mary immaculate) school2019 board of trustee elections www...

New Brighton Catholic School (Mary Immaculate) Newsletter/Pānui 13 Term 2, Week 3: 16 May 2019 Dear Parents, Caregivers, Whānau and Friends Important Dates Term 2: Most Mon/Wed/Thurs – Dancing Like the Stars 1.45-2.45 Yr 6 Thursdays until 5 June – Self Defence Yr 7&8 girls 1.20-2.40 Tues 21 May Zones Cross Country – Queenspark – qualifiers Tues 28 May Catholic Schools Day Wed 29 May School closed if NZEI strike takes place Thurs 30 May Staff-only Day Mon 3 Jun Queen’s Birthday – school closed Tues 18 Jun 5.30pm BOT meeting Wed 19 Jun Canterbury Cross Country - qualifiers Mon-Tues 24-25 Jun Learning Conferences Fri 28 Jun Celebration Assembly Tues 2 July 6pm DLTS performance Isaac Theatre Royal – Yr 6 Fri 5 Jul 2.45pm Term 2 ends Mon 22 Jul 8.45am Term 3 starts Tues 6 Aug 5.30pm BOT Tues 10 Sep 5.30pm BOT Mon-Fri 16-27 Sept Swimming at QE11 – all classes __________________________________________________________________ BOT Meetings: 5.30pm Tuesday 18 June, 6 August, 10 September, 29 October and 3 December. (Note change of time.) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Assembly: Rm 3 is the class for prayers tomorrow. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NBC Footsteps Virtue Wk 4: Self Aware / Manaaki Tia Tinana At New Brighton Catholic we are Self-Aware. Being self-aware means caring about our bodies and ourselves. Caring about yourself means that you treat yourself with the respect and concern that you deserve as a child of God. Treating your body with respect is looking after it, washing yourself, keeping your body clean and wearing clean clothes. Exercise is really important for your body. Put into your body things that will make it healthy, like nutritious foods and drinks. Avoid putting into your body anything that could harm you. We need to look after the gifts that God has given us when He created us. _________________________________________________________________ 10 Commandments Bishop Paul has challenged all of us in the diocese to do some spiritual reading. This term the focus is the 10 Commandments. No. 3: Remember to keep holy the Lord’s day We are called to live Sunday in a special way. Remembering what unites us to our God and opens us to expressing gratitude for His gifts. Because of this, Christians are invited to come away from ordinary habits (eg from the time we spend at work, in school, shopping) and enter into a different kind of time. This time is marked by going out from one’s self and going toward others: coming together in Church as a family in God’s presence, listening to His Word, celebrating the Eucharist, praying for the needs of the world, helping those in difficulty - all these things place us in relationship with God and with our neighbour. _________________________________________________________________ Condolences Our sympathy to Grace Curtis-Lamb and her family. Grace’s great uncle passed away recently. We also remember Sr Pauline O’Regan who, during her 75 years as a Mercy sister, was Principal of Villa Maria College, very active in the community of Chch East, author of several books, and a contributor to National Radio. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let Perpetual Light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. School 2019 Board of Trustee Elections Nominations (close at noon on Friday 24 May) can be made online: go to and follow the instructions, or we have the forms In the Office. If you are interested in being a parent representative on our Board of Trustees and would like to know more, please contact the office (we have printed information) or go to Nomination forms are available in the Office or submit your nomination online Children’s Fundraising The children’s Caritas Lenten Appeal raised $272.80 which we have forwarded. 4 The children’s Coin Heart fundraiser for the victims of the Mosque Tragedy raised $217 which we have forwarded. __________________________________________________________________ Scholastic Book Club orders due by Thursday 23 May Brochures going home today. Check out the online ordering system (LOOP details on the back of the brochure) for quick and easy ordering. Or put your order form and money into a named envelope marked book club (cheques made out to New Brighton Catholic). Many thanks. Amy Baker __________________________________________________________________ Noel Leeming Friends and Family Offer at The Palms 16-23 May – flyer attached. __________________________________________________________________ Duffy Books in Home An update on how Duffy Books in Home has been working for your children so far this year. We have been lucky to have the Duffy Theatre come and spread the message of how great reading is to us all. It was wonderful to see Duffy again, and we all enjoyed watching him getting sucked into a video game. Maria Gill (author) shared some of her experiences, books and characters with the children towards the end of term one. She presented all the wonderful books to each class. We had great pleasure in presenting Elizabeth Bull with the Mothers Day Duffy Book to thank her for all the work she has done in our school throughout the years. Thank you Elizabeth. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Avonhead Rotary, who sponsor (with our own BOT) Duffy Books for us. If it wasn't for their generosity our children would miss out on all the wonderful books and opportunities Duffy Books in Homes give us. Please take time to support Avonhead Rotary and thank them for supporting our children. Libby Watherston And remember - Stay calm and grab another book.

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Page 1: Mary Immaculate) School2019 Board of Trustee Elections www · 5/16/2019  · Dear Parents, Caregivers, Whānau and Friends Important

New Brighton Catholic School (Mary Immaculate)

Newsletter/Pānui 13 Term 2, Week 3: 16 May 2019

Dear Parents, Caregivers, Whānau and Friends Important Dates Term 2: Most Mon/Wed/Thurs – Dancing Like the Stars 1.45-2.45 Yr 6 Thursdays until 5 June – Self Defence Yr 7&8 girls 1.20-2.40 Tues 21 May Zones Cross Country – Queenspark – qualifiers Tues 28 May Catholic Schools Day Wed 29 May School closed if NZEI strike takes place Thurs 30 May Staff-only Day Mon 3 Jun Queen’s Birthday – school closed Tues 18 Jun 5.30pm BOT meeting Wed 19 Jun Canterbury Cross Country - qualifiers Mon-Tues 24-25 Jun Learning Conferences Fri 28 Jun Celebration Assembly Tues 2 July 6pm DLTS performance Isaac Theatre Royal – Yr 6 Fri 5 Jul 2.45pm Term 2 ends Mon 22 Jul 8.45am Term 3 starts Tues 6 Aug 5.30pm BOT Tues 10 Sep 5.30pm BOT Mon-Fri 16-27 Sept Swimming at QE11 – all classes __________________________________________________________________ BOTMeetings:5.30pmTuesday18June,6August,10September,29Octoberand3December.(Notechangeoftime.)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



NBCFootstepsVirtueWk4:SelfAware/ManaakiTiaTinanaAtNewBrightonCatholicweareSelf-Aware.Beingself-awaremeanscaringaboutourbodiesandourselves.CaringaboutyourselfmeansthatyoutreatyourselfwiththerespectandconcernthatyoudeserveasachildofGod.Treatingyourbodywithrespectislookingafterit,washingyourself,keepingyourbodycleanandwearingcleanclothes.Exerciseisreallyimportantforyourbody.Putintoyourbodythingsthatwillmakeithealthy,likenutritiousfoodsanddrinks.Avoidputtingintoyourbodyanythingthatcouldharmyou.WeneedtolookafterthegiftsthatGodhasgivenuswhenHecreatedus._________________________________________________________________10CommandmentsBishopPaulhaschallengedallofusinthediocesetodosomespiritualreading.Thistermthefocusisthe10Commandments.No.3:RemembertokeepholytheLord’sdayWearecalledtoliveSundayinaspecialway.RememberingwhatunitesustoourGodandopensustoexpressinggratitudeforHisgifts.Becauseofthis,Christiansareinvitedtocomeawayfromordinaryhabits(egfromthetimewespendatwork,inschool,shopping)andenterintoadifferentkindoftime.Thistimeismarkedbygoingoutfromone’sselfandgoingtowardothers:comingtogetherinChurchasafamilyinGod’spresence,listeningtoHisWord,celebratingtheEucharist,prayingfortheneedsoftheworld,helpingthoseindifficulty-allthesethingsplaceusinrelationshipwithGodandwithourneighbour._________________________________________________________________Condolences OursympathytoGraceCurtis-Lambandherfamily.Grace’sgreatunclepassedawayrecently.WealsorememberSrPaulineO’Reganwho,duringher75yearsasaMercysister,wasPrincipalofVillaMariaCollege,veryactiveinthecommunityofChchEast,authorofseveralbooks,andacontributortoNationalRadio.Eternalrestgrantuntothem,OLord,andletPerpetualLightshineuponthem.MaytheirsoulsandthesoulsofallthefaithfuldepartedthroughthemercyofGod,restinpeace.Amen.







ScholasticBookClub–ordersduebyThursday23MayBrochuresgoinghometoday.Checkouttheonlineorderingsystem(LOOPdetailsonthebackofthebrochure)forquickandeasyordering.Orputyourorderformandmoneyintoanamedenvelopemarkedbookclub(chequesmadeouttoNewBrightonCatholic).Manythanks. AmyBaker__________________________________________________________________




inourschoolthroughouttheyears.ThankyouElizabeth.WewouldliketotakethisopportunitytothankAvonheadRotary,whosponsor(withourownBOT)DuffyBooksforus.Ifitwasn'tfortheirgenerosityourchildrenwouldmissoutonallthewonderfulbooksandopportunitiesDuffyBooksinHomesgiveus.PleasetaketimetosupportAvonheadRotaryandthankthemforsupportingourchildren. LibbyWatherston


Page 2: Mary Immaculate) School2019 Board of Trustee Elections www · 5/16/2019  · Dear Parents, Caregivers, Whānau and Friends Important


courttomakesurewewereabletodoitontheroadwithoutgettinghurt.AfterlunchwedidtheABBCcheck(air,brakes,bolts,chain)thenwewentontheroadfortherestofthedayandthewholeofFriday. JaimieReid(Yr6)/TahliahNabih(Yr6)__________________________________________________________________

CatholicTournamentAlltheYr8boysandacoupleofYr7boyschosetoplayforthefootballteam.Wehadtoplay10minutegamesagainsteightdifferentteamsfromallacrossChristchurch,with5minutesbetweengamestograbadrink!Itwashecticandexhausting.TheCatholicTournamentisareallyfunevent,allthegameswereplayedingreatspiritandfriendship.Wewouldallliketodoitagain. ElijahReynolds(Yr8)


accomplishedandproudofthepeoplewhohadplayedforthefirsttime.Thespiritofthegameswasoneoffriendshipandexcellence.Welldoneeveryone.AbigthankyoutoKerranFranksforbeingagreatcoach. OliviaKennedy(Yr7)/CheloFlood(Yr7)


oneteamdidnotshowupsowegotanextrapracticein).Weallfeltverycheerfulandproud(eventhoughweonlywononegame). KhiaraBerryman(Yr8)/SaskiaPreston-Fitzgerald(Yr8)__________________________________________________________________Mauritu,mauriora-Anactivesoulisahealthysoul!Itisimportanttobeevermovingforwardwithlearningforallofus.PB4Laffordsustheopportunitytolearnandmoveforwardasacommunitywithbenefitsforallthechildreninourcare.

CrossCountryLastFridayeveryoneatNBCparticipatedintheCrossCountry.Itwasadelightfulday,especiallybecauseoftheboilinghotweather!EveryonewaspreparedintheirHousecoloursforthemassiverunaheadofthem.Thenoiseofthecheeringwasoverwhelming.Everyonetriedthebesttheycould.Thankyoutotheteacherswhohelpedmakeeverythingpossibleandtoallthewonderfulparentswhocametoencourage,supportandcheeruson!Also,congratulationstothestudentswhoareheadingtozones. AnnaBalogh(Yr8)/KataSumner(Yr7)

OnFriday,IwenttothecrosscountryandMumcheeredmeonandonandon!Iwentonandontoo.IwasinmyhousecoloursanditwasonthedomainatNBC.IwasinPompallierwithKiara.Room6,room5androom7werethere.Ifeltexcited.IwasintheyearonesoIranonce.IwasfourthandaftertheraceIwaspuffed. LiliaWilson(Yr1)

OnFridayIwenttothecrosscountryinthedomainwithRoom5and6.Iwentfortwolapsaroundthedomain.Igotpuffed! NoahGodinet-Church(Yr1)


MitchellMay(Yr1)WewenttodothecrosscountryonFridaywithmyNBCroom,whichisroom5and6!Weranonthetrack.IwenttoomuchandIgotthethestitch!Ihadtoruntogetwater!IfelthappybutIwasnervous! AleighaStevens(Yr2)



CongratulationsandgoodlucktoourteamwhowillbecompetingattheZonesCrossCountrynextTuesday.IamattheCPPAConferenceandwillbebackonMonday.GodBless/AtuaWhakapai/Fa’amanuialeAtuaDebDainesPrincipal Goinghometoday:BookClubbrochures

Page 3: Mary Immaculate) School2019 Board of Trustee Elections www · 5/16/2019  · Dear Parents, Caregivers, Whānau and Friends Important

BOT AtTuesday’smeetingTheSpecialCharacterEducationReviewwasundertakenonMondayandTuesday.ThisreviewistoaffirmtoBishopPaulthathisschool(NewBrightonCatholic)isauthenticallyCatholic.MarkGregoryandco-reviewer,AbrahamAtherton,undertookathoroughreviewlookingattheCatholicCharacterbyobservingteaching,interviewingallstaff,pupils,parentsandBOT.BuildingupdateThemainspowerswitchboardwhichisintheSeniorbookroomneedstobemovedasit’spartofthedemolitionofRm5&6.Itwillberelocated-thenextsteptowardsournewbuilding.Nextmeeting:5.30pm18June__________________________________________________________________

Community StrikeDay–OscarFunDay–Wednesday29MayYouthAliveTrustarerunningafunOSCARActivityDayforanychildreninYears1–8whileschoolsareexpectedtobeonStrike.We’reheadingtoOranaParkfortheday(alternativeactivitiesifwetweather)andcosts$35each(8:30am-3:30pm),plusextensionto6:00pmavailableifneeded.Work&IncomeOSCARsubsidiesavailable!Refundifstrikeiscancelled.Signupat:–andchoosethe“SpecialDay”option.



• RegisteringyournominationfortheBoardofTrustees• NoelLeemingFriendsandFamilyDeal16-23May


Lunch Thursday 23 May – Subway Orders & correct money must be in the blue tin in the Library by 8.45am Wednesday. __________________________________________________________________


FrBryanParish(3834722) SundayMassatStMary’sat10.30amandStJamesat9amwithSaturdayvigilat5pm.(12.30pmSunday12MaySamoanMassreplacesthe9amMass)ChangetoSundayMasstimesfromSunday9JuneTheSundayMassscheduleforStMary’sandStJameswillbe:10.30am Sunday StMary’s5pm Saturdayvigil StJames12.30pm SamoanMassevery2ndmonth(FrPaulo) StJames9am SamoanMassevery4thSunday(FrBryan) StJamesFridaymorningcoffeebetween9-11amduringtheschoolterm.PopinafterAssembly.

Page 4: Mary Immaculate) School2019 Board of Trustee Elections www · 5/16/2019  · Dear Parents, Caregivers, Whānau and Friends Important

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