marsham village news (35th edition)

Marsham Village News July 2015 35th Edition The deadline for the next edition is Wednesday 22 nd July 2015. Any articles, letters or adverts should be sent to [email protected] or, if anything needs typing, to Linda and Eric at 3 Cranes Lane. Please note that in a change from previous years there will be an edition in August this year but not one in October. The weather was kind to the Garage and Garden Sale and it was a great success with lots of visitors, particularly in the morning. The village hall and defibrillator group made almost £250 from the day and we know of a number of satisfied stall holders. There are plans to hold the sale again next year but the organisers are anxious to learn any lessons from this year. If you have got any thoughts on how the event could be improved please contact Adrian Scargill at the usual e mail address or 734488. It is good to have news from both the school and the Parish Council (insert) in this month’s edition, as well as news about yet another planning application for Fengate Farm in our Letters section. As the end of the sponsorship of our newsletter by NEWS approaches, the editing committee are exploring ways in which we can make it affordable and sustainable into the future. With the vast majority of people now online, we wondered how many people would be happy to view their copy of the newsletter on their computers, tablets or phones. The more people who view it online, the less copies we would need to print. To help us get an idea of numbers, would those who would be happy to view online in the future, please let us know by responding on our Facebook page. Please note that this would not happen until later in the year. For the moment you would continue to receive a hard copy. We would arrange an alert to be sent to you when a new edition was online. A reminder that you can access the newsletter in the following ways Google ‘Marsham Village News’ and follow the link to our Facebook page. Our apologies for there being no photograph this month. There just wasn’t enough space!

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The 35th Edition of the re-launched Marsham Village News.


  • Marsham

    Village News

    July 2015 35th Edition

    The deadline for the next edition is Wednesday 22nd July 2015. Any articles, letters or adverts should be sent to

    [email protected] or, if anything needs typing, to Linda and Eric at 3 Cranes Lane.

    Please note that in a change from previous years there will be an edition in August this

    year but not one in October.

    The weather was kind to the Garage and Garden Sale and it was a great success with lots of visitors,

    particularly in the morning. The village hall and defibrillator group made almost 250 from the day and

    we know of a number of satisfied stall holders. There are plans to hold the sale again next year but the

    organisers are anxious to learn any lessons from this year. If you have got any thoughts on how the

    event could be improved please contact Adrian Scargill at the usual e mail address or 734488.

    It is good to have news from both the school and the Parish Council (insert) in this months edition, as

    well as news about yet another planning application for Fengate Farm in our Letters section.

    As the end of the sponsorship of our newsletter by NEWS approaches, the editing committee are

    exploring ways in which we can make it affordable and sustainable into the future. With the vast

    majority of people now online, we wondered how many people would be happy to view their copy of

    the newsletter on their computers, tablets or phones. The more people who view it online, the less

    copies we would need to print. To help us get an idea of numbers, would those who would be happy to

    view online in the future, please let us know by responding on our Facebook page. Please note that this

    would not happen until later in the year. For the moment you would continue to receive a hard copy.

    We would arrange an alert to be sent to you when a new edition was online.

    A reminder that you can access the newsletter in the following ways

    Google Marsham Village News and follow the link to our Facebook page.

    Our apologies for there being no photograph this month.

    There just wasnt enough space!

  • Dont forget to let us have details of any up and coming events which we will include on this page.

    Send to [email protected] or deliver to 12 Old Norwich Road.

    Mobile library in Marsham

    The Norfolk County Council mobile library van

    will be in Marsham on Monday 6th July.

    The stop-off points are

    Le Neve Road - 15.30 to 15.45

    Wathen Way - 15.50 to 16.05

    Marsham Belles will be holding rehearsals every Wednesday afternoon in July.

    Everyone welcome to listen to the bells, have a cup

    of tea and a chat.

    The Marsham Belles will be performing in the village hall on

    Saturday 18th July from 2.00 until 4.00. Proceeds from the event will

    be in aid of the victims of the Nepalese earthquakes.

    Your support would be welcome and appreciated.

    Marsham School

    Summer Fayre

    on Friday 3rd July

    3.00 until 5.30

    cakes tombola raffle

    stalls refreshments games

    Marsham Community Club

    We will meet for the first time on Friday September

    4th at Marsham Village Hall and thereafter on the

    first Friday of each month. The hall will be open

    between 9.30am and 12.00. Why not pop in and have

    a cuppa, read some papers or just meet and mardle? If you know someone who lives alone perhaps you

    could encourage them to come along with you.

    If you have any ideas for future Fridays for example

    activities you would like to try or organisations you

    would like to invite please let me know when we meet or contact Nicola Hibberd on 01263 733557 or

    by email at [email protected]

    Everyone is very welcome.

  • Letters to the Editor

    The letters in this section are published unedited and do not necessarily reflect the views of the

    editing committee. We see the Village Newsletter as a channel for people in the village to air their

    views positive and negative.

    Hello everyone

    Some of you may recall that last year, my wife and I offered to come and cook Christmas dinner in your

    own home, so you didn't spend Christmas alone.

    This year, we are planning to cook a Christmas dinner for as many people as we can, living alone in the

    local and neighbouring villages and would like some company over the festive period, but I need your


    I am asking you to donate anything that you no longer need or use and is saleable, so I can raise money

    from carboots or online. You can also donate money with this link :

    company-for-christmas/ , PayPal account not needed as you can pay as a guest. We are having a chat

    next week about hiring the Jubilee centre in Aylsham as they have the facilities that are needed, unless

    anyone has another suggestion. If you feel you can help us to make this a big success story, please bring

    any donation items to 29 Le Neve Road, Marsham, or I can come and collect. If we are not at home,

    items can be left on the porch but please leave your name, so you can be named as someone who helped

    by donating.

    As the saying goes 'Every penny helps'.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this request.

    Glyn and Daniela

    Planning Update for Fengate Farm

    As some parishioners are already aware, yet another attempt to build on the Fengate Farm (old chicken house

    site) has been made, this time for 20 houses.

    The previous scheme was firmly rejected by Broadland District Council. An appeal to an independent inspector

    from the Planning Inspectorate was firmly dismissed. His report (available, I believe, to download) clearly

    established the site as agricultural land (a Green field site) available only for agricultural use.

    He also confirmed that adequate land for house building had been already established for Broadland up to


    The Fengate Farm site is thus clearly beyond the village development boundary, not essential for housing needs

    and on agricultural land, contrary to planning policy. I understand that BDC intends to reject the proposals but

    local objections should be forwarded by letter or e mail as soon as possible.

    There are of course still sites within the village which already have planning approval for a total of

    approximately 40 new houses. Further housing is still permitted for infill houses of groups of up to 5 dwellings


    It is, in my opinion, important that this latest application is refused in order that a precedent is not established

    for building on agricultural land both in Marsham and elsewhere in Norfolk.

    Regarding any unsightliness of the existing (agricultural) site and buildings, the planning inspector has made it

    clear in his Appeal Dismissal that this does not outweigh the proposal for housing submitted.

    No doubt any concerns regarding health and safety matters with reference to the existing buildings can be dealt

    with by the appropriate authority and are best dealt with as a separate metter to avoid confusion with the

    scope of the current planning submission.

    Greg Jarvis

    Old Norwich Road

  • Independent Funeral Homes Ltd. We are a traditional family run funeral directors offering the

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    whatever they may be.

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    Butcher - Fishmonger

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    6th October 10.45am Harvest Festival

    13th October 10.45am Holy Communion

    20th October 10.45am Family Service

    27th October 10.45am Family Service



    26th July 10.30am Holy Communion


    7th June In memory of LEN SUFFLING

    15th June in memory of JANICE BOURN sponsored by Mr RAY BOURN

    and FAMILY


    15th April Burial BEATRICE MARY BOWLES

    27th May Interment of ashes ERIC HOWLETT

    18th June Interment of ashes ELEANOR CLARKE


    16th August 10.30am Benefice Holy Communion



    New Art Class for Beginners at Cawston,

    starts September on Monday afternoons.

    Learn to draw and paint. Please call me for

    details Clementina Sutton 01603 872441 or

    see my blog

  • Marsham WI

    Our May meeting was mostly taken up with discussion of the Resolution to be taken to the WI

    National Federation Annual Meeting on 4th

    June; however we found time for a quiz before tea. As this

    is our Centenary year special arrangements were made for live screenings of the Annual Meeting

    around the country and Marsham members were able to watch the proceedings on screen in Aylsham

    Town Hall. One of our members joined over 5,000 women attending the meeting in The Royal Albert

    Hall including HM The Queen, The Princess Royal and The Countess of Wessex who are also WI

    members. Among the speakers were Lucy Worsley, Historian and Curator at Historic Royal Palaces

    and Tanni Grey-Thompson, Parliamentarian and former Para-Olympian who both gave entertaining


    We are now giving some thought to our summer meeting on July 22nd and hope it will take the form

    of a VE Day street party celebration in the village hall with partners & friends joining us.

    We hear that Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge is interested in joining Anmer WI on the Sandringham

    Estate, so if you too are a woman interested in becoming a member of the largest voluntary womens

    organisation in the UK, please come along to one of our meetings usually held on the 4th


    of the month in Marsham Village Hall at 7.30pm. Contact me on 01263 732606 or at

    [email protected] if you would like any further information.

    Dorothy McCall










    01263 731555 Mobile 07780604279

  • A note from Marsham Primary School.. As I write we are just two weeks into the second half of the summer term. Even so, both

    Class 1 and Class 2 have already enjoyed lots of exciting activities. Class 1 were delighted

    to welcome three new members to their group when the chicken eggs they had been

    incubating finally hatched. With help from Classroom Assistant Mrs Burt the children

    from both classes raised the chicks, learning to feed, hold and clean them out. Their next

    task is to work together to build a run, which will go alongside our chicken coop which

    was kindly donated by a Marsham local. Our hammers and saws are at the ready chicks

    grow fast! Class 1 have also been immersing themselves in the story, Were going on a

    lion hunt based on the well-known book, Were going on a bear hunt by the fifth

    Childrens Laureate, Michael Rosen. All the children have loved performing the tale,

    especially when setting out on their own lion hunt around the playing fields.

    On the first day back after the half-term holiday, Class 2 took a trip over the border to

    Suffolk to visit the National Trusts Sutton Hoo site. The class had been learning about

    the Vikings in the first half of the summer term so were excited to learn about the Anglo-

    Saxon kings who may have had to deal with such ferocious Viking adversaries. After

    exploring the burial mounds and treasury, the class were helped to discover Anglo-Saxon

    artefacts and to guess what they may have been used for. Favourites included an Anglo-

    Saxon ear-picker and tweezers!

    Both classes were also lucky enough to meet childrens author Jack Trelawney who

    visited the school to talk about his work as a writer. Each in his series of five books

    describes a new pirate adventure taken by two young explorers through the imagined

    land of Kernowland. The pupils were very keen shipmates and came in to school that

    day wearing some fantastic pirate costumes; parrots, eye patches and treasure


    Our most exciting news of course is that, after a visit from the Ofsted inspector,

    Marsham Primary has been judged as a Good school. The report cited that determined

    leadership and management at all levels have driven rapid improvements since the

    previous inspection, particularly in the quality of teaching and pupils achievements. All

    staff and pupils at the school were really pleased with the result and look forward to

    working hard to become even better.

    Aggy Rothon