mathematical proof that the bar exam and bar associations run this country and are illigitimate...

Mathematical Proof that the Bar Exam and Bar Associations run this country and are illigitimate based on the Declaration of Independence since this was not started in the USA. It was started in it's aquisition in an intent to misdirect, because Misdirection is how you win a war. Art of War, by Sun Zu. Divide Prosper. Germany & Roman Catholic Church & GreatBritain & France & Spain/Netherlands Brokered BarExam (Divide&Conquer) in 13colonies -War- Treaty of Paris-1763-1stBarExam-War 1776Declaration of Independence USA 4 Slavery Federal Reserve How to become a lawyer Lawyer-in-the-United-States Major Points in History to Mathematical ly prove the #BarExam & the #BarAssociat ions run this country. End the tyrany! This is it. I have

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Post on 25-Dec-2015




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Hypotheses included: Mathematical Proof That the Bar Exam and Bar Associations Run This Country and Are Illigitimate Based on the Declaration of Independence Since This Was Not Started in the USA


Page 1: Mathematical Proof That the Bar Exam and Bar Associations Run This Country and Are Illigitimate Based on the Declaration of Independence Since This Was Not Started in the USA-Feb-24-2015

Mathematical Proof that the Bar Exam and Bar Associations run this country and are illigitimate based on the Declaration of Independence since this was not started in the USA. It was startedin it's aquisition in an intent to misdirect, because Misdirection is how you win a war. Art of War, by Sun Zu. Divide and Conquor, Multiply and Prosper. Germany & Roman Catholic Church & GreatBritain & France & Spain/Netherlands Brokered BarExam (Divide&Conquer) in 13colonies -War-Treaty of Paris-1763-1stBarExam-War 1776Declaration of Independence USA 4 Slavery Federal Reserve

How to become a lawyer

Major Points in History to Mathematically prove the #BarExam & the #BarAssociations run this country. End the tyrany! This is it. I have researched it! Work in Progress!

Year Website Events Results / Hypothises State Countries Involved


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Scandinavian Norsemen, called "Vikings" in Western Europe and "Varangians"[31] in the East, combined piracy and trade in their roamings over much of Northern Europe. In the mid-9th century, they began to venture along the waterways from the eastern Baltic to the Black and Caspian Seas.[32] According to the earliest Russian chronicle, a Varangian named Rurik was elected ruler (knyaz) of Novgorod in about 860,[4] before his successors moved south and extended their authority to Kiev,[33] which had been previously dominated by the Khazars.[34]

My Hypothises???- Crimea annexed by Russia 2014? Is Russia our Ally or advesary? Lol Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house right? Didn't we buy Alaska from Russia? Palin for President??? 2016?

Vikings or Varangians / Russia


1st German born Pope- Gregory V


1st French Pope- Sylvester II


Leif Ericson discovers America. he established a Norse settlement at Vinland, tentatively identified

with the Norse L'Anse aux Meadows on the northern tip of Newfoundland in modern-day

Canada. Leif and his crew travelled from Greenland to Norway in 999. Blown off course to the Hebrides and staying for much of the summer, he arrived in

Norway and became a hirdman of King Olaf Tryggvason. He also converted to Christianity and

was given the mission of introducing the religion to Greenland.[10][14] The Saga of Erik the Red and

the Saga of the Greenlanders, both thought to have been written around 1200,[15] contain different accounts of the voyages to Vinland.[16][17] The two only known strictly historical mentions of

The wealthy and criminals were scouting places to live and definitely came across America. People knew. You

had to know someone who had been their and be trusted to be "in the know"

Vikings Settle Greenland /

Leif finds America

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Vinland are found in the work of Adam of Bremen c. 1075 and in the Book of Icelanders compiled c.

1122 by Ari the Wise.[18] According to the Saga of Erik the Red, Leif apparently saw Vinland for the

first time after being blown off course on his way to introduce Christianity to Greenland.[14]


3 July 1035 – 9 September 1087 William I (Old Norman: Williame I; c. 1028[1] – 9 September

1087), usually known as William the Conqueror and sometimes William the Bastard,[2][a] was the first Norman King of England, reigning from 1066 until

his death in 1087. The descendant of Viking raiders, he had been Duke of Normandy since 1035

under the style William II. After a long struggle to establish his power, by 1060 his hold on Normandy was secure, and he launched the Norman conquest

of England in 1066.


In the 1050s and early 1060s William became a contender for the throne of England, then held by his childless first cousin once removed Edward the Confessor. There were other potential claimants,

including the powerful English earl Harold Godwinson, who was named the next king by

Edward on the latter's deathbed in January 1066. William argued that Edward had previously

promised the throne to him, and that Harold had sworn to support William's claim. William built a

large fleet and invaded England in September 1066, decisively defeating and killing Harold at the Battle

of Hastings on 14 October 1066. After further military efforts William was crowned king on

Christmas Day 1066, in London.

1178 The Muslim explorers accessed the interior of the

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continent by using the Mississippi River. The traces of their early presence may be found in the

architecture and calligraphy of towns such as St. Augustine, Florida (America's oldest town), in the names of islands such as Islamadora, and in the

customs of the American Indians.



Abu Bakari, a Muslim king from the Malian Empire, leads a series of nautical voyages to the New World in 1310. In 1312, African Muslims from Mandinga

arrive in the Gulf of Mexico and explore the American interior via the Mississippi River.

1340 England had Claim to the throne since the Uncle of

the King of France died.England &

The English claims to the French throne have a long and complex history between the 1340s and the 19th century. From 1340 to 1801, with only brief intervals in 1360–69 and 1420–22, the kings and queens of England (and, later, of Great Britain) also assumed the title of King or Queen of France.

The title was first assumed in 1340 by Edward III of England, the Kingdom of England being ruled by the French Plantagenet dynasty at the time. Edward III claimed the throne of France after the death of his uncle Charles IV of France. At the time of Charles IV's death in 1328, Edward was his nearest male relative through Edward's mother Isabella of France. Since the election of Hugh Capet in 987, the French crown had always passed based on male-line relations (father to son until 1316). There was no precedent for someone succeeding to the French throne based on his maternal ancestry, nor had there needed to be. There had been no

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shortage of sons and brothers for more than three centuries from the inception of the House of Capet until the early 14th century, when new precedents concerning female inheritance finally had to be introduced. On the death of Philip IV the Fair's son Louis X in 1316, immediately followed by that of his posthumous son John I, it had to be decided whether his young daughter Joan or his brother Philip would succeed to the throne. This was later said to have been based on the 5th century Salic law but some researchers assert that the Salic Law was rediscovered later and used to cloak the 1316 decision with an additional aura of authenticity.[1]At the time of Charles's death in 1328, there was once again a dispute over the succession. Although it had come to be accepted that a woman could not possess the French throne in her own right, Edward III, the nephew of the deceased king and thus the nearest relative who was a grown man, based his claim on the theory that a woman could transmit a right of inheritance to her son. This claim was rejected by French jurists however, under the principle Nemo plus juris ad alium transfere potest quam ipse habet (no one can transfer a greater right to another than he himself has), and the throne was given to the male line heir, Philip, Count of Valois, a first cousin to the deceased king. At the time, Edward accepted this result, and paid homage to Philip VI for his Duchy of Aquitaine.

However in 1337, Edward, in his capacity as Duke of Aquitaine, refused to pay homage to Philip. The French king's response was to confiscate what was left of lands in English held Aquitaine, namely Gascony, thus precipitating the Hundred Years' War

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and Edward's revival of his claim to the throne and title of King of France in 1340.Edward continued to use this title until the Treaty of Brétigny on May 8, 1360, when he abandoned his claims in return for substantial lands in France. After the resumption of hostilities between the English and the French in 1369, however, Edward resumed his claim and the title of King of France. His successors also used the title until the Treaty of Troyes on May 21, 1420, in which the English recognised Charles VI as King of France, but with his new son-in-law King Henry V of England as his heir (disinheriting Charles VI's son, the Dauphin Charles). Henry V then adopted the title Heir of France instead.Henry V and Charles VI died within two months of each other in 1422, and Henry V's infant son (Charles VI's grandson) Henry VI became King of France. He was the only English king who was de facto King of France, rather than using the style as a mere title of pretense. However, by 1429 Charles VII, with the support of Joan of Arc, had been crowned at Reims and begun to push the English out of northern France. In 1435, an end to the French civil war between Burgundians and Armagnacs allowed Charles to return to Paris the following year, and by 1453 the English had been driven out of their last strongholds in Normandy and Guyenne. The only French territories left to the English were Calais and the Channel Islands, the former of which was held until 1558.Nonetheless the kings and queens of England (and, later, of Great Britain) continued to claim the French throne for centuries, through the early

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modern period. The words "of France" was prominently included among their realms as listed in their titles and styles, and the French fleur-de-lys were included in the royal arms. This continued until 1801, by which time France had no monarch, having become a republic.


Hundred Years War- England & France- The Hundred Years' War was a series of conflicts waged

from 1337 to 1453 between the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of France for control of

the French throne. The war had its roots in a dynastic disagreement dating back to the time of

William the Conqueror, who became King of England in 1066 while retaining possession of the

Duchy of Normandy in France. As the rulers of Normandy and other lands on the continent, the English kings owed feudal homage to the King of France. In 1337, Edward III of England refused to

pay homage to Philip VI of France, leading the French King to claim confiscation of Edward's lands

in Aquitaine.England &

1455 Pope Callixtus III born Alfons de Borja Spain/Rome


The Treaty of Picquigny was a peace treaty negotiated on 29 August 1475 between the

Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of France. It followed from an invasion of France by Edward IV

of England in alliance with Burgundy and Brittany. It left Louis XI of France free to deal with the threat posed by Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy. The

negotiations led to an agreement signed in 29 August 1475. The two kings agreed to a seven-year truce and free-trade between the two countries.[1]

Louis XI was to pay Edward IV 75,000 crowns

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upfront, essentially a bribe to return to England and not take up arms to pursue his claim to the French throne. He would then receive a yearly

pension thereafter of 50,000 crowns. Also the King of France was to ransom the deposed Queen

Margaret of Anjou, who was in Edward's custody, with 50,000 crowns. It also included pensions to

many of Edward's lords.Other provisions of the treaty were that if either

king experienced a rebellion, the other would provide military support to defeat it. Edward's

daughter Elizabeth of York was to marry the Dauphin Charles when she came of age.[1] The

English claim to the French throne was to be subject to arbitration along with other

disagreements between the monarchs. A committee should meet annually to discuss the

issues and their conclusions should be binding. It was to comprise the archbishops of Canterbury and

Lyons, Edward's brother George, the Duke of Clarence, and Louis, Count of Dunois.[3]

In addition to the king, his leading advisors also received pensions from the French. Thomas

Rotherham the chancellor had 1,000 crowns a year. John Morton had 600 crowns, and Sir John Howard and Sir Thomas Montgomery 1,200 each. William Hastings, 1st Baron Hastings, who had been the

chief advocate for the treaty, was to receive 2,000 crowns a year.[3]


After a number of revolts, Ferdinand and Isabella ordered the expulsion from Spain of all Jews and Muslims.[5] People who converted to Catholicism were not subject to expulsion, but between 1480 and 1492 hundreds of those who had converted

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(conversos and moriscos) were accused of secretly practising their original religion (crypto-Judaism or

crypto-Islam) and arrested, imprisoned, interrogated under torture, and in some cases burned to death, in both Castile and Aragon.

[citation needed]


In 1492 Ferdinand and Isabella ordered segregation of communities to create closed quarters which

eventually became what were later called "ghettos". They also furthered economic pressures upon Jews and other non-Christians by increasing

taxes and social restrictions. Finally, the 1492 Alhambra Decree gave Jews in Spain four months

to either convert to Catholicism or leave Spain. Tens of thousands of Jews emigrated to other lands

such as Portugal, North Africa, Italy and the Ottoman Empire. Later in 1492, Ferdinand issued a

letter addressed to the Jews who had left Castile and Aragon, inviting them back to Spain if they had

become Christians.


The Alhambra Decree (also known as the Edict of Expulsion) was an edict issued on 31 March 1492 by

the joint Catholic Monarchs of Spain (Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon) ordering the

expulsion of Jews from the Kingdoms of Castile and Aragon and its territories and possessions by 31

July of that year.[1]


Too convenient… as if Columbus discovery was a set-up. Just after Jews and Non Christians put in ghettos and forced to convert to stay…. Spanish

Pope days after Columbus sets sail…


1 of 2 Spanish Popes- Pope Alexander VI- Born Roderic Llancol I de Borja

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Columbus sailed to America. Landed in Bahamas & Cuba


Reign: 25 October 1495 –13 December 1521 / Manuel I[1] (English: Emmanuel I; 31 May 1469 –

13 December 1521), the Fortunate (Port. o Venturoso), King of Portugal and the Algarves was

the son of Infante Ferdinand, Duke of Viseu, (1433–1470), by his wife, Infanta Beatrice of Portugal. His

name is associated with a period of Portuguese civilization distinguished by significant

achievements both in political affairs and the arts. In spite of its small size and population in

comparison to the great land powers of Europe, it was able to acquire an overseas empire of vast

proportions and with a global dimension, for the first time in history, during Manuel's reign.


John Cabot (Italian: Giovanni Caboto; c. 1450 – c. 1499) was an Italian navigator and explorer whose 1497 discovery of parts of North America under the

commission of Henry VII of England is commonly held to have been the first European encounter with the mainland of North America since the Norse Vikings visits to Vinland in the eleventh

century. The official position of the Canadian and British governments is that he landed on the island of Newfoundland. Henry Hudson's grandfather was

also called Henry Hudson, (according to Hakluyt, although some sources identify him as Hudson's

father). His grandfather was named in Queen Mary's Charter, 6 Feb. 1555, as one of the founders of the Muscovy Company, which sponsored John

Sebastian Cabot in his expedition to the New World. He was an alderman in the City of London.

1500 Portugal King Manuel I -Commissioned Pedro

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Álvares Cabral[A] (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈpeðɾu ˈaɫvɐɾɨʃ kɐˈβɾaɫ] or Brazilian Portuguese: [ˈpedɾu ˈawvaɾis kaˈbɾaw]; c. 1467 or 1468 – c.

1520) was a Portuguese nobleman, military commander, navigator and explorer regarded as

the discoverer of Brazil. Cabral conducted the first substantial exploration of the northeast coast of South America and claimed it for Portugal. While

details of Cabral's early life are unclear, it is known that he came from a minor noble family and

received a good education. He was appointed to head an expedition to India in 1500, following Vasco da Gama's newly opened route around



Maria of Aragon (29 June 1482 – 7 March 1517) was a Spanish infanta and the second wife of

Portuguese King Manuel I, thus queen consort of Portugal from her marriage on 30 October 1500 until her death. She was born at Córdoba on 29

June 1482 as the third surviving daughter of Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon (the

Catholic monarchs). She was the fourth of five surviving children. Maria did not inherit the insanity that supposedly ran in the royal family and was said

to have affected her sister, Joanna, known as "Joanna (or Joan) the Mad".[2]


The State of India, formally, Estado da Índia Portuguesa, and commonly Portuguese India, was a

colonial state of the Portuguese Empire, six years after the discovery of a sea route between Portugal and India, to serve as the plenipotentiary governing

body of a string of Portuguese fortresses and colonies overseas. The first viceroy was Francisco de Almeida, who established his headquarters in

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Cochin (Cochim, Kochi). Subsequent Portuguese governors were not always of viceroy rank. After

1510, the capital of the Portuguese viceroyalty was transferred to Goa. Until the 18th Century, the

Portuguese governor in Goa had authority over all Portuguese possessions in the Indian Ocean, from

southern Africa to southeast Asia.


Lord of the Netherlands; Count Palatine of Burgundy Reign: 25 September 1506 –25 October

1555[2] King of Spain (alongside Joanna until 1555)Reign: 23 January 1516 – 16 January 1556 Charles V[a] (24 February 1500 – 21 September

1558) was ruler of the Holy Roman Empire (Germany & Italy) from 1519 and, as Charles I, of the Spanish Empire from 1516 until his voluntary

abdication in favor of his younger brother Ferdinand I as Holy Roman Emperor and his son

Philip II as King of Spain in 1556. Holy Roman Emperor; King of Germany; King of Italy Reign 28 June 1519 – 27 August 1556[1] Coronation 26 October 1520 (Germany), 22

February 1530 (Italy), 24 February 1530 (imperial)


Tenure: 10 March 1526 – 1 May 1539 - Isabella of Portugal (24 October 1503 – 1 May 1539) was an Infanta of Portugal, by birth, and a Holy Roman

Empress, Queen of Germany, Italy, Spain, Naples and Sicily, Duchess of Burgundy etc. as the spouse

of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor. She was the daughter of Manuel I of Portugal and Maria of

Aragon. She served as regent of Spain during the absence of her spouse for long periods. In 1521

Isabella's father died and her brother succeeded to the throne as king John III. The marriage

negotiations between the Portuguese and Spanish

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began almost immediately. It was agreed that the new king would marry Catherine of Austria, Charles V's younger sister. The union between Charles and

his cousin Isabella had been proposed by the parliaments of both Castile and Aragon. Charles

agreed to marry the Infanta Isabella purely out of political reasons as he needed a member of the

dynasty to govern Spain, Castile and Aragon during his absences.[1] The Infanta travelled to Seville

where the wedding took place on 10 March 1526 in the palace of Alcázar of Seville.[2][3] With Isabella also came a huge dowry to the Spanish finances.


Prussia was a German kingdom and historic state originating out of the Duchy of Prussia and the

Margraviate of Brandenburg and centered on the region of Prussia


France, together with Portugal, Holland, Sweden, and England, followed the lead of Spain. Each

nation envied the growing wealth and power of Spain that were derived from its possessions in the New World. Each nation, therefore, saw its future position as dependent upon New World colonies.

The first French voyager of note was Jacques Cartier, who began his explorations of North

America in 1534.1542

Crown_of_Ireland_Act_1542The Crown of Ireland Act 1542[1] is an Act of the

Parliament of Ireland (33 Hen. 8 c. 1) which created the title of King of Ireland for King Henry VIII of

England and his successors, who previously ruled the island as lords.

The long title of the Act was "An Act that the King of England, his Heirs and Successors, be Kings of Ireland". The Act was passed in the Parliament of Ireland, meeting in Dublin, on 18 June 1541, being

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read out to parliament in English and Irish.[2]


William I, Prince of Orange (24 April 1533 – 10 July 1584), also widely known as William the Silent or

William the Taciturn(translated from Dutch: Willem de Zwijger),[1][2] or more commonly known as

William of Orange (Dutch: Willem van Oranje), was the main leader of the Dutch revolt against the Spanish Habsburgs that set off the Eighty Years' War and resulted in the formal independence of the United Provinces in 1648. He was born in the

House of Nassau as Count of Nassau-Dillenburg. He became Prince of Orange in 1544 and is thereby the founder of the branch House of Orange-Nassau and the ancestor of the monarchy of the Netherlands.


Mary I (18 February 1516 – 17 November 1558) was Queen of England and Ireland from July 1553

until her death. Her executions of Protestants caused her opponents to give her the sobriquet

"Bloody Mary". She was the only child of Henry VIII and his first wife Catherine of Aragon who survived to adulthood. Her younger half-brother Edward VI (son of Henry and Jane Seymour) succeeded their

father in 1547. When Edward became mortally ill in 1553, he attempted to remove Mary from the line of succession because of religious differences. On

his death their first cousin once removed, Lady Jane Grey, was initially proclaimed queen. Mary

assembled a force in East Anglia and successfully deposed Jane, who was ultimately beheaded. In

1554, Mary married Philip of Spain,


•Henry Hudson's grandfather was also called Henry Hudson, (according to Hakluyt, although some sources identify him as Hudson's father). His

grandfather was named in Queen Mary's Charter, 6

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Feb. 1555, as one of the founders of the Muscovy Company, which sponsored John Sebastian Cabot

in his expedition to the New World. He was an alderman in the City of London.

•His father was a wealthy Londoner, a member of the Skinners and Tanners (one of 12 privileged

companies from which Lord Mayor can be chosen), possibly also an alderman, and owned property in

Stourton, Lincolnshire.


In 1554, Mary (Queen of England & Ireland)married Philip of Spain, becoming queen

consort of Habsburg Spain on his accession in 1556.

As the fourth crowned monarch of the Tudor dynasty, Mary is remembered for her restoration

of Roman Catholicism after the short-lived Protestant reign of her half-brother. During her

five-year reign, she had over 280 religious dissenters burned at the stake in the Marian persecutions. Her re-establishment of Roman

Catholicism was reversed after her death in 1558 by her younger half-sister and successor Elizabeth I,

daughter of Henry and Anne Boleyn.


Philip II (Spanish: Felipe II «el Prudente»; 21 May 1527 – 13 September 1598) was King of Spain[1] (second Philip to Castille, first to Aragon and the

fourth to Navarre) from 1556 and of Portugal from 1581 (as Philip I, Filipe I). From 1554 he was King of Naples and Sicily as well as Duke of Milan. During his marriage to Queen Mary I (1554–58), he was also King Consort of England and Ireland.[2][3]

From 1555, he was lord of the Seventeen Provinces of the Netherlands. Known in Spanish as "Philip the Prudent" (Felipe el Prudente), his empire included

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territories on every continent then known to Europeans, including his namesake Philippine

Islands. During his reign, Spain reached the height of its influence and power. This is sometimes called

the Golden Age. The expression "The empire on which the sun never sets" was coined during

Philip's time to reflect the extent of his possessions.


The Eighty Years' War, or Dutch War of Independence (1568–1648),[1] began as a revolt of the Seventeen Provinces against the political and

religious hegemony of Philip II of Spain, the sovereign of the Habsburg Netherlands.


After the initial stages, Philip II(King of Spain) deployed his armies and regained control over

most of the rebelling provinces. However, under the leadership of the exiled William of Orange, the northern provinces continued their resistance and

managed to oust the Habsburg armies and, in 1581, established the Republic of the Seven United

Netherlands. The war continued in other areas, although the heartland of the republic was no

longer threatened.


The Dutch Republic—officially known as the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands

(Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden), Republic of the United Netherlands, or Republic of the Seven United Provinces (Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Provinciën)—was a republic in Europe

existing from 1581, when part of the Netherlands separated from Spanish rule, until 1795.


A wealthy nobleman, William originally served the Habsburgs as a member of the court of Margaret of

Parma, governor of the Spanish Netherlands. Unhappy with the centralisation of political power

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away from the local estates and with the Spanish persecution of Dutch Protestants, William joined the Dutch uprising and turned against his former

masters. The most influential and politically capable of the rebels, he led the Dutch to several successes in the fight against the Spanish. Declared an outlaw by the Spanish king in 1580, he was assassinated by

Balthasar Gérard (also written as "Gerardts") in Delft in 1584.


The Treaty of Joinville was signed in secret in December 31, 1584 by the French Catholic League, led by France's first family of Catholic nobles, the

Guises, and Habsburg Spain. In this treaty, Philip II, King of Spain, agreed to finance the Catholic League. The aim of the treaty was to form a

Catholic alliance against Protestant forces, notably Elizabeth I of England, in response to the potential

succession to the French throne of Henry III of Navarre, at this point a Protestant.


As a direct consequence, Elizabeth signed the Treaty of Nonsuch with the United Provinces in

1585, financing an expedition to the Netherlands, led by Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester of

between seven and eight thousand soldiers. This was the catalyst for the war between England and Spain which climaxed in the launch of the Spanish

Armada in 1588. Elizabeth's decision represented a complete reversal of her previous policy, which was

not to support rebels rebelling against legitimate authority. Since, in turn, she might have become vulnerable to revolts from English Catholics, the

new policy illustrated just how much the Treaty of Joinville alarmed her.

1604 In the 16th century, England and the Netherlands

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had been close allies against the ambitions of the Habsburgs. They cooperated in fighting the Spanish Armada. England supported the Dutch in the Eighty

Years' War by sending money and troops. There was a permanent English representative in the

Dutch government to ensure coordination of the joint war effort. The separate peace in 1604

between England and Spain strained this relationship.


Treaty of London- The Anglo-Spanish War had been a complex and fluctuating conflict which also had connections with the Dutch Revolt, the French

Wars of Religion, and the Nine Years' War in Ireland. The treaty restored the status quo ante

bellum.[4][5] This amounted to an acknowledgement by Spain that its hopes of

restoring Roman Catholicism in England were at an end. Spain was compelled to recognise the

Protestant monarchy in England. In return, England ended its financial and military support for the

Dutch rebellion, ongoing since the Treaty of Nonsuch (1585).[6]


Samuel de Champlain (1604)was responsible for a series of French explorations into North America in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries that resulted in the founding of the first successful French colony at Quebec in 1608. The passage is

taken from Champlain's writings, the sense of European competition, particularly with Spain, for

the New World is well-developed.


The Habitation at Port-Royal was established by France in 1605 and was that nation's first successful

settlement in North America.

1606 The 'Charter of 1606', also known as the First

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Charter of Virginia, is a document from King James I of England to the Virginia Company assigning land

rights to colonists for the stated purpose of propagating the Christian religion.[1] The land is

described as coastal Virginia and islands near to the coast, but the surveying numbers correspond to modern day South Carolina to Canada. The land

itself would remain the property of the King, with the London Company and the Plymouth Company (the two divisions of the Virginia Company) as the King's tenants, and the settlers as subtenants. The colony's government at first consisted of a council residing in London. The document designated the London Company as responsible for financing the

project, which included recruiting settlers and providing for their transport and supplies.


James granted a proprietary charter to two competing branches of the Virginia Company,

which were supported by investors.


The colony existed briefly during the 16th century, and then continuously from 1607 until the

American Revolution (as a British colony after 1707[2]). The name Virginia was first applied by Sir Walter Raleigh and Queen Elizabeth I in 1584. After the English Civil War in the mid 17th century, the

Virginia Colony was nicknamed "The Old Dominion" by King Charles II for its perceived

loyalty to the English monarchy during the era of the Commonwealth of England.

In 1607, members of a joint venture called the Virginia Company founded Jamestown, the first

permanent English settlement in North America on the banks of the James River.

1607 January: At a meeting of the directors of the

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Muscovy Company, Rev. Richard Hakluyt recommended Hudson as commander of the

expedition, assuring the directors of the company that Hudson is qualified, saying, "He is an experienced seaman," and "He has in his

possession secret information that will enable him to find the northeast passage." This is the first time

Hudson's name appears in print.


In 1607, the Muscovy Company of England hired Hudson to find a northerly route to the Pacific coast

of Asia. The English were battling the Dutch for northwest routes. It was thought at the time that,

because the sun shone for three months in the northern latitudes in the summer, the ice would

melt and a ship could make it across the top of the world.


On 12 April 1607 the United Provinces and the Habsburg Netherlands agreed to a ceasefire, valid for eight months and taking effect on 4 May. The ceasefire was later extended to include operations

at sea.[7] Even then it was difficult to obtain the assent of Philip III. The king was appalled by

Albert's readiness to concede on the point of independence. Only the desperate situation of

Spain's finances compelled him to ratify the agreement. The ceasefire would be prolonged several times to allow for the negotiations that

would eventually lead to the signing of the Twelve Years' Truce.[8]


In 1608, English merchants of the East India and Muscovy Companies again sent Hudson in the

Hopewell on another attempt at a passage to the Indies, this time to the east around northern Russia.

Leaving London on 22 April, the ship traveled

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almost 2,500 miles, making it to Novaya Zemlya well above the Arctic Circle in July, but even in the summer the ice was impenetrable and they turned

back, arriving at Gravesend on 26 August.[14]


But Samuel de Champlain was responsible for a series of French explorations into North America in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries that resulted in the founding of the first successful

French colony at Quebec in 1608.

1609 Virginia Charter - Map


Formal talks were resumed on 28 March 1609 at the Antwerp City Hall. On 9 April the two

delegations set their signatures to the text.[13] The Twelve Years' Truce was the name given to the

cessation of hostilities between the Habsburg rulers of Spain and the Southern Netherlands and the Dutch Republic as agreed in Antwerp on 9 April 1609.[1] It was a watershed in the Eighty Years'

War, marking the point from which the independence of the United Provinces received

formal recognition by outside powers. For the time of its duration, the Truce allowed King Philip III and

his favorite minister the Duke of Lerma to disengage from the conflict in the Low Countries

and devote their energies to the internal problems of the Spanish Monarchy.


The Second Virginia Charter (May 23, 1609)James, by the grace of God [King of England,

Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, etc.] To all [to whom these presents shall come,

greeting.] Virginia received three charters, one in 1606, another in 1609, and the third in 1612. The

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differences among the three charters lie primarily in the territorial jurisdiction of the company, not

in the right to govern the colony. In 1609, the "sea to sea" provision was inserted


A group of people (separatists) who later came to be known as the "Pilgrims" founded the Plymouth Colony. The core group—roughly 40% of the adults and 56% of the family groupings[1]—was part of a

congregation of religious separatists (Congregationalists) led by William Bradford. While

still in the English village of Scrooby, near East Retford, Nottinghamshire, the congregation began

to feel the pressures of religious persecution. In 1607 Tobias Matthew, Archbishop of York, raided

homes and imprisoned several members of the congregation.[2][3] The congregation then left

England and emigrated to the Netherlands, first to Amsterdam and then to Leiden, in 1609.[4]


In 1609 Hudson was chosen by merchants of the Dutch East India Company in the Netherlands to

find an easterly passage to Asia. He was told to sail through the Arctic Ocean north of Russia, into the

Pacific and so to the Far East. Hudson departed Amsterdam on 4 April in command of the Dutch ship Halve Maen.[20] He could not complete the

specified route because ice blocked the passage, as with all previous such voyages, and he turned the ship around in mid-May while somewhere east of

Norway's North Cape. At that point, acting entirely outside his instructions, Hudson pointed the ship

west to try to find a passage in that direction.[21On 4 August the ship was at Cape Cod, from which

Hudson sailed south to the entrance of the Chesapeake Bay. Rather than entering the

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Chesapeake he explored the coast to the north, finding Delaware Bay but continuing on north. On 3 September he reached the estuary of the river that initially was called the "North River" or "Mauritius"

and now carries his name. He was not the first European to discover the estuary, though, as it had

been known since the voyage of Giovanni da Verrazzano in 1524. On 6 September 1609 John Colman of his crew was killed by Indians with an arrow to his neck.[25] ~Peninsula was discovered by Henry Hudson,[5] and, historically, Sandy Hook has been a convenient anchorage for ships before

proceeding into Upper New York Harbor. Sandy Hook WIKI


Hudson sailed into the upper bay on 11 September,[26] and the following day began a

journey up what is now known as the Hudson River.[27] Over the next ten days his ship ascended the

river, reaching a point about where the present-day capital of Albany is located.[28]


Henry Hudson put in to Dartmouth on his return from North America, and was arrested for sailing

under a foreign flag.1610

Henry_HudsonExcitement was very high due to the expectation

that the ship had finally found the Northwest Passage through the continent. On 25 June, the

explorers reached what is now the Hudson Strait at the northern tip of Labrador. Following the

southern coast of the strait on 2 August, the ship entered Hudson Bay. Hudson spent the following months mapping and exploring its eastern shores, but he and his crew did not find a passage to Asia.

In November, however, the ship became trapped in the ice in the James Bay, and the crew moved

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ashore for the winter.


mutinyWhen the ice cleared in the spring of 1611, Hudson

planned to use his Discovery to further explore Hudson Bay with the continuing goal of discovering the Passage; however, most of the members of his

crew ardently desired to return home. Matters came to a head and much of the crew mutinied in

June. Descriptions of the successful mutiny are one-sided, because the only survivors who could tell

their story were the mutineers and those who went along with the mutiny. Allegedly in the latter class

was ship's navigator Abacuk Pricket, a survivor who kept a journal that was to become a key source for the narrative of the mutiny. According to Pricket, the leaders of the mutiny were Henry Greene and

Robert Juet. Pricket's narrative tells how the mutineers set Hudson, his teenage son John, and seven crewmen—men who were either sick and

infirm or loyal to Hudson—adrift from the Discovery in a small shallop, an open boat, effectively marooning them in Hudson Bay.


In January 1604, King James VI and I convened the Hampton Court Conference where a new English

version was conceived in response to the perceived problems of the earlier translations as detected by

the Puritans,[4] a faction within the Church of England.[5]

James gave the translators instructions intended to guarantee that the new version would conform to the ecclesiology and reflect the episcopal structure

of the Church of England and its belief in an ordained clergy.[6] The translation was done by 47

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scholars, all of whom were members of the Church of England.[7] In common with most other

translations of the period, the New Testament was translated from Greek, the Old Testament was

translated from Hebrew and Aramaic text, while the Apocrypha were translated from the Greek and



in 1612 jurisdiction was extended eastward from the Virginia shores to include islands, such as

Bermuda, in the Atlantic. The Third Virginia Charter (March 12, 1612) James, by the grace of God [King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith;] to all to whom [these presents shall come,] greeting. Whereas at the humble suite of

divers and sundry our lovinge subjects, aswell adventurers as planters of the First Colonie in Virginia, and for the propagacion of Christian

religion and reclayminge of people barbarous to civilitie and humanitie,


Port-Royal served as the capital of Acadia until its destruction by British military forces in 1613.

France relocated the settlement and capital 8 km (5.0 mi) upstream and to the south bank of the

Annapolis River (see Port-Royal (Acadia)); the site of the present-day town of Annapolis Royal.


Pocahontas was captured by the English during Anglo-Indian hostilities in 1613, and held for

ransom. During her captivity, she converted to Christianity and took the name Rebecca. When the opportunity arose for her to return to her people,

she chose to remain with the English. In April 1614, she married tobacco planter John Rolfe, and in January 1615, bore him a son, Thomas Rolfe. Pocahontas's marriage to Rolfe was the first

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recorded interracial marriage in North American history.[4]

In 1616, the Rolfes traveled to London. Pocahontas was presented to English society as an example of

the civilized "savage" in hopes of stimulating investment in the Jamestown settlement. She

became something of a celebrity, was elegantly fêted, and attended a masque at Whitehall Palace.

In 1617, the Rolfes set sail for Virginia, but Pocahontas died at Gravesend of unknown causes. She was buried in a church in Gravesend, but the

exact location of her grave is unknown. Lineage link to 1st President Peyton Randolf & Thomas Jefferson

in future


Captain John Smith of Jamestown fame had explored the area in 1614 and is credited with naming the region of New England. He named many locations using approximations of Native American words. The future site of the Pilgrim's

first settlement was originally named "Accomack" by Smith. In consultation with Prince Charles, son of

King James, Smith changed "Accomack" to New Plymouth. A map published in his 1616 work A

Description of New England clearly shows the site of the future Pilgrim settlement as named "New



Massasoit and Squanto were apprehensive about the Pilgrims. In Massasoit's first contact with the

English, several men of his tribe had been killed in an unprovoked attack by English sailors. He also knew of the Pilgrims' theft of the corn stores in

their landings at Provincetown.[33] Squanto had been abducted in 1614 by the English explorer

Thomas Hunt and had spent five years in Europe,

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first as a slave for a group of Spanish monks, then in England. He had returned to New England in 1619,

acting as a guide to the explorer Capt. Robert Gorges. Massasoit and his men had massacred the crew of the ship and had taken in Squanto.[34][35]


On July 30, 1619, the first legislative assembly in the Americas convened for a six-day meeting at the

church on Jamestown Island, Virginia. A council chosen by the Virginia Company as advisers to the governor, the Virginia Governor's Council, met as a

sort of "upper house," while 22 elected representatives met as the House of Burgesses.

Together, the House of Burgesses and the Council would be the Virginia General Assembly.[5]


The Mayflower was originally bound for the Colony of Virginia, financed by the Company of Merchant

Adventurers of London. Storms forced them to anchor at the hook of Cape Cod in what is now

Massachusetts. This inspired some of the passengers to proclaim that since the settlement would not be made in the agreed upon Virginia territory, they "would use their own liberty; for

none had power to command them...."[4] To prevent this, many of the other colonists chose to establish a government. The Mayflower Compact

was based simultaneously upon a majoritarian model (taking into account that women could not

vote) and the settlers' allegiance to the king. It was in essence a contract in which the settlers

consented to follow the compact's rules and regulations for the sake of order and survival.[5]

In November 1620, the Mayflower anchored at Plymouth, named after the major port city in

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Devon, England from which she sailed.


Indentured servitude Form of Slavery - Debt Bondage-appeared in the Americas in the 1620s and remained in use as late as 1917. Free passage if commit to work for a period


On March 16, 1621, the first formal contact with the Indians (or Native Americans) occurred. A Native American named Samoset, originally from Pemaquid Point in modern Maine, walked boldly into the midst of the settlement and proclaimed, "Welcome, Englishmen!" They also discovered that the supreme leader of the region was a Wampanoag Native American sachem (chief) by the name of Massasoit;[31] and they learned of the existence of Squanto—also known by his full Massachusett name of Tisquantum—a Native American originally from Patuxet. Squanto had spent time in Europe and spoke English quite well. Samoset spent the night in Plymouth and agreed to arrange a meeting with some of Massasoit's men.[32


By 1624, the royal government in London had heard enough about the problems of the colony and revoked the charter of the Virginia Company. Virginia became a crown colony and the governor and council would be chosen by the king. Nonetheless, the basic form of government of the colony was retained, although the right of the General Assembly to exist was not officially confirmed until 1639.


Virginia became a royal colony in 1624 when King James I revoked the charter of the bankrupt Virginia Company. He felt threatened by the representative assembly known as the House of

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Burgesses. His timely death in 1625 ended his plans of disbanding the assembly.


Dutch West India Co. imported 11 African slaves to New Amsterdam (NY)


Peter Minuit joined the Dutch West India Company, probably in the mid 1620s, and was sent to New Netherland in 1625 to search for tradable goods other than the animal pelts which were then the major product coming from New Netherland. He returned in the same year, and in 1626 was appointed the new governor general of New Netherland, taking over from Willem Verhulst, the previous governor general. He sailed to North America and arrived in the colony on May 4, 1626.[3] On May 24, 1626, Minuit was credited with purchasing the island of Manhattan from the native Americans in exchange for traded goods valued at 60 guilders. ( the price Minuit paid would have the purchasing power of somewhere between $2,600 and $15,600 in current dollars.) Minuit introduced a measure of democracy in the colony during his time in New Netherland. Upon his arrival in 1626, he proposed a plan to establish an advisory body to the governor general. The advisory body would be a council of five members, which would advise the governor general, and would jointly with the governor general develop, administer and adjudicate a body of laws to help govern the colony. In addition he proposed the institution of the schout-fiscal, half sheriff, half attorney-general, and all customs officer.[2]


The population of Quebec City arrived at 100 in 1627, less than a dozen of whom were women.[9] However, with the invasion of Quebec by David

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Kirke and his brothers in 1628, Champlain returned to France with approximately 60 out of 80 settlers.[10]


The English Civil War (1642–1651) was a series of armed conflicts and political machinations between Parliamentarians ("Roundheads") and Royalists ("Cavaliers") in the Kingdom of England over, principally, the manner of its government. The first (1642–46) and second (1648–49) wars pitted the supporters of King Charles I against the supporters of the Long Parliament, while the third (1649–51) saw fighting between supporters of King Charles II and supporters of the Rump Parliament. The war ended with the Parliamentarian victory at the Battle of Worcester on 3 September 1651.


The signing of the Peace of Münster The negotiations between the fighting parties began in 1641 in the towns of Münster and Osnabrück, in present-day Germany.Despite not formally being recognised as an independent state, the Dutch republic was allowed to participate in the peace talks; even Spain did not oppose this. In January 1646, eight Dutch representatives (two from Holland and one from each of the other six provinces) arrived in Münster to start the negotiations. The Spanish envoys had been given great authority by the Spanish King Philip IV who had been suing for peace for years. On 30 January 1648, the parties reached an agreement and a text was sent to The Hague and Madrid to be signed. On 15 May the same year peace was made. With the peace, the Netherlands was recognized as an independent country.

1648 The Peace of Westphalia was a series of peace

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treaties signed between May and October 1648 in Osnabrück and Münster. These treaties ended the Thirty Years' War (1618–1648) in the Holy Roman Empire, and the Eighty Years' War (1568–1648) between Spain and the Dutch Republic, with Spain formally recognizing the independence of the Dutch Republic.

The Peace of Westphalia treaties involved the Holy Roman Emperor, Ferdinand III, of the House of Habsburg; the Kingdom of Spain; the Kingdom of France; the Swedish Empire; the Dutch Republic; the Princes of the Holy Roman Empire; and sovereigns of the free imperial cities. It can be denoted by two major events.


The signing of the Peace of Münster[1] between the Dutch Republic and the Kingdom of Spain on 30 January 1648, officially ratified in Münster on 15 May 1648. The power taken by Ferdinand III in contravention of the Holy Roman Empire's constitution was stripped and returned to the rulers of the Imperial States. This rectification allowed the rulers of the Imperial States to independently decide their religious worship. Protestants and Catholics were redefined as equal before the law, and Calvinism was given legal recognition.[11][12] Independence of the Dutch Republic also provided a safe country for European Jews. [13]The Holy See was very displeased at the settlement, with Pope Innocent X in Zelo Domus Dei reportedly calling it "null, void, invalid, iniquitous, unjust, damnable, reprobate, inane, empty of meaning and effect for all time".[14]

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English Civil War: The overall outcome of the war was threefold: the trial and execution of Charles I; the exile of his son, Charles II; and the replacement of English monarchy with, at first, the Commonwealth of England (1649–53) and then the Protectorate (1653–59) under Oliver Cromwell's personal rule. The monopoly of the Church of England on Christian worship in England ended with the victors consolidating the established Protestant Ascendancy in Ireland. Constitutionally, the wars established the precedent that an English monarch cannot govern without Parliament's consent, although this concept was legally established only as part of the Glorious Revolution in 1688.


Treaty of Westminster- 1654- The treaty appeared ready for signing when suddenly two new obstacles were raised. In the first place the Dutch asked for the King of Denmark (their ally in the war) to be included in the treaty. Secondly, Cromwell demanded that the then-four-year-old Prince of Orange[8] should be excluded from future government appointments, like the stadtholderate, or the captaincy-general of the States Army.[9] The first demand was accepted, but the second at first appeared unacceptable to the Dutch ambassadors, who returned home. Secret direct negotiations between Cromwell and De Witt (represented by Beverningh), led to agreement on the matter of the exclusion of the Prince, however without the knowledge of the States-General of the Netherlands. A secret clause, requiring the enactment of what became known as the Act of Seclusion by the States of Holland as a precondition for ratification of the treaty by the

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Commonwealth, would be added to the treaty that would only bind the States of Holland.[7]:722 The Dutch ambassadors returned to England after a few weeks' absence (only the representatives of Holland being aware of the secret clause) and completed the negotiations, tying up a number of loose ends, especially the important provisions in art. 30 of the treaty, laying down the principles of arbitration of mutual claims by a commission of equal representation convening in London, backed up by a provision charging the Protestant Swiss Cantons with binding arbitration, in case the arbiters in London could not reach agreement.[2]:12 The treaty was signed on 5/15 April 1654, and ratified by both states within a fortnight (ratification resolution of the States-General 12/22 April 1654,[10]:389-392 Cromwell 19/29 April 1654).[11][12]


Minuit's "friend Willem Usselincx, also disappointed by the WIC, drew Minuit’s attention to Swedish efforts to have found a colony on the Delaware River south of New Netherland. In 1636 or 1637, Minuit made arrangements with Samuel Blommaert and the Swedish government to create the first Swedish colony in the New World. Located on the lower Delaware River within territory earlier claimed by the Dutch, it was called New Sweden. Minuit and his company arrived on the Fogel Grip and Kalmar Nyckel at Swedes' Landing (now Wilmington, Delaware), in the spring of 1638. They constructed Fort Christina later that year, then returned to Stockholm for a second load of colonists, and made a side trip to the Caribbean on the return to pick up a shipment of tobacco for

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resale in Europe to make the voyage profitable. Minuit died during this voyage during a hurricane at St. Christopher in the Caribbean. Swedish Lt. Måns Nilsson Kling, whose rank was raised to captain about two years later, replaced him as governor. It took the government that long for the next governor from mainland Sweden to be appointed and travel to North America.[citation needed] Nine expeditions to the colony were carried out before the Dutch captured the colony in 1655, well after Minuit's death.[13]


Under the command of Penn and Venables the English captured Jamaica from the Spanish in 1655. In 1662 there were about 400 Negro slaves on the island. As the cultivation of sugar cane was introduced, the number of slaves grew to 9,504 by 1673. The landowners acquired more slaves to do the work on the estates, and in 1734 there were 86,546 slaves. In 1775 there were 192,787.

1655 First Slave Auction in 1655 in New Amsterdam (NY)


Soon after Sweden opened the Second Northern War in the Baltic by attacking the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Dutch moved to take advantage and an armed squadron of ships under the direction of Director-General Peter Stuyvesant seized New Sweden. The Dutch moved an army to the Delaware River in the summer of 1655, easily capturing Fort Trinity and Fort Christina. The Swedish settlement was incorporated into Dutch New Netherland on September 15, 1655. At first the Swedish and Finnish settlers continued to enjoy local autonomy. They kept their own militia, religion, court, and lands.[7]

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This status lasted officially until the English conquest of the New Netherland colony was launched on June 24, 1664. The Duke of York sold the area that is today New Jersey to John Berkeley and George Carteret for a proprietary colony, separate from the projected New York. The actual invasion started on August 29, 1664, with the capture of New Amsterdam. The invasion ended with the capture of Fort Casimir (New Castle, Delaware) in October 1664. The invasion was conducted at the start of the Second Anglo-Dutch War.[8]

The status continued unofficially until these lands were included in William Penn's charter for Pennsylvania, on August 24, 1682. During this later period some immigration and expansion continued. The first settlement at Wicaco, a Swedish settlers' log blockhouse located below Society Hill, was built in present-day Philadelphia in 1669. It was later used as a church until about 1700, when Gloria Dei (Old Swedes') Church of Philadelphia was built on the site.[9]


The Enlish took over New Amsterdam and the colony. New York


In 1664, James, the Duke of York, received control of New Netherland. The name of the colony was changed to New York in honor of the Duke.


The fifth creation was in favour of James Stuart, the second son of Charles I. The city and state of New York in what is now the United States of America were named for this particular Duke of York. When his elder brother, King Charles II, died without

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heirs, James succeeded to the throne as King James II, and the title once again merged into the Crown


In 1664, after Colonel Richard Nicolls captured New Amsterdam, Sir Robert Carr was sent to the Delaware River. He took over New Amstel, pillaging it and brutally maltreating its settlers, some of whom he sold into slavery in Virginia. Carr translated the name from Dutch into English and it has been known since as New Castle.[1] Carr and his troops continued down the shore, ravaging and burning settlements, including the famous Mennonite utopian community of Pieter Corneliszoon Plockhoy near present day Lewes, Delaware, which was utterly destroyed. This effectively ended the Dutch rule of the colony and, for that matter, ended their claims to any land in colonial North America. Delaware was thenceforth claimed by New York under a Deputy of the Duke of York from 1664 to 1682, but not actually held in the Duke's possession nor his colonists, a situation taken advantage of by the proprietors of Maryland.[1]


New Jersey was settled. The Duke of York granted some land to Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkeley who named their colony New Jersey. They provided grants of land and religious freedom in the colony. The two parts of the colony were not united into a royal colony until 1702


Durham County, Maryland- Between 1669 and 1672, Delaware was an incorporated county under the Province of Maryland (see here). When the Duke of York made use of his charter on behalf of courtier William Penn, through conveyances made

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by the governor of New York, there was a brief conflict of interest between the Catholic, Tory and whose son was likewise a sometime Jacobite sympathizer Lord Baltimore with their friend the aforesaid Duke, but this was a hard fought court battle subsequently relegated to a proprietary dispute between the Calvert and Penn families, since both were held in favor by both the King and Prince James. The Mason-Dixon line is said to have legally resolved vague outlines in the overlap between Maryland and Pennsylvania, which pretty much awarded Delaware to Pennsylvania, although Delaware would eventually prove too independent for legislation north of New Castle (as well as that from the southerly Chesapeake Bay), leading to the separation from Pennsylvania and unique pioneer status as America's first state, tied to neither province's destiny. English speaking colonists in the area were more inclined towards the Calvert proprietorship, albeit Penn's religion and one of these men was the Irish Quaker forefather (James Nixon, 1731 arrival) of future President Richard Nixon, while House Minority Leader, and presidential successor, Gerald Ford owed his roots to a forefather not so distant, from Philadelphia, of the Devonshire King family.

King Philip's War, sometimes called the First Indian War, Metacom's War, Metacomet's War, or Metacom's Rebellion,[1] was an armed conflict between Native American inhabitants of present-day New England and English colonists and their Native American allies in 1675–78. The war is named after the main leader of the Native American side, Metacomet, known to the English as

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"King Philip".[2] Major Benjamin Church emerged as the Puritan hero of the war; it was his company of Puritan rangers and Native American allies that finally hunted down and killed King Philip on August 12, 1676.[3] The war continued in northern New England (primarily in Maine at the New England and Acadia border) until a treaty was signed at Casco Bay in April 1678.[4]


the colony's economy was all but ruined, and its population was decimated, losing one-tenth of all men available for military service.[6][7] More than half of New England's towns were attacked by Native American warriors.[8]Nearly all the English colonies in America were settled without any significant English government support, as they were used chiefly as a place of refuge or exile for religious minorities and other rebels in England. King Philip's War began the development of a greater American identity, for the colonists' trials, without significant English government support, gave them a group identity separate and distinct from subjects of the Monarchy and Parliament of England.[9][page needed]

Sir Edmund Andros, appointed by the Duke of York (the future James II) as governor of New York, negotiated a treaty with some of the northern Indian bands in Maine on April 12, 1678, as he tried to establish his New York-based royal power structure over territory claimed by York there.

Treaty of Casco (1678) brought to a close the war between the eastern Indians and the English settlers of Massachusetts Bay Colony. The treaty sought to re-establish the friendly relations

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between the Indians and settlers that had characterized the northern settlements previous to the outbreak of King Philip's War in 1675. Based on the terms of the accord, all captives were to be surrendered without ransom. The treaty also stipulated that the English should give the Indians one peck of corn annually for each family settled on Indian lands, with the exception of Maj. Phillips of Saco, a great proprietor, who was required to give a bushel each Native American family.The Pokanoket tribe (Tribe Pilgrims had Thanksgiving with) was prevented from signing the Treaty by an English bounty placed on the lives of every Pokanoket over the age 14. [1] Some argue that the Treaty of Casco included the Pokanoket Tribe in absentia, drawing on other landmark court rulings which rely on statutes concerning the "operation of law". The Treaty included establishing Fort Charles at Pemaquid.[2]


The colonial authorities in New France do not facilitate the implementation of the avocado on the banks of the St. Lawrence profession. Indeed, Samuel de Champlain same request to the King of France from 1618 that " justice is done for free in the colony, without the intervention of lawyers or prosecutors. "The rulers of France supported this position. In 1678 , the Supreme Council formalizes this ban. Various reasons may be invoked to explain these difficult beginnings :the small population in the colony ( 9400 inhabitants in 1679 ) and number of limbothe rudimentary beginnings of the colony and its judiciary will probably not require the presence of

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counselThe administration of justice still requires the presence of officers of justice. Thus, prosecutors, bailiffs and notaries can practice law . The authorities even tolerate the presence of " prosecutors applicants " who represent parties before the courts against remuneration.(Translated from French via Google French to English 10/27/2014)


William Penn (14 October 1644 – 30 July 1718) was an English real estate entrepreneur, philosopher, early Quaker and founder of the Province of Pennsylvania, the English North American colony and the future Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. He was an early advocate of democracy and religious freedom, notable for his good relations and successful treaties with the Lenape Indians. Under his direction, the city of Philadelphia was planned and developed.In 1681, King Charles II handed over a large piece of his American land holdings to William Penn to satisfy a debt the king owed to Penn's father. This land included present-day Pennsylvania and Delaware. Penn immediately sailed to America and his first step on American soil took place in New Castle in 1682.[1] On this occasion, the colonists pledged allegiance to Penn as their new proprietor, and the first general assembly was held in the colony. Afterwards, Penn journeyed up river and founded Philadelphia. However, Penn's Quaker government was not viewed favourably by the Dutch, Swedish, and English settlers in what is now Delaware. They had no "historical" allegiance to Pennsylvania, so they almost immediately began

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petitioning for their own assembly.


Quakers Settle in Pennsylvania. The Quakers were persecuted in England and looked to have a colony in America with religious freedom. William Penn received a grant, which the King called Pennsylvania. The first settlement was Philadelphia


The colonists' successful defense of New England with their own resources brought them to the attention of the British royal government. Before King Philip's War, the colonies had been generally ignored, considered uninteresting and poor English outposts. The English authorities soon tried to exploit the colonies and their resources for the authorities' own gain—beginning with the revocation of the charter of Massachusetts Bay in 1684 (enforced 1686).


Formation of New England - King James II combines the colonies of Connecticut, Massachusetts Bay Colony, Plymouth, Rhode Island, New York, New Hampshire, East Jersey and West Jersey into a single colony: The Dominion of New England.


Feb 13, 1689 The Glorious Revolution. The Protestant William III and Mary II officially replace the Catholic James II as monarchs of England. The English Bill of Rights which enables Parliament to control laws and taxes


The Bill of Rights laid out certain basic rights for all Englishmen. The Act stated that there should be:##no royal interference with the law. Though the sovereign remains the fount of justice, he or she cannot unilaterally establish new courts or act as a judge.##no taxation by Royal Prerogative. The agreement of the parliament became necessary for the

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implementation of any new taxes##freedom to petition the monarch without fear of retribution##no standing army may be maintained during a time of peace without the consent of parliament.[5]##no royal interference in the freedom of the people to have arms for their own defence as suitable to their class and as allowed by law (simultaneously restoring rights previously taken from Protestants by James II)##no royal interference in the election of members of Parliament##the freedom of speech and debates or proceedings in Parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parliament##"grants and promises of fines or forfeitures" before conviction are void.##no excessive bail or "cruel and unusual" punishments may be imposed.


Mar 1689 Glorious Revolution Sparks Revolt in the colonies. Boston militiamen seize Governor-in-Chief Andros and put him in jail. The New England colonies begin to re-establish governments. Jacob Leisler (1640-1691) was a German immigrant who led the insurrection against local colonial officials from 1689 to 1691 in colonial New York


In 1690, Plymouth's charter was not renewed; its residents were forced to join the Massachusetts government. The equally small colony of Rhode Island, with its largely Puritan dissident settlers, maintained its charter—mainly as a counterweight and irritant to Massachusetts. The Massachusetts

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General Court (the main elected legislative and judicial body in Massachusetts) was brought under nominal British government control, but all members except the Royal Governor and a few of his deputies continued to be elected in the various towns, as was their practice over the prior 40 years. The "top" of the government was nominally under British government control, but the vast majority in the government continued on as before with elected local and representative legislative and judicial bodies. Only land-owning males could vote for most officials, but their suffrage was both wider and more universal than in nearly all other countries of this era.


New Jersey was settled. The Duke of York granted some land to Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkeley who named their colony New Jersey. They provided grants of land and religious freedom in the colony. The two parts of the colony were not united into a royal colony until 1702


British had expanded slavery. 43% of New York households held slaves, often as domestic servants & laborers. Others as Artisans or in shipping.


Delaware. The Duke of York gained New Netherland and New Sweden which had been founded by Peter Minuit. He renamed the whole region as Delaware. This area became part of Pennsylvania until 1703 when Delaware created its own legislature


In 1704 they achieved their goal when the three southernmost counties of Pennsylvania were permitted to split off and become the new semi-

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autonomous colony of Lower Delaware. As the most prominent, prosperous and influential "city" in the new colony, New Castle became the capital. New Castle was where William Penn had first stepped on land in America in 1682.William Penn- As one of the earlier supporters of colonial unification, Penn wrote and urged for a union of all the English colonies in what was to become the United States of America. The democratic principles that he set forth in the Pennsylvania Frame of Government served as an inspiration for the United States Constitution. As a pacifist Quaker, Penn considered the problems of war and peace deeply. He developed a forward-looking project for a United States of Europe through the creation of a European Assembly made of deputies that could discuss and adjudicate controversies peacefully. He is therefore considered the very first thinker to suggest the creation of a European Parliament[2]


Results: Treaty of Utrecht (1713) of Rastatt (1714)Treaty of Baden (1714)Philip is recognised as King of Spain, but once more renounces any claim to the throne of France.Spain and Britain sign the Asiento. Territorial changes##Spain cedes the Spanish Netherlands, Kingdom of Naples, Duchy of Milan and Sardinia to the Habsburg Monarchy, Sicily to the Duchy of Savoy and Gibraltar and Minorca to Britain.##France is guaranteed all its former conquests but recognises British sovereignty over Rupert's Land

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and Newfoundland and cedes Acadia and its half of Saint Kitts to Great Britain.##The Dutch Republic retains various forts in the Southern Netherlands and annexes a part of Spanish Guelders.##Spain cedes the Colony of Sacramento to the Portuguese Empire


King Philip V of Spain- 1 November 1700 - 9 July 1746 (His son ruled for 7 months in between) Before his reign, Philip occupied an exalted place in the royal family of France as a grandson of King Louis XIV. His father, Louis, the Grand Dauphin, had the strongest genealogical claim to the throne of Spain when it became vacant in 1700. However, since the Grand Dauphin and Philip's older brother, Louis, Duke of Burgundy, could not be displaced from their place in the succession to the French throne, King Charles II of Spain named Philip as his heir in his will. It was well known that the union of France and Spain under one monarch would upset the balance of power in Europe, such that other European powers would take steps to prevent it. Indeed, Philip's accession in Spain provoked the 14-year War of the Spanish Succession, which continued until the Treaty of Utrecht strongly forbade any future possibility of unifying the French and Spanish thrones.Philip was the first member of the House of Bourbon to rule as king of Spain. The sum of his two reigns, 45 years and 21 days, is the longest in modern Spanish history.


Peyton Randolph was born in Tazewell Hall,[3][4] Williamsburg, Virginia[5] to a prominent family. His parents were Sir John Randolph,[6] the son of

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William Randolph, and Susannah Beverley, the daughter of Peter Beverley; his brother was John Randolph. His father died when he was 16.Randolph attended the College of William and Mary, and later studied law at Middle Temple at the Inns of Court in London, becoming a member of the bar in 1743.[7]


Holy Roman Emperor;King in Germany - Reign: 13 September 1745 –18 August 1765 Francis I (Francis Stephen; 8 December 1708 – 18 August 1765)[2] was Holy Roman Emperor and Grand Duke of Tuscany, though his wife effectively executed the real powers of those positions. With his wife, Maria Theresa, he was the founder of the Habsburg-Lorraine dynasty. From 1728 until 1737 he was Duke of Lorraine. In 1737, Lorraine became managed by France under terms resulting from the War of the Polish Succession. Francis and House of Lorraine received the Grand Duchy of Tuscany in the peace treaty that ended that war. After taking the throne of the Holy Roman Empire, the return of the ancestral duchy of Lorraine went nominally to his brother Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine (who was however engaged in ruling the Austrian Netherlands), until succession under derivate house alliances resulted in Lorraine's annexation to France in 1766.[citation needed]


On this day in 1754, a 22-year-old lieutenant colonel of the Virginia militia named George Washington successfully defeats a party of French and Indian scouts in southwest Pennsylvania as Virginia attempts to lay claim to the territory for its own settlers. The action snowballed into a world war and began the military career of the first

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American commander in chief.


The Albany Plan of Union was a proposal to create a unified government for the Thirteen Colonies, suggested by Benjamin Franklin, then a senior leader (age 48) and a delegate from Pennsylvania, at the Albany Congress in July 1754 in Albany, New York. More than twenty representatives of several northern and mid-Atlantic colonies had gathered to plan their defense related to the French and Indian War, the front in North America of the Seven Years War between Great Britain and France. The Plan represented one of multiple early attempts to form a union of the colonies "under one government as far as might be necessary for defense and other general important purposes."[1]


Henry Middleton (1717-1784)America's second elected president was one of the wealthiest planters in the South, the patriarch of the most powerful families anywhere in the nation. His public spirit was evident from an early age. He was a member of his state's Common House from 1744-1747. During the last two years he served as the Speaker. During 1755 he was the King's Commissioner of Indian Affairs. He was a member of the South Carolina Council from 1755-1770. His valor in the War with the Cherokees during 1760-1761 earned him wide recognition throughout the colonies—and demonstrated his cool leadership abilities while under pressure. He was elected as a delegate to the first session of the Continental Congress and when Peyton Randolph was forced to resign the presidency, his peers immediately turned to Middleton to complete the term. He served as the fledgling coalition's president from October 22,

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1774 until Randolph was able to resume his duties briefly beginning on May 10, 1775.


Seven Years' War


During the Seven years War, in 1759, the British, under the command of General James Wolfe, besieged Quebec City for three months. The city was defended by French general the Marquis de Montcalm. The very short battle of the Plains of Abraham lasted approximately 15 minutes and culminated in a British victory and the surrender of Quebec.[29


George Townshend, 4th Viscount Townshend (1772–1782- Master General of the Ordanance-Top Military position in G.B. prior to 1855) he took command of a division of the Anglo-Portuguese army with the local rank of lieutenant-general, against the Spanish invasion of Portugal.


Treaty of Fontainebleau- Secret agreement- France ceded Louisiana(New France) to Spain


Having lost Canada, King Louis XV of France proposed to King Charles III of Spain that France should give Spain "the country known as Louisiana, as well as New Orleans and the island in which the city is situated."[1] Charles accepted on November 13, 1762.

France gives Luisiana to Spain - Mississippi River, from the Appalachians to the Rockies

Louisiana "purchase" area

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1st Treaty of Paris- France and Great Britain following the Seven Years' War, divided La Louisiane at the Mississippi: the eastern half was ceded to Britain, while the western half and New Orleans were nominally retained by France. Spain did not contest Britain's control of eastern Louisiana, as it already knew it would rule in western Louisiana. Also, under the Treaty of Paris, Spain had ceded Florida to Britain, and western Louisiana was its compensation.

French colonists who did not want to live under British Rule had 18 MONTHS to freely emigrate. Many moved to Luisiana where it later learned France had ceded Luisiana to Spain. Is the Bar Exam not mentioned in this agreement? Or was it a European Strategy? Divide and Conquor, Unite and Divide.


Delaware Colony in the North American Middle Colonies was a region of the Province of Pennsylvania although never legally a separate colony. From 1682 to 1776 it was part of the Penn proprietorship and was known as the lower counties. In 1701 it gained a separate Assembly from the upper counties but had the same Governor as the rest of Pennsylvania.


Proclimation line of 1763. The Royal Proclamation of 1763 was issued October 7, 1763 bringing the introduction of the massive boundary, which was the Proclamation Line between the colonies and Indian Territories


First Bar Exam in Delaware (Colony) The first bar exam in what is now the United States was instituted by Delaware Colony in 1763, as an oral examination before a judge.[2] The other American colonies soon followed suit.[2] By the late 19th century, the examinations were administered by committees of attorneys, and eventually changed from an oral examination to a written one.[2] Wedge- Financial Servitude/Divide & Conquor Delaware

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Bar examinations in the United States are administered by agencies of individual states. In 1763, Delaware created the first bar exam with other American colonies soon following suit.[2] A state bar licensing agency is invariably associated with the judicial branch of government, because American attorneys are all officers of the court of the bar(s) to which they belong. Sometimes the agency is an office or committee of the state's highest court or intermediate appellate court. In some states which have a unified or integrated bar association (meaning that formal membership in a public corporation controlled by the judiciary is required to practice law therein), the agency is either the state bar association or a subunit thereof. Other states split the integrated bar membership and the admissions agency into different bodies within the judiciary; in Texas, the Board of Law Examiners is appointed by the Texas Supreme Court and is independent from the integrated State Bar of Texas.The bar examination in most U.S. states and territories is at least two days long (a few states have three-day exams)[3] and usually consists of: Essay questions & Multistate standardized examinations


The Mason–Dixon line (or Mason's and Dixon's line) was surveyed between 1763 and 1767 by Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon in the resolution of a border dispute between British colonies in Colonial America. It is still a demarcation line among four U.S. states, forming part of the borders of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, and West Virginia (originally part of

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Virginia). In popular usage, the Mason–Dixon line symbolizes a cultural boundary between the North and the South (Dixie). After Pennsylvania abolished slavery, it served as a demarcation line for the legality of slavery. That demarcation did not extend beyond Pennsylvania because Delaware, then a slave state, extended north and east of the boundary. Also lying north and east of the boundary was New Jersey, where slavery was formally abolished in 1846, but former slaves continued to be "apprenticed" to their masters until the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1865.


BRITISH Canada: "Following the conquest, the British gradually bring up the ancestor of our current legal system . On the military first , the courts become civilians following the entry into force in the new British colony of clauses of the Treaty of Paris signed in 1763. These courts welcome the first people paid to represent the parties and the attorney made his title appearance in 1765 ." (Google translate from French 10/27/14)


Luisiana ceded to Spain revealed: Louis informed the governor, Charles Philippe Aubry, of the transition: "Hoping, moreover, that His Catholic Majesty will be pleased to give his subjects of Louisiana the marks of protection and good will which only the misfortunes of war have prevented from being more effectual." Luisiana


Samuel Huntington (1732-1796) (Future President)An industrious youth who mastered his studies of the law without the advantage of a school, a tutor, or a master—borrowing books and snatching

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opportunities to read and research between odd jobs—he was one of the greatest self-made men among the Founders. He was also one of the greatest legal minds of the age—all the more remarkable for his lack of advantage as a youth. In 1764, in recognition of his obvious abilities and initiative, he was elected to the General Assembly of Connecticut. The next year he was chosen to serve on the Executive Council.


Peyton Randolph (1st President) In 1765 Randolph found himself at odds with a freshman burgess, Patrick Henry, over the matter of a response to the Stamp Act. The House appointed Randolph to draft objections to the act, but his more conservative plan was trumped when Henry obtained passage of five of his seven Virginia Stamp Act Resolutions. This was accomplished at a meeting of the House in which most of the members were absent, and over which Randolph was presiding in the absence of the Speaker.Randolph resigned as king's attorney (attorney general) in 1766, as fellow Burgesses elected him as their Speaker upon the death of his relative, the powerful Speaker John Robinson. Sitting as the General Court, they also appointed Randolph one of the executors (with George Wythe and Edmund Pendleton) of the former speaker's estate, which was a major financial scandal. As friction between Britain and the colonies progressed, Randolph grew to favor independence. In 1769 the House of Burgesses was dissolved by the Governor in response to its actions against the Townshend Acts. Randolph was thus its last Speaker.

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1767 Mason - Dixon Line Map Drawn



The colonists in western Louisiana did not accept the transition, and expelled the first Spanish governor in the Rebellion of 1768. Alejandro O'Reilly (an Irish émigré) suppressed the rebellion and formally raised the Spanish flag in 1769. Luisiana


Then a Habeas corpus case (having to justify the reason for someone’s detention) was started in London 1771, which found that slavery was contrary to the laws of England.


George Townshend, 4th Viscount Townshend - He served as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland from 1767–1772


Boston Tea Party Disguised as American Indians, the demonstrators hurt no one but destroyed the entire supply of tea sent by the East India Company in defiance of the American boycott of tea carrying a tax the Americans had not authorized. They boarded the ships and threw the chests of tea into Boston Harbor, ruining the tea. The British government responded harshly

Colonists objected to the Tea Act because they believed that it violated their rights as Englishmen to "No taxation without representation,"


British Canada-(Translated from French via Google-10/27/14) Vocations politiciansSince the creation of the first House of Assembly in 1774, lawyers occupy much of their parliamentary seats . Already experienced in the speech and negotiation , they are natural candidates to Canadians who turn to represent them. They become the main spokesman for Canadian interests against the British , whose interests are represented by the colonial authorities .

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Pennsylvania & New York Boundry no longer contested.



1st Continental Congress- Convention of 12 delegates-Am Rev. (After Intolerable Acts) Pennsylvania


Peyton Randolph - 1st & 3rd President of the Continental Congress


Payton Randolph of Virginia (1723-1775)When delegates gathered in Philadelphia for the first Continental Congress, they promptly elected the former King's Attorney of Virginia as the moderator and president of their convocation. He was a propitious choice. He was a legal prodigy—having studied at the Inner Temple in London, served as his native colony's Attorney General, and tutored many of the most able men of the South at William and Mary College—including the young Patrick Henry. His home in Williamsburg was the gathering place for Virginia's legal and political gentry—and it remains a popular attraction in the restored colonial capital. He had served as a delegate in the Virginia House of Burgesses, and had been a commander under William Byrd in the colonial militia. He was a scholar of some renown—having begun a self-guided reading of the classics when he was thirteen. Despite suffering poor

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health served the Continental Congress as president twice, in 1774 from September 5 to October 21, and then again for a few days in 1775 from May 10 to May 23. He never lived to see independence, yet was numbered among the nation's most revered founders. His nephew, Edmund Randolph, became the first United States Attorney General.His first cousin once removed was President Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson's son-in-law, Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr. was a lineal descendant of Pocahontas.[10]His first cousin twice removed was Supreme Court Justice John Marshall.


Pennsylvania Abolition Society formed in Philadelphia, the first abolition society in North America.


American Revolution The Loyalist's descent were made up approx of 28% German (the name New Brunswick may reflect this), 23% Scottish, 18% English, 12% Irish, 8% Dutch, 5% French, 4% Welsh, 2% from Switzerland, Denmark and Sweden.


The Continental Army under the direction of George Washington sought to engage in a war of attrition.[6] Because the fight was on colonial soil, Washington aimed to take advantage of the lack of trade with Great Britain by cutting them off from necessary resources, hoping that eventually the redcoat army in North America would grow sick and tired. Under the Articles of Confederation, however, the Continental Congress did not have the power to impose taxes or regulate commerce in

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the colonies, and thus could not generate the sufficient funds for a war of attrition.[7]To solve this problem, the Continental Congress sent diplomats including Benjamin Franklin to Europe in search of foreign support for the American cause. For the first two years of war, the colonists received secretive private and public loans from the French, who held a lingering resentment for the British after the Seven Years' War.[8


Battles of Lexington and Concord First engagements of the Revolutionary War between British troops and the Minutemen, who had been warned of the attack by Paul Revere.


Battle of Bunker Hill The first major battle of the War of Independence. Sir William Howe dislodged William Prescott's forces overlooking Boston at a cost of 1054 British casualties to the Americans' 367.


Olive-Brach Petition Congress endorses a proposal asking for recognition of American rights, the ending of the Intolerable Acts in exchange for a cease fire. George III rejected the proposal and on 23 August 1775 declared the colonies to be in open rebellion.


Thomas Paine's Common Sense published anonymously in Philadelphia


Henry Middleton-2nd President Afterward, he was a member of the Congressional Council of Safety and helped to establish the young nation's policy toward the encouragement and support of education. In February 1776 he resigned his political involvements in order to prepare his family and lands for what he believed was inevitable war

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—but he was replaced by his son Arthur who eventually became a signer of both the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation, served time as an English prisoner of war, and was twice elected Governor of his state.

1776 France provides covert aid to the Americans

1776Declaration of Independence - Founding Fathers Sign in PhiladelphiaPatrick Henry (May 29, 1736 – June 6, 1799) was an American attorney, planter and politician who became known as an orator during the movement for independence in Virginia in the 1770s. A Founding Father, he served as the first and sixth post-colonial Governor of Virginia, from 1776 to 1779 and from 1784 to 1786.


British Troops occupied New York City in 1776- The crown promised freedom to slaves who left rebel masters and by 1780, 10,000 blacks lived in NY. Many had escaped slaveholders in the North & South. Battles of Long Island and White Plains British forces occupy New York after American defeats.


Voting was restricted to free men who could satisfy certain property requirements, disfranchising poor men, black & white.


Constitution of NY- It called for a weak bicameral legislature and a strong executive branch. It retained provisions from the colonial charter such as the substantial property qualification for voting and the ability of the governor to prorogue the legislature. This imbalance of power between the branches of state government kept the elite firmly

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in control, and disenfranchised the majority of the male New York population. Slavery was legal in New York until 1827. (NOTE-France financed the first 2 years of the American Revolution, What timing now the financing is done...)


British surrender of 5,700 troops at Saratoga.Lacking supplies, 5,700 British, German and loyalist forces under Major General John Burgoyne surrender to Major General Horatio Gates in a turning point in the Revolutionary War.


After the British defeat at Saratoga, however, foreign support for the Continental Army increased, and in 1778 the colonies signed a treaty with France, officially bringing them into the war with England.[9] By the end of the war, the colonies had received loans from several different European nations, including significant contribution from France, Spain and the Netherlands. In addition, the colonies received much private funding, most notably from the Marquis de Lafayette and the Baron of Kalb, both Frenchmen.[10] This funding ultimately enabled them to fight the war of attrition that General Washington hoped for.

1778 France recognises US Independence


Charles Lennox, 3rd Duke of Richmond - In the debates on the policy that led to the War of American Independence Richmond was a firm supporter of the colonists,[1] and he initiated the debate in 1778 calling for the removal of British troops from America. He also advocated a policy of concession in Ireland, with reference to which he originated the phrase "a union of hearts" which

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long afterwards became famous when his use of it had been forgotten.


British Canada (Translated from French via Google 10/27/14) Community lawyers QuebecThe commission system does not satisfy the lawyers. It puts them in a situation of " beggar " to authority and the judiciary . The unease is amplified by the different perceptions of British authority and lawyers of granting commissions. Indeed, the Governors continue to be considered a discretion while lawyers rather see as the recognition of a training process and access to the profession.This system is a major grievance that lawyers addressed throughout this period the governor. Control of access to the profession by the lawyers themselves becoming a major issue in their struggle for an independent legal profession .The first organization of attorneys defending the interests of the Community Lawyers Quebec , was created in 1779 by the lawyers of the city of Quebec. They feel the need to join to see the maintenance of professional ethics, to safeguard the profession and create a support system. But it is especially in parliament that lawyers conduct their struggle to gain their independence.


President John Jay- serving a term from December 10, 1778 to September 27, 1779. A conservative New York lawyer who was at first against the idea of independence for the colonies, the aristocratic Jay in 1776 turned into a patriot who was willing to give the next twenty-five years of his life to help establish the new nation. During those years, he won the regard of his peers as a dedicated and accomplished statesman and a man of unwavering John Jay found out the strategy… and signed on.

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principle. In the Continental Congress Jay prepared addresses to the people of Canada and Great Britain. In New York he drafted the State constitution and served as Chief Justice during the war. He was President of the Continental Congress before he undertook the difficult assignment, as ambassador, of trying to gain support and funds from Spain. After helping Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, and Laurens complete peace negotiations in Paris in 1783, Jay returned to become the first Secretary of State, called "Secretary of Foreign Affairs" under the Articles of Confederation.


Samuel Huntington (1732-1796)An industrious youth who mastered his studies of the law without the advantage of a school, a tutor, or a masterIn 1774 he was appointed Associate Judge of the Superior Court and, as a delegate to the Continental Congress, was acknowledged to be a legal scholar of some respect. He served in Congress for five consecutive terms, during the last of which he was elected President. He served in that off ice from September 28, 1779 until ill health forced him to resign on July 9, 1781.


In 1779 the duke brought forward a motion for retrenchment of the civil list, and in 1780 he embodied in a bill his proposals for parliamentary reform, which included manhood suffrage, annual parliaments and equal electoral areas.[1]


President Thomas McKean: In June 1776, at the Continental Congress, McKean joined with Caesar Rodney to register Delaware's approval of the Declaration of Independence, over the negative vote of the third Delaware delegate, George Read—permitting it to be "The unanimous declaration of

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the thirteen United States." And at a special Delaware convention, he drafted the constitution for that State. McKean also helped draft—and signed—the Articles of Confederation. It was during his tenure of service as President—from July 10, 1781 to November 4, 1782—when news arrived from General Washington in October 1781 that the British had surrendered following the Battle of Yorktown. As Chief Justice of the supreme court of Pennsylvania, he contributed to the establishment of the legal system in that State

1781NY Legislature voted to free slaves who fought with Rebels during the Revolution. English 1776

1781 Ratification of the Articles of Confederation


As the war progressed, the Americans’ deteriorating financial stability quickly became Britain’s greatest asset. Because it did not possess the power to tax the colonists, the Continental Congress printed money at a rapid rate to fund the army’s expenses and pay off its loans from foreign nations.[13] As a result, the colonies experienced severe inflation and depreciation of the Continental dollar. The colonists also had great difficulty in financing a wartime effort against the British southern campaign, not effectively halting the British destruction until the battle of Yorktown in 1781. When war ended in 1783, American negotiations, monetary policies and government restructuring all contributed to paying off the American national debt.[14]


Surrender of British forces under Cornwallis at Yorktown.

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1782 British Government authorises peace negotiations


Charles Lennox, 3rd Duke of Richmond became Master-General of the Ordnance- (The Master-General of the Ordnance (MGO) was a very senior British military position before 1855, when the Board of Ordnance was abolished.)

1782 Treaty of Paris (Preliminary)


Pennsylvania Mutiny of 1783- Militia called in-Angry Mob of Soldiers converge upon Independence Hall in Philadelphia (Congress)


John Dickinson Sympathized with PROTESTERS- Congress Flees to Princeton, NJ (Governor of PA was told to call up the Militia to defend Congress)


Treaty of Paris Ends American Revolution: Declares the treaty to be "in the name of the most holy and undivided Trinity," states the bona fides of the signatories, and declares the intention of both parties to "forget all past misunderstandings and differences" and "secure to both perpetual peace and harmony."1.Acknowledging the United States (viz. the Colonies) to be free, sovereign and independent states, and that the British Crown and all heirs and successors relinquish claims to the Government, property, and territorial rights of the same, and every part thereof;2.Establishing the boundaries between the United States and British North America;3.Granting fishing rights to United States fishermen in the Grand Banks, off the coast of Newfoundland and in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence;

Historians have often commented that the treaty was very generous to the United States in terms of greatly enlarged boundaries, which came at the expense of the Indian allies of the British. The point was the United States would be a major trading partner. As the French minister Vergennes later put it, "The English buy peace rather than they make it."[7] Individual States ignored Federal recommendations, under Article 5, to restore confiscated Loyalist property, and also evaded Article 6 (e.g. by confiscating Loyalist property for "unpaid debts"). Some, notably Virginia, also defied Article 4 and maintained laws against payment of debts to British creditors. Individual British soldiers ignored the provision of Article 7 about removal of slaves.

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4.Recognizing the lawful contracted debts to be paid to creditors on either side;5.The Congress of the Confederation will "earnestly recommend" to state legislatures to recognize the rightful owners of all confiscated lands "provide for the restitution of all estates, rights, and properties, which have been confiscated belonging to real British subjects [Loyalists]";6.United States will prevent future confiscations of the property of Loyalists;7.Prisoners of war on both sides are to be released and all property left by the British army in the United States unmolested (including slaves);8.Great Britain and the United States were each to be given perpetual access to the Mississippi River; 9.Territories captured by Americans subsequent to treaty will be returned without compensation;10.Ratification of the treaty was to occur within six months from the signing by the contracting parties.


Spain used its new control of Florida to block American access to the Mississippi, in defiance of Article 8.[8] In the Great Lakes area, the British adopted a very generous interpretation of the stipulation that they should relinquish control "with all convenient speed", because they needed time to negotiate with the Native Americans, who had kept the area out of United States control, but had been completely ignored in the Treaty. Even after that was accomplished, Britain retained control as a bargaining counter in hopes of obtaining some recompense for the confiscated Loyalist property.[9] This matter was finally settled by the Jay Treaty in 1794, and America's ability to bargain on all

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these points was greatly strengthened by the creation of the new constitution in 1787.

1783 3,000 black loyalists who left with the British as free in 1783, resettled in Nova Scotia. In 1793, a large group moved to Sierra Leone (Africa) with British Support


1784 Viriginia & New York Claims sorted out - Map

1784American Congress of the Confederation Ratifies Treaty of Paris


France gets Treaty of Paris- Spain- East & West Florida ceded to Spain Quebec-Spain gets Florida back


Treaty of Paris- France gets Tobago & Senegal in Africa France gets Tobago & Senegal in Africa


British Canada- In 1765 , commissions of lawyers are granted by the governor. Struggling with the excesses of such a mode of appointment , lawyers, themselves, sought and obtained in 1785 a training course five years , known as the system of clerical or imposed on any candidate the exercise of the profession, thus overcoming the lack of university education.Moreover , the judiciary is given the power to prepare and administer entrance exams to the profession. This title provides its holders the exclusive right to representation in court. At the same time , it prohibited the dual performance of duties as a lawyer and notary , thus creating a unique split legal professions in North America that continues


NY Manumission Society founded in 1785 to get abolition of slavery and for aid to free blacks. New York

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Gradual Abolition passed in 1799; afterwards children born to a slave mothers were free but required to work an extended indentured servitude into their 20's. All slaves freed in NY on 7/4/1827.

1786Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess Cornwallis- Knighted


Philadelphia Convention- Failure to protect the national government discussed. Blueprint for D.C. in Article one , section 8- Constitution,_D.C.

James Madison - Federalist no. 43 Capital needed to be distinct from States for its own maintenance & Safety

1789George Washington signs Slavery Ban on Northwest Territory, did not free the slaves

1790 The Imperial Act of 1790 Slaves Remain Servants as under French Rule


UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE: In October 1791 Wolfe Tone converted these ideas into practical policy by founding, in conjunction with Thomas Russell (1767–1803), Napper Tandy and others, the Society of the United Irishmen. Theobald Wolfe Tone, leader of the United Irishmen, travelled in exile from the United States to France to press the case for intervention. Theobald: "Our independence must be had at all hazards if the men of property will not support us they must fall we can support ourselves by the aid of that numerous and respectable class of the community the men of no property"


The prospect of reform inspired a small group of Protestant liberals in Belfast to found the Society of United Irishmen in 1791. The organisation crossed the religious divide with a membership comprising Roman Catholics, Presbyterians, Methodists, other

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Protestant "dissenters" groups, and some from the Protestant Ascendancy. The Society openly put forward policies of further democratic reforms and Catholic emancipation, reforms which the Irish Parliament had little intention of granting. Only when it became obvious that this was unattainable by constitutional methods did the majority of the members adopt the more uncompromising opinions which Wolfe Tone held from the first, and conspired to establish an Irish republic by armed rebellion.


Alexander Hamilton chartered First Bank of the United States- 20 Year Charter- Philadelphia, PA / Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson & James Madison Opposed it. Alexander Hamilton Goals- Private Company. Establish CREDIT- In Country and OVERSEAS, Establish Financial Order, Resolve Continental Currency


By 1780, the United States Congress had issued over $400 million in paper money to troops. Eventually, Congress tried to stop the inflation by imposing economic reforms. These failed, and only further devalued the American currency.[24] Late in the war, Congress asked individual colonies to equip their own troops, and pay upkeep for their own soldiers in the Continental Army. When the war ended, the United States had spent $37 million at the national level and $114 million at the state level. The United States finally solved its debt problems in the 1790s when Alexander Hamilton founded the establishment of the First Bank of the United States.[25]


The French Revolutionary Wars were a series of major conflicts fought between the French Republic

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government and several European Monarchies from 1792 to 1802.


On 21 January, the revolutionary government executed Louis XVI. Spain and Portugal entered the anti-French coalition in January 1793, and, on 1 February, France declared war on Great Britain and the Dutch Republic.[17]


Despite his desire to emancipate his fellow countrymen, Tone was a freethinker who sought to remove the Christian religion fron Ireland, and thus had very little respect for the Catholic faith (a view shared by many subsequent Irish republicans). When the government questioned the legality of the Catholic Convention in 1792, Tone drew up for the committee a statement of the case on which a favourable opinion of counsel was obtained; and the Convention voted to Tone a sum of £1500 with a gold medal when it dissolved itself in April 1793.


In 1793 parliament passed laws allowing Catholics with some property to vote, but they could neither be elected nor appointed as state officials. The outbreak of war with France earlier in 1793, following the execution of Louis XVI, forced the Society underground and toward armed insurrection with French aid. The avowed intent of the United Irishmen was to "break the connection with England"; the organisation spread throughout Ireland and had at least 200,000 members by 1797.[6] It linked up with Catholic agrarian resistance groups, known as the Defenders, who had started raiding houses for arms in early 1793.


George Washington Signs Fugitive Slave Law- Right for Slaveholders to recapture slaves even in free states that had abolished slavery

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The Slave Act of 1793Gradual Abolition. No Slave Imports, No New Slaves to Upper Canada.

1793Invention of the Cotton Gin- Increase Cotton 50 Fold


In 1794 the United Irishmen, persuaded that their scheme of universal suffrage and equal electoral districts was not likely to be accepted by any party in the Irish parliament, began to found their hopes on a French invasion. An Irish clergyman, the Reverend William Jackson, who had taken in revolutionary opinions during his long stay in France, came to Ireland to negotiate between the French committee of public safety and the United Irishmen. Tone drew up a memorandum for Jackson on the state of Ireland, which he described as ripe for revolution; the memorandum was betrayed to the government by an attorney named Cockayne, to whom Jackson had imprudently disclosed his mission; and in April 1794 Jackson was arrested on a charge of treason.


Having friends among the government party, including members of the Beresford family, he was able to make terms with the government, and in return for information as to what had passed between Jackson, Rowan and himself, he was permitted to emigrate to the United States, where he arrived in May 1795. Before leaving, he and his family travelled to Belfast, and it was at the summit of Cavehill that Tone made the famous Cavehill compact with fellow United Irishmen, Russel and McCracken, promising "Never to desist in our efforts until we subvert the authority of England over our country and asserted our independence".

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Living in Philadelphia, he wrote a few months later to Thomas Russell expressing unqualified dislike of the American people, whom he imagined to be no more truly democratic in sentiment and no less attached to authority than the British; he described Patriot hero George Washington as a "high-flying aristocrat," and he found the aristocracy of money and achievement in America still less to his liking than the European aristocracy of birth.

1795 Bank of United States Built


Lobby Groups to rectify the legislation and import more slaves


Irish Rebellion- Tone: Served Months in the French Army in 1797. He drew up two memorials representing that the landing of a considerable French force in Ireland would be followed by a general rising of the people, and giving a detailed account of the condition of the country. Tone had interviews with Napoleon Bonaparte.. Not interested. Only agreed to send small amount of forces. Without French Aid, 1797 saw a insurgence in the United Irish. Peak 300,000 but had to launch rising with out French aid. Uprising against British Rule. French invasion of Ireland instrumental in bringing about the Union of Great Britain & Ireland. The United Irishmen, a republican revolutionary group influenced by the ideas of the American and French revolutions, were the main organising force behind the rebellion.


Tone made a speech avowing his determined hostility to England and his intention "by frank and open war to procure the separation of the countries". I entered into the service of the French

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republic with the sole view of being useful to my country. To contend against British Tyranny, I have braved the fatigues and terrors of the field of battle; I have sacrificed my comfort, have courted poverty, have left my wife unprotected, and my children without a father. After all I have done for a sacred cause, death is no sacrifice. In such enterprises, everything depends on success: Washington succeeded – Kosciusko failed. I know my fate, but I neither ask for pardon nor do I complain


NY Manumission Society founded in 1785 to get abolition of slavery and for aid to free blacks. Gradual Abolition passed in 1799; afterwards children born to a slave mothers were free but required to work an extended indentured servitude into their 20's. All slaves freed in NY on 7/4/1827. New York


UNION in 1801- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. After Irish Rebellion

1801 England had Claim to the thron since the Uncle of

the King of France died.


In 1802, the British and French signed the Treaty of Amiens, ending the French Revolution. Thus began the longest period of peace during the period 1792–1815. The treaty is generally considered to be the most appropriate point to mark the transition between the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars, although Napoleon was not crowned emperor until 1804.


The Continental System or Continental Blockade (known in French as Blocus continental) was the

The System had a significant effect on British trade, with British exports falling between 25% to 55%

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foreign policy of Napoleon I of France in his struggle against Great Britain during the Napoleonic Wars. As a response to the naval blockade of the French coasts enacted by the British government on 16 May 1806, Napoleon issued the Berlin Decree on 21 November 1806, which brought into effect a large-scale embargo against British trade.[1] This embargo ended on April 11, 1814 after Napoleon's first abdication. compared to pre-1806 levels.


In 1807 the African slave trade was abolished by Parliament, effective January 1, 1808. Theoretically this meant that no more slaves could be brought from Africa to the colonies in the British West Indies, but slaves could be transported from one colony to the other.


International Slave trade prohibited from 1808Slave trade continued in U.S. 25% of Free Family's owned slaves in 1860

Britain Largest trading partner-80% Cotton and 50% other U.S. Exports

Thomas Jefferson wanted to take Quebec and make it part of the United States and liberate them from Canada. Jefferson thought Canada would support U.S.

181013.5 Percent of all Blacks were Free in the U.S. 186,446

1810 Nobility Original 13th Amendment Needs Ratification

1810 Mexico Independence declared from Spain- War Mexican War of Independence

1811ENDING OF First Bank of the United States- 20 Year Charter- Philadelphia, PA

1812 Spanish Constitution of 1812 Constitution, never went fully into affect

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MISSING AMENDMENT??? Proof was burned on August 24th, 1814. They had no Email or computer.


The Treaty of Paris concluded on January 6, 1810, forced Sweden to join the Continental System, a trade embargo against Great Britain. Since Great Britain was Sweden's biggest trade partner this caused economic difficulties, and the trade continued to take place through smuggling. On November 13, 1810, France delivered an ultimatum to the Swedish government demanding that within five days Sweden: Declare war against Great Britain, Confiscate all British ships in Swedish ports, Seize all British products in Sweden.During the Napoleonic Wars until 1810, Sweden and the United Kingdom were allies in the war against Napoleon. As a result of Sweden's defeat in the Finnish War and the Pomeranian War, and the following Treaty of Fredrikshamn and Treaty of Paris, Sweden declared war on the United Kingdom. The bloodless war, however, existed only on paper

1812 War of 1812

The Kingdom of the Netherlands finds its origin in the aftermath of Napoleon’s defeat in 1813. In that year, the Netherlands regained its freedom and the Sovereign Principality of the Netherlands was proclaimed with William Prince of Orange and Nassau as sovereign. Reunification with the Southern Netherlands, (roughly equivalent to

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what is now Belgium and Luxembourg) was decided in 1814. In March 1815, the Sovereign Prince adopted the style of "King of the Netherlands" and the Kingdom came into being. The King of the Netherlands was also Grand Duke of Luxembourg, a province of the Kingdom that was, at the same time, a Grand Duchy of the German Confederation.


Napoleon issued the Berlin Decree on 21 November 1806, which brought into effect a large-scale embargo against British trade.[1] "IT" ended on April 11, 1814 after Napoleon's first abdication. The System had a significant effect on British trade, with British exports falling between 25% to 55% compared to pre-1806 levels.


Recognizing that the law was not being adhered to, the House of Commons in England passed a bill in 1815 requiring the registration of slaves. It became effective when it was adopted by the colonial legislatures. In 1816 an act was passed for a more particular return of slaves with more information, effective in June 1817, to keep a stricter check on any movement of the slaves.


On August 24, 1814, after defeating the Americans at the Battle of Bladensburg, a British force led by Major General Robert Ross occupied Washington City and set fire to many public buildings, including the White House and the Capitol, as well as other facilities of the U.S. government.[4] The British commander's orders to burn only public buildings and strict discipline among the British troops are credited with preserving the city's private buildings

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18211821 Treaty of Corboda-

Mexico formally abolishes slavery with the Plan of Iguala, proposed by Agustín de Iturbide and ratified the following year by him and the Viceroy, Juan O'Donojú.


NY Constitutional convention of 1821- The franchise of white voters was expanded, as property qualifications were removed.Blacks were given limited suffrage; a requirement for property qualification only for blacks was passed. This effectively disfranchised black voters, most of whom did not own sufficient property to attain right to vote. New York


Gradual Abolition passed in 1799; afterwards children born to a slave mothers were free but required to work an extended indentured servitude into their 20's. All slaves freed in NY on 7/4/1827. New York


Nat Turner's Rebllion- Some States prohibited Religious Slave gatherings after this rebellion


American abolishment of imprisonment of debtors by federal law, made prosecution of runaway servants more difficult, increasing the risk of indenture contract purchases.

1834 British Parliament's Slavery Abolition Act Abolish Slavery in all parts of British Empire


(Jamaica & British Colony's) By December 1833 there was a Bill for the abolition of slavery, and it became effective on August 1, 1834. At that time

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all slaves became apprentices. They remained working for the same slave masters. The system was a failure, and that too was abolished. Slaves received their unrestricted freedom on August 1, 1838.


The Portuguese Bar Association or Portuguese Lawyer's Bar (Portuguese: Ordem dos Advogados) is the public association to which all attorneys-at-law belong in Portugal, founded in 1926. Its early origins are found on a private association founded in 1838 by a group of lawyers from Lisbon.

District of Columbia defined a slave as "a human being, who is by law deprived of his or her liberty for life, and is the property of another."

1860Araham Lincoln won on the No New Slave States Ticket


The NYC draft riots (July 13–16, 1863; Draft Week[2]) were violent disturbances in New York City that were the culmination of working-class discontent with new laws passed by Congress that year to draft men to fight in the ongoing American Civil War. The riots remain the largest civil insurrection in American history outside of the Civil War itself.[3] Wealthy could pay $300 commutation fee to hire a substitute, spared from the draft. Riots primary-Irish

1865 War Ends


NY Constitution- 20 years after the 1846, a vote to change the NY constitution- 1866- Vote of Yes. The changes in this version of the constitution were:The New York Court of Appeals was totally re- New York

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organized. Instead of eight judges, four elected statewide and four selected from the New York Supreme Court, it had now one Chief Judge of the New York Court of Appeals and six associate judges, all elected statewide.The Clerk of the New York Court of Appeals was not elected statewide anymore.The term of office of the judges of the Court of Appeals and the justices of the New York Supreme Court was extended from 8 to 14 years, and the rotative renewal (every two years one judge or justice had been elected to an 8-year term; in case of a vacancy, a special election was held to fill the remainder of the term only) was abolished. Instead, vacancies were filled as they occurred (by death, resignation, or term expiration), always to a full 14-year term.


By the 1860s, the Russian government was ready to abandon its Russian America colony. Zealous overhunting had severely reduced the fur-bearing animal population, and competition from the British and Americans exacerbated the situation. This, combined with the difficulties of supplying and protecting such a distant colony, reduced interest in the territory. After Russian America was sold to the U.S. in 1867, for $7.2 million (2 cents per acre) (total $121 million in today's terms), all the holdings of the Russian–American Company were liquidated. At the height of Russian America, the Russian population had reached 700, compared to 40,000 Aleuts. They and the Creoles, who had been guaranteed the privileges of citizens in the United States, were given the opportunity of becoming citizens within a three-year period, but few decided

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to exercise that option. General Jefferson C. Davis ordered the Russians out of their homes in Sitka, maintaining the dwellings were needed for the Americans. The Russians complained of rowdiness of the American troops and assaults. Many Russians returned to Russia, while others migrated to the Pacific Northwest and California.


In 1871, German states united in creating the German Empire under Prussian leadership. On 18 January 1871 (the 170th anniversary of the coronation of King Frederick I), William was proclaimed "German Emperor" (not "Emperor of Germany") in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles outside Paris, while the French capital was still under siege.



The Legal Aid Society is the nation's oldest and largest provider of legal services to the indigent. Founded in 1876, the Society provides a full range of civil legal services as well as criminal defense work, and juvenile rights representation in Family Court. Our core service is to provide free legal assistance to New Yorkers who live at or below the poverty level and cannot afford to hire a lawyer when confronted with a legal problem. New York


American Bar Association - seventy-five lawyers from twenty states and the District of Columbia met in Saratoga Springs, New York, to establish

1878 Istanbul Bar Association Founded Turkey


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In 1885, Massachusetts became the first state to employ a written version of the bar exam. But, even so, back then the bar exam only consisted of essays until the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) was added to the bar exam in February 1972. The MBE was developed by the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) as a way to both increase efficiency of grading and aid in ensuring as much fairness as possible.


The act in question was passed by the then legislative assembly of the District, August 23, 1871, and amended June 20, 1872, (Laws D. C., Acts 1st Sess. 87, Acts 2d Sess. 60,) and by its first section it was provided: 'That no person shall be engaged in any trade, business, or profession hereinafter mentioned until he shall have obtained a license therefor as hereinafter provided.'

1890 Sherman Act (Anti-Trust)

1913 Federal Reserve Passed by Congress Major Inflation

1914 Clayton Act (Anti-Trust)1914 Federal Trade Commission Act (Anti-Trust)


Form of Slavery - Indentured servitude appeared in the Americas in the 1620s and remained in use as late as 1917. Free passage if commit to work for a period of time 3 years?

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(German States created in 1871.) Abolished Monarchies & Nobility lost political power


It began with the Soloheadbeg ambush on 21 January 1919, when two members of the armed police force, the Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC), were attacked and killed in County Tipperary. The Irish Republic had issued a Declaration of Independence in Dublin earlier that same day. The Irish Volunteers—later renamed the Irish Republican Army (IRA)—targeted RIC and British Army barracks and ambushed their patrols, capturing arms and forcing the closure of barracks in isolated areas. While around 300 people had been killed in the conflict up to late 1920, there was a major escalation of violence in November that year. On Bloody Sunday, 21 November 1920, fourteen British intelligence operatives were assassinated in Dublin in the morning, and the RIC opened fire on a crowd at a football match in the afternoon, killing fourteen and wounding 65 others. A week later, seventeen Auxiliaries were killed by the IRA in an Ambush at Kilmichael in County Cork. The British Government declared martial law in much of southern Ireland.


Articles of Agreement for a Treaty Between Great Britain and Ireland British forces would withdraw from most of Ireland. Ireland was to become a self-governing dominion of the British Empire, a status shared by Australia, Canada, Newfoundland, New Zealand and the Union of South Africa. As with the other dominions, the British monarch would be the head of state of the Irish

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Free State (Saorstát Éireann) and would be represented by a Governor General (See Representative of the Crown). Members of the new free state's parliament would be required to take an Oath of Allegiance to the Irish Free State. A secondary part of the Oath was to "be faithful to His Majesty King George V, his heirs and successors by law, in virtue of the common citizenship". Northern Ireland (which had been created earlier by the Government of Ireland Act) would have the option of withdrawing from the Irish Free State within one month of the Treaty coming into effect. If Northern Ireland chose to withdraw, a Boundary Commission would be constituted to draw the boundary between the Irish Free State and Northern Ireland. Britain, for its own security, would continue to control a limited number of ports, known as the Treaty Ports, for the Royal Navy. The Irish Free State would assume responsibility for a proportionate part of the United Kingdom's debt, as it stood on the date of signature. The Treaty would have superior status in Irish law, i.e., in the event of a conflict between it and the new 1922 Constitution of the Irish Free State, the treaty would take precedence.


Article 4 "No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms". However, only national legislation can establish its unlawfulness.

John F. Kennedy failed the NY State Bar Exam 2 times. Passed on his third.

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The history of religion in the Netherlands has been characterized by considerable diversity of religious thought and practice. Since 1600 until the second half of the 20th century, the North and West were Calvinist and the Southeast was and still is in majority Catholic,[1] with Muslims and other religions concentrated in ethnic neighborhoods in the cities. Since the 1960s the Netherlands has become one of the most secularized countries in the western world.


In 1885, Massachusetts became the first state to employ a written version of the bar exam. But, even so, back then the bar exam only consisted of essays until the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) was added to the bar exam in February 1972. The MBE was developed by the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) as a way to both increase efficiency of grading and aid in ensuring as much fairness as possible.


U.S. Victims of Trafficking & Violence Protection Act- Extended Servitude to cover peonage as well as involuntary servitude. Protects Illegal Residents who are victims of trafficing Morgan once said, “I do not want a lawyer to tell me what I cannot do. I hire an attorney to tell me how to do what I want to do.” No attorney is ever going to tell the public that they should have the right to be represented by laymen. The problem is there is more money in being corrupt

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than there money is in fighting those who are corrupt.No attorney is ever going to tell the public that they should have the right to be represented by laymen. The problem is there is more money in being corrupt than there money is in fighting those who are corrupt.According to Law Professor Kevin Hopkins, the public has consistently viewed lawyers as the gatekeepers for access to the law and the courts. However, with legal fees being so unreasonable, 65% of all domestic cases are handled without any legal assistance. The result is that only the wealthy are able to afford fair trials.


Barrack Obama Elected President ("Symbolically only" Marking the end of racism, but not Financial Servitude, which is a form of Slavery that Mortgages put us in, Voluntary Servitude otherwise we pay the price with our credit.


The bar's compulsory membership has also come under intense scrutiny because of concerns that it violates the First Amendment. In 2009, the Puerto Rico Legislative Assembly passed a law mandating that membership in the Bar Association would thereafter be voluntary, and although the Bar Association filed suit to challenge the law, the Puerto Rico Court of Appeals upheld the law's

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constitutionality; subsequently, the Puerto Rico Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court each decided in succession not to hear the case on the merits, which had the effect of leaving intact the Puerto Rico Court of Appeals' ruling upholding the law.[3]

2012 Barrack Obama Elected President


For fun….. Sarah Palin? Hillary Clinton? The first female square off ever?? Wouldn't it be so nice, to end the celing in the oval office.


More recently, on July 28, 2014, the Puerto Rico Legislative Assembly passed a new statute that, among other things, repealed the 2009 statute and reinstated the requirement of mandatory bar membership. On the same day that the law was signed by the Governor, a local senator filed a lawsuit in the Puerto Rico Court of First Instance challenging the law's constitutionality.[4] Two days later, the Puerto Rico Supreme Court granted the senator's motion for intra-jurisdictional certification and agreed to take up the case directly, thus removing it from the trial court's docket and setting an expedited briefing schedule.[5]

Admission without law school[edit]In California, Vermont, Virginia, Washington State, and Wyoming[12] an applicant who has not attended law school may take the bar exam after study under a judge or practicing attorney for an extended period of time.[13][14] This method is known as "reading law" or "reading the law".New York requires that applicants who are reading the law have at least one year of law school study

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(Rule 520.4 for the Admission of Attorneys).[15]Maine allows students with two years of law school to serve an apprenticeship in lieu of completing their third year.