masters of design and innovation 2012 iedmadrid


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  • 2012

  • IED MadridMasters of Design and Innovation

    PublicaIstituto Europeo di DesignPalacio de Altamira, Flor Alta 8, 28004 MadridIED Master, Larra 14, 28004 Madrid

    Coordinacin editorial y Redaccin: Luca Baldi, Inma Flor, Luisa Gonzlez-Portillo, Laura Holgado, Hada Martnez, Alejandro Norniella, Claret Pontier, Marta ViturroEdicin: Inma Flor, Laura Holgado, Marta ViturroTraduccin y correccin: Elena Iglesias, Joanna Porter, Alexandra Stephens.Direccin de Arte: Javier Maseda.Diseo y maquetacin: Raquel Garca Casado.Produccin: Thiago Esquivel, Raquel Garca Casado, Josina Llera.Crditos fotogrficos: Antonio Guzmn, Alejandro Norniella y alumnos de los Masters of Design and Innovation 2012.Ilustraciones: Sergio Fernndez Cano y Jorge

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any way means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writting from the copyright owner(s).

    de los textos: sus autores e Istituto Europeo di Design de las imgenes: sus autores e Istituto Europeo di Design

    ISBN: 978-84-940177-1-1Depsito legal: M-38414-2012Impreso en Espaa / Printed in Spain

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    Masters of Design and Innovation 2012

    Presentacin / Presentation

    MDI Lab / MDI Lab

    Metodologa / Methodology

    Workshops / Workshops

    Seminarios / Seminars

    Cultura del diseo / Design Culture

    Conferencias y Case studies / Case Studies + Lectures

    Viajes / Trips


    Tesis / Thesis

    Backstage / Backstage












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  • Pensados como laboratorios de in-vestigacin, los Masters of Design and Innovation han creado el contexto favorable para potenciar el pensamiento divergente y analizar la actualidad del diseo bajo diferentes enfoques: el concepto y la vanguardia, la estrategia empresarial, la produccin y la comunicacin. Los proyectos son el re-sultado tambin de la interaccin y la colaboracin entre los alumnos, a travs de un fructfero debate interdisciplinar e intercultural, que ha generado el espacio adecuado para establecer posibles futu-ros escenarios, convertirlos en oportuni-dades de negocio, crear productos no-vedosos y desarrollar un eficaz y original concepto de comunicacin dirigido a nuevos mercados y pblicos.

    Designed as research laboratories, the Masters of Design and In-novation have created a favour-able context to promote divergent thought and to analyse the latest events in the world of design from a range of perspec-tives: the concept and the avant garde, business strategy, production and com-munication. The projects are the result of the interaction and collaboration between the students, through a fruit-ful interdisciplinary and intercultural debate, which has generated the right space to establish possible future sce-narios, turning them into business opportunities, creating innovative products and developing an original and effective concept of communication aimed at new audiences and markets.

    Riccardo MarzulloDirector IED Madrid / Director of IED Madrid

    Desde siempre, los profesionales del design han entendido que la fuerza de su trabajo reside en la colaboracin: compartir ideas, buscar referencias e inspiracin mediante el dilogo es fundamental para mantener un discurso actual, contemporneo.

    Las nuevas tecnologas han entrado de lleno y de forma exponencial en estos ltimos aos. Se han convertido en la herramienta natural del diseador, proclive a la colaboracin con profesionales de su gremio y de otras disciplinas. Mediante ellas el dilogo se hace cada vez ms fluido, extenso, ra-mificado. En este sentido, las redes sociales son ya el soporte donde el designer ha encontrado una deriva de su profesin en generar constantemente links, relaciones, grupos y actividades que enrique-cen la complejidad de un oficio en plena transfor-macin. No obstante, al ser una dinmica muy en boga actualmente, a menudo se encuentran dis-cursos vacos de los que hay que huir para no de-jarse enredar, para no perder el tiempo.

    En el IED Madrid queremos formar a profesio-nales sensibles a este contexto. Conscientes de que las herramientas sern cada vez ms diversas, pretendemos educar una actitud, un mtodo que cada uno decidir cmo, cundo y dnde poner en prctica.

    Seguramente, algunos de nuestros alumnos de los Masters of Design and Innovation han recogido la actitud, fomentada por el claustro docente, de hacer especial hincapi en la necesidad de un dis-curso colaborativo y de dilogo. Otros lo vienen haciendo de una forma natural, ya que es parte de un ADN generacional que simplemente hay que derivar hacia un mbito profesional.

    Design professionals have always understood that the strength of their work lies in collabora-tion: sharing ideas, searching for references and inspiration through dialogue is essential in order to maintain a topical and contemporary discourse.

    New technologies have burst onto the scene, and grown exponentially in recent years. They have become the natural tool of the designer, prone to collaboration with other professionals of his trade and other disciplines. Through them, dialogue becomes increasingly fluid, extensive and divergent. In this sense, social networks are now the medium where the designer has found an offshoot of his or her profession, in the form of new links, connections, groups and activities that enrich the complexity of a trade undergoing total transformation. However, as this is cur-rently a very fashionable dynamic, they often encounter empty discourses, from which they have to flee so as not to get mixed up in them, and to avoid wasting time.

    At the IED Madrid we want to train profes-sionals who are sensitive to this context. Aware that tools will be increasingly more diverse, we try to convey to them an attitude, a method that each person will decide how, when and where to put into practice.

    It is likely that some of our Masters of Design and Innovation students have absorbed this at-titude, encouraged by the teaching staff, of stressing the need for a collaborative discourse and dialogue. Others do it naturally, for it is part of a generational DNA, which has simply to be directed towards a professional sphere.

  • 006 007

    La edicin de este ao ha sido la primera en la que se han activado los cuatro programas de los Masters of Design and Innovation del IED Madrid. Para todas las personas implicadas en este proyec-to educativo ha sido un importante punto de lle-gada, el momento en que ha cobrado su pleno sentido, su identidad: espacio de convivencia entre cursos que comparten una filosofa, una manera de ver las distintas facetas de una profesin, la del designer, tan rica y en plena evolucin.

    La experiencia nos ha dejado un claro men-saje: la riqueza de perfiles de alumnos ampla exponencialmente la necesidad de compartir con la Escuela las inquietudes, las exigencias y las sugerencias de cada uno. Un programa de tales caractersticas deber tener siempre una parte de la estructura fija, que garantice una metodologa y gue el aprendizaje, y un componente variable, que se estructure y cobre sentido a medida que se desarrolle el curso. Entendemos esto como un valor: hay parte de este recorrido formativo que inevitablemente hay que construir juntos, para que quienes transmiten y quienes aprenden encuentren la empata necesaria para convertir esta experien-cia en algo realmente eficaz y provechoso para el futuro profesional. Sin duda, flexibilidad ante la complejidad, apertura al dilogo y al debate se mantendrn en las futuras ediciones de los Mas-ters of Design and Innovation.

    This years edition has been the first in which the four programmes of the Masters of Design and Innovation of the IED Madrid have been activated. It is an important starting point for the people involved in this educational project, the moment in which it has taken on its full meaning, its identity: a space of coexistence between courses that share a philosophy, a way of seeing the different facets of a profession, that of the designer, so rich and in full evolution.

    The experience has left us a clear message: the richness of student profiles exponentially increases the need to share with other Schools everyones concerns, demands and suggestions. Such a programme should always play a part in the permanent structure, guaranteeing a meth-odology and guiding the training period, and a variable component that is structured and gains meaning as the course develops. We understand this as a value: there is a part of this training path which inevitably has to be constructed together, so that those who teach and those who learn find the necessary empathy to turn this experience into something truly effective and useful for the future professional. Without doubt, flexibility in the face of complexity and being open to dialogue and debate will be attitudes maintained in future editions of the Masters of Design and Innovation.

    Dario AssanteDirector IED Master / Director of IED Master

    The maps that have served to represent the order of the world have become obsolete. Everything has changed, from the structure of the financial and economic system of the world and the geopolitical order, to the imbalance, in a profoundly asymmetrical global system, between the growing complexity of the world and the insufficiencies of the international institutions in charge of guaranteeing an appropriate govern-ance of this same world.

    And no less important are the transformations in the field of culture that, now supported by new technological developments and in alliance with markets and communication, has invaded all spheres of private life. All this is accompanied by anthropological changes that have led to new value systems.

    Now it is the turn of the new creator to think about this scene and reinvent everyday order, activating new processes capable of im-agining the new times and creating the founda-tions of an open discussion that not only inter-prets, but also delves into the scope of the culture of the project.

    These issues, which are linked to the direc-tion of contemporary societies, their eco-nomic, political, social and cultural form, con-stitute the basis of the Masters of Design and Innovation, turning these courses into a real laboratory where the forms and discourses of a new culture take shape, taking on, as a challenge, the reinvention of the connections with our period while outlining the horizon of another time, to which we belong.

    Los mapas que nos han servido para repre-sentar el orden del mundo han quedado obsoletos. Todo ha cambiado, desde la estructura del siste-ma financiero y econmico del mundo, al orden geopoltico, a las condiciones de desequilibrio en un sistema global profundamente asimtrico entre la complejidad creciente del planeta y las insuficiencias de las instituciones internacionales encargadas de garantizar una governance adecua-da del mismo.

    Y no menos importantes son las transforma-ciones en el campo de la industria cultural que, apoyada ahora en los nuevos desarrollos tecnol-gicos, ha invadido con la alianza de mercados y comunicacin todas las esferas de la vida privada. Todo esto acompaado de cambios antropolgicos que han derivado hacia nuevos sistemas de valores.

    Ahora toca a los nuevos creativos pensar este escenario y reinventar el orden de lo cotidiano, activando nuevos procesos capaces de imaginar los nuevos tiempos y crear los fundamentos de una discusin abierta que no slo interprete, sino que tambin problematice el alcance de la cul-tura del proyecto.

    Estas preguntas relativas a la orientacin de las sociedades contemporneas, sus formas eco-nmicas, polticas, sociales y culturales estn en la base de los Masters of Design and Innovation, convirtiendo estos cursos en un verdadero labora-torio donde cristalizan las formas y discursos de una nueva cultura, asumiendo como reto la rein-vencin de las relaciones con nuestra poca mientras se esboza el horizonte de otro tiempo al que pertenecemos.

    Francisco JarautaDirector Cientfico IED Madrid / Scientific Director of IED Madrid

  • Identity was the leitmotiv of the Master of European Design Labs 2012: an opportunity to give con-tinuity to a research process started two years ago and which, in this edition, has been enriched with new reflections and innovative proposals. The design research laboratory with the strongest background of the Masters of Design and Innovation has been consolidated as a field of experimentation in which student has dealt with the main theme of the course, resulting in a mature, solid and well argumented creativity through their proposals.

    To be at the head of this kind of course does not mean having disciples who share ones style: what is important is for this exercise to work as training for the development of a personal, original and unique method which gradually establishes students autonomy from the proposed model.

    Program Leader Master of European Design LabsJaime Hayon

    La Identidad ha sido el leitmotiv del Master of European Design Labs 2012: una ocasin nica para dar continuidad a un proceso de investigacin iniciado hace dos aos y que, en esta edicin, ha sido enriquecido con nuevas reflexiones e innovadoras propuestas. El laboratorio de investigacin sobre el diseo con ms background de los Masters of Design and Innovation se ha consolidado como terreno de experimentacin en el que los alumnos se han enfrentado a la temtica del curso, dando como resultado una creatividad madura, slida y bien argumentada a travs de sus propuestas.

    Ser el referente de un curso de tales caractersticas no significa aspirar a tener discpulos que compartan un estilo: lo importante es que este ejercicio funcio-ne como un entrenamiento para el de-sarrollo de un mtodo personal, original y nico que vaya asentando poco a poco su autonoma del modelo propuesto.

    Program Leader Master of European Design LabsJaime Hayon

  • El contexto contemporneo de la comunicacin resulta cada vez ms complejo. De este entorno ha de emerger la figura de un nuevo director creativo, un profesional capaz de construir conceptos duraderos, disear estrategias de largo recorrido y liderar procesos colaborativos dirigiendo equipos nume-rosos y multidisciplinares. El Master of Communication Design Labs tiene como objetivo gestionar la complejidad de disciplinas interrelacionadas en procesos creativos, conocer, dominar y recuperar los recursos del lenguaje y liderar la gestin de equipos transversales.

    El objetivo del curso, ambicioso, es estimular el pensamiento conceptual, ese que nos permite observar desde lejos, juzgar con amplitud y establecer las conexiones adecuadas. Que esa mane-ra de pensar y de hacer gobernar el porvenir es una de nuestras muy escasas convicciones.

    Program Leader Master of Communication Design LabsToni Segarra

    The modern context of communi-cation is without a doubt more and more complex. This environ-ment must give rise to a new creative director, a professional who can iden-tify and construct long lasting concepts, design long term strategies and above all, leading collaborative processes lead-ing large, multidisciplinary teams.

    The purpose of the Master of Com-munication Design Labs is to handle the complexity of interrelated disciplines in creative processes, knowing, controlling and recovering resources of language, and managing transversal teams.

    The ambitious aim of this course is to stimulate conceptual thinking, to observe from afar, make thorough judg-ments and establish the appropriate connections. One of our few convictions is that this way of thinking and acting will govern the future.

    Program Leader Communication Design LabsToni Segarra

  • La realidad actual demanda productos e ideas de negocios coherentes con las nuevas necesidades. El xito de las empresas depender de cmo respon-den a esta demanda. Partiendo de esta realidad, presentamos un programa de formacin e investigacin que se apoya metodolgicamente en la cultura del proyecto y forma la figura de un nuevo profesional con una visin crtica, estrat-gica y global desde el mbito del diseo.

    La clave fundamental de este mster es el concepto de innovacin estructura-do en torno a cuatro conceptos: Conoci-miento, Tecnologa, Visin global y Diseo.

    En este contexto cambiante, lleno de inseguridades pero tambin repleto de oportunidades, se vislumbran algunos nuevos valores. Entre ellos, destacar la innovacin como valor global y una nueva forma de hacer, de relacionarse, de enfocar los problemas y sus soluciones, lo que podramos denominar como co-nocimiento transversal.

    Program Leader Master of Strategic Design LabsCarlos barrabs

    The current reality requires business products, services and ideas that are coherent with change and new needs. In order to be successful, busi-nesses will depend on how they respond to this demand and how to integrate change into processes. Taking this real-ity as a starting point, we present a training and research programme based methodological on the project culture and forms the figure of a new profes-sional with a critical, strategic and global vision from the field of design.

    The key to this Masters is the concept of innovation structured around four main concepts: Knowledge, Technology, Global Vision and Design.

    In this changing context, full of precariousness but also brimming with opportunity, we can glimpse several new values, one of which is innovation as a global value and a new way of doing things, relating to others, dealing with problems and solutions. All of this can be described as transverse knowledge.

    Program Leader Master of Strategic Design LabsCarlos Barrabs

  • La situacin econmica y social est forzando a la industria a reordenar-se drsticamente. El empresario, con un mercado saturado de diseadores, ya no demanda productos sino propuestas cerradas: ideas innovadoras, resueltas hasta el ltimo detalle y listas para su industrializacin.

    El Master of Product Design Labs forma a diseadores capaces de definir, ejecutar y dirigir sus propios proyectos, gestionando equipos interdisciplinares y coordinando el trabajo de todos los profesionales necesarios para desarro-llar un producto de fabricacin industrial.

    Me gustara que los estudiantes aprovecharan la oportunidad de trabajar con gente de diversas procedencias y experiencias, entendiendo que la disci-plina del design es mucho ms que la esttica. Se trata de aplicar un pensa-miento crtico a todo el proceso.

    Program Leader Master of Product Design LabsClive van Heerden

    The current economic and social situation is forcing the industry into drastic reordering. Entrepre-neurs, with a market overflowing with designers, no longer require products but closed proposals: innovative ideas, resolving even the very last details and preparing for industrialisation.

    The Master of Product Design Labs trains designers to be able to define, implement and manage their own design projects, building up interdisciplinary teams and coordinating the work of all the professionals required to develop an industrially manufactured product.

    I would like students to take advan-tage of the chance to work with people from a range of contexts and experi-ences, so that they realise that the discipline of design is much more than aesthetics. It is a matter of applying critical thinking to the entire process.

    Program Leader Master of Product Design LabsClive van Heerden

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    MDI Lab

    En IED Master creemos firmemente en la formacin transversal. Por eso, para los Masters of Design and Innovation hemos habilitado un lugar de creacin distinto, MDI Lab. Un espacio que responde a las necesidades de los alumnos y se adapta a sus horarios, un laboratorio creativo comn a los diferentes programas formativos de los Masters of Design and Innovation donde estudiar, investigar, relacionarse y trabajar en sus propios proyectos. Porque, qu hay ms estimulante e inspirador que un espacio de creacin transversal?

    En l conviven todo tipo de perfiles y se generan muy diversas sinergias: diseadores industriales, grficos, de interiores y de moda; cocineros, ingenieros,

    arquitectos, fotgrafos, publicitarios, directores de arte o directores creativos. Sin duda, los resultados de este tipo de interacciones son ms ricos en matices, derivaciones e innovacin, de mayor recorrido y calado en la sociedad. Todos nuestros alumnos provienen no slo de diferentes disciplinas profesionales, sino tambin de distintos pases: India, Colombia, Per, Costa Rica, Mxico, Venezuela, Rusia, Estonia, Brasil, Lbano, Ecuador, Jamaica, Turqua, Italia y Espaa. Este hbrido de culturas convierte nuestro MDI Lab en una inmensa torre de Babel, donde se intercambian experiencias, proyectos e ideas con un nexo comn: el inters por el diseo, la innovacin, la comunicacin, la estrategia y la pasin por la creatividad.

    At the IED Master, we strongly believe in a transversal education, which is why we have established a space for unique creation, the MDI Lab, for the Masters of Design and Innovation. A space that answers to students needs and adapts to their schedules a creative laboratory shared by the various educational programs of the Masters of Design and Innovation, where students can study, research, interact and work on their own projects. Why? Because what could be more stimulating and inspiring than a space for transversal creation? In this space, all different kinds of profiles coexist and generate very diverse synergies: Industrial, graphic, interior and fashion designers, cooks, engineers, architects,

    photographers, advertisers, art directors or creative directors. Without a doubt, the results of this type of interaction are very rich in nuances, origins and innovation, long-lasting and more meaningful within society. All of our students come from not only different professional disciplines, but also dif-ferent countries: India, Colombia, Peru, Costa Rica, Mexico, Venezuela, Russia, Estonia, Brazil, Lebanon, Ecuador, Ja-maica, Turkey, Italy and Spain. This hybrid of cultures turns our MDI Lab into a huge Tower of Babel, where experiences, projects and ideas are exchanged with a common connection: interest in design, innovation, com-munications, strategy and a passion for creativity.

    Lab Masters of Design and InnovationUn espacio transversal de inspiracin

    Masters of Design and Innovation LABA transversal space for inspiration

    MDI Lab

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    Metodologa Methodology

    Los Masters of Design and Innovation cuentan con una metodologa di-dctica especfica para cada progra-ma, as como con una didctica trans-versal comn.

    Contemplan adems diversas activi-dades en las que se fomenta el trabajo individual y en equipo mediante un profesorado especializado. Esta parte comn comprende actividades como: cultura del diseo, conferencias, clases magistrales, workshops, case studies, sostenibilidad... De esta manera el alum-no fomenta la relacin con otras disci-plinas, aprovechando el intercambio de conocimientos y experiencias como parte de una formacin estimulante para su posterior proyeccin profesional.

    Durante el programa se combinan el estudio, el trabajo, los viajes y la investi-gacin apoyndose metodolgicamente en la cultura del proyecto. La clave fun-damental de los msteres es el concepto de innovacin en base a cuatro reas:

    Conocimiento Tecnologa Visin global Diseo

    The Masters of Design and Innova-tion boast a specific teaching methodology for each programme, as well as a transverse programme shared by the four MA programmes.

    They contemplate a range of ac-tivities which promote individual and team-work with the help of specialised faculty working in each of the section of the programmes. This shared element includes activities such as design culture, lectures, master classes, workshops, case studies, sustainability, etc. In this way, students strengthen their relationship with other disciplines, taking advantage of the exchange of knowledge, ideas and experiences, as part of a stimulat-ing and enriching training for their future professional career.

    It combines study, work, visits, trips and research, on the methodological basis of project culture. Their essential key is the concept of innovation, revolv-ing around four areas:

    Knowledge Technology Global Vision Design

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    Workshops Workshops

    Talleres creativos basados en la combinacin de aspectos concep-tuales y ejercicios prcticos realiza-dos en un breve periodo de tiempo, y que requieren de una dedicacin plena. Esto permite al alumno descubrir nuevas metodologas, fortalecer dinmicas de trabajo en equipo e incentivar la visin multidisciplinar para aplicar los conoci-mientos adquiridos a lo largo del curso. Tambin ayuda a determinar los diferen-tes rasgos y aptitudes de las personas creativas para establecer tcnicas que permitan potenciarlas.

    En cada uno de los workshops se investiga y trabaja sobre un tema con-creto relacionado con mbitos del dise-o de producto, la comunicacin comer-cial, los conceptos de diseo y las estrategias de negocio con el objetivo de experimentar con nuevas herramientas creativas y metodolgicas. Todo ello, posibilita la adquisicin de diferentes tipologas y modelos de proyecto trans-feribles a la tesis final del mster.

    Our workshops are creative courses based on the combina-tion of conceptual aspects and practical exercises completed over a short space of time and which require fill time dedication. This allows students to discover new methodologies, strengthen teamwork dynamics and encourage multidisciplinary vision in the application of the knowledge acquired on the range of projects completed over the course of the year. It also helps to determine the different features and skills of creative people and establish techniques to strengthen these areas.

    Each workshop researches and works on a specific topic relating to the fields of product design, commercial com-munication, design concepts and busi-ness strategies with a view to experi-menting with new creative and methodological tools. All this enables them to learn new typologies and project models which can be transferred to their final Masters dissertation.

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    Todo el mundo habla de innovacin multidisciplinar, pero la innovacin trata de personas y no de tec-nologa. Con el cambio masivo que impera en el mercado, los diseadores se enfrentan a una serie de retos y oportunidades nunca antes conocidos, necesitan herramientas y procesos altamente adaptables, equipos multidisciplinares y liderazgo aplicables a este nuevo contexto.Esta es la filosofa de Humantific, consultora de vanguardia que centra su actividad en el SenseMa-king, metodologa desarrollada en los aos setenta que pone su foco de atencin en el ser humano, en cmo la gente percibe y entiende el mundo y, a partir de ah, desarrolla una estrategia de negocio. Humantific ayuda a las empresas a gestionar efi-cazmente la complejidad de cualquier estrategia y optimizarla, ensea a directivos y empleados a ser ms creativos, a resolver retos y pensar de una manera visual, para entender y dar sentido a cual-quier situacin de incertidumbre. El objetivo final es hacer de las organizaciones un mundo mejor, ms humano y menos material.

    Everyone is talking about multidisciplinary in-novation, but innovation is about people and not technology. With the massive changes taking place on the market, designers are facing a series of previously unknown challenges and opportu-nities , and they need highly adaptable tools and processes, multidisciplinary teams and leadership applicable to this new situation. This is the philosophy at Humantific, a cutting-edge consultancy focussing on SenseMaking, a methodology developed in the 70s, centred on human beings, and how people perceive and understand the world, and use this to develop a business strategy. Humantific helps businesses to manage efficiently and optimise the complex-ity of any strategy, teaching directors and staff to be more creative, to overcome challenges and think in a visual manner, in order to understand and give meaning to any uncertain situation. The final objective is to make organisations a better place, more human and less material.

    Gestin de la complejidadElizabeth Pastor. Consultora de innovacin y Cofundadora de / Innovation consultant and co-founder of

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    Los estudiantes trabajaron como lo hacen los crea-tivos profesionales: mismos planteamientos, meto-dologa, presin y satisfaccin personal. Se organi-zaron en parejas (copy director de arte) e hicieron frente al briefing de la marca Hagen-Dazs para su producto Secret Sensations. El ejercicio tuvo como objetivo valorar e interrelacionar el poder de la pa-labra y de la comunicacin no verbal. Recibieron instrucciones, correcciones y sugerencias del propio Molin, con una curtida experiencia como planifica-dor estratgico y creativo publicitario. Fundador de la agencia MMLB, sus trabajos han obtenido nume-rosos premios nacionales e internacionales y ha sido jurado de prestigiosos festivales de publicidad. Mo-lin y Royo no conciben que las cosas se hagan para contemplarlas, sino para competir, publicarse y prevalecer con el producto frente a los competidores. Adems, destacan la importancia de competir contra uno mismo, volver a hacer el trabajo que parece bueno hasta mejorarlo. Performance es el carcter mismo del trabajo creativo y Challenge es la actitud propia del creativo.

    Students worked in the same way as profes-sional creators: the same approaches, methodol-ogy, pressure and personal satisfaction. They worked in groups (copy art director) and faced a briefing by the Hagen-Dazs brand for their product Secret Sensations. The purpose of the exercise was to assess and interrelate the power of works and non-verbal communication. They received instructions, corrections and sug-gestions from Molin, who has vast experience as a strategic planner and advertising creator. Founder of the agency MMLB his work has received numerous national and international awards and he has sat on the jury for top advertising festivals. For both Molin and Royo, things are not done to be observed, but for competing, publication and prevailing with a product against competitors. They also stress the importance of competing with oneself, re-doing work that appears decent until it can be improved upon. Performance is the very character of creative work and Challenge is the attitude of the creator.

    Performance & ChallengeMaral Molin (Creativo publicitario) y Miquel Royo (Director de arte) / Maral Molin (Advertising creator) and Miquel Royo (Art Director)

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    A raz de una cita de Michael Wolf surge el briefing propuesto, cuyo objetivo era reflexionar sobre el diseo del mundo y la humanidad. Desde la pers-pectiva de las ciencias a la transformacin de la sociedad, se analizaron diferentes modelos matem-ticos y emocionales, y el peso de la publicidad sobre ambos. La raza humana percibe el mundo esttico, potico y cientfico mediante los cinco sentidos, configurando y desfigurando la realidad para crear diferentes percepciones. Trabajar con estos concep-tos fue el reto: crear un sistema aislado y exponerlo a seres extraterrestres sin ninguna referencia sobre nuestro planeta. Partiendo de la existencia de otros seres, se generaron ideas para crear un vnculo intra-sensorial (a b); se buscaron frmulas variables con las que solidificar los valores universales de justicia y derechos entre dos sociedades poco o nada cono-cidas entre s. Diferentes soluciones hicieron alusin a las sondas, que ya en los 70 envi la NASA con informacin sobre la raza humana. Una intensa reflexin para esta generacin de creativos, que han aportado nuevas formas de comunicar el mundo.

    Based on a quotation from Michael Wolf a briefing emerged: the purpose was to reflect on the design of the world and humanity. From a scientific perspective to the transformation of society, dif-ferent analyses were made of mathematical and emotional models, and the weight of publicity in both. The human race perceives the aesthetic, poetic and scientific world through the five senses, configuring and disfiguring reality in order to create different perceptions. The challenge was to create an isolated system and present it to extra-terrestrial beings with no knowledge of our planet. Based on an assumption that other beings truly exist and are perceived, ideas were gener-ated to create an intra-sensory connection (a b)Variable formulae were searched for, in order to solidify the universal values of justice and rights in two societies which know little or nothing about each other. Different solutions referred to space probes, sent back in the 70s by NASA with in-formation about the human race. An intense reflec-tion for this generation of creators.

    El diseo del mundoAgustn Fernndez Mallo. Fsico y Escritor / Physicist and writer

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    The purpose of the workshop was to introduce students to the world of Design Research - stress-ing the differences with other research methods through different techniques for helping them to make a confident approach to their future innovation and design projects. The eminently practical methodology invited students to work in groups on a piece of field research to study different social needs and problems and provide creative and innovative solutions to resolve these problems, understand-ing that one of the major challenges of our time is not just managing information, but also how to analysing and interpreting it correctly.

    Design ResearchJess Carreras. Socilogo, Team Manager y Design Researcher en Designit / Sociologist, Team Manager and Design Researcher for Designit

    El objetivo del workshop era introducir a los alum-nos en el mundo del Design Research -recalcando las diferencias frente a otros mtodos de investi-gacin- a travs de diversas tcnicas para ayudar-les a enfrentarse con garantas en sus futuros proyectos de innovacin y diseo.La metodologa, eminentemente prctica, invita-ba a los alumnos, siempre trabajando en equipo, a hacer una investigacin de campo para estudiar diferentes necesidades y problemticas sociales, y aportar soluciones creativas e innovadoras que resolvieran dichos problemas, entendiendo que uno de los grandes desafos de hoy da no es slo gestionar informacin, sino saber cmo analizarla e interpretarla correctamente.

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    The Art of NoisePep Torres. Escritor, Msico, Diseador, Inventor y Director del Museo de las Ideas y los Inventos de Barcelona / Writer, musician, designer, inventor and director of Museum of Ideas and Inventions in Barcelona

    En este workshop los alumnos aprendieron a obte-ner visibilidad pblica para sus ideas: es decir, a hacer ruido meditico.Ha sido un taller esencial para emprendedores y creativos, donde han trabajado las mejores tcnicas, herramientas y trucos para potenciar sus proyectos y conseguir que los mainstream media se hagan eco de ellos, multiplicando as la cobertura en medios internacionales.El workshop est basado en el libro El Arte del Ruido de Pep Torres, que ha conseguido ms de 3.000 apariciones en medios como The Wall Street Journal, TIME Magazine o Discovery Channel.

    This workshop was designed especially for all those who want to obtain public visibility for their ideas: i.e. making media noise. It is an essential workshop for entrepreneurs and creators, working with the best techniques, tools and tricks to strengthen their projects and manag-ing to see them reflected in the mainstream media, thus multiplying international media coverage. The workshop is based on the books The Art of Noise by Pep Torres, which has appeared over 3000 times in media such as The Wall Street Journal, TIME Magazine or the Discovery Channel.

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    El objetivo principal del workshop fue ahondar en la sensibilidad de los alumnos y conseguir que exploraran, dejando atrs la vorgine diaria, quines son/somos, partiendo de cuatro conceptos: perso-nas, recuerdos, lugares y objetos. Tras una sesin preliminar para definir y compartir ideas, comenza-ron con la bsqueda de una imagen que ilustrara su idea sobre cada uno de estos cuatro elementos para, tras esto y de un salto, corporeizar ideas y recuerdos, y crear pequeas esculturas de papel que representaran de igual modo los cuatro conceptos de partida. El trabajo individual de cada uno de los alumnos se complet con una frase We are que defina lo que somos, de qu estamos hechosSe trataba de un workshop de exploracin personal y tambin uno muy teraputico, ya que las escul-turas cumplan dos objetivos: canal para plasmar ideas tan sensibles de introspeccin como las que tomamos y punto de concentracin de cada uno, alejndonos del ruido exterior y creando algo con las manos, apuntaba Pedro Ferreira.

    The main objective of the workshop was to delve deeper into the students sensitivity and get them to explore, leaving behind all daily hustle and bustle, who they/we are, based on four concepts: people, memories, places and objects. After a preliminary session to define and share ideas, they started with the search for an image to illustrate each ones idea of these four elements, to then jump to embody ideas and memories, and create small paper sculptures which also represent the four initial concepts. Each students individual work was completed with the sentence We are to define what we are, what we are made from It was a workshop on personal exploration, and it was also highly therapeutic, as the sculptures meet two purposes: a channel for forming such sensitive ideas as introspection, and each ones point of concentration, moving away from the external noise and creating something with their hands, said Pedro Ferreira.

    WE AREPedro Ferreira. Fundador y Socio de Pedrita Studio / Founding partner of Pedrita Studio

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    El diseador eslovaco Tomas Kral propuso el work-shop FILMIZE, cuyo briefing ret a los alumnos del Master of Product Design Labs y del Master of European Design Labs a interpretar y traducir una parte de la historia de una pelcula en un objeto, funcional o abstracto, desde cualquier gnero na-rrativo: ciencia ficcin, comedia, blico, romance, documental Captar de ese momento cinemato-grfico el detalle clave de la trama o inspirarse en los personajes principales o secundarios, incluso en el espacio en el que ocurre todo o donde todo empieza, ha sido el punto de partida para transfor-mar las ideas en objetos.Los jvenes diseadores crearon bocetos y argu-mentaron sobre diferentes temas con el fin de aproximarse al concepto escogido de cada largo-metraje, sin olvidar el proceso de dibujo y la escala en maquetas de las ideas como parte fundamental de la investigacin. Adentrarnos en pelculas de la historia del cine dej entrever la creatividad y el poder de anlisis crtico de cada uno de los partici-pantes, traducido en originales objetos.

    The Slovakian designer Tomas Kral conceived the workshop FILMIZE, the briefing for which challenged the Master of Product Design Labs and Master of European Design Labs students to interprete and translate a part of the history of a film in a functional or abstract object, from any narrative genre: science fiction, comedy, war, documen-tary Capturing the key detail of the plot from that cinematographic moment, or drawing inspi-ration from the main or supporting characters, including the setting in which everything takes place or everything starts, was the starting part for developing ideas into objects.The young designers created models and discussed different themes in order to draw closer to the chosen concept from each full feature film, without forgetting the drawing process, and model scale of ideas as a fundamental part of the investigation. The result revealed the creativity and power of critical analysis of each participant, translated into original objects.

    FILMIZETomas Kral. Diseador y Fundador de Tomas Kral Product Design Studio / Designer and founder of the Tomas Kral Product Design Studio

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    La propuesta ambivalente de los diseadores Katharina Mischer y Thomas Traxler nace del enfrentamiento con objetos producidos en grandes cantidades y la percepcin del usuario.Habitualmente convivimos con artculos que, en muy pocas ocasiones, son vistos como objetos de diseo: cubiertos desechables, bandas de goma, pinzas para ropa, vasos de papel, clips, post-its, cerillas Los fundadores de mischer'traxler pidie-ron a los alumnos del Master of European Design Labs y del Master of Product Design Labs que buscasen y comprasen uno de estos productos baratos en grandes cantidades para, ms tarde y como punto de partida, analizarlos desde mltiples perspectivas (usuario, produccin, interaccin). Tras la reflexin, lleg el momento de transformar, destruir, trasladar y reconstruir dichos objetos. El resultado fueron diversas alternativas, construccio-nes, instalaciones y escenarios que surgieron de una aproximacin valiente y original de los estu-diantes de un objeto cotidiano en el que habitual-mente no reparamos.

    The ambivalent proposal of the designers Katharina Mischer and Thomas Traxler is born from the encounter of objects produced in large quantities and user perceptions.We habitually live with articles which, on few occasions, are seen as design objects: disposable cutlery, rubber bands, clothes pegs, paper cups, paper clips, post-its, matchsticks The founders of MischerTraxler asked students on the Mas-ter of European Design Labs and the Master of Product Design Labs to seek out and buy one of these cheap products in bulk, and then use then for multiple perspective analysis (user, production, interaction). After this reflection came the moment for transforming, destroying, transferring and re-building these objects. The result was a range of alternative, constructions, installations and scenarios which emerged from a courageous and original approach by the students to an everyday object which we barely notice.

    Mischer'traxlerMischer 'Traxler, Diseadores de producto / Product Designers

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    Los alumnos del Master of European Design Labs disfrutaron de una semana en el emblemtico Domaine de Boisbuchet (Francia), un referente del diseo. Un escenario perfecto para la realizacin de un proyecto en total conexin con la naturaleza.Cmo reinventar el diseo basndose en la trans-formacin constante del espacio? ste fue el punto de partida fijado por el estudio de arquitec-tos responsable de proyectos arquitectnicos como la Terminal 4 del Aeropuerto de Barajas (Madrid) y el Centro Georges Pompidou (Pars).En el workshop trataron la concepcin del diseo desde el movimiento, y ste como accin que determina nuestra vida y relacin con el medio ambiente. Asimismo, llevaron a cabo el rediseo de caminos alternativos dentro del mapa de Boisbuchet, una actividad multidisciplinaria que exige una constante transformacin, teniendo en cuenta el carcter cambiante de la naturaleza. En este pro-yecto, los alumnos llevaron a cabo la construccin de una ruta a travs del Domaine para crear un enlace entre dos reas de descanso.

    The Master of European Design Labs students enjoyed a week at the emblematic Domaine de Boisbuchet (France), a reference point for design. This was the perfect setting for completing a project in full connection with nature. How to reinvent design, based on the constant transfor-mation of space? This was the starting point for the architectural studio in charge of projects such as the Terminal 4 building at Madrid Barajas Airport, the Georges Pompidou Centre in Paris or the Lloyds building in London.This workshop dealt with the concept of design from movement, and of movement as an action which determines our life and relationship with the environment. They also completed the re-design of alternative routes on the Boisbuchet map, a multidisciplinary activity demanding continuous transformation, bearing in mind the that nature is continuously changing. On this project, the students completed the construction of a route through the Domaine in order to cre-ate a connection between two rest areas.

    Design movementsRogers, Strick, Harbour and Partners. Estudio de arquitectura / Architectural Studio

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    VISTA ALEGREIsabel Abreu (Project Manager Vista Alegre Atlantis), Paloma Uriel (Arquitecta) y Luisa Gonzlez-Portillo (Arqui-tecta) / Isabel Abreu (Project Manager Vista Alegre Atlantis), Paloma Uriel (Architect) and Luisa Gonzlez-Portillo (Architect)

    Proyecto de colaboracin entre los diseadores del Master of European Design Labs y la empre-sa de cermica Vista Alegre, reconocida mundial-mente por su excelencia. El objetivo del workshop fue el diseo de una coleccin de piezas en al-guno de los materiales con los que la compaa portuguesa trabaja (vidrio, cermica o porcelana), basndose en su propia interpretacin de la compaa y su historia.Este proyecto, adems, permiti a los alumnos viajar hasta las instalaciones de Vista Alegre en Oporto, donde pudieron observar en primera persona los distintos procesos de produccin ar-tesanal e industrial del vidrio, la cermica y la porcelana de la mano de profesionales.

    Collaboration project between the Master of European Design Labs designers and the ceram-ics company Vista Alegre, known for its excellence around the world. The purpose of the workshop was the design of a collection of pieces using some of the materials commonly used by the Portuguese company (glass, ceramic or porcelain), based on their own interpretation of the com-pany as its background.This project also gave the students the chance to travel to the Vista Alegre facilities in Oporto, where they could see firsthand the different tradi-tional and industrial production processes using glass, ceramics and porcelain with professional craftsmen.

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    Dado el carcter multidisciplinar y transversal de los Masters of Design and Innovation, el progra-ma incluye una serie de seminarios que proporcionan a los estudiantes las herra-mientas conceptuales, prcticas y de lenguaje especializadas en el rea del diseo de producto, la comunicacin comercial, las estrategias de negocio y contenidos de sostenibilidad o de cultu-ra e historia del diseo, fuentes de infor-macin e inspiracin para sus proyectos de investigacin. Estos contenidos completan el background de cada alum-no de manera que, desde el principio, cuenta con los conocimientos necesarios para construir su tesis con coherencia, calidad y anlisis crtico.

    Metodolgicamente, el contenido se divide en clases frontales, case studies, seminarios tcnicos y conferencias dise-adas para permitir al alumno visualizar de manera prctica el contenido terico.


    Given the multidisciplinary and transverse nature of the Masters of Design and Innovation, the programme includes a series of seminars that provide students with the conceptual and practical tools, as well as the specific language, required to work in the areas of product design, commercial communication, business strategies and sustainability contents, as well as those relating to the culture and history of design, all of which are sources of information and inspiration for their research projects. These contents round off the background of each student so that, from the start, they boast the necessary knowledge to build a thesis on the basis of con-sistency, quality and critical analysis.

    Methodologically, the content is divided into lessons, case studies, tech-nical seminars and lectures designed to allow students to visualise theoretical content in a practical way.

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    David James Standley. Director de arte y Consultor en comunicacin corporativa / Art director and corporative communication consultant

    Jos Aguilar. Doctor en Filosofa y Socio director de MindValue / Doctor of Philosophy and associate director of MindValue


    Gestin de equipos

    Los alumnos profundizaron en el anlisis de casos reales de marcas contemporneas y relevantes para entender los fundamentos del branding, desarro-llando las destrezas imprescindibles para intervenir en las actuaciones ms cruciales, dada la comple-ja situacin actual de la economa.

    Gestionar la complejidad de disciplinas interrelacio-nadas en procesos creativos fue el tema central de este seminario. Esta tarea exige el dominio de muchas competencias tcnicas (recursos del len-guaje, aplicacin a las tecnologas de la informacin, etc.), y junto a ellas se desarrollan habilidades de gestin para un correcto y fructfero trabajo en equipo.

    Students delve into the analysis of real cases concerning relevant, contemporary brands in order to understand the basics of branding, de-veloping the essential skills for intervening in the most crucial actions, given the complex economic situation.

    The main subject of this seminar dealt with the management of the complexity of interrelated disciplines in creative processes. This task requires a command of many technical skills (linguistic resources, applications in information technol-ogy, etc.), along which are developed management skills for an appropriate and fruitful teamwork.

    During this seminar we have worked, from a theoretical-practical perspective, on the formal aspect of writing, leaving aside for a moment the world of ideas and focusing on the way of expressing them. A range of tones of writing was discussed, which should be the result of a brief prior strategy to the first lines, in order to provoke a specific reaction in the reader.

    Redaccin publicitaria: de lo formal a lo escritoNelson Galtero. Publicista y Escritor / Publicist and writer

    En este seminario se ha trabajado, desde un punto de vista terico-prctico, la parte formal de la escritura, dejando por un momento de lado el mundo de las ideas y centrndose en la forma de contarlas. Se ha hablado del uso de los distintos tonos de escritura, que deberan ser el resultado de una pequea estrategia previa a las primeras lneas y que buscan provocar algn tipo de reaccin es-pecfica en el lector.

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    Luis Marijuan. Doctor en Ciencias Qumicas y Socio Gerente de la consultora Pingarron and Partners / Doctor of Chemistry and managing partner at the Pingarron and Partners consultancy firm

    Francesco Sandulli. Director de la Ctedra UCM-Orange de la Sociedad de la Informacin en la Universidad Com-plutense de Madrid / Director of the UCM-Orange Department at the Information Society of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid

    Marta Bota. Diseadora grfica e Ilustradora / Graphic designer and illustrator



    Durante este seminario se ha trabajado el anlisis de formulacin e implantacin de los principales conceptos de marketing estratgico, identificando las funciones bsicas de la direccin de marketing, la estrategia empresarial, las dimensiones ms relevantes y, en particular, sus caractersticas e interrelaciones.

    Los alumnos aprendieron a analizar los fundamen-tos para organizar con xito las estrategias de in-novacin y sus procesos. Los temas principales incluyeron el desarrollo de un clima organizacional que premia la creatividad y el diseo de los pro-cesos de innovacin adecuados.

    En este seminario/taller los alumnos han trabajado su propia identidad grfica, lo que visualmente les ha dado una personalidad y les ha diferenciado del resto, desde un punto de vista prctico y realista. Para ello, han trabajado con unos ingredientes (ti-pografas, gama cromtica, materiales, elementos grficos...), que han mezclado al aplicar su identidad sobre diferentes soportes, para marcar o comunicar su proyecto.

    Students learnt to analyse the essential elements needed to successfully develop innovation strategies and their processes. The main issues included the development of an organizational climate that rewards creativity and the design of the appropriate innovation processes.

    During this seminar/workshop, students worked on their own graphic identity, which lent them a visual personality and differentiated them from the rest, from a practical and realistic perspective. In order to do so, they worked with ingredients (typographies, chromatic range, graphic elements, etc.), which have been combined by applying their identity to a range of supports, in order to define and communicate their project.

    During this seminar students dealt with the analysis of the formulation and implementation of the main concepts in strategic marketing, identifying the basic roles of marketing direction, business strategy, the more relevant dimensions of the field, and, in particular, their characteris-tics and interrelations.

    Planificacin estratgica

  • 051 051

    SerigrafaSandra Sarasola. Socia de Arteria Grfica / Partner at Arteria Grfica

    Ana Ferichola y Natalia Figueroa. Ceramistas y Socias de Tnata / Potters and partners at Tnata

    Alberto Marcos, Luca Ruiz-Rivas y lvaro Cataln de Ocn


    Modelos de produccin y negocio

    Desde un enfoque terico-prctico, los alumnos del Master of European Design Labs han podido aprender las reglas y procedimientos bsicos de la tcnica de estampacin por serigrafa en dife-rentes soportes: papel, cartn, madera, cermica y vidrio. De este modo, se ha buscado que ad-quieran unos conocimientos bsicos que sirvan de aproximacin a esta tcnica y den amplitud de miras a la hora de afrontar proyectos futuros que requieran de ella.

    Establecer las bases y tcnicas principales en cuanto al trabajo con cermica y porcelana ha sido esencial a la hora de afrontar el proceso de pro-duccin de los prototipos al final del curso. Este seminario dio la los alumnos la oportunidad de acercarse al material desde una perspectiva teri-ca, que se enriqueci posteriormente con un taller de un da dedicado a la coccin de cermica en horno Rak.

    Un diseador que produce externamente, Alberto Marcos; la creadora de una concept store, Luca Ruiz-Rivas (DO Design), y un diseador que ha optado por la auto-produccin, lvaro Cataln de Ocn, estuvieron en el ciclo de conferencias que sirvi de cierre al Master of European Design Labs y al Master of Product Design Labs. Finalmente, se celebr una mesa redonda entorno a la situacin actual del mercado, el marketing y la gestin de la produccin.

    To establish the main foundations and techniques of ceramic work is essential when dealing with the production process of the prototypes at the end of the year. This seminar gave students the chance to get to know the material from a theo-retical perspective, which was further enriched with a one-day workshop devoted to the firing of ceramics in a Rak oven.

    A designer that produces externally, Alberto Marcos; the founder of a concept stores, Luca Ruiz-Rivas (DO Design) and a designer who has chosen self-production, lvaro Cataln de Ocn, were the profiles presented in the lecture series that closed the 2012 edition of the Master of European Design Labs and the Master of Product Design Labs. Lastly, a round table was held to debate the current situation of the market, marketing and production management.

    From a theoretical-practical perspective, the students of the Master of European Design Labs had the chance to learn the basic rules and procedures of the serigraphy printing technique in a range of media: paper, cardboard, wood, ceramics and glass. In this way, the aim is for them to acquire basic knowledge that will help them understand this technique and widen their views with regard to any future projects in which they might use it.

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    por Pablo Jarauta

    Cultura del diseo

    A lo largo de las horas compartidas se discutieron problemticas encami-nadas hacia una misma pregunta: tiene algo que decir el diseo ante las transformaciones actuales y las que estn por venir? La Historia y el paso del tiem-po nos han mostrado que s. Es ms, en el marco de un mundo globalizado, las acciones y decisiones del diseo se han revelado como un laboratorio capaz de formular preguntas y respuestas dirigidas directamente a los procesos de transfor-macin social, cultural o econmica.

    Los alumnos encontraron la oportuni-dad de debatir acerca de los distintos significados del ejercicio del diseo, de su condicin y naturaleza, de sus posibilida-des y lmites. Los contextos sociocultura-les del diseo sirvieron de punto de par-tida para ir recorriendo ideas y conceptos transversales en distintas disciplinas. Estas ideas, conceptos y metforas giraron al-rededor de un mismo eje: el ejercicio del diseo como construccin de las formas del mundo. En este sentido, cabra decir que todo diseo esconde un proyecto sobre el mundo.

    Design Cultureby Pablo Jarauta

    During the hours we shared to-gether, a range of issues for discussed, all focusing on the same question: does design have anything to say in the face of current and upcom-ing transformations? History and the passing of time tell us that it does. Furthermore, in the context of a globalised world, the actions and decisions of design have revealed themselves to be a laboratory which is capable of formu-lating questions and answers aimed directly at the processes of social, cul-tural and economic transformation.

    The students enjoyed the chance to debate the various meanings of the exercise of design, its condition and nature, its possibilities and limits. The social-cultural contexts of design served as a starting point to travel through transverse ideas and concepts in a range of disciplines. These ideas, concepts and metaphors revolved around a single idea: the exercise of design as a construction of the forms of the world. In this sense, it would be worth mentioning that all designs conceal a project for the world.

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    Conferencias y Case Studies

    Case Studies + Lectures

    Exclusive opportunitie for students to hear about the experiences of profes-sionals and businesses.

    The lectures are centred on burning issues in the field of design and com-munication: the speakers are all renowned active professionals, and they offer a personal view of their modus oper-andi, stimulating debate, establishing a dialogue which, on occasions, refer-ences the issues researched or chosen as the subject of their dissertation by the students.

    The case studies focus on experi-ences and cases that link professionals with the business world, and describe successful enterprises to offer examples of good practices. The reality-based approach of the case studies help students glimpse possible scenarios for their professional future, gaining first hand experience of the development of a proposal, from the briefing to its implementation in the design and production phases, commercial and communication strategies and, eventu-ally, distribution on the market.

    LECTURES Juan Pastor, Founder and CEO of Repensa-

    dores. Creativity is Good for Your Health Ignacio Escolar, Founder and director of Internet and the Personal Brand Ian Crocombe, Vice-President of Innovation

    at American Express. Social NetworksAntonio Nez, Communication Consultant. Storytelling

    Fernando Beltrn, Namer and poet. NamingAntonio Muoz Molina, Writer and acade-

    mic. Visual EducationMiguel Olivares, Founder and creative di-

    rector at La Despensa. Guerrilla CreativityGuzmn Lpez, Creativity and innovation

    consultant. How to Achieve Incredible Ideas Jordi Ballera, Director of Edelman. KISS

    and the Creation of Powerful BrandsAndrea Caruso, Founder of Ciszak Dalmas. Stop Talking, Start Making

    Paloma Caizares, Founder of PCM. Editing design

    Pablo Martn Antoranz, Marketing and Strategy Director, Consultant UNOBRAIN. The Importance of Social Networks

    Miguel Madariaga, Creative Director of *S,C,P,F... Madrid. 7 Things I Was Never Told About Advertising

    Piero Lissoni, Architect and designer. Lezioni Americane

    Anatxu Zabalbeascoa, Journalist specialising in design and architecture at El Pas. What to Learn from the Informal City

    Edwin Gardner, Designer. Space Is The Machine

    Encuentros exclusivos que brindan a los alumnos la oportunidad de conocer las experiencias de profe-sionales y empresas.

    Las conferencias se centran en te-mticas candentes en los mbitos del diseo y la comunicacin: los ponentes, destacados profesionales en activo, aportan su visin personal y modus operandi, estimulan el debate, establecen un dilogo que, en ocasiones, hace re-ferencia a los temas de tesis e investiga-cin de los alumnos.

    Los case studies se centran en expe-riencias o casos que vinculan al profesio-nal con el mundo empresarial, y cuentan casos de xito como ejemplos de buenas prcticas. El carcter cercano a la realidad hace que el alumno vea reflejado un posible escenario de su futuro profesional, conociendo de primera mano el desarro-llo de una propuesta, desde el briefing hasta su implementacin en los procesos de diseo y produccin, la estrategia comercial y de comunicacin, y la suce-siva difusin en el mercado.

    CONFERENCIAS Juan Pastor, Fundador y CEO en Repensado-

    res. La creatividad es buena para la salud Ignacio Escolar, Fundador y Director de El- Internet y la marca personal Ian Crocombe, Vicepresidente de innovacin

    en American Express. Las redes socialesAntonio Nez, Consultor de comunicacin. Storytelling

    Fernando Beltrn, Nombrador y Poeta. Naming

    Antonio Muoz Molina, Escritor y Acadmi-co. Educacin visual

    Miguel Olivares, Fundador y Director Creati-vo de La Despensa. Creatividad de guerrilla

    Guzmn Lpez, Asesor en creatividad e in-novacin. Cmo conseguir ideas increbles

    Jordi Ballera, Director Edelman. KISS y la creacin de marcas poderosas

    Andrea Caruso, Fundador de Ciszak Dalmas. Stop talking, start making

    Paloma Caizares, Fundadora de PCM. Editing design

    Pablo Martn Antoranz, Director de Marketing, Strategy, Consultant UNOBRAIN. La impor-tancia de las redes sociales

    Miguel Madariaga, Director creativo *S,C,P,F... Madrid. 7 cosas que nunca me contaron sobre publicidad

    Piero Lissoni, Arquitecto y Diseador. Lezio-ni Americane

    Anatxu Zabalbeascoa, Periodista especiali-zada en diseo y arquitectura de El Pas. Qu aprender de la ciudad informal

    Edwin Gardner, Diseador. Space is the machine

  • 056 057

    Pocoyo, by Zinkia

    Empresa: El negocio de Zinkia Entertainment no se limita a la produccin audiovisual; crea y comercializa marcas de entretenimiento a travs de la produccin y el desarrollo de contenido au-diovisual destinado a audiencias familiares de todo el mundo.

    Contenido: QUIN ES POCOY? Pocoy trata del descubrimiento de un nio pequeo del mundo que le rodea; un mundo que es sencillo y maravilloso al mismo tiempo, en el que cualquier cosa puede ocurrir si tienes la suficiente imagina-cin. Pocoy es "Aprende riendoTM".

    Pocoy es una marca de entretenimiento educativo destinada a nios de entre 2 y 6 aos, popular en todo el mundo. La serie de TV se ha vendido a ms de 120 pases del mundo, alcan-zando excelentes cuotas con hasta un 60% de share. Hoy en da est disponible a travs de numerosas plataformas: televisin, Home Enter-tainment, web, telefona mvil, vdeo a la carta y consolas. Y la extensin de la marca incluye la licencia de productos para el consumidor. Pocoy abarca un universo de valores humanos, y resulta visualmente contundente, con una narracin simple, clara e interactiva en cada captulo. Po-coy trata ms de aprender cmo aprender que de ensear lecciones especficas.

    Company: The business of Zinkia Entertainment is not limited to audiovisual production - Zinkia creates and commercializes entertaiment brands though the production and development of audi-visual content target at family audiences world- wide.

    Content: WHO IS POCOYO? Pocoyo is a curi-ous, fun, loving, friendly toddler who is always into something new. Pocoyo is about a young childs discovery of the world around him. A world that is both simple and beautiful, where anything can happen if your imagination is big enough. Pocoyo is about Learning Through LaughterTM.

    Pocoyo is an entertaining and educational brand targeted to children ages 26 that is popu-lar around the world and invites audiences to enter into Pocoyo's world, play along with his friends. The TV series has been sold in over 120 territories worldwide, achieving excellent ratings with up to a 60% share in many countries. Now its available across many platforms: Television, Home Entertain-ment, Web, Mobile, VOD, Consoles. And, ex-tended brand reach through consumer products licensing. A unique and innovative brand designed for gender neutral toddlers: appealing equally to boys and girls! Pocoyo embraces a universe of human values. Visually stunning with simple, clear and interactive storytelling at the heart of each episode. A blend of humor and learning which mimics toddler development, language, imagina-tion, curiosity and repetition.

  • 058 059

    Biografa: Doug Inge (Reino Unido, 1980) se li-cenci en Diseo Industrial y Tecnologa en la Universidad de Loughborough, y vive y trabaja en Londres. Su carrera profesional se ha centrado en el diseo y la produccin de innovadores objetos fabricados en serie, con experiencia en todas las fases del proceso. Tiene una amplia experiencia en los procesos de produccin y con proveedores de todo el mundo, incluyendo dos aos de estancia en China.Contenido: Introduccin a las compaas Dyson y Jake Dyson Products, desde la propia perspectiva de Douh Inge, empleado de ambas firmas. Inge present las estrategias que llevan a cabo, tanto de diseo como comerciales, mostr cmo se desarrollan los procesos creativos y el enfoque en la venta de los productos. Asimismo, realiz una comparativa entre ambas empresas.Cont a los alumnos su trabajo previo en Dyson Research, donde trabaj en distintos puestos, di-se SCUBA y un equipo de buceo para Parker Diving Ltd.Actualmente, trabaja para Jake Dyson Products, donde est llevando el diseo de CSYS Task Light, desde los primeros conceptos y la investigacin hasta la produccin. Tambin est a cargo del desarrollo del producto a nivel mundial y de la creacin de los nuevos diseos como continuacin de este producto.

    Bio: Doug Inge (United Kingdom, 1980) has a degree in Industrial Design and Technology from Loughborough University, and he lives and works in London. His professional career has focused on the design and production of innovative mass-produced objects, and he has experience in all the stages of the process. He is also very familiar with production processes and with providers from all over the world, having spent two years in China.Content: Introduction to the Dyson and Jake Dyson Products, from the point of view of Doug Inge, an employee at both firms. Inge presented the strategies they carry out, both on a com-mercial and a design level, and explained the way in which creative processes are carried out and the focus of product sales. He also compared the two companies. He told the students about his previous work at Dyson Research, where he worked in a range of positions, designing SCUBA and diving equipment for Parker Diving Ltd.He currently works at Jake Dyson Products, where he is in charge of the design of the CSYS Task Light, from the early concept stage to research and production. He is also in charge of the de-velopment of the product on a global level, and of the creation of new designs to carry on from this product.


  • 060 061

    Empresa: McCann Worldgroup es el grupo lderde comunicacin en Espaa, tanto a nivel de facturacin (17 aos consecutivos) como en trminos creativos y de innovacin. Cuenta con ms de 400 profesionales a nivel nacional y ms de 18.000 a nivel mundial.

    Contenido: En el case study se present el caso de una campaa de comunicacin de Coca-Cola, Encuentros: una historia real que rene, en estos tiempos difciles que nos toca vivir, a la persona con ms edad en Espaa (102 aos) con un recin nacido, lanzando un claro mensaje de optimismo. La campaa ha tenido mucho xito, no slo a nivel de resultados racionales sino tambin emo-cionales, y ha conseguido importantes premios nacionales (AMPE de Oro, Laus de Oro, Sol de Bronce, Club de Creativos Plata...) e internaciona-les (NY Festival de Bronce, One show). El punto de partida y la pregunta a la que nos enfrentba-mos como agencia fue: Cmo dar un mensaje de esperanza a la sociedad espaola en un momento de crisis tan delicado?

    Company: McCann Worldgroup is the lead-ing communications group in Spain, both in terms of turnover (17 consecutive years) and in crea-tive and innovation terms. It has over 400 professionals at national level, and over 18,000 around the world.

    Content: The case study presents the case of a Coca-Cola media campaign, Encounters: a true story which brings together, in these difficult times in which we live, the oldest person in Spain (102 years old) with a newborn, sending out a clear message of optimism. The campaign was highly successful, not only in the rational sense, but also at emotional level, and has received major national awards (AMPE de Oro, Laus de Oro, Sol de Bronce, Club de Creativos Plata...) and international awards (NY Bronze Festival, One show MERIT AWARDS TV, ) The starting point and the question we were facing as an agency was: How to send a message of hope to Spanish society in such a delicate time of recession?

    Coca-Cola, by McCann Erickson

  • 062 063

    Viajes Trips

    Los viajes internacionales a estudios de diseo, agencias de publicidad, ferias, instituciones educativas, museos, empresas y centros de inves-tigacin representan una herramienta fundamental en la formacin de los Masters of Design and Innovation. La presencia de los alumnos en ciudades tan dinmicas como Londres, Copenha-gue, Berln, Hong Kong, Miln, Pars, msterdam o Venecia, entre otras, les aporta una visin global y les propor-ciona una importante red de contactos profesionales y acadmicos. Se trata, en definitiva, de una experiencia personal irrepetible y una apuesta decisiva por su futuro profesional. El contacto con culturas, paisajes, costumbres y formas de vida diferentes resulta imprescindible para que el alumno desarrolle toda su capacidad y potencie un pensamiento divergente, ajeno a lo comn, innovador y extraordinario.

    International trips to design studios, advertising agencies, fairs, educa-tional institutions, museums, com-panies and research centres represent an essential tool in the training offered by the Masters of Design and Innova-tion. Visits by students to such dy-namic cities as London, Copenhagen, Berlin, Hong Kong, Milan, Paris, Am-sterdam and Venice, among others, offer them a global vision and provide them with an important network of professional and academic contacts. Ultimately, it is a once-in-a-lifetime personal experience and a key event in terms of their professional future. The contact with different cultures, landscapes, customs and ways of life is essential to help students develop their full capac-ity, as well as promoting divergent thinking outside the box, innovative and extraordinary.

  • 064 065

    Los alumnos del Master of European Design Labs disfrutaron de unos das en torno al diseo en el emblemtico Domaine de Boisbuchet (ver apartado de Workshops, pgina 40) y en la bohe-mia ciudad de Pars.

    La capital francesa descubri a los participan-tes los principales enclaves del arte contemporneo: Muse des Arts Decoratifs, Muse dArt Moderne Ville de Paris, Palais de Tokyo mostraron la face-ta ms artstica de la ciudad.

    La vertiente ms profesional la descubrieron de la mano de importantes estudios de arquitec-tura y diseo. Dominique Perrault, destacada figu-ra de la arquitectura internacional, y su estudio fueron fuente de inspiracin para los estudiantes que, tras la visita a sus principales obras en la ca-pital (Biblioteca Nacional francesa, Fukoku Tower), pudieron conocer su concepcin de la arquitectu-ra como una parte integral del paisaje. Junto a Gabriele Pezzini Studio investigaron en torno al diseo de productos e indagaron en la concepcin de las relaciones necesarias entre objeto y usuario, con el fin de desarrollar un nuevo lenguaje para la creacin e innovacin.

    The students of the Master of European Design Labs enjoyed a few days focused on design at the legendary Domaine de Boisbuchet (see Workshops section) in the Bohemian city of Paris.

    Paris revealed to the participants the main enclaves of contemporary art: the Muse des Arts Decoratifs, Muse dArt Moderne Ville de Paris, Palais de Tokio all of which displayed the most artistic facet of the French capital.

    The more professional side of the trip was provided by important architecture and design studios. Dominique Perrault, an important figure in international architecture, and his studio were a source of inspiration to students who, after visiting his main works in the city (French Na-tional Library, Fukoku Tower, etc.), had the chance to get to know more about his concept of archi-tecture as an integral part of the landscape. At the Gabriele Pezzini Studio they delved into product design and they learnt more about the concept of the necessary relationship between objects and users, with the aim of developing a new language for creation and innovation.

    Pars-Boisbuchet / Paris-Boisbuchet


  • 066 067


    4 5



    1/ Museo de Artes Decorativas de Pars 2/ Alumnos en la explanada del Museo Pompidou 3/ Alumnos en uno de los caractersticos tneles exteriores de acceso al Museo Pompidou. 4/ Fachada del Museo Pompidou 5/ Visita al Estudio de Gabriele Pezzini 6/ Museo de Arte Moderno 7/ Estudio de Dominique Perrault

    1/ Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris 2/ Students of the Master of European Design Labs on the forecourt of the Pompidou Museum 3/ Students of the Master of European Design Labs in one of the characteristic external access tunnels to the Pompidou Museum 4/ Facade of the Pompidou Museum 5/ Visit to the Gabriele Pezzini Studio 6/ Modern Art Museum 7/ Studio of the architect Dominique Perrault

  • 068 069

    Holanda empieza a ser referente en diseo para muchos, frente a destinos tradicionales como Londres, Pars o Miln. Bajo la premisa de descu-brirlo, se organiz el viaje del Master of European Design Labs a tierras holandesas, coincidiendo con la Dutch Design Week en Eindhoven. Antes, los alumnos pudieron disfrutar de unos das en m-sterdam, donde visitaron el estudio de Maria Blaisse, cuya magia y cordialidad constituyeron la mejor de las bienvenidas. Tambin se realizaron visitas al Krller-Mller Museum, impresionante museo enclavado en un parque natural que al-berga una rica coleccin de obras de artistas del siglo XX, como Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso y Piet Mondrian, adems de un jardn de escul-turas donde se pueden contemplar al aire libre obras monumentales de Auguste Rodin, Henry Moore y otros escultores contemporneos. Tam-bin accedieron al Stedelijk Museum en mster-dam y a galeras de arte contemporneo como FOAM Gallery o la Galerie Pien Rademakers.

    The Netherlands is starting to become a reference point for many, in contrast with tra-ditional destinations such as London, Paris and Milan. In order to get to know the city, the students of the Master of European Design Labs travelled to The Netherlands during the Dutch Design Week of Eindhoven. Before that, the students spent a few days in Amsterdam, where they visited the studio of Maria Blaisse, whose magic and affability constituted a perfect welcome. They also visited the Krller-Mller Museum, an impressive museum set in a natural park which hosts a rich collection of works by 20th-century artists, such as Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso and Piet Mondrian, as well as a garden of sculp-tures including monumental works by Auguste Rodin, Henry Moore and other contemporary sculptors; and they had the chance to go to the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, as well as contemporary art galleries such as the FOAM Gallery and the Galerie Pien Rademakers.

    msterdam-Eindhoven / Amsterdam-Eindhoven


  • 23





    1/ One of the works in the sculptural garden at the Krller-Mller Museum 2/ Students with the designer Maria Blaisse during a boat trip down the canals 3/ Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam 4/ View of the Amsterdam city centre 5/ One of the works by the designer Maria Blaisse at her studio 6/ Facade of the Krller-Mller Museum 7/ Exhibition of the sculptor Anish Kapoor at the Museum de Pont (Tilburg)

    1/ Una de las obras del jardn escultrico del Museo Krller-Mller 2/ Alumnos junto a la diseadora Maria Blaisse durante el paseo en barco por los canales 3/ Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam 4/ Vista del centro de msterdam 5/ Una de las obras de Maria Blaisse en su estudio 6/ Fachada del Krller-Mller Museum 7/ Exposicin de Anish Kapoor en el Museum de Pont (Tilburg)

  • 072 073

    La segunda estancia en tierras italianas constituy el ltimo viaje para los alumnos del Master of European Design Labs. Visitaron Vene-cia, ms concretamente la zona de Treviso, donde pudieron conocer en persona a los artesa-nos que estn produciendo algunos de los proto-tipos de sus proyectos de tesis. De la mano de su profesor de Seminario Tcnico, Matteo Zorzenoni, pudieron ver parte de la produccin en vidrio, cermica, metal y madera de sus prototipos. Tambin en Treviso, visitaron el estudio del direc-tor del mster, Jaime Hayon, donde su equipo de trabajo les explic sus dinmicas internas y su forma de abordar los proyectos, as como algunos de los nuevos retos en los que ya estn inmersos.

    The second trip to Italy constituted the last journey of the students of the Master of Euro-pean Design Labs. They visited Venice, specifi-cally the Treviso area, where they had a chance to meet in person some of the artisans who are producing some of the prototypes for their thesis projects. Accompanied by their Technical Seminar teacher, Matteo Zorzenoni, they were able to observe part of the glass, ceramic, metal and wood production of their prototypes. Also in Treviso, they visited the studio of the MA director, Jaime Hayon, and got to meet his team, who told them about their internal dynamics and the way in which they approach each project, as well as some of the challenges they are already facing.

    Venecia / Venice


  • 24


    1/ Estampa tpica veneciana 2/ Sergio Guijarro, alumno del Master of European Design Labs, con el diseador Matteo Zorzenoni (Hayon Studio) comentando detalles de su prototipo de tesis. 3/ Visita a Hayon Studio 4/ Alumnos durante la visita a uno de los artesanos que trabajaba en sus prototipos de tesis 5/ Prototipo en proceso de construccin de Carlos Andrs Bueno


    1/ Typical Venetian view 2/ Sergio Guijarro, student of the Master of European Design Labs, with the designer Matteo Zorzenoni (Hayon Studio) discussing some details regarding his thesis prototype. 3/ Visit to Hayon Studio 4/ Students of the Master of European Design Labs during the visit to one of the artisans who is working on their thesis prototypes 5/ Prototype under construction, by Carlos Andrs Bueno, a student of the Master of European Design Labs

  • 076 077

    Los alumnos del Master of Communication Design Labs visitaron Barcelona, una de las ciuda-des ms creativas de Europa. Aqu conocieron de primera mano la sede de la agencia de publicidad

    *S,C,P,F, una antigua fbrica textil de 1914 situa-da en pleno barrio de Sarri. Junto a Quique Baeza, director creativo de la agencia, los estudiantes pudieron trabajar en un workshop intensivo para la marca BMW; asimismo asistieron a una master class con el Program Leader del mster, Toni Segarra, junto al que analizaron las mejores piezas publici-tarias de las ltimas dcadas y aprovecharon para resolver dudas sobre sus tesis.

    Tambin visitaron el recin inaugurado Museo de las Ideas y los Inventos de Barcelona (MIBA), cuyo director, Pep Torres, tambin particip en el mster dirigiendo un taller creativo, El Arte del Ruido. Finalmente, visitaron el Centre de Cultura Contempornia de Barcelona (CCCB), un espacio abierto que impulsa la investigacin artstica, or-ganiza y produce todo tipo exposiciones.

    The students of the Master of Communica-tion Design Labs visited Barcelona, one of the most creative cities in Europe. They enjoyed a first-hand view of the *S,C,P,F advertising agency, an old textiles factory from 1914 set in the Sarri quarter. Along with Quique Baeza, the creative director of the agency, the students were able to work on an intensive workshop for the BMW brand; they also attended a master class with the Program Leader of the MA, Toni Segarra, with whom they analysed the best advertising pieces from the last few decades, and took advantage of the chance to discuss any issues relating to their theses.

    They also visited the recently inaugurated Museo de las Ideas y los Inventos (MIBA), whose director, Pep Torres, also took part in the master with a creative workshop, The Art of Noise. Finally, they visited the Centre for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB), an open space that promotes artistic research, and organises and produces all kinds of exhibitions.

    Barcelona / Barcelona


    1/ Workshop creativo en las oficinas de *S,C,P,F...

    1/ Creative workshop at the *S,C,P,F... agency

  • 078 078

    Los alumnos del Master of Communication Design Labs y del Master of Strategic Design Labs viajaron a Berln, y disfrutaron de una experiencia formativa repleta de workshops y visitas a agencias, museos y consultoras creativas.

    AKQA, reconocida agencia internacional espe-cializada en marketing interactivo, les dio la clave para poder seguir creciendo: la creacin de un nuevo tipo de agencia donde la innovacin sea el pilar central; DDB Tribal, perteneciente a una de las redes de agencias creativas ms grandes del mundo, les mostr su pasin por las soluciones atpicas y comparti con ellos su filosofa de creacin de valor de marca a largo plazo: las grandes ideas han de permanecer simples. Tambin visitaron agencias alemanas que son ejemplo de grupo multidisciplinar que ha logrado hacerse un hueco apostando por conceptos creativos potentes, ART+COM, Weiss-Heiten y Dark Horse, y se acercaron a conocer los nuevos productos, proto-tipos y conceptos de DMY y el Nhow Hotel, arriesgada apuesta por un diseo nada convencio-nal que sirve de inspiracin a msicos y viajeros.

    The students of the Master of Communica-tion Design Labs and the Master of Strategic Design Labs travelled to Berlin, and enjoyed an educational experience full of workshops and visits to agencies, museums and creative con-sultancy firms.

    AKQA, a renowned international brand specialising in interactive marketing, offered the students the key to continue to grow profession-ally: the creation of a new kind of agency where innovation is the central pillar; DDB Tribal, which belongs to one of the largest networks of creative agencies in the world, shared its passion for unusual solutions, as well as a philosophy for the creation of long-term brand value: good ideas must be simple. They also visited German agen-cies that are an example of a multidisciplinary group that has managed to find a niche through their commitment to powerful creative concepts, ART+COM, Weiss-Heiten and Dark Horse, and they got to know new products, prototypes and concepts at DMY and the Nhow Hotel, a bold display of unconventional design that serves as inspiration to musicians and travellers.

    Berln / Berlin


  • 25

    1/ Detalle de la cpula del Reichstag, proyecto de Norman Foster 2/ Workshop en AKQA, agencia digital 3/ Tour de graffitis y street art.

    1/ Detail of the Reichstag dome, a project by the architect Norman Foster 2/ Work-shop at AKQA, digital agency 3/ Tour of graffiti and street art

  • 082 083

    Viajar a Londres en plena semana del London Design Festival es un plan inmejorable para cualquier amante del diseo. Los alumnos del Master of Communication Design Labs tuvieron la oportuni-dad de visitar la capital britnica, convertida por una semana en un hervidero de tendencias, y de adentrarse en las mejores agencias del mundo de la mano de sus directores creativos: Mother London y TBWA les mostraron sus trabajos y metodologas. Fueron, adems, recibidos por el estudio del arqui-tecto Lord Norman Foster (autor de la cpula del Reichstag en Berln o la torre Swiss Re en Londres) y del diseador espaol Fernando Gutirrez (espe-cialista en diseo grfico, identidad corporativa y editorial).

    Tras ello, los estudiantes continuaron su for-macin en el Design Museum, la Saatchi Gallery y el Tate Modern, tranquilos templos del arte y el diseo contemporneo. Y, por ltimo, aprovecharon la ocasin para asistir a 100% Design, el evento ms prestigioso entorno al diseo de producto y mobiliario en el Reino Unido.

    Travelling to London in the midst of the London Design Festival is the perfect trip for anyone who loves design. The students of the Master of Communication Design Labs had the chance to visit the British capital during the week when it turns into a melting pot of trends, to get to know the best agencies in the world, ac-companied by their creative directors: Mother London and TBWA showed them their work and methodology. They also visited the studio of architect Lord Norman Foster (the author of the Reichstag dome in Berlin and the Swiss Re tower in London) and the Spanish designer Fernando Gutirrez (a specialist in graphic design and corporate and editorial identity).

    Following this trip, the students had the chance to continue their training at the Design Museum, the Saatchi Gallery and the Tate Mod-ern, those tranquil temples of contemporary art and design. And, lastly, they took advantage of the chance to attend 100% Design, the most prestigious event in the field of product and furniture design in the United Kingdom.

    Londres / London


  • 2 4


    1/ Exposicin en Saatchi Gallery 2/ London Bridge 3/ Alumnos del Communication Design Labs 4/ Visita a la agencia de publicidad Mother London 5/ Visita a la agencia de publicidad TBWA

    1/ Exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery 2/ London Bridge 3/ Students of the Master of Com-munication Design Labs 4/ Visit to the Mother London advertising agency 5/ Visit to the TBWA advertising agency.

  • 086 087

    Los alumnos del Master of Strategic Design Labs visitaron Bilbao. Acudieron a Creativity Mee-ting Point 2012, punto de encuentro en el que se habl de robtica, industrias creativas, diseo, iniciativa empresarial, co-working y temas que ayudan al debate y al buen ciclo de las ideas. Durante el viaje tambin visitaron Funky Project, consultora de innovacin especializada en Services Design y creatividad estratgica, donde su fundador, Asier Prez, y su mano derecha, Begoa Muoz, les mostraron y explicaron sus proyectos. Como visita ineludible, asistieron al Museo Guggenheim Bilbao diseado por Frank Gehry. All conocieron porqu se escogi Bilbao para erigir el museo, qu material se us para su construccin, y les hablaron sobre la coleccin de artistas (Richard Serra, Jeff Koons y Miquel Barcel, entre muchos otros) y las exposiciones temporales .

    Bilbao ha experimentado un extraordinario proceso de regeneracin urbana; una ciudad en-cantadora que se est posicionando como punto clave para los espacios co-working, la creatividad y el emprendimiento.

    The students of the Master