mars and saturn

One will be able to note that Rajo Guna takes the nature of passions, desires and attachments; Tamo Guna indicates carelessness, laziness and drowsiness. On the other hand Satwik Guna is radiant, does not cause harm or obstacles, gives happiness and comfort. 1 Aswini - Horse Head (Aries 0°00' to 13°20'): Aswini rules all forms of transportation and fast travel. This represents a person with a happy, carefree disposition, very intelligent, in fact rather an above-average person in this respect. Vast learning, well developed brain power, faith in religion, sacrificing tendency, ambitions, philosophical and social are the traits of those born under this nakshatra. PADAS 1. Unsteady mind, Carries Tales, Enjoys at the cost of others. 2. Interested in religious works, Gauges others, and imbibes good qualities. 3. Good counselor, Interested in Astrology, Jovial. 4. Truthful, Clever, Wealthy. 2 Bharani - The Elephant (Aries 13°20' to 26°40'): Respects the parents, Rich, Mole on Left side, Comfortable living, Small Chin, Healthy, Talented, Respectable, Keeps up his Words, Appreciated by others, Loss of Sleep, Ability to do any work, Does not utter falsehood, etc., Females born in this nakshatra are career minded. They act more like aleader of a group, rather than an ordinary family member. PADAS 1. Wins over opponents, Able Body, easily provoked. 2. Intelligent, Respected, Slight weakness for ladies. 3. Easily provoked, Good stamina, Haughty. 4. Easily provoked, Strong, Wicked association. 3 Kritika – fire-flame (Aries 26°40' to Taurus 10°00'):

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One will be able to note that Rajo Guna takes the nature of passions, desires and attachments; Tamo Guna indicates carelessness, laziness and drowsiness. On the other hand Satwik Guna is radiant, does not cause harm or obstacles, gives happiness and comfort.

1 Aswini - Horse Head (Aries 0°00' to 13°20'):

Aswini rules all forms of transportation and fast travel. This represents a person with a happy, carefree disposition, very intelligent, in fact rather an above-average person in this respect. Vast learning, well developed brain power, faith in religion, sacrificing tendency, ambitions, philosophical and social are the traits of those born under this nakshatra.

PADAS1. Unsteady mind, Carries Tales, Enjoys at the cost of others.2. Interested in religious works, Gauges others, and imbibes good qualities.3. Good counselor, Interested in Astrology, Jovial.4. Truthful, Clever, Wealthy.

2 Bharani - The Elephant (Aries 13°20' to 26°40'):

Respects the parents, Rich, Mole on Left side, Comfortable living, Small Chin, Healthy, Talented, Respectable, Keeps up his Words, Appreciated by others, Loss of Sleep, Ability to do any work, Does not utter falsehood, etc., Females born in this nakshatra are career minded. They act more like aleader of a group, rather than an ordinary family member.

PADAS1. Wins over opponents, Able Body, easily provoked.2. Intelligent, Respected, Slight weakness for ladies.3. Easily provoked, Good stamina, Haughty.4. Easily provoked, Strong, Wicked association.

3 Kritika – fire-flame (Aries 26°40' to Taurus 10°00'):

Kritika is ruled by Agni, the God of Fire. Clever in Trade, Honoured by Government, Mole on Right Chest, Likes to take short naps, Acquisition of Wealth by noble ways, Educated, Famous,Worships Gods, Just arguments, Good Character, Has soft corner for others, Clever Speaker, Strong Body, Good Consumer of Food, Gyani, Helping Tendency, Intelligent, etc.

PADAS1. Kindness to animals, Weak health, Knowledge.2. Easily loses self control, does not attach importance to religion or rites and displeases others.3. Lazy, Bad thoughts, Short temper.

4. Pensive, Quarrels with others, Humble.

4 Rohini - Prajapati, the Creator (Taurus 10°00' to Taurus 23°20'):

Eyes of the people born in this nakshatra are especially attractive. 'Rohini' is the wife of Moon who is said to have been fond of fine dress, cosmetics and décor. Small Forehead, Prominent eyes, Desire for Milk and Milk products, SoftSpoken, Affectionate towards Husband or Wife, Famous and Well Known, Good appearance, Wide learning, Likes water much, Good Walker, Talented Orator, Hears others also, Works Hard, Orthodox, Not desirous of Unlawful things, Charitable, Wealthy, Reposes Confidence in others etc.

PADAS1. Good appearance, Roams about, Greedy.2. Speaks well, Honest, Checks senses.3. Loves songs, Likes magic, Happy.4. Grateful, Loves pleasures, Known to many.5 Mrigashirsha – form of cat’s foot (Taurus 23°20' to Gemini 6°40'):

They have a good grasping power, can quickly learn new things and have a creative nature. Broad Eyes, Likes Music and Drama, Travels, Timid, Criticizes Father, Rich, Healthy, Learned, Lives a Jovial Life, Hard worker, Succeeds in Life, Elevated Forehead, Passionate, Efficiently Manages Workshops, Wakes up early, Undertakes fasts, Stern discipline, Free from sickness etc.

PADAS1. Short temper, Rich, Defeats enemies.2. Likes other sex, Mild temper, Envious.3. Jovial, God fearing, Intelligent.4. Clever, Easily provoked, Passionate.

6 Aridra / Thirvadurai – Lotus or Gem (Gemini 6°40' to Gemini 20°00'):

Aridra is ruled by Rudra, the fierce form of Lord Shiva who represents thunder. Those born in the Aridra star are soft, stable minded, strong, earning by sacrifice, afflicted by sickness, fear and anger. Poor, Brave, Troubles from Others, Learned, Unkind, Pleads for Justice for others, Prominent Nose, Characterless, Clean body, Bad deeds, Debates, Does not Speak Truth, Strong physique, Clever, Opposes Parents etc. Aridra born people can behave very coolly during the times of extreme hardship and plan their actions accordingly and they get employed in professions that are related with travel and foreign places.

PADAS1. Good heart, Attracted by opposite sex, Intelligent.2. Tactful, Talkative, Frank.

3. Poor health, Carries tales, Anger.4. Unclean, Loss of temper, Bad mind

7 Punarvasu – Bow (Gemini 20°00' to Cancer 3°20'):

Punarvasu is ruled by Aditi, the Great Mother Goddess. Punarvasu Nakshatra brings about the return of energy and vitality. Broad Shoulders, Respects priestly class, Cordially moves with others, Control of senses, Not active, Soft palms, Clever in Speech, Truthful, Frequent illness, Likes milk and Ghee, Contentment, strenuous Walker, Liked by relatives, Noble habits, Others will speak high, Not a reserved type, Senses kept under check etc.

PADAS1. Short of hearing, pleasure loving, quick temper.2. Pensive, Respect for religion, nice manners.3. Roams about, Long Life, Greedy.4. Does good acts, Fair, Speaks well.

8 Pushyami – Arrow (Cancer 3°20' to Cancer 16°40'):

Pushyami is derived from Pushti which means nourishment. The person born under this Nakshatra has a healthy body, obeys his parents. Perversity, Striking Nose and Eyes, Affectionate, Endowed with Intelligence, Well known and popular, Controls Passions, Learned, Likes Delicious Eatables, Wealthy, Charitable, Litigant, Fairly Tall in stature, Meditation, Yogi, Respects views of others etc.

PADAS1. Intelligent, Charitable, Solitude.2. Preaches others, Acts not quickly, Rich3. Clever, Loved by kith and kin, Jovial.4. Likes other sex, easily provoked, No sympathy for others.

9 Ashlesha – Serpent (Cancer 16°40' to 30°-00'):

The force of Ashlesha can be understood by its name Naga. A person born in 'Ashlesha Nakshatra' is a born wanderer. Their disease resistant capacity is limited. They tend to put on weight in the middle age. Lover of Music, Likes to roam in the Forests, Prominent Eyes and Brows, Adventurous, Good Listeners, Melancholic, Habits not desirable, Protects aged and Parents, not afraid of strong persons, Likes Arts and Dramas, Want of adjustability with friends and relatives, Conquers enemies etc.,

PADAS1. Rich, Jovial, Known to everybody.2. Respects Religion, Appearance fairly good, Uncharitable.

3. Not quick in action, provoking others, Lethargic.4. Love for inferior class, wanting in health, Poor ability.

10 Makha – Plough form (Leo 0°00' to Leo 13°20'):

Makha is ruled by the Ancestors (Pitru deva). These people are often failures if they undertakeindependent business, as reckless profit making is not in their blood. Friendly to one and all, Mole on right side, Proud of wealth and riches, Likes to travel in all directions, Has servants, Patient, selfish, Law abiding, Magnetic appearance, God fearing, Healthy, Charitable disposition, Likes to bathe frequently, Good personality, Fond of Pilgrimages, Acquires riches, Famous, Progresses forward in undertakings etc.,

PADAS1. knows other persons; Blood shot eyes, Eats well.2. Weak hearing, Wastes money, Liar.3. Wicked in Temperament, Tries to grab others wealth, Strong.4. Skin affection, Dominated by other sex, Sweet speech.

11 Poorvaphalguni - Front legs of marriage bed - (Leo 13°20' to Leo 26°40'):

Poorvaphalguni brings about union and procreation on all levels. This nakshatra implies by the bed or hammock, it is a time of rest and relaxation. Poorvaphalguni is the symbol of good fortune and luck. Attracts others, Pleasing Manners, Connection with Government, HandlesInstruments well, Reddish eyes, Sweet voice, Nice speech, Inclination for participation in politics, Ability to cover the other sex, Learned and wealthy, Well set teeth, Sometimes harsh in speech, Desire for various trades, Straight forwardness, Good in Handicrafts etc.,

PADAS1. Merchant, Courageous, Lazy.2. Lover of Plants, Clean, Unfortunate.3. Respected, Amiable temperament, Oversexed.4. Mark on body, sad appearance, Sinful.

12 Uttaraphalguni - Back Legs of marriage bed (Leo 26°40' to Virgo 10°00'):

A person born in this Nakshatra is charitable, kind hearted, possesses patience, and achieves fame. They are straight forward and do not like to be taken for granted by others. Those born under this nakshatra have a strong physique, good eyesight and are generally very ambitious. Leads a princely

life, Powerful arms, Stylish Walk, Goes to the Rescue of Honest Persons, Sinless, Popular, Fitful Temper, Educated, Loss of Appetite, Acquires Wealth by his Learning, Mole on the Chest or Face, Famous, Healthy, Worship of God, observes Family Traditions, etc.

PADAS1. Pleasing Talk, Courageous, Rich.2. Likes to eat meat, not wealthy, unsteady mind.3. Likes animals, Faithful, Knowledge.4. Chance of losing parents in young age, Ungrateful to others, Commits sins.

13 Hastha – Hand (Virgo 10°00' to Virgo 23°20'):

Hastha is ruled by Savitar, the creative form of the Sun God. A person born in this Nakshatra is famous, is religious minded, respects Brahmins and learned people and possesses wealth. They are tall and thin in physical appearance. They do not have the formal education, but they can carry out the responsibilities assigned to them through their all round knowledge and efforts. Influential, Educated, Loss of Hunger, Open Hearted, Good Qualities and Determination, Love for Learning, Broad shoulders, Friendly, Talented, Tactful, Wealth at Late Stage, Clever, Aptitude for Trade, Tenacious, Acts according to the circumstances, Business Mind, Intelligent etc.

PADAS1. Fond of domestic animals, does not speak truth, short tempered.2. Likes dance, songs, good natured.3. Not healthy, Business, Bad minded.4. Liked by Mother, Joyful, and Good status.

14 Chithra ( Chitra)– Pearl (Virgo 23°20' to Libra 6°40'):

Chithra is ruled by Twashtar, the cosmic craftsman. This is the "star of opportunity". It is anthropomorphically the forehead of Kalapurush. In ancient time the star was known as the 'Star of Prosperity'. A person born in this Nakshatra defeats his enemies gallantly, is an expert in politics and has extraordinary intelligence. They enjoy good health and always appear much younger than their actual age. If a Chithra born native has a powerful Neptune in his/her chart, the person will have dreams that can foretell the future. Slow in action, Hard hearted, Sleeplessness, Does not spend much, Leads ordinary life, Reddish eyes, Fine body, Mole on the face, Strong physique, Talented in learning, Well versed in jobs, Amiable nature, Amasses wealth by trade, Easily cheated, Moves to fore front, etc.

PADAS1. Roams about, Trouble in eyes, Strong.

2. Mind not steady, Likes comforts, Poor.3. Courageous, Education, Famous.4. Brave, Overcomes enemies, Cunning.

15 Swati - Wheat Sprout or like Kumkum (Libra 6°40' to Libra 20°00'):

Swati is ruled by Vayu, the God of the Wind. Swati Nakshatra can be destructive unless we learn how to use it to remove negativity. Rahu, the ruling planet, can create a strong desire for financial success and lust for life. Moves cordially with all, Mole in the Legs, Trader, Desirousof fame, Likes to be carefree, Hard worker, Worships Deities, Affectionate towards father and mother, Relishes rich food, Religious, Soft and kind spoken, Able and affectionate, Learned, Associated with Government, Does not give prominence to his own affairs etc.,

PADAS1. Good speaker, Courageous, Knows science.2. Likes to please senses, Speaks truth, secretly does acts.3. Famous, Harsh, Bad temper.4. Intelligent Likes beautiful things, Bad Company.

16 Vishaka - Truimph Arch (Torana) (Libra 20°00' to Scorpio 3°20'):

Vishaka is ruled by Indra and Agni, who represents the powers of heat and lightning in the atmosphere. This is the "Star of Purpose". Vishaka does not give immediate results but perhaps greater long term gains. Loves to sleep, Holds weapon, Law abiding, Quarrelsome, Talented, Trusts in God, Miser, Character not satisfactory, Hunts after pleasures, Mole on chest or face, Lover of Horses and Elephants, Desire for clean and neat dresses, Philosophical, Charming body, Convincing speaker, Wastes money, etc.,

PADAS1. Business Cheats, Envious.2. Mirthful, Boasts, Short frame.3. Lack of morals, Small personality, Happy.4. Good brain, Rich, Artistic.

17 Anuradha / Anusham– Lotus (Scorpio 3°20' to Scorpio 16°40'):

The Nakshatra Anuradha is ruled by Mitra, the Divine Friend. Those born under this star have to face several obstacles in their life. Talented to do any work, Praised by all, Travels to other Countries, Good health, Rich, Miserly, Harsh speech, Attractive Chest, Protects father and mother, God fearing, Keeps up his promise, Acquires immovable properties etc.,


1. Truthful, Interested in Scriptures, Good deeds.2. Likes songs, Held in Esteem, Lucky.3. Educated, Good looking, Humorous.4. Timid, Not truthful, Mark on body.

18 Jyeshta ‘ KETAI – Circle or boar’s tusk (Scorpio 16°40' to Scorpio 30°00):

Jyeshta is ruled by Indra, the ruler of the Gods. Jyeshta means the eldest one, the senior most, the chief one, more excellent than, preferred one or someone or something supreme glorious. Hard hearted, Mole on right side , Anger, Moves with all well, Eats at small intervals, Bow legged, Small circle of friends, Learned in Arts and Crafts, Well known and Famous, Fearless orator, Ability to organize, Bad association or friendship, Satisfied with what he has.

PADAS1. Scribe, Arrogant, Humorous.2. Poor health, Likes songs, Clean.3. Rears animals, Mean minded, bad temper.4. Unkind, Deceives, Fights.

19 Moola - Crouching Lion (Sagittarius 0°00' to Sagittarius 13°20'):

Moola is ruled by Nirriti, the Goddess of destruction. The meaning of the word, Moola means the root. The Symbol is a bunch of roots tied together. Moola does not indicate fortune or luck. The people born on this nakshatra will be financially successful and lead a materially comfortable life. The ruler of this lunar mansion is Ketu, the South Node of the Moon. Moola born people are educated to a high level, Loved by all, Wealthy, Like to sleep much, are Selfish, Slow and Steady in their affairs, Good legs, Perfection in acts and deeds, Cordially associates with relatives, Independent, Practice of Austerities, Ability to handle weapons and tools, Attracted by sense, Offer shelter to others, Treat all alike, Easy going, Relaxed moods etc.,

PADAS1. Stomach disorder, Dullness, Arrogant.2. Educated, Does not speak truth, Strong body.3. Not active, Magician, Passionate.4. Well built, Conquers, Clever.

20 Poorvashada or POORADAM - Hand Fan (Sagittarius 13°20' to Sagittarius 26°40'):

Poorvashada is ruled by the Waters. People born in Poorvashada are intelligent and convincing. Princely life, Small forehead, Tiny eyes, Liked by the other sex, Powerful arms and shoulders, Affectionate mother, Proud ,

Undertakes pilgrimages, Attached to friends, Speaks truth, Loves to learn, Desire to use scents, Holds decent job, Strong body, Charitable, Amiable character, Happiness in married life, Frank in expressions.

PADAS1. Held in Esteem, Low fertility, Brave.2. Not broad minded, Lack of morals, Sickly.3. Rich, Sickness, Clean.4. Well built, Brave, Truthful.

21 Uttarashadha or UTTRADHAM - Elephant Tusk (Sagittarius 26°40' to Capricorn 10°00')

Uttarashadha is ruled by the Universal Gods (Vishwe Deva). It is also known as the "Universal Star”. Uttarashadha is the second part of the Nakshatra Sagittarius. Uttarashadha born can be driven like a workaholic, extremely persistent when excited, but if they lose interest they become lazy, introspective, and not finish what they started. The people born under this nakshatra do not trust others easily. Good habits, Mole on the face, not afraid of water, Good character, Sharp nose, large circle of friends, Liked and praised by relatives, Famous, Good conversationalist, Desire for delicious food, No aspiration for the properties of others, Likes sweet scents, Thankful for the services rendered, Accumulates wealth by trade and service, Respects law and order etc.,

PADAS1. Charitable, Clever, Broad minded.2. Does not spend, Tactful talk, Arrogant.3. Bulky physique, Boasting, Cruel.4. Business, Good stamina, Wealthy.

22 Sravana or THIRUVONAM– Arrow (Capricorn 10°00' to Capricorn 23°20'):

Sravana is ruled by Vishnu, the pervade. This is the star of listening, also called the "Star of Learning”. Praised by one and all, Good education, Healthy, Economical in spending, Philosophical, Famous, Cautious in walking, Likes scents and incenses, Does not harm others, Love for the partner, Good wife, Does not think of Harming others, Popular, Liked by the other sex, Analytical mind, Enjoys good dress and ornaments, Rich, Leads a comfortable life, etc.,

PADAS1. Big body, Clever, Virtuous.2. Does not spend, does not mix with others, Greedy.

3. Rich, Not healthy, Passionate.4. Spends for good cause, wanting in character, Charitable.

23 Dhanista or AVITTAM– Drum (Capricorn 23°20' to Aquarius 6°40'):

Dhanista is ruled by the Asta- Vasus, the Gods of abundance. It is known as the "Star of Symphony". The symbol is a drum and tabla. Dhanista has two meanings in it - one is Dhana (riches) and the other is Dhvani (sound). People born in this nakshatra are lean and tall, with good ability to resist contagious diseases. Interested in arts and music, Likes maternal uncles, Boldness, Unsteady mind, Rich, Kind words, Intelligent, Cheerful, Promotions in employment,Desire for meat and flesh, Thinks before spending, Love for philosophical and puranic literature, etc.,

PADAS1. Bulky body, Unscrupulous, Cruel.2. Not rich, Bad mind, Quarrels.3. Truthful,Good figure, Proud.4. Guilty, Rich, Harsh.

24 Sadabhisa or SATYAM - Circle (Aquarius 6°40' to Aquarius 20°00'):

Sadabhisa is ruled by Varuna, the God of the cosmic waters. It is also known as the "Veiling Star". Sadabhisa is the nakshatra owned by the node Rahu. The entire span of this nakshatra falls in the sign Aquarius, from 6°-40' to 20°-00'. The symbol is a circle. People born in this nakshatra are very simple, principled people living a simple, straightforward life. Sadabhisa born are ideally suited for any scientific career or a research job. Not fortunate, Fond of sex, Attractive mouth, Famous in all the directions, Desire for alcohol, Learned, Unhealthy, Connected with Government, Triumphs over enemies, Worries in the family, Loves his wife and children, Not afraid of law and order, Acts without pre-thought, Calm appearance, Charitable by nature, Tendency to roam about, etc.,

PADAS1. Beautiful, Liberal, Happy.2. Short temper, easily provoked, Sinful.3. Sickness of liver, Noble acts, Rich.4. Conduct good, clever worker, Happy

25 Poorvabhadrapada - Front legs of deathbed

27 Revati – Fish (Pisces 16°40' to Pisces 30°-00' ):

Revati is governed by Pushan, the nourishing form of the Sun God. Revati creates abundance through providing proper nourishment. A person born in the Revati nakshatra is short tempered and it is very difficult to make them accept the view, which does not suit their principles in life. Revati born persons are the most God fearing people and are religiously much inclined. Famous among common persons, Rich, Influential, Brave, Beautiful Eyes, Respects priestly class, Holds landed-properties, Charitable, Clever Speaker, Modest, Blamed without any cause, conscious of his acts and deeds, Good at heart, Heeds advice, Detests sinful acts, Keen to learn, Lives cordially with relatives and parents, Overcomes his enemies with courage etc.,

PADAS1. Joyous, Arrogant, Clever.2. Short temper, not bulky, Debts.3. Not rich, clever, bad manners.4. Truthful Wins his opponents, Clean.

Mars and Saturn: The planets Mars and Saturn are enemies. These two planets create havoc in respect of married life. The combination of Mars and Saturn in any house is undesirable especially in the houses of lagna, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, and 12th houses. It is also undesirable to have Mars and Saturn in angles to each other. Their aspect to each other also creates unhappiness in married life.

RULE – 1: MORE THAN ONE marriage is indicated if the BOTH following two conditions are ARE simultaneously satisfied:

(i) The sub-lord of the 7th cusp OR its Starlord is deposited in a dual sign(gemini,virgo,pisces) OR if the sub-lord of the 7th cusp isMercury/JUP and(ii) The sub-lord of the 7th cusp is also a significator of either of the houses 2 or 11 or both.If any of the above two conditions is not satisfied, then second marriage is denied.

RULE – 2: Second marriage is indicated if the sub-lord of the 2nd cusp is also a significator of either of the houses 7 or 11.

RULE – 3: ON ASSUMPTION 2ND SPOUSE IS CONSIDERED AS YOUNGER SIBLING OF FIRST SPOUSESecond marriage is indicated if The sub-lord of the 9th cusp is a significator of either of the houses 2 or 9 or 11.

On a study done on 100 random charts who had 2 marriages..




No rule by itself gives a 100 percent co-relationship

Other observations: For more than one marriage Prof. Krishnamurti has said that the only rule to be followed is to note the sub-lord of the 7th cusp. If the 7th sub-lord is either Mercury or any planet occupying a dual sign or deposited in the constellation of a planet in the dual sign, there will be more then one marriage.

If the sub-lord of the second cusp is connected with 7th house, second marriage; (if connected with 11th house, one will just have an illegal affair, as 7th house significator shows legal bondage whereas the 11th indicates attachment and friendship.)

2nd cusp sublord’s connection with 7th is crucial for a legal marriage, otherwise an affair or companion or living together only.

Recommendation: Since no rule alone gives 100% results, CHECK BY ALL 3 RULES, and then GIVE the prediction on more than one Marriage.

For second marriage to happen legally, first marriage has to break through divorce or death of 1st spouse, which can be known to happen if sublord of 7th house is connected to 2nd house or 6th house(one of its strong significators), as 2nd is 8th to 7th house and 6th is 12th to 7th house and both indicate death of spouse or separation.


Priyambada Agrawal

The woman whose horoscope is being discussed for a successful prediction I had given to her in 2001 is a neighbor of ours and we know many happenings in their household from time to time. After she came to know that I had learnt astrology, she came with her horoscope one day to ask for a prediction. She has acknowledged it and the acknowledgement is given at the end of the article.

For a Hindu woman of an orthodox family a second marriage was never encouraged in earlier times. But in the changed times, we astrologers advise the widowed women to marry when we find it suitable to advise such women as they would heed to our advice.

This woman had got married for the first time on 9 Dec.1986 in the mahadasha of Jupiter the seventh lord and the antardasha of Mars. A happy married life followed till a disaster struck her when her husband developed jaundice which could not be cured and turned fatal for him.

In her case it was the period of Saturn-Venus, those of enigmatic periods in which there can be some big upset in one’s life and everything can turn topsy turvy.

The astrological reasons for this disaster are clear. Saturn the eighth lord in his own house with Jupiter the seventh lord aspected by Mars could cause a disaster and in turn aspecting Mars showed the event clearly in this case.

Venus is debilitated and the seventh lord from Venus, Jupiter repeats the story of this tragic incident.

In the navamsha seventh lord Moon with the eighth lord Sun and Saturn and with Venus in the sixth house made the picture gloomier.

Examining her horoscope, I advised her to have a second marriage which she agreed to, more so because the man she was going to marry, a widower, had been asked by his own daughter from his first wife to marry a second time.

Her second marriage took place on 20 April 2003. Though there have been some controversies for the house to be seen for the second marriage, we have found in our replicable researches that the ninth house, the third one from the seventh, gives us a valuable clue in this matter.

She was running the mahadasha of Saturn and the antardasha of Rahu. Rahu in the third house here is seventh from the ninth house. Saturn was in Vrisha in transit when her second marriage was finalised. From here he was aspecting the ninth house and Jupiter was in Karka aspecting the ninth lord Saturn in the eighth house.

Thus the dasha and transits were favorable when she got married for the second time.

She is now happily settled with her four children, two from the first marriage and two from the second one.

Here we list some planetary combinations taken from various classical vedic astrology books dealing with two or more marriages, or, in some cases,

extra-marital relations. These rules should not be taken and applied literally to individual horoscopes.   They may be modified by the aspects,

associations, etc., of benefics while they may be aggravated by the aspects, associations etc., of malefics. For marriage, the 7th house (Bhava)  is of

prime importance, while the 2nd, the 4th and the 5th Bhavas also play significant roles in the determination of life-partner. These Houses  have to be

calculated both from Lagna and the Moon.

(1) Venus in the 7th in a moveable Rasi or Navamsa.

(2) Venus in Cancer and the Moon in the 7th

(3) The weak Moon in the 7th’ or the 12th

(4) Mercury in Taurus which coincides with the 7th

(5) Retrograde Jupiter in the 7th with Mars and one of them in debilitation

(6) Venus in Scorpio coinciding with the 7th

(7) Venus, Saturn, the Moon and Mars in the 7th

(8) Venus and Saturn with lords of the 5th and the 8th in the 7th

(9) Rahu in the 7th

(10) Lord of the 7th in the 7th associated with Mercury, the Moon, Jupiter and Venus

( I1) Lord of the 7th in Kendra aspected by or associated with a benefic

(12) Venus in a common sign and the lord of that sign and the lord of the 7th in exaltation

(13) The Moon in the 7th from Venus or Mercury in the 7th from the Moon and the lord of the 8th in the 5th

(14) Malefics in the 2nd and the 7th and Venus and the lords of the 2nd and the 7th associated with or aspected by malefics

(15) Exalted Mercury in the 10th from the Ascendant lord or lord of the 7th in the 3rd with the Moon

(16) Lords of the 12th and the 2nd in the 3rd with Jupiter or aspected by him and by the 9th lord

(17) Lord of the 7th with the lord of the 10th in angles or trines

(18) The 9th lord in the 7th and the 7th lord associated with or aspected by the 4th and the 11th lords

(19) The Sun in a malefic sign aspected by malefics

(20) The 7th lord in the 6th or the 12th and Venus in debilitation

(21) Saturn and Rahu in the 7th and not aspected by benefics

(22) Leo as Ascendant and the 7th lord in the 9th with lord thereof

(23) Aquarius as Ascendant and the Sun in the 9th associated with the lord of the 8th

(24) Libra as Ascendant and Mars in Ascendant and Jupiter in the 7th or aspecting the 7th

(25) Virgo as Ascendant and the 7th lord associated with the Sun—Venus aspected by Saturn and Rahu in the 3rd

(26) Pisces as Ascendant, lord of the 7th with the Sun in the 2nd, Venus and Rahu in the 4th, the Moon in the 9th

(27) Cancer as Ascendant, Saturn in the8th, Mars in the 4th, Saturn in the 7th from Venus

(28) Taurus as Ascendant Saturn in the 8th the 7th lord in debilitation the Sun in the 2nd

According to Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra-one will have to wivesIf the 7th lord is debilitated.If the 7th lord is in a malefic planet’s sign along with a malefic planet while the 7th house or 7th Navamsha belongs to a eunuch planet.If Mars and Venus are in the 7th house or if Saturn is in the 12th house while the lord of Ascendant is in the 8th house, the native will have 3 wives.There will be many wives if Venus is in a dual sign while its lord is in exaltation as the 7th lord is endowed with strength.According to Sarvartha ChintamaniIf the 7th lord is in exaltation, retrogression etc.They a man gets many wives.Two marriages take place if lagna lord is located in the 8th house, the 7th house has a malefic planet and the 2nd lord is also with a malefic planet.The native has two marriages, if the 7th lord is in its inimical sign or in its debilitation sign with a benefic planet and 7th house has a malefic planet.If Venus is in its sign of debilitation with a malefic planet or in its debilitation Navamsha, it native has two marriages.If there are malefic planets in 7th house and 2nd houses and their lords are weak the native looses his first wife and marriage again.If there are malefic planets in 7th house and 8th house in a horoscope, mars is in 12th house and 7th lord does not aspect its own house, the native loses his first wife and has to marry for the second time.If there are malefic planets in the ascendant, the 2nd house or in the 7th house and the 7th lord is combust or debilitated, and has to marry for the second time.If the 7th lord and 11th lord are located together or they aspect each other and are in a trine, the native has many wives.If 9th lord is in 7th house and 7th lord is in the 4th or the lord of 7th and 11th are in Kendra from each other the native has several wives.If 2nd house and 7th house have malefic planets and 7th lord is aspected by a malefics,the native has to marry thrice due to death of wives.If the 2nd and 12th lords are in the 3rd house aspected by Jupiter or 9th lord, the native has many wives.

This is how to proceed with the interpetation

1. The planet - which part of your personality?First of all, choose a planet in your horoscope that you would like to interpret. Planets represent inner forces of your personality.

Example: MercuryLook up the planet Mercury and find out what kind of force you're looking at. You will learn that it represents your thinking and your communicative abilities.

2. The sign - how does this force express itself?Then take a look at the sign the planet is in. The characteristics of this sign will tell you in what way your thinking and communication works.

For example: Mercury in AriesLook up Aries, and get a picture of these properties. Then apply them to your thinking.Right: Aries is fast, spontaneous, active, impulsive, and sometimes impatient. This means that you are a quick thinker who grasps immediately how things are connected. However, it is possible that you overlook something important now and again because you haven't taken the time to check the details. In communication you tend to be impulsive and forceful, and others may sometimes feel that they can't get a word in edgeways.

3. The House - which area of life is influenced most by this force?Once you know how you think, you can find out in which area of life you use this capacity most actively. This is when you check which house the planet is in.

For example: Mercury in Aries in the 10th houseRead in the section "Houses" about the tenth house. Career, vocation, social standing, and public appearance are the relevant themes. You use your quick and agile mind mostly in the area of your profession and public standing, and to advance towards your aims in life.

4. Aspects - who's involved with whom?Finally, the planet can be inter-related with another planet or several other planets - they are in aspect. These aspects show which parts of your personality have certain connections with other parts of your personality.

For example: Mercury conjunct SunThis means that, viewed from the Earth, Mercury and the Sun are in the same position in the sky. This is why they are also close together in the horoscope.After interpreting both planets by themselves, you have to find out in what way they are connected. When they are conjunct, both forces always occur at the same time. One can't be active without the other. In an opposition, you might perceive those forces as working against each other, etc.If Mercury and the Sun are conjunct in the tenth house, your thinking and your urge for self-realisation work together for your career and your aims in life - all of this in an Arian manner.

This is the procedure you go through with all the planets in order to explore the pattern of your personality. You will find that some themes turn up more often than others. These are your main themes in life. Other people have different ones.

Ascendant and Midheaven in the Horoscope

The sign on the Ascendant shows your spontaneous attitude and how you approach the world around you. The interpretation works in the same way as the interpretation of planets in signs. Read the interpretation of the AC and that of the respective sign, and then combine the two. If

the Ascendant is in Cancer, for example, this person will be sensitive and helpful in their spontaneous approach to life - at least at first sight.

The sign at the Midheaven (MC) tells you something about the goals you persue, and how you go about achieving them. A person with an Aries Midheaven will be a pioneer and follow their aims directly and courageously.