master course in biomedical instrumentation coimbra...

Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Subject Title: Analysis of Biomedical Data Scientific Area: Mathematics Course: Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation Code: 664801 Year/Semester: 1º/1st ECTS: 6 Department: Physics and mathematics Instructor: Maria Filomena Palmeira de Araújo Canova (MSc), Luís Manuel Margalho (MSc) Study plan: Introduction Study Design on health research Descriptive and Analytical Studies Diagnostic Tests and clinical trial measurements Statistical tests Statistical Modeling. Regression Longitudinal Analysis Survival Analysis Software for statistical analysis Language: Portuguese (English if foreign students are attending the course) Type of instruction: Activities Total Hours Hours/week Comments Theoretical 28 2 Theoretical- Practical 28 2 Practical Tutorial guidance Learning objectives: The main goal is to present statistical methods applied to health sciences, with emphasis on statistical modeling and survival analysis Generic learning outcomes and competences: Students should be able to understand and apply statistical techniques to biomedical data analysis, in order to support clinical research. Bibliography: Notes from lectures and Worksheets. Giolo S.R., Colosimo E.A., Análise de Sobrevivência Aplicada. Editora Edgard Blucher Ltda, São Paulo, 2006. Gouveia de Oliveira, Bioestatística, Epidemiologia e Investigação. Teoria e Aplicações, 2009, Lidel. Wayne W. Daniel, Bioestatística: A Fundação para a Análise em Ciências da Saúde, 9ª edição, 2009, Wiley. D. Chen, K. Peace, “Clinical Trial Data Analysis Using R”, Chapman & Hall.

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Page 1: Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra · Master in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra Institute

Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation

Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Subject Title: Analysis of Biomedical Data

Scientific Area: Mathematics

Course: Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation

Code: 664801

Year/Semester: 1º/1st


Department: Physics and mathematics

Instructor: Maria Filomena Palmeira de Araújo Canova (MSc), Luís Manuel Margalho (MSc)

Study plan: Introduction

Study Design on health research

Descriptive and Analytical Studies

Diagnostic Tests and clinical trial measurements

Statistical tests

Statistical Modeling. Regression

Longitudinal Analysis

Survival Analysis

Software for statistical analysis

Language: Portuguese (English if foreign students are attending the course)

Type of instruction: Activities Total Hours Hours/week Comments

Theoretical 28 2


28 2


Tutorial guidance

Learning objectives:

The main goal is to present statistical methods applied to health sciences, with emphasis on statistical modeling and survival analysis

Generic learning outcomes and competences:

Students should be able to understand and apply statistical techniques to biomedical data analysis, in order to support clinical research.

Bibliography: Notes from lectures and Worksheets.

Giolo S.R., Colosimo E.A., Análise de Sobrevivência Aplicada. Editora Edgard Blucher Ltda, São Paulo, 2006.

Gouveia de Oliveira, Bioestatística, Epidemiologia e Investigação. Teoria e Aplicações, 2009, Lidel.

Wayne W. Daniel, Bioestatística: A Fundação para a Análise em Ciências da Saúde, 9ª edição, 2009, Wiley.

D. Chen, K. Peace, “Clinical Trial Data Analysis Using R”, Chapman & Hall.

Page 2: Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra · Master in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra Institute

Master in Biomedical Instrumentation

Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Course: 6648 - Master in Biomedical Instrumentation


Year/Semester: Second year / first semester


Department: Department of Electrical Engineering

Instructor: Inácio Fonseca

Study plan: Reliability theory; Maintenance; Park organization; Electrical Power Quality; Fault diagnosis; Inspection equipment’s; electrical protection devices.

Language: Portuguese ((English if foreign students are attending the course))

Type of instruction: Activities Total Hours Hours/week Comments

Theoretical 28 2 Classroom


Practical 26 2 Classroom / Laboratory

Practical -- -- 2 hours for Seminar


guidance -- --

Students have weekly support

through the office hours of teachers

Learning objectives:

Understand and implement techniques of organization and management of an industrial maintenance department; Perform audits to diagnose the status of maintenance service; Know how to organize an equipment park; Develop and implement machinery and equipment maintenance plans; Perform the management of internal and subcontracted work; Apply fault diagnostic techniques; Assess the costs and maintenance time; Develop and monitor the maintenance control indicators;

Generic learning outcomes and competences:

Reliability theory (distributions, series and parallel circuits, main reliability indicators). Corrective, periodic and predictive maintenance and Maintenance planning. Inspection equipment (noise, vibration, thermography and tribology). Quality power supply. Systems / electrical protection devices. Uninterrupted electric supply. Basic techniques of fault diagnosis in the power supply of electrical equipment. Maintenance of structured cabling networks (Ethernet) of electrical and computer equipment. Seminar: to perform on one of the above syllabus.

Bibliography: FERREIRA, Luís Andrade - Uma Introdução à Manutenção, Publindústria, Porto, 1998. ISBN: 972-95794-4-X ASSIS, Rui - Manutenção Centrada na Fiabilidade, Lidel, Lisboa, 1997. ISBN: 972-757-037-2

Progress assessment:

Written exam quoted for 12 values. Practical work for 8 values.

Page 3: Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra · Master in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra Institute

                                                       Coimbra  Institute  of  Engineering                                                                                                                                                                                        Course  Unit  Description    


Subject  Title:   Support  Technology  for  Persons  with  Special  Needs  

Scientific  Area:   Electrical  Engineering  

Course:   Master’s  Degree  in  Biomedical  Instrumentation  

Code:   664811  

Year/Semester:   2nd  year  /  1st  semester  

ECTS:   6  

Department:   Electrical  Engineering  

Instructor:   Frederico  Miguel  do  Céu  Marques  dos  Santos  Study  plan:    

Language:   Portuguese  Type  of  instruction:   Activities Total Hours Hours/week Comments

Theoretical 1 14


Practical 3 40

Tutorial guidance

Seminar 2


Learning  objectives:  

The  vast  majority  of  people  with  special  needs  are  affected  its  capacity  to  a  greater  or  lesser  degree,  in  four  main  areas:  communication,  mobility,  manipulation  and  orientation.  

Generic  learning  outcomes  and  competences:  

Knowledge  about  the  use  of  assistive  technologies  requires,  on  the  one  hand,  the  understanding  of  their  more  technical  aspects  (technical  components),  and  on  the  other  a  deep  knowledge  of  the  human  being  who  will  use  the  technology  (human  components)  as  well  as  contested  needs  the  physical  and  economic  environment  in  which  it  operates  (socio-­‐economic  components).  

Bibliography:   •  F.  Moita,  R.  Oliveira,  V.  Santos,  and  M.  Silva,  “EyeSEC  Project,  Development  of  Interfaces  for  impaired  users”,  10th  Portuguese-­‐Spanish  Congress  in  Electrical  Engineering-­‐XCLEEE,  Portugal,  July  2011  •  G.  Matos,  M.  Ferreira,  T.  Neves,  Relatório  de  Projecto,  orientação  F.  Moita,  “Bengala  para  deficientes  audiovisuais”,  ISEC  1997  •  M.  Carvalho,  N.  Ribeiro,  Relatório  de  Projecto,  orientação  F.  Moita,  “Sistema  Multimédia  em  PDA  para  apoio  à  comunicação  de  doentes  com  Afasia”,  ISEC  2005  •  R.  Oliveira,  A.  Ferreira,  F.  Gaspar,  Relatório  de  Projecto,  orientação  F.  Moita,  “EyeSEC  Project  –  Technology  for  Disabled  People”,  ISEC  2010  •  Relatório  de  Projecto,  orientação  F.  Moita  e  M.  Silva,  “Instrumentação  de  Cadeira  de  Rodas  Eléctrica  com  sensores  de  Ultra-­‐sons,  Laser  e  GPS”,  ISEC  2011  •  Relatório  de  Projecto,  orientação  F.  Ferreira,  “SAM  –  Sistema  de  Accionamento  de  Membros  Protésicos”,  ISEC  2011  •  

Page 4: Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra · Master in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra Institute

                                                       Coimbra  Institute  of  Engineering                                                                                                                                                                                        Course  Unit  Description    



Progress  assessment:  

The  evaluation  consists  of  three  components:  •  Lectures:  Evaluation  by  final  exam.  Accessible  to  all  students  who  pass  the  laboratory  component.  The  exam  has  a  weight  of  6  points,  with  a  minimum  of  3.  •  Research:  Presentation  and  discussion  of  an  article  in  an  international  scientific  journal  of  the  area  or  alternatively  to  submit  a  detailed  and  current  view  of  the  technologies  available  for  the  following  areas:  communication,  mobility,  manipulation  and  orientation.  This  work  has  a  final  weight  of  6  points.  •  Laboratory  Project:  Preparation,  execution  and  reporting  of  a  laboratory  project,  with  a  final  weight  of  8  points  with  a  minimum  of  4  points.  

Page 5: Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra · Master in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra Institute

Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation

Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description


Subject Title: Information Systems in Healthcare

Scientific Area: Information Systems and Technologies for Health

Course: Masters in Biomedical Instrumentation

Code: 664810

Year/Semester: 1º year/2ºsemester


Department: Escola Superior Tecnologia da Saúde de Coimbra / Coimbra Health School

Instructor: António Manuel Rodrigues Carvalho Santos (PhD)/ Joana Margarida Santos (PhD)

Study plan: Patient data flow in a healthcare: • Diagnostic and therapeutically procedures; • The diagnosis/therapy cycle and is relationship with information systems; • The use of informatics in health; • Clinical records in paper and electronic; • Information systems in health care (primary health care and hospitals); • Characteristics of information systems dedicated to use by different health

professionals; • Systems to support clinical decision; • Technologies and existing information systems and its language; • Information networks operation; • File systems and availability of medical images; Telemedicine and e-health • Introduction and definitions • Telecommunications in care • Current Applications • Evolution of telemedicine to e-health • Examples of clinical applications and their benefits • Some problems with e-health • Privacy and confidentiality • Security and Data Integrity • Legal and ethical aspects

Language: Portuguese (English if foreign students are attending the course)

Type of instruction: Activities Total Hours Hours/week Comments

Theoretical 28 2



Practical 28 2



Learning objectives:

Knowledge and understanding of the importance of information systems to diagnosis and therapeutic decision cycle. knowledge and understanding health information systems. Know and understand the aspects of telemedicine and e-health, including the evolution, applications and benefits.

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Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation

Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description


Knowledge and perception of the information systems impact, clinical research and management in healthcare.

Generic learning outcomes and competences:

Analyse the health information systems and the associated technologies in clinical and research context. Evaluate and follow a procedure since the patient is registered on the

computer system of the health institution until the distribution and storage of information. Put into practice the safety standards on data manipulation in health. To know the telemedicine and e-health procedures as requirements.

Bibliography: Laudon, K. et al. (2006). Management information systems: managing the digital firm. Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall, Inc.Spackman K., & Elevitch, F. (2004). Standardization of clinical terminology to support information technology in health. Business Briefing: Global Healthcare - Advanced Medical Technologies. Disponível em: RCR. (2008). Radiology information systems. London: The Royal College of Radiologists. Disponível em: Pressman, R. S. (2010). Software engineering: a practitioner's approach (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Pereira, A., Giest, S., Dumortier, J., & Artmann, J. (2010). eHealth strategies, country brief: Portugal. Disponível em: http://ehealth- Langley, J., & Beasley, C. (2007). Health information technology for improving quality of care in primary care settings: Agency for Healthcare Reseach and Quality. Disponível em: Q_HIT_Primary_Care_July07.pdf Kushniruk, A. W., Borycki, E. M., Kuwata, S., & Kannry, J. (2011). Emerging approaches to usability evaluation of health information systems: towards in-situ analysis of complex healthcare systems and environments. Stud Health Technol Inform, 169, 915-919. Disponível em: DICOM. (2012). DICOM Strategic Document. ACSS. (2011). Classificação internacional de cuidados de saúde primários: Administração Central do Sistema de Saúde. Disponível em: http://www.acss.min- Plano Nacional de Saúde 2011-2016 “Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação” Disponível em:

Progress assessment:

For the purposes of exploitation in the course the student can choose to do: -Continuous assessment: the student in this type of assessment can choose one of two methods: Method A

- Oral presentation and discussion of a scientific paper (15min), selected from the list of topics proposed by the teacher performed individually.

- Oral presentation and discussion of a working group (2 students - 20 min) with a theme proposed by the students in the framework of UC.

The calculation of the final grade will be held according to the following parameters: - Oral presentation and discussion of a scientific paper - weighting 0.6 - Oral presentation and discussion of a working group - weighting 0.4

Method B - Examination with written component and oral (on the same day); -Non continuous assessment - Examination with written and oral component. Students of special procedures should informed the Professors at the first class in order to define its evaluation methodology, according to the Portuguese law and recommendations.

Page 7: Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra · Master in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra Institute

Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation

Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description

Subject Title: Biomedical Signal and Image Processing

Scientific Area: Electrical Engineering

Course: Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation

Code: 664809

Year/Semester: 1st / 2nd


Department: Electrical Engineering

Instructor: Fernando Lopes, PhD; Helena Marto, MSc; Verónica Vasconcelos, MSc

Study plan: Part I – Signal Processing Fourier Series; Fourier Transform; Signal sampling, decimation and interpolation; Z Transform; Wavelet Transform; Signal conditioning and noise reduction; Digital Filters; Stochastic Processes. Part II – Image Processing Computer-Assisted Diagnosis - Introduction to Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) and the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) standard. - Main characteristics and features of Computer-Aided Diagnostic Systems (CAD) - Architecture of a CAD System - Commercial CAD Systems Image Processing for CAD - Image and colour space representation - Methodologies: pre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction and selection, biomedical image classification; - Performance evaluation - Applications

Language: Portuguese and English

Type of instruction: Activities Total Hours Hours/week Comments

Theoretical 28 2 Classroom, Lectures



Practical 42 3 Classroom, Laboratory Work



Learning objectives:

The main aims of this course unit are: - To understand the main concepts and theoretical knowledge in the signal processing area, more specifically the digital signal processing, most commonly used in the processing of biomedical signals. To apply this knowledge to various biomedical signals such as EEG and ECG.

Page 8: Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra · Master in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra Institute

Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation

Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description

- To know the principles of Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems and the DICOM standard. - To understand the principles and know the main image processing techniques that allow the student to development of methodologies for processing, analysis and classification of biomedical images, with application in the development of CAD systems.

Generic learning outcomes and competences:

At the end of this course unit the learner is expected to be able to: - Using computational tools, utilize signal processing techniques applied to biomedical signals, within the diagnosis, therapy, rehabilitation and research fields. - develop and implement techniques for processing, analysis and classification of biomedical images, with application in the development of CAD systems.

Bibliography: - Lecture slides - E. N. Bruce, Biomedical Signal Processing and Signal Modeling, John Wiley & Sons, 2000 - K. Najarian ; R. Splinter, Biomedical Signal and Image Processing, Taylor & Francis, 2006 - J. L. Semmlow, Biosignal and Medical Image Processing, Second Edition (Signal Processing and

Communications), CRC Press, 2008 - A. V Oppenheim; R. W Schafer, Digital Signal Processing. Ohio: Prentice Hall, 2001 - DICOM: - R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, Digital image processing, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 3rd Ed., 2008 - Gonzalez, R. C., R. E. Woods, et al. (2004). Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Prentice

Hall. - Guyon, I. (2006). Feature extraction: foundations and applications, Springer. - Duda, R. O., P. E. Hart, et al. (2001). Pattern Classification, 2nd ed. New York, NY: John Wiley

and Sons.

Progress assessment:

Final written exam (60%); Two laboratory projects (40%).

Page 9: Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra · Master in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra Institute

Coimbra Institute of Engineering Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation

Course Unit Description

Subject Title: Robotic Systems

Scientific Area: Electrical Engineering

Course: Master in Biomedical Instrumentation

Code: 664808

Year/Semester: 1st / 2nd


Department: Department of Electrical Engineering

Instructor: João Paulo Morais Ferreira, PhD; Fernanda Madureira Coutinho , PhD.

Study plan: 1. Introduction to Robotics 2. Main configurations of robots 3. Fundamentals of robotics 4. Sensors for industrial robots 5. Safety systems for the protection of robotic cells 6. Teleoperation and telepresence 7.Paths planning 8. Mobile robotic systems 9. Robots programming languages 10. Simulation tools for robotics systems

Language: Portuguese (English if foreign students are attending the course)

Type of instruction: Activities Total Hours Hours/week Comments

Theoretical 28 2 Classroom, Lectures



Practical 26 2 Classroom, Laboratory work

Seminar 2 Specific topic industrial seminar



Students have weekly voluntary support through instructor’s office hours (6 hours availability, overall)

Learning objectives:

This course on Robotic Systems aims to provide students with an overview of issues and technologies involved in designing and implementing robots in industrial systems. Students examine and evolve on the understanding of these topics through the implementation of real systems.

Generic learning outcomes and competences:

At the end of this course unit the learner is expected to be able to: Program robots; Develop control of a existing robot in the robotic simulator; Identify the more adequate robot, safety systems, sensors and tools for different applications. The teaching method is conventional, based on the exposure of the subjects in lectures, problem solving in practical classes and laboratory demonstrations. As basic text book [1] in the bibliography is used. In addition to being an easy reading text, it covers the entire course. Exposure of the topics is preferably carried out in the blackboard. The study of topics is accompanied by laboratory work performed on PC, so students can execute numerous control experiments.

Page 10: Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra · Master in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra Institute

Coimbra Institute of Engineering Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation

Course Unit Description

Bibliography: 1. Fu, K.-S., Gonzalez, R. C., and Lee, C. S. G. Robotics: Control, Sensing, Vision and Intelligence. McGraw-Hill series in CAD/CAM, robotics and computer vision. McGraw-Hill, 1987. 2 Robotics Industries Association. American national standard for industrial robots and robot systems—Safety requirements, ANSI/RIA R15.06, 1992. 3. John j. Craig, “Introduction to Robotics Mechanics and Control”, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1989. 4. L. Sciavicco. B. Siciliano, ”Modelling and Control of Robot Manipulators”, Springer, ISBN 1-85233-221-2, 2001. 5. Introduction to Robotics Mechanics & Control, John Craig, Addisson-Wesley. 6. Introduction to Robotics, Phillip John Mckerrow. 7. J. Ferreira, Notes of the lectures and practices. 8. Inform manual and Motoman guide.

Progress assessment:

Practical work carried out represents 50% of the final grade. The remaining 50%, result from a written exam. In any of these assessments it is necessary to obtain a rating equal to or higher than 8 (in a scale of 20). There are two opportunities to complete the written exam, 1st call and time of appeal within the time limits set by the Pedagogical Council. Each written test will include theoretical and theoretical-practical questions and will last for 2 hours.

Page 11: Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra · Master in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra Institute

Coimbra Institute of Engineering Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation Course Unit Description


Subject Title: Life Support Systems

Scientific Area: Electrical Engineering

Course: Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation

Code: 664807

Year/Semester: 1st / 2nd


Department: Electrical Engineering

Instructor: Victor Daniel Neto dos Santos, PhD; João Cândido Baptista Santos, MSc; Joaquim Alberto Pereira, MSc

Study plan: Introduction to Life Support Systems Basic and advanced life support (BLS and ALS);

Defibrillators and pacemakers Operation principles of and block diagram; Lown and biphasic defibrillators; Transients in RC and RLC circuits, H bridge; Timers in monostable and astavel operation modes (555); Power sources: DC-DC converters; Signal processing: QRS complex detection; Pacemakers: synchronous and asynchronous; block diagram.

Vital signs monitors ECG: Signal conditioning; Arterial blood pressure: invasive and non-invasive methods; Pulse oximetry: SPO2 sensors and technologies; Body Temperature: thermistors (NTC/PTC) and RTD sensors; Pressure sensors: strain Gauge and inductive sensors; Signal conditioning, Wheatstone bridge, Instrumentation amplifier.

Ventilators Fundamentals of respiration; Respiratory physiology; Fundamentals of ventilation; Controlled ventilation (volume and pressure).

Incubators Basic principles of control; Temperature control.

Electromedical Equipment Maintenance Forms of maintenance; Maintenance management; Supporting equipment and tools.

Language: Portuguese (English if foreign students are attending the course)

Page 12: Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra · Master in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra Institute

Coimbra Institute of Engineering Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation Course Unit Description


Type of instruction: Activities Total Hours Hours/week Comments

Theoretical 28 2 Classroom, Lectures



Practical 38 3 Classroom, Laboratory work

Seminar 4



Students have weekly voluntary

support through instructor’s office

hours (6 hours availability, overall)

Learning objectives:

The main aims of this course unit are: To understand defibrillators operation and its main block diagrams; To understand RC and RLC transients in order to design Lown and biphasic defibrillators; To understand and design timer circuits; To understand the underling theory and sensor technology needed to obtain the vital signals monitoring: ECG; arterial blood pressure (IBP and NiBP), SpO2 and corporal temperature; To understand the operation principles of the most common ventilators.

Generic learning outcomes and competences:

The course aims to provide training and specific knowledge in the area of electrical engineering underlying the operation of support equipment and support for life. It is intended that students acquire fundamental knowledge regarding the design, implementation and maintenance of such equipment. Furthermore, it is encouraged on students R&D activities, which result on the proposal of new approaches, topologies, circuits devoted to the analyzed devices in comply with the laws and safety regulation.

Bibliography: • Joseph D. Bronzino, The Biomedical Engineering Handbook: Second Edition, .2 Volume Set, CRC Press 1999. • John G. Webster, Medical Instrumentation Application and Design, 4th edition, Wiley 2010. • Anthony W C Chow, Alfred E Buxton, Implantable Cardiac Pacemakers and Defibrillators: All You Wanted to Know, Bmj Publishing Group. • Shakti Chatterjee, Aubert Miller, Biomedical Instrumentation Systems, Cengage Learning; 1 edition 2010. • Robert L. Chatburn, Fundamentals of Mechanical Ventilation: A Short Course on the Theory and Application of Mechanical Ventilators, Mandu Press Ltd, 2003. • Baxter Larmon; Heather Davis; Basic Life Support Skills, Prentice Hall 2004. • J. D. Irwin, R. Mark Nelms, "Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis", 10th ed., Wiley, 2011.

Progress assessment:

Student progress assessment is performed taken into account the score obtained in the exercises, attendance level and final exam grade. The results retrieved from the work developed on the laboratory are also included in the final grade. Final Grade: Exam (50%); Laboratorial works (25%); Final project (25%).

Page 13: Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra · Master in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra Institute

Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation

Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Subject Title: Radiation protection and dosimetry

Scientific Area: Physics

Course: Biomedical Instrumentation (Master)

Code: 664806

Year/Semester: 1st/2nd


Department: Physics and Mathematics

Instructor: José António Matias Lopes, PhD

Study plan: Atomic and nuclear physics fundaments; Radioactive sources; Radiation interaction with matter; Dosimetry units; Radiation and dosimetry instrumentation; Radio protection.

Language: Portuguese/English

Type of instruction: Activities Total Hours Hours/week Comments

Theoretical 28 2 Lectures


Practical - - -

Practical 38 3 Laboratory work

Seminars 4 - -

Learning objectives:

This curricular unit provides theoretical and applied fundamentals on radiation and dosimetry in the context of medical physics and biomedical engineering.

Generic learning outcomes and competences:

Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation: 1) nature, description and quantification; 2) physical and technological origin; 3) absorption and shielding; 4) biological effects; 5) maximum exposure limits.

Bibliography: C. J. Martin, D. G. Sutton (eds.), “Practical Radiation Protection In Health Care”, Oxford University Press, 2002

B. J. Klauenberg, D. Miklavčič, “Radio Frequency Radiation Dosimetry and its Relationship to the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields”, Springer, 2000

A. Vorst, A. Rosen, Y. Kotsuka, “RF/Microwave Interaction with Biological Tissues”, John Wiley & Sons, 2006

IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, WHO, International Agency for Research on Cancer, “Non-Ionizing Radiation: Static and Extremely Low-Frequency (ELF) Electric and Magnetic Fields”, Part 1, IARC Press, Lyon, 2002

Glenn F. Knoll, “Radiation Detection and Measurement”, John Wiley & Sons, 2000

Progress assessment:

The evaluation comprehends: Presence in pratical activities and seminars (5%), seminar report (5%), bibliographical research work (10%), laboratorial work (10%), final exam (70%)

Page 14: Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra · Master in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra Institute

Coimbra Institute of Engineering Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation

Course Unit Description _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Scientific Area: Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Course: Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation

Code: 664805

Year/Semester: 1st Year / 1st Semester


Department: Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Instructor: João Perdigoto (MSc)

Study plan: Power budget in guided and wireless transmission systems. Introduction to communication networks. Standardization. OSI model. Ethernet networks technology and equipment. TCP / IP protocols. Configuration of wired and wireless networks with TCP / IP. Wireless sensor networks. Energy budget of wireless sensor networks. Applications of wireless sensor networks: the Zigbee protocol. Introduction to RFID applications. Biomedical applications of networks: body networks. Tracking systems in Hospitals.

Language: Portuguese (English if foreign students are attending the course)

Type of instruction: Activities Total Hours Hours/week Comments

Theoretical 28 2



Practical 28 2 Includes a 2h seminar



Learning objectives:

To know and understand the technologies available in the market. To choose, design, implement and maintain small communication networks, using commercially available equipment. To choose, design, implement and maintain wireless network communication systems using commercially available equipment. To understand and perform troubleshooting in local networks. To understand and perform troubleshooting in wireless sensor networks.

Generic learning outcomes and competences:

Bibliography: Guang-Zhong Yang, “Body Sensor Networks”, Springer-Verlag Reynders, D., Mackay , S., Wright , E., “Practical Industrial Data Communications”, Newnes Publications E. Monteiro, F. Boavida, “Engenharia de redes informáticas”, FCA - Editora de Informática

Page 15: Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra · Master in Biomedical Instrumentation Coimbra Institute

Coimbra Institute of Engineering Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation

Course Unit Description _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Lammle, Todd, "CCNA Cisco certified network associate: study guide", Sybex, Spurgeon, C., "Ethernet: the definitive guide", O´Reilly, Geier, Jim, "Wireless Lans: implementing interoperable networks", MacMillan, Shahin Farahani , “Zigbee Wireless Networks and Transceivers”, Eady, F., “Hands-on Zigbee: implementing 802.15.4 with microcontrollers”, Newnes Publications

Progress assessment:

Final exam. Laboratory work and reporting. Synthesis text on the topics covered in the program and / or related content, with individual presentation during the contact hours. Approval for the UC is dependent on obtaining a minimum of 10 (of 20) values, taking into account the following weights:

Final exam – 14 (at least 6);

Labororatory work and report – 4 (at least 2);

Synthesis text – 2.

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Coimbra Institute of Engineering Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation Course Unit Description


Subject Title: Data Acquisition and Virtual Instrumentation

Scientific Area: Electrical Engineering

Course: Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation

Code: 664804

Year/Semester: 1 st / 1st


Department: Electrical Engineering

Instructor: Victor Daniel Neto dos Santos, PhD; Helena Jorge da Silva Marto, MSc

Study plan: Data Acquisition:

Basic concepts: sampling; aliasing; quantization; quantization noise; etc.

Digital-analog converter (DAC) and Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) - Binary-weighted current ladder DACs; R-2R Ladder; Multiplying DACs. - Flash ADC; successive approximations; counting and integrating ADCs; dual slope ADC, etc.

Signal conditioning - OPAMPS circuits: inverter; non-inverter; adder; integrator; differentiator; difference, etc. - Instrumentation amplifier; common and differential gain; CMRR.

Filters - Filters types and classification; transfer function; analog filters analysis and design; active and passive implementations; Introduction to IIR and FIR digital filters; etc.

Data acquisition boards - Number of digital input channels; resolution; dynamic range; sampling rate; bandwidth, etc.

Electromagnetic compatibility - Eddy current; magnetic interference; - 50 Hz interference suppression including its harmonics.

Virtual Instrumentation / LabVIEW programming principles:

Introduction to LabVIEW: Virtual instrument (vi) components; programming tools, etc.

Implementation of a VI: - Loops; data structures; subroutines; timing; graphs and charts; error handling techniques.

Modular application development – SubVIs

Common Design Techniques and Patterns: - Sequential programming; state programming; state machines; parallelism.

Use of variables: - Local Variables; global variables; functional global variables; race conditions.

Projects in LabVIEW. Labview Synchronization Tools: Notifiers; queues; semaphores.

Event-driven programming.

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Coimbra Institute of Engineering Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation Course Unit Description


User Interface. File I/O; instrument I/O and communication.

Language: Portuguese (English if foreign students are attending the course)

Type of instruction: Activities Total Hours Hours/week Comments

Theoretical 28 2 Classroom, Lectures



Practical 28 2 Classroom, Laboratory work



Students have weekly voluntary

support through instructor’s office

hours (6 hours availability, overall)

Learning objectives:

The main aims of this course unit are: To understand the data acquisition principles including analog-to-digital and digital-analog conversion , signal conditioning and filtering; To understand the underling theory of analogue filters including its analysis and design; To understand the main features associated with the data acquisition boards; To understand the common virtual instrumentation tools; Develop applications using LabView for biomedical signals data acquisition purposes.

Generic learning outcomes and competences:

The course aims to provide training and specific knowledge in the area of Data Acquisition and Virtual Instrumentation. Students must acquire fundamental knowledge regarding the design, implementation and maintenance of such systems. Furthermore, it is encouraged on students R&D activities, in order to develop new solutions, circuits, programs and applications devoted to the biomedical signals analysis and processing.

Bibliography: • S. Sumathi; P. Surekha, LabVIEW based advanced instrumentation systems, Springer, 2007 • John Essik, Hands-on introduction to LabVIEW for scientists end engineers, Oxford University Press,ISBN978-019-537395-0, 2009 • S. Wolf, R. Smith, Student Reference Manual for electronic Instrumentation laboratories, Prentice-Hall International., ISBN 0-13-117605-6, 2004 • Robert H. Bishop, LabVIEW 2009 student edition, Pearson - Prentice Hall, ISBN 978-0-13-214129-1, 2010 • Gary W. Johnson, Richard Jennings, graphical programming, McGraw-Hill, fourth edition ISBN 0-07-145146-3, 2006 • Leonard Sokoloff, Applications in LabVIEW, Pearson - Prentice Hall, 2004.

Progress assessment:

Student progress assessment is performed taken into account the score obtained in the exercises, attendance level and final exam grade. The results retrieved from the work developed on the laboratory are also included in the final grade.

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Coimbra Institute of Engineering Master in Biomedical Instrumentation Course Unit Description


Subject Title: Optical Instrumentation for Diagnostics and Therapeutics

Scientific Area: Physics

Course: Master in Biomedical Instrumentation

Code: 664803

Year/Semester: 1st / 1st


Department: Physics and Mathematics

Instructor: Milton Augusto Morais Sarmento Pato de Macedo, PhD

Study plan: 1. Fundamentals of radiometry and photometry; 2. Light Sources; 3. Fiber optics; 4. Detectors; 5. Main Optical Components of Biomedical Optical Instrumentation; 6. Light – Tissue Interaction; 7. Optical Instrumentation for Diagnostics and Therapeutics: some examples and its

operating principles 8. Light Applications for Diagnostics and Therapeutics: study of some specific commercial


Language: Portuguese (English if foreign students are attending the course)

Type of instruction: Activities Total Hours Hours/week Comments

Theoretical 28 2 Lectures; Seminars/Webinars


Practical 28 2

Illustrative application examples;

Problem solving;




Learning objectives:

To characterize the main components of optical instrumentation: light source (particularly the LASER); fiber optics; light detectors/sensors; other optical and mechanical components frequently used in this type of instrumentation; To depict the main light – tissue interaction mechanisms in order to understand the interface of optical instrumentation with biological tissues ; To know the main types of optical instrumentation used in this application field, their operating principles and the most important features of each type.

Generic learning outcomes and competences:

1. Development of student skills that enable them to an easier integration in work-market (practising the interchanging of ideas and the discussion of problems and solutions and developing a professional attitude in his relation to work); 2. Ability to combine all knowledge in order to face any problem, being able to make their own judgments; 3. Satisfaction in researching as well as in achieving explanations; 4. Ability to communicate in oral and written form the results of their own research as well as the main issues from an attended seminar.

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Coimbra Institute of Engineering Master in Biomedical Instrumentation Course Unit Description


Bibliography: - Lihong v Wang, Hsin-I Wu, Biomedical Optics: Principles and Imaging, John Wiley & Sons, USA, 2007 - Rongguang Liang, Optical design for biomedical imaging, SPIE Press, USA, 2010 - R Splinter and B A Hooper, An introduction to biomedical optics, Taylor & Francis, USA, 2007 - Bahaa E. A. Saleh, MC Teich, Fundamentals of photonics, John Wiley & Sons, USA, 1991 - MV Klein, TE Furtak, Optics, John Wiley & Sons, USA, 1986 - FL Pedrotti, LS Pedrotti, Introduction to optics, 2nd ed, Prentice-Hall International Inc. USA, 1993 - James M. Palmer and Barbara B. Grant, The Art of Radiometry, SPIE Press,USA, 2010 - David W. Ball, Field Guide to Spectroscopy, SPIE Press,USA, 2006 - Rudiger Paschotta, Field Guide to Optical Fiber Technology, SPIE Press,USA, 2010 - Rudiger Paschotta, Field Guide to Lasers, SPIE Press,USA, 2008 - Barbara B. Grant, Field Guide to Radiometry, SPIE Press, USA, 2011 - Joseph D Bronzino Editor, The Biomedical Engineering Handbook – Medical Devices and - Systems, 3rd Edition, Taylor & Francis, USA, 2006; - John G Webster Editor, Medical Instrumentation: Application and Design, 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, USA, 2010; - J Enderle, S Blanchard, J Bronzino, Introduction to Biomedical Engineering, 2nd Ed., Elsevier Academic Press, USA, 2005; - Datasheets of commercial devices; - Scientific journals; - Teacher notes (theory, exercises, practical examples).

Progress assessment:

- Final written exam (50%); - Seminar/Webinar report (20%); - Research work (30%).

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Coimbra Institute of Engineering


Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation

Course Unit Description

Subject Title: Decision Support and Diagnosis Models

Scientific Area: Mathematics

Course: Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation

Code: 664802

Year/Semester: 1st, 1st


Department: Department of Physics and Mathematics

Instructor: Deolinda Maria Lopes Dias Rasteiro, PhD

Study plan: I. Linear programming with one or more goals:

• Models

• Assumptions of linear programming

• Methods of resolution

• Examples

II. Nonlinear Programming:

• Models

• Optimization without constraints to one or more variables

• KKT optimization with nonlinear constraints

• Quadratic Programming

• Separable Programming

• Convex Programming

• Non-convex Programming

III. Network Optimization;

• Terminology and data structure

• Shortest path problem

• Least-cost support tree problem

• Maximum flow problem

• Minimum cost flow problem

• Projects planning and control with PERT-CPM

IV. Support vector machines: • Concepts • Classification of linearly and non-linearly separable patterns • Multi-class classification V. Data Mining • Alternative approaches to knowledge discovery Regression / Classification versus Knowledge Discovery • The methodological process of data mining • Definition of problems and data collection • Preparation and pre-processing data • Decision trees • Neural networks

Language: Portuguese (English if foreign students are attending the course)

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Coimbra Institute of Engineering


Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation

Course Unit Description

Type of instruction:

Activities Total Hours Hours/week Comments

Theoretical 26+2 2 Classroom, Lectures, 2h seminar


28 2 Self-Work / Work Group


Tutorial guidance

Students have weekly voluntary

support through instructor’s office

hours (6 hours availability, overall)

Learning objectives:

Present the potential of decision support methods and diagnosis in the context of Control, Operations Research, Diagnosis and Management, with particular emphasis on the formulation of decision problems within the Biomedical Engineering and particularly useful tools to optimize solutions.

Generic learning outcomes and competences:

Through the problem formulation / modeling students, based on skills acquired in different modules of the syllabus, will be able to solve the potential problems using the methods that decision support and management and operational research potentiate. Students also gain knowledge that they will be indispensable for understanding the last two chapters. There are databases with vast amounts of information; the use of data mining goes from the display of information to the forecast. We highlight the application in medicine, the diagnostic phase to identify the best therapies, the search for new forms of treatment. With the acquisition of knowledge contained in Chapters IV and V students will be better able to provide, with more certainty, useful information for a diagnosis / treatment. This information will be based, for example, on a function that needs to be determined, which makes the mapping of data into predefined classes (e.g. diagnosis of a given disease from a set of symptoms).

Bibliography: • L. Valadares Tavares, "Operational Research", 1996, McGraw Hill. • F. Hillier, G. Lieberman, "Introduction to Operations Research," 2004, McGraw Hill. • Carlos Henggeler Antunes, Luís Valadares Tavares, (coordinators), Cases of Application of Operations Research, Mc Graw-Hill, 2000. • EQVMartins, MMBPascoal, DMLDRasteiro, JLESantos. The Optimal Path Problem, Operational Research, Vol 19, No 1, June 1999, pp. 43-60. • LORRAINE, A. C., CARVALHO, A. C. P. L. of. Introduction to Support Vector Machines. São Carlos - SP, April 2003. • Hand, D., Mannil, H., Smyth, P., "Principles of Data Mining '. MIT Press. 2001. ISBN 026208290X. • Course Notes TM Enterprise Miner: Applying Data Mining Techniques, SAS Institute. • Support material prepared by the teachers responsible for the course (texts and practical exercises).

Progress assessment:

The problems formulation / modeling have a strong component in the evaluation since from it depends a consistent resolution and consequent decision-making and analysis. Assessment method: • Report with oral discussion of a proposed project by the course’s teachers (may be in a group - maximum of 3 students) - Rating 8 values; • Written exam - 12 rating values.

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Master Course in Biomedical Instrumentation

Coimbra Institute of Engineering Course Unit Description _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Progress assessment:

Continuous assessment consists of a report with oral discussion of a proposed project (may be in a group -maximum of three students) - Rating 6 values and a final exam - Rating 14 values.

Alternatively, the assessment is made through a final examination (20 values).