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CHAPTER 1Rizal A Biographical Sketch

The life, works and ideals of DR. JOSE RIZAL had served as an inspiration not only to Filipinos, nut also to all freedom-loving peoples throughout the world.Endowed with superior intelligence, indeed, he can be considered a rare universal genius. As versatile man, he was a physician (ophthalmic surgeon), mathematician engineer, surveyor, poet, musician, sculptor, painter, cartoonist, cartographer, novelist, dramatist, inventor, philosopher, linguist, businessman, economist and farmer. He epitomized the ideal Renaissance man- a person of broad intellectual and cultural interest encompassing the full spectrum of available knowledge.Rizals Birth. Jose Rizal was born on Wednesday, June 19, 1861 between eleven and twelve oclock at midnight, a few days before the full moon at Calamba, laguna. His birth would have cost his mothers life had she not vowed to Virgin of Antipolo that would take him on pilgrimage of her shrine.He was baptized at a Catholic Church of Calamba, on June 22, when he was only three days old, b priest, Rev. Rufino Collantes, a close friend of his family who also Stood as his godfather. The name Jose was chosen by his mother who was a devotee of the Christian Saint San Jose ( ST. Joseph)Calamba: THE Cradle of a Genius. Scenic Calamba is the picturesque town the give birth to our hero. Rafael Palma said: Hemmed in a verdant plain by Mount Makiling on the one side and by the Laguna de Bay on the other, Calamba offers a veritable scenery of sunny contours and romantic sports.Calamba is a town named after a big native jar surrounnded by a big hacienda which belonged to Dominican Order, Which also owned almost all the lands around it.The Rizal Family, Francisco Mercado Rizal (1818-1898), the heros father was born in Binan, Laguna. His great, great grandfather was a Christian Chinese named Domingo Lamco. He studied Latin and Philosophy at the College of San Jose, Manila. He was a hard working and progressive farmer who became well-to-do through industry and with the assistance of his cultured and talented wife. He was a man of solid shoulders, strong constitution, tall, with prominent forehead and dark eyes. A pure Filipino, Dr Rizal called him a model of fathers. He died at the age of eighty, a year after the heros execution.Don Franciscos original family name was Mercado. Rizal wrote to his friend, Prof. Ferdinand blumentritt of Austria in 1889, that our family name was really mercado, but in the philippines there were many Mercados who were not related to us. My father chose Rizal as our surname because Mercado sounded common. It isin the respect, it seems as though I am an illegitimate Child. He married Teodora Alonzo Realonda on June 28, 1848, a woman of fortitude which exemplified the filipino character at its highest and loftiest measure.Doa Teodora Alonzo(1826-1911), Rizals mother was born in manila on November 8,1826, a woman of remarkable talent in mathematics, business and literature. She possessed finesse. She belonged to a distinguished family, her father having been once a delegate to the Spanish Cortes, while his brother was educated in Europe and spoke different languages..Doa Teodora was imprisoned by the Spanish authorities for flimsy reasons, but she bravely endured the persecutions heaped upon her and her family. Some years before she died at the age of eighty-five she politely refuse a life pension offered her by our government saying: My family has never been patriotic for money. If the government has plenty of funds and it does not know what to do with them, it had better reduce taxes. Such statement, indeed are explicit manifestation of a woman worthy to be the mother of a national hero.According to Rafael Palma, Rizal inherited from his father a profound sense of dignity and self-respect, seriousness and self-possession; and from his mother the temperament of the poet and dreamer and bravery for sacrifice.The Rizal family was a respected and considered one of the riches families on Calamba during that time. Because his parents were industrious, they were able to build a big house. They were one of the few families to own a carruaje-ahorse-drawn carriage, the first to have a home library with almost 1,000 volumes, and probable, the first to send their children to manila to study in college.They raised rice, corn, sugar and other agricultural crops on the large tracts of land rented from Dominican estate of Calamba. They also raised chickens and turkeys in their backyards. Doa Teodora also managed a general merchandise store which sold various economic goods and operated a small flour-mill and a home-made ham press.Rizal family was highly esteemed and respected in the community because of wealth, culture, hospitality, sincerity and warmth. Hey always participated in almost all social and religious activities in Calamba for a noble cause.Rizal family was truly a happy social institution were parental respect and affection reigned supreme. Both parents and children lived harmoniously united by strong ties of affection, understanding and respect. Don Francisco and Doa Teodora loved their children, but they never spoiled anyone of them. They trained and imbibed to their children to respect the law, give everybody is due, behave well, be obedient and to respect peoples right, especially the old folks. They were strict but fair and firm. They believed in the old adage: spare the rod and spoil the child.During Sunday and Christian holidays, the Rizal family heard mass in the town parish. During angelus at sunset and before retiring to bed at night, they recited the Holy sary as a thanksgiving for all the blessings they had received for the day.The Children of Rizal. The marriage of Francisco Mercado Rizal and Teodora Alonzo Realonda were blessed with eleven children two boys and nine girls.

Paciano (1851-1930), the heros only brother, became an agriculture though, like his father, he had a college education in manila. He was a second father to his younger brother Jose and gave him wise counsel. People who knew him opined that he was the filosopo Tasio in Noli Me Tangere. Immediately after the heros execution, Paciano joined General Aguinaldos revolutionary army, where he rose to the rank of Major General. He returned to Los Baos after the restoration of peace and order and led the life of a simple farmer and exemplary citizens, In 1930 he died almost unwept, unhonored, and unsung and was buried in manila.Rizal sisters. Rizal had nine sisters, Saturnina (1850-1913), Narcisa (1859-1945), Olimpia (1855-1887), Lucia (1857-1919), Maria (1859-1945), Conception (1862-1865), Josefa (1865-1919), Trinidad (1868-1951), and soledad (1870-1929). All of them got married except Josefa and trinidad, who were spinsters, and conception who died at the age of three. All the Rizal children were born in Calamba. Their parents had to move to manila in the early nineties because of notorious land troubles and other agrarian problems.Rizals Ancestry. Rizalm like a typical Filipino was a product of mixed ancestry. It can be inferred that in his veins flowed the blood of both east and west-chinese, Japanese, Malay and Spanish. Rizals father was a great grandson of Lam-co, a chines immigrant from fukien city.In some historical pieces of documents, Rizals maternal ancestor was Lakan-dula, the last king of Tondo, His maternal great-great-grandfather was Eugenio Ursua, of Japanese blood and ancestry.The Name Rizal. The original surname of rizal family was Mercado:. This surname was adopted by domingo lam-co, the paternal Chinese ancestor in 1731. In spanish Mercado means Market which Lam-co chose because of his business acumen and venture.In 1849, Governor Claveria issued a decree directing all Filipino families to choose and adopt new surnames from a list of Spanish family names. It should be noted that the purpose of this decree was to Hispanize the Filipino surnames.Rizals father scrutinized carefully the list of surnames sent to Calamba surch as cruz, Diaz Guzman, Luna, Ramos, Reyes, Rivera, Santos, and Trinidad. He did not have any interest in these surnames, so be chose his own surname Rizal, which apparently was not in the list recommended by the Spanish authorities. He preferred this new family name Rizal to be more fitting and appropriate for his farming clan to Mercado which means market in spanish.It is interesting to note that the term Rizal originated from the word racial which signifies Green Field.The Rizal House. The house in which Rizal was born was high and made of solid and massive earthquake proof structure with sliding wife window shutters with capiz shells. Thick walls of lime an store bounded the first floor; the second floor was made entirely of hard wood except for the roof which was of red tile, in the style of the imposing buildings in Manila and other Big and progressive towns at that time. Rizals father selected the hardest and seasoned woof from the forest and had them sowed. It took him more than two years to construct the house. At the back there was an azotea overlooking the garden and orchard and a wide, deep cistern a tank for storing water or hold rain water during the rainy season for house use. Behind the house, stood various tropical fruit-bearing trees, e.g., santol, chico, macopa, atis, balimbing, duhat.Chapter 2Childhood Memories in Calamba

The life of Jose Rizal, like other young filipino boys, had a lot of pleasant and beautiful memories to reckon during his childhood days in Calamba. With parents full of affection to their children and an abundant blessing from Lord Almighty, he grew up in a home environment characterized by joy and contentment. His birth place was an ideal place for artist, poets, budding writers and lovers of art who traveled from manila and other places to gain inspiration of its healthful waters and climate and scenic panorama that surrounds the legendary Mount Makiling. Flowers of various colors and scents bloom all year round especially during the month of May. Calamba with its fertile fields and green cascading brooks and lakes with crystal waters abound with wish. Its tall ancient and resilient trees with symmetrical arrangement grew along the streets expressive of the lofty aspirations and ideals of a people that seemed too long for freedom.This is Calamba, a perfect place to nurture a growing child that holds promise that eventually became the Cradle of a Genius.When Rizal was 15 years old and was a student at Ateneo de Manila, He reminisced his beloved town and wrote a poem Un Recuerdo A Mi Pueblo ( In Memory of My Town). Calamba you will remain an important and cherished part of my life, Jose murmured with deep sigh of Happines.

Memory of My Town When early childhoods happy daysIn memory I see once moreAlong the lovely verdant shore

That meets a gently murmuring sea,When I recall the whisper softOf zephyrs dancing on my browWith cooling sweetness, even nowNew luscious life is born.

When I behold the lily whiteThat sways to do winds command,While Gently sleeping on the sandThe stormy water rests awhile;When from the flowers there softly breathesA bouquet ravishingly sweet,Out-poured the newborn dawn to meet,As on us she Begins to smile. With sadness I recall. RecallThy face, in precious infancy,Oh mother, friend most dear to me,Who gave to life a wondrous charm.I yet recall a village plainMy joy, my family, my boonBesides the freshly cool lagoon,-The spot for which my hears beats warm.

Ah yes! My footsteps insecureIn your dark forest deeply sank; and there by every rivers bankI found refreshment and delight;Within that rustic temple playedWith childhoods simple faith unfeignedWhile cooling breezes, pure unstained,Would send my heart on rapturous flight.

I saw the maker in the grandeurOf your ancient hoary wood,Ah, never in your refuge couldA mortal by regret by smitten;And while upon your sky of blueI gaze, no love nor tendernessCould fail, for here on natures dressMy happiness itself was written.

Ah, tender childhood, lovely town,Rich fount of my felicities,Oh those harmonious melodiesWhich put to flight all dismal hours,Come back, gently hour, I yearn!Come back as the birds return,At the budding of the flowers!

Alas, farewell! Eternal vigil I keepFor thy peace, thy bliss, and tranquilityO Genius of good, so kind!Give me these gifts, with charity.To thee I cease not to sigh These to learn, and I call to the skyTo have thy sincerity.His boyhood memories are characterized by playing in the garden while he watched and marveled to birds like the maya, the culiauan, plpit and maria-capra as they chirped and flied from one branch to another listening with wonder and joy their melodious songs. Jose and other Rizal children gathered together during nightfall and pray the Angelus. He also remembered about stories, about fairy tales of buried treasure and trees blooming with diamonds. When at times, when food served during supper did not appeal his taste, the maid would threaten him about the aswang and the tikbalang.Rizals First bitter memory was when little coneha (Conception) whom he fondly called died when she was only three years old. He cried bitterly and for the first time, he wept tears of tears of love and intense grief.Jose as a young boy was very pious and devoted son of the Catholic Church. At an early age of three, he use to take part in the family prayers. He loved to go to church for spiritual nourishment and to join religious activities.Jose and his father, in one occasion went on pilgrimage to Antipolo to fulfill his mothers vow which was promised when he was born. Doa Teodora could not accompany them because she gave birth to her tenth child, Trinidad. They rode in a casco (Barge) across Laguna de Bay. Since it was his first experience on a lake voyage he was thrilled and overwhelmed with Joy. He marvelled and was awed by the Splendor and magnificence of the watery expanse and the still of the night.After praying at the shrine of Our Lady of buen Viaje of Antipolo, Pepe and Don Francisco went to Sta. Ana, Manila and visited Saturnina, his oldest sister, who was then studying in La Concordia College.Early Schooling. At the tender age of three, Rizal learned the alphabet from his mother. Her mother was a strict and a patient teacher. She taught me how to read and to say haltingly the humble prayers which I raised fervently to God. Later his three uncles, brothers of Doa Teodora, concerned themselves with the intellectual artistic and physical raining of their nephew. Jose, the youngest brother of his mother who was also a teacher looked after the regular lessons. Manuel, a man of athletic built, developed the physique of young Jose, Until he had a supple body of silk and steel and was no longer a sickly lad, though he said did not entirely lose his somewhat delicate look.I learned to write in my own town, Wrote the young hero. My father, who took charge of my education, paid an old man, who had been his classmate, to give me my first lessons in latin while living at our house for that purpose. He died after five months At the age of nine Done Francisco sent his son to Bian to continue his studies of Latin under Maestro Joaquin Alquino Cruz. Rizal described his teachers as tall, thin, long-necked man, with sharp nose and a body bent slightly forward. He usually wore a sinamay shirt woven by the skillful hands of the Batangueas. He knew by heart the grammars of Nebriji and Gainza. Add to this a severity which, to my mind, was excessive, and you have the picture I have learned to him, vague perhaps, but all that I remember.The scholarly Gregorio saw that the boy earned his candy money trying to instill the idea into his mind that It was not the worlds say that anything worth having should come without effort; he taught him also the value of rapidity on work, to think for himself, and to observe carefully and to picture what he saw. Rizal left Bian on December 7, 1871, after staying there for one and half years. In that town, left learned painting in the shop of an old painter named Juancho. Pepe, with his intense interest and love for painting spent many leisure hours at the painters studio. His tutor, Juancho gave him lessons in drawing and paintings. He was so impressed and awed by the artistic creative talent of his young pupil.Best Pupil in School in Bian. Rizals school day in Bian was remarkable. He excelled in all subjects especially Latin and Spanish languages. Because of this, it was not surprising that some of his older classmates were secretly jealouse of his intellectual endowments. His schooling in Bian came when he learned almost all that his teacher to his parents that it was time to sent Rizal to College in Manila. He left Bian after staying there for one and half years homeward to Calamba where he was warmly welcomed by his parents, brothers and sisters. At home, he shared his memorable experiences with fascinating tales of his brawls with some quarrelsome classmates and school triumphs with amusement and delight of brothers and sisters.

Rizals Mother: A Victim of Injustice. While Rizals Childhood memories were generally pleasant, not with standing his petty quarrels normal for a young growing boy his age in school, the tragic incident happened in the rizal family when his mother, Doa Teodora was arbitrarily arrested on a malicious charge that she allegedly aided her brother, Jose Alberto, in trying to poison Albertos wife. Jose Alberto was a prominent man in Bian who owned big tract of land. In one occasion, he went to Europe on a business trip. During his absence his wife, abandoned their conjugal home and lived with another man. When he returned to Bian, he was man and enraged by her infidelity, so he planned to file an annulment of their marriage. He believed that his wifes sexual infidelity scandals, and to protect the honor of the family, Doa Teodora, persuaded his brother Jose Alberto to forgive his erring wife. While the family problem was amicably settled, and Jose Alberto lived again with his unfaithful wife, she connived with the lieutenant of the Guardia Civil to fabricate unfounded piece of evidence that her husband attempted to poison her, with Doa Teodoras participation as an accomplice.This lieutenant who was bully and overbearing person who habitually badgered and intimated weaker people had an ax to grind against the Rizal family because in one occasion Don Francisco refused to give him fodder a kind of feed for his horse. He was so unreasonable and Haughty and virtually took the opportunity to avenge himself and got even against Dont Francisco and arrested Doa Teodora.Under normal circumstances, Doa Teodora, the accused should have been confined in the municipal jail of Calamba. However, for no apparent valid reason, the judge, who had been a guest of the Rizal family in various social gatherings, was also like the arrogant lieutenant who grudged ill feelings against the rizal family because the imagined that in one occasion he was not accorded greater respect that other guest in the Rizal home. He ordered that Doa Teodora be sent immediately to the provincial jail in Sta. Cruz, the capital of Laguna. Doa Teodora was forced to walk on foot under the scorching heat of the sun, from Calamba to Santa Cruz. Her traumatic experience affected young Pepe as her mother languished in jail. The constitutional right of the accused in this particular case, to have a speedy; impartial, and public trial was not observe because her mothers case dragged on until it reached the Royal Audiencia (Supreme Court).Inspite of the injustice Doa Teodora experience in the judicial system at the time, she remained calm, resolute and courageous and accepted her fate with Christian resignation. She believed that with Gods help, the court would finally recognized her innocence and the truth would prevail.GAM-BUR-ZAs Martyrdom. The painful expirience of the arbitrary imprisonment of Rizals mother was still fresh and the wounds inflected had not yet totally healed. Another misfortune happened in the Rizal Family. The unjust execution of Fathers Gomez, Burgos and Zamora, accused of conspiracy of the Cavite Mutiny and Publicly garroted on February 17,1872, opened the deep wounds. Paciano, Joses older brother and a student in the college of San Jose, in manila was boarding with Father Burgos, his most esteemed professor and friend. Because of fortitude and strength of character, he became a trusted assistant of Father Burgos in the fight for the Filipinization of all parishes.The execution of Father Gomez, Burgos and Zamora was one of the reasons why Paciano quit college education. He Returned to Calamba and related to his younger brother Jose, the story of Burgos martyrdom. A few years later, Jose Rizal wrote the memory of Burgos: He awakened my intellect and made me understand goodness and justice. His farewell words I shall remember- I have tried to pass on to you what I Received from my teachers. Do the same for those who come after you .so eloquent and precise and fill of meaning to emulateJose Rizal was almost eleven years old when the unfortunate and extremely mournful execution of Gom-Bur-Za happened. Inspite of Rizals tender age, he wasdeeply affected with the pathetic incident.This injustic, like that onedone to his beloved mother, was another spanish misrule happening in our land. From these two incidents that were clearly and flagrantly aviolation of human rights and dignity, Rizal at an early age was awakened and to consecrate his life to combat evil force of his time at any cost even at expense of his lifeThe Parable of the Motn. Doa Teodora used to tell stories to her children beforegoing to bed. In one occasion, made an imprint and profound impression in his mind at an early stage of his lifeOne evening, all members of Rizals family went to bed early exept his mother and him.The room was dimly lighted by the flickering light from a coconut oil lamp on the table.Doa Teodora was teaching him to read a spanish reader, The Childrens Friend. She became impatient and scolded hom for not reading properly. He paid little attention and effort in reading because he was preoccupied and fascinatedwatching the coconut oil lamp while the little moths encircle the flight. When her mother notice that he was yawning and seemed not interested at all, shestopped reading and said, I am going to read to you a very interesting story. I want you to listen.Rizal was suddenly awakened because the story promise something novel and interesting. His curiosity increased when his mother started to read slowly the fable of the mother moth and its little one. As she continued reading the story, his attention was focused on the light and moths which were circling the oil lamp. Doa Teodora repeated the warning of the mother moth to the young one not to fly close to the flame as if directing to him. He heard the message she would like to convey, but he was so engrossed with the beautiful and attractive flame as the insects played merrily in its fascinating brilliance that the moths that fell and drawned in the oil did not give him any fear of apprehension. There was even a feeling of envy in himself about the fortune of the insects.

While his mother continued reading, he listened breathlessly as he stretched his imagination greatly about the fate of the little moth when the flame move along its golden tongue to one side and a moth with this movement had signed fell into the hot oil, flap its wings up and down for a time and then became quiet. For him, that feeling fleeting moment, became an important event. He felt an unusual feeling and change himself that the flame and the moth seemed to have some significance in his while her mothers words appeared to his mind to have a mysterious and brightening basis. He did not know how the insects and quietly, He murmured. I watched it with my whole soul It had died a martyr to its illusions.Before his mother put him to bed, she said, See if you do not behave like the young moth, you might get burned.He did not know weather he answered his mother. One thing he knew was the story revealed to him something until then unknown. For him, moth are now significant. Moth talked and they knew hot to warn and advised like her mother.For him, the light seemed more beautiful and had grown more dazzling and attractive. Now, he knew why the moths circled the flame.The tragic fate of the young moth attracted to the splendor of the light that died a martyr to its illusions left a profound impress on Rizals mind. For him, such noble death was justified upholding that to sacrifice ones life for an ideals is meritorious and exemplary.Like the young moth, he was destined to die as a martyr for lofty ideals.Literary talents. At the age of eight years. Rizal revealed his GOD given talents in literary by writing poem. The poem he wrote in Tagalog was entitled Sa Aking Kabata(To My Fellow Children). He wrote this poem asan appeal to his countrymen to love their national language.Sa Aking Mga Kabata Kapagka ang bayay sadyang umiibigSa langit salitang kaloob ng langitSanlang kalayaan nasa ring masapi

Katulad ng ibong nasa himpapawidPagkat ang salitay isang kahatulanSa bayan, sa nayo't mga kaharian

At ang isang taoy katulad, kabagayNg alin mang likha noong kalayaan.Ang hindi magmahal sa kanyang salita

Mahigit sa hayop at malansang isdaKaya ang marapat pagyamanin kusaNa tulad sa inang tunay na nagpalaAng wikang Tagalog tulad din sa Latin,

Sa Ingles, Kastila, at salitang anghel,Sapagkat ang Poong maalam tuminginAng siyang naggagawad, nagbibigay sa atin.Ang salita natiy tulad din sa iba

Na may alfabeto at sariling letra,Na kaya nawalay dinatnan ng sigwaAng lunday sa lawa noong dakong una.

To My Fellow ChildrenWhenever people of a country truly loveThe language which by heav'n they were taught to use

That country also surely liberty pursueAs does the bird which soars to freer space above.

For language is the final judge and refereeUpon the people in the land where it holds sway;In truth our human race resembles in this wayThe other living beings born in liberty.

Whoever knows not how to love his native tongueIs worse than any best or evil smelling fish.To make our language richer ought to be our wishThe same as any mother loves to feed her young.Tagalog and the Latin language are the sameAnd English and Castilian and the angels' tongue;And God, whose watchful care o'er all is flung,Has given us His blessing in the speech we calim,

Our mother tongue, like all the highest tht we knowHad alphabet and letters of its very own;But these were lost -- by furious waves were overthrownLike bancas in the stormy sea, long years ago.

The Poem reveals Rizals nationalistic sentiments and ideals even at an early age. In poetic verses, he proclaimed with profound feeling that a people who truly love their native language as a part of their culture, will undoubtedly strive for liberty like the bird which soars to freer space above and that Tagalog is equal to English, Latin, Hebrew, French, Spanish, and any other languages.

Chapter 3School Life at Ateneo and the University of Sto. Tomas

Jose, Accompanied by his brother, Paciano the eleven year old boy from Calamba went to Manila on une 10,1872 to take the entrance examinations and enrolled in ateneoo Municipal, a college under the supervision of Spanish Jesuits. This college was a rival of the Dominican-owned College of San Juan de Letran, formerly the Escuela Pia (Charity School), and Educatioal institution established by the City government in 1917 for poor boys in Manila. When the Jesuits returned to the Philippines in 1768 after almost a century of exile, the management of the Escuela Pia whose name was changed to Ateneo Municipal, and later on became the Ateneo de Manila.The Jesuits opened the Ateneo to everyone without any racial or Financial discrimination. However, screening of applicants was stricly observed. Rizal reminisced in his Memorias de un estudiante de Manila that he was almost denied admission because of poor health that short stature.

Rizals First Day in Ateneo. When the school year 1871-1872, opened in June, Rizal like any other neophytes in a new schoold environment was fill of exitement and joy. He was dressed like the others with coat and tie. He went to the school chapel to hear Mass and prayed fervently to GOD for guidance. When the Mass was finished, he went to his class, where he saw a great number of boys, Spaniards,mestizos, and Filipinos, and a Jesuit who was the Professor.His first professor in the Ateneo was Father Jose Bech. Rizal related how he became emperor at the ateneo. IN Jesuit college, two empires were established to stimulate the student, a Roman empire and a Carthaginian or Greek empire constantly at war for Supremancy in the class, whose leading post are won by means of challenges which are successful if the opponent committed three Mistakes. Rizal was placed at the tail-end of the line because he was a newcomer and knew little Spanish, although he could already make some sense of it.After week, he improved his class standing. After a month, he was already emperor, because he was the brightest in the class. Because of his excellent performance, he was awarded a saints picture as his prize.To improve his Spanish at that time, he spent the noon recesses in Sta. Isabel College where he spent three pesos for Spanish lessons.My First Inspiration. This poem was written by Rizal in Ateneo as a expression of good whishes which was full of endearing filial- affection on his mothers birthday. The Translation from Spanish to English was by Leon Ma. Guerrero, Jr.My First Inspiration

Why falls so rich a sprayof fragrance from the bowersof the balmy flowersupon this festive day?

Why from woods and valesdo we hear sweet measures ringingthat seem to be the singingof a choir of nightingales?

Why in the grass belowdo birds start at the wind's noises,unleashing their honeyed voicesas they hop from bough to bough?

Why should the spring that glowsits crystalline murmur be tuningto the zephyr's mellow crooningas among the flowers it flows?

Why seems to me more endearing,more fair than on other days,the dawn's enchanting faceamong red clouds appearing?

The reason, dear mother, isthey feast your day of bloom:the rose with its perfume,the bird with its harmonies.

And the spring that rings with laughterupon this joyful daywith its murmur seems to say:"Live happily ever after!"

And from that spring in the grovenow turn to hear the first notethat from my lute I emoteto the impulse of my love.

Being a brilliant student, Rizal obtained excellent grades and received many prizes offered bt the school. He was very active in co-curricular activities. He participated in literary and religious affairs, took lessons in Solfegio and in drawing and painting under Don Agustin Saez. He read many good books like Alexandre Dumas and Cesar Cantus Universal History. The Count of Monte Cristo Prize-winning pieces were To the Filipino Youth (poem) and The Council of Gods (an allegory). He also wrote a melodrama entitled Along the Pasig which was staged at the Ateneo auditorium on December 8, 1880.Rizals Poem on Education. Rizal wrote this poem when he was only fifteen years old. At an early age he was already aware of the value of education and its significant role in the intellectual, physical and moral development of an individual in particular and the progress and welfare f a nation in general.

He believed that the ultimate goal of education is the effective participation of the individual in the total process of social interaction in its society. This interpersonal relation maybe the improvement of basic knowledge, intellectual and manual skills, power of reasons and criticism, acquisition of desirable values and attitudes, power of creativity and innovation, cultural appreciation, sense of responsibility and understanding of the modern world.


The vital breath of prudent EducationInstills a virtue of enchanting power;She lifts the motherland to highest stationAnd endless dazzling glories on her shower.And as the zephyr's gentle exhalationRevives the matrix of the fragrant flower,So education multiplies her gifts of grace;With prudent hand imparts them to the human race.

For her a mortal-man will gladly partWith all he has; will give his calm repose;For her are born all science and all art,That brows of men with laurel fair enclose.As from the towering mountain's lofty heartThe purest current of the streamlet flows,So education without stint or measure givesSecurity and peace to lands in which she lives.

Where Education reigns on lofty seatYouth blossoms forth with vigor and agility;He error subjugates with solid feet,And is exalted by conceptions of nobility.She breaks the neck of vice and its deceit;Black crime turns pale at Her hostility;The barbarous nations She knows how to tame,From savages creates heroic fame.

And as the spring doth sustenance bestowOn all the plants, on bushes in the mead,Its placid plenty goes to overflowAnd endlessly with lavish love to feedThe banks by which it wanders, gliding slow,Supplying beauteous nature's every need;So he who prudent Education doth procureThe towering heights of honor will secure.

From out his lips the water, crystal pure,Of perfect virtue shall not cease to go.With careful doctrines of his faith made sure,The powers of evil he will overthrow,Like foaming waves that never long endure,But perish on the shore at every blow;And from his good example other men shall learnTheir upward steps toward the heavenly paths to turn.

Within the breast of wretched humankindShe lights the living flame of goodness bright;The hands of fiercest criminal doth bind;And in those breasts will surely pour delightWhich seek her mystic benefits to find,Those souls She sets aflame with love of right.It is a noble fully-rounded EducationThat gives to life its surest consolation.

And as the mighty rock aloft may towerAbove the center of the stormy deepIn scorn of storm, or fierce Soutwester's power,Or fury of the waves that raging seep,Until, their first mad hatred spent, they cower,And, tired at last, subside and fall asleep, --So he that takes wise Education by the hand,Invincible shall guide the reigns of motherland.

On sapphires shall his service be engraved,A thousand honors to him by his land be granted:For in their bosoms will his noble sons have savedLuxuriant flowers his virtue had transplanted:And by the love of goodness ever lived,The lords and governors will see implantedTo endless days, the Christian Education,Within their noble, faith-enrapture nation.

And as in early morning we beholdThe ruby sun pour forth resplendent rays;And lovely dawn her scarlet and her gold,Her brilliant colors all about her sprays;So skillful noble Teaching doth unfoldTo living minds the joy of virtuous ways.She offers our dear motherland the lightThat leads us to immortal glory's height.Rizal developed an insatiable appetite in reading books fiction and non-fiction. He read romantic novels and lives of great men who had left remarkable achievements with interest and fervor.One of his professors that inspired him to study with seal and enthusiasm and write poetry was Father Francisco Sanchez which he described, A great educator and scholar. Young Jose was deeply impressed with fine qualities of this professor who possessed an acuteness of mental discernment and soundness of mind. Rizal had the deepest affection and esteem for this professor whom he considered a consummate teacher.To the Filipino Youth was written by Rizal when he was eighteen years old at the University of Santo Tomas in connection with literary contest sponsored by Liceo Artistico-Literario contest was participated in by Filipinos and Spanish-mestizor. The board of judges were composed of Spaniards who were impressed by Rizals poem and awarded the first prize.The prize-winning poem, A La Juventud Filipina( To the Filipino Youth) is an open and explicit expression to love of country. Rizal appealed to the youth to rise from apathy and enjoined them to create beautiful verses with art and science to break the chain that has long bound the poetic genius of the country.The classic poem gives a nationalistic and eloquent manifestation that the Philippines is the Fatherland of the Filipinos and not the Spaniards who were born n our country.To The Filipino YouthTheme:Grow, O Tinnid Flower

Hold high the brow serene,O youth, were now you stand.Let the bright sheenOf your grace be seen,Fair hope of my fatherland!

Come now, thou genius grand,And bring down inspiration;With thy mighty hand,Raise the eager mind to higher station.

Come down with pleasing lightOf art and science to the flight,O youth, and there untieThe chains that heavy lie,Your spirit free to blight.

See how in flaming zoneAmid the shadows thrown,The Spaniard holy handA crowns resplendent bandProffers to this Indian land.

Thou who know wouldst riseOn wings of rich emprise,Seek from Olympian SkiesSongs of the sweetest strain,Softer than ambrosial rain;

Thou whose voice divineRivals Philomels refrain,And with varied lineThrough the night benignTress mortality from pain;

Thou, who by sharp strifeWakest thy mind to life;And the memory brightOf thy genius lightMakest immortal in its strength;

And thou in accent clearOf Phoebus, to Apelles dear;Or by the brushs magic artTakest from natures store apartTo fix it own simple canvas length;

Go forth, and then the sacred fireOf thy genius to the laurel may aspire;To spread around the flame,And in victory acclaim,Through wider spheres the human name.

Day, O happy day,Fair Filipinas, for thy land!So bless the Power todayThat places in thy way This favor and this fortune Grand.

Artistic Skill in Sculpture. Sculpture is the art of curving; molding; welding or producing works of art in three Dimensions. Young Rizal impressed his professors and classmate when he curved the image of the Virgin Mary on a piece of Philippine hardwood- Batikuling with a pocket-knife. The professors were amazed at the proportion, the beauty and the finish of the image. Because of his sculpture talent, Father Leonard requested Rizal to curve for him the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The old Jesuit priest was very much pleased and expressed his profound appreciation to the young sculpture. His intention was to take with him the image when he went back to Spain, but unfortunately he forgot. This imagw was placed on the door of the dormitory of the Ateneo and remained there for almost twenty years.Education Under the Jesuits. The system of education under the jesuits in the Ateneo was probably more advance from that of other college in that period. The students were trained by rigid discipline and character development. Religious instruction was given emphasis to acquire the manners and morals of Christian gentlemen. The students heard Mass in the morning before classes begun and classes in all subjects were opened and close with prayers. Prizes were giver for outstanding and impeccable department. Penalties were meted out for disorderly conduct.The government subsidized the school from the municipal treasury. Student who belonged to the wealthy group paid a monthly fee of P2.00; and those who are classified poor, paid nothing.

The curriculum includes Christian doctrine, Spanish, Latin, Greek and French; world geography and history, the history of spain abd the philippines; arithmetic, algebra and geometry, mineralogy, chemistry, physics,botany and zoology; poetry and rhetoric and philosophy. Jose consistently received the grade of exellent.

Rizal started Medical Studies at sto. Tomas. At the outset, Doa teodora believed that her son had enough education after graduating with highest honors from Ateneo and so she opposed Joses going back to Manila for further studies. However, Don Francisco thought otherwise., so his son enrolled in the University of Sto. Tomas, taking the first course of Philosophy in June 1877. Simultaneously he studied at the Ateneo those subjects that would entitles him to a diploma in surveying. Doa Teodora did not Approve his son to aquire more knowledge because she had apprehension, that this might endanger Joses life, like the fate of Filipino intellectuals, e.g. Father Burgos, Dr. Antonio Regidor and other Filipino exiles and executed by the spanish authorities. But inspite of her objection, Don Francisco and Paciano were able to persuade Doa Teodora about Joses further studies. Rizals First Day at the Pontificial University. Rizal Who was sixteen years old enrol in the university taking Philosophy and Letters. The following school years, 1878-1879, he begun his medical studies . He studied medicine because he wanted to be a physician so that he could look after her mothers failing eyesight. Besides, Father Pablo Ramon, Rector of Ateneo, whom he consulted or advice on the choice of career, recommended medical course.Rizals Days at Sto. Tomas. The academic climate at the university of Sto.Tomas was quite different from the Ateneo. Rizals impression was not like that of Ateneo because most Dominican professors seemed hostile to him. The methods of instruction were traditional and in some cases repressive.In his novel, El Filibusterismo, Rizal described how some Dominican professors insulted Filipino student and mockingly called them Indio. Because of unfriendly attitude of his professors, this most brilliant graduate of Ateneo, virtually failed to maintain high scholarship honors. While some of his scholastic grades in medical education were not excellent, however, they were all passing.Rizals First Love. Rizal like other teen-agers also experienced the pleasure and pains of first love. The girl who captured his heart was the fourteen-year-old Segundiwa Katigbak, who was a boarder at La Concordia College, where his elder sister were studying. Unfortunately, she was already engaged to another young man, thus ending, at an early stage of his life, his first love.Rizal next feeling of passionate personal affection happened in 1880, while boarding in the home of his uncle Antonio Rivera. He fell in love with his beautiful daughter Leonor.Rafael Palmas pen-portrait of this lovely young lass says: Leonor was a beauty: light skin almost white; wavy hair, almost blond; small and gracious mouth; large, dark eye shaded by long eyelashes; nose of correct profile, neither too sharp nor to flat; a smile tinged with two glad dimples in the cheeks; agreeable conversation; sweet voice and harmonious laughter.Between the young lovers, Jose and Leonor grew a feeling of warm personal attachment and a tenderly beautiful romance. They became sweethearts for eleven years.The Council of the Gods. His prize-winning poem, A La Juventud Filipina(TO the Filipino Youth) whom Rizal emplored urgently the Filipino youth to rise from lethargy, to let his genius fly swifter than the wind and descend with art and science to break the chain hat has long bound the poetic genius of the Country, inspired him to submit an allegory in prose entitled El Consejo delos Dioses (The Council of Gods) in other literary contest sponsored by the Liceo Artistico-Literario(Artistic-Literary-Lyceum).This was in connection with the fourth centennial commemoration of the death of Miguel de Cervantes, a noted Spanish novelist and famous author of Don Quixote(A person who is inspired by lofty and chivalrous but impracticalideal.The contest was opened to both Filipinos that is why many participated- priest, newspapermen, scholars, and professors of the university of Sto. Tomas. The board of judges of the contest were all Spaniards. After a long, deliberate and critical evaluation of the entries based on the criteria, the first prize was awarded by Rizal. The prize was a gold ring on which the bust of Cervantes was engraved. Inspite of the objections of the Spaniards, because the winning author was an Indio, the board of judges was firm in their decision and declared: The idea and plot of the work are of great originality to which should added the circumstances that throughout the same strive to the utmost a correct style, an admirable richness of detail, delicacy of thought, and figures, and lastly a taste so Hellenic that the reader imagines himself relishing some delicious passage of Homer which with such frequency the Olympic sessions describe to us in their works. It may be interesting to know, that probably, that was the first time in history, that an Indio- a young Filipino medical student excelled in a national literary contest and participated in by the best writers at that time and defeated the best Spanish writers. Rizal was indeed happy, because he prove, that, Filipinos given the fair chance and opportunity to demonstrate their talents can be equal to all races of the world.This winning allergory-literary masterpiece of Rizal based on classics which has a figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another was a result of the kind assistance of father Rector of Ateneo who provided the needed reference materials. The allegory established a parallel among homer(Greek epic poet of Ancient Rome) and Cervantes, a noted Spanish novelist. The gods discuss the comparative merits of these different bards and finally decide to give the trumpet to Homer, the lyre to Virgil, and the laurel to Cervantes. The allegory fittingly and gloriously closes with the Naids, nymphs, satyra, and other mythological characters dancing and gathering myrrh and laurel for Cervantes.Chapter 4Rizal Left for Spain

Secret Departure. Rizals departure for Spain was kept in utmost secrecy; even his parents and sisters were not informed about it until his ship has lifted its anchor. He left Calamba by carromata in the early morning of May 1, 1882 and reached Manila after ten hours of travel. His travel passport, issued in the name of Jose Mercado was ready. On may third he woke up early mass at Sto. Domingo Church in Intramuros and then proceeded to the Pasig River to board his boat. Those who saw him off were his brother Paciano who gave him some money, Saturnina a diamond ring, uncle Antonio, and few close friends. He carried with him good recommendations from ateneo authorities to the Jesuit Father in BarcelomaRizal was almost twenty-one years old on the day he left. At his tender age, he was deeply touched at the moment of his parting from his family,friends, and loved ones. Tears welled from his eyes and as the 5.5. Salvadora Sailed further away from Manila, he wrote in his diary: My country, my love, my people, I leave you now, you disappear. I lose sight of you.To Singapore. As the ship sailed for Singapore, Rizal could not help comparing the persons and the thing around him, so that he would no longer feel the pain of being separated from his beloved parents and country, he took paper and pencil and made some sketches. His fellow-passengers were foreign travelers and a few Spanish traders, students and laborers returning to Spain. He wrote in his diary, Almost all of those men, Speaking of Spanish passengers, spoke ill of the country to which they had gone for pecuniary reasonsFrom Singapore , Rizal boarder the Djemnah, a French ship, which was bigger and better than the Salvador, which was sailing to Europe. Most of the passengers were French speaking nationals. He spoke French with gesticulation to some passengers to he understood. The streamer made stops at Point de Galle, Colombo, Suez Naples and Marseilles, Naple and Italian city impressed him because of its business activity, its gay and lively people indicative of life and energy and its lovely panoramic scenery.On June 12, the ship docked at the French harbor of Marseilles. His brief so journy in Marseilles was a part of his exciting experiences. He took the train for Barcelona, arriving thereon June 16, 1882.In Barcelona. Barcelona is a city of Catalina, Spains second largest city. His impression of the city was quite a place where freedom and liberalism were enjoyed by its people. While in Barcelona, he met some of his schoolmates at the Ateneo who gave him a warm welcome. They even invited him to take a walk on the park and visited historical spots. He was amused at the famous street, Las Ramblas, in Barcelona.Rizal in Madrid. In September, 1882, Rizal transferred to the Spanish Capital in order to continue his medical studies in the famous Central University of Madrid, he enrolled in two courses- in medical and in Philosophy and Letters. Aside from his hectic academic schedule in the university, his other activities included taking lessons in painting and sculpture at the academy of San Fernando, hearing lectures sponsored by the university, attending classes in French and German, practicing fencing and shooting at the Hall of Arms of Sanz y Carbonell. He attended operas and concerts to enhance knowledge and taste of fine music, visited art galleries and museums and read a variety of books to broaden his cultural background ad perspective. From Madrid, he wrote his father on October 28,1883, in which Rizal stated: I remember having told you in my former letter that from eight oclock in the morning until the eight fifteen at night, I have classes except for half an hour which I use for lunch, that is, from two thirty to three in the afternoon; the gymnasium is doing me good.The member of the association requested Rizal to write a poem and this was entitled Me piden Versos. The translation from Spanish to English was by Charles E. Derbyshire.


They bid me strike the lyreso long now mute and broken,but not a note can I wakennor will my muse inspire!She stammers coldly and babbleswhen tortured by my mind;she lies when she laughs and thrillsas she lies in her lamentation,for in my sad isolationmy soul nor frolics nor feels.

There was a time, tis true,but now that time has vanishedwhen indulgent love or friendshipcalled me a poet too.Now of that time there lingershardly a memory,as from a celebrationsome mysterious refrainthat haunts the ears will remainof the orchestras actuation.

A scarce-grown plant I seem,uprooted from the Orient,where perfume is the atmosphereand where life is a dream.O land that is never forgotten!And these have taught me to sing:the birds with their melody,the cataracts with their forceand, on the swollen shores,the murmuring of the sea.

While in my childhood daysI could smile upon her sunshine,I felt in my bosom, seething,a fierce volcano ablaze.A poet was I, for I wantedwith my verses, with my breath,to say to the swift wind: Flyand propagate her renown!Praise her from zone to zone,from the earth up to the sky!

I left her! My native hearth,a tree despoiled and shriveled,no longer repeats the echoof my old songs of mirth.I sailed across the vast ocean,craving to change my fate,not noting, in my madness,that, instead of the weal I sought,the sea around me wroughtthe spectre of death and sadness.

The dreams of younger hours,love, enthusiasm, desire,have been left there under the skiesof that fair land of flowers.Oh, do not ask of my heartthat languishes, songs of love!For, as without peace I treadthis desert of no surprises,I feel that my soul agonizesand that my spirit is dead.

These young Filipinos used to meet and gather at the home of Don Pablo Ortega y Rey, former mayor of Manila, during Governor Carlos dela Torres regime.Rizal used to visit the home of Don Pablo Ortega y Rey on Saturday evenings and with other Filipino students, played certain games for amusement and Laughed and with his two daughters, Consuelo and Pilar. The spark of love smile in Rizals heart by Consuelos refined manners and lovely smile was awakened. Occasionally, Rizal gave her fresh flowers which she affectionately cherished. Because of her endearing attachment to Leonor Rivera, he suppressed his emotion and did not allow the feelings he had for Consuelo. Before he left the city in the summer of 1883, he wrote a poem dedicated to Consuelo Ortega.Rizal Joined Masonry. In Spain, Rizal was exposed to liberal ideas and culture influences postulating the maximum individual freedom of action, especially on matters of personal belief and expression. Being young and idealistic, he was really impressed by the way Spanish masons spoke on progressive ideas and values befitting a freedom.It is believed that he joined Masonry for two inferential reasons.: e.g. (1) the abuse committed by friars against the Filipino people, and (2) the possible help the Masons could extend as a protective shield to use in his fight against evil forces of the tyranny and exploitation.Rizals Admiration for Luna and Hidalgo. The year 1884 was particularly important in Philippine history in the field of painting because that was the year when two Indios won the attention of the Spanish art establishment for their two entries in the Madrigal Exposition of Fine Arts, where both Juan Luna and Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo won outstanding honors for their country. Lunas painting the Spoliarium, was awarded first prize and a gold medal, while Hidalgos Christian virgin Exposed to the Populace earned a silver medal. To commemorate the triumphant event, the community in the city tendered a fraternal banquet and rousing welcome to the two honored artist at Caf Ingles on June 25,1884, Rizal, was was the main speaker of the occasion, made a short allusion to the Spanish friars in the Philippines as the enemies of progress. A part of his speech, he assailed with refined sarcasm the bigotry and blindness of some unworthy Spaniards in the Philippines. Rafael Palma observed that with his speech, Rizal launched a first attack that naturally produced alarm in the Philippines. He had alluded to the power religious corporation of his country, and they would not forgive him for the insolent allusion. The speech was novel and daring. Spain had been made to believe that the Philippines was a happy arcadia where the Indios lived contented and submissive under the aegis of the missionary; and now this young little student of medicine, this vulgar Mesticillo, revealed that his country, humanity was subjected to brute force, that reason and aspirations are in open fight with prejudice, fanaticism, and injustice.Rizal finish the two course in Medicine and Philosophy and Letters. He now thought of specializing in Opthalmology either in England or in Germany. This plan was readily concurred in by his brother Paciano.He finished his medical education in June, 1884, both was not given his degree of Licentiate until 1887 because he did not have money to pay for the diploma and the degree when the school year ended in 1884.Rizal Defends Thesis for a Philosophy and Letters Degree. When he graduated from the central University of Madrid with the degree of Philosophy and Letter on June 19,1885, Prof. Miguel de Unamuno, the Spanish political writer and scholar who was Rizals Sponsor when he wore the gown. When the time came for Rizal to read his thesis, the examiners composed of learned men of Spain were surprised to hear that his subject was the error in the translation of the angels song over Bethlehem on the NativityRizal complete his studies in Philosophy and Letters and was awarded the degree of Licentiate in Philosophy and letter by the Universidad Central de Madrid on June 19,1885, during his 24th Birthday. His scholastic grade was Excellent ( Sobresaliente ).Chapter 5Rizal to Paris and to Germany

Rizal went to Paris and Germany in order to especialize in ophthalmology, a branch of medical science dealing with the anatomy, functions, and diseases of the eye. He has special interest in this branch of medicine so that he could restore his mothers sight. In berline, he met with prominent German scientists.In Paris Rizal who was then 24 years old man and full pledged surgeon decided to go to Paris in order to further his study and acquire adequate knowledge in ophthalmology. On the way to Paris, he first stopped at Barcelona to visit a friend, Maximo Viola, a medical student belonging to an affluent family of San Miguel, Bulacan. They planned to tour Europe together after Viola got through with his medical studies.Rizal stayed in Paris for almost four months. While in Paris, he kept busy writing his novel. He became a clinical assistant of Dr. Louis de Weckert, a noted ophthalmologist. During his free time, he visited his fellow-countrymen- Pardo de Taveras (Trinidad, Felix and Paz) and Juan Luna. The Ilocano artist later became the husband of Paz Pardo de Tavera.Juan Luna painted a historical canvass, The Blood Compact in which Rizal posed as Sikatuna and Trinidad as Legaspi. He also posed for a group picture called The Death Of Cleopatra, wherein he dressed as an Egyptian priest.

In Heidelberg. After working as an assistant in Dr. Weckerts clinic, Rizal left Paris and moved to Heidelberg, a German City, where he arrived on February 7, 1886. With some German law students, he lived in a boarding house, who later found out that Rizal was a good chess player. His German friends recommended him to be a member of the Chess Players Club whose members were mostly law students. While some biographers say that Rizal studied Law in the University of Heidelberg, others claim that he only attended some lectures on various subjects about law to have a working knowledge on this branch o learning.While in Heidelberg, Rizal had the privilege to work in the clinic of a noted Polish ophthalmologist, Dr. Javier Galezowsky.On august 6, he attended the celebration of the fifth centenary of the foundation of the University of Heidelberg. Before leaving the beautiful city, He wrote an ode- A lyric poem expressive of exalted emotion entitled A las flores del Heidelberg.To the Flowers of Heidelberg

Go to my country, go, O foreign flowers,sown by the traveler along the road,and under that blue heaventhat watches over my loved ones,recount the devotionthe pilgrim nurses for his native sod!

Go and say say that when dawnopened your chalices for the first timebeside the icy Neckar,you saw him silent beside you,thinking of her constant vernal clime.

Say that when dawnwhich steals your aromawas whispering playful love songs to your youngsweet petals, he, too, murmuredcanticles of love in his native tongue;that in the morning when the sun first tracesthe topmost peak of Koenigssthul in goldand with a mild warmth raisesto life again the valley, the glade, the forest,he hails that sun, still in its dawning,that in his country in full zenith blazes.And tell of that day

when he collected you along the wayamong the ruins of a feudal castle,on the banks of the Neckar, or in a forest nook.Recount the words he saidas, with great care,between the pages of a worn-out bookhe pressed the flexible petals that he took.

Carry, carry, O flowers,my love to my loved ones,peace to my country and its fecund loam,faith to its men and virtue to its women,health to the gracious beingsthat dwell within the sacred paternal home.

When you reach that shore,deposit the kiss I gave youon the wings of the wind abovethat with the wind it may roveand I may kiss all that I worship, honor and love!

But O you will arrive there, flowers,and you will keep perhaps your vivid hues;but far from your native heroic earthto which you owe your life and worth,your fragrances you will lose!For fragrance is a spirit that never can forsakeand never forgets the sky that saw its birth.

To Frankurt and Leipzig. Frankurt and Leipzig are cities in East Germany where Rizal visited by boarding a train. He also went to Manheim and Cologne, where he had some sight-seeingat the Stadel Art Institute, the zoological garden, and the synagogue at Jews alley. In Leipzig City, he came to know Dr. Hans Meyer, eminent German scholar, who once visited the Philippines in 1882. Rizal stayed in Leipgiz for quite sometime from August 14 to October 29, 1886. It was about time that he wrote with Dr. Ferdinand Blumentritt of Leitmeritz, Austria, the noted ethologist whom he longed to meet.Rizal wrote his first letter in German to Professor Ferdinand Blumentritt, Director of the Ateneo of Leitmeritz, Austria on July 31, 1886. He had heard of this Austrian ethnologist who had a keen interest on the branch of anthropology that analyzes cultures, especially in regard to their historical development and the similarities and dissimilarities between them. Rizal had the perception that one of the Professors interest was on Culture and about Philippine Languages. Rizal in his letter said: I have heard that you are studying our language, and that you had already published some works about it; permit me to send you a valuable book written by my country man in our language. The Spanish Version in mediocre because the author is only a modest writer but the Tagalog part is good, and its is precisely the language spoken in our provinceThe book he sent with his letter was entitled Arithmetica (Arithmetic), published in two languages- Spanish and Tagalog. This was published by the University of Santo Tomas pres in 1868. To reciprocate, Blumentritt sent Rizal two books. This was the beginning of their frequent correspondence and eventually blossomed into a beautiful and lasting friendship.Life in Berlin. Rizal liked Berlin, because of its healthy environment, the warmth of the people and the absence of racial discrimination. In this historic city and capital of unified Germany various accomplished professionals, like Dr. Feodor Jagor, German scientist and author of the boor entitled Travels in the Philippines, which Rizal read with interest during his students days in Manila. Mentioned in this book was the downfall of Spanish rule in the Philippines and the coming of America to her shores. Rizal came to know Dr. Rudolf Virchow, a well-known anthropologist and his son, Dr. Hans Virchow, a distinguished professor of Descriptive Geometry, and Dr. Joest, a famous German geographer through Dr. Jagor. He also worked in the medical clinic of Dr. Schulzer, a renowned German eye specialist.Rizal was also invited to give a lecture on the Tagalogs before the Anthropological Society of Berlin. The paper which he presented in April, 1887, drew encouraging and favorable comment from various professional scientific journals.Some biographers deduced that the reasons why Rizal lived in Berlin was because of the following reasons, e.g., to gain further knowledge in ophthalmology, to gain more insight and understanding in various sciences and languages, to observe the prevailing political, social and economic conditions, to observe and to learn new knowledge from German Scientist and scholars, and to finish writing novel, Noli Me Tangere.On German women. Rizal was deeply impressed with the qualities of the German women. He has a high regard and admiration for they were diligent, hardworking, active, educated, kind-hearted and friendly. Their model of dressing is modest; they do not give emphasis to expensive clothes and jewelry.In contrast, Rizal regretted that in the Philippines some Filipino women are more interested in beautiful clothes and fine jewelry that the value of education. However, he praised the fine manners, hospitality, spirituality and devotion of Filipino women to their families.Other German Way of Living. Rizal noted that the German workers were protected by insurance against the hardships of sickness, accident and old age. The laws on labor hoped to increase the workers loyalty to the government. Railroad were placed under national control. Schools made patriots of German youth, and the Kaiser (a German emperor: the title used from 1871-1918) tried to make Berlin the center of intellectual life of the nation by giving large funds to its university and to organizations of writers and scientist.The Noli is Published. Noli Me Tangere means do not touch me. The book contains things of which no one among ourselves has spoken up to the present; they are so delicate that can not be touched by anybody.. I have endeavored to answer the calumnies which for centuries had been heaped on us and our country: I have describe the social condition, the life, our beliefs, our hopes, our desire, our grievances, our griefs.., the facts I narrate are all true and they actually happened; I can prove them.Rizal was desperately despondent because he had a slim hope of having Noli published for he was penniless. Winter had set in and his sickness would have been worse were it not for the timely arrival in December of his wealthy friend, Dr. Maximo Viola. Upon the insistence of this magnanimous man for San Miguel, Bulacan, who loaned P300 to Rizal, Noli was finally printed in March, 1887. The author gave away complimentary copies to Viola, Blumentritt,Resurreccion Hidalgo, Lopez Jaena, Juna Luna, Mercelo de Pilar and Regidor. Blumentritt said: This is the first impartial and daring book on the life of the Tagalogs.. The government and Spanish friars will probably fight the books, that is, they will attack it, but I confide in GOD and the truth in the people who have seen our sufferings at close range. Rizal was right his novel raised a tempest and he made more enemies in his Country.Rizal received formal expression of high praise for his novel and these were sent by Antonio Regidor and Prof. Ferdinand Blumentritt. Regidor, a Filipino exile of 1872 in London, said that The book was superior: and that ;if Don Quijote has made is author immortal because he exposed to the world the sufferings of Spain, your Noli Me Tangere will bring you to equal glory. Blumentritt, after reading Rizals Noli, wrote and congratulated its author, saying.. Young work as we Germans say has been written with blood of the heart. Your work has exceeded my hopes and considered myself happy to have been honored with your friendship. Not only I, but also your country, may feel for having in you a patriotic and loyal son. If you continue so, you will be to your people one of those great men who will exercise a determinative influence over the progress of their spiritual life.Rizals Friend and admirers praised with pride the Noli and its author. On the other hand, his enemies were bitter in attacking and condemning the same. Probably no other work or writing of another Filipino author has aroused as much acrimonious debate not only among the Filipinos but also among the reactionary foreigners as the Noli of Rizal. In the Philippines this novel wa attacked and condemned by a Faculty Committee in 1887. The committee said that it found the book Heretical, impious, and scandalous to the religious order, and unpatriotic and subversive to public order, libelous to the Government of Spain and its Political Policies in these Islands, while the commission recommended that the importation, reproduction, and circulation of this pernicious book in the Islands be absolutely Probihited.The attacks o Rizals first novel were not only confined in the Philippines but were also stage in the Spanish capital Madrid. Senator Fernando Vida, Deputy and Ex- Gerneral Luis M. de Pnado, and Pramides mate Sagasta were among those who unjustly lambasted and criticized Rizal and his Noli in the two chambers of the Spanish Cortes in 1888 and 1899. It is interesting and comforting to learn, however, that about thriteen years lated, U.S. Congressman Henry Allen Cooper or Wisconsin delivered on June 19,1902 an eulogy of Rizal and he even recited the Filipino martyrs Ultimo Pensamiento (Last thoughts) on the floor of the United States House of Representatives in order to prove to his colleagues the capacity of the Filipinos for self-Government. The U.S. congressman said in part: It has been said that, if American institutions had done nothing else that furnish to the world the character of George Washington, that alone would entitle them to the respect of mankind, so, I say categorically to all those who denounce the Filipinos indiscriminately as barbarians and savages, without possibility of a civilized future, that this despised raced proved itself entitled to their self respect and to the respect of mankind when if furnished to the whole world the character of Jose Rizal. Such Statements Reverberated in the halls of U.S. Congress. The results of this speech and the appeal of Representative Cooper in effect, were the resounding approval of what is popularly known as the Philippine bill of 1902, which granted the Filipinos a large measure of participation in running the social, economic and political affairs of their government.Chapter 6Touring Europe with Dr. Viola

After the publication of Noli Me Tangere ini Berlin, Rizal and Dr. Viola left the City on May 11, 1887.May is an ideal month for travel since the season of Spring started to fill the air and flowers of various sizes, shapes and colors pleasing scents start to bloom that exited Admiration.They first visited Potsdam. In this city, they saw the fantastic and imposing Mausolium enclosing the marble statues of Frederick the Great and his consort and the magnificent palaces and the historic windmills.

They next visited Dresden, one of the cities in Germany. The city has botanical gardens were different plants are exibited for viewing and scientific study; monuments and landmarks maintained with their aesthetic and historical significances, musiums where beautiful work of art and other objects of paramount important and pemanent values are displayed and kept; and magnificent building adorned with classical splendor.Rizal and Viola were impressed with the beautiful and educational things, objects and structures who wee virtually overjoyed to see them.In Teschen (now Decin) a place in central Europe, they wired professor Blumentritt to inform him of their arrival at Leitmerits (Litsmerice), Bohemia. Professor Blumentritt recieved their wire and was standing and waiting for Rizal and Dr. Viola at the train station.They stepped down from the train and received a very warm welcome from Professor Blumentritt.

Rizal was overwhelmed with joy, because finally e and Blumentritt who came to know each other through correspondence, met in that person as he introduced Dr. Viola to the kind-Hearted Austrian Professor. The professor was Delighted to see Rizal and sponteniusly embraced him like a loving son.

After ab exchange of pleasantries, Blumentritt helped the two Filipino Doctors to get a room at Hotel Krebs, after which he invited them to his house."And from that time on his home was also ours," wrote viola in his diary. "His wife Rosa whose generosity equaled only that of her husband's, gave us her complete attention during our stay in the city." In one of their conversations, Blumentritt remarked to Viola, "that Rizal was the greatest productof the Philippines and that his coming to the word was like the appearance of a rare comet, whose rare brilliance appears only every other century." It was also Bluementritt who said; "Not only is Rizal the most prominent man of his own people, but the greatest man the Malayan race has ever pruduced. His memory will never perish in his fatheland, and future generations of Spanyards will yet learned to utter his name with respect and reverence. AN ENEMY OF SPAIN HE HAS NEVER BEEN ."During their week's stay at Leitmeritz Rizal tuitor his kind-hearted host in Tagalog. While in Leitmeritz for a few days, Rizal met another well-known scientist of Europe, Dr. Czepelak and Dr. Klutschack.Both scientists were highly pleased to meet Filipinos scholars. They had some some pleasant conversations about the Philippines at Leitmeritz.Rizal and Viola were also invited to a meeting of the Tourist's Club of Leitmeritz, where Blumentritt was the secretary. In this occasion, Rizal spoke extemporaneously in an almost perfect German to the officers and members of the club, praising Austria's idyllic scenes - favorite subjects of artists, writers and poets and its warm, hospitable , nature-loving, and noble people. The audience was extremely impressed by his fluency and eloquence in German that they gave him a resounding applause. Rizal made in pencil sketch of his host and give it to him. Blumetritt was pleased with the fine gift as a gestures of their mutual friendship.

Blumentritt was a gentle great tourist guide. He visited and showed the picturesque sceneries and historical spots of Leitmeritz to Rizal and Viola.

On their last night in Leitsmeritz, Rizal and Viola invited the Blumetritt family in their hotel and tendered a farewell dinner. was memorable for it was an occasion for Rizal and Viola to express their profound gratitude to their host.

The next day May 17 , at around 9:30 in the morning, Rizal and Viola left Leitmeritz train. Viola observed "the whole Blumetritt family and their friends were at the railroad station to see us, as the train moved on slowly. Tears were shed by everyone present as we left for Prague."In Prague. From Leitmeritz, Rizal and Viola went to Prague, a historic city and the capital of Czechoslavakia on the western part of the Moldau River. Blumentritt gave the two Filipino doctors letters of recommendation to Dr, Wellkomm, Professor of History in the University of Prague. The Gennial Professor welcomed them and after a while, he accompanied and showed the two, the city's historic places, important landmarks and interesting spots. They visit the tomb of Nicolaus Compernicus, the famous polish astronomer: the museum of natural history; the bacteriological laboratories; the famous and widely celebrated cave where San Juan Nepomuceno, the Catholic saint and martyr was incarcerated, and the bridge where the saint was thrown into the river.

After Staying a few days at Prague the two tourists went to Vienna via Brunn. For Viola,"nothing of importance happend" in Brunn.

In Vienna. Rizal abd Viola arrived in the City of Viebba, capital of Austria. This beautiful city is famous in songs and beautiful stories that impressed the two doctors. They spent four days visiting beautiful buildings and examining sacred images and statues. In Vienna, they lodged at Hotel Metropole.They also visited interesting places, e,g., art galleries and museums, churches, public parjs abd recreation centers.To change the panorama, in the course of their travels, they decided to take a small boat that traveled along the famous and romantic Danube River to see the beautiful sceneries. As the boat traversed along the river, Rizal was astounded to the river that couldn't help composing beautiful melody. He was so charmed by the scenario and the lovely waltzes. As they traveled, Rizal observed interesting spots-the various plants and flowers growing along the river banks, boats loaded with passengers and products that are being towed, archaic villages on the riversides that are serene and peaceful, a favorite subject for photographers, writers, artists, and other lover of arts.

In Lintz(Linz) and Rheinfall. The end of Danube River voyage of Rizal and Viola ended in Lintz. They left Austria from Salzburg, a city in West Austria and the birthplace of Mozart and re-entered German soil upon arrival at the beautiful city of Munchen (Munich) on May 27. Since the best beer in all Germany was brewed there; they drank much of Munich beer in the famous beer gardens of that city. from Munich, they went to nuremburg, a city in central Barabia in West Germanyand the site of trials (1945-46) of Nazis accused of war crimes.Rizal and Viola had a close look on this dreadful Machine.While in Nuremberg they visited a factory whose biggest industry is the fabrication of beautiful dolls that invade all markets of the world.

From Munich, they went to Ulm, a city in East Baden-Wurttemberg in Germany. At this city, they visited the biggest and tallest cathedral in Germany. They climbed its many hundred steps. Viola related as they ascended they steps the steps, he rested twice on the way to the tower to catch his breath, while Rizal climbed continuously without having a stop until he finally reached the top. The last day of May found them at Stuttgard, another city in Germany, then Baden and finally to Bin Waterfall, "the most beautiful waterfall of Europe."

In the part of June, Rizal and Viola crossed the Swiss border, making brief stops successively at chaffhausen,Vaske,Bern, and Lausanne. They Disembarked at Geneva, seat if the league of Nations. The people of Geneva speak French, Italian and German. In this beautiful and most visited city of switzerland, Rizal and Violaspent some afternoons on exciting boat' trips. The genius from Calamba celebrate his 26th birthday in this wonderful city. On the following day, the two bossom friends parted at the Swiss border. Rizal went to Italy, while Viola returned to Barcelona.

Rizal in Rome. Rizal was enticed by Rome--capital of Italy, ancient capital of the Roman Empire, site of the Vatican city, and seat of authority of te Roman Catholic Church. In one Ocassion, he went to view St. Peter's Dome by Micheleangelo and Giacomo dela Porta, and St. Peters Basilica, the first known Christian church dedicated in 326 A.D. by Emperor Constantine, andthere he was verry much impressed by the fine example of renaissance Architecture. The splendor and grandeur of Rome did not escape Rizal's love for beauty and appreciation. In one of his delightful days in this historic and beautiful city, he also witnessed the faithfull Catholics jam St. peter's square at the Vatican City to receive the blessings of the Supreme Pontiff. He was deeply touched by the outpouring manifestation of fait by the Catholics on the Supreme Being. While in Vatican. He took advantage of attending the fiesta of St. Peter Paul.

On June 27, he wrote two letters from Rome: one to his parents, the other to his Friend, Blumentritt. He said "I was in turn, in Milan, in Venice,in Florence, and for some days i have been here, I had already visited San Juan de Letran, San Clemente,the roman forum, the capitolieum, Amphitheatre and the other remarkable tourists spots and memories of Rome."

Describing to Blumentritt, the"grandeur of Rome' part of his letter follows: " I cannot describe the impression Rome has produced on me; " I can only say that my feet are swollen and blistered, but tomorrow I shall go forth anew on foot to see the ruins. here I breathed the same air which Roman heroes have breathed. I salute reverenly each statue and to me, humble inhabitant of a small island, it seems that I am in a sanctuary."

He was extremely delighted with the Coliseum and the Roman forum. there, he ramined s eated for hours, contemplating everything and recreating life to the ruins. He stayed in a forum until 8 O'clock in the evening. he was alone contemplating the spot, until it had grown dark. He also visited the Capitoline Museum, the church of Santa Maria Maggiore and other magnificent edifices. in Rome, the word glorious is inadequate. he wanted to stay in this city until the last minute and forego visiting other places. For him, the Popes who had always seemed to him small and quite ridiculous now appear greater after seeing their beautiful churches.Truly, Ancient Rome attracted and enticed Rizal tremendously and he regretted having spent a long time in Geneva.

But in spite of his five years sojourn in Europe, Rizal still remained a true Filipino in soul at heart. he said, Still i am not Europeanized like other Filipinos in Madrid say: I always like to return to the country of my birth. indeed, Rizal was a true Filipino.

Back to Calamba. The fascinating and beautiful places Rizal had seen and the pleasant memories of his sojourn in various foreign lands could not make him forget the land of his birth and affection. indeed, there is no place home. After almost five years of memorable temporary stay in Europe, he left Rome by train headed for Marseilles on July 3, 1887. He boarded Djemnah, the same ship that brought him to Europe five years ago. there were about fifty passengers- composed of English men, Germans, Japanese, Chinese and Italian. After leaving men, a seaport in the People's Republic of yemen, the sea became rough because of bad weather so he bacame seasick and some of his books got wet. At Saigon on July 30, he transferred to the S.S Hayfong (Haiphong) which reached Manila on August 6. He stayed in Manila for a few days to take a rest and later went home to Calamba in the bosom of his beloved family. he was welcomed affectionately by his family. in his letter to Blumentritt of his homecoming, he said; 'I had a pleasant Voyage. I found my family enjoying the best of health and our happiness was great in seeing each other again. they shed tears of joy and I had to answer the thousand questions at the same time."

Rizal's family was apprehensive about his safety, so Paciano did not leave him after his arrival to protect him from any untoward incident. Even his father did not allow him to go out alone for something bad might happened.

Rizal kept busy during his entire stay in his hometown. He opened a medical clinic and his first patient was his mother. with knowledge about the science of ophthamology and his surgical skill acquired in the best eye clinics in Europe, he successfully removed the cataract from his mother's eyes. He cured the sick, performed operations and visited many patients in Calamba and neighboring towns. He become famous as an eye specialist and Sergeon, and even called Doctor Uliman becauuse he was mistaken by the ignorant folks for a German. his professional fees were reasonable, sometime even gratis to the poor. within a short time he was able to earn $900, as a physician.

Rizal kept himself busy and other times he painted beautiful landscapes in his hometown and Even translated Von Wildernath's poems in Tagalog version.

Rizal was different from many successful medical practitioners, because he did not selfishly devote all his time to enrich himself. he opened a gymnasium for the young men in Calamba and introduced various European sports. he tried to induce his town mates to indulge them from engaging in cockfighting and other types of gambling because these activities have long been regarded by many Filipinos to be their favorite pastimes.Summoned to malacanan A month after his return to Calamba, Rizal recieved a letter From Governor-general Emilio Terrero to come to Malacanan. Perhaps somebody must have reached his ears tha the "Noli" contained subversive thoughts inciting the Filipinos to go against the government. in the palace, the Governor-general Informed Rizal that the Noli Me tangere caused much uproar among the Government authorities and that he wanted to have a copy of the book and wanted to read the novel if he could better expose the excesses of the government and the greedy and ruthless friars though his pen foreign countries. He was also advised by Governor-General Errero to leave the Philippines or his own good.

In September, 1887, he wrote his bosom to leave his country again and return to Europe, simply because his powerful enemies made his stay not endurable, He said;"They take me for a German spy, an agent of Bismarcic a Protestat, a mason, a witch, and a condemned soul."

Chapter 7Rizal in Hongkong, Japan and America

Rizal was forced to go abroad for the second time and to part from his family and friend in February, 1888. He was still sick and weak so he did not get off his ship when it made a short stopover at Amoy. He sailed for Hongkong and sojourned there for two weeks. Writing to Blumentritt, he said: I am returning to Europe by way of Japan and the United States. We should see each other again. I have so much to tell you. At last I can write freely and express my thoughts without fear of censorship.In British colony he was met by Filipino residents, e.g., Jose Maria Basa, Balbino Mauricio, and other exiles of 1872. Rizal spent much of his stay there with Basa, who accompanied him on a visit to Macao. He wrote in his diary, Macao is small and gloomy. There are many junks, sampans, and a few steamers. It looks sad and is almost dead.

While in Macao, Rizal visited cathedral and churches, pagodas, temples, shrines, theaters, botanical garden and bazaars. He studied Chinese way of life- their customs and traditions, language and theatre arts. In his diary, his experience were briefly written.

1. The celebration of the Chinese New Year was very noisy because of the continuous explosions of firecrackers on the streets. Rich Chinese had more firecrackers to explode.2. Chinese theatres are usually boisterous because of the different percussion instruments used by the participants in addition to the noise created by the audience.3. The Lauriat party, wherein the guest were served a variety of dishes, such a century eggs, shark fins, white peking ducks, chicken fried and with vinegar, roasted pigs, fish, shrimps, tea and dried fruits.4. The Dominican Order was the richest religious order in hongkong, had millions of dollars deposited in various banks earning fabulous interests.5. Hongkong grave yards for the Catholics, Protestants and Muslims are well-kept.Rizal in Japan. Rizal arrived at Yokohama on February 28, 1888 and stayed at Grand Hotel. The following day, he proceeded to Tokyo and stayed there for a few days. Upon invitation, he lived in the Spanish legation- the official headquarters of a minister in the diplomatic service for about a month, during which period he visited the provinces, learned Japanese, and dedicated himself to study of the Japanese theatre, art and language.Rizal, a keen observer and the things which impressed his most about Japan were:1. The beauty of the country- its plants flowers along the streets, mountains covered by snow during, the winter season, the Sakura (Cherry Blossoms) on its peak blooming seasons, the streams flowing with crystal clear water, the rivers and lakes that abound with various types of fish and other beautiful sceneries.2. The Japanese have a great fondness for gardens, stemming perhaps from a sense of having lived in harmony with nature for so long. They tend to fill any open spaces on their plots with trees and plants no matter how small these spaces maybe.3. The Japanese women in Kimono, simple but gracious4. In Japan, seeing a guests needs in an important part of serving as host.5. Even on simplest occasion, a gift is customarily taken along and presented as an expression of the givers respect and good will. Seasonal gift are important aspects o their culture.6. The basic form of greeting as a sign of politeness is to bow.7. There are few thieves in Japan. The houses remained open day and night and other valuable articles on the table without being lost.8. There were few beggars and are rarely in the city streets.9. The houses were very clean, have plenty of fresh air and sunlight and multi-functional.10. The Japanese are happy; fights are not seen in the streets and the people are very industrious.

Rizals Romantic Interlude with O-Sei-San. Rizals romance with the Japanese lady named O-Sei-San started in early spring of March, 1888, when he entered a department store in Yokohama to buy something. At the counter, Rizal asked the lady whether she knew English. To his surprise, she answered him in English language. This was the beginning of his frequent visits to the department store.Meanwhile, he came to know the name of the Japanese lady in the succeeding days. Here name was Seiko Usui and her friends called her O-Sei-San, her pet name. Rizal was really attracted by her beauty, simplicity, charm and intelligence. Aside from knowing English she was very fluent in French.Their friendship develop into a beautiful relationship. The cherry blossoms, the sweet breeze and the romantic climate in Springtime contributed immensely to an emotional intimacy.O-Sei-San loved Rizal and her love was reciprocated by Rizals sincere affection. They spent memorable and happy days by visiting magnificent temples, shrines, pagodas, castle, and pavilions, art galleries, museums, Japanese garden and parks and other beautiful and historical spots.The irresistible beauty, warmth and affection of O-Sei-San almost made Rizal to stay in Japan for good, but fate Had its own way. His great love for O-Sei-San is reflected and attested in his diary on the day oh his departure to wit:Japan has pleased me. The beautiful scenery, the flowers, the trees, and the inhabitants- so peaceful, so courteous, and so pleasant. O-Sei-San- Sayonara, Sayonara! I have spent a lovely golden month; I do not know if I can have another one like that in all my life. Love, money, friendship, appreciation, honors- these have not been wanting. To think that I am leaving this life for the uncertain, the unknown. There I was offered an easy way to live, beloved and esteemed.Rizal in America. The ship with Rizal onboard docked at San Francisco port but because of a strict quarantine, he and the other first class passengers were not allowed to disembark until May 4, 1888. Later, he discovered that the ship was placed under quarantine because of racia