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Thurgood MarshallNovember 2017

3901 22nd Ave. South (727)323-7041

Mrs. LakreishaMs. Cj

Mrs. Clark, Miss Elena, & Miss Q

Though the weather can't decide what to do, the calendar pages keep turning, it’s November and the Thanksgiving Holiday is right around the corner!

Thanksgiving is the act of giving thanks! Therefore, all this month, there will be a “What R’ you thankful for” box on the Parent sign-in/out table for you (as a family or individually) to fill out. You don’t have to put your name on it however, I will be sharing them with the children throughout the month, so that we can all celebrate just how much we really have to be thankful for this Thanksgiving season!

Our Thanksgiving Camp will be held at John Hopkins 701 16th south! We will be providing care 11/20-11/22/17 & we will be CLOSED 11/23-11/24/17! There will be a sign up sheet at the Parent table for those who need care! Keep in mind we provide breakfast, lunch and snack for school out days, so you don’t have to worry about

Happy Birthday!!!

Madison P. – 11/1Natasha P. – 11/11

Congratulation to all the students who received Principle List, Honor Roll, and Perfect Attendance!! Keep up the good work!

Happy Birthday!!!

Madison P. – 11/1Natasha P. – 11/11

Congratulation to all the students who received Principle List, Honor Roll, and Perfect Attendance!! Keep up the good work!

November Word for the Month- Citizenship – Being law abiding and involved in service to school, community and country.

Thursday, November 16, 2017 at 6:00 PMMark your calendar

How to make your Turkey Gobble!Our Guest Speaker will be Chef J-New and he will be providing you with food tips for Thanksgiving and after, plus so much more!! This is one meeting you

don’t want to miss!!

Friendly Garden

Our students will be planting flowers for the

residents at Alpine Health & Rehab Center!

1. Healthy Tuna Stuffed AvocadoA healthy tuna and avocado lunch!Yield: 1 to 2 servings

Ingredients1 Avocado, halved and pitted 1 (4.5 oz) cans tuna, drained

Instructions1. Scoop out some of the

avocado from the pitted area to widen the "bowl" area. Place the scooped avocado into a medium-size mixing bowl. Mash it with a fork.

2. Add the tuna, bell pepper, jalapeno, and

1. Healthy Tuna Stuffed AvocadoA healthy tuna and avocado lunch!Yield: 1 to 2 servings

Ingredients1 Avocado, halved and pitted 1 (4.5 oz) cans tuna, drained

Instructions1. Scoop out some of the

avocado from the pitted area to widen the "bowl" area. Place the scooped avocado into a medium-size mixing bowl. Mash it with a fork.

2. Add the tuna, bell pepper, jalapeno, and

November 2017Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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Notes and Reminders

Tornado in a Bottle: Easiest DIY Science Lesson EVER!

RUBBER EGG SCIENCE EXPERIMENT“A box without hinges, key or lid, yet golden treasure inside is hid.” This is perhaps my favorite riddle from “The Hobbit” by J.R.R. Tolkien. The answer is, of course, an egg; the largest cell in the world. (The ostrich holds that record).So what can we do with an egg that is science-like and fun? Why, dissolve the shell with a mild acid and turn the innards to a rubbery substance, of course.

Materials:An egg (either cooked or raw), a tall drinking glass, white vinegar.


Put your egg into a tall drinking glass.

Pour vinegar into the glass until the egg is covered.

Put the glass aside so no one drinks and/or spills it. It will smell a

bit. Vinegar has a strong odor.

Let the egg soak overnight. Make some observations! You should

notice a lot of foam and bubbles. When it seems to have slowed,

move on to the next step.

Rinse the vinegar and foam out with water and then cover the egg

again with vinegar.

Wait for 6 days. That’s a long time but do it; you don’t want a half

pickled egg in your hands.

At the end of this time, rinse off the egg and pick it up.

You should notice it feels slightly different than when

you started… most noticeably it is missing the shell

and has a weird rubbery feel to it. Shake it. Gently

squeeze it.

Test out your new creation in the sink by dropping it

from a few inches and then some more.

You now have a cool creation that can astound your

friends and family

Explanation:A chicken’s egg is covered in a shell that is made of calcium carbonate. That’s a complex arrangement of carbons, calcium, and oxygen. Regular vinegar is made of acetic acid. You all know when you mix vinegar and baking soda what a strong reaction you get. The shell is made of the same “carbonate” and will react like soda, only much less extreme. The little bubbles you see in the water are made of carbon dioxide gas; just like the bubbles from your vinegar and baking soda volcano.

Once the shell is gone, the vinegar will cross over the semi-permeable membrane (through a process called “osmosis”) and slightly inflate the egg. This process also “pickles” the egg, by hardening it up. The toughening of that membrane is what lets you bounce it on the counter, roll it along the floor, and whatever trickery (I mean science) you want to do with it!

R’Club’s Mission

To provide quality early learning and development programs that strengthens children, families and

communities with a focus on:

Respect, Responsibility, Resourcefulness, Responsiveness