marooned on mars by oliver, amir, abdi, ameera, marcus and alexia 3,2,1 lift off

Marooned on Mars By Oliver, Amir, Abdi, Ameera, Marcus and Alexia 3,2,1 lift of f

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Page 1: Marooned on Mars By Oliver, Amir, Abdi, Ameera, Marcus and Alexia 3,2,1 lift off

Marooned on Mars

By Oliver, Amir, Abdi, Ameera, Marcus and Alexia

3,2,1 lift off

Page 2: Marooned on Mars By Oliver, Amir, Abdi, Ameera, Marcus and Alexia 3,2,1 lift off

The crash!

Bang! Liam woke as his strong, speedy rocket malfunctioned. The rocket spun wildly in circles making poor, tired Liam completely exhausted. Liam started to panic because he was getting closer to a small, red planet. Rapidly, he hit his arm at the backup switch and pushed. Soon the rocket wasn’t spinning out of control but it was still going to crash. Thud! ... He knew he had crashed. He knew he had to get home, but how? Liam was still alive but his leg really hurt. Struggling to jump he stepped out of the emergency hatch. He could see rocks shaking in anger all around him. In the distance lay three paths. Which did he choose, left, right or straight ahead?

Left straight ahead right

Page 3: Marooned on Mars By Oliver, Amir, Abdi, Ameera, Marcus and Alexia 3,2,1 lift off

Crossing of the hurricane of elementsLiam chose to go straight ahead. It was freezing cold and he saw a circular shape in a frozen river. He walked towards the strange object; quickly he noticed strange patterns on it. He picked up a hot, red stone and hurled it at the icy, chilly river. It cracked! The strange object was actually a shield; he wanted to pick it up. He examined it carefully before picking it up; Liam noticed it was a mythical shield as he had learnt about mythology at school. As soon as he picked it up, a mean hurricane blew into action throwing him to ground. Liam saw giant balls forming hundreds of elements like fire water earth and air. A red one shot at Liam but he dodged it. Then a green one came out of nowhere and hit him but at the same time lots of vines wrapped around him, this meaning he couldn’t move. A purple one flew at 2000mph and teleported Liam closer to the hurricane. He used the edge of the shield to cut the vines and also to deflect the orbs back at the hurricane. It soon died out... Relieved, delighted and overjoyed he saw that behind where the hurricane was, were 3 tunnels carved into a cave. Should Liam go through the triangular one, the circular one or the square one?

triangular circular square

Page 4: Marooned on Mars By Oliver, Amir, Abdi, Ameera, Marcus and Alexia 3,2,1 lift off

The crossing the river of lava the bridgeLiam chose to go right, when he decreed that there was something there. He had a good look it was a wooden, old rickety bridge. Underneath there was something lurking it was a rusty orangey red colour. He took one step really reluctantly towards it, carefully he glanced under the bridge it was hot molten, fiery, bubbling lava. What was he going to do? As Liam was panicking inside he tried not to show it, he put one step further onto the rickety bridge, when suddenly the wood beneath him gave way and his foot slipped into the hole, dragging himself up from his predicament he could feel the full force of the heat from the lava. He took a step backwards towards the edge of the bridge when the bridge broke into bits. Liam was dangling at the end of the bridge post. The lava was rising higher and higher, it was like there was a lava monster ready to attack!. Liam didn’t know what he would have done if there actually was a lava monster. He was just 2cm up from the lava frantically he gathered all his strength as he struggled climbing up the broken bridge. He managed to climb over the edge just as the lava reached the top. He sprinted forward and saw three tunnels. With the lava close behind he had to make a quick choice. Did he choose the triangular, the circular or the square tunnel?

triangular circular square

Page 5: Marooned on Mars By Oliver, Amir, Abdi, Ameera, Marcus and Alexia 3,2,1 lift off

The CrossingThe path to the left twisted up and down. He was freezing cold; he wished his spacesuit was thicker so, he could stand the cold better. Then he came across a giant cliff. He reached to his jetpack from NASA and suddenly, he was off. He passed mountains, craters, cliffs but then oh no, HE RAN OUT OF FUEL. Just then Liam remembered there was no G-force (gravity). He floated away to his rocket and wondered if he was stranded FOREVER. He went back to the cliff and hastily looked for a way to get across the ravine. He saw a creaky bridge. He threw a rock to see how stable it was. It wasn’t that sturdy. He started to tiptoe across, but then the bridge started to weaken and so Liam ran lightning fast. As he ran he saw a giant snake sleeping. He did not want to wake it, so he slowed down and tiptoed. But he stood on a creaky board and the giant snake woke up. It jumped at Liam. He quickly ran and saw three tunnels up ahead. They were all too small for the snake but big enough for him. One was triangular, one was square and the last one was round. Did he choose the circular tunnel, the triangular tunnel or the square tunnel?

triangular circular square

Page 6: Marooned on Mars By Oliver, Amir, Abdi, Ameera, Marcus and Alexia 3,2,1 lift off

Taken prisonerHe ran through the triangular tunnel and felt soft materiel under his feet. He could hear stalactites falling, strange footsteps coming closer to him and he could see a shadow coming towards him which forced him to go back. But he was curious about what the shadow was. So he kept quiet and hid behind an immense, red rock. Then he saw a whole army of raging, powerful battle droids stomping past him. Then Liam had to sneeze...! They all turned their heads and saw him. One of them suddenly pointed his plasma ray right at Liam. Liam fell to his knees and started to beg for mercy. They said “if you give us emeralds, diamonds and gold we will let you survive.” But Liam had a little trick up his sleeve. He would use fake money that he used for monopoly miners (a monopoly game with gems and ores; he brought it for fun). So they accepted it, but one noticed that one of the emeralds was fake ... “YOU SHALL NOT PASS, YOU COME WITH US NOW!” so Liam did. They put him in a sack and Liam wanted to get out. So he had no choice but to bite out of it, unfortunately he had his helmet on, so he had to get it off. He took his helmet of which was a real challenge, as he couldn’t breathe without it! He had about one minute. He started to grip his teeth on the disgusting and filthy sack and forced and pushed his teeth together hoping it would soon rip. He had about 30 seconds left to get and find his way out the stinky, grotty cave. He finally got a hole in the sack, but it wasn’t big enough! So Liam used his hands, caked in dry mud to make the hole even bigger by making a massive tear all the way through. He had 10 seconds left. He leapt out the sack like a majestic lion. He ran and ran and soon saw 3 staircases. There was a grassy one, a stone one and an ice one. Which staircase did he walk up?

Grass stone ice

Page 7: Marooned on Mars By Oliver, Amir, Abdi, Ameera, Marcus and Alexia 3,2,1 lift off

The creatureLeaving the lava behind he realised that the circular tunnel was dusty and damp and wound around a large, black hole. He took another step and someone pulled him in. It was pitch black and gloomy and under his feet he could feel something squishy. He saw a weak light, someone was there! The thing had brown hair and blue fur with red markings on it. It stepped up and opened its eyes and a dark, green alien was standing right in front of his feet. He didn’t tell him his name. Was he bad or good? Suddenly he felt a hand come across his face, he started to feel very sleepy, then nothing!Liam opened his eyes and thought why does everything hurt? He was in an enclosure that was dark and smoky, and on the floor bits of bone crunched beneath his feet. The creature had locked him up with chains on his legs. He thought he could smell death. His face started to burn. something was happening! It was like he was having a bad reaction to something, his face wasn’t white anymore it was all gooey, horrible and ugly. He was becoming a half alien and half man. Looking around he saw a sharp bit of bone. He had a great idea, he picked up the bone and used it to break out of the chains. Looking up he saw a bright light coming from a small hole. Just big enough for me to squeeze through he thought. He jumped up and struggled through the hole, it was a tight fit, but he made it. As he found himself crawling into a large cave, he saw three staircases appear. One made of grass, one of stone and one of ice. He wondered if one of these staircases would take him home? Which one did he choose?

Grass stone ice

Page 8: Marooned on Mars By Oliver, Amir, Abdi, Ameera, Marcus and Alexia 3,2,1 lift off

Taken PrisonerWildly he jumped into the square tunnel and the snake hissed and slithered back to the bridge. As he ran he banged his head on a rock and saw stars. The next thing he knew he was in a cage, it felt as if he was a hamster. Liam heard a maniac cackling uncontrollably. He saw a mad astronaut who wore a fiery red spacesuit probably to camouflage himself against the Martian soil. The astronaut had creepy yellow teeth. Liam looked around him; he still had his toolkit with him and he grabbed his multifunctional screwdriver and picked the lock. But the mad astronaut was smarter than he looked and turned around when he heard the lock drop. Luckily he couldn’t see Liam because he had found a trapdoor in the bottom of his cell. Liam quietly lowered himself into the trap door. When he looked around he saw three staircases: one of ice, one of stone and one of grass. Which one did he choose?

Grass stone ice

Page 9: Marooned on Mars By Oliver, Amir, Abdi, Ameera, Marcus and Alexia 3,2,1 lift off

The grass staircaseLiam ran up the slippery, wet grass and soon found himself in a room with 3 five dimensional portals one red, one blue and one green. Liam thought about which one he would go through. Green gas was seeping out of the emerald portal, and Liam coughed at the acrid fumes. A beautiful melody with sounds of the sea beckoned him towards the blue portal. Inside the red portal, flames flickered and danced in anger. Liam opened the blue portal as the crystal clear melody pulled him in.Suddenly he was floating on waves of sound. Liam somersaulted over and over. He thought about his mum and dad and his home. Would he ever see his family again? He carried on spinning until he blacked out...Something wet pressed on his face. When he opened his eyes two large brown eyes were staring into to his and a rough, pink tongue was licking his face, it was his Dalmatian puppy Jake. He looked around, everything looked really familiar. There was the brown front door with the paint peeling. His dad’s Ford Fiesta was parked on the drive. Liam breathed a sigh of relief. He was home at last.

The end

Now try a new story

Page 10: Marooned on Mars By Oliver, Amir, Abdi, Ameera, Marcus and Alexia 3,2,1 lift off

Was it the end?Liam choose the icy staircase and noticed Icicles hanging from the entrance of like daggers ready to pierce his skin. He had to crawl on the floor, which was hard because there was not much grip. It was all slippery and icy. He glanced all around him looking for anything that could get him back home, a four dimensional doorway, a mirror, anything - but every single bit of it was frozen. Numb, frozen with frost bite on his fingers and feet like icebergs, he felt like he was in the Antarctic Ocean. There was nothing around! He was reluctant to take one more step for fear of what might be around the entrance corner. Nevertheless, he went on as he knew he could not go back.He was holding on to the banister as tight as he could. BANG! He slipped, down the stairs, sending a shock wave all around the cave releasing the icicles from the ceiling. Most missed him as he dodged out of the way but one hit his back. He could feel warmth touching his back and he could sense warmth on his hands. When he brought his hand slowly forward it was covered in blood. He knew that he did not have long left, he was dying. With a shock he realised that he could not move, his whole body was turning into ice. He realised that he would never get back to Earth and his loving family. A tear drop dripped down his cheek, turning to ice as it went. Liam was frozen for eternity.

. The end

Now try a new story

Page 11: Marooned on Mars By Oliver, Amir, Abdi, Ameera, Marcus and Alexia 3,2,1 lift off

Stone staircase Confidently, he knew that the stone staircase would be the one to take him home and wouldn’t lead him to his demise. He saw five portals in different dimensions. Liam thought he knew which to take; the 5 dimensional portal. He dived headfirst into the portal. He was falling through a sapphire vortex, Liam let out a scream of fear then THUD! He landed. He was unconscious. When he woke he saw his left leg had fallen RIGHT OFF. Blood had spilled on the floor and he noticed that he was in a chamber with obsidian coated walls. He would live on Mars for all eternity.

The end

Now try a new story