marketing to the price-conscious multi-channel shopper

Marketing To The Price-Conscious Multi-Channel Shopper

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Marketing To The Price-Conscious

Multi-Channel Shopper

Erik Charles Senior Director Marketing


Jordan Cohen CMO


Agenda The Retail Landscape

Marketing Funnel

Engagement Strategies

Customer Lifetime Value

Analytics Don’t Lie






Q & A 6

Shoppers today are more price conscious than ever!

They are taking advantage of offers

•  80% of American adults with children redeem coupons

•  73% without children take

advantage of offers available to them

…Across all channels

More affluent households ($60k-$80k the most) take advantage of email and mobile

Digital Shoppers take most advantage of sales…they’re your “MVC”s

Tips & Tricks for Growing the Top of your

Marketing Funnel

Tip #1 Make signing up a primary Call to Action

Tip #1 Make signing up a primary Call to Action

Tip #1 Make signing up a primary Call to Action

Tip #2 Everyone Loves a Sweepstakes

Tip #3 Validate All New Sign-ups: Reduces Errors & Optimizes Deliverability

Tip #3 Validate All New Sign-ups Reasons for Data Inaccuracy

Tip #4 Collect the Right Data for Personalization

Don’t collect too much in one bite!

Tip #4 Collect the Right Data for Personalization

Tip #4 Collect the Right Data for Personalization

Tip #4 Collect the Right Data for Personalization

Source: Experian, “Why birthday emails should be a part of every marketer’s program”, July 31, 2014

Tip #4 Collect the Right Data for Personalization

Tip #5 Leverage Innovation In 3rd Party Customer

Acquisition Technology

Registra)on  Content  

Tip #5 Leverage Innovation in 3rd Party Customer Acquisition Technology

Home Page Registration Survey Full Page Ad

Tip #5 Leverage Innovation in 3rd Party Customer Acquisition Technology

Home Page Registration Survey Full Page Ad

Tip #5 Leverage Innovation in 3rd Party Customer Acquisition Technology

The Omniquire™ Opportunity

Email is the only digital ID tied to a real person

Fluent acquires millions of email opt-ins with full PII and marketing consent

And builds robust profiles by leveraging customizable real-time surveys

And develops deep insights into each individual shopper

Omniquire™ approach gives brands touchpoints into every channel

Omniquire™ approach gives brands touchpoints into every channel

Omniquire™ approach gives brands touchpoints into every channel

Omniquire™ approach gives brands touchpoints into every channel

Omniquire™ approach gives brands touchpoints into every channel

Omniquire™ approach gives brands touchpoints into every channel

Omniquire™ approach gives brands touchpoints into every channel

“82.2% of marketers do not have the ability to measure cross-channel performance or return on investment.”

Laurie Sullivan Multichannel Marketing


The Retail Executive’s Priorities


Retail Executives are faced with two seemingly conflicting initiatives:

1. Grow top line revenues & Increase the average customer lifetime value

2. Do this with tighter budgets that are under constant scrutiny

Data-driven retailers are 33% more likely to tailor each interaction based

on shopper needs. -Aberdeen Group

What Challenges Do Retailer’s Encounter?

Fragmented Marketing Tech Stacks + Separate Data Silos run by different users = No Cross-Channel Measurement = 1.  No Digital Marketing ROI 2.  No Lifecycle Marketing 3.  No holistic view of all shopper

interactions 4.  Inability to address each shopper’s


Data-driven retailers are more successful in meeting customer needs as well as achieving operational efficiencies in their supply chain management activities.” -Aberdeen Group “Data-Driven Retail: The Path To Maximize The Shopper Experience” Report

“  Creatives vs Quants

3 Key Stages of Analysis:









Tracking: 82.2% of performance marketers do not have the ability to measure cross-channel performance or return on investment. Do you track your customers’ journeys? Attribution: $137.5 billion is spent on digital advertising. Do you know the ROI of every dollar you’ve spent? Optimization: Digital interactions influence 36 cents of every dollar spent in retail stores, totaling $1.1 trillion annually. Do you know which channels your customers interact with before they decide to buy?

What needs to change?

•  Track the Complete Journey •  Anonymous Web Surfing •  Prospect Nurturing •  Customer Lifetime Value

•  Attribution for Every Step •  Give credit as appropriate •  Don’t lose sight of the value and

cost of each touch

•  Measure and Optimize Digital Marketing activity and allocations

Real-Time Actionable Insights Are Paramount

CAPTURE customer feedback and customer BEHAVIOR in real-time. What is an actionable behavior? •  Adding an item to a shopping cart •  Clicking on an item •  Downloading a coupon    

RIGHT Person with the RIGHT Coupon

Targeted Campaign Control Target shoppers with real-time optimization of location, device and custom targeting with traffic caps

Voucher Code Support - upload and track unique coupons by source using advanced attribution options.      

Applied: Real Time + Coupon Change Retailer notices sunglasses are quickly selling!

Then receives an alert that stock is low: Real-time analytics would allow them to: •  Order more to match the demand <or>

•  Adjust the price to match the demand (kill the coupon, raise the price) <0r> •  Re-Direct to a different product

Marketers need to be Proactive instead of Reactive or their margins will crumble

Tracking the Success of your Offers

The 3 “Cs” – Creative, Channel, Coupon

Deep Dive: How do different combos perform?

Display Mobile Social Search eMail

Creative A Coupon 1

Creative B Coupon 2

Creative C Coupon 3

Applying Deeper Math

Track and Adjust your marketing spend until your TCA is optimized with your CLV. Wait, What?

Know the True Cost of Customer Acquisition

True Cost of Acquisition: The cost of ALL tracked marketing touches a single customer took that generated a lead. Problem: Most firms only measure the Cost of the the last click!

Growing Customer Lifetime Value

•  Customer Satisfaction •  Good Customers •  Tailor Product/Offerings •  Good User Experience •  Build Habits •  Make Metric Driven


Calculating Customer Lifetime Value

81% of retail executives would like to improve customer lifetime value” -Aberdeen Group “State of CEM Market 2014: It’s All About Better Use Of Customer Data”










Ac;onable  Marke;ng  Intelligence  

Bring all Data Together to Make Decisions

Final Step: Keep the Data at Your Fingertips

Key Takeaways:

It’s easiest to grow the top of your funnel by making a good first impression to your audience, and making signing up a primary CTA.

Consumers are more likely to opt-in when the focus is on price, and the content is personal

Check your 3 Cs: Channel, Coupon & Creative

Balance Total Cost of Acquisition with Customer Lifetime Value

Don’t overwhelm users with too many fields, or they will abandon.

Q + A

Erik Charles [email protected]

949.548.2253 x227 Twitter: @erikchaz

Jordan Cohen [email protected]

646.647.2967 Twitter: @jcohen808