marquette housing for urban geography

Landon Utterback

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Post on 28-Nov-2014




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A powerpoint from a project in Urban Geography while I was taking GIS but before I took Cartography. I have improved since then.


Page 1: Marquette Housing for Urban Geography

Landon Utterback

Page 2: Marquette Housing for Urban Geography

Burgess Concentric ZoneSector ModelMultiple Nuclei ModelBoom Cycles Supply/Demand

Boom Cycles 1880-1882, 1905-World War I, 1920’s

Depressions 1873-1880, 1883-1900How does this relate to Marquette?

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100-%Unemployed Converted into a decimalMultiplied by incomeResult is divided by Construction Cost0.11 low expectation of home purchase0.50 high expectation of home purchase

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Copper Mines 1880sIron MiningLumber (horses 1890s)Railroads

Detroit Macinak Mqt, Mqt and SoutheasternMills (Wheaton Mill out of business 1894)NMUTownbridge Park 1910-20

Page 17: Marquette Housing for Urban Geography

Adams, J.S. (Mar. 1970) Residential Structures of American Cities Annals of the Association of American Geographers 60(1), 37-62

Magnaghi, R. (1979) An Outline History of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Marquette: Belle Fontaine Press.

Smith F., Peterson K. (1998) Charter Township of Marquette: Sequicentenial 150 years 1848-1998. Marquette: Pride Printing

Trudgen E.C., Trudgen C. (1980) Forty-Eight Years in the Iron Mines Unlisted Publisher (probably self-published)

Waring B.A.(1986) Yellow Dog Tales and Logging Trails to Big Bay Michigan. Marquette: Lake Superior Press.

Wood, I. (1985) One Hundred Years of Hard Labor: A History of Marquette State Prison. Autron MI: KA&ED Publishing

Bicentenial Edition Historical Statistics of the U.S. Colonial Times to 1970: U.S Department of Commerce

County and City Databooks: 2000, 1994, 1988, 1983,1977,1962,1956,1952, 1949 Statistical Abstract Suppliments: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census