massachusetts institute of technology chiyan luo michelle povinelli dr. steven johnson

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chiyan Luo Michelle Povinelli Dr. Steven Johnson J. D. Joannopoulos DoD MURI on Metamaterials Photonic Crystals as Metamaterials Annual Review 2004

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Annual Review 2004. Photonic Crystals as Metamaterials. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chiyan Luo Michelle Povinelli Dr. Steven Johnson J. D. Joannopoulos. DoD MURI on Metamaterials. Negative Refraction, Sub-wavelength Imaging, and Superprism Phenomena in Photonic Crystals. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chiyan Luo Michelle Povinelli Dr. Steven Johnson

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Chiyan LuoMichelle Povinelli

Dr. Steven JohnsonJ. D. Joannopoulos

DoD MURI on Metamaterials

Photonic Crystals as Metamaterials

Annual Review 2004

Page 2: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chiyan Luo Michelle Povinelli Dr. Steven Johnson

DoD MURI on Metamaterials

Journal publications:

Luo, C., Johnson, S. G., Joannopoulos, J.D., and Pendry, J.B., “Subwavelength Imaging in Photonic Crystals,” Physical Review B 68, 045115 (2003).

Luo, C., and Joannopoulos, J.D., Book Chapter in “Negative Refraction Metamaterials: Fundamental Properties & Applications,” John Wiley & Sons in press (2004).

Luo, C., Soljacic, M., and Joannopoulos, J.D., “Superprism Effect Based on Phase Velocities,” Optics Letters 29, 745-747 (2004).

Exploration of negative refraction, superlensing, and superprism (phase-related) phenomena in photonic crystal systems. Extension of Microwave Left-Handed Material Behavior to Optical Frequencies. (Pendry, Chen, and Schultz/Smith)

Negative Refraction, Sub-wavelength Imaging, and Superprism Phenomena in Photonic Crystals

Page 3: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chiyan Luo Michelle Povinelli Dr. Steven Johnson

DoD MURI on Metamaterials

AANR with a positive group velocity & positive effective index of refraction

Field Intensity = 0.195 (2c/a)

~ 12

Page 4: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chiyan Luo Michelle Povinelli Dr. Steven Johnson

DoD MURI on Metamaterials

= 0.195 (2c/a), narrow beam width

= 0.195 (2c/a), broad beam width

Page 5: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chiyan Luo Michelle Povinelli Dr. Steven Johnson

DoD MURI on Metamaterials

pbg lensx


Subwavelength imaging by coupling to bound surface states

~ 5.97GHz

Photonic crystal (black dashed curve): 0.22Rayleigh criterion for infinite-aperture lens: 0.50

Chen, Schultz/Smith

~ 38 ~ 12

Page 6: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chiyan Luo Michelle Povinelli Dr. Steven Johnson

DoD MURI on Metamaterials

Photonic Crystal Group-velocity

Superprism argument:

Photonic Crystal Phase-velocity

Superprism argument:

Page 7: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chiyan Luo Michelle Povinelli Dr. Steven Johnson

DoD MURI on Metamaterials

incident = 10 leads to transmitted = 200

Page 8: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chiyan Luo Michelle Povinelli Dr. Steven Johnson

DoD MURI on Metamaterials

Journal publications:

Luo, C., Joannopoulos, J.D., Narayanaswamy, A., and Chen, G., “Thermal Radiation from Photonic Crystals: A Direct Calculation,” PRL, submitted for publication (2004).

Exploration of Kirchoff’s law and investigation of lossy metallodielectric photonic crystals as efficient emitters of thermal radiation. (Chen, Pendry)

Photonic Crystal Structures For Enhanced Thermal Radiation

Page 9: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chiyan Luo Michelle Povinelli Dr. Steven Johnson

DoD MURI on Metamaterials

Separate calculations of

Absorptivity (from transmission & reflection simulations)

Emissivity (from ensemble averaged radiation in numerical simulationsusing Langevin approach to thermal fluctuations of EM field)

Enhancement of Thermal Radiation from Photonic Crystals

Photonic Crystal System:

Square lattice of lossy metallic rods in air consisting of:

Page 10: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chiyan Luo Michelle Povinelli Dr. Steven Johnson

DoD MURI on Metamaterials

Future Directions:

Continue theoretical support of experimental (Chen, Schultz/Smith) investigations of subwavelength imaging at microwave lengthscales.

Extend this work to 2D/3D metallodielectric photonic crystals at infrared lengthscales (Chen).

Explore negative effective permeability at optical lengthscales using polariton photonic crystals (Pendry).

Continue investigation of superprism phenomena in 3D periodic photonic crystal systems.

Continue investigation of thermal radiation from 3D photonic crystal systems (Chen).

Explore photonic crystal Cerenkov radiation as a potential source of radiation at frequencies of interest, e.g. as a source for THz radiation (Schultz/Smith, Chen).