mast 1933-1934

Dr. TinleJs . tad Presid at Formal Openin, of Schl in Ch.'pel: ficially Welcome Ne Studenʦ r its forUth y ear· of . clUc Luthran College wa opened at excrcles held In chapel Monday \·enlng. . O. A. tngelltad..ho man 01 the flt t Of this ) - /. , ) To 10 10w c�tom ' Fifteen Me ben of La, t V ,' , tdlng. faculty memrs of cific Clul Cet PI.cew e �: Se ye n :\�e : r : a L I pu�I n Others Receive Fint Techin, Ini. 'e aH, whJdi + Jo eight 0'cl, �l 'heklln the .. dining recreation o. Placement of twent)' - two aduates m ' numrs u planned of the Normal department 01 cillc I l tee In charge Include Lutheran College � accomplLshed talks by Dr, o. A. t, I , . ' 11.4% Gain Enroent er t Year's Fir)es Recistrn H.uC. Announc 210 . for in 1933·34 Schꝏl · Y ... ; 30. lhLs summer. according - the an- of the college. d by D ean nouncement 01 the � tr " ' office. Hauge. Lew1! O. Hunter An - Incre of 11.' פr cent over ! Considering present clrcumstanc. the vlolin num. Rnd year in enrollment f for the r normal department and Its lacul x may u t will sing. the : semr announced by � be highly complimented for tu ng . P. E. Hau le. . A. W. Phlllp E. Hauge. . he states. d out many saUsftory tehers. - . C. 0. O i n. and . J . U. Xavier. not Include the numr of students who cording De +� Hauge . The accompanit Is Mrs : J. O. . ard!. have applied for admittance under the Th who secured pos i tions Include : . !t er the program. the . +1 be re- NRA plan pr by the Cvemment. Arth�r Spencer. Paclflc, C1ty; Olg a frhmenʦ sen'ed from a buftet table. The tol registraUon 2 tar tor the . .��. �:;:t� ; = ; ' with the faculty wives and . omen o t 1933-34 schꝏl y is 211. Rev. BJug Harstad. founder of Pacific Francis Newton. Fox Wd; Mal the 'faculty in charge. Plans for Ahough no deflnlte word fr �e Lutheran College. and ardent· Christian Je en Elgin ' E thel H aan - entertainment . at the annual Federal Goyeent en �ly educaon enthlut. who passed away vI: Olena Wa. Olg �: Ben- were In charge of committee Of . . yet as to "hether or not the plan 1 . at his home In Parklan� last June 4 . dicta Leland. Bor�aux: rraine 'thor- �eldler. Miss Fowler. . Reid. and be adopd. Dean stata that the includes Mrs. ſt. W, tad. Mrs. P. en. Elk Plain: Alberta S Chmi . Mc- �; s will be given by Mrs, C. :: 1 u: o : th� pj I E. Hauge. . C. O. Olson. d M r s. P L C F o under Dies Milian: . Nellle Oꝏn. R. F. D.. Sumner: O. Olson and Mrs. P. E. Hauge. . 'Z' rk J, U. xavier. M. J. O. ac- . Delmar Mortenson. R. F, D .• . yallup: . . y �h h : F �: l:ng comparit the mlclam. :�= :��: van uver: d LeU Missacbson to fro'm a fu d t e by the noun C ement" �m1ng cl& - Rev. Ijug H�"t� d Die s in " ark - Th % e who gn duat of other , _ for . p . . _�;��Pt E� h �1 �:e= e t lilune 20 " ye·s.nd _t!o have no e\ved their Leave .P each� n \ ;' . :��:n�:Ir �: Is t �:�t l After an Illness of several . eek·s dur- c o �Oh�::. :; an Philip E. Hauge . to the sChꝏl In payment of eJ . ere 6rought �y Rev. L Lud.latlon. Rev. BJu ' g Hatad. founder of W�lter en . ch. Morton: M Card: regret the departW or In on!:; s : s�x tend Ig Of , rtland. prident of the I Pacific Lutheran Academy. now Pa · �:�l e s=� d �II !�I :d = . r : r :r e J bson . . regist e r under thl plan will not 1 Nonhe�t DIstrict of the Amerin c lnc Lutheran College. p u, a y at P . out on the lIrst few weeks' sty. - Luther Church: d by Rev, £.1 hls home In Parkld lt June 4 . Evan Carlson. Sumner. firm of 0 , B. Ouf ler CO.. cUlc Lutheran College ortlcia have Arthur of Tacoma . who rep- She takes up her new duti u ted h A S h During his life. �y. Harstad had en P L C P �k to the manager of the rokerage fi allowed them attend c und :� am ugustana yn on t e e x ceptionally aUy In Lutheran educa- . : . ap e Monda)'.' . �: ;1��u�e e �a�U:=:; � n �: . Uon. having been th founder of H Jh Honbf b ng t1o�ln J O��: seZ: �! he tend c1 on payment. of 19 and InVite P.L.C Students I the F'rar. kln lhꝏl. and of Bwlat . . , ItaIf ! i nce Uy. 1931. WhUe ' she has J lhe prentation ot a pro�ry note To u ther League Rall y Academ)' In Portland . North D akota. Moorln, Mast Staff Write" I. en Y to the re gi s t . &l ed by student and pent . . The . During the first year afr estAblish- Chose n on E H icie I : Jaco n e n hel p phia R. lsond offer m ade by the coll e Is Of t l rs and memrs of the Ta- ment of this schꝏl he seed here Credit Wi li Be Civen W Fo ler Ith the IIlruct1n In the gtrll' that students may attend cl s until coma Luther.Leagues extend an Invl- I ' ' . phl �ucatlon clH She also fu n her noUce or,the plan, If It latlon n\l students ot Pacific Luth- p . rlnclPal of the academy and ater make the Mꝏri Mast an All_ coached the g lrll' sketb�11 uad. dœs not �aterlaJ1ze favorably the stu- eran Colle t attend the fall rall y a teacher . His Interest In the schꝏl A rl . n Honor a i :ng paפr u Due the sdenne of news of dent w . 1 Il be expecd take care of which the group will �nsor l eye_ w so grrat that during the gold rush a arded by th! Nal ai bolutlc s J's de� . no pi bill at once. In ord . �ntlnue. nlng at the rst Lutheran Church. 6th l days he pioneered in In the s N I ꝃj tl In ha ft en made yet for the A ordin g announcem of the and I streets In Tacoma. After the hopes of nefitting Pacific Lutheran the mln�ot�� facult; adv:,: e and Iltlon. regUtrar's offi. more 12 appllca- rail)' program. there will refresh- College editor of the paפr for this ear, nce r Hauge , wh cre ry liO fr this goveent aid haye en �:: ts o; n �h: �e�z::u: he a n Bcsld'es his .ork in establishing the Mꝏring Mut ' t5t Cla Mi J l en / �r more to t v ye O�: t e=: ::��:; church. 5chool. Re\·. Harstad s erved pastorates ::t t h: a �; r l l : t :::d �. :�:: ' �: ' '�: e r l� :re M I of the two pla offered by the hꝏl. .. . , Rev. Alvin wU! of Our saviours' In the church which is now known u ed year of the luy e Jn leaving: but real1 her op- St)ouJd t . hll plan .marialue, faculty ...utheran church will addre the group the Norwegian Lutheran Chch of amount of Jo ' uailtic talent among rtunlty In her new ition seere- memrs anticite the largest enro on "Ye'are the salt of the earth." M!- America. bJl which at tnat time was the new students. lng N. J. to the �r of n , I t ment ever to rrcorded In the tw r y cal numrs l lnC\Ude a violin n- three different syns. AsIde fro� Hong. advlser of the itorial stalf. ly dficult n nt Pac. lflc Luthe COllege. However. r by wis 0, Hunter ot Pacific Luth· the Inrests. he w a �tudent of the Under a new plan. tude. ho rk her leaving, tnꜳmuch Taylor WilD tM . 11,4 nt In en- eran CQ!lege. a plano selectlon by Von scriptur. and had a yaluable library on the staff w t Il reive 1 t will not In tbe offl� . year. We rollment over last year ' s f1� of a Zanner.. and a val duet by Mary and hlch w destroyed by rlre here 12 hour each mea�r ror their ork. certainly J happiness later 4ate. schꝏl offlcl . anUclpate a Agnes Tollefson of Tacoma. years go. . Howeyer. In order to get the crit. It in her new �lty." . Su . cce�ful year. . - · F 1 M b · C F M ' Is nto hve n re- I acu ty em era . 0 rom to . qulrements to g�t the sr ion. to N e D a y Gi r ls S pread Fr�ak Rum ors .. . . Chgo to Spend Summer do ork up the s t by fæ- . ' As. D elta Rho Gamma 'RltwtIO� N ear , - '. ulty . memrs. and to atte regul . . With mt prote!tions of having I In � summer he �n made the·trlp m� of the i stalf. B, -«l year. We doubt that will have פnt ,ery vacations. the tae- to the middle ,. .. "t .of . the UJ- . order that ly ho are de- Vons of earing blk, skings to eat onl�ns 'Cor breakft and prove ulty reviews Its aeUor of the summer. ness ot his father ho now rever- æmnr of statr itions will chosen , t hꝏl le ing the If when they come hꝏl .. the old Mr, uge lea the Ust, spent Ing. . . '. , to it e פr. students I ntereeted an !e: h !� :abet. :r lng ' thrown Inio would uffer a much a �e new . Flor- his summer at the Univenlty of ChI- E. TIngleatad. editor of the in' �c out on 0 v r flt through the ' ap: enc P t p ml the InlUata that cago as a memr ' 0 1 e 'Amerl� �eran Herd. ntetve tvel- the �t twoiUo� of. the Mꝏring C10 h :nat e minds f new day fi rll ' they .on·t have to build cific Luth- , thn . on stud l o g at �e flnt ot the . and st@! wUl an- t ta Uo o a of l o the College a nn' buUdlng provldln /'In h1er eduUon. under �. three others. i! Irene . alr the . glrll ' or p tl . near . they don' t wck the o one. suפrywon ot R. W.W. de of a former student. . dre w first r lnclud- ay h ' I kept dark We ho פ e haven't given any Id st� and university er. to n. When be r et ה . D. P lans or t�e e o�: e �e=rs, is even to the In J tlon �mmlt!. made ' up committH!'s report. hJch JIlIt. 1n a numr ot le - t ſt. J- s ret Y d ' of Georgiana McC1W. Esther Hvld- publJab�. the of !t r c �or the yen� the' e . N�. . WUma' th fat l ate : uld n to e the ding. Jae . WlllJa and �l Mon. study at Amerlr � DIstrict · o! the N� O.. Wl �r. - : dO on their ; ees scru t g Dell RI:to hefded �y r- this ye. · Mr. Hallg . e of e. 'ter , . the n ꝏr en t who ho eve rld·.fr. . ' t� to the ,W: : '�t the ch a=�פn:�Ofltf�"f� day girl mlte by next Another memr of the tl ty . . ' � t . tt by u m. ey . a . . ' e l * f y, w the , U dld.Mi � the only h . W, . by tbe . I frn b ave �e t� \ of the blneꜳ department a day in the B . ' = . e e r . and the lker te. trave� tne Middle Wt to do field . Prof. Horic e D t to & to at- ad , d l fa O D the front : . fmer ' . . . m of or for cllic th� 10 nd the. enU� of the N '� . J e old : for M�. �t W� the Women's 0nary Fetaꝏ. Syn o! the Am In c . of o t . . . l latter of EYeI) d � a ! ꝏ In n· Church. ' he the be vi@ted . Jk· Hucn wUl lf lnl aU l lꜳt , q P W club p- �a J - Mr. H1ihby'l ip . made to atnd (tJn� _ t, II typt, w't have to the s tun t ch n : month"for �y .

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Page 1: Mast 1933-1934

Dr. TinleJs.tad P.resides at Formal Openin, of SchoOl in Ch.'pel:

Officially Welcome Ne';' Students

;'r its forUJ'!th year· of ex�ce. clUc Lutht'ran College wa.s opened at held In chapel Monday f'\·enlng. Prf'S.. O. A. 'l'tngelltad ...... ho 11-'8.$ man 01 the flt5t altair Of this

) -

/. � ,

) )'

To 10110w • c�tom Or many )'Kn' Fifteen Me..,ben of La,t V •• ,', -$t.andlng. faculty members of Pacific

Clul Cet PI.cew.e.,�: Seyen :\��e:r:aLC:I::pu��



Others Receive Fint Te.1chin, Ini. 'The aHak, whJdi w111 Jobs eight 0'cloc1l:, �lHe 'heklln the -- .. dining and recreation rooms. Placement of twent)'- two jp'aduates �m' numbers u planned of the Normal department 01 Pacillc �Iltee In charge wtll Include Lutheran College �as accomplLshed talks by Dr,. o. A., I

, .'

11.4% Gain Enrolment Over

Last Year's Figur)es Recistrn H.uC. Announces 210 "' . for in 1933·34 School · Y ... ; 30.

lhLs summer. according to- the an- of the college. and by Dean nouncement 01 the �tr1U'"'� office. Hauge. Lew1! O. Hunter An -Increasi of 11.' per cent over 1M! Considering present clrcumstances. the vlolin numbers. Rnd tJi� year in enrollment ftgures for the rail normal department and Its lacult-x may -Qu�t will sing. In the : semester II announced by � be highly complimented for turning �. P. E. Haule. Mrs. A. W. Phlllp E. Hauge . . Thb he states. does out so many saUsfactory teachers. U'- Mrs. C. 0. Oison. and MI'S. J. U. Xavier. not Include the number of students who cording to Dean Ph111� Hauge. The accompanillt Is Mrs: J. O. Ed ..... ard!. have applied for admittance under the ThOlSe who secured positions Include: .... !ter the program. there ..... 111 be re- NRA plan proposed by the Ck)vemment. Arth�r Spencer. Paclflc, .... C1ty; Olga. freshments sen'ed from a buftet table. The total registraUon 50 tar tor the . .����. �:;:t�; :'Is =I�=;' with the faculty wives and ..... omen ot 1933-34 school year is 211. Rev. BJug Harstad. founder of Pacific Francis Newton. Fox Wand; Mabel the 'faculty in charge. Plans for Although no deflnlte word from �e

Lutheran College. and ardent· Christian Jensen Elgin ' Ethel Hagman Oak- entertainment. at the annual Federal Goyernment ha.s been �lyl!d education enthuslut. who passed away vIIII': Olena Wa(l:bo. Olg Ha.rbo�: Ben- were In charge of &0 committee Of. Mrs. yet as to "'!hether or not the plan .,t11

. at his home In Parklan� last June 20. dicta Leland. Boril�aux: Lorraine 'thor-�eldler. Miss Fowler. Mr. Reid. and be adopted. Dean � stata that the

includes Mrs. ft. W, Ram.stad. Mrs. P. en. Elk Plain: Alberta SChmitz. Mc- �����;s will be given by Mrs, C. ::1 u:

o: th� p:ej��

I:�m;�� E. Hauge. Mrs. C. O. Olson. and Mrs. P L C Founder Dies Milian: .Nellle Ooon. R. F. D .. Sumner: O. Olson and Mrs. P. E. Hauge.

. 'Z' .... rk J, U. xavier. Mrs. J. O. Edwards ac- • • • . Delmar Mortenson. R. F, D .• . Puyallup: . . �::!

y !�:. �hh::'F �U;: �:!el:ng

comparited the muslclam. :�= :��r:: van�

uver: and LeU Miss.J ac()bson to fro'm a fu�d set Ukle by the �nounCement" �Doem1ng clas&- Rev. Ijug H�"t�d Dies in "ark- Th05e who are gnduate5 of other , _ for �� . purpose . ... _��


h��:'1 �:e=


li!'JIlune 20 " yelU·s.·and _t!o have nolO" re.:e\ved their Leave .P each��� �n\;;;'.

:���:n:' ��:I��r�: Is


l�� After an Illness of several ..... eek·s dur- ::c::��

o�Oh� �::. �l::::; Dean Philip E. Hauge . to the sChool In payment of

greeJ.lngs ..... ere 6rought �y Rev. L. Lud.latlon. Rev. BJu'g Harstad. founder of W�lter Morton: Mildred Card: regret the departW'l' or In on!:;

su:: s���:��x:�tend to \'Ig Of

, Portland. president of the I Pacific Lutheran Academy. now Pa· �:�les=�:-"':-d�':�I�I!���

I:-:d = \l,.:�r:r:re

J�bson. . register under thl.! plan will not 105e' Nonh",e�t DIstrict of the American clnc Lutheran College. piLSSl'd u,.ay at P . out on the lIrst few weeks' study. Pa-Lutheran Church: Bfid by Rev, £.1 hls home In Parkland last June 20. Evan.s Carlson. Sumner. firm of 0, B. Oufler CO..

cUlc Lutheran College ortlciala have Arthur Larson of Tacoma. who repre-- She takes up her new duties u

ted h A S od h During his life. �y. Harstad had been P L C P �k to the manager of the 'brokerage finn allowed them to attend classe$ under :�am� I'

ugustana yn on t e exceptionally a.cUyt' In Lutheran educa- . : . ap� e � Monda)'.' . ��: ;1���u�e

e���a�U:=:; �


• . Uon. having � been tht' founder of HJ1;h Honbf bng t1o�l�n


seZ:�!he�=� tend c185/leS on payment. of 125 and

InVite P.L.C .. Students Ithe F'rar.k..Iln l>Chool. and of Bwlat . . --, ItaIf !ince t-Uy. 1931. WhUe'she hasJ

lhe presentation ot a pro�ry note To "'Luther League Rally Academ)' In Portland. North Dakota. Moorln, Mast Staff Write" to I. been secretarY to the registrar. M1M &lgned by student and parent .. The .

During the first year after estAblish- Chosen on EHicienc:y I .. it: Jacobson hal been help.tng Sophia R.lsecond offer made by the college Is OftlC1!rs and members of the Ta- ment of this school he served here as Credit Wili Be Civen for Wotl Fo...-ler .... Ith the IIlIlruct1,On In the gtrll' that students may attend classes until

coma Luther.Leagues extend an Invl- I ' ' . phya.lcal �ucatlon clBMH She has also funher noUce or,the � plan, If It latlon to n\l students ot Pacific Luth- p

.rlnclPal of the academy and ater

as To make the Moori Mast an All_ coached the glrll' basketb�11 squad. does not �aterlaJ1ze favorably the stu-eran Colleg1! t.o attend the fall rally a teacher. His Interest In the school

AJDI'rl:a.n Honor paper u Due LO the suddenne.u of news of dent w.1Il be expected � take care of which the group will �nsor tnll eye_ was so grrat that during the gold rush a� .. arded by thO!! NalMDai 8c.bolutlc Miss Jacobson's de�. no piBlll hls bill at. once. In order. to �ntlnue. nlng at the First Lutheran Church. 6th l days he pioneered in Alaslta In the Press N. I tl II � ••• OOj tl In haft been made as yet for flllIDi" the According to announcem�� of the and I streets In Tacoma. After the hopes of benefitting Pacific Lutheran the mln�o� t�� facult; adv:,:

eand poIIltlon.. regUtrar's office. more than 150 appllca-

rail)' program. there will be refresh- College editor of the paper for this }'ear, Since Reg1Itrar Hauge, whoae secretary liOns fCor this government aid haye been


n�h: ���e�OUz.:::u:


n��� Bcsld'es his ..... ork in establishing the Mooring Mut earned' Fit5t Class Miss JaCot.on ::

lbeen /�r more

to t� �;ce



church. • 5chool.s. Re\·. Harstad served pastorates ::tth:a�;:er


t :::d �� ... :�:: '�::"�=' '�:e rl'l'� :�re

�c:n. MI� of the two plans offered by the school. . .., Rev. Alvin LewU! of Our saviours' In the church which is now known u ed thls year becaUM! of the luye Jacobson II leaving: but real1ze her op- St)ouJd t.hll plan .materialue, faculty ...utheran church will address the group the Norwegian Lutheran Church of amount of Jo'urnaillitic talent among portunlty In her new position as seere- members anticipate the largest enroll· on "Ye'are the salt of the earth." MUS!- America. bJ.ll which at tnat time was the new students. accon1lng to N. J. tary to the �r of thI5 finn, It ment ever to be rrcorded In the twtory cal numbers Will lnC\Ude a violin nwn- three different synods. AsIde fro� Hong. advlser of the editorial. stalf. was especially dIfficult. to consent Pac.lflc Lutheran COllege. However. ber by Lewis 0, Hunter ot Pacific Luth· these Interests. he was a. �tudent of the Under a new plan . .students .... ho work her leaving, tnaamuch as Mrs. Taylor WilD tM .11,4 percent �creue In en­eran CQ!lege. a plano selectlon by Von scriptures. and had a yaluable library on the staff wtI l receive one credit will not be In tbe offl�.this year. We rollment over last year's f1� of a Zanner .. and a vocal duet by Mary and \l,'hlch was destroyed by rlre here 12 hour each tlemea�r ror their .... ork. certainly wtsh MlM Jacob6on happiness later 4ate. school offlcl!l15. anUclpate a Agnes Tollefson of Tacoma. years ..,!lgo. . Howeyer. In order to get the credit. It in her new �Paclty." . Su.cce�ful year. .

--'·F 1 M b ·C F M ' Is neoessat'}'to ha-ve passed cert.a1n re- I acu ty em era.

0 rom to . qulrements to g�t the sj,arr position. to Net" Day Girls Spread Fr�ak Rumors

.. . .

Chicago to Spend Summer do .... ork up to the standard tlet by fae- . ' As. Delta Rho Gamma 'RltwtIO� Nearlf , - '. ulty . members. and to attend regular . .

With modest prote!tations of having I In th� summer he �n made the·trlp ml'l'� of the editorial stalf. B,. -1E«lyn lEiI:IUId year. We doubt that glrll will have .spent ,.very ordinary vacations. the tae- to the middle ,. .. "t becallR .of .the UJ- In. order that only those .... ho are de- VISions of \l,'earing black, stockings to eat onl�ns 'Cor breakfast and prove ulty reviews Its aeUor.l of the summer. ness ot his father .... ho II now recover- aemnr of statr positions will be chosen , hoes t hool learning the If when they come tQ school .. the old

Mr, Hauge leadl the Ust, �v1ng spent Ing. .. '. , to edit the paper. students Intereeted an

!e:h!� :abet. :r SCbelng' thrown Inio would lIuffer a.s much a.a �e new. Flor-

his summer at the Univenlty of ChI- E. TIngleatad. editor of the Pad.{k: in' �c .... or� are trytna out on 0 v r �ef:1t float through the 'ap: enct: Post promlses the InlUata that

cago as a member '01 the 'Amerl� �':heran Herald. did ntenatve travel- the �t two .. ediUo� of. the Mooring C10h:nat\'e minds f new day firll' as they ..... on·t have to build. Pacific Luth­

�,th(ran . �on studJ:1.Di" trends log at �e flnt ot the �. Hl' and Mut. 'nIe COIDp1ete stat! wUl be an- pre tta.Uooa of Del� Rho Oamma. the eran College a nn' buUdlng provldlna: /'In h1tI:!.er eduClt.Uon. He wu under �. three others. Rei! Preus. Irene LWdahl. nounoed alter the 8t'COOd paper. Thole � glrll ' orpnizatloo. dra.... near. they don't wreck the ok! one.

superywon ot R.. W. WOI'ka. dean of a former student. and M1sa Dahl. drore who worked OIl th1I first paper lnclud- ay h' I. kept .. dark We hope �"e haven't given any Ideu

st�t& and university examiner. TI11a to Minnesota.. When be returned he ed !I!uDJce ArnHon. VlrJlnIa BaeD. Plans �or t�ee o�:

e�e=rs, as is even to the InJL1atlon �mmlttH!. made' up

committH!'s report . .... hJch is JIlIt. be1nl' drove a number ot people to Ban l"rao- Marpret Cn.ft. EYelyn EII:luncL Jean- secret Yd' of Georgiana McC1W't'. Esther Hvld­publJab�. \a 'to � the buls of !&CUltr cisco �or the CODyen� of the' Pacifk: J4ar1e )'owler. WUtoa N� .. WUma' tht' fat.a.l boate:.m,uld � n to see the ding. Jaz;'e .WlllJamI and �l Monaen. study at Amerlr;an Lu�eraq �lIeces DIstrict· o! the Norw� Lutbtrao O.'Br1en. William PO�r. 6a!t1e Tor- u:u:: dO:O on their;ees scrubbtD,g Deltll. RI:to � Is. hefded �y P'lor­this year. ·Mr. Hallge' alIO ....... the Church of America. 'Later, be .,.aiD rHdal. and Emory Whitaker. the Ub noor ence Peat. who hopes to h4ve had every 1I-'Orld·.falr. . ' t.ravel� to the Mlddle,Weat:w1th Mr: Tbe � '�t � be the ch

ape�=n:�OfltfOl'�"f� day girl op � commlttee by next Another member of the t&CUl ty • . 'Mr. H1a:�' � two othen.. He that betIckd by KarY1D Han8eD u m.anapr. they�. The same applies if tbey .tune .. ' Tbe OCMJU?lltlees WOI'\IdDc 10 far Highby, saw the PaIr, U dld.MiaI � the only V&Catl� h� � .... ooe-hsl! .� .... eboeen Wecme.ta,. DOOIl by tbe )'ean th ... I friends .... hJna thel'r bave beea �e comm1t� to If't!l"\ new

of the buslneaa department... M1aa Dahl day in the Dakota Blaclt JWla. ' Bo&rd= trot CUlfard Yee!onl.I8 should !lee e •• r . • • Jlrll and the locker comm1ttee. Tbe

trave� to tne Middle Weat to do field . Prof. Horic .... eDt to MInDeaot& to at- ad �, and will c:boc»e faces OD the front :. boule former ' .... . . co

.mprlsed of V1rJ1n1a

.... orlt! for Pacllic Luth� Collep 10 tend the. COD,:enU� of the Norweci&n h1I'� later. Lou1ae JaeUon wW As the old atria ca � ::rbool for M�.aod �t. W� aDd the the Women's 1I1as10nary Fedetatloo. Synod o! the Amertc:an Lutheran be In cliarae .of clrculatJoo tor thIt sUppe�.� .tocklng . PI 1& robabl latter of EYeI)'tl Inr1n artd � a !am1ly n:unIoo In Mlnne:sQt&.· I&ter' Church. 'Whlle he wu there be viatted PaPer. Jack· HucUon wUl be tbe ltaff lnltlaUOll laat year, qew gtr P -; WeaaOn: The club plans-to Il�a Jun-Mr. H1ihby'l trip was. made to attend (CoDtJn� _ Pace t, CoIIIIIlD II typllit, won't have to �-peat the stunt th1I cheon :every month"for �y glrJa.

Page 2: Mast 1933-1934


wbr jMooriug jMa!5t . PREXY'S-C;ORN ER , With the nudenl body. 'the faculty and the many friends of Pacific Luth· eran Colle,e coope-a'tlng. we hope that ille yu,r 1933-34r.1I be ,�y hJ�fU1. Working and panning f:6gether. we !�ould. be i.ble to accOmpliSh ,II. I�at' deal.

. Published every t1l'O· w�b d·ur1ng the school year by the students of Paciflc Lutheran caUege. Parkland. Wuhm,ton ' .

Entered as Sot'COnd c1us matter. October 2. 1925. at the Post Office at Parkland, Washington, under the �ct of March 3, 11m1.. .

� . � fr;!�8 h::/i:ep


e�()��::: :�: ", •. :;,;;"',-r������2';��::,·',r.·;;- . .,....m�!' actlvltlell or the college, M one ·mean.,·


Editor H�I Votaw: "Had a llttle" troo�le with Olaon:....-··.von'Te-grea�lhe way ��e





h !::.

I�:;� m



)'OU hammer the line. dodge. tackle �ub!!criptions to the .Moorlng MMt. Marvin Hansen Clifford Mesford ,Evelyn Monson

o. J, Stuen and N.



BUSIness Manager Hal y�, I btrught a CArburetOr that :�:n7sa�




r op- To 'our I:'resem stl;ldent !"ff.ders: we AdvertiSIng Manager saved 30 per cent on m)[ gas, a timer Thtry Smith: ·'1 guess ,It aU corrie� w1sh to bring the message 01, Qarl Circulation Manager that sa ... ed 50 per �flt, and a spazk fJ;Om my early t.ralnlng, I used to go Sandburg when he said: "I I

re yC?u

. , "f>lug that sa\'ed 20 per cel'lt: and,after �hopplnR with mothe� on bargain day:· for what you are. bout I love .: "

yet Faculty Advlser.s t. went ten miles my gas tank W&5 -LA- C ' m

�re. for what you a

�e �In� to

---------------'-------- 1 running o\'er," Virtrlnla SM.n fswlmmlng at Florida I-Iove·you not so much for your ..,...LA- beach): ·"An you sure then are no realities, as f�r ·your Ideala. I pra� for A B.loted Cr •• ting ··See If you cali laugh that off." SaId alligators. her!?·' your desires that they may be creat. The w.ord "Welcome·' has been ringing from all sides. toward the �ra. Pfh�ger. Ill! she wired 3" button OUlde:.':��. ma�, I"m very !Uf1!:'




h: new students ev�r since their arriv�1 here at Pacifi� lu.theran Col. on �lIJle S YeSl._L..\_

����;��:Th:':: ;k:t��ae���e · In/.forward .tow .. � something grHt. lege. The �"oorlng. Mast extends Its belatJ!d greetIng In 'the .form Harry MCCormick"! ··Dld you get the sharI!:! scared them all away." ) 1 am on the way with you, and Ulere-

of an admonishment. • secOnd question In Geometry?·· -LA......... ", fore·( love you:'

New students: Become ·jnteres�ed in the activities of you; school . :Ud�


NO." f th

�fesfort!: ,.! heard yJu took a trafup -'Dean Philip E. Hauge.

Pract!cally every interest is centered in some club. of ..... hkh we· rlgh�:���:er��' ar

..... t're

�ou ro

� e th

;::!:':�.: w·�l

ol�:��rt!:\�amp. OU MET? expect you each tqJoin as ",any as po"ible It i, th .. e whe,. you Bod, "F1,', "'....... Th ..... Jotumy."

HAVE Y . .:" can become n").ore Intimately acquainted with your schoolmates. -LA- -w,_ . A certain young man. �ho \ll{ea.ra 1\ Alshf'se �{oups develop t

.he leaders who are to take over the Orwoll Dahl: ··What are IInklt'� for. Len WeMOn (to president of a large hat nov.". by the WAY? �t has one of

reigns' tZ school next year Llo·)'d?·· mlurufacturtng companyl: ··1 am a the heartiest chu�kles In thP.. school. , . Lloyd: ··To keep the calvex away-from bfiJllf!.nt senior In college lI.nd I am at;ld Use6 It freely. when he Isn t chew-

Don '_9 nflne your school connections to _classwork alone, Attend tht' corn·' looking for lin Ollenlng In this firm:' Ing the en.dll �f ;lls fingers. He Is en-the partt'es. games. and entertainments whIch the different groups -LA- President. ··There It Is don·t �lam It roiled· In the Normal department. and sponsor. It i$ mainly through these that you will meet the happy �Ir Ramstad: ··What Is the formula when _yOU �o out:·

· has t'xecutlve ability much above the spirit wnich is so vividly st�mped on Pacific College for water?" _LA_ al't'rage, This he uses to advantages .

Margret Wesson. ··H."I. J. k. I. m, n. 0" Mr. Hlghb}'; ··How wa.� Iron first db- In tht' school's lars;e-st organization. In Mr, Ram�U!.d: ··Where did you get covered?·· . which he holds a. resporu;lbl� position.

Dean's Secretary Leaves thllt Idn?·· Hansen: .. J th'lnlt,I heard somoone;t year he headed the Drama.-Ttcs. Margrt'l ··Well. yt'sterday you- �Id say they smelt It:· and later wielded the gavel at the meet-

The Mooring Mast. too. hears with regret news of the departure H to 0:· -LA- . Ings of the entire Drama Club. No .... of Miss Margaret Jacobson. secretary to Dean Hauge .. for new duties. -LA- ' MIllS Fo ..... ler: ··Now. I ·Ilm golng'to l that ,,'('·ve told you all. Have you met After having seen her smiling �ace, be�lnd the offIce, desk for as Porler: ··Shal! I brush you off. sir?" g,h·e YO\J a" tl'lli. Put your papt'rs on the him? long as we have been here. we Will fmd It hard to acquamt ourselves Clarence Lemming: "·No, thanks: 1"11 table before )·ou j)aM out," to something different. . , climb off like the rest of the passell- r-.......__ ' The 5Chool"lIleadlng lady? Big brown

Girls of 'the basketball sQIJad and phYSIcal education cla;;ses will gen." . ) eyes. 10ve'IY. long brown hair. and "

indeed miss her. for she has .worked hard and faithfully with these -LA- C"S[ I GI · I very plea.,lng personallty-the�, that'� groups. We are happy. however. that Miss Jacobson has been given Johnny Sluen: ··00 you work long " pe eanlngs I a lot to say In_ one sentence. but 11.8 opportunity as is now open to her. and wish her the very hours?·· . The b Iy touchstone \\.e have thra,t RII true. Bell.ldell all that. she Is 1.811. best of luck in her new position. Paul Preux: ··No. ani)· the reguilltion CRn be �{o ... en I.� the word of 000.- studiOUS. and shows excellent taste In

kngth_lxty mlnute�."· Xavier. \ the wa.y she dreMell. She Is brainy and \" --' -LA- Poople who rollow the word of Ood dependable. too, for she holdll an office A New Attempt Dutch (hoping for free advice): And ..... hnt It MYA tor this IUe find en- In P.L.C:s largest organlutJon, AIIlde

··Doctor. WhRl would 1 do tor a !;praitled Joyment and pel\C� In IUe.-Rn.mst.a.d. from thl�. Ahe slngll In the collere choir. With this issue. the Mooring Mast opens another year of publica, �lkle?·· Chrlxt rhould be made the center of and 1s actl ... ely 9MOCiated with the

tion Since its beginning, 'it has grown both in size and quality Doctor: ··LJmp."' all our ..... ork And pIny llfe.-Haavlk. Drama Club. I...Mt spring she wall pres-Last year it receive!=! the highest rating of its existence-First Class -LA- 000 wll! not let liS go: but It I� we Ident of the German Club, DeIIplte aU Honor rating. as given by the National Scholastic Press Association !'Iormlln Wt'slllng: ··Why did you stop that let 'him go.-Pflueger, these activities. she finds much time. offICIals This year the goal IS set one step higher at the top rung gotng to Choir. Jack?· · Thc I)romlnent ",olce says that no to lI.pend with her many friends here of the I"dder-AII Amencan Rating JnCk: ··Well. one day 1 dldn·t sing nnd Itn-Chrlllt.llke nAtion call f1ourlsh,- at school. Do you know her?

W,hether or not such an honOr can be achieved depends upon the �omebody asked If the plano had been Xavier. \

school interest. which the students submit. We invite your patron. -LA- lives Rfttr that of the Apo.stle Paul. 1n Ha".o�'.·'ewelry staff and the studerts. It rs our policy to print open letters of fI:led:' We �lIOuld�be Inspired to patttrn our


age. Then. tOO. any and all suggestions as to improvements on the A Ilill


may drop In SUCh a way order that we may not be ent�ly use.... OtSTINCTIVE paper itself will be gratefblly received. With this cqoperation. and That ."othlng oould be louder. 1t'M. but may leAve a mark or 'good.- 257 So I l lh 5i T.c;om .. the help of a competent staff. the Mooring Mast is boUl�d to reach Just drop olle that"s red hot some day Ramstad, W.Jt�h;" .. , I Specility lofty heights. ' rnto a keg of,l)()wder. Christ taugh,t that ..... 1'. can get away . ,. 0 S t

from our past-that he wll! forget and "F;;;;�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;�i!l pen ecre s . (o",".-H .. ,(k. r FootbaH in All Its CI�ry ��IS�:E�=S�ICked up at the Buga- so '::t \\':'�WI�' (�;t

:: :�a::e�t��;

Boys brandishing battle scarred faces and Sore or Injured legs re boo: arms. where we are lMured of safe·,y Foo·tbal.1-Balketball­a .. eb.1I mmd us that once agarn football IS here In all .ts glory. With as Bud and Wlllle are stili dueUng; from faUlnR from Ille high pla.ces.-,

healthy looking and capable a group of grid aspirants as have showp Clarence Lemming 1s chauffeuring the Pflueger. . '

themselves at P.L.C. this year, the Lutherans are bound to make a secretary·s car around: We I.hould strive to lea ... e a mark of showing. . ,- Everyone has masterfully resolved to goodness When we leave this world.


When they go out to bring home. the bacon. leI's all be out there �tudy: . Thill can.l?! accomplished only by IIv_ to help them. With three home garrres scheduled, our men ought Major Is on the sick list InB.a.ccordlng to the wort! of God . .:....

You will enjoy-

to have substantial backing in the rooters' section. Fling your bfinners. Big strong football heroes sUlI rate Ra�stad. ME D.O S W E ET

III ICE CREAM flaunt your colors. and let the world kno ...... whom you represent. first among the 1933 crop of COoed!; Even the voice or the chUrch cannO:t Here's hoping there's such a, crowd at every g?me that it will be The old apple orchard Is provlnR a be trusted; we sho_uld put our faith imposs.ible to see everyone; but anyway. we'll hear you at the game. popular trystlng place· In Chrillt Jesus alone.-Xav1el . Anyaeaton--r,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;,;;;;;;;;�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Anderson goes In for petite brunettes The worldly live In the vaJleys of 'this semester; ' ... I spiritual darlmus: but when we become The library Is s�UI n'ee and quiet. (oh I ChrlsUans. Ood IUts us up to the

�.INC P R O T E C T I N G The Athletes

. Football Pllyers Ire youna "nd sturdy. yet th� cOKh's tirst thought is for their protection--including headguard, shoulder plds I� pldded togs.

AI)Other protection th .. t students should is Lu· theran Brotherhood life insur .. nee. Being �ng and healthy entitles you 10' tow 'rates-which never ;f1Crene Ifixed by c.?"trKtl. And you Cln mike your parents beneficiaries.

Write now. aivina your Ige . .lind learn from us the f�. cost of student protection: . . " .

LUTHERAN BROTHERHOOD Legal R�rve life Insurance·

for MEN • .,..,OMEN and CHILDREN HERMAN L E�. President .


. '608'S«ond Avenue S. ·MinneapOlis, Min�,

yett.h\: " grandeur of mountain helghu,-'PfJue·

�;I�:r U:"'��� ::! :r:�= n· �

e�he goal that Ood In Christ h� set

Haul sent Wa..\t"s ploture to be auto- �o�'�� �" �'�"'�m�.l�Sa1�'�."�o�n�·-� ...... �""'�·d==:;==;:;:�=�;;;;;;:,j

gTaPbed: '

Me-sford Is stili ,open to bids from Freshmen co·eds: Jack Hudson proved to be a good P, L.

C. promoter In the land' oi the north-ern lI,ht.ll;

. .

Milton Nesv1g may be a. fr

esh1e, but he I �

............................ ��::::::::::::::===�=�:-. ........... ; ......... . "

already calls us all by our · !tnt nam�;

Owen- Brownfleld's sidekick. Marian HIGHEST QUALITY PRI NTING. i . Pennie. hall gone over to the oUler In a Modernly EQui� Shop , ,!" camp; Come in Anytime MUJ Wesson b the seU apponted � \


Alistrum Printing Co�p.ny _ i dian a.nael of all P'reshmen of 940 COMMERCE ST MAIN 6768 ! stronger sex, Ii".", " ... _ ..... """"".""""""" •• " ,,'" "'"'''' '"'' , " "'" M .... .. .. ''''' .... " .......... . " .. " .. .. " .. "...."...

100% for NRA "We do our Part" r' Colden Rod BuH., , � highest quality ,.

Holmer-'s ·Shoe Repair always uniform *'QMNty - �". - made In Tac�by ..:... 205 So. M,th St.' .

,MiI1�r I� .Coinp.ny, .

Page 3: Mast 1933-1934



Board ,of Control Begins

. ( ,


Cermln Club Chooses Margafet Wesson for

President Durinl foil KAMPUS ••• '


Mrs. Taylor' Granted Leave of Abs.ence

prnldenl elec� last spring, ·Is not OreeUng3 to ytlu all at the ·�nn!n� ,Pac-Utc ,-Luthtr�' College faeuity for retumlliS to school this year. It was or th1s school year. lind a special lIo·el .. ont year tiB.!· bren grall� Mr.\. 1A?1I1� nl!<:'t'MRry to havt A reelection at II (,OIne to the freshmen to whom this S. Tllylor .. accordlng 10"the annO\ln�·


meeting of Ole Deut"che Vereln fln!l column II respcetfulJ)'. though rt:, -menl. of Dean �hlllp·.E. Hauge,· At th" Monda)' . . MiUl[aret Wesson "'M Ilrelt.ully dedicated. Ye scribe Is let,,- opening or lh� school_ t�.m,·�1:,1 TRv� •

to preside O\"itr club actlvltlrs Ung you. In on the ground floor. st) to .Ior .�.lsfOO �'Ith registration. but hll ___ during the coming semester. WIlliam speak. It you ",'Ish to be popular and not faken over any classroom work �chool affairs. Members of Zier will hold the offl� of \'lce presl· have a sliccessful college career, .caie. this year. . dent.

. -funl' obMrve the folloWIng traditions Aside from her dutlM�SiIilant' to

the rt'gistrar. M.MI. Taylor haa beton in­structOr In. E'ng�rsh and French cJU8eS

sec;:etar)' and treasurer. which Position Al'A'ays meet xour rrl�nds' fn, front of In the high, �hool . dep!U'u�umt.. 8hfl ,::�"':'�:,; I "�';ng Mast last )'N..r. ha.s entered be held by Oscar Anderson. ""Ervin th� library. '[he nobe 'A'on', botHer thl" has. also Been active In dramatic -""ork. Brothers Hospital In Roc:h'· DRmmel and William Pf)u�r '\Idll slud�nts Imide, they probAbly don' t being ac!¥lser of the Drama Clu,? and

Marie Fo1l'lrr !chalnnan), Ostln sen, �rgl.anna MCClure and , Andt'rson.

The board this· week confirnled

Minn .. to train as a nurse. serve on the program committee ... 1th "'�mt 'io' study fl,nyWay. • �Rchlng the cOllege plays. Her c1�-the vlC1! president. ,acUna: as chairman. • • • rOOm duties 'an bring taken �I! of Tentath'e plans for Illustrated lectures tr Ih� prof Is a little lale; ... alk ,out ror this ),ear b.y E. TIngelsLRd. �Itor. of Oermafl)' to be ginn for the studenLs of C,ll'lM. He's Ju.�l as bo,rtd lIdth clll.M of. th"e Pllclflc Lulhenm··HerIJd, .'ef? dlsc�. AS you Are, During her leave of absence, Mrs .

. Tal'lN" Intend.!! to remain at her home Take YOllr· books from the refrrence In Parkland. and 110'111 RAlat with r.egls­

shelf for 1I'reb lit a time . • It doesn't tratlon 1I'ork at IIChool when she m 01 O,on Cooking; ·Report


l: �:):\�:"

ever has an op- needed, according to DeAn Hauge.

Bt.rchelorhood Plemt(IJtl . . . .., ..t"ib;t;ol�� Frodl 8r;"1(6 Ledltft and gentlemen. al�ow me' to FO�



e:," Candy

· to Prof, Rnm�tad "'�'""""',I''''''"''""< to you siX of th� bra�'�t men .boy, Paul?" It help!' to uphold th!.'

I' ' ,--

' of Pacific Lutheran College. These dignity of the fnculty. Prom all aplJellranCe!\ Mr. Ramstad celebrated slx �av!.' strong consUlU· , • • . ls going to be tht' mO!t p'opular memo tlons And hearty nervrs. or they could

Only borrOll' the el'lceptionally brtJ. bfr of tht' faculty. Already he has re-Ilot endure ..... hat they do. lIRiu studrnLs' notes. He 1111."" t8ken i celVM 11.'00:1: of dlvlnlLy candy from

Now, then, you pretty youns lady In thrill for your benefit. Eunice Arn!'50n, a frmh. the corner, slep rl,ght up �nd pick your, • , • According to Ann Engen, Rnother. self a husband from one of th,� hand.: Skip mast, If not all, of your clllMPll_ freshman girl.. who WIIS I)re&en� aL, the 50me gentlemen. Clifford Mestord, WI!- )

l0pt'nlng of the bo". the candy wall

lIam Zier. Ahene Schierman. Ed The more you kll.?w. the more )'OU know made by an e}[pcrt. It Sl!t'truI t)laL Eve. Schlerman, Al GUrlltz . .!nd Irvin DRm- ::



: � whl' give your_I b'n Ameson, a s.ll'lter of Eunice, 'prom ..

' mel. It rnattens not how domestic )'OU I 15t'd. it to Mr. Ramstad more than a are. they will be �rreetly satisfied. • • • I rear ago. when he accomllanled her to· becaU5e the)' hue proved that they . AII\'ays be loud and boisterous In the aPilly for a .teachlng position. 'I'h� bar. can endure anything; for. belle\'e It or library. TIll' studenl ln charge 110111 even gain was that If she reeeIYed the Pasl.

Holmberg is working at lhe not. my dears, they eat their ollo'n cook- entrr Into the ialety by tapping her tlOI}, ··R:i.mmy··. �as to get i boit of board la}' the Innocent and nOC'''''''Y I To,'_' Grocery Company. He 1I"8S Ing: and. 1I'hat:s more. like It: llencll loudly. .

candy �Rd'e t'!ij�IY for him by Eve·· Rr���n�n��


�. ke)'s

bet!n vice pnsdent of the A.-.socl- Every member of this shack union Iyn herself. Clipboard �'ere In IXiSSesslon of Students had he returned. which occupies a fh·e·room apartment If )·ou can do all the"'l' lhingll. the 10-:;"':;":;"':;"';::;;;::;;;:;2==;::;::=-==

abo,,;!! Dahl's 'Grocery st.ore. lreems per· result.!l will surprtse you, ?,'en the P" �'b'. writ,,,, 8'PP......

I' Prrus. Immediately II. boy lIo'as d b rd .....

get them. Paul. who 1I'aS still In , L.D.R, R�c;ePtion for New :�tl:un���!:

f:l�utllo��� S:�:ty:

a:ak��I�e� Grl'elcl

,hll a" ,I �' f�r It. All :=

1 Iln�s.'���:p���t.-

Instructed lhe boy to get them elrls Held Yesterd.ay 1I'bh them the bes( of luck for future Our heartiest congraLs Rnd best J. F, V\SE�.L CO. 'hl� poCkets. 'I'h,!!: 'keys obtained. _ __ health. wLshes 1O Mr. and the recently Rcqulred BooUeI1�Uonera



b�: k:'S

SC;OOI In the form or A welcome jJRrt� for Mr.'l. LI!\'lnSOIl.

. Of flee Itare


automobile. . new girls. the Lutheran Daughters French Club to Devot "

' • • �ti.�_��.!:� Reformation held thclr Inilial . t Hnve you noticed thaI ns soon ns p�,"".� I 'n�"". of this year In !.he coUege re- . Meeting. to Travelogue.: Len WeS&On hear" an InfectuOlIS laugh ..----------'l room yesterday afternoon. Jane Mrs. Tingelshd Adviser In the dlllt.Ance he always Informs WI, BROOKDALE . E\'�I


ye:�d Lila Rudd Plall� are beln-,-m-'- de by the French ·'B·rt than my �:


· BARBER SHOP wrnt merrily on. as h06teSS('s. and Mrs. Ramstad Club to dt'vote the programs during

m��in:��::.;�n.�o ;,'���e poured the next )·ear to a tnH'elogue. Imag- ��e: Th

�re h


�Il a ..nlmor

�r. Brookdale

phy&iclIl examlnatlonll. Dr. Frank Kathryn Johnson RIld Allee Peterson Inary \·lslts being mlarle' to numerous ��r"







lsp co

�� .. , _______ ��_ .

Baker \I:as alscJ" here !.hIs Il·eek to. .

;;;:.In ,,�o



r ���e �1:ld:l�

rI�� I�ft :;;:i toSi;;:' limn I� II nickel. Such a practice Is ..... ----�-----+

amine the teeth of the students. . ler the Lutheran Deaconness HOIIpital frowned I}pon. The staff members are

Have l'oa,MeL.



the history and obJt"C.! I� Chicago. Pearl Homme. ,the Vice nO.t grafters. Sorry. OscAr. president el�\.('d last !prlng wll! head lhe group. In her place Jane wmlams Choir PI.ans Uncerhin \\'M eleeted Tuesda�' to be \·Ice prrsl·

Until Edw.ards· Return

QUllity Knittin, CO; Letta, Ou, Specialty "03 Ilth'St., TACom.,

J.)anna Mallousos And Edgar Lar- Because I"rof. J. O. Edwards, head of . ..-----------, Parkland hrber Shop son are lIo"Orklng on

Jrograms made In the mll5lc department of Pa.clflc Luth.


�: ::��O�UI:�.:o::!� 'r��

.lind organization, "'hleb makes a the form of r:"llro tickets. so that eran College. has been In California no exlr� cost ,1nd Ihe work is done ConfeCtionery missiOns. Virginia the entire year s program may be corn· .o;ince the opening of school. no definite by experienced workmen' at

I� president ot L. D. R., having been pleU!ly outlined by the first meeting. plnnK' for acUvlW of tht' "Choir of the LEHMANN PHOTO,FINISHING �,=:=:::G=EO::, = K=

N: :U=O:.:T=

SO::N: :, ='::''''':'==4 elN'ted last lIprlng. L, unoftlciaUy annourieed that Mfa, West" for thl� year have bet!n made STUDIOS

t Richardson of Tacoma, whl? has lived as yet. "::,:":"::"::":d �M:.:' ":"=ti:'.:


P ':"V=�

We must never be satisfied with and studl� In France for many yean!, With the large Increase In enrollment + Brookdale Cash

Market Ift"""tMMa .. b

GAdand 0156·R·2 J. O. IRWIN, Prop.

Printers Stationers . Engravers '


SUPPLIES Fine Office' Furniture

P 1,.Q.r:i.�S R 12," 6- A St. Postoffice

, Phone MAin 2' 22 .

we have accomplished either In will speak "bout the country at the Qt the college thls year, pro.!pects ·of fiI. life or spiritual ure; but we mlL'lt al· mreting. better chOir· than ever before are [n ways be pressing torward.-H .... vtk. Mrs. 0, A. nngoe1s�. because ot the evidence, &everal studthts of outstand- Dlhll Crocery CO.

she has shown � French .and Ing mlL'lle&1 ability ha\'e enrolled in Ute work of the club. was chOllen'to be M:hool. and a number more are upeet· PARKLAND . BROOKDALE· GROCERY adv1st.r. ed to enter. In the near future, accord· , __________ -..1 The Store Th .. t H .. s It . Ing to repOrts. • H.y, , .... , '.iat. Dnp, Hant..,., SltMS



X • .,ier Announces List of ,Thirteen Lil)r.llry'S.

Under the gutdanceshlp of Prof. Xav·

Ii=�==::::t Hopki�' Variety Store

PARKLAND, WASH. St..tioft..,y. School S",.U .. : -<-etia, etc: ler, 'thirteen studmta are receiVing ex· ComfH,e his Pl'ices ..... ith perlence In libTall': work thb year, Be·t .!:==Oown=:':T:�= s:''':n:' ==� sides the eXperlrnet obta.1ned, the stu· dents, by Indulging In thb exira. wort

PreKriplion Otullisu Irt;lporters of Norwegian

. Cod liver Oi I

!I�"';�_-:';;:';';';;;';;���';;"� cordlng to Mr. X&� , Morri. ��i;:".lInd Son

Corner Titcom. AVl!f'lue .nd 11th The. uslstanta. are: .. V1ryln1a Boen, .. Clothin,. c..', 'um",lft, Good. . Streel, TACom •. W .. sh .

are helplng to ploy thdr tulUon, &C. Our MOlto: "F .• I, .nd SqU,1re. j Vlrttna Byers,. IT"f'n DUnmel, Leonard H.ts �nd Shoes Wesson, Marg&ret Wesson, Ruth Carl· let.lltl""'" 1ft 1186 Tel MAin 731",

:����::n��� �:� 1150 ,PKiHC Ave. TKom._ � _________ �


'Jane WUI1amII, !LIld' Gwendolyn " Spec ill B� ... s for plrtie., ,Ie.

clubs, team't etc. ,Any Time""An, PlaCe LYONS' IUS LINES, ,,;..

, ____ �_.�

M_._ .. _L� __ �::��� ___ M_A_�

.. _._I� __ .J'_, y .... CRt - _ .......... _ _ u� MAIN 1112·

Page 4: Mast 1933-1934

. y


On ·Crldel ... • Sch'�M. First Swim Octoher 7 40 Gridmen.Answer Olson's Call for Men . For Gladiator Team ... ��


. �:".��::� .

. m�.0.""" Due to confllcUnr' .ct"�II, Cqach c-.rdt; -Si,MeI by 'h"ician; Nee, olsOn hu been unable to secW"l! ..... ry"to Enter '001 . .

Excellent Mlterial .Seen in � �o �::e t:es:P���::n�h��e"'= '

. Th� fint �pJuh paTty of .�e y� UJ the �MOri. . . However. there may be i5J:!Onsor� by t.he Swimming Club

be a pme; but no ddln'lte word h� I of Pacific Lutheran Col.leg� -will be In �n l"fl:elv� when thl! imfJ"l llle v.w.e.A. pool ne� Saturday evl!j.

..... rnt .to p� � . ning. Qetober 7. Hour's 'Will be rrdO\ . Squid of 9 Letterm!lft and By Milton HelVi, 31 Others Who Desire .................................................... .. PI Ices on Lutheran 'Eleven

This column needs no introduction but t wOIJ1d like to explain its . This year the SCht'dUl� aHom., a . 7:30 to 9:30. Tloket:", which m"y be.

The rootball .setL'IOn oI 1933 got off to purpose to the new students. "(his column Yt:!ill present briefly in- . chance to see the PacUlc LtllhP[!'.1;l purt:hasM from M

Y of t�e club offl-

an allsplclollS start on Monday. Septem- teresting items of sports which can not be advantageously printed Coli � cers, are 15 ·cents each.

ber 18. ,,·hen an eager group or asplr- in our regular sport news. We plan to make Sport Slants just :as lIeste,�",:�� �hr:m;f 6t�:Uga��

In aCCOrdMce With a new rule adopt.-

:�;e��LtI�cI���no.n n��: ��=�n�: as ever a.nd earnestly hope that you will read anti e�i.OY

,· it. "till·be In TacOma· and three a,,'ay �IJ ': aJ.Y�:� .

. ��.:,�I::·w�: :u�c:

from home: .

::�e:1' :x:�:�� aP:�n:::rste:m:!

S. - S. The Inco�plete lIChedule lI! �h:S:r!�:P��c���� :ota


-..1.t'R� look l'ery rood. accord,ing to The inauluration of the "9�3 !ootball ,eason will ta�e place �tu� follows: � pool •. These are good for a ye&r, and Coa:h Clifford Olron. He also states day. ·Oct. 7. whe.n we play LinfIeld Collece a.t the Lincoln lowl In ����n�.leld


..... <-. ' may _be secured ' from WUlIe pflueger ..

th:lt Pacific LUtherM College has one Tacoma. Our opponenh will present lome Iti" competition and ,.- who last year wM elecU<i to the pl""I'I.l-of the best groups of backs th&t ever the outcome of this battfe will live us a lood idea of the strenlth of Oct. 14;--St. Martins at Olympia dency of the club. d::rkened Ule field and a powerful. the Cladiator machine. ���.�=��:�:� �t��ma

At Monday's. thOR electN r:mq�' line. Coach Olson Is "'eU pll'a.sed S. S. No\'. 4---Columbla at Portland 10 serve a.s ottiee"rs �th Willie during I\'ith his material and Is optimistic t!te faJl semester were:· OIic&r Ander- · The backfield contah� many good At this .time we want to extend our heartiest congratulations to Nov. 100BeJllngham at Bellingham son. vice preslaent: Norman Jensen . .

pla�·ers. In Bev Shuster 'we ha\·e a Bob LeVinson and guess who' hfs brIde. Mrs LeVinson formerly secretar?" and Hazel Monsen,



at�l� ���d:�ilia��

t:�:st �:� h

Tot�� ��!I��:�:::� !��:n';;��r ���� Seven Preachen' Sons ) �JE�R LE�D.ERS (;HO$EN

year. as he·s) the ne'" signal barker. wishes for' lots of success and happ.iness in t.he ·future. fleside in Boys' Gym That John Van Leuven "IV11l be y�JI Then th('re·!II HtU� Dutch Moo.. tricky ' . S. S. . ' king. and Jean-Marie Fowler and Mary bail-carrier and t,.o-)·car le

=. . Have you heard .of all· our P. K·s? Nash ",m be yell dukes, wu decided at

Tuff�· Smith. st�r fullback a� tad u m Thil fall we find leveral of our Ira"duat�d .le.ttermen turninll ou.t �oy,: don·t be mls.Jed-";"e ·don:t mean a baUot 'election of the st'.1dent·� last )'ear. Is sUI>er�.t.

pass!pl. Another at other schools : lohn Fadnesl at Washinllton State. lill Whalen at , yesterday noon. Other contest:anU [or I�tl!'rman. Hal Vot



nlsh many U. of W .• Chuck McMillan at St. Martins. and Carrol J�cobson. Stan Wm. Wrllley s cushion shaped conrec- the positions w.e�e Clifford .Me«ford.


h�lIh ��tfl

d t������ Score. Walt You nil, and Carl Martin at Luther.

. = ,:�IC�I::Ste� �



n�:�. ��a��e:cI'

SaX:S:�I�;,t ::::;:e�:OI::


ll'tterman. Elmer Gerllt.% . ..... ho kno ..... s . S. S. Its high time you're learning, beeause As,o;oclated Students. urges rull cooper-��:k:���

s ���:s����


h��I���:.��! The scrubs who take all the dirt and get l i ttle or nO glory will these.

�e��rs pro�1se to play a great atlon with the new. leaders at all games.

Sanderson. finally come Into their own thl� year_ Coach Olson h�s .obtalned a �:;

tjust :X:c�



. �a:


. �

few games for them so they will get a chance at some Interschool KJd �dl ( , ers To.Cive Tea

C3ptnjn Swroe Willard makes the competition, We might add that the reserves this year are unusually 51 now re ng In the �ys dorm. That the new day IIlrls will be In-

�.���::� g;�u:��n�u

:�'��J' �� � strong ' �:� :r��g f��r!�

e �:

y ;��


n� :� o� O:I:

a R=�S:��a

b�e�: ;I��;

on" of the best In this section. accord- S. S.. similar UtiI'. afternoon was decided at a meeUng of

�:�b�� ���>O��ne �a:k�t:;�te�: t;ro: The past lummer has found some of our lolfers very busy. Ray Wl'll, these boys w�o are expected to: the gro�p yesterday. Plans of the \nl_

the oockfleld. hflndles tht- position Hinderlie won t�e cup for the Parkland Course C"ampion,hip· and :;e��a� ���:'��8ht



:�=. for t�e following week were dls_

competently. Bill MackJe,u-Belianninl' of the boys won Sunday .Tourna,:"enh. A school tournament of In �lve5 YIt'S ellS _�.� __ will loon be under war and all club SWlnlen are urced to enter. to I k th t f� '" f ' N •• . C . �Iflr. and Clart'nce Monson look good. . . p c em OU ro ... ,1' rest 0 WI. ame _alcot ommlttee

At tackle there Is a veritable giant. Ted S. S, Th�t look-deep tho ht on the vlsages At the' regular student bOdy. meetlng Cronquist. "'ho captained the Oladla- of such lAdS marks them as ·p Ks Im-

Yl'sterday. motion W8.'l carried that a

.tor.; last )'l'9.r. Very little ground will Coach Olson spent part of last summer , aiding Bernie Bierman. mediately. rm sur� you'll all wa�t to committe.! � appointed to iOck Into be made through hlm' thls yl'ar. ·The coach at the University of Minnesota. at the Luther College coaching meet these curlO6lU� but they're &Ott caring for Major, the CS!Ilege m9.8COt, other I.ackle�ltlon Is open as yet; schooL The school was atten�ed by man� coache� from the Middle of a bashful lot and ¥' we·1I have to .who has the the committee bul Svlnth and--ounderson look prett): West schools Mr. Olson aSSIsted Mr. Bierman In class work and Introduce you. . appointed for this Jean·Marie P'ow-good. At lIuard. another maJnstay. John instruction. First comes Milton Nesvlg, the spokes- ler (chairman), Oscar �ders;on, Vlr-Schlerman, has. rt'tumed f�lHng· qullE' S. S. man of the group. Maybe he·s not as IIlnla Mahncke and Clarence Lemming. a gaJl In the center or the line. Marv 7 bashfu\ as reputed but he·s going LO -t====================i Hansen. a half last year. Dammel. and The Minnescta system and shift. which Coach Olson taullht this make a· name for himself. He·s one l' LogAIl Are leading the pack for

. the season. will be used by the Cladiators this year. The shift is snappy. of those guys that go skatinll up and Leath., Sport l.ek.", $6.79

other guard post. The c:nter position eliminatinl the slow huddle IUltem. and adds more clJlS and styre down the hall In football togs. Rolf hilS 5e\'('nll aspirants. namely: Bob Lev- to the lame, PreWl and Mr. N�svlg are the only IIv-ln�on: cOnl'er.ted wingman: Johnson. S. S. ing members of the P."K. S. W. S. (The


Iv.;O-)C8r lettermall from LIncoln In Ta- . last three letters standing for Spltl Wad coma ; Martin. and Piper, , In conclusion. a word about school spirit . We're going to have Society), which mor;t aUl-Wlt body hasl t==========t These players .mentloll� are not all � goodlootball team this year; but no team ever gets any place with- dally tarret practice In chemistry -

those turning OUI so don t be surprised 0i!t support. Let's attend all the games and let t�em know that It. may be added that thoullh Nesvlg Sprenller 6- Jones If romeone unment�onro makes &.

n!!JIle we. ·re behi�d them, win or lose. If they have that assurance, nothing Jacks Ralf's technique, Preus had the 1 -


for hhnSf'If. The)' rf' all out there to 'but a superior team will stop theP'l, . worst or It. during the last two rounds. W

atch and Jewelry Rep.iring make the team and the best man ,,1m.


. . (Nesvi, was In the back kat.) A Spec:i"lty

.F'ollo,,·lnll l, a lI�t of aJl thO&/' who Facu�ty, M�,:,bSrs Repor� . Mr. Pflueger and Mr. Hunter. spent Ronald Martin Is the big iellow with 1 1 33 BrOadway BRdway. 431S �:�·I('1' ��. �e:�;:Il.

U��ft���lIa:n���; ..., (;�:�:ue: F�O:m�f' �:)tlonl quiet summer.; at home. Mr. Pflueger the . blond curly hair who draws the


f5dor Nine Holes ' 25c' for 18 Holes

\' Erlck..�n. Tuff), Smith. Drelbel- In different parts of th�te. did .-;orne field ,,·ork and gardening co-eels to tbe tootbalJ field t;g watch

bls. Mar.· HanS('n. Lyal Sanderson. Er- Prof. Ramstad·s wife did the travel- whUe Mr. Hunter did a little private practice. tJust. call h1m Ronny), He's 1·ln Dammell. Hvlddlng. Bev Shuster. Ing for her family. While her husband teaching. from Astoria, are .. where the cholf had BUI Mackie. Clarence Monson. Bob kept house and farmed, shl' went to Conch .olson asslstN In a coaching such a good time on It.s tour. LeI'�l)son. Archbold. Brandt. O·Connor. the mkldle west to do field work ror class at Luther C;:ollege the last two · Then comes anot�er young man who Gunderson. Potter. Logan. · ·Munch. the college. Il.:eek.!i of July. alter he had done field halls from ·Beattle. He's Roland 8wan- $1 .50 Student monthly rate �1����� J


���. J�:ede

Ree;;;� ro�










. ':.

dl�� ::'���o�

o;o� =:�:tI�7 n:���

cu�: $1 .50. ·Laciies rate monthly

lard, Colburn, Dutch Moe. Frank Ume to go 10 'the hosplLal In Seattle worked as usual. and played golf. Miss IIOrt of feel like he's a friend of our's, $2.00 Men's monthly rate Elliot, Naml'll. John Stuen, Ted Cron- where he spent three weelts. He finIshed JAcobson spent her month's vacation in �, since he was' Joint host with hls J , .

��:�·r ����/:� Js::!�

n, Enoch, :�s c;:�;a\I,O:t




IO:'��� �� "":: a:ums:,�

de�t ��n;= !:�:�. to t�e choir at �thsemane las� �Irki�nd Coif COU�

;;;:::====::::::'=====. IngLOn. , and M.lsa Knutsen went ·to CaJ.lfomla ------:--I � . .

Bonnedale Beauty Shoppe j .1iI Mrs. Bondy Md Mrs. Kreidler bot.h .Md Mexico . . �.r. Hinderlle the Janitor ��������� S�-::�I�



e ;0 :�aY;;!r


�: �:r���� ':ue��: ::e;;t �: o��:;:


ng as.


l Economy Ti'.ket at th�. Bugaboo-:-$ l . 1 5. for $1.00 , Street Car Kreidler vWted In Beattie with M1u One thing m�e:alm05t aU the fac· $5.00 Cash 'rl •• for the boy OI'.lIlrl tfle "'!'t

. W.t<h _i."c- 1M _"kI . .... i.l. 5(Ix,u •. a fonn.; P.L.C. "'."'". She un, taugh! h,n. at P.L.C. ,nh.,. th. u.ed tl'k.� .t the .• nd

.• f school term .

. CArt;:�61:S��2�' W


l""d also �Ited with her sister In Tacoma first II1x weeD or the second. · CoodT f�

r Ean

���� �


6Iace .

: .

, . . . and In .Olympl&. � . lII!!!!l:iii '. .

THE CABIN LUNCH ' ()pen E�ni""

IUlt Rlpt lot A Little W,lk ,lid It. tittt. lillICh

MIM Fowler was a volunteer worker with the Family WeUal'! AMoelatlon. �r her pleasure trip she went to HOOd Canal.

Mr. Xavier and Mr. 8tuen both joined Opposite Broo

kd,le �ery the loggers ranlts. They AWed wOOd o-_ ..... _



.I;.: • • _W_.;.:"'..;. __ � fO��::a:t a thoroughly lazy UrnI' �.' ............... " ........... " ... !! ......... " ........ " .. " .. ,,, ... !I} at Amertcan It', the first Urne

! Phone' MAin 4493 F. H. Krug � In seven ye&r3 he hasn't gooe LO .sum-

'� ' � ����: accompanied by h'ls �� , � Angeles

: ! . 0

H< ' / �' " I . .

Cym Supplies . Shoes--Trunks

)qckey Slraps--Shi rls Gel Yours Now

. SCHOOL PRiNTIN� We Specialize in


JOaNSON . COX CO. � .�. � er Donald. visited with his slater 19 Loll

: _ I D.t,NIELS' SERVICE WASHINGTON ; ____ � �I •• W...,.

HARDWARE CO. 726 POe;/;c Ave. BRoadway 223B

. � .. �� R_U_:_t _. B_

I�_g'_' _�:�J �;.,GAS.;;. __ ...;. __ -.:;;;


I L_.+ l t·,.;.· __ 9:2:��': .. :IfIc,:

'A: •• :. __ J liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�iiiiiiii;i;iiiiiiii�iiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;iiiiiiii;;:;;;�;;iiii

Page 5: Mast 1933-1934

/ \ �j ) ,�

Faculty Presents Rev. Roy E. Oloon Will . Name Miss Goff to CHANCi DATE

Annual Reception Speak in Taco",a Tonight Instruct Gym Work I.::" =;. ::"",.::'�,� c:':' F 8t d t B d

At an Invitation of the South, Pu(et · -- IftPU_. 'an.nfta� that the re· or u en 0 Y SOund Luther . Leagues Rev. Roy E. C,ad�ate of W. S. C •. Will Be in eeptlon for new .Wdmt&, ac.hfdulfd , -� 015On. Dl�tor of the- Prbon MIMlon Cha" . of Cirls' �hysic.ll Ed .. �a- for Frida,.. GeL 13. haa been ,oM: Many Attend Yearly Affair in CoI- Department of the Non.eg1an Luthman . (:1 . . . eel til Oel !G , f le,e Recreltiqn Roo�s; Feature �o:���




u :I�

tlon It.'es . ' :: n:� Rho


,G.:n:::' =,� � .. Vocal .... d 'Mh',,",ent.' Music at �pt'8.k this f" nlng " tl ' the c�ntrsr !\.tIM Ulrn8 .� GOff of Tacoma will r.,.- n ... ... me " .. enlft(.

'\(." , . e. .. �, �I . I,', ' .•• ' ''1, '

Prof: Edwards" to Choose Final Choir Mem�rship loday ,

Director Announces .Lilt 'of 40 ' Chosen Thul Far; Annual Trip To Include Much of Lait Vear', ' . ltinetary , Entert.linment Saturday Lutheran eh�$;h In Tacoma. at eight Instruct t

�e glrlilc Ph.YSI�l


:1 E. '

M' ,

-- �·clOCk. l"irene Dahl. president. of the claSlles lh semester. aeco ng to . e W A' WIll eet In In accordance with a custom of manyt-tr�l..ofreu't. announces that no admls- !l.nnoul1c�menl of Dean Hauge . ."'onna-


·· .' . 0 . AHer more than a week s�nt in to/. years' t;tandlng. the fa.culty wtertalned �lonrtU be charg� for the program. lion or c18l1.5u for the gymnasium work acoma ct . . 27, 28; I I the ncw \'olces Prof J. O. Ed-memberil of the lItudent body at a for- II\!Y" that all Pacific Luth"eran Co\l('Re Is laking place Ihlll ,,·celt. and a large

PI "PLC L ' h ::r:u has announced

'the choir �em-

mal r�eptlon In the recreation room.!! .'llud('nts are urged to attend.. enrolment In this department Is an- an unc eon ber!h�

P as sel�ted thla far. The' mt last. Saturday .evening. Because Dr. d. " Ha\'ln8 wo{"kl'!d In direct contact Uclpated. ' . . -- , of the group "ill. be chQllen ·thla alter.

A. TingeL!tad could not return from the \\1th the criminals. Rev .. OL'I()n ill:; able A gMl!1uate.of wa&�1n{ton State Col_ List Dr. Tinlel.ta� Amonl: Not: noon Dlrector 'Ed"'ards belleves 'much' mlddle� west �t the time scheduled. the to give first-hand IllfonnatJon regard- Icge In the ClllM of 1931. Miss Ooff has .ble Speake": EUen,bur, Came III In 'SlOre for the "Choir of the.West" affair was postP9ned from t.he pre\10us Ing conditions "'hfch ha\'e placed more had t,.,·o yta� of teaching �xper1enct' Friday in Lincoln Bowl Will thla year .slnce many !fOOd volcea have 'wt't'k cnd. when It wat; originally sched- than one-half a million young people In In the�ph)'Slcal education field. She ""Ill Draw Lutheran 'Alumni been d�vC:red among the freshmen. uled to be held. _ . America" m �n!ll lnsUtutlom;;"" statH take over the "'ork of Miss Fo",·ler. Plaru for the yur are stUI tentaUve.

After students pa..ssed In the reeelv- Miss DRhl. '"Among . other things. he normal �uper\'lsor. and !'flss Jacobson. Ttftchet3 from. all the SChools of but a lour .'111 be conducted In the Ing linell. they "'ere entertained at .a ."':'111 tell that the !l\'eMlge age of the ""hO has taken Ol�r a ne,.,· po5ltlon In Pierce County and Olympia will meet spring. attordlng to Mr. EdWards. The program prer;ented b}' member3 of the Chicago gangster Is btt""een 19 and 21 Seattie. 9Ct. 26 and 21 In Tacomil. for the an- I�inerary will Includc much of the same fac;ult.y and their ... 1vtf). Women of the years. and Ulat AmerlC1l INds th�. MIllS 00(( snnounces that class work nual meeting ·of the Washington' Edu- ground coVered .last spr1ng. and "110'\11

fr::m���n P�7,I�e(1 �� ���I:; :: ! ::;I

�t�:r c����n��

e to ten tlme

ll. over

;;�nc;t�:I�I�f :�;


lu;e"':��i �:��




U�i S::!lum � er:��t:


n�r ��:O�l:�� rangemen! In the dining hall. Rooms

I streM ""ork of the Wo:men's Athletic Hllh snd Juan � Intermedl&te . mplre. making the tour much more

""ere attracth·t1y decorated for the af-Tr


'ty Co ' t· Auoclatlon. and hopes through' fonner schools. and .",tlJ feature talu by noted exteruJve than the last one. fair In autumn '�eavt'll and garde!1 lnl ngrega Ion members �ow In school to Inte�t �I_ leadel"3 ln 'thc field or education_ Membership In the choir. which �IIJ tlo':'·CI"3. P'I H . leg!; and normal freshmen girls In IIl1 Alumni and tr�ds ot �ctrlc LuUl- tal about. 50. Includes: SOpranoe-_Lewis O. Hunter opened the program I ans OmeCOml

, ng a�U\'IUes. Inter-cllLS5 competition In ('ran College :"'111 be InW'rest� In Ule ' (��w) Ellen Bergstrom, Mari�t C -wnh -Ntrnblc P"Ing.m>:· a saxoPJ!9nt

l ' -- basketball will bt engaged In later dur. PLO luncheon · .... hlch will be held. In Th�lmll Danle·Is. Rhoda HokeMtad, SOlO.,. -v;x:aJ solos, " .�1. Little Bnteau" Present and FoFmer Choir Mem- Ing lh(' year. she slates. the Colo.ntal Club, 5O,S Broad,,·a)'. Rt Man' Nash, qllle Qullie and Pauline and My Marguerite. \\·tre sung by Mrs' l bers Will Sin,: Flowers to Be noon FrldRY. Oct. 21. Dun Hauge, Watta; told) Ella Johnson. Evelyn Moo.

��u;;:n :;r� ::'a�sE·

p�a:=· t7.� Prese�ted in Affa�r at Church Students Have Mixer . :h;:�:a;l�


e=::·:/��-;;;n:�: :�����:Mt��:::'J:�!


Cuban danc" ASPtRno numbd!;. after Next Sund�y__ To Repllce Reception nual event . .After the lunchfOll. many ' AlloR-lnew) Olive DOe, Ellu.beth whl�h the FacuJt), Ladles' Quar(.Ct. Mrs. , Rev. T_ O. S\"are. the college pRStor -- will attend Ute foo.tba11 �e btt .... een Daili. Mary Hudson, and E11&abeth OJ..sOn. Mrs. Hauge. MI"3. A. W. Ramstad

I . Because Prcsldent Tlng

,elSlad did· nOI thl' Paclrtc LUl.heran Collece and El- Stuen' (old) Kathryn JohnaOn, Jennie and MI"3. J. U. Xavier. sang " W\lJ-O' and pastor of t.h(' Trtnlty Luthcran arrh'e from t.he East tn time for the lcn�bul1l NonnRI teamll in the Uncoln � Allee Peterson and Jl&r(artt wes-t.he-Wlsp·· a!d " F'our Leaf Clover:" �r�:


a:�I�u�:�� �

a�o��::�g��� facult}· reception sclledul� for Satur- bowl. IJOD: I , I The

� \\'e� -accompanied by Mrs. J. 0'1 fonner mcmbers next Sunda)". Oct. 15. day. Septe.mber 30. a mixer to better 'Por tt .� E. A. IIf!J61ON.. Tacoma. - B4Me ..... lne'lo" Eldon An�el"llOll, Osten Ed .. ards. The Jut.mUlllcal number �'as 'I Re -5 ' '111 acquaint the n�\\' and the old studenl.5. !choola w, e CJ� for two da)·s . .so E1laaon. LJoyd. !trelch and Ronald Mar.

:la:II�: =�����'te;:s

pan1sh Dance"" ��h�IS

m;::� ��ri�� As6v

�r�:��al WRS held instead In the g�'mnMlum. :�at. al1=



he ;e:'� 1 Un; lold) Ray .QlnderU!, Nonn.n .Je� •

. To complete the program. Dr. TIngel- :ro::



- I �u;�: �


g. g�7.:I��


l.a��� M:Sson. and part of �w1II Counties wtll l��;=n,��c:m:�es':::;: stad greeted the Itudent.s otflclally on . p .. .. y --: ,� hal'e . repI"f'RntaU\'CS at. the meetings. Tenors-Inew) Arnold Anderaon, Bert .the part of the tacul�y, teJUng of the choir '(I;�:I sing Hark. hark my soul at refr. _ _ �"\('nt."1 :wned.

. Th� public Is Invited to a Pa,ent: Myhre� �ton Neavlli. Don-aid Reid and Ideals, alms. lffIif munlnli of Pacific the sen. ceo

. The pl"O@ram Included a \\f'lcome to Teachel"3 .AMOClaUon pther1ng tn the Roland Swanson; told) P'raDk' El.l10t. Lutheran Colleae. . At this servlce.'a bouquet ... ·'11 bt' pre· the new .students by Clarence Lemming. auditorium of the .Juan. lft' Intermed- Robert Monson. J_ �I�r and 10.1-c!�;=:�.: l��f���;

mtoanp� �: ���I:.



l ::'I�.

ln �.

h�:�� :n;\:.

1 =���}��;:o�.


re��� �:�es :1��a:��;ay


I��g' I�

l�; vene Sc�epnann. · -

affair, and wu a.aslsted by M1s8 Fowle!'. will be the ones accord� the honor. by Osten Eliason. lind trio numbers by crystal ballroom or the Winthrop Ho- • " / . Mr. Rled and Mr. Ramstad. Also. Rev. Svare announce" thai each Norman Jensen. Bob MOMOn. and tel for the regular banquet.. Man)' 1'",- Parkland So.on WUI Be / j/ .. �

charter member of the congregation Clar�nce Monson. ' . chcoru are btlng plannw 1ft noon of Colony' 0/ 'Shack Union.' � "7 i �r. Hong Announces WI

��=:;e��=:�e service. R picture of m:�nlbo

a;: l�e

c;��:�t �� h:� th

�r��� �YTIngel.tad .1;.-;' � .... , or' AnoUler shack �nlon hat been �Omfedl

�g Mast Staff those attending the service will be tak." charge ot the affair. Committees In- the speakers. Others schrr'uled':: ��- �CfOM the street from I?ahl;s ,arocery. - ' __ en on the cha�1 steps. -

eluded: program _ K�thryn Johnson dress th.e g!"pupa Inelu" e oover..tIf another batchellor. apartment � bte� After t.ryout.$ held on the ftr\t two . . ' and_ Bev Shuster; supper-Mary Nash. Martin: Dr. Noah Showal er, stllte SU- lset up. The M.essn. Brandt. ?ConnOl;.

!!;.""sues ' , " e pa'per, Ule MoorInr ,

·asi. Dean Haulle WI.II Clve 2 . Mice' P�terson an� Ula ,Rudd: enter- l>erln�ndent of public edl .. a.Uon: MIll. and .Archbo!d, footbaJJ playefl" .by the staff f, \ 'e tall semeatn 6a be"' an. ' Educational�ddr .. ses talnment.--.Jean-Mart� -Fowler: E\'elyn Wilson. field secretary of the slate way. find batchinli Jwt �e thlnli· They nounce � . J H or. fkhltJ:

. dO'1aeT ' -- I In Ma ret W Hazel Mon. Parent-Teachers As!OclaUon: Dr. Ray- hall from Sumner and...Aubum where �d H���:. ,,��. �Itor. m�c� th� Dean Hauge haS'" been scheduled to R: �nd J�:n van

eS;:�'I'en: cleanup. mond SchWegler of the Uolverslty .ot fresh f��t. an� vegetables are pl�n�.

choiceS _ apeaII:: at two d1f�re.Dt programa durfrur Kansas: and Worth McClure, su�r- till; bllt theyre eaUng out. �f cans Membe:. I f "the f ch . --"I . • ,." . (" Clarence Lemming. Intendent o( SChooIs of the c<IW of Be- DOW. vt.1toT3 are welcome; but remem-,J 0 .... t&f .... ere osen 4J,rwaceeealng two .teu. Next Mon· . - lallie. ber gtrla.·boys will be boJ!l-both .on JOumaU8tic. experience and d.a,y be win address the Portland Mm- ; .

_ 5pU .... nj of .shacb. remlnda ua !.hat ;o



abm�. c:ut wlU be p,p. I.s� AMOdaUon on '1"'re�S and Is· Don t Forget. . . M .... RichardSon Speak, theJ:e are ' fOUl different 1f'OUJl8 batch-' �C:�an: wt:

o�e o;;ua.n�:;':� � sues alfecUng Lutheran Higher Edue.- Wednes4a October Ii Mrs. A: Y. Rtcha.rd80n- ot Tacqma, lng In the v�oua �rta �t,�� . .

or the work done. � �·IIr. U�n." TIili.. Dean Hauge states, wtll Rev. Roy E. O� speaks in Central DoW pres.l�ent. ot Lhc' Prt� lf9ub ot thl'l yr.� . In a put nte../�, r Hona:. ; . be In the nature ot a report on h1I Lutheran Church. Taooma at 8 p. m. the A. A. U. W. ot �att1t,.qr.'as liUest . - . , . Those wbC*e .... ort wu � as ·!IU.Dll:nen study at the University of FrIda.,.. October 13 a butfet

.lunChI!Ol1 Norman Jensen. to· creditable and .. bo -..m 'b;mtmuie as ChlcaSO· ... ' . French Clu� at noon Prtday by the �ch Club of Paclt1c

H ad' . D CI 'b membei'1; of �"eds�� U ri· "sP1rttu"aJ. valu�· ·and educaii�:'-.w Delta Rh� Gamma �IUaUon party, 8 Luthe,,",:", Col�: The affair, the ftnt . e ram.a u ·

"\ po . V1rltn1a be oe..n HaUfe'S 'subject R� a �k .�"'t p. m. - major event. or thla year tor � 8"f'OUp, , ' . . Pow- Lhe Pieree County Parent-TeaChers AlI- Saluda1, ()doober 14 ." was held In the home of Mis. <? A. At Ita tint meetinC ot the )'eu held . '�.a.i:Iiy Wh1t.- 8OdaUon at. AahfOrd 00 Oct.ober4'tll. St. MarUn's aune at Olympi&. 2:30' :- Tlngle.stad. � Ruth Davia, laat yCar's laat week. the Dram. Club cbole of-, wm:"Wdte the ed1- - ' • ' " Swtmmin club part)' at the Y.W.CA'!, head of the A. A. U. W. French .b.ranch neen to 1e&d Ie. aeUv1t!- durtn; _ \be _ lorWa. TtWt poaftloa. 0( UIOeiaW' editor Mrs. "'" Ell ......... L D. R. · 'l':SO ,"!..:n. " ' . --: in .Tacol\lf' �-:s . aOO a IUf!.It at the fall �. Norman JeDieD wUl be , WW be held by ),(U\iOIl J(�; . ... hll� '. . __ . � . . 8""',. Ottobe!' 15 meetinC· . t.b.e .Pl"'fddent.. � In hI8 eotPI of ,"t � .Jack hN.J;IeeII ..... � . Mrs.: .Paui PreUa enierta1ned 8"ir1a ot F'" .... at. 6:30:' Luther � ottlcera\. are: vice ·· Pret1dent. Ewl1n

ecUtoi', �d Ewb'n �und �tum �- the "Lu� � or the Ref 01'- 1' :11 P. ia. . " c..a .. Cive Reception' �; .MCfttL."'7, Jane �: "aDd 1'/' i . ..,. J"'" B�"""'. , __ at' he< bOm. _ , OCt. s. _,. "' .... n , To ",lcomo now � � Qv . ...... ""'. "'" ">:"". . �.�- '--\' t, KarviD. 'I"he meettna: ... called to order _ .. � .,CIab at noon. . man Club held a d� luncheon In thI!! In � t.ha� the- ftnt . Drama nllbt , "- ... -I§_ ......... r .. � "' ) . _. _ u _ .-.- ..... ,""-, ..... may .. ..-. ... "" .... ., ..... """"". ' " . � . - at hla , � • .' •. ' �ot �lecdna new oU�· .... 1IIaIkm 1liDclllQ·.·7 p. DL · VloUn' �' by Mr. BchreJlt • . K- the preddebt appiiUlted � �. . IIIiIford baf .... DOt :ret aDJI(IaIliOed c , f If..... a abort report at 10. . It. �. ()d.ober U companied 'by Ili4!I Melba RoIa. were 'u tonow-: oeoriIanaa lIOClure. E"-. wtIl lID tbe poIstioo oI �t � 'l; . "'qri. �.to om- .. : Delta·Rbo Ouama at DOOIL teatured OD � � own": l7D Inrirl '� H� W-.upc.� -� tiIbtI: �, � oIa.� . ftce-�t; � er.ft; JIi � ' ...... � � .. bI!q" lDduded . � talJt b1. KIlr-. ben tl. tbe P"OUl» WW � lJOIl..ed ll* : --'-:.- Wlll'k · .... a.etrD . .....m 1n- .cbe � tar7. � � aDd � •• � ..... k LlDool:D BowI,2:30 1!:..!!1: p.ret w-.m.laDd � *PIa" til week.. Leoo&rd wIIl ; bt · •

. t- '�� � - :'" -��,- . : ;;_ .,� l ��_� � � O� �_I �:.., -:-:-_ �::.. ._

.. � � � f� �-._ . .

�,#}l'i ' ) . , ,.

Page 6: Mast 1933-1934

f . •



IDbl' ;ffl o ori ng ;ffla�t .Open Secrets Am'" IT THE TRtrnt: Publl..shed every two weelta during the school )'t'u by the studenta of Pacific L':l,lheran coPege. · Par.kland,�D

. That a �rl&1n bl�de couple are that ...... y "bout eactl other; Entered J..S lIrtOnd dUll matter, October 2. 1925. at the P()at Ottlce at

Tha�. t\'erybody lndl,ll� lit aome In. ) Wa!!.hlngkln, under the J,ct of March 3, .18'79. tensive tiara exercise IUl ' Saturday

HAZEL MONSEN Milton Nesvig William Jack Evelyn Eklund Jack HudsOQ.



. �i'ht; �' . ' . That, lIU

,' • n , an very beoo"!· ·

Ing on II tI,t rreen freshlell; . . That MlM Fowler lOOk top 8pr,lntJng

honors 'at .the. recent mixer ; T,:.anhe-betteT-halves or·, the facull>'

Editor Barber (ahaflDc" Ronald � rath. · "The shades 01 n�ht ,were" tailing fast... are "accomplished artists; A�oc,ate EdItor t'r .. 11"01"01151),1 ""Ill 108 have aJI)'- He .stepped on It and rtUbed. put, That Mr. Bardon' selKted Dei&marter

J" 'Sports Editor �rl�

on YO� ran wbrn I'm flnbhed. A;�;�::e:I:� ��h���: :�n�ound


n;'UnCheM ptU'tner at the rt'-

Features Editor Ronald (the .lcUml: :'��IL It doesn't 'Excelsior'!" Iwlth apologies to That Len WesIOn 'and E1la Johnson Typist teem ';err likely." Lonlf�1I6",.. brok�'b�aa togeth�r at the reeepUon:

Eunice Arneson. Virginia Boen. Margaret Craft. Jean.Marie Fowler, Daniel Flotre. Wilma O'Brien. Emory Whitaker '

N�va: "What·s y�u� ;lttle brother cry-L A

���a�ha�bt���r:!� st:

lsnl: !:u��.�

Ing for?" .

IJne at all soet8J functions: Eul. May: "He's not" crying for any- That saturday's pme look� lIk� a

Ma'rvin Hansen Bert Myhre ' Clifford -Mesford E .... elyn Monson Louise Jackson

BUSINESS STAFF thIng: m9ther Just ga\'e It to him." track meet;

. . L A That' this Is absolutely th� flrat Ume

Bus:ness Manage� co M ... ·t:.o�: �1/:�ft��1 so she'll nevet' G""�n BroWnri�ld and Qaten·E1luon', � ......... names have .ppe� to(I:ether In

Asst. Bus. Manager Allee P.: "Ho,{ ItO?" . prInt· ", " Ad .... ertising Manager Mary: "Sbe 1VM copytnl" from me In That N�lm and Mildrid will $OOft hold '

Circulation Manager the �n&"ll!lh �l; so I p.t '!;tilt ciown the local record as the /!Chool'lI stead-. . c · A�st. Circ. Manager tll�J.::��;:;·:ra,::��:::


lt��u :I'�:�t :���es�ever did grow on lUac

HontL-- - -/ ' - Faculty Advisers I"et ihem'!''' ' . t�ees anyway. ____ -:-. _____ '";. / ,!..J "',,:-T, C-________ l\lary: "c�. I nev

: tho�'ht of that." Rhoda II�Uo.pedCfltrla.n 'he'd Julll

A CoO� /�yestment ' -. -- r run OV'l'rI: "lIere', a ten ,pot. 1'1I 1"1"e

O. J . Stuen and N.

o,,;r Sandy: "I ban nothlna-' but pr-alsfo you man later." When the NRA'recently disclosed ' a plan of helping needy young 'or the work of my tailor." Lloyd K.: "What', the Idea'!' I' do riot \.

pe'rsons to aCQuire,an education. the·idea met with general approval . Ronald S,: "Y� so the tallor told cboose to be: run over on the IM.tall·

The advantages of such a plan were apparent at once. Besides help. 1M." • ment pian:'

ing boys and girls to become more valuable to themselves and so· Mr. Bardon: "C�r�lI. pane the sen- �alter Har�ld

A Dempster In res-

ciety. the plan would remov� thousands of youths from competition /'" tence 'Bob maJTI� Anne'." taurant): "And how did you nnd your for jobs and thus be a direct blow ·to unemployment. The Child CarroU E.� "Bob', a ';'oun be:-caase be', J;te�k. "sIr?" Labor Act was a splendid start towards a new deal for our less for. Harold' "Oh I Just moved over that

tunate youth : this new plan would be one step farther lheJ n

�� D

�somethln,; �rri�" a IItlie PI� of �tatO and there It was:' con one on ause 1\ JolnJ Bob a,nd L A'

In its frantic effort to restore prosperity our government is pour. :onv:%s��:e �::��. a vn� ,be:ca� .hl" E. ·Ekhllld: " 'I' '-"

ing bi l l ions· of dollars into various reconstruction schemes, many of L A .............. ' Mr, Jlont: "You must uy 'I am'."

which may prove of l i ttle value to the younger generation. But CiunhUd: .. , bclie\'e that e.ver)"�' Ekllll1d: " :�. am the ninth ktter of

the value of the student·aid plan cannot be Questioned And as . -- " - - h:;e�d��:

mnd·�. �Tx�·�I

n .. "u·"nd' ••••• n'.bl •.


alph:abet. L A ' the rising ' generation will ,eventually have to take o .... e; the h�ge afraid I w�tl:av�tOto!l��:.:

e:�: ��elUo�

, ""

debts incurred by the government under. the NRA, it is no mor-e' my gym 69 I can study n;ore In LaUn." It amuses me to think that· I was llroa- Milton N.: " Is the docto.r ·In?"

than fair that part of tt;\e money should be spent for its benefit We �1"oLher: "Well. it's about. time. Any. �b� \�lulterrIY or a little bird." \ I;C�.�:

a D.: ··No. he step� out to

hope the proposed plan'w'il l soon become an .. actuality one who finds time to write a fOUT un d: "It a:u

.:s me. too." \ r.1.IIton:' " W1l1 he be In a�tt:.r l\l�th1.::.-

page letter to Jim e\'ery day deserves Thelma : "No, that's what he went out

A Look Ahead As this issue goes to press. nearly one·· fourth of the semester is

gone: yet many of us have not begun to take our studi�s. seriously. We "kid"' ourselves int9 the: belief that examinations are' '" lorlg way off. and that there is plent;y of time.

(0 get an E In Latin." Eunice A.: "WKat Is the flrat real after."

i\lr. Stoen (U�I�ID,f a., alKCbra II�el:� .:.�n�;�p off the JtaIIS." 1 '"'''=2':::':::50=' .

:::I I:::'h:::':::':::" ==


:::.:::,�=.::::q. ·]

'lfobJem) "Now watch the board can· L A Ha.n.on'" Jewelry fully, nudents. and I .tII ,0 throU&"h U If a boy 15 a lad and the lad hill; a . DISTINCTIVE "1"�ln for you.� step-fatber, 'does that make the lad a

L A step-ladder? ' Watch R,p.irln, ' Sp.d.lty Johnny C In midalrl ' "Who would L A

B.ecause. most. of us ar� youn�. we do not unders.tand the value �.�.ef���:h;



I;;:��e this?

.. Janucn cto man Injur� �In wreck).:. (!j �

of time, forgetting . tha.t by wasttng a moment. we throw away part Amy Gilbert 4In mldalrl� '"I'm com· B::I:t�� �a��!�'":::-t J want is I HOME Mlt.DE . LUNCHES of the very stuff life IS made of. Therefore. In our work. in our Ing up from my gasoline stove." repaln.."


play. in our prayer we owe it to ourselves. our parents. 04r schooL ' -- L A our Creator to do our best, � � HAY£' YOU l\lET? .

Florence P: "00 you MOW her to .

-.t THE

BUGABOO .These . are .trying times : the future look.s dark. Problems have

,A boy In the second year normal class 1��k Bt::

;�: "No, only to talk about." .

,. arisen With which the world's .combjne� intellig�(.e seems �nable .:o�Vw�:�u��a



? ve�

e �:r�i ; to cope. Some of the best minds predict a radical change In o� vy Is I � bee civilization or even its tal l : others, its rise to new heights. Uncer' around school. H

oo!eep �o c�

las n

tainty and confusion reifi!n on every hand. Naturally then we are heard quite � � de 0 al�t

\ .

tempted to ask: wh�t's the use. . . :��� aen!:he�. l';::. -!:s� ::�ber �

.While the world seems on the threshold of a great ,change, no one the debate squ�d. he let every0t:ie know c<1n foretell the exact nature of that change. But this we ,know : what" he thought of th�'war debt sltua� Whate .... er happens, those with the broadest culture will m'ost readily tlon. He Is popular, and It Isn't only on adjust tt"lemselves to the change and be best prepared to solve the account of bls cal;. He llparta a school problems as they ariseo. Therefore, let us study and work. Let us sweater from an appointment to which keep our int.ellects kee,:,. our hearts sympathetic. and our conscience he wa..s recently chose�. On account of clear. Then, whatever happens. we are ready. this capa�lty, E'Ven faculty members

. talk wh�n he wants them to.

Public Opinion The busy young lady who' always � . a smile for everyone? She is or medIum

Someone else's feelings. someone . else's happiness. and e ..... en stature. has curly hair, and w.".b hard " someone else's reputat.ion is often thrown to the winds by those at any task set. before her. This youn."

• many people who have let themselves become .sla .... es to public member of the graduating claaa Is In-I opinion. To allo� this powerfully e .... il force to get the better even tereste<i In Delta Rho Gamma work. of the minds and hearts of educated students and professors cer- and bas &en'ed in ,official capaciUes in tainly is not a complimen.t. · that ,group. She ha.s held office . . . ' in the Drama Club. another group In As Christians we ha .... e been taught to be forgi .... forgetting. and which she Is acUvely interested. Ber helpfu l to our weaker brothers who have faUen by the wayside. God 'amWng face Is often seen behind the reminds us that we should pluck the beam from Ollr own eye before desk In the library. ' too. PublidaUona we search for a mote in the e'ye of another. · His Holy. Word tells beckon: also. for she has)leld editorial US that God came not to call the righteou�, but the sinners, to re· positions on tbe Moo"ring Mast. Her pentance. . name � also II.sted aml?D8 the swimmIng

Let us, then. not think or speak e .... i l · of our fellow men until we cJ�:aU:d. ,LD:� enthUSIas� "�lb:::

ha:"'-e taker) accou.nt of our ov.:n sliortcomings and fEtel sure we are IIC . I�rl

e.' ::e \\�0�1d say. !�\ sin 'allowed to s�ak, 'Then, let us as, Christian stu,dents in an institu-' �

u � ty Is al


ntluenced r,.!.h ce tion founded on God's Word, seek to help the erring ones back to the er

d nl)me

h :�und amo� . �

st'raight and narrow road of righteousness, rather than to ostracize stu en� IIC 0 It Y honor , Ifl on account of �I�s.which t,heyare !rying, und.ef·Christ, to overcome'. :� s,\,,·.even too top honor in th"�'

100% fOr NRA "We do our P,rt"

""" .. ,"""""" .. "" .. "";"""" .. ".;" ..... ,", .. ;, .. ;"" .... " .. " .. " .. ,,"""",, .. """'''''''''''''''I''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''� HIGHEST QU'AL lTY PRJNTlNG' ' . ' 1

I n 01 Modernly EQuippe;cl ShOp � C6me in Anytime i

Alistrum Printing Com piny.. � 940 COMMERCE ST. . MAl !.'��'N,,,J COllege Days Will ·

N R A (Never Return A,ain )

College days! Make the most o f them. and look at l ife's problems-practically,

Study, learn,

For instance, it is practi.C?1 to acl(uire life insurance. �ile youth gi .... es you a (ate ad .... antage. ·. It is a great •. chiev'eme.h.t to retain tha't ra�e into maturity ar,ld build, up a competence, an estate, or a m�nthl'y inccm, through a ·.Lutheran BrQth· erhood ':Special." Get special student literature ,by writing


hfghest quality . Legal .. Reserve Life Insutance '.­

fo, MEN. WOMEN and CHILDREN alw�ys "uniform . HoI .... "en ·' Shoe Repair .. 'HERMA� : E�RN, ;�t '

-- made in Tacoma" by "Ou!Iity ... ..,ke" ',608 Second A ..... enue �: · .

" . Mi�poIiS, MV'an . Miller B�. Company 205 So" 1 1 th St. - Tacoma ' , -. ---: -----:--' --�

�- -�-���------����I ��----��� ' �========����==� ,..... / -�- / .

Page 7: Mast 1933-1934

OCTOBER 11. 1933

) <-'

Delta Rho Gamma's Gi�e Froshies 'U/ __ '._' , '

KAMPU5 � . ' . ' " Fire Prevention ' -:- -:- -:- .,.:- To Jet ah�ad in the 'world we cannot . OMMENTS. The subjectot tire 'preventlQli calli'

'Get-Even' Patty is to .Be Friday Evening minds;': ����rc::�:�o�h::' '--.,.. ____ -'-_...;' __ ..J : =::��m::!��=e

y� \ . . . , ls"oal lOQd.for 'US to remember.-Sven. WIW'I't the mlnr' lota at Jun?, We all hab dis jar tire iluU;:;Je,.. . .' To make announa!menta concerning out jewelry, the new gtrla mwt use the 1100. " Why. yes, Mand),," riplled the u"les-the h:!:IUation week. the sophomore and aide en.trances and are forbidden to . __ "We seU tbe insunnCe.'� grI\9Ua�lng �lass

,memberaor oelta RhO speak to studentl (If the stronrer sex Bamuel lald the rO�daUon

' for the !he:d.� I�'

.�me ·for mg . �l

a::: :��=::i�h�;U::Y n:: :tl��:�:�: from Uielr . of �Vld "hen, u a YOU�, he you want 15 11te Insurance, not . IlUt Friday afternoon. : Owen Bro�- wnring green. bibs'

=:. "��ak. Thy servant hear. " wd thr tJ.'I,an, with a

field Ichalrman', Jane WUlIaRJS, Vir· skJru as weU as tor other - ,

glnla Bye.1"II and Esther Hvldding were wm/be Inruct.ed dwing t.he the committee In chartre of the fll"llt when- t1lt "real stuff" affair of the )'rar to honor nrw. day to members of the girls. . �f'thOR who-are , At thr tea, Oeol"81.ann.a MCClure, wUl be jusUy rewarded at

-:�=� of O:� ' I�:!:!� =�:; ::.n:�!0���:1:: ���e

",'Dull! come P'r1day, to be with . la the conCern af every one

a "get.evrn" party that rvenlng. Jane us. • ThIs la tully Haliud by dvlc WUllaDUI and Haul Monsen asaI5ted and buslnrsa oq:ants..,Uons everywhere. MCClure in planning the ln1Ua- II 'he was ·,olnl ·to teach Hundreds of o�nlUUoIU that are In· tiona, ThCIM named by Florence PoIIt. th1a semester, Pror, High.., terest.ed In PrOry1ouna: ' the

. w�ltare of '

presldent of the group, to bIe In chtu'ge thelr dtles and the peoplt In them a� I\t the party f'rt.1ay evening Include enpgea In. fire nrecenUon acUvlUea. Vtrgtnla Byers Icha1nnan). Alice No. Arnold Grtmla.nd. who YOUDlr people contl!tue to Pay not attention to Ule welrd'lO�ds P.ac1Il9 Luther1-n, COllete la a aman tan, �nna Ronrsa, Agness Langness school here 'Iast year, ls working for 10 number. there wUl be better that I..ssue from .the boy's donn each city to all the student.s, Why not be· and Bafrle TOff'esdal. Pacific-American Fl.sherles Co. In Bell. '

. noon? In case you are 'In doubt, we'll come· your 0wo: nre lnspectors? Obserye Inlormal IniUations Will be �� aU I�l}am, take tbe pleasure (1 ) 01 Informing you Fire Pre.venUon Week· by seeing that

thLs week, according to anno�em'ent8 The l1nest gold Is that mined In the that, P L C has � saxophone quartet school Is kept sate lor habltaUon. as well as Ordln�eSlghY But lsn't John Za.ckrUon '33 Is studying ".eart -.:.svenson shall also take the liberty (tbls Is It renlly a pleasu � sk lreshmen tlstry at the University 01 Mlnnesota __ pleasure) 01 d,vulglng their . names. girls acting nat l1it> With pale __ There are lew thlngs 1n this material They.are Lewis Hunter, Jack Hudson, faces arms loeded w�..JSoOks and Wltb· ClareDCe il4en '33 Li doorman at the \lorld wblch do not bave their coun. Don Reid, and (hat most versaUle of

Roxy Theater 1n Tacoma. Last year In the spiritual world.-pnue- musicians, Norm Jensen,

PERSONALS Students h,re �

I "Cllx'" was president 01 the AssoCiated • • •

__ �ere are lew things In this material absorbing sunahlne with

part 01 the premlae.s? Are' gb&e'rved at all urnes?

lire extlnrutshera, hoee, in good condition? Do

Ilxture cords come �to . ,----------- Clifford Opheim, wbo was to have world which do not bave t-belr counter. Eulah Mae Gott, Enid

Dr. Ttngelstad a,nd Rev. Svare have been associate editor of the-Saga. Ia at- part In the splrltual world.-Pflueger, speth �drak were study1ng' Just returned lrom a hurned trip to .tend1ng th.e COllege or ?ulet Bound, ously. In the front steps after ',h.p''' !''''''''' Minneapolis on bUSiness for the Col· while Cla�nce Opheim has enrolled at We have come to Paclfic Lutheran period one morning, These and a million' other thing can lege. the Taco�a Secretartal schoo( Clarence

. to get bablts and thoughts. and • • • be don�. II the student.& wUl ,see to

was named buslnes.3 manaser of Ule the th1ng;; 01 our inner lives. It L, rumored that· Harold Oagman these th1ngs. nolo only will they be Sale· Harold Trulson went home to Ana- Moor1ng Mast last spring. a. Oy swatter about with' him: guard1ng the schooi llMlI, but also their

cortes for a vlalt over the week.end of . Oh, '�.Just not taking own lives and property. Do your part, Sept. 3D,

' John F&dness '33 Is a� Wash1ngton Not .only Is there material day and ot gptll 'g run over by and no one can '15 yOW' school a

-- State COllege thLs year. At P. L. C. he night. but there Is also spiritual light I Johnson'S A. , - lire .tra�?" . Roland Swanson goes home to Be-I was on both the football a�d basket and darklness.-Pflueger. · • • .-

' .attle e\'ery weell:·�nd, ball teams. -- dlacov�red t�t Norman Westling 1 Portable .TYPewriters, 8upp� \' -- , __ . There Is hope lor the children 01 the man 'of actlon\ You should have All Steel l't11ng EquIpment-Coach Olso,!!.. oftlcla� as bead lines. Charles "Chuek", backfteld. world II they grow Oodworthy.-Myhre, him move wh� the radiator In �OOI Boob, 'Supp!les

man In a �t game between Sta- I er on the GladJllt.Or grid squad last __ erupted TU.esday morning. . ' J. f .. ·VISELL CO. dlum Bnd Lincoln HIgh Schools In Ttf- year, Is this year with the St, Ml\rtln', Splrltual darkness Is absence from the • • • I Boobclle�t.atloae"

pla.n to attend the North Luther League Convention In tbls coming week·end.

'Coech Olson attended the

team lrom Lacey, light of Ood,-Pflueger. Audrey (Blonde' Dale and Don Pip. OIflce hndtlU'e , are among the first of the Iresh. Phone Ma1n 2810 908� Pac. Ave.

C'arr\e Hvlddlnr Is In training at the There Is ho� where there Is growth. couples to take the tlme honored G . . • Lutheran DeaconeSll Hospital In Chi· _Myhre,

. to, the kicking post,

I cago. Carrie, who wa.a to have been BROOKDAL.E president of the French Club, has a II our hearts �d eyes are open, we sister Esther and a brother Paul now notice ci)ostantly those things which PREXY'S CORNER BARBER SHOP 1n school here,

:r����I��e�:: our Heavenly Path· We, his fonner pupls on the helllC Lutheran Colle,e staf( tosether with ":=========�

A seU.suHIc\ent soul Will never find thousands 01 others, Ir:eep 1n loving re· t OOO,-I.ono. membranee th� ChrlsUan character lind

falthlul service 01 Or. l.&ur, La.rsen, the ' Quality Knittinl Co. Lftter s� ... terI 0., SpMlaJty .

ton·Idaho game In Seattie Sa'u"""y, ['""''''' sept. 30.

e\'ery week·end,

mer home at Spring Beach on island last week.end.

this JH,r.

cepUon. atUe. '

Printers ' StationerS Engr�vers


SUPPLIES Fine Office Furniture

BROOKDALE CROCERY The Store TNt H.s II HI,. F", , .. i�t; ON".

H ...... .,.. � BROOKDALE


J.-'-f- - '

Kersch ••• SUI .. .... o. ..... ti ··For Sale ExCkai ... . t 1 .... 001 Ii- ' ....... 11 1-'- " 912 Pac:. �TKoii\i I

J, U. Xavier, '93. N, J. Hong, '95. L!..Idvlg �n, ex '02. 0, A, Ttn�lstad, '05.

Parkland 8a,be, Shop , and

Confectionery ceo. KNUDTSON. Prop.

Brookdale Cash Market'

GAdand 01 56-R-2 J.'A. IRwrN, Prop, .

We w.nt to fulfill your, .. One 'd.V 5el')l'ice'on your photo work ., he extr. cost .nd tne work Is doni

by experie�ed workmen II . LEHMANN PHOTO�FINISHING

STUDIOS Plrkl.nd Merun'lIe comlUny

<.." i:I.hl CroCery' CO,

;. .. __ U.itM, hrity ,..,.. , P�KLAND

LIEN Ii- SELVIG-Pr�rip,ion 'Druai.11

. importers of NorWegian - Cod Liver Oil

Comer T:Of:n. !'venue .nd 1 1 11'1 , Streel, TlComa. '1�sh.

Speci.1 BuUn. for ,.riin. ,I .. • clu�, .t •• m,:, ,te. A", Ti_. A"Y.,PIoc.

LYONS 'US,LlN�, ,ftC, " -c.II ..... � . ,

a.w. .411 II .y .... c. ... .. ....... . - u.....&..

" - .- .- -WAIN- I 1 U- . .


� . .

, ,,-

Page 8: Mast 1933-1934




I __

Pep Club. Elech OHi�e ... boctor Examines Boys

Lnt_ s,.t J_t .... �. 79 KIMBALL'S J IG, ilio...crwAY

. OOTQajR 11, 1m

Foil E:VEay, PUaPosE


Lu_mbe. Co, Phone oi.r� 3811-J-5

AT'�ALE On Mountain BIChWA)' ·


Amocat PrOducts

I���I ,'-·�I �� S·CHOOL PRINTJ:rjG

w� sPecialize in 'AN-NUAL>-PAPER5-HANDBOOKS


Page 9: Mast 1933-1934

-' .

students To Present First Drama . Night In Gym Friday at

Evely" Irwin, Ceorlianna Mc­Clure. and Norman Wettfinl . Coach Play.; Sa.ophone Duet. Piano and .Iand Numbe" on Intermission Prol,am

That the first Dnlma nlaht ot this year l\,tIl be presen�d Friday. Oct. 27, h .. , been flnnounced by Norman Jen-

. �..:' �:��l�:r�re�


t, d::g

d�h� l -c-::-:o--:---::-----:--==:::--

Washington EducaUQnaJ AII&OClation .meetlng. P L.C. Alumni memtiers of wblch Parkland expects to e"n�rtaln thta week"t!nd. .

" / .

Next Week·Erid r. Not ' ·Margaret WesSon ' . Annu.1 Homec_ln, . '

o..n PhUIP�'" opn� Names 26 StildenU! · tmph.dc�IJ tbat. the �1t-eDd of 0 Y

. book $taff OCtober 2'l'. 28 and a 1a not home- n ear · camln,. Rumors·to this effect have


.' been spread, but these are ,round­less: accOrding to won,] from ' the Dean and from Clarence Lemming. prellld.en� of th� A&SOClft� Btu­dents.

Although the £amt with !:Uena­burg N0rYIlal. scheduled for FrIday

oJ 9 on Ed·itori.1 D.p.rI"'.nt. ·7 on SIIH of 5.,1: Arnold Myh,o: to MIn.,. Finlnci.1 Work


Ilftemoon, Is ·the laat home game...... Margaret WtMOn. editor of the Sq •. fmnounced. no plans for Iln annual announces the staff of M&1lItante f(!r

· hom�mlnl are being made. This "thlS year's ed1Uon of \.he yea�k,. &Iter �o�:'i! ::m


e hf::: :� ��

n: :!t.:� receiving appllcaUom for the put two

diy, according to Dean Hauge's an- weeks. Besides the editor, there. are nOl.lncement. However. all Pacllic elgl\teen poelUom annbimoed for the . edftorlal statf, while lleven plr.oes on the �


r: ;o.!!�

efsu:�1 ��:n:: business aWf are beln, rUled at this ;

anna McClure: " A Nephew In conteflt in the Lincoln bowl In Ta- time. With the three copyreadera. chOll-

����,:'�ingU� =, =�� az;,� The choir Is mowing willingness CO::o:d;:��:�:u7�rM COlitie �as




·t. ee'


.�o :,w·�. Norman W-tlln.. . With fourteen m�lctaN at the first cooperation by attending dallY'noon re- """'"6. u ceo lin .................. Ul>D � __ ..

NormJUl . Jensen Mnounces musical meeting last TUesday noon, the hcUic hearsa� in addltlon .. to the regular .af- 'support a post-season rrld tray, .ClIffo Opheim and Vldor '"" footblill tam display willingness to � numbers between the plays to include Lutheran College orchestra has. started ter,noon meetin,s. according to Mr. Ed- such a contest" may be schedulK . Knutzen, last a r named to be ueo<:l­

a saxophone duet by Ray Hinderlle and Its regular rehearsals. No definite pll.t\.5 lI'o·ards. The women meet. on In this event. the homeeomln, will ate editors, d not return to .chool. lack Hudson. numbers by Ule sChool h&\'e been made for the year's work. and Friday noon.,. the men on Monda)', be 'scheduled that week-end, 1lC- two other! w�� chosen tor theee poel_

� band; and plano number! by .Irene but Director Lewis o. H'!.nter. says that :ru� .. y and Thursdays. «it'dln, to Dean Ha,uae's announce- Uons: They are Rhoda HoilenaLad and . � �in the �ay" are: "Oreen eha. ::to:�-:n��= :!:;�a:� a��:a:;:n=-:e��c:;:�:� ::� menL . - � -� � ��'�'l:¥� �::

dowa"-Euniee Arneson. Eldon AnCier- at Ule ne}!;t rehearsal. Any stUdent. who mono Amy Ollbert. Irene ShatIand; al- ' . ' . formerly held by Myron Leque, who left son, LUa 'Rudd, Dorothy, has mus1�1 ablllty on: any. instrument to8-Owendolyn Brownlleld, Winifred High School ' PaeUIc Lutheran �lIea� to enter the Orwoll D«hl and Gerhardt " and those w!shina to lea� are ell.a1ble Butsch: Norma Preus, Mona Byrd, Vlv- , University of WMl1lnaton. " A Nephew In the . House"-Enld Hut- for membership In this 09(anlzaUon, IRn Kampbell. Val�l"IJ Norby, College Broadcasts . Class editors will be Oertrude Brun. son, Vlrainla Mahncke, Marton Peter- Those who have signed up !to fRr are: Wrflna; tenors-Bert Myhre,

__ : . . . nero F'reI!hmenj Jane W!lllams, B/Jph? . son, Ida Thom�n and Ruth Carlson; Violins - Winifred Butsch. Kenn Thompson: basse&-Harry _··--· .... · 1 v'''' elv .. H.II· Hou, F,om 9:)0- mores; Norman Jen.en, Ort.duates; and . "So you're golna to Johnson, Eugene l!ul"lJoyne and Alice Ronald Martin. HI h Bch I Eld An Raudebaugh. John Van - Thelma Daniels ; l O on. Thunday • . for Adyertl,- �::::: ::�ert!t N�rd wid wtI� Ann I)Qle. Mauryne ' clarlnet-Madae 7 Students Pr.ctice in. Pro.ra'!',; PLC Iroadealh up the ' ot'lan�Uona, anll MaUTfJ1e I t.rude Stenberg, Louise

saxop:a��.;!�:c:on; __ T •• ching .t p.,kl.nd, Noy. 3 Chrlstel)Rn wtlLhave ch&rle of a.cUvt- . Wl"ang and .Clifford Mesford. tronlbone. Eldon Andel"lOn. Hor.ce M.nn Accotdlna to the , announcement of ��s�; :�=�U::.i.;��. ::.�; r:!��

and dru�erhtlnlt ,ud"m,n"II'Maurla Web6{er, musical director and Carroll Ertcbon .and. Eleanor Raude�.

molTOW' morn1nf in the

of the ahnouncina sWf of baugh. mena' and womena' athleUCII, re. KVl In ·Tacoma. this lta- spectlvel:v:

set aatde Thursday evenings Snapshots will be taken care of by until 10 o'clock for Tacoma Shlr'leY Savaae an� Emory Wblt.&ker. and colle,e8. Any of the Oerhardt PtIuea:er. wtli Write up hlah

InatltuUom within thUl realm schooi features, and Kenneth Johna6ii to take advant.q:e of this 'WtIl be the lltart artUlt. atan tJPUlti '

Jo'm_ II ,d,,,«.In, medium, and pracUcally all will be Selma Bafus and AerIes I.AhJ-' the schools above the,arades are ached- ness.


ranltll of the Pep Club JohTlllOn first grade reading and ��d th� ;::.

ar four or five tlmell dur- Ul;'lder Arnold 14Yhra in the bua1neas with their halr in braids grade hyatene at Parkland, Jennie , .- . . department as adverUaln, rnanaprs

red paint on thelr ch{ns first ctade at Parkland: Oeoratanna Paclflc Lutheran Colleae will be rep-. are �elyn, I�n and Leonaid Wesson: egp to their cl&Me1l to McClure, ' fourth and fifth grades at resented durin, the school year on and Ervin Dammel u uatatant In the w;=�:� I ��:te��:'

Signed by the professors. Horace Mann I� Tacoma: Clarence Novem�:n:Zd �1��r:�/���5: adverUsln, de"�men�, 91n::ulatlon \I baskets were convenient Monson UI teachlnl fifth grade hlstorY p . . , . . w,tll be taken. care of by Roland 8'11fton-carriers dUrina the day. At din. and dlrectlna boys' playground 'acUvl- ... head of Ule broadcasu fl'1ln:t 5011, .manlller, and VlrJIrila Byera, ....

t.he- Stadium Hlah School In �chera trom Ptertt, Thurston, and part. of Lewis Cow1tles !iln be attendance at the OCIIlventiOl'l.

a knlte: ·was· the only Implement ties d�,rina npon hour at .Parkland: to a

schoo), :�=:: ��'n";:�= slstant. RU� CarlllOn will ·do the acJ. which the initiates were allowed to and F1orenoe Post, second and third

set � which III o�e week from to- countin,. ..

' inCidentally, peas were on the grades at Horace Matln In Tacoma. morrow evenln,. Mr. Ed.warda an- Those chosen last. year to be copy­

nouncell poiu!blUUell IIUcrellted' to In. readers are John Van .Leuven •. wuuam Cll.max1nr the day's evenu, the Pep 2 �iy. Music Hum"n elude a male q\WUt, dlalolJuell. llaXo- Zier and Haul �n:

On Pro" .m for Stud.nh phone llelecilona, Incldent.&1 muak:.and Because no-annu&1 Willi pub�lahed laat .

. __ announcementa. . . _, the 1m and 1m � w1lI be . The boud of control preeenf.e(1 Ita, "InnovaUona are exPected to be. In- Incorpon.� Into the book publllbed

CI'att IUT- tlnt bl-weekly PJtIIIl:IUll on Student corporated in these b�caata 50 that thUl lear: No de!lIp.te o�t.llnet ot \he ':�I';; I ;�.;:;,;;;;;;;:.-;; the t1�. Bod:v d.,. tn· chapel Jut. ThW'8day. �� each school may have the oPportunity book have been announced .. Jet. but . c Bok�, � vme 8cbIennan, reoently-elected vice of displaying ortrtna.llty In acme form lOme n�vel ldeu.· be�.form��, . .1�. Mar1e,Wrana, prealdent ot the crOuP, presided over or other " atated r.rr. Ed.warda. This' according to Ki.u WeaIOD II ,announct.

and Befatol�' J,iuy the nnt. PI"OIf&In of the year. lP'L Roy Courtesy ' on tthe part. ot .taUon KvI ment. · : '

� E. Cr)Iftr and Ylaa E. Katherine Ran- wUl be a ,ood advertlllnr medium tor . • . � both of Taooma, presented vocal the Tacoma. achoola and coilepa, IIlnce K�thryn JOhn101l Will. Pr .. .... Mn. T....,..t... . �� plano ·nwnllerw.�. Klu announcemeht.l ooncerntne eehocl tunc- H •• � Cr •. du.tin .. • . Cr ....

. . 'Eatertai" 'Nulty Clul;t RaDdall acoompulled the Yocal1at. t.IoM ni.ay be a.lIo Incorporated Into the -

'Ibe Psdtk: LU: �:hcW� e1=:alw:::,--:=�=::. P-., accord1nI to Mr. Ed.wa.rda. · All ,a reault of elecUoDa held . '" . , t.bek ftm � ,0( JUliet by OouDodj '''Caraselve'' by Ban· ' . TUeada:v DOOIl, KAthrlw:u .1obnm WW 'be. ,.,,;i tD \be boIDe ot ere.a. del; MCb.1IdreD of \be Kooo",by Dftnkj . HlP..,. leek Oft CI�b Pro...... pruldmt ot !be orJiuatJnr; ,cnu. tblt IIr.. O. A. 'I'IDielItad Jo[c)ndQ "Lullaby" bJ. BcoU.: and. MRaJD" by CUr· PeaWr1Dc a talk <!D HlUen:-n by A. � . .' 8b;;!' Won 01"I!f. � �

' . �). :

Jl_tH $pub to MO""',,,S"'I.., I ..... ,., . ran. ... RaDda.ll, '",be II; orpniat at J', Beck: of the ICbool facul�y. the per. aDd Nonnan W.waa. ot.ber � 'Roae.u,'. fonper IUIIUD(!I' OUr ea.YIour'i Lutheran c:burch. former. � Club met. ,..ter:da.y Dooo.'�' Mr. tOZ" Jbe·poGUon, � AIidei.on w:ID�� �t PLC. ClOke 0( Bdwant �01 �t JWaata.d. MId ill DOW Beck IPOU 1D p�. oI.,OcID.IUl Rein- be nee �t;-� KcOlun;' . ":'Peer' o,m 8uJt.e... .1. O. ltd· � of mu.le at :Ycbarftr Inter. ban. of 8ea.We who lI'1U IPI*k � (be sec:retAr7; MId ICdpl" 1Anoa.. cleuurer, ' pia.Jed pIa.Do � from \.be' medIati &lbool lb, pIQecI "'Pre- DeKt meetb:Ic. ' . A'motIon tHat tIiere·bi·DQ . .r..:.n�U. '":�:::::"'=.�::"!�I � mite, aDd lin. C. O. Olal � tude &bel PtIIe In B Plat JlaJoi'" by " To round OU\ the pr1)Il"Sm. P: R. anna .for � elur � � .. _.I; • � acmr irom\be __ aum. Bach: � dauiedral" by 1)ebua.. HIIbbJ led the rroup 1n .taPii. aad. DeIm-PhWpB:B&up wlU'be adNer Ol

---'� her. _: ... 1Ie)'; and. "TVan�"::a8pa.niah�. 1Ir. iIhrdk played two YIolla � �. pSd� Il'OUP. .

Page 10: Mast 1933-1934


HAZEL MONSEN Milton' Nesvig William Jack Evelyn Eklund Jack Hudson



,- ). :

OCTOBER Z, 1m 1 M' ....... w_ Wlft� I . . , •• ;1 : 9r.tory Awo,rcI

Mariare� WeIIIoD, won a pearl pin In an oratorical �'- � by. thr­Women's Ch� �rance union lut 'Ib�l1Idaj nenlnf, ' " , To WIn the pNrl awud: one mua� ,nn� W1n • • Unr pin �d a'raid medal

. :-ia:::=�v�::= :� , ' �e' IOld one \wo YMrI �r, She wo!' , , : ' " " , over five c:ont.eatanta, each of _born.had - - Editor Gerhudt rn�r: ':Pa,: W1llle'.,Jab- Henry 0,: ;lL-LbeJ)ou ,In?' , " - vioual1 1fOD alIver and IOld pins. and AsSociate Editor b� me in the eye with h� joke .�." New of;loI(boy, "Are )'OU . �, t�o repreeentecl' .widespread parta cSr $po Ed' . ),(r. Pflurrer: "WUU,e, stop P.Ot.q tun • �I�l !=OUeetor or a friend O(.t?la? tne ltatoe In \he cOntest IPoMOred dur.-. rts �tor at your_b�r_" . . .Henry: :'rm aU. �: , , , Ina the' W.C,T.U: conyenUon. held In Features Edl�or • ' ·L .A. ,�rrlce tidy: '1be �' 11 In odnfer_ Taopm. lut week..' ' . _ . TypIst " wni. Zler: "Po -ay bill eoUedo" enee, He 11 out of town. Step in and. � - 10 ,- iOao;' , . ... him."

. Cbape" I ·G·. I-eamn' 'gs Reporters . 0.0. �: "yea, __ tbaa ·j e� 1.0 � Ar, '- .

Eunice Arneson, Virginia Boen, Margar,et Craft, lean-Mane Fo�ler, admtL" Hath �: ,"At U.e a,1Il or tis. I .... With aU Ita naturil 11Ibt the world Daniel Flo.tre. Wilma O'Brien, Emory Whitaker , L A �� ��. dW yo. do. wKIa It!" sWI Walb'1n Spiritual darkn�POue-




r with . L A. ae� �ow fcr:lure and ever feel that Business' Maoager CODan�latlons, dear �acher. most of shr::e��rd:: "Can 1 bo� �our mua: to Qod 'll eyerywh!re preae

:t an


ar � �:'��;


Asst. Bus. Manag., .� Om '" "" • <un. • .. , ·00 on. oh ... ;0., own \"ug." :'::t'" .. � '" .-Clifford Mesford , Advertising Manager ' . L A' . , L .i �_) With all -their knowledae, men ca�. Evelyn Monson Circulaticm Manager J.,q-e: " .tJlerlten..O/. the Ju7. haVIll �d &beD. tbe" II e coUere..- w::; not" see the mlJ'i.cle of a:ra.ce , wh� ,11 As d ·� iIt#l::i:l .. e yo& to a deeklon!" . ha4 wUer: 011 the bralA, � � will constanUy' chanllna: ihe lOull of men Louise lackson st,

Ir�' . , ,":",

r ·�ii maD: "We ban, yoar bobOl', tbe time K treeM!ll _d eYft'7Ut.1n6 all,. bll from darknesa to Ugbt.-POutter. 6 J Stuen and N I Hong - • Faculty Advise>S, _ are all or lbe _e miDd. temper- mind. ' ' . Wltho'ut thlll lIaM of JI!.I!US Christ.. ' , � , . arily 1--." L A " � "OI�r': B.oen·� '�I the la�1t ihe llabt& of the wor,I.d JI'OW d1m.� / thlnp In men'l clothes?" ' pn&�

e��,' '-" -n'- In,:.. ...• with our

L..-"� 1 894--1 909-1920 Johnny 0 Why my dear fellow I "" "'" -t'" "" ...... .,,_ / Eldon A.: "Women!" k' th t ur God ta 'AI I ugh PaCifiC Lutheran College has three dIfferent blrth- paint a plcturt In two houn and think

':�I�tls ��n� ot�0:Oub7e.�Ramstad, days, It a;. never. to our knowledge, celebrated any The reason IS nothing of It"

Without Cbrlst, life nmalnl .n Wl-that I fIrst bIrthday, that of PaCifIC Lutheran Academy falls on Critic Yes I also think nothing or Open i:!-c ets ' . October 1 4 , the second, that of ColumbIa Lutheran' College. on Oc- It ' • � ' .. SO=I� ::�e�;-=e::�eIP. ln trouble. tober 1 8 . arid the thIrd that of PaCifIC Lutheran College pr�per on L A. ,uN'T IT THE TRUTH: ' and ls anxlous to 'bavlIl "t.'1e human race Octobe� 4 Naturally lihls makes It dIffIcult to sett�e upon any one The only time Ibe poel office worU That Bud and �Iba were duly chap- il5 individuals and JI'Oupa know hlm.­date for the joint celebrat�on of the, natal days of all. �owever� the faat Is when'a �1ta(1Il 11 �rom Cblcaco eroned on ule �rkland Limited by Ramstad, _

time is near at hand for settling thIS matter./The -fortIeth annlv,e�- and look. at th°tlCh Il � a U� bomb tbose two loyal brothers of that great It la 'itrance that people of thlll world sary -of Pacific L,utherafl Academy. the oldes� component of PaCifiC In IL fraternity, The MYIUc KnlgbtB;Of .. the want "lIgbt; but they leave out Jesus, Lutheran College, as �ell as the olQest Lut���an School �n the L A ' eel., ,,:"�erson and Lemming; the Ugbt of the world:--Pflueger. Coast,·will.occur on Oct�r 1 4, next year, �IS IS an event of great Mw-IeJ Me, : "wm you please' tell me That ! black cat poyft tbree gals a lhrtll It ls thoee wbo do eyU 9iho'blde their significance and should be commemorat,e� In ,such a manner a� to if tbls ' ls the third ,tum to the rigbt ' wben It crossed their path last Friday acts In and'therefore: shWl � bring into relief the entire .history of Pa�lflc Lutheran College. 51,nce alter the lett tum at the second CI'OM- the'13lb, llabt'of the face of Clu1at,-Pfluea:er the other two nataJ days With which we are concerned .also fall wlth- roads?" Th�t EU _Gordon made a record. The' te(ene,.tlon of the wo�ld 1& � in the month of October, on� before �nd th� other after. ,the four-" L A brta dub In front of the onc6m. our power, as YOWlg people educated In teenth, we would suggest that those'. m charge choose OCtober 14 Mr. !la_tad tin �heml: "Name a In&' treet car,unaccompanled by her Christlan thlnll.��t.a.d " as the day for 'the joint celebration of all. few of buN." , ba.sHr� Iwain, who dlsc.-eeUy reUr� - it aU men would walk as in the Ught-Durin the well-nigh forty years of its operation Pacific Luth: R Monson: "Ftrst �ue. �ond bue, from the Ilmellaht; of the face of 'J.esUi Cbr�t ow- acta -

C I� g h bee t t 'ts a'm-the 'building of character on third bue, aod bome bue. That th .... boYI tried ,to dampen the an� wor:da "ould be Ilmpllll.-POueger .




ru�a�� 'ch�nges have taken p:lace, b,ut the ' , , '

L A fre�le tlrls' ardor at the' late inlUa- ' If WI! S09I and pracUce ChrilUanIty � ltdin . ur has e er been the same, The form of ItS service has Eve!}n, '"Who Is your favorite auth- Uon, durin&' our yputh. we w111 � able to ghu !JP b � t its n:ture and end. I ts foundation--Christiani ty- or?" That Jane W1ll1ar,ns bu alwaYI had a reap thlll blesa1npof a beauutul charac-c �ng , u 0 . Louise: '"My fatb�r," rondne.u tor Cbrlstmaa Carols and ter dp.rIng our'old 8&"I!,-Ramltad abt?es,

. , Eyelyn: "Wbat does be write?'" otheryvLse; ,'I'houab UJ,e stoims of death compua This has resulted in the growth of that somethmg w�lch, for Louise: "Checks," That. Dean Hauge: and Mr, H1!1bby re- us round, we stW can see the light of , the want of a better word; we shall call a tradition, and which now L A , celved'tokena of hlab C!l!tteem, In forlM the face or" Je!us smIl1na down is beginning to take definite form, Th,is something. ho,:,,",ever int<\�g- .... nd baye you heard of tbe Scokbman or allces of brtad gene�U5ly covered on ua,-POueger ible it may· seem. is nevertheless a thing of power which makes'its lil"ho frkd bIB bacon In LUll to keep it with Jam, from two freablel pertC?rm- The Cbriltlan' Cburch of Jelw.Chrtat, influence felt by all who came under its spell , from abriftll:.iDl'. . Ing Inlt1atlon rltuau; . b the only InItitution on earth whOlSe L A That �arL..and Cbarlle an the . new Indlvlduail seek to destroy ha:tre(f and Ray H, : "00" you guarantee results In holders or tbe Bannllter Leane[l' to further loye.-Ramstad . The View�int-loA.akes .a Difference ):



'a man came to n!�


�la M� Goff, tripped up the Stanford University rules that beauty A �rson's conception of right and wrong ,whethe� i,n morals: man- me for nerve �natment. and when I bad alsle and blushlriglY presented �r. queetu m�t welab at least 150 pounds. ners. or general conduct is determine� by hiS eX�rlences-hls co�- tlnllhed with, blm be tried to borrow Xavter with a rosy.cheeked appl�; tact with other lives, !he sum total of his . eXPE:ri"im�es-hts J50," That Milt and Helen an great athletes According to �an IrwIn I.t Hood CoI-education in the broadest sense of that word--IS th� point .from L A , -al ..... y. blltlnl to the kicking peat; lea:e. plckinr teacbers 11 as difficult as which he views the lives of his fellowmen, As experiences differ. Wile I .. buband Is leavlnl'l : , "Deiar, That Bey Shuilter, thanks to Marie, has picking wives, ' , so de viewpoints, Hence the difference in judgments, wiD you rflDember to briDI sometblnr , practically de&e�d th� ranU-of the ' • "What would your countrymen think of �e behavior of Ameri- for the rau thll e't'eDiD,!" gay bachelon; ,

Excu.5l!S for overaieeplna and misI1na can college students at a game of football." we recent�y asked of ,a H ... bte: "S�ShInc tor the ,rata.! That Boen put Nolan way back)n thO' 8 o'clock ,are being done a9ia, with at student from a foreign country, " 'Why. they �uldn � tolerate tt not. If tbe rata ean t - dust the other noon. In their dally Ohlo University. Ftlur members wU1 for a moment,"' he promptly replied. Thus, wha� IS conSIdered prop" wbat Will h .... e I.n the bo_, let t.bem race; 'play nveUle�from the library lteps to er in one country or society may seem improper. stlly, and' even absurd le .... e.'·: That the fruhle girls can take It; aro� latoe aleepen. in another: It all .depends on tl)e viewpoint, · .. It 111 the duty o� e�eryone to make at ���e:, '�e::::.!':m:


' Back in the '10'1 at Penn BLaLeCo1leve, ' T ' 'Oy La tAnh HAVE YOU MET? leaat one person happy durinr the IUpplJ-nt. good oid-iashioned rouae; � penntUlon of the p'i-e.lden\ as well rlnl alue -

week." said ti1e'teacher. "Have you done That Bondy ain't worth bll ult u a ,� l.he 'approYal_of_the:� of-wotiten---Dean Pbllip E Hauae was the apeak· Tawny colored cw-Iy balr 11 ber crown 10, Gwendolyn?" baunter anyway . waa necessary to �un � date with a , et at the meeting Sunday of the Trinity ot glory Blu� lreen eyes and a Pepeo- Yes,' was Gwen's prompt reply COoed, ' Pacific Lutheran College faculty and Sbe I a very popular co'-'ed and an ex- '" • I went tb see my aWlt and she was HaMon', Jewelry Ii! , Luther t.esaue wben members of the dent smile add much to ber charm "nlat'a right. What did you do?' [ '

1 Itudent body entertained fO� new mem- eeptionaUy acUve Itudent, beln&' a mem· hRppy when I went home " I DISTINCTIVE 15 f ' N" '. H I ' ben "OUr purpose In ille 9ias Dean ber of the atudent coWlcll, and an en· L A C or IRe 0 es Haup's subject Other numben on ,the Lhus1a&t1c and supporter ilDd put otn- Mrs. �y _ I�l. "Y_oar ana. 257 So I I th St Tac:om.. : _ . . ' . pl'OlJ'8Ul 1nduded plano numbers by eer of the Club She �tI __ II .. cAellr .. III...... . W.tcll .... "!". a s.ecWty 25c for 18 Holes Rhoda Hokmatad, a readIn&' by Jean· 'one and au with an lntecUoUi aIb1le OlIve Bee: "COnn tbe ,rnaDcl proMlJ .. ill , . Marie Powler; 'and a � 8I!lect1oo b! and a cheery HI! EVerybocb' aarft* that wen. ........ Kf" Ronald Kai'tln, Dw1DI' , the bua.iJ:leA &he hu a IUon&', huaItJ pair Of Iunp, L A mee� ftv.e deleptea were cboaen to '

� Gene: "With feet like yours you CoII .. e Lunch re�t. the Tr1D1ty, LHcue .t the PiaUnum blond' ba1r (the e�Y)' of IIbou]d pt -I. Job with the'lOvernment." Soup. 5c.k. Sc ,Pi. 5c , - $1.50 Stud.r;-t monthly rat. $1,50 Ladin rata mOnthly $2.00 �"" I -. monthly rat. rBouth ' P!Ct,t. Sound C1reU1t , Luther m&D.1. a ga1>., La ODe of h1a IlWl1 cna: Ted: "What 'dolnc?" , Good Hambur..,-. 10e Leacue cOoft'llUon, to be ,held lq. the Uqu1Ih1nc c:haracWr1ItIcL He'l not Gene: '-'8tampln&' out- (oreat flrea." .U�OO LUNCH ' Pa;kland .cOIf· Cou ..... B&lLr.rd, PInt. Lutheran Chw:cn Hoy. :I, 10 very tAn. and be'. DOt � I L A ' .---��;:;::;::;;;::!l:=="";==�====(:""':-� .. and I. abort. RecenU,. be ... e� to a ........ ..... , y..,. � &eU ' . ,

veri hJah poaUon in ODe of the out-- 7" ... .. de Uaaif" • � c:lut. 01. the achool Be ap- 1'-' �, Ht 7.:- I!I.W I m..a O�Y"'''C DAilY PIlOD.UCYS· p"""'" the n.... arlo, ..... ..."". ... "",,"' aD , . ....... ,.

T ..... ·. ' ...... te . ,,",, 1S Y.-

protldeo.t .t the planolone. ,Be II a • L A -�r of tbe t.b1rd�yeu DOrinaJ clua. Aviator: "Wanna f17?" Our bm) alao hu • redded fll9CT tor a 8Weet thtna: "Ooob, ysl" petite b� ' \

A'Ilator: "Wait, I'll Catch you ODe�' � � ;::,,:-: .. :::. : .... �c..;::.--:;����:':<:"':: .... : .... :tL:�:.,�,i::;o;· ;:S�:ts;E;N;:;·�. Theo;::�I;:k&�I�_:.�1 .. 7"lf;::'OO;::_;:;%="';:;*-;:;N;:;IlA::: •

• ;:;'�;:;W;:;.;:;d=o

...... ;::'�;:;':::;P:'M;:;t';:;' ' 1Ir·:::' .......... ' .. � .... ·; ... "·�·;���.sf��i�L-�-,.-'�

< . ] """"" T_ .50<!>""-7' �� ... ....,." ,' . . . _ Ali .. .;. ... Pr!ft .. ftl,Com ..... \<. . . �26� ��. w .... : '" , t 20S So,.I I �'St. Tac:on:aa ' ._-__ COM_._"_'_R_CE_�.:..." .. , ..... : _. --'-... "�!....--,; ..... ,, . .. �IN ,"68 ,


Page 11: Mast 1933-1934


� .


Reid. Hitch Hike 10 Schopl, AIIe.r Being Taken 10 CPS ; Sltmui<!d on Highway, They .Take Ride in AncieRl ford


·PAQS 'I'ItR&lI.

7 Will ·Rep .... nt I'LC . . �t Luth.r l ...... . M •• t :. K. AO


UESN' ��.

tmqtne: If you can, Mr. Reid out lIWd. Mr. RBd rmUy htDted to the At w 'meeUng of Delta }l.ho' . ·The ninth annual convmtion of the thumbtDl' his �y to ad\ooI. ·But. be driver that P.L.C: -...s Thu'rsday the IJl:OUp . eboee h- '. ' . �!l' . P'I;IIit. 8oun� cu:cult LU'!'t manfully rnllowed 1WI pride and " step"to the left. -..:ith 'Arne:wn to be vic;e-preaklent for Everyone sOt a lot of f� 'out of'Ule Le� wtll be held N�vem�t 3. 'I, . climbed In to .the poor neuse for one the last part. Then rll Just fall semester: 'EvelYn Irwtn. sec- Delta Rho !hlt-Iatlcn AmOOg & In. the Bal� Plrst. Lutheran Church, of Henry's ancient eombtnaUona which out here:" said the unluspecUnr 'ri.n. ' ·"'�'· and A11� Nolan. �rer .. As other thlnp, �e.notloed: . ' '. . SNt�lefae.: 0:,4 Haivilf.c�a�. "t:et. bouted powera to run. That's h�w It all started that Mr. n;:: o� �= == .

Volly Norby presentlnr Nr'. Hoo, with :: \len!e���:::::7� �I�.��

It all happen'ed' Uke this, to n.:plaln and his �ther. stnLnded Out by to tJa.t, position. 'Ib1!I. ".. the a �unch o� rrtPMj . Uon by .the Ballard ·Lrague·P'r1day eve·

thAt he really w .. not out of funds. seven·mih! house, stopped the tlrat . at wtueh' new girll were '!he "sorub" �m compoeed o� 1:. nln&', " fellowship supper saturday ,:ve· As Mr. Reid and Don s�:out of Ford that came alona:.. . . Oanlelil, 'M. Harmon, V. Campbell, , anef .. eboral uO'lon concert.. unrl:er

their home to cerne to school yestem.y Even Ir Mr. Reid had to hold his presld�nt. appoint.ed Be�rom .. and, -A. Enren, wuhiz:t.r th� 't.h� dli'eet�n of 'Kenneth 'Lyman Sun· mornlnl{. a family friend happened in his han� ti4!eause ceUlnl' effects of Melba. Rou. MArpret. fror)t- stepa: . , . . _. day a.ftem06n. . along and offere(t to d� the two low, the two .were ,lad of the and Vlvla.n campbeU ' to kjt)t . . Audrey Dille · with .a ·stw'lnlnr� fit .Qelegates "hO .".u.1 �preaent .'IYln,lty youn, men to school. He took them to tun.lty to ride . ...-But_ t.d lue� th� matter of changinC': the club atuhnecl eyeryone) mode Of hatr dress. [;uther � at. the .. nn�1 conven·

��ces�ll� �1d�edSo:�:y � :s.u;: :::." .:: �:

er No Pins no,,' on hand � 'lS--cents All braids, rope 'n' evqythlng: ti?n are Milton Nesvlc, Ronald Martin,

the stree.! car he usually took. .. it staUOD.ll were to be found on the felt shields is�c�nta. A dlaeusalon . .. The ' rows .o� ploshes . outs'ld� the =a�e�n=" J= 1rt�

u�1 :�: went Its way without ,them. Plnally "ay. However, w-alking dlsianc:e a mothen auxlllluy was � ��, 'wh� by Ute 1!&Y. �rdk: Knutaen, .presldent arid aecre-he mustered ....... , .... _ to tell the driver constantly bo'nr leesened. orr later date. prompta .the queaUon-dld Jotmny Van ... __ ot the CircUit. renvwoUvely will al80 ---- r--....:.==;:·=::..--� Leu�n oonfuae .the glr� when he mixed "7�

the' • �- ,

�'::'�t!::y Co�:; :��:. Paetflc the p.1�h� �t' . a � conven .' "

"W�ll. that', nne," remarked the destination -...s "only a step obllgin, friend. ''I'm IOlng to SteUa· road" and that they could . AMO N.G At thtB �me M:�; II ret� •. �tter t.bjor . • rade" Speak� 6" . " .

ALU-MNI atldbetter. It would havebeen a sbame 'Lif • • � lAt •• r.' Ocf-� . coom, so the general d.l.HctlOD.ll are the I this� when they had ' reached ��." ��n t.h� party approach� �rvt� Station on t.h� airport . th� dlvlskm of highways on south Un. And now Mr. Rekl In:fanna us that the Ion Avenue where one road goes to airport road really Is "quite a step"

. . :':�

td=Ur:,�IC:n�r�; :: "'!pe and LelsU).e,; w .. � toplC\tlf a

Shore, a·former st.udent.and toot. cot slnce the sunestlon .ha:S been made cha� addn'u give',' NondllY, Oct. Ie. on' the OladlAi�r·team. Is at· that he be called "Mange-or."


o�:.� W


S�:�:le:':clflC Verne Pete�n approached W!- ·�e·, repre5ent.atlve O_f q-.e National Reerea·

Col� last 'sprlng. 15 now at other �y. and aak'ed, ."What ·Is college tlon �1a.uon. told of work beln�

Steilacoom and' the other toward Part. from school.

ot'Wuhington. Myron, bred?" P'rom Ilrst hand ':lfper1ence we :�


t th� co-..,nt.ry along re· .'

being on. the football team waa "ould say that.they make collece bread .

Valborg Norby. Rhoda business manager of th� .Sac� for ��o:dth�.

IO�:fr:ac:��d ::::.�..:: In::;::: ;��:IS:� u:: ��


Herbert Norgaard and Ma:1e of the American people, the recreation· attended the North Puget. SOund CIl::. mas. wound up with an Informal al problem Is ste·adlly. beootnini more cult Luther League Convention In given by the old members P'rlday eve' CI.d you know that Jean Ihyphen) complex: MaJor :Br�;n recommended Everett. October 13.15. nlng Oct. 13 'in the recreation room. Marie Fowler had a birthday recently? that �Ie ·use their leJaure time to

Margaret Craft. goes to her home In A color sc�eme In orange and . These children do crow up. How old Is their own cultural advantage; by In· McCleary. WUh. 'every week.end. black· wr&.'! used In decoraUoD.ll planVed who attended she? AlIt Jean, . teresting th�maelves in a hobb'y� and

Haroli Dempster and Olem; Oustave�' by. Marian Peterson (chalnnan). . told of several Instances In which this son. visited at th�lr homes In. Seattle ley Savare, and Loul5e Miller. The stud'ent body joins In the wish last week�end. Under" the dJreeUons of Thostrnllon '31. waa last sum· that Hal Votaw w1ll be back amon.

Those attending a dinner party glt'. en; (chairman). Ellen Johnson. to 801mI' Want'en, also Il0(1). It ..... touch luck .. but those grid en 'by Nom} .. Preus last Friday night anna McClure and Ploren.� Post, of '31. stars can take It. AlIt Bev 8h�. Ellzabeth· SLuen. Virginia Davis. Ellz. ed. in many of which the unfortunate at, president of the Another birthday! Wilma O'� n nerclae� Rev. Johnaon, who ""ere Thelma DanJels, Helen BeCSOD. number of games and stunts were play· VandlnbGrJ' '31. who II now • • • � abeth Dahl. Betty Svare. Orwoll Dahl, got the worst of· It . . New mem· League at Luther Memorial ·just t.umed nlneuen.. We, d In chapel lut year, made the Milton. Nfl8vlr. Bob Svare, through' the "'spata."' and an Tacoma. . tall:; Bud, Wish her all. the s�ss .nd I"�I.�" .. addreM tor the Claas of Pflueger: .Wllliam Pflue�r .. John Stu. Intell1gence teat was one of the out· Roach, a ,student. her� last happiness In the world. \ •• J�:;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;:� en. Stanley Dahl. Paul Preus.' Rolf standing events. now working at the can�n . • • • \ Preus, and the hOlU'sJ. ' The main ft!ature of the evenlfiC was Co. in Tacoma.. But that's not. all. Charlie jotna;

Ronald Martin santr�n' �v. Lew' �h���m:fi ::dl:



an� Me�� �:�"::; :u���;

; :��:n� t;:�




expre.ssed their willingness to JOin the to take piau November 30. nl,ne�n lASt FrIday. D.RO. group. President Florence POIIt Cora Lien, who led the honor roll here outlined the wark of the group. and told last fall. 18 attending buslneSl' school In No. Me&ford, a coquette Is nC)(. how each letter In the name of the or· Aberdeen. Wash: coc:i. .cola.. ga�atlon represented some definite purpose.' Margaret Craft a.nd Alice Yo! scribe conatders himself

They were : Petenp" Represe�t L.D.R. Ind.eed. Jmt. before copy land tor a visit over the week.end of D for development or personality E" this Issue, we saw part. of the OCtober 14th for earnestness of pul"}Xll5e L for loy· . Margaret Craft. and Alice Petenqn, InlUation. The Ilrll had to

Dean Hauge spoke In A3hford Tuesday, October- 11.

alty and love. T for trust.worthlness. A vice president and secretary. respective· aspirations. R for reverence to God, Iy. of the Lutheran oaugh�ra of the o tor obedience to the Rdormatlon. represented that'Kroup

school. 0. tor generoa· the Soutp Puget Sound C1rcuft COnVeR.. Pro{. spoke In his "ITnoc,._, .. '_. oonrregatlon In seattJe Sunday: Oc· M for modtsty, M tlon ot the Women's MissIonary Feder· I 1m' m,�,,"'on. A for &t.tatnlng the goal. aUon held OCt. 11 at Immanuel Luth· tober 15.

�n. Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Norby ot

(chairman). Agnes cran Church in Cromwell. Vlrgtnla ..... Mna Rone .. In cha�, Mahnae, president of the Paclfic Luth· 1 .. 1 .... I'm.n" were served after the ,re. :':t

tec:��ege L.D.R. group was u�able


In&'ham vWted thelr daughter v.lbon, 1 , ....... . Norby at school yest.e�Y.

Printers Stationers EI.gravers


'"OOKDAU cltDCin . . n.':Store J11\at H.s. It

Brookdale Cash . Market

GAd.nd OI 56·R·2 '. A. IRWIN, Pry:Ip.



Qu.lity Knitti'nl Co. L.ttw s-.M'! 0- s,.cWty

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LIEN .. SlLV!C· " " P�ription Or\IgIm �

Importers .of Norwegi.n . Cod live

�r Oil:

CO'rTier TKOI'M A..-.n� ·and . 1 1 th

. Street, "Faoc:GI"M •• W ....

Tel � n.. . "..,

SUPPLIES Hay . ..... .-. ".;....

-.­BROOKDALE SpeCi.� Bu_ 'for p.�. c!ee" \ . , . ' . clubs, �"'. etC. .

. . . . A., T1_ A�Pi.c;; , ,

Fine Office .Fumiture . .. � $.it. ... o--to . . .;:s;-. ..... .. .. , ...... . . , ....... ..

912 P.c. Awo.-T.::arna

LYDNS Ill'S LlNIS. loe. c.I ..... L"": r_ ' ,- '( MAiIt .... ' y .... c. ... . - .......... ;-� . . 1.122

" r

Page 12: Mast 1933-1934

( ) .

;PAOE PCKm. . PACIPIC LUTHERAN COLLEGE. PARkLAND. WA8HDfO'l'ON ...oaro.a:a. _, 1_. . PLC Prepa ... to Foc • . ' : � Lutheriuts ru�n � . EII.nollu.,. CoIumb •• . , . .

Iv . � An., b",_ �to tho � ""'won .

• By- Rangers, 19-.� . n.t an'£· t bJ c1deaUJ:i&'AlhUuo'eroueP e-ohut ' . , - -- . w. .,.., ..... P'rlday. 0"'0'. CH&d1&t.on are- �1&1tn& � Uaproved bnDd ot, f��

'Tufty' Smith ,.U" .. �. Throuch . ' . ' . , workinl hard tn preparaUoO lot"tn.:. � &. �b� �t.ber&n' teul �t

Richt Tackl. to Collect Oftty Iy Milton He .... i, vas10n 01 Ellenaburs Normal Prict&,.·.t. down to.� 18-1 �r��'at �e � of

Gladiators Defeat Albany College 6-0 In TaeOlila �ida�

-,---Scor-e-of-Game i"-Ust- Four-Min- the LIncoln bOwl. . . ' �\... � in C?l.fDpla 8aturda7. Qcc.. utes of Play . ..................................................... Att.hOu,h HtUe - la known ot the 14" ' , " , r.J " .

. __ After takin, two lam .. on the chin the Cladiaton snapped st�� of the E11e�\U'I �. the,.. In the center ot the Lu� Une, OIsPlaytn, t.h"e bKt brand of football out of it lut Friday and Albany wa. tfI. victim. AJth�ulh PLC scdrecl l1ave i1waya �ven �� Ola�ton 'sWI � �e:�d�

t::an� �1 J:


����e,;:e :dodwn �� y:-. th� Pacl1lc only one �uchdow�. the !tl"'ny ,0.1 line was in durini:' the =��: :n:=:,=w:: m&:de m&:ii1lOOi rain&. The dlfed�:

lege 6-0 IlL8t,Prte:.:y :t

e�e =y =I�

entire fraca •• Loh.�ffire .nd drive .neI .n impre .... �le defeMe were Pr1day aunc�man'y Pacltlc Luther.� �r. oUerwe ',parked well at. ·Umea an� DespIte �e muddy condlUon of the the reason for the VIC� which, .ccordin. to the te.M • • hould h ... an fOllo.rera: !'o l&rle crowd is e� ,.u� in producln8" one 1COI"'e. In , gridiron. both teams presented a good included at least three niore touchClo·wn. . to attend �e pme. . . the 1Il4ktna: �.t1rst !iOwpt tbe·.Ran�n f"xhlbltlon ot open foot.ball .

. .-, ' . Saturday, N9.V: 4 co.c.h Olson 'wiJl had qUlte an Rdvantaae. J.�5. · The only touchdown of thr game S. S. t&k� squad to fOrtl&nd to mee"l the .� lonI puI'from.u:�Uan to Wbalen Tu:� ���ed

MArv """-sansen. QI�tor The devastation of injuries has, again struck our camp. This ��::�:=��n:�! =: :w::: �;t6ii.":::�o:,:: ::::. � nne. 'I"he�U��r::.

n=e'!:=� time in the form of a broken an�le: and the victim-Hal Votaw, land ti1sbme.� repreeent 'the !'�t On the' next play � wmt oVer

started a austaJ.ned drtvt! which culm1n� sensational little halfback. The injury. sustained in the first Quarter aareratlOn on the Qlad�k1r lCheduk. and oon�. ated In the aeore. After a pus, Smith of the St. Martin's game. brought an untimely end to what promised Ho ... ·ever. Coach O�.bu two weeb ·Th.e rem.aindeJ: ot the balf ... a liee:

. to Gene Jack. advanced the pipktn to to be a brilliant season for Hal. His Joss is keenly felt and leaves a In wtJ,lch to prepare:.hlA p"iddm for t.b"e saw �t&1r With .nelther te&m����:!:�i :e .!'��e��p;= tough. assign,:"ent for Coach Olson �o

.fill. Qne of our best t.ackles �-;:a���:n�

ve them in the best lnc·Co aCIOff!. on . the two.yard. lloe. "Tufty" Bmlth Earl Enochs. has been out for a week Wlth a bad !eg, but will be back _____ The Qlad1aton eame out pl the feat

plunged throuah �ht tackle from the in the lineup soon. • \ E h :� =:l.=:f!h..���

t1VO yard line. S. S. XC ·anges. a touchdown A p&8I from 8m1th �

The tirst period saw the Oladlat01: • _ The University ot Ne." Hampahlre s Maekey resUlted in the lOOn! o'Connor PUS1na" at.tacIt. funcUonln&" very dfec� In eve� ,aM�. t1t1l .u.on our backfield ·has .• hown a weakn ... ·wlnter sporta team buys Its' own equ1p�' oonver;ted.. . �I:

el� leveral lonr pIn.e belng �� in p ... �nse. �byl:te the .. me thin, is pr .. ent on Our �N."' . • ' me�t and �ys Its o� tn.naPO�D. ' . UriU}' the laat of the quArter. the

the 0��na:lcr:::t7� rn;.�::-tely aner ll!!'at J!te Conza,a Mike P�.rovic.h, •• �"If y�u .� the and � aWl a le�der amona: eastern �- Lutherans. � the upper .band: .but a eel a awtalned drt e hi h erans �rt,. If�!�'klng team throw a p ... which uil. throu,h the .ir. ript .into sUtuUORll. • pus. KcJ41llall to Relachman. ca�bt

ball to tn, Alba;; ;',,�.::o��:

t ��: ' �� :,m • . o' � wa,;tin, pia, .. to b. can;e. Uo, a lo�, ,a;n. don', 'h;nk .ti�w::::,;.:� ::::�:':";�:��:� ::nap

Plng and

".uI"" In . �""�

the big red team p.reaented II.n Impreg. t e 11'0u�le I� w�th the defense pl.n: It II ' bec�uae �OMe one on the sleep throuah at leaat three hours of gains on runninl" playa re� na:!��ef��':dY�����r ':I�::� defense IS thlnkln. of .ome"blonde up in the .tand... . classes each week. . . suIted In anothe.r sc;ore tor the Raprers ..

the game somewhat. the two eleve':: S. S. � �e university of Oklahoma football Reischman ap.1n scorlnJ". . ' .

. Pla:ed even�I'tev.en tootb,,11 .In the sec- Here are a few more interesting things to think about which =/:�nn� d�rt���th��:3;


.ard a�f:�� t!:I� O�f��r

:/:�f=' ��e�u::r·pc!�::�:ct=:��y ::;;� Coach � says regarding this p.�oblem: " The idea that girls A student at St; �omaa co"uere :ay and Cron9.u1St and J��n looted rood tory to the 20pyard Une. Afur repeated are an inspiration. to a footba ll player IS a hoax! Keep, your players take out an insurance policy ap1nst In the line. The star at .�e Lutheran line bucks U!.e:y were: stepped. they eJec. away from them as you would away from Poison." We don't know belng called upon'tn ca.u. for 25 cents.. b�lelcl. Hf:1 Votaw. brok� h.Ia ankle ted to t.ry a place Ielck. The ball fell Coach Olson's views on this subject. but you know how coaches are. � he 15 e&lled upon, he may collect �. In the flnt �te.r. and will be out for shqrt however. ending Albany's aeor1ng girls He probably agrees . The names' of all profeseol'S ' who the remainder of the seaaon. activities for the h�. .' . . . keep their claue:s overtime are publlsh�' -Re�an was' the at&r tor st.. ),(ar�

The Lutheran defense lhowed up for. . S. S. . . ed at the University of �· � �d .SCOred all their polnt&. Old.'

�I=: !e::e�!!�w:,

h: :: The ,uppG:r� w,hich th� team ha� recei�ed this year i • • r.tifyin •• �o--�� 'of the students 'at the

��: at. guard was outstandlnJ" In the

three-yard line. Arter three �S5lve At the St. Marhn. fame In OlYMpia, we h.d a. many out •• the UniversIty of Parla are Americana. The lineup! 11n� plunges did not rain yardage. the hOMe teaM; .and our rooten made twjee a. mu�h noise� Lut'Frid.y More: than a hundrfl1 boya at OkIa._[\ P..L.c, (7) UI) SL M.antM vtalters leet. the bail 1Vhen a p�_over at the Albany ,.me anoth'er ,ood crowd presented. itself, .nel the homa A. &; K. COllen are enrolled In 'Ja\ct: ............... .. . .LER..... . .. .. Prye the goal line was �complete. -"" tUM know thV were there. The result� victory. Th.t'. what the houselr.eeplnJ" course. ....... ... .LTR .... . . .. ... 'I'ucker

sr:r:;'::e :=w::��:e�a!���o� .upport does, keep it up! .. er�����I� c:��Ie�:e:�:��. �::m� ' . . ··.�CR.·.. . .. :��;

their way te ........ d ar;ot.ber when the S. S. In a major pme co.c.h Andy Kerr pre- �n .... : ...... ... ROL .... . .. OIdhaD:1 g-::e

e��:��: '" Why the tack of interest in golf and swimming? Attempts have se�e�I::::t�:;��W'lh 'hAs been .:: .......... .... :::: :::::::::::.: == hc!J'k Lutheran tS) (0) Albany been made this fall to run a golf tournament. but only a few stu� p� In 'one tan S�per. The Ca� .00·COnnor '. . .. Q . ..

.,. PatIon

Mackie . . .. . LER . .. .. ..... Alpauah dents have signed up. Although it's getting pretty late, the matches thedral of Learning. The only �pus Votaw . ...LHR.... Whalen ��7e:s:n ........... Lm . .. MUler will be run off if enough enter. The same thing is true of swimming. will be a roof rarden. �rlltz .. · ... ��.:::, ... ::I 'Re:

Johnson . ........ . :.: .. �

R .. NI��� Last year w� had a fine club the opening meeting this at�u!��C:IV�!; ���:a:�=�. S:lni:

Hansen . . ... .ROL Patter5(ln more than SIXty turned..Qut. Parties have been planned on two oc· latea enoua:h revenue repairing .... tchea P.L.C. . ................. 0 0 -; 0- ." S"lnt ....... RTL COffield casions. but both .had to be cancelled. All of us like swimmir)g, it to put him tbrouah achool. St. Martini ._ .. ' . ............. 7 6' 8 8-10 .WllIar:l . . .REI. Kellroclt "doesn't cost ryluch ..... and its lots of fun. Let's get behind these activi· . The studmt employment bureau at Pacific Lutheran: �Touchdo1m-O'COnnor . Q . Barnes ties. students. and put them over. . ' karvard University h.a.a at&rted a coune Mackey. Try for polnt.--O·Connor. 8t.. Moe ._LHR MCClain In window wuhlnr· Touchdowna - Relachman .Qerllu: . RHL . . .. . H. KeIth S. S, F'1!ieen exiled professors from Oer� three; ' try for polnt-Relichm&n.·


S���u��u��; ... P N. Keith Next Fri4.y when we play Ellensbur. i. the I •• t ch.nce we man are memben or the fa.c.ulty of the 8�tuUODl: P.L.C.-Plper, Bvtnth .

.J'icltlc Lutheran: Sandy. Levinson, have to see our CI.M.tOn in .etion o�tfteir home fiekl. ElleMb ... r. =ce�=l N�fJ. Boc1aI.. Resea� at :���.!';d�=id..lfoe

. Mar­Jack. Shuster,. Pedersen. Martin. Piper, has always fielded a .11'0n, ... m anel f(f'i. year will be no exception, A new college has bee� formed. at St. Martina: DonO'l'RO, ' ElliI. · E. Hvlddlng. Sanderson: Albany: Buchan� Our tum is out for . victcNy � •• iMt theM, .. they h .. e c�e out on Blaclt Mountain. North Carolloa, which Reischman. Qore, COOper. KaJ&naUIh. n�o:::n=:. "':=W:::":::Ian:::.:::S:::':,Ud:::':::II'=====ii'1 the lon. eftcl of the .core the I .. t two.Y""' In the CIHiaton' last w1ll ha� p�ent and no cLa.ulrt� Portia, )(�den"and keleon.

,. home encounter, let'. ,et out and .ive th'em .1I the .upport we un �UOh for underp-ad.u&tea. Reteree-Al .Hopklnl; umplr&:-Heln-. lonudele luuly Shoppe mu •. tar a� pack those ... nels Frid.y. . . at

Al�:�::e l1V:nJ·.ID,-,�ty. my".Y .. bO .. ""'". rick. .

. Stud�1S -You ,re welcome to -" •• come ,in -;:t C::irtinl fOf" I 20 Co-Ed. " •• 1 H.t' Cym CI ..... Now in Full have their namea. cbaracter1atlea, anJi'

W.tch wi ...... ,... WMltI, �h AtAlb·.ny Oct. 20 Swin;, Announce. Mil. CoH pec�:��:e �or: =� th��·awJ

. 'CArt=C:I:S_R�r't WIi,:t .. IMI . . . . U�aer the direction of W5I Gotf bulldini II be1nr reruded �-,r1th 33'" . ' At tl"le game wUn Albany lut Friday. I}'Jn cl�S are now tn full aW1n&". Be: carat gold leaf at an approXimate coat. r""· .... ' .. " .. "" ........ "' ....... "-""' .. ,..-"""""·� =�enu:r: as

th:e :::t �u':� slde8 the pnenJ IYIn work. 1nCl�o cf;:"::::_===::::==:;:::;=�; I I � Phone MAin 4493 F. H. Krug � tteld game, t.hat of lirll pua1na" the formal drllla and clua ezerc1Ra;· 1n

-, � � � bat. between halves. TbJa plM wei struct10na In �ban and ball La ...... · Sped 1Mb .. $'.19

i i adopted· to replace the uwa.l admlaaion wiU � liven. - tbe· . If . .

Com.plimenh of . \ " .


Aiitoeat · ·Products � �' � fee. : .

' .

p� ���=o�the':.:; . K.IM.�¥ l · , 'Ib, '.,nty PaclfIc LuU",,,, Co .... -""""- A II""" "'" of "><'n'.'.... . . ' ,.7 .IO .... WAY � � � co:-eds who took 'up the coll.eetiOn were 15 shoWn tewa.nSll the game . '7 . i . ' . . 1 =.:: �es;:U" �'re �I�;;;;;;;.�;;:;;.�. �;;:;;;:;:;I·I--�--,-t�.-:---:-·� 1 _1i>.-I-:. . . c---------iII

I . I =.:n�==:::;:;".:: U" I � 1I�������� . � ·304 Rust Bldg. Tacorrta . � son, LOuise Jack8on, Audrey Ann Dale, . " , '. . "" · ....... · .. ··-·· .. ·�:::� .. -····--.. �5�f§ " , . ��pOL P�UNTING .

Kelba RofIa. • "1 . ' � P"",!, '!!:"WAIU: QtN� BUILDING SUPPLID'

8 ...... ".1. Lumbe. Co.

• Pbone OArIuldi .11-.1-6 .

• AT BR.OOItI>ALK � IfOimtain BII:b�' ?I'


. " oIo'StyIco 0. ...... y ..... Ie y_ w.-.'-. ,. $22.50 / ' . .. _ . GIL GUMDDsoN , 167 Eko.dway Wlnthtop Hot�

GY,in Suppli .. . Shoes--Trunks ./

)ockey. Straps-Shirts Get Yours Now.

WASHINGTON HARDW .u�_CO. 924 ... 1fIC' Aw..

\ We Specialize in �


J OHNSO·N . C9X , €O� 126 Poc;i!ic Ave. BRoodw, 2238

� '-. ,\ . '.

. 1

Page 13: Mast 1933-1934

\ .

Two Plays Tie for Hunter Soyo OrchHtra . Dean Announces Fre�hmeil Ent.ertili.n at . Graduating Class ' 1 t PI

. D Work 10 Pro,r.II,nl NRA 'P . . . Pro,rlm. 'n Chlpel . . . ' s ace m rama · -' - . . rOVlslons • . 'PI .

F' t P rty . . , . • '(he work of the Pr.clt1e Lutheran: ' . _. __ . ( In pl�e of the usual program with . ans · Irs · a Judges DecIsIons Coll�e orctlestra Is pfQll"euing rtpldly . . . ' . . .

outsIde talent. m(!m�rs of the �- - ' . � �" , '. __ according to the director Lew Q. Adm,nrstratl,ve fOlllnuttee Allo ... �an Class entertained the rest o� the For· November ·18 Hunter. Four rehearaala: have been Studenll on 2 · to Co Th.lI .atudent body In chapel J&at Thunday. . .

'Creen ' ShHOWS' I:.eceives Third held so far which have ahown promJs- Semester But Mutt Pay 'to" Get '!'he pl"O(nJn Included a song,.'''The . ' . . . Place of Productions, Civen Oct. Ing resul/� sta� Mr. Hunter. The Cr.deC'�itl . WOI'ld Is WalUng for the "SUIlI'W," by H .• �k . Studio WiI,l; ·

27; Norll'l.n Jensen Announces orc�

-is worklnr on conct!rt �old Anderson: a;piano solo, "W�I- . P�otolraph. for Annual at Next Pretent.tion Nov, 2 :;, ,�:


u1: th��:� � O::V:I��� :�d�::�a;!:o�

u:: ';U':;h�'N:� ��:��=�:: ��!: $4 .pd $2 per dozen';' Fint

According to lut minute reports, :. is stili smAll but Mr, Hunter states mlnistraUve body whereby studenl.1 en- Brillante" and "Ro8es_of PiC<:Ardy," by Semester Due. A�e ' $1

pla)'s "I\. Nephew In the House" . t PLC hIlS many aood mU!lclana' rolled under NRA plan number' two Eugene' Bura:oyne. Thelma Daniela II.C- Members of the OraduaUn.c Olau wUl" "So Yo"'r'" Oo'n ,_ �-'_" w.� Uod

who ·shOuld . avail themselves of th� may contlpue t�s semester, The plan companied' the numbers at the plano, .. ... g '" ........ ... ... eX�e!.lent t�nlng. Is that the students m'ay attend 'claMes . have their first party .Ill IIChooI the.

for first place In judres' raUnp of the In connection with .the orchestra, Mr. during the fall semester. b'ut should .U .. evening of No�ember 1.8. acoordina to

tirst Dramll. Club presentaUons of the Hunter has been coaching a saxophone they .... 'ish · t.o tramfer to another col- WI Have Economic a motion made and paued..� .. m�t­year. and " Oreen Shado�" wa.s award- quartet composed of Mr. Hunter, Nor-- lege, they must pay their bill here I� Co f

. D

ing ot. the hlgh achool and collep ��-ed third place.' The .judaes for .the man Jensen. Don Reid, and JKk Hud- ful l:' In order to re-regbter at Paclflc n erence . ec. 1, 2 lars lU:on�ar n??n. CommJtteel :will be plays glyen Oct. :n wen! Miss Fowler, son. . Lutheran for the sprtng term, they . ' __ . . announced later by the president ltat.!'-, J. P. PfIuerer, and J . . u. Xl!'vier. . PLC G.

' .'

must .make satLsfacto� arrangements In(ernation.1 Itelations Will. Be ryn n!.���k �tuc11o.ot Taooina November 24 ls the date announced Ives First with the registrar a.s to the setUement Discussed at MHt of CoIlele . will take the .picturu o'f the cluB for by Norman Jensen, pruldent of the of the account from the first semester, '

. dub. tor 'the next drama night pre_ Broadcast Nov .. I In order to. �lve tHe credits earned, Dele,ates at U" W. I"'- ::::e=g�

ua� An,,:r=.I� u: �ntatlons. These, he ltates, will be of This propoelUon W&6 reached u a Ih t t .

commJttee • � a . man cla.salcal nltun!, with !lot so 'Come to School' Theme 'Carried result of an Intervlew 'Dean Hauge: had J�lnlng forces Ilnd knowledge. In a p:

cesP': ::'".: one.d";D 3�bxb mu,ch comedy Itressed. Out in FirSt of Seriei of 5 Radio with Dr. � Ooodykoont.z:. aaaista:nt two-d�y s.tudy of IntemaUonaJ. ret- In folden, either euel !lIr told-Evelyn 1rw1n.1!J the only group I�er Programs Cive,. This Winter by

comm�loner of �ucatlon at �u.h- tiona. student deleratel f�� all �I- er type:. for t4; one dORD appycatkm ,thus tar to have announced her play P L C � N W'II . D

1 3 ,Inrton. D. C., durtng the, Wash1iJ.gton leges and . universities of the Nortl,- plcturea 2% by 3% wltbout fol4kn. tor for the November p�ucUons. '''Ibe • • . , � " e ec. Education As5oelatlon eonvel:!Uon held wea't will meet on the Unlveralty ot-12. An eniarge:ment, a by JoG lDcbeI. �:��C:n.

th� ����� mudenta of raomo Lu� 00Uep �:'n���r:�

U� �&U�; Waah!ntWn __ ,- I • ...w. '�.-I �::,= -= =<:::;

Wesson. Thelma DanIela, Arnold Myhra. �:t ��:e::�� e:��n��:::!1:: the original proposal O! tede�' ualat- and :I for the annual Studentl' Inter- :d on the order ' It the time ot the Milton Nesvtg, Je:ue PfIuqer. -Jean- over Station KVI In Tacoma. Through

ance to nMY studentl had been tum'� naUonal. Relations conference. slttln,: and the reat paid. ' when. the Marie Fowler, Ervin Dammel and Alice th'e courtesy of Mauitce Webster of the

� dOW� by. the 8Ovemment, b�t that Economic recovery progr&!M, �th student receives hill picturel. Nolan. KVI annou.nclna stafl. e�ch Thursday

the commbSioner of educa.Uon I.s Itlll foreign IlI)d domeaU�,. of all ma-jor na- The ?latter o� cl� duet .... brought Bert Myhre, treasurer, announced at evening from 9:30 u.ntll 10 o'clock will

t.rylng to put through some plan for �IOns, wUI be' the lubject of conte:t- up: and the group voted to ...... each • the meeUng of the Drama ,Club Tues- � set. aside for hlah schoola and col-

aiding worthy colle� students. ence dlacusaio�, according . to Sidney member of th� clua one d.oJJ.a.r due. day. that '12,10 WM taken In at the leges, or Tacoma to broadc&llt a.s they The plan submitted by ·the Pl,C ad· Spear, a.saI.stant dean ot men of the. for the fint semester. Dues tor the . door. Many alumnI and guests ;were see fit. ministration will not affect students Unlverllty of Wuhlngton, eha!rman of. second semester ,nil 'be dec1ded on , present at the performance, On their .flrst broadcast. PLC I'tu- enrolled under NRA plan number one: the conference. The confere.nce _will .then. I\. motion wu � tha.t a

President Norman Jensen appointed dent.5 followed a "CorM, to School" concern 1.t.aeU laflely with the In,ter-. commJf.tee be appointed ... to lOOk. lnto a committee of Gerhardt Pfluege�, theme. plann� by J. O. Edwards. Clar- , na�onal impllcaUons .or the vvioua the 'matter' of clau. rtnp � pinl. Florence PQlt and Alvene Sch1erm&rut ence Lemmlng, pr';,.ldent of the Asso-In. R. ·G.'s Plan Party r�very programs. .




c��t!�u�� ::: :���


no::�I:; :� . r__ re�=:u:� ��::U7�ana; IStudents - Hear 3

the singing of the school song. The Will Entertain Mothers Dec. 8: different approaches to the problem," M" t . Ch' I them,e of the' program W&II Introduced Elect Mill Fowler Ad.,iser Spear aald In annou.nclng 'the confu- . �nls ers m ape

• by Rhoda Holterutad"and Norman Jen- __ ence theme. -_._ .

�any m Seattle at sen when they presented a vocal and �Ita Rho Gamma i1rls will enter- Shirl Blalock. NRA. �ln1S�tor for Rev, '"i.�t!T JohnaOn: of. 01JDl� ad-L th Le M plano duet "Come to School." Mr. lain their mothers at an evening party the Northwest, and or. Reinhardt. � the studentl at ��l laat

U er ague eet Hunter played "Nimble F'1nrers" as a to be given at school Fr:Iday, Dec. 8. German co�ul In BeaW�, wtll conduct Fr:Iday moml� on Ule ABC'I of "l�-__ .!llXophone selection, and "Romance" Pial\! for the affair are �aa yet unan- the ' stud�nt round�table d1acusaiona. �n .. probl� Be expla.tned � tor.

Many Pacific Luth�ran Collegoe stu- :lS a viqlin number. Th� musical part nounce!!., but are .ln charge of a eom- Linden 1\.. Mander" UIIOCla� profeUor a ChrUUan � .,Ive .. p�lem be must

dents were in seattle last week-end to of the program also included a vocal ot Kathryn Johnson (cha1rmanl. or .polltlcal acience ,.t the U. ot W. and f�t become .. ware·of. the �� ,that attend sessions ot the convenUon of number by a male quintet composed ot Virginia Davia, Gertrude 8tenbefl and an authorttyon Inter:natlonal rela.!l0.zjs; confronts him; aeeondly,JM

\ mutt �,

the South Purtt.80und Luther Leagues, AmOIC! Anderson, Osten Elluen: Ron- Eunice Arneson. . � Is p� chairman of the co1er:- �1\�:I�n �to����I::b::r �t .. "!:. ot whlch Irene Dahl haa bee resI- aid Martin, Milton Nesvig and Roland Miss B R Fowler was elected t.o be ence. He 'hu arranged for lurve,. of !I . � , beK" .

I dent dunng ·the put two y� P Ber- SwaflllOn. tile !ldV�r �f the diy girls' organiza- the' NRA, Faac:lam and . the Rwialan most au�entlc help, 11ncie. Qod.', wUl

dine Knutson ha.s'served the o�- Pres. O. A. nngelltad gave a abort tion at the �tlng held. lut Thun- Communist plans for home·and world :us�



norm; te� an4 � he tion In the capacity ot ·secretary, . tallt. An interview in whlch. Norma.n day. In this capacity She wtll. preaent recov


. '. . In acc�ce �e ' stand&rdi ':! �ewIY-ch�n ortloen also .include �:� .:,�=n: =110=�� to the m�!.hers at the party Dec; 8 th� co�7 :1 d:�:U:O: :: �= has di.llCovered. . ... '

many former P .L.C. studentl. Those was p�ted Conc.lud1ni' the pro- possibility' ot organiZing a mothers ese. ted The president of St Paul 001-.

chosen to head the· circuit leagues dur,. gram. Margare� Wesaon pve a readlna auxiliary fr� the Delta. Rho CWnma ::�!�ate. e�t.he�co':r!:': .aeatUe t.o lege, Rev. tit: F. Sc�dt or at. Paul, Ing !.he next year Ckorge � '30, Mr. Edwarda who la Iri ctarae of group. Definite acUon on the propol5ed part. '. M1nn.�' lpoke here MODd.a." Oct. 10.

p'!5ldent; William Pflueger. now a atu-. tbse broadeuta for PIC. announced auxiliary will be laken at the affair. . After chapel. Rev. 8chmktt, who ..... dent here, vice president; Harvey that the next procram, to be presented �use of the poo,: condltlc;m of the Mill. ·D.hf Retur ... FrOnl here u a S\leilt of Mr. PfIuep-r. "",t.ecJ . Malbelsen of Beattie. secret&r)'; aDd Dec. 13, wtlI be of II. more clasaIca1 na.. day room, ImproveID.l!l;lt5 wtlI be made Visit, Work in C�lIfornia the school and in the cl.aaarooOll. 1Ir. Cllftord Opheim. who attended � .L.C. lure. TheSe prqrra.m.a. he ltates, are a before the party honoring the . pia' SctiinIdt Was once a hOQle mlMlon pu_ last spring, treuurer. . fine way of pJ.adna- PIC and It. talent. mothus. ,These wID Include the mak- PoilU Irene Dahl retnmed laat Thura-- .tor .at Port Ange:les, ,waah., and wu

Irene Dahl '30, Will chosen Pocket and departmental wort before the pub- ing .of new curta1D& and drap!l, t.he re- day evenln, from a trip lnto C&l1torn1a.. formaly connected with 8Potanp Col-. . Testi.ment League aecretary; P., O. llc. . . ' .flnll:htna: of the twnl� now in the The trip ..... . partly to take the V&C&- lege. which' Ia nOW' a part of Pactnc

ZwlllU1eJ'!r of· Beattie, Junior LMcue " room and the proew1ng ot new ptec::bs, Uon abe had not �Ived lut eummer, lAIthetan.

:::�-:.=��� � ·Cer�.,. Club Comnle�.tes =. th� re

::=�t;:, !:=


o t=:u:;

ec::� id=����� d�=��on:::s":,;

will Include Dr. 'E,. M, Hegge: of Ta- Births of 2 Fanlous �en committee in charge of rec1econpna: oJa up, ouUIning a toUr fqr Orben a member of the Baud of n-o.teea 01 coma, Elmer Tveter "28 of Tacoma. and ' the room a:re Doro�J" Delamar'ter .8lme, a noted musician in the EMf. the AUlfUltana �JDOd in thia cUItrlet, Patricia. Chrtatenaen of BeaWe. To �emorate.tbe 460tb:an.n1ven. (C�), V� Norby i.nd Jane whole appUcaUon tor. worIr: as a. field spoke in chapel WecIDMdaJ. Oct. 21,

The league ' from eeDtraJ. · Lutheran. an. of Martin Luther'. blrtb on No. WOlIima. - ' . &Cent the � of 'I"ruateM· at Pa"citle Rev.\ �nbardt wit.' in Tacoma. tOl' a

. Ctiurth ot Tacoma extended the .circW.t vember 10, and �. 114th ann1v� .. Lutheran c�qege· ...... accepted. �. meeUn, ot' the norih� 'd1m1ct 01 ieaIUea an invitation to I;ioI.d the nm of JohAnn � Sc:h1ller'a birth, the M,..� H.,..acI-, '.a:-. 81m� Pla)'l a pltchlor�� . .. ltbouIand hU church. . " , ' . ,annual c:onvaltioD In tbdr chur:eho German club held Itl J'eIUlar meetJna: Mrs. Quro 0mUd Bai.tad. wife of Cloll&r lnatrument,. and a � . , ' . : which waa �ted. an, J. p, Pflue- �.1. noon. . the fowxter· ot Pac:lftc 'lAItherao CoI- w�,. mu.l� 11 �. 9Il rad10 wawa. --=- ". Club Heat' Itud) .... pr of PL.C. live the CODclud1n&' ad- Club 'membera -4&ve � of the Jep, }IUR!d a..a,- at ber bcme JD. Park. KlII Dahl lett Pal"klaDd on Ciet, 18, Otrla 01. the Pep Club met IMt Thun- • �.of the conventioD euDda.y, &ft:er� lll's of l.4ItI)er and �7. Barry lancl lut·,-, Her hU1b1D4 preced_ drtvtn&' aouth With rela.UftI, wbo � ,!1&y.e� In'the tudp k1�. � DOoa _ on the theme "Let tho- LlIbt. CJtIbbobID read the 23rd PIalm 1n Oer- � her �, deatb;. ,,.. • � �� moa •. rmge in CalIl� Sb8. reNmed by er �.b.u&lDnI'-� tbe IPrlI beud 'co ab1De." I\.t ,th!a IJeIS10D a.l8o. ItenDeth maD. aDd club memberl .anc the Bun- .havlne cl1ed lut·.JUDe·�. PtIIiowaI aer- buI, ·atoppinc otten to ap1eak with mlD� two readIpp. "Papa'.,LeUer" by AUce " . ' �· d.Irected ,a ebon.I umOa. 1n & � aonc · trom .. WlUlam �"' and ...tce. .m beld lD tbe Parklabd Latb. lItera conoe:rninl tbe' l� of wr. Al� aDd "Baby � tr/' Mar-be:&uUtul ooocert.. . ' the "Lordd." ft:an pbureh 'Mcoda., � 81me. . . Prtt.- Crat�' . , .• : '


. ;;; , - _ . . _-

Page 14: Mast 1933-1934



HAVE YOU MET? A &11'j :"':ho will 'ui1i yt&T �PI�te w fJ r �ooring ma�t PubUshe.d 'every two wee.b durinc tl:Ie echool year by tl:Ie stud�tI· of PadJ'k:

Lutl:lenn Collep, Parkland, WasblnatoD hr:r wo"rk 11) t.tH! UW'd 1et.t norm&� dr:·

partmintf Or �, yOu. hay.. Shr: ) � qUJr:t. and, work.. .. fthOU' a. lot C?f 'o.olR. �O' er,

.' lor ah� .1l�tlce

teaches.. . mua� �t an �ple, you-J kn.,'W. , .. ean ,lUItl. to rurtM! typify the aChool·m� IMa. � ,her

Entered as second el:uI matter, October 2. lHS. a' tl:Ie Post Office at Park1&nd, W.aah1nc1on. under Act of lIarch 3. urrv.

HAZ.EL MONSEN Milton Nesvig William Jack Evelyn Eklund Daniel Flof.r.e lack Hudson

EDITORIAL STAFF halt m& .�er apecI very well. C�Ver)' nice looklni· A&ldr:

. " I� her dUll a.cUyIUea. she wor� hard Editor .. No ..... .... d Prof. Edwuu, after U· Hunter: ';'RoUihinw' lt, eh?" . ' as .head ' ot one of the 1&r1est 9f1anJ•

'Associate Editor ptalniD&" terms' ased In the leaon. "If /=ugene B.: " YOU bet! Why one'day mtlons. tn IChool. And. she 1a Ind� . -//Sports Editor .... m� I� wbat doe. ·FF mealiaf'" our porUi/bl� �amo went 00 � bum ;neeUni wtt,h ',uccel!l In . . ihla capacity.

F "Ed' "EI,hty!" anlweftd-lIU'OId nem .. ter. and we had no hot· -'1r, electr1C Do you ,knOW her? "Well. �d It ':lelp eatures Itor . '-LA-" . . lights, Ice ' or radio for almoat · two to Irno,," thit &he drlyes an oakland .

Editorial Wr.i�er The g1'"eat dUference ,betVfeen lr:am- houra." . ' " 8edan'tA? ��r eyefy da�? Boy: a car TypIst Ing to drive r' car and to play golf -LA- does help a lot an.y day. . '

.Reporters 1.$ that in one case you hit e\'e.rything Olson: "H·o..;, about yoar team. . are

Eunice Arneson, Virginia Boen, Margaret Craft. Jean.Mari� Fowler, and In the Ot.he�� nothln,. the; rood: klMnf"'


.. .. A boy who 15 better known,'UlrOUgh·

Wilma O·Brien. Emorv Whitaker Sandbar&,: HGoe:s: TheYft JJ:Hfec:L . out the cOuntry by h1a nlcluWne. thll:fl . . , . "� .. ow did. ·yo. "a1oy yow trip. En·' . -.un,-

by. h1a proper monicker? � 1.1 he BUSINESS, STAFF I�n. uked J� Safr� was havtnc her eyes �. "''"ell.lmown. 'It's a wonder you haven't

Marvir:t Hansen Bert Myhre Clifford Mesford

. "All ' rt,M. e��p� on the �y that The oculist pointed to the lett.en esaed him already) He is 1all, an Business Manager my :ar tarned �to an apa.r1.meat baUd_ �':'RTVZBDFH �n the chart and saId, ::thuSlLdJ.c � and ha& blond . Asst. BU$. M.anager bar· Read Lhat line, . ' . hair to match h1a COItlomen. Md of

Advertising Manager "What do y�u ,mean �y"" .... Safrle sqU!nted a .. number o( timea;. course. he '1.$ ' &m0JlC the ,h1(h 'and Evelyn Monson Circulation Manager the .p�ed • ...,.. Rnd !th�n shook her !tl'a;d. m1 hUes who hope to complete t.h1rd.

/' <= _ ' . C' M "Wtll, ·IJ . bad four nata that day." "What's the matter?" asked the: ex· . It . at It. thiS y,ear' I..&it ytar louise Jackson Asst. Irc. anager ��_ . , . wnlner " C�n'� yo"u read letters !-hat :;:ar

re�=n=.r Pa.Clflc 'Lutberan Col •

.;.0_. :,,' ,_S_,' :..' ._H_o:...n-,g---.�.f=' ' �-/:.../_-____ F_


l-'ty:...A...:..dv_;-'-se:..."c I Mr. B. : "I mwt tell you that my slu?" . . lege on a. deputation team which spread .....-.. dau'ghter can bring l)er .hwband only "Yes I can see them all right but I ( ") . .

" � ' the fame of our alma mater 1n high Educa.tiolt Week her beau�y "and �er Intellect." . ' can t .pronounce the word. schools of western Washlncton. Belz:tg . . OQ . J�hnny. I don t mind-many young -LA-

a sportsman. he held a position 'on the Schools ar:'ld their friends throughout. our country are thIS week coup,l,es have sta� In a \'ery small Th�ft wu cOIllId�e �on· In college basket ball team lut ,ppnS. and observing the thirt.eenth National Educati6n Week. the purpose of way. . . . the clua fGUo ......... the · eleeU.OJl. A now plays' end on' the GladIator gt1d which is t9 stress the importance of education and to discuss prob· �orm swenl���:ruu lookIn&, at.' ��


Ofw�� ,:::-:!:=:


: squad. That .he plays' end on the team lems and .Questions .concerning our schools. We of Pacific Lutheran the Ven� de Milo:' "one 'bin&, those bllQ: ' d�.not mean that he 1a at the ,taU. College should join in the ob�ervance by devoting our attention this 01';1 Greelu had on us, .. ben th�y talked "That feUo� Ander'50n I, ,ola&, end or. thln,p th�re. fO.r he ts captain week to possible im�rovements at o�-r own . ins�itution . . Progress �s tllsarnament tbey dlsanned." .It�and I;eUln&- 11." &boat yo.... :e:: �:!


b��;:��:� the motto of ed!Jcatlon, but progr�sslveness may be of lIttle use If -UA- I don t rrdnd Utat. b.t If he be(Ina bucks from opposing t.e&ms, for hlI rep • . we do not know whither we are going. Education week should af. Late to bed to tell tbe truth, I'll brHk hla Dedi:." utaUori hy spread far. and wide for

ford us·an opportunity to get down to a real evaluation of education. ���a:� �':�ate was the .reply. -LA- fool�lI pro:wess.

thus enabling us to ascertain whetl;ler or not we are on the right ·rOad. From weanng my ties. Mr. Hong: "How do you like O. � _____ . While we should be like other schools in progressiveness, we -LA"":" ry1" . "J �A young man1ed couple ls studying

should not ape them otherwise. We should be able .to judge real Mother: "Martha. the canary h� Alice ff.: "I can't, ;tand· lt. the lea- blsc.ult-makinc and' la. at the Unl· values and �e independent .enough to weed out whatever we may cone!"

,. , . nuts stick In my teeth." . \ versl�y<..or �aah�a:ton.


find useless and worthless. Ours is a Chri�tian school. Our work i$ Martha: Bat, mQnun�, It wu there -LA- J I �:::;::===t;, ====='1 different from. that of oth�r. �hools. and our ideals, our behavi.or, !: n:h

w�:: !=�!:er��ea.n Ita rO:'f�r

n:;a;�II�e;..::�::-�� . . .

prosram:s, p.!rtre�, itnd pkrncs should be dlffer,ent. We should strive -LA- come Iknocklq at the door. be DObI!ba-. Printers_ . for originality. We should not, for example, give plays because Wm. MackJe had reached old age lanti U,ht oaL ..

others have given them, nor, engage in:the athletics that other schools Ilnd had Botten hlm.seir a Job as a Jan· Stationers engage in simply,to be like them. Whatever we do we should do, not 'Itor at a repair shop. An old crony, Will Keep Hiltory , bcause. it is customary, but because we have found it valuable and who was not )ery .much respected. At a recr:nt Board ot .Control meet_ in harm�ny with our h.ighest aspirations. would come In after hours for a chat. Ing It ....; .... deCided ' to keep cUppltlp This evening he found Bill bwy. concerning the' school printed In lOCal

" What are you d9Ing .. sweeping out newspapers In a book for that pur-poee. the·shop?" remarked the visitor. Memberll of the board haVing chara:e A Liberal Education Bef.ore Specialization

People often ask why ' the higher educational institutions in "No 1 aln'l:' ansilo'ere<! Bill. "I'm of this are Alvene Schle�mann. Jean .... America prQcluce so few thoroughly educated men. The answer we sweepfng out the dirt and I'm leaVing Marie Fowler and John Btueh. find in what Dr. N. M. Butler of Columbia University calls the most the shop:' 1iI;;:==========� schools. This specialization, which. as Dr. "ButJer states, ha� crept Bey to 'Ha�n (conUq oat of a bar· Hanlon's Jewelry down through college and high school and almost, into the nursery, bel' MOp) : "ifan a. ha1rc1ll"" DISTINCTIVE is the reason \o'!hy people who look to colleges and universities for MarY: "Wo. Just had my ean lower_ men to guide them in their present social apc! economic bewilder· cd a few Inches.." W.tch a.,...irll'l&' . sPec!.l" ment must 1001<. in vain. I -LA-



Fine Office FLlCniture .

P t2!f��� R' 1 2th'u A St. Poi!ItoffJce Squire . Phone MAin- 2 1 22

deadly foe to scholarship; early and un.due specialization in our -LA.-;-

If' 257 So. 1 1 th 5,. T""",. j r American college graduates, however capable they may be in "'--A small boy. leading a donkey, passed I!i;---Ii;;;;;�;;;;;;;;���"�;;;;;�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;�--�

their respective fields of speci"alization, lack the broad and compre· �y an army camp. A couple .of soldiers hensive view and the keenness of mind which a thorough liberal wanted to have sol'{le fun with the lad. training gives. and which are absolutely essential to win and hold the . "Why are you holdl;lg onto your

1IJ!,. confidence of the. public. This is the reason why higher education in brother so tight, sonny?" said one of A!!j��� , . Am�rica does not command the public respect that col l,eges and uni· them.

. �RtMrilI� versities in many European countries do. All those countries keep "SO 'he won't Join the army." the . '" . ' . u�OT",coW-AAVH . ( :

. spe�ialization out of high school and college and confine it shictly to youngster replied. without blinking an

) po;>�dua�e work. !he thorough libe�al trai".ing the student re· eye. . . �"""!"''''''.''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''�'''''r''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''; ..... .:. ...................... _-\::."!":!' ......... , celves In high sch�1 and college furms�es hIm the back�rou,:d -LA- ' � . . H IGHEST' QUAUTY PRINTING ' . I ' ! necessary, for .beco�lng a sc�olar of the highest order and fIts hIm"';. Trmh'onhyJ Whj Edpr is the kind � . la . Modernlv Equipped 5tKIp. ! for a leader and adViser of hIS people. of a 'dlow who .peRda the reA or the � Come in Anytl"... . , i It seems clear . that if out higher educational institutipns shall evenJq � the. r..e when the i '. . . . i hope to regain the public respect they once enjoyed, they must do electric IIpta III Ilia rtrl·. uvin', room � . Allstrurn· P" ntlng Cornp.ny ... ! away with this early specialization and giye their students a solid &'0 oaL :. " 940 COMMERCE ST. �... . • ��IN 67.68. .!

lil?eral foudation on which to build their special studies. Only such -LA- . ' . 1 1ii,,,,,,,, .... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,·,, .... ,,,,,,,·,, .... ,,, .. ,,· __ · .. ,,,, .. ,,,," .. " ... "."." .. "" ... ".

" .......... ,.,,, ........... .. training can give. the �t.udent the knowl�dge. the men.tal· �iscip.line, . . Swede: "Get off roy feet." I and the leadershIp abilItY, ,tha! the public expect to find In college O'Connor: "1 wOn't do It; It's too rar graduates. to walk."

. Slln, E..,ADdenoIl: "Bile � at yo.. ell! Well. wbat. followe4r Cultl,lred people. 'in every 'country regard. slang .as a mark of ig- c:-aa .aa.a.: "1 dI4


nor:ance and low breeding and· therefore avoid it. In America today. -LA-the niajority of. our youth coMly ignore thi.s opinion of society; al)d Hunter: "Hello, old man. where tan the' cesult" is an enormous increase in.the use' of slang irl'.all strata you been?" 0' Our population and a corr�ing weakening of oUr language. Eurme ·B.: "Jun got ' back from a This is the more alarming because college stW;ients-fl:lture leaders flablna trip." and teache'fS-are among the worst ·offenders. University students ' r;::;::;;;:=�;::;::;;;:;;;:4 Ought to knoW better than encourage tHe . of this evil which I ' is so rapidly ... tapping.the. vitality of tfie English language,in America. Repeirinl

There are 'other 'reaSons Why college stUc:ki'it.s, and especially those'of Pacific lutheran COllege. :shoul� avoid the use of slang . . As 'BOYNTON'S SIlVleE moSt of us realize. One of the es5eptial points of a well-rounged Oft 'aciHc Hlpw.,

' character is'· refinement. and the first requirement of refinemeflt is CAS 'REPAIRING OIL a refined ·t,ongue. By this· � ·do 'not rJ1e8'n' affected or fIOWery 'r====:=:=====�11 1 laoguage. but language free f� cOarseness and flippa"0'. �I� whO seek t o develop a' solid .q,aracter shou.ld therefore avOJd slang.

OLY'�P· IC D' All· Y PRODUCTS It may seem popular, but after a,l: those 'who do ,not it 'are in . ...

dema.nct ·What ·a shining �xample tl,;e students of PacifIC �theran • . t�. ,-"ri .. .COIIeg;: could Set by pledging themselves-never to use slang ·in any for 25 Y ..... fo{m! Wha� ·a.great help to their schOol in its work. ':to build for character" arid to � ... i,:,·a reputation for !=ultur! and ·reflnement.

A " Forward 'PaSs" To Future Income

No easier way to a football goal than by a forward pass-:·if it works. ' . ' .' -No easier �ay to the Real of an inde�ndent . income in older age than 0I.h" "Special at 60 or 6S"--and it· works� Write for , proof. ar1d , �:;:e��e low net c�ost fer Young . �f} and

e l LUTHERAN' BtUY.l'IIEjlHOo� . .

legal Reserve life InSurance !o,' MEN, WOMEN; CHILOREN

. HERMAN L. EKER,N, P.e.idOn, 608 SECOND AVE�U�':So. .


Page 15: Mast 1933-1934

. . , ) . . NOVEM!lEtl 8, 1933 , PAOIPlO L� 00LI..E9E. PAR.ICLAND. ,,!ASHINCFI'OM

Hear Prexy:s Wife L. D. R. MHtin,'YostordOY M�n, Se. Como. With . PLC Ali,,"n' 11.4 ... ot. At H\lm. of Mrs. XII.ior BROADCAST Columbio ot I'ortlo.nil Lullch_ .Durlri. WEA·

Tell. of NI"ht i., Puis at French ,Mrs. J. U. " Xavier and Mrs. J. O. By BIIl ,M-.elite 'Seve� carl� ot atud�nta �nt to �'O"t r" TK�I c U�ti�� . Ed�'&!'ds entutained y�te.rdll! at the . . Portland r()(.llh� :pme .wtth Columbia �� tbe!r 'annual luncheon I!l'd "get

nlllng her uperien� !>' one nft:ht horne of Mrs. Xa,vter-fm-,.t.he lAI,theran . "smooth'· �Illard . It ls heneef�rlh. last �ttn'day. FollowtDI the � toJtlher Mid · e'tieh · ,Hi" durtOC- Ule ill Parts. Mn. O. A. Tt� spoke Daughters of the �rormaUon of PLC. That boy 15 smoother than the t� job Uta Rudd wu hanesa to se�l stu- WMhfnlton EducatJon Adoelauan. eon­to the French club lut Friday noon. The. p�m feat1¥ed a talk on the on hl!. Dodge. The write.r has suffered "dents at dln."er. Later In the evening "cnLton'.(n TaCOma more than IIQ (r'Iod­

·"fI·s. TInge� Wall In �nee In 1914 • . object of L.DR. 1I'OI"k gh"en by Mrs. A: from Inferlority eomplex .s1n� the nI,ht Jt;an-Marle Fowler en�rt&io«l. !.he rna-' .uates ·or· the ';:7m'al [)epartmen.t of the summer the war broke out. with her W. Ramstad. fonner. fdriser and 01"- he v(sJted "Smooth" at the borne of 'his Jorlty of those\l the trip with .. Paellic LutherirCotles-e met at the husband Or. O. A. Tinge1atad. who ... as ganlzer of the group at this school. lianCt'fl. We fO'"'':ld him using her {lart� at her borne. . ' . ' . ColoniAl Club In' TUom .... &n .Oct. 21'. then busln� manager of :l band of 60 Margaret Cran and Alice Pt�rson. vice father's 9.'hlsker extennlnator. mosnlng . Those vlsltfng Po�tland besides the Dean Hauge """as tc».stm&&ter and p.n·· from Luther Coll� on a EuroPftUl president .and �retary. re.sp«:Uvely. about the towels . .... ter and blade: !V.hUe team and ttiose' ro"1n� with the team eMIl C �Uf thi proeram �rHe.nt­tour. Prof.�r Prell.!. grandfather of of the group, ��o attended the We>-: the father was enrou� to a fllll"-8" sta- were Clifford Mesford.� Byers. � duting the luncheon. �l.!Itln. him Faul. RoUe. Rnd Norma Prem. wa.s also men's Missionary F�e�tlon. conven- tlon In the family car to replenlsh' the Amy Gilbert .. :Ray Hlnderlle. 0IIt:e':l ... "ere Miss Jl\)wler and Mrs, Kreidler. a member of the party. tlon at Crom .... ell. gave re�rts of the g"s 'SUI)ply and' Infonn the at�en.dant Elluo't-

. �rtrude S�nberg. . tJC?Yd The Prorr:am Induded mUl.k:al nu';"-

A talk by Hazel Monsen WM post- meet.lngs. Musical numtSets on the wKat a line. strapping young f.ellow Krt!tch, J.,phn' V.� Leuven. E1d� An- be� by Mr. Hun�r and Mr:. Uwvds. pone-<:! to the next meeting: Peerl program Inc:lud� hymn singing by the that-WllIard 1.1. We'd like" to get .·Une derson, Norm.. .... n Jensen. NormlU\ West. group 1l1:1gtng a�,talka: Each person fomme p�slde� appointed Rhoda grOIlP and a plano selection by Wlni- on what he telb 'em-We could use the IIU1" Harold Tru� Frank Elliot Fred. there Introduced the one at h\ll rllht J�okenstad historian of the club and fred Butsch Information very handily . Logan Oscar AndenlOn Clarenee LelJl- IdentifYing. hi..", by aeU"t1t1ft puUd-Hazel Monsen and MaxJne Manousoe -- mlng HarOld Oemps�r Olen Guo:taye- pate<! In at PLe Several. third year on the pUblicity committee I , Our pre-xuon selecUon lor the son Irene Shaflli:fA; KathrylJ. Johnson nonnal sttt.d


enfA attended to beoom, PERSON ALS �nent job 01 e.eorU� �t ell- Bergllot Vogan Lila Rudd Mary Nuh ..,eqllanted wt"t.h other ,nd"uates. qthH

t.�ln,ly aUraeU"fe blonde ff'tllh- and Evelyn Irwin. .Ted Neoon. field stw::lenLS at�ndln. were Rhoda Holtm-

O Se ! Thelma Dantds. to the klck- agent. and Dr. 0. A. TIngelstad also !>tad whO accompanied the .Initn,. pen crets HOf!.orlng Miss Mabel McArtor. a . In,·post.K'mU 10 han cone I� a wert' In P9rtland for t.he game. Marlaret· w�ri a.ild Arnold M,bn..

!\TNT IT THE TRUTH: �;:::��lId:a


IIS��::'fedT:� !I['"'np. We hope It', only iemlM!'"- • represenung the Sap. andi�1 M�-

That the girls In the �'lIl classes are coma. Florence PoI!It entertained a �::�:::.'::.�;� �1I

there Is st

renath I Chapel Gleanings I =:/


e �:�:! :r�!:��; enthusiastic goal klckets-:-('Spe<:lally grollP of studenu and alumnae at her • -. - , .. . ." and Muriel Watu Velton were caned In the wrong dlrectlon: .

. home Saturday even.lng oct. 28. Ap- Can one h!!lp It If one grows careless --- on for llpec:lal greetings. .

That Jo}'ce Is all rlght-Cl.arence: polntmen;.v-'ere In pink. white and and one) hair attains !I different hue? You cannot make ChristJaha by IlL": . An ' I�compleic l\IIt of alumni now That Trulson got hl.l Jacket c:I�n . sllver, ,nd games were played through- We figure Ollt the questions .. and hav- nl?r can y�U control people by legisla-./ teaching who attended Irie1udes Luetta That t'\'er}'one IR wonderlng If he \. .O\!t 9f'e evening . . Among studenLS pres- ·Ing a lC?t of Ume. the answers,too. The tlon.-TIngeIS� .

Klel of Mark Reed School SheltQn, CedI going to ge';'the I�d in the ne� en! were Georglanna McClure, Marie correct solution 10 the above Is em- Chr15t 1.1 not only ou.r Saviour. 'but Scott of' Roy. Lorraine Mort!n of ,Elk plays : lu. Louise Miller. Dorothy Dela- phaUcally " no," Coach Olson. In a mo- our exam,Ple.-Xavtcr "

Pla!n. Alberta Schmitz of McMillan, That Nolan got. her flowing tres..�s arter. ·Vlrginia· Byers and the hosl.esll. ment of distraCtion. used a blackboard There Is a place for every man and Qeorge Cronquist of Crescent Valley,

cut and curled; " and. former student& who at- for skull practice and some of hls ball ",'oman of strong, stllrdy charac�r to Nellie Olo;on of Edgewood .. Olal Hage_ That Langnt"S3 took an unt'xpected dip tended Included ,,!be� Schmitz. Lor- pla)'e� 1Je!lmlng .!..Q.!: the f�t· time serve as an arency for the church.:- neliS of Pite . . �ces' Jane �vtn 9f

In the creek. jvhlle on apple bent: ralne Thoren, Ka.hlYfl Pat�n. Helen what the bo",rds were �or ' put that In_ Schmidt. Clover Creek. Fred Walter of Midland. That Hlghby recommends good eller- Thmne. Shirley ' Hecht, Rachel Flint. formation Int.o practice. by . handing a A .thlng bued on God cannot fall. Cora Vista of Cromwell. Dorothy Leh-

cl5e$ fO"l" people" with flat feet-only and H�It'n Collins. good,,old-fuhloned ribbing to a blonde and the Christian Church has stood the mann ef Longbranch, MlIdifd Berven futllre upholders of tht' law need ap- Ha�el Monsen hnd �arl Homme ..., a�late WhO had the mislortune t.o t('!lt of centuries of tlmt:,-Pflueger 10f Crocker SChool:. Puyallup. Clara ply; her guest last week--end at her home In !tet his bottles crossed up. Don Piper Though It be of .lIch a nature that Fjermedahl of Weyerhaeuser SChool:

That nlgger-hea"en "as occupied at Tacoma. and "Tu'ffy" Smith. not to be outdone It �eLS the handS dirty and the cloth� Eatonvtue. Ruth O()(xi*,n of Victor the recent plays by Whitaker and On Nov. 15. Rev. selmer Berge of

by l'o5ter and Klelser. had the .Itua-. spotted. work Is honoRble. not to be -khool. Gig .", Pnda Tayet of ·O·Brlon. Incorporated: Fargo, N. D . . national president of the

tlon well In hand. despised. and carries with It a t1lgnlty. Rhodes take, Francefl Newton of Pox That student c()«ches are more ner- Young �ples' Luther Leftl\lj!, will SChmidt. Island, LeU Klippen of ColllM. Mar-

vous than the actors themselve6: speak In chapel. ,Why dMllln'l 8Omea.� &ell Ger- work to do.--8chmldt. j • e McOovern of Artondale. Ma .. y That e,'eryone will probably rush to . ut, to ceUe t.alk.In, 10 maeh! 81- ' " We, Amerlcli.ns have bent every ef- olmefl of 8panaway, Hell"ll 'nlrane of

buy symphony .tlckets; Willie Pfilleger was the gllest of MIl- It-nce I.' plden, bal !tO is a � fort to I�vent lJlachlnery to save wor nfe, Mabel Jensen of Elgtn, Olena That Slgrtd gallMUy braved the tOr- t�m Nes\'lg at his home In seattle last and we don't. han to talk to a Am- for ourselves. so ""tha t now there I. � Wagbo 'of Olencove. Nina BwuuiOn .of

'rent of t.he local creek to procure week-end during the Luther League .set.. They tell tI.'I that. 1111 won't work to do.--8chmltz . Anderson Ialand. Ethel SUnnette of - apples, to the detriment of het:SOC:Ita; .Conventlon. even mllrmllr In a baddle. It Is the 'falth ",hleh haa Ita root.8 �t.onvll.le. Irene Padneu of Parkland, That· slsters do cOme In handy -;hen Alter having tJeen III In Seattle for here and ends In e�mlty to whJch we Ruth Padneu of. PUe, 011a �eu of,

your !i"A1'r needs wavlng-eh Leonard; t�·o ..... eeks. Mary Hudson returned to " CERTAIN FOOTBALL PLAYER should .allng.-Renner Rosedale. Evelyn Olsen of lAkebay, That nobody really wa'nted to go along school ' Monday. So .�Ieek and trim and debonair. Our spirits and' actions should 10 Marie Vandlnburg of LU:��y, and Ida

with the old football bus anyway, . With pomade on his shiny hair. el(empllly 'Chrlst Jesus that It can be Hlnderlie of Arletta. . Safrie Torre5daJ en�rtaJned the fol- . . �ald that he that hath 'seen us hath "� Kitchens with gas stoves, slnb, and �;:�;� ;;.,..��




� :: �:���u





�en the FaU1er:':"xavter. �

I porta.b;e T)pewr1�r'$, 8uppUef- D

Ice boxes. have been lnstalled In the . ' The principles o.n which Luther stood 'All Steel Plllns EquJPrDent- ! basement 01 the donnl.t.ory at North

Oil- Marie Fowler. Do. rothy Oela.marter, You'd think him weak effeminate. 50. gloriOUS)


y dll�nl the refpnnatlo�


School Boob, 8t;IPPIJea kota State College. Fargo. for men who Evelyn MOMOn. Virginia Boen, and And �alldllnlY degenerate: are open t.o u.s all.-Pflueger J F VISELL CO . ..... ish to do their own cookJng. , Helen Oarbell. a fonner student. Unless on some Noyember day M Christians, we mU.'lt seek to con_ �oe...-8&a�

" P. R. Hlgh�.r haa a par�ln "Trela .. - When winds are sharp and banners gay. irol the abuse of anythJng hannful to -J Offioe �

I nt'y of the Wells" t.o be presented by natural good. rather than t.o control Ita Phone Main 21170 901� Pac. AYe.

. .BROOKDALE . tht' Radford PlayersJn Tacoma on Nov. You saw him. head down. hit �he line use.-TIngefetad a . . 1'1. Of scrlmma�e like a bl",t.lng mine. No matter where our talents pJat:e r---.....,,-----� BARBER SHOP Dr. Reinhardt, German consul 111 Be- 0-: t:ickle In a fOar of thunder us. 'we should seek to live a ut.eful life

Brookdale attle. will address the studenta' on Nov. And rip a human wall asunder. for ·JesU.'l Chrlst.-SChmldt. Quality Kltlttln, Co.

, 21. . Or aching With electriC pain A true faith that Is attached t.o the &.,ttw ........ 0.; s..cWoliy Norman Jensen vtslted hII5 bome In or fracture never once complain. Immortal and dtvtne will overcome all 403 I ' th St" TKom ... .

r SEAMONS FLOWER SHOP SIlYerton. Oregon last ...... Frlday when he �Jii;dy like and debonair . . . . ? thlnga.-Renhardt.

"Evei-yt ... inS in Flowe�" ",'ent down to � the COlumbia game. Say that of him? You wouldn't dare. Things that are old are not always I"-�-----,--_ -Corwges- Audrey Ann Dale. who enrolled at B. M. :"'�

�e:or are all new thJnp eviJ.- ""'w",-w-.-",-, "';""fu�If'"';I�' you�,-.w-.-, .. -.-::Ona'-"

21 �:::��rt�' ��;����::26 ��:! �t f;����g�

e�� � �;:: Dartnr tbe al1

-::;�a{nt yWt. of There' Is room at the top tor any man . :v e:�i����:;.:toW:k �� .



�" �' �W�"�h�

. ===�. =='1 Jape Phlylollif fo .the nelrhborhood Oar or woman to five his life for Chrlst's bV experienced workmerf .t

spacious Lawn 11 as devoid of ,tudent. service-Pflueger LEHMANN' PHOTO�FINisHINC �. 1 as Ral Vota ..... , car is of ruoUne. and Unless It Is In harmony wlj.h all of STUDIOS ' . Colden Rod Butter the Bupboo the Alblcclomt Scripture no soluUon 01 national p"': ":=P':::'k:::":""=M:::.�:::.:::":

tI�=Com:::::"�"'=� highest quality "beaUnl"," The boys and rtrls fliul It lems can st,and-nngelatad

' ... always uniform .. Jonl, spot to whlle away \be mba- - . \.., -made in Tacoma by ata, and we alate 1& wtthoat feu- of ..- Dithl CroCe" cO.

Mill., Bros •. Company that the KGr)' Is tne that. "Itlte" Ln- P.rkl.nd B.,ber Shop . ' .

,.,..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;��.,� / inlon bo.- to IOmedaJ Imoc:k on;r.that and ...... UMtM ,...,. s.-m pennJ maebJDe. . Confectionery PARKLAND ...

Rink M�. 2004 Res. MA. 9BB For the Music. Sko�el o;'d Floor

Follow the Crowd til the

King Roller RiOk -27th and Pacific- . .

Open Ev,\ry Night Except WEDNESDAY

For priVate parties.see or call

. We hear "that Pete Petersoo 11: I �==CE�O�. �.�NU�D�TSO�N�.�P�""'=. =Jlr==�:�::====; =ec:�: :=I� �:ry th;oo= 11 LIEN . sa.VIC game; �t 'won't thoee ears of his be happy when \be seit.Ioo 11 term­lnat.ed.1 TId. eoI...a 1III't .... MIl. It.'a .... -

thy. Ali � wID be � flk!d b:r. a.e ,.,.,.. �

: Brookdale .C ash Market

i� .......

Prlscr;ption ON_i,h I mporters of NOl'Wegi.�

q,d liver' Oil - .

CArland OI 56,R·2 ,. A.J.RWIN • . Pr"OI,

Cor".r T..:om. A....-.ue. ..d. 1 1 th


TKOmI, W ....

Tel ..... 1114 . � ...,.,., .

S""io(B� .... 10; ,o.ti". I1-·

. • . elu_,. t •• m., etc. . AftJ'TI ... AftJ·"".

LYONS' IUS LINES. I ... .. ___ c. ___ W_'_' L_ ,.. __ �����._. ___ w.. ___ M __ '�I __ -,�


',;�� ,- . � . . � MAlN


UU .

::; ,

\ .

. 1

Page 16: Mast 1933-1934


�E:.�a ... ;=:.�;:�.:� ... � .... :: ........ "=���::: �E���io: . fI:!II ,.. a;o the QI.ata.t.on pia,· Btl11nctWn Har,. t� by a d�Uft � .• U, a Nehl Milt .. Four of Six Touch- mal Frtciay �wnoon u� there: Helth- .vtaJUng ElIe'l,lburr N� eleyen de·

cIo.� for .R .. e City Irishmen; .y Milton N"Yi, er team � ·done much thi& ,ear � .f� 0b0n" PacinG lAlt.hetan WiII"rd, S'hutter '"nd Smith ..................................................... far � vict.ortes �� . . but �Ikrc'e O�to:n. U·' at l:be·UnooIn St,nd Out for Luth.rAn.

. A. real AI I .Am�rican. Nehl of Columbia: who 'has bee�' th� ::e ::: �:n: �el

r opponenta

::Ihd�:!;':� �� r: on�;

Waterloo of more than one good team ' this season. ran wild again The Lutherans have .won but. oDe Lutherans rave a rood account'of them-Lcd by Merl N�hl. the COlumbia last Saturday agains,t the Cladiators. The way that boy runs is a Mil lame this aeuo� whllJ! Belllne� St-lves ap1na� thdr heavier. more' u'"

Irlahmen adml�t.ered a aanlinl' de- crime. but take him off the field and Columbia is just anqther .foot· 11 without a�nt&Ct they'Ve ta.l.led perieneed �pooents. : ' Ceat Ul aflihtini Pacific LUtheBn tam ball team ; .in fact. w� pushe� them all o .... er the f i�ld. I� sc:ori�g Ul . IICOre 'at all. In thetr f\nt Pme. �vMtaUnr '� thro�h the alr' lut Saturday at Vauchn Park 1Q: the f?ur of t�elr SIX touc:hdown, hl� dashes were .all . long runs a�d !?eau· Cheney Normal took them 33.0. Cheney and & decided lidvant&l'e p.1Ded on Rose City. Nehl'a. ball pac� wu tlful caters through the open fIeld, Th.e boy � g.�! h� the beet normal team in the . • t.a:te punts were the deddlnc fac� .whlcb sensational and he just �uldn't be • S. . S. thb year, The UnlveBlty froah were n:sl!lted In Vlctot'J':ror the teaChen. s�ppcd. The Irtah defcnae was alIIo Our ,am .. with EII.Mbur. the week .befor., alt'h�lh w. didn'f their. �xt. opponent, Uddna them. 22-0: Ellensbul'l' . lICOI'fd In the �ftn'; and \'�ry ettecUve In 'atoppln8' the LUtheBn win� wa.n't quite a. di •• trou. ·a. far a • • corini is conc.rned;. but snapping. out of It. th�y'held the COl. �rd periOds. After p.J.ntnc (orty attack most of the time. .eyer," of our boys came out with •• riou. i.niuri ... MarY: I:bnisen, iClle of Pultt sOund(to a 4-0 IICOn·in y'!lords Q.n 1M eJ;chanP of punta in the .

Nehl w ... the "A" and the "0" ot on. -of our ...... r ,u"rd. ,nd our bat punter, .,nd Gene lack, fi.nt+ their ·next pme. LMt Saturday they first. flvr- minutes or ·play. the � the Irtah and produced the apark and' .trin, .nd and p ... ·catch.r deluxe, rec.i.ed inj'uries which "iII lteep 'gave 8t. Martins a real b&t.Ue, but lost. completed· the flnt aertal attempt of punch necea.sary for vlcUlry. Ftve min. them out of competition for the r.t of the .... on. Elm.r. Cerlits� on bre:w. 13-0. By. these 5COt'eS one .the ga;:ne Ul .the Ol..adiator teD yard utes after the operon, kickoff this "noth.r fint-.trinl.r, hurt .his inkle "nd ... a result ij: not .t· his can See that �lllnrham 11 no push_ Une. M.ereer .� throUlih the line marvelous and brilllant bact. had best, nor will he be tftis y .. r. W.r. it riot for !h. injuria .which over and �e & team ·In:abOut. the same on the I1;ext play. Convenkln wu scored t ... o touchdowns. With the ball ho1lYe hit, "ncI ,hit h"kI, our te"M:WOU� have liven a much beHer clua as the OIad1atora. . good. ....;,.. on hIa own 3O-yard marker, Nehl cut sho�in, this ..... on • • A h"m CAn "eyetl be at its bat with .injuries . To .in .that fin�. proe 15 � able ·In the same period. the Luther'anl off left tackle evadin, tackle after tac- conhnually dr",'.n' lt\do�n.. . - aim of. Co&c.h Olaor/and the Gladiator alm05t evened the count wben MBUl" ,kle. broke Into the open. and went over . - 5.. · 5, '3Quad, and they are roinc up there to O'COhDor, Oladiator. halb&.c.t!: rtoa:i-w:'ed for. the acort'. Two minutes later he Statisti.cs·.taken from the El lensburg game are Quite relati .... e �nd keep those Normal men dOwn and come ·a punt �n hla own 45 yard. Jne. and rf'Celved .. LuthCJ&lt punt. on h.1a own the final sco,re is not a bit dec:eiving. In yards �ained 'from Scrim- out �n Ulp pI the heaP. behind perfect In�rfert!nce �i'aoed M � to the"rfeht. then rt!versed his mage, El lensbur� gained 1 1 9 !C? aur. 43. The passl;ng attack. I\owe:--er . ' ya� Into scorin,· tu.rl; The try for flel'*.: and �ed again. was �ore even, In that we galn�d 85 ya�ds to their 1.1 2 .. ' In the flrs� 17'--h '

point went makl�e the aeore 1-e In

�h I nd period. with the ball down department, we made four to eIght for the Wddcats. Our ' . � anges . �n Cavor of the.vtaltOl'll

on t e \:heran 19 yard stripe John Cladia.tors adhered more to the rules in that they received but ten Statl tI th t rrted t . O'Connor'a touC�dOwn Jaunt pye the . Thom faded back and hea�ed a yards against them in penalties, for fi.ft)< agai�st t�eir opP:Onents. dents :t �,:::, U:lve��ty ave:';

GI�la"9f3 ,-orrfldence. and they batUed beautiful � Ul .Nehl. Who caught It Final .score are usually nor representative. but In thiS game as you better' grades than those unattached.

�� even terms with their opponenta In on the three And scampered &CI'OM the can see. su�h w�s not t�e case. . Any atudent UPreMlpg a ChrtsUan

e RCOnd period. ' . .

line wunoleated. ) S. _ S. _ . . . belief Is barred from the coIle'� _ �f th�:�:�MI� o��=e ::::s:::: on

A few plays later when Bill MCCar- . The f�ee late . "nd collection ."tem .whlc� COo1Ic.h OI.on In- Ruaala. . worked the ball :owr ... Ul � Oladia� thry. an91her fast boy. In�pted a stltuted !:hll fall for our home ,am� .t the Llnco!n .�owl. w� , Harvard men .·ho desire employment I-yard line. Here the teacheR ran inUl Lutheran pUS on· their 25 and dashed huge IUC.�es •• �t all the lames ,� 11:1" crowds In ".Id.ftc., art! enrolled on a social regf.ter whoee the proverbial atone wall. the Oladia­through a broken fI�ld to the eight. three � fi •• �ou ... nd, .howln, �'t !he "!'acoma f� .... �re be- business It II to fumWl m� escorts tors' .defense U,htenlng to atop t.wo iine Nehl 'made seven and, Jumpln, Joe :::�hu:� lh�i':.!I:":lf!�: ::::::.t ;':::� ::;.�:�:. U:..d:u:hl��: for "d�b" parties. ' • plunges wlthout �. The Lutheran.' . Ro

;;:'t..n:;!�!;VI:;� and but a minute is due COo1Ich 0I10n for thil .uccessful experiMent_ . . ; In. a aurvey � Hunter Collere, New hopes faded when. a few pia,. later -

before th� half. Joe MorT1.son. ve.A .... � . . 5 S Y

�lt was found .that of the 550 the v1a1to� completed • 3O-yard pus

..... _. ' . , I . co-e<1a. only one intends to rOC' a touchdown. . end, raced 11 yards throu,h & brokeri The fine support . ..&hich our team has rec.eived all season was m&rTy..--P� r:raduaUon. The othen -The fourth canto· 51.'11 both te&mI field to a touchdown on an around·end not lac:king last Saturday .in Portland. More t�an twenty.fiv.e .r�ters are �c to wort. . fUUnr the air With puaea. The Luth-

PI� atan off the dro .... e down and.fheered for our SQuad. That s rea.

,school spIrit ! ' . Ftf the lirst time in ten yean. atu� .era,na comple�' ae� � aUea!Ptl

ball ' second half with the S. S. dents\at Smith· COll •• a.ccon:Unc .to a (Of' sub!t.anUar p.1na, but. the run

fad on the Irish 4S yard line, Th�M COIfers, att.ntion! All th� • • ntered in the tourlUlm.nt mu.t QueatiGnna1re showed' a ma.)ority in sounded endq the came. \' ed .back and apJn heaved one of play their fint round matches ·thi. week in order that 'the n.xt favo� �\�nt.e·rln' the t.cachlng prOfes. . Per the GlAcuaton. WUlard. John­_those pretty to �hl. who caught round may be play.d as loon as possibl.. ReMember, ,et ...... e Sioz:l.

. ion and Jack were the outat& Une-It:n the 30 and rambled O\'er for an- matches completed! Men outnumber the women In the m�n. whUe Smith, and O'COn-O

! I�r =��iV���:I�h:kJ:: all of . .

S. �. . , . cooklnr claaaes .at Mlchlpn Sta·te. nor were th'e ahinJnr Urhta in the bact-

the fo rth 'u wi ' Under the able superviSion of MISS Goff, CiriS athlet"s are get- Every male &eruor at the Uruvenlty tle�d. Me�r. Hakola and. K1mt».11 LUthe� :�:;ed

r .th:

h =1 oo:t�:: ting along fine. Classes are held 6n Monda'1: and. �ednesday with of California muat underro two weeb stood out on the Ellensburg llneup.

terma Th Oladl - speedbal l as the main acti .... ity. On these days, our fair co·eds are to of footb&ll. tra1n1ne: one week In the PATRONIZE

atAun�h �tt�e. a d a

�? put. up a be seen prancing up and down t�e field dad solely. in gym, outfit�: line and one In the backfield. n dldn t give up once. As Mr. Bardon says. "What is thiS younger generatlon commg to? Edlto�ala have been abollahed in the MOORING: MAS'!"

· , Bonn"d.l. Beauty Shoppe Stude"tl-You .re welcome .to come i" while w.itir,C fOf' iI

SlrHI C.r

Ashland COlle(l;e P.Aper because, of the ADVEBTl8D8 The Irish gained 13 first. downs to Colfers N9w Playing beUef U\at the ed1tbr'a ldeu are no bet.- t=============::+

t ..... o for the LutheTan5. Elimination Matches ter than -those of 'the atudent bOdy and

W.tch wiMow fot: w .. klj specUi" Expert Perm."ent W.vinl · CArba4 014S·R-2 ' .'utt .. ,", .

Willard. Shuster. and smith a� -' - that they do not repreaent the policy out for the Lutherans altho�gh the TWenty.el,ht. divot diggers are of the paper.. , . BROOKDALE CRQCERY �hole SClua" put 'Up 'Il spirited flcht. awlnging thfoir clubs over the Parkland Chinese atudents pay a yearly tui- H.,; '--'. Palttt. Drwp, For the Irish, Nehl At.ood out. and coune thI5 . week in.. the e1.lm.lnaUoo Uoo fee of "'.00 in rovemment unlver- tt.Nw.,... SIt..


Thoma.s, Roholt, Mon15on, and Mc· Ulurnament which ls conducted each alUe.. BROOKOA!-f Carthy also looked rood· year for the purpo&e of selecting .the The UniverSity of Texas hal receoUy i!:=========:::!

Summary: Oladlator golf team. . received a first ed1Uon of the authorized. FOR EVERY PURPOSE



P. L £' Cohlmbia With the return of the enUre lut. tranalaUon or the Blble. Jam1llarly Levinson ( ---.. . . .LER . .. .... Plakol year's SQuad and a wealth of 'promIa· ,knoWn as the' Ktn.. James t.ran&IAUoo. CronqU1at ........... .LTR.. . .. .... ,Brenonan inr new material, lhl-s year'a prospects printed n ·e·l. Becuae al Its 1nf1� SChlerma.n.n .... "LOR ............... _ .. ".�Carr are for a �-shatterln' aggrera.Uon. has come Ul be �ed "the In Johnson ..... _ .. C_ ... .. . . JohanIieaen J-n the matches played thus f.,.. Bud the . �Id. H

KenchlNum ,. Suits .nd·Overc:o.ts

For Sill. Exclusl .... ilt I ....... & '.I ...... tI '912 �K. A ..... -TecorN

BrOokdale Lumber Co.

Peterson .. .......... .ROL. ..... �rt.y Lehmann hal won over Lloyd 'IbomJ)- The department of bac�olOtrY of Sv1nth ................. :R:n ........... .. LeinWeber aon, and Paul Preus over � Mc- Akro� .Unlveralty pajd atudelita 'Uoo r----------....... ;W:1Uard. . .... .REL. .... ......... .Jlan1aon Cormick. 'Other palrinp are� � for 'blood tranatuaJOnll laat � . .

Phone OArland 38ll-J-& Shuster ....... Q.... . ...... : .... ManIoo TrulaOn va Q. A .. 'nnplatad, Orwoll <¥ttyab\U'l Collqe in � ... �rl1tz .: ...

......... .. .RHL. .. . : .... ; ............... Ne� Dahl Vl Bye. E. T1naelsta.d.� � �- atarUng Ita 102nd term th1a yeAf .. ls ;==on=\:T,:O�=taln=KD:H:t:":b .. :.:'==! �:�



= :=�'��n�

e: ��se:I�t.:.=�:;:

ou:;:J,.=:=. "':;:In:;: ... = .. :;:







th' , Q . Paul XaVier. VI F'ran.It Elllot.. Paul Columbia . . . ..... 14. 18 e G--3I Hlrhby va B)'t'. Norman WeatUna va .

If It's the Choice of . the

Graduating Class

P. L. C. . ............... 0 0 0 0- 0 Willie Jack. Lloyd Kretch VI "Peanuts". Q- um- '"" ,MIr. ... $6.79 Scorlng: . cOlum�la - Touchslowns. Lai-son, Ted. CroilQuiat VI LlId.� Llr­Nehl �. 'Roholt, Morr1aon; try tor point.. aon. J. U. Xavier VI Bye. Herb Nor. COrcoran 2. P. 1... C.-None. pard VI Bye, Bot,.Svare VI J.l1Iton N� KIMBALL'S



���:;=e. � ·YIC.Ir. J. � va Norman Jensen.

CoMpliments of


AmOcat Prooucts

Why not ,YOU Sanderson. Archbold. B. KUun. K. . . I _ I ="E=��� H< "


'. ' · .


I . � .

. ..

I����������I .· ����������� · f!fS(' . 8Iusser.·A1bln, O'Nell, KoI!t:. COffey and . . � H�n;:�_P>U& Lo ... /l. "" " •• " SCHOOL PRINTI NG '

George MlDniI'Ih. umpire; EmU Pilueo. ,� head 1Inesman. ___ �� . F. H. KRUC ' FIoreace PM 'aDd FraU .. 8 ....... . . WUIanI ..ere � ba ' Raft y .. '

Seniors ,Come In Any Time for Your I Sittings

MAIN 4493 ' 304' �us: BIJ�. .:roc,,","

;-- . . .. , - .-

Met. . .

SUITS ":AILOUD '1'O YOUR . Mu.suU $14.5 •• 4.1.50-$'1.5. .CIL-CUNDElSOti _ .. 161 � Winthrop Hot.,

- --...... .::�.-- . - ';"

. Cym. Supplies . Shoes-,.-Trunk!:

Jockey Straps--Slliris �t Yours Now


-, 9Z4 '� A_



'J OHNSON -.COX CO. ' (,0 '

726 Pacific Ave, BRciadway 2238

. =

1 I

Page 17: Mast 1933-1934

I ·


Freshmen To Have Football Bonquot Doto . Choir Will ApPear Announco. For . ' Vliriety Marks 2nd

P t S t d - ' Announced for Doc. 1.5 In c:o:. ttl D' 10 Vocotoon." Term End,nJ D ' " N" ht . ar y a ur ay , ' --' . . , .:x:a e ec. . -- , . rama ' Ig m ---. Sch I The annual footb&U banquet. 'IIV1l1 be -' -- ' . Tbe loD&"�u� � Th' Frid Evenmg at 00 h,ld Friday. oeo."'" IS. &! whld> Poeme (uth •••• A C.pell., Ch",':: ......... will ..ot; ... ..... tn.m to· GYl:Il IS . ay More Th�n Seven Frosh Invited :

e 1::!:,,�111� &=�t r::;a� ilted Will M.ake Fint Public :�..,�� ���=. be ;;� ' . _' . . it ty . . . tieaded by 'tlle' � or Control, with Appeuance .n, Ceth .. m ..... weeU after t.bal.' on December 19. Comedy, Mys�ry 'I.� .nd Ex-To A�H.' ,Recreatton �oom Clarence Lemming as. general e�a1r. B�thany �uther�n C�urc.hes Chn.t.m:.. ','aeaUon w!JI � eerpt F

,rom" Sil� �.I:�Hr' to I. �Here. 8er"lo� Vo,an An- on Jaft......,. 3, 1934. Tbe taU _tu Ciyen :· S .. op�.n., PI.nONum,,: '0t.' eft Committee Memben Heads of'the committees a�: Decora- The Paclne Lutheran COllege Chol� d_ on Feb� t. be,.. on 'Int ... nd"ion Pro,ram -- tlon, Paul Preu.s; entertftlnment, Kath. will make its first pubUc appearan� of Despite the lnterT1lPUn, 'nICaUoe-.' . __ , est and Normal Department ryn

. Johnson menu and waitresses this seMOn Decembu 10 In Beattie. The the Moortnt Mut wW come oat next · . : .

frt!Shmen ·wil l . gather next Saturday M8.!)' Nash; 'a.dvertlsing and tickets: ���I�:t�le��e ����� �


.��a:: tI�e on D�ember 6; and &be ta.t "ae se:�,,: �=a

n;�� :�

I :e


evening In the rtCreation � tor ��

Marie Powler. and clean-up, Bert son. pastor. and L'1 the Bethany Luth- �-= :f�:;:J:����u� or �Iil 'be hel� I� the �l1ere. lY�aaI�m ,

their first party. P1ar,s for the arfalr, ' ') eran Church, Rev. C. J. Bloomqul.!lt, Friday evening at 8 0 clock:. Much var-which \1.111 be informal and begin at 8 pastor.

. . lety Is promised �. the program, with a. �'elock, a� as yet Incomplete. Ber· Students Hear 3 These' two conceru are to _� given 42 Grads Attend :�ne:�� dr=�=a: �:��

p:� gllot Vogan, president of the,an- as an Introcluction 'to the campaign to .. ' . . . . .' nounces that there "art' more than Outside Speakers f1L1se funds for P-!-,.C., whlch will be First Class Party =�un� :!o

N�= J:;�:

seventy studenl4 in the grouP. all of -- ::::�ee�n :'?t

e:e m��

e:t �: � : -' - � Butsch; aP saXop!,1one quartet ot �y

whom are nvited to the party. Mn.. Three outstanding spealr.ers have ad· I ' bla Co i I t J

int It', . Iil the fo� of a cabaret., melpbers of HlnderUe. Hudson, Nonnan·Jen·

Kreidler dean of women and Mr. Beck dressed the stude�ts at the chapel ex· ;'�nted ou� :';t.nce

:, c�=s w�: �graduthaUng CI�S

lnh:�d their f'


t sen and Mr. Hunter; and vocal /JII!lec-. ' . ' . pa�y ot e Rason w.e recrea Uons by a trio of Evelyn Monaon. Dor-I adViser to the fruhmen, \1.111 attend. erctses , recently. Ye.s�rday. momlng. not ac:th'e� e In supporting· P. roo last Saturday evening. More 'othy Delamarter and Vlrjlnla Boen.

L Comm1ttee.s announced by Miss Vogan H. O. Geise. an attom�y connected :i�:::ll:� �:r!.:o!=:w� t n 40 of the � members In the class Por th·e&e. plays. RhQda

• to be In c� of the affair are as \l.1th the consulate In Seatur. spolr.e In the school Should carry on a program i!ow7:r

edPn.!:�:::�i.:::nanci::� and Edpr .� are gene!"&1 ProPCrtf follows: DecoraUon-Bert Myhre the �Iace of Consul Reinhardt-. who for the 'purpose of aroualng Interest mtog, ;" hOlusses and hOlts. welcom� managers. Other co�lttee �en

,---/ �Ch.fJrman) , Marie Johnson. Mauryne was previowly a.�mounCed as �est In PL.O .. the chOir concerts being a thMrsts. who enjoyed an evening ot :� Ele

':qJ" '::=�

h�::::: :: , __ Christensen, John prtbelbls and John speaker. Mr. Oelse, receiltly returned step in that direction. Dr. TlngeLs¥ gam'b and proP-am· numbers. Kath- , EDge , ,

- McDona-ld; rdreahment&--EUne Benson from an e'xtended v1sit to Germany, .... m III� � short. talk In behalr of the ryn Johnson, president of the clasi, ,denon-cb.aln.---B.obut Mon.IoD- Jolm

I . college on each program Van Leuven and Henry Olson are the (c.hairma.�), Gladys Swenland, Amy discussed present day conditions In ' . welcomed the guests. before. lames of pro rty managers tor the various Ollbert. Arn� Strand and �Ull�m Ja.clr., Oermany. He spoke particularly of the

----- "cootie" were enjoyed. Prizes to� the gro:ps.

=�:����a=: x::�


c�� Jewish trouble there, ou�lIning the Want Photographs ���s a:�reN��an


na �

c-Oeo.rgl�nnSo McClure's rroup Is pre� ! � . d Eug B' . I' vita growth ot It since 1923'-24; and the re- , . : paring a hilarious comedy, "A Mad

I us

:nld H .e_�e

. ( ��e,

) nR ui cent attempt of' the Hilierite govern- A short program was presented, with Breakfast." In the cast are Mada"e t ont;- n u ....... n c ..... rma.n . u ment to solve It. Margaret Wesaon, Moo!in, Ma�Jo;nl With C�le,i- A1vene Schlerman� anno�nclng �l! Harmon, Ellen Bergstronl. Mary Nash, Froyen. · Kenn -!ohruon: and Arnold presldenl.of the German Club. Intro- ate Digest in Offer to Students numbers.. the flnt ot whlcfi was So tap Bafrie TorresdAl, Virginia' Baen, Eula

, Anderson; clean-up-Eldon Anderson duced the aker. . dance by Pri.sClIla¥B and Barbara May' Goff, Robert Monson, F'rarik El-

�;:��)He:�n NO=:an�a:�� At noon S;:sterday. the German Club an�


n�o�:::: O�::t

M':�: = :v


;::o J:::�::=a::n� Uot: Lloyd �t¢, and Edpr Lar8on. ton Nesvir. honored Mr. Oelse at a luncheop In 11 for unusual'snapshots of .s:tudent and by Bob and Clarence Monson and Nor-' ''The Mystery 01 the. TapPl;nl" Key."

. the chapel basement. Me�rs of the faculty acUvltles, It was announced to. man Jensen a trombone' selecUgn ',was will be presented by Eve� Irwtn's Croups Present' P. L, C, French .club ahd other out.alders were -day by Hazel Monsen. editor ot the played by �Ir. ElItot, a;d Melba Ross group. The'varlous role. have bee.n �

• • also welcomed to. t6e affalr, for which Mooring' Mast. _ p�nted plano numbers. Ikan Hauge. slgn.� to WUlla� Rasmussen, Thelma Day Program

.s ; Will Clye a charge of IS-cents was made, This offer is being ma.;'by - the advlser -ot the class. also aPoke� -Arter n.nlel&, Arnold My�nr.. MIlton K:"�,

Another. Next Sunday Rev. Adolph Fjeldslr.ard of Albany, Mooring Mast and by CoUegtaU Digest the program and games, ref�ment.s �=an�':I��-=e Pe�=,. :n -- ..... , DI,. was at .school Monday, and spoke to fOlter student photography. and to were served, ca.rrytng o.ut a cabaret oammel and H, elen BenllOO, • Representlng the school in �tUe to Utf1tudenta In chapel of paN of give all students the opportunity of ItyJe.

. -churches, two groups have given pro- his world tours. He 15 the most-travel· competlng for publlcation. honors in Pa.eulty ';emben present welt! Mrs. An excerpt- .from "Blig Marner," the .grams. Friday, Nov. 10, .they were In ed minister In thr Norwertan Lutheran the magazine rotogravure aect10n that Kreidler, MLsa Powler, . and, 'Dean "The'Coming of WUlI&m. Dane," Rev. Benpton's charge and last Bun- Church of America. and has ,had in- Is distributed Haua-e. Mrs. Haui'e wae Invited but Is being praet1sed by N?rman West�'s day I.n Im�uel Lutheran. Rev. H. A. tert!Sung ' experiences. Borne of the. All photos should be Rnt to the Edl- ,wu unable to attend. grou�. � In th1I drama � _ Stub's charge. thlng5 n�ted In chapel by Rev .. tor. Collegiate Digest. -J4adbOn, WIs- The comm1tt.eea·who planned the a.f- �

t w�,

�Yd Roll, . t The Prorratn at Rev. Benll\oOn'l Pjeldskard WL'l that of his visit to consln, or should be sent directly to tair Included: Decol'Jltlon-Clarl!I1ce uea:er, '.TOPS,. �, �

church cona1sted of the main speech by. east, and ot hl5 v1slta to the Holy l£nd. this newspaper. All photos that. are .Monson (chairman), Do�y Del& Craft, Arne Btrand. and Alnes �­Dr. O. A. ' �, voc.aJ 10101 by One of the hlghUghta. cited by Rev. Rlected for publication will be paid for er, Marvin HaMen, Be;v Bh�. Eve� ne�

Arnold Anderson, plano 10101 by Rhoda Fjerl�1r.ard was that of hla visit to at the ra� of " I each, with .no llmlta- lyo MOl1S9n and Mur1e1'MCCull�h';'re- . '. " ::::s=:!t SOl

:::: ::: th

�::�:a:f ::=::. Pjeldakard ��� ::

eon�n It�:n�

umber" .�P

ted Zues!m���:�n:� r.e;oru:� S�II -Sf."-WII� .-_� •• t� son. gAve So lecture 'on h1s obsUvaUons In Pflueger and John Btue1'i; entertain· Every Monday Noon; . At Immanuel Lu mn, E. 'I1ngel- RUMIa. where he has lpent the Put Econor�'tic Confe,.nc� ment-Alvene Bch1ermann (cha ... lrman). Snapthoh.Are Requ •• tecl

stad presented the uae of the college. year ot his ute. The same lecture wU · Huel Monsen, Pearl Homme, V1rIInIa . . Rboda Holr.enatad ve ptano numbefll. given lut. eventng In the Plrst Nor-' , Will ' Be at U. Durinl. Byers, Norman 'WesUlng and R;onald The SAp; naft havtna: �n choeen. Ronald Martin two sonp. and wej1an Lutheran Chureh In Taooma. Thank .. ivi.nIWeek�End Man1n; . cleanup - Norman Jensen plans for,thi" year's annual are berIn-Ma.rgaret Weas:or;lo ve a ludln... Rev. selmer A. Beri-e, president of (chairma:n·). Rolt Preus. Harol� Trul� ntna: to tate a definite form. � The purpose of. these prOgriun.s 1$ to the Natiooal Young Peoples' Lu The N.�· Students' Intema- IOn. BUI R&amusaen and (korge Jans·· Wesson. editor". of t.bia ,.eat'a �

create Interest in the CoJJece 'and aid Le&rue, spoke' here one �eek tIonal� Cont�nce wt11 be held Rn, prinn1aes new &Del or1&1Jl&l. ,lnnov&Uon& in ra.isI.nI' "tbe quotu of these yarious day. In. connect1on with his vtalt, at the Unlversity of WubIn,um dunn. 'I1:Ie ·freshmen who served the re- In the � boot. Altboulh it 'iI too ch� to the ICbool In both cuea . members of the Clrcult and 'DiatriCt the 'tbanbclvtnc V3CIlUon. 'Prlday and freahme:nts were Kar'ie "WranI", Ann early to·stAn W"OI"k on tb1a ,..i actJ"I • . the Procr&ml have been received In Lea.rue Bo&rdi met here tb&;.AaY. Batday. December:. 1 and. 2. . John.,ri, Ida 'nlODlPI9D •. Bert_JoI1"hn, Us,'much procreaI'1a beinI made on a IOod .tead and � ICbool 1a � . . ..; ... TIlls pa.rt.lcular· e.onterni:e wIll .� Roland BtplUllOD and Eldon Anderaon. oomp1eted. record of IMt tur. IIkII tot

. much support as a resulL I trod' • tio to T hi . Jarrely with the vartoua economic p� enpa"'4" aDd pdnUDc .... to. be oaUed . Nen BUnda,. �r fP'OUP ;W' 10 . " , ue • . � ".- IP"UJl& now � attempted ·in tb1a L. D. R. Plan. Christmas f�r eoon.' . . . .\.-. _ . • to the PInt Norweatan Lutber&n, c .... Vitlts In 5c� country and thro\llhOUt the' wodeL Party Dec. 5 .t Ra.mltad·. The ataU wW meet erirr7 MOr.daJ: In Church In �" Rn, II. L. NenJ.c'. -�\ • crtUea1 analysis will be made of the � __ . , . the Sap oU1ce� �.u.e f1l?t mieieUDr cb;&rP. Dr. O. A. 'l"lDp1Stad wW ..-. Members of � P'oWler'1 inUOduc� American, German. aod 'pl&m Kn, A. W. �tad wW entertain the meJ;llbers or, the·...,f "'"' Iivm a three . abd a � �pc.ed of tioo to �clau ue'eacb .. repre.ent&Uve of the·,mo.t.�port- tbe pll of &be Lutlieran. DaUlhw:a o.f pep talk b1 � ��: � 1iI'e'N aJ80 Pa� W� MlP�; Walter O'stad, Prid&Y. mom1nl In � � ant different a� tq �.p:r'Oo: the Ret�tIon at. btr home Wectne.; aataned � � duUeL , n .na barltope";. Rboda �, pSaDo .,. � at dUferent nearby cnde &Del blem;and � the pr:ob&ble reau1t. 01 daJ, Dec\' e, .

. . ' annou:noed� tha&: .-u' � em &be JWt; and ;BUrme B1U'IQIle, "9SolIDW 'lntermedtate � 'lbe -pUl'pOM o� Lbe.e .�- upon "ll'oc:ld re�� ' 'ria proiram-u tbua far IUtDOUDCed pari� 9' � � bod)' would . IM will perform at t1roof tM.e � .t.hMe IDapect;AaO vWt. 11 to · � teneraUy, • , ', . . ' . . wW;mdude 1Jl'OUP'�IiDI1DI, an � , cratetuUr, .ooepCed ape! � . . . . _ _ the N� �enu In � cluI for All '.tudent. tneerated In � b)' Mn.."K. N. Roe, ot o-. Ba:tIor. KIIlP , .'Ibe � depa.rt.aDeat hu plAoed

. '" Club .... � .,\..._---=�� � � wh1eh � wW tab � � inVited.. A' �� fee b)' &be Pacult7 WI.,. Quartet. a plaJ:Iat; a bas In t.hI!. l1bru"1: wbere aoioDe ba,,· l'or.the pep dub meeUnc � up DUt *PriDI" . " . ot ooedoUar wW be.cbarpd..� 'frUJ "POftr' .8tatloo," iU"1I trio, a .. � Ina � 01 aehool llte ID&7 -" ,-

:::1 ��=or .. :: bl:e= .:==ac: � :U�,��:;; � �u:: ie!:' �J6am. �' JeR'wW appear tn UIe number b1 Rutb C&.riIIm &lid a .... at. � the aiewan 1Iltenned1ate eb.aZp. O!armca 'Li!:mmb:ra ' aimaUnoe. lOll, Rboda � Vlq1p1a KahD� annual.. ' AD7- � &be .. � :u -:a= b7� :::M. -.: =.:: ����:e� =1Al:=�=� :'��"::�� =a::'� tos:r� � Vaiul. - ..ace_Jatum ..-ooa_� �� . , , __ � WIuJd' COIiter � __ d1atI1buted to� Iii'I8 at tba �, tbe mapMot.. edUDr:

v ,

Page 18: Mast 1933-1934


.. I. .

P,,"OBTWO PACIP'IC L� COLLEGE, P�. WA.8KINO'l'ON NO� 22' lmJ' ijJ b r jfl 0 0 ri u g jfl a � t Publlahed eftrJ two weeki; durlnc \be scbool year by \he ilWdent. of

Luthtran Co�. Parkland, Waab,lDctao , . Entered' as aecond claa matter, -October 1. 1825. ai � � omce at P'atklalld. Wutncton, under tbe Act of Karch I. 1m.


HAZEL MONSEN Marte .Wranr waa at her home tn. Bel-

Editor Aboa u.e 0DI1. � . t.bal call lay Unitwn.:and .&Uended � pme . the

Associate Editor down oa � Job aiul ret rei.&. ..... b� . . PollUclan: "I won the e�ecUon today,': week-end of N�OY. 10. Mi lton Nesvig William Jack Evelyn Eklun<.l Daniel Flotre Jack HudsOn

. "') .

_ Sports EdItor ��. ,,�r.:� 01 rack 1a ':���:���lna Ul.t �P7:' ��� ,:o.=�PU:��n·v:e�: Features Editor tbia'" -LA.- . • "Unatwn were 'M&rJ N�. Alloe �ter-

Editorial - WTiter :r.hme. Jol.: "Ob4 I J� take It for . U" ..... 1 bUd \0 aTOl4 Uae PHia.u. sOil. LUa Ludd; VlrIlnla U&hncll:e. Jean� . T,),pist rranlte," . 01 the BIa' �CTbe pi _� 'Marte Fowler, ,and N.O� WetUlni".

Reporters . -¥:- ..

::;:: =- new .b� ill the'.tnd �e ;Johnson ftnt to her home Ip Eunice Arneson, Virginia Boen, Margaret Craft. Jean-Marie' Fowler, =:�::-::::. ��::Ii . -LA- South: Bend to spend the-' weeII.:-end or

Wilma O'Brien, Emory Whitaker . nenr Iaf'rmce OD. btl , RES.PECTFULLY DEDICATED TO NO'.'. 10.

-Lk- . . i. �-'. rOaD Wi." Beet. taurht "\he )'OWlI ".e�·. IUSINESS STAFF . A QUIET -EVENING AT HOME Mine'l a collegiate Pard made of tin. ," Bible 'claM" at. the ' P'1nt Luthe,..n

Marvin Hansen Business Manag�r At. 8:00 p, m" whlle Pa and Ma, And It.'s a Pftl.ty t'OOd car for /he shape Church Nov, 12. 'In the ablence (If dtt

Bert Myhre Asst. \Bus. Manager Helped entertain w1t.h 81&: ��sb�es wont work. the..,l � ben�, �r, lnstructor. Clifford Mesford Advertis.i�B Manag�r Both'He &nd She In distant. ae&ta, , The rears atfi ahot.. the top Is wrecked:' Evelyn Irwin � Je&n:MarI.� row1er

Evelyn Monson , Circulation Manager Bat.---,C&I'-apart-l1D---th1a. The carburetor p&lt. the ias Une fast., as � ovenJ,ht. 'ruest .

... t her heme. ' Louise Ja�� Asst.

,Circ. Manager At 9:00 p. m, as Pa'''';lthd.rJ�, · You lJ1lnk It's a ' Joke, you trln very Sunday evenln,. ..

L-Q" J . St�n and N, J . Hong Faculty Advisers And'lIO\liht his r�m. up&tairs, '.wlde: ' . 05car Anderson " sta.'yed with Bill

't; )

The lovers found, some pbotosrapha, , B�t r�:.klds an always willing ,to take Rasml1!l5en In the �orm ilie evenln' of '

.-i And-nearer-brougbt.-the!l'--Cha�. the graduaUng class party, J I About Announcements . ' Mary�a Jack Hudaon, Charles �aak

It is common practice of manY, organizatlons at Pacific Luth· :�dIO�O:n�'o�' ��:h:��'

KAMP. US. ••• and Ernest Haugen vtalted trlendi In

eran College to defer announcerrl'ents of important meetings ,ti ll The lovers aat till nearly one' seatUe last week-end, immediately befor/t! the time set, with the result that many memhers Aboutascloseu�ts, OMM ENTS are unable to be present, while those who do attend, come entirely -LA-:- Open "�rets .un�repar,ed to discuss' questions brought before them. I n their con- "CUx:' Uaapn: .:o.ten E�'S Illr_ ' By Bad WhItaker AIn.t It Tbe 'I'nIUro . fUSIon they ' simply follow the lea'ders, and thus both elections and :: �o!t:" like a �ep ,01 Maxwell Hello everybody H� you ml.s5ed us That the wear and tear on the Ubrary other decisions are'often controlled by a small minority of the total N w�' .:Wb ... last 1saue as much aa we � you, is terrific Just before exams' membership, ,C:�Beea_ H:. roo:'t,o tbe last :; �=

t::t (:�: : ':r

o�o�O:� That. Lemmlni did his t'OOd �� tp.e

We suggest that the various, organizations announce all meet· drop!" , ' time beml, ' we ar� chock-full ot wtm, other day bY ,belptne a member Of the ings a t least one day ahead and at the same ti�e' publish important -LA- �r wid wltaUty, _ younger reneraUon across th! 38th issues of the program. W; would also suggest that the practice of The president or the I�i gas cOmpany - j -KK-


st.. intersection; , electing the' same person to seve;al offices be, discontinul!d as it im- ��1n:�ie � s:i.:a c:: r(;'i�n�';h:

t I�U

�f_:=r�: n;��-:r� Hudson Is Sf'Ortlnl a new

_ plies lack of suitable candidates and denies other students a chance haa done, 'Honor the !JIM Br1fade,' " have a high old Ume. Mary Naah '� That the- editOr ot the Baaa haa Jui' to develop whatever leadership ability they may possess. And a customer 1mJned1atel)' shouted, tn\ for running S� htrhwa; patrol loti 'n loots or buslneas matter. to dis-

"Oh, what a charge they made." ca�ott the � With Johnny's car, CUllS .Iui the Baaa i;)Ullneu manapr; -LA- Jean Marle rowler, Irene Shafland and That h1tcb-blklna Is the p-eat out-dodr Martin Luther MaJd: "The dod.or Is here, IIr." 'Mary �aab wandered into a wrona sport, aa tesutled by ttve football

Millions of Protestants the world over are this month com. Abwent mJ.J:aded Prof, Xarier: "Tell ' �c;r::m��t�Pla. What an emburasa· men; .

memorating the 450th anniversary of the birth of Martin Luther him to corne .acne day ne:n.�. l'm -ltK- That Van Leuven haa a new pajr, of This man, wh.ose name shines brighter as the years go by, broke the too IIkk to ha�e

.:...� t.o-day.'· Melvin Monson tells us that he al- _ wool anklets:

;r� arm of relig,ious tyranny, that for centuries kept the race s�a�- He was a. failure 8.!i an arc�tect so ;::: �:: ��e�a:�e=7 : at the Th�6,J

:� Wt!!��e�,=

;;ered t,be p,

�erl�g �nder th� greatest wrongs ?� all ages, .a�d sta.rted a ne,:", cl'"I · �: w:�t :��:�: but he Isn't draw- ' -KK- � noc


That IIOnny boy didn't need any theme Izatlon by clearing the way for Civil and religiOUS I iberty-1reedom g Y BeUeve It or �on't-wben Ferd Bondy paper lit the philosophy test: ' of thought, s�ech, and press, By laying the

, Bible open to the pub- Agnes L, (at :��ball game) : "I

retu� a book that wu a week. over- That the "Parade of the W:ooden Sol­lic, he uncovered the only- light that could disperse the darkness of don't see how that. referee can keep 110 due, Ubrartan O-n B·d aaJd, "Oh. that'S. dien" Is getUna' to be the bane of the the medieval world and start the race once more on its onward cool." all right-: } know, that ,you fwt for- Pundamentals class: ' march, ...


Ron�5S: "That.'s easy, Look at the got It." Shades of Baron'�unchausen! That.lIOme pupils (especlally 'tbe lab)

This is an age of hero-worship. The stars of .the gridiron, the fans around him," WJtb the first ;�; rain last Thurs-are very pop� durlna test Ume;'

champions of the pr'ize-ring, the record-breakers of the air. these -LA- 'day, Melba Roll bloesomed out IJi a That nobody wanted a stralaht A card. are the heroes Qf millions of men, women. and children. But they KaUul'n J, ."... trytn,- to I� IfOif, nice new r.lncaPe, It ftmlnded w of anyway,

are not tru� heroes: rake away the chances for fam� and fortune, hi:-::-:�� the ball on tbe' tee, and �::o�eR,���g �rw�:�!:'!oo� r' �;;::::::;;::;;:::::::::::::::::=r and they Will not risk the dangers. � true hero IS he who un- KaUaryn .J,: "Why don't tber �all It late. He's' keepJng ccmpany With the 8R�KD�LE selfishly devotes himself to the cause of truth and justice, who fear- coffee? U', ITound." "Three Little Pip," . lessly faces the mightiest powers in defence of these principles. -LA- -KK- ' BARBER SHOP

Brooltdaie Luther was such a hero, Relying on the word of God, he deffed the Jack: "Could I borrow your tuxedo The Pew Mystic 118.ys, "LlIe Is sWI combined 'forces of earth and hell . Such a man is an· hero indeed. ' tonlght?" wbat you malte It untU &Omeone comes 1,;':=========::; Such a man we may safely teach our people to admire. Ed: "Sure, If you'll return it to Tom alonr and makes It worse."

and teU him to be sure and give it back -KK-to Bill, , Mr. Hlgbby told his bygiene cJw

Thank�giYi'!.g . . -LA- that "rickety" chUdnn are jut is'tn. Many Americans will th!s,

year find i t, diffic,ult to offer their A C!:=� =T�8: .. uto- :�I:r


r::1 ��e��n . ..!;� c: prayers of thanks on Than�sg!vmg l:?ay. Vainly they have �truggled mobUe aceldeni ODe day, A paper. atter when they an H.ttle-bra1ne<1 and knoclr: for months and years to find some means by which they can honestly ftleol'dlq 'Lb:e �&deD.' �. "We- kOeed, Anyway. that statement ,goean't

secure a liveli.hood for themselves and their families. and when we, are � &0 add tbat he was able to mean much. because \bere are lots of �o are among the more fortunate ones, murmu( at times. how�car:'l .: .. Ute 'toUowiDc � In toar "normal" chlIdren who an not very we �der that, these �omeless. and , jobless people gr�mble? The -LA'- lnte�nt, -KJt- ' depreSSion has hit Amer.'cC! hard. yet not as hard as many other lands. , ''The dimmer the PorCh lIgbt, the tJtUe do some of us knOw uU.t ro­As, a nation we· have no .reason to complain. for our problem is not areater the' scandal power," 118.)'1 your mance stalka amane 118. Jean-War\e national pov�rty. but "poverty in the midst of p'lenty." ' And if a faithful AW?-1; T1a Juana. . Powler � attracted Ita at.t.enUon. PI:»-�vere experience like the one through wI1ich we are {'tOw passing -:LA:- Rhode&. .: aoph at Llnco\D Hi. a was �'ecessa,ry to �n ,the �yes of our S)eOJ?le to'the u


,ra.selfish�ss -=-�.� � �:'7t::--:� �)�=e�


of higher fll'lanc'J,erlng which ,has ma,de �uch condItions posSible. oil. � 00 at.Gd:' dill. be MT? ,

, ' a foo&b&ll pme: II tie a penkte:nt then we, ought to be thanktul for the depression; even ttiough it la ..... _: "Be dIda."& btI7 MJ', • A aultorl Ttfe male portion oL the ataf! makes the innocen't suffer, for the guilty. Suffering and sacrifices ric:b old -* vted t. II&ari '. fIioe wttb don't blame him a bit.

Printers StationerS Engravers


Fine Office Furniture

Pt2�.�� R 12th 6 A St, Postoffb � ... Phone MAin 2l� '

seem to be essential preliminaries. to all great reforms. a f:!IoII of it. ---I'�������;'::;;;;;;;;k�;;;;�;;;;I--"'" O�spjte th'e'hard times we Americans have indeed reason to be

1 thankful. Untold blessings. both material and spiritual. have been Rep.irin,' ' ours in the past, and still,are. While clouds of war are h9Vering ov:er ' Asia :ana Europe;: �r horizon is clear. Our neighbors to the north BOYNTON'S mVICE ' and south are peaceful; on the east and west the ,mighty oCuns In- GAS o!, '��IR�:-,�� �;L $Ure � againSt, �nex�te:d attac�. It is true: �t int�1 Condl� • : , .


tions at present are deplorable. but they are not� hopeless, All we ....--............................ _ ... -:-.. _ ....... ":"'.-. -

""" N 6768 .



.... 1 . need is '. leoder. a �n brairly-.!flOUg/1 to solve the prd,1"l" of distrl. I " HIGHEsr QUAllTY'PRINTING .' !>ution. and powerful· enough !b subdue crime. hig/1 ""'" lOW_ And OLYMPIC DAilY �ODUCT$ In , ·MOdOmIy ........ Shop

whO' k� we-hiVe not. such • n'WIn in' our new president? ,A new T ... ••

, ...... ' Come In AnYtime en is dowrling on the llmeriean nation-'-on er. In which ·the rights ,.. Z5 Y... . , . , '. . Allotrum PrI,tln, CoM ..... , !Jf life. liberty: and the pursuit of happi�!NY truly be ours, l 9<tO ,c::oMMERCE ST, " . . ' ...... � ____ •

• > ·� 1 . 'j j

Page 19: Mast 1933-1934

NOVEMBER 2l. 1833

HAVE YOU MET? Dar� curl}' halr and big brown eyes..

c'oupied With a pa.l.r of extra eyes, an! the outstan<tllli" c�terlatles' ot thls fair co-ed. . . She la a realdent .of the donn II.nd Is talt1ng a Liberal ArtS course. -graduating thla ,..ear. MlWc receh-ea a i"DOd deal of her attenU"on as: she Is a member 'of the choir and


" / , I I' :


000 , 000

000 OTHER 000

I Chapel Glean�gs' �I P;�: �;!:�:::l Uke �ther. we ahould �ve "!.he tit.- ' 'Re;o--;, Carda. Tomorrow

faith In the . . w, ," ,mit of God: ��, 'I.lni ' . �t!j qU� �.k, titlt., . �xama,,' If wt �t.and staunchly � thl.L. anf. all other thlnls Uwi dear tHcl}en b no ·pov.'et on ,earth that � '� to can them. atudent{J in)P.-ed J-. w.-Rrunatad. . . their panmla tor " t.he .nrat 'time t.h&t 0 , ' , -'- . � . ' they were really lolnlr to colleae and.

pia)'! the violin very 'It'ell. ,Her home A University of Washln,ton survey E&rlham Coli.' held an We .ahoUld not. try to cha.nce reJ,l.lklo were really IItudylng: Dad who.uaed to . Is In Seattle Bnd on the coinpleUon of shon tpat U!.e .venae colI • • �udent ment in whJch UUi O!>-eds ''''---' I '" auit ouneh'e8, but should 1�1 urn t.he mldnIlht. 011.;' Pined . .orne her coun.e, she plans to conUnue her carrl� more money In biB pocket than In the COIItUmetl ot famous chanre-UII.--:-Xavier. aaUat�UOn from w&tchlng lIOri.ily bum studies at !.he. " U" , In oonehwon, she the 8.n;,1t" p�feasor <toea. and that. acters. The "boob" 'COuld the Maida lamps, or did he? appears to be a very quiet girl; but. the profeMo�a secretary carrlee more_ for • period ot �n minutS . te the' tnClftaln, of llI.e At any rate the periJoua Ume is now when you know her-wen, that's dlf- than the .... lwd of them combined. were levied fOr late.�t.uria, and lalincl,Unl out'-to new' over: T8chera' h�ve lettled back for ferent. knowl�re 80 tJ.tat our �� another nine week,a' rest unUI stmester

Wuhington University co-eds havt! world ml,ht be .Inereased.� exams COl1le around, when ·they muSt � ann,'er to a m.Jden·s prayer, 'or II. speelal �tlon for :'�helor rtrla" An announcement on a bulletin ' .

�t more Pa.pers. . Mr. Hans Ia In:-::i':'���t ::�tI�::�-::�� ��:;��, �::'�anTh.:il ,:.�

n:: =:::.z.:;:t�,"�ru'm.n 100<1" w! :e:1�:U:����:vi:�� �S!��:i��v;:��=:

of hls attenUon, so he is a very popu, The Unlvenllty of Washington te atv- . ' . aI.,.aemeeter" � he'

lar YOUili man, too. Last year he was Ing a course In "bluffing", It Is givep Tbe IPUl.f;r trl.ala . aDI;l trtbUia- baa d.� bow- pupUS ' reic'� to

:r:::r :rf :'=r: �����\�! �is:�;U::;:�:!:. the E


� and

����h:� p�;:O�.�":1 ��e�ln



hp=���.�:nurr::� paM, :'��e� ��t!�.= h: ;:.t:

· year he is one of the group leaden in WO!k tte la �1ng. The natural man Is d,ead to the bless--:1:" And) they dl�, .With �hat n-

the Drama Club. He also holds mem_ Fifty-four miles of tape were used Ings of II. ChrlaUah .lIte, he One: ooy_ auer'ted that' testll WN"e an benhlp In · th� �rman Club and the to bind up the football playen at � Students at the Unlverslt,y o� ��Ive the' spiritual value!! at.roeiW, ..... 'e aild' cruel In every Lettennen's Club, having won two let- University of California during th� J"",", Ington buy· m�n"e than 40,000 thereln.-Pf'Juelrer. sense of the words. Althouah we are . ters In golf at" which he Is qUite pnr- $tason, . .. and 'J •. 500.candy ban mOnthly. too .lltetal to 't&II:e It .all. we see b1s' flelent. He gradua�m the Llbe"ral -- , _' _,_ . One weakne511 'of the ' human t1I.Ce point ·alt\aht. One rtrl remarked· that Arta dl��n last year;�t �bmed At Smith Collea:e every student must A Denison ,University Is to shirk ruponalblUty, l�ttln'l to be I.eft In lu.5penlllon about o�e'a thla year to �e up a �onhAJ course, pa.s3 a ftnt rate test. reads: "The,

atUdent may be carry the burdena.-Ramatad. grade Is ten1ble. U:a all ,the same, bu� . Oh, yes. juat -because. h8\1 y pember __ only If absence by long conUnued. __ she protlably meant luspenae. \.Oram-ot the choir,. he thinks He! can Exactly thirty-nine freshmen at the neM or _death." our educaUon can become an 1 mar, you tnow. �e 'from w� quite ",hUe his crooning, we believe, v.1.I.l Unh'erslty or Florida- were proml5ed' of ,spiritual life' and t.hinp, no.n<:h�t. aasertlni: that -tests d�'t won depopU!ate the dorm.. All fn aU: the freshman presidency during e<1ueaUon of death.-Pfluepr. phase them .at all: We')l bet a nickel. he's not such a bad egg and Is well the a;o:tlve campaigning of rush �eek. Just the same, that they wtte Just ....

· l1k� by all of us, and at Ume Indlea� by' felt that the only thing that glad as: the rest ot uS at having paaaed Efforts are being made at the Unl-

Mr. -Hunter Ten, French Club versity of Colorado toward deanobblng A co-ed at the University of bring �ace to the human' race Lhrough lut week allve.

the knowiedge from God that their Our nervousnesa 01 last · week was About Wor.ld W�r E.xpe�i.ncn ��: :�:e


v�r: l::

e���� :h': s=i� aa ���

r';n ��r: al� were , however, to the exelt.ement to-. noon' when we get our rePGJ"i .

llIwtrating his talk with pictures the hands of everyone he m·eets. Sa to Waat\ Diahes," 'wh"ile C.olumbla · from his Battalion's official record far It haa been successful. 'lenity went one step farther �w'l �m"" .. �

. t.hilt wUl be as nothing book. Mr. Hunter tolC! the Frepch Club

. . 'gran� a Ph.D. to the author of a "�.:�T::�I;�":


' I �;; of h18 experience3 In France during the Students at Amherst COllege. bet on manu�ript. an "The DuUes of a Be':lool of 0 World War at the regular meeting held the number of hymn to be called for Janitor." . last FrIday noon. Next meeUng he will In the college' chapel. eontioue his tall.:. w:IUng of Joan d' --Arc's home which, he VIsited. University of Missouri I!Itu�ent.s may privilege of uslng lipstick at Connectl-

EUge B " craah" COlumbia theatres t.hIft times cut COllege. numbe�

e aecow:ynr:��::. =- this fall during �e footba.1I �, .

lela. pant y according to a deel.s1on of the Student Marquette UniversIty's football team . Council and the theatre manaaer. This baa the fastest water ooy In the world you must be faithful in

t::::::::::::::::=::::::::::::. lmay be done Saturday nights following serving It. He la Prank Metcalt, the to get a rruter task to d.,--R<,nlU<dt'l.ft S��?ry��!L�'r,�e��OP a ViCtory. Olympic track star. � PropoSl;-;-solu.t1on

�r;�es- �-:�-:::;::b::


n�h�� of �:�a �C;

ap�g :l�::


e�: in7:{��s�:':���������


ThOinksgiving Flowers the co-eds have become wra.pped ue...�n riculum In·hls jjpeech .e11nic as'the part Portable Typewrlten, BUppHee­.All Bteel P'tlJna Equipment-8ehqol BooU, Buppllel �2:1:':""':':th=":"':S:":�:t:M=A:;n:6:32:6:;1 a crocheting vogue and really expect ot a program to cure stuttering.

!,iI. to. wear ';home-spun."

Prof. Stoeppelworth at

ISc for Nine Holes 2Sc for 18 Holes

When the University 01 football team went to New York for

$ 1 ."50 Student monthly rOite

$1 .50 udies rOite monthly $2.00 Men'$ monthly rate

a game U\ey carried stockings as: added need of dental work but out of funds, equipment, for they heard It � to be took three large gold medals to his cold up north. ( dentist, which· the medical man ,

Parkland Coif Course using part of the gold tor The Navy football team wears cleat-- teeth and accepUng the rest

less canvass ahoes when playing on a ment. �;'---_______ -'''0; frozen field.

' A ''Forward Pass" , To Income

No easier way �o a football goal than by a forward pass-if it works, . .

No easier'way to the goal �f a� independent inc;:ome in older age. than' our ".Special at-.60 or 65"-and it works! Write for proof, and learn the low net cost for young .m�n and women.

LuTIIERAN JJRNMTnnTT'OOD : l.egaf Reserve Lif nsurance "'­lor,MEN; WOM�; , ILOREN r HER�;L: EKERN. P,..iden,


- Co-eda at Unlnrllty 01 M1aeouri who signed. a not to eat m� than 15 cents Worth or f� when they are o"ut on dates are flndlng themselves popular. .

Prof. Maddy at \he' ·Univen1ty 0( M1eh1pn II conducting a mwdc eoune OYer the t:adIo tor M!OO student.,

, In the llbt-Qy of tbe UIilven.lty IrdJana are many 'valUable J� print. wbk:b bad beeft uaed .. wrap­plQl" � .maa.Y riaR..., aDd. found � .-tl7 in a trub !ioNp, '. Tbe Y.Ie t1D1"';ty � � to reoeift from. ..-ciabnet WeDI a =�':��=� to

, Brookdale Cash . Market

GA,land OI 56,R'2 J . A. fR.WfN, Prop.

I. F, VISELL Co. �"UoDen ....... Fandt ... ·Phone J4&l11' 2870. DOOlAi PK, A .. e.

Qu.llty Knittln, Co. , Lett. s. ...... o.r s..c.leIty �03 J Ith St" TKOfNi, Wuh_

Prnc:riPtiOf"l Drualstl Im'porters of

·Nol":iegian .

Cod Liyer Oi l

Comet Tacorn. A�-... � I � t:h Stt�t, T�;'W�,

T.i � 1114

Spci.1 lu ... to.: PirtiH. II" . . clubl,, etc... .' ' " ' /Ii.., niiM-:-K.,,� nONS 'IUS 'LiNB. h.c. " ' � � "", L� _ . ,

. � MII Y"' c.IIie -

�·- -


-' ,'-.'"



Page 20: Mast 1933-1934

I ·

I 1 , I

. \



.J ) !


����: ...

�:".;::� ...

�" '�?g§!;::: .��r;;7-;U� dl!a.strow season on FrIday, Nov. 10, fIYJI haa &.� ball·cl�. to the� two . �Itb 20 m� at �e Ont 'turnout ""hen- a ttrht.1nl BelUngha,m Nonnal If! date tblJiJ/have won boUt. = Monday.evmtft" eoacft cilrr Oiaon an· squad took them Into camp to the: tune Iy Milton Nnyi. ·Llncoln In.u��kS .were the nodi::loes. brl&ht -p�tI tor a wlnnln, ' of 14-0. .. .......... _� ....................... " ............. � .. victims 20-0 "!ld the Stadium ln�nned- b4,aketball �n for this' aeaaon.

ntis \1ctory', the nnt (or BellinghAm . '. . tales .ere ,nen, lSl-._ . or tboee tumiD&" b�t. atx hue �n tht.S year end also the nm 500nng Footbal. w�th all its gl�mor and prestige, ha!O: been lowered The aensat1� �Il :'

fe:� action under Padtlc ' Lutlu��n 'c,olorl they'''e done thls year: pve the local }rom, its pedestal �ntil next ,fa

ll:. and �o� basket ,ball steps· into the =:n:, :o�

n :eH�u:.a

seo� 'flve before,. the Jett.ermen returnln, belplt crowd ot 1200 fam a nlll thnU. spotlight. Some tme matenal ·IS turning 0.ut! .and pros�cts· for � .ot the a1s to:owns made in the two Hudso�, ':VU�rd, �ne J�k, Bander·

The tint score came early in the wi�ning aggregation look pretty goc:xt. , . , .

. �ames_ The �hole,.alth9uatl .thelr son} Moe and. Levinaon. . . l. . t

game when, after R. Luther:e.n 'punt had _ 5, . 5. . play has been raned. h� pilt up a No SChe<!u= h::,:n :ili'::�� �::��::':;;::��'::':i: fa, .:��:;u�d'";:��-::�



i�e:::::�";,7:: :; = �:'.:: :;:�.: ��;�� E�;,€::b:;;:".���".!;

Bayley converted try for point on a times tf\ey ,ave tf\eir oppOnents 10lne re .. 1 fich.t; a�d. in. no �:e:p :Ute:e�e n:, a rt� nearny .�arna· � ��uoe !XKl�. placek1ck. tf\e, a pUlhover. Aho, lniuries hn. haMpered tf\e Iquad continuaU, auJt of a . . blocked kiCk from abort. for· Th.ose wbo attended jPe. ftrat tum-


The record touchdown came tn' the tf\rou,hout tf\e leason Ittakln, it IMpoilltile for tile team to be at maUon wbleb • Stadium line� oltt. Monday evenlnl" were Bob .Lnm-fourth quarter ""hen Williams. on a top Ihape for tf\eir ,aMes,

. . c!,uabt and.taD 1f1tb It for a touchdown. son, . "Sw�e" WWani, HU\8fn, ��:��o:O��h t1�:7:; �:e:,�. r�: .

S S . Wl� two wituJ . beJ:i1nd them, th�y Verne ��raon, Bm MactJe, Charlie

though'the Gladiators put up a game NOh conte·nted. with sit�ing on' the bench all season, our re- ��. =w�to!':��df= �

t o�: �:� !:::� :n:o�::� :,,::.o�k !:��� ��e���s tne Normal

lln� !:i��i��athee:�tWt


ni:�!��:;� I�e


er� to keep tnelr I�ring of vtcto,ei Intact. :c:�us:.�f���.O:�:

Cronquist. Willard. and Shustn stood would be played. Some g9Qd showings were made by some of the 'Jack, RaJ Hll'Iderlle, Elmer ·Oe.rlltz . . <Jut for the Lutherans. and Sulkosky. players .making the p�o;;pects' for some gewd first string "!'aterial I I Wlllie P1lutler and Paul. Preua. ' .

Od.ll ar

, 100'" good roe the next ye., look pee."y ij"ght. S S > • . ' .A M 0 N G

. : ' . . :

�"::';.,.,., With ,Ix I .... 'm.n l\I;nl'�, ou,'fo< bo;k.t boll. oco ALU M N I Girls· Basket .BaD . ' (!':.�� ( 0 ) (14) Ikmnrham lookin,· fine. TlIe letterMe� are Dutch Moe. Cen� J�cll, Swede C t I t t

¥�""nqlu$ 'A' LLER

m CI�

nd,l� W.illard. Bob Levinlon. L,le Sa"ders.on, ah!l Ja.ell Hudson. Three Alfred La.nd. a rormer student: has . rea es n ere$ �fl( ..,.� r" • letterM�n from oltter Ichooll. are real ,opel, Harold Trulson, the boy married a school teacher In North ·08' \

Ullin who, pla,in, wiltt "'�u�t Ver!'on ), .C,"}.' Ic.ored 18 points a�ainlt kota, where the two are now success- Miss Ooff. the glrb' baaket ball coach, Schlermann

John:o;on PI"" Svlnth Monson · Shus�r .

O'Connor Sande Sm"" --



._RHL · ..... __ ... F

FInley UI last ,ear. Elmer Cerhts from Endicott HI and Kenn 'Johnlon of. fuJly running a. farm has announced turnout pe�loda for th08e SuJkosky Lincoln round oLit tGis ,roup: Doesn't this arra,.of' talent look pretty .

wishing to partake In bMket bi.1I. �:� �::t� c.:�:'!,?'�:i�� hopes for a ,ood' ieason Ite h�i,htenecl a ,ood lIenry JC�I, who gtaduated from Jun- , A champion' team, will be selected

Bagley J S S . lor Collep here In 192'1, i5 teaching from the normal departme�t group. ,the

Miller Students and faculty me�bers,' please get 'out a"';d get your ::,o

�� In

l th� se�lor 'hl�h school at .:�� ar�

=-=� :;!I���hc:!

Williams golf mafches played. · Several have compl.eted �s, but ther� are ,r I� es. � . played to �I�t the champion team or' Davidson still several who have not done so. Get thiS done as soon as possible ! . . -. - the school. ' . :

Score by quarten : . S. . S. . . . ' I 'in �tn.;: ·��:t'28 H:a I�ta��:���: These games are �heduJed to be P. L. C. � .. , . . 0 0 0 G- 0 Our men are not ltoie ani, ones who are pla,ln., balket ball; the � y p

, ·played off before ChrIstmu vacation Belllh

gham .. . .1 0 0 .1-14 ,iris .tf\il ,ear are very active in tf\e ulaba lport. Each Din clul'h�1 �' C�U. and will be held' on Friday night.!, gil'. Scoring: Bellingham -Tou,chdowns: a tealn and ,am" . .are pla,ed �hween tf\e variou; clules after ( T

... -- Ing eveiy one an opportunity to. be :a�I�;�: ���:'N���.

for .poInts., school. Interest i, runnin, hi,h and Most of tf\e ,irll are tvrni", out. Ted ETJenlh '32 i5 working at a re- present "� ' the gamea. , S. S. lief home In Ban Francisco. Preliminary games are now being Substitutions.: P. L. C.-Willard. Le\'- For the benefit of the poor little klds who like to play basket- \ played and a num� or strong players Inscn, Hansen. Oerlltz. Moe. Peterson : ball. but wouldn't stand much of a chance on the main squad, Q--re t..he ·Jr. �o la attending .the !:;ta\'e shown UP. proving that there wUl Be����a������'��:; :�r;::a:�_ "Swede" Willard and Bob Levinson are organizing a midget team: University of WMhlngton. Mr. iAne. be a number of uciUng gatnts. 'All

They will have a season of their own playing various high school anc:� who Is majoring In history, was IM� stude�ts, faculty me';!lb!ers and their _PI;::"



l1,:;h:;,:;.d=l1n:;,,:;m:;.:;n:;. ==� 1 independent teams. All boys interested in this venture are urged to year a student at Luther Colleit' In friends are Invited to attend the gamts. I!' turn out Decorah. Iowa. according to Mias OoU. l· Bonnadele Beaury Sh.oppe .

Students -. You are welcome to come in while, waiting for a

Street Cllr W.tch ·_indi_ for _eelly speci.l.

El'perl Permanent Waving . CArbnd 0145-R-l p.,td.nd .

Gladiator Gridsters CI()se Disastrous ' .i1= Lan,I •• '28 I, woekln" .. • Come Coiled Off S W:n 0 II.v 1 0'1' 6 Games 'Pla:ved stenographer In the office or the 8e- Due to lack of intel't'at shown tne eason; .. . 1 J 'J J curlty Insurance Co. In Santa Barbara, game which the Pacific Lutheran'CoI-. Cal. lege reserve grid squad ';'&8 to

Coach Olsen·s Pacific Lutheran Col- �ore remained lied untll the final pe- ha�e this altem09n with the BROOKDALE CROCERY ;�:i���?�2���;E�;�:�.�£; ��::��;:I::' :"::, ��:::� B��::�:;1�


b;:�;" Bo

ute!" :;:11;��!;.:�::� :�=;�

The "Siore That Hn I t scheduled contest of the season. AI· ule, the Lutherlms winning 6-0 after -- turnout 15 accounted by coachts Bev

H." HF ........ w •• �.; .. s .. _�P. though they won 6nly one game out. of repulsing the attack or the I)!vaders an4 Al"nn. 8otTeson '28 was married IMt Shuster and Ted cronquist · as the . • ........ six. the Lulherims $howed a fighting pushing o�'er a touchdown in the last year to �d Erickson of Tacoma. caU!le of canceJling the lame . �;;;;;;;;;;;�.�R�OO�K�O�A�L�E ;;;;;;;;;;;;� spirit and gained valuable experience four minutes of play. "Tu!fy" Smith -- . 1 ;===· ::::J�,==::::=====t LUM BER



Brookdale Lumber Co,

Phone GArland 3811·J·5 AT BROOKDALE On Mountain. Htshway

. If It's the Choice of the ·

Graduamtg Class - Why not VOl! .

'�l /'

Seniors 'Come in Any . Time' for .your . Sittings '!

'- MAIN .... ,3 304 Rust BlcIg: Tacoma

which will help Coach Olsen In develop- plunged over from the . two yard line. Hilder Johnson �2 and Mule lohD- 1 � Ing�winnlng aggregation next year. In a weU.played contest. a formidable .on a fo�er student. .are work1ng In Kersch"auM • W� th the exception of the lint two aggregation or teachers p-om E1lena- san Francisco. Suits and o.;.r,o.ts games, the GladiAtors were not at full bW1r Normal eked out a viCtory over the -- , . For Sale Exclusive .t strength due to Injuries whl� took a OladiAtors, 14-6 at the Lincoln bowl. Stella 8orboe '3� has 'been appointed ).tland • ·,.Ia.rutl heavy toll In the ranks of the regu1 . With their prospective AlI.American.

reporter for tne Newtonian, a . mathe. 912 PM:. A ..... -Tac:otN eleven. The 10M of . Hal Votaw. who Merle Nehl. running rough-shod matiC3 group at Wuhlngton State Col- I +-_...:.:=..::.:::�:;,..�:;;::....� suffered a Ijroken ankle In tne' St. Mar- through a crippled Gladiator el�Vt'n, l.ege. Stella was edJtOl' of the 1o!oorlna Un·$ lfBme. Bev Shuster and Moe !.he Columbia Unl\'erslty Irlahmen tar. MBlIt at Pacific Luthuap, tn the backfield, and ,Gene Jack. Earl nered a $:me-slded viCtory over Olsen', ' Enochs, Mal"\' Hansen and BID Mt.(:kle men at. Portland. Nov. 4. The score was Ma.r� McQonm 'lit, w�-I., teaches In the . Une. greatly handlc;apped tne 38-0, with Nehl scoring rour .of the ,Ix at �nda.le. and Inn AnMleon '29, Lutheran mento� lh nelding hIS strong- touchdowns. The Lutheran telm was who teaches at Oreendal:e, both at.t.end �st eleven. . • not at fuji strength tor thl.s encounter, the rural school meeUni-at !.he TIICOJDa

In the ttrst game of the seaao� �e however: rlVt' . regulan .bemg·unable to Hotel on November 11. Oladlators lost to a powerfuJ Linfield competl: beCaUse of Injuries. In tne -::-::-::-::-:;-::-=====�=::t College team. 19-8, berore a capac1t! final of the season, Bellingham t au.�nce of 5.000 fans wbo crowded in·' Normal dereated the Lutheran' squad to the IJncoln bowl to JIIt:I! Lutherana 14-0. I' In thelr ttrst appearance or the aeUOh. Coach Olsen 1000 for a more 8U0Ct'M­Hal Votaw 5CO� the Oladiator touch· tut !leMOn next YH.r with almost the !�: �� t!::=: � =b�� entire squad' el1&tble for competlUon. enUre Linfield team to ecore.


TAILI TINNIS $n5 lSc' SOC $1.15 $1.25 KiMNU's Sportln,' .Coodt Co. 1 101 Bn»dway

The toUowina week the team weat to Olymp·ia where they bt to at.. Mar. t1ris Co'Uere by • ecore of 11·'1'. After being ac:ored upoo early in the contest. Lutberana came out-atter t,the rat period to even the oount at '1'.'1'. � II �uot Around.

the Corner SCH90L PR INT:tNG 'COIl pit ...... of


- �Uc�

, w. cany herythl ... N ....... fo< TIt •

'norllna. Sport ' , ' . -

Sk.iis • Shoes • Pants · . . Jackets' and'.Mittet:'S • - ........ ·In • WASHINGTON

. BARDWARE CO. 914 PocIfIc .A..,

\ We $peelalize jn� ' ANNUA2s.:--PAPERS-HANOBOOKS ....


JO HNSON ... -COX CO. 726 P�lfi� "AY., ' . . BRoodwtoj. 2238 . " --,

- I

Page 21: Mast 1933-1934

nllac \·cln. according 10 the findings of the autop.�y .

.. . MIss F'o\l.·ler was bom In Chicago 44 year� ago. AI her graduation "from Murray P. Tuley .Ugh school · In 1901.

. , .

she ...... on thl' dlstincUon of ha\'lng brok_ SOPIII.o\ RAE '-0\\ LER en scholarship n'COrd� for the enU� - . -city. F'or this. sh�. \I.·as a9:arded II dl.!'- Edgar Larson Leads mond studded gold medal. She attt'nd. '


U�nl����:u�� �:;h��OOI I 31 on· Honor Roll 11M Wbn- trer B;-A-:'"'and-M, A. St.-fore comIng to PAcific worked as �!ltT1lr at the Normal Schoo\.

) \�


) .

,- .

Christin .. Va'at.i.on to School Will HODOr' ,Start Next Tu .. day .

Grid S uad Frida ' At 3:30 ned Tuesda)' "mnoon q . 7 . . ' � . .. <i'k Lut."'n con" .. wiU " At ADaua) B .... quet offldall, C'l0M'd for the )',:u 1933, 011 . . �'hen Chrl!llmu vlM"aUon- .u..=u.· . Cla�"!1 .... tII be mumec,'on Wf'dne.� 1 9 �I .• dilto,r Footb .. n M.n da)' Jan. l. 1934, a'�r which ther.. . �II be but lbn:"(' ahd one_half Will Receive,A"nda; Crad,-

��:�al;'!If':':!rU:�IF!:;":��%.O.f ulting . Lettetme� to. ·Cat Swelter.; Hopliins to Sp.eik

College Board Meets

. members' decision. lain " 8'1\:OOe" Willard, and !!OllIS by • A financial committee comlstlng of trio of N'orman Jensen and Bob and Clarence Momon.

HIli\vlk of Se& lind ' Rev. L. Ra.'lS- . Olrl

�1 of �,�� :��


Ch,,''',nM'' , "'�.n or Burlington WIU aplXllnlro to Williams M head WaittI'M. Those who h", I .';'-;;-·_""'n,, to the dUflccultles. At II �1I1 !letVl' are Virginia 'Boen. Evi!lyn In€."eUng of this committee In Sellttie Irwin. LouiS\' JackllOn, Agnes Lfl.ngnesa, MondR),. the groull decided to ,send Held VI!jl:lnla Mahncke. Alice, Nolan. Dille ngent Paul Pr<'us out Immediately Quait'. Alice Roe, Anna Rontss, Ula

Mon- l oon"" ministers of the Pacific Dis- Rudd, ·Junet Runbeck. 8htttey Savsae, her fUlwrnl. lit the reque8t of Tcll\lln's. Tht' coll" IW 1L�L ... ·!th for congrrgnUOIlII! cOlltrlbulLOIll! Mllry NfUlh. Do'rothy Delllmarter! Alice · Re\". J, P. P!lul'grr prt'ach('(i the ser_ 1 k!udf'� Ed�l\r Utrson. . to I-ht' colll'ge befort' Dec. Jl. to hell) Peterson and Ella JohnllOn. mon on lhl' text. John 14:1-6. He f·lotrc. 2.89: pay .off the church loan of $10,000 due GraduaUng lettermen and t""o-year

· brought out In his sermon how sht' Vlr�!nla Byt'rs. 2.G8: . in Jmiunry. The commlttt'e also askf.d lettermen who 90'111 receh'e sweaten are "'alked wlt.h Jesull. ·.laklng HIm. Wlth l Roland S\\"KruO�I. 2.�: Or. Tingelstad, It IlOS.'�lbll', . 10 go to Btv Shu8ter. Bob Levinson. Alvene . her \\·hl're\·l'r she \I"R..� and In ""hatso_ 2.50: 1\1nrl(' Schmitt. 2.41: MlnnelillOlis FridA}" night 10 confl'r 6chll'rm""M\n. Sheldon " Dutch" Moe. tyElr shl' \I.'IU; t'ngAgro. Dr. TIngeislad 2.42: Melba �. with church otrlclals concernl'"18 l>res- Frank "Swede·' WiIlllr4. Harold Votaw. I;llOkl' of wh!lt Miss F'owll'r had meant ·on. 2.27: E:lld condIUon.'1 of the college. Gene Jaci ¥arvln Ha.n.sen lind Clar-to school circlt's. and of how great htr O·Brion. 2.13: Thl'lma enee MOlUlon. PRul Preus. eommllllllon-sen'lce5 to the college had been. Music Amy GIJbt'rt. 2 . 1 1 : . Crad Class Enter)ains er of Athle�Ie.s. And Jm Pflut�r: foot- . ",·as furnished by J. O. Edwards and 2 11 : E\'elyn Eklund. 2.06: ball manager, .",'1II also receive IWe-atel'll. the fac�lIy ladles' quanet. II/hlch In_ 2.06: RlltJl Cl\r15On. S'tudents in Program The gridmen who wUl b:e ·a.ward� eludes Mrs. P. �' Hauge. Mr-<. C. O. Johnron, 2.00:

.Joanna radio �taUon KVI In . le�tel"ll Are Bill MRCkle, Ted CrQnqullt. Olson. Mn. A. \\. Rarmtad. Mrs. J. U. John VAn LeU\�n, '2.00. .

broadcast ..... 111 be the fin;t Instead of the wual chapel . speaker Ed Svlnlh. Vernon Peterson. DOn Piper. XII\1er a�d Mrs. J. O. Ed"'ards, BC- In the high �hool P.L.C. student.'! to be released the gH.duatlng clA.M entertained the Kenn Johnson. Wlnston·· .. Tuffy .. Smith. companist. 4 I nor A.�per eamro all A·s: new �tudlOll of KVI In the · body with a pr�ram. Thuri;_ Har�Jd "Buck)''' O'Con.nor, EI�r. Oer-Miss F'o,,·Jer wa.s aCllve. aJi'!O. In In_ tcr. Ellu.beth Dab!. VIrginia IlIg� The Pug1!1 Sound day. Nov('mber 23 . . Kathryn Johnson. IItt. And Blgnld Bandy. ' (erest.s outside \.he �1I('ge. hutng bfi>n Hlnderlle. Norma Prt'us and com pony hA"ing only Monday president of the class. annoWlced the The committees for the banquet: In-treasurer of the Soro�t1mlst club otl Schlanbusch had no grade below B : the ne". studios. Formerly,

• clude: DecoraUon, Pa� Preus (c�-Tacoma during this year. She wa.s t,o and Paul LarllOn an.d John Stuen re- KVI rGgralnS were releaSed fro.m. A� the main event of the prog�m man). EnId Hut80n. EUne Ben$On, YllI_. have,had a part In the Cantata. "Ruth:· ct'h'ed B a"erages. Taco�a Hotel.

. "Rv.'t'de" Willard spoke on mountain lIam Zler, Arnold Anderaon altd �J'g-

sung by the cho1r�of the Tt1nlty Luth- . ' . As announced by J. D., Edwards. cllmbh; ., "Swede" ha.!I climbed many 'Ianna McClurt;: promotion and Ucketk, eran. ' Church the e"crung alter her Choir Will Appear in charge of the broadcast. the

. mountain Peaks and at one Ume won Jean-Marie FOWler (C�mu.n), U11-

funeral. Rel'. T. O. Svare. the college Cha .I Sunda Evenift- "'111 Include numbeR by the ConBTeMlonal medal for rt'aculne a dred �o,nson. Norman �ensen, Plorentf; pas�r. fltUngly dedicated th� pre.sen- .p __ Y I!I' ...· quartet. II plano selecUon man i'rom a elacler at Mount Rainier. Post. Oscar ."nderson� and, V�a la��n r::.h:.r :;��r:; services for M.l&s . Next Sunday' evenlnr '�e ,choir Mr. Ed ... ·ards. a reading. by Mrs. Other· pfOII'8.m numbers were 'On,. Mahncke; cl�-UP, Bert Myhre (c.halt;-

F'owler were held at the college chapel give lUi -",n�al Chr1!Lmas concert. wards. a ... � &electiOn by Arnold b)' Ronald Martin and trombone IOloB man) , Arne S�d, Marie Bchm� 0.- - . T 0 S affalr III always looked fo",'ard derson.· and a plano 1019 by, by 'Prank Ell1ott. accompanied by Irene teo Ellasen. William Pflueger, �ce

��:. ona:�tuc� sh� :.�rche:: = suoh a tine pfOll'8.m is Piercy, The. faculty WiveS' Shafland. . ::an���as�n�c��:�1l.'�:::; =

speak, .Dr. nngclstad and Dean Hauge this year P� to be no composed of Mrs; P. E. Hauge, and Melba RoM; entertainment. ltalh-Paid tributes to ,the deoeued, ClanOce A la� crowd of. studenta and 0; Olson , Mn. A. W. Ram!�d, and ryn 'JOhnson (chalrman). Marpret Lemmlna Dead' & tribute on behalf of Is alwars at hand . . for the J. U. Xavier. Clarence Lemming

'.rty ' to Honor .Moth .... Craft, 'Leonard Wesaon and ' R91RnC! the A.saodated St.udents. and the Pac- concert of the choir and , __ S .... aMOn. I. Ulty Z.dlcS· Quaortet. S&nC "Gotnr CTO""d Is certain for Sun�ay� Society MMh Due to the death of their newly- . Home:" . 1:�� =':I�lat of Durlnc U1e Misalon &xiety meetlil, choaen adviser, l41ss S.R. Powler, mml- 'L, D, R. Cirh MHt .. t .Mn. ben b . lh c.h 1r abort TUesday even1nl: .. Nov. 21. Mr. BaJ'doti ben of the Delta Rho 'Gamma group R.mstad'i Home on Dec_ 5 Cer ...... Club DiK . ...... SChiller �� T. 0' .:"_.0 ...:.! .... . 0' ,· . . �tponed 1ndeflnltely their' wty at ,,� the meetmr of the German club �Uan, and �"ia:o =�0IlI � a ::::: � =�v:.ndered a which the day girls plaAJied to �ter- �1r�' of the Lu� Dauahte.rS Of � a :week 'aco yesterday. members J. O. Edtral'ds. Cuftet.or of the sented· & edipt.ure mwi1nc, . t&ln their mother. On Dectmhm; 8. J4lsa the RefonnaUon met 1a.s� ''I\IeIdaY at 'continued their study and·dJIcuaaiim of 'I'h1s c::OnOl!:rt will not be the Mr� conrad 'Gaard wW IJ)t'at \0. Powler wu to .,b&ve pla.ye4 an .1mpOrt- the bome of KrI� A. W."'RaII:i.ttAd. The the German � and m-,mat1at, Jo- publ1c appearance of the choir, bow-· Society on the Pyramid.I ant � in tbe .ullli ·the pm.entaUOn � lncluj:led·. talk.bJ J. P. PfhiIt.. baime Von Scb1Uer. ltathryn Jobnaon ewr, 'U 'tbey &ani" three Umes in Be- ZlrPt toruabt at . seven. of t¥ ldn of f,:mnina" a mother'1II aux- Ift', a sODa bJ the faculJ;y wi.,. qUio _ _ pcb OIl b1s ure and· Wl1l1&m PflUIeIU .at�iut·&mdaj. In the � and . ' Ulai'y havtns been � as.' her �t, a duet' by lIolildnd aDa zYelfD. )lod- . • � OIl it, addlna" c.ommeat&. 81'- a!temoon, the aroup Sana: at ther,Qeth- The Padnc Latbena CoDere duty. . ' . '9"' " �ading by Vtrwtnl& DAn.; 'Pd . YIn J)ammel read and trvWaW b1s aeaw:e Luthuan Churcb, �V.' C. �� wKh. ,Uw:W; � f:be rift of Before 'I'hanIi:.IIt:t1n" the d&} ;.ria II p�o ,solO- by��e �rMI'. poem MOle Hortnuna." The aiouP jotn- Swanson. pastor, and lJi the MI.- Sophia. a. Fo_,",a boob on teach- bl'OUght food f� a. 'I'hankql1'1nC bukd Each me�ber of tM L. 0: � �t 'ed tn.1bic1na "O! 'J'a.uDeu�" "0 du at the Bethany Lutheran, Rev. Bloom- In,. &n'd psyebolOa. to be delivered to some �y tam11Y 'a �all toy to be Jiyen j,O' eoma. 01'-· �cbe," and "SWle ·Nacbt." . qulst. pastor. .t; J. U .. XaYler. Ubnrlan. for ttle holiday. pha.n'. homer f� �tmas. '


. ,

Page 22: Mast 1933-1934


IDbt> moori ng ma�t Publl$td e\'ery two weeks durtn .. the school year by the students of Pacific . Lutheran CoU�e. Parkland, W�lnrton . En�red as second f1lattn. October 2. 1925, at the Post Office at P.rkland. . Washlnrton. under tbe, Act ot March 3, la:N. .

I, '

. ' . '


L.......,,.....,-'-�B'-B� .. -W-h1 ... --'.r-u --t


'For: three ;mort yean. MLv Fa .... )· . er I\-orlr.ed at PLC ,.wlth' h�r belov!fl

fellow faculty memtlers and the e€lr . ehanglnl student body. She, p�

. her time ,and � freely. In

HAZEL MONSEN Milton Nesvig William Jack Evelyn Eklund Daniel Flotre

Editor Stranger .speaklns at PLC) : ·'My • . '�rale: "What party do;;ci�nce :��, ": -::�:�: :���rt�!


Associate Editor thls 15 a lure buUdlnz. I bel1e�e I be!one to?" . . probably nevtt be prlvtleged to kno .. ' . Sports Editor CO��r�!:<;:�. :ei:ur yla� .�. and

Irene: "I'm' t�r:�ty:

' a mor:e beautiful character. Her In-'Features Editor �'m not out _, . " : .


. tluenti will atWaY' be felt. In the

_ Jack Hudson Editorial Writer � . �'�:"LA- "!�i, �I

�:�: :o�eo!:=.� �


: t\a.Jls ot £:,LC. She will never 'be ror-. Typist Ye &u'to!': "I �ow 'wby editoR call Mr�. Krleclleri "That will proba1]ly . pten. .

thern.seIYa ·we·... be enough.n ' . ( Co&ch Ouon � !le driving h1a bu" Reporters Willie: "Why?" . . -LA- . Ret ball players � hard. ':8w«1t!" wu-

Eunice Arneson. Virginia Boen. Margaret Craft. Jean-Marie Fowler. Ye �: '"So t.hI! man l'J:I&t doesn',t Marie . PeterllOn rcporta that she � lard. ".Levi" LevUUon 'and "M.utch Doe" Wilma O·Brien. Emory Whitaker like tlle .article wtll think theN' are d�\'eN'd that the flu Is both afftryna. (pardon. we .mean' .. "OUtch.� M�:II:

BUSINESS STAFF t?O many to II��_

; �;:e-a�ld a:::



eYN �r:�:aa

inv;ry��J::. What.

· Marvin Hansen Bert Myhre

Busi'ness Manager. Pror. Pflueger: "You'N' a 'h£'althy -LA.... ..-onderful aceompanlmeht for a !;Iuzz-

Asst . . �us. Manager ��:b":�: '�:I;:tl';��l�':.:�?�)' trouble. Ill:«

hl�k :"

't�� :: "


N')1s no $&;��; stUd�P� love �heI!, Tho' th.ey

· Clifford Mesford AdvertiSing Manager l· unhappy medium." . . -LA- sleep In ev'ry c1au. And cause the pro-Evelyn Monson Louise Jackson.

Circulation Manager ·Prof.: ':WH,:tr\'rr 15- that?". . Mr. Monson: ;:So yoti "'ant to matTy lessors all to S:In&'. They.ah&l1 not ��� Asst. Cire. M�nager Herb: "I'm too heavy for light ..... ork my d�ugbt.rr--rh? My answer depends Due LO the Instructo(. absence. fC

the �. and too light for 'heavy .... ork.'· 011 your financial . pusIU6n." cy Lemming conducted one � .

O. J . Sluen and N. Hong" - Faculty 'Advisers . . -LA-:- Norm Jrn.scn: "whai .. coincidence. classes Tuesday of last week.. loA.Jan --'---""t"'"'\--'----;r'-''-----------'---- 'Osten Eliason and Madge Harmon my flnan�I�1 jJOllition depends on your lnstructor. be w .. very efflcl!!nt. -J,,�e

' . Student Body Tribute :!:�er�.

!.�g to "let Me Call You SY;'eet· nns\\;£'r:' _ · .-LA-

:::P���::II;�r�f l::l!�Ud���


In the sacr��; rvemory of Miss Sophia Rae Fowler. who was She: "I like I-hat "!;O·ng." YO'Jr fnlthful Aunt 1'11. Juana's log1. Iihat�N'd by . IO,lId Bronit �lleer. F'rom c�lled from our mrdst to' her heavenly home. we. the members qf the .H£': "Why?" cal dt'ductlon for this .... eek Is: TIlry then on . .... Isecracka . ne .... thick and Associated Student Body of .pacific Lutheran College. do e)(press our Sh(': "00 J. need 10 tell you?" say that 10\'1' Is_ blind and t.h&t .the fast. Pa.ndemonl�m 4 .... hoe ... er . . she ls, �eep'sorrow in her passing from us. and our great joy �n kno��rig she

-�al T .. "I ha�:;';-�n you for five ��u:: t!; :,s���



ee �I��

ge re:7h:�:\II�;

I��h ':; down to .. the IS not really lost to us. but has only gone before. and .s awaiting our �'I'ars. old mall. Whrre han�' )'ou be1.>n' -LA- lordly 40r should ""1" say ladyiy) upprr .

· arrival in the homeland of the redeemed. and what hat'l" you twen doing nil this' Boss Barber_."Whal. late l41'aln?" da�men ' .... omrnl? Yo ..... u.h. Utile Her scholarship. her understanding love. and her high devotion time?" .

I!:rripl�yee-"WI"I1. you see. I shan"d Eula-Mar OoH last ' her 1000lter key will be missed keenly by the student body R,ollnr M.: "Ph'r Years!" 111),5("1( this morning and talkt'd my�lf again. �uch fOl'JeUuhleMl After .t�ndlng

Beautiful in' life. in death an inspiration. she was loved by all -LA- mto a !l.hampoo." lit she �nrll at her locker s .feet

Mr 8t'ck In Hlstorr Cla.. ..... · "What . -I..A:"'" . . • Senior. not the feet) and rracetully in l ife: and her memory will be ever hallowed by those of us who h:P�'11."d in 1483?" . . log1zed f btl g a nuLsance knew her so well. born." alls .... er('d K£'nn JO����

r'"c::� \\��o:.��



a�e PeW o�).s�c Allya: "Hav;nj: t .... o

rl'<'t : \\'hat happt'ned n 14871" Alter a en.

ri w\l'es Is bllamy. Having one 15 monot-

In Memoriam-Sophia Rae Fowler !on� I)Rllse. "Luth£'r WM four rears old." ' ''Ne ... · ... rellllf'd • unll Norby. ony.'· · -

-LA- . . 101r. Sturn: "No ' I'll put a 'K' In A short tlme 141'0. Cliff _4Blg Shot) Although we know that no words of ours can fully allay the A good !n .... yer is 011 \\'ho can makl' front of It nnd ..... h \

havr .... r?.. Mestord .staled. that one-ha.lf ·(.It the · great sorrow that the une)(pected death of Miss Sophia Rae Fowler It sound IU' If th� train had jumped Norby: "Caner:' \\'orld Is mildly Insane. We heartily has brought upon our schoolmate and friend. Jean.Marie Fowler. and thl' trR('k and chased the automobile -LA�· and demanded that he rr-other, of �i :5 ro'wlcr':5 nCOr relelivc:!I. we wish to te ... der thenl .. II "ntll It """lI'ht IU'Id hit II. "Funny II ne .. er rej.)C'�t.s luelt to me," tnlct his stateinent'. He k101,IIy con·

our heartfelt sympathy. This is "the second time within a year that - . . :�d h�:;:I:�:�.'as

she puzzled O




h�l:i; �::n��e;����

death has visited tlie Fowler ,home. and no one who has nOl been HAVE YOU MET? that awful!) affl.icted by similar losses can understand the poignant grief suffered Shc's attractlve and has 1\ very pleas- . We spose you' ... e heard t.he Jokes

by the Fowler families. illg perwnallty. Her dark curly hair Open Secrets about people �haslng haa on a windy While. naturally. the blow fell most on Miss Fowle}'s lind flashing bro\\'ll e}'t'S cause mally'a AIN'T IT THE mUTH : day. etc. Il really happened to

a.a:� h�

near relatives. It also af.fect�� deeply all who knew her. In her de�th llIasculine heart to nut�er. Last year That Nrsvig surt'ly tumbled for several our �tudentli. �ank Elliot ch

eet last her colleagues lost an Insplflng coworker. and her students. an In- sllr flll('{\ tht" office of secrtllary of I l.'i h th d . ' bran ne .... hat dovm Ma.rket. SU

h valuable teacher and friend. To the students of Pacific 'Lutheran th(' school's largest organlz.atlon. At g r I I' 0 er ay. \ .... �k. IAn obliging truck drlvrr caug t College a teacHer means more than to those of a larger school. and pre�nt. lhr Drama Cilib dema�ds much That Blolot!y .... asn·t � \'ery popular It-un.der �he hl�d wheel of his v


the loss is more keenly felt. But greate�perhaps than to an one cour.;e the day the cards weN' handed hlele. F'nUlk did!! t seem to mind. b t outside of Miss Fowler's immediate re:atives. wa� the loss t� her of her attrnt:on. At the last. presenta- out: ' . the hat lrlt all broken up' about It. former students. The contribution .. he made to the success of the tlon o� Ihal soc]£'ly-t.hls Is a broad hint That. e\'en Melba dldn·t. kno .. · all the \V!leg �Ia.ney � wa.s teulng graduates of our Normal depa(tment in their work as teachers. 'only -shr was I£'ader of til£' .... 'Innlng group. music test: Ella Johnson about a «rtaln person, they can fully know. With them. Indeed. no one can take her place. Not onl), 11' �hr actit'r In elllra-currlcu- '!lIRt F'I'tInk ElIIot·s t.a.blr manneR .... eN' the poor girl. In desparaUon. cried They have lost the one person who Detter than any other knew and lar acth1ties. but her name is numbered �irrd In the rrcent d�matl.c.otfertng. "Leonard, .stop It." Her blUSh

h Woul

� understood their problems. the,ir' strengths. and their weaknesses. among thr best scholars of Pa�lfl� TIlr Mild BrrakJut . . have put the sun to ahame as a e bea

and who better than any other could advise them and h�lp them and Lutherall Colleg£'. Hrr namt' 15-"'1"11. That Mesford and Martin ... ent Tan.aQ a hl!-Sty rrt�_ encourage them in their di fficult wort(. . . r:(' you guess. �:�:�

hn�: ����n�

d lifted .uy Marie G� M�Chare and C�« To Pacific Lutheran College as an institution the death of Miss That Alvrnr hI\! a 'ddlnltelv misplaced Mo�n w�re �escr1bed in u...: �'. Fowler was. hu,:"anly speaking. the severest blow that could have PersOnaUI>-and ho\t ' This )oung b "Har,e You Met." befallen it at this time. Miss Fowler's position as head of the teach- man radiates good fello"'shlp Hrs a -r::)� ;:""' 1 t Seh Id Iih Id' h I o:=====::::===� ers· . train�ng depart.ment was �ne of g,reatest re�pon.sibili ty--<)ne regular lh·e-wlre . . HIs \'ol�e 15 \'ery d- o:'t a ::�ty ope�:to;�s sh�:gle:

ang J (i! Ji) t�t requIred !act. Jodg�ent. kindness. �nd. consclentlousnes� of a fecUt·r. bringing 'hlm membrrshlp In lTh£.t Lemming rang the ball too soon high order, traits that· MIss Fowler possessed ," a large measure. Her thr coUrge chOir and in thr school's th th mo Ing and th bo tact and wisdom. her abili!y to adjust herself !o.people an� circu�- "Hot�ha Trio." He Is a man among a �o�ge;

r hilt;" tha'; the�



stances, together w�th her e)(cellent tralntng an� long e)(perl- me.n·M 15 shown by his reco�d o� thr That we'd hate tofha've Lyal Sander. e.nce by w.b,ch she had galn�d a thor?ugh understandlf

�g of profes- football team. By the way. he Is one .son dish up Ice cream.

. . . Slonal ethICS. ma&te her eminently f itted for her work� as Normal , of those ·graduates .... ho will receive a . ' . supervisor. Such persons are rare. and her prace at Pacific Lutheran swea�r tor Ihe grid sport at the an·

ColI�ge will be diHicult to fil l . , nual f�t.ball banquet. His executive Miss Fowler. however. did not confine - her interests to her ability wa.s prQ\'en last year when he­

teaching alone. Quietly but effectively she identified herself with .... as· prmdent of b1s class. He 'haa the Christian interests of her sChool and .community. She was dee�ly journalistic talelll,.too. for besdes being


15cfor Nine Holes 25c 'for 18 Holes

;.$1.50 Studenl monthly r,te $1 .50 Ladies "te monthly $2.00. Men', monthly "1.

Parkland Coif CoU",! interested in the welfare of her fellow citizens. and her .philanthro- an ex-member of 'the Mooring Mast Brookdale . I pies. both public and private. were many. She hel'ped gladly and gave staff. he holds a position y.1th a -clly I . generously of' herse!f and of h'er means .. n�ver letting her left hand newspaper. And 15 he popular! ...... ----;,--. -..,...---k.nOw

B��':rsh�7: �:� .�i

l�·s�ems strange that she is with us no

I TypewrIters. supp� C L' PARKLAND LICHT 6' WATER CO. more. and hard to understand that she should be t�ken away when All Steel P1l.1nc EquiJlml!nt- 'J P,rkl,nd. WlShingtbn .'

we'needed her' the �t. The loss'seems overwhelming. but in the . School Boots. SUppU" . A Mutual CompanY--:Or.s:ani;ed 1 9 1 4 •

midst of it all there is one great consolation: That in all her conVer· J . F. VISELL CO. , . '."'is .... w, ..... up.! ,.., �oWet' '' M ____ .o.I, sa.tion she wal�� with C?od. Di.fficult as .i.t is . to �on�le ourselves �&aUeaen W ..... . ""IIII .... (-;-ect� �";%� ::.1-:111':'.1':. c._ ft . • , .... . ·:t�h


ere�;:vbo�t:!u�h�� /���;�k�I'::saf��= Phone �� �� Pac . Ave.

FPf' further inform'lio,n ,pply ·lo· 8URT H. RAYMOND. Mir.

Miss Fow.ler was for us while her.e. for the golden threads she wove � " into the lives of those who came'under her influence. for the bless- . ings that' God through her has bestowed upon our school. .

Repairing , . A Happy Chnotnia. ' BOYNTON'S SERVICE Let us keep in mind the stOrt told by Missionary Carfford Qf a on Pacific HipwaY

I young Christian in a hospit'al. Standing on the sunny side Qf CAS RE�AIRING


- OIL the' r� this young man. by means of a looking glass, reflected the �==�=======11 . . . , life·givi",g rays of the sun to another patient lying' in a dark ·comer. t

·r· ....

'''''' .. '' ... �'' .

. ';''�






�: .. �''''·· ..

"�-"'''''''''1 ' . " � -!d��i�d ���!bl:;I�nti:e ;.t:!� f!r:u���:::r. OLYMPIC DAIRY PRODUCTS : . In � Modemty £quipped Shop ' . • especially during· our coming O'lfis�.

vacatiQh. try to bring light i · r 'Corne in .Anytime •

' to thoSe in the shadOw,..warmth to thoSe .in the cold. and happiness �'- I ' : ' A.llstr-u� �rintinc C:-O�P."Y

'. " . to. those-who are in misery. Milking q,risrmas happy· for others· : 940 COMMERCE ST. . •

MAIN 6768 makes it ' happier for ourselves. ' .

• .... "_-..:. ........ " ........ " .. '''_ .....

" .... , .. " .. " ..... -:-.": ... � .. " ......... ,, ........ ':.: .. : ..... , ........................ _ ... .


-c,�' --- ��-"I-�.�--

Page 23: Mast 1933-1934

I. .

DECEMBER 13, 1933 PACIFIC LlTJ'HERAN cOLLEGE. P�D. WASIDNOTON . PA.OE TIlRD Rev. Cartford Tells of Malagas

.y Missioj' I ' . I f · And Madagascar Customs in Intervietv POI§ON-AL§ AT .e-

. .e- ' Br Jran.Marie Fo .. lu

. . WE HAVE WITH US: r . - .

.e- . . . J

,, '

We going to a Christian !lChool. re-T� get to t�e partl�uhU staUon , ali Bert Myhre going BensOn. Better -0- OTH·I:.R

("{"In'. tHe" light of Christianity, ..... hlch Madagascar at -,,'hlch Reverend elU"t- ",'alch out tor ·the big bad Kenny.

"'� �hould reflf'Ct on to anQlher.Just tl.$ 'ford. ""as. It takes a 3e\'cn day journey though, Bert.

a !mall Madllpscar boy helpeod reflect b)' foot . . The household good.5 and ' . . �


the s'.m·s· rn# to the patient I h personal articles are -first grouped into Our Ali-American co:-ed still 1 1 1 V SCl-ldOL5 pita!. n a

os- what are called '·burdens." e&eh ,.,"t.lgh- slayln' 'rm rlght .an? I�ft.

'h CaUlom'. ,. 6

This smAil boy lIo'ent : through the Ing about t""enly-fl,-e kn05. The bur- • RAIl' M. JOhnson, a ... tlon. the university b,n on lIutomo- .

'00"" of • """,,"sl wl1h , min<" ""l d,", ,'� ",unIOd ",d Ih.n • m.""n .. , Paul ""�. 1h. ,,�f1l. �n d.-Iu,,- . ""d.n1 •• "Ino unl,,�IU .. . f Ih. bil« �d I'" hon<>' ;"lom.

II piece of smolted glass B ' h 'ld Is s�n7 to the station to get . «rtaln He keeps t""o on .hls string. How do "s����m�;e��te��- tolumbla's lJ".adILiOnal ghOst. :-hO

the mirror -at the ""'llldo�' at) �eo

rl��� number of native men to come and ���

w do It. Paul? Lemmlng'd IIlte � Although the Idu. � dyl�g out slowly. hll.unta Lhe tunnels" lind hails or .the

:I���' �� su� �OUld strike the p.a- �,a::)�a�;�u





Il. t�. . r :t III gtlll conliidertd . ' mar·k of beauty college dorms. made Its appt'Rrance to

""ard ot� ::;. d�n�:;n���h:I�:n�


I� th'es, an-I"e and the tlrlllg Journ:yll

:f - Thelm� Daniel::!; kl�klng 'cauSe the 1;1 Qerman and ��trlan unl\'ers'�tle's 'to .members of '�e'freahman' claM In �Ohn

�t rays. sc\'en da)"! begins. Oetting up about curl.l.ln ""'"? ,c1� too fast IMt btoar a nice duelling scar on one s face. J81 Lounge t.he other n.llht.

TUesday and Prlday of last \Ii�k In tllo'O In the morning. �n early start is night. �ot��: • 'VI��: :


;�f!� ����ve

::: a�f .

. �a�se he �M \lrou.sed trom 'bed chal>el. Rev. Richard C C rtf

taken. The walk usually IMta until . . !.g. p . . ,. :J:. late Wtdnesday n!.ght to to on a ".lId

eighteen years a m1ss10� a I

ord, �or about four In the afltrnoon. Marie John�n not e\'en yelling w'hen t�elr claMrS, and, only meet. the P gOOf:e chase," Or: Samuel Lang ' of

g:ascar an Island In the a:::dln Ma a-

" Poor mothers." said M.r. Cartford. told her Damt would appear ·.In con- f�M" r �el\ �e IInal

felCamln .. ��ns are 'NOrthwe�tern Unh·erslt1 1nnrina..,., �.

under 'the f'nnch regime. spo:; o�� "hal-Ing little children on such journey, nre."on �,ith. the mighty Shuster. If It :t�;:;' an e:h:';:t:Sre

�.t�n &II t.h* who e1ared that all nl&�t c�IIs' will be In-

'" .. ork there and on the lessons In Chrls- :.a!k��!:��

day In the sun, aelUnlJ" hot aln t. lo"� . If one elCpects to work lI'fter gradu8� vcstlgated from now on . . '

tlanlty one could pin from, observing n . . � \:on In GermAn. he mwt be a Nul. All . 'IlIe University o� Chlc_IO and. North-

the natives. We. Ih'lng In a Christian Very often It rains, too, and the rain ·St'\·enll of tt:e hot shot" lIporting .cbs lrom the best to the �'ors.t are glv_ western will be offlclaUy'combined into community. little realize the ad\'antage Is such a steady dOllmpour that It makes rookle-lIwters. The big pansies! �n only to Nazi sY!"Pf'thlzers. Whether one lafit'/ tn.stltutl.on. It was learned of Ih1ng In a Christian nation. Rev- one pracllcall�' M mlM'rable II,lI the sun. . \ . . studtnt" believe In �e IdeM of N'i- the othtr )1ay. . . erend C3rtford came to lhts country on Even aller lItopplng for the night one An.d!,rMln and. Norgaard attending a lIonlll Soc:lalll1m or uol. they Join one of Football. w�IC� galt;led populuUy In a furlough t .. o plannllllf only can not yet r�t. for there are- fires klddle�' mll.tinee. · 'their J1tll.ny orgll.nltatlons.· the Unlled StaleS only. after the Yak'-to renla.!n about a yea.r and a half;..-J1i1t to � .bullt. food to prepare and cook.. • • • Ooing .10 .... a walk In the pArk I� a· Princeton lame In 18'73, .18 In eJ:trem- '

because the churth�ould not(A.fford beds to bf' madf'. and the dck attended Several of t�e high school girls com- good Mte and so consJdere-d !.Iy a.lmO!St ely old gF� and hIlS been traced back. to Mnd him back. h�� il stlll;fere. no ..... 10. pOo"lng the following poem. on therr big .M-ny European coed. Students with all

.far as the ancient Oreeka and Ro· r"

doing deputll.l\on ..... or� to I' mlsslonll. Life at the station Is dlffcrent from HERO: are elCtremely rArt.. man .. and Also . to the EIIkimOll and the . When he goe� back. be T not go to life M we know It. �here are no elee- TO OUR ELMER Studl'.I1l.!! In �wltzerlllnd get a double 'I Polynellilln Islands.. .- . the same .stAlion from \� Ich pt came trlc lights. only kel'O!if'l1e lamp,.'!, which dOM' of eXAms-they mUlit pas.� them at The only colle.&f;. new .. reel thuter In but to a t\Ufere-nt one. M a Re"erend the nll.t1vt'!! arf' trained to take care ,of: Elmer Is ft darling. 1he bf'IJJnnlng of the school Yf'ar and the United StIlt,eJ f11l..� begU{\ 11.8 !leC-Peterson ,j� now at thc station R.ev. and th!'y are not ver)' eff1c1ent care- . Elmer Is It. dear. !lllaln at the close. ond yellor at the Unlver!llty of Mlnne-CArtford ""as formerly at In MRda.gas- takl'rs_ AS the}, are RlwAYS t.umlng .the H,\s our foo'thall hero. You speRk only EnglL,hl l it Swltzer.- oola and III open every noon to stu4enta ca.r. :-'\ck too hl\l.h or too low And break!ng 1.�n·1 IhAt quite clear? . IImd tWO IAnguAgl'lI Afe a nece'lJ;lty And for the a�rnls.'lon price of five cent.!!.

?heN': Me ten stllllons there. and at part of the lamll. mO!lt people speak Ihree or four. The.! The SludeilUl at the University o�

I'(\ch onl' there Is a. chlldren:S 5Ch�1 In the 1'\.t'lllnlls thl' onl�' all1\l.'\ement Elmer hailS from Endicott. unh'er.'lltif'8 are on a bilingual" bl\sl.!;. l Michigan voted In favpr of the modlll-

of six grades. There I�. also. at each Is the '!1ltherlng of the children to What m('n they do produce. Sometime ... reading assl!j;nments mliy bto I catlo� 01 the rule which puts a ban

station. A scl)ool for young men. which �h}\;r:. As ChristmM Jlrl'S('nt.�. Reverend HI' �I'IllS so very nice. III �Ilgllsh. French. and Oerman. fron the use of lIutomobileA. Onl)! ItU-

deals In religiOUS teachings. Then. Cart ford Is sending to the!«' M�dalJl\.5. YI't" Tt'ally run� Quite 100St' China L� IIIlSllfe· for students who ad- .cents .. It� degrees are to be permltt.e<l

there Ls a hfgher girls' school. at ""hlch car children soml' hymnal5 which are hl'Te 10 the phllosophy .of Marx. The t�, drive c!lfS. . the older girls Ie:am to manage their Irllnslated Inlo thrlr nath'e longue. Elmer has black hilr usual proc�url'. L, 1'1 brlt'f trial and ex-

. A bob-cat. reAred. by a University of

homes And such. The island of Mada- ""hich ls SI)()ken by Rf!\.t'Tend Cartford And f')"t'!' of hazel brown: eClitlon. Chlntlle sLud@Il� Sfly thllt It· California blologl.!;t has been &ent bad: Cl;a.scar also has a !lonna.! !;Chool. quite nUl'ntly. . . HI' hlL� Ihe �""t'eJe�t, Clltellt smllt' I"" 511ft! "\'l'0 teo m;2nll n the ""ord ··to the woods" beca�se he could not be

Tht'n:! aft' About SC,'en thou58.nd. Mr. Cartford. a cou�ln of Mrs. Alsper 'J'hl\t �lml)IY gt't.� II� �wn. communl .. m. · � kept tame.

<?"hrtstlan..� attending theM' schools and of Parkllll1d. ""hose hu!;band WM II He forg('i.'; to sha\'e hls ..... hISk.' •. · " There is nothing ' Ike II �trike to Driving oilthout a licen.�, ·ob!Itruct,.

about three lhou .. <;.8nd m9re Chrlstillns ml:s..�ionar}" In ChinA. attended Augus-" dOOlee elCamlnll�lons."{say Chinese stu- Ing trattlc, oper$tln.g wlthOUt. �· fran.

on the island ..... ho are not attendlng i . HI1; e)"f's are often red: denL�. They have lL'Ioed\,t so often that chille. and .furthe.r Investigation' wtre

�chools. LAst YFar In Madaga.scar there tana Coliege four years And 51. 01111. But we can JU1;t excuse hlin. Administrations now ta�e speclt! cart' tloe charges flied against stu��nts o f

were 1 043 ]X'Ople-' baptized. compared �ne year. H e g�aduated from the Ul1lt- 'CIIUSt' he n·I.'\·er getl; to bed. 10 i'Ie"(' that there are nQ, irounds for Colorado School of Mlnel, arreated

with 618 in Zula. Afrlca. I\nd 400 In cd Church Seminary And Wk." ordained friction between 'fac;ulty and students while driving a lIlreet car plutered with

China. .

Into the ministry In 1914 He ne\'er hI'S his le!';liOn�. ImOlediRtely preceding the elCamlna- slgnll as an advertt.sement or their Im-, . HI.!; reCitations are ab.5urd; tlonll. pending game with Denver. '

T� Spellbound by our charms. At a school for higher education In "Psychology ha.s determlntd by ac-

I Colden Rod Butter I' Hl' CRnnot .�ay· a word Burma the �olllcn'A I\t'hletlc Instructors tual ex�rlence that 'AuceeM de�ndl 85 hlghest 'luahty hAd to' make the alreMY Incon\'enlent per cent upon per�nallty,· and 15 per

always I;Jnlform I We hRVI.' a little cornpt'titlon girr� lIport attire IOhger and fuller be- cent upon brain" as Ouachita college

t made In Tacoma by From a !!:Irl on 96th; c�l�e of criticism or the men. professor. declart ....

. l ______________ ���:.��!.a_nY..._I.. ��r"';::!:1 �:: II�


am Education I� well-pianned un�er --==========� Mu.'\.'lolinl. YOII are told not only how r to think. but also whAt to-'thlnk. We W.IInl 10 fulfill your w.IInlS. One




No\\'. why we All like Elmer b morl' IhJlh \1:1' can .see : Penn State'A 1933 football �uad I.!;n·t d.llY Ulrvjse on your pholo wor.k il much heAvier than R high !;Chool tea�. no .e:;r:l(=ie:�'��js.�e The average weight is one hundred and LEHMANN PHOTO_FfNISHING

Blit Still we all are wondering t' Just .'�:ho his ..... lfe will bC? S(','enty pound.� and the average height. STUOIOS

P. S. There's safety In number!>: but 5 ��ta:�_:;�

hp�� vote In the University

I-�P.::.;,k::.;I.::.;nd:::.;.M::;"::;"::"::.;liI::; • .::·Com= .. ::;;:ny�,l Elmer doel"n'l Ih'e here anymore.

• • • of Michigan I� to be held to give stu- .

Ho.... Hud�n· .�IUno ' ,m.ln d.n" .n op!'?".nl" U> ,ol,� thol, �.�-------+

�===:,::: -G�':o::��--1 1 1EA���N'$ CRE�INCS :

kle'� smtf. at l( / . • • • Morris Cheim & Son .




�:�� IMt

. words,

. 1 1 50 PKific Ave.

,· TKon,.. . . Me",ber

. 1 2th & A St. PI-;one MAin 2 122 Postoffice Square Dahl Grocery Co. I�==========!� U"i�edPurjty Stor ..

. Coach Olson brlngln' home a mud I � hen Wanta' buy a duck? Parld�"d Barber $hop and '. ������������������;:;����I Bob Monson having a high old time

Ii at a party.'s what he thought: Confee·tion.ery -- Pa,kla.,d

Can You AHorc! To· B. W;�hout .. ;:

ADEQUAT:E PROTECfION At Th ... Rot •• ? ....

AGE 1 S-:Sl -.OOO---Annual ·Premium -Dividend. end of �ond veu ... .. .

AGE 2Q.-$I .OOO-Annual Premium -Dividend, end of second vur ....... .

AGE 22_$I ,�An,;ual Premium, -Dividend, end of �� yur ........................ .

$8.86 3.1.0 Net $5.76

$8.97 3. 14 Net $5.83

$9.09 3 .. 1 8 Net $5.91

LUTHERAN BROTHERHOOD , Lepl Reserve ute 1"'lIr.� for M ... � .... Chlldr ..


w:�:�:. s:,�lg��I��v:o::we:e�It_==Gf=O=. =�N=U::. D::TSO=N::,::P2"",::· =:-!I LIEN 6< SELVIG there's a woman connected wth It.

Pt'terMIn giving this Miller k:'d the once o'·er. want' me."

"You �n have me i.f you Brookdale Cash


P;Htr;plion �"iSIS I mporters of Norwegian

Cod liver Oil Trulson .and Wes� taking anoU ier of those frequent trips up town In the famous "IL. H." buoy. "Stay on tlte

right side sbter." . GArland 01 56·R·2 J. A. IRWIN, Prop. Corner Av.,ue .lind . I I I'"

Streel, T.comi, WMh. , ,,.. � Norm Jensen borrowing a flashlight. "I'm a night owl - - . " . J9� stuen :� �tlJIU!tlng he's a "

bachelor . . "I know you're ly1n'-" . . . . ' . Gus at

'the p� with

' two of "em. :.--...

Irs toUih to'be-; no, not famous-cam-puasedJ


lIarnet �O!It fallinl in .the bay. No. wrons �ap1n; Prank'- was In the

$peciiil B � ... i for p.,.; ••. • ". . clubs, t •• ·�., etc.

A·,., 11 ..... A", PI�e., . c.u .... t,!2N.5 IU$ L1NU; I":,; .........

608 secOnd Ave. So� . Minneapolis, Minn. 1,!;;;;;;;;;-= ________ ""i __________ ;!J engine room.

-'- / .

Page 24: Mast 1933-1934

/ , >, , "


�f��f�� ::���;��i.�:::�:::�:: ��i������ Ne!':! T\lesdI\Y. Dci:ember 19th. marks ; Next Tuesday when school is out and vacation has come at last. co�ers to the school. ",.� lilgh-�Int -Lacey Dairy outfit a�d 'In II. t� 8COT-

the InaugurnUon of the Gladiator 1933- you 11 feel l ike celebrating. That· night our Gladiators meet the g\rl. tRU.�·lng up �4 points. Winnie Illg altair won Ollt �4-3;7. "Dutch" Mot'

34 �Llson when they play Aberdeen strong Grays Harbor . .tunior �ollege quintet in the season opener at Butch and MRuryne C��I$teI�n each 1\'," , the ,shlntng--Hghl" for the ""innetll

Junior Col1eg'c In their rtr�t Co'nference the local �ym : and -If there, s any place where a pers�n gets plenty made olle ba.!lkrt. . The stten�th ,or the with thirteen' �Ints I\.Od Oeehll.n sU>Od.

tilt hert' . . The Aberdeen outfit. looks of Ih�ills. It'S at a basketQall game. Lef's pack the gym that night freshmen �med to lie In: thelr cenle� .. o�t for Ule DflJt)'men. 11.130 scoring Ihlr·

p\('nty good t.hl!!. �1L""n Ilnd as a reo and. gIve our I?oys lots Q.f.., support when they win that first big ga·me. V91ly Notby and, Sfllly BRfus. whlle .thl'! tet"n potnt.s. " . .

�ult R thrilling eontl'St I., In store for Let s go. Gladiators! , - . . g�lU"tIlng of · ManoUSO<\ and Ed,. The CounLy ··y".men were' the ilellt

a!1 b�lI:etbRIl fnns..J.Q altcndance. S. S. · ' . liB Kelse)' wouJi.! retard the nlakinl of ,'ICllm!!. re-celvlng a 44_2'2 drubbIng.

(An I!.dded nu.mctlon In this year.s ..... The �.1st we�k or s'o �a, �ound .the Lutheran " uad playin', Jev- points of Mil): oppo!t1ng te�m. Altho�gh Jl\cll: at cent�r and �!oe. at forward

C�nference play 1.'1 that the ",;nner 'of eral �ractlce sessl�ns Cettins ln shipe, for the comlnc season' wtiich Alice AlvneM lind AI�ce Rot. experi-· looked. good .f�r (the GladIator squad.

the Junior College Confercn« Cham. promises to be a dln,er. Last week the boys took on two local teami : enced fon"ards.. started- the On Mtmda)' of this ,,'cek they'scrlm­

plonshil> ""\11 be the rt'Clplenl of Il sliver and Monday encaced in a shenuous workout with rile C. P. $. outfit. game ou!.. ln a big way. substitutions mllged. .'!th the Collete of Puget Bound

10vinJ cup donMed by tht' Yakima These ,ames have aided materially in polish in, up our offense and made It necessar)'. to place them 11'1 users. and· Ill.!It night met "the Cal!!'

. Chamb�r of Comm!.'f""C1.'. There are fI\'e def��s� and .as a result the squad should be in pret.ty. s:ood shape for o��er. berths. where t.hey could not do m�rtUlo out�l.t here.

teams In Ihe grOUt>. nameh'; Pacific their first conference battle. I Ir beSL. · The Ilneup.'l ror the gamee are:

Lutheran . . Abcrdet"n Junlo; Collt'gt'. . . S. �. . ' The IIne-uijl: P.L.C. I", "t:ni Lue, Da.I.n'·

C('ntralla Junklr Collegt'. Yakima Jun- This year Coach Olson is handling his squad in 'a manner which Fifthmen Upperd.U/lmen Moe ' i 13 ) P Ipl Jacobs

lor College. and Mount Vernon JunIor allows him to have a larger outfit and still give all the-J:>oys a chance Ruth F'royen (24) F (9) AlIce Alvn� Sander�n 12) f' flor Davfs

College. Each t!.'!lm "'ill play ten tc play. He has two squads of ten men each. the first being the var. �Innle Butch (2, f' (4) ,,:Uce � Willard 1 2 ' ) C t }) /Anderson

gam!.'s. t"'.o �.'lth e\'ery team. ghing the slty and the second IS called Parkland and plays In the Pierce C-ounty JOAnne ManoUSOl ,:0, • Irwl�l Hudson 141 .0 113) Geehan

�choo\S a fair sited schedult. ' Ynklma. Prame Leag'::!,f There are SIX teams m thIS league, playmg three Edna Kel:t&y 0 McClure Johnson 141 0 (4) McClean

P.I:.C .• and MounL Vernon !Ire. accord- round�wl (games every Tuesday and Thursday night In this man- YolI)' Norb} C Savage Subs; ·P·.L.C.-TIlilson 12, . [.ell.!lk (8).

Ing LO pre-M'ason dope. tht best tCBI1ll r gre matenal may develop a"d by next year become first stnng Sally Bafus CR Williams j�k ' i61, Le\'ll\son i 21 . Monson: lA\. in thl! circuit: but the other 5quads u-\! d gIves It a chance where It otherWise wouldn't SIIb.!. F'reshm!.'n-Maur}lIe Chrlsttn- eer-Hartlt3'.

�hOllld not bl' under-raled � 5 S �on ,F' .21 UPI)('rclas..'Imen-K John- P.L.C. (44) Inl Count1 .. y"

In addition. the LUlher!lll.s ..... 1\1 play tBHides beins: out to win the chlmplonship for their old Alma son 40 1 £: Johnson , 0 1 Moe (8) (6) Buesko

t ..... o gnmes ""ith Bellingham Normal. mmy, the Cladiators will be out for the new inducement added to ---- Leask 141 IS) Wise

Columbia: and the Collegl' of Pug-et this ho!'or. The Yakima Chlmber ot Comm�rce hu graciously dt;)" Pep Club Meets Jack I l l ! C (5, Smith

5oun(1. There may also ' be other nated a 'fine sllyer loying cup to the conference winner and our boys The Pep Club held Its regular meet- Hudson 1 6 1 . 0 '2) M.lchel

gnmes. Ilnd it, Is becauM' of this fact are out to get it. It's'a lon, time since anythi�, his-bien added to Ing J.a.lIt Thursday e\'f'. In the (udge Johnson 421 0 Berl1la

that no dcfinlte !ChNlule has bc1.'n 1\.0_ 1 the trophy case and such an addition wouldn't be half bad. kItchen. Mar), Nash Il


nd Alice Peterson Subs: P.L.C.-TruL�n (4) .. SanderSOIl

ri02ced. ' S. S. .., . SIlng a. duet and Ruth Carlson IIl\ve a '61. Le\·i�n. Pflueger. MOIlMln 1 2 1 :

? ' • In .closing. a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of plan.o solo. Refre5hmellLS we.r.e sen'ed " Y"_SOlqqlsl: Gf'ehan. lllld Radonovlch l ...

.. I"\ I •• :\\ UI1 ... :IIII . .. 'n 1,1.·" , " hrl�I:1il you But before. Y9u leave: all of yoohave just gatta' go to the big by Jrene ShRflallcf and Berglolt Vogan. 14\ .

"'''� . d t ! . I I I !>:, " " , I "1'-I1 " W :I''') &<tme- Tuesday nIght. Don t forget. pack that gym! . ;=======:::==: " , I,ulh. 11,,,,,,1:1,'.1 k •. } I'''''rd. ,'''unl )' � _ _ � ___ � A� the Un"·erslt)· or California ex-

H. D. BAKER & CO. ISS I nnounces . Join CQ�nty .League ; the end of a four-wct'k perlod. ·If "the . . . �:;e����\!e!f�te�c:!Pt� .

WRrr"hl. "",,···t,, ···1 T,·nn�. M· H-Il A Second String Cagers I\mlnatlons are gIven In aU courses st. ' . 1 109 So. 10th T:u'oma. Wash.� Basketball Teams . Win 1 , _ Lose � Meets :����: ;:;!e

�h: �::��.o

�n�· r��.e:x

; , come

in S�:!:t 'C!irtin. fOf • •

__ ---+ After �\'eral \\'('f"ks <>f tryouts. glrL�' A� a member of the Pierce County $5.00 rebate on his lu"th�n. . If��;:�d;: f:�e

�I'�Y �p.ecI.J •

.. ,'i:"�'C'�;'�':A5 i- b,*'b'" ",m, h"" "" n 'h""" by :::��::"dL<

a:��; ��:)'.:;.L.':;;��;;:' !iI . CArl,., 01.5.';;.2 ';';.t"., ,

PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR \" ....... 1 for MI�s Goff ""ho w\ll not rt-turn to To open the season on No\'. 28: the)' omplimenh of \ --arid

1 MIs.� Hill. g>'m' Inst.ructor substituting wlll1ilng aile sod losing two to date. C r= ' Hoi.. Sh R ' 1 �k. ,h",. of h", P,,"I< Lu,""," ' \ r::" f:����:".a�--

I ��'::�,%���;���';::�2'"�;;�:;�: �;�,�g,��t�i?,:�li��:§;f��




Kenchbaum I nlnJ;: group. The scht'"dull' or games to Ilnd Schlambusch leading. Suih and Overcoats I l'e�;.r7:.��:"��:�ll�Ji;r�I�:��; \


Mt'f't lnll EAtonville here ' the rollow- A t IS I For Sale Exclvsiveiy at I UPPf'f Nftrmal.

IIIie' T\ll'Sdllr. they took theIr first de- moe a I' I ,etland IT Pal'g,ut' I D<" 12, . ,S-Ll", .. ' An, "'. I fe" 19-28. ",,'n')' do< fO "" ,".b"", Products HERE ��v.::::!�-J School _ High I �ml���P"':I:=l' sco�O

���!��'e r::,���. Ven

l ___ + Dc<:. 13. 3:3Q...-;Normal F'rf'shman \'�. Two days. lattT.last -Thursday. a pow_ --

., I I Uppt'f Norm�1. . . - II erflll qlJhilel from Roy look them InlO BROOKDALE CROCERY Dc-c. 14---4 . 1�-Hlgh School \'S. UPJX'r Caml' to the tunc of 37-22. •

The Store thai Hal It !'lormsl. .... Thl' IInelljls and !'COring for Ihl'l'it' H,y, Fffd, 'P.i"t, Dnlp.

J Occ. 18. 3 :00-F'Teshmt'1l Normal ·\,!!.· I gamN; 'Is as f�1I0"'?:, Shon High School. : Lineul>S for Parkland J1Ul\t'lI: � __ -::B::.:ROO: KDALE Tht' tPl\ms line up I\� follow�:

I Parkland (441 (%1) Fort Lewb

_�_. ___ Freshmsn normAl: Guards. Annt Hansf'n !SI F \61 Furgeson John�n. JoannA Manog.'lOl'> And Edna Stuen .F' 141 Boggl!

1-1 LUM BER Kelsey: fot'\·Ard�. Ruth Proyen. Wlnl- Mel'ford '2 1 C IS) Swanson fred Butsch and Mlluryne Christensen;

IMaC�le \61 G un Le",11!

. centers. VAlborg Norby and ClAra Pt'lerson . t 1 ) 0 TIngley PAINT, HARDWARE Kuhnhousen : side centers. Selma Bafus Subs: Parklllnd - Archbold (6),


Quality Knitting Co,

-403 1 1 th St., TKom •.>. and IInri. Eula Mse Goff. Schln.mbush '81 . Preus, Anderson 15).


r 1�:.�:a!�dG�I��:' ��:�:� �� �������. \1 \ . Port .Lev;1s-Vanderale � ____ -_----J. , Brookdale Lumber Co.

wards. Alice Roe . Alice 'Ah'nes 'and Vlr- Parkland C l91 1%81 Eatonville glnla Bol'n; cenU'r. Shirley SavAie and Hansen 15) . . F Kathryn Johnson; side centers. Jane Sluen !2) . F WIlliams. Ella Johnson and Oeol'Rlanna Me.stord (�) .C.. . . . . 16) Fitzer

AT BROOKDALE McClure. Mackie '(2) . 0

On Mountaln Highway Liberal .arts: Guardl!. Irene Sh�lIand O'Connor . . ..... 0 (5) O. Smith

Phont OArland 3811-J-5

�=========�. ::r::�na�

e�a��/�::�' !�:. b!���:r��:crs:��� ��!::�

r" Rhoda' HokenstAd;' �nters, Batrle (2). Eatonville-Mattoni (5). Wllliltnu. TOJTesdaJ and Jean-Mar1e PowJer. Parklnd 1%%) (31) RaJ

High school: GUlLrds. Aa'nes LWlde. Hansen (4) . . : . ....... F._....... (8) Myhre EllZabeth Dahl" and Ou�hUd 'Larson : Stuen .......... _ ......... _ ... .P ........ (5) Cro5etto forwards, Elizabeth Swen. Norma finw Preus (e) ... � . . _ ....... _c_ .. _ .. (4) Gen.'ellA aift!. Ma�a 6ehlermeyer: dde c:enura. �tenon .................... 0 ....... _ . .... (51 Jolly Betty S, ... re imd Mildred. Monson : cen- M&CtJe (3) . . ... .... 0 .... (10) C. Hemess

We .carry everything n .. eeded for this thrilltng'_" 'Sport"

"Northland & Anderson" . 'Laminated 5kiis

Ski�� Shoes. Pants. Caps Jackets and Mittens

SkiiS for R'ent

Washington. Hardware Co.

·924 Pacific Ave. Please your family and c1ose- friendS­with the most per­, sonal of aU gif;ts- Doe. 6ehJambWih, Mesford. Anderson . and l ����������

. ����������

tetS. Fredericka SchlanbUIICh and OUve Subs: Parkland -' Archbold (2). 1 11 1 . . O'COnnor 17). Roy-P. (2) .1= F

Mn. r�ylOf H .. . Baby Daqhter Ball (3 ) . .' I your photograph

Just give us half of your lunch hour and you'll have the pictures before

- ·Christrnas

1frS!� , ",!"IN 4493 ," -

304 Rust Bldg: .Tacom. "

FrIends and Pac1ne Lutheran COl-lege students an� uaoctata an! eon- French Club To Meet Friday gntulaUtli Mr. ' and Mrs. Bertrand At the French club meet1ng to be Taylor of Pf.rkland on the birth of a held FJiday noon In the musiC studio. �ughter, Gall EmUy. on �. 1. Mrs. Mr. Hunter .wtll continue his b.J1r: on Taylor. Is usJsta.nt �\.l'ar and hNd h1II experiences In France during the of .the h1Ih school p:i.rUah �ep&rtmm� World .War. , Hazel Konaen .w1ll also

. at the eo11ep. &be ia a� from. tebool speak. Led by, ltbrpZ'et ·Wesaoo.. tb;e th1II year on & lea.ft of at.eDoe. IfOUP' � pracuce Prench· sbnp; ,

<.".. ,. SKIS fOR IVI_VONI fROM 6 TO 60 Ski , ..... Ski Jack ... .... � ..........., prieM

KIMI"Li:s 1 1 07 Broadway ,


We Speciali;e in ' ANNUAL�APERs-H\..NDBOOKS


JO HNSON . COX CO. 726 Pa,cific Ave.


Page 25: Mast 1933-1934


Orben Sirne to Give Benefit Concerts on WestCoastfor P.L.C.

F'ebrufLTy 22. 23 and 2� are set by th� Pacific t1ther..n College A.lumnl Board lor th,t' annual reunion of graduateS'. Festivities W1lI beg\n

� / I.

Player !f }J'tU.ual ' Instrumenh. FrIday eve'Ring with the �8l11u Drama �Pitch�.ceIiO and Theremin_ Nl

.ght ilresentatioM tn.the' COllege


... W.II Recommended: naslum. The traditional basketball . • game bet'tl'een the vlsiUng alumhl and

" Dahl A.r,an,I", Itinerary the,regular college team .wlll take place

the following Salumay afternoon In In the interest or ChrUitian eduea.- thl;! gym here . • Event,s will be climaxed

:. Tingelstad . Now .' Recovering �rom �

.Serious �ration . ColI •• o Pro'idont .$uHon·rod Appendi" Co",,, in, ,E.,t ; Coe,lo Hoe· pih� Chri.,lm., Doy

tlon on U1e PacUic coast, Orben SimI!. wlth the reunion dinner that evemng.

Mr. Sime � tl'peclalli well mended by Rey. Casper M. pastor of the Lutheran Church buch. Minn .. !:Od by Rev. S. 1.. lIOn. pMtor of the FlnIt

. eran Church or Fergus Falls. Ml.� trene aD.hl of Parkland Is ranging Mr. Slme's Itinerary.

Annual Mo.untain Trip To Be Jan.

Mnual trip to the mountain this ter ..... as definitely decided at II. meeting of the STOuP called enee Lemming alter Chapel Jantiary U .!.s the date

Prt'lImlnBr)" plans fo,)

thb annual "rralr ""ere laid Jut Sunday afternoon whim the Alumni board met In the I roll' .. .....,'pU,," room. The group wlll meet BJain tomorrow evening, th15 time In the ho�e oC Miss ITere Dahl, PMt

�oriner Imructor to Tak. 'Char,. Of Introduction .lind Technique Of .. -T...ehjfl. Cl ..... "'I'.'.'.I11-� Mond .. Y' '

On hla .... y ,home from II. !.rIp In -the, east. Dr. O. �. nnre:lstad, prHldent ot PQclfle Lutheran " CoIJ�re became ser­Iously III. and on ChrtAtmu day under­wen't an operation for rupt.Ui-ed .• �­dill. Since tM Um("'of the �uon he has Impl"O'led much more rapkUy than ... 1.5 expected. due to tM 1UkIaI­neM of hb coridJUon, aoeordlnc kt lin .

. felt ill on the tnJn of almJlar lnatancel wh1$ had

happened.:befon and becaU8e the U1-nest �u lIeUe"eel to· 'be mere .t.omaeh DOiIIon1IW. " doctor wu not c.llecl untq the following daY. Dr -:-MOrant � ordered Or.' T1ngelatad ' ,ftnoved to the

Taking oXer mOllt ot the duties of Dr. O. A. T1ncelstad, who. wu on ChrlaLmaa Day at. the Tacoma . Qeneral Hospital .� the Miss Fowler. Miss Oeorge Reneau, be"- General Hospital for ruptuttd appendl,,:la now repof.t.ed much operation wu Immediately pert'ormed. gan v,'orlt on the Pac.llIc Lutheran Col- cawr.e It was so long untU the operation wu perlormed. ganli'ene and BeCause of the long w&1t before the It>gl' tntult)' Monday. Mw Reneau 1& &et In. making the educator's condition even mOI't!,perUouJ. Howner. Or. operation. ranrOt and pcritonlt.1l set

former teacher here. ha\!lng had stad � well on the road to recovery. even tboUSh It w1ll be IIOme time In. making h.Is condlUoo even more In the summer of 1932. She � CM be removed to his home. periIOUl .. For a time. smail hopes were

.....ell known In and Rbout Tacoma. hav� � ______________ -'-___ -'-___ I held for his recovery. but Dr. Tln8'el� Ing bf-en With the Collel@ of Pu�t Orwoll . Dahl, ChiCken-.Raiser De-lux�, :�� 1�::�;�I


=:\�=;; MI5.'I Reneau wlil teach the Introduc�

tlon and Technique of Teaching ClaMeS SWeeplI Tacoma ' Exhibit With 17 Mm. tim . .. ro" h. oan .. =ov..s

and supervl!l(' th{ practice teaching . ' Taking �Ixtftn flnt place, and one he took �ee flrat places out ot tour Choir Appears- in takinR ('hRmpton place for the dlsplay.or prize entTIes. and one champlonsblp place. . .

care of MI6s Fowler's cla.ssee, said "00 poultr)'. Orwoll Dahl. a �tudtnt of Pa- Two Japanese bantams given him by ' Several Concerts . :;:�;:� ��lt!:I!:��

:�h C:I;::: ;� �I!��s L



�=. :�e I:UI�� :ha�

l�ta=t�:�·� �=/��hI:: .

struc'tor as Miss Reneau truly !.s. back mo\\' h�ld In Tacoma, Orwoll. who en�ra1slng for ·exhlbltion ..

Now he hfoll Over the .• eek�end of January 5, e to ollr staff." IItarted raising chickens only three birds from Minnesota. ,T�xu.' illlnoill �d 7. the �tlc IA.Itheran Colletre ,

y�8rs RIfO. has In different exhibitions and. Callforrila, He ra1R& 1l varieties, "Choir of the ·West"· made t.hree ap­L. D. R. Meets. Tomorrow . Including th� World's Fair. �en 85 and haa about � chickens a.l;together. pearancetl In Tacoma, on� of which ·

tlrst places. 26 second!!. :; thirds. and Two unique pet8 are a pair or �� was broadcast over radio station KVI. The Lutheran Daugbters of the Re- 2 champion places. Although he used about 3 years old welthlng not' over 3 At eacb concert. talks in behaU of

to frame alf ftLs prize ribbons he now ounces each. . ' the school were riven. .

keeps hal'l of ,them In a sack. , But chlcken�ra1sJng wn all !:I!u� ,rib� Friday evenln, the Chprtaters sang To shOW ,.,'hat Orwoll hM .Iearned In bam, Tbe o�er day one of Orv:s newly In full concert at Our Saviour's�

the last few years, hls ·flrst sUbl1l1salon purchased got a heart at� eran Church, Rev. Alvin 0'. LeW1s, pu� h«n arranged to include a talk. at the Puyallup fair brougHt hlm out tack and died · while Orv'wu r:tving It tor. Prof. J. p, PfIueier pve '. abort

·"",· I ··Lut.",,,, Academies and Junior Col- ot II entries. 3 [Iut places . and· 2 �� Its tint bath. -- tiu:. The concert. wrtch the chOIr .. by Valborg Norby; a piano" sOlo ond place�. At the recent Puyallup Arter giving out all thls naws. Mr: gave Sunday momtn, in Rev, E. :U. ,

HoktJ'!lltad; a vIoUn selection fair. out' of 18 entrles he took 12 nnt Dahl went home to unpack some new Bene'I' . Central LuUieran

O'Brlon; MMrs. Moe's J41s; places and 6' second places. Other ralrs chickens which' had Just arrived. He Church. since it wu Box" by Joe.nn!,- ManouaoI; and In which Orwoll haa enter� chickens extenda a cordial Invitation to the ftI\llar

In I "M'�IO"*",' 'Work In PoreIIP1 Coun- have been at 8ale,m. 'Ol'egon: yiJuma. who I.s lrit:ereated to com� see, E. M, Hene of Tacoma, and the �orld's Pair In Ch1caao. where blr& anyUme.

umnus,WTifes 'The Quest of the Side-j;.IiII G()��;' B, Gllberi Sydow -U spend h!.s vacaUoo 'and do some hunt.. eapade. uaina the ·first penon to

"Waeli. now 111 tell yu,"'began O)cl Itng up 1ri the Cascades. The game ' of excenlve degree. Windy wU Windy Peten, Riaht then &nd,' there late years was rather scarce, but in rolling a amoke and waiUng for 1 bepn to feel acnTY for the out.-ot- spite ot that be had shot & big g:rtz- opportune moment to commence to1P1l�, When Wind, ventured to 11., uy. the blnest that had been taken uphoJ!Jing. After surv�y1n, the, re-

was roing to tell IOmeUllng. one for a long Ume, We were ready and suits or' h1& digital dqterity for ' a be quite sUre an UDUlual narra- wilting to congratulate · him for that., minute, he Interrupted the doctor's fOrttic:omlng. He wasn't much but· 'when he jeered U4 naUvea tor story, '

stul!. bUt when !aimed never havtDr equaled the teat ·it . .... "I �n that was a pretty heat he could hold twI '" horse of '& dU!erebt color. 80 old bear all rlgbt and I

Lono'� pre�Ch,rtatmu concert. the collep .chapel on

·evenlng. oec. 17, to' a pacUd After the CObcert. 'the · Tr1nit, Le:ape ,an:ved retrahmenta.

any' W&joI' Hoople. £'v1- Peten had eleet¢ h1mae1l ofncial � mi� t.ouIh ume to. ,IH him , the boutlng and bi-aain& 'of bolder of \he. loeaJ. pqcse; &Del becau.e n't .. � big or � . .. Mr. ��ry ., Spuk :Ute' po�.= �.�: :ell�� .�on .be � :Wyou m:�: Craiby. "':�;i :i."':'::::':;::'� .�: ��, -.:ax eloquent, uwally twI • 'rh1a .p&rUcular eftD1nc" .eeme.:t to ODe kDcnrn. that a p'1I::IJ.y bear ' : =�:ta ........

' I"�b}' � :�c::m: �� �'::=.:n�!.�--:, ��aM� �. tomon'OW 1DOI'Dlni'. Kr. an overdOle ot applejack. but the. ltepa or tile &meral"emporlum to Windy, "bUt'ye&n 810. wben prominent in educM1oD&l p'reeent be wu .. sober M a eXchange idle chatter. The (Ioct.or w .. fOUlla buck, t.bqe wu an ina .the JDftldent at the w ........... I"_ �. : monopOllIinc the'c60ftrMUon 1titb. • fng � mounta!Da· wbat would DfucaUOll .�.� The

,doctor bad cOme to � to ,,�oriIl� �t Of h1a bunting .. - (c.auA1Ied .... ....... ,) �--�==��--��.


Page 26: Mast 1933-1934


/ /-


. Iw b r J.M 0 0 r.i u g jlfa 5) t Publtahed every t.o �b dlll"in&: \.be lChool J'N.{ by the at.udenta of PacltIc . Lutheran Collel'e. Parkland, Wub1nc\OD. �red ... aI!COnd �. matter, � 2. ��. at the � Office �t �n:land.

K· · .. AMPUS � · · .· OMMENTS

111 W 'whItaker . I / WuhlnftOn. under \.be A� ct March S, 11m. .

Th"&nk COO&E''n ' lha" t,he hoUdaYS U'e..

over. 'No,!, We can catch up on a little .

sleep . . It',. waJ'S . nice to come back .... to school afur ." vacaUon. even If It:,

only for the rut.. ,' , " You are a mUe goo&el" remarked a Mona Byrd baa .cUscovered that a �- 0' . •

EDITORIAL STAFF . young M. D. playfully to the �l he duck 15 Just. fL chiC'ken qh anowahoea. Everyt.hlnr haPpened' on lichedule.

HAZEL MONSEN Milton Nesvig Paul Preus Jr. Evelyn Eklund. Daniel Flotre Jack Hudson

" ._' . ��." 'wn ..... th"" .l




y·_·po·O�r� . .. "'v,'.

. -�- ' . cnrutmaa came on the 25tn of Decem-I ..... .=> ...... Ellld H.� ,I hNor 7o..'Ye taken .• � plf. btr. apln.- lnt was �m a;t exacUy.

ASSOCiate Editor n't I got a" . What de JoG. CO U'OVld In! . 12 o'clock &harp'Sunday nleM lor was

Sports Editor -LA- Ruth G.: W�Il. uaaUi ID eo __ WI' It Mond.y momln,) . ' Features Editor ArnoJd'And��: Sft1. rrl.nlt. l�hea.rd .nd IklrL ' • • •

Editorial Wri�er r;:;.e .. ��o-::�! es. but ';be� the Doe &cond 'story -;�;': HuDo; BllI, I ::'�OO:�D. ex.P.L.O:-It.e ·doln. - . - TypIst told lIle It wa.snf a$tbma.. I breathed a 5C.'e you got. . new overcoat. What did some.· ... ner-Chriaun .. ;· Ihoppm.· Reporters lot $ller. I� cost you? Clarence MONOn and· Ted er:onqulst -LA- BUl'(lar: Six moriltu. I never ... ·ear st.artln, . out· to celebrate New' Year.'i

'Eunice Arneson. Virginia Boen. Ma�garet Craft. Jean-Marie Fowler. Alice A)vnelia (In restaurant): I've che.p ciotht'S. Eve. Wilma O'Brien. EmS!ry Whitaker ' round a tack in t.hls doughnut! • -LA- Eula-'Mae GOff ' braninr aboUt. her

waltre'M: Why. � amblUous little Evelyn I.: No", then. _'re all f'NdJ'. decoraU� abW�y at.,BunpJow. Bet

BUSINESS STAFF thing I It must thlnk' ws a tI�: run up the tu1&1n. her s15 dlcqru»t. of IL "'l ' . . -LA"7' Dammel: Wbat. are' abCIII" The Chtfitmal tree Irt front o� the

Marvin Hansen Bert Myhre

Business Manager 10:: =:::Is"'::;m7��io::'=� ;�.;p the

. e�'-ThJ" l:m a SC�:'SC:=I:�'looklng deserted .nd ( Assf Bus. Manager onee· rnqdJred.: "Rello. 'Stone. h_ are -LA- ' forlom.


. Clifford Mesford ' /_ Advertising Manager Mrs. Stone and �I the Utlle ��blea!" Huld. 8.: But wh, don·t you think Mr. Nel50n wishlnl people "Happy , : 1;"'/: �;��I�;;�� �:�:::; M;:'�:" ��.M�E�;;;;:·�::�� ::�:31, ::=�'S� �y ��;,�' 0; :�, Yo:a:'::: ::::n:I�:t:7:: Evelyn Monson

Louise Jackson '

O. J. Stuen and N. .Hong , \I, � Margaret 101·: Yes. *e's married to It.----auch a lot. so I !mow It's all over the thenten waiting for the �ldnI8ht. Faculty Advisers 1\ lawyer; and a lood honest fellow, too. between us. MaUn�. Vivian K.: BlglunLst! . -LA.- . .

The Honor Roll bmcs �.: Th��-nO!hln� like ex- �a7:'t�:;;��hs '::::' ;;::. 6�y"�'!v�ryo�e���. :.��r::�

Educat6r� and I�ymen alike have of late frequently expressed ::.��� after an, She is.our �\ett ��t� ,!.�� :::':::

t�:��:e �: :����;:tI�a�:;I��:'���:!� t

��� themselves to the effect that . something must be radically wrong Vernon: And there is no boldln&, back pat ,.oar hand'on 101U'. raUier'1 sboald- ing the ·hollday�. ·The student body with American education. Real izing that OUi' sc.hools are shaping her salary. rlther. er, "H'm," MJd .Mr. Gu.Ddenon, "It jolm in the prayer U\at he will be the destiny of our nation. they conclude that education is largely -LK'- wOllid be a trUer pldlll'e If be put It back wltb WI soon, responsible for the confused condition prevailing today. Probably. Atcordlng to OUT faithful Aunt 1'1.8 In my potkel."


they are ·right. Most of them, however. fail to suggest any rem�y i,ua;�o:n::;n:l





The PeMi·Mystic says. "Some tnaa·

for our ailments. While no doubt many of the causes contr!buting friends are vlsl.tlng you. HAVE YOU MET? "- �rers get lots' Of. tU.nd.out of the J�." to the shortcomings of our education are hidden to even the keenest ' -LA"": .

Her pleaslne .nd Joyows personall We'd like to tell Mr.�er-Po�naJa that of observers. some are mere apparent. One of these is the honor roll. Pv.�b.uer: Look h�, that safe 'OU attract everyone. She has' sparkJl his c�ck about panales sportln,_cookle-

. sold me last month· 'OD said was b .... - blue eyes and clark brown hair. ubt dusters was very erroneo� (or, sum-There is no doubt tha! honor rolls and all the rest of the num- lar-proof; and 'thIs moraine 1 found �'ear thiA young lady was pmldent. of pin'), It takes a man to 'do It. Ever 8rOUI: ,lIrtifici,ll1 ;ncf'ntivlP" ,lire /"Iptrimental fn trLJP '1;('hnIMc;hip. As ft eru;lIIf'd and rined of all it. .ennu,nb.. the con�ge debate society. as well as try It? Very nlte c:olumn there my many of us know. there ar,e two days to study : one. for grades. the John Van Leuven: W�II. ,Isn'( that manager and active member of the lad other. for learning and mental development, two methods that stu-j proof that you',e had a burl'hU'! debate squart Not only that, but She dents of college age find it hard to combine Being desirous of il l M L. -LA- . /... won the scholarsh'lp tUP a t commence- Chrlatmas seenu to have lone to Don

, . . . arlRret lrecently wro ) : What ment This year she lUis the position Reld's head. He came to school sport-place on the hO(lo� r�lI. most of the ambItIOUS stud�nts choose the

l :loe� that Inscription mean on �he ring of p�sldent of the German Club. 1\eC- Ing a bran' new fell hat. former. ,They memOrize what they are expe�ted to know at the end

l you ga\'e me. dear? retar)' of Delta Rho Gamma. and Hh'ls

• • •. . of the semester and let it go at that. Thus. (nstead of training their Archie : Faithful :.0 the last, my dear. mRkf's It easY):�lt.or of the Saga. Hav: Oticar (Ahem) Anderson also had a brains to think, they turn them into so many phonograph plates. All nl��s

g::.�: IO�·!I:��e


}'ou? You Ing Il good voice. �he Is a. �ember of ��;:'"d



ed ;!�:t �:: the �hile their thinking powers lie dor":,ant and ,undevelop:d. 1 f . -LA.- '

���lIt��OI;id$ -r::�:' I�:� �: ��!: he go: the coat?

the Inventor of _the honor rol,! was seekIng a deVIce by. whIch to A M'wlnr drcle Is a rroup of women mem�r of the Drama CI:. r.:at. but \ __ �. __ -destroy the very basis of illl education--intellectual c,::!!Iostiy--he "'ho spt'nd one aft.ernoora a week er. not In the least, she l.!t well-known In (;hoose .• Zero Hour lOT succeeded beyond his fondes't expectations brolderinr alltl'ed fa.c:lI: about abseht L. D. R, clreles. You'lI all agree that . l ' t t C .

The honor roll is also detrimental to character building. Stu. frl1mdll and ac


n.ces. �he 15-well-keen. mpor an eremony dents know-and many of the faculty members may have Iheir sus. Jennie Lee: I;' was a case of love at The zero hour, the last few mlnuLea of picions-that it is the cause of much of the considerable amount of flr�t s.lght. wh�n I met. Jack. th!;e�y


. �eet


o:l� 19]3, wa.s Ute time Georp CronqUlllt

cheating in classes. This alone is sufficient reason for abolishing it. m::� ���-;son: Then why didn't yoU liked. Of course, there wBl be many ������:o���:�:�ll


Furthermore, it causes jealousies and hard feelings, �d if it is pro- J�nle : I met him again so often. tonlllcting opinions later. He 15 not with the' WIshes .of the brtde, Prof, J.

auctive of joy. it is far more productive of disappointment and heart. <:" -LA- very hard to describe as there Is not U. Xa.\·kr, who performed the eere- -aches. The kind of competitive spirit it creates is far from sound. \\', Dudll',.; I understand that the

muth Of him as yet. When we first mony. timed It so thAt the bells an-I trl th h It t hJ saw him he 111M wearing a becom.1ng nounclng the arrival ot the new year Is not this desir.e to climb .over the .other fellow o�e of t�e main a Dlrle :;::le:ers;f"S, \he,.n:·met In an red ribbon about his middle He ha.s started to chlme Just' as he had flnlsh-causes of many Ills of our tIme? I( Instead of feedIng the Impulse Ilutom'oblle tollbion. flashine blue eyt'S pink cheeks a':ld ei:f saying the 'Amen" ending the

of selfishness. our schools would encourage' cooperatior and good -1lA- I "ttle el�. Yes. he Is a newcomer ritual. . . will among their students the results of our education would be far Mr, Savage : While you stood a.t the amo

�g us

h and

b:nwt � quite Import_, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott of· Parkland.

more desirable. ' ' . Ij:ate bidding my daughter goodnight. a�;at :Ietbr

e:uonew w Istles .. nd � 'at whose ho�e the m4Zrlare w ... held,

" did It ever dawn upo.n ·you- g, s becawe 01 him, ,?h. ,,"ere witnesses. A oel.a:hbor,iMr, Bam-But even if we disreljilrd all these arguments. would the honor �TuIry": Certainly not, Sir! I didn't

IIIe loriot t.g mention that on the ted eS, 'acted as 'chet to 'Ute f1v.e"wlio were ,roll even then � justifiable? Is it not absurd to compare. on an even !tay � late U !.;hat! . , '.

ribbon wI.! his name. Ypu rues&. pr,esent. setvlng a slX-coUl"ll4!' dinner In basis. students who are studY,ing.different sU


bjects. carrying varying '


' -LA-

I full style . . whJch. lILCCOrdll\i' to Prot.

.numbers of credit hours. and haVing unequal opporh-!nities fOr 'Study?' wo�: y:u: b:;�::' o�e: �;: '.= BROOKDALE ��e:'e��

, two amr one-halt hours

Finally, it is a great question whether the honor roll can be de- na. too! BARBER SHOP �:�i��

d f��



s�:�:: ���:�!���

f:� ' J��?�:'�:;;:=::::':: Brpokdale :::��=!:�7l�=;::'�:� ble�sed with a better mind' than qthers. He did not c.�e�te his in- Just beea._ I'm all bJ ODe pkee! ba.1l award t.he!t th1a year: .

t�lJjgence: neither di� those who �re Jess favored. ment�l1y. In the - - . . - - 0 L- - -----'

- . - -last analy,;, both hono, .011, and othe' exte,�al ;ncent;yes a,e ';mply

I Portable TypewriJm. SUI>PlIeo- j PARKLAND tlCHT &. WA




ER CO. a form of bribery---buying the student to do what is his duty and AlI Steel PWna' .EquJpmen� P,rklllnd, WW,inlton .

I should be his ple�sure. We h�, therefore. th�t 'Pa!=ific Lutheran School Booa. SuppUes '.n.������������..!!a�z':"� �� _ College will wipe the honor roll. off its statutes at �n early date.. ��� w ..... ",hd .. lI" CiOc .... _til _hHIIII' 100 ell. ·ft. Wllter . OffIce Farmtare Ilectric: Pow., �e .., It W. H.

, . . -, '. Phone Kaln 2870 SI08% Pac. Ave. For further information IIPPIy to BURT H. RAYMOND, MI'. . . Now II the Time to Act · . ' ' .

With repeated announcements that o,ther colleges are chOOSing their debate ·squads, considerable unre$t is being felt by those who Replirinl aspire to represent Pacif ic' Luthl!rah C,ollege in the forens'ic'activity IOYNTON'S' SERVICE this year. How can student�: be expeCted to int�lIigently debate:. ' on '.IelHe Hlp_..,

r after only a few weeks: practice. against Ii group which has studied CAS REl:'.AIRING OIl: months on the same question? They can neither represent the school t==========� 1:1." • ..... • __ . •

. .. �. � -. ... - "'�'._ . " _'m

!�- --- ;�-;;;., .;;;;;;;;,--:- l' . VIe advocoi. hoY;ng t� .. ... - soi.,, -.. poss;ble_ so �h""'" OLYMPI� DAIRY PRODUCTS 'I

· In a Modomly """" """ . ' .

selected to be oo.. Jhe te�ms may Nve .. a chanc� to S)'$tematiz/ th�·i; _T KOIIU', F�On'" Come 'in NIonllN:. . .. . ..

I" IntellJ(lently represent Pacific lutheran College in varsity for I5y .. rt" , . �� ' AllilrUm Printfli.-c;,..,pany · . . ' 'debates·,this spring.

. I ���� _______ .s l i 940 COMMERCE ST. , . - . . - ""':IN 6161 _ . ' . . .'�' __ � __ ' ___ "",:,�_._"m�_� . . . : ' . '

Page 27: Mast 1933-1934



Proc,.ms . on �

Thursd.ys Tim Afterwit \ CIUb to H .... His';;'" of· · . SpOi..�r. Will . . , Cerit..'! l,iteratur. ,SoOn . Acid, •• , '",.nch Club My name .Ls TIm Atterwlt. and most she be'mad Ob boyl • . . Dl!lta Rho Gamma rtrb.� complel-" ot the PLC kids emphUlze the lut When I told her I UtOUlht. you would AI the nex,t m'Htlnl or the Oe� Ang!'1<l M.n'�. rn(uat.e of, the

:m-:r:�c:n:�ta �orbe· p=�� :: :��l:

f ::�·:d.'7 =I;r'����.·:· ;:��':�.�e�: :��::t �:!'!:.� �Ur\'�t.·t�

J:'�I�e��!7;. :'nJ:::: 1:-::; r::;=::; the mectlnp each Thursday, Accord_ myseU. But. JC)metlmes I let dl&cwted unders


tl1lld aU her big Unco. !,-nd Susie .sumrn. ary . or., the "H1s�y of .Germ.,. Pa.c)flc- Lutheran College, Will be lJUeet inl to -U'JO!M! In chllLrJe .. there will be with myself because I am so &low. After didn't, nether, .bl,It'Nkltol&s Shali-,)wpatt Uteraturl!:' by Pl'les�, !-r:ne IrouP wUl �er at ,the Prench 'Club meeUn, ��I!���I! o�pe

�:I!���ll � s

tUdent �n:

a:r :�J��:t��!r! I���;:k; ��:; �:�o:


n I�wo;;;�rs ::;

as h: ::�s�::r,

r'�:;�:':l��=� �c r::·�r:n M::��� t::�:11 �� The fI!-decoraUon of the day room havl! said, but didn't, cause I was too write ' It out for me in simpler words. ot' StaWe, and Mr, Hllhby will lead "The ' Lire and Woru' of Stendahl,"

:: I�Oa·�,:�:


nd ��, S::�:;' :=er��tot�; h=rha�; ���:���' :�p��:ush��

e���n� ��: ���::ro:: the

club In'a�



np, ' , :: o�h����U::: P��:i::::,� :0 Florence Post: presldentpflthe group, made, but couldn't., beeause I jUllt didn't rnooncalt with your :sllly �, ,big Int.rtaiM Conf.rf!nc. tlons, featuring J."rench I19nP.

think of them fast enouih, And then lobiler with your machine C;url� hair, . 'Aft rdrcshments will be seryed, Pearl Entert.ins F�culty qUlttet ! I�::'�� I:�:h




wf:� ,���a: t;"sO!��n:��:t

r;::�:� m��o�:":f:r�=

ril:l :;';Ir:n�t� �=�a





t all

Mrs. J, U, Xavier, wUe of Prof, Xay_ asJeep, In the morning I tell i.h�m to around here near the oInce door wltJ\ the home of Prof, J, �. Pflueger, Dean ' � . !er. entertained' in her home' Sunday my girl friend: Su&le Simple: 'she �t fooliAh smirk on your tape holding Hllu!ti �POrud at. the. meeUng on H ..... He";' � •• "s 'a.rty e\'enlng for members of the Pacific thinks (if) too and laughs and laulha the girls' hands? U you send any of h\s stu�Y IllSt lIumr(t'r at the Unl!er� Lutheran College faculty wl ... es' quartet at the ';l,'\SKracka I hll ... e m.dl!. And your silly stuff to �I to 'print, I'll '�lty �f Chicago. At i. party given at his home Ne;tl' :tnd their husbands. Bealde the h05t when she doesn't laugh, ahe �Ililea, write your eSlltalf." Nick wU!l't' sure Year·s·Day. Willie Pflueger eentertalned and hostess. those present wefl! Dean for she doesn't talk much, 1 guess she of the wt \ford and t:ried to look It up CIlr'Sten Knaplund of Ketchikan, l�ne,Shaf1llnd. �rdlne KnutM,n, Nor� Ilnd Mrs. p, E. Hauge. Prof. and Mf!. Is too dumb tor that., But, even If she in the OIctlonRry,� but he cOuldn't find AIas�a. 'a tormer student, and Miss �,:n";;;���i�za�: ��:

:�e .:�� .

A, W. Ramstad. Coach and Mrs. C. 0, Is dum�. she l .. pretty, and th.t goes Il, But lUcky one of tht! teac,h:rs knew Viola Kn!ldsen '3I , W'�� haa been

'C· h.-,- , ...... HOW. ani. 'HudsOn. John � Olson, and. Prof, and Mrs, J, O. Ed- a long WRYS, Rnd then .she 15 Il swell and told ua. It lure has ,a.." uny mean· teachln, at PHnon. .... . .. were mar- • • ". U<; _ lIra� Mrs, Edwaros Is the Rccom- dfl!sser and knows IlII .bout,mAke-up . . inC, It means what's wrote' on your rled Dec, 10 at the bride's home In 9harles ,':Iudson, Orwoll Dahl and Jes�

panlsl. Rnd \hRt helps a lot too. \ Maybe I am gr .... e stone., Th.n wh.t be.ts me. for P'lorence, Wash. ) ' � �ut'l�r. dumb my5t'lf. but I Ullk lots JUllt the I am not de.d yet, But believe me, If. same. Evl!n If I say It. myselt. I , c.ri, you print this. you wU� hear f'!om Alice.

StroUpr Sees talk flUter tha� any guy In school, But you better get y.our DI.ctll:!nary 'Quest 'of the Sjde·Hlil Gou,er' (ConUnDed From Pap Onel .. :� , e ... en Mr B e.nd all the Kids say he 15 re.dy, tor she will sure use blg ,wOrd5. �ENE SH�ND crawling under some ta'lke�. That set 'me thin�lng, But 1 must s�p, Henry napper .of a i1:lzzly I�k Uke a baby kitten: Y�S thiS oeculon, A bun�h' of us wen� up the... �Ie �he dining hall; a certain May� some gUJo'1i keep still bet�use. Portland with hl5 �rrrrlend Sophronla sir, and Itrlk� me pink If they WM':' t to kill some of, the go.ugers which were ScRfUe'\(:onde giving OSTEN ELIA� they a

.re dumb like Su&le, and m.ybe Sapp a� walttnl In their ear to take the meet �ullar creature this world getting Into our sheep. SomehOW or

SON t.h big go-by: NORMA PREUS some talk a lot because they flre dumb me and Susie to a party, rn tell you e ... er �w. I ne ... er seen the IIkrs oj. other I got �parated from the rest.' cutU�aI\e� h.alr-muat be lo ... e ! : HER- like some other guys In school. I never about It later" 'em anywhere, ney were built kln� I' wall' wa)klng along all alone when calion In a gtly mOod (he'r name Is Flor- on my fingers the ten dummest kids In TIMOTHY AF'TERWIT. w�re sh()rter than le,n ones, so wMn't the only living being present.. BERT NOROAARD returning trom va' thouK,ht ot It this ,way befon!, I counted Respectfully, lot otf bail\nce like, Thel.r right legs my sixth sense kind ot told me I encel ; CLIX HAUOAN �usJng class, and they are dOlnllJlost of the P. S. I tI .... e Ju&t read o ... er what I had they could stand ' perfectly level on Sure enough I �'as beIng followed by CHARLI.E'S Ire-u U,sual, there Is a talking In the library and by the girl's wrote yesterday and I see I ha ... e left the side of fl hill. Because of this they a gouger and, by cracky, he wu the ..... oman at. the botwtT! of It; "POP" stairway. Susie Is the only dumb girl Ollt lots ot funny thlnga 'l might of said :ould graze ,U,P above the timber line biggest one I ever saW'. Well. I let BARDON s��PJllng out.-a blind date which doni talk much. She is the ex- but didn't., Just beca� t couldn't,.thlnk � the steep a)plne meadows. The� him tJave It with my one t.{1d only at that: MARIE "ZULU" JOHNSON ception that proo\'es the rule � our of them till afterwards. That's me aI- ould start out from one spot .nd

elL bullet R�d hlgh-tallK! It tor the open ... portlng a new colffurt!; HARRI.ET biology U'acher wisely says, . Sut I ",'IS w.ys. I gueM I dont. have any brains a path nght around the mountain. spacrs. But It was no use. The old SCH::NEIDER giving FRANK a s�elle- talking about giggling. Mostly when I But I am in college now and expect to Some�lmes there were $0 many ,grooves gouger came speeding aloog behind, gant portrait-looks like wedding bells! talk, Susie giggles. and $Ometlmes she get .some betore I graduate 11k� some !,f go�ged around the peab they lookK! me I was about re.dy to greet 'St'­he returned the fa�'or; PAUL PREua g\ggles without me talking-in chapel the other guys, The Re'glstrar 'll(t11 sure like barber poles. �. account of this Pe;er when I spied a eave.ln the roc�, teellng goodl ! the dRY after vacation for instants, when 'Mr, Edwards Is play- take care of that, He SUfi! 15 keen, :!t

��lde �1��


lmaIS 7ere c.lI� Quick as a tla...h I ducked In It., tiop-'evldentally too much happy new yeRr'; :r.g the organ, I gUess, I have some T, A.. " ing he would pass me by, Oougers ERVIN DAMMEL bumming h� ""ay �nse. Maybe giggling Is Susie's only . W. dy was going strong. Too strong. couldn't smell IImburger a ·toot away, back to school from Spokane In record way of "seltexpresslon," though, as her Announc. Debate Question In act, for the delicate conscience o( I couldn't f�1 him though, He kept time of t",'el"'e houl'$-how do you do old ant UIIt to say, "There are two Ilnl· th� town's IIky pilot, He was .about right on coming: I looked about for a It, kid? BYERS would like to know; mals." ·she ust to say, "that express Before the tryouts for the debate to �1I Peters to spread It a little means of defense. Then's when I MAROARET WESSON letting him themselves by hissing It Is thl! goose lIquad take pl.ce, which will be some- thln�, but the � started talking. . mad,e a Important dlMlOvery, Thft"e \' -take her pin without ,. �tNgg'le, loolu and the snak�. The t� does It eause time In the near future, according to "Slde�hl1l gougers? Rmm! It'a very was another gouger In that C&ve, Now ' bad Marg: "POOR RICHARD" HIOH- she Is silly and the make cause he 1.5 those In chuge; there will be a meet,... peculiar one doesn't see them anymore." I was In a tI�ht spot and there wlUln't BY aaklng Questions, as usual: DUTCH !nnn. You may not be as meRn aa a Ing of those Interested, at which this "Oh, they It'ere pretty vlelOWl," ree� much I 'could do. I Cook out my '-10E dropping eVt!rythlng and duhlng snllke, but you sure are sillier than a },rar's Intercollegiate question for de- plied Windy. "The government put knife and prepared to tllJht to the to Anacortes for a few days 'during va- goose. You can't e .... en hiss. Just giggle," bate, "Resol ... ed: That the Increase ot a big bounty on them and they were finish." ,

cation, another ,woman: OEOROI- But r like her best when 5he giggles, the president's powers be a v:rmanent klll� off In a short time, SUIl, they Here Old Windy paUAed lUI If, to ANNA McCLURE stepping out-believe lor then the shows her pretty, white policy In the United States, will be were hard animals to get. I heard of collect 'his thoughts. We were all wll­It or not!'! RHODA HOKENSTAD tak� tront teeth, between her IIpsllcked lips, e>.plAlned by Mr. Pflueger. advisor .and a fellow what once took a shot at one ing to let [he Jltory nde, but 'Crosby's Ing the slams at the dinner table-- and oh boy how white they , look' then. manager of the debate squad. The and hit him In the right foot and curl06lty was I'LrO�, Immediately he c,\u she lake It?: AONES LANONESS And so I say all the funny things I U!am Is composed of eight members In baek of the lett I!tlr with the same asked" "My goodness, how did you e ... er and tribe pollshln� the front steps: can remember. to make her laugh, And four men and four women, an alflrma- bullet . ....well. this fella-." get out of there?" pJID HUTSON gazing longlnsly at when J look at her again. she laughs th'e and a negative team from each "'. !'llnute:' Interrupted Crosby, ' That's just what Windy waa f'lshlng the Hamlin Rat EnticeI' : VIROINIA some more. Oh boy! "I'd like 10 know In what position s for, He beamlngly repUed, "r never DAVIS stili ar'OUnd loose- My roommnle sp.ys her name ought to Exchanges person ..... ould have to be - to hit an did. The. gou'gers killed me," �:e���



I�e :�: � !��� :e����e�:��!� ProfeMOf George H, Barton, 81, of



h" :nsn;,:=

r�te� "that -From "Black and Red,� news-

CLARENCE MONSON spen<Ung the her hand in the IIbrar)' la.!;t week when the Harvard University geology depa.rt..- the goupr � lICrat.chlng his � just magazine of Nort.t)wealern COUeae, \'acntlon nlghts-stuqytug??State Man- he didn't know one of the Deans \I.'ere ment died In the class-room 18l!t 'Reek. as the bullet hit him," Watertown, WLs" where Mr. Sydow Is "G'u' 'S



BnRoUN •. _ NE" '!}O"h·


."oo'n�'� looking �d she did. She has a soft, That brought a general snicker from









. �;::::::=:::;;:::1 • "" ' pretty '�and. I mean Susie, not the About this time It is a consolaHon the crowd, , .:I'he doctor �oukt have r neeUons being 5e\'ered: JENNIE LEE Dean, with four round holes where to know that Llndberg flunked out of klcked himself for bel", so {r,qulsltlve. We w�nt tO,fulfill your want!., One got a ne';l,' bathrobe for Chrlstma.s-he them skinny girls only ha ... e nuckles. the Unl"'enlty of WisconsJn: Dr, W but not to be outdone h.e made ah :; e�::;;i��s��::n��k ��! � Ih'Cs In 'Spokane; "PANSY" O'CON- My roommate may be a smart guy J. Mayo, of the Mayo c1ln1c, nunkK! attempt to embarraas Old Windy, . by experienced workmen at NOR sporUng a permanent wave: alright, but he has no way with glrlJl, 01lt of the Unl ... erslty of Michigan medl- :'Dld you, by chance, ever get one LEHMANN PHOTO-FINISHING. DANIEL FLOTRE taking HULDA He Is too serloUIIllke, and'he knows too cal �hool: and Stewart �wan:I: White of these so-caUK! sfde-hllI �ugers?" STUDIOS SIMONSON tor anolher walk: ELDON much, and they are sort of scared of and Franklin p, Adams were Ukewl5e "We:lI, I came mighty nigh getting P,rkl.nd Merclntile Company ANDERSON sending the Brookds'le him, not really, seafl!d, I mean, but given their wsllt1ng papen from the one· once. It was years 'ago when

�;n�te ,�:




n:;tf;t� �!�;\����I� :n �� I�o�!�� :�t;t�� c����.e f:Sh�:n sa;:rsl.



�f1he� w:r:��tgl:��� b�::Y

lo:e,�o; t-----... -.-m-·bo-.----t Saturday noon-c:ame back in the wee and lowdown, I have. nice, curly hair -:;;;::;;::;;::;=;::;;::;;::;;::;�::::t I Un'· .... · 'urity S ...... small hours Monday morning-rather and I am kind of 'Ignorant like, and At the OnlversJty of Nevl\da. seIf10rs 9' long new year: "CABTY" SWANSON.'S that: Is wby many'of the plS,Uke. me. only are' prlvtlqed ,to wear �breros Parkl.ncl l.,ber shop Dahl Grocery Co. "B�anket code" doll bravlnl the ele- And then I have Iota-of money too and. .nd mustaches, and Puk ...... ments to come all, the way to Tacoma that helps a lot, Girls mosUy like to Co f . to see .nd hear him slnl Sunday nt.a'ht go places with a tiuY that atnt stuck , !he Unlveralty of MaJne offers a " ��nery In the concert, Ilnd afraid to blow 'in a few bueta for a course In Ice cream making, � school

, CEO, KNUDTSON. prOp. At UTe bUllinHS session of the Choir dlnn�r or taxi or somethm., !u�:'�he� l't'ee C!= is O!n: o� I t==========t

MOnd�y. Jesae Pfiu.ege:r was urianimoWl- Before I met Susie I wl!nt with a lot Important product., Iy elected president. and for the o[flce. of otber girls and they II� , were all ot .seefl!t.ary.irea.surer, Evelyn Motl5OJl swell dames, all e:leept Al1c:e �der. Detroit uni�ty. � an eN'OUment and Amy Gilbert were nominated, with tongue. She waa mean and stuck·up. of 77 men and ssa wom�, E\'elyn winning out" She Is one of them educated damea, _._.

- � . as turns up thdr noeea at evel')'th1nc, J;"rom ' Banta Monica Jun1� COliere During the holidays 8&!rte Torree- She poked tun at my �pelUna and tnm� edm papers: A taxidermist I.a a kind dale II:nd Evelyn Eklund worked": at er and the way I draw in my soup. And of thick for; a to.reador Is a really b&d. Kress's and Vlrg1n1a, B)'f:rs worked at right he�'let me say I eat as I pleue ltonn: poollnC� prac"'.Jce 1ndulpd In the Metropolitan.

� . :��el':e�

ot �:

I��::� t�:::=� tu' young meeD abOut town.

Brookdale Cash Market

GAdand OI56·R·2· J, A, IRWIN, Prop�


Importers of Norwegian � Cod Liver 011-

Comer Tacoma }{Vel'lue and , i I th Str.t, Tacor:na' Wash.

Tel NAJa, 7114 At DUnols St.a4e Normal Untversity. at her, she got mad an"- told me that In ': recent came Oeorp N� �ft when ' half a dozen felloW! vIa1t the I all my funny stories were nothlni but halfback of the UnlVftSlty of, Detl'Ott ;;;-";t' =======�!:=======:;_--+ girls' dormitory wlthout 'ct..tea. the wo- junk trtat I got from the 'funnies aDd foou.JJ tam . . lUpped a 80 yard pus � (, men caiu1tdata drop their namp Into .t,ahowt and that she couldn',t under· to Btu Donovan, left eD4. I a' punch bowr. whereupon the fellows I�d how students could fall f� lIUch . __ . " . S�i.I'lu ... ,for pai-ti .. , '

,I .. draw and the i� I.a atarted. canned hUmor, U you print thIS, won't P1ed11na l.beuiaelY'e&' ·to go to .tall eluH, t •• ml, etc. , �;::;;;;:;;;:;;::=�=;::;;;:;:;::;;;;;::;;;;;;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;;;;;=� rather tpan rlCbt In the event of war � A"y n"�. ',.:., ��

'Cold •• Rod lutter '-- �:��� :::eve;:;r.:;:; LYONS' llis LINES; t •• . h.

ighest·quolity ' : 1. -�-

L __ CoI __ ... '!'._L .... �

...... =;;;.,���""""�-... ""':'�-'. Ii

� alwa� uni� _:��. i� Ta� by mem.bera., went'OIl ftCOI'd. for ;-- -

•• I�I • Com __ ... __ .... ... ... y- c:.o. . - - - • . .:-..., . �_-----_-----... ;.--i;;; . .!;;r .. ,.,.;-.�-.�.�-p-.-n-'-.-+ � Ja Haft Y_ '" �H I1U ' .

I-�� __ �_ �����--------���-r---����--�-=����. = � __ � --- -���-��

Page 28: Mast 1933-1934


J' . �P�A�Q�'�PO�UR�������������������������������������������������J�AKU��AR�Y�I���I;;"" P.L.C. Repeats WiD . Take·FirSt OverAberdeenJ.C.'s Conferenc� Game

In . Thriller, 49-31 . �C'lt dtaH'U FrOfn G.H:J.C, 31-29

CI.diaton' First Home ' Confer· AberdH'; LOI .. ��ify Contest" ence Carne Mark�. by Hard By Milton Nnwi, Tilt to Lutt.., .. ·.O.l ,C,..,. H.,· Playin,: Leask Shows Well fo, . . 1Ht, �hpl .. S:atwNayiTw:o o..r· Winners Before fuked Cym Well., for once �Ne can use · the old '·'bl.ame it time . . '.,io:ch Declcl� Yic:tory

__ weather" gag. After playing·up the Aberdeen game, PIa)'lng t.h�lr first ho'm� IBme 01 the 'PluIoIiu$ decided to put a damper' on the subject aru:t rained In the first' �me or ,�e

'newly (orm.-

M!uon. the LuthenLN took the Omys �g��rf:��:�d:;'ou�

o���ef�ke ��;;, S�J��1�� ;�ne in a 11

;"ill;ng: l �;�;;;';;;;


���n":e�:IO��= :�:;

Harbor J. C:s Into camp to the tune season opener there Saturday night. . eked out. .. 31.2i victory Jut of 49·31 here last night. A packed urn . " . S. S. . > on the Aberd@n' maples: It was kept on �8e throughou't In a game . This column had a , swell resolution picked out for . a heCtiC" eont.t!1lt which �ulred :z thllt wu a thriller from start to finish. but<before the sealon's ha;dlj started. he', live:d up to i,t., Ttie overtime perloda to setUe.the outcome.

The game 5tft� out ra st. and, by lution was this. that he score more poinh thj� .enon than I •• t LM b)', Swede wmard the Oladla� now with only two carnes he', chalked up 'fourtH" poinh. keep took the lead at the beJ1nnlng of the


:��:�:I�: up. S�edef " S. 5. . . winning out. At side ttn�r. ��;��:Je������:!:::,::t

In !.he' first half It! playing "·as . . hard - Ttie second squad playing in the Prairie League is both, :���f�1 ������ Monson .as· " unanImous the. Harbor team In the nmninr ·and and. las:. Jefferies wa.s sent out on and admini-stering beatings. They have a· pretfy fair t" The lack or good guards thi.s at the' end of th� rerUlar playinr t1� fouls before half Ume and se,-eral play_ having won four and Idst four. Preus and Hansen are I


� _ _ � .• "nond Al

h,����,; 5

th_'ml""nu,': 0�''':''Im'

',ed _�'od

al'th' ,��.: woo ..

' l'rs were on the border line. and may, befor� t\"le season is out, i?ecome first � .... 1UoA""...... "" • • ..-. ......, ...

In the second half. the Lutherans Scoring is quite fre� . in these. games. but "Pete" fo"",, fill th� bill �tllI u�. but during the ' second the shot ahead steadily and .,.ere ne\·er

. huded for the <,"est of thr game. Ka­van)" nnd H)I�ii had to leave the game

1,fOUIS ) 6 this half ..... hlch Willi Just as �a£the first. S t.acular shots "'ere furnished by bdl- !Kl'uac:l.s. but superior team play Is

due for the Olndlator victory. Leask ,.,·as high marl for Ihe winners with thirteen. and the play or Hudson. Moe. and Jack also stood out. For the losers. Peterson was the star with thirteen polnLS and McGhee and Berge. 100. played a good·brand cf ball. .P.L(f. lUI f311 G.H..J.C. Me(' 19) F olO) McGhee Lensk tI3) Jack (91 0 Willard G

taken much advantage of this fact as he. has of three points to date. Wattarecord! . . . . S. · S. ,

Because both Miss Coff ·and Miss· Hill, JYm in�tr�cton thi, . have rec.eived position, elsewhere, the Cirl" ait+.h,tic plaM are what disrupted, Some ,aniet wit+. lome of the hip sch�' are tentatively arran,ed and it is·be�ieyed that soon the sea.on ,et under w�y. S. S.

After taking tbat 22· I S· iJpset beating from the newly ized Seattle Pacific tlbopsters, our boys were quite aroused. looks of things it's going to be tough on the Seattle team when come h.ere for a r·eturn engagement February 23. - S. S.

Cuess that's all for t+.i. time. See you all at the Yakima next Tunday ni,ht, Yakima', lot aboUt the best ·team in the

but our boys are ,0inlJ to .be out there to show them

Willard (9)

(HI Gr." Harbor F f17) �� F .. Danu C (2) Austin. G (

I, RavenJ (51 Jefferiu

Coach Olson Announces Su�tltuUOi.Ul : P.L.C.-Trulson (2),

'ncomplete Clme List �nderson f61. HudAOn (6)-,· �vtn.soil; __ . 9.H.J.C.-McGff (4). �.

to Sih for heryoOlle hom 6 to 60 -

Ski Panl5, Ski JKkels and Boois All reasonably priced

Hudson (8) ....... 0. Substitutions:

derson. Monson (4). Johnson · ( 6) .

Bremerton Apprentice Team

I Reserves . W;n, 16 t. 1·3 ave. P. L. C,

, Lose 2 (.;olllt,estsl'l'''' In a fagged. low 8COring game which __ I9-Mount Vernon J. C.-there ·

KIM BALL'S I 107 Broadwav

_ Inson; GJI.J.C.-RumpUa Lab�k. Bednulck. foun.d the Oladlators sadly of( fonn. On January .. the second

Referee: oeorte W�.

Seattle Pacifi� Down, Lutheran Firsts 22·1

Led by Axelson. sharpshooting ler who !>Cored· 14 t>Olnts. the �clflc Collect' team downed the cUlc Lutheran College hoopmen Friday in a close game b)· a

, i8 played In Seattle. test 9.'as rough and pla)'� floor. Jumpln, Into an early Seattleites led 10-4 at hair lime. A nUy I J'oh,� by the GladiatOR in the last half Just !!hort as the saine ended.

The lineups: p.L.e. 111I

Moe '6)

both teams ""ith

met American Lake. beating 26. At this meeting the

.16t Nu,- Ing plenty of scoring punch. F '4' C. Davies team ran up 61 points to the F �6) Winders landers' 24. Crosetto led the C '2) T. Davies with 14 points. while Mes!ord was G .2) Hawltlru! for the i05ers with 8 points. G (21 Snyder

P_ L. C.-5anderson.

Leuk .6' ������ ��=�!!S:�� I���y


Hu""," �"'-' I Thm Willi a plano solo by Ruth Carl-Subs: P.L.C.-Trulson. ' led �:


de�I:'�u�: wUl. the game ending 51-14 In

Complimenh of


. Amocat ,Products

Qu.lity Knitti,nl Cp_



c.. _ .. airift' Oil


Enioy a I


5c· �ack EverY Afternoon loc.tlod 1ft la .. _Itt

$ervu::e from 9:00 10 6:00

. • ...... d.l. 1 ••• 1y ShopPO ] Studenn - You are welcome � .

come in while w.itin, for • Street ur W.tch wi*'- ,., ... Id' .-e .... - ExPert Permanent" • . CArt.tMI. 0145-1l-1 ,.rltlatt4 . .

���":I). (5). Lev1n.son; The speaker or the evening was· of Mineral.

r------------i I:::: llIWSI�=\:!U:r:an�� �: lA!���:�'o:;��I�I;S �UI�he

: __ �;:::,� 11o.--�----==�--'-�1 1


HERE BROOKDALE CROCERY Egypt. College r�setves took the

The Store That Has I t the American "Lake team by .. Ha,. FaM. 'aillt. Dnlp. Bill Rumuasen. 1VhO wu takJnc ad- 21 to IIi In an exclUng but

Hanfw.,., s.... vanced normal work. lett school lut test. T. Schwartz was high I����.�ROO�K�D�A�LE���� I week to take over a poIIiUon teachtn, 9 poin14, while Maclde led the at Edison unde-r the C.W.A.

. am With 5 point.s. --',----LUMBER '


KenchlNum Suits and OW.reoats

For 5.le Exclusively at --'etfind 6- ·Pa.a,ruti 912 PK. A."..-T.coma/

Mi •• Coff L ..... P.L,C. For Work .t· Lincoln

M1M Lorna Lee Don, who has been c� of the women·s phyalca1 edu-

We carry everything nee·d ed for thiS tliriUing "�rt" "Northland & AndersOn"

- Llminated Skiis Skiis, Shoes. Pants. Caps

Jackets and Mittens Skii$ for Rent.

Washington Hardware.Co.

. . Ave.; Brookd.le

Lumber Co, �one GArland S811...J·5 r

AT BROOKDALE . Printers ' Stationers Engrafel1!

. cl&s5es ' and. atbleUca. has . re­from her poe1Uon at Padtlc

Coli .... to _pl . "...Uon ����- . I t,.

·r- .���� physiCal educaUon 1n&truc- � : � at Lincoln H1ih School In Taooma.. Coach Olson w1U be tempoiw:uy � On Mowi� Hiahway

. Come Up For Your ·Sittings Sometime-­

'Come: Up For Your Sittings --MAIN 449)

304'i!ust Bldg. . Tacoma

, -- '...,


SUPPLIES . Fine .Office �umiture

P \.9..�� R r2th � A St, Postoff�. Square

!'hone MA;n 2122

-.. Of ... : ":'''':.'''Th'':�-SCHOOL PRINTING the prJ'. ba..sUtbIJl tourna-


. 350-3 for $1 M.cM � Vktor � Brunswkk .

\. We �ialize in -ANNUf!.�APER�ANDBOOKS


J O HNSON'. C O.X GO • .

7.26 Pacific Ave: . '��.y 2238

Page 29: Mast 1933-1934


Reunion of Alumni Will Be Feb. 24-26;

3 Events Scheduled

I' t

Mission Society Chooses .. lesse Pflue,er Ptetident

At the ml"eU�g of the Mission SO-ciety held last Wfodnesday ('\'(',1In,. -- Ju<;(' Pflucg('r "'M elected to ttte prest-

Officers Dnlm.a Night. �('nc�' of the group for the sp'rtng se.-

Banquet and Service for ;r:�:'nl��I::��:I���';:;;� Former Stud�ts . Who and Arnold Ortmi�md. tl"C8-'lurer. lAst WJI Att,rid Cdhering semester's officers Included- Walter

' I� :�n:�dr:���a:;:�: i�


eo�; Accord�ng I pinos no\\' under way, or oUlcl'S named. !he annUal ([Ic Lutheran College Prof. Xa\,ler add�s.sed lhOlSe present alumni re Ion .... 111 be held at Park_ at the meeUng on �tb African m15-land. Fl'brual')' 2�-26. :r.he program, as slons. FMlnk £1l1ot played two trom- I ��� t�}� _��=:.

n .. �,:��: �=�� :O:�:;I:�:;.-;�h\��: �� �n: .'

rocheduled. ..

/ \ . - " ;

� )

Give. Beni;JikLeclure. , Ceo •• ;.� •• MeClu •• I, • Board' Meets Her -e ' Student B04y Secretary , · Tha' o.o�ann. M<C1U .. will '" tho Tuesday;NewSynod

neW' &KTetary of the Associated Btu· H R . dconta of PacUle Lulhuan Coll� 15 ti¥ . as epresentatlve ann";n«m.n, .f c, .... "", _no p..... . . . . · den!.. She w1).l fin the vacancy left by

Rachel FUnt. who ... 1t.hdrew from school at the�ng of the spring 1Ie-mester . . � the others who ..... ere. nomlnaU!d for the position c.ould flot be votro on since they are practice le(lchlng. Georglanna. being the only other candidate. received the ontce without a gcneral election.

1933 Sum'mor Sosiion AUlh· . orind

'; No S.,. lo bo Pub.

lished This y •• ; ..... Accord· ing to Tru.iteei' Action

Dr. C. R. S'U,'�I'�n of SeaUle. repre· Prh'llege cards were lMued to the �nting the Columbia COnference of the

studenl3 last ",·eek. under the direction AugustRnR Synod. wII.$ made a regular of the Board of Control. Anyone who Y,?ting member of the Board of Trus­has not receh'ed his card tdlou1d see t('es of PRclflc Lutheran Colll"ge at the either Clarence �n or Kathryn John- board meeting held Tuesday' of thb · .. week at lhr home of President O.· .A.

.... 1th Drama Night. a banquet and �- Nordls Arneson as re.specU\·e accom_ union sen'lces as highlights or l"'ents panlsts. _.. 11 Fe�th1ties will begin Prlday, Feb. 24. * Ttnge18t.a1:, This action Increases tht"

with the first Drama Night presen� I Clarence LemmIng 16 'Girls Receiv'e W. · :��al

��.�l�r��: ..... �:. ��e :::�ta�:: ;�:::

��d:;r l�:e n��:.u�� :�u!�����:�� Heads Drama Club A' A Mem' be' rshl"p Idl'nt o( the Northwestern District of

will be held In Parkland. Saturda}' l'\'l'-. . . I *-=...; * the American Lutheran Church. IIlm- -

ning . .... ·Ith Ii theme or opLlntism In Drckie Lel�nd, M�ry Nash .Receive 1 Perrii�n I Officen Electe� .at ::��Ya::;sentJI .hl.!; church on the col-

'T'"hm" '

A'n, ,"mn

Th, r��� a .. nn'n.·un .... ''''''''h.' ·th"'.· Offices; R�chel Flint's Croup '<;" S ............ . . Fint ,el' Meetinl' of porh At this meeting .... ·as authorlied the �()I;t per plate shall not exceed Wins Fint PI.ace for Frid.ay's , ..Rev. E. M. Heal' of central Lutheran . Croup'.: Olg� Oyerlie Is President. 19'33 .summer seAion. W be held under r lorty «nts: so that e�penses for the . Church in Tacoma. Is gtvlng h1a serv- '\ __ . the direction of Dean Philip E. Haule / ��' alumni may be cut to a minl-- m_��:\���d:



I:= ::m� ���:: :t:�!



fc�:: At��:��:I�c::'e� ��t=o::

e�: :�:se�t::e���:e��u::::e:::

f�� Alumni wUJ ga�,� 00. SUnday fore- ! mlng will act 8.'1 president for the com- (or thc benertt of the Emergency '

.FUn. d. first rl"gular meeting ot the oryanlza- I lege during the school year 1933-34 was

�n lor a dlvtn . �Ice In the Trinity Ing semester. Dickie Leland was elee.ted During the last lew weeks. Reverend tlon held last TUesday. Olga OVerlie also lIS5ured at· the <meeting. Luthoran Chul'C of Parkland. Re\" l vICt' president. and Mal')' Nash seere- Hegge has delivered several lectures: In ..... 111 be th.! prl'Slde ill: Evelyn Monson. The board reterre

. d the question of

T. O. Svare. coll�e pastor. has inVited tary-treasurer. t� '\\'8-!l announced at. the the �.merlcan Central Lutheran Church, vice pre�dent; Mary Nash, secretary: seeking accreditation In wider circles Rev. Theo. Oulhaugen. pastor at South . meeting that Rachtl Flint's group won Bellingham. LIons' Club. Belllng.ham, and Ella Johnson. treasurer. according to President Tlnge!JSad. with power to Bend and Raymond. and a P.L.C. alum� I first place In the last Drama Night I and Ballard Lutheran and Immanuel to the results of ule election. act. The reports from Paul A. Prew; nus. to delh·er. the sermon. The Cholr I presentations. .. Lutheran Churches of seattle. Anna . Only 16 g1rls earned the necessary and .Irene Dahl, rupecUve commlttH has also been �\1ted to sing. The three one-act plays presented Mikkelsen has 8..SI51s� on two oeea- 156 points . for membership. and will cbalrman ar'!d Development As5Octa-Po�er students who expect to at.tend I last Friday e"enlflg 'U,'ere receh'ed by a slons, and Paul Preus. Sr .. who Is In be Included. as charte" membe� of ·the lion Secretary. on the rellultll to date or urR't'd by Ul.ose In charge to notify falr,siud audience. Marlaret Wesson charge of the 8.lTRngemeot of the pro· newly organUed athletic group. AfU!r the activltle. 6f the Emel'lency COm­either Irene Dahl. president. or Ru1.b dlreeled "Not Quite Such a Goose:' a grams. ':las g1ven shott talks explaJn- this. girls wishing to join will be reo mlttee. ot tltteen hundred. stated cub F' secretary. at Parkland.

I comedy which Included In Its cast of log the. present slLuation at Pac�nc qulred to earn more points. and must contributions to date amounted to t3.-" Stage Steppers" OUbert Sydow as.AI- Lutheran ·College. The programs wm be initiated. Girls who wlll be c"iJ,llrU!r 040.44. The Board 11.150 authorIted the

Band Receives 3' New I bert . Bell. Florence POst as Mrs. BeJi. continue wltll' all the proceeds going members include Olga. Overlie. Dlckif: continul'd employment ot Paul A. Preus Members This Semester ���:�:



s���. :� 00 the College. . . ��!:;·



Ka���:�; ���h :��




With the am\'B.1 of 3 actdJt10nal re- Pearl Homme as Ha..zel Henderson. 36 Students Rate Roe. Jeanette Knutzen. �rothY Peter� and related proJectli. duties and com-crults. the band is upecU'd to a.c:con.p- TrYg\'f' RU�old toolr. the title role * son. Allee ANnes. Ella Jo�n. Helen pensatlon 00 be del-l'rmlned by a spec-Iish much during the sprlng semester. in "The VloJ{n Maker of Cremona": ScholastIC Honors Collins. Helen Oa�bell. Vlrg1nla-Boen. lal committee. Th15 'means Uiat th� a.ecordlng to Le\\1s O. HunU!r. the In- ' Mar)" Nash played the part of Olan- Jennie Lee and Jean-Marie Fowler. depression has not 41"lerred the Board structor. The lack of sUitable Inlilru- nina. his dau8hter;...FlUppo. hJs pupil. For Fall Semester The group decIded to ttave d�ts of from facing Its full res�nslblllty re-mentation has handicapped the band a hunchback. was portrayed by Clar., __ 25 eents each t.emester charged the gardlng the .future of th!! college. Mem-during the P3St term. according to the enee Monson: Bill Whalen took the From the reporu of final semester

member'!!. Plans are under way for a bt>rs likewise listened ..... Ith approval to Instructor but' he eXpecLII much more part of Sandro. an apprentice. .

f th egis I party. which will be held soon. reportJI on the management ot the en-of the �oup this semester, with the � the last play,

' the "Drama-tics" �;:�:s ojf��::: 3����:�nts

ro:ct:�� II: .

' , dowment lund and on the status of the members: pr�n� " H1ra.m Jones' Bet." In �hlch earning honor ratings. In the college Rev. Ord�l. Ex�Pr",�en! dor,,?ltory funding plan.

Comels-Norman Jensen. 0 I J I e C1arence Roen \\'U Hiram Jon�; Ellen department Victor' Knutzen led the Ust of P. L. C •• Spe��s ,n Chapel A.coordlng to action t�ken by . the Q\1aIe· and Clarence Opheim; suo- SOley. Mrs. �atlld}' Tripp: and Rosa of honor atudents by recelvlng an aver- '--. . .BOard 011 � z:fCOmmendation of the f'�r phones-Don ReId and Ja.ek Hudson; Dahl. Clorinda. . .

f 2 83 CO Ll ted . Rev. J. O. Ordal · of Our Savlor'l ulty that the sara be not published thl� drum5-� Monson; balis-Clarence InU!nnlsston numbers Included read- ��h:n a�e�e ;:: 2.76��r: high: Lutheran Church or BeUintbam. �orm- year, there will be no yearbook for the Monson; Elliot and tnss by V�rgl.nla Davis. and saxophone IItudents ranked high. The complete er presJdent of Pacltlc Lutheran CoI- 1933 grad�Ung clasll. Howe.ver, a com­Cllfrord' Opheim. solos by Mr. Hunter.

Iltst ' lncludes: lege. addressed the IItudent body at fPtlttee ·will be appointed to gather mao

their chapel exercise FrIday. January terlal for the next volume of the Saga. ,t)8 Studena Attend School Mountain Trip Jan. 22; __ . CoUere 1.3. In his addrf'Sli, Rev. ·Ordal .ta.ted presumably .to be .published next year.

Hiki�g Tobogganning Skiing Eating Are Features ctor Knutt.en . . .2.83 tJ:'&t under God. our school cannot fall, The que.Hon of a .PQSIIlb.le cho�r trlp ...... as

• , . " • F ::r

Llr:� . . ...... ...... .... 2,76 though OpposltlOIl ' In a financial way referred to a committee for careful con-With a shout and a CI}' they're 'off, Chamber of COmmerce. Ken Roe.c.h Vlrginla Byers "_'. ' :::::::�: 15 depressing. . ' . i�nUnued on Pake 31

all 58 of them bound foc the moun- !eemed to carry of! all honors . fer Margaret Wes&an ...................... , ... ,',., .



',' ... ,'

.. , .. ',', .


.. Yakima Coed, Entertain Btu. keteer; Alt

.er Game,. '.


taln for a day or' winter llporta and P L.C. as far as pltchln&', catching. bat.- .Lorraioe Thoren ..... . good ume. That'll the way thlnp. were :::��� �etS�o���: �:::rMeclure . . ..................... ::�::: Boys Hope Home Girl, Take Hi�t Given by Rival, when I.tudents of PadlIC,.��� CO!: Ing u,e' only man on our team. Vlrgtnja BOen Harold Holmberg'. the wltUelt so deeply Indebted to the dutiful :Yak!-lese lltarted on .their annllal trip . • to But eve"body W&I pre.eent In fUll Nellie olson . . ....... .2.33 Stan Score's the pretUest ina glrll. "Spin the botUe" and �'r

. ��;:-:� = �)Iet up :=�Cl=.n :.�� ca:� =e: ��":r �:!�. ':: ::::_:::.:::::::::::::::::::::::'::::�� At���;:t�

ac��:;e�::'=�la �e:�u:

e nO::-=::: �= . �or


b���t $��s


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l:� �:::,!==�:� : ��

services conducted. in the recreaUon all had to be there to get their R8.chel Flint .................. .. . .. :1.18 boys have their OplniOM or' the P1&. were not .... ed .to �o. the dilbeIJ-the room by Pres.' TtngeLstad. ' sophLsUcated taces intO the m� plc_ Freda Hendricltaon .. .. .... 2.18 tru, and it all can be lummed up 10 YOUD&'.ladiei eecorted their gua:u In a

" Some. people' 'called It &1nI1ni. but tUres J4r. Preua 'took of the "P.DI" tor Stanley Score ....... .. .................. � . ..... . 2.18· the·UtUe but meaningful sentence �Ge(, 'private car to the � ·ataU9.n anyway thert ..... . a lot 'or 'noIae OIl eoUece advert.l.l1na. ' Jeaoette Knutzen .............. N.2.17 but �y had Iota of sc;.hooi spirit!" ' :where rond but I&d .farewelll were 0_ -the bUi 'Xl thin,. Up. One of the �leNII� Inddent. of M.arJ.Lou Preu& :... . ........... _ . ..2.10-


. After the Yakima 'Jun1� ColIeve pt"eSRd. Everybody went OIl the aida or to- .the day ",... th&t. In wbleb a lIk11er bit Prances Andrews •.. _._ .. _._ ........ .2.10 · boys had won 0"f6 our Q1&d1aton Jut ·And cUd the boys appreciate the Idnd- arid. b&d a emera1 good time EI&f:Cl )(onaen and � U:1 pole Jean-Karte Pqw1er .. _ ... _._ .. N_._:_ .... .2.OI f'riday n1ibt, a P'QUP of pll � neM. ShOwn theml Tbey aJ1 .. y th&t. up.� • • lien ·tbej weren't M:Yin&: a loto .1fUle WllUamI' leg', �t throua:b wUma O'Brien ._ ....... r ...... _ ......•.•....•... • . .2� 'thai !Chool Invited ttve of our �� � I� should be a leMOn .. well as & blnt mow filht wtth IKUeODe wboee mow- �boot. We said everybOdy ..... there Horman West.Ung _ .. N .. N •• N ......... ......... 2.Q6 the home of Obe ,of !;be JOWlC" ladt. to the Padt1c Lutheran COUtee pie. '1::ia11I 'were too iI:Vd. Durin&" the" atter� fOl' the eall" but H.ue,I ..... 9Dly p&r1. .C&n1e Hv1d.dIne ···_·.N·.·... , ....... .2�. to. apend a jolly. eve� 1o"1AID!' and I ADd apln, au hA:ll to the y�-1;ltJi .. mowaboe.� pme wtt.b a II'OUP cawse Ihe at1l1 does not remember mueb June.L �baclc .... . ....... .2.op Sc:ore, Qene J� "BIll Ho�, aDd _tl bunp Ute that .wtilcb. � joy .�


a poup �f 01ad1ator boys had �Io �. but not in mJ.nd---be- Ka.thrJn JO� ...... . ....... _2.00 .tor rer�nta. � Votaw, Man I �� .tbdr \houtbtr� .�. _,

ot. men repreaenttnc" the � of the trl'!. .... . . ICQntlnued. on ,Pace ") .1�y Fsdnell are the � who feel Intn the heart.I or � P.IaYeTa.

" j ..........

" .

! . 1

Page 30: Mast 1933-1934



Editor _ Aaeoc:tate Editor S,""" Feature Editor


) . )


' . tlrtX!" �; t:prn_tr OreetJnl": . . bUt 01. our deliber&Uona t.od�y comM

rene,wed � � � 'l:,o� mKni P.L.C. rcir ..::cop.P� an lm­

portant nU.a1� in 1Da klnIdom. We Value your COb�ued -help. '. ' . O. �vtlr.,

J. �Qulbfanaen .... H... P'Urde .

O. R. 8.aneon _M

��� �. &ell: (In _nUqI �Wbai " a '·U- .� =:0 Clarence MOMOD dratI.!" Tbe U!.eo";' .. noW' that. Pat a.od M..Ule 'R E. Ahdenon Jean-Marle Fowler ktne: .. " draft.a. a 'P-t of ,.,tad... • .. ,'� -....en.. <hal,. ...... MaId ., H. L. "* . , LA all ,the lhtnp lhal in, endUed .. tbem. . O. R. HauUll _ Carl � &;ene 'I: IA bi� rambilnll down . LA. .

. T. O. 8"""

Ad�rtb1ni Manager _�=tw�= An'::=:�'� :I=:�'� -s��.sh: =�: =e r;: ;:t


: '.


Circulation Manager Ir- - - . Evelyn MOnson 'Sydow: "I wooder." a vacation. . :. <. . 1.. t..noa. .:......,=u1='Y-.::A::d·:.: ... ::"=-___ �_......,

J.C----- '_o_:_J._B_,u_'n_,"_d_N._J_. H-;-O_nio' l =::O�� ::;erw�n::;y;��

?:e nde Hobo: �What.s ·� 1ot&, �enren!"

O. A. �latad


back to town with )'ou:' Hen-i: '" fownd • r.ectpe for home-Ch' I' GI

. . Why II America Great? . LA. . . made beft.. ariel' •• ba"ftl't a bome. ape ' eanmgs De Tocqueville. the distinguished French statesman. was .com· A pedestrian b . ma.n .-h_ lamUJ haa . LA ' " . .

ped in am" that he 1.5 � missionea to visit America. for the purpose bf studying th.� ��, of . car. ' ' George J�n says he could ha�. ve, u!:I� �l) �:::p eveD to the truth our institut1ons. In reporting to the French Senate, he said. , went LA b«.n Ii ba.sketball pla�er, but he d n't , -POuecn

' at your bidding and passed along their thoroughfares ot tra?�; I, �en there W,", the coU� profe:550r like moV1ng ob}eCts. Mp't. t.hat sum In? tha� he kl\OW1l . . ascended their mountains and went down their valleys : 'I vIsited T!ho �'�:pald to study sleeping condl· ' . . LA In ehe sI.�ht of Oocl, rich �d � their manufactories. their commercial markets. and 'emP,Of1ums of .

£'ions amo�g the students. .. Hlc"hbJ: "Andtnon, I don'" want. JOG are equal� and the poor may .� ever. trade ; I entered their judicial courts and 'Iegi,sla�ive halls; but I LA . . to sit bJ tha! ,lrl .-hUl"· JOU an! talr.:ln, ,above the rieh.-JCavler .. sought everywhec,: in va,in ,until I en�er�d the church. I t was th�re, St�m haa pne cnuJ with UJe hut, thill eumlna�on.-:

. . ' God In heaven lao so (,wunUfui and as I listened to/fhe soul-elevating pnnclples of the Gospel of Chrls.t. . J • LA . . Andl"lWn: Tha" aJrirht.. Mr. Hlc"h- so merciful that He lao ready to t.ake as"tt'\e'y fell )lOm Sjbbath to Sabbath upo� the masses of the people: You stole mJ Autln. ,OU pick pocket. bJ., �hf' d_n't know anJt.hln..... care of us at �J1.·�mes . .:...()rdal

. 'that 'r-t ned why America was great and free, and why France LA . , LA . David felt the 1Iie18ht of hls shOrt was � s;�. " CUx. to Jean-MLI;.le: " WheH"a Hazel?" Mr. BN:k: "Mr. Votaw. who .... ·u 81s- C.oml;niS and, r'tmembered the many \�1-' Jean-Miu1e: "1 don't know; she wasn't maJ"(:k?" blessings of God, even as we should do

Social.ism Is a Question Worthy Studentlnterest CI�: �:=��IYJ: " She probably went \'���'e (���I�a�Is\\'����t��;:�.was a e

V�e ��u�� 0;:; ��::�::�dOlng Persons on the campu.s who had given up .hope that the,down- lu.lklng ... Ith Walt." � _ .--/ more to keep the. world from rotUng town newspapers would stop playing up the University as a ··hot·bed Jean: "Why. Walt never skips chapel." And thu ther:e � that than any other IlUtitutlon .� earth.-of socialism" were gratified to see the lack of publicity given the bill(: " You'd' be surprised what power Clarence "'onMln bad· a fI,hI wtth Hew

' . s eec;h of Kirb Page in Meany Ha·1l last Monaay. women hM'e over men:' Ruth. . There ls no po�'er In mere man, but p .. Y . I . d 'd dent his lecture LA LA Ood has stepped Into the world not Of cdourse


to. theh


l.age libe

dra !]"lIn

tf! st� th ' Heet that Johnny Z. IpetUn, Majorl : "Man and And last but not least- · there was'the merely as an eJta�ple, but to 11ft 0'lAD. warrante no aZlng ea Ines an accu� Ions ' 0 e e . do,," time the' Mooring Mast �ame out on from hls II.ln and to give him grace and. University officials were harboring bolshevlks .and other enemies of :WHford: "No. doe a.nd S�e." . 1ime twice in a row. · strtngth.-Pflueger the governm�nt on this ��mpus, But you can t be too sure what a LA r __ .... The gT't!at changes In our world are newspaper Will do when It s hard up for' news. '. ' A.nd Jake sent a. letter to the shack. ' within us 11.0 we needn't look. for thmt I t was surprising to see what power up0r:' an audience the ��rd add,:"e5S.lna: It: "Shellac Lerback, B. O. . "r.E YOU i\IET? In the ex�mal world.-8venson " socialism" had. Many were asleep when �age reached the �Int Runsvold.'Mother.MaTtln, and Me6S-"'c. --

Then! 18 One ... ho directs everything, where he connected "technocr�cy" with SOCialism. They an-.ralsed- or Starvation Ave .. Plu-kland, Washlng- A g rl In the graduating cl&ll5 who 'and tie la God under whose care we may their heads and stuck out their ears. Several walked out In the ton." Jake Is funny that way. never ec.ase!l to slnlle? She wears her toJte n!fuge.--O�I galietaS::;�'obserVation seemed to show that the sympathetic re·. 'Prof_r HI .. bb,. � a du.l personal- : .... :t�tln:a::.

n�� ;�� ::r

��� bu��r:'=ro��� :�enat�h':� �nse was greatest In the ranks o� tbe independents. On the ot�er ItJ_De 1lII0f'ftI and. other CNle saWI clrele. her big blue eyes which never no man's expense. mUll. have concern Hand. fraternity men"and women. forming the most conservaflv,e wood. and wben In A def"1) .aeep lbey fall to send a happy smUe on �ose for Ule needy, and mus� be humble In group on the campus. tried to fj�d fault . wi t� the talk. Parents ,who both bannonb.e. I with whom she comes In contact. She splrlt:-Xavler have enough money to keep their offsprings In Greek Letter LA 1 18 not very tall, b�t la quite studious. If we allow ourselvea to resE in the do not want to see a change in the present system of monetary diS' According to stat15Ucs. the fool and In fact. she carries a brief cue' with hand 'of Ood, we shall then be able to tribution. . his money have Ilot 'bf-e� together for her to «hoot every day. maybe Just grow In grace and radiate Hla spirit.-· Such controversla.1 questions should be discussed more often mll-ny yean. for loob, but usually It contains some Svenson in An-University assemblies. The more students are exposed to all . , of the knowledge which she absorb$ and Ood la a God of order and peace. sides of an issue and all issues of the d�y. the better able they are - ..Q. . --- which she hopes wmt"day to expound not confusion. ' and aoco�g to Hia' to reach a correct decision on the question. . . . . DTOttttp to her pup�. I ,

will. � and order sho� prevail ' In spite of wh�t the .do.wntown newspapers print, �f the time wt semester our heroine led one of" everywherf!�xavler ever comes when the malont¥- of college students are In favor of the large club! of the school successfUl. ' Among those who have tried to 1m. some form of socialism.' it will be a pretty sure bet they will- have . Evelyn Irwin entertained Jean·Marle Iy, and everyone enJoyed'her p�dency. prove hum�. ure.'a� t ... .o ciasaeS-U1e formed their opin.ions on'1Jnprejudiced reasoning. . Fowler. Ma:tha Orande and Huel She does not Inveat aU her Ume In ruters and the teachers. The ,ru1en are . Fro� University Da iIY7/an. 1 9th. :�';;re:�o��:rth��:�::Ytri


- ���d�:c�ss:we��e�� :e t:e :�I�! :t��:'t:


h�-�,:�d !�.�::

. choir. ' Christensen HIGHEST QUALITY PRINTING At their home In Parkland, Mr. and I��;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;:;::;;;;:;;;;;:;::;;;;� In a Modernly Equipped Shqp

::: =o:.�:� ���� C�!� . A .taU younlt man who Seem! to be

!i Come In Anytime "? cobson Dutch Moe and Ray Lerbaek one or the tradlUons of P.L.C.? He

AU.trum Printin. Comp.ny laat �turday evening. The atf&1t waa has curly brown hair, blue eyet and 13 itO COMMERCE ST. MAIN 6788 � In the nature of a farewell party for very good-natured? • Everybody knows

. s'rookdlle C�lh MlrIt.t .>'-..;.;��=�=====�=�===;---.-. "Jake" who will not be in school this him. and everybody IIkea him.

semeSter. Hla chief Inter!llts an! to keep even"-. -bOdy tiappy �d to. attend meetJ,np of

SATURDAY'S Pot RNlt '�Oc po�nd

. Insurance OR

Shadow? . . O NL Y Mr .. Groundhog is renowned for his

shado,w. We mortals waf't something more subs tantial. .

To be sure in later life, of securif¥ and in­dePendence-investigate our " SpeCial" in· surance contracts which provide a monthly ' income for you after you pass your prime.

Yes. to have something' more substanftal ' than yOur shado.w a� age 60. w'iite us-

LUTlIERAN BROTHERHOOD for MEN -'-LioAL RBSiiM:. WOME,.,' LIn n<l'""-",,,,,


Cla':��u:':� ==.0!.w�::: :eJT�:�� ='a��::t! tend P.L.C. th18 semeate.r. Inatad, ahe of the Drama Club and baa had a pait wUl remain at her home in Tacoma. in one of .the playa presented thIa year.

Brookdale Phone 01 56R2 and will return fOr" lummer schooL Th1a Important younr man alsO- holds -- memberships in the debate and swim· I �;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;� Mrs. Bondy entertained M1sa Fowler. ming clubs and attend! freahIrum clasil . normal supe�. and Avalon Wo- meetinp . Jahn.· lormer atudent.. at tea FrIday. U you can't guesa who the hero of Prmters . January 13: .thIa true ato"ry Is, all tberf! la to say 14 ." '" """':' Stationers. nJ��: ��= :taa�!:=�I;:;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;., . . I .. , w""' .... y. -Engravers

Lie" &- $elyi, "Buster" Roe and Non1Ia Alueeon

vWted friend! In ae.ttJe over' the w�k.eI¥l.

Trygve Runsvold and Clarence �­mtng are new additions to the "8b&ck. Union':" . .



Prncription D�lIists

Importers. of Norwegian Cod Li�er Oil

, Corner TKomli Avenue lind Elevlfnth

Str�t, TKomll, WIiPl. Tel. MlIif'l 7314 Fr"�Delivery ,..

. The House' of Better Watches


-t-Specialist i n

. Office Equipment I and . Supplies .

Fine Office Furniture

Pt2��� 'R � 12th &: A 81.. .' Podofllee B:gu&re Ii'

- Phone MAin 2122. "'O:ftr Half a. Cent.,.,. 01 Senke"

. .

. � .

4 .

. ..:'�--- "

• . 1

Page 31: Mast 1933-1934

�, ) "" J.


Outside Speakers . Wor Prevention T�ld Club Plans Swim I SwonlOn Will .R.epr�nJ /CitOit Appears in

G· ' Ch I ·T 'Ik Of by J. J. Hond .. ker A d P ty F b 11 AUlultono .Synoc(,on Boord . . . • . , . Ive � a s J. J. H.-. "II_ ... ...;..ta_ n � e .

. 0. c R.' .�"" 01 Oeth • . P.L.C.Nlght Jan. 29

Rew. Svenson. Rev. H.,I. and •• UVII:. of the NatlODal COUDdJ" (or the Saturday. hbrua.ry ll . ..... aet by .the aemane Lut.beran Chl.fth. ae.�. I.a " . - .� . M Ct.,isteMC,. Addr ... Student Pn!ventJon of War, preem� .. �- SWlmmina Club at a mee� held the ttnt repreeentatJ� � .the, Auaua- . . Th� annu&1 heine Lut.he�n..pollece Bod While Vititin SchoOl sio,n on mt:ana for war .preven�O!l "'t MoMay noon as the date toc" the "nut tan&. 8fnod of �e f:oulheran Church. to, nta�t w'� obse� at Cent� Lutheran Y _, __ ' Thunday momlna: In chapel. Mr. iwtm to be held from 7 to 9 p. m. at the be. an offici'" member ot. the Bo&nl 01 Church of T-aCOftla Jut· Sunday • even- . Rev Ernest , Svenson, of the P1nt Handaat.u tokI. of the stupidity of war, Y.W.CA. Pmlowtng the swbn there �kes of �tlc Lu;:E,e ·COue.e. Inr, .teat� by . �ncert by the. "C!,olr ' . . and the enormou.s coets. 10cludlnr th� 11'11" be a Party a( the home or Mr. 'In t.hla �paclty, be � . �e atu. of the West. · �. J\ HaMaller, whO llpolle Lutheran phureb or T&ooma, Re..": E. millions or llves which were aacrt.tlced Reid tot aU th.oIIe whd" attend th Wlm' dents Tuesday, streu.ln,t e rel&t.loa. at .U;le :hapEl exerclses luJ 'nmrsday. M. Hene Of Central Lutheran Church. during the WorlCt Wa.r. The prea1dent app010ted a �It: ship of .true Chr1atlana to 'their God, spolle b�efJY of the�evenh'on of "'ars . . Tacoma, and. Dr. B. M. Chrtatenaen. "At t.hla t.ime, when the world 18 10 tee',to arra.nse 'tor entertalnment at Or. SWUlaOn Wfoll for t:n&r!Y. ,.ear. and he will speak there more. lully of professor of . phllOIOphy at AI1Pb

. urg the .banda 01 an econOmic_ jlepresa.ioa, Mr: Reid's home,' conaistlng·of.Jet,nette l!ree.1dent of the ;Cok1R"1� Conterence,


:. ubject next 'Sunday evenlnl. 'nIe . �oJl�, ,Pdlnnet.pOlta. � amon, vl&1ton tour thousand mllUoaa or dollars are Knuu.en. Clarence Roen, Tr"Ywve &\mi- and at. presen.t ta Its �urer. He has r\ given by.the ch'olr lollows: .

. :��a:\:�n recenUy in c�l ex- spent each year for war p� In vokt'"'and Jeue Pfl�eaer.: • 8I!!rved .tl) Of which he 11 ;>astor " auttIul Bavlor" ChrtaUansen . ........ the united Sta.tes alone, approz1mately Ray Hlnde'fllel" Haul Monsen; Mr. for is.yean. . _� Bolo ,by MIldred Momon Reverend Sve�n, who spolee Jan __ a m1Won dollars ta spent for the 1l&V)' HIrhbY � Mr. Bee!!! wU1 GlTU'lIe Tne·memberahlp of Dr. �� _� . " � Heaven Above" .,.. Chlrst.l�sen uary 28. bad f�r hta topic the douti'ie each �y and another mWloo each day races' d'Urtnr the swim . . ncleets at 15e th! board mara the culm1n.ll.Uor!. of "N.llht and a Lonely Star" Chrtat.lf.n.sen. vb.lon of mao, first the outer v1510n tor the army. The Leacue 01 Nat.tona 'dch are on sale from Osc&:r'Ander.aon, )'Hn of errort. to have! c10eer coopera- Incidental Bolo by Walter Us� "hlCh. talte. COIf\laance of material and the �odd Court two �t.ltl,l- OIltJe,n. Sydow, Satrie Torresdal,' and t.lon between th� No� Lutmran "Blessed Is He" . . _ Soderman thin,? and secoad. the splrl.t and sig- dons whlch .ba.� done much to pro- Jean.Ma.rte Powlft". ' . Ch�h of Amer1ca azict the Aurwlana "HOsanfia In the Hllhut·, Soderman nlflcance in them. He po1oted out..Lhat mote world peace and our natJonal Synod ot'the Lutheran Church In re- Anna Mlkllel5en: ��e =-=:d C:::S:-�ch = P: I :e;�I1�� :��=t�: = E h

' ga.rd to �Inc �thera.n COllege, ' ::���� aecteemer" h1InseU, and not c� In his aur· tlons and to learn more about them," �C ange� IN 'I1I1! ClASSROOM Lewlll 0�r

Oounod Carpentier '

roundlnp. . 'sta� Mr. Hanclsaleer, In the adminlstntlon 'Of the "The Deluge "Why III Amepca gre�t?T�U the . . . C<!niral State Tet.Cben College 11' reocraPhy and "hither a.rtt.h.metl�". " Romance" subject of a talk liven by I Wfmd ���. showfQg the world that It takes more claan. chanrea have been made. � . . " Alli-gro Brilliant"

Salnt-St.ens d'Ambroslo

Hegge, J!n. 240, 10 WhJC� ,�e�� that. K . f th .M t . than � fire to clOse the school. When Bardon II DOW ,t.eac.hibr �phi, _'--__ America ta great u sh�.�_been ''':' eeper 0 e as . . - . "bleh .)(1M Fowler taua-ht lsat term' . Ten Have

rich In right.eousn�

and Lhat her ���� .the �Inlnr sc� wsa �nUy r80Rd In pl&ee of reop-aphy M� Fowler I� Shi,le), Hecht I, N�"'ed . . greatness will riSe ILS her. rtgh�ess Has everybody notlc� how crowded by fire. the 270 trallilng school Chlldz:m tnehir. hlatwr: ·a.rlthmetlc formerly Preiident of French Club Incre�\'erend '. efge said, "'The the library Is at some perloda during were put on an emergency ac�ule talv.!" bY Mr, 'Stum . __ ' . . churc!:L-QI.. J�t La dolng more the day? But we can get Just "sa muc� and .classes .were conUnu� �thout a " . • •

. • .

Newly elected offlccrs of (�he French to keep .J.k wOfli:1 from rotting than studying done In tl;lere as ever If every- �reak. Thirte:en lnatruct.ors whoee 01· A . .:oune lntrod.uctlon to Fine . '. any ?theri Iru"uUon on earth ,. heln uI flces were In the buJJdlng lost valuable ' Club (or the spring .semester are Shir-Dr. Chrl.ste�n sP,Ote Janu� 16 oa one cooperates b_Y_ g q et. prtute Il��es. Ft!e thousand bOOb, �= ;;;:, �=�0��1:!:�:� ley· Hecht, P!'efld.!!!lt;· P1oren� Post, the mlMloVof ChrLaUan teachers In At last P. L. C. has twins. They're Irreplacable manuscripts, 18.000 � Mr. Pf!...:to:r the stUdents will learn vice- president; Cerrle Hvlddlng-, a.ecre­sp�ad1ng their splrl.t to others. Dr. the Opheim brothers: Clltford and of tools and machin�, recorda or 1,000 to Appreciate the beauty III art. sculp- tary-treasurer; and Margaret Wesson,


=;� ���h:t p� v:: ��.

n:tit���� �:,h::e:�!)�:: ��:


d �t;: =D�ue;:e:�l

ht tUft. pol�. a� �e .lIlee. �:I�no���7�e/�:h7 a:


reproduce life, In reality, they are here proCessor might set the wronr one. . • • •. Several students have lltarted prac- chel FlInt,

.1n the orde'r of o.tflces named,

for the purpose ot reproducing spirit. Most of the scbool ' thinks they're a Students and' alumni of West Texas lice tea.chtng at P&rlcland and other Le Cercle FrancaJs meets e&eh P'rI-quiet Ralr. but .... they make a big noise State Teachen Collese, Canyon. ��. grade schools. Amonl those are- Shlr- day noon .In. r:oom 5, and new students

4 New Boa,din Students In band every noon. have a.rmed t!;lemselves to do �ttle for ley Hecht, Harold Meredith, FtaQces are cordially Invited· by the offlcen to

. --' -' - A.Jma Mater. The 43rd Texa.s Sta.te Andre90'5, Ethel Hagnw\, Olga Overlle, Join. The only requLslte ta that a stu-With thr� new students In the boys Uli!- Rudd Just couldn t stay away Legblature s Joint COmmittee on Or-, AlIce A.Jvnes Helen CoI.llns, Ana"ela Ja- dent Ienow some French or that he be

from school Olad you re ba.cle Lila ganlzatlon and Economy has a propoaJ cobaen Edgar Larson Dlclde Leland taking It at the Ume he Jotna Mn dormitory and only one In the gtrLa and don't try to pull a tade-out 'on us to present whJch spells the end of the Carl Mifon\ Arthur Spencer Mrs' Bondy is the facUlty advber the populatlon.. of bo&rdln' students has � college Needless to say feeling La run- : 'h..'� W not I!"Icreued a great deal with the ag n __ nlng high �

pencer an��, y IJuor opening of the spring semester In the We�e appreciated the keen chapel ""\ .. • •

..est 58tiwomen students of the Unlv BROOKDALE boys dorm there La only one student talks we ve had lately Thank you Editor and staff o[ the Cherry Tree: of callf�la at Los Angeles are worle-BARBER S ..... OP new to "lhe SChool. Edgar Lund, sa spe- lrUest speakers. George Wuhlngton University. Wash· , Ing their il(ay through school. Elghty- n

clal student, who Is tJl, a secretar- . __ In�n. D. C.. a,re. very pleased these six of therrl\pay all their own expenses. BroOk.dale lal(c'ourse, ·Mr. Lund I.s trom Buclcl�y, Jalee's became quite a ladles' mDUce days. 'nIe reason. Janet Oaynor and \ • • . ' . wash. Myron Leque and P'tanle Elllot the plura.1l man before he left. Ttahr Ronald Colman. film stars, have agreed Te�ple Unlvenlty HOI5pltal, Phlla- �, __________ • are the other bo)'3 who will board here. TIsh! Wonder who's the brains, loob, to act as Judges In' the �earbook beauty delphia, now bouts the m06t modem I ... ----�----_t both of whom have resided In the dorm dishwasher and cook of the Shacle now? contest. and best equipped 'ma�rnlty depar't-during their previous attendance at -- • • • . ment In the country. It's doing bus.!-Pacific Lutheran College. Johnny Zackrlson Is to be awarded Students �t Wichita Falls Junior neas, tao. An average of ten babies per

Mrs Kreidler reports Virginia. Mancke a medal for Iclndn�ss to dumb anI- College. Texa.s, have no �ouble f1nd- day have been .bom since the depart­a.s th� only new girl In the \VOmen's mals. That's a. keen Job you did on Ing talent on the campus. In fact. ment's completJon recenUy, and one dormitory. Vlrgtnla. who Is from Wln- MaJor's foot. ,Wonder how many pe<)-. there Is one. member_ of the college day's hllh WILS eighteen new citizens.

Dohl Gr""ery Co. "".",Mr. '.,lty St_


loci, Wash., Is t&lelng a normal course. pie thought we were tallclng about Mary family , who Includes In hJs r�pertOlr: • • � Until ricenlly, she has been In training Lou)? elght)'-thffi!! son� and 156 partial The FreshmJ"n Choir ta now an actu • • ---�---.-----,

at the Tacoma Oeneral Hospital. songs. It might tJe, remarleed in passing at and dettnltely woriling organization Parkland Coif Course Patronl�

Moorin, i\lut AdwerUsen /"

p L. C 's haiLs are again graced with that thb- venaWe artJat Is only a lIttl� at Wilson Te�h�n college, WuhiD&:" . 1 8 holes the' p�nces ot many of lut year's mOre than three years of age! Hta ton. D. C. ThIa Is the tint choir of

Brookdole Grocery THE STORE THAT HAS IT ...., Waahlncton

students. Welcome back. grads. father Is In c� of the buildings and this nature to sing In Wilson chaPel. • - - grow\C1$ of the !X'1Ieg-e. Here's our congratUlations to the . • • •

If lost &rUcl" s:ontlnue to remain Rachel Flint's group to!" winning the More than half the student activity ."Iost" In the colleiwolflce. Junior CoI-prize last FrIday otrht. fee at Capital Unlvenlty. Columbus. lege ot Kansaa City. Kansaa, offf:l1l a

r- Ohio. ta expended on athletlca, accord- S\ltnrestlon: sell them. In Uie � of H� even-body likes our new cot- Intr to figures released by .the college Junior CoIICle, all .... p� from. the

umn. Don't I forget to tell the staff Board of Activities. Each student paya saie will be given to the ChIldren'a whether or not yoU llIce It. Who writes $UI, and from thb amount $8.35 goes Hom�. • .

�: :��itc�O�UI:r:-'ho';":�'r�� " (COnUnued from Page One) t.lons. P�rkl.nd B.,ber Shop

no exira cost and the work is qone slderatJon. Prospects aNi doubtful. ac- and

It? Walt and seel > ����� ��:�e

cv:::�m�� :;==-.,:::;:::;.::;;:::;:::;;;;:::::;;:::;:::;4] . :.

by experienced workmen at cordlhg to Board members. . Pasadena Junior College ta stili wallc- � Confectionery LEHMANN PHOTO-FINISHING Board members who were present In- Ing 9fI air-and rlgh4ul1y so, for its 1

STUDIOS cluded Rev. 0, L. Haavlil:, Beattie; Mr. band was t.hla year chosen as �e otll- <lEO, KNUDT89N, Prop. ��P�":kI�"�d;M;,;";.n:';;',�C;�; ... ;ny;:� M.. H. Forde. Everett; Mr. 'J. O. Oul� clal Tournament 01 Roses band. It. .... _-: ______ -:-0 I t. branson, Beillngham; Mr. H. E. Ander- wID represent the Tournament Ill. all !Il""""''''''''' :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

I ClOuthIer L. Roy Moore son, Tacoma; Rev. L. �musieg. Bur- :es :ughout the rest ot the � . . ����.�.� !:'rr ilngton: Mr. O. R. HaukeU,' Aberdeen; y . . . . � beaut)' wort , Rev, L. Ludwlg, Portlan$1: Dr. C. � Th .... '¥1chlgan state legtalature re- � SUNFREZE I.a&e.t ID. HaIr Deaipbq" Swa�n. ae.attle; Rev. H. L. Poa, Be- ernUl' paued a law tha.t affects all �

318 =�"s��ma attle; and 'Presldent O. A. TIngelstad �achen' college . students. The law � IC'E CREAM

��;;;;·;;;;;;·;;;;�9i l



d�·�:;;;-;;;;:;;;;1 Itates that no degree or diploma shall �

be srr.nted to any' student or such col- ! I J BASKET BALL EqUIPMENT lese. aflU June 30, '1933, who 'b.aa not � . FootINli- I I! Best Valua ill P'rtee and 'auccesstully completed a course In � � ::::.'t"11- / K::;:�;L'S

Ulloa! "",noo. I season-- 1107 Broadway � to news from. the south- � . , Y CHI" wilt ·.njoy-. M E D O S W U T


, . /'rrp .... on--


Petenon Studio New gr�unCJ floor , location .

Compliments of

' .�,


l�e �� � __ �� __ -Jl�, __ �, ______ � ____ � ______ __

Eicallen' CrHnS 15 minutn from city

STUDENT RATES 1 8 holes 25c-9 hoI� 1 5c

Monthly r�t" $1.50

WALLACE CA�R, Man."" Gadand 0169-1-3


21 1 South·Et";.nth Rust Building


it' SPAlDING'S • _ for


. -==.. WA S H I NGTO N :HAitDWARI CO.

924 P�ific Ave.

(, 1

Page 32: Mast 1933-1934


I j

; \� I � j


Lutherans to Meet ��-=- -=_ . Yakima J. C. Beats . P. L. C. Wins Return Aberdeen Friday � �" ��fi' P. L.C. Cagers 37-23 · . Mt. Ve .. non ClaSh

Centralia Feb. 3 .

O)t . .,""HQ- · , Sa,,"n. ",ro".h • Io."d rt,,, halt Ri'�.:ru .. f .... . Y ... � . • ",I, ln U .. . to hold an 'a-l«1 lead at the rest period. mom1ng and wlUf 001, few h� aletp

�IfiC ';"lher:-� �� ::atrs .".m 111 C. M_ the Pacillc Lutheran cagers let down to their c.t1ld1t •. -l.he �UI� Lutheran �e)

n::� �h��YS ;:r:t

J::; in the clostn, mInutes �r ,lay to lose CoII� caKers �o ... ed no arms of ColJetre III Abrtrneeo Satu.rdar eve _ __________ n __ -- n __ • -- un ---- - - _nn ___ • 37-23 tQ the Y.klma Jl1n1it Col.l�e Otlt- llIearlness wtie:n they dde'fCd the Ml nlng thej \\111 Journey to Ctntralla. OUf basketbal l aggregation experienced another shakeup when lit lut Friday nltht on ttieir floor Vernon Ju�lor College h�.ter8, 39 to .... here they , are slated to hurl baskets It learn,ed that Swed� �drard a�d Bob Le�'nson WI l l not be able to The Oladlatora started w1th a rush 30. on the' Parkland maples last Satur. ;:

; Q��H:��on:ln

�:n:�:I��:�� .i:�� ��



. hard. Slnce' we have al.ready lost a·capable and shortly at��nlni' tip-off. day: The OIad1aton preaen� ! :

sees 'j:on !.he first Pme from t.he'Luth- S. S. . Jumped Into a 'Iead' which they malu· dazzlIng att.a.ek. which the Invaders erans. the Oladlatonl are .setUflg their Yet leave it to Coach Olso�e' is sh.apin, out a 'nice q'liin'tet ta.J.J:led tJ:Irough the vreaLer part of the could not seem to tathom and'dillplaye<! caps for Ihls contest and hope to wiPe from the .rest of his squad. Of cou"e. th.ey dr.,ped a hot contest first halt. 10 the '&eCOnd half. the .U)e nicest· passing game they have OUL the early defeaL . . • to Y��im� Junior Colle,e. bu� what �a� you expect of .a .revamped Yakima boys came .. 1th a' rush to,e�ri shown this lICuon. .


al=�':;:;:tI�-:t hr:.see::��:e


orlanlutlon1 . S·. ' "S. ' . tfi� score and jump ·Into ·a two-.point 'The LUthera� slf.rted the �I

a q:ailnge and may not present such a I n te�collegiate athletics have. at the present. developed to the lelid t¥hlch they hel� U?W. With about !hortly after the ope�lnf{ whlstle: .. hen strong team. Nevertheless extent that they are one of the strongest organized forces in the s1x minutes remainlna-. they went on a Jack" COllnected "lUI the hoop by a I.s ,"'Orklng hard .. 1th his men In an cQunt,y. The reason they are strong is because they are organized. scoring spree that put the! gam� sately difficult shot t� the sidell"". ;rhe ettort to smooth out the organiZaUon. A unified organization demands r.ecognition. · . In th

'e bal. • . Gllld-Laton: ran up • siX polnt lead be·

�:� i�I�' 1I=�:��e�Y �:t �::;:. :��� In th.e Stolte .of washin,�'n �'ere are si. Junior Colle,es: St. BW"Iop, lanky' sJ.X-foot-fOur. fotvi'ard tON', the vernonltes sc;:ored �d Inere.a . ..... orking a�tlon. M.artins •.!a Junior Colle,e. Crays H.arl;Jor Junior Collele. Mt. of the opponents. took scOring honon ed (·helr lead. aa the �me procreated·

The ne"" comblnaUon' thaL .... '1i1 prob- Vernon Junior Colle,e. Yakim.a Junior. Colle,e. and our school. Not tor Lhe evening with t ... �ty counlftS (n the latter part of the second qUai"· ably be wed in thill game "ill see �ne one of these schools' is r�eo,ni.ed mucty� athl.etics. because 'none wtllie Score was high (OJ the Luthera)s ter. the Invaders stole the ':how bJ mak· Jack at center. Hal Votaw and Stan ·are .organized, Their �thletic contests ar.e �ic:ked from any source with seven. points. The play of Fad. log an lmprea8lve wurt.. ccm1ng Wlth1n Score. torwards. and John Fadness and .where they. un I,et them, . ' . . . . .' " ness �t gua.rd and Jack at center rank: I five polnts ot the Oladla�ra. The half Jack Hudson. guards. Althou�h Gene . ' S. S' . ' . . . ed them as the. outstanding men on eni:led with... the Parkland qUint.e�. lHe!-Jack has been us�'as a forward all PIcture to .yourself

.ho� much more' Interest would be aroused. tt.� floor. Ing 21 to 7. �"'I!Jl.-� ha.s � experience at the how much more publiclfy and r.ecognition .would result. i.f afl the . Lineups: In the third quarte'r ill" Vernonlta

pivot L...anrshould feel at home ln Junior College� in the State com.bined to form a STATE JUNIOR P .... C. iUI m', Y.J.C. !t.a.rted another sP�t. bu.t were offset' thl3 I Itlo� Stan SC:ore wUl till the C0LLECE CONFERENCE. I

. am sure that each one of these sc�ools Score (7) .•. RF 12'01 Bishop by the uncanny loni shot. Of Hudaon

�aA::.�t� ��


ar:;;�d �ta�ld� �a����


g�nterested in such a step-if s�mebody. would start the �:,w


. :�

(6�3��:'= �! 7:,::as�t\e


ep:y t=p��!

been showing up "'ell all season and S. S. Fadness (41 .. .. RO (6) Davis long shota with effective pred&lon. has proved to tie � dead eye with his If you want .to see � real ex . .ample of enthusiasm and spirit. Hudso:l (S) LO . (2)" Fields Trulson. ex-P.L.C: pertonner. �IUI unusual push shots. watch our girh' te�rn in ac'tion, The determ'ined air about them is Substltutionll: P. 1.. C.-Sanderson the star for the visitors, being tttgh


n�,:.:aI��0:� very impressive. but they do ma.h some aw�ul bees at ti�es. M::��:h�


D���be.rg. ::: �:� ",��h

1�3po�n��d :.�:�

berg. 'and Carl Martin. All these men Co-ed Basketeers Lose G H bo · Lo followed c�osely with 9. are capable of dOing justice to the art . , rays ar r ses Lineup: of basketball !lnd may see a (reat deal To Pou.ltry elrls 25·19

Tilt t GI ·d-· ' Co-eds Sp.rkle to Defe.t P.L.C, (lfIl (30) ML Vunon of action in the ensuing games. -- 0 a lators Fird Luther.n Cirls He're Score (8) RF. . . (8) Booth Leading at the halt by one pplnt. the . __ , . __ . , Votaw (4) .LF... 113 TrulSOn .

GI d D E 't- ::I·�I��':.�n

C���I:,�o��I:S::� The Pacific LUlhemn College cage:rs The'PaeUlc Lutheran Collese co-ed.s Jack (4) . . •. C CI) WlndWi a s rop XCI 109 lost a hard tOllght game to the Tacoma clicked pertectly .1n the contest with tared m�� betLer In their second game Hudson (12) .RO ..... .... (4) Frazer·

Game to Loggers Poultry and Eli sex.

tette. 25 tA:, 19. Jan- Orays H",bor .Juntor Collese; January ot the than In their fI�t. de- Fadness (91 . .. : ... .1.(L.. t41 ::n� uary 19. The Gladiator girls COUId not 14. and had little trouble In downing featlng e First Lutheran aextette. 36 Subt;tltutlons. �.L.c.-M.a . '

The Paclrlc L� College c era seem to connect with the hoop In the their keen rivals. "defeating them 3S to. to 12. �e GI�ator girls held t�e �u. v�mon-Ol��re. . ag last perlod� missing numerous shot.!! at IS. The Oladlator first string upper h� throughout Ule contest and "!arlY upset their home rival!! Januar:y the basket. plied up a score of IS-to 3 In the UrsL were not threatened once during th.e

13Jhen they led the College ot Puget Both teams played a fast game and' half and the tlnal session way to game. . . SOund Loggers through a" torrid game exhibited a good brand ot basketball. the resen·es. w�o also outplayed the Coach Margaret Jacobson used two to lose 32 to 3S. The Lutherans led Hili. torward for the Invaders. was high Jaysees. teams aga.lru!t the Invaders and �th

QUllity KnittinC· CO. Le".r S .... te'" Our Speci .. lty 403 1 I th St.: Tstom ... Wuh. throughout the enUre game. but in the point performer ot the evening with The Lutherans started out from the teams proved to · be ertecUve. AlIce few mtnutes of play went behind. 11 polntl;. A1me5 for the Oladlators opening whistle by sinking two� Roe. Lutheran torward. stonned the I_-'-________ � when the Loggers began to connect coming next with 10. Evelyn Monson and from then on thry>ughout the gBIl)e hoop for 18 point. and was high Point .. ",Ith the hoop QUite consistently played outstanding ball �t side center held the upper hand The Invadera player of the game. with Olga OV(,llle � .................... ""',, .......... ...... · ...... " .. '''''' .. · ..... Iiil

The Oladlators start.ed scoring right I for the Lutherans. played tast ball but seemed unable to coming next 10 counters ;: from the start. ot the opening Whistle Lineup connect .. Ith the basket and as a re- LIneup ;: STANLEY BELL i

Printing Comp.ny. Inc. � . TACOMA ! and r;a.n up eight points before COach P L.C (19) {ts) Tacoma Poultry .Ii: En sult the flnlt half found them with

I P.LC, • \ Ftnt LIllheran :

Sandberg s hoopsters CQuid find them- Al�nes qOI RF 1111 Hill only three points . A1vnea (6) .....J RF_ (S) Graham : selves -�bout this time COmmiifd A Roe f91 LF (10) Bemard The Jaysees started the second hail Roe US) LF (4) M Elmer : MAIN 71H 1012 A STREET � Logger for"'ard stepped In apd compH- Knut.zen • C MeFB:lan {y conn�ung with the �oop

O:!.: ring: Knutzen C Iverson t!i .. " .. :"' .. , .. " .. v .................. "' .. , .. , ....................... �

cated the &Ituatlon by numer. Monson .SC Clark ng up 1. counters to e ton Monson SC Hogdahl l � _________ � ous shots. but the half found the Log. Co�l1ns . .. .RO' Fillinger 1'7. Kerr. Oray&. Harbor torward, kept CoJUns ...... ........ .... RO .......... . Saildburg Portable Typewrlt.era SllPPUea- 1 gers trailing 16 to 14. . Porath � . . .l.G r McDonald Coach OI50n'� charges In hot water this POra� .................. LG ........ 1.. Llndeman All Steel .Plllnr EqUtpmmt.- .

In the second half. faster play was Sub:5Ututions: P.L.C.-Leland, Pl!der- period. playing an outstandIng floor Substitutions: . p. 1.. C.-Leland (5).. ' School B90u, Supplles exhibited by both teams, The Luther- son. D. Ror.. Tacoma Poultry &; Egg- game and chalking up 7 polnU; to hI.!s Overlle 110), Grande. Nub, SChland- . J, F. VISELL CO. ans took advanLaie of the s)J.ur;.tion OJenn 141. credit. He was also high point man busch. D. Roe. F1rat Lutheran�uther- BooUeIIer.-8lailOoen agaJn by holding'thelr lead. At the end '" I 01 the game. .berg. tJndeman. ,� Elmer . . Ne1!9n. otn.ce. �tan of the third QURrter the Oladlators sUII GI.di.tors Drop Gene Jack. Harold Holmberg. and _ . <t o.::P:hOD=' :YaIn=:::28'IO=,:I109=�::Pac:::.:::A::::"::. ! had R slight lead. With Ce� J. C. by ���:ra:

l� se���

d:6 :;::: e�:h.

the Bonn.dele Beauty Shoptie ; In the last Quarter the score was 26-25 �ore Here 1"an. 1 '8 Lineup : Studenta: You are. welcome to REPAIRINC quickly Ueq. Jac� tor the Lutherans P.l-C: 1351 ( 18) Grays Harbor came !n "bUe w&tUng for a then sunk a beautlfu.l sho�. � make ,the Falling short one point In their at.- Vota";" (2) . .RF ..... m Kerr street car. BOYNTOt-l'S SERVICE score 23-21 for p.L.e. The contest was tempt to overcome a seven·polnt ' Ie&o Jack (6) ....... ._LF . .. . (3) Brewer . � (��::� on Pacific Hi,hwiy hot and the score close until shortly In ·the last Ie .... mlnut.ea ot plAy. the Willard (II) . ........ C (3) H.anU ' Eipert. PennaDent Wa"t1Dr'. · GAS ' REPAIRING ' OIL before the whistle. when Carlson for PaCific Lutheran COllege basket.eera Levtnaon (4) ..... ·.RG.,_ . . . ... .... McKay OArland 0145-R-2 Parkland

.,' i:e Loggers starred. In some fast shoot- dropped their first game with Centralia Fadnesll (2) ......... .LG .... . . .. ,. Murphy ·, ............. :" .... ,""'''''''''''''''', ....... : .. , .. ",,,,i ..... ..

�e Same ended 32-35 for the Log_ Junior College on the ��d ma�es SubsUtuUons: PadH" Lutheran"-gers. but wtll possibly be remembered =0:6U�


m�rr!' by �o�� Sanderson (2). SCore (8);- Holmberg aa the'ouU;tandlng game ot the season. (�! " Shuster 111, Hudaon. Grays liar·

Sp-.cill' bu •••• for plrti •• , el ••

clubl,. t •• ml. etc. The lineup: . ro

:���Y'dlm1nUUVe Cent.ralla. for- ��:e�:r J=::!\��U�:.(3),

.:..';,c: .. . ... ......... .RF... �d .""', h,ld hI<h honon of tho .. _. . . . ....... _.-. Jf.Ck ..... .. .... ........ LP Carl50D :O�a:'���o�:'6ia!.�

,:a"e; AD�� aDdu. ClH�� ..=; . An,. Time. Any. Plac.·

' . Call TACOMA BUS C�MPANY MI' Wlllard ...• , ...... ....... C .. Bates Yellow calM ' . AmIMIbDce ' BarPre 8enIee �Ylnson . . . . .. ..... RO .. ::::::::::::·:· �G.cnon ��;�t six point. each. Naa-.e YOQ Mef:.':" - - �D! .wi - . F'Rdness ... .......... i.o.... . McCoy P.Le. (%5) (ZI) CeDtnlia l +===========t IJ1;;;;�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;� Subs!:'tuUona: P.L.C.-Seore, Hudson. VOlaw' (8) ........... .RP .. ........ (8). Bolstad ()Y��t�"LL ��ts C.P.B.-Carlson. Bower. LindqUist. En- Jack (1) ................. .LP ... _ .. _ ... (5) 8traud MiddisMde 2 Polnts Suits n�. .

WUlard .(4) ............ C ......... ... (4) Vlp.ra Arrow Shirts--Coopers UndefWear Fadness (8) .. _: .... .RO ...... (2) Han1.soD t John B. Stetwn H .. ts

(Continued from Page One) Levinson (2) ... _ .. .LG .......... (2) Meyers Jetl.nd 6 P.I.puti Charlotte Spencer ..... ...... .2.00 SUbl!UtuUona: PL.C.-Hudlon. Been : .+-_-,-91;.:2..;.P",K�. ;,.;A...;�"," _TKOm�_'_�. t

Fredrllta SC��� high dlsUnc- ��t=�yn���t1IOD· Holmbtra; I · t -.�---.... ----t I Uve; Paul Larson: dlsUncUve; Janice I . �t.eraon, dlst1ncUve; Wwbun PfJuepr. dlaUncUve; .Bay HlnderU·e, . Norma Pm1I. Paul Preus. DalCft8 .ROe, Helen

. Pairoime

Spencer. John Btuen. Up-To-Date



- JOH�SON -COX ' CO: .. n6 Pacif'= Ave. . BfOadW.y 2238


Page 33: Mast 1933-1934

Lutloe .. " Stud."to' COI!v."t/o" to 8. ot

. t.". ColI�l�rch IO.1 . . ilh�ed

VIal Y w1ll repreaent

J ! )

'" J..

Gelt'IIUIlll Club MeetS' :;:: = _ _ � � bJ' Pro-- _. 'l'be � 'wm

-, '- ..,. ""'-. ...... - -. _-: ... ,':=":"I'''_ � GO n-dar � 14. ma.:a. �

� «a:bUIpd ftleDUD& and concert wsJ:t.a. .

. ,.

. 1 I



. .

Page 34: Mast 1933-1934


\-, , ,

'" / . .

PACIJ'IC LU'l'HERAN .coi.u:az. P.uuo.A.ND. WASHINOTON � .

\ ' " ,

Published el"ery two 'weeks durtna the aebOOl year bl. the .tudenta oi PacUic " , tlrtXp�� (!p r ntr

Lutheran CoDece� Part1aod. WIUbJnrton . The prc»pec¥i'e . re,un1on lnv1te1

Ent..r'N as 3fCOnd clua matter. October 2, � • • t the �t Olllce at Parkland. . Waahlqt.on. 'under. th.e Act of March 3. lIN. . remJ.n.I.aceoc:e. -Th1rt., JMo.I'S� one. of

the 'Ml.t.oi"I of.� �e" ("The Moortnr tIoIut" �). __ tbe unr,1e-' of' ODe 0( our preeen� l"}1denta. lArs JenRh .,..' h1I �e. · He IeDt

�:':e�t'�t��. �!r ::

which I qu�. in the hope . .tAat. It �)". Editor . �DITORIA:L STAFF _, make membei't and fr1eoda of the Clau AMOClae.e- Editor ��': S� of --pIo,meD� &be .,... . LA Of 11103 and" of other clMl:N �r to, '

=re Editor' . ) C�noe UOD.IOD m.,.e -.a bu tt. .......... '...... . 1ft .� -'til &be �. return Cor a whiff' of the, old �.

Reporten-Vll"Ilnla BYers, Ediir Lund, Claren� Ophe .6u;��":::� cella. pds.&a!IeIa�t,I.alpls.Uu., ·� �'. deI..lr8L$O a� � � .P�ere

·belnc a � of boliday

8' Klthlyn PaUen. Plotence Post. ·Alberta Schmitz and 011 rt Sydow. � � be lIft&de of 'HI' b�_ , .. a.d .q.& .. maIle' aA � duritig the Wlnw term. It ... decided- .

TyPI.st5--0I!idyS Sl\'enland.�

!:!. al ' krs and lea of Olll' htnd-,..nen.. IMD' In ebapd .. to �b room'they Uneoln .. birthday Jor that

. 8USINESS ST.�-_ . LA ·

" Intt'nci tO a.e for �r� at. MOn· :w=:!�.nd & be1-W d&1 � not. �ustn� K&nqer , r ' · ,,-. . . 'I; .� 7 · . Ciul Maiun lUahby: "What .is . pt.raal.t.e. 'Mr, . It. aeem's that JohnCPadneu. b have t.ein chQIe:n. !!Yen Nature ahowed . Asststant BUSiness .riiana.aer . .� Mara-a.ret Weuon Roen?� ' .

. y her .PprOval of the cboIce bv putUna

Advertislna' Manacer ' "': E'velyu trwtn Roe� (surp�); "Wer Le� and Bl� Hoimberr rot .. do· on her �uWul boUd., clreU of Purtt� • ���tonAd�� �ana�er _ C��O;!:::. on

:':,hb)': " �es. now 'Jive �e anoU�r .��tI���:f :::e:. th��! wblte. 'A. '?H�':"Ul and f�tUna .ymbol

AWsta.nt Circulation M.nager Knutsen .

. LA ' . la stranse: howeyer, tht:' they sJ;tOUld �dth:obU:::: �:v���::: ....... F'acult)' Advlaers O. J. Stuen .D;d N. J, B� Peno':,ll aUencth4 the s� :�c

tth�:= hours of the mom1n

7, to h&lp.' Uneoln. .

We're Not So Bad OHl Aft.l All! . ::: :::en �:�:: �':: :: BIOLOGY c��s lAMENT J m:�r ::��d:�. =tn

�:�:Ye!: Besides giving American sfudents' a. holiday on Febr�aiy 22. scbool' • .

H';bby dOesn't love ... niDI' the lull in the • .,.� .'WU ac-1933, George Washington did a lot of good -for hi, countty, As ttie LA '

. G-,. be � ... cOmpan1ed, by aD 1ncreued .� tn the first Pr�ident ot Jhe United States, he startec:!'our. gr:eat common- Prot. Pflueger lIook.1ng at hll ""t.tch, Makes as eDt ap ......-ms. lower reatOlll ol the �A. � hoe:t. wealth on the r�d to success and prosperity and helped: start the which h.d 5toRped) : "How armoytng, • , " .. . Qf cakes, sandwichee, and other ,rooc;l � ' f ' " " - .... onl'. sm 1 ones, , , "T g_theel of federal government, whlC


h,' were to run. p' many I alw.ys put 5uch f.IUl ln thla w.tch," Wllh IUU Un,. -P:D&"Uoaa. thlnrs came J>OUr1na' Into the . en, years ::-'\� . ' . , : " Prot.. Ramstad: "In'. ea&e IIk

.e that. �n-. �e1 hay� aUmy epiderm.. brlna:1n, with them crowds, 01 eqer �h the Amen,can people may feel mistreated by �ublechon .� "wb would evldenU)' .ns· . LA Pi!!'Ople !-oto ollr- ,lltUe cUy,

to the.\. esent economic distres�, let us rem.ember wl;1at, mus! have t;t,'ered the purpoSe better." Prom recent ob&erv.Uona It seems . "The space'tn.the 1eeDJ.:

been ,t e tr.oubled state of affairS �en. th'�teen �ol.on,�s ':'Ied to LA th.t thts country la not only WalloWing ed to IrQW Inversely u the number at organize thl� COUl1try, let alone ke.ep It ru�nlOg, Tanfffs, dlsarn:a- " MorWnlW)n to, ' A.nderson: MBrother. In tne tilth &/ld smear' of crime, but .people. &/l�, ere 101\1, every eh&1r. table, ' ments, taxes, war debts, �nd foreign affairS are today confronting lpare me _ dame."

I f used So thlni' should window.slJl, and radiator w.., oc:cupted. our national dtrectors. Better far·tha! we. should ,wrestle With. these ' LA :e S:o:e' .bout �:'In o::r that future "A �Ile of bH.uUtu\ and , uaerUl pr�lems. than .that we should be fighting, as In the c�e tn the Tryg 'after making a s� bas- g�net&tlona may' ulat without setuna: articles were broulht tn, �d the bl�. Orient. , .,/- ketl.: "00 YOU need .• fOOd gua:rd, t il: ' . ding began, In a vel)' abort � the

'Let us once a�. sit back in o�r chair.s and count our 'many Coach?" . I: uc up, enUre Sl4Xk of dry(OOda was d1apoaod

blessings. Let us t nk of the things which Qeorge Washington Coach: "Yes. do you know "here I can ' ot .t · top prices. rnakln& the LacHes' went through for t sake of our nation, and realize why we were let one?" HAVE YOU MET? Aid richer by some f33, , given this holiday ednesday. We aren't so bad off after all. since . 'LA, . . , . _,_'_ .

"By thls time th� wu a seneral we have a nation, a national leader f<?� our nation, !ind a Cod who Since In.lllll'. an-hal, G� baa aD_ Do 'You-Jmow a IIrl lit P. L. C. who de�.d for aomethinr wlth'which t9 guides all, nat.ions! ' lither addition to U. � ntInt:. 1$ wh.t )U:d c.lI • re.l (Irl? There at.15ff the appetite. The coffee was

' • . .

Quesuon:" "Why- doesn't the ·man In m.y oUt or them, but thla partlcul.r Oll.'l eakea reduced from whole' nUlllbieft

. ' . LA ' ' � _ soon steam1n1 on the atove. the nWDel'-

, � A, -and, Bette� .Sag� . the -moon Jive' hls'

,.,1fe money?" . YOUnl I.dy has· da rll:, brown e>:es .to �mple fracUona. �. the Jolly little

- The first backward step which Pa,ctfl� Luth7ran College �a� Anawer: ':He 'only has lour quarters and . �lllon doillir smile th.t she'S not oySters rolled merTily down the taken � a�count 9f the present �onomlc (:ltstress I� the suspenSIon and needs .two halves to let run." In the, llt.ast �lflah with. She's ra�er throats of the hUp.lT)' croWd, ,But time of pubhcatlon of the Saga for -thiS year. Althoug� the I �33 Class Jad : "WhIch ODe of oa .,.. drt'l'lar . • \ .. laO rolled on. and at lqt the wamlnr �I have its history and data in the book to be pubhshed the follow. � 1 quJet. but U you don t know her, you a " ing year, it will not bethe same as haVing a book printed this year... v:.:r ��:t_ :.�; lI(f:'-:"=� shoul� let.cqu.lnt,ed. She recently. h.t:! w

t::w�:�:�t sound hOme'.llIte?-With t�is issue of the Mooring Mast, announcement is being "None 01 as., We.wn'e �u in tbe hek • part In on.e oI the Dramll. Club plays" Welcome home I motde of the editor of the yearbook, who with others will chose a _t:' � I .nd helped her group win flnt prlz.e. ·. Q. A. TINOElBTAD. staff to act for these two 'years for which the annual will be pub- . LA ' Sh� holda .n impOrtant orrlce In the lished . . May the tv100ring Mas� take this oppo�tun,ity to congratulate Hal: " TI\row me. a hIL."lk ot bre:&d." callele, '.nd-here', where we live It> . the Ed't�r of the Saga .. . and Wish to that publication the. greatest, <;,f Swede (dLsgwte<i) ''Throw' me . hunk ..... y-she hu' recently been a.sklng to IN THE CLABBROOM success, In' the task ,Wh.ICh has never yet been undertake�at Pacl�lc or bread .. Wh.t table l.nlU8Iel You' borrow •. sheet to &how 'slides on In Bec.use � . . Pfluerei was til �oa I,.utheran-t�e pu�hshlng of a yearbook for tw,? graduating classes. mQuld say. ' me • hunk 01 ch.pel.' Ouess who?\ City IlUIt Tuesd.y and W$e:Id&1. b.1s ' To the student body, let us not think disfavorfully of the action b�a.d: �'

'-' ReIiIiOU$ and �troducuon to.P'1ru! Arts taken by the faculty in regard to our yearbook, but rather co�mend A ee:rtaJn. younl m.n 1n the school c� did not mett on ,thoee two dalL them for their wisdom in so dOing. With the full cOClperation of the haa earned the' reputation �f heine the .}\(n, Taylor tliuaht hisPu� 8pe&k1nf studer:'� ,body to those in.. charge, t�e �ga, when it is printed .next ' 8, Otit+tt most help�ul boy In thla InSUtutJon,. dUll,. and .wlll continue to do 10 unUI year. Will be one of the best of ItS kind. Instead of completely ' ''!: Whenever there's wore to be done that the deb.te season la over. abandoning publication� we s�all have our yearbOok next,year, bigger no oqe elae w.nts to do, and which re. and better than ever. Ellen Soley spent Iut. week end vlait- quires . lot ot .wtlrk .nd embocllH no M_P

atr:eabeMUi �::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;::;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;::::;;:;;:::;::;;;::::;:::;::;;;:::;.;::::;:::;; I lnl her wter In Beattle and her pa.r- honor, he la alw.ys " Johnny on 'the Adftl'Uaeri

HIGHE&J' QOALITY PRINTING enta In Everett. . spot." This' rather '&hort boy holda im I r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::: � ottice 1n one '01 \I;le school's busiest· 9r. I � In a Modernly Equipped 8/(. . At her . bome near J.lncotn ,HIcb. lanlZatiolU, Athletlca; too, are not un_ = In AnyUm. "<.. ' Ka<h'yo Pa'''n .ntuta!nod with • 1m""""", 10 him, & ... ""', bo� Dn tb< ' Brookdale C!lSh AII.trum . Printinc Comp.ny _ .. (' p.rty Thursday,.�Pebruary· 9, AmORI team thInu of him ... a pal and liquare

NO COJOIERCE ST. . I MAIN 11'148 the .uests from P, 1... C. were Nellie shoote!, Ltaht brown hair .nd his . . ������:;=::=::==::�==��---o Olson . • nd Alberta Schmit&. twlnkly blue eyes you feel at

"'t home w,hpe t8IkIna- with t.hi. 'YOUlll' Alice Peterson. LUll. Rudd. aru1' �arl 'Ientleman, He's popular, too, �Uae

Homme vlalted �ce'a home in BeaWe his fe¥ow atudents elec� him t:o� last week end, Wblle:.t the same time, a poaitlon ot'honor In the school. � " Mary Nuh TWted Her aiater 'in Beattle, '

-- . P. L. C. 'to Pr ... nt ,Pro,Jam '

" Market 50",040,. , POT ROASTS

lOe raJ/IiID . . 11l00KDALI ,

c. ... ,... 0156112


, Walter PWnc:b and �d Knu!-Rn 'At Puyallup Hi,h M;rch 3 tRent the week'end of Peb, 11 at the "' I �;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;� Knutzen home . tn. :auiUnaton, On an Invitation from. the h1&h I I

Mr,' keith Re1� who hu been school P��paI. P&cUIc '�theran Col- -.. P,rinters'

, 'ONLY Mr: �roundhog is renowned for�is - shadOw. We mortals want something

more sybst"antial. ' ' ' � .. 1"-

'To be sure in later, life. of �curity and in- . � dependence--investigate our " $pellal" in. surance contracts 'which provide .. monthly income for you aft,r you pass your prime, . . tha���� so:t:1>:':�te

�ntill ' ,r � .

· :iU'fllElt4ri BROTJiERiIOOD \ ' to< MEt-l' _


608 SE<;�D AVE, SO,

lomAL _va �=un� DrBOR.UICS c:::::-.

vlllUnc· the Reid'. at their. home In '=a:� ��t = �J::w:. ':. the North End ",ill soon retwn to her aenior Htrh Behoola next Prtd,.y inom. . Stationers. home tn CalUotnia, Inc .• t 9:30. Thb; is the flnJt time aueh

) Clarabel � hoe� tD a �t:�=� � � Engrave� IfOUP 01 .tudenta lut. .a.turd&y eve- Dean Phillip E. Baup. • tlJ.nC at . • party 10 .� ,home in 'I'a- , The procram, whIch 'is tn c:harp of ooma. P"boIe from aebooI. preeent

were the orn� &dmlniatraUon. will 1nclude = �� �� :Z:�� B!: �ualcaJ numben' and rndibp, Thayer. Nonnan WeatUna. and Nonnan J ......

be mOthers 01 i.eYenJ of the prli tn· � donn have been *tiDc the Kbool 1aI.e17. Ilra. Almea. iI:ra. !'Or­a&.h. and lira. Knut.:l trere tbe 1\*&1 oI'uie!r da�ten. �. � md

Uen 11', !elyl. P,�(iptlon 'Dru .. �ts .

, Importers of NorWegian', Cod Livei' 'Oli •

� _c_..,.,�_ tOe_ ' Corn. TKOma �venue .Md Elewnth,

Haitel IlOD8eD aDd'Jeab Marie Powi- 5t,!Mt._· T ... . �"

-+-" ,Spec/.list in

Office Equipment I ' and .. Supplies ,

Fine Off1c:e:Furniture

M" er' were ovemtcht tueit. 01 8ct.trle �- Tel. M_in 7�';' OeUYify , .� ...... � ................ � ............. �·· � �1. I ���'�'�·������IIL� __ .. ____________ �

H� L EKERN:, PresJdon. ' F " , MINI'!EAPOLI,S, MI",N,


� ' " .� ': .

. -� -...� - ,

�� __ J�_'_'_' _' _:�_, _.� --' -,

Page 35: Mast 1933-1934

' J � . � ) . " " .


r .\ . '


Dellare Team to Meet . M rs. J. P. Pflue,er II New Mooring Mast · i Swim Club Hal"PartY Cladiator Girl • . Defeat. Centralia Monday French Club Speakar

Staff Annmmced At Y.W.�.;c.'Pool. Then. .' C.p .. S. and' south Tacoma

, -_ • Mrs. J. P.� PilUNt.r ·sPoke t.o the . ... _. _._ " ' At �� of P�f. R •• � The: P. ,L. Q. b>.ec:is tln&� � out ,( call tor debate tryouts was &WI- French club P!-bruary 10 on the MArdi "'Wlth this Issue announcement is be. . ' -,-.-' . ' " . of their .alum� and' dOwned, Ute O.PS.

\\t'red by several applicant&. Of wboa:!: Gras celebraUon in Ne91 Orleana. . res- ing made ot the �� Mast at&!! for . On ',our rna.rtf Get. set,' �I Splash! .Sorority .sextttte. 32, to .is. The �e

8 were chO&tn to be on the. teams. by tlve occasI.on which tak� place each .' . ' and Messrs. Btck and �hby ply the, w&a-,played on the Y.W.C.1i.. floor in Prof. J: ·P. Pf1u�r. head 4ebat.e year before the ob5ervance or Lent. the sPri� sem��r:. M.ary Lou1Se.� waters or 'lilt' -tank wt6t stronl Iwtrt Tacoma. . . ' . . coach.. Nt'gatlve teama are j:Omposed As, a special toten ot the apprecla- v.'�11 retain her pos1Uon. as ed..Itor. with

.. , . 'I�_ e . . The l3Iadlator (trIi.Jhowed marted :{£Safrie .... and �t Wee- tlon of the club members. the prest.dent the board," of ed.ltor5 re� uno. strotes. At the oppoe : end the ra�rs

IJIlProveme�t oy� the\; pre� pe�_ . and Cl&renee Lemm1n.& and Clar- Shirley Heeh� presented ·Mrs. PfIu"el�r .cha� ex�pt tor' the ·.�nce 01 .. were relieved. In the relay. by a aroup of t


ormar:ces, paMtna .and ·�ooUnc :with ell Opl1elm; while C?'l the �f1rmaUve '�I

nd Mrs.. Bondy with �fUI'e!I. Valen-. �ke-up edl�r tJu:Ouch thle 1fIthdrilwal �alr mennal�_ " . '. equal eftect.. . . '. .

teams Jean-Marte Fowler/ and Ba-benes were exchanaed amona the mem_ from school of Rachel P'l1nt.'.-he) held This w-:s �e eXcltl�g scene In t;he Y. �ctle Leland I1!'On h1an. po1nt bon�.

lei Monsen. and Johc Van

·Leuven and rs.. . this posJU : . ' . W .. C? ,It. pool Friday even�. Feb. 10. of !-he evenlni with 14 marten � .her

Walter Young. -..., ' Por a m�� .sc.hedUled for February on �t .tall. ThIs .� wlll W�·re. aU .rottig to take dlvlnr leMOns credit. while Busier Roe" ot the � The quesUon to be araued �year 2t. a .com:mtttee composed of Bhtrley not b:e l&ke� � ,of by the depart- from Harry PfI4eter. The way ·,he. tam and Jane Porter. Loner. forward.

Is: "Resolved. i.ha�' the United-states Hecht, Plorence 'Post, Jean-Mu� Pow- mentiJ editors. ' " tumbles otf the end of the plant ·1.8 annexed 8' IlOinla ·�plece. .

should agree to'a cance� of inter_ ler and Huel M,cmaen is arr� !I Reporters for the 5t}rlna staff will simply .supernobtroPshus. Just' TRY to The ' Pacl�tc Lutheran cJleIe .. .'pria Aliled war debts." The men's nepUve lunch«m with • ruest spe�er. ' . be Virginia Byers: EdP.!" Lu.D.d. Clar- sw� .on your b��k a�d · iO down· the conllnued the:lr

. w1�Il&. waYs- by de-

team from Pacific Lutheran met a Cha' pel G,leanmo gS' ence Opheim. Clifford . .oPhe�m. !tath- · :�:t�t °:O::n'��' f:�:'t��: fI!��' b:� feaUng· the �th' Tacoma atr�. 37 to

:;'�taf�::�� ����ce C;�: __ .

lyn Patten, ';P'lorence .Post. Alberta we did It .n�y· (and what a :way It 28�e �e wu marted tty ' clever bate here on February 13. No 1iFd- Many people go throUlh life "':lth Sehmltz an� OU�rt Syde:w. oladys· was. tbo.� Clarence �helm an�_ Ray ·teamwort on botb Sides. with the 0,l&dzI slon was gh·en. J. lJerman !4&tt.Ioo. . " . 5wenIand and 8&trie T�al �U. be Hlnderlte .even ,!nk so low In eight feet. im.tbltlnl more ability at 'h1tUI\I' the


II.nd charies Thomas. upheld the ·at. faith and. hope dependent o� �aterlal the staIl typista... . of water. that th.ey bO�· on �e bot.- hoop. ' . . . ' .

flrmaUve tor the vtalUna team. thinp .rather than on ·thoee of the' In the bualness department. the bus- tom. They dlan't have to empty the ,Pool Dickie Leland WU' the shining ...c.... Prof. Pflueger announces that de- splttt.-Ha�e. . .

tness manager and hill �I..ate. Carl tJ:l.e next day bea.use th� PltIf1l,l Pa_ lIiht fqr her team. runnlna wild to bates have been- scheduled with teama Man is tntended tor .the\lIfe. ete.mal: Martin and M:a�t Weason. rMpec- clf�elte5 drank all b1lt:.2% lallons .hlch scOre 21 pOinta. . . . . from the College of Puget.Bound. GraYs so hb greatest folly Is to be satl.s�Ie:<1 .tlvely". wUl teep their dUOe&-

. �lyn '91,,5 left '? the deep en�. . The. lineups:

. " Hatbor. University of Waah1ngtoo with the thtngs of this world.-Pfiueaer. Irwin has been cho5en Advertising

·An.d Pls.-that handsome IIfe-luard sO. Tact.� !U) tn) F.L.C . .

freshmen, Cen�apd YWma Jun- God ha.s set.. Us· Into the .wor.ld as Manager. with Clifford MesfOrd'as 'her �� e� bu�Swede Wlllar(nn·per� Carmichael . .......... :JI'.. . ..J. AlYDe5

\\�I ol���=:�te�� S!=: ��



!1 =is

:::J�s r:�=o�"n!V:::v: L�ter the Party motor�. lor sk1dded) . . ;::lr �::

!lCCO ng-:to Prot. Pflueger. The f1rs� I!.J� ca�e to eakh now . ..... e wo�l� Evelyn Monson. iUt fall's a.salltant: :,�u�� ���:���ll:����n:a:::: C.hiOOVich .: ... ... : .. _.8C . .. ............ Monaon of th� jC�eduled debates will be held find Him too radical for our poUtics. who will be assl:,Sted by Jeanet!e Knut� Ponl fumlshed entertainment durtng �OI' ....... • ... 0.... ... ...... COll1nI . here t&6'nday .. with a team from cen- for oursoclal lirslem. and even for many un. the evenlna. Then came the eat.s. They C . . Evanson\.. .., ..... 0.. .. ... Por&tb tnilla Junior.CoU�e. L.... ot our.churches.-Xavler.. , Although ma.ny collqe newl� were li:een too. and 50 the whole .party Su�: Bo. Taeorna-Anderaon, ' O. . .

, lJfe 11 ",?rth !Ivlng. wben we are have been forced to cut down tn aii.e was 8" SUcceM (except Norman Westllna An�erson. M. Anderson. . p�C.-_ � striving for Chrlst.�LarsOn. J or frequency. a.nd In many cues to spilled a cup of coffee. but what'i R cup SChlanbwch. Roe.

A word. spoken today may be. the completely sus�nd pu.bUcatioa. the of coftee more' or less).. . C.P.S. (18) (II) P.L.C. ALUMNI

· word whictvdestroys the Ufe of some Mooring �ut will co':ltlnue on Ita l4t'lI. WIlUatri,. Jane's mother. acted �r . .. . .... ,P .... ... , ..... .... Almee �� person.-HaUle. present buIa as lona . as f�" wU1 all cha·peron. . '

-OrlsWOI.d. .:::�....

. .Leland K:��r:n���a:ay�

h1ng a God co�es .to us with e.verlL'ltlnr ::::� '�a!S �:d:= :�Ith:'= �. D. R. Girll .Pla�ning.: = . .. ...... =.

_. _ truth. and we choose to beUeve the fan- those firms which adv;rUse with w, .. Tea to Honor Motlten ortmea 0 Roe Dorothy Lehman '31 visited P.L.C. tastlc tales of man.-Pflueaer. so ttiat the Mooring Mast wlll be &tile . ' .--'

. Ofd,en ........................ 0_. �uaeh � Priday. February 10. Dorothy Ls teach. In order to see Q�r Sa�or' we mlllt ·to_ continue L'I a bl-weetly neWllPaPer I honor of th-fr .me:thers, airis 01 the .Subs: C.p.s.-B&rIer. Aldrich, IsatI. Ing at LOngbranch .. WashingtOn.. . look do� Into his Word and worM. here-at P. 1.. C.'· stated O. J. Stuen. Luthera DaUI�r50f the Retonnatton Griswold: P.L.c.-Overlte,O.�. NUh.

and there we lind him revealed . ..:...Jnhn- faculty' financial adviser. . are pia Inl a sliver tea to be (tven on Dahl. Coll�. Porath. Av8Jon WoJIlhn '32 Is InstrucUng a son. ' . ' . ' . ' Ma I� In the colleae reception toom' i -;:;::::::::::::�::::::::::::�:::::y

iY�naslum class of women and older Let III not re�ect Christ as His town Delta Rhos Entertain Art"'\ngemenla.are In charte of commlt� 1·, girls at' the Qault Intermedlte SChool people reJec� Him. but let us take ' p ' CI b 'W' h p '" tees \ppotnted by the preSident. K!'th� In Tacoma. ' Him Into our hear1a.-Xavler. ep U It arty ! ryn J�nson.

r __ Be1ni bullt on roct .. don't thInk y.oil . -- . . Rev. ,{ O. Svenson of Tacoma ' Wall

' ....... Ruth Howard '32 is attending Beutel shall eaeape the storm, but !mow that In honor of the Pep Club. a velenUne lu�st speater at the nieeunr 01 the' .


Brookdale thoUi'h stonns rage we will stand ·party was liven by the Delta �hO Oam� group held February 8 at the home of �':.m:�o:��bon. �:. of '28 Is at.- against It because � has gtven us ma's Tuesday evening, Feb. 14. The M�. O. A: TIngelatad. with MrtI. Lu�� i �=========:; tending st. Ola:! COllege.

. that power.-Pflueger party WILS held In the reception room vlg Lt.:r&en ae assisting h08:t.eM. In his 1 � Now that we have tried everything .whlch was decorated In a red a.nd white talk .on. home mlsslone. Rev. Svenson'

M be th . al 1 else In the political I1fe of' our country valenttne' motif. . , . emphjl3Iz.e<f the. fact that m,lsslons 1.8 a

at�:n r5p o� C e

are u�::e::�:: let us give. Christ a chance.---8lett.en · Mrs- Kreidler. Miss Fo,?"ler. Mrs. Tay- state· of the mind. Other program num­

M � �ine� Nellle Olson Kath- In and' about Christ w.e mwt Vfeav� lor, Mrs . . Bondy. �rene Oahl. Mart;

et bers Incl.ude<l a readtn.&' by '¥argaret 1Yl}

ar::ten .Mabel Jenson. Ole� War- our lives and our· wort everY day. so "�:::an. and Birdlne Knutsen ere Wesson and a v�1 duet .by Evelyn and

Dahl 'Crocery Co; M�ber UIII� ,.,ity S ...

PARKLAND boo Arthur�, Spencer .. Delmar Morten- :::;:t He may e�ter Into them:-John· g

Btu�ls. gue:sslng games. and pllZ:Zles MUd� �onson. son. and Arthur Sivertson, all '3!i; and tilled th'e eve.nlng. Margaret Wesson: We tI�i1 -....,-, -'a1-'-,n-h-ouaes a( life .-----,---�-'--, Walter French '29. (Conbaed from pap oDe) head ot the entertainment committee. In the world' today beca.uee tbe bulldera

Former P. 1.. C. �tudtnts attending In educational IrisUtutlolll s�pported ::,��:a:em�t: :-e�e

esEv��;� �!� did not found the� on rock.-PfIueger the College of Puget Sound are': Fred 'by the Norwertan Lutileran Church of Bafrie Tom8daI Helen Collins Shh'le; Let us walt God's way-the h\.Jhway Walter. Robert Reid. and John Hopp, America. In 1930 the national conven- Hecht. and lren� Luldahl. ' . of ·f�It.h.----Slet�n .

Parkland Coif Cou ... 1'S hoies .

ExCellent· Greens ' ' 5 minutes from city

all '32. • tlon was held at Paril:land. whene Irene A 'light. luncheon"'was served. by a 1->- STUDENT·RATB -- ...... Dahl, now president of the Alumnl .As- committee oi Kathryn Johnson (chair- . ANY' TIllE "AT ' . j 18 holes 25c-9 holes 15c Ql,a(tys Jorgenson '30 is tea.ehlng SOClatlon("


""as V. 1i:� president of the man). VJ.ta1


nla Boeri. Jane WlIllamS' l JAC"'S CRIDDL"E . Monthly.' rates $1 .�O � Junior Hlgb SChool at East Stanwood. group. ( Helen Oarbell. Dorothy · Winsor. and , . 1i113 Commerce . " .

Pauline t.arso;:;-b In tratnlng at LU�h�:::h we�lIe: ���

ndlnt! � Marian Pennie.

. 'l Forti �d�r�� ToM&, : WALLACE CARR. Ma". .....

the Tacoma �neral Hospital. . year. w� awarded a trophy cup at his . '1Continned from ...,.e one) t=




. . graduation from. high school, tn 193� for For the banquet 8aturd�y ev�nlnr. . belna the greatest lnaptraUon to his walters and waltresses have' been choll-


Brookdale Croee.ry !='�tes.. In 1930 he attended ,t en from am�nr the Freshmen. Watt- � Parld.� B.rbeI Shop � STORE 'rylAT �. IT Washington,State College !b"l! conven- resses will be Ardis Arhus. Pearl I ' . Con,:Jo;"ry" . \ ·.Ba7. Foect. PaInt. DnIp, IIanI1Rn . ���. o�lnt!fth���

ra; ����:Sn ": :::r: �;to��� �:: OEO. KNUnTsoN • .Prop.

. Par�d, W�n of ·Parkland. Walt bas several Umes Irf!ne Luldahl. virstrua Mancte. HUeI �=::=::::::===-;::� been .president �f the local Jeaaue. �. Monsen, Evelyn Monson. MUdrect Mon- .... .,.. -,.-. --�----. I

r- taua:ht Sunday 8ebool tor three ye� Son. Alice Peterson. Dorothy Pl!ter- IIf· .. · .. · ............ • .. "' ........ · .. • .......... • .................. ·:.:"!I! :t: :��!o o!,ur:i�;a� and is adviser of the Junior League: � son.' OUie �e. LIla Rood, Shirley � � no extr� cost and the work is done hal shown' unen� lnterest !n .� S.:ftge; Safrle TorreacW and Jane WU- � ;-

by'experienced workmen at . �o.D'Boclety. havtns been Ita prest. Uams. The staff of wa1t.era 1riu Include E S.�NFREZE LEHMANN Pt-tQTO·FINISHING den� �urtng the fan a; The Ta- Clarence Le�. Myron Leque. cui� �


SHOP 21 I "South Eleventh .Rust Building . • STUDIOS . ' coma Luther League chose him to com· ford Mesford,_ CJaI..enoe Opheim, CUf- 1 ICE �iEAM


M�o=o�n�.ti�'·�Compo�.��"";;�1 plete the term of � Knu�. who I tord OPhel& and Leonard Wesson. � �:::========� n reaiCned as .I� P�!mt Jut f�11. . In Margaret> ·Ja.cobeon and Ruth Padriese � -\.Q.I • � ''r# :oo!et�

t:. :: ,:: � 0:; .wlU be h�taees. ' . . �. � . ;; . F . tbalJ,- -.� . , SPALDINC �LF ::=ba�l� : -:�:':=��I=O� ::r:� I M:::'��N�!S�' '. ; Phon. Broadway 4i29 I CL�.S FqR .193'2 . 'Sa-a-:- .

,. " . 24� �d1d&tee for the convenUoD ADVEIlTISIIS � :� YO&I will �njoy- .

were nominated by the facUlty and by ................. _ ........... -............................... "i!I

M E· D'O' �·W· "E"7"-E. T · · . ... BoOnI ., Con,,"'- Oth,rs wbo .....

. nominated to be cleleP,� �ere TryJv.e

�.&M ' Runavold. ICatbrJn Jobnaon. Mary

- 'III .. A:�,�. · " ""'H:""lm;:-�:.:: ���· .... :;:-��=_:;:. ':":::d:::;;...:::C-=ptl ... :t' 0 ' , .,�ni��e�ts Qf

. . . .� '.� � . . Wmr COm-GROCERY ", �·_·�_·_· ·_· C_:

�· __ ��. R_!U_ .. _�_I;_��i �_'-_·-_'�. ;�·��1��.��'.AL�:_�_·�-· ·_··-:���I.o. : ___ · __

·_' ___ ·_· __

·_·_· __ . _. _____

._-__ -____ ---


.!t' .�ALDiNG'�

, for ! . ' " SAT15-.. ' . . " ,' . . : . . FACT!O�. .

. . WA'SHfNCTON .. HA�DW�U �: . ,

,-'--.-.9:24, Pacif.ic Ave ... , "_

. . '� . .i. ....:..- =- �'. .. ::..........

Page 36: Mast 1933-1934


. "' . .

. r ).

PAO� �

Gladiaiors Break I tosing Streak; Win .

From Jaysees 27-22 � IJ ___

• .

. . Games in Oregon PJ...c. by:S9-24 Score D"""HU t .... ,'Ibe Oreloo 'In ..... ... ., \he !Mt . .. tariIIQ" qbt *. Pac1ftc

�- -- Gladiatori.Lose 3 MIIaMeUe Defeats

�:::-prcwe�be�::! Lu\bmIOft 000fIe � � Ill' Luthe,.", SMp ton, Stii", of 0.- .,. 'C" ...... expecled In \heir fInl .... tM)' oo.t of their � .... ..m,n the)' mM W11-

.... h by Whl Ove, AHr4 .. n 1 ""'S5;;E;_;m;_""''''''..;,,'''''''"'''''''!mi_ .... 53;4S5_�''''' � a h&nt foupt ..... to AlbU7 lalliette thll ...... �� � \he b.,-, lurtlot Colle,. Th .... Lnt Nipt fL _______ FRPu**H ffi COI)ep, • to II. A' bI.U u., &be 3t to '" 'Ibe � b. &be -..ctnc

' . __ . _ It is written in tfle stars that we .shalf all nave our bad years ICOI'e .... tied 10 all, but. b1 the .Jut . 'Oonf b.d UWe � The Pacific Lutheran collece � and nq matter what preuutions one may take against it. the result period oM. Lut.neran. � not coil..i NoH.bwe.& . erenoe .. ' .

• finally broke their streak of IIeft:D will remain the same. 'This is true of our country and our basketbAll ned with b hOOP. . . I.r& defeatblC· the IA.ithe� bUt in the 'sames when the,. downed the or.,.. season is somewhat typical-very depressing'. . . Their 'two iPUD'l! .mea ."nll OQIWIl- lMt � � poeM � 'Harbor Junior 0011* fhe b)' a -21-22 . . S. S. · · . hIa t1Dlrent\J .... . .-0 .... ·bJ·defeat. in � their' fIrM b&I.f perio«m-score on the tloqulam hlah school floor Accorclin, to .-.cor. thit h .. �II the ..... � 4.haI""" ....,. � '\be 1Jn\ ,C!OGt.-t. 2'f w ,., &DI!' . . aDd � a reIUlt were outMlOr'elt, last nlaht. ....... II. the history .f t;.tt. .... ichool. Of .c"''''' c ..... ifi! .. ha .. a,,," � the 1eCObd. p..IIlI[e. •. to S2":. �. ... : • • ' . ' . . .

'The Jaycees ·took the lead shortly d",in, the ....... wh� h.ncIlc.'" .. to put elItellt. Ht-it ._ In' � nrst �; &be 0IadiM0n 1. to 12. ' , ' ,,(ter the .lt&rt of the C!:!J1e wben they it"tOtl, Ivck • . too, that thfl y.a, N' oppGeitioM Ii ••• hJ .XCeptioll- �.� OIl the bAa floor aad .... � (II) aD. �17 �, � ronv(rud a couple of free Umnra but ally ..... tea..... . . - . . _ ' . uMble to mab'ttietr def ... ·runpuon.: � . .wted out � a ... and . relinQuished the lead a few mJnutea . . S. S. L •

but I.r& u.. IaA pme at Udi --. put malntalDed. u.w. � .t.brOUPOUt . \hoi . later. Then ScOre ADk � foUo .... -up abot Considering everything. I think Coach Olson developed a nic.r up a ftIb' ibM near":' UpIet tbe CU1t- ·Itnt. halt. "!'be �. fqaDd the to nen the count. and a fe" mJnutes working aggregation than was expected. Even though we come out 0ftlJert.. ' . ' . "NIton' def� tm� IU)d .. a later lI)e Luthe� .t.epprd into the on the short end of most of the games, not one of the oppoSing At tbe ball. b Of'eI'CID.qulnt,et held I"MUlt � DO � ..... � �: Iud from wh1eh the)' were neonr head- quintet� ran up a sufficiently large lead to class the game 'as a. walk- a ...... -potDt IeIId. but. b oladiatcn �. � ... 1\" p(!tDlII - tbt �. and half time found them IHdfng away. . ' ' . ". � back Ir& tbe MCCIn4 period and ·loul route, . '!'be � bJ cleTIrI7 .' 12-11.

. . . . S. S. : . -' . .( � uua.1Nd b, three point. at weaY1na the � \bI"OUIh &be Q1adtacor The aecond half found 'the teams bat,.. Th. whol. troultl . ... ., ha .. Men In. the i ... XperieM. of OIl' '\he rtn&l IUD. . <le!eMe. ended � pertod 1fICI\ . 'Z1

tllng OD even term.. Near the end of ea,.n. Without a deMbt ·they .... ,1Nd In work that at. " .... �.,..... Jack ' .. LutberaD pard, ... p(!lnta.. 'j.. J the third" perlod 8&ndertKln, dimlnuUve th.t' of a .......... pert-.... " a.ut lack of .xperl.�. crope ... t �.� hlIh' p;m, man of tb1a trip with 18 . The OladiatOn p� the leMUDI forward. WAI Injected Into the O�a- • .bad • • M ,h ... all. ' . ' . ' point.t.. wlib sean ac«e, f�, �_I ime In the II!JOOOd half. by outftlhUDc tor lIt1e!lP and dropped in three bas· ./< . . ' . S. S. . . . Inc' nut with 18. . and out,..� the lnn.den. By �-kell in short order to give the Luther- Take Sfan Score. Hal Votaw, Carl Martin. Jack .Hudson,. Bev Uneus-: in" from � tone to t,he ID:I:D-.maa ani a safe lead for the rtnt t, and. U ter . .Jftd Har,!ld Holmbf:rg. None .of these men can contpbute p. 1.. C. (U) (SS) ..uu.D, deteNte, pal)'ed haVOC) with the Beu'-. with but a couple minutes to 10. the mvc. ex�rlence. outside QU� school, yet they have �. ex- SCore (5) .... . ...... RP ..... . ... (2) Cleor"ge eat at� .and $DOD � I;utbe:rUJa Oladlators went into a ltall to' aafe- cephO Illy well In our Inter·Colleglate �ontests. hdneu (2) . .� .......... (s) ltnOtts round openinll tew thOU. •

. gdUd their advantagt!. . " S. S. . Jaek" (i) ........ : ....... 0 ............. (2) Jtropp Score and Paifneu were h1ab .conn

P. 1.. �. '0. H. J. C. . Wh.n old Sol . lipt be ..... dow� on ... . rnot;. 4i'�tIy aM the Holmberl m ..... .RO .... (12) BudlaDen' for .UW! LutheraN with . I oounwn SCore un :P 15) GUiles bl, •. be"" �'fUt hith., aM ,.n, •• II berin to scratch ", h� Hud.Ia:l CI) .......... 1.0 ........ ('7)' Woodi1nI apleee. whUe the I'U\f7 � for Jack F 141 Ja�n .ncl 1!".ncIe, onc. mor.:., bas.ball .111 .. install,.- in thfl Bub8UtuUona: P. :rr O.-vota". (2). wiDamette .,.. hlIh .oora". ot the ne-Martin (2) ' . . C. 15). KelT .ehool onc. a,aln � an Inq,coll.,iate .�t.

. MartIn '(5). Bh:·'::i (2): Albany-Pot- nln&"' with 1f polnt.. ' . P'adneu (�) .. 0' '3) 'McKay S. S. . . ' · .... 7 . '

· Hudson (7) ......... . 0 . (2) Murphy . Basei?all is a great game and a clean game, but we muSt remem- .,. �). . (M) CoIaIIIIa

Lineup. " (SI) �

8a�::��:�: J: �: ;:�����r:!� ��;���;e:�ii�·t'�i


!:���i��;a�� !��a;�:!�� !::dS!�:;tYf� =(J(;,,(�I ..... �� .. - .'(5�5� ��,'�.I . . �.':.��:�.:: (\l�j �

12). Neleon. Hart. a sport ·season. . Ma.rUn (�;··�"�::" ... _.c __ ··(·i)· J. Le1nwe� :;::)1 ............... ...:0 ....... _ ....... Ca) �

�feree: LePen.ske. Lutherans Lose Came R . . Bea

P L.C HudIJon CI) ... _ .• .RO ........... (12) .Pi,Uo!. Hud80n (3) .. �._ . .RO: .. : ... _ ... Cf) Pranta

. . angers t · . . ' _ .. _ ........... .LO ............ _. CO> N.b! _ ca, ....... .LO ... _ ...... ca, ........,. Luthe,an Coeds los. To Centrall. . . - . SUlI8UtutJolll: P. 1.. C.-votaw, �'tuuao.: P. 1.. C.-8aDdenoa.·

. To K,powlin. 26.22 1 In Tilt. Ther. Feb. 4 .. In Second 'Match Holm .... "' •• 8h .... "·CoIumbca-W ....... v . 81;".,." wu ...... � __ . __

. . Haid1n,. C1a)1oD.. . . (2) Northup (2� �r11flth, Burdette (2).

· � a .Iow game: the ·P. L.. C. girl bu- . The Paclflc Lutheran coUegt! C8Stn In theb- aecond meeUng Of the P. 1.. C. !zt) . (32) CoI� ' . lCet,(!f!ra .met deteat at �e hands or th� la1aln • ral1� to .upset the centralia season.' on the Parklan.d noor :Pe� Score (3) _._ ......... . .RP .......... :. (10) RUIIIIl K,,..wlln team lut nl,ht with a 5CO� Junll?r COllege buketHn. when' they 7. the··St. )I�'cacers ran up �t Jack �5) : ............. :.11 .......... n


) KanIan • NIW 'ALL STYLD of 2e to :n on the !:Capo""lln nCOt met them on the Ce�tral1a. roor. Fe;b- a Itrongt!r' c:ompetlUo.n than they had )(arUQ (2) .............. 0 .•. (2) J. Le1nwebeT Overcoats . Tpp <:o.ts

· ThroughoUt the entire rim.. hl!olr the ruary 4. the game 31 to 34. The expected.-but defeated 'the Olr.dlaton; H�. (I) ......... .RO ................ CIl ·P1atoI ; 2 p..,ts Suits P. L. C. co-ed!! faU� to cJ�ck. and the Olft�latonl �peared to have the uppe-r 37 to 23. The Luthetanlll battled the � (I) ......... .LO ... _.: ...... :.. (2) Nehl , Ar� f�ts.= �:;:-r:-.r

.half ended with a 10-6 coun� The glrla hand throughout the contest. but loet Rancers: .tubbOmly thro\llhout the BubaUtuUons. p. 1.. C.-'-KoImberl, l.ttaM & �"' ... uti showed .. bette( brand or ball In the a coople of re"gulars via �e foul route: pme and made it. rather difficult tor. 8huater: COlumbla-lIcCarihy , (f). 912 P.c. Ave .. TacDm._ c10stnl minutes o� the �d half with The Lutherans .• t&rted oft by tak..lng the oppoeiUoo to run UP &Ii larp a RJehard80n (8) •. Haidto.a . . Pope. (1), Lf!1�d . up 12 point!!. but· the .. n early lead and mana.ctn, to hold It lead &.II they did in their prn10WI meet,.. Clayton. . . +-'---'---'---__1 ",lIy did not rome �n enough to over_ throughOut �e Unt half. CentraUa Ing. , ." come the opponent;a Iud ·Leland. P. L. tried repes�ldly to pierce the Lutheran The nei8:hborin, IICbool .t.arted out Iottttad.l . .... .,. Shoppe C .. and Bryant. Kapo .... in. abared high �e defense. but wu unauccesarul. At with a �. nmn1nI up a ,sIS: point Studalt.i: You an. weioome to point. honors with 14 counters each. the same Ume the, Gladlatora' SOOTIng lead before the GI&dlatcln 1OOl'"ed.. at. oome In w� waltlnl few -: . SUmmary: mafhlne was runcUOD� very- ntcel," MarUm worked. rut under the bUUt, . Shampoo � � Wave 75c .P. 1... C. KapowsIn an� . It appeared that Coach 01a0n. but the Luthenin& pthered up - � '(l.eaIMq)� .

Overlie ......... .. ...... P . . .. . . (14) Bryant charges had. the. pme oil lee ... At half foren and checked the'J oppojd_ : ' bpai. � .,.. ...... . Leland (4) . ...... 7 .. , . 112) M. Ltngley ume the ICOU .tood 18 to l4,in r.,.ol: Uon for .. while. � ocmbtnat1oD. of .0Arland 01f5..�2 . ParkJaDd

�terson ...... . C... . M. CUltlas or the Gladiatora. ' . Hagerty and Taylor eoUJd not be de. Monaon .. .. C... . R. Cu� At the opentna ot . Lhe next per1od. nted. and AI a 'reault the half mded, t----------f �l . .... . . .. G. . A. Llnaley by the accurate ahOGUng of Stan. Score. 21 to 8,. In fa� ot the RAnIa'L

• . Roe .................... 0 .. : .... . .... _ HoImber( the Gladiators tanI up teD P'Jint& be- The(.ltberaDt came back Iia the sutf"UtuUOna: P. L. C.-Alvnes. A. fori the Ja� could ret .Itart.ed.. next rfud and neuly equaled. at. Roe. Knutzen. COlllru. Porath. Kapo'lli'- Holdlni a 14 point lead., the Lut.herana MaJ.una in 8COI1nI ebalk1ni 1D

ain-8hnelJ. A. curt.Ia. did Dot ease up� but appeared to work eountcl to St. Mr.rtm.. ' 15. up

Tbe •

much .harder. . . Oladlaun ,� belp.. � P.L.C. Bo:wl to Belhngham Dur1na the.,latter part of the third lIafreriy .mel· Taylor, whO were

N.,rm.1 32-31 t Despite quarter� �.y fow. were cbat(ed. to I1ilt1na" baaketl from all � 01 the . lalry in Second Hllf the o�� ':: �� who l\ad noor, Hap:rty nmnID& up 18 ' point.

. _




been .diap oJ .... a oor pme, .... "aDd Taylor 11. counter&. . .

. The Bel..l1nebam Normal caaeri oap:. forced to le&v� the pme with four ' .HudIon ';" b.i&h man few the Lutll ... t.ureo4 ., hatrline ded.l1on over' the Fa- peraonaIa, and Jack Hudion ... al&o erans with '" counter&. Martln· com1DC dtte Lutheran Colleie" boop8ten Iut c;UaquaWl�. . .

next with . .,. .

Eot It the


�� Pies and Bwns �,. . .•. ,-. ,� .

GOod coffee a �ial ty

.Qu.llty Kniffin, Co. ...... - - ........ . � 1 1 rh St:. Tacoma, Wah . .

......... ".,.:,.,u... . ......-­AD���t.-. J. F. 'VISILL CO. ' . p l r .h .......

. � --PbODe'7O .. " PIIC.' Aft.

Prtd&y n1aht on ·the Park1aDd noor. � tll� men left the �, Vi- Lineup: . tile VIkInp Wtnntna b, a S2 to SI a:-n- Centialla fonrard • ..

beian to 000· r.L.c. (D) (&1) 8( ....... count. The lam! started' .. a alow :;:awl:!e �� -rea!t :: = 8c<ft (2) .... _ ...... ..RP. __ (11) �

SpecI.1 "-. fw ,.itIee. ,.. .I,, ·tea_ etc.

one-lIded, aftair and ended Up 10 a . Vota" .......... _._...LP_._._. un lUxe f\u)'. with both teams b&tWDc for' the a.nc11lnal,lY ��'!:_ �4_ ...... __ Jack . ....,. _._. __ ..:.0 __ (II) TQb' adnntap. , stan 800re ".. ......, -- f� Budaon (I) __ ....BO__ (2) P1mer

. A., ,--• . A.,"_ Call a . . r.,.. . . IUIa MIl . -TACOMA 'IU� COM'ANY'

The NormaUta went ou� I.r& rroqt, the �� � Yo bleb � man PadDeu (2) _--10_ (2) 80cIerbeq 17 to l, ln tbe flnt half.butthe0lld1- of the pme wlth .l1 counters. VIpn • Sw.tatutlonl: p. 1.. O� .. __ ..... _'1 "I' ..... � - . ......... :. . ....... ........ . &ton raWed. Ir& ibe open1nc �m.c. 01 .... the .� for Centra11&,

· with 10

Han8en, KarUn (7); Stw.ter. 1Iolal- I�;;;;;;';;;;';""";;"';;";;�;';;--the aecood pa1.od. aDd. the �. eountera.. . . brerI (1); at. Marl1n&-1IIcb, MubJeD-· J&rte lead bepn to 41mbllab. Pint ODe UnemJ: . beIW 1tWuDm. . . '

team" mel.tbeD. the ·other bdd'� ad.- P.L.C.. (II) .(1:1) c.tnII&

' .






� ,:.";'. . =':! ::J::to�aaxs;,


8�� ..... �:.� .. �:�::= .. (!:! ::: ' -==-" Iioa Ju.t before the f1Dal crm: . Martan _ .... _ .. 0_ . ..:.__ (S) : P'aJDe '\. 8I.lm.D:W'1: '. " Hudloo .(1). __ ._.RO._ .... (II) BarrlIoG �

P.: L. ,C. (Ill ( .. ) � .......... r:�:,;�o::v;..,:� =-':I�::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;;;;:::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;t l =' :::) '''.�.=��:''(:�.= __ : ��� (8)'�

. _·, (2) _._.JJ._.: __ ," -. • .,...;0... ....;;...; ._ ..... ..... ·)Up-T. 0-. Date . . ' � (�O) -;.--BO-- Ulj � ..... .... ...... 'Ill Ut.II ......

' . �,�..;--;:?� �;r-�'" . . · Di'ning .n:.-=:. .


. 1,' · DR. WM,. S.

·MttK. · '--- StanleY" Guetena v .... SbUlCer; .ut.,.,..=' """= '.- . . - 1

--7 Fannerly Corlyfit:s

Look f�·d6t ci:.I7 to flIl"tIW ! _0' � - Dentist . 917 Pacific ptDa but :rc � of ��e' � � p.n.� .- GA0145R2 . �

_ awalt&'" • . �. - io_·· ___ . � ... , .. _.""' ... _: ... � ........... ,_.I ... -,...'?-�.:...-...;.--..

. ,

-----.-.- �. -. ----


ANNUALS - PAPERs ;.... HANbeoacs

TI�INVrlWnONS . . . .

Page 37: Mast 1933-1934

Saga Carnival WiU Be March 9 in R�L.C. Gym· , y ) -. --

ManyGradsRetum .

·Spo.k,. ;. �CC;d�

•. ' . ' . . Drama 'Club Group . . : P .... ;. .. Su.p.;" Alta


If· ·· Sponsored · ' . • Because Mr. oe.n.I�1 ,Youna who IUS • Mr. Edwr.nb prollLbN a bll and ,ood IIi . . • To VISit School 'at �h.dul"" '0 ,pc.k In ,h.",I. "", In .n Leaders Prese. nt · ........ . f •• t.; P",,'; Lo

... ri .. ; B A I Stalt' '--,{'nn 1 R . automobile Bce1dent recently, the stu-

. 3 PI' . F b 23 bf'9l'odeuf. . neSt . Weanesday e:nnin&", y. nnua · uS · .L.,..��",a eunlon dent body wUl hold only a b�lness . ays . e . Marcb 7. Tbe b� ... ' .m be from .... • " .


. ' � meeting tomorrow. Mr. Youll8. \\hO,ls -- 9:" to 10:00 o'clock over ,tatiOD KV. PromIses Thrills Capacity C . wd Attend. Banq"et the lndu.strl�l,manager �or the Bank of lean-Ma'.i�. Fowle�·. <;rololp, Tai .. in Tac_ . ' . .

At. Wit ch Class o� '34 I, Re- ��O�I:;m:I:�te



the student Fint PI.ace With Play 'Dou�le ----. . . . � seN':! li=rt�:';:


beR�n�hO::� ' C.r�sed·; �rOlra� OpeM ���.u: Grads Plannmg Elabo,at. and P,ppy AH.i, .

With th,· ,h,m,. '"I1>o�, M."" In 22 F. R. A. Students .1 AI ..... , Reu.,o. F.......... Spring Activities .




th� Air," being carrI�d 04t, tlI� annual Register This' Term nl:ltf���:l:���" ::����=

'���� Wh�n the Gradu�Ung Class met for P.tC. 'Stud,nt.a

rid Fri" nds :��� �:�



e �-:�:70� . ,-. -- . . . !'oeCOnd, And "The Decimal Point" thjrd', the first meetLng of th� second semes· In order t.Q 'lntroduce the Bqa more the affair and as a result, the'reunlon Library Book Re-Condltlonln, and the new administration of the, Drama ter Thursday noon Feb 15 announce- th Sa was a hUie success. aecord.1ng to Alfred Campus Work' Are Projech f?r Club presented It.! first program Frl- ment' wM m,ade of Ute �nlot.Clau pl�y ;����� st���s�u�r!tl��� U:e ,:

"Cap" Anderson, president of th� group, P. L. C. Covernment AId 11��t eeVv:�lr�Il


h:n�u�����I:���, t

o ,be glv�n' ln the s�rlng, and Kathryn, on the �venlng of F'rlday, �_ 9. As IU\ opening or the festivities, the , --, Johnson, president. appol":tEd Vlrt\nla PlaM are being made for some novel Drama Club prese:nU'd three one-act As a resuit of the Federal Relief Ad· Ion program, Dyers (c'hftlrn;uml. En;lyn Monson and Idea.s·to be carried out and t.h1a',enter- . plays In the gym Friday night, TIle mlttL-ltraHon, twenty-two stude,nt.s w1ll Intermission numbers Included saxo- WlIlla,m z2

er to serve on a committee talnmen't. promises to �ffer' some origl-Saturday event.! Included the bl*, be allowed to attend Paclflc Lu�eran phone solo&,by Mr, Lewis Hunter, ac- In conJun

. on with the faculty advisor. nal and peppy Ideas, all of wh1eh wUl , · Alumni dlnner In the college dining College for lh� sprlng semester by companl� ,by Thelma .Danlels:, Dean Ha e, Rnd ,the play director. to lend to maklng the' patrons enjOy the hall and a basketball game afterwards worklng for their charges. The slu- coa�hed by ��rt\n1a Byers, Stand· �lect th� pia)' and the night of pre- evening' immensely. ' C",arence MODaOn, In which the Oladlatol'3 defeated &_ dents will do Il.'ork as outllned by the fng Room Only had � It.s east WIl- sentau,on. \ The eB.3t will be chosen by gene�1 chalnnan, Is arranl1ni a pro_ at�e PaeUic College, 40-32, school. and will be paid b)· ,the go\'ern- IIl1;m Zler, Arnold Myhra. Mildred Mon_ Dean HaU(�and the director. gTam the main feRture of whleb will Arthe banquet a capacl� house of mcnt. the money ,to be' r1ven to the son. an� JeMe Pfluet;er. ·Under the dl- Ol'ilduaUod.onnouneementa.were con· be Ui� skit to' be wr1tten b, ope of Ulic

more than two h�dred attended The school to pay their bills. reetlon of Jennie �, ClLfford Mesford, sldered 'and the president appointed, a PacifiC Lu�heran College student body program of Whlch:"cap'' 'Andel'SO� was Im;tell.d of only sixteen students, ,as Edward Svlnth. M�lb3 Ross. Hazel committee conslstlnll.of oscar Ande,r. The skit however' ls only one of th��aster included.: a greeting by Dr, formerly announced, the quota lor this

�:ese�c:��l ����: Bitter presented son (chaIrman). Hazel Monun,. JeMe many lote�estmg f�atures of t.he pro-


I�II�:; �c�: 1:"�h��::�


w��I�r�� ;�; In' pruenting "�uble Crossed," ::�;�:\:nn��:�e� �!: b����� �r:

m hw��c:ve:����,:�:!�;:e:: '


by Mrs P E Hauge and Prof J 0 Ed- state made special pleas to the federal Jean-Marie Fowler ohose Ute following prinUng mops, te� �round one general theme The wards ' �min�nees of t� 'e�tern gO\'ernment for P. L, C. TIlLs quota 15 as students to be in the east: Eldon Mal'Jaret Wesson. editor of tl"e Saga, whole affair according to J4r M.: mson choll' �ur by Eric Hauke: '32 songs by to be equally divided between boys. and. Anderson, Robert Monson. Georglanna r�uested t!le special support of the 18 going to be very ortatrlal �d th� a of Ronald Ma�tln: Clarence girls, eleven of each being admitted. McClure. Florence Post. Lila Rudd, and GraduaUng Class in t�e publleatlon:of who vLslt the' carnival are promlaed a Monson, Bob Monson and Arnold An· According to stlpul�tlons, twenty-fh'e O


I:n�e:e:� aclt of ud es P the annual a'29 announced that 'all sen- rare treat, ' '

. derson. numbers by the school orcher= percent of thOR receiving this aid must g P Y J g , ' lors mwt havf their plctur�s taken be- . The decoratiolUl. too, WUl be unusual. tra, wel��lng of the graduath!.g clasll nO�h�a::r:I��;

d d�:e


I�: ���� Is �f'l�e�:\�Q��e�' ��a���:;ie


fOr;. �.:s

chp::�y �Illl discussed tut no iCoaUnaed on Pale Threel

�: �==t. b�n:--:rr:I����SO�; unde,� the direction Ci! Prof, }Cav'ler, group tll'!t pl�ce: VI�lnla Dyer's sec- definite plans were made, '

Ruth Fadness, Marle Vandlnburr. Hel- and Includes thl' re-C()ndltronlng and ond: and Jenn,le Lee s thll'd, en Thrane. Berger Nelson, and Fred sorting of library bookll. The boys are As electrician, property manager,

ColI,giate D� and Scheel to the Alumni BOKd and Prof,

�7k��:a;�dl� ::::c��:' :t !:�: �� =:U%����.

lr�I�;I:�d ���e�;r� �::� Mooring Mast Offer

7 Boy. Enjoy Ideal BacItelon' Exutence,

In 'Siwek' Aparlment . J, P. Pflueger as faculty advisor. lYa.!t- orchard so t at. a team of horus can Van Leuv�n. Lila Rudd, and Ferdinand Studenti T,avel ·Aid ers and those who assisted Irene Dahl go down fror$the top of the hili, Other I Dondy worke.d for th� productions' suc- � "Hey, Mespunk, It·_ ·your tum· to get

(ConUnll-cd on Pa,e Silt) projects of like natun 1l.'1lI be engaged cess. Upon the club's decision. mlJl\eo- Through special arrangement.6 with breakfast, and It y,?u don't stir your in at the completion of this job, I graphed programs were made for this bus. air. rail and steamshl� line.s, the stumps we'll

. all be late for nine o'clock Farm Party in College . � pres�ntatlon, Mooring Mast and .Colll!fl1ate Dllest class," This from the Stanley, Berent·

'Barn' on February 1 7 , Debates With Aberdeen have in�ugul'ated a new service ror Pa- son as he n;!lled over and yawned a

Cause, Much Hilarit,y ,And U. of W� This Week , MH. O. A. Tin,elstad Will �lJlc


r;; College students and few


u:,,:��ve:� ��ge:�;lIU1

on�; Open Busy Se�son for L. D. R: Cirl. ��� ��::'\'1!�'lssue of ColI�glate 01- :��:e:

n�h; louder and wtn:)ed h� bl, Honoring those students entering P. ' Th� next meeting of the Lutheran gest. thfre, is a coupon ..... hlch may be, toe (",'hlch WIlll protrudlnr from und�r

L� C. ror the first time, the studen� Holding Its fint offlclal debate yes- Da1.:ghters of the Reformation will be filled out and sent to the offices of the, tbe'co\'erl�t" to scare a1UY,One of the body pve a fann party in the gymnas· terday. lh� men'� negative team, John held March 6 at the home of Mr.I. 0, A. Associated �Ileglate. Press publishers, '''shack's'' pet .1IIes¥ lum Sat�ay evenlog, February 11. Dreibelbis and John Van' Leuv�n met, ,wh1eh will brlni by re�urn mail �for- WIIlI� Zier then appeared: In the' . SUitable, to th� ocCiWon, lh� room was Ja,�k Canny and John Oldll�ld. The speaker of the program wUl be mation on any particular tour a-1.ours door of the kitchen and announced J.n d�ted to represent a tal'Je bam. A th� aUinnatl\'e team of Grays Harbor �. 'K. N. Roe of Olg Harbor, L. D, R. whIch the student or faculty !"ember his sll.:eet manly voice " BreaId'ut Is program Ineluding vocal duets by Mll- Junior co!leg�, key woman ror lhls district. She wUl may wish to take next summel. served in the dinln, CIU', second .� dred Mo�n and Mary Hudson, accom- Toda�', at the Unlvel'3ltJ of Waablng- speak' on Alaska and the work of the Thl& service Is designed to aid In to the rear." Ou� rolled silt ��py panled by Norman Jensen: tap dancing ton, John Van Leuven. John Dreibelbis, Shlsmarel mlEslon. Music ",111 be {ur- planning to�� that wUl t.alr.e the travel- he-men and tumbled, to the ktte,hfn to . by Anne Johnson with. z,-tne Shanan� Roland Swanson, and WIlliam Zier will nLshe<! by Thelma DanieLs. who wm er to the scenic and historic plllCt!S of chow. As a penalty ,fO� late r1a!ng.

-"(},t the plano: vocal numbers by a 8irls mt.!t affirmative and negative te� ... f I... I interest in th� countries or aect.loM of Meslord had to make all the beds and , trlo-MlJd� Monson, ZV-elyn Monson, from that school. • a;.ve " group 0 p,:"""o .so 011. . the Uni� states· In wbleb he 1a Inter- aweep the {ioor, and ·there Just had

and Dorothy Delamarter; and a plano A practice debate WIlll held last Wed- qted. There Is no eoet for this service: to. be som'� 'dLshes done (the'y wert-'all 11010 by Rhoda Hoken.slact, was present- nesday ,with the Colle,e of Puget ' rs. Davis Ch�n to It Ia fr�. 'AIi, students or faculty dirty nOlli, no�; r.avln&" been ,wllllhed ed, A«er-tht'group had ptaje(l carnes. Sound, the men'S negative te a lo Advise D.lta Rho:Camma members who might be planning a'trlp for three days), 1 suppose you'ii won-Irene 8hal1and and Orville Behlan- debaUng, . , . . for 'next. summer are 11%'ied by thoR In der why John Red�n had to help. but busch' recdved prtzes for · their COIIi- On 8 . . the wom n's aq�, At a TUn', ot the Delta Rho Gam- chal'Je to avatJ th�lves at thia op- h� wu' on 'K.P. duty for nvme� tumes. declared m�t appropriate by the Huel Monsen. Jean-Marte wier, ElI- rna Monday, �bruary 19, Mra. Esther portunlty, to pin complete tnfonnat.lon rea.son.. not to be mentioned b�. Judres, memben of the faculty. Then, nice ArnesOn, an� abrp esaon Davis wu chORn to be the new ad- on all types of travel and all pl&ees 'of �Muat ·you sln,-r rroahed. .echl�· , divided tnt..- groups. U10ae present pve will de,bate th�"t1raya Harbor Junior vlaor. Interest along the routes, planned. man to ,Ronny Martln. "I know I an impromptu program. POIlowm.-the College lo Aberdeen. The pre&ldent.. EVelyn Irwin, appoint- , Can't. slog, bur don't have to be �k1 pl�ytnr " of "Parmer-!:D-the-Dell." re- Seven:1 . other d�bates are being � various ItOmmttteea for addin,i. the Dr. Tln,el,tad To Addrn. " so," . ' .

. • freahmeDt.&:-home-made bread, sllPf plaru)ed for aU of ,�� team.s'. tln1ah.ln, toueh� to 1m Day �m, .

Minion Society' TonliJht Ronny forrot hla ... �thful reply, ·for · �es. and � or eoff��e� �- �n������:: ��:� =. ��:I�:n w=:: !:n": = . At the �oj Society. mee�, � =rn�ua��.!e:�u:m;� A.IaIat1na- Kathr)trl; Johnaon, pneraJ 'I1lat the tnereued powers Of tbe PreS1- 8On; pUlowa, J4cona Byrd. Gertrude evenlnr at seven o'clock In \he recrea..: ·he spenda much of hla time. Thus . ,chairman, � t,be f,9Uowtnc commit.- �nt be �e ,a pennazlent po� tn' Brunner. and· Ruth �; !laY bed, Uon room, Dr. 11naelatad 'wtu sPeak, Uve.the aeven'boy' in the aeeond _.,. tees: � E'vel1n �. the Un1� 8ta... _ .

'. Karpret LIen, 14& �: and and, plano ,eeJedJons will tie rendered ot "one of· Parkland's blftest buUdinp. (�). IOIton Menta, Eldon An- • _ ., . Z11ne Benaon;· 1ICI"eeD. Gertrude 8ten- by Tbelm& DanJelai and Ida Thomp- The '·shaclt,·, hoftVer, fllla & definite!

der.on ani:!. Irme �d; �freSh- � ReJd 'u 'eti. Jo:urnai' beri, VlrIIni&.Bom.,and Ella J�; IOn. _ .. _ Jila9! in'. tbe IOdaI Ule of P&df1c Lutb,-.ment.§. Kaz7 Nub (cIWrm&n), AlIce . J'ea\ur'lna' the prtIII'UD of the F"renCb plup �d lampij, Elspeth ADdrat an Those elected u' otftcen at'the meet.- er&Jl" COUete . . as ' It 11 rumored that Peteraon, Rhocta Bokenat&d. lUi,:! LUa Club m�Uns 1ut Prtday. Pmniary 23... Clara Kuhilhaueeo. ' • " i beld on Pt!j)ruary·14. were Rcl.and seventeen pre.ent � former P.L.C.-:


;���:ce�: ::-u:���u��o�� H:= �::'a=�cm::v�:m� �1:���:de:;eH:=:':�� �:::"�u&ry':.' .. ��It� 10 � . ",d Evelyn I� . P_Rtcd by, 'I1>e1ma DanJe1" .r uie <andy .... fo, _.N,.h'. _:


d _� J<nuw.n. tit ..... , ... �"";'" �� ":':_

, . . ./

Page 38: Mast 1933-1934


( )



Chapel Gleanings . I ,

Publiahed every. t.wo weeki durini the school year by the students of Pacl.tic -------,-___ _ . . . Lutheran Collen.· Parkland. Waah1n&'ton - The fiat.test. faUure of.all .ls aL\o�tna- . Entered -as seoond cta.s& matter. October 2. 1825, at the Post. Oftice at. Parkland.; � to follow . ow- own worldly

WashinltOn. �du the Act·ot Karch 3. 1m . . Success dePen� not on the outcome.

but on how ..... e perform the taslr. .

. ' -"

r) ,·

�l:JARY 21. ttlf .n . - '.,

....:;Rev. Xavier Lent I.s a cali to e\·eryone to follow

th:e way of Jesua toward Jerusalem . . EDITORIAL STAFF hard foi" lis to realize that Jesus · .

I te Editor-ir.-chief Hazel Monsen went wlllln·gly to. hi.! death: ' and yet.. Professo� 'Bardon: Who's �I!" Wby .. 1.s It. you have ·on y . hn

Associate Editor Milton ·Nesvig . it we don't reauZe this. 9o:e cannot est lnvenUir the world � �vu Itn�? lines on ':m.Ilk" 'whJle the rest of t e Sports Ed.itor ' Paul ' K. Preus Wldet"Stand the pOwer of salvaUon . . ' Hari'ey'J.: An Irishman by the name clasS !las pqea? Editorial Writer . • - . - ....... - Daniel Ftotre It ..... a.s because. Jesus· 'eye .as upOn of Pat Pending.

. . ' . Bud W.: I. wrote on condensed milk. Reporters-Eunice ArnesOf'. Eline eenson. GertrLfde� Brunner. Jlli that he u�derwent" suffering ' and .:....L:A- ' .a1i. . ' .

Mona Byrd •. Thelma Daniels. Evelyn , .Eklund, Jean:M8rie Fowler. death tor us. .

Olson: What. do you consider .the .-LA'- . Val borg Norby; Florence Post. I rene Shafland. Had Jesus' been led away violently. treatest.accompllshment 'of the ancient . J>aui x.: 1t(other. I .showed the teAdi-- T ypist-Rl!th Carlson. . aaalrist His. wtJI, he could not 'ha've RomanS? . .

'. ( 'er up before .the �hole .claBa today, BUSINESS STAFF atoned tor ow- sins, . �Itter: Speaklilg La�ln. · - Mrs. Xavier: How did you do that? Business Manager Marvin Hansen -Rev. Pflueger -LA- Paul X�: She .sked m� toe Unooln'. Assistant M.anager Bertrum Myhre The crucH�on ot Christ Is the most ' Lady· ('to census ' takeN : And Lhoae Oettyabuf"Io..,Qd..dreU, n I told her that. Advertising Manager Clifford Mesford notable and tar-reaching event of all two bOys a", a1Ster·lI. . he never lived tMre . Ob,. yQU.. should Circulation Manager Evelyn Mon�on ·h1IItoi'y. . ·Census Taker: But. I be&: .y0W: par- have heard the e1J&s Ia�h. then. Circulation Assistants Louise. Jackson �f this event h�d not taken place .. the don. madam. that couldn·� be possible. . -LA- '

Facul ty Advisers N. J . Hong and : 0. J . Stuen power of Satan would have been Wl- Lady: Oh yes. my sister lJves next. 7 ' . --;-'---'-----'-----------'------"------'--C I Umlted ' . -Rev. Ramstad door. . 'j Little DJt.vld Ed�anis h� always . The Reunion . . . J�us .statloned wltne.sses through all . -;-LA- been regarij� by b�. t.am1ly as �Icu. .

. the ages to lead ·us.ln the path of our ShlP"'J:recked SaUck:· 'Why does that larl)' cl.ever. BUll •. h� l"Il,ther outdl" Th� reunion has come. and g�ne, To .man.y of us who "rere SaVior. . .

cannlbal keep looking at w? . h1mae� wh.en a 'rough I��I' tramp' present-It· was merel.y a-SOCial affa,�. �f.passJng Jntl:rest . .-a gettLl�g . • When Jesus came. he set his foot In -Second· Sailor: Maybe he·s the rood invaded the yard one aftemf?Qn al)d �ogethe� for a good time. To?tt\ers It'meant an opportunity to.brlng the. steps ot the prophets. Just so, h'e InspectOr! �' . aaked .hlm 'Whe� h1a father Ir:ept hl.s . Into r�"ef even�. bygo¥ years . . to draw fro,:" the storehouge. of has admonIShed 'us to do the Same . . -LA-� money. . . , ( the m�n� memorl� f past experiences and live these over. With .things.' . Jack H.: Those' roosters kept" D'.e " U:II in hla vest . . lo the kltchel:< re- . those Wlt� wh?m ��ce shared them. To a .f�w. perhaps. It had .

-Rev. Pflueger awalr:e brly Uris morning with their plied David. . . . a deeper meanl�g t a. IIPparent to the superficial observer. u we are honest to our rellgtow re- crowing. A tew minutes. later the uIa�p �me . A thin� tha-t st ck us was the comparatively small numbe; .of sPt?n.sIbllltles:· we will be more sensltlve Howle ' H.: Don't complain about t.b.e through �e kitchen doorway in a. hw--older alumn.' pr�sent. Wh'( do oot the. older graduates co�e back. Is to the posslblllt�s' God has 81ven us."S. Wh�n you. get up early you 'ry, much battered a�d' tom. . there a.,.,.thlJ�g In ou� reunions that displeases them, .or IS there per· /"') . -Dr. Tlngelatad

I crow about it for days. too. . '.Smart ·kJd d·atl " h@ muttered. "Nev-�aps something .'acklng that they W'eluld expect to fInd? �ese are After an Illness or nearly. two month!' -LA- er sa.ld a ·wo�· about'de old man' be1n: :,m


portant queStions. !or the SChoo


I 'cann?t afford to lose the m�erest �urauon. Dr. o. A. T\.ngelstad was able Lloyd K .. : Did you ever read, ·.'Look- inside de veat " a!ld support of its early graduates. Those p:eople have now-,chddren to be In charge of the chapel exercises log Backwa.r:ds"?

-::;;:.==::'===:==.====r our gatherings do not attract them, ·y.'e should find out where the his talk he enumerated several of the .almost got canned I Portable TJpeWT1te.H .. 8uppUee-

of their own. and 'should be one of the mainstays oJ the school. If for the ftnt time o n February 19. In · " Peanuts": Yes. once i n a test and I I ' , trouble lies and remedy it. even though we of the younger genera- things 'he had learned through his III..: -LA- . ' All �II � �u1�:t.- . tion should find it necessary to sacrifice some of our ideas of a ness, They were : . Bride: Now, dear. what will I get.1f . . 00 • upp perfect reunion. How .wonderful are the I>QSlilbUitles 'ol I cook a dlnner'l!ke that even' day thL'I J. F. VISELL CO. . It may be' true th�t our reunions reflect too liftle of the intet ... man, year? "'--.,--... ��.� lectual spirit and a�ademic dignity that older people w,?ul.d expect . 'f!1e tool!shness ot reUglous Hubby: My

.lIfe tpsuraZ··

Phone MaiD 2870 ' OOU'" Pae .

• . Ave. to find in a gathering of college graduates. Perhaps thIS IS one of skepticism. " -1... .... - �.=:.=:. =======: the reasons"'why the older alumni do not 'come back. Nat�rally. To appreciate the richness ot God's Svlrith was visiting an old Jarmer. t¥. _ . ' . these people have from the years gathered a more serious outlook Word. " . " Say:' said S;vlnth. ··tour methods ot .

on life and much of what to some of the younger alumni is humorous The beauty lind kindness of human cultivation are all out."'-or date. WhY. and e�t.ertaini..,g may to them seem out of place on such occasions. Intercourse,

. I"d be sw-prLsed If YOU; �t; ten bU5he� \" 'The beauty · of ser:o'ice. of apples from that tree.\' ----

Which Shill It Be? -Dr. Tlngllistad "WaI," the farmer' said casually. ""I Photos

We had occaSion the other evening to stroll along the campus W:bper�n is 1ll·ltie ��Ir.s hea:n- I cW�OU










.. ;;;;;;;


,;;;, .. :;,,," ;:

as the sun sent I1ls last wavering beams through the douds paintIng Wtr tI

use e can 00 n no 0 er r earth and sky In colors of unspeakable beauty Behmd us walked. d


not only gives light but He Is a young couple. watchm.? the panorama In silent awe Said the young IIght.-the light of the world

Best in the W�st . Perfection is · our


BUCKLEY-KING CO. girl to her comparuon .1 love to watch the sun go down In child- Though a person may be physlcaUy hood I thought heaven was. where' the sun went a� night, that the bUnd. he stU! has the posslbUity of splr_ western sky th� outer portals. and sunset . • !he time when.angels Itual sight. f{iiS(. ' ushered new soul:; Into that wonderf';J.1 r�alm. . " One or the 'functlons or the light of Funeral Di.rec!.ors .

"I too. love to watch the suryset. said her companion. :9 me Jesus Christ Is to wake us. up trom ' .

GOlors are the languag� of God, and they .are �ev�.r so beaUtiful as spiritual sleep, Just .as physical light ' . . when nature herself paInts t�em. My greates.t JOy IS to roam around wakes w In th� mornings. 102 So. Tacoma Ave. the woods and the lillls. to IIst.ery to the mUSIC of the forest, to t�e Just as· the sin directs us through the Broadway 2166

. . . , �irds and the brooks. and t.o behold the glo� of land and. sea as �y, .50- Jesus. the llitht 01 the world, MAin 4493 .


nature sighs.� a s,�ar"t sky. Such experiences are to me the. directs us through Ute. 304 .Rus.t Bldg. . Tac�ma grandest of inSpirations. -Rev. Sllanand �::::::==::::::=��======;:::=== . What a sharp contrast to�v�ation of this young couple Ii'=========�", is the frivolous and· meaningless jargon that characterizes;o�r time.

In this pleasure-mad age our purest and most exalted emotions are starved out, All of us have somewhere in our beings dormant forces yearning for expression, forces feeding on devotion and love. on color·s.and fragrance. 9n calmness and peace. forces that. 'if fed. would lift us above th� commonplaces of ,life. soothe our ne�es, keep our courage high. give meaning to this lif�. and hope for t.he next. 'But in our mad rush for the pot of gold at th,e.end of the rain­bow. for exciting entertainment and nerve-wrecking thrills. we f�r­.get this side of our emotional nature. On the other hand .�f! persist in feeding our baser impulses. such as selfishne�s and exc�t.ement. . by senseless yelling at gaines and so fort�motlonal exerCises that .

Complimenh 'of


Arnocat PrOducts

, Highest Q1!ality � P�tjng

In. a Modernly Equipped Shop

Come in Any Tim� .

Allsirum Printing Cttmpany 940 Commerce St. ' M�in 6768 '

leave us .weaker and worse in mind and body. · NQ wonder our nervesl �=:::======

=:.= I�====


========� are cracking when .we t�us systema�ically atte�p� tc! wreck. them.


No wonder we' are lumping out of Windows. taking pOison. sUing for � divorce. or c.hildishly quarreling about trjfle�rowing old before- � we are mature--wh., �e ,thus defiantly ign�.�e thar pa�t of our be.: � ing that was rylea'n.t to give bah�nce and POIse to lIfe. No wonder � one of America's leading physicians recently told us ·we are headed � for the i.unkpile. - I

F. B. WINES CO. Printers (

SchQOl �ua1s Stationery

. Comrnerciai Printing ' . ' .. . : . ' ; 1 75 1 Commeree St, . Tacoma ,


Meet the . NIW naON "SPUDSTI." � The Favorite of collece m«t .for style , � . . ' At ,3.50 .-nd $:4.00 1 "Fa.hion Po"''' Suih ! DENZLER AND , TONE :: 940 PKific Avenue �-�---_---_-�--_ , ............ ;:"."._ ...... c" ....................................... .

. OUUitanding Fact;s:.;.. ,. III_� � _� � .. _Yl. ".�.t .. eI D,a. .... 3.1. 1933 .

Summa." of GroWth-,-· ' . I_,... ... twa .......

. , !fit.... ' , :;, ,:\i:m:L1- \�iHH;E-.,.,. . ... ,..ft.. .�

.. ..... $ 1,3:3h'41 61 .282.15 �158.209.94 319.484.40 =:t�;:: increased .. . ........ :::::::::::::::. 2���·

� Surplus Increased ... .. ........... . _ ... . ............. .... 140f6. :r- r.:;w c.=. -:::.r�.;-� �:r -=- )MIt . ...-.. .. ...... .... ........ . ... .

�ITI POI ·IN� ... ATION· srAn� YOU� 'ACI


. ' l£OO .RESaWe LIFE INSUItANC� for MEN. WOMEN •. (:H tLDR� 608 ·Second Ave. 50, . . . Minneapolis, Minn. , r ' . '. .

L.ocal !iepr ..... t.tive: . Harold Hoe!. 203� Belmont N. same. Wn.

",,,,,, ..... , .. , .. ., .. , ...... , .. ,, .. , .......... , .. ,._ .. , .......... , .. , ...... ;, .. ,."'." ................ " .... � .. -.'-,.... ----

" .

Page 39: Mast 1933-1934

FEBRUARY 28, 1934

Fine Staff Working liard To Make Saga Succ�sful Annu;ll

Aimin, for AII·Amerlun N. S. , P. A. Rati"l · a·nd

·Ask Wtiole­

HlCarted Support of All; Editctr Announces �ornplete Staff


of Saga ",'rtters. The value �r licatlons ·thu.� far has been

friends �t PBclflc Lutheran

year. that of publ�hlng a t"·o-yellr edl-

th0l1lht and planning. Ho"·ever. with

. (- :; �-r 1 ). � I, '


College Cla .. male.' Remini.ce, ()ve� Happy .P, L. C. '0, ffer Free Saga When Looking Through :Yearbo'oks 01 Long' Ago It W&5 a bllttardy. blU5tery 'day In loow rod" M.rch 2: .. D •• dU� .ffH· Skltt

a bl, eutem elty. Men hun1� (rom "I'll tf'U' ),ou' how It Is . . Just . Writte� '" .

awning to awning In the hope: of mb3� other night I WI.!! slttl�i In my room . To increase lnt.effilto�n the sa,.. car. o Ing a few or the ley blUl of sleet hurl. In the'�rdln,,'ho� and finally toot nlval to'be h�ld March 9, Uu!'SaP .�f . ed (rom the sky. . . . out. a ,bunch of o.ld 'Saa:u }rF' my is ottertnr a' tr� copy, ot the San to,

'On a comer: in the shadow of a trunk. I wJ,:i wonderlni �.11 fOu be published t1!1!i year 'to the �rion large office buUdln3 a small. group �Id �a.1s were and wh8:t you were do- .'ho writes the ·most s�t.abld' � 01 bl:!s)ness people were waiting -lor Inll' noy.'. U I looked through the old performance f&T the carnIval program. the tram-car." At .18.'\t the lon,-u- pictures. That·s why I �nIUd. you Acc:ordlnl t.o CIRrence MonSon, ienertl peeled · conveyance arrlv!d. AlmQel so quickly. Don't )'ou.-emember me chairmRn of the carnival, It is hoped. instantly. the comer refuge .... as abtind- " . . that th·1s contest 'A'l-II not only increu.! on!d. spike h�b all flying tOward the ··Well.. I. kno'\' rve seen you befo�, Interest In. the carnl�·al but wlU · alao waiting stree�,-car. · ' , • ' but I lust can't re�embef ,your name. br�, �o light SQme ortglnal ldea t,hlr.h . Th� recently vacated "space ,"'as not- You know It's been over 30 ye�' since "';'111 make the pl'Ofram more entertain­

�l' two middle-aged men who had "'e gtJ.duated from P,L-C? How lng, �lready the st\lMI'I�· are shO�. been looitlng for J�t 'such a you remember· so long? Pardon me interest In the contest and th08e who

shelter from the wind and storm. The If. I asti:: your name." • (' . are In charge have eXPr:e� .them .. two rushed tOWRrd the "1oa.l coming ·'I'm Ed who used to k1clt--you the selv�s 1lS · being confident that by U\e from' dlfferent dlrectJons, and str..n�- hardest In the shins at those old, pri.c- closing date. a great variety of manu-IY enough, both arrlvt'd at the same tlce games. I;)on't you remember the will have ·been presented. .

moment In the same pl� on the CO'r- t1me "'e foutht ,over tllat girl. down Here 'L'!I an ,excellent opporturuty tor nero COl\SflluenUy a collision occl.llTed, by the creek' tb,a.t nliht. And then clever· and ·orlgInal ,stud�nt who, and without thl:! Incident happenlrig after all that trouble she fell tor 'that of flnlpleiRI cOndJtlon., would

Editor of the Sap our story mlght not have been any blond pansy and we neither one mar- 9therwlMl be unllble to own' a COP7 of the help of business. men ,,·ho Rre ex-

. After budgeting their tlme. ·to.thi lR.Y ����,re�� f�� �=i.shU�


e:�� rl�s!':.·· IM:e·m���·;m::wre��� �:·:�

ennn�lal. sara, .to make good use o�

:�e�: �:5n:�a.lf�:�I:· f:;��f;�-

, minute, the Saga staff h�s chosen. AprU poll:!es. .

, ,, member �hat Camp� day .whe� The rules for t/:le contest are: l.' ltJJy for the date when �II �he copy Is . However. !'Ince these gentlemen did ..... e all got thrown Into the c�k tor member or the .student bod, i.!l e1la1ble In. and tht' println!f arid cngrav�g rome In rontact. with each other al- refusing to wort? I'd give · anything to rompete in this contest.. 2. The aJht be begun. As we!' 8.S a dead-line tor m05t .too forelb!y, our s�ory may ron- to see .some". ot .th� old ILI1-d stiall not exceed twenty-rive minutes f'dltorial �t.n.H, thl,,> date ml\Tks the lin�e. The better dressed of . the two faces· again. Old you say you have a and 5hall not be less than mr.een min­

and the staff has bee�W�klng ,liard toward �\rlg thls ,nn41\1 the ·'best ever." .. � ,r ,Although (the "-)uestlon arose as to

whether adeQ\,4 support could be se­cured from the studentA and friends

goal-end for the advertising and clrcu- lookt'd kindly Into the eyes of his Saga of· that last year? I cerylnly utes, 3, All manu!lCJ"lpts m�st be ·In lation departments. neighbor but no gUmmer 0/ recognl& wish I'd Rotten one. And that aimual by 3:30 p. m. March 2. The IIotJUI will be Then too. the students mU;,">t remem- tlon .,,'as vlslbll! In his· grey eyes. As ""as for two years In 1934. wasn·t It? judged" by a committee composed of Mr. that all pictures to be used mus� for his romrade, truly a little .,,'orn· I stili remember how much I wl:!hed I'd Reid, Mrs.' Taylor, Oscar Anderson, and

. ��h: �����:ia�� a:t

d:�11 to

.a.s r:�':or�:�

I by April 2. ('specially the Orad- looking, and thread-bare )n-apparel, bou�ht one Instead of gOln, ,t.o the Rhoda Hokeli.stad. 5. The sklUl shall Class and those wh·o are to �ve as he gazed Into the e}'es �r the other mountain with tha-t gang o�· kids. That be handed ·In to Clarence MonllOn, and pictures taken for the an· man his heart became filled with WIU sure a keen cover they had. and the' ·manuscripU shflll be numbered, greati)' encouraged by the number of this majks a lint' when the orles and reminiscences of _ they take a 10,t of pictures; It with the writer receiving a· dUp'lIcate ::��sc;�����t r�:�'eis ':::��b

ey p��;

number of-5ub�rlptlons "'e can times passed In hI:! youthful rollege a.s If ever)! page. was j�t full number. No names are to be on · ille must be paid I\t lea.�t In half. days. Hadn't he seen th�e ·eyes be- By the way, what ·are manulloCrlptli. :�:�

fe:: P;�Y��e V;::e �p

�:r f:��

ht��� f;ct p��\�:tl��:-���:I'b!S �:�

Id� :��

e�������� \\:n:��


h:l� jO�' down In tM packing =o'C':'''h,:-",:::m''p=.:::ny::::-' -----

advertising ha.s bee� rel)ut!d as being This will be three ,,·eeks before the perlor as If he WI\3 hI:! dearest friend? or" that new (lass �uslness ··Say, wouldn't you like to come up hard to procure thIS year. the adver- clOl5lng of .rehooi. The start. being rep- ·'John ! Don·t you rem·ember me?'· 'east of town. Yes, I get a, lot to the boarding hO\Uie where I Uve tlslng department has made fairly good resented In the choir which hope� to he cried in a. husky voice. � of enJoymtrlt-out of thot ord annual. and ha.vt' a look at my relic of a

In the editorial department, the tllyed In their work tor ttoe time when said hls puzzled a.cqualntenance. '·But � th08t scenes and gangs of ··That would be great:' and the face, progress. g

,o on a tour this spring, will � d

,e- "Wh)'. no. I never _saw you before:' U·S, alm?llt


.o I _!=,ut now, but I stili saga and 'talk over old �s7"

writers are busy .,,'Ith their first M- choir I:! gone. We hope that the how did you learn my name?" . classmates well as If It were just worried by bwlnHS cares, lit up ·at slgnment.<t-whll;h are due on March I . and friends, as well M the '·,Why, aren't you old Johnny who 1\ was there, What are you tJ:1e thought M at a. .rare treat, and Several surprises are in store for the cooperate to make possible used to play tackle In the: line on the for II 'lIving?" the� i'wo men found happiness the

:�:;=: ��C:Jt��I;I��:�:�:n�a;; I ;;;;�IffI
















































lffl!'l1 !enlures ot some of the sections. The

novel Idea around which the entire edi­torial .",ark Is to be centered Is the en­Urely original theme which has pro\'!"n to elq)reM Increasing po.�lblllties.

A new member. on t.he art sra!! w\l! !)e Fredertcka Sehlanbu�h. recom­mended fa\1)rably by Mrs, Kreidler. I/o'ho has charge of the art \\'Ork. The com­plete staff Is as f01l0W5: , Editor-In· chief, Marg&ret Wesson: aMOClate edi­tors. Edgar Larson and Rhoda Hoken­stad; class ·edltors. Gertrude Brunner, freshmen, Jane Williams, sophomores. Norman WesWlng. graduates: religion, William Rasmussen; mustc. Norman Jensen; orp.nltal!ons, Eldon Anderson ! and Herbert Norgaard; actlvltles, Ella· nor Raudebal1lh; men's sports. Carroll Erickson: women·s sports, Alice Roe: features, Shirley Savage and �rhll.rdl Pflueger: high school, Norma PretlS; copy readers, aBul Monsen, WUlIam Zler, and John Van 'Leuven, On the, bwlness staff are: Buslne!lll manager. Arnold Myhra; advertlsll1l, Evelyn Ir­win. Leonard Wesson and Ervin Dam_ mer, clrculatJon, Roland Swanson and Virginia Byers: accountant. Ruth Carl­son; typlal:- Selma Bafw,

(Cofttlnaed From Pare One) Thelma Daniels Is In chaive or decof1'­tlons., and ahe with Evelyn Irwin, chair­man of bootha, I:! doing everything poaslbie to . make the . sUlTOUlldlnp and atmoephere of Ute 11'" beautiful and., at the ·aame urne. In accordance "It..� the Carnival Idea, .

Evelyn lrwtn .has appolnted We fol­lowing commltteei· to tate charge or the vaJ;low booths: lunc�, RhOda Hoitenatad., chairman, aOd Gertrude Brunner; rortune-t.elllng, Eldon· Ander­son, chalnnan, Carroll Erlcbon, and Jane WW1ama; mate-up, Shlrley Sav­age and V1rJ1n1& Byers; mystery boolh. John Van Leuven, chairman, William ,Z1er, and Norman Jensen; !lab pond,' Selma . Bafus. Cttalnnan, and Norma Preus; subecripUon, .Roland Swaneon;

, ttckets, Arnold MYtU-a; con!ect.lonery, AlIce Roe, cbaJnnan. ElMnor Raude­bauch; n1iIrer-bab"y, · Ruth carlson, cba1nna.n, Oeny flIueru, _ .

Com;ng- � The ' Greater SAGA Corniva l Most gigantic and spectacular, performance ever attempted at Pacific Lutheran College. A packed colise,um of different artd varied entertaining amusements featuring a program ,so unique it's astounding. '

HOUSE OF HORRORS-will bring screams to the weak and thrills to the strong. . .

BALCONY SONGSTERS-moreamusing than ever::, NORTHERN LIGHTS-a 5000 watt fairyland of brilliant electric spOtlights. , ' ' ,


Bting Your Family EverybQdy , Welcome


March 9th 7:30 r. M. School Gym

Fun For All

Bring Y oqr Friends Admis!1ion 10 cents

. f.'

EVeQ'thinl about. the carntnl ls fUr­roonckd with a"'ll'Nt deal or mystery, a"nd ·tt 111 only throuch at.tend� that

• one can reap the twl enjoJment. of t.h1a iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii· '/i;;;;·;;;ij!iiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiii' �. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�iIiii. extnonl1n&ry atralr. -;-- - '

'I . "j


Page 40: Mast 1933-1934


\ J


On·gm· ality Marks Th . .. , .... . , �."" _m .... of All Subscriptions Due �e S-.p 1taIf. wbo .bo ba� w:orbd By April Fint .nd

Theme of Y earbook ::::b:...":t:.:.:::;:"!u� ":.:: . Paid in Full April 20 .- " Uon 01 our �C'l! DeWSpaJlU. AD the " ,. -- /'l

Editori.1 Stan Enthusiastic Over arllc� on the two pars dedicated �e Sap is .. Pubucau{ �n ot) the

Ide. Which Offers '"crenin. to the 1,t:ubGok haye � written by Stud�:

t =�r:;

t i:�e::

r �e� Pos.ibilitiet

__ . . 1�:':C:o�r:"'�= :: = a SU�M tinancially. we +t. have the

The theme ot a school annual b. a1- � adT�1ihdnc. . . ��i:



r .1, • "


Hl-tmru81 Saga Is . Unusual . Feature

Here Thi� Year ' · . . . ' -.-' _ . ' . !

19J)·a4. y .... booIr. H .. . Ma.., �. _ F .... ,.., MM. , .. iltle . � . , .... �.tio" of, Ii SiR ... ·Edi-. ,. Two y .. ,... ' . ways one of the most slgn\ttcant rea- Tomono" morning aL t.he � linanclal SUCceM of tll'e 1933-1134 Sap

tur� of the �. It Is around.1t that student body mtetlng. the Saie. staff depends' on the numt)er of subscriptions The "statt of the 1933-34 'saca has the stat! weaves that which goes to present a speclal 'raUy, Through which un be procunti by April 1. The .

WQtktnr diligently on a prvject

:�v�uu!. it

��=::b=: ��:��� ':�r:::I� t�s

s�:�'�=il:t:��:;: :�

f I:�=;S :����rt:nln!!: Luthera':



ttJ ':u���

which glY� chartl.cter Imd origlnallty to show the necessity of whole-.hl!arted one 'of which all t�e Coll�e wWl'tIe . cation sueh as has been ·declded. · upon to the yearbook. support on tht-part of evf'ry member ot proud.. and one which w111 live double J:ty the . 0011* .wtll .add interest. and /

The 11m two annuals which the litU- the student. body. f>f'p talks wUl be joy and pleasure to �SIIOrs 10 the variety to edltonal "history In the school dents oJ..l>aciJlc Lutheran Coll� pub- by the members of the sutt. Es- Since the 'scope covered by ali wf'll as helping us to kf'ep up the IIshed had an histone&! bub for their peclally does thf' staU wish to FCI'"f'RSe this edition wiU. be. two years' ttme, standard. HUbllahed In previoUS y�an thf'mea.. going back into Norse mythol- the circulation of thf' bl-ennlAl ynr- double enjoyment will be received 10 �utJ work. .

. ogy and legend. The third yearbook. book at thl..s pep assembly. readlng It. mpe. Dahl, now one of ihe seere-too, used an theme, a.s thf' on the followina' Thursday, the Yet we are charrln, only the usUaI. ---:---. -:-..... -,:-'--� tar1es to the a4minlstratlon at the col-motlve of tha.t book was '·Pion�rs." Board of Control has given the price of $2.00 tor' the book. Sale of Will ' Croilp� I��. was editor of t.h;e first, yu.rbook. These themes proved to be very. suit.- start PfOrmJ.s.slon to pw;ent a pep rally t.h1s ·book·1s the risponsl.bUlty .of the . , which wu published the sprln, of ID30 able for the Saga, as the name It&eU in the Intef'Csts of ·\.he Carnlvai at the entire student body and all the alumni For Y •• ,boo

k in

t.t.rc� Her �aln problem wu �t" oI.00llee·u'n�

sune.st5 hIstory. .

chapel 8.S!iemblY. ACQOrdln, ·to Cl&r- slnce It' iIi 1-h:eIr book. 'pubUSh� to give . and preparinr for pubUcation data of . Aceordlng to Margaret Wesson, editor ence Monson. who ls In cha� of the In the near future work. will the Institution from the tlme It became

ot-the- booIt-t,o be.- publlshf'd this y£ .ar, Carnival this year, .t.hls 15 the one' big" on photographing the ' groups repre- PjL. C. until t!\e 'fIrst y�ar the collere money-making eveiit sentin, this year'S �l!v1t1e.5 In the felt' they could afford to'. publt5h an

the work thus far 8CXImplished with thls interesting themf' as a basis are greaU� Impre�.

on, and for that reason It Is neces- Sap, Cluba, cl..a&se.,· teams. annual. This tint annual was .ilward-other �ups will be snapped . In ed {190 polnu OIJt of Ii poulble 1000 by

pretyest poses, sometime In the NatJonal Behola.sUc Press AMocla­. We are ask.lng for .the moper-' t1on. thw giving "the Saga· a "P"Irst C1M8 of the nudent bcJdy In this Honor !tatlng" or :'Excellent" by the

�bl�U:°:e S:��. p�::��,

I�I�: :

alte��n C!'":� t�a�cever

;,�� m

��' JU���:3�:' '�Vlrst Clus" yea�� .

be paid in fuU by AprU 20 in which they belong. and that book was publl5hed und�r the �"Ie to set definitely the number of photographic work may be editorship of Olal Hagenell. The theme tor� prlnted:


�e :e

o�:� �

I� �:;;.:

e to . �:�d�: :g



Feature ·Mendelssohn'. 8(rth out the Idea expressed In the The German Club mf'etJng hf'ld yes- Saga, which Utl� � submitted

glnla Davis a, resume of Cirls Play Ouhide df.Mendelssohn. German songs.

On account "Ot the nice weather, the Mr. Hlghby !!ond accompanied plano b"y Margaret Wesson. the meetlrig.

all who are plf'a5e see the

Will selected by the 1932 theme. 'Or)ce alain, this

thf' leadership of E!ther , the &iga, true to preceaent& former publications. came trom

National 8c:holuUc 'Press Aai5OciA.-SUBSCRIBE TO· SUBSCJUBE. TO 3. We, l@

. THE SxbA THE" SAGA. tlon, �������������������������������������������I In i933 becaWl(! cif tne ITaveness of = thf' tInanclsl depre5lllon. telt by our school as in every line of business, the Colle� Board of 'I'ruatees voted to abandon the Idea of publlahlnr a year-

A True Fact .. .. The actual individual cost of each '33-'34 Saga as blldgeted by the 150 books . being sold is six· dolla�s. An astounding statement backed to the wall by cold solid figures. ' Exactly one third you pay-as a sllbsCJiber�f the amount necessary to publish one Saga. f

. A Real Bargain .. .. Any time you can get six dollars for two dollars, it must be a bar� gain.

Think of It - .. -

book'and concentrate efforts aiJd tund& that 7ear to mue a doubly worthwhlle one In 1934. Thus came about our flnlt

��::��P��I:;�nto w:::::t:�::�

trlf'nds of P. L. C. late thJa Spring. We felt that to Ill-Iblish one volume. con� talnmg �rd.s of .two years' activities complied in a creditable way. wo�d' be more In keeping with the prmclplea ea­tablilihed before by the YMrboolta at o,!r college, and'more of . cred.1t to the entlre lnstltuUon than two sepaBte; y�arbookll. each Inferior In quality .and make-uP""beea.WI(! of financial stress. . The boot wUl � compiled In th� wa.y, havtng, 'however, all clubfl, classes, and athletic te;ama. Wrltte;n In a history of two 'years' work lnatead of one. P1cb,lres 'were taken of groupe at school last year, 'and will tlnd: their pla:ce wtth the lplctures of t.hls year'a students. Comp�te i-econta of athleUc contesta and pt)Uilp&rl.ts .wID be pre­sented in the athletic �. 'The only cilllerence In the annual wUl be the lncreUe In the number of pictures, the neceaalty .of collect1ne only one set of AdveJ1.la1na". and atncle prlntlng and blnd..ln.&'.ezpense.

The rBduat1nc" claues trom 'boUI years wUl.ha,{e ,complet.e records �i the' :,��:.:!,,��: .�aueacn!


A boOk contaitllng all the treasurable memories �f your .college , day�ports; activities, amusements-Bll told in writing and'pic­tures, on the ' finest paper possible. One hundred and twenty

: :!s ��.:: ;"uch �UOn ; I The atalt alDUI io put out .. an annual

of wbkh p, L. C. W1iI be proud ot'ln spite; of the � ttnandal Imp<»-aibWty of pub� ON!,.


pages of you and yoOf concern together in a beautiful, hand- A. s. I, So." _ 8Om.e, leather-bolio. d boOk, depl.· cting everythin· g you could .pos� .......... or the lack .f , .... In the"

Lf'euury, the atudent body did Dot. teel

8. ibly �ant in 8.' nch a publieati.· on., . ...1< to ..... . .. _ to ... ..mU&! Lutbera.n atuden�· · COI1venUOo, i:.dd I. . . Pebru&ry 21: ,.. 25 at AUIQUDa QoJ • .

. Iete. 8JouS: l'Illla, South Dakota. ·Bow.:.

Re�e�e your Saga'l!jw with a small down payment of 25«:'. =�,�::,�,:=" "'=;:;

I�, , �. ������ ____

���� __ IMDW d�=-:-um TBLtAGA

- ";.-....... "'"'""=" --: I ____ • -.--. . :.....

� �----� __ -4 __ � __ _

Page 41: Mast 1933-1934

\ . \ " '


Gladiators Avenge ............ , .. , .. , .... , .... , .... , .................. , I I· c. c •• w .... St.",,;�p �. L; C. Ends SeasOn Defeat Here Friday , �. �;::; ��ta� I�W�� Victory Over -

40-3� Wi. 0. .. Se.ttI. Peeifie .i-Ott �t..aHU " ' �':;"':' : _ :- _ : : Viking Squad, �2-29 CoIl ... M .. : .. Up for E,trly- eTJI Aberiena . . ! Th '11" Co --r;:r:ed .t $.v I Season Loa Centralia ,s ,. In, nt,it Ti. .ra

By Milton 'N .. .,i, ML Vernon _ '.:1.1 • Sta, ... But Clad. N • .,.r H •• d-The Lutheran hoopaters .venged an ...................................................... �am .s r- Le.t �: Moe .a'nd SoIJe Stan

early-season deteat .t the hends or . In • clean


'·, ·�UII:� a.m�", the :'<r

a�e .��2:�,Coty I

Ih .. om' �:'��t�ro.


Well, another basketball seaso.n. is ov�r and a highly successful Gladiators Close QI.cUaton closed their 5eUOt1 IlUI, t nI,hl ...., ' '''" ..... ..- ............... ... on�, too, as far a9 the Clads are concerned. Our. boys playeq'a good . . . . . by a 40-32 count. The Se.ttleltea' s14rt- brand of ball all season and accom'plished the purpose for which Success-fu .... Season taklna the Stroni BeJllniham Normal. ed rut to gatn . seven point �vaf.tage they set out, the Junior College Championship. Nice g?ing\ gal"Jg. . . hocipmen Into camp· 32-29. AlthOuah . before the Oladlators hit the basket. . S. S. . ' . ·

P. L. ·C • .'Five Wins Seven O'ut of Pacific- Lutheran College waS nf'yer :::��



e;;::e��=. one i:;;:�::=:�.:�.!!ujl�:t:,O:�!::':::A �-:!t�: �: ·Eiiht Tili.-in Jr�: Coli.,. C�- · huded. the' Vikings tied the count at

snd Willard droPPing them through tfte rital power behind the bai"ketball .quad. Hats "oH. to ,GOd old .. Petition; Play Fourteen Caputi several .stages of the· .pm�: .�. th� the hoop. They led. 18·14 at the half Coach CliHord OIion! . , . .

' . . The P.L.C basketball squad clO6ed outcome was doubtful till the. last and held their lead unUI the end or : , 5. · s. . . Its seUon·�i nlJht by. �Ini a hard .whistle, which found �e .OI� I�!ng. the pme. Moe and Jack Jed the Lulh· . W.lth the return of good we��her. boys gym classes ."'�ve been fought �me ftom BeUlhghtun. State At halftime the score w .. knotted at eran scoring with 16 and 14 points re- shifted from the gym to the 00.11 field. On gym days, T u�Sday and Normal by a 32 to 29 score. . occa4l- I sj>eCUvely. Axelson was the big gun Thursday, roll will be taken at· the field after which sides will be The team thl5 ye�r haa been one 18 �II .

and on two other ons' n fOf Seattle PacWc ringing up 12 mark- chosen for playground ball. of ever to represent our schOOl. the··sceon.6. hair Jhe acore wu Ued.. era.. ' . . s. s. . . HavIng · ata.rte\:l o�t in :quest of the Wltti but ., ·few 'minutes to ·ro. the The Itne ups: Mi". Rohlman. ,irl,. pm i",�uctr"l. who .has been puttinl Waahington JuD1or ·College· champIon. Luth�r.ns pulled ahead and held a the ,irll tftrou .... · tfteir� over· in .the pm, 311.0 annou�ces her ship. the OI8dlators. galloped throu�h three point martin at !.he conchwon -.:. .........1':: •. 1.. C. lfOl_ rG f'!' PF TP cla_ .. _�.w��.,e� to·�e �utdoon. . . with ·seven atnUiht wIqa. rlnt talr.1� 'Of th�' t.llMle. ". . Moe, forward 6 �_ I 16 . - .• S. __ s __ . _ _ . _ � . Orays Harbor J. C. 31 cl,. 29 In a thrlf- . . Leuk, forward 0 0 4 0 There's been- some t�lk· circul(lting concerning the iormaHon of ling contest wltb two overtim� periOds "DULcjt\·:. Moe. for the. wlnnet'! an� , Truban. rorward . I 0 1 2 a Junior College 'goff league similar "to the basketball conference at Aberdeen, and 1.tet .... 9-31 on· the Sollie tor �e 10000n we·n the high .

. ����··::::7.��:

� 2 •• 14 �hi�h jU�t .�omple::�? " its firs��cessf�s�a���. Ourt�olf�rs�r� .al: home �urt. Arter a' brtef rest. the potnt men. Both ot the&e meb did

Monson�ard/.... 0 � � � S��pl���. h�ve��:n ;;�e�8i� the ��:e.�p�ent �i ��Shi�g:�n J�n��� �h:he::��"t:�� :: 3��� �a��:��· practically all Of . theIr �g' 1h the .



oUa7', 0 0 2 0 College athletics. . . the Yakima Valley Junior College squad. tlrst .halr. Moe scoring 12 or h� 14

s. s: . . stepplog a Yakima rally In the closing PO�IlLS and Sollie an o� h18 nine count. Totals 16 8 14 40 Spri", i. here and with it ulually comes tennis, but when our mJnutes of the game. In the most en. \. .

net enthuliasts look at the sad condition of our courh, their hearts thrUl!ng pme of the season the Luth- LtneuP!l: S. p, C. (32) FG fT PF TP sink. It wouldn't take. much to remed, tftis .state �f aHain, t.hjt:rn,- .el1U'l! again nosed out Yak.ln:Ia 48.-'" In P. 1.. C. 13Z) (29) BelUncham Boyd, forward 1 2 ·1 • pro.,ement of ·which woulct-,)e ,'adl, ,.reeted, by all: How about a one overtime period. Traveling north Moe (14) F: ....... ... (8) :Fitzer Morgan. rorward 0 0 1 0 little action on tftil matterl the OJads easily took Mount Vernon .�aslr. (8) .. . .. . F (3) VanderOrind Brown, forward 3 0 0 6 S. S. 3'-1� and dupllca� the ' victory here Jack· (8) . C... .(:t) .Anderson Lewb. rorward .. � . ........... 2 0 0 4 Pardon .uS, but mistakes will hapen even in the best of colle�,e:. 37-18. In the cru�lal.tllt of the season Willard (2) ... ... 0 ..... _ ... (4) · Mosler Axelson. center . ·S 2 12 newspapers.A.1 t seems that the Alumni played the ReserVes a .... .yule the P.L.C. squsd· defeated Centralia Levtnson (2,- . .0 ............... .(In BOlIIe Edwards. ,guard . 1 0 back and we failed t? print it. The fact th�t t�e Alums .won over- here 43 to 18 to clinch the champlon- Subs: P. L. C .. Trulson; BeUingham: QuaU, guard 0 4 .. whelmingly, 4 1 - 1 8, IS not the reason . that It did no� appear, �_o"'.'- ship· and loving cup. TIle-. next w�k Dunningham 14) . MCBeut, and Prend-Millikan. guard 0 4 2 Rudy Sanderson, who averaged aroj..lnd 1 6 points a game In they suffered their only conrerence • . Tlm.bers, guard 0 0 0 his college career. "'(as the big noise f�r th� grads .with 1� cou�ters 'd�reat a't Centralia: 26 to. 28 In a ll5t-

er. . Again we �sk the forgiveness-of the Alumm for thiS seemingly Inex" leu ga� Referee. AI HopkJNI. 14 4. 13 32 cusable error. Th� Luthe _ avenged themaelves on S. S. ' . , . Seattle cWc College for the 18 to Alumni Levinson comes tftroulh. e.,en if he i. a married man. When i2 del suUered early In the season t-�-�----':"-,1 Kenny Johnson and Jack Hudlon dfOP� �t of tfte lame at·tfte end .at SeatAe. by po�dtng the Seattleites .� Ballllehm, .-a· 'or.ner student. has

of the se.,...ter a ,apin, hole wH. left to fill at ,uard. �ob. ho.we.,er • .0-32 eh�. . announced her engagement to Gordon

CBrookdale Cash . took it upon himl.lf to did so in a fine manner.

It :.:: t�e�::::= ���::�::: :���I:�e�mc:' ��th A'it:r�:��: Another boy on the squad who deserves credit is o�r �angy . 35 to' 24. decl5lon on their home noor. P. L. C .. Mtsa Bakketun attended Bel­center. Gene Jack. Gene's play is not the flashy type. but. ls stea�y The 'E1lensburg Normal squad �an Itngham State .Normal School.. Market

GAdand OI 56·R·2 J. A. tRWIN, Prop.

a·nd he gets his points every game, His stellar play at the PIVo:t ·POSI- Into a' determined ·P.L.C. quin�t and tion has been one of the strong fea.tures of our attack thiS past barely e.ked out a 343-31 dec!Blon In Ratti Van Hoven '32 15 attending season. . . their. own back Y.ard but had little school now and ls planning to ftnl4h 1'1 � one of our fanl said of

Stlte i·llensburri outfit: "If· tftOie boyl �'��C��y�::�.���·!:l�

thera.ns 38 tlU"ee year course. got down on their kn�. they'd ltill .be !aller than o,,� for�ard •. " . . �, __ _ Those bo,s lu;ely are bl, and It·W" no trick at all fof tfu.e ,Ianb to Ell b G· t . Shlrler Hecbt ·'33 15 working at the "::::========� take a decilion from' u •. ·The Icare we handed ti!em at tfte fint of ens urg lao s Metropollt.a,n store In Taco�a.

r - the lealon was due to tfte enormity of their floor w� enabled our Defeat Lutherans . forwardl to run rinp around them, but as our floor IS much .maller. ' . ye!�l5e

t�:n:�� ���:�::t:�:�

Track Baseban

Golf '

our attack w�s cur.bed. . S s . The Pacific Luthera.n COl1eg�_hoop tn Seattie. '


. ' Evidently the Glaas and F�tco�s forgot that basketbal l floors Quintet tound their disadvantage In are built for the purpose of said game, 'cause one of the greatest helght' too greBt and dropped a 3_8-14 Nff1ra DliblP '33 15 lri �e eut.- · rou h and tumble ·battles. reminiscent of the gridiron, �as ��ged. dec1s1on to the EIII!n.sburi Normal cag· ' I F

�;:::;;;::;;;:;;;;:;:::;;:::;=:::4 ove� in the m Saturday night. Kneeing, elbowing. shOVing, plhng- en on F' 18 .here. For a tlm�. I· up and ev '�thing else went on and things reached a climax. ·w�en the teachers � troub�e penetrating with 1 0 s�ond to go, the referee received a jab in the eye whIch the Lutherans dpte�, but h'�Vin.g

' 1 t h' th shelf Wottabattle ' solved It. they scored nearly at will, tmporan y pu 1m on e S. S. · while the Oladlators .were held. to stx,

Parkland Barber Shop anet .

Confectionery We Carry Spalding Sup­

pries for these Spring Games Althou .... intercolle,iate 'itketball i� a n�w �enture for S�. field goals �urtng the. entire contest.

CEO. KNUDTSON, ProP. attle Pacific COIle,e. tt.e .upport whic"h tftey ,ave thei� .quad II Hall. Ellensburg center, J� Ute scoring I " �========::;


. . C led itt. their .tudents and our bi, reunion crowd, with eight polntll. whUe Wl1l�rd. was II :::;�;;::'';'H

o.,':ked wtipter tft.n a drum. . :� f

.or �� Lutherans with .seven coun·

. . S. - S. . Une1,lPS: Sorry30lks, b�t that'.s .�ll for this tlf,.�e; Look at the length of p, L. C. 1141 . FG FT PF� QUliJity Knittin, CO. Wtt� S.utert 0., �laIty· . · 924 Pacific Avenue this column again, It s more tha� we 1.1, be abl�. to scratch up Moe. forward ........ . ..... 0 0 0 0 in one issue for the rest of the year, With a so-long . to �asketbatl ·Tntlson. ro�ard 0 0 .0 0 .0403 1 1 th St.:" . .

and a welcome to spring� gr�at ?u.tdoors and all that It affords, Leask, t�rward .... . I 1 --2 3 1'";:::;========:<; MAin 4282, X�lU!y ===��::;:::::::�


;al�II,..:a�d�'e...:u�for Issu_e.

=e=�r'�:�� ... ::::::.: � � � � I r . M.mber WUlard, guard .. ........ ...... 3 1 3 , Ttu:1"t41JIc HNN 774, .JII, 'Uni� Pu;lty Stor.. . LeVInson, �rd .......... ..... 2 0 1· • DlNT.IST . D � '1.1 Gr'ocery Co. Monson. guard . . .. 0 (l 0 0 I '46 V2 ·Pacific Avenue

Dr. O. F. JljORRIS

�. an . \·J 431f2 Comrnvce Street .1 � . 'TA,;w.�s.:;; � ��=::-=':;:eiIt�' ;::"=""::::=:::;�11 E=�·;· ���··.············" ···�� :.r. p�;; I �;;�o,�, ;N�;;.;"';;Ci;iy;. M;';'k;";;;�

day ..,..,ic. on your photo. work ,t Hleb. forward .................. 0 0 0 0 FoOtball--iiiiLr���������������,-- W. w.,t fa �Iflil yout w:mts, One Cue, rorw.rd .................... 3 1 1 · , I I

, . no ��==!::ed �:"I'�� Boersman, rorward 1 1 ·2 3 · ... llettNtJ--. ' Speci

�1 Bu .... 1.0; partin, Ii.. LEHMANN �T�FINISHINC . ��'t!���

.. :::.:: � � � : � club., ".inl, .tc. . . Parkland Merantite �nv Hall. center .. . ........... 4 0 0 8 '. A", n�� A", ,... Nelson, center . . .............. t t o . 3

LYONS IUS LINES, h,e. L1�N Ii' ,SELVle :;':':';. "" ''' '' ! � ,� ,

Cal �,. L,... . MAil! �4'1 t. Prescription Drvllists

. - iI03:, gt&rd ....... l ' 0 1 y .... -� .• � • • u.e.... L I f N

.. 8�, JU&I'd :·::::r:::· . ... 1 0 1 2

mporte� 0 . orweglan .' 'I'ot&ls ... _.... .. ........ 17 4 T 18 PARKL:AND, LICHT & WATER CO; 'I, ' Cod liver Oil �":.r.t'.. "

;" ,

A �u�I=' '''i�;�ed 1 9 1' 1-, ' , , c:.m..:· T� A""� � i lt h ,,,,, pl.,·' f::hFountoin

Med08W�t . , ....... ·w .... �. .. .. ........ cw, S�,. I T�. Wash. Wa": �--,:::-C,.� ,. It. . . 'c:. CL .�i· '- � . Enjoy., 1 5c SNck Every- �ftemot"11 -D,am, · .··,e, s, Inc. For further informatlon·'A)fy to BURT H. AAYMONO. Mer, 1.-�_ .. ." ...... -::,..' 7c:.,..'.==�' ___ '_ .......... __ -""'!' :..- .Il...

' .:,.;:.-....,:' _ia-'F� __ 9_000:--to;-

6_, OO,.... ..... lI�-:.�:;..;;;;i;;·=:.· =iiiiiji==l

You will �� M E D 'O'S W E E T , PASTEIIRIZE�

MILK Ar,y �

Page 42: Mast 1933-1934

,r ) ' ,


31 College Students ReI>. E. H. Dahle .Gi�e8 �OVie8, Lectu�e8

, ' ' ' kAMPU$ KOMMENTS ' On Fall 'Honor Roll On Alaskan M18sIons In Chapel Friday '''Loi'" m.'. �'Y whU. th. ,un ... , "")0,, " ...... "" U".Id bo,

___ --'-' shines," bll" oh ' hard. M 'for, me, takes a 'COntinual beatIn •. .Last s",tur-ThlrtY-0t:le coUegr students reeeh:ed . By �lIton N�tr I:s�r 'NU 'bti,llI, by 'Re!.· Dahle !::�;::���!.;:h: .:n;�� 'Nha: da� .,..� almost.his JU� b�t. QW�1t :�

ave� of B or better to,eam the. 2. Rev; Elmer H. �hle. �uring the with funds supplied by the Lutheran . ' K K. '.f , . �� °vanth:.e�� :�O ·�


�: down grade points. DeceMa!"), to make the States after spending nine yelU'$ In the Oaughters of the Reformation, whose " In "th p ina- Qng . . . h' rtri' hi' Th honor f'!lll ' for . the first semestu. In far North. gave a lecture. llIustra.ted project It b. At p�nt Rev. t,nd MnI: · fane;, ,So':ten ���o, to =�.� :� dela\�ary

U=ln ":nd �ee::. the hig� �hool departmellt, elevell stu- by mo\'lng plctu�, In chapel Il\5t, Prl- Edson �. Ha.r�je. are In �f'8't there. Beasoru mean noth�J to Mr .. H1a:hby, minbte:. of �poantld t:' &:t I�tuvah d("f}t.\ \liere so rated. N, gh·en.hen!. the day 'morning on the m1ss.lona..ry ... ·ork Rev. Hartje b also printing the paper, b t 'sprt h Ips .

I�O; 't 'k ' h .

h hi ' l1�t . list b complied alphabetically and b being done in Eskimo land. His talk Eskimo. Land; which gives �ews of .the. � 'Is, b:: 1 :no� �e In and

:: �� bro� � � out of It. c:r . :. . gh'en wl.thout grade points. centered about our three missionary ,mlsslol1 wOrk and . "·hic� .... &3 started ford pla,yers never ca� anybody to . . K K

ColIe,e 'stations up there at Teller. Shl&maref,. and edited by Rev. Dahle. be ab6ent-ntlndedo-_ .. . Do Y9u kno"Y.that: Oscar Anderson. Virginia �n. ViI"- and Igloo. and the pictures !howed In_ . At Igloo, the remalnlng outpOSt� M� "c K K � sch�l. hall. produced �wo 'ex- . glnla Byers. Mona Byrd, Thelma Dan- tcreStlng and varied �nes In and Helen Frost. a traln� nurse .from tl1e Evl<k-ntall). the dorm studenta be- major leaaue ba.sebalJ stars .. Band �n:

leis, John Dreibelbis. Evelyn ' E�und. about these mlsslo�. Chicago Lull].era.n . Deaconess . Home, b lltve In the .sa.yinJ, "there's safety In urta and partles '� to. be glyen on Daniel Fiotn, Am� Gilbert . . �thy At the' Teller station _where Mr. and in c�. . . ' , numbers," 'Cause practically everY oite. the roof· of our school. Prof� Ed� Hackeard,-�d

_ Hutann. Pa� HV!ddlng. Mn;. Jesse B. Olson are stationed. . Other Kenes of I).�rest shown. were or'them hlked out to Late Spanaway � wa�' Initial Inten.tlon was to be a �oc­

�,thryn Johnso�:-Myrven Cane. Edgar scen� were shown of the orphana,ge. a relnd�r round-up. J dog teams In WaahlIigton's blrtb'day . . The afternoon. tor, Lyal �nder.son b uncle ·to Or\'.

Larson. Joanna Manou.'!OS. ,Maxine the t;taUves and their chUdren, .and. action, EskImo blanket-t055ln!l'. the . WII.&- spent In bOa4nr and ' tearing &;hlanbusch. one of our .p��J

.Manousos. Geo�ana McClure. Alice the region about the mlss.lon. • Arctic Ice �k, a';ld the unl�dlnr of around, followed 'by it.�welner roast 'at younJ basketball �tan. .Mr&.. Itrlidler Nolan. Wilma 0 Brion. Mane Pederson. The Anna M. Huset.h Mission at a freighter from the States. .

tim Alth h . . once attende$l Carlton collea-e. which � Florence Post, Melba Ross. Irene Shaf-

. . : . .. .

, . , . . ;�=:d, th:·lake d:�e�no

ro:e co:: located abput three mUes from, Olaf .

land. MarIe �hmlU, Roland Swanson. Rev. Sh.tland V,s,b . ' I cholr Makes Z Con�'rt ' Predated the 'sllence w:ich !::'an!s .!;OI} •. which Mr. Ifauge, Mr. Rarnst.a�,

John Van Leuven. Margaret Wesson. P. L. C. Duri,nc Reu.nion Appearances �n Tacoma after the· u · de .:rted and trod ed and Mr .. . and .Mrs. Edw�� attended. ,_ .

Norman Westling. Marie Wrang. am! . . _' _ , __ "'eartly hO�. p

p. . ' t N.m only that . . b.ut·Carlton Is one of the William Zl�. . , Re\'. Shanand. of LJvtngston. MOI).- ' Com�entar.y#to Rev

, and Mrs. O. , K K severest finis of th,e Olea. To make ..........

----�_-H!l1L..�-__ .tallL "·w_a_V1sltor J.�_SI!.h.!l9�Week J. Edwards, wtio iJave left the Plrst Bouquets to Rhoda Hokenstaci,: .� ....�rs worse, Mr . . Hlghby, Mr. OJaon,


Elnora Asper. Orlando Asper. Verner end and also spoke in &hspel Monday. Nonvejlan Lutnen..rr-Chureh-ror-a- 81-- -nlln - to' 'h "tr d- I s-B 0 .... Ttntelstad. Mr. �avler. · and Ed � Bitter. Elizabeth Dahl. Vlrglnla Davis. He used th� Bible sto·r� �� the ·man charge 1ri San Pedro. the cholr gave a � �ays w

A � d �' � �d ":i;.� rin

_ Tlii�1Stad.'-an: __ • Ray Hlndetlle. Gerhardt Pflueger. Nor- born blind as a ,text tor· thiS add�: ' concert , las� Wednesday eve;Dlng. Feb. re:� buibless =nBier WI� a real ��� .college, U).e bitterest �var of St. Olaf ma·Prew.. Fredericka, Schl�busch. Or- Rev. Shafland·wM,ordalned as·a �In- 21. In a. short talk. Dr . . O. A. !lniel- ness head. A, medal to Dr. Tlngel:it'ld ;;;:::======::::::;;:::::=0; vllle Schlanbuscy.--tmd Eluabeth Stuen. Ister of the NOrS\'egian Lut�eran Chun:h swl" explai�ed the ne:e<ts 01 �e college, for everytti�.- pet with hats tq "8ar� , ']1 � .!.:

of America last June before he �ePt� after ... hich the audlen� .ra1sed a free� ney'· ' Janssen, newly elee�d 'preSident Adler . Roches"t�r Clothes 14' ��t Teachers ed t.t:e call 11t Uv'lngston which .he will offering. Betwe:en numbera. Prof. 01 the dorm· union. With the a.aslstance Arrow Shirts. _ Holeproof Hose .

king at Parkland, Is now serving. Edwards played plano and o�an se: of his ald-de�camp, Bill Potter, and !\Is A�d Tacoma Schools at�:d::�

t ;:�.� .. hl:n.�7;��;;n�u�:e: �:���. f:: �:r�l1S;r��I��:� ::;:�U;���e��Ub���y:u




O. .

With the ad\·ent· Qf the new semester CoU{'ge ll.'lSOClatell ·WBl> the purJ)06e of �he concert and the good wIShes ex- Barney) . . .

a new set or student teac.hers are his trip. D�. T1'!gelstad � a form!.r · tended him and his wite. � ... \..

, ............. q) teaching under the supervision of their teacher ot his, C�ch Olson) a formf'r ContinUing their. season·s concert l


��������:d :�oo�:�� � !.':�;a:lga:b�

b:S��::1 �=:a�:'

and ��e:

m�n�������r:��r:: i 15c ,for Nine Holes


l:u��il�:�: ��

Ir�� (ConUnaed From � One) ��":�::���·�b=:;:.Ch��:�O

� I 25c for 18 Holes

WRECKER SERVICE Day ' and .. Nite


GA. 0 1 45-R-' J Itepalrl_, o�

Jennie Lee the fourth. Norman Jensen In the arrangement.s were BetgUot Vo- Sliver offering was lifted. Margaret E the rlfth. ClarenCe Lemm.1ng the sixth gan. Marie Wrang. Mary Nash, Ruth Wesson spoke on behalf ot the school. j $1.50 Studen! fTI:OfIthly rale Bonnadele Beiuty Shoppe and Norman WesUlng the seventh. Carlson. Anne Johnson. Rhoda Hoken- Prot: J. O. Edwards varied the pr0((r9.m ! . $ 1 .50 L..dies fOIlt� monthly Stud�nts _ yO!-! Ire welcome to Frank W.lIlard. Oscar Anderson. Flor- suici. Martha Schelhneyer. Eunice Am- with plano numbers. ; '"'$2'.,00 Men's nionthly r .. te come in while wlitin, for I ence Post. Emory Whitaker. and Rob. eson, Ruth Haugland, Ula . RUdd.

",I.' Street CAr .

�� s::\li::a�n�;:':I���h�� ��� I� ��:O����·:V���I=;.�:� El:e�� Of .. !=���%:t! �h::�ru;,e

an:e �I:� I" r _rkland Colt Course

. ::���f;��:t���i,: . T�coma Virginia Byers and Georgian- vlg. Roland Swanson. William Pflueger, or penniless. and whether he comes 1 1'��!IlIIil:ii�i,ji:ili!llll�iiii�ii�iiiiiii�iiiiiiiii na McClure are tea�hlng at the Horace Harold ,Dempster. Osten Eliason. and from MlnneapoU!l or New Orleans."

Mann grade school. .charlel>' Leaak. Pres. J. B. Conant. of Uruve'r_ . \ '-Elect Rhoda Hokenitad KI��:�

y '2;


vore=�po:� ��!�:�� =�

t�r �he


cl�!tI� .

Freshman. Class Treasurer at divine services In the cha{lel. In tutlon. �

At a meeting of the FreshmanClass .��: a���::I; :�o����O�tC��� ��:�� i"i r:========:::::;" i

. ��:�.!i.t�:������;=:�� :�:� ��:;t o:�:;Vt�: �ro�hr:'!Y:I�h ?:

a�� · Seamon's .Flower Shop

{'(i treasurer to succeed Margaret Craft ano solo. the present cholf sang three Corsages - C�t Flowers

Tacoma Engraving Company-

..... ho Is out, of school for the· rest of num�rs. Dr. 'I'lngelstad spoke . . Pro!. the year on 'account or Illness. Edwards rendered a plano number. the i 1 th & Pacific Ave.

A committee was appointed to make present cholf sang another group. and I f;:::::::=======� a.rnmgements for a 'party to be-glven the reunion ctiolr sang In concluslon' l · ior the Graduating Class and a db;- "Beautiful Savior·' and "Landslghtlng." cus..o;lon was entertained wncernlng a. To conclude the reunion. the Trinity !larty ror the claSs Itself. Luther League served refreshments and

Kenchbaum Suih and Overcoah

It was also decided that the class 'held a social hour In .the chapel base- �or Sale Exclusively at should aid at the Alumni banquet and ment Sunday e\'enlng Jetland & Palasruti

�ec��era���;:���::�� ��:

r��� co�� F========� �==9=1 2=P:K='="::"::'_=T::",,",=='==!

cluded the meeting with Q few re_ BI\OOKpALE CROCERY li !il marks irhe Store That Has It You may pay a few cents more. ' but it is the best and really

costs less SUBSCRIBE TO


H" . Feed, " int. Dnlp, H.,.d;_,rtI. ShOft , BROOKDALE




Tacoma's Fayorite for 25: Years


BroOkdale Lumbe.<o, <

Phone GArl&nd 3811-J-5 AT BROOKDALE

on J.!oim� Bi&hway

Get the Carnival Spirit THRqcJCH THE NEW



, ' " BROWN)& ,HALEY , 1 I 0 East � St, �i�'01� : ' -

:� -





Year Book Specialists

723 Comm�rce ;it"

PIONt;I:R , Stationery

Office EqUipm�iit Office , FQmitw:e Office Sup,plies, Commercial and

Advertising PriiitiIig' Headquarters, for ' Soci�l ' En��Ving

,. '

1 2TH & A STS, ' , TACOMA "

Phooe MAir; 2122

" . : .

Tacoma: Wash.


" '

Page 43: Mast 1933-1934

mothers, the Lutheran'Daughters

The program planned will Include a welcome' by ,VIrginia Mahncke, presl-. den! of the group. With a response on behalf of the mothers by Mrs, H. P. Johnson, mother of Kath.ryn Johnson: a plano solo' by Rhoda Hokenstad: vocal

�-, ,' ), ,

L�r'.11 'Choir o,f Iho


To Sing in t..'� (;iliH From 501111"'0 NOWWHI­,minll.r. 8. c, 9n 8·Doy Trip 'In ' keep'lnl! '-=-;;eeedeilts estab,

IIshed by form!'r Pacific Lutheran Col-

I make a concert ro.ur again t.hls

lion oCt.he-Columbia Conference of t.h� Auguslana Sy�od .in !d0unt Vernon, April 15. the Itinerary Includes con- ·

numbers by a quartette of Evelyn Mon- __ ._�, _ __ , • .:. �,_ •• _�,,, " ___ .,,_.� •• ' ..... v., .... e.,_ .• son. Mary Hudron, Rhoda. Hokenstad and JennIe Lee: a. violin solo by Wilma. O'BrIon: II reading by VIrginia Davis: '''''' ••••• D.,'_" �.,-.. ". ".n a�d a vocal num�r by Mildred Mon- ����n. �s general cha.trman al the 'affair,

Norman �'���_,!?l�������, Alice Roe has appointed the following committees: Irivlta'Uon&-Allce Peter-

Norma Preus. 'Evelyn Monson and Marie Wrang; refreshmentS-LJla Rudd Extra! Extra ! ' Faculty ,member en- , 'w:Ill give a concert In Bell-_ (chairman), Bergllot 'Vogan, Ruth Seattle Men', Fresh Teams To tertalns go�ernor! At the hlst meeting Clrl Rn.r •• Camp Miyajim:.t to , under the joint management Froyen. Mary ,Nash and Anne John- Meet Luth.,ran Cirl Arguers ' in ,the Parkland'Democratic Club Wed- Be Scen. of We.Ii-End Outin, Reve�enda NOrby:Ordai. zlrn.mer-�n: 'propert:!es-Jane Williams (chair- Forensic Contest Here Friday , the chief executive 01 our For D.,yel, •• ; P.�n Sk.t�nl Party man and Lundblad, and �ey will ap_ man). Ellen Berptrom. Evelyn Irwin Clarence D. MarUn, wl!oS --J -- , pear In Rev. O. W. WesUlng's chUrch and Dorothy Opheim: clean-up-E}lz- The debate squad of Pacific Lutheran speaker of the evening, The Delt,a Rho Gammas will have In Vancouver. B. C .. P'r1day evenlng. I'I.belh Sluen <chairman). Vi.rglnla Da- Collf'ge has Se1!n much activity during does Mrlj. Ta}'lor come In, you a .houaeparty at CaR)p,�MlyaJlma, 10he wllh arranrements for'thla concert,be-'is, Helen Benson. and :t:;Je(1). Svare, the past few weeks. ,holdlng both local Ask? \'Veil. after th.e· program a basket Olrl Reserve Camp on Fox' I3land,. Ing made by Reverends Westling, Mol-

Virginia Mahncke extends all: invlta. and out of t6"wn debates,. !'.Oclal was held and th.e men bid on sometime In April. according to"the de- ter a:nd AUen. They will slnl In Rev, lion to all Pacific Lutheran College Thursday e,·enlng . . March 8. Hazel the silhouettes behind a sheet, Upon clal.o� 01 the group at Its �eetl"' last Torgef50n's church In New Westmln; gtrls and their mothers, ,v.:hetber or not Monsen and Jean-Marie Fowler de- the appearance of Mra. Taylor. easily Thursday. No . • deflnlte date for �e ster, B. C .. Saturday evenln&', April 14. they are acth'e L.D.R. members.. Ul at- bnlt'd Gnys Harbor Junior Collelle at recognized. a rew students talking :WIth affair has been set. but plana will be As a cllm.x to,the trip, the "C}:Ioir of �nd, Aberdeen, Yesterday afternoon, the the @'ovcrnor brought their P,L,C. spirit completed at a I .ler date, Blnee the West ... wlli sing In Mount Vernon

women's �tlve tetun. Eunice Arne- to the fore and Inveigled him InUl buy-, CIlmp MlyaJlma_ will only _ a.ccom- Sunday. at the' convention, .and will P,L.C, Club Prelenh .son and Margaret Wes.son, Journeyed Ing her basket. modate forty gtr1A wl!hout the �dltlon ret1Jrn ' to Parklancl that evening.

• . • • to Mount Vernon to meet a team from Mrs. Taylor alterwarda revealed that of Improvt&ed �. Evelyn Irwin, ' . This 8Chedule was arranfed by 'lbe-

Mongolian MIIIIOnl!ry the Moull� Vern.on Junior Colle,le: the governor � quite a fellow and she Rho president. u�i t�e,day eti-Is odore NelMon. while Edwin. nn,ebtad In T�lk Here Friday while lOmorrow afternoon, William Zier was .Impre� wlt.h hls magnetic per- plan to a.ttend the party Ul algn t.h� ill In Chlll-P

of the pUblicity, -' - and Roland Swanson wUl meet dde- ronallty. Several of the stUdents who Il<!t posted as soon as I;IOM:Ib!e,


��, �:lI��ee

.:rI::; ' �r;: there 'In a return engag





c::'c:�� a :,:��e: I:�� ��an�k� �m�;� Klthryn J

�hnsort N.llln

Lutheran Church parlors at 7:30 0'- CI�lng the debaUng 5easoI1 'Friday his. When Il.�ked what he reada. he as formerly, according f9 a vof.e !:.alten " Cia .. MoHo. Color • • ,.d ' .. clock, with H, M. Myhrman of Tacoma. aftcrnoon,_ the two women's' teams of replied: "I �e�d the human mInd," at tlfe mee�g. The, treasurer. Selm� , . .

a returned missionary from Mongolia. Pacific Lutheran College \\'111 meet.two bringing out the rea.&on fcir the :!!UC- Bafua. announces �at unleaa a 81rt s Cift Commi,"." MOI:',d.y giving, an Illustrated lecture on that men's IrCl;hm�n teams· f�m the Unl. cess of any prominent poIWCi�, 'lbe dues ar� paJd to full she may

, not go

Commlttef,s to take c� of de-country. of Washington here, 'I1)ougp students asked him 5everal questions on th� hou.separty, ' __ Mr,: Myhrman, has spent five there may be a fe\\' post,seaaon de- - found him to be a very fine' and 1.'0 ral5e ,funds tor th� club treasury, tails ",Iallve Ul sprtnr �Uri� were . Itt Mongolia doing work In bates, this la the last scheduled argu_ well-versed man, but Ilke all of us. he the rlr�' 'Will sell oandy at the �e.Jt named by Kathryn J.ohMon, pruident with the dispensary under ment for an)' of the 'Paclflc Lutheran doean't kno\\' whM', going to come of Drama. Night play, and wUl aponsor of the group: at the meettna' Of ... the of the according to J, p, Ptlue- our pr,esent crisis, � lIka!ng

a:a;�n��g th: ���ab��'� GraduaUng ClaM., Mid .. �y noon,

de':� I��:� h:�ed, which • • • . ' . . � charre of th� ca.ndy All c�lrman ot the 'commll.tee 1.0' chooee

fe-stated to colnelde with that VUliftia t.1ahncke and. M�naen (chtJrman), grad�Uon annou�ment.a.. �r And-

",!:��l l�;:�':;;-:��:;�n!i'!�;���I_ lU��������:;;I�::� ��;:::""":;�Y�Co�I�"':':..' ':-__ 1 eraol'l rtPorted on tnve&tlpUDn$ .nude,

t.ol 01 the and-the-bldl' .abinJUed,_wtll_be':'pJ�, Bowe\v" rn: April 6 ' on ' the bulleUn board. With -flnaJ, ie-'a settled With Mrs. C, O. O�n and MnI, E. ill OftOr Craduate. lecUon � be made by the elau mem-

P f M ' I' fU W . Tlngelstad as hOll� the Lutheran 'In the form or a bowery party, the ben: at their meeUng tomorrOW, " roo • �1I.ft.. 0 • • Daughters ot the ReformaUon met'in Freshman Claas will present 1\11' cua-' . VI�1a By� reported' on the plays Addr ..... German Club the reception room iut Tuesday after; toma� entertainment . lor' the Oradu- read by her committee, and Slated-th.t

. At the meeUnf: of t.he � Club noon. Followln,g a piano number by :.leS In,. the gym FrIday eVenl�g, :April end

:�:I";���I �:�;:�s:e�!:� all student&. noon. Dr, P: W., Me1meat. : Daniela, Mrs. K. N. Roe; of 0lr1 Complete details

,' as yet

, Indeilnlte, lion Of

, the irraduates In play tryouts

of Qel'man at the Onlven1ty ,Harbor spoke on "M1aIlona In '�Jc:&.:' are belDl .taktn me of by 'committees Is desired by th-: faeUJ�y �Iitft In' spoke to the jroup. Pur Mn� Roe .l3 LD.R. key woman 'for th1a ,appointed by\. DeraUot Voem, fro.h c,harlf!, &C? that the play 'cut wtll In-

years be .... head ot the. ,Ger- ihstr1ct. ' Pl1lllliden,t. as, tollowa� Entert.a1ntneD.t-1 clude the best-Pl*tbte talent. 'accord-there and prior . to . . . . . , .1 DoD Reid (c:ha1rman), John �lbeIbia. Inr to the anpoiuncement t:aad�, • atf1Uated with the On1vt1'- :.u delegates from the ,I�I LD,.R. Ami Ollber\ and ��':'1.J�;. In:,. ' Othe, cOmmltteeB named by thf c .... WiM:c:JaaD. ' .. ---- IfOUP, V1rIfnlA ,�, �ub prest- YttaUon&-E\lJ.a. Mae Goff '(�), p�t were: � • h1Pl � 0tnJ:ian cIUa here, d�t.. and : Rhoda, Hotemtad wtll' at- Mona Byrd, RuUi �, and 'Jo.nna Lemmllw (�). 'BOa JoIu:i.oo,

1:45.· Pb3'sk:al be also vlalted, Is I1IiDa' btl teXt.- tend the Women;s MlaIOnar,. Pedera- t.lanouIO.; �reahJnenta-Anne Job!J. 00r0�1 DeIamarter, � NtenOn and r..:, �� � �e:nry!� Pest '����rDr��; uon '

�n�UOD In �.: .. ,� . :IO" �(=� ,==�: �);,=�.= dents buy' tk:kets they ahowcl not" De- iIn. BoDdy � ,Mr. stuen. l1efore at which time MlM Ho� wtll·pve oraUon., Harold O;Con.r(or (ebabman>, ,J\viddinc; apd,. e1Ui . �onnan' glect to ret • card alIo. UJ"Im the the talk, f;f� Preua played se� a taJk on "L:D.R .. a S� 8� to Madp Hannori . .fimold ' Myhra. � Westuna:' lc�), � � president. . , ' . piano selt'C1;Sona. · - .. _ ' Wom�n'a Missionary PederaUon," Valboir �oriJJ, " . :' -, . and louise MIller, . " - -'"1'

'.-;------- --­'----

Page 44: Mast 1933-1934


Chapel Oieanings Published e.\�ry two weeks durin, the school year by the s�udenta of PacIfic

Lutheran. Coll�,' p:-rklaDd; Waah1na1oo. . Entered as IIeCond c1aas matter, OCtober 2, 1825, at the Poet Ottlce at P.rkland,

Wuhinl1on. under tbe Act of March 3, Ur79. The ,al� ot 1Tfk, ls a it�;� that ... -

:encb up on the nOle'of Qod . . . . He cannot Il.&nd t.hl.s Ul'!le� It I.s lCe'llted .,.ILh the' 'IiWte":,.VO� seen


or �Ience: of Chrlat. c:r . , Jesus 'came Into the 1I'0rld to makfO

man wdl-pleulD.c in' the �llht of �" The reuon' men do not accept· Jesus

!��:;;���E���' EDITORIAL STAFF

�ie' �nsen IO�·:n".n;<u':'"

w:;;:" ',�:" of .",,�ln .. ... ;� ���;t �.;�� �����. I ':;0';:\ ;::�� :, ':;:�,,:"t"',. �;o;.;7f' :;::/ b��

, Sports Editor Pa��oK �r

s:�� Saleqtrl P'i�? , , ��W

toh�W �,h(;ld the cad�y! Bu� l.'d .



d�::ral� �sl�e' our Editorial Writer Daniel Flotre 'Anne: Cerlalnly! Ofd )'OU think It e elm. -LA- • Lord, tt'!e more pleulnl we w�1 !'oppear".

Reporters�Eunice A.r�eson, Eline Benson, Gertrud� Brunner,' WM wood,;n? -LA- Alice: 'Isn't Willie Pfiue,er a little 'In the sight or God.

_pflueger �a��r:y��'rb��I�:en�:np�:t. ��:��n S��!�a�� .. Jean.Marie Fowl�r . . 'Tve used our fal!lous hair !A?nlc' on Shrimp,

. U�OU�h? ' C Bear" on our 8plrlt�al IIvea' �n be

Typist-Ruth Carlson. . your head tor the twentieth time R,nd MAry .. Never call him a,sJ.1rlmp. Speak taken away by Him who is all-powerful. . BUSINESS STAFF , ; . ����� ::�I�::��":��I,

t:�:�,�i:�� i�?�: ,��.�I�:�::���e

n��· :�I�e�

tness", "

nd Oh��t, ��d

' :1�.::I:!:


ll:�: ��� Business Manager Marvin. Hansen. , -LA- . " -LA- ua'l wa�mth. Assistant .Manager Bettrum Myhre Ella J,:. I'll bet you wen! on pins and J. ' WIlIt.ams: ¥!hat · type .of woman .' . -Hauge Advertising Manager Clifford Mesford ,needles the day yod first taught lIChool. Interests the most? " � Circulation' Manager . Louise Jacksori ,F. Pail: Oh no, the pupils dldn'l pUI Ronnlt': The olle who makt's hlm7till,k, Qur �plrlt IS a key towards 000. and

Circulation Assistant • ' Pear� Homme anything like that on my chair. the' most about hlmstjlf. ) �k" .Hlm . Facul�y Advisers N. J. Hong and'O, J . . Stuen . . -LA- ' . ' . ' .LA- ' _Xavier


-. --ceo --.--:-, �, -- --,,- 1 . . Callt'ge glt!s lU)d chorus girls 'arc a'l. tlaJ��:�: Why Is JeMfl 110, �--=- ��ChJ:isi._1f�pJeaalng-to "OOO In' fur-be:----.-�--.--. __ � ..Q.�r I\!Jp�Q.n.!!.blh.ty __ , _' � ____ .most�lke._except-lhat_ U'lt� ... rortJlff'-get" , ' . halt beeRUM: of his perfect ol:lec1lence.

Th . tJ;''( be ' f h S ff ' I I ' h their educallon by degrees R!\d ).he lat- "BlIs" R�:. 'Ca,uM: It �Rkes, hlm ,f;() Only a perfect obed.len� In thought. W�it�', �

af!� !.,;�m

anl�Sj�dg�n� b�g��:� th�r: h��� ;�s r;r �ce tt'r by stagE's. , long 1.0 get mRd .ch�ar thm.ugh. ! word. deed, an� being ean be .wholly

'I-h h 1934 Sa '11 b book b · d - f Th ' . -LA--:- . -LA- pleasing unt.o 000. cpm� IS - , t e g� W.' � a to e prou . o. '. e stu· A farmcr knows full well that �unday Mr�, Myhre to Bert at dln:'ler table: Be('8l1!ie we kn01l' H" wtll' and have dents, h ,ever. should b�ar In mind tha.t. the responslb., ltty for the rain Is �reat for his frplt. because such .... he conversation Is iRgging, 00 IIOme- HI� Word., w cannot eJl:cuse our short.­suCCeS6c f th,e yearbook IS as much theIrs as t,he staff s, and· that .\\'E'Rther kceps IhE' motorists out of hili thing Rbout It. . '\ od . without .the supp?rt of the student body. th� editorial �ta.ff .cannot orchRrd. Bert : Has anyone here hfld. an oper-COm(;g:s��:�� �od that we have one accom�hsh -..yha t· It has St! out to do. Thus far subscflpt!�I']S have " -LA- allon.? w:: by HII perfect'obe<ilence can make come Irl. ,:,ery sl,owly, at.'ld many of those who have 'subscrlbf:\d .have It's a]wa�1I dUflcult to patch things -LA- us pleasing In the �Ight of Ood. not sent In theIr due�. I t would be of great help to the staH�f all between a' husband who Is on a tear New Simile -Ptl those who wish to own t.he Saga, both S'tudents and al�mni. sent Ilnd a. wife ""ho Is ripping inad. In a complalnl to an officer of the

. ueger in t�.ei r subs�.riptions now. and. paid in full a5'�oon as possible. We -LA- . . law all eJl:lUperate(\ Parkland neighbor How .",ould you Inveat your life If realize, of course. that .m0':ley IS scarce for many. but we know also Sigrid H. : I gel my complellioll from l\aJd of olle of Mrs Bondy " hens 00 you had but l� years ]eft t.o live? that sQme .of those who think they cannot spare. two dollars for the In), mother. . .

vou .o;ee that speCkled brute? She has a We Should be prepared t.o take up the Saga .often spend as much or for pleasures that are purely Shlr]ey S. : Well. 'she ought to take �olce like a concrete mIX!!! and ca.cklel meSllage o! our Lord, (or It I.s �. tranSient and .hardly worth, the while. whereas the pleasure of own· It bactt to the dime .slore and get �er ;eycry 'day lUI though' she had laid thc The Word of Ood contains pr�lous' ing the. Saga IS one of lastl,ng, value. Trose who neg,lect to buy the mOlle), refunded, corner-atoJ:t.e of the Ru8t BuUdlng:· food for the IIOUI. mind. and, hem. book will. no doubt regret It In years to come. . -LA-

. I -LA- . . . -nn�e\stad '

Bill Zl�: That Is a neat looking lIult Mr. ydlliker WIU descrlbt�g .the 1'-" _ . . �'ou hQI'c on. Woul(J you mind giving habits (Of

.some very Interesting Afrl- . '

. A Que.tion and An Answer Ille th(' address of your tailor? .can r'l}nkey�. Bul Ihe attention . ' Parkland.B.rber Shop

. I h f h h h b 'd bl 'd ' S\>"anson: Glad to. If YOU promilse not l aggt'd. \ and n t e past ew n:'0nt s t ere as �e.n cO��l era e eVI enc.e tu gin' him mlnc. ' Said ,a�hl'T : "Now. boys. If you are Confectionery ��t .�tudents ?f A�erlcan. colleges and univerSities have set thel� -LA- to get anx Idea of how th,ese monkeys __ 't�klng machinery I') rnQt�oJ) .anr.t begun to wo�der whether some· look. you "'Ill have to pay attention CEO. KNUDTSON, Prop. thing may not be wrong with the world. I t appears that students on I Hcrb N.: night I had an awful and iook at me," many campuses have organized societies for the purpose of discussing 1IIIIn in m)' arm�. -LA- " . e cuh�rit Ques'ti�ns and.seekin,g a solution .for pressing social and eco- ··'J'ootsic" : Who 'was she? We hil.\·e heard It laid that Mark I P,ortal!le Typewriters, BUPtlUe&- 1 nomiC probl.ems, and Immedl.a�ely there IS a hue and cry. that stud· . , -LA- . Twain never could underS�d. why All :=I�:a '�:p�:t-ents are gOlngL re9 �nd plotting to overthro.w our Constitution .a.nd Window clcaners urI! exccllent com_ .o;ome Jl ;eople weep at wedd�ngs. So /- . '

set up a communIstIC �tate. F�ont page artldes In our large dailies pany because they know 9. lot or stories. one day he dreMed up and went to a t. F., VISELL CO. ' trace the tau�es of thiS alarm.'ng movem�nt aCrOss t�e water� to -LA- . !lWE'1l wcddlng. But this .WIU hI.!! con- . ��t-=e", rvtosco�, an.d. mere,ly the mention. of that I I I -�ep�ted �Ity sets giant C. Monson: I'm tired or going to fes.�lon: "When I saw the bride, I, crled Phone Maln'21170 801% Pac. Ave. forc,es In mohon to stamp out all l iberal <;>rga.nlza!lons In our colleges school. l'm going to eArn a living by too." I . 1 :.:===;:=====:; and prevent meetings of any such organizations In the future. my wits. I : We should like to ask:Who. in this case. are violating the Mr. 'fiong: Fine, Half a living Is Photos Const,itution of the United States. the students, who are peacefully better t�an none. seeking a way out of the· chaos that an unsoun� and unjust economic -LA-system has plunged us Into, or those who seek to preven.i" them from At Ia"t the �oth-In-the-bathlng suit thinking and talking abouf this problem? No one could better ans· problem has' been solved. "The manu_

Colden Rod Butte, Perfect ion is our Gu'arantee

wer this Question than Justice Oliver Wendel Holirles. and this is facturers Rre making the /Suits so skl�- Made 'in Tacoma firS(" , , . .. . ' .

what h'e says: " I f th�re is any principle of the Consti tution that more Il)' that even the motns can't fln� tnem. by

�7���ti;����h���t a�������t

g��a�o�nth6;:e:;h� �g��: �ii��i�l

s� Wht'n Mr. Bar:r::as In the h08Plta� but freedom for the thoughts that we hate." last summcr. a nurse put a thermome- MILLER BROS.,

If those w�o are opposed to free thought in our higher ed}l- ����to �1:t;;O��:n�o:: ��e

te::�; ' . . MAin 4493 catianal i.nstitutlons think they can achieve their end by resorting came:around and a"ked, 'Have you had 304 Rust · Bldg. Tacoma .

�is���:n�e���e:n��e�:�s �t��::nh���r:������

T�::: f���i����� nny ·nourlsh�ent?.. I�==�=======I�,�' =========�1" students to listen to such·and-suCh speaker because his ideas are "Yes. surc. Il lady wa.s here with a HIOghest 'QU' ality Prmo ting dangerous makes them only more eager to find out what he has to IJlece of gla.".; fO� me t.o suck."

.. say.. t:-'1ost of them have �ntell igence enough to know that therEJ:.are "Swede": som:�bands say their In' a MOdernl}'-E"quipped Shop two SIdes to every question, and they want'\to see that other Side. C A T' Furth�rmore, college students are no longer content to be regar�ed :��: �e::; �ISlI them excep� when they. orne in ny Irne as ch,ldren, but demand to be t�eated ,as men and "'fomen WIth LeVlnson'

y Great Scott! Isn't that AIlstrum �Printing. · Company ' wills ' and minds and thoughts of their own. cift.en enou.�h? 940 Commerce St. . MAin .6768

The 5111 Carnival, . ' The sponsors' of the Saga .carnival and others who helped mak­ing it the success it turned ()ut" to be should, we think, be highly complimented,. Very amusing and appropriately presented. the pro­gra", revealed careful planni'ng and g� taste, ,kee�ing ?Iways weI,! within the. boundaries of what the name carnival !mplle�, 'as well as within the b9rderl(nes.of what i� f�tti�'g i!1 .a gathering of ChriS; tiao· people, The spo.osors prov�d ,t IS �slbl� to �ake the �ost hilarious fun refined and dignifiep, to furnIsh entertatnr:nent of the carnival .type·without stooping .tO' the monkey-like foolishness th�t characterizes most carnivals.

IF======�"il;::====== .. : ,:::: .. ::.::: .... ,= .. , .. :: ...... = .... ,= .... ,::: .... ,= .... ,::: .... ,:: .. , .. :: .... ,::,;-, .. :: ...... = .... ,:::, .... ::: .... ,= .... ,:� C.mpUmenh 01

Outstanding Facts""- � WEST COAST ."' ...... . ,' .. , flUM"" "_:' U of "'''m'', 3 1 , "33

GROCERY Amocat Products ..,

5umnllry of Crowth-1_,.Ince ]11 force A...n

. 1 9 1 8 .. .......................... $ 676,500 -$ 6,735.09 1923 ............................ 4, ] 1 2,500 · 237,789.34 1928 ............ 26,370,926 1 ,285,8 17.79 1933 ........... 42.568,441 4,1 98,808:69

., �rplu, $ 1,331 .47

6 1 ,282.75 1 58,209.94. 379,484.40

, , '

.\ ' / '

Page 45: Mast 1933-1934


.\ .


. Golf ProSpects . P.L.C. Ceh 461 Points to 400 for·Oppononts .

· IParkland I;"p.rov�me�' CI�b Sinrl,· W-hen· Women . The P.llk LDlbenD. c� buIldll • .u .. ad doRd one 01 the m_t ' , . , . . . . -

Look Promising II�" --- in'lD&D¥ � wtt.b • 1"t'COI'd � nlne :-t- and Ih'e I�,""'th Exe'?�te Laws' in· Academr.' J'illag� lor ' One DllY .__ . til polnt. p1.hered for � efta earDe4 b� � opiporaeDta.· ·, · · . . ' . . . ' • . '

\ . Th lrin ... . Jan. 5 P. I.. C. .. ..... ..... 1. Seattle PaoUie Coll� . U RemJnbc�nt or the 100d old 'days lined the road t? the' �t Qlt linl!':

cou� M:Olfe� �:,��

gl=if�e�theran i-. , P. I.. C, .31 �rays Harbor J. C. . ... :tt when · pUk,land �ad a "del(X't" at· the Th.!! holiday m�ed the ·�(1nnln. or

tournamtnt In the imm!dla : IPrin& Jan. , P.I..C. . ...... ........ :.49 Gra,.. H.nor J. c. 31 street car IIn�. �nd Pac:1flc Lut.h.eran ��e Parkl.�tt Improvemimt Club, Weeks, l\ccorellng to Coach OOOn.

te fut�, Jan. 1% P. I.. C. .. 30 Yakl�. Valte, .J, C. . ,tt College ,,,..s PaclfI.c Luu��n Academy betor& a cl� COnLest_ had been. he,Jd to for !I.'good team seem bright =�� JIUL IS· P. I.. C. 31 ElkNl:l'Qf'I' Nohnal ... 340 Is a document �nt�Y0i1scov.ert:d by c]ect the l1)ayor of the �slo�. mM Westling Ra Hind II 0 Jan. 16 P. I.. C, .. U Y .... lma VaUey J. C. . ... �of. J. U. Xavier In some old papers FoUO'Nlng ' are several \iPore qf the Bud Lt'hman�. J�hn s:.:e�' an� x:..� Jan. I' P. L. C. .; ............ ZS .,BeDlDJham Nonnal' 34 at. his . home. "co�mantls an.d Injun�tlons" the clt.t • . Pr<,�, n!turnlng lettermen. !r.n.!� :: ��: .!� MOUlt Vernon J. C,

' ,:: 19:.e�ft��


gn·��:t::� teIA"" o"'dP,:

kn",,: ;d, -I'P."h""'" 'h""'� �� ..

y,: .. , Coach Obon Is Schf!dul1ng. matchea F: 3. ��:er;� J. C. .." ...... .." ...... ... ,

with Columbia University of PortJand; Feb. IO :: �.�: ........ :::::::!! Centralia J: C:. � 18 bot a student at Pacific Lutheran ACIi.�. g:ntlemen Upoil meeting them.

C. P. S .. and Aberdeen. Centralia. Yd. Feb. 16 P.'1.. C. ._ , ... J4 EUe�bllU'r !'lonna. ' • =

:m�. 7e]d th� ;rttce ot mayor or Park- The' gentlemen mUllt have h�tplns In

Ima. and Mt. Vernon ;Junior Oollel9. Feb. H P. I.. C, .. an . or one ay. ' . , " ·thelr hats. ·and must not Up them. to

Tht' squad '11111 be chosen from those Feb. U p.l..e, - ...... : ... ::: =b'::I'::o:::;ce· . .. 3% As mayor. Miss 8cattebbl proceed to the ladles. .

who made the best sholloing In. U'.e . .. %9 pl'oc]aln;l that day M a lega: holiday. ....nvone going between the A�lIdelpy tournament. With much new material TotalS. PI I.. C . . :. . .... . ..... .. ,46i . ToLab. opponenta

too during which the t�me �ter1/ening \)('- lind the depot futer than a wllllt: .IIhall and so many lettermen back. this year's _ (.Iloeen 12 30 P m and \..P m of Mid I at once be taken befon: the Honorab]e squad bids fair to better the fine record ,

. Whi.pen Surpri.e '01 L Th . day all ylgorous tllerclscs such as cro- Judge and tined according to speed

;)f the golf team since Its tormaUon Coach Olson whispers that he ",ay son oses· ree quet. tennis rope-Jumping ba&e-qaJl used three yean ago. during which time they have a for his baske(eers some: M V' G d ·t- basket-baR racing. hor�shoes. tobacco Anyone' carrying love-letters more ha\·t on.!y two matches. lime In the not too dbtant future, en la .ra ua Ion che ..... ing .or .!moklng. flirting. �nd such lha� lhr�e days. old $all be.du]y !tned.

• Nothing morl!' .can be learned at pres- --.- . other gnm�!I qr e�erc\ses .. as ,are pur- Offteer.l are heretly authorized t.o make 'Dutch' Moe Lead" SeiliIOns' ent but the ]ttterS and the cup win 'The I� of th�e members of the 5�ed lor pief.'jure. enjo)'ment. or pastime the neceyary search without warrant. �

$corinl With 1 1 3'

Points probably be awareled at· the �me Ume. ba!iketball squ� through graduation :��o:r�t;:: �:.r::Y

aPro����··co�· No-, gentleman must be found with

. __ . . will be felt· keenly In the 1935 seuon. f II UI J d lJ� d ] :' I his hands In· his pockets, unleAl! his Glancing over the record

.' boob Shack. Dorm, ilnd Day �oys . Those g'raduatlng are Willard. Levl�, °u'''; l�

t 0 wcenj, u :�!i. an f a;y�:'lband' ms been wbunded In defending

o.r 1934 �ketb�n at. p� r.: C:. we To For"! _ �as,ebilJI J'e��1 5O� and fdonsOn. ' � . :ff1�len;m;� �:.�


ec!�:� . �:re his LadY F�alr. . .. .

�;�ed :a�ngD��:oj���'�

k�30rr �I: The boys physfcal 'education 'Cl�s Coach' OI� Wlll h;;;-tilS-hai1J1s�n -than 13.5 In ,(\ri.e�'d.urlng· lhat one da��� :r:t�:���iar;:�n: _:�:I�w,:

Lell��e �rtng In many :: �� will divide Into several baseball teams lrylng to rlnd .someOne to fill "Swede" :�.money was used to Improvt" Parlt- guilty of a m

.lsd�meanor �nd tM! fiP;!.

sa��._�� always a menace and which will compete on Tuesday and' Wlllard's p]Rce at the' guard pooltlon . , according to the size of his or her shoe/!. I\"orr�' tQ

�d:�ponents. "Sw!de" WU- Thursday . afternoons. The dormitory on the first squad. Bob Levl�h, re- _ The rea] business ot this lega] holiday Any person foltnd loafing. on the

�:�� a b�;��:��: ����:.� ���� =��:�la��

m::���; =U�����

h:� �en'e guard. who hu rtlled that posl- ;


]e::O�; o��:r �:n�:

n�trar;! :��:����or��e�t� :���:d

aa!e�=�; <:e.$-S this )'tar. wu next In line 'Ith 81 other. sOme eliciting game� should be tlon credltab]y whenever called upon. rubbish heap decorsted the lot acf.OM HlghneS$. the Judge. and be fined ac� counters. Gene Jack Md c�rll: Leask .p]ayed and Intere3t· will und�UbtedlY ,.:�� �: ::1':I�iaY�!7��:t:'���:� fron'!. .lht' Academy. a.nd .brush pUts cording t6 time ]oe..f!d, and Intensity

!���'::I/'lt�h�8 ::: ��::::��r�;;:.: rU;h�

I�� classes offer many ways of dcr c�aCht0lSOn longer than any other Hunter Named To Be .0fA���rson who tiM not been Initiated In� were: gaining credlW with tentils, golf, and ::n se:�n,




u: On Mtisic C�mmislion Into the 'mysterles of th� Park�and 1m-

�(Ot' ... ...... 113 baseball worll; receiving credit. and forward POSltl:ns efficiently !h�n- __ . _ ' . provement. �:Iub. and who does not .. sol" Vill ard 61 ever <:Ircunutances demanded By cooperation ot the Washlpgton t'mn]y p�mlse to· become a. member. Jaclr. 78 Plan Tennis Tournament

. State Music Teachers' AMoclaUon w1th shall be fined a sum not to exceed ten Leask . 73 With the return of Moe, Leuk. Jack, . ' . cent.\. Hudson 35 A t:ennls tournament will be started Hudson: �ulson and.: Sanderson f�m. l:�!��I�nD

e:.:r=�.t n�n:

u:tI;t:d; Anyone placing hls -VOice a�ye or ' Johnson 31 soon to pick a squad 'to represent the �:�:'a��

rt� s:n

uo�"ero��<::e����]��:� thc pl1nte, teachinOJ of mu.5!C al rl!- be,,','W,,·,·C,··,. ,',h'm

ll,,"', ,'hI',"', .��leM, .... :�an. Sa.ndt'rspn . 15 ranged with ' other Junior a'nd 4-year ncxt >·ear., h��h :: �.-��·d

nio °ree:mm�n,t suc�, Anyone foun� guUty of studying. �e-Trulson 19 school In matches which will Qe. ar- ] . ed t: I I r redl I th ..... "'" ...... -

Le,1nson 10 colleges. The t�nls courts will soon, , . change In the . courses of study and citing. or Instruc.t1ng. shall � Uned :\-lonson 6 be In readiness for play and all those. Highby's Brother Will do certu\�llon procedurt' as are neees- �cor!1lng to slr,e _Of said person.

, ti-= __ :;::;;;:;::::::::;;:;;:;::::;:;:;;:;�I��te��:�,���y compete for POSitiOns . ArcheolQgical . Rese.a,ch . :�:y�I;:;

IsL���:�;;:;o�e� f:U�:

rh: . '

. __ -f-� ,. ....

. Work in Alia Minor �n appointed a member ot this com- .' nuali"" Knitti ... "'-

I Brookdale. Cash Mary Hudson Is Chosen . mwlon of twelve, among whom are . - -1IC ." • ..,_ '-'V> - - • -----. To Christen New Boat Word ha.s been reeth·td b)' Prof. P. Or. Carl Paige Wood. head of the the· Letta, S� .. t�,. o.r Spec.laI.ty

"'03 ] ] tn 5t .. TKQma. Wash. I Market -- R. Hlghby that hI;! brother. Dr. L. I. ory dt'partment at the University of l Singular honor was accorded Mary HIghby. embarked March 9 on tht .sh.lp Washington. Herbert Kimbrough. dean

It Eleanor Hudson. JlUlior In the , high Vli!canla. fO.r Constantlnop]e. He has of music at \Va.shlrigton State College, ,":====:::====�iO ,

In.Pft'ted MII.h. school department at Pacific Lutheran been appointed �y the .American So- and Mrll, Edgar FIscher, head of the r . College, ]llSt v.eek when .she ..... as cho.s- clety for .... rcheo]ogical Research In FIscher SChoo] of MUlJlc at Walla Walla. MAin '1282 X-Ray I GArland 01 56-R-2

en to christen a. seventy-two foot c",'1- 1I..�la Mlnor .to RSllsl In the, declpherln� A meeting of this commission Is called Dr. O. F. NORRIS ' , J. A, IRWIN. Prop. �:�.� ���;tl:�:��a ��u��e:�� ��:� �!rjr;�it����n



ep;=�: :a�]:

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n:t= �� 1\�4:IX2!���:C�VS��:t


ka�he �at. the A�nette. named trom �I;.>'ht�gr�e;

r�� !��


e;;:n�!��i� ��81;�:!e�. !�

ru!;e�t ::n

t: . Ove� New Bay City Market t" the Is]and bearing the same na�e. Is nople .... prll I. and will proceed' Into for' the pupils who are seeking a musl- t;;�;;;;;;;����;;� built In TacOma.. and wUl be Carla. an n:nclent country of south- cal education, and It Is hoped that r: sent down the ways there very soon western Asia ¥Inor. His ..... ork will be constructive suggestions may be work_ with Miss Hudson sponSoring the send- ��:e��:e::ect:fn �a


n o� ed out. for more. rtfec.tlve music teach�

ort. land. They ex'pect to be engaged the!'e Ing In cooperation with the public Track Baseball

Golf We Carry Spalding Sup­

plies for these Spring Ga'mes


. 924 Pacific Avenue

M,.("MeuUn Speaks for a period of t.en weeb. schools. according to Mr. . .

I ex:��et:c!s P:�=�eO

f W�:�d \vr:� cu: :�

g���1 t�=����:

t of7t:eI :; The CAVE. INC.

93] Broadway �-Ib box chocolate.. for Ealte.


France. Mrs. Messlin, French lnstruc- Professors Bonner. Meritt and D1ns� tor ,at LincOln High SChool. was guest moor of the University ot Michigan. speaker at the meeting of 4'e French Dr,. Hlghby graduated from Luther Club ]ast FrIday, She also gave -a College. Decorah. Iowa, with the Clw re.sume of the most Important holidays of 19240, following which he -attended I�::::::::t:=======:! I I I celebrated throughout tht' y.ear In the Graduate SChool of the UnIVersity I � � France. ot -MIchigan u a. Bubl Classical Fellow 1 'COMMERCIAL

fcr the years 19240-27. He was Instruc- PHOTOCZRAPHY

The proposal- for t.he merger of the tor of LaUn.Greek Literature and Associ,ated .Photographic University of Chicago a'nd North:;Velt� Greek Architecture at- Luther College' Service em university baa �n " Iaid aside," 1927-30. and has spent the years U13O- 7] 4 Mar��C��POR���A Bldg. I

We Offer . .Puro. Rich, Milk

From farms t.hat are 9ut. standing, in the.


Pasteurised in a sunlit plant that is

unsurpassed i n ' the Northwest


followlnl sunesttons in the rtports of 33 studYing at the AJbert Ludwig Unl· Tacoma, Wnh. �\����====���,w�.�,..,w��In�'�"�Up�uo�.n�oomm1��t�_�. I versl�t' l� Frelb�. Oe�any. Ii<..-;.:========�=========�� \( U"'" ...... OWN 7745 ... Unit:;:;::;'


� -t'IaD' Dahl Grocery Co. . Il ' � TZc5Z� .

" tlcland - . '

We want .to fulfill yoUr w.nts, On. =-k���r:".,:u�� "i:r� ..... , .

' . ' . . by experienced workmen .t .. Spec:ial lu .... for partin, '.1.. LEHMANN PHOTO-FINISHING

clubl, t.a.a; .tc. ,p.rtl.nd �����e Company Any n .... Any. Place

. L lONS IUS liNES, Inc. ' . c.II "r. L,..... .... '411 .

;y .... � - � ........... :. - � ' .... N 1122'

. LIEN " SELVIG prelCtlpticin �·

Im�ers, of N�an .

Cod Liver 2,1. ! Comer. Tacome A� � 11 th

YO�U R P R I NT I N G is a direct- reflection of

. the quality and merits of

your . go.ods or serVic�


, J()hnson�Cox C�tn�riY 726 PKltlc Ave. · TKOfM B�� ins ... . ... .. - ,


1---�-.;...,,-,:---:.-"-=�====�j .L .-,-.-, �----c:--'--�\-

Page 46: Mast 1933-1934


Big Crowd Attends · Thf("emin and Pitchfork Cello Features of KAMPUS �KOMMENTS . -\ .. Saga. Ca�ival . in Fine Program by Orben Sime in Chahel , . ....... I'"� ,tart ." wo",.� '",;, _. '.,.) <he .... "'0. �""h "'"

G Frid N· h ---- . r . IQOd lhoucht lor today, or !"'1 d..,. tor !ieI'Ve to .autlfy, the campus. coI}6lber-ym ay . Ig t In aile 01 the- most unusual chapel', Poe�r's "Old :slack Joe." that matter; '"To �x�rc1ae your 1OUl. IIbi,. · '

. ." � .

__ programs of lh� yH.r. Pacific Lutheran On an auto-harp which he alIo pre- lipend live mlnu,tM eTer)' momlnl , K . . K. . ," ,

Nine Act 'rolra ... Led by Clar- Coll� stu�ents yesterday morning .sents In concert&. Mr. 81me ,rectted R'I� thlnk1ng of some � you can,do.acme "-. '1 the carnival all, �e booths werr

ence MOMon. General Chair- .. 'ere glv�n an opportunl,ty to hea.r Or- eral poems to music. , tor the Itudent... one. and then 'do Il! . " ' . ::r

:1ar. but the �e which . p.� .the

man. and Ten Booths F.aturn ben Sime play hls different Instrument6. On this. he also rave .. can1c version . K. K. . ,w the mOlt entert.alnm�?t, .,'as the .J.

• • . Mr. Sime. who plays the the:"f:mln and of oper1ll, presenting " MlMry'of Miser- With. perfectly good Intent the dorm one which trans.formed·oUf he-men in- 0 Of Tr.dltton.1 Event . pitchfork cello, j�lned the ItaIr of ere:' Hl.wl.llan � sril05 .. -ere also Ilrls �t out to serenade the boys the to �Inted dolls . . The changing of

With I. large crowd In I.ttendance. �;:;C��




t =� ��::.y the muilclan on the chape,! :��'t.:'


o�:y ��

e��I:� t�e =bl��e





the Saga staff presented the fint of cities up (rom SAn Olero. Calif In the Mr Sim I II bOys voleed 1.heir apprff;lation wl.l s1m-· the makeup ·arUlta. however . .

It: camln�s held In 2 ln the gym Inle�ts of i'be colleae. . ' .. . PI«II' of �h: �: Ilg under thiuau:J- Illy dampening: EvI.�ent&lIy. they felt

. K. K. I� t f'rIda) evening. The

. program In-. In )'esterday's chapel program, Mr. I...eI.lue In the Inte� .:O��IC

X:::. II�� the cynic wht"!' he said: "-Woman' A Jriend uk!" me why Norman Jt'n­c ud� nine acts. after ",hlch the ten Sime opened his brier con«rt with eran Colleae Each f

. was tht' Iu;t thinl made by the ere- seh has a..cold, 'and although It put me boQ.L.hs opcn� up to serve a thrl�1\f numbers 9n tht' pitchfork «110. ' a been wrll at� d� 0 ��rtII have at9r I.nd the prodbct sh9wS the reII"ult.8 too soon that thrre I.n! too many thi. bu:Jlnr&5. thousand dollar In.strumcnt made for tal mmlc hU

n cre�:d

much ��:��� of both e:c�ence a� faU8"Ue." • I� an' embarruslng �Ition. I had to Claren« Monson. general chalnnan him by Knute Reindal. wh� is recog_ wht'rtvrr he has been. Alter lravln .

K . . K. . . @l· hlm. Jen�n really �asn't a cold.

cf the aHair. acted as announcer and niled by Kreisler and 'other famous Parkland YHterd Mr 8i h g " Nlcr day for sk·et.chlllg ... . This Is b�t .hl& heavy brealblnr com� from

hl� b�the�: �. assisted him acting violinists II.'! the �'modern Strtt.dlvarl- Itlnt'rary is " beln:Y

'a�m�Y'!"M': 011(" of the ' new phrases lU'Ounl:1 ttie the fact thaJ he has dIs.IOCIlted his n"�1 fl� a IBi man bet""ccn acts while ous:' The cello has but one sU'Ing, up_ Dahl, will go into clUes north' of here. camp� ·at present with' t�e comlnl extension five tlnl�a. HQ.nest. J�ll$('n Clarence was announclnl. �rs. Ed- on ""hich Mr. BIme movea a block of M thuS fU'declded hl.i IUn of �rlng. Alinost every dt.y group!l'ot hasn·t breathed through his n08e slnce

:'Uda and Hlghby abo &Misted In thrSe " .. ood up and do,,'O to P�UCf; so�. wllI .take him to Bre=�n Marc�� IUilllring I.Ttists may be seen at durer- ·they moved Sllverlo� o'ff tile highway . . Itl�. Contrary to �nrral supJl(l6ltlon, (he March 15, opcn: Everett. March 16: ent scenic spots ;lroduclng .pencll and. K K .

I'I:� ope

�g:��::�. or:h:�.: .. ��';h�;':$ ::!.k��; i�:�:�c, \

1",�:c� '=:.r:�.;': ':;.::

e�t�t!� r!�h:� ���'C;;OI�:!�hCS und�r the

:utelage of :O�:O�c��°i.:th�!'..���ollr�e IIbrar): .

trio compo6ed of Evelyn and Mildred'S frorrr.-s�md box In about-the. Ch� . . Seattle: ·Everett.· -March 19: . K. . �. has original copies of. b90b printed as Monson and .Dorothy Oelamarter sang mIddle of the Instrument. Mt . . Sl�e Stan",'ood.· March ' 20: -Mt. Vernon, WE HA'"VE WITH OS: far back as 1�28. Thr5e books havr two songs. " Throw Anothrr Log:? says this Is his favorite Instrument·. March 21 : Ne",' Wetltminster, B. C.. Aberdt'CJl. debater upon seeing one of ,!ooden oo"t'1"1I and have a bind� that the FIre'" and " Ink 0 k a 000;' ac- and that he would not trade It for'any- March 22: Vancouv�r, B. C., March 23: our youog profs, " who's that: � 'fl�n- l!! far supe.rlor to thOfte of any moder� companied by Thelm, Daniell." Mr. thing. He has played th� same pltch- March 24. no 'co�cert: Am�riCan Cen- ky?':' Don Reid: voice of experi- books. These blndln� have IM� morl' Hunter II� P�f. "Howd dbec.)(.�. next, fork ro�. CUtten yt'&.n . .. On

.It. Mt .. Bime tral Luth�ran ' Church. Bellingham. ·enct'. wHh another . bit of his wlttl- than' 406 years �nd are today stll� as

presenting several hUtp�lfl magic played 0 Happy Day by Wcxels. and March 25' Anacotte3 March 26' and clsm: " Yau can'l kiss a girl unrxpect- good M when they were m@de. . lMclts. Bill. Gregory Prt'�led h.1s act " 0 Sacred Heart'· by Oerhardt. Our Sa\1�'s Luthe�n Church. ' Bell- cdly. Thr neares-t you can come to it An Interesting feature about on: book of facial contortions. Bob Cory and The therrmln, one ot t�e most mys.- Ingham, Mart'h 2'1. Is to kIM her sooner than she thought that WII.'! printed In W:lttenberj.ln 1561.

Henry Wells. a tumbling team froin. terlous of musical lrutrumenl&. is an- you ""ould!" Eldon Anderson romg ls 11& c;over. which Willi made OUt of a

Lincoln ga"e a tumbling act. atteT which ot.her tb.lng which Mr. Sime feat�. Brookdal�. 'Which reminds u:J: "Love manu.�rlpt on vrUum wrlt�n

n. tap dancing team from Uncoln dane"- The affalr which produ�s the sound-. ) Personals Irvels ever)·thlng but the hel.d:' Oon In ·Latln. On this tovr·r. one ls able 10 ed one number. The sax 5Cxtette. Nor- look. .. IIkr a radio. but In reality the Piper dl!!playing a parking tJcket. .5t'e thew Latin' musical InscriptioJl.' mail Jensen. Mr. HUnter, Vic P�l'5Oru. music Is made by ""avlng the t}ands be- Aftrr se\'eral weeks of haft!. work. " Gather lip rou� while you mayY'Bev-

. The most valuable �k In the 11- .' Harvey Johnson. Jack Hudson. and OOn �ore a tall metal rod. charged. with 110 Dr. "ngelatad. together ",1th his wife. eral day girls' combing the building for braty I� "Or Bervo Arbltrlo" written br ReId plaYed(t\l:'o numbel',ll. to�lowed by ,·olts. To " ground" It. one .must .keep wt'rr In. Oregon last week to obtain umbr�llas. Gene Jack playing' with Martin Luther and prlnt�- In Norl'n-n humorous\ sax skit by Jensen and hIs left hand on a box, and It i� by this much-ntcded rest. The college presl- buttons. Watch . your step, girl!!. �l'iae. Ol'"?any In 1528. According .to Hunter. Prot. " Yasure I Bkaltellyu." thal h{' controls the volume of the dent and his. wife were In Silverton, " Dutch" Moe v�iting forbidden terrl- reporl&. only twelve of these books r!Clst ClInord Haugen. and his key man, sound produced. Thr instrument re- vl.sltlng .wlth Dr. TInge1stad's parents, tory. Prof. B:ardon abdicating trom the today. which In Europe are guarded .

Norman Westling, presented. lin Inter- sponds the aame � anyone who comes while Berdine Knutsen, hl!! secretary, dining haJl. Harry leading very closely. \"Ie\lo'. Singing two numbers. the quar- near It. as was proved "'hen .Mr. S1me visited at t).er home;n Canby. OTegon. a sort ot double. life. B\l1 Mackle's Mr. Xavlrr, lIbl"arl�n. has a "ery t('tte WII.'! the next feature. and in con- took one 01 the stu.d.ents near It. "My and In Portland. hardest problem scems�� to nnd a neatly 9.fTang� shelf ot morc than a c1�lon. the orchestra played another Ood. Ho'" Wonderful Thou An" by __ '\ . girl attracUve enough please him. dozen books 'prlnted In the early part group of numbers. . Faber and " Beautlful Saviour'" by Because the CWA 1& no loncer l� et- and dumb enou,h to Ike h1m. The of the 17th centu�l'. and five boo�.pub-

With the propam over, the booths Christiansen were thr ChO�es play� fret for teache"rs Bli l R.asmu.a&en Who new girls. Dorothy. Laur�, and Novell. Ilshed In thr earl)' part of the 16�h cer.-opened �. the cam1nJ on this Instrument. He a.lso played has been teachln� In Edison. Washing_ always walking do",'O o�e� the hlll. , .'t-

W'Y_. ________ _ - --IIIfit'� _r.""'-f_ 'rbe-atta.c1JDnll 1 "- •. d ' ton, has returned to school and l!! re. Take our advice, girls. you"q never find Il

were: 'Ibe Hou8e 01. HOITOl'S. Bide &bow, �st . lOa cast .Of Year , siding In the boys' dorm. him d01l'Jl theft'. h� lor the kicking WRECKER' SERVICE Day .nd Nit. Rosle's Coffee Sh0p.. " P'O.-tune 'l'elllnl'. elven Wednesday Night __ post. Among the ml:M1na, . one Herb

�:rro:: ��a !� �I= �: Tbe bl'-monthly Pacific Lutheran CoI_ Music for the Parkland School �rc:::a�,.�


g ��::

lIt:�::? b�� lOy��OO��5.���rlci

Beau.ty. Parlor ror men only, FIsh Pond. legl' broadcllllt last Wednesda.y even- P.-T. A. ".'eetlng Friday aftt:moon will. wesUing-Wranl combination rolng Ca. R .... lriill' Oil ' SubscripUon arid Ticket Belllng booths. Inc. over staUon KVI at 9:4� p. m. waa be furn1shed by Pacltlc Lutheran CoI- r,reat gUDS. Remember V(cs, love makes �======:::;:;::::::::�

Arn Id M hta b . del'oted to advertlslng the Saga Car- lear boys When Eugene ,Bursoyne PlaY1 1 the world ro round but marrt&re keeps IP.'

Marp�t ��. U:�� ::"��ers::: nlval. Arnold Myhra. bwlness mao- �!��n ;�

�lI:.,::d n�:x

, M'X- It on the square, �old Anderson uk- Bonud.l. B�.uty Sh�;pe

were both satisfied ",1th the res Its f ager of the yearbook. pve a short talk. " Inl everybody to go down' to .. mortu- Studrnts -You Ira _!come'to

the carnival and said it 'ill'8li aU

hu °e On thr musical part of the program. -- _ IU")'. What's the 'matter? Arrn·t we come: In while wlltln,' for' l

success from every angle. g ��eN������

o: J:�


co;;=- Vi�:: ",��:��en=�� :r:. week-I'M good I'nough fO�.

you'K�le7 W�t'h w�;� ';:�iJ ..-'-h 'd

. . CArt�(h :e,��it WIV,,'."' ......

. o CI b C' I a. �id. Victor Persons. Lewis O. Hun- -- Last SAturday the F.R.A. boyS added rIr. ... rama U to Ive ter and Erling La�n, played t",o num- Mrs. A: L. Morrls, with w�om Anne another improvement to the campu�.

Cantata. Play Mar. 27 ben;. �e '"Tannhauser March" from Jphnson and Rl,lth Froyen sl:&y, lut They re-condltloned "Edwards' Avenue" __ Wagner and "MIlI on the Forest" by evening gave a lurprlse birthday dIn_ to the chapel, makjni ,lt wider and cov-

Wlt� the presentations already se. pberllng. Norma Preus played a p�o ner In

honor of Miss Froyen. Those I trlns It with loose gravel. Another lccted. work has begun In eamest on solo. " Valse to E Minor" by Chopin. Invited from PacUlc Lutht'ran COllrre proJret which' they will start soon is the next Drama Club program to be The bOys' quartet, Arnold("","Anderson. were Anne Johnson. Allee Roe. Kath· pulting· I. lawn lU'Ound the buUdlng,

:r:������;. =:� ri.��:a�� ::::�� �:�:':n,;�,r;;� �":::� ryn Johnson .n� honored gueat.

I' . "



lI:=:, ��!nce


n;�= _ :; fO�;�::;I����

·��:�:p��; I Sui:�:h�::"h

��:' �::. w': :�� Jt:���-::,,;:;;: Pror. J. O . . EdW",", :,:�. ::;


;d Jon'", .", .. d with h" I J:da�e �CI�i:�,�tti �:;::. .. a ::�o;:



.!� Alumni GenevieVe

' Knutson of �IlJngham

912 p.� .. Ave,�Tacoma drr the dlrretiQll of Keith Reid: club Esther Jahr. a Itudenl here IMt year, vtal� with Valbo� Norby and .J4ar!e adviser, ""hlle the two group leaders has returned from Ban Francisco to Wrans lut Sunday.


nre l:Hrectini the dramatics 0: It. Bakt'r. Oregon whrre shr is now wedt-New velour curtains; purchued by ing. . Herb Norgaard wu the gut':lt of MU-

I.hl! Drama Club for the ltace in the . ton NeA\11 at h1I home in Beattle the

gym. were hung .yesterda}' under the Kathleen Porath '33 has been In the week-end of Mari:h 3: ()e;ten Eli&son

You �y' • f_ cenlS more, bUt it" is.the best .nd reilly costs Ins


Printers _ Stationers



Fine Office Furniture , , . PI,2�Er� R· 12.n·& A St. Postoffice Sq\ure

Pho!:,e MAin'2122 � suprrv1s!on of 8choenfelds. With Leon"- h()!;pital In Portland for Ule last three and Roland Swanson also �lte(f � ard Wesson and P'crdlnand Bondy as- weeki ill 'wlth pneumonia. She eXpeCts their homl!!! In Beattk; that �t end. I�-;:========�==========;


slltlna". Boxes at. either side of the to return to, nUrle!!' tra1nlog .choot I ataae In which the' curta1115 Wlli be next week. Bcrgllot ' Vapn and .Irene /?ha!l.and kept when not In Uk wltl be buUt went to Portland lut weeIt-end, wh�re soon, ac:c::ord1D&" to the club president, ' Fred-Mau '32"1s attending Capitol Irenc was the Q.! B81�t·at. her -- . Onlverstt,y 1n COlumbus, Obto. At PI..- bOrne. .

• •

ctrlc. Lutheran Colleae' Fred wU ed1tor r.=' ==:::=:;;::==:::=, I OLYMPI(: DAIRY PRODUCTS


TKCNM','; ... ori .. Ior 25 Y ....

. 'Freida Hendrickson who went to sChool here ld.t year, 15 ""orlt1ng DH.r • ARIER�OP �ams. Oftaon. � rr��;;��;;��;;i l ·Mra. 9barlocU Spencer. '33. who Js �. ______ -:-___ J

," L�MBER. :0: � �=�� . FOa Zvu.Y PUaPOSE Hei �n. Kenmour, is attmi:l1nc Un-

PAIlft', B.A.aJ)WAU c:oln BJ.ah Bcbool, while her dauabter,

. .... . Belen. Is ft'Ciatued -at Acqulnu Aead-, GENBaAL "BUILDING 8� t;my in TaccM:Da. Both were' atudtnta

ben_ �t )'Sr. .

.rook ..... .

Lum ..... C!! . • . �e 'OArlaDd SlU..J:!

·AT BROOKDALE On Mountaln HJcbwa,

., 'J .

• .. OOKDALE CIOCERY The S� :rN!'t- Hai. It .

Hay . ..... ... , lin ... "Bt007o:r' .

Planned and Pro.duceci .

�OHNSON -- COX CO. Bi!o'adwo, .2>.'

- . ••

• <!

' ..

/ .


Page 47: Mast 1933-1934

·Bowery Party in Gym April 6 . Will

j 1')

Announces · cu 0' lb. ·s .... �no�� .... nb· SumlRel' Session SCrip.UOh ;..Jell an ' .. otn&- mUrely


_ _ �HonoL Graduates .:::'·t-- ::·M��:�� tb ......

�t � �::'t��::d'rm.,.-c)"��A�I::.::::'.��I:;;������·�T�o�St�a:rt�Ju��n�e �.18�.��� rull by April ZO, and that , . � Affair . Civen by, Fre�hme" ::u� :�= ��:t :::� Ne� Te.che�1 Wil�fJoin Promises Svrp-}:Ises; Com- .so mo� must be 'sold before. the

. P. L. C. Shff- for Extra nfiff1�e �.f

�ses to Divulge can to (0 pras. Terms: Hau"ge ' Again . 11 .

EI. Z' Plans • ----

.- . Supervisor

. -- SunrIse ServIce Plannl the first Bowery party in the history or Pacific-Lutheran College. Here Easter M,n .. " I 'n" the Freshman Class is' working on the term will be from June 18 to.

and the ljf'COnd tenn ' from to August 30. The, bulleUn ���



hn�:�� ��!lI

h��: �: Tacoma Luth�

Annu;al Event in gym. Commltlees tu:� busy In thelr prepa­

raUons, but a veil 0"1 myste,D' Shrouds their actjons, as many of the facts will

lege Buildtng at 6:30 Will Sern Breakfast

:rl'li�pr I ;;;·;�";I;h:;i··;m:!e t��:k,

5e5Slona will

not be revealed unUI the night of the The Tacoma Luther Leagues will Those who sang In the ChOfUS wefe party, They wish to give all concern� sponsor I,helr fOUfth annual Easter Mary ?i'ash, ,Ellen Bergstrom, Madge :n:

ga:,r::g a�d�����: =:� morning sunrise servlc� and breakfast ::�:��'v�::r�o�':,�, �:;I�YW:��

call atrord to miss this party whleh the on the Pacific Lut.beran ,College �- Alice Pl'terson, Evelyn Monson, �rnold fr

�I��:ooe a::!::;nt���

o�;�ireSh_ :�:::

t 1:�:::�g

m;:���:�1 :�:' A

�:'=n�·,���:�e :::::�ni·" Ro��'''�':U� I ��;��;P:;I�;�:;;<.



r �:�: ���I;����:US��'���.S;�:I��: lead- =:;'dn'Mo���. ����:� ��:� I ;;;;;;�"'--i�;

�n::":��=� the cpmmlttee o'n :�a�t � o:::;r::t�u:fS.�::'e a:-"�� �a�! Athcean'::::-w��': w�ln ,h."" l oaP'''tn.

arrangements would emit was that the Collegt' of Puget' Sound. \\111 be pre- of Haul Mon�n, Novell Nag�1 grand prize will. be unique and dllfer- sen led. Pansy Collier. ent: Bt'rtrum Myhre, p, L, C. freshman, ----

p:s�:�dtln:r �e M:e$:ra!

II�I��:� :�th th�e��:�e�!�' :�o�

US An°:e::� Edwards R,eveals �:

t: ;::!tu':H�:

ecl:� =��

r p=�� :; �����1i

HI:?d �����I:�� ��� Choir Repertoire

1\1Slsts that all, g;-a.duates and freshmen will also be furnished by Orben SIrr..e, be pr,esent. ::: ;:�:;�:k n=�

rs on the theremln LI���::���!I!��a��!� �

o:r�:rn a recepllon ho�oong the

M ·

S - The program will be presented from cert tour of April 8 to 15. Prof. J, O. otflce� ot the German ay 5, 6 Are et As the Iront porch of the school. with the Edwards announces- the selection of the Winthrop J:!otel T�ursday ,

H . D audience seated In chairs on the .lawn. Mrs. Esther Davis to act as chaperone March 18, Mrs, Bondy was a SlIest of ouseparty ates Af�er the outdoor program, breakfast for the· trip; Coach Olson will also Consul and Mr.5. W, �Inh.ardt-ot Be-

-- wUl be served In Ul.e College dll}ing ru::company t�e s1ngel'3. attle. The Delta Rho Gamma girls have hall. The choir. w-!!Ich 15 meeting regularly Verner Bitters, havlng had several

set May 5 and 6 as the dates for their to practice Its numbel'3, will give the German cadel&' a.s his guellt4 at hti

to the regular IlteU 0' '. tw� new ·Instructors, llpeelall!l for the lIummer, will al80

MIas ' VI�an Johnaon of

house party at Camp 'Mlya'jlma, the B K .dl M rollowlng groups of numbers at all ·the home, gave some Impreaatons that he

Olrl Reserve camp on Fox Island. At urt r�. er to arry scheduled ,concerts: had received. at the Oerm.ah Club With many COncerti! alnady arranged a meeting of the group last Thursday Louis� Donati April B; I meeting TUesdaY ...

. M�rch 27. -A.t thlll for, orben 81mI'. representaU'!'e of Pa-noon, further plans were made and . • • "The Spirit Also Helpeth Us"-Bach same meeting .Arnold Ander&On pre- .cUlc Lutheran Colle'ge, wtu be baelt..1n the committee in charge Includes Ellen T,ngelstad to ODreUlte "Bless the Lord"-T5Chesnokoff sented a compart.son of the tiainin'g . and Parkland after �t.e�. Bergstrom (chairman), Gertrude Sten- of our naval cadets with that of the During th� lat.ter part. of April, be wUl berg, Thelma Daplels and� Sunday, AprU 8. wUl mar): the de- "0 Sacred Head"-Chrlstlansen Germans. ' present concerti! on tu. famoul plk:h-Wesson. Evelyn Irwin. club president. panure of another brother from tne " He is BIes5ed-8odermnn fork cello and thenmln In eutern

:::U::�tI:� �u:n:���n= ���le;


a:�':�e;'��nm:n��� " Hosanna In the ' Reid, Edward... w�=� =�Kr,.81me'wUl'�

.. to prevloW! announcements. be' joined In holy matrimony to M1&s II Meet C�aSle, �n heArd on .the Easter. swir1ae :aervtce' s:n:or:

l� !��g=-:t :: ;: �e��od��:���� �\..����: ::�:




In Noble' the �= f�:::


Rink TUesday night, April 24. fro!'l of!lclating, FollowlnJ 'the ceremony,I '·Chlllun. Come on Home"-Noble Cain evening h1a concert .01 nine to twelVe o'clock.. The f?OrrImlttee an InvliaUon recepUon Will be held Iri , SOlo, Arnold Anderson . Central Lutheran Church of, for party ananpmenu Includes Vivian the church parlora. • ' . . E. 14. H!Iie'8 eharp: �:::+'b�2r:�.:::"::� ���,::: ':}�:in :.�::,:;; ··U,( 'n ;;,:��,���::� ... n ; .pn�:·;"� ture . 1n �e Saga. an!1 .MIsII IrWIn � and. M)Ton hdae ueahr . RETAO- "Tank Naar En,ang;' (0 OloooUII Day)

Rev, M:� Lodo, Tacoma;' AprU all membel'3 to wa� the bulletin and Myron head usher, -Chr1a:Uanaen' � concert by Zion and Bet.bel board for announcement of the ·date M15s DonaU, the bride. to be. 111 a � SOlo Ronald M&rtI.n Churches, '�; Ap.rU 5, the picture 111 to· be taken. grad�t.e of the Tacoma General HOIS, "Beautiful '�vlO�"----chrlat1aruen Luthmn �� an..;:·

y a�tio'n 'I, Prelude PI�e �� ::: �!

n :'m7," April 9, Solo, M11dred .�o� group: From all reports, e, l"1nt Norwepul'ian ' .

" the couple will aaU on the M8. North- "Qlor1fl�tlon"-Chr1l,l� was a ,lUCCI'S!! and "iprinlY" Chur�, SeatUe, Rev. M; L: Hen'll; To MU:l-Ter,m Exanu lind from seitue for �. where "�I Pom1lut" by LVOVZlky, the lltude�:�

to dllltract 'the mtndll ��:��'Sea�v, =.e'!:.= Two 4&Ya ,a"!ftY from .the bookII :rw :rt.i!::

l�� :Sd�C:=�� f: :: =

e�es��:�t�o��:own, will Prot Edwards followed In Prof. �rid April g, Rev, 0" 0. ' e.lftIoo"

be enjoyed by the studez:1ta In va- past el8'ht YNl'S during the flahlng lII'a- l Reid'1I fool&teps by taklrig hili ' �hurch in Bef'tUe. . " .

caUon tomorrow �d Prtday. 'l11e SUII- &OIl. • In· addlUon to theae, Mr. ' out on Prlday, too. AI. ' . ' penalon of claliaes OIl Maundy Thura- ,will give a group of plano former case, It was well taken and the Friend s;ii"e. Col,.e.e' '!lay and C)oo(fPrtday 13 the'OI'lly SPrin&: My"re ·1. ·M .... ,er: "Polona1se" (cp. 53), peacefUlness 0/ the scene blended in $5CMtMemOri •• 'CJft vacaUon aUord!d Paclflc' Lutheran ih A Plat," Brahms; and "1£ to make It a nI,a! Harmony cl&&l I -- . CoUege .t�ent& . th1a Year", . The only 8ince Marvtn .�. foimer ' bud- nella.;' Papnint-Llszt. Pacll1c Lut.beran CoUeae Is the'redp.. other boUda7 before the i:lcae of achooI De. m.aoqer of lbo, Moortna Malt. � a1ng1ng at � places Beck to Speak lent Of I. dralt. tor IlOO from J- 0, on JU;De 8 � be Kemor1al lJoQ', 'Yedp bas lett ICbOo!; :Bertrum 1l.vbre ·baa Uoned in the Iaat 1I0C1r'!lW' 1CUt; the • . . Llvdalen of 8J)OQDe. Tbe IItt. MDt to M*1ay. J4a)' ,30. ' . -' ' .. . 4 ta,keb< Oftr the � deputmebt IP'OUP wUI &I?JletU' Aprtl � at tbe DlOI'DP 'Be(:aUllf: of t.IH! rehearsal �� the Dr 'I'b::\piRad .. OD Marcb 12,. .'In ,tbe . �tber or' not tbe vacat10D will be Of the colIeIe' pl.lbUcatioil. DnW .re- 1ng eerviceS of the Pint LutberUl I;>iama Club Easter can� the Prmcb na'� � a DU!DIOI1aI to Mr, lndaIeD .. apent. "a_y tram � boob" '\a � c;mtly, Mr. Myhre' baa been �tc ehurcb In Tacoma,-Rev. Ernest Q. 8t'm,� Club .4kl �t m� for it .. rqular meet! wite, �. �., Wbo. med 0c&.0ber able, s1nce ruWar niDep'lireek examIDa- bualDeu JIlMIaIlU.:i&Dd with hill experl. eon's eharae. After·tbIa CODOe:rt.-d1nDer ing last Priday . . At the" next � t of lut year. ' tJona wUI be IIYm ne:r;t we9:. � � on pU�itona' tn h1ib lIChool;' be wijl be, serVed the � at' ih, A.pr1l ,6, Mr. -Beck ':-rn give ., rUume Mr. U.dum _, � ..;,.q to the &nn011I1CeDleDt.-made toda,. trom ill well qual11'led to accept the. new church, and they wW tmmed1ateIy leave ot the 'pre:eent. poUUcal and f1naDe1a1 bit love tOl" tbe·,.coUi!p In tbe � bf the dean's omce'o

. duUe&. � , . r ' � the �. .

' , eondiUOIlII bi·Prmoe.

jJeIll!J'OUl ilfta. . .


Page 48: Mast 1933-1934

. ( < �


w b r .m o o r i n g ;fIl a � t PUbUshed e�ery two weeta. during the school. year by the students of Paclflt

Lutheran COllege. Parkland. Wasblngton .

M.AJWH 21. 11134

Kreidler, Borjlon, Hi,hby . F'culty Club " ' . --. - � .

' . Mrs. Kreldl!. Mr. Bal'doh · and Mr. 'Hlahby "ere 'hoetf J40n�.' �veplng. to

En�red. as secQnd class matter. October 2, uns, at the Po!t Office at Parkland. . tht! (acuhY clu�m�mben.o.t �e teach-. Washington, under Act 01 March 3, 1879. lng stalf and' thl!llr husb&n(b or wives..

�. At .\.he me:eU�, held d· the' t1:«pt!on . �� . . . room. a program. was pre&en�_ by those -. S;�;;"" Momb., · O· H Homm. � - " "

�" :" .' �������/�Y?, .��T� .. ::=E:�!=�::;�i.�::' . . EDITORIAL STAFF. ' .oerry Pflueger waS visltlnlJ friends Don.R..: T�t -.s:opboDe pIa,er -..eel \\'U an tnvited �t. . !��j���E��t�r . ") _ �·ie' MNnse:n I,n Duluth. � Wrote borne to his tolks io, cain hb� U'f�q.�.otq �. . Dr. 0, A: T1n(ellItad gave a �Ik 01\ Sports Editor Pa��� p::�� �ta� what a sood' Upl,e h,e wu hav- . �. Person: Tbe -bIa' �I • . ' . "American TrUsteeshiP." M)1Slc In� Ed't . I W 't 0 . i FI t Itlg, teUlng of the pnrties, the nice· peo- DoD R.: Oh. no. be worked � a 00Ill- eluded. numbers by the faeu,ltf.lldle8: I ona n er � - - . - - � an Ie 0" r� pie he met, the a.ames &hey plare<!. etc. pa.u fadory. : . . . quartette. After. the �, refresh-Reporters--Eunlce A.r:neson, ElIne Benson" Gertrud� Bru�ner.,. Inadvertently he Wrote: "I like ping . . ..... LA-. · . ' ntll were served. with' �a'Hoken-fv10na Byrd. Thelma Damels, Evelyn 'Eklund. Jean-Mane FoWler, pong the best... . . . .Hunter: What �ent would you �, Pbrl Homme and LDuise .,Jackson Valbo



t, Irene Shafland. His fat�e�, t�le8'l:8>Jlhed at once to.the sugge�t for my acoompanlat?' ass15Un, �t the tabiea. .

. . relatJona. Scnd Gerhardt home at Jensen: A steam calliope! BUSI NESS STAFF . once. Stop. 00 �t want · a Chlna- �. 0: H.: But. you ,couldn't hear my ·Fa�ul.y L.di .. ' Quartet . Business Manager Marvul Hans�� man In the family. . playing above a s� c:atlt.ope. " pr .. enh Fint Concer.t Assistant Mariager Bertrum Myhre . -�LA- N. w. 01.: 1 know It. " . ' __ . . . §���::i::�� �:'7:'�::' �'��:� ��

s:�� =d�:':n�:"��:::�2

d .. ��:'2 .T>lIo, WID 7�LA�. lb . .. ot- .: :�.';':�,�;i.':,':. ,:,:;�r:; �

Faculty Advisers N. J. Hong and eO J ' sT:e� ,hit a .soon:. :r!:t �hen went on Ruth� :�!oar little boy'. t padded. - the 'trInity 'Lutheran Chun:-h �aS� �ed-

. • . . . . 'ltsSly. . . .. , � S"an! n�ternapUnfl : No. mama; �� .. �=.g =n:��inc:u:r ,:�;I:: " 1 . _<' Education for Peace ' . ' . -LA- . ' tell ,him t.o, .� tbe trouen tn._II, and claMlcal songs 'W85 au�nted-b'-� '

. ' . . Elizabeth Sluen tvLsltlng �a shoe-

�LA- , . violin selecUona bY" Lewls G.' Hunter. �As far ack as records go war has been the chief occupatiqn' of maker) : What do yo_u .make shoes C.IIX·: Her dad offered me $20.000 to

l . ( . ' .

man�ind" istory is simply a succession of wars. a nearly unbroken from? marry his daughter. . The Trin�ty· OuUd . . ,ponsors of the chaih of):>attles. and the horror and cruelty seem to have grown' in Shoemaker: Hide. Osten: You took him up on It right program served lunch after the con-�xac\?,ti� with the advancement of civilization. Hitherto hl:lman- Elizabeth: Why sh;Juld I hide? away dldn't you? cert. . \. ' Ity as a whole has been acting as though it were hellborn and hell- Shoemaker' Hide' Hide! The cow's ClIx: No. he was In the Installment ' Members or the quartet are Mrs. . bound. con�eived. of the devil and returning to his abode, Tod�y. outside.

. . , business and wanted � give -$IOO down PhiUp, Hauge. Mrs. ClIrford Olson. Mrs.

only a few 'years after the worst slaughter of all .times the world and'$l every week. ' A. W. Ramatad aQd Mfa. Jobn Xo.vler. · is in the midst of a ra(:e fo'r armament unparalleled in all histbry and Elizabec.h: Let the 01' cow come: I'm -LA- with Mrs. J. OJ Edwards. accompilnlat. that despite the universal. belief that the next war will be a cata�tro- not afraid, H !U Andel1lO ho gJd

. . v phe of such magnitude that the late World �ar will look deminutive -LA- . . 1lD:�te r

�e" sen�e, :T:m..,yo: Foren.ic Season ·End. in comparison. . h

Mrs. Preus: The furniture mlut J.s :relty '(lrl. Is ,oln, down the s�t... _ . _

. !n f�ce of these prosp�cts. peacelovi�g pe,ople throu�hout the

e:. Preus: I'll see him In a mtr'iute.

Eldon: I'd rnu.��� after Th�. ot�:�I:���t: ;!���h

�::V�� :..�







S�g:��� Tell �Im to take n chair. Ronnie: Say. my trlend. can you help Its seMOn Friday; March. 16. Accord� _ them is,' intense nationalism that mOl'\strous being which h�'ds the Mrs. PrellS: I did. but he said, he' me o'ut a little? 'I'm broke and haven·t to Mr. P!1uege� the, seaaon was success-.

People of practically every �ation helpless. in its gri'p': against them W��d start with the plano and radio .eve13my

. car fare bo�e. f�::m';


al�::':��:!U�:Po� is the ridiculous idea of the glory (1f war a belief passed unto us ·from � . Pedest� �. Certainly. 1 m sorry tor op . ' the dark ages. and �arefully nurtured 'in'the schools 'of eve'ry country '\ -LA- you. ust be hard not to have even debaters. Members of the. rt!Urtng

through a pagan teaching of 'history from kindergarten on i-nto the Manager; You can't go on alter that your a.r fare" Where do you Uve? squad are Margaret Wesaon. Hazel �.mivers}ty: Withou,t this glorificatic:>n of ,;",ar an� inten,se nationa!. m

�:�::�.: Why?

�\Ie: Astor�i.,._ �o.':�Jo::u:eIt!�:������� I


our age would be ,Practically ImpoSSible : With them. It Manager: .They might t.hlnk It·s an "00 you think anything can be Yen. William il�r. and �land Swan-\,1 I I . .....Ith m;\volce?" 85klid Arnold. 59n. Ille. subject debated was "Re-----' The general opmion amone 'oeoole of common sense seems to _1. ... _ ' ''It ml8ht be of pra.cUoal aervloo in Mlvl'd : ThAt the powers ot the preal.-be that education against Imperialistic thinking IS the only way to I Any empty pop bottles lady? asked an emergency replied the slncert! mu- dent be subs�tlally lncreNed as a w,prld peace This IS oAly partly true The masses of the world have the Junk man slclan settled polley In the United States' no ImperialistiC deSIres and education against such IS therefore not 1 should say not snapped Volly N In the chorus? needed The campaIgn must be directed against the thinking that 00 we look like we drank pop at this 'NO' In case your automobile hom L. D, R. Next Tuesday paves the way for WIllingness to bow to the Wishes of the war lords house? was out of repair " __

��ta��di�:s�o���rb�i��!i; ���:���7,����h�o

a!:� ��et�����

e�� I ve���:e;.


egar bottles. then. lady

?" he

Mar�: Mama. -�� people are In hel/n�:tn�t�a�' !r��t!��� !:!:

nationalism .. They must learn to see the idiocy of their preposses- -LA- mournln'r. do they wear blaelr. nlrht- of Mrs. O. A.. T1ngeLstad •. with M�. sian5 and prejudices. the absurdity of their beliefs in_national and Mr. �rdon: For what reasons are ,owns' \ . ' nngeU!� and MH. L. lAnon as host­racial superiority, and be led to understand that people of other na- people refus.ed credit? Mn. W�n: Why no. of coone not. esses. The prop-al!l will include a read­hons are after all hum,an beings like themselves and should be re- Paul Preus: SOmetimes because they Mar&'; W�II, don·t . tbey feel jgM. aa Ing- by Marp.ret Wesson; . vlolln. solo specte,d as such. SeconQ!y. the schools of the world must teach his- aren't _known and sometimes becau.c;e bad at nl,M as tbey 'do In _tbe daY_ by Wlntrrt!d Butsch; a paper-"L. D. R. tory as it is. not 'as- a succession of glorious wars, but as a succession they are k�own. tlm�? - a ste.pping-s�ne· to Women;s MUislon-of hideous crimes and' murders. They must show peo�e the world . -LA- -LA- a.ry Feders.Uon." whIch wa,s given at as i t has been : humanity ,sweating. slaving. starving� dying by the Sea CapLaln: What brinp YOD oat to KelUl Reld� I was aab&med of you In .the W. M. F. meetm. ·in BeatUe, Mari:h millions in battle: tortured on the rack and at the stake; fighting the ralllnr in this weather' the .restaurant: 'What did you � by 20. by Rhoda �kenstad; and .. report famine and filth and horrible diseases to satisfy the ambitions of Jack 8.: Ob. I 1t'&I'I Irnpelled 'by flllln� your .pockets wltb tbose pickled on the' w. M. P. meeting by -V1rgtnIa vain. blood-thirsty. empire-seeking rulers f�m Alexander on down sornetblnr deep wlibln me. wblte oniOOl? Mahncke: A business meeUng wUl fol-

�f �Ii����. a�e�l �hu�:



f ����� �����e(r t��r�:���: Charlie: I'm t��� ot asking some th:yo:e:::��nIoDA? I �oqbt low the Protram· ' . .

broken. the ho�s killed. the fertile fields laid waste and the cities girl to marry me. What do you think -LA-devastated. Nothing but the truth must be. taught. truth naked and of the Idea? Dutch: Think you'll be able to stand r----�----1 bare. truth in. all its hideous reality. And this 'education must �e Pearl: It·s a great Idea. It you aak the heat' down there In Caltroml&? univresal. If tnis can be done. then in another ce.ntury the sun Will me: Why, It's a hundred and ten In the shine down upon a new world. a world fr-eed from the cruel arms-?f -LA- . shade aU the time. militarism. a world in Whicp the seedgerms of peace and good�11l Tbe favorite nower of most any (irl Buclfy: Well. I don't have to stay In

Pirkl�nd B.rber Shop . .nd

Confectionery which Christ brought into the world twenty centuries ago j'Tiay find is the flower 01 �erican Youth. the jhade. do I?

.. suitable soil in which to grow and be�r fruit. First Brltlshe��

-you've been in Charlie (al� ��� exaInIDa.tIou): �,-,._G£_O_. _KN�U",O_TSO�;.;.N� • .;.P"",="-:-... �

America. e�? W85 It a lecturhlg tour? Nane, CoaId lOG flAd oat. .. ben tbeT're r.::::-::--::-....;�-:��--'t Eatter . Again is Easter here to remind us of the resurrection of Christ. 'lectured me trom one end of, It to the. Jut took of my 1DAlded BcbooI Boob, BUppUa

the most glorious' fact of Cl'lristianity. For it ,is a fact. and to those other. _ --'LA-:- J F VISELL

. Second Brttl�her: Oh. yea. My. wife (Olnr·.to nm tbe tIlOTInc' ptemr. they ���� \ . f us who so easily stagger in our faith it is a comfor.t to know ·that . Stranger: I say. boy;stop that mule. • '. . CO. . . .

ft is not only a Biblical fact but a� historl�al one. ":Jn�li�!n& .his- �gar: .I. ha�.e. no stopper. sir: " �� . ' . toriahs.have spe�t years trying: to dlspr�ve It, but the.'r "-:,vestlgatlons Compliments of S.: W�l�. h�. him. then. Pbone Ka1n 2870 iOIlio Pac. AYe.

have only added' more proofs that Chnst actually dId flse from the E.: Hes already �_eaded, sir. . ' . . .. . '


dead. And th�t is all we need to know. ' . mT COAST . tu!; Contoupd your impertinence. tW'D 1 ..-_"--:::-:-__ -'--.....;_..,. What a wonderful world the resurrection of Christ opens for E.: He's right aide out already. ·sir. Photos us. Perhaps the great�t thing about it 'is its proof. of i! life .after GROCERY . S.: Speak to him. you rucal.. . .

this for without th� resurrection. the human soul would stili be E.: Good �rn1ng •. Mr. Mule. P f t' . aski�g the why of its .longing for immorfali.ty: and .the dee�st ri.ddle -LA.- er ec lon, IS our of existence would remain unsolved. As Byron saId, the knowledge t:ocat Kathryn: Nllw, Jennie. tb&t's twice' Guarantee peals, like the eternal thunder of the �eep. '"to our ears thls .truth : lard. Thou livest forever. ' . .1ennJe: Really, it was so greasy It

of immortality o'ersweeps all pains. all tears .. all time, all f«:ars. a.nd odu' cts YQu have come home andfOl'JOtten that '


�. •


. . . .








; . "-


: .

. r· .. ·· .. "······· .. ·'."'" .. " .. · .. ··:

.. "·,,· .. · .. ·······,····,,, .. ·:· .. � I-t-----....---'----t ;=========:;1 '"::-u:,,�1;-_. � do<� . . .



�":':"". 15c for :NiI:te Holes sandwich." Hot .nd . CO-ED5-- ""� 7- " ..... --....... . .

304 R ��I;; 4493 T

' . Cold Drillks

l. botludaa' 10'1- IN � .1ol.�' 1 . us g: acotrWl .

25c .for 18· Holes . • , . foo sma,tness .nd

d All Kinds W style '

. · Quali. 0ty" Prin.. tmg--.$':50 StUdwlt .monthfy ·nth ! in pOlen's Apparel

�":,: . , :�� ��. en�'�:!: .

':'" Shop at ' , . In 'a,. Mod,r�ly Equipped'Shpp . Buj" olow·Bo�ue S'KINN· ER ... 'CO . . Com� In Any Time .. ' ., . . '

Porklond Colf COU.... 'SaleS �o"!r& Pacific Ave.- '1- . V' " . : AllstrulD�. Prlnt,ing-- Company 939. Broa�way 9SO Commerce St. . ' . 'MAin'6768 � ............... , ................ : ........... : ........ , ................ I"""---'-------4 +-....,..--�---4 '"---,.-------------'--,.---7----'1 - -------..:.- ....::::: .�---�. -



i i J 1

Page 49: Mast 1933-1934


MARCH 28, 1934

McCormick arid , Westling Seeking Golf Championship

, ( < '"

PACIFIC LUTHERAN COLLEOE. PARXLAND� WABBINQTOM' PAGE THREE """""h"h.""""""""''''''''''''''''''''! Dahl Speaks: in Chapel · Tacoma Co�;.,ation to

• � EmI)hjl.S'tln8 � .. as Financial . ' . C.I,b,ate A�i".r.�'y

h d :;:�de

�e:de,:,;��:r =ta�

fonU: On 8U�dayJAprll.8� �.ptruet.h �n-n..t lJa44l-,.. · , unol, or 0",011 '''no and E" .... 'h nl.�" or

, the Trinlt.y - LUtheran

..".. I". ,.&;0 Dahl __ addrrMed thaM{ Thursday on Church o� Ta��. loc.ted·!lt So. 13th 'Peanuh' Lanon. ·Nor�u,d. Elia- :d:

u��e:\��:��C:t t�� =� ��.I =��.

n:�l1be��::�t! :��

Ou� .::,d H�;hIS:'�c:��ln F����;: 8y Milton NelYiS r ent time there Is no other Institution th� tllg felltlva\ M'rvlCH. At the n:'-orn-

Tou;nament. to B� Played ••• u ..... �.uu-.......... �;, .. u .................. " ... :U�:C��f�I::-� 'Whieh Ute In," �.� �:v�i�:,\�:hl:· �l�u��-t� .•.. �:. Same as 'Last Year . ' Schuh was ' the second pastor of th,e

TIt When we return from vacation the old baseball rivalry Will be • chureh, ser,vlng from 1890 to I��, and

Ing I� :=a;I��I�:


ttl�1:�� gin again There'll be a league of three teamsLthe �hack the dorm Rhoda I'tokenltad Gives , . , , at pre8enl � president of the �rd of

Harry McCormick ' competirii-- In the and the day boys, All the .teams should be pretty gOod and pl,enty Talk at ·Convention :�:�,on of the. 'American � Luth�ra�,




of exciting games are in store ,for the fans. ' .. At 'the meeUnr of the Women's MilI- At :30 In the afternoon an.tJl-Luth-�V('SUlng reached the finals by wln-

" ' S. S. , ,

'. 6��:�i-��:

tI�� ':g����:� �:�o:::�:: ��:r ��:: ::


���aann�h:��:g =��:� �'�:� , We'we seen loh of thriUln, contests, blLt on. of' �. ",e.test manuel Luthenm, Church in Beatul'. L. Ludwig, p�ldent of the �t,hwest:

the. match. and finally to Win one-up sports rn.tches we'w. eyer witnessed w.s the ,01' ' ,.m, • . �iw"n, Virwinla Mahncke; and Rhoda Hoken_ .�rl"! D�trlct of the American Lulhe� on the 19th hole, Ham MCCormll�k. Norm Watlin • • n� Iud Lehm.n. At the 4!nd o' the fi�t nine, Wes alad �n!' n!pre�nta�ve8 o� the Luth· Church �d member of the �.L.C. board

thl other -finallst won out by topplI�g w�s two down, but ume b.c� � ,win th. tenth and twelfth.h'ola. :'::fl�;::��::::nO


ormauon of :� ��:���I:I ::��.,.:�!!

eo��:�� , :ra�!�::r�J:� t�:t��:�:

�::I�a;;; tyln, the score. For the �.em.lnln,.si,. �oles, �tf.. cont�tanh shot At the 'afternoon se5Slon Rhoda)Hok- Rock, Wuhlngton and Rev. E, C. Knorr ......

look the match by a one up margin. nen. fourt, PI.yin,' th� flnt h�e �'.In to plar !,�f the he, Westlin, enstad gave paper/on "L. D: ,,":'A of,s:attle �11 speak at, a special gath·

In the second division Paul Larson. took the hole .nd the m.tch With It. Wh�t a thriller! stepping-stone to Women·s· M1.!Is.Ionary erlps: for youna:.fo1kll and conn�man!B

Herb Norpard, Osten Elluen; and, 5: S. Federation, The f.acul,ty ladles' quartette. Will .a13o

�;r:�I��;:�a�!�� ����:�� Ar;oth�r goi5d-match in the-tournament was Harry-MECormici.�s . ' . Ii '5lih:

t i;��I��S:':'�gatlon,: through

� will �n u soon u thL5 com- win over Ray Hinderlie. �ne up on' eighteen. The winners of thes� Exc ang�s, , - :� .. ::




��:ar� �(��� P<"

eiS c;t:lmpleted. WlU contain the two ment,'oned matches, Westling and McCormick. will play off . ' ' .

I ht ' any of theM! an.l\lversary meetlnp, �I�t ;��� t�e

e f:o�����:� t�� for the school c�ampionship �nd number one position on tR� go�f. PI��



f t:I���t�:: \\'lII p�ab1y ,be run off similarly to squad, How about giving these boys a ' i ittle gallery and making I t heated, 50 gallon kettle., and mOn! than , Dr. N. - M.\ Y)visaker Visits last Ye1lr'� ladder tournament. In thL5 look l-ike a real contest? It will be well worth your time. and will 25 ton.!! of d�'lert are turned out tn a Pacific Lutheran "' .. rch '16 :;t=r


e�t�' �w�la!:� �,:c��


prove say t�e least " yeaJ;, Coming from POrtland. when! he was

him In the' ladder, Thus If he l, able. S, S. The studenlB at the Inn Col1ege at v.fLCatlonlng IlIi the hol,1Se guest of Rev. he';eaY��i��;� ��

se ::�� to date An i!)terestin, f.ct was brought to our -attention the other d.y �,-McRae ot ,North Carol1�a turn the Alt M', Kraabel. Dr.

'N, M., .Y1vlsaker.

an!: concerni�g the basketball championship • . It seems that the Y�ki�. �o:;���t!:,to ����ne!���:::;,; �::Cn�




FIrst, division: Westling defeated outfit w •• so. confident o' winnin, the cup that they �ere bUlldln, �a!lh dishes: football , huskle.!!' hustle Parkland Friday. March 16, Stuen and Lehmann : MCCormJck won a trophy case to put it in. Cuess our boys put a nice d.mper on th.t bags, �

While here. Dr. 'Ylylsaker enjoyed a over Preus and Htnderlle: Lehmann idea. , " , tour ot the college campus. after which •

I took 'Dahl. and Hlnderlle trounced . . A �h professor at F1Q11da State he Willi the dinner guest C!t Mr, and

. Thompson. Stuen defeated Dahl In a ' S. S. Colleg e 'e tered hls attemoon claM with Mrs, E, Tlngelstad. ' ronsolaUon match. At the banquet which Coach Olson �ve his basketball boys the a .speoeeh dl50rder. walked to the board, '

NO:': d::�O��eLa::::n f: �e:;�� other night, �e revealed o·ne interesting asset of this year's team. In ;�l

te�'IYo�n�:xtW�:e, I � d�!:�

, �arl H::�eC��� J���::�e Fow-

by defa1.Jlt; EUasen wallopped Bondy: his talk to the boys he told the,m t"'at they ,were the best team �e, \ __ I,.r wen! hOllte�a at a meeting of PeP Schlanbusc:h swamped Piper, and Trul- has had'as far as fighting and playing hard to t,he final whistle is con· CerUun professors at the UniverSity Club lut Thu[lday evenln;.

�n def,eated Anderson, '

cerned, " Truer words were never spoke," Those boys were of washington say tbat student.. who The ,p�m, 'whlch followed a bual-

'I ' me to the last: and the had to be, to bring down a state confer- aim, for ')A" grad� are biuTen of per- n'e5S meetlns, eonaillted of a reading by ... ga . . y sonallty and that the great horde of Martha 8chelrmeyer and, a plano 8010


. B.rookdale Cash ence champIOnship,

S. S. r---"C" studenlB move.!! the world. by Rulh c.tlaorl,

The tennis courts are iftlprovin. due to the cOMt.nt pl�y' �f the lndustriow Girls in '1 1 9 Repair . Book., Sort' Market students. But they are in br front a good c;ondltion • • lId will not be ' Magazines, anil Discuss 'Evetythinll and Nothing' I�ted M.,h ready for match play 'or quite, • while, If I!!nough interest is .hown , ' , . .

in the tenni. tournament. attempts wi�1 be made to have the matches As the reporter entered the; room marter at that �Ime received the hlghe��

I played down�wn. S�wer�1 of the junior col!e,es hawe expressed. d,�- ,i�';t ;��� W:;

h y�::;:I�:I��n� �:=c: =��



I::: t GArland OI 'S6-R-2 - sires to play us. and If things can get o:r,an,�ed. a good season IS In greeted her ears. A group ot i"Irls, a toast to the mothera at • mothers'

II, ' J. A. IRWIN, ProP, the offing. dn!ssed In aprona ·and smoe�, seated and daughtera: tea, . P'Iorente Poet was

• ra amid a dusty contusion ot books were ' elected president· of her roll room: and discussing May festivals, When they Rachel F1lnt- wu In a play,

Track BasebaU

Golf We Carry'Spalding Sup­

plies for these Spring Games


924 Pacific Avenue

Charles: Leask 'Injured Coach Honors Hungry were told ot. the reporter's in�ntlona , or coUrse these Industrious Iibraf'y


I:a::� Bcuketeers at Feas,t · :nW;:�n;�e�\:;��h

t�neior:::!� �; ;:��W!�k�

o�n�:.��::!: !�



:P:a:�t� ,:��: In His Home Match 22. ;:�ldS:� ���.


o:�,:� ��� =:" �:w�':e��:e�:�'=n�::

the path of a car In front of the school. -- spirit<'! of these young ladles, composing a theme' song. "We flrid our He wu thrown upon the hood of the J...a:oot Friday night. the 1934 baaket· These girls work Batw:ctaya ,!lnd dur-· work very enjoyable," aaya one' ener­car, and r..5 the car stopped, he Jli'U ball squad we.n! the honored guests ot Ing spare time at school. They are getic YOl\ng lady. "Bqo-o-oo" from an­hurled to the (round. HOI!Ipttal lnvesU- and, Mrs. 01.5on at a banquet clipp\ng oilt tmportan't articles and plc- other young lady who . workina- to 10 gatlona proved Qtat Charles' InJW;es given In their home. We-\!nders�nd tures fr:om the newllpapers, �mbllna: to school. were painful but minor, eon.sIsttna: only that the boys did away With two tur_ and ar:rl!-nging magazines.. cataloguing ' ot bruised arms and face and a apraln- keys without leaving even enough tor bookS. ·end mending them, MOn! than ---------:----­ed ankle. After a few days' In bed, the dog. After, flnillhlng their repast 100 Tapel song boob'have been me�d- r------'-�-1 Charlie I.!I now back In claases. the graduating members of the squad ed; 1111' gtrls work In the three roo,niB HANSON'S.J1WILRY . It--------,,.----t made speeche.!!, which seemed to In- at the end of the corridor oppoalte the DISTINCTIVE

Member � l llPlre the others to do IIkewl!e. FoI:' library. . 257 So, l l t� Sf" TlCom�"Wn. . U ·ted , " 5 .• Jo"1ng thill, the coach presented gold Amqng other thlnp, the -reporter nl unty toreI �ketbal1s to each o"r the ten members learned that Love Story magu1nes �e ' W,tch R .... W.. ' .

. ,,:"�Ity Dahl Grocery Co. J' of the sqaad, "O,utCh" Moe, leading changed conaiderably during the last I '"' ________ �-I

, : " .rld." . _ ' :oon�;'� :�:a�:r

te�;. P:S� ::,� �7ae;ty :a,:�' oS: �: ��:t


h��� I ". ___ -'--�--_:__-..,. '---�;::;;::;;;==�!:=='==:;:;-:-' -It I The men receiving emb)etr:l3 were:' curious of the' Library's magaslne col-,

, . " Dutch" Moe. "Sweete" WUlard, Gene lectlon Il� the old oeUneatora �ot the TEtJ:� I'W�. 774,S Jack, Charlie Least,

, Jack HUdson,'

Bob tay nineties, whlch resemble very much ,Quality Knlttlnl Co.

� son, Kenny Johnson. and Clarence taln elalxira� pIC'tum! of trend.!! in 403 l Sf' .• TKoma� W.ash.' . 11J!, Levinson, Harold Trulaon, Lja1 Bander- the GOOey's L&dles' Book.' They edn· . RatnII SIrrior!' • Monson. busUes, sk1rta and other fashions. Many

....,.... , _ : �C���Sv�. We w",t to �Ifill �r wants. One :!cuve:�:':tJ�:= :: ::: =� r,;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;�;:;:;:;; �y�=�c;",:;;,to� � . A number of. stewart Stars for -UI28

S�ial Bu .... for partin. ,I •• elubl. team., ate. A"l'Ti!"". A"l' ......

LYoNs IUS LINES. InC. , � Mr. ·L,.e. . . ' MAla '411

y ... c.a. � - ....a...c. .:. - u...&.. MAIN 1122 '

by experienced 'WOfkmen It from the Stewart Intermecllate School UHMANN PHOTO-F:INISHING . In Tacoma reveal the activities of some, ·P,rkl.nd �.��� Company ,of our P; L. C. student.: Dorothy �Ia-

LIEN " SELVle Pre.criptlon Pn.t�

n..\cAVE. INC: 931 BrMdwlY

2_. 11ft � tor r.t.:r • , $1.00' ' .






'Medosweet Dairies ,

,f';['i 171. ::-



Page 50: Mast 1933-1934

- . : ( � .� J , • \ � J ( ).


MARCH 28. 1934

P. L. C. Girls Become Poetical to Write .Personals KAMPUS KOMMEN:TS � B7ttlad� /tor Chiklrens' Literature 'Class 'S .a,.�y Oribbohnl �ade a hurr�ed trip ' Easter 8�da>:. th;' most. il��� day fe,tUn, lDl5hape (or th:�m�

' . . to hls home at Spoune last Tuesday or the .!Iprinrseason Ls.soon here. Cast� .se�n.��al 1}runnef ."O� . - . . . as his mother waa seriously III He re- Ing aside. the .,,·orldly u�t. ot· \.hi! �u.l IfOlng UP,.tt smOIl�t.een pa�

If you ha\"e been amused r�ent:)' at One of the most popular ballads In turned Sunday. "dsy, let u.s tUrJ) t.o the splrl� siB'- to &. ,red�Il.Hd. Clarence , Mo!lSO'l e th� troubles certain gtrls had "'fUln!!: <:lass ';lo"M written by Edna Kelsey . ._._. _ "

. nuteance of It: for It � on Uta day opera "gut6t of .o�r ye.r� �Itor-

poetry. heN' art' some samples..of their the three little pigs. . Jens Rlbhelm. "33. vlslt.ed at school almost "two cent!lrle5 '� that. Jesus thiS iMl't �elip year, Maf'l£�t ,business

ballads, and tr-rou think It loob simple ' Monday. Jens, who hu been 'attend. Christ. our Lord and'Savlor, arose vlc- m&llaJer k�plng the 0';':' ea;Y potil try writing one y("OurseU, In oonne.;Uon . a;�� wUl tell I�g the. ·Unlverslt.y of wUhlngtOn. is torloUs over the grave after He had otflc� busy. Us, look:lng f.or the near-.... Ith their' work in Miss Reneau's Chll- came flrst In leal'lng for Alaska soon. been crucified to save \IS. lost"·and con· est exit. .

dren's Wterature �Iass. the girls tried " . __ . demned sinne�aywe always hold " . K . K

wrlttng ballads In the old style. i::ach Herbert Norgaard &lld Eldon Ander� sacred th� glorious' 'Ilords of the resur· 00 !YOU KNOW THAT: . .

made up her own story or took "Now listen, little ones," saya old moth· son attended a party' 8-tven ul honor rn:tion .morn, "He Is Risen:' "Swede" Willard 1:1u cllm� Mt. Ta-old tale. re·wrlUng It In ballad ,,� ��:.a�d seek .w�t you may, 'of the .former'; tweht-ieth blrtMay by

. . K · K coma mo� Urnes than any other' per- . Selma Befus. t.elllng· of But remember first and last and always, Thelma. Daniels ai her home tn Brook- . Hey Johnn; wUl you ,go down and Son. ' . Sambo, started hers Iilte this: n.ere's an old wolf out t.he way." dale Sunday night. liIrlng a. .speaker ou� to school?' WUI , Jesse �t1ueger dls..""Overed In� chcmis-"

Nel'a Olsen was 'unable to complete . , y�u take' a group to Se'attle? ,These try � two , years ago tha� "'a.rne

�!c li��c�n�::�'� ���;e

little tik

n:.' �o:���

.IIt��t v��:

contrlbuted th.e 'fol- �a=

ffo:'�:aa���!a��;th�::'u��� �: '��: ;���::�!:��fI;:y,

JO�� :

y���:�� t�a:n= t�'::n�

f::� Was aU dressed up In h1l bran' � . . Jca.l ti 'l I h th Igt al r ' clothes, A Bit 01 Heaven

;::�t o:n ,:


nto��� ;:�; = :�t�,��




ISc���; �I� s�:�n . ca w t e or n I , wa •







h:o:'�:h�:�er said; rn


I� of t�ndemess been a member of both th.� diee Cl�b Som'!!body around._�d It seems like th.e 'PrOfe$Sor Ram&� took clay lrom

"If you will leave me be, �h��tI�a�l!s

o:u�a����hlle, and Quartet for the past four years. �� "���





b�� �a�'�=:'u::c;:��!y :


.wn chem-


I��:' =� :t.e

ad," A linle bit of blue from heaven. �rt Knut.zen, "29, of Burlington. deserves it." - , ':Ofessor Beck once' made · .. trip to ...:...

Vlrginla Boen, \\Tltlng on the �u!�eba��\:�;blts �i .heB.ven visited with h� cousin Floyd KrfUtzen KK) ) the Orient In a rather d�repant tramp

of the Patchv.'ork Girl. started . In the way a baby cries, . here �t. �unday. ' . .Cupid scores again! ' Another man schopri,er, . ' , . Margaret Hllmo '32, vl�lte<! at"5ch091 :�::S�h:I:��

1 �:!·t


a�;�� a':t

e ���




The Patchwork OIJ.ll'ay lank and limp, dearness Sunday. . likes the Idea of getting married and 'much attention from the co-�. It

�W!n��Is� 6�lh!'�f\l1e . ------'-- _, . . .says h� o!1'ly :regnt Is ,he hasil't was _the cutest thlngl (' Had yet.-�� her lip!! in pout. . tJoyd KreLCh went. �ome to Astoria taken the plunge sooner, . The Fountain of Youth 1& not on

i,oc � I two w!!e1Ls ago on account ot Illness. KK. school property. �! ct:

e�c� ��:�:.



f :;

�t:;.pects to re�urn to schooT after - K K . Each campus .slay 'It Is cWltomary to

story trom ·:Hansel and Orete\'· to And lastly. we are printing In Its In keeping with the topic of spring give the studeh.t body president a duc�-·'Ran�al and Treta!:' Ilnd made It vel")' ('nUrety ·Valborg Norby'� ballad which .Saturday night, March 17, Evelyn,lr- ;��lo.!:P���:���n:hl1�:.B�

I:O:' Ing In CI!>ver Creek. Careful, ·Clarence. r('alistic. The last verse, telling 'or the th(' cia',.'! seem.ed to. enjoy win enterta.\ned at an Intorma.l St. Pat- and inCidentally our g'ood thought ror Professor Hlghby . 11 more Interested trouble<! family's reunion r1..<ns like this' Tbe PrIncess rlck:s party at her home for the tol- today. hits the spot: "Duty makes us In ilterature than biology.

I A prinCe It wu who could not sleep lowing guests: Bergliot Vogan, Irene do things well. but Love makes us do Well, that's thlrty for' today, folksles, t J'�o ��e�ef

a�c.h ���f�:' Fo.fov.�n�

f vrg����

c�p Shafiand. Jean·Marle �wler. �b;el them beautifully." , and your humble intormera: Uie Moor,·

�he���t s,,�a��t,�l

lif�.ce again, A true princess, no less. Flint. Marie Wrang, Doroth.y Delamar- K K Ing ·�tAlf. w�h you all a glorious

Alice 'Roe told of a personal experi. In ����hel� �� �� ���ugh t�e world ��y!V�:����ta!e:e:��n:�� a�::,d


lds��. �:t� '�

e� �:��::

.and an Easter tilled with

:ce tnsrebulldln.g nn old derelict house- So���� ��3u-i���e that were old Tr�lson. Nonn,an Westling, Clar- ,nobodfs'dled aro� but stili �he . . Ii �

.at. he says. . ' . {'nce Lemming, Alvin Moe and Shel� clock In the hall refuses. to run, several elrls Hono Mothers We painted' It and furnished it w�n

bfn�hJ:': ��etr�:r�

d��!UI day don Moe. " �1�tel����1 g�=I�e!,

ar�fo:h:�r���In� ' At Benefit Tea. Here

It'�I�le��u:: I�l�

hed. too T��yprlnce-'who road from.·round the . '


That Isn·t qU1te just fttroUgh. tired, and ho.rse so lame. Alth.ough the attendance w� not. as. Class n't reached any decision re- Mothers of the Pacific Lutheran Col-large � expect.eq. many stu�ent.s had gardin a girt, we think an electric lege members oJ Ute Lutheran Daugh.

The _name 18 very sacred . w:��;e��/tl:Oa


<-_lAnd use It In our ttin. The days Will come, the' days will But. In our hearts we'll say

The only home so dear to us III Im'own as 'J, Z. J.

Kenchbaum Suits and Overcoats

For �Ie Exclusively at letfarid & Palagruti 9 1 2 Pac. Ave,-TKOfT'Ia

C�� �en one evening a terrible :::o�:;::�: t���



nP�:� ·clock \ a good �dea,

K 'ters of the �forinai.Jon wer:e h�nored. �l:��s

etoa'1r ��:�eY'd ne'er been .Iege Swimming Club �t the Y. W. C. A. Slngtn!\ the old f�lliar dltUes .of �!.�r;!:

e�:t:; :I:�� �,���



many a storm ort' does, pool In Tacoma last Saturday niiht. chUdhood days. Prof. Ed.wards' Music fair WM hekl ln the college dln1ng hall, , Methods clasa has been having qul� an which had been transIormed Into a

to��t� t.was there at the big John C, Ooplerud. brother of Mrs. Interesting study of late. �ports have lounge for Uie ocCasion. A SPrlng at-be opened thought the king E. Tlneglstad :vhO has been staying It thRt the. gay atmosphere even affects mosphere prevaUed and dOZl!Ill! of daf-the king though 'twas ISO very Tlngelstad s for some Ume, went the "p�or: causing. him. tor the �rlod fodllS and greens wer.e arranged about

east Monday night, . expecting to meet at least, to forge.t all about. "tempe�. tl'le room. The St, Patrick motif .was A prlnce:o;s 'twu she who stood alone

Pl\ul A. Pn!:us In�eapoILs. �:�J ' tenon" and "royal 'chrlsten- carried oUt In the table decoraUons,' B�:r��as

h�:t S��a�

l����h' to the At the Invitation of the Union Pa·· K K :�: ;e=�� ���:;;:/

e�:= I�� bone . clflc Railway System, many Pacl!lc ··Sense Ls the hel�et. wit Is but the formal chats the guests dispersed. In her hand 'twas a boo�. Lutheran College students and faculty ' plum�; ---J . The prOceeda of the tea went t,o the ____ -"'_.� I"';;:'k,�;�':·::;::' twas she mem�rs, Inspected the new streamline The

" plume exposes, but the helmet national L, D. R. project., th.e malnte-

.traln on Its v1&lt to Tacoma yesterday. .sa.yes, . .

-nance ot the Sh1&matef Mission In Tennis Rackets Restrung

Fresh STock of Cui Just Arrived Bring your rackeTS in no .....



for �5 Years

Clarence Lemming. who Is pracUce PI:r::�1 ;:: ;�u

�; ���m:;�.b�n�t

t�� Aluka.

teaching at �he Parkland Orade school. the tears blind you, sent took his history class from there to � K New Address

Inspect th.e streamline train In Tacoma WE, HA.VE WI'rH US: Rev. 0. J, Edwards, former pastor of A certain group of our co�eds do· the First Nonvqian Lutheran Church

Ing thJngs bac��ards In chQ08ing a In Tacoffi!i!o' who has gone 8O'!-th to !\C-but then In- I yesterday,

Fisher's Representative name. Pooled yah. kids, we figured cep� a new pastor.te-, announces that Ai" Pedal Facts in Chapel It out. Lloyd ',Rotl _dOlng not.h!ng. �t his new address Ii 1352 West 13th St .. � alk Here March 1 5 =� w:n �� t ;:n

J��� �;n� �:o�� ;:!t., ::��I:� '::

In· an 1nIguct.\ve taI.Ir. In chapel. on n�,��!��::��e

to ��on��� and says also that the weather in San



�hoe� did you sleep?" was uked 'of March 15, �r, Ketley, a foot expert �.gjlve a compeut!r & bre&!t' when =r:ln� ::

e��e:� d::�:�In�:; r ;;¥"�:T;;e,;bl,.!"::;;;;"" ,oam;;; e from P'isher·8 Department 8tore in Ta.-- he � up SOCiology . . Nonnan Jen'-


LUMBER � sca.reely coma, expla.lned'mu� 01 the mechan- sen forgetting his sIa&ses at the klck- ,




l.:!ms of .the human (eet. Mr. Kell�y 1s ing pqat FrldaY night.. Clara Kuhb. So th.e prince then took her for

his a graduate of Scholl'a Orthope:il� hauaen and v1rg1Ji.ta ldahncke aldlr.g WRECKER ·SERVICE .­

Day and Nite. wile SChool In c.tucqo. the well·wom alcpn "& girl !J'l every

real prlnce&l was she . In h1s talk, �. Kelley told tha� the pol1.". "Three Byllablea" Johnny Orel- IOY£0J'1�5��rJCI his w&!! truly happy llfe '.

foot 1& th.e only put 01 the buman body belbll in government clasa, "Marriage ca., OM only 6O,del1cate can be. whIch must be . fitted perfecUy, &lld 1s P"':rl:';':U:y�O�K�.�·' �H�'�O:Ug�h:ta�· �'":

O:w�. �. =========� . muaeum WB6 'put that famoWl ��::��t,�t�e�he= :'ee�' , .. .

Lumber . Co. sh I all th l ' he stated, contam, one fourtb the bonea Phone OArland .3811-J-5 And' ri�!"':' don'� ;O��? in .the body, eac� foot. baving 26 sepa-

This Is 11 very true story.. rate bones. _ _














: ... =y=

=! s;:=========:;; u:;:. a�r:�� �I�:;� �

r =:�ey:,.:�'!n�=': three main causes of f,� trouble are

com. in :ooA1i1e waitln, fOf' • !,-pport1oned as fol.1o�� �wenty per cent

Printe� Stationers . Engravers



. Street c:.r. . Ja Cl.Uf«! by Ignorant &boe salesmen, Watch wWow for __ I, IPKlaJa , twenty per cent by miaflt aboetl, and

. ��I:S-iT� wa;:tIaM' . :;!'r,perAni:::s:�rl.��i revealed that the average houaew1fe . wallta elgbt to-ten mlles every .day.


EFFECTIVE PRINTING . PllInned llnd Produced


l' Fine Office Furniture

, . p t9""r:it£ R·, , 12th 6- A· St. Pos�ice Square .�_ Phone MA;n 2122



-n.. Stor..,.-lhat ..... ;?It . \ . ..., . .,.., .-. . ... .......... ... - .


.�---'-� ---.-..,'�,�------�.-.--'-

• •


Page 51: Mast 1933-1934

8oard of Trustees Adopts New Budget

_ At Meeting Monday $54.000 Allotment Made for

Next SChool Year ; Name Dr. Tingel.tall To sent P. L. C . • t M •• eti;n.'.'"

n'hen • stodent finds It iD1�. sible 1.0 spend a vaeaUon lech as Eas," at home, t.he nrll:t � �I" Is to have the funll,. eilmt' 1.0 sebool

ac�nllllf \0 Peul


Dr. Schuh Talks In Chapel Monday " .

President of I�ai'd ' of Eduution .

of American �uthran Church ,Tell. !>f Life I:t .. Would R •. :Li"�·

I )

'Goblin Gold' Here " On, May 25" Zier HOI Leading"

Role in Priz •. Winninl "; Coach .. Name After Tryout.

on Friday, May 25, lUI" the ' annu&! Graduation � prod�tloo: Isabel Ecelesttlne Mackay Is the � author of the play which won the first prize In

competition In

will have the leading· role. other parts ,named after tryouts held lut Altbmldam:� week wUI be laken by Katbryn ".John • ... .. lin.. BeuDer; ElI& JbbDKD' aDd

Powlel' .. IoI.& Mad 8IAJ . dAUib"'.i � �

Tom Be&mer, • 100: VlrltDla J;IJerI .. W,.hlnpitn I Brenda: Tom'. wit'!: c�ce Lem­

ming. Nick Coutnp (hls partner), and. to keep connection with the �tnt re

.porta from the choir on lu t:.

e a���:d �!n�=-�'. IWI

1I1te June unW sometime In August 15 and faculty \\'111 Join In cleaning the lIoo���

Schuh Is a former prtaident of annual .spr:ln!> concert tour reveal that. Mr. �Id and Mn"�ylor Judged the

the same group tha.t Dean Hauge met school grounds and yard. In the eve· Capitol Unh'erslty. �f. the chor:lstf!n are greeted with tryouts and wUI coach � pla.y . . The

"'Ith last summer. "'hleb studies the nlng there wUl be a huge bonfire to er. who presided at play cornmlt�, together with the hlgher education problems of ·the dl.!;JlOS(' of all the trash collected dur. exercise, attended. He Is no"\\' . seifected th� pla.y. CommItt.eees church. • . ed with the St. Paul Then \\'as a good attendance at t.Q. be In charge or de�1a � be an·


�rd alsl;) �roved

��e maki�

g in�h�e

en�::; student body will be dl. or Toledo. Ohio. He was on first tour 'conC1!rt given a.t the PIrlIt noun�ed la�r. o p ans or seeur a.ccr taUon y. ... clflc Coast to attend the Lutheran Church In Ta.eoma lut·Sun. ' " the Northwe�t Association. vlded Into·gT'oups. each 1Io1th a leader. the JUtieUr annh'ersa.ry· of morning. In the absence of the Drama Club'Pla"ns The president. of the Board Of Trw· to work In �tloru on the campus. At Ing of the TrlrUty Lutheran tees, Rev. O. L. Haavlk of Seattle. ww; noon lunch will be served In the dining Tacoma. of which Dr. Schuh putOr Rev. Svenson, Dr. nngelstad Work- Day April 28 �:

r�edm:.:p:�n�:I1=�";�a:: room to every�ne. The afternoon will er paslor. Rev.

, service, the choir was serVed dinner Cor the celebration of the fortieth an· be spent In sports aJ)d In completing .form


''d·D�� '::::Y

on his "\.sIt .

hiversary of Pacific LutheMUl Unlver· the campus cleanup. �flC Luther:n �Ilege, In the church 'parlorS. ,

cli��es��ro�: o��U:�:e

a;;.;:� slty. the name by which P. L. C. wu Detailed plaru ha.n not yet been From there the choir IT"IU'eled to Be� Club will hold Ita fll1It" wOrk day "sat. rin;t known. Thls event wUl take place made. but committee's are at work on atUe. where a full house heard the urday, April 28. Acco� ,to preUmJ· ne

�e";::� of field service and stu. a.rrangements. Included on these are: concert given Sunday night In the Bal- nary announcementa 'made by Leonard (CoDUn1lCd 011. Pace Three) Rule.s-Oscar Anderson . (cha.irman), lard First Lutheran Chureh. Rev. O. Wesson. prtsldent 01 the gro.uP. all .

virginia Bym and Bert MyJ:1re: re· Delta R'ho Gammas Will SpDnlor L. Haavlk's charge. . t�:t�:t ���::,�


Gay Party Honors freshments-Mary Nuh (chalrtnan) , Event o�1 Lawn On Monday morning, the cholr, ap'� 'bulld new club properties: • Alice Peterson. Bill Potter. Eldon An· , ::::t i:1��


ll�'oo� At 6 o'cloCk In �e' eve�., (lloner

Gradu�ting Class derson, RuUl Ca�l.son and Ida Thomp- h�;y f��

t t!!



n wen! sen

:ed lunch

. by 1�les 01 Rev. �)lUb ': :';�in:r


. � son; tool.&--Clarence Monson (chair· lege will be apoosor-ed this Norgaarda church, and presented a the day. there will be a pUt, In the At a joyous party in the SChool dln- manl "Swede" WUIard, JO� Btuer) the Delta Rho Gamma.'pla. In Everett that eventna". _ . JY.D1, with" ' Evelyn IrWin. and. Evelyn ing room, memberll of the and Paul Preus: bODIlre-WUuam Zier Delamftrter Is chairman of a . . choi{ a.rrtved in Stanwood .yu· Monson in cllarp. . . �: �o����!:t:.n�� last (chairman); John �een, 'YtJlce Roe, 'I :s:r:u:y


n B:::�=


before noon, where they . Norman WesWna la am;ral .cbalr-day . even1n8". Guesta were seated at- and Madge Hannon: campus dlvWon- .WUJlams.

� . lunch. Yesterday a1'temoon man tOf' the 'work day. The manual tables around the edre ot the �l"' �d Alvene Sehlermann (chalnnan) , Jea.n-. . they aanr at two, dlflerent hleh SChoola, labor wUI be under the cUrettlon of I1gbt wu turnished bf candles at each Marie Fowler arid Jesse Pflueger. -.

and .appea� In CC!nc.ert lut evening, John'V� Le.uven and.� �d Bon· i:' muter of Cere.monlea. Don Piper' . ' . • of the �hool a.Il:d w111 be rel(ned d

\:����� :=:.� � announced the procram numbera. ,Am. P. L C. ·,,,,",,t �s .t . :r:m�

ue::n :!�


up a new. cyclqrama, . • . . : �7ua: .ev==� . '" Seattt..' Mt • . Ver...,,, Meets Gamma. president, the wt Pl:Jday. mDl'Dlnr the chapel pc_ ����27�eae�� bef= .B&niion. Vlvian. Kampbell, Ellen Btra-- yesterday Dr':' TtnpJatad lett lor Be� the 'enUre atudent body will be rlod W&I �turned over to the choir, 101:' the next � Club plaJL strom and Ann EIlpn. Bpec1&lty num� atUe to attend \be putoral c:oidttence 10 the ftnt event ot Ita. kind pl&nn� 10Wln( & ebort devotlon&l

1Cf?ice. ben wtre riven by B&zel Ootf and Bei.. .01 the Korth Paculc �ct, whleb ,at. p, L. C. choir &&111": "'!be Spirit .Alao tJ 'niCk;" . �lnia Duilele. &eCOIDpul- lncludea c.h� In WaahlnIton, Ore- At the lut meet1n& 01 the day pia, a.," a double choir number led the voCauata,' and John Drelbelbll (00. Bntiah COlumbia an,?- Aluka. :r:.aat It waa decided that they hold a cake the nerro sp1r1tua1 number, furn1ahed plano wmp&ntment be- nilbt � W&I the ape&ter at the con- sale at lOme down-41wn depu1ment Come on Home;" and, "Loat tween the program numbel1l tor t.h8 ference banquet, speaklnr ot opporlun- ltore. In c.h&rp , of thla are. Dorothy Klrht," with Vivian Peterson and Preaentin&"

' a s� of the 8to. IlnrInI" of old f�te tllnlL' lUes' Cor Luthera.t;t 'cooperaUon on the Opheim !ch.atnnan), OWe Quale and. Ine Watta a1na1ne 8010 p&rta. .Wtndlln. affair. Ur. Beet apote . lWreabmenta we� Iit'I"Ved, with Am� � E.llt&bet.h Stum. ' . wu the 1ut apP,e&r"&MfJ of ·the Ftench' Cnqt, Iut �'noon

old � .. head waJter. Cooclud� On P.rld&y oC thla week, the pree- at SChool befDn the cmoHt tour in the mudc 1tuc11o. He lor the nen1.qr .... a _ftnIU bunt dent ot .P&c1nc Lutberan COlJep -.w .t.&rted Sunday,

' cSepIc:nbie' coodItIoDI 'in wb..Icb. � �. 'Jeaa.-.IoI.Uie riVJ! a' brief � OIl the Jear'. WOI"k ..... t her home on K&n:h 21. tbe lut day of at \he preIeIIt time. Fowler, . IIlltoI1 Nemr and WlWe: ot .tb1a 8Cbool to the Columbia 00Dter� 8at.urda1 eTenJ.Da. . E&tter • ..c.uoa, Ute abopa • . UDl1ke 'tboee·


�a:: � o� ad� =u! :'�M�In �; :�� ��nce :�:� =:�owued� . . 'I1Ier. � Kn. BoDd7 wen Lbe ebaper- U. educaUonal .rallJ '1MaIorl enr: tb1I Of tbe PacU'Ic Lutber&a 00Uep tHe doubIe... eboIr uuaihir bJ 1IAcb, -to '�. !leek.

. one&. � ftJl'.cmtume& beK. � coaienuan 8unda7 �&ttemocm • . tbe' P. d�t body: ' A deruute 'd&te for �t Alto 'BeJi,etb .tTat & au.:. . Al. aotDe l&ter m..uac Mr. Bed: wID . Inc the. PJ· 10'1, were � bJ !:DSd L. 0, eholr wlU·r:lve.ltI nnal tour cm� weddJpa hal not been aet., but It luIl&bJ. "ac.pod{ PoalUui," UI4 apeak to tJ» Club 011 U. pr.-at�U. But:.on and. wmle.:PflUepr� ·Ct rt. �ly be aomet1me In· AUIU8L .a..c:rtd Head". bJ .Oeriardt.. cal IttUaUOII,' in Prsace. .


".' .

Page 52: Mast 1933-1934

. ( j )

)' . .


PAOB TlVO PA�C L� �LLECiI!:. P�. W��

w b r jl o o r i n g · m a j t �Ustwd eYel1' two ftHs durtna the '..:boo! JtU' by the studenta 0' Pae:lnc,

'Luth� CoUece. PU'k�c1, WaahIDItoft . .

Entered ai aoond d.a. matter. Oct.ober 1: 1825, al the Post, Office at, WUhtnrton, under the ACt of Jlarcb !, 18'79. . ",--e�·mb"')

.. Chapel. Gleanings .

;, �h.".ii �.oth.'b:ood · � �� . .. . . Il.etII --- �J_ • ..;;.., .. r . Mlnn •• poI" . . � ·Sec0n4.A .... s . . Minn.

Page 53: Mast 1933-1934

r J 1


H. McCormick Wins """'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' IC':' 1\ T " 011tER :, SCHOOLS � Top Place in 1934 '

. � A· fin . .. , .... of .... "'" JoIuuon . . ..... , .. J_ .Iat, "po"', to.

Golf Tournament �o,t Ata"u ' . . �� .... ' ... In .... ::: =::l:;":,�� �".;= -.. Ooe � � do no\ be- mat.l!!rt&l tor h1a p&p:r relaUve to the Hip SchOol JophOftlcwe I •• " nne _� • CIHtd'. appetJ:aDCe " en- JlI'OP.OIRd rget'ler ot Northwestern Uni-

Coi .... C,.d ..... Iy Def.ult ift hao�' u.e of lipH1ck and nall pol- ftnIt7 and the University ot Chicaco

�!n��r!�.:';.!.�! Play'n, By Milton Nay!, �nlft:'��:�':te:. B�e�: b:::;e:

r. M:::;�

The lutschool IOIf tournament came ..................................................... :nu::"P::��otolu:::.!u:� 1:


3:':: =:oo��� �ne

�)' ,atara and wall-

to an end �t week wttb Hany Wc_ All tennis team aspirants hearke�. Upon -the . return of . the :n, hal been reported in the EIA that .A dlcUonal'}' bl underworld ,tan. haa Cormick. a hJi:h IIChool aopbOCDOl'e, ear- Choir a tournament "';'iII begin irT\mediately. 'AS the �hool.courts Grunter Jim LondOl Ia lnt.endlnc to � oomplled by ?rot. D. W. Maurer ryt� ott the top) hOOOR. He.e&me are'nOt in shape, most of t:he ma\Ch�s :-vill be pl.yed Every- � In JohM H�lDI t1nI�ty. of .OhIo at.ate t7nlvenl�,.. �= ::.�=;:: ::. :: body interested shoulet.sign up in COa�h' Olson's o.ffice: . • nd .s � l:� ���&n��': ait����r::�;.��f:�T:Iv�� · Paul Prew. W�t11nr copped the sec- as the tournament·beglns. play your oppcJnent .nd gerlt ov!!r.wlth. 1ho\lJd not be .mt to itudimti. 1bey veloped • m�.:na,for- ·cont.:ol)Jm the ond spot with wlm over John ,8tuen The matches must be run off in a hurry as a tennis .schedu!e is being al!J·. �� IOU:reeI or Iluttony. slcle- iro .. � o� human belnp. . ' . • nd Bud Lehmann. arranged and a team must be chosen soon. · '. ' . net&, and dlllaUal�Uoo." . • "A "!"tuny' Toaater"-marahm�I�" . '

��:���':thU!�e;'=m'::e: s. s. .' n!oe,,=

a1=u':d:;���� =��

h.� �:;=


pla)� to date. In theae, Paul t.r- With H.rry McConnick', debult win· ·o"" Nonn W"tUn" haa been 0I'f&lllIed b7 �OI!'lea de- t� to buy Pine pone equipment.

�;::f� ��be

�.���d ��: the upper. p.rt of ft.e toum'Ment it co�pteted • . Thit ,p�ln, to�r,,:.- =�.

t e�11a at No��estem .Unl-.


C;:e tr:.le:':� =.�

Andenon· �'on over l"f!rd1nand. Bondy. ment Wit r� ... oK ','n �ble qul�l time, the boy. pl.,ln, their The demand for trained men tn'the Junior 'COllep recently .ment '100,000

In the ladder tourn.ment, each pla.!- �tch .. .. . oon " pOuible. T�.t·, the .tUff •. hllows---;-nice lOin', �xtJ!e, lndUl\r1 ncl,j exeee& the .upply. tor tem� tent houalnr alone: c.Jua er may challenre an)! t� atiMe him. .nd-rood 1uck- for-tfte..cOMinl_ •••• O� . � to a .w:+e, eondtleted b,. .the worlr. there pl'Ob!ably wU1 be intellle thlI 81 wtnnlnJ". the challenger talr:es the -- -'-__ Georrla School ot Tecb.noloey. hL-.


· 1 higher pos.lUon, moving those DeJow 5, S" ,, " . In a ·reeenrword-t.R.-hII"h ·b.UI1neu Jaile. Adclams, 01 Hull. HOWIe. Chl- , �ovrn �IDO place. The person ehal-'

. The Glad golf squad this year looks pretty goOd and should.1O exe<:uUvea ra\ed b."'-be� leOru tJ:Wl did CICQ •. Will be'4he 'prtnctple · a� , -

Q. ,...../!h�cI::�r�o:�ln!=� :� pl�ces agai� t�is year. �.e.y have .a fi�e .schedule a,head �.i .them ��!":� ·

eorll\plct.ed on the !:.�;

.x COIl.q!! eo�

eneement exer- .

r · . . '

Olson. thl.s law may not be enforced it With lots .of stiff ,competItion, but the,y II be out th�re plaYln real low:- State Collqo eampw by C.CO . "The. averqe tndlvldua1' I. afrtJd· to .> a player finds It Impoealble to play. golf and will take their share of matches. • _ worlr.erw, It 'W1II have a lurfa« .rea 01 ·know hlmselt" accordlng to. the Rev- . , Tht'IR who are In the ladder tourna- .

S. S. approximately three acie.. _ erend F. 0, Tyner who s�e .t �-ment are elertble for eompeUUon in • � "AcUvIUe. at DePauW" t7nlvenlty �re nn University. , ..

. the order named: Harry McCormick. M.n, inquiries. hue bHn recei.,ed relardln. !"e cup for the c:na� eompluea and de.t.rI?y1Dc Authorities of Y1am.1 t1nIYe"Rlt� (Ox-Norman WesWng. Alvin Lehmann, Ray State J. <r.Tltte. CI.rence Lammin, wrote to the donon, th-e more. pe.raonaU� U1a.n. they dnelop," fO!d. 0.) have.reported,th� theft trem


8:�i Llo�· • . Club • . �.rdin, it, but h,' ,

recet.,� no �orcl in r�tu'�. , �e =;:II=e�� report .o�

a DePauw





Lanon. O!Iten Eliason. Harold Tr:ul- behe., .. , thou"', \at some definite "e� will be fo�thcomlnl I" The Unlv.erslty 01 Southern Callfor- 1492. and· "PI.utua CGmfdle .... 'pub-' son. Herbert :r. and OrvUle the near future. . . ' . nla ,rid �e. have started ."!lnter l.I&hed In 1686_, _��

=.�::�u:'�e toumame:�tb;

nCh��e:� S. S. �:= :=: �


rerel��rllP�e�� · New Budget Adopted

Ing and defeaUng either of the lut Talk about your' g� ball games. last Th1.lrsday the dorm and rail's ��. - (Continued rrom pare 1 1 . t'll.--o 00 the list. day boys played the closest game seen on the local. diamond" in many ' Every commercial newspaper mould dent recrultln, up to 'Auluat 1 wu en� '

F=========� moons. �or e!ght and � half . innings. both teams . �oughro-.,--."even. �::�;: o��� �=



n�; :::ro:.



r\:d :I�: .

Member terms neither team .scorlng. Finally the day. boys took adva�k e� of advocaUd at-the �eeUn, or the Amer- welt.' It Is expected. however, thatoJ,(r . . United Purity Stor.. the breaks and punched a lew runs across. Wottaballgam1 ' lean AMoelaUim ot Teachers ot Jour- .Elveslrom will eome to the PaclIle Dahl G Co J s, s. . \ nal1nrn , .�t about May 1. . rocery . . � The Pour Horsemen 0: Notre Amoni the board memben preaent at

Partd.ncf If ,OU want t:O .ee .ome '* exhibitions .nd .ome real �'(alry. gathered toIether �ialn on the camp1.1l the 8eatt!e meeting be&lde. Rev. Baa-· __ ���i.i����==;;�com; e out to thet"all field on Tu"d.Y' and Thunda,s,. After the 01 theu: ,alma mater �h.�n &, �quet 'vlt were ·M. H. P'orde ot Everett. H. E, -

.tilt trlp . \�.J'de will be ernnpcl .nd ript now it look. lik. th.,e :r,,:::


n� �:���:

e:�� :



L.J,{��� will be . neck .nd neck b.ttle between the dorm and day te.m.. Three Oxford Unlver.Uy .tudents 'are 'Of SlIvertori. Rev. P. J. Luvau or Eu-


Brookdale Cash Market

GAdan.:1. OI 56·R·2

now on 11 tour or India, anc;t they have lene. Rev. L, Ludwla Dr Portla,nd, and

Coif SqUid to Compete MiSI. Ro�I"!.n Chlnl�.'

. :'!:::, I;:=:tuden� In several in- �:���t




In Scheduled Mitchel e.,I. eym Actlvltle, Four Cambrtdre University stUdents trom Parkland were ·there. u well u reeenUy. won a' 50 to I bet that U1ey J. O. Gulbranson of Belllngham, the

The matches Iiorrang-ed' for the 1934 According to Mias Rohlman. the rtrls' would not be able to walle 100 mJles In P. L. C. audl�r. and Rev. R. .Boptad golf team will make the tlneat schedule gym Instructor, the pri;)gTam ior the 241 hour&. ' They won by wallr.,tni to of E\Jiene. Or/., a member ot the inter-'In the history of thls orp.n�:u.tlon .c- rtr!'s gym is to be changed 1\0 � to London and back In the requlred time. s�odleal eor:�mlttee.


'J..:. A. IRWIN, Prop. eordlng to report". O�n hu deftnlte- give each girl an opportunity to take �A worlr.ers In. Texas will lOOn be- �::::::::====::::=::::; "!:' =========! I �ri1�=t�: �:��. =rd�!U�� up what activity she wlahes. 1be :e

in t���U;::"�e

h�::�n:-:;-:o:: '

.. Ion ... dele .... uty Shoppe'

r' lor colfege. the College of Puget Sound. Monday per10ds wtll be continued under the directIon of University ot S��� l"-��I;:�fu:.' .to and 'Bellingham 'State Normal. The as they .re. with ba.5ebit.1I aa the Texas raeulty members. Street' C.r

�Track Baseball

Golf We Carry·Spalding Sup­

plies for these Spring Games'


924 Pacific Avenue

squad. subject to changes In order prtnelpal sport. . The Wednesday There 15 .n increaslng demand ror" wliMNw fer ..... .,. i,ect. .. ���:O::l

n!f �:n�ad:�=�:�� periods wll! be turned over to :se:��

I:d:t:�� :a-��:::: . . CAt4=-�I:j�i"t w�,�n,t .. � .

man WesUlnl. "Bud" Lehmann, Ray tennis and iOU. and later hlldn';"{)r Pennsylva1Ha �tate Collere reported Hinderlie. Paul Prew. and John 8tuen Thls wUl !p1'e those Birls who do not recently.

. . • W . ...... nt to fulfill your ...... ntt. 'One In the order named, know sporu. a iood opportunIty Society "mll't be wtllltl, to pot that d8y .. rvlce on your photo work . t

to learn. It Is respectable tor a YOUll,' � or no e:;r:=r�� �wor,,!,I'.� 8aseb�1I Team. Orcanisinc. to�;:: ;�I :()�= ';�dU�: :.:-::.. ��'=��� S:':':�nI� UHMANN PHOTO-FINISHING

The Intramural b&seball p

� who have �t already �ed . up tor UniVersity of C.llfornla: wd recentl' '.rkl.and =:/ c.omp.ny ' Which. has �n ·rrancect for the iya them, and wiah to. are wired" by Mw In IICOrlng th,! so-'ealled unlveraaJ. m- �::========� physle&l ed,ueatlon � 1.1 deve oJ>: Rohlman to see her .., so&. as poe_ tem' at" hJat!.er edw:aUoD.· t' lnr nicely. The dorm .tudenLa �ve sible. KampUi Kadota lI� DNDI.or a co- HA.NsON. ;S. ,EWELlY orpniztd and are �er the le&der- ed'aoclet)' at the LeW1ltoD. Idabo, state 'DISTINCTIVE :



e�= Tennis M.tch .. SchedU!edi N

=�= ItallaUC � and have orpnlIIed and. wtl1. be led by their New Men to CoMpose Te.m t P .-41 .. t_ ti � . captain. Paul t.non. The ahaeutera . --

lovemmen ... p.;.�- y uo:vrp . W.tch R.,.lrlft • • s,.cllity

251 SO. I I th St., Tacom., Wn. will Iillao«1 lt they rind. tb&t the, . ¥ Intereattnr aebedule hu):)!en ar- E. P'J;"azer. Chleqo rtnancler. In an ad- t::====:::::::::::::;

t... __ �;:;::;:;;;;::::;;�ha�"�· .�



'�· ;.�_.__ � ten!: !:uad �:��

th: �:: d

r;:�t l�


e�: ���n1t.� •

son 8llIlOI.U1eed that mat.chel have �' a-nd�te8 are eec� employment TtL.r:1'tD« HN�77"S . ' del1n1teJ.y � with Aberdeen. � l7eelr.,t

hroU,h the acU�UeII 01 that QUIUty KnlttlnlJ Co. 1Mtw ,.� o.,.s.-Wty Mt.. VemOQ, and Centralla. Junior COl- im:UtuUon. pehOnel bureau. 11JJ . "Jeres, and &nother teiltaUvely ·St. . A method or detec::tlDa the pnlua, �

. 1UtIt:.t� M:artlna: lack of It., In a .pel'89D at early eb11d-........ . . n��co�A�v� � to,Coach Olson, '[be .p�r :OO�� ':�= ;�v::t�y�' P' I �;;::;;;;;;;�;;::;;::;;::;;::� iiilF���������������i---:-- �i,U:e:!:nw: :;n u::!oo�� nie teachers In the schooJA throlllb-

.�' The Succe8I or t.b1I year. team wW de:' out the eount.ry . are. the:1C&peco&ta ot , 5-ial Bu .... for parti .. , ..... pe--id. almI»t ent1reb"· OQ the amount the depreu10n rdonnlat&. Prea. Oeorp .

r--- •• of new m&ter1al aytJlable, as there are �Ol the Unlverstt,. ot Colo�o. elu", ....... , etc.- " no' former le�nnen ·returntn&-. �u,. Any TI_. A.ny ......

LYONS IUS LINES. ·Ioc. c.I Mr. L� � '411

Y"' c.M - - � - '- � .... N 1122

LIEN' & SELVIG . , .

Pretetiption Drulli�ts

Importers of No�ian Cod U":'er Oil ..

BRoOKDALE GROCERY The StoH ,�t ..... It . .

..., . ..... ...... _ . , . ......... ..... BROOKDAL£

" .. ��y' AaocIe ... · .......... 1c , , ., s.rwia ' � " . • � -'NCORPORATED

Paflteurization-is one of

the �fest forms .

of Heaifh Insurance

. Mecl08weet '

Dairies · BR. i i71 -71-4 � St, : (YMCA Bkft.1 I '\ T"""",. W"'. . l!.="-;;;;i;;;;i;;;;;-'-===;.!J

Page 54: Mast 1933-1934


PAGE prom;.'

Burt Kr.eidler Weds In Tacoma S111"'''V I

� .. iat.nt De.n of Men Wife. Former Louise DolUlti. 'To Alat'" on Weddin. Jovrney

On Sunday afternoon at the Epworth Methodist Epl.scopal Church. Louise Donati of Los Mlgeles "'"as united In maniage to B�rt6n Kreidler. U;llstant dean of men at Pacl!!c , Lutheran COl� lege. '?T. O. A ... '!'I.,..ntlestad oftlclat.ed at the cerem0n:"

Pa.rkland talent furnished the wed­ding music, with PrOf.­[nt the wedding march, the Fa.cJlty Ladlell" Quartette singing ':1 LoV� You TTuly" and " The Bd13 of St. Mary's", lind MTs. P. E. Hau� singing "0 Prom­Ise Me:'

MS Northland for a

' . .' . PACIPIO LU"I'Bl!:RAN. �&, PAlUtLAND. WASllDf�

APRIL 11, l�

PerSonals Tingelstiad Attends . On ·"o""';' ole" RhOda ;'''' ... (ad Educational Meets

Valborg' ' Norby .. : M&i1e Wring. Marraret ,weeac:m •. MarY NU� a"nd. Allee ""Petenroo at her 'hOme in Sno-homtm. . .

�peth'·��� th� Euter �-. cation W1�;' stater· In BelleVue. w�.

O. A. Tincelltad went. !,,,,.,,,, • . ,, •• ,,, . n • • i�nded the or­

of t1l'O edueaLtonaI Edward H. Todd.

or Putet. Bound pl"ftident ot the' AsIIo-�

o,Urno,,,,,nO,n' . Colleres of


ere . the new home Will be � ,/ Walter French '33 and Stanley 'Dahl \1', '30 were ushers at the wedding .


. Repl!rter Finds That P. L. C. Hal Interesting Trophie� in Library Case

. 11)e PaC11lc Lutheran College CUf' whfch makes Its show between th'e tiers of boob In the lJbrary. was opened Above are shown Nellie Olson '33, now tC3.chlnl' at-Ediewood, and Major, recently In the Interests at seeing what CoIJe� �ot. who ... as nm ovt'r and klDed by an .atoti.obUe In hrk1and

;�y���l��� o:��g��:r���g;


t:: ::� r:�::' paT!: ;!:

v��et;:::.:�;.:Yof����C-:y "-. ',,' ..•. _- , __ . __ .

of the Gern\lUl Club were .� II ,nt"to.!n'" with a short program at

yesterday., G.lara Kuhn­had not been opened fOr Plany mont�. the �Iated Students as the PacUkl Latheran Collc.'c, Mascot. "'-----, . In order of the years, thle" first tro� - ';7 _, Mn. Tin" lltad Entert!,in.

Deutsche Bchulsya­Hohe�n �u1en'· in I """,",,,., .. ,0:' and Her



� ::t�t.e


e;f �e\.;� Major, P. i. C. Mascot, Run 'Over and, . Killed; I . Girls at the Llltheran Daughters

the Reforma.tion met last Burie4 'Monday A/ternoon Near Kickinifosl Aprll 3 , at the home of m .. T"'''''''''O. ' ",." coma Interscholastic Basket

�·e. Th1.!l 1.9 a large t'"o·'"nd"", I enamel ' fl.n1.!lhed cup.

A smauer Cltp w... Litled "JrL L. .Bue� Tfopb3." It. .... dated On It Wall 1nacribed "Won by clm."

Major,' the ,MaY dog �ho once adOP�d't school and h�UC- :��h ::�ostesses. "Th�'§',.��r.�;����:::::::::::::::=::::�-...-'-ioamed the" camPUS,as school mascot.. Is ct!5IIfully filled thllt capacity for more sen� Inelud@d a. He was run oyer last Sunday than a yeaf. Marking his entrance In- WtsSOn: a violin !\OIO

morn1n, 1n Park1aOd. a few blocks from. to �Hlcla.ldom. the News Tribune prlnt- Butsch; a paper-"·L. D. R. a. the school. No lancer wllJ this friendly ed II; front page story and plcmre ot Stone to Women's little pup follow, the couples to the Major last year. . tlon," by Rhoda, kicking post; no longer will he meet the . With ':Buck and Dutch Inco�rat.ed" r�port on the V!. M. F.


"",,,n"" I " " '" car riders In the early morning. performing the last rites, Major was atUe by vlrg1nia frisked his .last with the stu- burled near the kicking post, Monday the program was the


and college divisions who of greatest inspiration to their students. The names range from to 1932. last year's not hav1ng add�. yet. ...rrhe two larger are

cke Jel'teiry Company, Each year P. L. C, studl!.9l..$ having the scholastic average In the high and college departments have names Ingraved on It. The names from 1929 when Edgar lArson won award lor two consecutive years In high school and I,n 1932 In college.



B_kdol. Lumber Co,

Phone QArland. 8811-J-5 AT :BaOOKDALE� -_On Kounta1n BlIbway


Printers StationerS Engravers


. SUPPLIES · Fine' Office Furniture'

p 1 ... 2.�'!.� R r �.

, 12th £7 A St • . Postoff". �re

Phone MAin<2122

afternoon . Already many of his at wHich the organlzatton to Pacific Lutheran College mlrers have visited his burla.! It.!! plcturi! In the Saga.

years ago. he decided he Hk�d 'placlng flowers upon his gra·ve. _. __ -,--_ the place and stayed. Though 'attempts Though Major Is gone. he Is not were made to return hiln to his owner. gotte;; Ion. will the memory or they were all In' vain. for MaJOr pre- friendly ways linger In the heart.5 of ferred Pfidllc Lutheran College to' be Pacific Lut.heran College students and his home. Therefore. he was ofllclally faculty.

Many College Students Recognized Longfellow

us u rmt.JemerL" recQII1.Ized lndi"Yklual d1fi� �is,' � &Il acute . but 1I'U alwan wauna Who. came iIlCaI" more alow-:":r· := =.:s:a�

wtadOm wb1cb. 80 ofteD .Jaakerthe Of profeaor:aynoaomous·.w:t� �C»--


Tennis R.cke .. Restruri, . Fr� StoCk of Gut Just Arrived

Bring )'OUr'rKkets in now , KIMBALL SPORTINC coeDS



TKo ... ·i F.vorite /or.I5 ·Y .... GA. 01�5-R-l

. _ 01

e •

'�EFFEdwE PRINnN6 Plan'nea ana Proa!lcec/

. - ' .

, . . -JOHNSON-COX <;;0.

BRoadway 223. .


. �---.---- . ./ .

Page 55: Mast 1933-1934

I ' I I ,


to the spring the, TllrlOas medinp. and


" .. ere discussed 'at '!,-e bllR.CIUri S.�urd.,. ('venlne, of

OraduaUng Class Irene DahJ Ii In c�ze. Orbeu A tlnal bal- now 're�enUn& . Fulfle . taken "'hleh Colltee on bendlt proCf'&lM, .

the most heard, at the' banquet. Ikrdlne <olou'<ombh,.III, m Class night. sen '31 and i\lr5. Kenneth J.eobs

of the gayer festivltll'S for the will sine. Prof. Ed_1"Cb will �l graduates, will be held June 2. as an. larre tho� union "hlch will Ilounced by Kathryn Johnson, prest- In concert .t the closf�c session of dent of the group. conference Stlnda,. .f�mopn. A cap and gown commltlRe was RP- .

pointed by th� pre;sldent. wh.Jch In- Stiulen,t. Improve P.L.C.

� � )


- Yard, . GYm., in Annual

; '. , , .....


- J'

Acting upon the request of the busi­n!!ss manager of the Saga s�f. the class voted to donate "15 to the annual Mi$Uind,.,./a"dinil' l ::�

er b:�d::: ::;


n :�

f :::


a.nd Hi'cents; ror chlldN!n. Further details relaUve to

duction of the class play wlll charge of the following

. _._ 1 ,=.,�,. of the queen. '� Leni­studeof6Odf president, wl.U·erown

the queen. Music wID be 'furnlahed b, the P. L. C. orchestra, under the dt-

the two esseriUals for. wo(ld peace

the fact that the change of atO��ge H����,U

I�: �s'o n:" ca��

ci��� ltabasbJ gave In a talk !ri' 10:::;1' ::= :;�en


many. a large for the position. pole drill by. P. L. C. girls: a d.nM by Ot!neral workers turned out Saturday Enid Hutson: a drill by Parltland Grade

�'.m·" I_ ,.1 .n th�;!���� �:, ::��: Drama Night :���u:����::1n:uo��y H:� \

�:n�:'�:tn:::; =k��; For Friday �1��nE���=�=I::n��:

Alvene. Schlerm'ann. John Btuen. . and the. football field and Bhanand; and numbers by the boy8' � Monsen and Esther Hviddlng: adver. With Thelma Daruels, quartet composed of CJaunce MOIlIIOn, t�lng-Clarence Monson; ttckets; and . of the club, in charge, the RObert Monson, Ronald 1i<Jartl.n, and prorram.!o--Osear Anderson; chair com.· to the usual procedure. a will present thr� one·act summer, July 19 to 26. This Arnold Anderson.· " , . . m1ttee-"Bsooe" Willard (chairman). 01 students;. worted on the stage gymnaslu� Friday at 8 p. m. Is meeting to d�UM �ys As chairman 01 the MaY·pole· ditll, Bill Rasmussen, Bob LeVinson/Norm In the gym, cleaning the property Tht.ngs Shilll Be," :'Lunchton . Roness haa chosen ·the .tollOWl.n;: Jensen, Lloyd Kretch. Henryi Olson, rooms

. bulldlng boxes to protect the and "My COUllin Irom Sweden," lor ' the drill: Mildred MOMOIl,

' Jesse PIluerer. Ronald Martin, DanIel new curtains. making drops, and bu.Ud. productions to be given. In hls tali Mr. ltabMhl pc.lnted Rosa, VlrgiruA Been, I.rarwa�t F1otN!, Ray Hlnderlle. George Jans. Ing a new front for the stage. Virginia Byers is directing that .due to "impetfections 01. languages. Wesson. Selma salus, E1I:peth Andrak,

. sen and'"Roll Preus. Ai noon·, dl�er "Was .served in the 'I1Ungs Shall Be." In the cast men do 'not easily understand each oth· Eula·Mae Goff, Joanna IianoUllOlJ, A candy sale will be held during UlI:: dining hall to t�e enU� student body, are Jane .WIII�, Helen er, and that the liability of misunder. Dorothy, W:inn� �Uf.!ICh,

;=:I��n:� !:: ex:=�::rr!:.·�: .

In ���mc�:';:f�� :.dr::!= �:a:�:,�=

e�onson, , standl�g

betw�n. people of dlfluent ���.or RaUdd)aUCh,/.� Jane Wll·

Svare and Bert ' ltl?�ag� Is great. As, language 1& the Dorothy DeIamarter h&II ·been named· -

��:�:)I,n�= :�n����::;: . Bl���:;rYR��tcar"!�, �:� . "Lunchton for SIx,

,,;X;r �anUestaUon of :��racter, we (Co�" on Pare �ov) , and HUlda Blmonson. Anderson, and .Ida ThompsOn. · tton ol 'Jennlt! .Lee, will not use words careJesaJy. Only

All . a. rellef trom the hot. sun and by a east of Clarence Monson: Alvene tlvating our minds to Saga Staff Names dent& spent a portion of tbe �:or

V:�:�:� !!; �:��t:�;:�

Il�a�:n:, he

L. D.R.Meetipg Date Changed to May 9

P . t E swimmlnl at. Lake S . . Alter the chaPel prorram, rm er, ngraver _ .. . , .,..,.,,":"';::' "",' .f ··Wyc.;",1n from 8w., ""'hI .po •• 1n Mr. _k', hbl.ory c;." W;U.I. H ........ ... r ... lty' -- . . ' . arid having a renuat rood LIme. reheai-ae:d by Jean·M&rie and Mr. Bardon'l SOCiology class. .

. . Wi.,. ... in Latt C. ....... fn. of Vur �roup Pietu"" Will . �. T.k.n ThOle ·appolnted. as IJ'OUp leaden in au Marie Pederson. In ' Col.... leceptiott · ROOft'I

.Next W .... ; Art Staff Ceh eharje of the various .aeeUopa of � Rhoda ��:�n�� �iII Ent.�.in A. A . . �; w. . This year's lut meetInC "oi � Luth-


N.w ·Mell'lber , ;m�, W�t�::" Leori.ard and Yalborg Norby. Fr.�ch Croup Tomorro� eran DaU-htfn Of the Retor:matton Alter:' numerous conferences .w.lth WeeWnI •. DanIel' P'lotre IlDd . -- . . ' which 'w" oriliDanJ iiiiiOUDced'to--:fie-'--·�---=-

repreaetrta�lft:II from various prtnUna: 'J�. . Tomorrow evening Mrs. O. A: nngeJ- May "1, � bee:b poatponed unW 'rues--esta:b�l.$m@nta. the 8&aa Staft bU Jet To bum the truh COllected st:ad, ua1&ted bf Mrs. Bondy, will be day, May D. The cbaDge · 'AI 'D1a4le the �Una: and enir&v1ne contrada. the day, a bonfire was bel4l ln·the e.e. hoIteaa at her home to the Amerlcan neeeuary' � �e Delta RbO Gamma David AlInrwn

.ot:th@ AllItrwq Print-- Ding: ' 'ot Uru�ers1ty Wonien's May. teitivaJ which CCJIDd alIo on the

:· == .=� ::!n�b: . m�ng. Mr.. w� ���hd�t�W:� : :�=U::�,

from the � Encravinl' Company Day Cirh Ha.,.. or P. L. C. are � a double tea- wite Of . Or. Tomltn.SoD of et!ptlon room. ,the 1.. D. R. lirla wui be . was .a.tC@))ted tor: the encra1'1nl. , Party: c.It. Sal. Saturday tured movin&: plcture show th1a ev@n· . Bound, will be the the boet..eUeS. with the tatUlty: w�ves

In view of the fact that all materW. . at 8:(1() p. II). in the,tcbool l)'Dl, .. hf:r topic, " Inte11eclo- as' (Uetta Or 'hoilor; .. . muSt .,e .in LbI!' banda ot the publ1ahen A larp- CI'09id wu on band at .the The two aWn rea.ture8 ..-bkh bd.'ftdl Prance arid Th@ '� � 'open �th a wel�

=�"-!nl;t!:a':'= !:ct �au: �� � =:�:Q�'N=� -: .

�ce· l�lD."·

�nch studen� :m��iKn.�'.x: · the DeCI!II&I'J' data and. '\Up !lie .eo- by, the � Delta ' Rho · Gamma lira ptCturn. � I!1ctw'eI have con. of fulet' Bound and wtJl reapood ita. bebalf of the taeultJ

. opt.r&uoa.of all' the 1tudeDt&. of ridtlc LuQ1eran COO •• Mon@)' r@ODmmalCkd wherever La�:....:..��. -. be

� �_ of�' ...... ........ _. ..� _�_ . . ...,..,.. w�· ed1icr, aIlDOUDCeII � . at tb.1I party 'AI ,' 1PC'Dt. abOwn. There wtJl ...... ............. .......--.. -- --that aD ·club wW be tuen in the �ecorat1on of the day � ahort.:subjectl -7i1d.,. � .�.� (nub iaa.d; & �_ b7 ��:Pow· bUt ·�·the ie time IIDd date To cxw:np1etely cover thee

. inI" the.

plctures !�'::::=::�I:;= '. l Ier ahd & �-wbat: L. D a. IDMm to be poded CD the bulleUn � abe ·the � �ls wm sponsor .. c:ake sale with w'hieh fAlbooW-. It; � to the pn.eUdJ::IC" to a eoUep GIrl'" .,, � ...... rurther announ� that a �. � at the P1aber Dep&rtment store in Ta.- are to be three � they � .� • . 'Alter \be 'JWC)IniD u.n wU1 be .. baa m:en�.beeD added to tbe � �r COID& out 8&turday. Dorothy Opbe1li1 tor ch1ldreD, .1� tor coUep � meet ai kn�.�·. � __ cIarbIc wbk:b. \be of � Sap. �I.y An10ld Anderttm. Is in ch&rp ot U]ia sale. . and 20e tor 1I.!1u1t& . '. �t. tor: out_JfIU' .. "WID f!e� �

\ .,

Page 56: Mast 1933-1934

P"'QE �O

. m b r .m o � r i n g jf( a � t Chapel Gleanings-

Publlshtd e� two' weeks cturtna tbe .moo! feu b7 the ltulimt.a of hc:lfk: Luthe� OOIkl'e, Parkland, W&lblrJtton . . .

Entert-d as IeCOrId elaal matter, October i. lJ25, �t the Poit orfk:e at P'*rk1and. l ��;'

l��!eno:'" nc!: =��:lh�' .' ..... 10 · 10 J_ .... ..... , bu' uw the

world lhrOu,b Him mJP,t be _ved. Wublngton, under the Aet of IIarcb 3, 1m. . , ._pf1�r

n:i .a�' oplnloN of Chrtst · abouId, be hiJb� �ed, a1Dee they Qo.-e� ... ·u) ." r' _' • were with Hlm In B\I public' mlnlltry . .

EDITOIIAL 51AFF ' . ;=-- . We muat admtt thAt. tM lWurr-eeUon Editor- in ... chief Hazel Monsen �r. Bardon.: Johnnie. for what IS Do YOu . think that the autoi; are .of Cbrttt .. a �·dDCe It. � � on Associate Editor Milton N ig Swl.tRr� noted? . . . .. rutnlnr tlle }'I'JiWII'er pneratlon? tact and drl-n!JI � to. UI that He Sports Edit09 _ . _ _ • • Paul: K, ;reuS. ' , Johnnie, Why, er� ch�. : . No, � � �. �r pneratlon 'thereby ow:n:ame 'In and ahO'ftd .us fditoriat WTiter • • • .' ' . ' . Daniel Flotre ru:'"=�eOh, 8CH1\u:.�,lng J1'&nder, 11 rumln. �e autos. .that He �. �.r: of dM.tJ;'.

Repor.ters-Eunice Arneson,. Eline Benson. ,Gertrude Brunner. J hnnl . Umbthap : . HaTv . t und-�- , ' . In our t.eatbJDp and I?�hlnp we . Mona Byrd. Thelma Daniels, Evelyn Eklund, Jean-Marie 'Fowler, o. e.

'. �.r.

.. _ e.y. m nd Ford lint 10-" should tmphulR Chrbt'l ret\lr1'ectkm.

Valborg Norby, Florente ,Post, Irene Shaflancf ' . ,..... - • in�to put any rrn;n � hi8 caT. and let. that carry WI t.hrO\4Ib. �r Typist--Ruth Carlson. . A �lnr' pme of �tGONE ��r: y.'hy oot? . doUbt&. . . . . held In the Moorinr Mast room ended Hamy: TOIl many St&rs out.. . -Ramstad BUSINESS STAFF with the score of four' to (Ive. Paul -LA_ �

Business Manager B.ertrum Myhre Pnus won' from Bert. �hre when �. " S .... ede .. (to lady �otori8tl . OI.dp·t How woncSerfw It la, Lo rejo\Ce in a&1� §���::i

:1�� ��7i�% . CIL��r� �r�;� ��es:��II�n�en

: t�n:ec��a"I� y(MJr.: :::o::�:

e v":. ::�� 'not that :��= �.�la;:, that It

Facufty Advisers N. J: 'Hong and O. J. St�en can 0 L

-LA-. ,

k� of a �l�' rt=lIO:e � � s:::: :: ���� -------,.- '" . Handsome doc�r f�n,): Are y.,. . . ' with the wlahea 01 God.$eclS.h.t�� .... __ · _'_

. � __ ._ :::�Jr.�;��IH· b2. ��P�S. Ko�e�ts _


t �Rey. �,. ,.. lMeo� /-<: Mi�sionary MiSS Lilly Prange

',s talk in cha�1 .Iast Tl:'ursday , "":LA- .

. ... . : , :���:r ��y��:�:WUr:;- h:: r"

'L / should make us realize "that, despite the many imperfections of The boy who skipped tlChool ca�e grtat and a .-rent dw W� �"' Alumni . � /' American SOCiety, the conditions under which we·five are sugg

'estive back wfth a Une. but he,couldn't make' rompll!lhed. Much credit Is due to al1 7 . . . a suckef out-01 hu -tE'aChef so he WL!l " . \ " of heaven compared wIth those In many of the lands whe.(e ChrlS� glveri the rod. . the commltt� on arranlt'ments

""a!.'lJi Norman Hokenstad, bro�er ?f Rhoda .. \::,I' tianity is as yet unknown. Those of us who have not visited any of -LA- a150 the ludenl of the . varIOus ork Hokenstad, Is rolnr to ee;hool at Wash_

tf:tese lands can neither understand nor imagine the. Soquall idness of Mr. Hong: Ruth. ""I have went:'" groups. K. K lngton State COllege in Pullman. He . conditions there prevailing: if WE couldr)"'e would no doubt do t�t's wrong Isn't it? At�r a wee�'s absence, the choir Is attendtd P. L. C. ln 1932: more for our heathen brethren than we do. Miss Prange's talk can- Ruth H,: Yes. sir. bac� tn. the old P. i... c. ramlly apln HU,jur Johlnson '32 has ailned a not but spur us on to greate! .... efforts in our mission work, and will ���h����:e::�sels y

l;uW:.�:�.t we�t ... Ithough much was uld by 'those here contract to teach at r.wrence. Was�. no doubt p�t new �ife into our Mission Society. which lately has yet. ' �:ut

d:ngpe-::!UI �:r�s' �:�= next fan. . shown .but "ttle actIon. '" . '" -LA-. . the rlct MJii t:emalns that the choir Ruth Jacobson and MtIlard Quale. Dutch (in a lighting .m�). You WL!l m.I5Sed. In fact, there would be no both '31. vtsltl!d at �l lut 8I.tur-

A True Artist :�


m� ,and 1 .11 make Y°l;! ::�e::��

t the choir. accordlnr to day. . .

. ' '"Bucky" (in a hungry m�i: Chlck_ . K K ' -. -.

Beside� .its sple�d�d art .department u.nder ,the direction. of .Mr$. en dumplings. hot bi¥:UI� �d Ice- Our front yard re��ll!d a f�nn lh=t���M:; �:� -:a edJ:':

<Lo�a 8. Kr�ld�er. PaCIfIC Lutheran College h,,!s connected wlt·h It an c�ram. r and many s'tudents wefe reminded of Theta Sigina Phi: a National Women', ' artIst of wide renown. Mr. Fred, Mason Holmes. For the past three . -LA- bte home IUl Tuesday �hen .the strip be-: journalistic hOnOI'lU'Y. Mise Borboe Is years Mr. Holmes has had his studio in the main building. and many. bMa�,e H .. Aw,. sa,. I \ft. tall!: h tween. the main and tM gym was plow· a senior In the department of Mathe. �th of our regula.r st

.udenfs and ot�e�s. have studiec;l with him. This e ;:� 8.: I p_ "" D�er lried :�Pit =

h:�d t::t

�� �. IZ��:a

O'::: matlc:s at Waahlnrton State Colteae· . IS no!. however, hiS �Irst stay at PaCIfIC Lut�e.ran C�lIege. for he was talklnr back to a traftlf! «tp. '\ forward step wtll have

"bee� taken In Avalon Wojahn '3'3 � �n mosen ::�:s:��� ;�aas� �n��:��t��n� century ago. gIvIng private lessons and

Bill M.: No. -;-h�. I don.t want the beauuticat�o� ofKour campus. , lower grade tHeher at the R1�lde

any candy. I had my sweet tooth pullt>d . . Bc:hool which Is located between Ta·· Mr. Holmes is a true artist. and as such lives e'."'tirely in and out last week. boC::?

t ���t :�r�e



t�y��h�e;�: coma and Puyallup: \ '

f�r his art. He is constantly searching for beauty. and those who Gene: By yow denti3l? lor CIIWI play. of course! Although It's --

have seen his pictures know he can express it as well in the soft and Bill: No. by a pltce of my cirl's home· quite a WA.ys off, this event promises th�:I�

f�= '32 11 prl�p&l of

gentle as in the wild and rugged. Whether it be a smooth lake.nest. made taffy! . " to be a big one and no ·one can afford I ling among the mountains. or .the ocean. wild. fierce. and stormy. to miss It. i . M,. H�:m:s

o�;:ts �;:;;t�g�:::e;�u��; 1:� many pa,ts of .he woM Jonnl. �e�:?���h� I:' 'wo ,:!;,� �I':':.:��;�r. :�,�.�(�: '.,Id ..... -.:.. ... , �

He has Qictures in Australia, in Asia, and in Europe. as well as in week ends at her hom� In EveretL blsh'on th •. kicking post trail. there Is Coltfac� most �ec

�tions. of the United .,States, To prove his standing in the Oene Jack has returned to school �����:in:::�v��n���;�h!�' CEO. KNUDTSO:o.I. Prop.

world of �rt. we need only mention th�rnc ha .. two pictures hanging after several weeks of iIIn.E'SI due to a trlbuted-t.hey !b:td up Major's crave �-:-:-:,"-�_":",' _-:-__ -, in the Corcoran Art Gallery. Washington, D. c., the finest and most throat aliment. . In grH.t style. . I Portable 'l)pewrtten. 8upp� exclusive art gallery in America. Pacific Lutheran College is very Ruth Haugland 'vls1ted at her home JS:" K. All Steel PlllD& Equlpmebt-' fortunate.--indeed, in being able to offe�uction by an artist of In ... nacortes hut week. RumOnl have It that on the week "


�1 Boob, SuppUet such outstanding ability. � , Harold TrulllOn V:as home In ... na· :�:ty�



h::: . ��.a' cortes the cvenlng of the choir COD· night hike 1.0. Fox'I81aild tor �e odd 0ffI0e ........ . cert there and ent.ertained several of reuon. Their lans alao Include meal. Phone'Main 2S7O OOI� PM. An.

A School .. lmprovement • :�c;��rLsters In his hom� after the time stops at �h� y, W, C . .... camp •


Delta Rho Gamma girls deserve a word of praise for redecorat- , But what wlll they �o to between ing their day room. This room, which last September presented a The P. L. C. Bo�s' quartet. which limes? With a �oI:) of girls over there none too cheery sight. equals today any girls'. club room in any col. Includes Bob and Clar�ce' Monson, In gonna' bt. pretty hard to stay .. way. lege, By supporting cake sales in down-town stores, and candy sale'S R�nald Martin. A.nd Arnold Anderson. but remember, boys. �n. Davia Wields on drama nights, these clever girls met the expenses of this chan'ge, �ett last

IseSa�r:, moml,: c;nl �' two- a mean right.

and the work, ot' course, they did themselves. ft is a valuable im. t�y �ru 8co t s� an v c n ty on K. K. p�ovement to our school. and a new !:';xample of what the right kind e a u p Num� 110. Efflclenf!y! · This word . should be of initiative and coopera'tion can accomplish. Roland 8wan$On an� Osten Ella&on taken In andbecome II. part. ,of all stu·

I\pent last week end at thetr respective dent activities at -P. L. C. The pro·

S.rtdwiche:s. Hot and Cold Drinks

All Ki .....

J homes in Seattle. crutinat10n which Is so evident here

. .M�ney Well ,Spent ��!y��:��n!�'law:�;I:':'��� :a��d'=ra�o�In;:=�v!�l��

n::; . Sales Road & P-.cif!c Ave.

. The money that t�e Federal Governm'ent appropriate to en· Bremerton Navy YaJda. ' . student. Let's ret ,behind. everything, able young me'n and women who were drifting along in H�e ran�s Glenn Gustafson. who Is working on "'!lg: and let's not walt f,111 the <-:=:.;;::;=::::::::=::::; of the unemployed to continue their educatiOl:' is without question the 8. S. Alaska. vlalted.&ehool Thun-- minute with everythIng;

. 1;9,' •

. �isely spent. I t is not only helping thousands of t>oYs arkj girls to 'day evening. . • " . . K. K. �t.Clf M�.ra D.y . bec.ome .�r� va�uable to themselves and scxiety, t:ut is aidinr: �':'" J�:Mar1e Fowler was • pest .of P. L. C .. like Russia. has Ita Katber- This " event demands a catJonal lO:?tJtutlons to carry out improvements that otherwise In Louise J'acUon at her Iiome In Tacoma Ine the G�. WJth .� election of photogrij)h 'of you--a ���:���efl,���e:����

o�m� c���r��oen'th

'i� i::'�k �h�����e;�; th� w'eek end of "'prU·U. :

Y�;��v: n�:

e�:��::; Pictu; ::;, w�1 treas-

next school year:: that it will use some of the two billion dollars Pearl Homme � a pest of Hazel our own Katherine the.O�t. More ,� .

. �re

.. ,



. '



'.e •. Ye




which President Roosevelt has asked for further ' relief to aid our Monsen on Saturday night, ... prll 14.. power to lOu, Kay. less fortunat.e y,.,h in becQ[T1ing happier and more usef�1 citizens. =� th� Oe= '�Ub


. � Anybody: ,,�' t:';;"ni Iota of fish �''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''


r-'--------'--tl ntc in the Chapel basement yester- In the creek." "Where, who, why, what . dlY noon. 0ertrude'. Bnuuler • . Claf& (�r." COrnel! the Instant. aru:iouI query . .

<;ompll ...... of i 15c for Nine Holes KIn�_"""O( :-:t":=.� � ��,�� ���,�� . '. MA;n 4493 , _.' _._--_ •• _� .... , .�. __ W� _ 304 Rust' BICIg. . Tocomo . i mr COAST i 25c for 18 Boles ' .......,.. ZIdoo And ..... wlU'-. pie- .., ..... b .... ' .... the on. . ,

• . 1 GR. �y . ,1.11 $i .5�S __ t _m� �I. ;:7:.='�.�: r"'-o--"':"-�'-:-Hi""' -.g-h-e--:s-t-.Qq8Ii-.-',..· .-ty-Prin-.-.-tm


·,:;. •. : -:-,-· ...,.......:.:...,.

I $1 .'50 Udies rite monthly 1IoteDItid. Herb .lf�. Bal,. Trul; . In a Modernly EquipPed .� ". I, Amocat $2.90· �·� .. monthty-r.t." ::..��� . �. �. � " Cgrrie in Any TUne .. . . . . ' ProdUC'ts ' .' ....... --po "1'_o· O( .the . . AlliItriDn· . Prin· tiiig Com' .... ny . l.� ..... _ .... _ .... _ ... _� ........ �_ ............ J I'"'_·_P._rk ___



u_'"_4 =..t�=ese Ho

�e . 9.40 �rrierce St. . ' . � . .

. . .� ��.6768 '.


. ,

Page 57: Mast 1933-1934


C. P. S. Downs Giads """"""""""""""""""""'''''';'''''''1 Mi .. ionary Lilly Pmn/J� Say. Need lor -In Links Opener -

-- � Chi-u" . Common. To Hind ... and America". MisS LillY a mlaaionary from preaching" �chlna and hKlina. Jwt .

The PacUie Lutheran COll* rolf "'a .. t ., " -n.l.. ' India who la home on furloulh. In- as Ctu1at's time In Uli.I W'OI'ld was .pen�· . team los!. it.! nnt match or" the aeuon W • 0,," a;o "" SPired! students In chapel last P'rt- in pruchln, 01 God', lfBCiouanelS. to the CoU* or Puget Sound by a clay 911 • talk on her ,..-ork amona teachlnl �tt\!r waya: to li\'t, and beal-IO'ir to ,� score at tbe � eolt- the ni. Veil there M1I&'e'la In 1n& lh�ck HJndua come tor mlles course Mond.aY tJ't.emoon.. Ra1n and Iy Milton N .. vi, charle of • new hOlplf.&l. In Ihd� bullt around �rtytna rusty Un cans or brok-wind made the playior ern.Ue and , by tbe Amerie&n Lutheran Church. eo. bottles tp pt medicine to CUrt! their boosUd the SCOl"e&.. BUl Sherman of ................ , ......................... ,.......... . v ToYer of P.u.yaUup lntrn. dlIeuea. They. be\leve. the devU Is C P S led with a medal score of 72. ' , , . /' dtiCf!d the speater, Who bepn her talk pr:t!Rnt In a person who is not nil. wllUe HlnduUe' and Lehmann. were low The 1 934 golf season got underway:Morid�y at the loc.a� �ourse. with" the HlQdu It'fttlni � which an� administer terrible InlUctJoria. for the Gladla

tCIr.\wtth 73·s. but.not with a ban�, because oyr '�YS took one .on t�e !=hin from � .. Pftce t?e.wtL!' YOu." 8he�tated w�h are" much' �d�r to cure than Une-ups: .

the CoUege of Puget Sound outfit .Play . . h9w!E!ver. was �r on both uw. th� .H1nd't s . s:r:eatest n@ed was th� . disease I�lt. she stated, .

P.: L C. (1�) -- C. P. S, u.�) sides due to the bad weather conditions which sloweQ up the play common with 0ur&-tbe))ffi1 fOf", Christ. '!'he dlfflcul�es under ,whIch .Y:'e mls-MCCormick '-...... � BI�h ..... ........... 2%: . " , " , bo In statta.Ucs jrtven, ' MlsIl PranJe &i.ooaries ... ·ork were deeer:lbed .when . St.uen . ...... ...... . 3. Anderson : ........ 3 considerably an.d ra!sed t.he scores. TnIS rs the .fl.rst def�at our . ys �tD.�.out, that allhourh India 11 but Miss �ge tOld of how the ho.pltal

. Lehmann " Sherman ........... .l%; have suffered at· the hands of the) L�ers a�d. they w�1I be ou.t t.o one ·h&l!. the sIZe of the United Btates: was b!Jl1t. The �verage man earm but . ' PreIU . . .... � BWfie . .......... 3� avenge this defeat at their return match in Tacom"!. May 1 1.. It· cont.a1ns one fllth ot tbe �pu.laUon 11 o'r 12 C1!nta a day, mat1nc·!t dlffl-

::����e " ··:::.::2� ���� . . . :::::::::2� 5.

. 5. .

. ����::� ;;o:�.��:=� .:t �

o��:: =u':e p::;c:. =t�

. 19� The plf squ.d this ,e..,. has the billnt scheci'ul. since .ita: in- live to be &7 yelU'S old. on, the average. mals "'ander' at will thr:OUah th� hOll-Totals .. ...... 7',; �ation. d this i�!i.tution� · sho�

ill' th.� ,00f- is. r.pidl, ,M.�in.1 �r:���:�y�:OUS;;d���:tt�e�:�:; r�:s: d:���

h:�:� �

eeym':v�n'f� Da, BoyS Le.d Intr.mural propess towards . M.IOf spot in �e s�t �I� .� P. L. �. Th,s ,e�r s year old. Much !p·f . this early death time even to keep the n:"Uves In bed.

Ba,eb.1I Scores to D.te schedule �.kes theM on three- tr'ps .nd w,1I .nclude e1lht M.tches. rate �. caused byAhe tact ·that many The need ror 'leac� among the


. . ' . ,

'5. S. .

. . . . .chlldren, _ma:?,_ �� �_age� �� "llld�--"'8Le\l.oWn when ��� _�illk!m.uraL�'8IU�com.� --. ---'----.--------.----- '---'--severr,- she explalnoo. .descrlbtd a funeral given tor. a ' monkey ---

pr1sed of � teams. the donn stu�' · ." Prospects for a strong tennis team IOQk good and Coac:h Olsor' Miss .Prange told ·mu� of the Squal- whlctl was fo�d dead. The deceased. d�t£.the day students. and the shack..- has a good schedule do�d out for them. Our co.urts will- n!Jt. b� 11!1 condl�loru un�er, which t.he Hindus animal. "!U .decked with prland.s of . 1 /efs. has opened Its SHSQn with two in hape for pia: so the matdies will be' played on cdurts in towri. IIvl' . . and br.ought to mind the fact that. flowers and paraded a.roun!1 on � hu�

\, / games in the last week. In the tlrat. s y, . . . I . . t 1 1 ' t we wou!d be In the lIanll' sad state we;re decorated float as band! played and �' thl' day students defeated the dorm As in golf, tennis. too. is gaining popu anty a� .an In erco egla e. It not tor those Who had 'come to WI 12.000 people turned. out for the mon_ \/ , boys 7 to 4. whlle In the second the sport and this year.'s schedule is th.e most extenSive y�t. with GOd's Word. The'main w�rk �t key··s funeral. . ' .


donn gained a decision over the shack S. 5. the hospital, she stated·. consisted of' ____ _ by c;1efault as the shacksters did not tum out tn suftlclent numbers to war� As rile �nnis tOurnament b, been prorresiirl,. lome Ifery fine Wilconlin Dean Sa,l ' Present Bro.du,t rant a COl';test. ma'teriai h.� presented ihelf� Those wh'o look the best an4 frOM . . The regular Pacific Lutheran.' COllege' The standIngs to da��n Lost which the telim ·will, .be chosen are 8ert Myhre, Norman Colleges �id. Play-Bo.,. ; broadcast over Station KVI was pre-

.. . 1, �J! lenlen, Cerie 8urloyne. Hal Trulson. H:11 " O·Conl'.'4l'r, L,al Sander- . Would Omit Cr.depoints sented last Wednesday evening. The ' Da� student.<; Donn student.<; Shack . I 500 Ion. Bob Levinson. and Orv Schlanbusch, " p'rotrram Included rour 'songs by: the ... ..... 0 000 . 5. S. . By �l8OClaled . Collerlate 'PrHI boYs' quartet of 80b and Clarence ----------- . If .Sco_t� H. Goodnlgl;lt. dean of men MonsOn. Arnold Anderson and ROnald .

Coach Olson announces> that if there are enough 'interested in at Uie University ot· WisconsIn. had his MarUn. Eugene 8urgoyne played a Member

United· Purity Stores Dahl Grocery Co.


Brookdale Cash Market

GAdand 01 56-R-2 J. A. IRWlN. Prop.

a horseshoe tournament one will be run off i� the near fut�Will :�e=�t ���l�e


� violin =.� Clarence Le�

mlng. :c

o all those who would like to enter. suc� a tournament ·p[.ea�� jar:ld points. probations. and executive com� :n:e

n comln

e P�=�I:g c:o p�ro: in their names to Mr. Olson. O. K . . barnyard golfe�s. herr your mlttee actions. but he would not there- ductlon "OObl� aold." .

chance to show your stuff. '" by create a paradise ro� the .student. . . .

5. 5. . \ "I am not at all sure that we would . After collecting staUstles on the

The dorm-dOl, boy r.ivalry in baleball i, loin, stron,� foik�-but �otw; :�:�



np:- :

II��: :;,�





tJ; the d., boys are ltill on to�. Lalt .week in . thr.!lIinl encounter tfu,y mnchlnery, raised the .paas mark to: lona: period'ot years. Prot. Rudolt PI�­manaled to eke out a 7-4 victory. but the dOfftl boys voW to something approaching a h.lgh C and �r. Columbia ·Unlveral.ty psy:Cholog�st,

them in the next laMe, If an,one wishes to lee .a . real. hotl,-con- :


I����:: ::�d��.�

v:� �n� =a

v��Pe�':a�; :h ��;

tested ball ,a�e. watch for the next·between ,these two teams de9.n said In outilnlnr hl8 new tormula not as Intelligent as th� born at any

he'd let his money'l worth, . . boys."

WestJnllllster College's tint publ1ca­"Let the play-�y accumulate a nlC1!' Uon, which appeared, In 1855, as the Coach Olson Announces Tenni. Team To Meet -J

collection or· failures for two or ,three Westminster Herald. was printed tor a I and come 'out and lee it. It •. s free. ani:! ·ewen if one did have to


paY, (or the handlIng ot what he calls "piay_ other Ume of the



. Large Coif Scltedule Three Junior College� :�te��:�

I: �����


a:lo;o::; ::h





--:--------- The complete 1934 SC�edule .for the The tennis team. comprised ot those �����nydo�:rsh:=u:

t ;a�:;�:�: fJ;Om Philadelphia.. .

PacUlc L)Jtheran College golf squad h� who make the best showing In the perceptible progress toward 1\ deg:-ee, Receipts of the National Intercol-'"'

Tr:ack Baseball


been announC1!d. The schedule Inelud'es spring tournament. will meet, all team.s and I don·t believe the college would leglate Swimming meet held recenUy CoIl�e or Puget Sound and Aberdeen ::;: e:l�f:�:n�

h:'�h�nt��ee�:��I��!; have much to do about It. . .at the Ohio State University w�� ap-

Junior COllege. These schools have been Yakima. according to COach Olson. The "But I �uppqse It· is useless to hope �p';:OXl;:

ma=te;:'Y;:.::'::.200;:.::::;:==:::::=i <"" on the schedule tonnerly. BeIUngham schedule Is as tollows: . ,tt;.r anYthing 01 th�t sort.. We appear r

) Nonnal and Columbia University or . lnevltably committed to the .molly-cod_ , .�; :��!O �UI:i�;;'JI':'r�� Portland are on the golf schedule ror

May 4--Aberdeen there dl1nJ and S�I)�fee<l.� .program�" TIO extrJl cost Jlnd the work is done May 5-Mt. Vernon. here The rtitd supervision ot studen.ts In by experienced workmen, It •

. We Carry Spalding Sup­plies for these Spring

Games '

the first time. all Ptlues of their academic lite was LEHMANN PHOTO-FINISHING ' ){By 2-Belllngham here May 12-Mt. Vernon there crlUclzed by the WiSconsin dean. Who STUDIOS ' . May 4--Aberdeen there May 15--Centralla th�re In.his long years or service at Wl.seon; �=P�.:,k:r.n�d:M:.:::":.n:t;:r.:Com:.: .. =ny=� sin has establ�hed' a reputation tor


924 'Pacific Avenue

May �Iumbla there

May ll--C. P. B . . there Ma� i8--CoIUlllPIa bere

May 25-BelUngham there

May 26--BeIUngham here

Si-il' !iU .... for ,.rti .. , ,I •• . . clubs, teaml, etc.

A", n_. A", PIKe . LYONS IUS LINES. hoc • .

. c.I Mr, L,... , .

MAhi lUI . y ... c. ;:: . � - . � .

May 22--Centralla here

May 26--Aberdeen here extreme liberal views.'

"There is too much ' ad lislng and counSellin&:. too many inte1l1genC1! tests, executive committees. scholastic chalr-

Complete Match'es men. Junior ,and senior deANI.


257 �. · 1 hh St., TJlComJl, Wn.

With nearly. aU nrst-ro� matches "We do too much ror our students. I �vlng been completed, the spring ten� believe they would get a 'better dlscl-' t:::==:::::::::::=� nis' tournament is' well. under way. 80 pUne arid attain a better training if we P-rar, the favorites seem ·to be Myhre. weren·t 50 corut8.nUy on the alert to . Tr�n, O'COnnor and ·Burgoyne. The Pl:otect them from their own .mIstaltes.

ot the flnt-round matches fol- "W.e catty patemaJ1sm to too great wo� froq]. PreIU by lengths. And the dI8eouraa:mg :factor

f"?m Bruen: by def�ult,. is that the further we go'the more is

' Qullity Knltthi. CO.

E. Anderson 6-1, 6-0; Bur- expected of IU an'd the more we are'

I ;��;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;:::::;�� J. Pflueger �-1, 6-0; . 0'-' blanted"for what we .don't aecompl1ah."

Janssen by,. default: Tl"ul_ . , Lehinann 6-0, 6-3'; �: Pflue: HeadUne in the North Dakota State .

. Letter h .. ..,. o.r s,.clalty 463 ':I'th Sf.: TacOma, \yash.

Hudson '1-.5, '1-5; Levtnaon Collqe student neWspaPer:. " 79.'.4 B.tu­'Jack by default: Sanderson from dents Cast In BrevIties Roles." Now Rasmussen 8-6, 8-6; and RoU from we'll teli one. BoDdy. '. ;;====:::::=====t

LIEN '" SELV,IC . Prescriptior:l Dn4'ai.ts�

'Impor��� �f Norweg;an .

, Cod Li,;,et Oil' . . : eom.r T� A"'*'Ue and 1 1th '

StrMt, -r:�, Wash.

. .R����L;����R)J

. ...,.�::.i� ... ' . BROOKDALE

CoMMIICIAL . . 'HOTOGIA'HY Auoci.tecI , Photop.phic·_

,�rnt ' "

Fresh Strawberry

� Ice Creall) Brick

�edo8weet Da�eiF

. �� . . 'BR� 1'1 7 1 .,. .. � 7J14 ·.· ,, "" � ' 114 Market"St. (YMCA Bid,.) � I . . TXor'(1a, Wash: . . L\;;==,-;;i;;;===�=�

Page 58: Mast 1933-1934


.- I. .

. Committees Reveal Choir Receive. New Oller, Plom 3.Day ·Trip · Com";iffi. ".OlI N.m •• · Five P.L.C. '33 Alumni '

Firial Plans for . . A/rer SlI,CCelllul Spring 'Concerl ' Tou�' . . M.y .F •• tivol Work.". . O�ganiie ' Well Coon

D R.G H ' , . ' " . <Coo ..... .... · .... .... , · . · D--hel • L he'

. . ouseparty A!ler a auc:cess!u1. eiaht-day tour stop, with tbe � s� at,two h1a:h ltoe.r.J. � Ql the affair by Eye_ . . � . or. at ul r . __ ' _ which took them � far north at! Van- schools T\I.�.y atterQoo,n 1I.D4 at ,Rev. lyn Inrin. preddent. abe, wW be .�_ , : --. ,

Mrs. Davis Will Ch�perone Day c:ouver, B. C., lbe Pac111c Lutheran J. N. Ylv1sater's ch� In thl!! eftntnt· aLs� by.�e � � �ane. �tl- . :Ib� l�n�m�HB for the Welt

Cirh on '2-D.-, Stay at Camp College " Choir of the' West" . returnt;d . . on ,:,:n���. =: � lla�. Th1s commIttee·bAa a.ppolnted COast �� It:' fond memories, OO�Pled

Miyaii .... . PI.n Initjation ' of to Parkland Sunday nl&ht. AprU 1:1 sanr 11. . e g . 00 an su _ fl\Jttees made' up &II (olloWll: ·wll.h Vtell' dea1re to sUe). toPther. haa -

New -Me';''''rs . On the trip the choir, under ,the d1rec� :ev���';��:!��: =. :! ' �y-pc)Ie drtu: Anna Ro�, (chair- driv@' ,five, Pacit1c Lutheran OOllete , __ tlon of, Prof, J. O. E;d�ards, !'Ilade' four- the!nster �yter1an Church manl " Sb1rley San,e, Allee Nolan" Vtr- a�umnl to ·"ortanl&e the West Oout

Final Pl� fOl' the .Delta Rho Gam- t�n _ appelll'1L!lCes, .sIngtng at nw i.eaYin Mt Vernon and Burllrigfn� KWa Been and Noftn Nqel, , Bachelon, Thi. new rroup' includes ' ma.hotlSe Pllrty of May 5. 6 at the Oirl churches and slx blgh'schools .. Eight. he � . ' � � verUsinr: Eunlce Ameson (c�tr_ , ' , Reserve Ca�p Miyajima on'Ft!x l!land, full conceru were given, At all of

w .re ey � a� the_ blgh sc:h in· man), Anne JohnSOri, Virginia Byers, the nv.e members of the Class of '33

are belnr completed, according t.c? Ellen the concert&, choir wa.s. well re- tt,e' :rterooon, the �up' wl:nt to �l- Helen BeIl8on. and Allce Pelen\)n, : .. ,'ho are' now a�41nr Lu�er qollea:e

�rgs'rom, gen;;"l chairman. ' eelveod, 'and good crowd.! were p�nt,' )Jng am where they �p�and before a , , Popcorn and �y: AlIce Roe (chalr- .in Decorah, Iowa, �ey b(l.tch t.ofI1!ther

'The group:--'h1ch W!.II leave from the Deiause of . the sucCess' of this tri " tlJ1� .audltorium at t,he,normal SChool. 'man) , 'Dorothy' Opheim, Jennie Lee, .�ere, but are hoping to v1&1t at P.L�C. ferry doCk at the end of Slx:th Ave- the cboir has re;ce1ved several ort�

' 'J'I:U,s concert was un�er the awplcea of Laura Hauge and Ruth, Ha:ualand. Pefore the\cl.OIIe, olJ.h15 sch.ool year.

nue at 10,20 Saturday moroing, to appear' In oUler places 'and 'Mr, Nel-' ��o�e Luth�ran churches .of, th�t elty .

' Ice' cream:.P1orence Pos� (cha1rman), ' Printed .�tterhead4 of . �e. new or-

are anfJclpaUng two days hill pf sw1m- son, bU!lines.s m8.n�, is making ar- :war:u -: ::� �:r:y� b:=� .;::;' Jf.II�er Hvlddlng, �e.·Pftterson, Bet- ':e�e'��n�Ve�!u�

h�� �:-Ck �

;:U;:�d��=��ng��:� a. P�Y'Thand rangements for a · three day ,triP. to morning the chpir leU the states , to ty ��, �d El1zi1beth Dahl, . :ent. The bOard of dlreclDrs is =�

w ' sen' ce, ey Oregon. The .tentative concerts aild travel. to V!U1couver, B,-C" where the.y · Punch: Rac.hJ.el Flint (cl'i

alrman), up of Carroll' Jacobson Stanley 800re

arl:�:c!,�,n on the 2,30 ferry SWlday dates planned are: Astoria, May 11; sang at �v, O. W. ,WestUni's .church . . V� Mahncke, !lunh1I� �n. and Walter YO�I', '

. .

With her committee of Warren. May. 12; �rtland, �orninl 8atunt�y night. Ii c:oncett wM�ven in' VIiginla .Da.vt.s �nd Anna., �n. . ' . At P..L,O, all these bci s hela 1m rt-

Wesson, Gertrude Stenber ��� and aI�moon, May 13; and LOngview, the New west.m�tu high school �ud1.- �tiOnB: Ge�de . Stenberg ant places in the stud:nt body. �;l

rna 08nlels, Miss Bergst!m ' has a _' Wash" Sun�ay ev�nirlg. May 13, , tortum �der the ,�lUplce& of that cltY'1i (chairman), Selma Bafw, Eleanor Martin was vice preaUent of the AS­

pointed the following SUb-committe!. Beginning the first -"concert tour of Lutheran CQllgregaUODS: Sunday morn-' �udebaugh, 1'JUl) a-Mae ,Goff and Eve- IOClated Studenta and business, man-K, P. duty and -t:ransportaUon-Mel� Ull$ yeat. tt).e c.holr sang at the F1rs� Ing the chorus went � Mt. Vernon' I�. Eklund, " ager ' of, Moorinr M..,t; Btanley

ba R05S (chairman), Norma Pre,w...J!!a Luthe� ,Chur.Ch,in ',���unday, where t� f1n� concert � the \.:OUT was . S�. and throne: Geo�na Me- 8cc?re was presJd.e�" o� 'the Graduatlng

Thompson and Novell Nagel. - . ' Aprtl-!';llnd-or. TfngelStaa stiOie,� -glvenln � afternoon arttll;hlgtr Clure-(chaJrman�BergllOt----:.. Voren, Olass;· Ray. Lerbact_waa.,a:th1e.o.c_m� _ -<Prognffi�Marga.ret Wesson (chalf- ing there In the afternoon after the school auditorium \.here. befor�. �e Marie Wrang, Marie Schmitz 'lnd Val- a,e'r ,and wtnner of the COllea;e bc?ys' / manl, Dorothy Opheim. Mary Nash ladles of the churc!t .had. 5er:'ed din-. meeting , of .. the . Columbia· COQfer:en� borg l;I'orby; , insplratiO!l1l1 trophy; Walter Young was ( /' ViVian Kampbell and Marie Schm!tz: n�r, the choll: proceeded to Seattle klelng held in that. city, . Clean�up: Clara �uhnhausen (chll:lr- vice preslde�t of the G� �Illsa,

'7 Entertainment-Enid Hutson (chalr- where they gave a c:oncert In t;ht! eve- Those ll,'ho: accompal!.led the choir· man), Thelma Daniels, Nonna Preus. presldent of the MLsslon SoCiety, and manl, Alice ROe Joanna Manousos nlng at Rev. O. L. Haavtk's Church In which traveNed. by bw were: Prof, J, Helen OI50n and Elspeth Andrak, ' winner of the boys' inspirational trophy

V ' and Jean-Marie Fowler. , ' Ballard. Monday the choir ·travelled 0, Edwards. director: Theodore Nets-'

\ 'In high school; and Carroll Ja:c;:obaon

Clean-up-Evelyn Eklund (chalr- t;o Eve�ett where they sang before two son, business manager; MrIi, Esther . , • " . was a two-year, fOQtball lettexmari, "

mim) , Helen Benson. Anna Enge� and assemblies at the �t:rett �Igh School Davl.5, chapetOQe;, and "Buck" Swish- Co�I,ln Cold . • Cast Mee�lng Each of the boys hr.d earned two· foot-

Clara F,i:uhrihausen. . and at Re,:), C. H. Norgaards c�arge in er. who has driven the b-us on all the , Re*ul�rly for . Rehe.anals .ball letters 'bere except-Ray Lerbacl!:,

InIUatlO�-Euia-Mae Goff Ichalr- t-he evenmg, Stan�·ood was the next choir trips the last few years, Reheartlllla for the Benlor Class Pia ;

who was team manager for ,that l�h

manl . Anna Roness, Jennie l.ft' and " " , . " Y of Urne, At Luther, each of th�se boys

Amy O�lbert. / C' AT OTHER SCHOOLS � coc:�;t��lthare


l:��'; b active In scholastic atfairs and sports.

Wors¥p-AUce Peterson (chairman) , " of coaching, The three act '.oomedy-Virginia Davis and Louise Miller, Subject of a recent group debate at 'I'anl.iness, is punlsh� by a one hour 'dTan;la will tie presented In the PacHlc , Luther i..eaicue Dol,

As chaperone. Mrs. Esther Davis. Del- Concordia College In Moorhead, Minn,: Quiz by a Texas Unlverslty:professor. Lutheran College gymnasium on Fri- In connection with Luther Leque ta Rho Gamma adviser, �'III accompany "ResolVed.

" that a house buntS up and In a recent num�r of the American day �ven1ng May 25, The cast. which Day, which 15 beina Celebrated In the

the girls. no� dOwn, Medical .:to.urnal. statlstlcs"irere Quoted Includes WUltam Zier, Kathryn John- No",'eg� Lutheran Cburch of Amerl-

On the Thursday, and ,Friday just A voc.e Is be· conduc� on the to show tha� the general�eal of Cof- son, Ella Johnson, Jean-Marie Fowler, , ca �ugh�ut the country,�extsunday,

pr�eding the house party, all day girl' West Vlrg1n1a University camPus to de;- lei'e s�u·dents was 'ailing m the Emory Whltak�, VIrginia' Byer1l, �lar- ApHI 29, both Luther Leagu,es"of the

"'ho 'entered school at mid-year will be termine the size of the diplomas the standards of �e years , Research ence Lemming, Irene Sballand and Ed.- TrInity Ll!the.ral). .cb�h w11l ��.nut, inlUated Inw Delta Rho Gamma. the seniors will receive at graduaUon over a riumber of years kvealed that gar Larson, bas � !:I'UliY learnln� ,

Sunday, Th� J

�or �e. w.m c,on-

climax or this event being reached at " students' health gi-ew worse\durlng the lines. and prom!S:ea ont' of the best pro- vene at, 4:00 p. � .• while the Senior

the house party, t��:;

d���� :::�::7tt:�f !:� years spent in school. \ d

�:��::r cr:;:::tedw1�

t :


o�: !:r

a:'�t7n�, :��I'� :�:; ,

1_ Pr . start. tra.1nlng now, A six weelts �_ Hunting the polecat'ls.,the latest In- for adults and 15 «nta for chndl'en. planned, accordl� to 'ann�ments.

1n conn:=�t$ ���etDay the ling course mU!lt be completed before tramural sport at Earlbam College. Tickets wtl!s be sold by D!ember1l of �e. . . . '

Drama Club beld a work day last Sat- they are even eligible for the jobs. ' A student at Marshall COllege is Senior C

l ,

�ROo�DALE, urday. The cleaning and rearranging Princeton University' males, 1p. a re. e�ing his way througb college by ·Cuild. Ciw'� �Iav \ of the property rooms. bullding of a cent poll on what living man they .em�lming caw to sell to anatomy . . I BARBER SHOP new .veneer front to co\'er the pipes In would like to be If they had. a; choice. students, " The Tr1rut� Guild presented.: a one: BroOkdale

� lront of the stage, raaking boxes to en- ch06e Pres, Ro()&evelt, Mussollnl, and Probably the reason Purdue Univer-

act ?lmedy, . The Fountain of Youth,

��o: d:�� n�:

c:::il:! m= Hitler. slty never missed Its slgnab' was ·due ;p��

e l�" L.Th

C��h:���r!::� ..... ________ --1

who worked to -!!lake the day � success Approximately 100,000 need,)' youn, :u:e a�ac�;�;4'

1n me=em:���e the play we,re Emmy Coltom. Thora �----------t KerschNuIII

Suits and Overcoata . were B!,ll Rasmussen, Gerry Pflueger, men and women are reoe1v1ng CWA . Olson, Berdine Knutsen: Paul Hlghby, Jesse Pf1J.!eger. Leonard Wesson, Ferdl- funda to allow them to conUnue their ExacUy 2'1.000 yards of adhesive tape Ire�e Fadness . ... Mrs, Cutford Olson. nand ,Bondy, Evelyn Irwin, Jean-Marie education in' colleges and Universities, and 600 yards of gauze have been' pur- ,Mrs.�tad, Grace �, Mrs, Ke�-

Fowltr' and Bergllot Vogan, -

t" . chased by Lou1s1ana State Un1venlty neth Jaeobi. Emma Rynnlng, ·Mrs. Ed For 5.le Excl�ively .t

<?n the Illinois Wesleyan camp� th1r. for use on Its athletes during the com-, Bertha Olaon, Mrs. Jen- Jetland 6', P.I'","�

• On 8ro.adcast Program i�':h��r:t�:�:�lvc;::"�:�g:�U:

ing year, . • :n�, � ::�h. Karen Ryn- +-_.:.9 ';;;2"P.::,,::.. :A:",,;;:::;.-;:;T::""'"':::;::'=--4 PacHlc �theran College pr�nted Vidlng the expenses among themselves. Approx�ate.iy one-third of all stu- I r==========O; I ,r-------....,..-"-";"-..

�::=S�tI�: ���e':tf�:: An enterprtsing Yale Joumal15t 1a =�ec::::=hO=!ta,to u�

v� . 8On�ale 8e.uty Shop,.

night from 9:15 to 9:45. Pro!, Ram- contemplating the printing of a hitch- in financ1nr' thelr educaUon. S���;-J:;iI! �!i;:�cf:'re .to

stad gave a tall!:. Irene ShaDarui pl�yed blker's guide fOr the benefit of the . • . Stieet C.u plano 'solos and Mildred Monson sang Ells who bum their way. to New 'Yort A movement hM been sl.l!.rted at" W.tch .1 .... for ... 1, ..-ill,

a \'ocaJ solo. every weekend. John Hopkins Un.lveralty to boycott all �rt P.l1TIInent· W.vinl . student �UvtUes' which make chargee • CArI.� 01n-i.l '.FIlil .... .

LUMBER The PennsyJv&nla state hIghway pa- in addition. to the student' activiUes

trol ncen�y conJ'iacated twenty-!lve card. • cars owned by student.s of Leblgh UD1- , 1 WRECKER SERVICE verslty and· class1fled them as "relics At a .recent. Whltew�ter. W1sco1l&1n, D.y. ,.\Mr Nita FOB EVEBY PpBPOSE

PAINT. IlABDWABE unfit ·to operate on the stneta." State. TeacherS- College di'amauc 'per--


Tennis R.cken Res.tTlln, 'FrMt-!' Stock of Cut jUlt 'A:rived •

Srin, your rlCkflts In now KIM.ALL SPORTlHC 'coODS

COM'ANY ' • .


Ior ZS V .. n ... I ' . formance the leadtnr man" falIlng to , CA. 014S-R-1

GENEBAL BUILDING 8t1PPLJES ,Kentucky O}oun.tain men and women appear on time, rushed do,m the cen- Cn -- R!I,.Iri., on


f�� .

. ==!:. i:n. alale lonr' after the opentnr cur- I �--_�� ____ � I l"-________ .Hl Brookd.l.

Lu�b.r Co. ��I p��io �p 0J.�:' =:. Carl O. Hoyer 01 Arlzona State

Phone �Arland 3811-J-5 educaUon. . Te.cb.eb CoUea;e hU teeenUy �n 'lnJ· AT BRooKDALE' According to Madame Albert1na Uated into membenbJp 10 the HoPI

On �untaJn Hi&'hway R.uch, the �odel �ed la a combina. IndIana: , tz1be, the hIIbest honor that '':=========� tJon o! Venus de �o IIDd Mae·West; · " ,ac:corded whJte men by thk tilbe. . r 'I'be footbalL tam ot at.. La� ' : ' .

UD1versUy, can� N, Y .. actually � � be abIolutel7 no � U� eats, and alHpa fopu.n: The .� 'Monday UIltU Prlday evenlDl'," IQUad Uvea in the laDle dorm. and 1I & recent oUk1al ed1ct Of MaDobester Printers

Stationers Engravers'

every D1gbt at ,ten o'clock the CX*h '-1oDeee authorities. '

rinp a btU, � that It 1& Ume ' to run in the dcrm. haD.., All Of the ..o,� State '. UnlnrIltJ - At \be end Of a three weeli ruab1nr 1WftSt11nI team', equipment 'WU stolfin �od at"Brown UDlYenlty.tbe bah:' -untly wt..en they.,made a ab:ort Itop � ...inble at sQlea B.u 1Ii'tleR, ':'"'I route to ,a � � , \.

OFFICE EQUIPMENT ��� ��� ":The"� CJe1many 1a not � by SU�8ES """'" that ..;." to .;..,. ...... ... 81"" .. "lI' by .: """'" Of han! J>Ol"d - pFirieI OffOi� �


.. then .sip UDder tbdr cholci � ' .• 1Old1ers,", �_tb Prof. 'Ja.a:lS It..

N;"" ooce '10 to tbU bqUIe to reedft � Po� of th; O'�tJ of Mlcb1pn.

'. 1NC01tP01tAnD P::;=':ty'of 1IlImeeota- 1&�; : A '� � �,� ��:� , l�th ';"A',S!: POI�� nine to tIDaa£e ODe � ... � iaclUited � � Dew cuzAc:Q1wn of

�-MAln21}f' . �, .. � 01 It. "'educ:atioD. reUef" qwo- ();IUep. ' n is -.. -.1. pon� t... .... ....,;..._ .... .,.",.,...,.:.�J �: .'. �._._�_ . ...... .,...;...




' I� , , JO�NSON :COX 'CO. nb.p.dIkA ... .;. ;8R....Iw.Y ... i

1 I

· 1 I 1

Page 59: Mast 1933-1934

--- - 1'!Pr.lsi�.C.r.moni.l-

, / '-rowning of Queen Klth-1 / ryn by Student Body Presi­�>, dent: Large Crowd Present V By Thelma Daniels


For the first time In the history the school. PaclIlc Lutheran . College was the .scene. last Tuesday, May 1, of a May Festival. Th1.s affair. whlch wa.s spo� by Delta Rho Gamma. pleas­ed everyOne and many have �

.. the hope It will become an annual e\"ent.

Gathered on the front la.,,'1\ at 3 p. m., students and friends of the College Ha­tenl'd to the proclamation �f.May Day. given by Clarence I..i!mming, student body preslden�, 'from ' a

Rachel Flint. descended the tront steps and tormed an alale for the queen'S 'party.

F9l1ow1ng 'the ribbon-bearers, came the attendants, two by two, Mary Nash and Thelma D&nIelS, and Novell N�l and Virginia Davis who advanced to the Queen's throne across the lawn. Ail mald,or honor, Evelyn Monson preced­ed little David Edwards. crown-bearer. immediately follow1ng him came the qu�l'l' Kathryn Johnson, beautiful In her gown of blue' saUn. , LaITy Hauge, son ot Dean, and Mrs. p� E. Hauge. was the queen's train-bearer.

The,ptoeell81onal completed, Lemming CTO!:"cd MIss Kathryn. to reign o� the Itles. The girls' QUa.rtette Ellen Bergstrom. Hannon. and Vivian "Welcome. Sweet Sprtngtime," 'foUollhd a MaY-�le dance by the student body. with plano panlment by Irene Sllanand, Me a Song" wa.s sung ' by quartette, conslattng of Robert son. Clarence Moruon, Arnold son, and Ronald MartIn, ,"",om,onI, .. I by Ellne Benson abd "!1lnUred ;;;;;;;; I whm

) ,

, '

Board , of Control Election Will Be

Tuesday, May 15 , ' ,


Students; Grads Get of th. I., of ,�d'd" •• • ho wlll = Teaching Positions for &.an! of Control POSitions

' for "next

__ . ' year. The election date hRa been set. . Seven .. Alumni. five Me"'"" of tor next Tuesday, May 15. an4 .stu-

Thi,' Ye.r·,.� CI� .. 51,ft Con- may vote In the Board 01 Con-

tract. for Next Fan

. At thla Ume a1&o, ail

St<:ret.,.,: Eline Benson. Rhoda Holt­enstad, Milry Nash.

Treullllft': Bertrum Myhre. Don'Reld,

Colrlll1ll!lfoner 01 Aui�a: ' Eldon . AnderlK!n.

Commhaloner of AdnrU.inr: No Pe-titions. .

' GraduaUnr . ·Ca.:. &epn.e:ntaUn:

Evelyn lewin, Milton Nesvlc. Sopbomorr C.... Rep..-nCaUft:

Marie 'JohlllOn, Don Piper, Eleanor ' RaU



P�ket Tnt .. ment Lul�. C ...... ! •• Ail Thll WHlc

After the declalon of the J4IIe1on 80- . clety at 1ta lMt �. to spoDior a Pocket: Ttttammt' Leque c&mpa1p, all tboee wbo were Interelsted In dQb:l.I tbe·work for.tha IDO'IeIDeI1t �t In &be recepUotl room UoncIa7 nlIbt.. In the

of Irene wtio 11 one of "'!...!�,.=�::I:::::�=':; 1I1it.en: 'Hem.: CODduded CI at which Ume' the object

Or tbIa c:aaDpUcn ... Ut.erature recai'diDI the � carda ""' '''''' . � Who YOltmteend to

can ...... . , etqteeD Itudenta worklnl'

caD� wbleb .... stari­UId. wW CUlUDue· the re-the week. . A � for 1rPl be beJd t.cxaJcM at

tbe recept.lori l'OCllll · at � 1IrlO be Ifvm. AD ot.ben


ill· ID tha �t are alm In·

- , ..


Page 60: Mast 1933-1934

. .

PAQ.E TWO PAOIPIC Lt.rnn:aAN OO�E. 'p�. �ASfut;,OTO�.· WAY '�

w·b r .ff( o o r t n g '- a � t Kampus Komments · Publlsh� ev�ry t'lI'O weeks durIn, the school year b; the students of Paclfk We hat'e In our mJdst k' very much'-

. Lutheran Collere. Parkland, Wuhtnaton . travelled rentleman. Durinc the· lut

• . . tWo' weeD, he 'has attended' Enter!d as �nd;=tn�::rti�� :";t�t:ia�:

��nce at Parkland. :


:daa��� =



tt.ln �,:.�

that ror oovl!'rtng terrltory-? He 1& none-9ther than OUf b(loved ·presldent. Dr. ·nn�lstad. Despite the tact that he b reeovertf1J rrom a. severe 81� of IU-

EDITORIAL STAFF . . �.·he plaCes the Interests 'or Paclflc ' . . " . . . _ . .

Editor-in-chief Hazel Monsen Lutheran €Oll� above that and ill "yOu ou�ht to be �rotid � be Lll4: I CUrl,Ie: "'1t'm 1M )en - wbeD InY


_ _ ��fo�.N��:�� out d •. �IY Wl)rk'i .. r�: our weltan:- .--� �;r�:c:�:'

h :r i;:n���J.�= ba::...��:. :.. .• nte ..; lenin, Edltonal Wntec.... _ .Daniel Flotrf'! ' T. he old ticking . poet trSIl.·h'''; 100;t!d to.,her visitor. " 1& 'pt 1ft), ' &IteM .. ,.... '

Reporters..2E.un;ce A;neso� Eh�e Benson, Gertrude Br:unnel ��te. deserted the lut ·.fe� days and .What . on _ ea:r:t�..,..larp family? . -LA-' Mona Byrd Thel�a DanIels Evelyn Eklund. Jean-Marie' Fowler, all seer1'l!' forlom apd forsaken. If this glared the fath4!Jr. ·· . "jlow_ did yau oome out wltl'j your Valborg Norby. Florence Post, I rene Shafland. . , rain doesn't, stop pretty�n. '!"e'U for- "yes. l.ndeed. Your dlW8hter hu had law suit?" � . . . . . Typist-Ruth Carlso�

. ge� .lhat sprlng' �ver did come. ' II of �er . �rothers here, t�1s term. to ":1 won It." ' .

BUS'INESS STAFF . Hats on. ,o'Ii:�:�. 0:" Th, 'Ma, ::'�.':l,';.�.u

'. Bh, "�" an"",, one "o.t dam .... ''' . . . Business Manager Advertising Manager' Circulation Manager Circulation Assistant Facult� Advisors '

: B,ertrum Myhre 'Festlval 1'fhlch th�y' put on last TUes-' . . -.LA- . "Yes. Got ��t enouzh to pe.y my

C-"ffo�d Mesford day �deeci a beautlful tete. Th II all tbe &eacIten � IakI �nd &0 lawyer." L�uls� lfckson resul\ of h!rd�wort '-'1d eJ:cellent plan� e.nd � the .... tor,· the ��' . . _LA...:.. .. . ear ot"{1me nlng. It\e"fesUvlt,y was a gorgeous sPec- wvald. "'ft. a .wdl tbae. . .

.' A peneD wbe Umtws .a __ ... mel!:-

N. J. Hong and. O. J. Stuen tade- �nd wu Very' weU melved. · -LA- " e-"I)'. laJiy, aeeordlD' to. FIo'd. Knat_

K. K. . Mr. Ramstad: 1'�at � the mOlit aen. ......... . ' Now with all 't�e petlUonS In tor neXt out&�dlng contrt)utlon Ul;a� " -LA-Our May Day Festival )-"ear's 1W!t. of.oflleen-; the.mcist Import- try nR;8 given to the world?': . C. MOMOn: "Ii'�,any dories abowt

. In this age of ra.n, jazz, .�nd rah-rah ente'rtainme�t, it is a re- �n.t election of .. t.he sch�I 'YHr ntan. Eldon ' A.: "�ndeis," . lteetht:' . . � :. . ' ! tef!:? attem ;J a program that WIll allow u.s to relax while enjoying it. There are. a fln� group of !1om1nl!l!�, . L,A- � Enl,... YeF-

/�� .May Day festival was of this type. I t was dne of t� rare, fes� �::lI���.h:�,S!.���:v'7a :�. c"a�:!: 'a' �:� r:::. ��e;

r�a�:'n all�n: cJ:U1!aoe: -:-':'eU, &he,. are 'aa.e:'" . 1-. / ttvlttes that �eav.e a perso�. reste� an� refreshed. ·a �eautlful cere- and


�f!lelent Board of Control next �pat. A mUle �yed, , 'f .--"-------. J


. \ '7 mony for whIch Its sponsors deserve much praise, year. ' . "One of your relaUves?'.' he astl'd.

P rid d . Ite Sh \.-/ ' While .wa�ching thiS ceremony, �e could not help thinking . ·

K. K. · ,

"Yes, by m�&gI!," sl:\e rePI��, . a In

.:.: r . .. op

. what a bleSSIng It would be to our school to have more entertainment Another busy �man abol.!t this school LA- , \ Confectionery ' , of this type. and .Iess of the Clamorous. 'exciti'ng kln,d. I t .is the peace- :e:�:s n;,:

I��� ::��:�tr°�:

w:e�:: m:"''::�:�I;�:'':�: tf� :: .

ful, the harmOniOus. the beautiful in' life that build true men and he has pupUa taklnc- lessons In Ta- roln .. 'intO .octet, with' me, .. ' . . CEO. KNUDTSON, p:. women : not the noisy and boisterous. Until we. le�rn this, and 'pay coma and Seattle and ill organist and Her Ha.".bY: .. Wtu.,"tia't'� I done?" . .

heed to ·it, we shalt not-in spite,.of all our preaching-get far along Choir dl�tor or Rev. Bwrmeon's chJ.lrch . Ph"'i:Ian'� ,wife: "Why, Jo.",eeI the I Portable TYPewriter.. 8upp� · · the road to the citadel 0.1 character In SeattJe. He Is altlo active In 'Luther pulR �r e't'�ry 0_ whO otenm a All Steel P'I�g .Equlpment-

. League work In' whIch he dlrect5 the hand,"

. School BOots. SuppUes ----.- . district -chorat union. ' , '�;.A- " , J. F. VISELl�

·CO. A Suggestion ' K. K. : Mlnlstf:r's wUe: :'W� up! There are . . BooUeIIer.-B"� .

, W�en the Drama chib preunted Its l:!urglant" In the house." 0ffIee J'U' As most colle� classes seem to be composed of two distinctly last Drama Night 'Friday nlg�pr1l Mlnls.ter: "Well, what ot It?, Let them Phone Maln '2870 DOIP� Pap. Ave.

different types of st�dents_those who' come to �lass to learn. and :n. I� closed.-a. very ..,sue<:esslul Rr-son, find Ollt, their mlstate ror·th�lves," Q "'Ii! th<>,s,:" .who come to am.use themselves-it ·might. for the sak.,e 0.1 This club-, of .the most .:.

�"e1n . .. .-�--:-

effICIency, have' been a g� ide�. to arr�nge -these . 'two groups in :('�:: 'h::d��;e

:��u'"!:eteTn!�:�� na!: a�;:��'f�:::" m� and Complh".nh --of

se�arate class rooms. The fIrst mIght be Instf-uct�d In the arts and ments several times to the c1U\S prop- She: "That. amow.'I'- ·lo,abo.t 1lZ.t8 sCIences as befor�. and. at the end of the

.college course. receive th .e erUcs. al&o(ether, dONa" In" �T eOAST

usual dgree of Bachelor of Arts. In the second group, the students I K. K. I ' -LA-would �ach the professor, draw pictures. throw paper bal is at one The Pocket Testament I..:ea,lIe Pled

. ge "Are you plannIng to 'gef to the sea- GROCER4¥

another. and upon completion of their four-year term be honored 'campalgn which Is being held,thls week shore as usual?" with' some such as Bachelor of Balderdash. In this way each I under the ausplc� of the Mlsston �

I , "YeS-I'm planning . to go there as group would. achieve its desired end without disturbing, the other. clet)' should be p�yerfully comldered usua\but I'll probably stay. home-�

There is no good reason why this plan should not work out by all of us. All who have n�t usoal. . . satisfactorily. Under such system, the knowledge· seekers would �one so .should join this m(wemfnt a�d R S

. T II I

Amocat ....Products

get their knowledge, the fun-seekers. their fun, and to the folks at be brough\ Into a clO5l!r relationship e�. venson e . '. 0 _ home, two B's on the sheepskin would probably look as good as a with ollr Lord and SavJor. Jesus Christ. Lo�.� �.ck In Ch.pel l!j . ....:.._._""_ ... _ .... _ .... ;..'.'._ .... _ .. "

_ ....

_ ...


_, ... _ ... _ .. ,,


_ ... _ ... .... B and some other letter. As for. the college�besides having the K. K. On l�t ednesday, May :I. ftev .. . Ii:' Normal Curve shortened by two letters, making it easier to remem- DO YOU KNOW THAT: E:rn�t O. S,(enaoh, pastcw of the ,F'trst ber--:the professors would be saved a number of nervous break- ,l;he P. L. C. choir has travell!d mOre Lutheran Church In racomll, IIddress.­downs, and the dean and the president would be abl� to s'ign the than 13,000 mll9 within the past tlv� ed the students In £hapel. Illustratln,g diplomas with a clear conscience • years, hla .talk with !i. story Of, Lonely Mack,

Nonnan Jensen's father. [rene Dahl's a wood earver_ Rev. SVeMOn brought (' parent.s, and Mrs. Xa \'Ier have tllken out the tact that the grHt.est ventures

An Encouraging Editorial English from Mr. Hong. of life are Wlth� us. . Below follows. in parts, an �ditorial from the Puyallup Valley Baseball used t� be a major sport ��::k�OI�eg::;�=t ��e�:!�

Trtbune of J\1;Jrch 23. I ts author IS Robert Montgomery, member of at P,L,C" and. aslde rrom turning out ness of this sehool ltes not In the num_ th� Uni�ersity of Washingto�Board of Regents, and editor of the a couple of big leaguers.. thla school has ,qtr ot studentlr, nO.r In the laV1shness T flbune. . 1 . turned In over some of the of Its equipment' but In Ute -tru Chrt -view �i:h��a��



lr �f:li�f;�' ::�

r r�'£��due:'�n


:�� best teams In the country. Uan_spl.rlt exe!D�Ufled by the :��den�

For Moth';rs Ooy photograph of 'you--a -picture she will treas-�


mugh the . Yea"

.. . .

. MAin 4493 . 304 Rust Bldg. Tac;:oma .

ver.sill�. The University of Washinglon is sa-id to be a holbed of communistic agi- �e newspaper reports regarding Ma- and faculty members of the sel'i�1. I tatlon; and Ihe Bwrd of Regents is chailenged 10 declare what it is going to do Jors being adopted as the ort.lelal ·PL. ______ � _____________ ...:..�� about it . . . . , " C. mascot was printed by the Assoela.- l"-

"Yes, .free thinking. i$ dangerou�; but suppose w.e try to proscribe il! If sue- te<I Pre'ss In : newsPapers as tar East Hi.·ghest Quality Printing ,




u� :'�I:�:s:=���iTo f�l��� i� as New York, ' . � .

mind ,?f man is the blindest of lolt�uicide� i,:,deed ! . ' . '.

K, K. , . In a Modernly Equipped Snop . Any a�;� :��a�!d�i�·:���

r;��.;\��,:��c;� ��i�:.�ricw� "Please �y your 11ru;1." quot.h on� . :" . Come in Any Tin:'e

. .

must t.ake ·the risk of .a free pres.s,-of free $peeCh. of free democUltiC government, member ot tl:1e cast o� 'Ooblln Oo)d. · All. strum Printing eom'p' a' oy and . . . . . the freedom of the human mi"d to think as God provided. "Walt 'WI 1 think or it." was the meek " By the way, friends, where are those radical unde!.-graduates , . . . , . answer. Thua\ Ute dramatic personell 940,.Commerce St, MAin 6768

in col�ege. ye�rs ago? Wh.t �as. become of the coll!ge. ath�j�l] . One we of our IW!nior play Are Ustlessly attempt- ;.-�::::::::::;::=::=::::==::::;::::;::::�! �i::


a cc:�rd�!::b�'�i�

nc�ie�:��. �e���,sllh'!.!: g;:v��:!I�:=' In; to filht off the IIsUessness tha.t I I

IIry for any uw! ' ' . ' . Ij.ccompantes spring. "To be sure. we might h�ve put. the an.rchist in jail, ArId, by so dqing, could K, K.


eda:1 �;:a�ds

ta;:;r?ethod to drive him iDtO a fine frem:y ag�-i"st Th� "�, Sweet. .Mystery· of. We." 'I&Dg'

"In this AmericDn Republic of ours we always given' the. young men Norman Westling. valnly'trYtng to write liberty �o blow off. heat and ste.m. That is .what s.afety \/.alves are for. We don't exam qu�tlons for his cla65. w.,,_t the boys to "bYst" 0f1 the campus. sc.atterinS ·lhe fralments all around, Of1ly . .

K, K . .

:�s�. gW:�:OUI� !a.::.:a'��

t��rs��� �'fnt��tc�g�'tof���t�8r;

i��:: ' ''Long allps' and short. stJrts," a��' the you�ful orator may spread his wings .nd soar into the cel\lle.n depths above. cording � Clarence Monson were the callin, upon his generation to rillol!: �. s.ave the world! It is eood exercise. It is featureS ot the recent ·D.R.O. Inla­f:�a�h'!n

h��:t�� tangle,�emselv� up. in the exuberance o� their'� �erbosity, ·tlaUcin: · Evldentally that.'S all MO�

. "There is such a Inin," I!ditors. and others, taki!'!8 not Only the graduales, saw, but. In addltlo� to a few othl!T bYt .Iso themselves. too seriously," . . �rtes, that aeems to sum It up

It-is encouraging, in these times when every progressive move- pretty good, ment among university students · is stamped as dangerous,. to read K. K_ . '.

thi$ edit.orial by a prominent university regent. It is efJcouraging to "Mary, quJt rotl1nr around so much. know that .there, are some who sympathize 'with youth. some who bow do you � me � sleep with all understand .that we have ideas' and ideals, and energies that seek that noise u·P.alt!oVf!?" !"'.nwma., dO'you outlets. What is,all this (uss, anyway� about Russian propaganda in ever ret tired of taUdDg? .. our colleges? We are s.ure there is norye of it. at Pacific Lutheran And !lO torth and 80 'On tar lnto the COllege; and :we WOl.tld nOt have i!, We do not propose·fo have our nlgh.t. 'That's women for you. the ex­thinkinir diC;,tated by MoScow; .neitfler do we pr� to have it pre- eerpts aboVe� from. a arouP Gf scribed by·newspaper headlines, And thilt·isn't all. We do not pro- tal whiCh OCCUpied f�ve double-decUd


ee�i::r���t�: �efr


o�oe�h�n�f��rt�;�:'e�: ::,In:::::::'� :!o;::::. I

""- not" to !mpOse ready-.made though'ts .and ideas upon-·them, When a tbOUI"b. we' learnt \� .the 'afflf:lr ".. universi.ty falls down on this point. it is no longer a university . . h is a blIP aticcesII .and th:&t a � tIme a prison. was enjoyed by all ..

. - A FEW REAsoNS � " . , Why every :St�dEmt should haye al').insurane;p

policy: • . . , ' . To protect the inves.tment made by' pate;:'ts i,,' you,

edUcaliOf1 . . To assure II safe .nd sound Silvlnp .nd i�vest!netlt

. pr6J:rim. .

To provide a sur: monthly income in old ag�', ' ' . , To Cfe"te an 'est,1te. To provide funds for any em:r�enc:y.

AI your " .. the r,1f� are very low: See oUr 10c'�1 rep.reWntative. or write us.

Harold Hoe:l, 2432 10th Ave. N .• Seifttle

, . \ ' . : II ..... i-.. Uh I�) • . . _ Mtnntiopolil • 608 �...,d·. A ... S: · Minn.

,. .


Page 61: Mast 1933-1934


MAY S!, IS134

Colwribia U. and Bellingham Beat . P. L. C. in Matches Hamper Lutherans in Links Matcha;

. Normals- Present

Touchest Competition

Totals .......... 4 11

Member United Purity Stores .


Dahl Grocery Co. Name Tennis Team Dorm Lead'inc l!'ltramural 6�:.e��. J. c'" beat Trulson. !i". L. C., ____ ,--_____ _

�;::::.:;::P:.:.k�I:.nd====� I

From the leadtn o� the t'onmament. Ball League c.��,o�:: :�/' ..... c., beat Rockwell, J. We want to fulfill your w.anu. One

r C�h Olson baa ch_n IiIs �34 tennis There has been some real action In Klelnburg,.J. C., beat Jensen. P. L. C.. :V e:�i���a�::h!*:�k �r�! S4ud.('" Thb ls compoeed of

Bert M1�re, the Intramural baseball league and at 6-0. 6-4. by experienced' wOrkmen .. t

Track Baseball


Hal , Tnaboo.. Eqene iIu.rTOync, , and present the Dorm aggregation Is lo:ad- Doubles LEHMANN PHOTO-FINISHING N'o

rm Jensen. rankin&" In lhe order Ing with three wins and two losses, ' Weatherwax and' Klelnburg. J. C., de- P'rkr�nd �!����� ConJp"ny .-DAllIed. Tbls squad will play the Junior S��d::::S ;�:v:W��:n�� �n�:��i-a��; ��:�e�2���:e an!1 Burgoyne; P. L.

C., �=::=====�:':1

�-. :�baaof,e�:;���o

tourna- ��h n�:;s;;::n��n:e�Y ��d �:: ed���::� a::n� C;:::;;: . . �.' �' .. ��,t


We Carry Spalding Sup- , plies far these Spring



924 Pacific.Avenue

Y ..... cn. . • � . - � . MAIN 11�


PARKLAND LICHT arWAln co. \..... P,rkl.nd, W.ashlncton .

A MptuCll Company-:.Orgaruzed 1914 ,.,. ... w ...... UcItt. N4 '- .. ....... Oal,

·W, .. ...... ;.:.: � � �.".I«:. ri:· �. �' .. For further lntorm.tIon apply to BU�T H. RAYMOND, MI'".

18-6 and then last night the Shack 6-4.

Bri�KDALE CROCERY .TI;Ie Store Tlvt � It H" . '-' P,I.t;

· Dnp. ___ H..".,,., s.....


COMMIlCIAL � PHOTOGIlAPHY . Anociated Photo,r.phic

.. INC��TIo :

714 M,rket St: {'I1MCA Bldl,r .

.' " .. LI�-O-lUh �h.tO Service . 'ROY A: PETERSON r Expert" Kodak Finishinl 1912 � ,Cush"rnan A�. Tacom" , W�inaton · .

' L-__ � ____ ��. '� __ � __ � __ � . Tacoma, Wash. .

Brookdale Cash Market .

GAdand 0 1 56-R-2 J. A. IRWIN, P'rop.

For Years • . .


Medosweet, has stoo,Har

Highest. Qualir, in _ !;larrY Products


DAlRIES . . Phone : BRdWy, 1 1 71

......-<.. . -


Page 62: Mast 1933-1934

PAGE POUR . ' . ' .

, , PACIP'lC L� �&. �AR.KLAND. W,A8llIN�',

- ) ,

e·· 11i4

Big -Crowd Attends Chapel Gleanings ' Thirty·Eight Girl. ,Enjoy HIJU.e;,arty SWnoored ' -Drama Club Ends · •

L th Le M t ' By D�lklRho GammQ�t Wee,k End on Fo" '.land Su-ccessful Year ' u er ague ee In 0""" to find out .bt, b tzu, In , - , , At Everett Chur- ch teU,Ion. w@ should � �ore than ever Undu-Uie' capable leade�jp of,Ellen . A dtp,tt:'- the !aten' � �t .8eun�' I"� ...... . � • • nd ,Nn-. . . . interested In the Bible. BeTptrom S8 frttls ,,'rem Pacttle .bqan. tM Bundn morblnJ propam. � ••

-'-- . atnce we IU'e 1b!luenoed by that Lut.huan �Il e� 'td .. bOu3e"PanJ Belpre bmuJaat., ';upeeWOC" e�1 ,M.rie ' ....... - ,Ar. Le�en; .:-

I . D hi H Ch f P It which we I'Hd we should select. our ege . . � . -.e� taken. � �I W&5 In AIt.w.l , ".rty ...... PI ........ re'!. · , as ." . 0 oc et reading from �t which , Is tdurtni: lut week 'end. !"Ial 5-a, a� Can;ap �- �h&r'j� 'of the. �mb,.··wo�IP. A,lter .

Tftt�m."t Le,,�. Banquet and upWUni. ' . JI� •. the Y" W. C. A., teaort on � �free. ume and dfnDer .� noOn. tile J:he preeentaUOn O(- UU"ee plaJa 1ft, Saturday Eveninl: Rey., A. E. In HIs Word, Ood does not eult

aiD, Ialand. ��reI;l by Delt. Rho Gam- glib took the l o'clock (em· home. t.&! ecUeJe f1Dl. P'r1day �entzqr, Aprll HalJlen Convention Speaker but 'Be points out,how black sin ma�' :r:jK� U:�!:ke�m:,;e;!e ��Ub� pa�y

e.=�::;: =. =: :at, '�ked .� ,cloee ot . a �UI

With' the the�e :'lJfe's Greatest be,in order to I�.us away from It. rear. . .r-- rr�, Oertrude sten�, Zlapet.h �. yKr fOr�DJarD�Club .• IA.rp cro�ds

,.. . T'he Word of God will bnr fruit in . ThoSe wl}O attended the affair were Marian Ptter.on, me.:nor RaUcleb&ucb. bay'! .enJcilred � preaentaUona. ot com-Fl.nd u the t9Pic tor dLscUMlon, the all that read It. iranspo�ted tn can.tO"th� end of Sath Evelyn Et..hmd, JO&DDa ),f1UlOU808. Hel- edJ_ &nd 4nunu UlroU.bout \he years Mnual Nortp Pacific DIst,rlet Luther The ChrbUan . reIJJio� Is � o�y, Avenue, where they took the 'It:! O'c1� en .Bt'n;aon . . �th Dahl, Norma with weU-m::elftd ...rlaUOIllll In the

. League convenuon was held Jut Prt- rellJlon that is tru�, (or: there Is only felT)' to Fo� lsJat1d:,lLl'Tlving an hour Prell&. v)rJI.nfa Davia:- Novllll NloIe!, usual '· � Chr14tmas day, Saturday and Sunday at the Cen- one God wh� �� JIve us eternal Ute. later. Lunch was ... served at noon. af�� �e1yn Irwin. Dorothy .Ophelm, Ida � . : . ' -:>

-Ramstad w"fllch there was &. rest Period. At 1 :30 Thoaipeon Marpret , Wt't'IIOO, ' Irene and �t:er hoUdays" ,ocord1nl to the ual Lulhe� Church � Everett. Rev.

, ' . ' . thOl!le wh'o 'wished welit swlm·mlng. an� A:hatland, Laura H&uie, Marie �I.!I, .cl� lea�era. ·The club as � whole' rave A. K. Vinje s charwt. One or the larg- WhaUiOt'\'t'r things are lovely. what,- at.l:30 th-e glrls met.ln grouPs to "write jjina Ron�, .M:elba Roes, R&ch�l PUnt .. . two ca.nta.tu, �e at Chrl,atm� • . and �t C��:dS In �e dilItrkt Luthff :�

er :!I��e -:1.:0:' t.h=�V'I!r �t on lce"-!n "Other ,,:"0rd3, to have dl.!- Ailee Roe,� Thelma �lI, Clan. one at �. ' .

. League S history pre�nted Itself at the is . . cusSlons. Ree.rHtion followed. 'and Kuhnbausen, Elleq ;Bertalrom, Lor7 The club wu dlv,kted into t.J;1ree rom'entlon whIch wu "ery successful, -nn"lstad then 'more dLscUsslpn-"Tell It . . to ralne Good. 8laP1d Holmcren, EUni'?fl IJ"OUP •• . under· t.he)��P ot Evelyn a ftne splrlt running throu,gh all the 'We must choose who w1Il be our Swteney." There was a 'free time be- .Am�, Mary NUb, ' Peart Hcimme, Irwin. � McClure, and Nor­sessions, acconUng'to Rev. A. K. Vinje. Muter, Md It Is. t.h1s choice that WUI fore dinner and the SUIl8I't hlk!. · M�ne Manowoe:, Jean-Marie FOWler, man' Weatlln. the . fill a:emester, and

I 'prNldent of the distriCt. . . bring Il! .elther r�1..happtness or real The evening was spent In 'a party to MarIe Wran''-�lhI: BchJermeyer: Ed- V1r-glnla Byers, J�Marle 1"oW�, and IJ' . Rev. A. E. Hansen of Bemidji, Mlnn .. ·sorro�. . initiate the nl'W girls and In slngln��a Kelley "Jld Sh1rl� , S.vld�. MrII. Je:nnJe Lee durtnr the aprlnl' aem�r.

lce-presldent-ot-ttt:-International-Y ... -When-..:e-eerve_ God . t.n...:..our_@I!� son� at tI"1e. doclc. Afttor a midnight Esther �vIa, Delta �o Oamma. ad- Leonard W'eMOP du.r1� the aprlnr ae-.

. �g�th�' :�v!:�I:a�� ��e

a:;n��: ""6br::' :d�"i;!��o in� service. ��:�·��unded" al1d.the- rlrl& .�._������e �� � c��- ::;-m���:� :���:: �h:e


/ /<:�;:'�a�lg�\�:�


k�:dn�� AI��::


to Jesus? .' . " . ' ': ' .

'. . "

.. in M:n��::�=:: ::�:O= .

. / Saturday night at tbe �quet, and If we dO ' not serve Christ, we die C' AT OTHER SCHOOLS � tfaddl.tlon to" new cu�i.nS. "for the , Sunday afternoon at the closIng &ea. from disuse. . . ' . . . .

. . .sta;e.

' I


slon, Rev. Hansen also 6P1?ke; hls lut Batan Is a "contldence . man" who With UTe whole. world for a campus, .BreakIng dOwn. tHe arUticlaI � . At Ute last bushi-eu meetlng ot the . subject �Ing. "The Muter Hu . Need would pull us away from Ood by' his the Floating University w1Il set sail craphic barriers which .ae� Drama CI�b, held MOrnay, . AprU .10, of Thee." Rev. O. S. Gl!-dmunsen. 01 brilliant enUcements. Oct. 4 tor· the 1934·35 ��ep year of Slavic IUlgUages f each

the group headed by Oeory1&nna Mc-Anacortes, was the collvenUon chap- -abler 'M&.rdalene KlIppen n5 day world c.rulse. 81l1ty ports In 34 o!-h�r. �d from the world at. larre, Clure and Jean-Marte PDWler was �_ lain and.the Rt.. Rev H L Foss· pres!- "'::J ' count.rIe:s wUl be vlal.ied by the st,u- ·Prof. Marc:q B. Jona!!'. head of the de- ' . de�t or the Pacl!lc �lstMC; of the N. L'. We b:ave the assurance .that Jesus' dents. St.8ndard coun.ea. of university partment ot Ror!laDu l�ares at �- c�:red �n��·o�O:;:: .=��. � C. A .. gave the sermon at the Sunday loves all ·mankInd. and that. He Will and· preparatory grade will be ,con- mona and �mont �Uerea. (Cal:), P. ys.


· WI h morning service. /" receive us again into HIs confidence d�cted on �pboaid. As In all uhlve:r- .� devlsed an InclusIve and unlform �=i�e

B= and,th :e:Y" ;n

In addlUon to the regular' sessiOns just as He did HIli dlsctples. slti�, a�hletlca w1I1 be coJ?ducted on [;aUn alphabet for Russian: .Bulra:r:�' charge, the tl)lIowtn. have , �n ap-held 'at the church, a banquet under Jcsus .tries to win our hearts by sl)lp�. As In �l unlve�tiee:, ath- Berb-Croe,Ua�, Czech �d Poll&h. I

pointed. to plan thls patty. Novell ' the auspices of the Pocket Testament showing His great love for WI, letlca w11! play an Impor�z:tt part tn. faith �t my efforts may be, of .Naael (chairman) .. Allee' /'iolan, Alice . League was held Baturday night at tI"1e It 15 hard for us Chf1stlaru. even to student life. The>, ship � be equl�ped ser.vlce in tile. ::-uae ot world peace And Roe, Milton NesvfJ. Mel'-

RoU. /&r-

:�::. �. A��t:�a::;� =.���� =e;��

at Christ has taken away all :�h ��nU�����in:l1)o!; ��:


.:u=y of nold �denlOn, and Bergllot V�.

union, under the' diuctlon of· Prof. J. We. WO

.uld be happy lLlr.e Peter, � we scheduled wltti . COll�ge;r.' , of Ha_ Southern CaUiornia's all.American grid '

O. Edwards, gave .;' coneert at the WOUld. like him. turn to God ·In love wall, �lna, Japan, and · er countries star. hu' been rejected for a role In a K.enchbeum N'orth Junior High Auditorium Sun- for the forJlveness of our sins. . visited. football picture b;eCaUae he "doesn't Suits .and Ov.rcoab . day afternoon. siuJing seven numbers, Jesus Is a C<!nqUerOl'--Of sin, death. Franklin D . . Roosevel�Jr .. son of look like" a !ootbtt4l. player. . ' .

. Orben 8lme .wlth his theremln &n4 Bnd tI"1e power of the deVl1-.and He. the Pres!dent, recently t gured In the A poll ot the senior class at Columbia for S.I. Exclusively at "pitchfork cello" appeared also on the will receive us Jwt 1.8 we are. center ot a neatRWQl" \' a student Unlveralty, New Yor�, reve&la th&t the )ett •• & ·'�la"utl

1..., last-mentIoned programs. At the -Pflueger strike for peace at Harvard Untvera1ty. maiortty of them'eXpect'to be eamtna: 912 . PK. Ave.-T8CIOma

�������� ��:n c�: ��� WI:I� �

atest ventures of ur! are he�dhel:

a��a�a:��� ':�io��r:� :O::e':=e:. 13,8OO flve yean �m � ____ ___ -'-__ neth Ja� .or ParkllLDd sarlg a du!!t. -Svenson asked that . the Amerlc.ail y�th sup- SpeCial Low hie._ At th.e business 5e6Ilion held Batur. . port military' trainIng because ot the )on . .

day afternoon. officers for the coming The Word of God hu a' w� ror failure of the League o( Nations,. the . TENNIS RACKns AND IALU

yea,;.- were elected wltl"1 the following every Individual and every sltuation. Kellogg pact, and t.reaUea and confer- Qu.lity KniHin.:Co. BIG SALE· STARTS FRIDAY mults; President. Rev. O. O. Salve- Love Is tI"1e flrat law of C�lst, . ences to prevent war. The R. O. T. C. UttW SW ....... 0., Specialty KIMBAlL'S son, seattle; vice president, Rev, A. J. The Word 'of Goc:! Is a treasure, not wu defended a.s a "definite contr1bu- �03 I I th St., Tacoma, Wash. Towe of Portland; recording st'i:retary, to be locked up, but to � kept con- tlon to education in genenil" in that It 'Dorothy Sollie of Mount"Vernon ; cor- stantly In use. "develops leadersblp among-the aplen- I �

==:::::;======:: ll




:-""l respqndlng 'Secretary, Ruth Norgaard -Xavll'r. did yo\.ing men In whose trust th.e peace I · of Eve.,rett; treasurer. Chester Johnson, and we]faN! of our nation and Its lnsU'- WRECKER SERVICE OLYMPIC"bA'IRY' PRODUCTS ot Portland ;. Pocket Test.8ment League tutlOn! mll!t eventually fall." - D.y, and 'Nite Secte�ry, Milton Nesvlg of 'Seattll'; Sister Magdalene Klippen A wind velocity of 231 mJles per hour, IOYNTON'S SIRVICI

Taeo�.'. Fnorite for 25 Yean

and aUditors. Russel Hansen of Bell- Tells of Missionary Work the highest ever recorAed. lias ,been CA. OI45.R-l Ingham and Theodore Olt5ness of Ta_ charted at the. Mount Washington. N. I �c:..��_�._�,,:,,�,:.., �",:O�.� 1 �:;;:::::;::::::;:;;;:::::;::::::;::;;:::::;::::::;:� c'oma. Ne�t year's convention will be Sister Magdalene Klippen of the H., observatory. It was three· times as ... held In """I'aComa at Our Sa�r.'.s Luth.- Lutheran Deaconness Hospital � Chl- fast as' the ave,rage hurricane. eran Church, Rev. Alvin O. f'ellris pu- cago visited at Pacific Lutheran COI- . ,.... tor. ofege and spoke In Chapel on Frlda-y, One croup ot 102 Haverford (Pa.) Those from P. L. C. who attended April 27. SlnCt! leaving the hospital, College students hu sent to President

the meets In Everett were Dr. Tingel- Sister Kllp� hu been engaged in Roosevelt and Benator Da� A. Reed st.8d. Prof. Edwards, Irene Dahl, Ber- mlssh?OB.l"Y work for �e church at mis- a petition announcing .thelr rl'tusaJ. to dine KnutsOn, Rutl"1 Haugland, MAr- slon staUOIllll .-in northern Alaska. "fight . In any war." garet lJen, Rhoda HoII:enstad, Valborg In her talk to the students here-, The men of St Lou.J5 Unlvera1ty have


Prescription Oru;&ist1 Importers .of Norwegian

cod liver Oi I Norby, WWIam Pflueger, Herbert Nor- Sister �ppen stressed that all Ul!""Ough revolted: They � grlptnr because they gaard. Osten Ellason, BW Rasmussen, IUe one must chOOSe, and It Is th'e have to shave too often. Reason: The Corner Tacom. · Avenue .nd I I th S�ey Berenl.son. Floyd' Knutzen, choice ot w,hat maater he will serve ro.eds demand It. Street; Tacom., WISh. Milton Nes\1g, Paul xavier ani:!: RoU th&n can bring one eIther real happt� • Preus. . ness or real sorrow. She told much of Emily Marshal . a University of MIa- T.a � 7314 [=::' ====�===! :e

aJo�=�.� the Master's w�rk :au;! S::d

:;t;!:h:��fU:� ;;::ue:

BROOKDALE S1ster MaBdalene is .a c-oustn of Agpes cooed rUle team.

BARBER SHOP and LeU Kllppen, graduates of PacIt1e Graduates frOm' the COllege of Com- . Lutheran College. . ' mere.e • . Untvt'ra1ty of KentUcky, pubDah , Brookdale a pampblet called "BalpJ.n.II ln BBln8," : .,



:/ , . ' BrooUal. L.iinbe� Co. ,

l"h;one.OArland 3811-.)-.6 AT BRPOKDALB . On Ko1lD.tal.n,�":r

• in wblch the p1� ot each graduate,

Sin .. Sonp .t ·Meetlnl. · his &P., helcbt •. weIght, ·chJef, .lnterest = . "

Stationers Engrivers ,


SUPPLIES .Fine O.ffic.e Fu�nitL{re : PI,��� R

'2th' 4' A St:. PoStoffice SQuIre Phone Ii.1Ain'2122

� ' '' .

Inate8d . ot' 'having the usual pro- and. ezperience, are 11ated.. Tbla pian gra.m., 'the German Club at Ita J.aat � foUowed lut .year with the result meeUna held yesterday lUll' IIOnp, A �t all but t� � were pkeed,. aI:wri bualJ:lesa meetingl was beld prior and out of � "1 obt&1nlna" �tIons:, to the .alD8iDg. oo.Iy two pro� un-.tlafactoty,.

Golden R� ' B!!tter

Made by, MilLER BROS.

_ ....... .... iy Sh_ . StUden� - YoU .". welcome to corM I", while WIII.lin. for a W.tdl·�t

ree.:.. � ..we.

. �I:�t·wav�:.


PllInneJ anJ ProJucecJ

JOJ.:lNSON -cox CO._ 8RoodWay 2238,


Page 63: Mast 1933-1934

££t£ .

. Finish p.L.e. At �ercises

In Gym JUDe 3

/<en C-holen in Election t ./ �As A result of the student body lion held last Tuesday. May 15. ?, Van Leu\'en. winning over John

I belbls and Roland Swanson on the

ROck t� S ..... k ,.t· . lacco· lour .. t.; .nd D;. I. H.­Cro!h ·.t Comm.�c.m��, On 'SundAY afternoon. 'June 3, fifty.

tllie students will be graduated from Pacific Lutheran College . . Of these. . bal!ot. wltl head the Associated

dents or Pacific Lutheran Colleae t year. Other 'otllcers selected I were: vlce-presldent: ' Thelma


";;;::::-::�,,,-::-::=:;-::-�0":::-::--i:::-i;;--'�,,":;-:::<::-:=--- =��=�t 1���� O� J:: 3�= . mericement will .!so be In .the� gym. . ext eek. with the �ur set belng:3 p. m. . . . . ' . - A southern raf1Sen party Idea hu ataff felt �t 'blettu to present � selected u the theme ot the elUa restntaUve. Eldon" AnderliOn and Harry biennial edlUon ot the � nlrht rocnm 1n the IYDl June. 2. at Onbh,9lm. respeetlve�,.. will hold I than to put; OUt one or Inferim: ,-p. J.-�-thII'-� will be . ornces. 'for each ytar. Each Sap here-- the traditional planUn, of Ute ivy In A! there were no petitions ror ad- publlahed at P,L.C. baa been front. of the school at 1:30 o'cloCk.. A vertlslng commiSslon"er, the Officer will SPECIAL EVENT! Firat · Class honor rating ott graduaU! from the high school de-part_ be chosen next year. along With the Wednesda,. May !3 by the National BchOI�tlc ment Mil plant the Ivy, whUe .. eol1ege

rr:emman class represent.atlve. Delta Rho eamma Hospital Oay, Plen:e planning was nec�ry, \V-hleh brlllll . To uphold thl! Iilg� graduate will speak 'at the �onlea. The 'outgolng Board of Control oon· County H06pltal. 3:30 p. m. ih� book out later than US\.laJ. How.· 111. the aim of' this year's year- Membus of the Oraduaun,' C1au. along slsLs 'of: President.. Clarence Lemming; Delta Rho Oamma party for girl grad- ever. with the large amount-or material llan. with thelr parent.· and eloee .frlmc1a.

vice president.. Alvene Scchlerman: .sec- uates. Evelyn Irwln's home. 8 p. m. on hand. the staff has been able to AlIstrum Prlnt1nr Company. who wlU be honored at the prHIdent·s re-retary. Kathryn Johnson: treasurer. TbW'itd.ay. May M set up an Interesting and decorative setUng up, the book. wUl aqnoupce . (c-U..t _ � F_I William Zler; oommls&1oner of 8th- Ladles' Donnltol'y Auxiliary tea for yearbook. definite date of publication, but

�:�����=!'� �:=I:on::r:!u�:

�r�:-duates, �ePtlo� room. 3:30 � or funds during 1933. the �'::�r.\ .. �e:'�=y e�IY �::, W:e

k� Pocket Testament

Ing ClaM representative. Jean-Marle !'fission SOciety. recreA-tion room. 1 p. Honors' Mother With win be given out at the Saga ottlce n· · · s· .

. ·"f I Fowle� Sophomore Clasa repreSC!nta- m. . ' . O.n presentation or payment receipt. &.C. rIve uccess u live. Mary N,ash: and Frt'!Ihman Clasa �nuy Brotherhood party for_ ·men MemorIal to School cording to Roland Swanson, clrcuJa-repre,ljentative. Bert Myhre. . graduates. church parlors. 8 p. m. ' . tlon manager. Mr. Swanson also an- The drtve whlcb the Miulon Society

F't::Irmal installation of Ule new Board FrIday, May 15 . -.-- • . • nounces that subscriptions must be has been sponsorl,na to set. 'pledies for of Control-- members will be held at Golf. P.L.C. va. Normal. Sun Dial To ·Be Installed In Front In full by Fr1day of this week. . the Pocket Testament MDvemen.t net.-the last student body meetln( �t the there. 2:30 p. m. Of Seliool Sa�e Time as 1932 ThOlle who worked with the faculty ted almost nfty new

. membe�. year In chapel next Thursday. May 31. CI8S5 play "OOblin Gold," gymna.sium. Class Cift of tilly Pond Is Set'," advisers. N': J. Hong and O. J. SlUen. a total ot about runety mem-At this t1me also. spring sports award 8 p. m. and the editor. Marp.ret Weaaon. � bers in the student. body. 'lhe earn-winners will be presented their letters.

Trinity Lut!:t�':" c�rch parlol'!. The sun-dial which has been given ::p:��e H'::��� =te� ::� �b�lchlre:�7::r':=d


W:: M . . M t G t 1:30 p. m. ' PacifiC Lutheran COIl� by Lewls on; Myron Leque and Amoid Myhra. vir, Luther Leque P. T. JL �ea. oorlng . as .e S Monclay, Ma, 18 Hunter. music director and student. buslnl'$ll m�el'!: Norman Westling. was cart1ed on by a rrou'p of studen:ta

Fi t CI s R t· Final Examinations tor graduates be- memory of his mother. 'Ida Hunter Jane WUllams. Gertrude Brunner. Nor- who volunteered their. senlee5. Thls rs a s a mg gin. . ' . has HeeD oomrl;.ted. rna �us. and Jean-�e Fowler. clasa Il'OUP met three ?mes durlnJ the cam-

Far. the second consecuUve time. the Home cholr=� ��C� gymnj.s1um. The �esta�. which was dealgned by .�:�� ':U::. :�:S ::. �= ::'':n::�� = mr;::: Mooring Mast has won F1rst Class 8 p. m. Prot. Pflueger � Mr. Hunter. 111 ap� 8co� and Paul Hv:lddlD&', sports: Jeue ttlelJ. . . . honor rating. as .l.udged by the Na- WednMcIa,. Ma, Sf proximately IJuft teet in hel(ht and pflueger. Eldon Anctel'3OD and Herbert � .,.,bo work;!d in th1a drive were Uonal Schol&stic Press Assoc1aUon. 1Ie-'I Memori&l o&y bO�. no school about. fifteen ·lnches in. diameter. The NOI'1aard.--orpnizat1ona; Carrie Hv:\d. Jean-Marte Powler. ,!lbod& H.okenstad. oordinr to word received last Frtday. Tbunda,. Ma, 11 . by a mU51.c pupl1 of Mr. dina and WlUiaJ;p Rasmusaen, relll1on: 'I11ompecm. W&.r7 Nuh. E11z:abeth Thla elasses·the paj)l'r as �Ilent.. as InstallaUon of new stl.!dent body Of: Hunter's, Is of solid bronze with the Pn!derlckaf 8chl&.nbusch and Arnold . EllI&betb 8tuen, Norma .Preus, compared with other �-weekJy Junior fleers, Chapel. 9:50. ' followinr words 1nscrtbed upon It. A·nderson. art.; Selma B&fus and B&ucl&nd. VirIin1& Da-Y� Eunice coUere papers. . Parkland Orade School graduaUon ex- "M'y faCe marta' the sunny· houn:, hUd Larson; typina: and EleADor �u .. el1; iIe�rt Nor-

Each paper for the tau semester was erclses. CP.L.C. 1J)'12Ul&IIum. 8 p: m. What can you �y of yours,?" . debaurh, �Uv:l.U�. EUum. Rol&nd· a"anaon. sent In Febr:u&r)' to the N. B. P. A. Frtd&,.. Jue 1 The memorial plate was made by In the business d�n� ",ere Ev- J!!U! Pfluecer., Henri 01-

. be&dquuters at the Un!vera1ty ol l41n- End 'of school year for rraduata. Va!borr Norby. Arno� Anderson. and elyn IrWin and" Leonard Weeaon. &dver- PIoyd Knut&en. . ' . neaota for. JUc1clDc-. The papen Were 8a�y. I.- I ' Prof. Ra.tnstad. Protessor HQIlg" 'wrote llaina: Roland Swanson aiid PoCket �t. Movement., rated In accordance with the quality CI&u p&, IV planUnc. front of sebooI. the wonts tMcrtbed on the plate which Byerl. etrculaUon: C1arenee � over. four m1l11cr;1 �. ol 'their . ed1t.crial content. makeuP. 1:30 p. m. are, '''Presented to. Padf1e Lutheran publicity; Ruth C&rlaoo. aooount.&nt; proofreadlna-, style of wriUna- and in. Claas NlIbt ex.ercl8ea. 1YZD"*Sium. .1 p. l;Iy iewts Q. Hunter in Memory and Arnold OrtDilund and Emory Whit.-�. The ed1tori&ls and en- m. . j Mother, Id& Hunter Chapman. &ter, snapshots. t.ert&1n1na- matter' were codl.JDented. up- President's recepUoa for JI'Ilduates and 1934." -�--on 'in the .scoreboot as ))einl' upeel&lly parents.. recreat1pn room. . Mr. BlnderUe and Mr. T. O. Olson Annual School Picnic' HeW rood. 8..,..,. J� 1 are responsible for the ftnishlng touch- F,iday at uk. Spa,...way

BJnce Ita tIrst. appearance in IH5, Bacealaure&te 1UYk:eI. 1r)'DlIlBSium, 11 ea ot the dial and pedeaW. Valuable On FrIday. May 1a. ·the student body the MOO� , Mast baa ate&d1ly 1m: a. III . . ' wneat1ons' coneernina the me. des1rn held .thelr �ual ,plerJe at Late·s[)iul� prirted � q�t� . . 'Ibe fint Ume copies �ent exeret.ea. 'l)'InnUIum, and plao&' f� �'.sun� W.ere ptad� away:. _. Lea.vW&' achool about. three of

·lt .were!<l tor Judr1n&' and 3 p. m. . . by Dr. Tlnplstad. ,Pro!. Haure. \Prof. clock, the studenta s�t the

crtUclsm three yean &CO. & 8ecODd , �, 1_ 41 " XaVkT. Mr. � and PrQI. Pfluepr. In sw�, . bo&tlna: . .Clua bopor ratine or "tood" ..... ae.wa.r c.luIe. foe. und�U&tea. .nw: aun-dla.t, wbleb' Is lemporar;l1y �oes.and 6aaeball.

. awanled: l&at )'eAr. dwiDC \be ecUtor� W......,.. "... • placed. In 'the rea.r of the bu1IcJ1na', ls �r bot d� and oolfee were ablp of KatJ r,...ou Preua. \be IloortDI ftlal e::a.m1DaUODl bec1n fill' under- to be lnatalled in tbe tront of the e&m- the student body:' .

. Malt .... Judp(t-� be esoeUeot. wbkb. cl&sImeIl. '. pua .in near futUre, �thn with The comin1ttee 10 e�e or the a(� • rM1DI' baa been upbeJd ap1D Lh1a teU'. Last Moortnr I&&It �li&tied . lUy pood'wh1ch was riven ... & rtft fair tollo .... : Jobn Van Leuven <thalr- & month. Tboee tnm ICbool wbo

Tbt aoe'rat1Dc abaft 1"Int ClaM � . " • .." I� • ti¥t.8Choo1· bJ'. the il"Bduattnc clasa map). Wary, Oeorrtanna Me-- lJI!ied up, emolled throuIh' the lA.It.ber .. I:wan:Ied 11 Al1�ADIerican 01' .uperiOr. School cDea. 1832. - Clu�. and"Her!Jery N(II"I&&fi1. Leque.

\ .


1 I

Page 64: Mast 1933-1934


Kampus .Pu�lW1� e,·ery two weeb during the Sl;.hool year 'by the students of hetfle

. Lutheran College. Parkland, Washington . The fa..shlonable fashions. so Entered u �nd ·� matter. Oct�r 2. �9is. �t the Post Office at P<t1"kland' dbpla� by .· number of

. WashlngtoD. under the Act·ot ),larch 3. 1879. · - yesterday af!-emoon a�

. �� ��I:b!�·:;�n� :'r� ne·w

� ,,,,:::,:,If,'7:!' Member gowns. rt ce'trr.a. Jl,ISt Ideas. by . �ASSoO�� lI.'ay. Just Ideas . .. . Judging from

. ' )... . \.

, 1934

.prlce ·tap. Ed;'o,· ;n·ch;ef

EDITORIAL STAFF Hazel Monsen . K K , Roo "And .... , d. , •• · .. in. or !be ,Co •• ", G •• , .. ..;.., .. R .... h.'d m,

Associate Editor Milton NeSvig · We· neUced that Be�ntson. Redeen. CenCI CUyon'" horse 'or .. mln.te." Sports Editor Paul K. · Preus and Mar�n arr. ba.c� I� the Dorm . ..,,;r She: "OOf"J's, .,.... -ro.-,a" . S'enator ,rOm WN;h.: "Sir. I am a Editorial Writer _ _ _ _ _ , Daniel Flotre fu�y that. the old roos��g. place has -LA- ptembH .�, Concrea."

Repor·te-,,-Eunice Arneson. Eline Benson. Gertrude BrunrJE'r. �uch an attraction. Th�. sltuatl,?n IS a ''I"m the lut of a long· race. gasped. C. 0.: "That',· all riehl, I'll · trnt

Mona Byrd .... Thelma Daniels. Evelyn Eklund. Jean.Marie Fowler; pttCul�ar one. We llv.e !lnd learn.. but .tile marathon r.ul:mrr u he s'tag-gered ;0 .... Valborgl,Norby. Florence Post. I rene Shafland: ' sl.th6ugh we I�a.m. we'll know why over ·the fln!.s.h line. . . . -LA-

Typist.-Ruth Carlson. . .. gOa!;,,, should be martyr$. . ' . -LA·_ · . CUlitomeh · note- : to the garl!ge :

Business Manager Advertising Manager Circulation Manager Circulation ASsistant Faculty Advisors

. . . It. It . Baehelot-: "II ,.,.r baby !lelf-f'el�t'''' '''P'lH.IIe send, car. If· ·'O.K.: ."will send . BUSI NESS STAFF

B t M · h Who said that· one becomes poetic In . - aade: "SIIft: ·be.Hen �Iks-'he noon cheek." . CI�t


M � r� .the spring! Ah me. 'Us'only-the moo.n_ b, hJm.self· nlchta.." . Oarage note to owne�: ".Send check: � o� J eSk

oj' light that creates that aesthetIc quailty .. -LA- H OK .. 'NUl send car." pUlsf HC . son within one; but though the hot sun �pokesman: "We ar.e shaetsters and . -LA-. J Hon and


r J :S�u':� beaUng down upon one's con�. pro: · honest men.'· . . . . : . Swa�n: "Tliat ·Eldon .A.ndeno�

N. . g . . . du� nothing b1,l1 a blank verse. Aslt Judge:- "Fine. the sh�bter:s line up Oftr ther-e b: onl, 19, Ht he hIlS the the prof� ��e::� side an

/rt. �he h�9est men over knowied,e 0' een� hIS head.�'

Leaye the Name �Ione . K K . J C )....LA� . . Ma.rle Wr&nI": "RealI" How ito yo. Once upon a time a group of men and. women left their homes The SChool picnic Wl!-S � raBing. raln- Mrs. PHIIIII: ."1 to see _me kid k!lOW!" .

____ ___ f,or a fo.!!!.g':!�d. B�in&...YMY_. rel(gLQ.�s pe�opll:t--:lbe,Y...!.'Jlili.e_�R- Ing. �Ing ..,'Iuccess:.., Vl\�u�n � (lo ... � lor m, elrht-1�r-old daqhter. 1 S..,.�n: "Old '0a. en.r tinr hi!!. c-.-od""""at�r:nple In their a .. dopted country. and With much sweat and up a �&lra:raJi); ofli..s riiliSua.ll. pleue." - �----"--holtesr----r-/ t6d �uc�e�ded in completing it before the'y grew old. Then. pn?udly Bert Myhrt clouted Ol1t �our .clrcUlts I Polite Clerk:. "YftII. madam. white -:;::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1 1 · / namlng .t In honor of the land from whence they came. they painted In a sort-b"'all gam.e (very' unusual); kid''' · . . I t-�----- .j � /' the name i� golden letters ove� the entrance. I t was a grand. edifice D�tch and O'Connrr wearing Imlcke�. Mn Pren: "Sir'" (

kl d . be ·Sh .

? ve.ry ��autlful . and pleasing to look upon. But some of the children /the big sl�ll's) : Coach Olson paying -LA- P., an .r r op

\,f ' said: We do no


t favor the name. It points to the


past irJstead of for a h�t dog, ltish'tlsn.) ; Dr. Ttngel- Mrs. Larson:


'.Sonny dOll




llSe SUCh


' C ,.Ad . . . the future. Let us change it. ' · The aged builders bowed their heads stad scoring heavily In a horseshoe bad words." . ' . . \. -. on ection�ry .. In tears. ' . game (a medal score) : and 08ten Ella- Paul: "Shakespeare used them." I ' . . You members of the N�rwegian Lutheran Ch.urcli of America son look!n!! Cor' EUa Johf!8OD. Mrs: Larson . "Well. don.t play with

CEO. K�UO�N. Prop. who ue determined to erase ' · Nor. wegian·') from the name of your . K K hl�.'· ·

. . . . .


church body may be l ikened unto these cnildren Do you ·realize "A. word ·to the wise b ·sufflclent:· . ·LA 1 · ' . j'

what you are doing? Do Y0Y.- realize that y.ou a·re · tearing the· very !a"ys tJ:te (reat 'TrUlson. "The. varlsnls "Goodness. Ge:ce:-This · Im not oar P��;��:���'::� str




?f most of th� pionee.,




who now. weary from In. fa;uatlons .fUt


wng so fluentl.: around bab,! Th.b: is the tn"OnC clU'!laae."

. .

Sch�l, Boob.' .Supplles .


' to.ll .. a�e bending toward the grave? They are old now. these great our school n:tust be broken up. he eon· "Shut up! ThJs 15 a bfoUe'r c&rna,.e," J. F. V,ISELL CO. V.klngs. and not able to defend their rights ·as before. But they are tlnulls. Without taking. hb teet oft his . . , . BooUeIJen--StaUoDerl ����� ft tsh��ef���Cb



oh:v�·SI!;:J �o;d ;�'u��� To�

r��� ��; �:��"�� :�:;;,1 . be


IlY broke

.n . Personals ' Phone M,:!I�:-=:,�. Ave.

because It is Norse. because it represents the best in the culture they K K r--..-...... .D . . . brought wit� th�m from their homeland: because they inhrii�d it The apex of all. ac�lvitYg:e s to. be At the meeting of th.e Fre�Ch club to I§I . .. , ...... , ... " ... "."." ..... " ..... , •• " •• � from' theIr fathers aryd

. mothers whom they honored and loved above ce!lter:ed around th

.e Delta Rh be held next Friday. the �meste� ele<:- 1

all ,th ings on this earth " girls. It ttlere·s. anythlng ew. they've tion of olfl�rli wm take place. Pla,ns tor ! Complimenh of You say erasing the Norse· part of the name will open a larger thougM ot It: u there'li nythlng old, th" coming year wUl � be discussed. �

f.ield t<:> your church. That. probably. will prove an il lusion .. What they've forgotten \t;· U the�e's anything caTO take exam�atto� she miMed�be.- .�

yQu .garn amO[lg other rades you w.ill lose among your own. for re" to do. they:U do It. It·s ��nlZ8.tlons use of illness last fall. Marga-ret Cratt 1

moval of the Norweiian name from your church 'will kil l the en, like that that put (1 school o'\the map. wl.1I be at schoo.1 tor two weeks. She ; thu!nasm for your church and your schools in thousands of people K K. Is IItGyJng In the gtrhl . . dormltory. � of Norwegian blood throughout the country. The name has won Them Is one hopeful 60ul ln the Dorm Kathleen Porath '33. now enrolled as ; histor!cal import�nce : it is indissolubly bound up with the splendid I that Is looking forward to graduaUo.n a nO$ ln Immanuel H06pltal In. Port.- j tradition the Norwegian Lutheran Church has built up. Some day." 1 with more delight than .the entire land. visited P. L. c. &e�eral days lut i undoubtedly. it must fall. but the psychological moment to erase it �raduaUng ClaM comb.lncd. 11&. week during her vacation. has not yet arrived. ·'·Barne-y" Janssen. the pre-sldent of the The boys' quartet; comPQSed of Ron-

. But even disregarding these arguments. the offense which a Dorinlt.ory Union. He- lOOks upon ·It aid Martin. Bob MOlUlOn. Clare-nee Mon- , change would be to your still living fathers and mothers is .reason only as a miracle .. but we see It only son. and Arn.old Anderson. sang Mon. @j" .•. ,.


Amocat Products ....... " .................. , ...... , ................ lI9

enough for keeping the old n�me. When the last one. of these fine as an achievement. All the. boys are day "evening at the · Zion Lutheran 11""---------men and women. whose great love for the land of their fa.thers in- clamoring for hb picture-. They say . .,church !n. Taooma. _ . spired them to noble efforts in building of their adopted country- ·'BarneY may be great some dy." � Mrs. Kreldler's art classes have been making them more faithful citizens than those who lac;k such in, K K making posters for the Oraduatlng centive....can ever hope to become. when the last ol'le of them rests What mak� one-'s blood boll Is to Class play "Ooblln Oold," whlch · have in the bosom of the great Mother who adopted them and loved see 50 many ot us become ooncerned .been placed In TacOma. them: then f=hange· the name if you mvst. But until then. leave. the about little Insignificant things, when Mary and JM:k Hudson spe-nt last name alone. -DANIEL TORVALD FLOTRE. there are such big thtngs tha;t we- week e-nd In Beattie visiting f I cb might center our attention on. ··What Honorin Bill Potte h i t

r en . . The Pocket T est"ament Moyement a man thlnket�. -so he I.s." last Frlda� to wor/' �e �m

ee!':C��� MAin 4493 · The-'" Pocket Testa�n\t Movement. for which the Luther . K K .

. wome-n's donnltorles gave a Party .ln

League has recently laund" d a new campaign in our community. de- Under the able dlrectJon of three �f..- the dlnlng"hall. on Thursday evening. �04 Rust BI�g. serves the earnest consideration· of all who have the welfare of ficlent coach� and nearly a month and Mary Nash and AU� Peterson enter_ �hristia,:, i nterests at heart. This movement is ·affili.ated with t�e a hal

.� of Intensl�� work. the scnlor 'taInrd the. Pep C1uh Thursday evenlng. I .. ------� ___ • internatIonal Pocket Testam�nt League. founded In England · ,n play. Ooblln Oold . not only promises. .

1 908. and to:taling today upward of four mil l ion me""!bers. Spon- to be .. hure succeu. but �ucceas In un- I I"----

·H�.· -I



t-:-· -







-.-'g-, -

-'---. ' ,'j. sored by the'Young People's Luther League since 1932, it has grown evltable . . Bays II, iUJ. with amazing rapidity in the Lutheran churcHes. Among Pacific . . K

. K ,

Lutberan College students alone it has nearly a hundred members. The .close of the scJl(�1 n&:r 11 near In a Modernly Equipped ShC?P .

The purpose of the movement · is to make those wbo are alrea.dy at hand. and from the ,�dpolnt ot . C ' A T' ' . Christians better acquaint�d with the W<?rd of God by pledging ""the rra:ctuate1!l. tl)e lhrtll of this race ;..." .

orne In ny Im� . . .

them to read a portion of the Bible ever:y day. or' as often as possible. OCCUion 11 not ;30 IPUt u whA;t tnlPl� A�strtirit Printing Compa�-' and to win those not yet Cbristians to.Christ py persuading th.em to be expected. '!'rue, It 11 the � 942 Commerce St. · MAin 616a sign the same pl@dge. l n other wores, the movemen.t relies .enti�ely of something new. but It 18 the. end of1im;::::::-::::;==::::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::;.-: on the power of God's Word to win and hold i ts members for Christ .. something far better . . 'I1le r&rtty ot . Judgirrg by the speed by which the Pocket Testament Move- It all 11 the recollecUon of our .petty ment has spread throughout the wor=Jd. it is destined to' become one Jealoua1es and grlevances .whlch CC?me of the most effective means of spreading the Word of Cod. We back . to w u aomethlna" d1I��� think. therefore. i t is �he duty of every Christian to familiarize him- some� we could haw: e

l1ul1na.ted. se.lf with the movement. and. if upon thorough inve�tigation tie.· is . • K K' .. convinced that it is of value in ttJe fight for the principles of Chris- Wev.e seen many impreuiVl! acene., . tianity, to join it, and seek tp �rsuade others �o do so. . ::t

on;����OB�=�re::b: w:. Fina' " C�i, Concert .they drove on to Port.1&nd where they MOth;er'. Day. At all three �pean.oc-'

..... ·In Cym Next ·TueSday were OYeNlicht � I.n . Lutheran � ·.t.hi.t..a�day, all the memben � __ '_ . . home&. . I

,_�Uooa on their .veau:nen_�t9 honor nie Pacltle Lut5erao COnege acapel_ Sunday mom1na they sang at thc their mothers. '

la choir, under ·.the d1reet1on ;", Prof. III!rvlcea 'Of the Auaustana Lutberan J. O. Edwarda, Will live- Ita Ilnal COIl- Church of which 'Rev, Paul V. Ran- ANNOUNCE EHOAGEIIENT

c:ert or t.h1.I 8ehooI year I.n the IYDl doIpb 18 pcytor. Under the ausplcea ot . -, -,-. - , ,

. TUesday nl8ht. May 21, at ellht o'cloell: . . the lAItheran Mln,Iater1aJ. AaaocI.aUon. The e�t of Delmar Morten-

this ooncert w1lI be the annual affair the choir rave a concert In the alter- son '33, nqw � at Plnrood, W wbi"ch '18 clvtn for the Parkland Com. nOon at the WestmJnater Preabytertan Owen �ro�te1d, 'former P.L.C. \atu_. mW11t7 � atudenta Who bav-e not had ,church . The aud1eoc:e. which number- dent aQd member of thia �year'. cboir, the .opportubftJ to bee � c:bolr ·a1rl8 eel awroxtm&tely one thOusand" also WU annOl1llCed Ia¥ �. . .

. lta�:e�:=/H!=s con�rt ��: ��'�e:' o�u:��� 1··1=:::::;:::::::::::·::::::::=:::::::::::. 1

.mea. the � Of the West" traveled leCe.· .' M ... .., to orecon l&st weet-6:� May 12-13. · At Rev .. Arthur KnudaeD'. church � . U"'ht!II '.tlt, 5,.,. · . :W���ur'=,��= .!:rt�d.� ��� ::.� Dahl GrQCifyJ CO.::· In W.".n, """"'" . At,,,· ... !"""'''' .. .,. ... tum .. .. PukIand, . ' , ' ,� .... t ,. ' .

A FEW REASONS ·Why ev.ery student should have an insu.rance

policy: • To protect the invC$tmenl made by parents . in your

� education. . .

To aS5u;,� a N1t and 50Und savings ·al'ld �nvestment program.

To proVide a· sure monthly i("ICome in old ale.

To provide funds for any emergency. .. At ,CHI' a .. the rales are very'-IO'w. �e our loeal reprHentative.

or write us.

Lvt".pan liro'h,. �h ood . (� a.... Ufe r_, .

Mi�,ile.poIl. · 6011 Second' Awe, S • • MIII�/

' '''''-.

I ;J

Page 65: Mast 1933-1934

-. ! , ' .

. -MAY 23. 1134 '. ' '�ACIPIC L1ITIlERAH COLLEoE. PA�O, �AB�QroN PAOli: THJUI!E

Lincoln and C. p. s. .. .. • ................ • .. • .... · .. • ................ • .. · l D., B.,. H."" .�."'" St •• d; ... Lutheran Goners:-"

Defeat Glad Golf.ers � 8t'.:,';�� ':::.1:';:::' ::�.�h;n�: Thin. Lose Matches -

,On May 14 the P.L.C. roll SQU';lOSt- ��O'it �""�.I.. ' , < ����m��e '::::� ::�n �� ��� In Week End Play

:o;UIl another en�un�r, � practice fl7J' O� ,. a;o fortnight, II. rejuYenat.ed squad er match wl�h LinCOln High on the Park. ShACbl.ers ",.lIot*d, the Dorm to! to Clad Lh,kste,. low to Columbia '. !a�d course. by a 8COr? of I l l(, to S'{' • M I 2 hU I th th h D& ' ;. Under r�\-orable p:aylng CO�dltIOns'

y I ton Nnwil �tu:('il� dneree.:'e<t I:: �m

t ;trst :

Uniyenity Her. Friday; Tal.

both !;Quads !:"'laYM fairly !rOOd gou: ...................................................... .: ••• to �5/and Rgaln 8 to· t, to oU&;t t.hlm A

S be'�.�n I· C:. Dec"i .. l,

F't'ldman o� Lincoln "'M low with a' 72 ., . . . . " .fr� !.heIr lugue leAding 1x>s)tlOO. aturda, . LIneup!!' . Why does It always have to ram wheh we have matches . Thl! s\.andlngll to dAte: . .. d- ' --P. L C.

Uneoln scheduled�" Thi.s , is the 'mournful' ny of our golf an.d tennis tea:TS Won' LosI Pd. Thl! '01a(flalor jo1f squ� received' MCCormick !;"adur 2 The tennis matches, of cour�e, are PQ:Stponed; but the poor golfers Day Studenl'5 3 .581 anottWr, setback at the hands Of the Preus 2'� NOrdlund '4 h.ave played every' one of ,their matches in adverse weather copd ...... Bh"Ackslers ' .500 Columbia Uruver,lty CII!! OWellen here ' Hinderlle 0 �Idman .�, .. 3 hons. By the look$ of things good weatfl�r �iII preVail frb:n now Dorm StudentJJ . 3 ."28 lu� Prktay'by a lI ·to 8 count. TIlls [..(>hmaml � UnBt'r . 21{ on; but the links men ha�e but one match left, and t'1a.'s in Belling- .

·wu the'second v\ct"ory for the OI't((On-Stuen )'!' Brockway- .. 21,f ham Friday. The tennis men: however, will be playing steadily for St M.rti ', I t ' L C lans .. !.hey 'had won the tirst match Thoml)SOn -/ 2 BrottI'm the next two week.s, ,a�d will pr6b�bly,go places. . - � ' . ' n .. . •• I . • . played at Portland. .

. . S. ·S. .. Netma.n Iy 5·1 Count . Ronnl�, 9olumbJa, number' two man. 6�·!,. II % Lookin, ba�k at thii' ,ear'.· ,oIf �ea.on; we find thant i. tfte " ' . ,

--' - . ' . led the ICC'rlnr __ wll.:i a �Id. a: while

On Ma I , most diultroUl ' iince ih innovation here. Ou't of .ever. ";a�hes • ., dl!'�Pn���

r L=��n .��:: :�lm;: . HI.nde�lle :ooked best for ttl'e Lu!.her.

dropped aY clO the PL.C IOU squad far. !'hey ha .. won b,!t two, both fro� the Aberdeen, Junior Colle,e curr�nt season on Ma; 18 to the Bt

ans with a '''. , .

�S:r�n t: :���t t:,�: �y � �o :;:!�d; �uit.:::O:��ti-::�· �,:r::::,.��

a.,.::: ::':C:::Ch�;.e !:�; ::r:��e ��::�g b��rd5

to :1o�U;0� p.Ll�e�: / Col_bla

home d hThb was the second of the Cinches. Howe .. r, a,a.nlt 1* competition they looked mllerable. the Oladiators won �he ::'y match

PRus I .� PritChard ......... 3 · ·

t t an orne mAtcht'S betwPen the their .cores belnl in tt.. hi,h .eyentiH and Into the ei,htl .. , Every gained by th Luth

Hinder Ie ROnnln,. ... . �rs:

a:;n the tI�

t O�r the Parkland man on the capable of .h'ootin. under •• venty·fiye· The resul� In t��ngle! were as ��nnlck .2� '=�;' . . ' .. · ... :.::·1:1�

F'\rcrest CO�;ol:ff�r� :I:nly�; l��� ently on the Parkland coune. f�lIows ) - Stuer:a

n _ .2% Dres:ter .... _ .. . :. �

rlculUell to the Oladlators h \ 5 S lMyhre (PL.J I lost to Hull (8t M I

---Q!L��U1Q.!lgh th(!l' WW 0 "'ere The golfers played one good match though and that was 8·8 5·' ,

matches to th; � 2 _Qn_UJ� against the_Co��uget Sound OOtflt 01'l the FIrcrest course In Trul!on (PLC) IQllt to 8mlth (8t ot C. P. 'S:. ""as low r:s tndet'SOrl, Tacoma. FIrcrest �s a to -h coarse -w I·th- rnany .. hmes over, four h!J,".d. M.� �6. 4-11. . � L h � N

' D f / whtle MCCormiC!t led


� an -84, red yards· and.our . �a�e through withs9me �ood scorestK3rday:- -sur:rorne--!P,�.Lwon_[rom_t!� . __ � _� _ ._�

m�� • �t. " .

,,'/ with an 85. theram The Loggers. I,-,st mil agea to ek.e out·a .1 0-8 wIn. . mersml�h 1St. M.J 6-2, 8-1. rCentr •. h • . OutflM . to--2---

! Lineup.<; : S, ·S. J!"men (P.L.C.1 100t to LinkIAter (St. -- ' .

p, I .. C. c. p. s. Our tennil men haven't done much .o "r. dropping both of the M.I. ]·6, 2·6. Playing a nne brand of tennis, the MCCormick I'� Birch match .. they have h'ad 'to date_ 'Lack of practice due to ttle witatfte' In the doubles: , Lutheran netmen won .thelr flJ'tIt home Stuen 0 Anderson

. ::!'" ,.Iowed tftem up, but the,re a ,ood outfit. and we think they'll be Myhre and Trul80n (,P.L.C.I �t to match yesterda>: afternoon �e1eaU�(_ 'Preus . 2 Shennan chollkin, up .ome, winl with the renewal of ,co,mpetitfon. Hull and Smlt.h (St. M.l 2·6. 3-8. Centralia 4·2. Hindefll ie . .... 0 John.son

., . � "') . S. S. ' . .B"I1!8'0yne and Jel).len (.P.L.C,1 lost to The OJads took tl)ree, out of four of.

Lehmann 2';' Fewell ,!. Bert Myhre, number. one mar1, has displayed some real tennis. Hammersnllttl and Llnklater (St. M.I the singles matches. TrU�n being the

Thol1tll.'IOn Tollefson winning decisively over his. Aberdeen opponent and ""ivin� St. M�r. 1·6 .. 2�6. ' only one to 10!Ie; and split the doublee / I tin's ace, Bob Hull, a real battle before 'losing 5�7. 6·8. In the Cen- play. ·The thrilling .]»Jt of the play

tralia match he had his man 6-2, 5-2 when, rain stopped' the play, Luthe an Golfe s was the dou�.lea match between �Yl1re 10 Bert relied upon to win most of his remaining matches. Keep " � " .. and TrUlson ot. P.I,..C. and �ortman

Aup.t .. na Lugues Convene it up. Bertum Oscar! S. S: De'f.ea� Aberdeen' ;:�:: p�!y�

n���. t�e'�:���l=

In Seattle This Week End. It'. , too bad ,.men we have iuch a good tennis team tftat we The Lutheran (olf lJquad found an-

boya: flnally coming out on iop 18·18. The annual Luth�r League.Con ... en. can't lIfet enou,h matches for a good senon_ Lack of fiind. on ,tfte other bright spot In -w�at 1! far and TIle reaulta to���

lion or the Taooma-Mt. Baker district part of otfter IC. hooll h.-. cauled

. them to ca

. neel iChedUle1count. awa.y. the most. dllastrous season In Ita: .

Aug:ustana Synod. "11i be held In Se� en, Tough luck, ,ues; ;.-au c:an't win. fello�. . ' history by ·toppllng a four man team (C�y:2� . 8

(�:L.C.1 defeated Wortman

attle next .$atUrday and Sunday. The �_ S_ S. 1. . . [rom Aberdeen Junior College her,e at Barnes (C) defeated 'l"rulaon (P.L.C') festivities will open with a banquet :xlY. you barnyard golfers, how about getting your games played Parkland IlL'It �ttird"y by a score of 6-2. 8.3.

. .

at the Wilsonian Hotel with Dr. Belber off in the tournament? Th� upper. bracket is gOIng grea�guns, but l 1 '� to 11". I BurgOyne (p.L.e.) defeated Burdette as the main speaker. Following thl' th� lower one .is way behind: some of th� first matcches �t to be . Play In the raln WP' "othlnq ��- (C) 6.1. 8-0, :���

t t�:


lon will be ��7re�i t�I�7��: �:o::ev:�s

����y: !�:�r t�:t����n';�!�t �;�e� taeuhir. but Bud Lehmim came't'·-.... qh Jensen (P.L.C.) defated ,Roland (C).

All day Bunday .the Emmaus Luth. ccompleted before the school year 'ends. ��t�. \�:ee�oPn�e:

:: �::o;:�n,OI� 6·1, 8·1. .,.....


erall Church, o( which Re .... Enoch San. 5. ' S, . his squad with a '9. Wurtm� and �etI <C, ) defeated . deen Is pastor. Will be the con ... entlon We!t the ball .tandin ... in th� intra·m,u;al l.a!lt'ue ttOll'le under- Lineups: Myhre and Trulson '1:P.L.OJ 18-18. 6 .... headqUlU"ters. There will be meetings cone quite a chan,e all(ain. The Dorm team, ,which wu coin, ,IacH, P. L. C. Aberdl!ltn Burlltlyne and Jemen (P:L.O,) defeat-III t.he morning. afternoon. and even. kinda' hit a slump and dropped' three ·gam .. in a row. Ho�eyer. the 8tuen .......... ... .1% Olttlngs -... .. ' .. ed Burdette and Roland 8-1, 8-1.

Ing. and Re .... J. P. Pflueger or P. L. C. teams are ltill close in tft� win and 101 •. column an.d no team ha. the Lehmann . . .... 3 Fox ....... .... .. ...... 0 will sl>eak at the afternoon rallY .5H_ championlhip cinched. The Day outfit might cet it. but ,botft ·ttte Westling O ... e ... ......... . . "., .. ,0 slon. Re.... Johnson or Olympln is Shack. and Dorm will be out to knock tftem off their perch the Thompson . 3 PeterllOn .. . . . O I)resldent of t!l.e district. next two week •• which 'will be the lut round. --J r--;:;';'==--..,I s. S.

When Norm Westling gr.1iduates, we lose one of our most con· sistent gol·fers, Durin� 'the past three years, Wes has won 2� points .Rhod .•

'Hoken,tad, Will in �lf competition. In '32, out of a possible twelve pointS', he won

Lite-O·Rite Photo' Service ROY A. PETERSON

ElCperl Kod,k Fini'"'n,. 1 9 1 2 ·So. CUYlmln Ave . Tacom.l. ,W�shinllon . Track

Baseball Golf

eleven and a half. and last year he won eight out of nine. We might La.d L. D. R. Nf!X� Va.r add that last year he was the only one on the team to garner over .J ;:;;:=:;:;:;;:==:::;=� five points. This year. as is the case with the whole team. he hasn't Rhoda Mae H6kemtad w� elected to

We w.lnl 10 h.ilflll your W.l;'t1. ·One

< done so hot: but to date he has scored six and half out of' Hfteen. head the Luterilfol Daughters of !.he 'Re- day service on your photo

' work .t

That gives you 26 out of 36 or an average of ,7l3, a good battipg formation' next year at the 1a5t regular no ext,.1 cost .lrld the Wo!--k I. don4 We Carry Spalding Sup-

plies for these Spring Games

average i� any league. Nice record. Norm. you'll be missed next year. :e;:en�ec�:���:e:��'���I::�.!' �:�.. . . lE�t:,,��i��T�F���'�'

Gotten To CIe_ Seuon Speaker, MUlic, M.rk 1ng . been ,extended, 'the tacidty ladles STUDIOS .

A " D P L C· were honored guesta: at the meeting. .._P�"_kl_.nd_M_._'u_o."_r._Com--' ..... o-',--' TIle last golf match' of the sea.son

SCenllon .y . • t . . . . Lunch. wa.s urved by an appointed


. ' committee .WI!.h Evelyn Monacn as gen· I t·------'---:--� will � played Frida)" May 25, when A.5cemlon day � marked. at Pactrlc era! chalnnan. and the protram ren-Coach Ol.spn takes a fI ... e man team to Lutheran College by spec.tar chapel IIt'r- dert"d Included Inumbers by Vlrylnla BellInghilm f�r a return match with ... Ices on Thu�ay, May to. TIle.student Mahncke, club �n:�dent. who opened Belll?gham Normal. TIle Nonnalites body pi'ogram: .whlch have bee� the procram wlt.ti�a word .ot welcome

copped the first match. presented was poStponed unUi FrIday, .!:c::y ::�:; M"'::.e;;, � T1�!:f!:

'-__ -;;:;=�:;;:::��;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;�;;;;;;�:::;---- and Rev. Raputad waa In charge at the �iiie, Miu Pauline' Watt.s. ac-

. · .the A.5cemlon Day festiVities. eompan.led by RQoda HoIr:m.tact, sane a I 924 Pacific Avenu�

Brookdale Cash , Market

GAd.nd 0156.R.2 · . . J. A. IRWIN, Piop . .

=. - "'


�;4S __ ';'",A. . ' , . , th��;:;� ����n!�

I:\! ����ean:.�=�r=�� t1JJ, II� on the coast from ' MlnneapolJ.s. was the pJ'OlP'&lll. with a talIr: on "What L. D.

......... <JUIItFItII"RIMnIi$ttrrtic;" ." =�e�:�:':'-


B���O� R. Means tc? a Cqllere �lrl.'·

. .�;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;� .

_� - .,..�"!!_!�� ....... AVtL . "'''Ii .. a .....

iiiLr���-����·� .. �AC��"""�.�'�W�"�S�H���:-� Lutheran Church of America. was _�_ � , � . present' and sang Rvel-.J numbers, Rev. IROOKDALE¥ CRoCERY "


' . A: 8: Berg of the Free Church of Ta- The' �Iore That H .. It .

Speci.1 lu� for parti ... II.. :O::v.w���e�

v·co�:= Hoi,. , .... '.i!tt. Dr.;"

cluM, ".ml, etc. revival meetlng:s, aeeomparued the Vial. HB�Kb� A"' n ..... A"' ,... tors to Parkland. ' +----�-----.. I I I

. LYONS IUS LlNES, lnc. _ ���:: '=:c:nof= l t-...;..----;...-'---·I I I

Col .... L_ ...... '''1 - til """" to "'" .tudOnr.. H.' ...... that 'lSc (or Nin� Holes. � y ... c.a. _ _ � � _ � we ' have lODe utl'ay 4la the .

. ..... N lIU . f!not A .... • .......... the Jnhuj�f 25c for 18 Holes

, . - , . ParitLend.. WMhII'lJf'Dn 'HIs .crylce. Tbat God baa pJedced .' .


'A Mutual�ni%e(H 9 1 4 . Hlm.\IIeU .to bmir mi' precious !nhm- . � w ... ....... ... ..... .. ........ o.a, '. t.ance ot -eternal Ute to each o[ us was . w .. � 60c =:.. ...... ...... 100 n. ft. ....... told 'aDd the atucIen '

- $ I .50' Siudent monthly r.lte $ I .50 ladies. r"le mpnlhly $2.00 .. Men's monlhly '.lIe

We Hope " .. Yo.ur School Year '

, has been successful and profi.table . 'I' We Know . Dudng the · summer'

.. moqths . y.ou will thit\k often of · our

. deHghtful

. Medo_eet Delti';e Ice ,Cfeom

' LPiRKLAND �IC�T & WAT�R CO" . 11- ?w?:�:.r.��e� ·

"_ . '. ' Foc. .further �=-tion � 44,: :U�;;-:"�YMoND, M.... . :. u..; It, . up �.� �y={� ., P.rld�n� Coif o;� .... • . ' _ .

. �pt tb1a � from Clod'. • __ .1 " �--�-�--...,..�U�:'-=="' .. ====;;;(J

.. :":'--'-"-" '-. --. ---:- .............. _--

Page 66: Mast 1933-1934


. .

t' · . PACIPla L�-CO.t.LEOE, PARKLANo:· .WABHlNQ�N' WAYf· 1tM , . , .

Delta .Rhos Elect !.�.t;:':.:.:��;:r::'h Drama Club Party >. Mi";cin �iitty · . ' ' , . . Honoring Gr8d1(ates

Alice Roe to Lead •. ,"' h,ld In ,ha",1 on Th"""'ay May . Closes ActiVlo't l°es " ' . T" Meet TonIght ·In M- any Rece'pti -

_ • 10, Uu� regular student bOOy program ' . . ' --. . ' . � ODS

DurIng Next Term 11'8& postponed until the rouowtna: day. --. - ' . _ '!he �isslon SocIety met ThW"Sd&y.

' . The program included a plano solo by Two wine Croups Honor Jean- evenlnfr. May 10:In the'recreatlOn �. WOm ... ·, DorMitwy Au .. iIi.ry. Ci., S .... , Sh

-' -. -

C Rh�a Hokenstad, nu�be� by the saJi:� - �"'rie F�wl.r'. Winni." TrOup 'M:r. Vtneellt 'I"tl<ln,n, � seer&- Trini"' , M ... '. Club, and D. R. e

. 'r. e

.ow I!, ,nt ,Tuesday: ophone quintet composed of Lewis I .. Festivities bturday 'Ni"'t taQ' of Luth� W�lfi

.• ft; Soclfty ".'

. Will Hold 'arty Tonicht at Ir- Hunter. Victor Pt'rson'� Erling t..rson. . __ ._ . : . ' of Tacoma. spoke on :'Inner MiMioris-" C,.' GiYins F.,-".II " rties win) to Honor Craduatin, Day Don Reid and Norman Jel:'l.Wn, and v� . As the last of Ui.e 'many ac�vltles Th;t� bOYI\: qu�t CO�trlbl\ted .vocat' se- For Cb ... Members '

Cirl. . cal selections by .the boys' qUf.l1et .'hleh· enjoyed by Drama Club membe'r.s· thill lec�o , • . _ - __ . . Includes Arnold Anderson, Robert Mon- year,·'" ptU1.y was given Sa.turday even- ' . ·evenlng the society wtl) "'t ' _J.. . ' . .

Alice "Buster" Roe WIUI chosen to son. Clarence Monson an\! �nald lng, May, 111. In the. college recreation seven' o'clock in the reereaUoil' "room. H'eu�lng , the � or lhe 1934 .

head the Delta Rho Oammas next y� Martin'. Mr. Reid' 'accompanled the room �d' dining' hall. The two' groups �e topic (or dIsCUssion wlll'be "Home c�ass. �veral r�ctloru are being plan-

nt lhe electkln held IUt Monday noon. vocalists. !.inder the dlre<:tion of Jennie Lei .:p!..���tgn MJMlom 'In (?ur Lu. �er- ned, 'one being .hel� tonight. and tYlo .

The elec�lons took place .In lhe maln Virginia .Byen. en��ined the -win_ I �� .�

hurch �Ies:" .The topic w�a be . more tomo��

w. .. _ .

hall from 12:.00 noon to 1:00 p. m. The n� group, Jean-Marie Fowler'� with divided into three grouPs representing The Qlrl s Dorm�tory Auxiliary will

other candld"'� were Jane wnUamll. Ed d P t ' � program.and refreshments. . the various bodies. Irehe Dahl will -"give .. tea In .the' �on' Room to-

Rachel Pl)nt. _and Gertrude Stenberg. �ar s 'r�se:n s . ,With Milton Nes�g .as announcer, :represe�t the . �oz:we81an Lutheran morrow �tern�n at�30 for aU the The day girls are observing Hospital St d 't R °t )· �.e 'following "�roadcast" was released: Church, RoI"nd 8wanson� the �ugus- ·Rirls In the·.IPS4 graduating The

Day thls'aCte.moon at 2 o'clock at the U en e�1 a Jean;Marle Fowler. feader .Of. the win· tana.Synod. and Eldon An�erson. the progi-am wJll· lnclude sonie .�Uslcal &e-

County Hospital in 'l'acoma' They will . -. -'-. - nlng group,' , spoke . . �elma p&nlels Amerlca.1i Lutheran, MILl")' N'ash 'and 'Iectloru aJ\d a -- few, �ort ta}ka. ar�r

Ilresent a short program ' arid brlna A lafie crowd waa pn!s.ent In th� col- .gave .. a pl�.� �Io. �llowlng thls .. the ' '''-I� Peterson w\11 8�g a �duet and �hlch refre�hment8 will be served.

flowers for the patients. The program lere gymnasium Monday evening when boys 'trio, com� of Clarence Mon- Ida �ompaop. will play a plano num- Mrs, Mikkel Lono)a the prealdent bf corulstls of: a reading by Margaret Prof. J. 0 . . Ej1wards presented � son. R.obert, Monson, and Norman Je�_ 'ber to rurnL�h.the musical Plltt. of the this organization which f.s com�

. Wesson. a solo by Madre Hannon and plano studenta In his annual '·n:c1tal. sen, �" As club p_rellldent for th15 .progratfi'. ." 0/ ,the Tacoma �u�ersn mlnJstel"� ' songs by the girls' quartette made up Five. of the P;UUcI�ts are �tudent8 semest:er. Leonard Wesson spoke. Then· wives and the ladles at the. tac;ulty, The

at Mona Byrd. Madge Harm�n. Eilen at Pac.lnc Lutheran �ouege. while the follow� the �medy te:am. "R:06lt! an� Strt,Jn.g Wind Cra,hi>s . ' 'maln �I of this a�xUJary Is a new

Bergstrom and Vivian Kampbell. ac-' others were .pnvate. pupils of, Prof. Ed: Berrie, Rhoda Hokenstad and .Stanley , ' . do.nn. for the' girls. but they .have alsco

companied by Mane Wrang. The dec_ wards, one a sixth-grade boy. Jack MIl- BerenLsOn. �vlng' plan� numbers. tior. 1 H"ge �Iqple Tree Llnr.b done much to Improvethe present one.

-orating-commlt�"T""FiShlon JeL�ma. . . ' .... J)).'U)._��presldent for the (all )" )--=-- . . Their last Improvement 'waa red�rat:

Show was: LBa Rudd CchaJrmanl Els- The I?�am. presen,ted and those who semester. gave 'a short.·talll':; a prino A-�undero.UL.�!!...broll8ht students· Ing o! the radio room whleh they fur-peth Audrak, Thelma Daniels: '&llne �tlclpated were: number W84> given by Irene Shanand, and teachers to the v.:lndOWs--:-OUt5lde;· ·nlSh.ed_wWL..a�lo � tuml(ure, , �n�n. and Norma PrelL'l. Dille Q'uale : onaIse .... .. ....... . : ........ Chopin Vlfitn� Dav� gave a re�1ng Bn;d. to on .lhe front la.wn. lay a parJ. or Lhe The Men'� Club of the 'Trlmty Lu{fi:"-'---� // is In charge of the affair. and assIs't- Val��=t� ... : ._ ... ........ , ::::::'::. ::::: .���� close th� pj'08'ram, Mr. Rell!. c.hJ� ad: large �rt maple. that. only a few days e.ra� Chureh. Parkland. Is Riving a 're-

.7 Ing her are Mona Byrd, Florence Post. HunUng So�g , ........... , .. Mendelssohn' visor .. spoke to the .members. before, had· �en .. setting for the f�t cePupt: .

• for' all. the men of this year's , Valborg Norby. and Alice Roe. Mighty Lak a Rose .. Nevin-Davis l:ach or the three 8!"Oups presented. May Day fes�lvitles, at PacUic Luther: graduating class . tomorrow . night at

\ , The Delta Rho Oamma fashion show The Sunke�������d" ... �bussy original' sldtfl. Follo�tng this; an Im- �n c:uege. A terrUic \lo!lnd and a split eight In the chapel basement. The

t..f $ponsored by the J. C. Penny COmpany Sonata Pathetlque ... '.Beethoven Pf'9�ptu program was gWen, composed run

were the cause of Its fall, wh!.th -program, for whJch " several musical

�nd People's Store, took place �� Valse (.E Minor) . . , ..... Choptn of: a plano �IO by Rhcda Hokep, a occurred the mornlhg o( May 4, \. Ac- numbers and talk;s hav� 'been ,pranned ,.

day afternoon at 3:30 In the gymnasium. �!U���zauo;;"O�" 'Bhahfu:S" Laclt skit by ?llt!Ord Haugen and Norman cording U! T. 0: Olson. schO?I engineer. will Include songs. by .. male 9uartette

The tmis modeling were: Evelyn Mon- - LullabY). .............. ' : ....... , .............. Bendel Westling, and'" readings. by Virginia the ,�e Is crack� In � number of . composed of· club members and a vocal .

�n. ,Evelyn Irwin. Dorothy Opheim. Molto Perpetuo ... .. .. MacDowell Davis and �aret We�n. To end places, and v.:her�v�r he had thought duet by Mildred Monson and Mary Hud-

DQrothy Delamatter. Am Ollbert . Nanna Preus , the e�en1ng s entertainment, refresh- It n�ry. he ha<1 nal,led .. few boards son� accompanied by Ray' HinderUe,

Jan'e WUllams. lJla Rud: vl!iiJnl� �fo


t�d�La:d·.·:: .. · . �.�.��n::: ments .were serv�. "

!:t�c: ��t�kH:�

ever he had not slnging 'R;ay's own composiuori, "lAzy

Mahncie. Irene Shafland. Marle" John_ Prelude 'ln 15.8 tlme.... ..�rlablne .

• . '

,ICh ca.used the Lover's MOOn," Mr. , Ro6s Boynton.

son. V1fglnla Botn and Joanna Man_ ClaIr de Ll.!ne ..... Debussy 55 WIll Graduate large 11mb, a, root through at !he ba.1w:. president of the. Brotherhood, �es

ousos Th It tee I Music Box ............. ... ... . . . ...... lJadow · . to g,o down: �t was Mr.· Olson who .that all men graduates be prese t d

the � ew=


gewi�� Polonaise (J�n:6,s�:.I��

d . ... . . c.hop.ln Fro rn P. L. C. June 3 :Im�:edw�:n����ter th�s��. :'�t-. promises that a good J,lme an,d � ��-

Iiams (chairman). Doro\hy Opheim, �=�'N�" '2'" . ... .... Lavaliee . _. _. _. _. ' , part. to be b��

. saw e !!J en �Oyable evel)lng will be had by all . . '

� Eleanor Raudebaugh: ad.vertl.s1ng LJebestraume . ....... . . . ... .<BOro: ccptlon given for them lritne recrea_ 1 This evening at 8 o'clock. the under-

-Berglolt Vogan (ctia�an). Margaret . ·M.8rle W�g .. .. lion room Immedlatel)! fOli�1lng the The tree Is now thlrty-.slx years O�d. graduates of the Delta Rho Gamma are

Wesson. and J.ennle �. The school Prelude in .C Minor.. ........ .� ... Chopin program' i� the gym. ' f Mr. Holmes. art Instructor, remembers giving a party for the .8'f&duatll1g girls orchestra played and the boys' Quartet. ��ce ot the Hburn Ponchle�lI ' The fifty-five studentll v.�ho will co.m- ' Its planting on Arbor Day. of the h�t in the home of ·Evelyn Irwin at Park_. made up or Clarence Monson. Robert PlCk��ya��: ...... ' . . ... RI�"'fcis plete their courses this yelLr are:

y�ar of the Span�-AJ:nerlcan W� . .land. Thelma Danlels .1s in charge or Monson. Ronald. Martin, and Arnold Babette'B��item

. .... . u on Three Year N� A twin tree w(LS pla;tted acr'OM the the entertainment .aaslsted by Ann En-Anderson, sang. Valse ....... . .. ...... Denee Alice Alvness. South Bertd' Qacar walk from It, but as they grew to gen and Winifred Butsch.

Other number.s on the program are: Castanets .. Firu:e';;ce" ��g;" Williams Frederick Anderson, Tacoma?-' Arthur �:�ed:�oportions. the .�ther had to be I �=====::;::====o;

the boys' Quartet. R. Martin. R. Mon- Solfeggletto ........ ... , . .. Ph. E. Bach Stanley Be�ntson, Anacortes: VIrginia -:::==' =======. the girls' trio, M. Monsen. E. Monsen. Th

Nonq�n Jensen ...

marter. Tacoma; Esther Hvl ddlng, and D. Delamarter. Sc:r!::Ch� ���� I Canb)" Ore.: Ella M&rgret:he Johnson, QUlli.ty KniHin, CO.

Patriotic Song ,.. Orleg .Clayton; Ll,)1s Kathryn Johnson; Ta-

T ennil Rackeh $8,00 ....... eed ,to $4.98 a .. 11 19c ... ch


se·n. C. Monsen. and A. Anderson: and Valse In A Flat .. .Brahms Ellnora Byers. Tacoma; Dorothy Dela-

I,P. .. _ Swu ..... O., '_I.�1y 1 1

MORE TEACHERS PLACED Jack Mliler comb. : Nonnan Wendell Jensen, Sllver-__ ���

oe �OI:·Mlnor.. Ph',�ri��� ton. �re,: Edgar. Raymond Larson, 403 1 1 t� St" TKOfM, W .. v.. I]!;------'--�---.,

P:��i:.e :!n;f ��::oo�:�:r .:�: ����

Ptu '. ,��: ... . �.'. Rac:���� ::�;I�I�t J:.e:


'T=:�: �:; I!:===========!'" r-----------..,

�::�:s ���r


::t tote: te����

Lorraine Plerc� ������kl!:�O;:���:�red��- WRECKER SERVICE OLYM.PIC. DAIR.Y PRO�UCTS

those P.J;..C. students and � who· '34 Class To Give Tacoma; Lo�1se Elizabeth Miller, ' Ta"� Day- and. Nite Tacoma', Favorite

'�;S�I1���:� PI:�:: �e �=I� ' ,-'Goblin Gold' Here �::�: �:�: �:� :���:� �Y£OO�'�5���rlcl fo� 25.Y eari

Alvene SChlennan '34. grade school near WiU1Am Clifford Rumussen Burllng- l�c..�_��""�":I.�I __ �o'� 1 �:;����;;���;;! Shelton ; Olga Kell '32. third and roar. :and Ella Johnson represents � pretty. ton Melba. Dona Ross Tacoma, j 41-th 'grades In the COllins School ; Eva young daughter. Kathryn Johnson. a vene Schlerma�, Endicott; Hulda Marte r---------...-i r


· .�:IN,L;nU,




R .


. . ', Nelson '32 ...... !Irst and .wcond �es In kindly. middle-aged woman .is the Simonson., Os.torla. Ore.; Ruth Joanne the Collins' School; and Helen'),:oUlll5, mother of the three Beamer chJldren Van Hoven, Tacoma; Norman Leon&rd LIEN 6 SELVIC '33. Camp 4. Bordeaux, !chool held this and keeps bus!ly occupied With house- WesUing, V!"lcouver. B. C,: Emon. year by Benedicta Leland, '33. hold duUes. Nelson WhJtaker ,Jr" Tacoma: Frank Prncrlption DnJllists ' 1UUl

�==:::;:==:::===t Bud WhltakeD-is the handsome young Earl WllJard. Tacoma. G�BAL BUILDING 8UPPI.D8

r son of lhe fam1ly: and he Is youthfully ' 1JbenJ: A.rU. Importers of Norwegian

Ke' serious. 'as becomes Ute Only lIOn or the. I Frank .Wllllam, Elllot. Port Orchard; Cod Liver Oil 1 S.Uih and Overcoah tamUy-and ma:tr1ed at that. His "":I� Theodore·Raymond CronqUist. Tacoma;

For Sale ExchisiVely .. t I.s al'"young.fashlonable girl, a part ably Daniel Torvald P1otr�, Livingstone, ·Corner Tacoma Avenue .. nd I I th

Brookdlli Lurnbe,Co,

'':It1and 6 Plilaa:ruti 1 taken by. Virginia By-en. Irene Sha!. Mont.; Jean-Marie Pow�r, PorUand, Street. TIICOfM. Wuh.

I 912 P.c, Ave,-TK'OfYUI land appears in the role of the portly Ore,; Pearl Naomi Homme, Kallspell, AT BRooKDALE . . ==���====::! Mrs . . Bolton-Brown, a non-condescend- Mont.: Myrven.A. l.&ne, Tacoma: Ta-. · Tilt MAo .. 7314 ,,.. DefIY4lry On ¥ountatn Hl8h-, fl Ing woman o( sat1ns. braceleta, and kai MI�Id, Japan; Hazer Olivia �;:=::======�=========� . BROOKDALE := r::�.H�

r ah'=�

'f!��edm::: .�=�:

. =�d: �� ���

BARBIER SHOP &fntcted With pllstones. Cla:rence' O'Brion. Tacoma; Alice Lo)Jlse Peter. _ . • ' . / ,

B�dale' :tnm:,"!e�u=� ::e:,;! Wea- =kJ=�eire���I�=�

r � • Intermission numbers ' are' ,belng land, I?w�: Leonard Cole wesSon .. 'fa. . - ...

. Printers Stationers Engravers


SUPPLIES Fine Office .Fur;niture

P I O N E E R'· ·

INCOIIIPOIlATaD 12th'b A ·Sf ��ic. <

Phone· MAin 2122

planned by Stanley Berenuon, and a coma: Margaret Jane W�n, .Tacoma; coma:uttee (rom the GraduaUng ciaas Taro Yasuda. Japan: WUllam EdWin "-will have Charre of the candy sale, Zler, Odessa.. • . . 'nckets, JllhIch � 25 cents for adults . w.ta 8cbool and l6 cents tor chUdren under 12 8�le Olive Bot. Ray B. years, may be secured' from the com. �erlle, �kland.;' � 'Lee Jan_ mJttee 'headed by Oaear +ndersoo, wh, Tacoma: Harvey. Wllolter JohnaoD., -==========� ITacoma; Lloyd Wesley K.raetch, ·.-utor.

r Ja, Ore.; Ronald Uncoln Meredith Mar_ tin. A.!Itorla, Ore.: Ii4ildred Alvtn.a MOIl­son, Parkland; �rt ¥. Monson, Parkland: Henry Bernard Olson, Park·

, .'

Gold�n Rod


. f /

land: Rolli ��t, Preus. MlnnNPOlla. =:�=�,== 'Y�:.


Plann�cJ and Produced


• . -



Page 67: Mast 1933-1934


� I By Irene Dahl . Nesvig wW be editor 01 I .

�) For the tllird coru.ecuUve year the Swanson. presJdent 01 the Society. next �ar 'was !Inally By ':ple� Danteb'·

V ' L,::,thn"eo""'""nf'_ "n,,·


Am, Putrt:,

n So"'unl

hd- attend this nnal meettng. by. the rae- Oraduil:tlon exercises lor, the fI�ty-nve sohg ,sun, by the entire rro,up. Dorothy

. .. ." e� on publlca�lons or the members or the UI34 c1R35 01 P�CIrt� Belamarter and Clarence Mo� rri�


teTT1tory are making plans ror . their ' , :to them by "the Lutheran College took plaCe In the col- 'the class will. and <korgt8Jlf1& MCClure ·;���



be5.h�: � Summer�Session p�,==:; t��� � �=�um �unday, Ju�e. 3. lit


y�Onard WeMOn" l�e �1a&8 pro-

M:�:�W:����ld�nt. Rev. A. K. Opening June MUton and aubmIt- To.·��l::h�/�:!:�;.ru�."�:: JO���:C!�


:ylnje, at Everett. the Board at . -- �akera, graduates---,.In cap ami c1asa gift, ,ornamental IIghlA for the

trol 'met last week in Seattle to com- Two Teachen Added to , . gown, and faculty member"! mar.cbed �hool'8 main hall, to PresIdent 0, A. . '

plete most 01 the IUT8.ngement.5. Rev. Instruct Special Counes Of tlle. appllc�tlons submitted, MIl- from; the school �d took Place!" In' the Tlhgebtad. Conciudinl the even�·e Elmer M. Johnson, of Olympia. Dean Education and Handicrafh ton's was 5elected bPcaUlle of hb news- front of .the Auditorium. Opening the program, Dr. Tingellltad presented the of this YeSr's lrutltute, announced that writing ability atHI expt'�lence .�l�ed p�r�m, �he assemb.lY joined In slng- Insplratlonnl award! for,th� put echool DI'. M. B, Christensen, of ,Augsburg The 1934 5ession of Summer School durin'g this IMt year In which he hM lng the hymn, "Thou, Wh06e Almlght�' year to Kathryn Johnson and Clarence 8emln� In Minneapolis, Minn., .and Pacitl� 'Lutheran College will open on served RS 8S8OCiate edl.tor of t�r:"- Word," 'alter which the �ve.rend L, J.Aommlng, fro� the col!ere deputment,

�n' nW .. ·h.

E."e �hn:a..::.!a.sto"'ber .... t, �er

k ' June 18, .... 1t.h the 't!rst term exten,dlng. In, g MRSt, MIltO

.D ls a fI


r"!t-year st�em a member of the:�rd of and Olive Bot and John B. tuen, from

c-.:; "'" � .. uou w. w,.,.� - In the' Llberal Arts depart�eny-. . col1� trustees,. gll,\'e the invocation. the high sch� department. • ers, It W:IlI be remembered that Dr. until July 25. The SE'cond semf'Ster pe- For the business manager's po8lt1on. "�sldent O. A. Ttngelstad spoke a .Immedlately· ��lng these cere-' Chrtstell$en spoke at the 1932 Bible ' rlod ..... 111 be from July 25 to August 30 Bertrum Myhte'S appl1cation ""'as ac- ,",,:ord "of welcome to the. inany friends' m.ontes came the tradlUonal plant,lng . Instlltlte, IU}d that Dr, Schram ·wu The·tall catalogue .. �hlch will be oft cepted. TtLb...�e,r Bert has been\.sslst- and parents gatilered to 'witness tilc of the Ivy, with the planUng bell1l' done one of ·the epeakers at the Chautauqua the press this week. announces ant business manager ot the M

�rlng ceremonl

�. P'ollowt�g this, he intro-� ,by Olive Bot, ot the high eehool �� �l=�

e=� Pac1fl

,C Lutheran C?lIm �III ' begin M



n:le::=:;Ie� t�:� ��c:���, �o;:o�,q=!:; :�� ���r:


eo,oitt���= 4�

. ,yoUng . people, thell' work-'&nd fonle.h YNr ot .&ervt� In Luthenu: In the mldiHe 'of ' the ye.r. Bert Ii " Moi .... �h6·l;'&ft-t.he uruque d�- ptrtmenl. . ' .' .:. 'problema, ':ducatlon on September 10. To cele- Freshman In the Nonnal Department. Unction of being the largesf family

'Included In the week's p1"Oftl1'Ul are brat(> the anniversary, _the college group e\'er to graduate from, P. L. c.. BACCALAUR-£ATE dally .Sunrise Devotions, led by Luth- Board of n:us� already has a com- B-' _ .1 S at the same time.-Accom'p�I� by �f. Sunday morning, grad� �d their er Leaguer"!; C�1. conducted �y mlttee working on plans. l-en�lIa 8ga , Edward!, . thb· quartette sang ':The parents and frtends �them1 In the

.::== :::rs

�f B�:o�

U��::� U::::C::e



w!�: Distributed 'Fri4ay B�


bY �p���,�th .and. False- :!���es ��!:)[, for bKc


:Cl!�Csp��= seC::::; �::p=�: :




h �n��� B, Irene Sbafl&nd ����;;X�;, �.!m=

h ;:��. gr:�::ng

a:e ,��:e,o�

urt�';��� taUon of a cantata;-etc. !.here wlll be, as previously announced. Cleverly arrayed In' a blue and bl�ck department. delivered. the com· me-':llbers march� In, Rev, T. O. 8nre

A special 'feature of this year'.!! pro- t .... 'o extra Instructors working with the cover. the saga, the SCh,,?1 me�c�ment address. He stated tha.t gave the oP.l'nlng, prayer. Alter .the gran, !S tlle 'holding of group confer- regular faculty members, Miss 'Vivian made Its flppearance on the campw last the trouble wUh tile people today Is. a.Membly had: 3U� a hymn, 'the con­ences. Th� plan b 'to cUvf�e the gTOUp Joh�son. tormerly an Instru�tor · at Friday morning, The 8ap thla year that they IU'e ""following bl1n� horse�, fell8lon of sin, abeolutton, a:1ort&, collect, accord�i � �ose'ot h1gh-achool age, Eastern 6regon Normal and Montani Is different from previous edlttoru in and that the basb of the present.-day and ep1etIe were Ii�n: Cona1atIng:. of older Lu�her Leaguer"!. and a third State Normal College, wlU help hert'

that It Is a bl-ennlal�IUon' and cor.'- �nom1c sltuaUon is that a man ·reaPli Arnold Anderson, Ronald Ua.rt�, ft.?b­grou.p of thO&e not wtthln the Luther ..... Ith" education work. Mlss Lydia E. talns a complete � of the oollege what he has not eown: Truth a�� false- en Monson and Clal"ence Monaon. tJ::!.e l,,(>ague. Here .... C1!rlstlan 11fe problems Phelps,'on the stat( ot Jason Lee Inter- activities at Pacific Lutheran Colleje are ever at war In the world; male quartette accompanied by Mr, will be frankly and openly�. mediate School. Tacoma, will teach for both' the 1932-33 an,d 1933-34 IIChool , It Is ,.!h

.e duty of every person Re� sang "Itead Kinc1ly LIght," The

Special topics Will be used the � handicraft classes. . see that he himself pillYS a part III P.L.C, choIr then rendered two anth-

few da.ys. After that those problems Dean Ph1ll1 E. Ha e dir r 1 truth's conquest of f�l'iood. Con- emS. "Lost In the Night," and "OI�!I" advanced by the group will be db- the summer s!'sslon,�ex':!c� th:e

to w�o CI�dlng ,his, I:&lk, nr. Groth .quoted (Icatton," . , .

c�h afternoon ot the lnetltute week' are lacking In credlt.oJ for a .U1ree-year h� :�:U��' 3= !�:�:�� �b:in����r:r::.e:":n

n!\:=� h;!

:r ��.e ;:Ie�� �g:Of�:�

Is given over to � activlties, ,. ::1:11 diploma to _register, and co�- p, L. C: The p'ubUe&Uon 13 dedl- follow .. tbe.nlIbt 'of day, thou canst Rock,' Wuhtngton, dellvered th8 set-Organized games, swtmmlng, boating, plete their work for that certificate at to the memory ,ot Miss.Sophla not then do !alae to· aDY man." .

mon, baaed' on the ppel text. lAm, and hUdng: m orfered. A:iJ. athletic dl- this time. De�n Hauge expects to be , . As �' t:oken 01 honor for the gradu- 5:18-21. 'Pollowlng: a hymn "and an-rector and an official me-guard will In Alaska OQ business a part of the novel arrangement of the snap- atea, !"R' Clifford O�O� sang WlI- nouncementa: t�e offfl1.nt, W&I 11t!ed, I be at the .Camp, summer, and ¥rs. T-:lfJr wUJ be 15 on� of the outatandlng lIam Sanderson's "8pr:!nl's Antenlng." during· which Lew1a Q, Hunter ' played

The camp site at Des Moines is foroO charge of the registrar s o!!ice during of the ·ann.ual, and �e. art Dr. Tlngelstad then �reaented diplomas ·"Romance." To ·ci. the lemON, Rev, tUnately situated. The .arounda cover hLs a�sence. hon�rable mention, to tile me,mber8.Qf the graduaUng c1au. BV&re pronounced the:benedlcUon; the a large � immedIately adJoln1ng ---- yea.rbQolI: �tate3 much Alter the Ull!:mbly had BUIll" �e dox- �mbly sana the final hJmn; and the

:ei�:� �!���: 00; the Ch�ir <Almpletes. . f=dt��

r�!":w�w: ���,

th�:���_������!:. �!e: =� Rev, 8�, pve the



ter Succe�ful seaS(jn committee sa�n=


e�=: ::


a:a:� ��=�': . .

i " ' . " .

. . . ' . '

rectly: over the 80Imd . -- . 'tavorably with that of·any year, stood In t to those be":' G,rt. FromDorm:S�rprue several. hundred PEople, Completing a succes&rul,sea.son, the �t Jane WeseoD was the 'edI-

. honored, - � . . ' Mi..Hommeon Departu}'e

�rge meeUnp IU"8 held, final COllcert Of. the yea:r wail given tor:and the. associate edit.ors were Ed- IriunedJately following thls:cer:emony, . _ ' .w ' Is· on PuBet Bound, mid...,- the College gymnasium May 29, 'I'h1s gar Larson and Rhoda'B�. '!be the facuIty..;were hosts'to a reception �y exemplary of the fine aptrtt of

Beattle and Tacoma, a ehort year's choir · has . �veled about 7&0 business ,rnanqen were Jlyron Leque for tlle ' lJ'&(luates and their parentll 'iove and �ellQWlhip wh.lch Is prevakn\

� �d = miles 'go� north u tar as vancou�er. =:n ��:J� =to�� �� �Iends �. the qJlI� �g,haIL �:;::;l:!�=:�=;e:!.: . C, JU1!1 I1OUth aa.far , Norma Pre\lI, and CLASS NICHT . They an, went' wI� Pearl over to

glvll1l' in all; � full Powler: mua1c: � Aathus and PollowIDg a Southern Guden ParoO street � .h� they bid .tbelr f�. ",:bo made thelr laSt cholr ap- rna JellJlen: sporta: Alice Roe, Stanley ty Ide.., the ClaIa Ntibt 'Prolram farewells, . etc, ' -JP!,meatat.ely , upon

were 8t&nIeY'Ben;'nblon, ElI:& 8coire, and Paul Hvldd1nci orpntza_ presented in the lJDlD&aium 8&t'F- their return to lIChoql they · P)t Into Kathryn Johnaon-, Norman UOCI: Jea.e Pfluepor, Bldon 'Andereon. 4&y nl&ht under the' cUrect10n Of wo Cara waltln&" to take them down to'

EfIPr Larao1;l, Jenn18, Lee, and Herbert; Norpard; art: Prederick& �, we..oo, ... ,. eleveri)' the station,. wheft they pv� Pearl �, _I m....,.. IIoD8C.G, A1�. Bch1erman, Behlanbuacb IU'Jd Amold. wOrked out to lDdude fOllow- IUJl)rtse of her JOUDI Ufi. 'Ibe ''BAD'' _""' .. I ... �-- WesU1Dc. l"rank EWot., J.tcion: carne ,RvtddtDC IIIid mi Dumberi:'� �I� auna- by boy.-Buciy, Arehle,'and·Outchleo-a"t.o

� Ramna.en; typtnc: BeIiDa Ifrla , trio, cOamun. of zm,n ilODlOb, aurprieed PMri� it.m. 'ber a 'pnMD.t. 0UnbUd x..noo; aDd � � .• aDd MIldred 1ICm-' . It is DO am&ll wonder, tbeIl. that.1tu· D(J; .budet.1IIh. • . 8011; � Me Bact to Ok! V!rgIn:J ... . dent. llDd'piduiltn maID bid DMIIIl--""" .... .... ·i l ID �� tlie · ...c.-a �.' qUU1ette. COD:" prSef aDd aln,p .� tIM �'0Id 1Jh"" IftrIii aDd Of BYe1fD. �� �- times and the tIDe. compuaIoIat·� tIaIrts: RoIaDd "'OJe MaD Rl ...... they lwLaDd eaJoj'ed at IOOd old P. B,oen, dicIdatSoo; Karttn; ."W.... L, 'C, , 1!'.IpeclaU, Iii ,the cUe of Dorm pubUe:1tJ"; ; Rut.b ,qarJ8.m,¥ quartette. COD.' .tUdent&.. who UYe' � uicI enJof Amoid O:rtiilimd &Dd J:mojy WhIt- BlDda':', .J1!e. .. ODe blI � 'r.unu7, II IUCb a .m, m&pIboCa.

. � IebooI 'api,u: f�, '

., .


Page 68: Mast 1933-1934

( J )


I Chapel G1eanirig�' . Publtahed tvuy' tJrO ..:eet. durtna. the acboOl Year by the student. of Paciftc" ", God bu. � upon ·�U tc)·.rlnd

Lulhttan COU�, - Partland, .Wuhtnrton helra for R1I: JUt. of etenml ute. . . � . _ . . Wh� � come to aee we' are- bdrl of Entertd .. aec:on��

ln=r�� 2Ait':' ��i rfm�flce at P.tklan.d. God's sa:'vaUon. what an Interest_ we .. . mould tu:e In Il! . . �. BeDimg on C�. Is mel,.!?, HIm. ,

� "'="� NCIn.bcr In OUf h� w1� pen!

. tence" tar:nestJ.J

�� seetinr COrtiv"tnesa of aLns and .treDKth . ' to do rilhL' EDITORIAL STAFF Juat is U'le.tnlierltance Reta out Ute .. ' '

.... Editor- in-chief Haze!" Monsen helr._ So 00cI. rotion us 'wherever we � Piper: "What do they" raise. In Juda'e (.�) : "WeU, what'. J9Uf Associate Editor . Milton'Nesvfg 1'0. ",r-- dan;)p co��es.?" .. '. alibi for apeed.1ric ellbty miles an hour Spods.t Editor . , Paul " K.. Preus . RepentanCe is DOt Just- �· m.atirl:I AI Moe . . tTmbrell� ��U;�t!�:n���� Just EditOrial Writer Daniel Flotre 'up of our m1ncl to follow Cbr1at.--but H 1&

. . RePQtters-Eunice .Arneson, ,Eline Benson, Gertrude Brjluiner, to open tt,e door !l'r oW" hearts be, tn,t1,. t1ve�':'

" sh� �:,resa1ve .or 'conserva- heard, YoU� honor, that the ladJes of M(�)Oa �rit Thelma Daniels Evelyn Eklund Jean·Marie Fowle� 1IO� for our sins and let Him into . ' . . oW' ehw:ch were rtvln. a � aale Vall>Qrg No�by, Florence Post. Irene Shafland, '. ' � hearts. . '

. e�e: "1 don't kno�. �he:wears luL and I �I.:B burp'.tnl �.e' to same my

" Carlson. . " . • The .. y to ret usuranoe of Ohrtat'a ytar s hat: drives , UI15 Ye&r,� c;ar, and oUter � of pan�."" . ; .

BUSINESS STAFF ' pr.orzUa:e' 'to y.s indIvidually 1s to �,w yves on next years . lncome, �ud,.e: ' "Case �i::.�." Business Manager Bertrum' Myhre �at It was for us that He' died, T� "That I�Uo", cim ret more milk trom Advertising Manager Cl ifford Mesford ' . , ,

. _�.v�n Later.grow the hours,' the cow's ' than anJb:Od1 elll!: on the Circulation Manager Louise lackson Our bl� religion iI,not an act of Heavy grow my ey.�: farm." ,

Ctrculation Assistant Pearl Homme man, ,but on ltrefutab:le fac� of Yet I forever era,m', ".Gee! He must ban a pull," Faculty Ad�isors N. I'· Hong and 0: I, Stuen �ha11 ope day be �here oW' Lord .Getttng no w�. ...:.t..A-

� _____ � ____ �''--- and Master JesUll Christ b· now. Flnal' tests are oomlng: Judge: "What po8atble �xcute did you.

' .

� Val.d�ct�rY . t�tl:t:��U��y� p:=� �od �� ��n:� ·��!.::!�s

f���, ha;��



With the distribution of this sixteenth issue, the 'Mooring home. . Remembering all .that junk. . ���.;_ �":.h�t. �:lve:. of you?� __ _

----Mast- staf.f-(;ompletes-a"'other-year-of�tEe=_to_'_Paeifie_tutheoran· 'Slnce.-teUt1On-la_aIl-bLstotY_and_Q!. --- . -E�B, He: "Let.s get marrled," �<: College. To serve has been �u� aim. and if' the students and faculty ::: �:t. �:=:n';�l� t:tJr/,!; , Prison Vls,ltoT': "And what's you.r She: :'All right,"

/ members feel that we have served wel" we ,.are happy . . We have our .history, . . ' naill.e, my good man?" /(A long, awkard sllenee.) ' . '

�)' // ::��: �:��e:�n




a I�c��:����:�::


o:o��� To enter the . kingdom o���

ege� �!::�

r�'I���!:' your real nam�"

. ���: .:��Y��'�OUmS;:heo:=7"

, gratification in the fact that the Mooring Mast has for the second the ideal set for the human race, na:��nf'r: ·'NElIl;', dElt'5 Just

\mo; �n

conse�utive time won. First Clas$ Honor R�ting, excellent, as judged CO�I� :!eH��!;

al� ��

h s:n::: :� . Author: Parkland "riter Shop by the National Scholastic Press Association. ' per

fection which He �Ished us to live story. A ir:;�I� :e�.

e ;��t b��I:� aftcf

If our paper has been' suc�essful . :>e are grateful to ,the many up to. creep stealthily toward the hOUlle They Conf.ctio� who hilve cooperated with us in finding , the ·news. Special. tha�k!" se���g:,

w�;as�:�;t�:�!h:,I:::c� climb a \\a11 and fotte open a window I CEO KNUDTSON, Prop

are due the Dean's offi1f.4"n invaluable source of news. Much credit tical folhl:wlng of Christ's' life 'l.nd cnter the room The clock strikes • her.e is due the staff members, who have done so wel l : and who, Th� ChrlsUans with their high IdeB!! olle ' I Portable Typewrite", 8uppne.-through their work. hav


e not only gained


knowledge of newspaper seek to put into application the prln- Mar} Nash (breathltssly) Which All Steel PUlnI Equipment-writing, but of the value of correctness and punctuality. clples given by God. one? School Boo_Its, Suppllea

We ,�g,et that ou, off;dal duty a, eo;to, of the Moo,;ng Ma,' , -Ranutad

Bob I bo",h�lItti. I.d, • m.- �!����-.. has come to an end. The work has been pleasant. made so by an p �' chine of her own Office F1IniK1II'tI efficient staff ' and the excet.lent coop�ration given by tl;'le varioU"; �rso , $ � . Gene Packard Llnooln or ,Ford� • ���.�".�,,�,.,,�,� ... � Ave

school departments, Again, we thank you. . In appreciation ot work as Pep Bob: "May tag." � ' """"I"� Club advisor. the ltory girls re- .--

-Hazel Monsen cently presented Mrs. �Idler with a Buck (posing tor 'Photo) : "What will Complimenh of, · ' . gUt. ' , \ _ these pictures CO!It me?" !

. On her way to the wor'kt's Fair in PhOtoR:Nlph�r: "They're ':l5.00 a doz� � WFST €OAST A Word of Appreciation Chlcago,"MIM Laura Hudson of Metla- f'n. Now look plea&ant. pleMe." .

Graduation is over. In many ways the·exercises both Saturd.ay :��� �����i:� .:fee���d�udson

, Hlghby: ;'Wonderlul. Is It not, that GR()cERY�' and Surtday were very beautiful. and the occasion wi l l no doubt long Irene 6�l1land presen!-ed plano num- ��;:f�l�

r�= oS: ���:�.IY :or the I l inger in the memory of those who were present beB at tbe graduation exettlses of the McMlUan Orade School the evenlnl of . Perhaps the most impressive part of the program was the com· May 29.

· mencement' address. In his talk. Dr. Groth. had nothing of the mean- The rOllOWlng 'llrls dlned'at the home

··Mons": "Yes. FOT Ins",,"ce, think i how useful ears are to hang spect.acles :. on." �

A�ocat . Products

.... . " .. "."'" .. " ..... """" .. "."" ... ",, .,, ... :tWI ingless phraseology that too often characterizes such speeches; on of Mrs. FunkhoUlleT of Brookdale Jatt- Clerk: "mat) the matter, sonny?" � .the contrary he faced import�nt issues squarely, Instead of telling Thursday noon: Ylvlan Kampbell. EI- Trulson:' "Please sir; have you seen.a r---------t us what a wonderful nation America is. he showed us that there are len Bergst.rom. Eula Mae Goff, .Evelyn lady without ... little tioy that loolta like thin� that need correcting: instead of talking about opportunities Irw�, Ra��

lllIFllnt, Do

dro�h� De�rt- me?"

·for fame and riches and ur.ging us to g'o auf and conquer the ,!,-,orld. �2 a;;e Is

a� �I \el�1f'

ranc he asked for our aid in driving this,.gigantic selfishness out_ of the , w 0 now

, ac ng a e. "RanI!;" Obion: "Didn't 1 .1':' my lut

hearts- of. men and help making it.possible to. put into practice the Ella Johnson ll sister, Esther" of hUrcat In -lht., ahopT'"

much preached but little practised principle of the Master : Love thy 8edro--Woolle}' . v1.slted at school last 1Iru'ber: ''I think DOt.. , We'Yfl been

rteighbor as thyself. week, . . In bDlllnf'. only t.o yean," , ..... Ruth Carlson had as guests TUesday, -LA- ______ Dr. Groth's address �fc)ithe graduates was a fitting finale to their May 29, her fllouier. M". Carlson, 'E1lol NOIIf'Y:':Are you the walter who too,it

stay at Pacific Lutheran (College. All college graduates, and those Michelsen " 29. and Lots Lord-all of my order'" from the Christian schools in particular, should be leaders in the" Yelm. and they attended the final oon;; N1dy:."Yes Sir!'" fight for truth and justice, for eliminations of�social i l ls and build· cert ot the P. L. C. choir . . MIIa Lord NOlleY: "You're looking .well after ing of a better economic order. Christianity must be applied to our llslted Ruth from May lrJ to May �. your v!l.eatlon." national pr,oblems if we are ever to attain social, equilit;rium, �nd the Alice - Roe was surprl5ed Thursday -LA-Church schools ,must here show the way. evening with a ,handkerch.lef ahOWf'r 0I80D (toO �eW Ilona RadeD') : NA


.to the

Classes of "34" _We Are the Printers

of the . 1933,34 �., • .


CO: . . -----�-------. �--------.I �=P!�I�:

I:nf�=t��.B:�� '::,=�or:��� lh1s room. The Last Round,Up left lau wee�-end tor- O�ler ·NaUonal. B't'Id4lq: "Abl ' ..ppoee &bwe � 940 Commerce MAin 6768 , , Park, 'Ib0lle prqent with the' hostesses 011 Ute oeflI.q ,are the qpIod .. e." ,

W ' back with I b bU "H f DB id lte " J h Red wert Helen COllins '33, Jane Williams, Oblob: -"No, tbat.'a &be _ prote.or," 1+----------+ dem:n�. or sumpn,�

o�r �be YI:: be� 'pro

ou:y �IsPla�1� .h� :;lo�� "Toi�,� Rachel

J�t, DorO!-h'H

Delama:;:r, • __ -_-_�------------_--. I cause "Wlnchelllt15" got the best of ua. Herr Htahby trying' to "Go California;'· �e

ete be n, xa:'� �on, .r-· Anyway. w,e're .here and there iIn't l;Ivlnth, the "6wacll:," g.ettlnl crude.d�- �

e Roe n . ra an e on� guest.

· �uch ��y= ���u� It, , ������ ����

l� H':t JC:�� k:� Irene �haI1.nd·. will work m Y�I�oW-

· . George �,"Barney'· Jan.s.sen sport- itli time fpr the P. R. A. boys by 'sttUni �/f.:��al ::t this s:i::'com_

Ing a new suit and white runboats. "ll. on the 5UII dial. Berry and Byers m&k� Q 8&IlI' . Walt: me six' years to go throUCh thl.5 Ing .the best of the sttuatlon-over on ::�eerent exercises. ot the Dlert� Jolnt., says Barney, 1 ouaht to get sciltle- the chapel ste�. Our honorable bu"sl- the 00 Monday nigbt. Prl�ay" n1sh Lhinf .tor It," Lemmlni plantlnl the ness manarer, Bert Myhre, lOin&' the H

Y &anI over KVI on the Lu�eran • "Ivory." �y Reid retUna up at foW' L' way of all men, Bob Monson creeplni '��� Lela - ' .1) sch 1 m. 'to stUdy Sociology. Try'and tie that noiselessly Into the house. slidlnl Into this k

nd, �',",\� ,�t1n1 at !booo one: WUlJe PfIuea-er a "toot'" toot be�, and firidln&' to hiSl chaarln-not· N

Ull.wee an.d is "

trUest of .

ry . tootln.' aloni. , The taculty � a Clarence, but good old pop. Embarras- . ' t:Je!.Una at the hands of 'the el&s5 will. sing momentS. klnda' like . . 'Amok! ct: �al meetlna: of the Qerman Floyd Knutzen "dolng ·time" down OLl Myhra gh1ng Dot DeIama.rter the nw ":ted

:ay' 'NO��US ;�

stxty:-t1l'llt. Oaten EJJ.uen bemo&ntng around. �Ray lUnderlle loina: ,in for � p . ent for the nr · · the fact that Ella La 1eavtua, lnc1den- lou 'o( power-Watts. Jesse PtIu� J . ' uanowo.

� • � • . they've JOt a leue on the .t1et!n& fina1l1 �1nI � ·the lone count,-: '--,0:: :" ..... _ ' �CIure-41 1 .:;, pOst st4e, The DahI-Raudeb&uab com_L rood old" Pete. Prands Archbolc1 'Iead- � • .,-:'" . w.II' �eb b at b1nation IOina for auother of' tbdr 1ng �uble 1U� bus1DeU.. meetin&'. , I . ' • •

=cl!.�, ��u: � !:m.����-.J= . . ' M"

�� "durtna �I" r1dea. � � Bah �:-� ·aDd B.uct;y b\ddiDa sad 1

" � .. ��- amiable,. Ip uarie . . ua. WithOUt a care in £be � u ....... hrftr.�. ·� 118. Indden{.U" � , Harmoa could cause this is the last issue'and it'a all DahI ·Grocery-CO"·

"'_ 'be heard above. < rest. R;oU Preus over fPo, not ��� floor>' tor �iI y:U. t· ,. ' . ._.. . _ - . break1na: down an� � aD n: Toodle-oo, so 'kmI", . good by!" . • .rIr. ..

l �- ,

Atteniion" Graduate • . YOUI' Alma Miter h�s given you her �t, Reciproclte In ' -

. smlll way by :,i":,ing her one'of ou� Churfh Aid Policies "for $100.00 eX more.

,This $JOO.OO ,ift will cost you only $2, I 4 quarterly (prt'nlium for a,e 21 ) 'fO( 10 yelrs, when we will � t9 ber $100.00. in

cnh. (Totll cost to you' $85.60, .�ud ave; a period'of 10 years. Benefits t� the (allele $100.00: plus divi� i f left,l

, ' .

. . . . Wr1t", tor I�rorno.!lon on hOW to··bUlld • CQil�'''' Endo�;;'''n1 .. Fund, or ,.,. our 1000al repr .. enlatl,ve-� H�rold H0,el, . " I · > •

LUtiaer.n "'ot".,�bOOd'� (� '�!U"d"""') · ' • Minn •• polls _ . 6OJ SecOncI - Ayio. ;'5. - Mlilil. , . .!-- ". : .. ... , L


Page 69: Mast 1933-1934

JUNE 8, 1134

Year in�SpOrts , . . Fairly Successflil

loanna Manous." Winner With the match pla)' completed yes­

terday, a stitt encOunter between Jo.. anna" Man.o\lSO& and Rhoda Hotenstad resulted .In the fonner's winning the PacUlc Lutheran College tennLs cham-

�" ' ..


Speaking of records: we have ·vjsiting with �s. at. sch�1 this ' The P. L. c, tenri15 squad defeated a :��d, w�� ��::;�;:i,f"t�� ::�� .

w�ek, PolI.y langlow, holder of the National scoring record;fn-1om,. tKm from Aberdeen J. C. �n May 28 Evelyn.

Irwin, retiring president, and en s basketb

.all. S

.he set the recC?rd when .she played' �er

,��dgr by a 4 to 2 score on the Pointe Defiance Alice Roe. pr�sldent-elect, gave 890rt

Coach Ramstad, scoring 270, points in the y.ea� 1 926-7. H07 s that courts. . talks.' . ' . . for piling up points? .

\ Weatherwu. �� dei�.ted Myhre- ·Of�::l�:s:r:�:.t rie��d� ��r:�::

5, S. . \ (P. L. c.), 6--2, 7-$: Burgoyne (P. L. C.) , selma Balu.s, Neva Olson, and D1.Ue

D."pite the' fact Coac'h OI.on plays on tt,e Da� bail\am. �:���

b�� :,���).�:,��

h3���)j::: ����reo��:n:


e(��:=�� .

,they finally won the school championship when they took the Shack sen (P. L. C.), defeated Morrill (A), 6-2, Ann Engen and W1nnk Bu"tach. . In the seri" 'ThundaY. The friendly rivalry Which w.a. present. all 6-3, , season served a ,ood purpose and put .ome real life into the ,; E. . D�

RainN Ou, c!�.". Oft y". the Day la�s: said ��t .to fo�let

,to me�tion that rH.��:�e:::�: �in�b��' (�

e)� Leadins St. Martin's two to one when

they further di.played their ch,m'pioftlh,lp, cahber by takln., an all 5-3, 7.5, ' rain halted play, the' P. L. C. tennLs team, .upposedly, composed of playen from the two losin, Trulson and Jensen (P. L. c.), de- team closed It-s 1�34 ' sea.son May 30 on teams, the �m. and the Shack. {nted Smith and Morns tA), 6·2, 6-3. the 'POlnt DettAnce courts.

��::!a:°�:�n :: to=:en�:: S. S. Luther�· Moonli,ht r

year, with so many-entered, M1M Man_ Prospects for good t�nnis and golf teams next year look ��ry Excunion �ill Be June 9 ��;"s won over M� Hokenstad 6-4., promising as there i5 but one member graduating from each squad: Lite-O�Rite Photo Service '

C-;;�;;;;;;:;�;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;7 However those who are leavi�g are �wo good players and will. be I.e��be:Ul:�� th� �� ROY A. PETERSQN

r" missed !rom the lineups. Norm.Westllng, three year golf, moonHght boat1n, excursion tor Sat- �2��<tu�:���:. and Norm Jensen, tennisJetterman, are the two men who wdl b� lU"dAy evening Jline 9, The boat, car- ,TKoma. W ... $hin.ron .




924 Pacific 'Avenue

missed next year. " rytnr two hundred pusenaens, wW Il-_______ ...:..�.iil leave the .Mun.tclpal Dock in Tac:om& s. s. at 8:30 that ennln" retumins there

It may be .a little earl, to talk about football, but while we're at midnight, .J:; :���oc:r::�:, .. '!ritO: on the .... biect of prospects we j�.t couldn't help thinkin� of it. aro�d

e�= ':tt�:


c= no �r::rr��th..!".�I�:on-

Coach �on look. �rward to a cood •• ason next ye." " but five ,out on 'some beach, where pmes wW' alao UH . .

of •• v.nteen I ..... rm.n �av. cradu.ted. The bill"t, los. will be in be played. A p� of musical en-MANN ��T8sFINI�I:IINC "

the forw • .:c. wall' where lome " 'pin, hoi .. have' been left open. tertalnment Ls'belni P� to be giv- .. , �P;:":;kl::..nd�M;:�;;;u�n;:" ':. • .:Com::.::: .. =ny:!.·_· _1 However, a ,oad fa.t b.ckfield �ill make up for tholeloss"t :

. �n:e ��':.� ::d.r;-cr!:. �� • ______ '-' ___ ..

S. 5. . 1 . vtted. , "nekeu., whkh ate 35-eenta." may

Well, folks;guess that's "Thirty" for thf� year. ""!e've enjoy.ed be 'purchued t� �e Dahl working for you, and even if �r writing wasn't so hot and. didn't Four MON Get Sch�ls contain all thaht sho,ul,d, we hope. you have enjoxed our attempt to� those. who have, since the last make this an interesting column. So· long, evel)lbody. issue of the Mooring �t, received

teach1nr. positions are Kathryn John-

_;- _o __ . ·�.

Brookdale Cash Market


to the

Classes ·


. 1' /34


. '



Page 70: Mast 1933-1934

t- -r

I !

rr-... .


Planning Vacations

. ( � )'

. Exchanges . Kamp1Js KOIiunents IJai.don A..,.,rnplulrinK . -- . . Greal Deal ' .. Speeelie.


Alumni . Faculty Members Plan Traveh. "I do not understand how 'you in . ,IJY CIarenee M-. " _

._._. _ ' • . ' . Wor� for $u .. u .. er . ' �= ::=�� �U:� �::� ca:\::=U:';::��:;I,e.� In'� mld&l we M"'� ::t� 'haI,,;. � w::::.:, Wlth the cloee of this3Chool � ap- made � a Sw�Ish' student who has th� p� or ,al! those- wtio '&� .doz:te much to, further. � . • �.ot t.he .t'nd Of lut �

,' �

pro&chlng, raculty members are fOl1llU- Just completed lit term.'a work, I,n:" the �e elt.!.n:� �re- ahort, �, �e PO�t. "christlm, and P. � C. by . __ lating plana for their, neatloca. Unl�tj of Chleqo . "When I wu IUld very" 1II'hlcIi is In�� speaklnc to many ot -our communlt.y , ' • Each of thelill will. of COUl"8t: teach here a guest at one Of ' your .fra�It}': some� to ,be proud of. Rev. !'. 1:0. �nd chUreh organlzaUofts,' In W�

� � Pfterwa "II Is teachin, .efi00l

durlna: one of the silt-week summer houses." the ,v,:ry<blo?de, 'wt!U--dresaed =�n��:�=�:=� ,Washlnaton: He is none .other �an � BUrI�. :�

l =e� ;:�:::


':� �:.

g .. ;o::s

n ::


h:::;. sho�ld be' complimented on/T.bli�..nne tt\at �ni&l p�eSeor, lol'td by fill 'of U3, 'Pa,bu ... oiu.- '!I Ls

t.ea'ehtn. cha,ge of the summer school 8M5lon. sonp that were, sung after dlnner. :1 �dreSlle3, They did live, U3 something Pt!ter Jeremiah �rdon.

achool' ln PoQ1ibo, w.iimlnrton, Dean 'H!..,uce. d1�tor of, the lWnm�r d' id not think In America you had time 0 think' about. Stnoe the Ilrst of the rear, Mr. Bardon $. __ .


sch��ork, wiD be in Alaska on busl-. for suCh thlnp. But .. then, Am�e, Ls .

. �. Ie. baa ,poun, elght timea, 'and tblrty-two ,'heier 'll: who finl8hed the ne� most of the tIme. a fIner place than moit t'[ U3 In � It tak�s a cool' mind and a steady' , - At ' this ' ' ' Others who have made be Imagine. ,r�ere everyone thinks you'do hand to unde1take the job that , Mr

Umes, In the �t � years. , , ColJ� of �t � in 1�, baa away Include Mr. HI8hby, who will nothing ?ver tter-e b\1t rush after mC;)Dey� Hauge hu 50 sucee�fUJly handled f�' t�e of �e year �e is � .qul� been. �npced '? � next fill at But. visit his parenu In Mlqnl'SOta and t1is I do laugh'. though, 1II'hen everywhere I the -p�t 'few re�, tha.t 01 d1fectt4i ,busy ,Ivlng, commencement add�. �tao�'Hlch: 8Choot. " sister In California d,uring the lut part. go there Is "t.he bluest building In the the' glads through their various elter- He gave one at the Collin's �ool Ma)' . ' of the vacation. Mr, Ramstad'wlll drive world," 9" the "tallest towert or �e , aoIneUmes he has 10 whistle: 29, and J'r'Iday, June 8, he, wUl apeak on J . GRA�AtION Gl� to Minnesota soon after the close ot "largest prison." America ends In "est." cou, IUld even plead to get resUlts but " And

" . . i this school year to atte-nd the golde'.' , -- ' .he 'eeu 'ern and that's wliat Lbo" �t. Polt


ng IUlnh'ersary of his parents. � movie depktlng Ult In a Calltomla Mr, Bardon', lectures; whIch ,have, At Coach OlSon and �eodore �elsson nudist colonl ,9J'aI! banned bj lowl efty • K. K. , : been well rect'1';ec. In' all cUes. deal. KI�.ALL'S

�11I��:1�8:��h�1 ��I�;:

t :����:;:. ���� ��� l�e':e�:f ::";.;:nC:� r�:��' ��::I�!st:ut��

e:y �


a�� general� with the, socl�l and, econo�c I �====:::;:::::==�

Prof, Ed"'ards plans to study music: Teacher 'assoclatlon , made the ' eom- a, habit. ."Sw�e'" Willard Md AILe problerrw' of the ·present d�y. He l 1 and will attend the Unl"erslty of :wash- tllalrits. The rrrovte, "E1Ys.ta" by title, Is Schle&man, have niade the date, (which &lao brines' In the' cause ot hlgh:u IIl�n. - the rtrst ,Picture barlned In Iowa City will probaply be their last ,one) and education and In tri h1a t.aI.U. With no definite plans an,nounct'i:l. (or more than 10 yean. 'Clarenee Lemming' doesn't' look • bit be tells about-P, L. C., Jiving the acbool

the other faculty mt'mbers eltp..."Ct to ' tOO ti"ealthy, ' • IIWe free advertisement whICh-'It'

OLYM'''C ·1i".lY ;RODUCTS ;! Tecom�" F •• .".. " .

-;-·�'--for25-Y' •• � _. stay around home, For three- years Hall Kemp has not ' surely need!.. Mr. Bardon IIILYS that �, heard another, orchestra 'either In per.

K. K, al,,!,ay! enjoys te,!lng abOut th�' scholir' l ;���:;;;;��:;;;;;;�� son or over the radio. This is the pre- It "';ould prObatrly Inte-rest u.s to know ans_ring Inqulr1es, and urginl the

Pt, Defiance Park Scene ,of caution that this moSt Imitated of aU what moot 01 O'.lr professors are ,oing )'oung people tte encounte-� 'to attend Fort Nilqually Rehuilding orchestras takes to keep Its style origl- to do 'thls summer, Hlghby Intends to our Christian InsUtutlon, LUMBER'

�') , . ' get a California sWl-ta�; Edwanls m?l'e, We �I appreciate the good wor,k fJnd

Arthur A, Cook, .secretary of the -- , school and, more music, Is go- mls&lon Mr, Bardcm is aooompllahlng,ln Young Men's Business Clu�;Of Tacoma, st:�



e 1�




-7�� ":!u!::n::d!

fto�r�� h�S ��

rH:::' ::t:::r'�:��;:r:

ope that 'he wJl1 announces the pos,tponment of the ded- 'City of Nt'w York took dlsclplinary ae- Is leaving, and If you want to, tno;ov , -september 3. 1934. The club' had or- nent' ln the Anti-war work, The Social the summer to ,pertecj his swan'dlve,:


Iglnally planned to dedIcate Fort NIs- Problems Club of Columbia University and Rt'ld, 1II'ell. hasn',t decided yet, Q.ull�ty Knittin, CO. _ qually, no�; being rebuilt at Point De- protested this actlon' by askin, all, stu· K. ' K, fianct' Park In Tacoma, early In, l,he dents IIJld student organlZa.tloIll'l, In_ r--......

Letter S ..... " 0., 5Pec'-lty

r.oB E.�y nmros,l: PA'tNT, BA&DWAU ...

9ENERAL Bun.DINO sum.u.:s

Brookd.le Lumber Co.

If I?,tlon of Fort Nlsqually to Labor Day. tlon IIJld expelled the s�udenu proml- where, uk hlm; Beck ,lnten'ds to use 1 spring; , but .due to a shortage In cludll)g, the MetropoUtan Intt'r-colleg- Many cases of "writer s crllmp" have 403 1 1 th St" , T,com" WISh,

On "'�o=���y governmt'nt fun�: a delay has ,eIll'lued late- AMoclatlon, to sc;nd .letters Ilnd been rt'porte-d among r -student3 and "=========::.:'" !'-====;;;;;i;"",,;;;;;;;==� which makes n�eSS8.ry the cl1iinge In telegrama protesting lIJly dlsclpllnary fSll'my brow If tht' . Isn:t a good reaaon 1" .. date. action whatsoever against striking stu- I for It. II we ,lIi"Tote � much In one ,ear

ed �o �:1��':� P�J::�:!eLs;p:;

denU, ' __ ' _ . ;:t.::


n � C:�� :�,:


!'It'n's �ustneM Club are selima: politer The Inte�atlonJal Relations Club at ably have sutficlen��r1al to develop

,. �:::.���::.nll�:�d��=t'C:: AUgUstana College:'SloUlt �1s, S. D., a new theory, ' ,

I ed I 't 50 ts ch An has circulated a petition favoring en- K K


,D.y and Nite IOYNTON'S SIIVICI GA:' 01 45-R.:.l I.,..lrl., Oil

Cong�atulations to·

::�Inte':.:�esl: urc':':ln eaor �1U:- trance 01 the United States Into the . ,

any of the artlCIt': menuon� is we: League of Nat�ons, The petition wUJ. "I've ,w9rried a great deal In my life," r-------�---,

by Mr. coOk to contact him at room � sent In to the national ottlce 9f' the says 0, 9· McIntyre. "but none' �f the 203, Wlnthro Hotel. Tacomllo, or hone League at Nations AMoclation In ChI- things I worried about he�pe�, ThIs BRoadway 1:3.

p C8!!,O, Is sound advice because womes are 00-

the Classes "34'.' \ Fr,o.:n

Ci�es PhYlics Equipm,ent

necea&an'. 'Even It these things had F8mous artists ,appear each year In happened, worries woul d have done no

Bridges MWilc Auditorium 00 the Po- good. U you have never eltpt'rlt,nced mona Collt'8e campWl, Claremont, Call- the sensation of worrr, analyze your fomla. In an, annual series of IIlX con- feelings Jwt before Sll e�lnatlon on

'l3efore 1t'R\1ng for Alaska. In AprU,' certs" which thw far have teatur@d a subject which you have neglected: Burton,.-Kreidler, a.s.slstant 10 the '

Dea.p. such penofUI as Lawrence TIbbett, Uly K, K, 01, Men, donated to the school equlp- Pons. Lucrerla Bort. nto ,8chlpa., H&r-

LIEN & SE�VIC / PrescriptIon Drulliltl

tmporters of Norwegian Cod liver Oil

eo,; Avenue ,nd 1 1 th Strut, T�om." W,m. ,

T" MAMi 7114


ment a radlola Rlld a number of 'In- old Kreutzberg and Ruth Page, and "There will be weepIng, and walling,

struments for testing end repairing ra.- mSllY others. These programs are and gn�lng 01 teeth," said 'an honor I-_-'-___ -'-__ -J m,.." .... ,..,,'"'rn:'"',..,,'"',m dl� ,This t'qulpment, whJch is es- unique tn America In that students are student, as he saw ma�y ,�t the gradu- ..................................................................................... w. .......... � pecleny usefUl In con,\Gaing eXper1_ granted. without extra charge, free ad- ates leavt,n� tor home. Weeping be- ..­mt'nt3, will be used In the high school ml,ttance to the whole series of con- CIlWle you 11 probably mlsa .tb1!Jn during physics laboratory, O. J, Stuen, pbyslcs certll upon payment of their yearly tu- the lIummer; wa.lll!1g beca� you' tear

Instructor. eclmowledges the gUt with Itlon to the coDege. you will not see them apin , and 1D&IIh,-


. --- - � � - -

, The nate of Oklahoma is fAllt beoom- owe you some mon.ey," t===============:t Ing the b,ome of coUqe 1mI8tlin, cb&m- ' K. K.

plona. In the natJonal intercoUec1&te 11 ,you want to see, a rood piece ot KerschHum

Suits and Overcoats tournament. the Sc:Ioileri woo atx out m&nlliemen�, take a- look at the work of eight ehampiGllllhip&. &Dd :otlabom.- that's been done )'In, the library 'th�

For Sit. ExcIUlhfelV at aIll'l wnt! runners-up In the two dh1- ¥e&r. �e hope that Mr, 'X&l'1er's earn-


We Are the Engravers of the

1933-.34 Sago

TACOMA ENCRAYINC CO. letfand & Palaputi I SIOM won by contestants from other est dlom .'/VIU be re5J)e!:ted

. more next

912 �IIC. A� st.�6, yea: becaUse It's qul� a let-dO'!Il to �_=:..;.;:::.:;.;.o;..,:.;:==-_� . . __ 8ee that one's work Is not appreciated, ";���:::�:::���:::�:::�:::���:::��

Crime, sex:' &nd love conatltute the ' ·K. K,

bi& three u themeI lor inQtloD. pk- There's one thing, that , moat. 01 the BROOKDALE


tures and �uently exert an un- craduatc!ll � p, 'L. C, realIze ·and wbolellOme lnlluenee on.youth, Dr. W. appreclate, and that !-S, the achool It­W, Charten, bead' of tbe Ohio State ,se�. We may not llke It at, the time. University ·b� of educaUorlal :re- but once we leave, we can't forret, It..

'----_____ -J' se&re;h, reveals to a recent boot, "lIo- ',I"here mU3t be a legitimate- reason lor

r-------�-., Uon PlctUfH and Youth." , . ' su� a leellna'_

. __ _

Congratulations to the

Seniors '

P1,&'1.�� R _ 12th 6' A St, PcItOHiee Square

. � MA;n·2122

The,t1tue'i.b anniversarY of the found:" "Swede�' Willard to Wed

:n:f ... �=:!t

a��:. 0;;' With � gradua�OD aDd other �oOl

was founded br Paul Tulane, • aoap acU�tlea. cca.pleted" � "8wedd' maker, ' , WIIl&rd, � &tJ:iW.e m both the -===::::======� footb&Jl and butetb&ll teams at �

r �= <;:n::: -=-�o:;S.=, Golden Rod

Butter -

Made by .


Of � ,a.nd w� State Col� le(re� wbere ""8wede'" sj::Ien" hls · Preab.­.man year, fa tbe'ltrl who � 8uDd&1. June 10, wtll be m&ITIed. to the ,.m.­,toe ,athlete',

- CONGRATULATIONS to tJo. G,.cIu�ling C/� .... � oi 1934

JOHNSO� '-C9X CO. .��ti PaciFic: Aveoue • �,;' B� 223 •. . '


·,,.,;-S��� ·