marvel moms and dc dads genes and heredity. scenario col. william stryker, m.d. is the leader of an...

Download MARVEL MOMS and DC DADS Genes and Heredity. SCENARIO Col. William Stryker, M.D. is the leader of an anti-mutant conspiracy to destroy all mutants. It

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  • MARVEL MOMS and DC DADS Genes and Heredity
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  • SCENARIO Col. William Stryker, M.D. is the leader of an anti-mutant conspiracy to destroy all mutants. It is your job as a bio- geneticist to genetically engineer a new mutant super hero who will prevent Stryker from completing his task.
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  • MARVEL MOMS and DC DADS Select a Marvel Mom and a DC Dad to defeat Col. Stryker. The student will list at least 10 traits they want the new super hero to have. The student will decide how to assign trait genotypes to the parent organisms (i.e. homozygous dominant, homozygous recessive, or heterozygous, complete dominance, incomplete dominance). Students will conduct research to find super hero profiles to assign trait alleles. Students will use Punnett squares to predict all possible genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring. The student will submit a written profile (include strengths and weaknesses) of the new super hero giving the genotypes and phenotype based on the Punnett squares and a picture of the new character.
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  • STORM Height 5'11" Weight 127 lbs. Eyes Blue, glowing white when using powers Hair White
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  • STORM Storm possesses psionic ability to manipulate weather patterns over limited areas. She can stimulate the creation of any form of precipitation such as rain or fog, generate winds in varying degrees of intensity up to and including hurricane force, raise or lower the humidity and temperature in her immediate vicinity, induce lightning and other electrical atmospheric phenomena, and disperse natural storms so as to create clear change. Storm can direct the path of certain atmospheric effects, such as bolts of lightning, with her hands. She has also demonstrated the ability to manipulate ocean currents, though the extent of this ability is still unclear. Storm can only manipulate weather patterns as they exist in nature. For example, she can end a drought in one area by creating torrential rains there, but that would necessitate robbing all available moisture from the surrounding areas. Storm is not able to create atmospheric conditions that do not exist naturally on the planet she is on. For example, Storm is unable to lower temperatures as far as absolute zero or raise them to solar intensities on Earth. Storm is able to fly by creating winds strong enough to support her weight, the weight of others, and to propel her forward through the air. Storm can thus travel as fast as any wind can, and has reached speeds up to 300 miles per hour. Her powers over the atmosphere enable her to breathe at any speed, protect her from air friction, and grant her limited immunity to extreme heat and cold. Storm is also able to alter her visual perception so as to perceive electrical energy patterns as well as those factors responsible for existing meteorological phenomena in her surrounding environment. Storm's ability to manipulate the weather in her immediate vicinity is affected by her emotions; hence, if she does not maintain control, a fit of rage might induce a destructive storm. Storm also suffers from severe claustrophobia.
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  • PHOENIX Height 5'6" Weight 115 lbs. Eyes Green Hair Red
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  • PHOENIX Jean Grey possessed telepathic powers enabling her to read minds, project her thoughts into the minds of others, initiate astral travel, and mentally stun opponents with pure psionic force, among other talents. She also possessed telekinesis, allowing her to levitate and manipulate objects and others, generate force fields, fly, and stimulate heat molecules to generate concussive blasts. Her powers were magnified to near-infinite levels while she served as an avatar for the cosmic Phoenix Force. She was able to manipulate matter and energy on a molecular scale, although this varied on the Force's status and how much power it chose to allocate to her.Phoenix Force
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  • SUPERMAN Height: 6'3" Weight: 225 lbs. Eyes: Blue Hair: Black
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  • SUPERMAN Powers: Superhuman strength, speed and senses. X-Ray and Heat Vision. Ability to Fly. Invulnerable. Origin: Krypton?s Last Son, Kal-El aka Superman, is the figurehead and leader of the Justice League. Superman?s parents Jor-El and Lara, sent their son to Earth in an effort to save his life as their home planet, Krypton, was destroyed. After landing in Smallville, Kal-El was discovered by Martha and Jonathan Kent, who raised him and kept his origin a secret. Clark Kent grew up with a normal childhood, but it was soon evident that he wasn?t like the other kids. Clark?s alien DNA gave him the ability to harness the power of the Earth?s Yellow sun. Eventually, Clark stored enough energy to perform superhuman feats. When Clark moved to Metropolis to work at the Daily Planet, a nationwide newspaper, he also adopted the guise of Superman to better serve and inspire the American Public.
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