mastering change by making it real

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  • 7/31/2019 Mastering change by making it real


    Issue 15 Cybersecurity Beyond the


    Interview with P&Gs

    Deb Henretta

    24 34 46

    Designing yourfiercest competitorMastering change bymaking it realpage 12


  • 7/31/2019 Mastering change by making it real


    Designing your ercest competitorMastering change by making it real

    Cover story

    12 PwC ViewIssue 15

  • 7/31/2019 Mastering change by making it real


    PwC View Issue 1513

    changed the mental model of the company:

    It would from now on be not only about what

    ran on the PC, but also the capabilities of the

    Internet and the tools (the Internet Explorer

    browser, for example) needed to fully exploit

    them. He was not going to let a new, erce

    competitor take advantage of this technologi-

    cal and social trendthe Internetand use

    it to beat his company.

    At the time, Gates demonstrated vision,

    tenacity, and, ultimately, the ability toorganize and executequalities that are

    even more important today. The world is

    more complex now than it was a decade

    ago. Things are changing faster because

    science is expanding and, most important,

    because feedback loops in technology,

    knowledge, and networks amplify learning.

    Legend has it that in 1994, Bill Gates

    assistant, Steve Sonofsky, was visiting

    his alma mater, Cornell University. While

    there, he noted that Cornell was taking

    full advantage of the edgling Internet

    email, course listings, international faculty

    collaborations, etc.and red off an email

    to his boss.1 As a result, Gates became con-

    vinced that he needed to shift Microsofts

    focus toward the Internetand fast. He

    sent out a long memo2 that stated that the

    Internet was taking off and that Microsoftwould be a part of it.

    Moreover, he wove this fundamental change

    into his story about the company. In particu-

    lar, he noted that the Internet was a natural

    extension of the desktop and part of the per-

    sonal computer domain. In other words, he

    By John J. Sviokla and Adam J. Gutstein

    John J. Sviokla is a Principal in PwCs US

    Advisory practice where he serves as business

    leader or strategy and innovation. Principal

    Adam J. Gutstein is the management consulting

    leader in that practice.

    So we wont experience 100 years of progress in the 21st centuryit will be more like 20,000 years of progress.Ray Kurzweil

    The speed of change is increasing at an alarming rate. AuthorsJohn J. Sviokla and Adam J. Gutstein argue that to prepare foraccelerated change, companies need to look at ve critical factors

    that they call the STEEP drivers: social, technological, environmental,economic, and political. Further, they maintain that managementteams like yours can make these drivers of change real by askingleadership to design a ercest competitor that could disrupt yourindustry. This manner of thinking and design sets the stage for actionsmanagement can take to benet from, rather than be overwhelmed by,this rapidly changing environment.


    2 This memo can be ound at

  • 7/31/2019 Mastering change by making it real


    14 PwC ViewIssue 15

    For example, in 1990, the Human

    Genome Project was expected to last 15

    years. However, because of advances in

    technology, the task was completed by

    2003.3 Even the deepest experts did not

    understand how the law of accelerating

    returns (a phrase coined by Ray Kurzweil),which posits that technological change is

    exponential,4 works. They could not see

    how a combination of computer power,

    increased understanding, competitive

    access, and the knowledge network across

    Figure 1: STEEPA broad set o drivers with the potential to disrupt all industries th Steep rivrs rovi conx

    In order to make sense of this accelerat-

    ing situation, we considered hundreds of

    trends, predictions, and forecasts, as well

    as their methods. We synthesized these

    forward-looking ideas into a model of vevital, interrelated drivers that we believe

    are the critical factors disrupting industries

    and recreating the lines of competition.

    (See Figure 1.) Understanding these core

    drivers and how they impact an organiza-

    tion is key to managing in this world of

    accelerating returns.

    drivr 1: Socil

    By nature, people are social. Whether it is

    a friend who badmouths his car mechanic,

    or a distant cousin who helps get you

    that new job, the impact of social con-

    nections always has been the base upon

    the Internet could make things happen

    much faster than expected.

    In our view, in this world of faster change,

    it is time to examine the interlocking factors

    of social, technological, environmental,

    economic, and political change: STEEPdrivers. Making these real is an exercise in

    creative destruction that involves a manage-

    ment teams designing a ercest competitor

    that could take advantage of these fast-

    moving trends for competitive gain.




    Social Technological




  • 7/31/2019 Mastering change by making it real


    PwC View Issue 1515

    which commerce functions. Riding atop

    the Internet, social networks like Facebook

    and LinkedIn, or user-driven review sites

    like Yelp! and Rotten Tomatoes, have

    developed and taken hold at a phenomenal

    pace. As pundits have noted, by population,Facebook, created only eight years ago,

    would be the third-largest country in

    the world.5

    Today, social networks not only offer

    extensive consumer information, but

    also provide an infrastructure capable

    of shaping societys institutionsthrough

    self-organization, fundraising, and

    political action. In a business context, this

    means that social media is reshaping the

    micro context of a companys brand and

    services, and the macro context of politics

    and regulation.

    networks. This enables the rm to have a

    live, informed conversation with its audi-

    ence around the clock, throughout the year

    If your rm does not perform this kind of

    monitoring and responsiveness, there may

    be conversations happening about you ofwhich you are unaware, and lack of atten-

    tion can allow negative perceptions or even

    wrong claims to fester and grow.

    Trust is a signicant factor in this new

    world. Customers are more willing to

    trust a peer or customer review than a

    companys claims about its product or

    service. Numerous websites and forums

    bear this out. However, today, a potent

    factor has been added to the equation.

    Social networks increase the ability of

    online shoppers to make use of multiple

    distribution channels and outlets, making

    Affecting the micro domain

    Recently, a major airline discovered how

    the micro context of its brand could be af-

    fected by the impact of social networks. A

    well-known celebrity who had more than

    1.4 million Twitter followers was using hisaccount to complain about the service he

    received. He was updating his audience in

    real time about his feelings. Fortunately

    for the airline, representatives continually

    monitor social media in real time to discover

    what people are saying about the company.

    As a result, they were able to view conversa-

    tions and complaints and to respond almost

    immediately to the issue that this famous,

    disgruntled customer had with the airline.

    Social media are completely integrated

    with the airlines customer contact centers,

    from the phone, to the Web, to social

    5 Dan Fletcher, How Facebook Is Redefning Privacy, May 20, 2010, at,9171,1990798,00.html.

  • 7/31/2019 Mastering change by making it real


    16 PwC ViewIssue 15

    the inuence of opinion that much more

    powerful. For example, a recent PwC study

    of more than 7,000 online users around

    the globe found that the vast majority

    86 percentof survey respondents shop

    across at least two channels, and 25 percentare using four or ve.6 In this process, they

    often turn to social media to help them

    make their choices.

    How are companies taking advantage of

    these new social developments? The savvy

    ones are co-creating products and services

    with their customers. Sports apparel manu-

    facturer Nike offers one example. With the

    Nike+ system, a small, removable elec-

    tronic pod is a part of the insole of the shoe.

    This pod, which is the size of a quarter,

    sends results to a smart device and allows

    runners to track their own training, includ-

    ing distance and pace. This information is

    automatically uploaded to a website and

    runners can share their routes, routines,

    and comments easily and quickly. This

    innovative product system, with its social

    overlay, differentiates the shoe.

    Affecting the macro domain

    Since the commercialization of the Internet,

    the number of registered non-governmentalorganizations has grown from 1,250 to more

    than 45,000,7 and today, many of these ride

    atop the Internet. This means that the ability

    of special interest groups to organize, raise

    funds, and take action has become much

    easier. More than ever, businesses need to

    understand who is shaping the agenda for

    their companies and industries.

    Part of the reason that social media has

    grown so quickly is the result of positive

    feedback. That is, the more that people use

    the medium, add reviews, or watch online

    videos, the more likely they are to nd some-

    thing useful and come back. Coming back

    for something useful is not different. What is

    new is the permanency of the network and

    the increasing returns it creates in terms of

    its value. In a network, positive feedback

    drives rapid adoption, a phenomenon that

    we expect to continue to grow.

    drivr 2: tchnologicl

    We live in a wondrous and disconcertingage. Chances are your briefcase or pocket

    holds one of the latest waves of technologi-

    cal change. Based on cellular subscriptions,

    there are now more than 5 billion cell

    phones worldwide. Almost all new cars are

    connected to the Internet. The Internet of

    Things is adding everything from insulin

    pumps to light switches onto the grid. Big

    Data allow for the decoding of human ge-

    nomes and the ability of computers to beat

    humans at chess. And these examples are in

    no way comprehensive.8

    Connecting everything means that rms

    increasingly need to compete not just on

    the quality of their physical value chain,

    but also on their ability to manage their

    information value chain. 7-Eleven in Japan








    6 PwC, Customers take control: How the multi-channel shopper is changing the global retail landscape, December 2011.


    8 The Internet o Things is a new kind o network that will allow sensor-enabled physical objectsappliances in your home, products in a actory, cars in a cityto talk to one another, the same wa

    people communicate over the Internet. See Times Best Inventions o 2008 at,28804,1852747_1854195_1854158,00.html #ixzz1m0tJ9Ghn.

    Big Data reers to massive amounts o data that are analyzed with massively parallel computers.

    Read the ull defnition at,2542,t=Big+Data&i=62849,00.asp.

  • 7/31/2019 Mastering change by making it real


    PwC View Issue 1517

    has such great control over its informa-

    tion value chain that it tells store managers

    how to restock to meet the demand of

    the breakfast crowd, the lunch rush, the

    afternoon snacker, the evening shopper, and

    the late-night eater. The company is ableto drive more sales because its information

    value chain allows it to slice the store in time

    increments, thereby creating more virtual

    square footage through information.

    General Electrics aircraft engine business

    has more information about the behavior

    of the engine on the wing that it tracks in

    its command center than the pilots have

    in the cockpit. By being able to track this

    information in real time, GE can provide

    customers with more analysis and preven-

    tative maintenance, thereby increasing

    up-time. Most important, by having a

    technological connection to the engine in

    ight, GE can sell power by the hour and

    provide airlines with a service whereby

    they pay only for those hours of engine use

    they consume while GE worries about own-

    ing, providing, and maintaining the asset.

    We see a growing number of companies

    using this technology-based advantage to

    enhance their products, create new and

    better services, and retain customers.

    drivr 3: environmnl

    From a business perspective, eco-friendliness

    used to be primarily about reputation. That

    no longer is the case. Today, there is pressure

    on every industry to deal with power, water,

    and general environmental impact.

    CEOs are recognizing that sustainability

    is as important to competitiveness as it is

    to image, permeating every aspect of an

    organization, from talent recruitment to

    innovation. In fact, according to our 14th

    Annual Global CEO Survey, 64 percent of

    respondents agree or strongly agree that

    an important part of their innovation

    strategy is to develop products or services

    that are environmentally friendly.

    In short, in an increasingly competitive

    market, eco-friendliness is a differentiator,

    and more and more rms are recognizing

    the need to determine the implications

    of environmental matters for themselves,

    their customers, and their locations.

    Consider MBA Polymers, for example,

    a company that has taken a potential

    eco-disasterdiscarded post-consumer

    plasticand turned it into a successful

    enterprise. When founder and plastics

    engineer Mike Biddle discovered that,

    for a variety of reasons, very little plastic

    was being recycled, he set out to nd a

    solution. He developed a 30-step plastics

    recycling system that results in a product

    that requires less than one-tenth of the

    energy needed to make new plastic from

    crude oil. As a consequence of an innovative

    eco-friendly solution, MBA Polymers has

    grown to include plants in China, Austria,

    and the United Kingdom, with plans to

    open additional plants in the future.

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    18 PwC ViewIssue 15

    drivr 4: economic

    Evidence points to the fact that the

    developing world is growing at a

    faster pace than the developed world.

    (See Figure 2.)

    Most companies not only expect to grow

    in their home markets, but also intend to

    expand in other countries. Firms headquar-

    tered in the developed world want to growin the developing world and vice versa.

    (See Figure 3.) Because there will be

    intensive competition both in developed

    as well as in emerging markets, companies

    need to understand how to manage a globa

    supply base while meeting the needs of

    their local markets.

    In our view, the need to grow will drive

    companies to manage their costs in a glob-

    ally efcient manner. This is evident in that

    almost every major company is establishing

    research and development centers around

    the globe and sourcing from an ever-wider

    base of global suppliers. For example, a

    large multi-level marketing company we

    worked with had standardized its core

    products and business concepts around the

    world. At the same time, it was important

    to meet the local variations in a number

    of markets. Therefore, the products that

    the company stocked and the business

    model it followed differed country by

    country. The Internet is an infrastructure

    that enables simultaneous standardizationof some capabilities and localization of

    others. Again, this trend is accelerating

    as a combination of more open trade and

    the Internet enables a worldwide platform

    for commerce.

    86%of more than 7,000 online users surveyed shop across at least two channels.

    Other companies also have taken advantage

    of the demand for eco-friendly products and

    services. Some, like LIFESAVER systems,

    deal with the needs of the here and now.

    LIFESAVER has developed a bottle-based(and therefore portable) water purica-

    tion system that instantly creates potable

    water by ltering toxins and other impuri-

    ties and has lled a need that ranges from

    humanitarian efforts resulting from natural

    disasters to individuals traveling to locations

    where drinkable water may not be readily

    available. Others, like Nanoholdings LLC,

    have their sights rmly xed on the future.

    Nanoholdings is using cutting-edge nano-

    technology to approach energy generationin new, environmentally friendly ways.

    Whether focusing on today or tomorrow,

    eco-friendly business is here to stay and

    sure to grow, offering signicant opportu-

    nities for success through innovation.

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    20 PwC ViewIssue 15

    Designing your fercest competitor:

    arssing h Steep rivrs in

    your businss

    organization. A mental model is a picture

    of how the world actually works. It is

    based on data, relationships, and everyday

    experiences. While mental models are

    somewhat imprecise, subject to change,

    and inconsistent, they also are prone to

    creativity and/or ashes of insight.

    Lets take an example from the airline

    industry to illustrate how mental models

    work. Executives at an airline brought

    with them a mental model of the experi-

    ence of ying with their organization that

    was composed of elements such as sup-

    port, innovation, trust, transparency, andquality. However, stories about the ying

    experience on this airline were propagat-

    ing across social networks via social media,

    forever changing managements notion

    of how traditional media work. Data on

    interactions with, for example, gate agents,

    ight attendants, and baggage handlers

    also affected the mental image, as did

    While it is easy to consider the STEEP driv-

    ers in an abstract manner, its not as easy to

    confront them in concrete and immediate

    waysthat is, in ways that really can have

    an impact on your company. As any leader

    knows, organizational change depends

    on winning peoples minds and hearts. In

    order to begin a process of change, people

    need to be affected on both a rational and

    an emotional level. An abstract consider-

    ation of change that somehow is not very

    meaningful today will not get that job done.

    Whats needed is a technique that brings

    an immediacy to change and that leads to

    concrete action steps to deal with it. Anexercise that facilitates designing your

    ercest competitor is one such technique.

    (See Figure 4.)

    Altering the mental model

    Everyone who works for, buys from, does

    business or interacts in any way with a

    company forms a mental model of that

  • 7/31/2019 Mastering change by making it real


    PwC View Issue 1521

    moments of truth, those profound experi-

    ences with a companygood or badthat

    can remain with consumers for years.

    Anticipating a ercest competitor can have

    the same impact with regard to altering a

    mental model. It is critical that manage-

    ment teams learn how to design such a

    competitor in order to envision how new

    entities might enter their market and dis-

    rupt their business.

    One way to do this is to ask management to

    imagine that they have been red from their

    own rm and given access to capital and tal-

    ent. Most executives know their companys

    weaknessesthe soft underbelly, if you

    willand where the opportunities lie in a

    market for a rm that can move with a new

    model. This exercise helps senior executives

    Figure 4: A fercest competitor exercise

    Alter your mental model Imagine scenarios involving

    disruptive, greenfeld competitors

    Apply insights gained

    get out of their old mental habits and imag-

    ine new ways to compete.

    Developing scenarios

    Once this is accomplished, the fact base from

    the STEEP drivers relevant to the companys

    industry can be used to imagine a couple

    of scenarios that jump-start a worrisome

    conversation. For example, if you are Apple,

    as a starting point, you might imagine what

    happens to your video business if Microsoft

    were to buy Netix and do a distribution

    deal with Facebook. Or if you are a prop-

    erty and casualty insurance company, you

    might imagine what would happen if Google

    teamed up with an investment house that

    was willing to create a retail insurance prod-

    uct, and it used Googles search expertise to

    help in underwriting and sales. Under these

    hypothetical circumstances, Google could

    facilitate the creation of a new-age insurance

    rm. In conducting exercises of this sort, we

    often suggest that the ercest competitor

    be imagined as a greeneld rm because it

    helps the senior team be unconstrained by

    current capabilities, organizational culture,

    performance standards, and norms.

    As Clay Christensen has pointed out, compa-

    nies are often blind-sided by rms that take

    advantage of emerging trends and serve a

    lower price/underserved market.10 In short,

    we are asking executives to design disruptive

    competitors. We nd that by doing this erc-

    est competitor exercise, the STEEP drivers

    become real in a context senior managemen

    can understand and nd motivating on a

    rational and an emotional level.

    10 The Innovators Dilemma, Harvard Business School Press,


  • 7/31/2019 Mastering change by making it real


    22 PwC ViewIssue 15

    be building relationships. STEEP drivers

    uncover new complementors, channel

    players, and emerging third parties.

    Third, and the most difcult, is that the

    senior team begins to have ideas for disrup-

    tive business designs. The problem for the

    CEO is that few organizations have the

    right talent, organizational structure, and

    funding to build a truly disruptive competi-

    torbut it can be done.

    Determining successa caveat

    While some businesses are poised to

    extend their existing models to the next

    wave of change to meet the challenge of

    a ercest competitor, success is neither

    easy nor assured. When the trends portend

    a disruptive competitor, we have found

    fewif anycompanies that successfully

    created disruptive business models within

    their own organizations. The winners

    usually devise a way to hot-house the

    new business model.

    Launching new products at Green Mountain Coffee

    Applying the insights

    The critical leadership question is this:

    What does one do with the insights that are

    generated from a ercest competitor design

    exercise? The output usually comes in three

    forms. (See Figure 5.)

    First, most executive teams immediately

    nd places in their business where they

    need to accelerate existing initiatives

    or eliminate them so as to focus on the

    present and future rather than on the past.

    For example, after a ercest competitor

    workshop at one major insurance company,

    management chose the former approach.

    They amped up their direct-to-consumer

    strategy because they saw its weakness in

    that channel much more clearly. A differ-

    ent rm saw that it needed to create a new

    product to blunt a possible strategic weak-

    ness if and when ination returns.

    Second, senior teams pursue partnerships

    with outside rms with which they should

    At Green Mountain Coffee Roasters,

    anticipating its ercest competitor means

    applying innovation energy at all levels of

    the organization. The ultimate goal? To

    generate a revenue stream that grows by

    15 percent per year through the introduc-

    tion of new hit products.

    However, according to Kevin Hartley, Vice

    President of Strategy at Green Mountain,

    this is easier said than done. While critical

    to the launching of hit products, innovation

    is not for wimps. Its ugly, and in large or-

    ganizations, it collides with the status quo.

    Whats needed, he says, is an understand-

    ing of the dynamics of the organization,

    coupled with an infrastructure that enables

    innovation and, consequently, the launch-

    ing of hit products. By bringing together

    quality coffee and a unique single-serve

    delivery system, the Keurig K-Cup single-

    serve brewer is a home run for Green

    Mountain and is today, as Hartley describes

    it, the fastest-growing consumer product

    in the US, except for the iPad.

    Success, however, doesnt just happen.

    It requires infrastructures suitable to the

    launching of global hit products, including

    individuals who are drivers of innovation,

    suitable gatekeepers, and assets that are

    aligned with opportunities.

    Accelerate or eliminate existing initiatives

    Pursue new partnerships

    Develop disruptive business designs

    Figure 5: Creating a disruptive business model

  • 7/31/2019 Mastering change by making it real


    PwC View Issue 1523

    Hartley refers to individuals who drive

    innovation asproducers. A producer,

    he says, takes an idea and rams it through

    until it exists in the physical world. Produc-

    ers are change agents who never give up.

    Rather, they take decision makers through

    the processes needed to make great new

    products real. They lay the groundwork

    for infrastructures that enable creation.

    When it comes to launching new hit prod-

    ucts, every large organization has internal

    adjudicators or gatekeepers who can prevent

    an idea from reaching its potential. The

    solution, says Hartley, is to use world-class

    adjudicators, preferably from outside the

    organization, who are knowledgeable about

    Finally, when launching a global hit product,

    its important that assets equal opportuni-

    ties. Says Hartley, If you have a vision of a

    global hit product, your assetshuman and

    nancialmust be appropriately sized to the

    opportunity. If youre not going to do that,

    you should just forget about innovation.

    The team at Green Mountain Coffee

    practices what they preach. But they are

    not resting on their laurels. According to

    Hartley, they intend to apply these principles

    to achieving their ultimate objective: We

    want to be the worlds largest single-serve

    beverage company, he says. And new

    global hit products will help us get there.

    While some businesses are poised to extend their existing models tothe next wave of change to meet the challenge of a ercest competitor,

    success is neither easy nor assured.

    One way is to establish disruptive innova-

    tions as separate organizational entities

    with their own funding and leadership and

    with a plan to integrate them after they

    grow to scale. If there is a relationship to

    the parent, it is usually arms length,

    at least until the division grows large

    enough to stand on its own. At that time,

    it is reintegrated. This is how IBM entered

    the personal computer business in the

    1980s, and it was how W.W. Grainger

    created a market-leading online capability,, in the mid 1990s. Bottom

    line: The more disruptive the business

    model is to the parent company, the greater

    distance it needs from the core.

    There are, however, always the exceptions

    that prove the rule. Though its not the

    norm, with strong leadership and proper

    guidance, disruptive business models can

    be incubated closer to home. Cases in point:

    Schwab Online and Green Mountain Coffee.

    Schwab Online was created within the

    overall Schwab structure and eventually

    became the core of the new Schwab.

    Likewise, Green Mountain Coffee has been

    able to incubate radical inventions within

    its core business. (See the sidebar below.)

    driving vlu

    While workshops can be intellectually

    stimulating and encourage teamwork, if

    value is not the result, the entire exercise

    is in vain. If you are going to extract eco-

    nomic value from the ercest competitor

    design effort, you must look to accelerate

    key internal initiatives, constrain others,

    create new partnerships, and, in the case

    of truly erce designs, avoid being seduced

    by the hope that you can incubate this

    new model within your own rm without

    appropriate distance between the old and

    the new. History shows that successful

    companies will kill the new idea with kind-

    ness if they are kept too close. Like a rogue

    relative, a new idea needs time to develop

    and mature before returning to the fold. If

    your organization lacks the courage to give

    new ideas a chance to thrive and grow, the

    market will give birth to your worst night-

    mare. If it has that courage and exploits it

    to the fullest, you will succeed.

    the ideas they are judging. The key is to

    avoid the tyranny of the check markthe

    naysayers who insist, Yeah, we tried that,

    it didnt work. Often, when new products

    founder, the blame rests with the internal

    adjudicators. Because theyre judging new

    products, they may lack adequate knowl-

    edge of the customer or the market. Big

    ideas can get so diluted prior to execution

    that they barely resemble the original con-

    cept. As Hartley points out, If you want to

    set an infrastructure for launching hit prod-

    ucts, the purity and power of the idea has to

    be exposed to the consumer. Anything less

    will result in failure.

  • 7/31/2019 Mastering change by making it real



    PwC ViewIssue 15


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    Brian Smale

    Stephen Wilkes

    viewIssue 15

  • 7/31/2019 Mastering change by making it real


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    used as a substitute or consultation with proessional advisors.

    The inormation contained in this document is or general guidance on matters o interest

    only. The application and impact o laws can vary widely based on the specic acts

    involved. Given the changing nature o laws, rules, and regulations, there may be omissions

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    believe that the inormation contained in this document has been obtained rom reliable

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    View magazine is printed at an ISO 14001:2004 certied plant with Forest Stewardship

    Council (FSC) Chain o Custody certication (BVCOC-080903). It was printed with the use o

    renewable wind power resulting in nearly zero volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions.

    The paper used is 10 percent recycled minimum with postconsumer waste.

    By printing at a acility that uses wind-generated electricity:

    6,440 lbs o greenhouse gases were prevented

    equivalent to 5,588 miles not driven in a year

    equivalent to planting 438 trees

    By using postconsumer recycled ber in lieu o virgin ber:

    105,932 gallons o wastewater fow was saved

    12,070 lbs o solid waste was not generated

    32,676 lbs net o greenhouse gases was prevented

    158,000,000 BTUs o energy was not consumed

    Source: Environmental Deense Fund paper calculator

  • 7/31/2019 Mastering change by making it real


    Rear view

    Are you designing a disruptive business modelto keep your fercest competitor at bay?

    Alter your mental model Apply insights gainedImagine scenarios involving

    disruptive, greeneld competitors