marketing research banking survey

2009 Marketing Research Class Debra Wallner - Instructor Marketing Research Banking Survey

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Page 1: Marketing Research Banking Survey


Marketing Research Class

Debra Wallner - Instructor

Marketing Research Banking Survey

Page 2: Marketing Research Banking Survey

Table of Contents

Managerial Summary .......................................................................................................... 1

Background Investigation, Data Collection and Sample Plan ............................................. 3

Question Analysis ................................................................................................................ 8

Findings and Conclusion ................................................................................................... 28

Recommendations ............................................................................................................ 31

Appendix ........................................................................................................................... 34

Page 3: Marketing Research Banking Survey

The MSTC marketing research students during the fall 2009

semester partnered with River Cities Bank to develop a

Banking Survey. Under the direction of Debra Wallner,

marketing and business instructor, the students gathered

secondary research, held focus groups, developed a mall

intercept questionnaire and analyzed the results. This report is

the accomplishment of the following students:

Promise Bakken

Jeffrey Bisenius

Tyler Brock

Sarah Cleland

David Hanneman

Joshua Heinrich

Scott Hineline

Andy Joosten

Tammie Kniprath

Jackie Ripkie

Joanne Ruppert

Rebecca Stone

Tina Vera

Avery Weiss Justin Westover

Student Authors

Page 4: Marketing Research Banking Survey


Managerial Summary

Banking institutions are offering more advanced methods to reach their customers

every day. Gone are the days when customers would be swayed by the promise of a free

toaster for opening an account or a slightly higher interest rate on a “Christmas Club”

account. The banking industry has gone from a simple place where customers deposit and

withdraw their money, to a highly technological industry that encompasses products such

as direct deposit, online banking, CD’s, credit and debit cards, electronic funds transferring

(EFT,) and retirement plans. As technology advances, banking institutions have more

challenges when trying to meet their customer’s needs and desires.

Lonnie Reetz, vice president of River Cities Bank, expressed his concerns about

retaining and obtaining customers for banking institutions. These concerns included: new

technology being used in banking, which products and services a bank should offer, and the

attitudes of many consumers when it comes to their own bank. In response to these

challenges, this research project was designed to discover the needs and perceptions of

Wisconsin Rapids area customers in regards to selecting a financial institution.

The research indicated that location was the most significant reason why customers

choose their financial institution. Interest rates and fees were the most significant

indicators of why customers leave their financial institution. It is recommended that

programs to bring customers into the bank as well as educate customers on the policies of

the procedures of the financial intuition be implemented.

Online banking is a competitive advantage. However, customers are apprehensive to

use this tool because of security issues. Intuitive and easy to use features as well as

educational seminars need to be developed to aid customers in the usage of online and

mobile tools and increase their comfort level.

Page 5: Marketing Research Banking Survey


Respondents in the 15-27 age group are the most dissatisfied with their banking

institutions. It is recommended that educational programs and as well as follow up contact

with new customers in this group be implemented to increase the satisfaction of this age


Seventy-two percent of respondents ages 15-35 indicated that their primary

financial account as started as a youth account. It is recommended that youth accounts be

implemented as a way to increase long term relationships.

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Background Investigation, Data

Collection and Sample Plan

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A variety of techniques was used to gather data during this project; applied

research, primary data, quota sampling survey research, and focus groups. Applied

research is research undertaken to provide information about specific problems to help

managers improve their decision making. Secondary data is data that has already been

collected for a purpose other than the current study. A focus group is a qualitative research

technique in which a skilled moderator leads a small group of participants in an

unstructured discussion about a topic. Survey research is research that obtains

information through a structured questionnaire from a large, usually representative

sample. It describes the characteristics, attitudes, and/or behaviors of the target

population and intends to identify their relationships.

Focus Groups

Two focus groups were held on October 2, 2009. A total of 14 participants from the

central Wisconsin area were invited to discuss their attitudes, concerns and banking

behaviors. The three main topics of conversation were Location and Operational Hours,

Customer Service and Technology.

Location and operational hours became an important consideration for all

participants. One participant stated that he choose his financial institution because it was

open on Sundays, and several others mentioned that location was a major factor when

choosing their financial institutions. Because this became a major indicator to the focus

group participants, this topic was explored further in the survey.

It is important to note that all participants found it important that financial

institutions stay technologically up-to-date. However, the participants did not define this as

online or mobile banking. In fact, most of the participants did not use online banking. Their

behavior varied but they did agree that online banking was not a major factor when

choosing their current bank. None had any experience with mobile banking, and a few

indicated that because of security reasons they would not utilize that option when banking.

All participants agreed that security of information was a concern when using these online

and mobile tools.

Page 8: Marketing Research Banking Survey


It was unanimously decided by the participants that good customer service was very

important, one of the most important services a bank can provide. According to the

respondents, customer service can be defined individually from the way that the

representatives and employees of the financial institution interact with customers to

receiving extras such as Christmas and birthday cards. When looking at a more clear

definition the class found that customer service is any form of communication or

interaction between a company representative or an employee and an individual doing

business with that company.

While exploring the customer service topic, products and services were also

discussed. Most of the participants said they used a debit card and enjoyed using them,

while only a couple used credit cards. How quickly checks clear, holding times and

deposits made available were important indicators of customer service. One participant

stated that this was one of reasons why she chose to get a second bank. Another

participant stated that customer service was a major reason to start looking for a new

bank. Some chose to have second banks based on their loan or interest rates. Participants

also expressed that they shopped around for interest rates on loans and other services that

customer’s current financial institution did not provide.

Participants discussed banking fees stating that many policies pertaining to fee

charges were unfair to the customer and that banks had no empathy for customer

situations. Some respondents also felt that they were being “nickel-and-dimed” when it

came to charges, such as ATM fees, minimum balance requirement fees, checking account

fees, and processing fees. Although it is understood that customers generally have a

negative attitude toward paying fees, this topic will be explored in the survey further.

Page 9: Marketing Research Banking Survey


Sample Plan

Central Wisconsin citizens that are banking consumers are the target population for

this survey. The demographic group that is solicited for the survey is banking consumers

who the fall into the age ranges of 15 and over that live in the local geographical area as

defined. Not included in this survey are individuals under the age of 15, live outside the

geographic area, or individuals are not customers of a financial institution.

A mall intercept survey that followed a quota system was used for this project. The

survey was kept to one page - questions on both sides. It was felt that a one-page survey

would garner a better response rate. The quota random sampling method was chosen as a

way to complete the project in the required amount of time within the constraints of the

classroom environment.

The population of interest included the following zip codes, 55494, 54495, 54457,

54467, 54475 and 54489. A population of 38,875 was determinedi. With a confidence level

of 95%, a sample size of 340 was established. The confidence interval is ±5.29% for this


54494 and 54489 are represented with a slightly higher response rate in the sample

versus the population. However, no discernable trends can be distinguished between zip

codes in the in Central Wisconsin. Therefore the sample is valid.

Data collection was set for a variety of times and places around the Wisconsin

Rapids Area. Locations that were chosen included Wal-Mart located at 4331 8th street S,

Wisconsin Rapids, WI, Copp’s Food Centre located at 900 E. Riverview Expressway,

Wisconsin Rapids, WI, and Wisconsin Rapids Mall located at 555 W. Grand Avenue,

Wisconsin Rapids, WI.

Page 10: Marketing Research Banking Survey


Fifteen Mid-State Technical College marketing research students gathered data over

a seven day period. Dates and time of day data was collect are outline in the table below:

Wednesday 11-3-09

Thursday 11-4-09

Friday 11-5-09

Saturday 11-6-09

Sunday 11-7-09

Monday 11-8-09

Tuesday 11-9-09

10:00am x x 11:00am x x x 12:00pm x x 1:00pm x x x 2:00pm x x x x 3:00pm x x 4:00pm x x 5:00pm 6:00pm x 7:00pm x 8:00pm x

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Question Analysis

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How long have you been with your primary bank?

Responses Percent 0 – 1 years 36 11% 1 – 3 years 57 17% 4 – 6 years 61 18% 7 + years 186 55%

Nearly 75% of the total respondents have been with their current bank for at least

four years. Of the 93 respondents who had been with their bank for zero to three years,

only 38% of the respondents were over the age of 27. Sixty two percent of the respondents

who had been with their bank for zero to three years were between the ages of 15 and 27.












Question One

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Why did you choose your current bank?

Responses Percent Convenience of accessing funds

113 33%

Location 220 64% Hours of operation 81 24% Weekend hours 55 16% Started as youth account 64 18% Products and services 66 19% Security of funds 38 11% Online access 58 17% Other 33 10%







Question Two

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Sixty-five percent of the respondents listed location as a main reason for choosing their

current financial institution. This was consistent over all age demographics and longevity with

current banking institution.

Convenience in accessing funds was a major indicator when choosing a financial institution

for respondents ages 15 to 27. Other age groups did not rate this as an important indicator.

Security of funds was not a major indicator for choosing a financial institution. This seems

counterintuitive to consumer behavior. Based on secondary research, however, it is believed that

respondents have a high level of confidence in their community banks as a whole. Question four in

this survey also indicates a high level of satisfaction by the respondents on this measure. Therefore

it is believed that other indicators became more prevalent to the respondent when answering this


Seventy-two percent of the respondents ages of 15 to 35 indicated that a youth account was

the reason that they chose their current bank.

Online access was rated as a low indicator when making a selection of a financial institution.

National banking trends are showing that online banking is on the rise. Thirty-five percent of the

banks surveyed for the 2008 ICBA Community Bank Technology Survey indicated that 21% - 50%

of their consumers are registered for online banking. The 2009 American Banking Association

Survey indicated that 25% of respondents indicated the online channel was their preferred method

of banking.

Page 15: Marketing Research Banking Survey


Do you use more than one financial institution?

The respondents’ answers for banking at different financial institutions varied

greatly. Four categories make up almost half of the reasons that the respondents cited as

why they banked at different financial institutions: location of the financial institution, both

high and low interest rates, convenience in accessing funds, and applying for a home loan.

It was almost twice as likely for a senior citizen to have a second a bank than a

young adult. Nearly 75% of the respondents that bank at different financial institutions

earned between $55,000 and $150,000. Only a little over one percent of respondents who

banked at more than one financial institution earned $25,000 or less. This percentage

slightly increases as earnings rise. There is very little difference in gender when it comes to







Yes No

Responses Percent Yes 117 35% No 222 65%

Question Three

Page 16: Marketing Research Banking Survey


using more than one financial institution. Of the 117 respondents that said they banked at

more than one financial institution, 51% were female and 49% were male.

Two respondents stated that the reason they bank at multiple locations is to

separate business and personal accounts. Although the representation to the sample was

small, the idea is something to explore in further research.

Page 17: Marketing Research Banking Survey


Please indicate your level of satisfaction of your primary financial

institution based on the following:

Level of satisfaction

Teller assistance

Problem notification

Problem solving


Fees applied

Account information

New account


On-line services

ATM services

Check clearing


Customer appreciation

Security of assets

Very Satisfied 188 125 144 103 174 112 132 141 135 163 167

Satisfied 112 116 102 87 97 99 66 75 101 88 101

Neutral 24 68 70 90 57 72 57 53 66 61 51

Dissatisfied 6 10 10 34 4 13 10 9 15 11 7 Very

Dissatisfied 4 4 5 13 5 11 8 6 10 8 5

NA 4 14 10 11 3 30 60 53 11 9 7


Satisfied 55% 37% 42% 30% 51% 33% 39% 41% 40% 48% 49%

Teller Assistance

Customer Appreciation






Question Four

Overwhelmingly, the respondents were satisfied with customer appreciation and teller

assistance by their current financial institution. This indicates that consumers are reacting

positive to these customer service initiatives that financial institutions are enacting.

Page 18: Marketing Research Banking Survey


Fees Applied

Fees applied rated the lowest on the satisfaction scale. This was to be expected. As

discussed early, fees are usually viewed as negative. However, respondents who have been

with their financial institutions less than one year were the least satisfied compared to all

other indicators.

Security of Assets

Seventy-nine percent of all respondents indicated that they were satisfied with the

security of their assets in their current institution. On average, the respondents who have

been with their financial institutions for less than a year rated their satisfaction in the

security of assets the lowest of all respondents in their demographic group. Respondents

who have been with their financial intuitions over seven years rated this as highly satisfied.





Page 19: Marketing Research Banking Survey


On-line Services

Fifty-five percent of respondents are satisfied with the online services at their

current financial institution. Sixteen percent indicated that they do not find this indicator

applicable to their banking consumer behavior. When asked to rank online banking in

order of importance, respondents placed online banking more at the midpoint, on average.

Check Clearing Time

Processing time for checks seemed to be a large indicator in the focus group. Sixty-

eight percent of the respondents are satisfied with the check clearing time at their current

financial institution. Moreover, when asked in the question five to rank this indicator in

order of importance, respondents placed the importance of check clearing more at the










Page 20: Marketing Research Banking Survey


Pertaining to your banking needs, please rank in order of importance

the following by using one through eight.

Responses Percent

Bank / Branch Location

112 33%

Online Banking 52 15% Transferring Funds 28 8%

Check Clearing Time 30 9% Customer Service 75 22%

Hours of Operation 55 16% Convenience in

Accessing Funds 49 14%

Interest Rates 35 10%








Question Five

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The highest number of respondents for banking needs was bank/ branch location at

33%. The second highest banking need was customer service at 22% of respondents.

Interestingly enough, interest rates came in at only 10% as respondents seemed less

involved with this banking feature. However, interest rates were cited as a reason to bank

at more than one financial institution.

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If you use online banking, what do you use it for?

Responses Percent Check Balances 153 69% Loan Applications 16 7% Bill pay 124 56% Investments 12 5% Transfer funds 100 45% Other 12 5%

Check balances, bill pay, and transfer funds were the three most popular answers

from the respondents. The responses from these top three categories made up slightly over

90% of the total responses. This information also coincides with the national information

from the 2008 ICBA Community Bank Technology Survey Results.










Question Six

Page 23: Marketing Research Banking Survey


One third of respondents who answered that they used online banking for

investments were males who made $100,000 or more. Transferring funds were a main

indicator of males 36 and older. Females ages 15-27 used online banking mainly for

checking balances.

Page 24: Marketing Research Banking Survey


If you were to leave your financial institution, which

feature/characteristics would make you leave?


Teller Assistance 74 Problem Notification 51 On-Line Services 47 Account Information 42 Account Education 20 ATM Services 54 Check Clearing Time 37 Customer Appreciation 51 Problem Solving Assistance 66 Security of Funds 84 Fees Policies 115 Interest Rates 128 Processing Speed 39









Question Seven

Page 25: Marketing Research Banking Survey


The above graph indicates the different factors that would cause a customer to leave

their current financial institution. Interest Rates, fee policies, and security of assets were

the top three reasons why the respondents said they would leave their primary financial

institution. Interest rates were the number one reason for leaving a financial institution by

a large margin.

In the secondary research that was collected, it was found that in the banking

industry consumers will continue to search for a financial institution that are more

appealing to their wants and needs. A recent Gallup poll showed that 61% of Generation Y

banking consumers switched their primary banking institution in the last two years. Fifty-

three percent of Generation X, 20% of the Silent Generation, and 37% of Baby Boomers also

switched their primary banking institution. It was also shown in the poll that Generations X

and Y were also much less patient with their current banking institution than their elder

counterparts. Generations X and Y also were more upset about the products and services

offered, or lack thereof, by their current banking institution. Overall, it’s been proven that

Generations X and Y are much more likely to leave their current banking institution than

both the Baby Boomers Generation and the Silent Generation.

The table below outlines the indicator that respondents in each demographic age

group indicated as their highest indicator that would make them leave their current

financial institution:

Page 26: Marketing Research Banking Survey


Age Grouping Highest Indicator

15- 27 Interest Rates


ATM Services

36-50 Teller Assistance

51-65 Fee Policies

65+ Interest Rates Online Services

Page 27: Marketing Research Banking Survey


Please identify your zip code.

Responses Percent

54494 154 45%

54495 62 18%

54457 37 11%

54469 15 4%

54475 16 5%

54489 18 5%

other 31 9%

No answer 6 2%

The majority of the central Wisconsin population that the Market Research class

surveyed comes from Wisconsin Rapids zip codes 54494 and 54495. The three smallest

survey samples came from the small towns of Rudolph, Vesper, and Port Edwards.










Question Eight

Page 28: Marketing Research Banking Survey


What is your age?

Responses Percent

15-27 94 28%

28-35 51 15%

36-50 75 22%

50-65 71 21%

65+ 47 14%

A wide array of ages was obtained in the survey sample. Surveys from ages 15 and

over were included in the analysis of this data.

Question Nine

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What is your household income?

Responses Percent

$25,000 and under 84

$25,001-$40,000 58

$40,001-$55,000 37

$55,001-$75,000 56

$75,001-$100,000 35

$100,001-$150,000 13

$150,001 and higher 7

Prefer not to disclose 44

No Answer 5

Of the 290 respondents that gave information about their yearly household income,

142 (49%) earned $40,000 or less. One hundred and twenty eight (42%) respondents

earned a yearly household income between $40,001 and $100,000. Only 20 (7%)

respondents reported that they had a household yearly income of $100,000 or more.

Of the 20 respondents that reported yearly household incomes of $100,000 or more,

eight (40%) were from the zip code of 54494. Thirteen (65%) of the 20 respondents

reported being between the ages of 50 and 65. Both males and females made up exactly

half of the respondents that reported making $100,000 and more.


Question Ten

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What is your gender?

Responses Percent

Male 154 45%

Female 184 54%

This graph shows the difference between the number of men and women who took

the Market Research survey.

Question Eleven

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Findings and Conclusions

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Respondents making under $55,000 as well as respondents in the age group of 15 to

27 indicated that fees and interest rates would be reasons to leave their current institution.

Respondents making over $55,000 indicated interest rates and security of funds to be

reasons to leave their current financial institutions.

Online banking appears to be most commonly used for paying bills, fund transfer,

and checking balances. Respondents would rather handle investments and loan

applications in person. The respondents that stated they would leave their current financial

institution because of online services rated their level of satisfaction with their current

financial institution more neutral. There was not a discernable attraction to online banking

based on age. Respondents ages 65 and over, however, had a significant amount of N/A

selected for online usage. Although other indicators were ranked as more important, online

consumer banking usage in the banking industry is on the rise.

Respondents were also concerned with the security of their funds, and like to know

that they are safe when left at a bank. Respondents ages 28-35 were the least satisfied with

the asset security, 25% indicating neutral to very dissatisfied. A poll conducted by the

Independent Community Bankers of America showed that 80% of banking consumers

stated privacy and security a top concern over the next 24 months. The poll also concluded

that 81% of banking consumers feared identification theft, 63% feared virus attacks, and

61% feared hacker attacks. Protection and privacy are very important to the banking

consumer and that these factors could heavily favor a consumer’s choice of where to bank.

Location was selected as very important by all age demographics. Fifty-nine percent

of respondents in the 36-50 age group indicated location was why they chose their current

financial institution. This was the largest percentage in all age groups.

Also important to note was the high level of satisfaction of respondents in all age

groups regarding teller assistance and customer appreciation. Local financial institutions

have been successful in developing programs in these areas.

Respondents ages 15 – 27 were more likely to have a bank account for less than

three years. They were most dissatisfied with their current bank’s applied fees, new

Page 33: Marketing Research Banking Survey


account information and problem notification program. Gallup has indicated that this

demographic group is 61% more likely to change banks than any other demographic group.

Seventy-two percent of respondents ages 15 – 35 indicated that their primary

financial account was started as a youth account. It can be concluded that accounts started

by family members and friends help build a long-term relationship with customers.

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Location was an important indicator for respondents when selecting a bank. For the

purpose of this study, it would not be feasible or recommended to relocate existing brick

and mortar locations. However if future bank branches are built, this should be done in a

heavily trafficked area. It is advisable to implement programs to bring customers to the

physical bank location. Teller assistance is successful and already in place to aid in this

endeavor. Giving customers reasons to come to the location will also change their behavior

as it pertains to accessing the bank. A better bond could be built with the customer and in

turn may lead to a longer consumer relationship.

Bank fees were noted as a concern; however that will be the trend in any situation

where fees are accessed. Keeping competitive interest rates and fees will certainly help

gain new customers. Consumer education may be the best method of increasing

satisfaction in this area. Focus group participants found they were most dissatisfied when

fees were unexpected. Understanding how fees are applied, why they are assessed and how

a customer can avoid fees will help create an empathetic environment and build a solid

relationship with the client.

Education for new customers should have attention paid to it. The research shows

that younger customers are in the most need for this information. Brochures could be

revamped with additional information, however customers will have to read them to gain

the information they seek. It is recommended that using the successful teller assistance and

customer appreciation programs already in place to ensure the customer understands the

policies and procedures of the bank. Follow up programs could be developed to

communicate with the customer periodically after the initial account setup. Bringing these

customers into the bank location will also help in the communication of policies and


Secondary research indicates online banking provides a competitive advantage to

financial institutions. Online banking does offer customers more options for banking

flexibility. Education on security issues will need to be developed to increase the comfort

level of customers. It is recommended that options such as checking balances, bill pay and

Page 36: Marketing Research Banking Survey


transfer of funds be intuitive and easy to use. Holding seminars at the bank location

regarding online options, usage as well as security features would lead to increased usage.

Youth accounts were indicated as a successful program to build a long-term

customer relationship. It is recommended that a program be developed to attract minors.

This program would also bring parents and guardians into the bank to become familiar

with the products and services.

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Page 38: Marketing Research Banking Survey


Marketing Research Banking Survey This survey is being conducted to help our Marketing Research class at Mid-State Technical College discover

how Central Wisconsin banking consumers feel about their financial institutions.

1. How long have you been with your primary bank? 0-1yrs___ 1-3yrs___ 4-6yrs___ 7yrs+___

2. Why did you choose your current bank? (circle all that apply)

Convenience in accessing funds


Hours of operation

Weekend hours

Started as youth account

Products and services

Security of funds

Online access


3. Do you use more than one financial institution?

_____ Yes _____ No

If you answered “Yes,” please explain why.

4. Please indicate your level of satisfaction of your primary financial institution based on the following:


Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied





Teller assistance 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Problem notification 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Problem solving assistance 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Fees applied 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Account information 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

New account education 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

On-line services 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

ATM services 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Check clearing time 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Customer appreciation 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Security of assets 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Page 39: Marketing Research Banking Survey


5. Pertaining to your banking needs, please rank in order of importance the following by using one through eight. (With

1 being which feature/characteristic is the most important and 8 being the least important)

___ Bank/Branch Location

___ Online Banking

___ Transferring Funds

___ Check Clearing Time

___ Customer Service

___ Hours of Operation

___ Convenience in Accessing Funds

___Interest Rates

6. If you use online banking, what do you use it for? (Circle all that apply.)

Check balances Bill pay Transfer funds

Loan applications Investments Other ______________________

7. If you were to leave your financial institution, which features/characteristics would make you leave?

(Please circle all options that apply.)

Teller assistance

Problem notification

On-line services

Account information

Account education

ATM services

Check clearing time

Customer appreciation

Problem solving assistance

Security of funds

Fee policies

Interest rates

Processing speed


8. Please identify your zip code. 54494 54495 54457 54469 54475 54489 Other_______

9. What is your age? (Please check one)

____0-14 ____15-27 _____28-35 _____36- 50 _____51- 65 _____65 and older

10. What is your household yearly income? (Please check one) _____ $25,000 and under _____ $25,001- $40,000 _____ $40,001 – $55,000 _____ $55,001 – $75,000 _____ $75,001- $100,000 _____ $100,001 – $150,000 _____ $150,001 and higher _____ Prefer not to disclose

11. What is your gender? (Please check one.)

_____ Male _____ Female

The Marketing Research class would like to thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

Page 40: Marketing Research Banking Survey



Alvarez, M. Retrieved, (2009, September, 14) Retrieved from

Bancroft State Bank: A Bank for All People. (2009, September 20), from Bancroft State Bank, Bancroft, WI. Retrieved from:

Peterson, T. (2008, July 22). Gen x, gen y, and the future of banking . Retrieved from

Plante Morgan, Initials. (2008). 2008 icba community bank technology survey results. Retrieved from

US Bank: Five Star Service Guarantee. (2009, September, 20) Retrieved from
