master yi guide

Mastering “Master yi” in League of Legends By Daniel Streck

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Master Yi Guide


  • Mastering Master yi in League of Legends By Daniel Streck

  • Table of Contents iii

    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................... iii Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... v Chapter 1, Options and build path .................................................................................................. 3

    1 -Tailoring your game user interface ......................................................................................... 3 Master yi rune and item reference .................................................................................................. 4

    2 - Runes ..................................................................................................................................... 4 3 The items .................................................................................................................................. 4

    Master Yis abilities ........................................................................................................................ 5 Alpha strike ................................................................................................................................. 5 Meditate ...................................................................................................................................... 5 Wuju Style .................................................................................................................................. 5 Highlander (R) ............................................................................................................................ 5

    Chapter 2 - Top lane early game .................................................................................................... 9 1 - Buy your starters and enter your lane. ................................................................................... 9

    Lying in wait for your first kill ..................................................................................................... 10 You have your Snowball, now its time to farm. .................................................................... 10

    Chapter 3 The roaming nightmare ................................................................................................ 12 Leaving your lane gracefully. ................................................................................................... 12 Roaming .................................................................................................................................... 12 How to enter the first big fight of the game. ............................................................................. 13

  • Introduction v


    This guide was made in order to better familiarize players of League of Legends (Lol) with the champion known as Master Yi. Following this manual you will increase your Kill Death Assist ratio, also known as your KDA. Whether you are new or a seasoned veteran this manual will help you tackle the competition from a variety of angles and help solidify a consistent playstyle.

    You too will achieve the penta kills with Yi.

  • Chapter 1 options and build path 3

    Chapter 1, Options and build path 1 -Tailoring your game user interface

    One of the first things we need to do is to set up something known as hotcasting. The first step here is to go into your options and find the keybindings section.

    Enabling this quickcasting will make it to where your abilities as you use the buttons q w e and r will instantly apply over your cursor instead of prompting you to click again with the cursor. This reduces the time that it takes to make simple actions in the game and allows you to faceroll your keyboard. Face-rolling is where you press all of your abilities at once without any need to click inbetween. This saves you seconds and allows you to strike first when combat comes around.

  • 4 Chapter 1 options and build path

    Master yi rune and item reference

    2 - Runes When creating your runepage before the game, I highly suggest you use these exact runes. 9 scaling magic resist glyphs, 9 flat armor seals, 9 armor penetration marks, and 3 flat attack damage quints.

    3 The items Specifically speaking, this is the exact buildpath you will use for any game. There is no need to try and understand the mechanics of the items, just remember these items in this exact order or keep this page on tab while you are playing your game.

    First you will always buy a longsword in the beginning, this item builds into your money maker called the sword of the occult. The sword of the occult works in an odd way because it has no real stats in the beginning, but it gains stats as you kill enemy champions and you lose 1/3rd of your total stacks whenever you die. Each kill awards 2 stacks and each assist awards 1 stack. At 20 stacks this item with further increase your movespeed making you even faster.

  • Chapter 1 options and build path 5

    After you have your sword of the occult the next step you should do is to save for your beserkers greaves. After that its really simple. Only go back to the fountain to buy whole items after that point. Meaning wait until you have the allotted amount of gold to finish the items in their entirety. You will do this for the ghost blade, infinity edge, and the two blood thirsters. If the game is still going and you have maxed out your 6 item slots, you will sell your beserkers greaves and buy the zephyr. This will give you more cdr as well as movespeed to replace the boots with. After that all gold you have can be spent on consumable elixirs of your choice at the fountain shop.

    Master Yis abilities

    Alpha strike (Q) - Master Yi becomes untargetable and jumps to up to 4 nearby enemies dealing 25 / 60 / 95 / 130 / 165(+100% of attack damage) physical damage to each unit hit as well as 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 bonus damage to minions and monsters. This skill can critically strike dealing (+60% of attack damage) bonus physical damage. Basic attacks lower alpha strike's cooldown by 1 second.

    Meditate (W) - Master Yi channels, restoring 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110(+30% of ability power) health per second. This amount is increased by 1% per 1% of health that Master Yi is missing. While channeling, Master Yi gains 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70% damage reduction. This amount is halved against turrets.

    Wuju Style (E) Passive: Increases Master Yi's bonus attack damage by 10 %. Active: Master Yi can activate this ability deal 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30(+10/12.5/15/17.5/20% of attack damage) true damage per hit. Master Yi loses the passive effect of this skill while it's on cooldown.

    Highlander (R) Passive: Champion kills and assists reduce the cooldowns of Master Yi's other abilities by 70 %. Active: For 10 seconds, Master Yi gains 25 / 35 / 45% movement speed and 30 / 55 / 80% attack speed and becomes immune to movement speed slows. While active, kills and assists extend the duration by 4 seconds.

    In short, your q will be a gap closer. Your R will make you fast. Your W will make you tanking but you cant move while channeling it. And your E will kill tanky champions. Press all four when you are sure you will commit to any kill.

  • 6 Chapter 1 options and build path

    Top left is a description of alpha strike

    Bottom right is a description of Meditate.

    Highlander and wuju style do not have definitive changes to what it looks like.

  • Chapter 2 top lane early game 9

    Chapter 2 - Top lane early game 1 - Buy your starters and enter your lane. First off you are going to buy the longsword item from the shop and 2 health potions. Then make your way to top lane. The map is a mirror so regardless of which side you are on the top lane is still the top lane. It is important to enter the first set of bushes you encounter at the top of the lane past the outer tower. Not the second. This is a definitive step in ensuring an early kill and hopefully first blood.

    If you come from the bottom it will be the bottom bush, and if you are coming from the east then it will be that first bush you see facing the tower. We do this in order to ensure optimal chasing distance since the summoner spell ghost that you took will last long enough to chase them down before you enter tower range.

    Do not dive into a tower before you reach level 6. You wont be fast enough to escape the towers attack range before you die.

  • 10 Chapter 2 Top lane early game

    Lying in wait for your first kill 2 - Be patient. And let the enemy champion push the lane. As minions spawn from the bases and make their way to do combat with the enemy minions, the majority of the time the enemy champion regardless of who they are, will auto attack the lane in order to get their creep score advantage early. This is a mistake many new players and seasoned players continue to make. Nothing will stop you from chasing the enemy champion down once he pushes past river. Once he has crossed river a few lengths, use ghost and alpha strike(Q and F) and right click the enemy champion. Be careful not to click off of the enemy champion as you first start because this will stop your champion from auto attacking and doing the damage to kill the other champ. After a few seconds you should have your first blood or early kill. This will leave you free for a few moments to farm the minions for some much needed gold as well as deny the enemy champion gold in the game. Once you have enough gold to buy your sword of the occult you may recall safely at your own tower and buy it.

    You have your Snowball, now its time to farm. 3 Still we are being patient and not leaving our lane yet. Once you go back into your lane after your first blood sit back and harass the enemy champion with alpha strike. Your first priority for this lane is to play it safe and get your last hits to increase your creep score. Once you have enough gold to buy your beserkers greaves and your Youmuus Ghostblade you can go back to the shop again and get them. Until then play it safe. Once you get both your ghostblade and your beserkers greaves we can continue onto the next section.

  • Chapter 3, the roaming nightmare 11

  • 12 Chapter 3 The roaming nightmare

    Chapter 3 The roaming nightmare Leaving your lane gracefully.

    At this point you have your ghostblade, occult, and beserkers greaves and a few stacks on your occult. This is where yi truly becomes a nightmare. First lets clean up your top lane by doing what yi does best.

    1 - Destroying the tower. First you need to let your enemy top-laner push the lane past his safety zone as we did in the second chapter. Kill him. Try not to use your summoner spell ghost at this time. Hold that for a while. After hes dead you need to push the wave and auto attack the tower till its gone. Now you are free to join your team and destroy the other lanes.


    For this theres only a few guidelines to follow since you will have to follow the enemy team around and for every match theres always a few quirks to every situation but here will be some guidelines.

    1 - do not traverse through the jungle unless it is warded.

    2 - if you decide to follow your team around, stay in the rear and wait for the enemy champions to use their crowd control abilities. Not every champion will have these abilities but if they do you need to wait out those abilities. The only ones that will hinder yi are stuns, snares, roots, knock ups, and taunts. Master yis ultimate renders all slows useless while granting him movespeed.

    Once you have found your fight or prey, move onto the next section.

  • Chapter 3, the roaming nightmare 13

    How to enter the first big fight of the game.

    Once you have found your fight to commit to its imperative to be patient and methodical.

    1 Staying back. Let someone else initiate the fight. Often the first person who throws the first punch dies in this game. Its master yis job to clean up the fight after it starts

    2 Patience. count to 3-5 seconds after the fight starts. After the fight starts for a bit this is when the majority of crowd control abilities are used and when mages use their burst damage abilities.

    3- Its go time. After the first 5 seconds of the fight are gone its time to press every button on our keyboard. This is known as going ham so if your teammates start going crazy remain calm, this is what yi was built for. Press Q, F, and R. These buttons will activate your ghostblade, ghost summoner spell, and your ultimate. You will notice a significant speed boost and it might get hard to keep track of your character on screen. Pressing spacebar intermittently may help you realign yourself with your champion.

    4- continuing the go time. As enemy champions die your q, alpha strike, will refresh. Use this ability to continue closing the gaps of other champions until you have decimated the enemy team. You will have no issues being slowed or outrun by the other champions so relax and let the kills stack. After the fight is over you will notice a significant increase to the amount of stacks your sword of the occult will accumulate. This further increases your damage.

    5. Handling the post fight. Next after you have aced the enemy team its important to push 1 -2 towers every time you do this. The only way to win the game is to push all the towers down then ultimately destroy the enemy nexus. Its really easy to do this after killing off the enemy team.

    Repeate these steps as the game progresses and you will eventually win the game. In-between the steps is when you will finish your blood thirsters and infinity edge. There is no specific time to do these actions except after a big team fight.

  • Index 15

    alpha strike, 5, 6, 10, 13 Alpha strike, iii, 5 beserkers greaves, 5, 10 ghost, 5, 9, 10, 12, 13 ghost blade, 5 ghostblade, 10, 12, 13 Highlander, iii, 5, 6 jungle, 12

    Master yi, 1, iii, 4, 12 Master Yi, iii, v, 5 Meditate, iii, 5, 6 Themes, 6 Wuju Style, iii, 5 Yi, v, 5 Youmuus Ghostblade, 10

    Table of ContentsIntroductionChapter 1, Options and build path1 -Tailoring your game user interfaceMaster yi rune and item reference2 - Runes3 The itemsMaster Yis abilitiesHighlander (R)

    Chapter 2 - Top lane early game1 - Buy your starters and enter your lane.You have your Snowball, now its time to farm.

    Chapter 3 The roaming nightmareLeaving your lane gracefully.RoamingHow to enter the first big fight of the game.