in 1884 as an Ayurvedic medicines company. From its humble beginnings in the bylanes of Calcutta, Dabur India Ltd has come a long way today to become one of the biggest Indian-owned consumer goods companies with the largest herbal and natural product portfolio in the world. Overall, Dabur has successfully transformed itself from being a family-run business to become a professionally managed enterprise. What sets Dabur apart from the crowd is its ability to change ahead of others and to always set new standards in corporate governance & innovation.

Dabur today operates in key consumer products categories like Hair Care, Oral Care, Health Care, Skin Care, Home Care and Foods. The company has a wide distribution network, covering over 5.8 million retail outlets with a high penetration in both urban and rural markets.Opportunities:Opportunities are external changes, trends or needs that could enhance the business or organizations strategic position, or which could be of a benefit to them. This section will outline opportunities that dabur india is currently facing. dabur india could benefit from Governmental support, in the form of grants, allowances, training etc. Looking at export opportunities is a way for dabur india to raise profits. Changes in technology could give dabur india an opportunity to bolster future success. dabur india could benefit from expanding their online presence and making more money from online shoppers/internet users. The changes in the way consumers spend and what they buy provides a big opportunity for dabur india to explore. dabur india is in good financial position, which is an opportunity for them to explore interms of investment in new projects. Decrease in taxation gives an opportunity for dabur india to reduce prices or increaseprofits.

Threats:Threats are factors which may restrict damage or put areas of the business or organization at risk. They are factors which are outside of the company's control. Being aware of the threats and being able to prepare for them makes this section valuable when considering contingency plans and strategies. This section will outline main threats dabur india is currently facing. Consumer lifestyle changes could lead to less of a demand for dabur india products/services. Tax increases placing additional financial burdens on dabur india could be a threat. Change in demographics could threaten dabur india. The financial burden of increasing interest rates could be a threat to dabur india. Regulations requiring money to be spent or measures to be taken could put financial or other pressure on dabur india.

Launching Stage:After the very hard work the day of launching our product arrived. We were all confident about our access. It is the day of 15 March 2015, When we disclosed our idea toward our targeted customers. Everyone wondered by the presence of Dabur oil Hair brush in their city and at affordable price.

PESTEL ANALYSIS ON DABUR INDUSTRY:POLITICAL FACTORS:Government intervenes: Government support the industry to expand & to export its products & to grow.Trading policies: Trading policies are also favorable for Dabur Company so it can export its products & it also helps him to expand & to grow.ECONOMIC FACTORS:Consumer focus: they are continuously focusing on analyzing the consumer needs &develop products to fulfill their needs. This is the main reason for the growth of Dabur Company.Living standard: Rise in the living standard of people has increased their production level, & produce high quality & variety of products.National income: National income is important factor as if affect the growth of the organization. If per capita income is more the amount spends will be more & if it will be lower the amount spent will be less.Inflation rate: Inflation means the rise in the value of the entire product in the economy, if inflation rate is higher the cost of products will be higher & if inflation rate is lower the cost of product will be lower. This directly affects the growth of the organization.SOCIO-CULTURAL FACTORS:Demographics: Demographics are the study of human population in the economy. It helps the organization to divide the markets in different segments to target a large of customers. For Example, according to race, age, gender, family, religion, & sex.Distribution of income: This shows that how income is distributed in the economy. It directly affects the purchasing power of the buyers. And ultimately leads to increase or decrease in the consumption level of the products.Consumerism: This indicates that a large number of options are available while purchasing of goods to consumers, so the choice becomes easy & quality products can be chooses by consumers. So while purchasing a consumer has different choices to select product according to his needs.Education levels: Education is one of the most important factors which influence the buying power of consumer, while selecting a particular good a consumer should know all its features so it can differentiate them with other products.Law affect social behavior: Different laws are made by the government to safe guard the rights of consumers. For example, Consumer protection act, this law indicates that a consumer can file a case against a seller if he finds that he is cheated.TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS:Discoveries & innovation: Continuous innovation in products & processes is the basis of their services. They provide consumers with innovative products within easy reach build a platform to enable Dabur to become a global ayurvedic leader.Advancement in technology: Focus on growing their core brands across categories, reaching out to new geographies, within and outside India, and improve operational efficiencies by leveraging technology.Automation: Change in technology will leads to automation, this means that with new technology labor required is less as machines are automatic. All the works are done automatically by the machines as earlier it is labor oriented. Now all the work is machine oriented.Research & development: This department plays a vital role in the development of the organization. As this department always do research that what are the demand of the markets & how to make advancements so the organization can survive in the competitive world.ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS:Environment regulations: The preferred company to meet the health and personal grooming needs of their target consumers with safe, efficacious, natural solutions by synthesizing the deep knowledge of ayurveda and herbs with modern science.Environmental protection: Responsible company to protect Ecological system & use Eco-friendly products.LEGAL FACTORS:Companys law: The company fulfill all the Company law requirement so as to grow & develop & to sustain in the competitive market.Employment law: Employment law provides equal opportunities to every citizen to work & earn his livelihood. It provides equal opportunities to every citizen.

Consumer protection: This law helps to protect the rights of consumers & he can file a case against seller if he fined that he is cheated.Industry-specific regulations: These laws are related to industry for example- no industry can establish in between cities i.e. it should be outside the cities.Feedback:

To now the feedback and response of the customer a survey was conduct after one week of launching the product. The consensus of 300 persons was taken in this regard. That shows the following results.Following questions has been asked: What about the satisfaction of this product? Is price fair? How frequent you will visit you DABUR The results are under:

% of CustomersSatisfactionPriceVisits



20%GoodNot fair3

5%SatisfiedNot air2

From the above feedback we can conclude that our project will be successful in the coming few years. The product will enjoy a good market share, good will and profit at all.

Punjab Group Of Colleges Jhang