martin luther devotiontorebellion. the journey of martin luther how did a monk who at one point...

Martin Luther Devotion To Rebellion

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Martin Luther




The Journey of Martin Luther

How did a Monk who at one point devoted his entire life to the Catholic church become one of the most influential men of the Reformation?

What was the cause or causes that led him to write the 95 Theses?

Martin Luther

Luther’s Early Life Grew up in a working class family

The Church was the center of his world

Father wanted him to a lawyer

Well Educated


Martin Luther Erfurt, Germany 1500’s Great center for

the Church Luther thrived as

an excellent student

1505 Plague struck Erfurt, and Luther lost three friends

He caught a glimpse of his own mortality and “God’s Wrath”

Martin LutherLife in the Monastery Luther joined a

very severe monastic order

Luther threw himself into monastic life

Did not find the peace he was searching for

Martin Luther

Pilgrimage to Rome 1510- Sent on a pilgrimage to Rome

Rome was at the height of the Renaissance

Luther was overwhelmed by the extravagance


Martin Luther

Luther in Rome Luther found a cynicism he hadn’t expected

The Church wanted to profit from pilgrims

For a fee one could go view a sacred site and earn an indulgence

Martin Luther

Indulgences a document that releases a person from time in purgatory

Purgatory’s where one goes after death to have their sins burned out of them before reaching heaven

Martin Luther

Wittenberg, Germany 1500’s

1511 Luther is sent to the small town

Became professor of Biblical Studies at the University

Again threw himself into his work

Revelation- Salvation is a gift that God wants to give. Believers don’t need the church involved.

Martin Luther

Pope Leo X and Indulgences

By 1517 Pope Leo X had emptied the churches coffers. Needed to halt construction of St. Peter’s Basilica

In order to pay for it, decided to sell indulgences

Luther reached his breaking point

“As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs”

Martin Luther 95 Theses On Oct 31st, 1517

Luther nails a set of papers to the door of the All Saints Church in Wittenberg

These papers called the 95 theses were meant to spark debate with other scholars about church reform BUT….

Within one year Luther’s 95 Theses have spread throughout Europe sparking what would become know as the Catholic Reformation

The Journey of Martin Luther

How did a Monk who at one point devoted entire life to the Catholic church become one of the most influential men of the Reformation?

What was the cause or causes that led him to write the 95 Theses?