massage menu

Nanthikan Massage Menu Nanthikan - “I have been practising ai Massage for over 8 years and my unique style has been created from continuous de- velopment and training with the best ai Massage therapists in ailand. I have felt what works and what doesn’t and my massage style is born from the idea that you must feel and have a desire to heal while you work.” r

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Nanthikan Massage Menu

Nanthikan - “I have been practising Thai Massage for over 8 years and my unique style has been created from continuous de-velopment and training with the best Thai Massage therapists in Thailand.

I have felt what works and what doesn’t and my massage style is born from the idea that you must feel and have a desire to heal while you work.”


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Massage can be enjoyed in many different styles. Here we focus on traditional Thai mas-sage with the emphasis on providing a person-alised treatment for each individual. We only use quality products and the best coconut oils in our treatments.

Nanthikan - “I have been practising Thai Massage for over 8 years and my unique style has been created from continuous de-velopment and training with the best Thai Massage therapists in Thailand.

I have felt what works and what doesn’t and my massage style is born from the idea that you must feel and have a desire to heal while you work.”

A first time vistor to Chiang Mai can be over-come by the choices with massage shops and training everywhere. What we offer is a personal and caring approach with attention to detail that you will not find anywhere else.

Training is available for everyone regardless of your massage experience, age or ability. Depending on the amount of time you have and what you would like to learn your training can be anything from 3 hours to 3 weeks. You can concentrate on learning the foot massage or with a little more time learn the complete Thai massage, learning to use your body weight and how to apply deep stretches for maximum effect.It is best to experience the massage first then decide what you would like to learn.

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Traditional Thai Massage

Aroma Oil

Hot Aroma Oil

Coconut Oil

Back, Head & Shoulder

Foot Massage

Herbal Com-press

Facial Treat-ment

Manicure /

Time Avail-able

60 / 90 mins

60 / 90 mins

60 / 90 mins

60 / 90 mins

60 mins

60 mins

60 / 90 mins

60 mins

Price (baht)

200 / 300

300 / 450

400 / 600

350 / 520



400 / 600


Nanthikan Massage Menu

Massage Training

Private classes with Nanthikan for all styles.Prices start from 990 baht for 3 hours,1 day (5 hours) 2000 baht


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thai massge

Traditional Thai Massage, also called Nuad Bo-Rarn, is one of the oldest forms of developed medicine. It has been taught and practiced in Thailand for over 2,500 years. According to folklore, this ancient practice orig-inated in India thousands of years ago. Thai Massage is believed to have come from Jivaki Komarbhacca, who is still referred to as the “Father Doctor.” He was a physi-cian, friend and contemporary of Buddha.

Thai massage is more energizing and rigorous than more classic forms of massage. Thai massage is also called Thai yoga massage, because the therapist uses his or her hands, knees, legs, and feet to move you into a series of yoga-like stretches. Many people say Thai massage is like doing yoga without any work.

Muscle compression, joint mobilization, and acupressure are also used during treatment. People describe Thai massage as both relaxing and energizing.

What Should I Expect During My Visit?Thai massage is usually done on a padded mat on the floor. No oil is applied, so you are fully dressed. You are usually asked to bring or wear comfortable clothing to the massage.

A typical Thai massage is 60 minutes to two hours long.

Many people find that Thai massage has the following benefits:

relaxesreduces stressimproves circulationincreases energyincreases flexibilityimproves range of motioncenters the mind and body

PrecautionsDon’t eat a heavy meal before the massage.

If you feel discomfort at any time, let your massage ther-apist know.

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oil massage

This full body, light pressure massage uses a selected blend of aromatherapy oils to encourage relaxation.

The nostrils are attached to a part of the brain called the limbic system. The limbic system controls emotions and in-fluences the nervous system and hormones.

When you inhale essential oil molecules, messages are transmitted to the limbic system and affect heart rate, stress level, blood pressure, breathing, memory, digestion, and the immune system.

Essential oils are also believed to be absorbed through the skin.

Each essential oil has different healing properties. For example, some calm while others energize. Here are some wide-ly used essential oils and their properties:calming – chamomile, lavender, geranium uplifting – ylang ylang, clary sage, rose, nerolienergizing – rosemarycleansing – rosemarydecongesting – eucalyptus, pine, tea treeWhy do people get aromatherapy massage?

Aromatherapy massage is particularly suited to conditions involving stress or improving emotionally-related condi-tions.Stress and stress-related conditions such as insomniaHeadacheDigestive disordersPremenstrual syndrome (PMS)Back pain

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hot oilBenefitsAmazing deep moisturising properties due to similarity of molecular structure to the skin’s own bio-support network.Will rapidly hydrate, condition and shield your skin to prevent moisture loss.High in anti-aging and healing vitamins A, C and E - in the forms easily utilised by the skin.Proven with sustained use to re-ally help keep connective tissues strong and supple.Contains natural anti-oxidants to help your skin repair and protect itself from free radicals and other environmental aging factors.Highly effective in helping to prevent liver spots and other blemishes caused by overexpo-sure to sunlight, and the inevita-ble aging process.Contains fatty acids that help prevent fungal and bacterial in-fection in and on the skin, also decongesting pores.Is soothing and healing when applied to skin irritations.With sustained use over time, actually improves the skins support network and healing processes slowing skin aging.Is great for massage and daily moisturising, readily washes out of linens.

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coconut oil

Why is massage good for health? During massage, as the skin is rubbed with oil and the muscles are subjected to light pressure, they are agitated and the blood circulation below the skin and in the muscles is stimulated. This increased circulation brings more oxygen to tissues and they are revitalized. This increases the rate of metabolism too. Further, the oil that seeps through the skin keeps the skin soft, smooth and moist by not letting moisture escape. This oil col-lected under the skin, when reacts with sunlight, also aids formation of Vitamin-D.

First of all, the presence of such a high concentration of medium chain fatty acids (saturated fats) makes it very stable oil. So, when you rub coconut massage oil on your skin and leave it for hours, you need not fear that it will go rancid and damage your skin or invite infections.

Second, the presence of expert anti microbial agents like capric acid and lauric acid do not let microbes infect your skin.

Third, the layer of such stable oil full of saturated fats, on the skin, does not let moisture escape, thus protecting it from drying and cracking.

Fourth, coconut oil is rich in vitamin-E, your skin’s best friend. It keeps your skin rejuvenated, young and healthy.

Fifth, the coconut massage oil, gifted with a lot of anti oxidants, can keep you look young even in your seventies. These anti oxidants do not let the skin wrinkle and also protects it from other adverse affects of ageing, like sagging, peeling and de-colouring etc.

Sixth, it penetrates the skin very easily while massaging and can serve very well if used as carrier oil for other herbal extracts, essential oils, medicines etc.

Finally, last but not the least, its fragrance is unmatched. It is so earthly and soothing that it keeps you fresh all the day and drives away body odour.

History & ProspectsCoconut oil has been in use as massage oil for centuries, more so, in coastal areas of India and Indian Subcontinent, Philippines, Indonesia, Java, Sri Lanka and some Latin American countries. In coastal India, you will find many peo-ple who show gleaming, smooth and beautiful skin even after their sixties. They are those people who were massaged with coconut oil in their childhood.

Now, around the world, as people are knowing more and more about the benefits of coconut oil, the craze for coconut massage oil is growing. Many companies have launched and are still launching their specifically made coconut mas-

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Back, Head & Shoulder


Ancient Thai foot massage (Nuad Pan Boran) is a holistic healing technique that provides relaxation, balance in the body’s various systems, and healthy blood circulation. It is known as a therapy to foster general good health and mental serenity. Crystals of calcium and uric acid (toxic wastes) that have built up are dispersed.

Proponents report relief from stress, back and other chronic pain, allergies, high blood pressure, sleep disorder, fibromy-algia, gout, migraine, arthritis, diabetes, kidney, and digestive problems. Reflexology helps the body regain and maintain its general good health and natural balance.

Enhanced flow of blood and nutrients tend to maintain or improve the healthy condition of the body parts, and many ailments are cured or reduced. The immune system is boost-ed, healing is accelerated, the body is refreshed, and the mind is cleared of stress.

Benefits of Thai Foot Massage continued:

Improves circulation in feet and legs Improves lymphatic drainageA boost for the immune systemReduces stiffness and improves flexibilityEncorages physical healingStress reliefImproves sleepLifts your moodImproves concentration and clarity of mindLeaves you with a general feeling of tranquility, calmness, and well being


Thai Foot Massage is a treatment of the lower legs and feet that involves physically stretching and massaging to open Sen (energy). There are 10 major energy lines that run throughout the body from the top of the head down to the soles of the feet, where they end as pressure points. It is these that provide a map of the whole body and the organs. By stimulating these we are able to encourage the mind and body to restore its own natural healthy balance therefore keeping the whole body harmonized.


The massage is usually given fully clothed, ideally wearing loose fitting clothing that can be taken up comfortably above the knee. The client will sit on a reclining chair throughout the massage.

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foot massge

Thai Foot Massage is a massage of the feet and also lower legs. Thai foot massage is both invigorating and deeply relaxing and involves hands on massage, stretching and acupressure to stimulate reflex points. It has elements of Shiatsu, Reflexology, and Chinese massage, incorporated into the treatment.

This wonderfully enjoyable foot massage dates back more than two thousand years, originating in China, and is seen all over Thailand today. Treatment includes working on ‘Sen’ lines, which are from the Ayurvedic tradition and are the equivalent to the meridians of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The techniques of Thai Foot Massage are thought to stimulate and open these energy channels, leaving you feeling relaxed, balanced and invigorated.

Thai Foot Massage is great for tired feet, improving circulation and lymph movement in the feet and lower legs, and improving flexibility. If you have tried reflexology, you will also enjoy this fabulous treatment, but will be surprised at how different the techniques feel! Certainly, like reflexology, you will leave the session feeling relaxed, yet energized and invigorated!

Benefits of Thai Foot Massage are:

Improves circulation in feet and legsImproves lymphatic drainageA boost for the immune systemReduces stiffness and improves flexibilityEncourages physical healingStress reliefImproves sleepLifts your moodImproves concentration and clarity of mindLeaves you with a general feeling of tranquillity, calmness and wellbeing The effects may be felt at the first treatment, or it may take a few treat-ments for changes to be noticed.Who can benefit?

Thai Foot Massage is suitable for men, women and children of all ages. It may be suitable for pregnant women who are past the first trimester, and without medical complications. There are some medical conditions where it may not be possible to carry out treatment, which is why a full consultation is carried out before commencing. This also allows the treat-ment to be tailored to your own needs. If you have any serious medical conditions or take medication, it is advisable to check with your doctor before making an appointment.

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Herbal Compress

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Facial Treatment

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manicure / pedicure

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