match maker game concept

A brand-friendly casual gaming experience.

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Post on 01-Jul-2015



Entertainment & Humor

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What would happen if a reality dating show and a choose your own adventure book had a baby? You would have something like Match Maker. This concept presentation is available for brands seeking unique and innovative content.


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Match MakerMatch MakerA brand-friendly casual gaming experience.

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By Brian Fountain | [email protected]

If a reality dating show hooked up with a choose your own adventure book and had a baby (and put that baby on the internet), you would have Match Maker. It’s a ‘dating’ game with two simple steps.

Step One: Select two people:

Step Two: Watch them go on a date.

What is Match Maker?

Your lips are like a fine wine. Your compliments are

like an aged cheese.

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By Brian Fountain | [email protected]

SummaryMatch Maker is a casual game that encourages visitors to try their hand at the esoteric art of match making.

This video-centric experience asks players to review fictional dating profiles then attempt to pair the lonely candidates with a potential soulmate.

After selecting a match, players are shown a short video of the couple on a date (hidden-camera style). Some encounters end in fireworks. Others just crash and burn, but they are all entertaining and funny.

The experience can be hosted on facebook, a brand’s homepage or on a single-serve site. It is also executable as a mobile app.

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By Brian Fountain | [email protected]

It’s a Game!Players earn points for creating love connections and unlock rewards for triggering special events (e.g. “Worst Date Ever”).

As participants gain experience (aka Heat), they will also unlock special power-ups. These new abilities enable them to overcome obstacles they may encounter during more difficult dates. Each successfully completed challenge will improve their Match Maker rank.

With enough Heat, players can unlock all possible matches and achieve Love God status.

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By Brian Fountain | [email protected]

Experience OverviewThe visitor is welcomed to the game by a brief video explanation of their duties as a matchmaker then shown their candidates.

There are twelve profiles total (six men and six women). They are ethnically diverse and cover most of the person-ality archetypes we’ve all met. Users can read profiles or watch short video testimonials to learn everything they need to know about the candidates.

The videos give us a quick sense of the candidate’s personality. The profiles give us deeper insight and contain the typical elements you would expect (likes, dislikes, favorite quotes, etc.) and can be used for hints on how to pair up the more difficult love matches.

Dan the Bartender

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By Brian Fountain | [email protected]

Experience OverviewWhen the player selects two candidates of their choice and presses the “MATCH” button, the other profiles fade out and a video of the date begins.

After a quick title screen (e.g. “Mark and Sasha”), we see the couple seated at a restaurant table or other appropriate date location (a bar, a park, etc.).

Next, we voyeuristically watch the two engage in chit-chat and romantic banter. Sometimes the interaction is natural. At other times it is awkward and stilted. The scene time-jumps as needed. The tone is funny and natural.

Mark & Sasha

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By Brian Fountain | [email protected]

Experience OverviewThe date ‘scene’ is typically around two to three minutes but can be as short as 20 seconds.

At the end the date, the player will learn whether or not they have made a love connection.

If the date was not successful, there is no penalty. They are simply returned to the main menu to make their next match. If there was a connection they receive a heart and their Heat meter increases.

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By Brian Fountain | [email protected]

Jock “ I want to take you home and bench press you.”

Hipster “ I’m really into sub-aural music. You’ve probably never heard it.”

Banker “ My socks are 800 thread count.”

Nerd “ My love for you is chaotic neutral.”

Musician “ I wrote a poem for you, but it was so sad my tears washed away the words.”

Douche “ If I could rewrite the alphabet,

I would put you and me together.”

Male Profiles

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By Brian Fountain | [email protected]

Goth “ I hate kittens and metal


Socialite “ My perfect date is a long walk on the beach you just bought me.”

Wallflower “ I’m not your average girl but I do fall within the standard deviation.”

Party Girl “ I am pretty sure I was Ke$ha in a past life.”

Activist “ I only surf cruelty-free websites.”

Careerist “ My assistant can answer any questions you may have. Sent from my Blackberry.”

Female Profiles

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By Brian Fountain | [email protected]

Decision Points & Power-upsAt key moments during the dating scene, the player may be prompted to use a power-up. These bonus items can be the key to turning a bad date around. Power-ups are unlocked by accumulating Heat.

Some dates will have decision points where a power-up can be used. If the player picks the correct item, their Heat meter goes up and the date is saved. If they choose incorrectly, the date continues its descent.

Example abilities include: < Beauty Makeover < Witty Banter < Shopping Spree

< Puppy Dog Eyes < Dance Party < Banzai! (bold action)

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By Brian Fountain | [email protected]

Example Achievements < Worst Date Ever - Pair up the least compatible couple

“ This is without a doubt the worst date that has ever happened in the history of forever.”

< Explosive Chemistry - Pair the most sexually compatible couple “ I think you just set a new land-speed record for hooking up. Great work.”

< Sword Fight - Make two straight guys go on a date “ Well that was awkward. Not sure what you expected to happen. Was it at least good for you?”

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By Brian Fountain | [email protected]

Example Achievements < Social Butterfly - Tell a friend about Match Maker

“You shared Match Maker with your friends. Don’t be a jerk and immediately delete it from your wall. We have feelings too.”

< Completionist - Attempt every possible dating combination “Well at least no one can say you aren’t thorough.”

< 5-Timers Club - Make 5 Love Connections “Looks like you’re hitting your stride. Keep at it!”

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By Brian Fountain | [email protected]

ConclusionMatch Maker offers a variety of engagement levels for diverse audi-ences. A casual user can interact with the experience and enjoy a quick 5-10 minutes of entertainment, while others may spend several hours enjoying the content.

The mixture of live video and interactive decision points will be a fun and fresh experience for participants. This unique mix of humor, game play and social commentary will be perfect for sharing with friends.

In total the experience will contain approximately 3 hours of original video content, but can be scaled up or down as needed. The content can be family-friendly or edgier to suit the brand.

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By Brian Fountain | [email protected]

Brian Fountain“I tell stories in unexpected places.”

Transmedia Storytelling and Game Design

Brian Fountain has more than a decade of experience in marketing and advertising in the digital space.

In recent years his chief focus has been in the realm of transmedia marketing — designing experiences that transpire across multiple platforms, including: mobile, web and live events.

He is an award winning game designer and software developer. Past work has involved companies such as Motorola, Fiat, SELF and many more.

Contact: [email protected] | @fountain

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Match Maker