matlab and ccs interface manual with filter program

EdGate Technologies V1.0 Page 1 MATLAB SIMULINK INTERFACE WITH TI DSK C6713(CCSTUDIO) USER MANUAL EdGate Technologies #68,15th Cross, 1st Block, R.T.Nagar, Bangalore: 560 032 PH: 080 23535125 /8.

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EdGate Technologies

#68,15th Cross, 1st Block,

R.T.Nagar, Bangalore: 560 032

PH: 080 23535125 /8.

EdGate Technologies V1.0

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Requirement verification

System requirements

Mathworks software requirements

Texas instruments software requirements

Hardware set up

Procedure to run demo program

Procedure for creating new model

FIR Filter

IIR Filter

Aaudio loopback with sw,LED,reset peripheral

Modulation and Demodulation

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The Embedded Target for TI C6000 DSP integrates MATLAB and Simulink

with Texas Instruments eXpressDSP tools and C6000 DSPs.

Together, these products enable you to perform automatic code

generation, prototyping, and embedded system deployment of

signal processing applications on TI C6000 processors.

By using the Embedded Target for TI C6000 DSP and your TI development

tools with Real-Time Workshop and Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder

(both available separately), you can generate a real-time C language

implementation of your Simulink model

TheEmbedded Target for TI C6000 DSP supports TI C67x

loating-point DSPs and C64x and C62x fixed-point DSPs,

including onboard and onchip DSP peripherals.

It automates the creation of Code Composer Studio projects and supports

several evaluation boards, including the DM642EVM, C64 I 6DSK, C671 3DSK,

C6711DSK, and C670IEVM.

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KEY FEATURES ■ Generates documented, readable C code in Code Composer Studio project

format using Real time Workshop (RTW). This generated code can be edited

for further changes. The Embedded Target for C6000 DSP Platform integrates

Simulink and MATLAB with TI's eXpressDSP tools and C6000 DSP processors.

It consists of Simulink libraries for designing and simulating DSP applications.

These libraries include key operations such as

Multirate, and adaptiveiltering


matrix manipulation and linear algebra


spectral analysis

Using these libraries you can develop digital signal processing applications that have

any of the following characteristics:

■ Single rate

■ Multirate

■ Multistage

■ Adaptive

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Matlab used must be compatible with ccstudi oversion (for example matlab2007A compatible with ccs3.1 and ccs3.3,

matlab2008A and B are also compatible with ccs3.1,for more information on compatibility check matworks website)

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Hardware setup

We will make use of function generator and an oscilloscope. Both will be connected to the TI C6713 on line-in and

line-out connectors. Frequency of Carrier Signal is fixed at 15 kHz while the message signal is varried from the

function generator. Since DSK C6713 ensures realtime simulation, once the message signal is varied we will see on

oscilloscope that modulated signal is also varying. Lets discuss different steps involved.

c6713 Simulink Mode

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Procedure to run demo program

To run demo program

1)install ccstudio v3.1or 3.3 and also install compatible matlab2007A(7.4)

2)configure ccstudio according to your external target board

3)close down the ccstudio window

4)open up the matlab window

1. type ccstutorial press enter

The 'Link for Code Composer Studio' provides a direct connection between MATLAB and a

DSP in Code Composer. This provides a mechanism for controlling and manipulating an

embedded application using the full computational power of MATLAB. This can be used to

assist DSP debugging and development.Another possible use is for creation of MATLAB scripts

forverification and testing of algorithms that exist in their final implementation on an actual DSP

target.Before discussing the methods available with the link object,it's necessary to select a DSP

target. When the link is created, it is specific to a particular CPU, (i.e. a DSP processor) so

selection is required before proceeding. In general, the selection process is only necessary for

multiprocessor configurations of Code Composer Studio

2. Press any key to continue

The 'Link for Code Composer Studio' provides two tools for selecting a DSP board and processor

in multiprocessorconfigurations. First, a command line version called: 'ccsboardinfo' which

generates a list of the available boards and processors.For scripting, this command can return a

structure, which can be applied programmatically to select a particular DSP chip.

3. Press any key to continue: ccsboardinfo


Board Board Proc Processor Processor

Num Name Num Name Type

0 C6713 DSK 0 CPU_1 TMS320C6x1x

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echo off;

Another selection option is a GUI tool called 'boardprocsel'. Please Note - the CPU that is

selected in the GUI will be used for the rest of this tutorial. For single processor installations, of

Code Composer Studio, simply select 'OK' from the message box to continue.

4. Press any key to continue, then select aDSP from the GUI (or click OK):


[boardNum,procNum] = boardprocsel

boardNum = 0

procNum =0


echo off

The goal of this selection process is a board numberand processor number that uniquely identify

a particulartarget DSP. These values are then applied during the link creation.You selected

board number = 0, and processor number = 0Next, the actual connection between the MATLAB

command line and Code Composer will be established. This link is represented by a MATLAB

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object, which for this session will be saved in variable 'cc'. The link object is created with the

'ccsdsp' command, which accepts the board number and processor number as input parameters.

Other properties can also be defined during the object creation; refer to the 'ccsdsp'

documentation for more information on these properties.The generated 'cc' object will be used to

direct actions to the designated DSP chip. Therefore, it will appear in all commands that follow

the object creation. Naturally, in multiprocessor implementations it is possible to have more than

one link object.

NOTE: Before proceeding, your DSP hardware should be reset and configured as needed for

operation by Code Code Composer.

5. Press any key to continue: ccsdsp

cc = ccsdsp('boardnum',boardNum,'procnum',procNum)

CCSDSP Object:

Processor type : TMS320C6713

Processor name : CPU_1

Running? : No

Board number : 0

Processor number : 0

Default timeout : 10.00 secs

RTDX channels : 0

timeoutValue = 10; % time-out value in seconds

set(cc,'timeout',timeoutValue); % Set CCSDSP default time-out value

echo off

You may have noticed Code Composer appear briefly when 'ccsdsp' was called. If Code

Composer was not running before the link is established, it is started and then placed in the

background.In most cases, you will need to interact with Code Composer, so the first method

that will be introduced (called 'visible')controls the state of Code Composer on the desktop. This

accepts a Boolean input that makes Code Composer visible (1) or invisible (0) on the desktop.

For the rest of this tutorial, we will need to interact with Code Composer, so we'll use 'visible' to

bring it up to the desktop.

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make sure that your dsp board is correctly connect.

remove power supply and reconnect it and try the above comments ie ccsdsp


cc = ccsdsp('boardnum',boardNum,'procnum',procNum)catch

echo off

Error using ==> ccs.ccsdsp.initializeCcsdsp>DetectConfigErrors at 173

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Could not connect to CCS. Please ensure your CCS installation is set up properly.

Exiting CCSTUTORIAL demo...


Make sure that your usb cable is connect properly,remove and reconnect and try

Make sure that your matlab version support your ccs version(2007A is compatible with ccs3.1

and ccs3.3)

IF stil giving ths same error then uninstall all ccstudio files and TI drivers from your PC also

uninstall matlab and its related files.then again install ccstudio and matlab

6. Press any key to continue

visible(cc,1) % Force Code Composer to be visible on the desktop

echo off

With the link in place, it is now possible from MATLAB touery Code Composer for status on the

specified DSP.Four methods are available to get status information:

'info' - returns a structure of testable Target conditions.

'display' - prints a list of information about the target CPU.

'isrunning' - returns the state (running or halted) of the CPU.

'isrtdxcapable' - reports CPUs ability to perform RTDX(tm) transfers.

The next segment will demonstrate these methods.

7. Press any key to continue: display


CCSDSP Object:

Processor type : TMS320C6713

Processor name : CPU_1

Running? : No

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Board number : 0

Processor number : 0

Default timeout : 10.00 secs

RTDX channels : 0

8. Press any key to continue: info, isrunning

linkinfo = info(cc)

linkinfo =

procname: 'CPU_1'

isbigendian: 0

isrtdxcapable: 1

family: 320

subfamily: 103

revfamily: 13

targettype: 'emulator'

siliconrev: 16973824

timeout: 10

boardname: 'C6713 DSK'

cpurunstatus = isrunning(cc)

cpurunstatus = 0


ans = 1

echo off

From the 'subfamily' and 'revfamily' members of the structure returned by the 'info' method, it

was determined that you selecteda TMS320C6713.Please note - In some cases, the values

reported by Code Composer do not match the physical device numbering scheme.Now that a

connection has been established, the target CPU needs something to do! Therefore, the next step

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is to create executable code for the target DSP with Code Composer. For this tutorial, a Code

Composer project file and a board specific executable were created and included with MATLAB.

We will first attempt to load the included executable directly, and if the load fails (could be

because it is a different board or processor), we will build the included project. The following set

of commands will locate the tutorial project and load it into Code Composer. This will use the

'open' method, which can direct Code Composer to load a project file or a program file.

9. Press any key to continue: open,cd

% Open the CCS Project

demoPjt = getDemoProject(cc,'ccstutorial')

demoPjt =

isLibProj: 0




'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2007a\work\LinkForCCSDemos_v3.0\ccstutorial\c6x\c67x'




ProgramFile: '



SrcFile: {2x1 cell}

LibFile: ''


{'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2007a\toolbox\ccslink\ccsdemos\shared\c6x\c6x.cmd'}

HdrFile: ''

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BuildOpts: [1x1 struct]

ProjectAction: 'upToDateProj-upToDateProg'

RebuildDemo: 0


ans =




ans =

C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2007a\work\LinkForCCSDemos_v3.0\ccstutorial\c6x\c67x

cd(cc,demoPjt.DemoDir) % Change working directory of Code Composer(only)

echo off

You should notice the tutorial's project loaded in Code Composer.Examine the files in Code

Composer that comprise this project the main source file used by this tutorial is 'ccstut.c', a

linker command file (*.cmd) and vector table source file (*.asm), which will be different,

depending on the DSP family you are using. Before building this project, we will attempt to load

the included executable. This will use the 'load' method, which should only be used for program

files.The 'Link for Code Composer Studio' includes methods for reading the target's symbol table

to give direct access to data in the DSP memory. NOTE: The symbol table is only available after

the program file is built and then loaded into the DSP. Notice the results of checking the symbol

table for the variable 'ddat' before and after the load.

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10. Press any key to continue: load,address,dec2he

% Before loading target execution file:

warnState = warning('on'); % Enable warnings to demonstrate the next command

address(cc,'ddat') % Note - This may (correctly) issue a warning before the executable file is


Warning: Address: Failed to locate symbol 'ddat' in symbol table in C:\Program

Files\MATLAB\R2007a\toolbox\ccslink\ccslink\@ccs\@ccsdsp\address.p>address at 51 In

ccstutorial at 274

ans =[]

warning(warnState); % Reinstate warning state

% Load the target execution file


echo off

% Assume that the target execution file has been loaded by the user ddatA = address(cc,'ddat')

% Read the address of global: ddat

ddatA = 38848 0

dec2hex(ddatA) % in hexadecimal (address and page)

ans =97C0 0000

echo off

After the target code loaded, it is possible to examine and modify data values in the DSP target

from MATLAB.For static data values, it is possible to read them immediately after loading a

program file. However, the more interesting case is to manipulate data values at intermediate

points during program execution.To facilitate this operation, there are methods to insert (and

delete) breakpoints in the DSP program. The method 'insert' creates a new breakpoint, which can

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be specified by either a source file location or a physical memory address.For this tutorial, we

need to insert a breakpoint at line 64 of the 'ccstut.c' source file.To assist your visibility of this

action, the method 'open' is used to display the source file in Code Composer. Furthermore, the

'activate' method will force this file to the front.(Although it is not demonstrated here, 'delete'

can be used to remove a breakpoint.)

11. Press any key to continue: activate, insert and open

cd(cc,demoPjt.DemoDir); % Restore back working directory for Code Composer

brkpt = 64;


ans =

C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2007a\toolbox\ccslink\ccsdemos\ccstutorial\ccstut.c

[srcpath,srcfile,ext] = fileparts(demoPjt.SrcFile{1});

srcfile = [srcfile ext];;

open(cc,srcfile,'text') % Be sure this file is open for viewing in CCS

activate(cc,srcfile,'text') % Bring the source file forward

insert(cc,srcfile,brkpt) % Insert breakpoint at line 64

echo off

Examine the source file 'ccstut.c' in the Code Composer Studio source editor area. There should

be a breakpoint on line 64 (indicated by a red dot). Next, locate the two global data arrays: 'ddat'

and 'idat', which are located at lines 44 and 45 in this file. These DSP memory arrays can be

accessed directly from MATLAB command line using the 'read' and 'write' methods.To control

target execution, use the 'run','halt' and 'reload' methods. The following section will demonstrate

these methods.

Note: This approach to access DSP memory is powerful but rudimentary. Later in the tutorial,

we'll introduce an easier method based on C variables (supports C6x, C54x, C55x, R2x, R1x,


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12. Press any key to continue: halt,reset,reload,run,read

ddat_addr = address(cc,'ddat'); % Get address of symbols

idat_addr = address(cc,'idat');

echo off

ddat_type = 'double'; % Set values to use

idat_type = 'int16';

ddat_value = double([pi 12.3 exp(-1) sin(pi/4)]);

idat_value = int16(1:4);

echo off

halt(cc) % Halt the CPU (if necessary)

echo off

reset(cc); % Reset the CPU (if necessary)

echo off

reload(cc) % reload the .out file and set the PC to start of the program

ans =




% Wait for program execution to stop at breakpoint! (timeout = 20 seconds)

ddatV = read(cc,address(cc,'ddat'),ddat_type,4) % Should equal initialized value from C-Code

ddatV =16.3000 -2.1300 5.1000 11.8000

idatV = read(cc,address(cc,'idat'),idat_type,4)

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idatV = -1 508 647 7000

Compare Data: idat, ddat with Code Composer,

then press return write(cc,address(cc,'ddat'),ddat_value)

% Modify memory values


run(cc,'runtohalt',20); % Resume execution from breakpoint, then modify

ddatV = read(cc,address(cc,'ddat'),ddat_type,4) % Read memory values

ddatV =3.1416 12.3000 0.3679 0.7071

idatV = read(cc,address(cc,'idat'),idat_type,4)

idatV = 1 2 3 4

restart(cc); % Reset the PC to start of program

For Assembly language programmers, there are also methods to access CPU registers: 'regread'

and 'regwrite'.Press any key to continue: regread,regwrite

tReg = regread(cc,'A0','2scomp') % 2's complement version of A0

tReg = 0

regread(cc,'B2','binary') % unsigned version of B2

ans = 0


regread(cc,'A2','2scomp') % verify the value previously written

ans =0

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echo off

Direct access to DSP memory is powerful, but for C programmers it is more convenient to

manipulate memory in ways consistent with the defined C variables. This type of access is

implemented using MATLAB objects as representations of embedded entities. First, let's take a

look at the same data values that we explored above but now we'll manipulate them using

objects. First, we'll restart the program and apply the 'list' method, which queries Code

Composerfor information, on 'idat', i.e. the global C variable of intere

13. Press any key to continue: list, goto, run

restart(cc) % Restart program

goto(cc,'main') % Open file where 'main' is found and set the CCS cursor to the start of 'main'

run(cc,'main') % Run to start of 'main' - ensured Embedded C variables get initialized

listI = list(cc,'variable','idat') % Returns structure of information about global variable:

'idat'listI =

idat: [1x1 struct]


ans =

name: 'idat'

isglobal: 0

address: [38836 0]

size: 4

bitsize: 16

type: 'short'

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14. Press any key to continue

'List' generates lots of information about the embedded 'idat' variable.However, an even more

useful method is 'createobj', which generates a MATLAB object to represent the C variable.

This object acquires the properties of the C variable. Applying the object returned by

'createobj',you can directly read the entire variable or access individual elements of an array.

Note: Up to this point all methods were applied to the original 'cc' object that was created with

'ccsdsp'. The 'cc' object represents communication with a particular embedded processor in

Code Composer Studio.However, for the remainder of this tutorial, methods are applied to many

different objects. In typical object-oriented fashion, the action performed by a method will

depend on it's object. The relevant object is always the first parameter passed to the method. For

example, in thefollowing section, 'cvar' is an object representing the embedded 'idat' variable.

15. Press any key to continue: createobj, read, write

cvar = createobj(cc,'idat') % Creates a MATLAB object 'cvar' to manipulate embedded 'idat'

NUMERIC Object stored in memory:

Symbol name : idat

Address : [ 38836 0]

Data type : short

Word size : 16 bits

Address units per value : 2 au

Representation : signed

Size : [ 4 ]

Total address units : 8 au

Array ordering : row-major

Endianness : little

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read(cvar) % Reads the entire embedded array into the MATLAB workspace

ans = -1 508 647 7000

read(cvar,2) % Reads only the second element

ans = 508

write(cvar,4,7001) % Modifies the fourth element to 7001

read(cvar) % See changes

ans = -1 508 647 7001

read(cvar,[1 cvar.size]) % Read only first and last elements

ans = -1 7001

echo off

The previous 'read' takes the raw memory values and converts theminto equivalent MATLAB

numeric values. The conversion that gets applied is controlled by the properties of the object,

which were initially configured in 'createobj' to settings appropriate for your DSP architecture

and C representation. In some cases, it is useful to alter these default conversion properties.

Several properties such as 'endianness', 'arrayorder' and 'size' canbe directly modified using 'set'.

More complex changes are possible using methods such as 'convert' and 'cast', which adjust

multiple properties simultaneously.

16. Press any key to continue: cast, convert, size

set(cvar,'size',2) % Reduce size of 'idat' to first 2 elements


ans =-1 508

uicvar = cast(cvar,'unsigned short') % Creates new object with specified data type (butotherwise


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NUMERIC Object stored in memory:

Symbol name : idat

Address : [ 38836 0]

Data type : unsigned short

Word size : 16 bits

Address units per value : 2 au

Representation : unsigned

Size : [ 2 ]

Total address units : 4 au

Array ordering : row-major

Endianness : little

read(uicvar) % Note - first value is no longer -1, but unsigned equivalent

ans = 65535 508

convert(cvar,'unsigned short') % Same as Cast, but alters properties of existing class

NUMERIC Object stored in memory:

Symbol name : idat

Address : [ 38836 0]

Data type : unsigned short

Word size : 16 bits

Address units per value : 2 au

Representation : unsigned

Size : [ 2 ]

Total address units : 4 au

Array ordering : row-major

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Endianness : little

read(cvar) % Remember - the size of cvar was set to 2!

ans =65535 508

echo off

DSP variables such as strings, structures, bitfields, enumerated typesand pointers can be

manipulated just as easily. The following demonstrates some common manipulations on

structures, strings and enumerated types. In particular, note the 'getmember' method,which

extracts a single field from a structure as a new MATLAB object.

17. Press any key to continue: getmember

cvar = createobj(cc,'myStruct') % Object that represents an embedded C structure

STRUCTURE Object stored in memory:

Symbol name : myStruct

Address : [ 38808 0]

Address units per value : 28 au

Size : [ 1 ]

Total Address Units : 28 au

Array ordering : row-major

Members : 'iy', 'iz'


ans = iy: [2x3 double]

iz: 'MatlabLink'

write(cvar,'iz', 'Simulink') % Modify 'iz' field using actual enumerated name

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cfield = getmember(cvar,'iz') % Extract object from structure

ENUM Object stored in memory:

Symbol name : iz

Address : [ 38832 0]

Word size : 32 bits

Address units per value : 4 au

Representation : signed

Size : [ 1 ]

Total address units : 4 au

Array ordering : row-major

Endianness : little

Labels & values

: MATLAB=0, Simulink=1, SignalToolbox=2, MatlabLink=3, EmbeddedTargetC6x=4

write(cfield,4) % Write to same enumerated variable by value


ans =

iy: [2x3 double]

iz: 'EmbeddedTargetC6x'

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18. Press any key to continue

cstring = createobj(cc,'myString') % Object that represents an embedded C structure

STRING Object stored in memory:

Symbol name : myString

Address : [ 38880 0]

Word size : 8 bits

Address units per value : 1 au

Representation : signed

Size : [ 29 ]

Total address units : 29 au

Array ordering : row-major

Endianness : little

Char conversion type : ASCII


ans =Treat me like an ANSI String



ans =Treat ME like an ANSI String

write(cstring,1,127) % Set first location to numeric value 127 (a non-printable ASCII character)

readnumeric(cstring) % Read equivalent numeric values

ans =Columns 1 through 18

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127 114 101 97 116 32 77 69 32 108 105 107 101 32 97 110 32 65

Columns 19 through 29

78 83 73 32 83 116 114 105 110 103 0

echo off

To learn more about data manipulation and function calls,please run


19. Press any key to continue

Finally, the objects created during this tutorial have COM handles to Code Composer Studio.

Until these handles are deleted, the Code Composer Studio process will remain in memory.

Exiting MATLAB will automatically remove these handles, but in some cases it might be useful

to manually delete them. Use 'clear' to remove objects from the MATLAB workspace and delete

any handles they contain. 'Clear all' will delete everything. Alternatively, to retain your

MATLAB data use 'clear' on the objects derived from 'ccsdsp' (including all objects returnedby

'createobj'). In addition, 'close' is performed on the tutorial project to remove it from Code


20. Press any key to continue: close, clear

Finally, the objects created during this tutorial have COM handles to Code Composer Studio.

Until these handles are deleted, theCode Composer Studio process will remain in memory.

ExitingMATLAB will automatically remove these handles, but in some cases it might be useful

to manually delete them. Use 'clear' to remove objects from the MATLAB workspace and delete

any handles they contain. 'Clear all' will delete everything. Alternatively, to retain your

MATLAB data use 'clear' on the objects derived from 'ccsdsp' (including all objects returned

by 'createobj'). In addition, 'close' is performed on the tutorial project to remove it from Code


% Clean-up Code Composer

close(cc,demoPjt.ProjectFile,'project') % close the project file

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visible(cc,0); % Delete breakpoint introduced earlier


srcfile = ccstut.c

delete(cc,srcfile,brkpt) % Remove breakpoint at line 64

close(cc,srcfile,'text') % Close source file

% Clear data objects

clear cc cvar cfield uicvar cstring

**************** Demo complete. ****************

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Procedure for creating newsimulink model model

1) Make sure that ccstudio v3.1or 3.3 and compatible matlab2007A(7.4) are installed

2) hardware connection

I. connect a c6713 DSK board to the pc through USB

II. connect +5v power supply to the board

III. run the diagnostics

3) configure ccstudio according to your external target board

4) close down the ccstudio window

5) open up the matlab window

6) Type the following comments to make sure that correct board is selected and link is

made with ccstudio and matlab


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[boardNum,procNum] = boardprocsel

boardNum = 0

procNum =0


Click on ok

c) type ccsdsp (establish connection between ccstudio and matlab)

cc = ccsdsp('boardnum',boardNum,'procnum',procNum)

CCSDSP Object:

Processor type : TMS320C6713

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Processor name : CPU_1

Running? : No

Board number : 0

Processor number : 0

Default timeout : 10.00 secs

RTDX channels : 0

timeoutValue = 10; % time-out value in seconds

set(cc,'timeout',timeoutValue); % Set CCSDSP default time-out value

7) library verification

type c6000lib on comments window of matlab

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a)c6000 dsp core support lib

To get below window click on c6000dsp core support block shown above

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a)hostcommunication library

To get below window click on hostcommunication library block shown Fig1

c)RTDX instrumentation

To get below window click on RTDX instrumentation block shown Fig1

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Board support library

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Target reference block

8) click on simulink icon on matlab window to open simulink library


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9) click on ‘target for ti c6000’c6000 target references

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10) To create new model FILenewmodel or click on below shon


11) Select c6713dsk drag and place in the new model


Click on yes

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12) Similarly drag and place all the required block on new model window

As shown bellow

Fig simple audio loop back

13) Make all neccessory interconnection between the blocks

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14) Save the model:file save (give any name with .mdl

extension)click on save

15) Check and change the property of your simulink block placed on model

window by double clicking on particular block

a)Target reference property setting

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Change the Operating system dsp/bios to none and click on apply

Make sure that cpu clock speed (MHZ) is same as target cpu clock speed(for c6713

its 225Mhz)

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Memory /section

Use default memory (no change required in below window)

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b) ADC/DAC property


Double click on LINE in c6713dsk ADC block as shown above

Chage ADC source to line in or mic in as you want

If line in is selected input must be given to the line in port (line in of aic23 codec) of

dsk board

If mic inis selected input must be given to the mic in port(mic in of aic23 codec) of

dsk board

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Select sampling rate between 8khz to 96khz(in case of audio select 44.1khz)

Select appropriate data type(for above example select single)

Then click on ok

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DAC property

Double click on c6713dsk DAC block as shown above

Word length=16-bit

Sampling rate=44.1kHz(same as ADC sampling rate)

Over flow mode=wrap

Click on Applyok

16) Click on save icon on model window

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17) Realtime workshop configuration

Simulationconfiguration parameters(ctrl+E)


Type= fixed step solver=discrete(no continue state)

All others field are used as default

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Real time workshoplink to CCS

Project option=custom

Built action=built_and_execute

Interrupt over notification method=no

Click on applyok

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18) Click on incremental built icon as shown in bellow diagram

19) Now observe the flowing changes on matlab and ccs window

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20) Hardware connection

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Fig2 FIR filter model

Place the digital filter design block in between ADC and DAC

Digital filter design block are found under signal processingfilter design toolbox

Drag and place in the model window as shown in fig2

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Double click on digital filter design block in fig2 and set the property of the filter

Response type

Select any one of the response type according to your requirement

1)low pass

2)high pass

3)band pass

4)differenciator,multiband,Hilbert transformer etc

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Design method



Chebyshev typei

Chebyshev typeii


Maximally flat etc

FIR(select on your need for example we have selected equiripple )


Least squares


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Order of filter

Select appropriate order of the filter base on your requirement(here we have taken order

as 10)


Select unit of the frequency as Hz or kHz

Sampling frequency

Type appropriate sampling frequency base on nyquist criteria(for audio we have atken


Select fpass freq appropriately(9600hz)

Fstop freq (12000)

Then click on design filter

Click on incremental built

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Fig3 IIR Filter model

Double click on digital filter design block in fig3 and set the property of the filter as shown


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Order of filter

Select appropriate order of the filter base on your requirement(here we have taken order

as 10)


Select unit of the frequency as Hz or kHz(Hz)

Sampling frequency

Type appropriate sampling frequency base on nyquist criteria(for audio we have atken


Fstop freq (12000)

Then click on design filter

Click on incremental built

Aaudio loopback with sw,LED,reset peripheral


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Change the property as shown in diaram

1) ADC

2) DAC

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3) Switch , LED and Reset

Double click on switch block and change the following property

Tick on sw0-sw3

Data tpes =integer

Click ok

Double click on LED block Click on ok

No change in reset block use as default

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4) C6713DSK

Double click on c6713dsk block and change the property as shown above diagram

Operating system=none


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Modulation and demodulation

Open a new simulink model and library browser

Using Embedded Target For TIC6000 DSP menu select C6713 DSK Board Support.

Using the Embedded Target For TIC6000 DSP tool in the library browser, select C6713

DSK Board Support and add ADC for Line In, DAC for Line Out and Reset Switch.

You can extract all these from Simulink Library Browser.

Implement the simulink model of AM as shown bellow

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Path for carrier and dsp constant block

Path for sum and constant

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ADC:Message signal Line in parameters and carrier signal parameters can be set as

following. This is very important. Set ADC Source as Line In, Sample Rate 32kHz, Word

Length 16-bit.

Carrier:Amplitude of the message signal can be change through function generator (up to

5KHz), whereas, frequency of the carrier signal is 15KHz.

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DAC:sampling rate same as ADC ie 32khz

• The output modulated signal observe in oscilloscope is:

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C6713 Simulink Model - Amplitude De-Modulation

Target the device in the similar manner as done above in amplitude modulation.

A low pass filter has been designed in the FDA Tool in such a way that only the

frequency of the message signal (5 KHz) is allow to pass through filter.

Design the low pass filter using FDA Tool in Matlab.

Export this filter to the simulink model

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Implement the simulink model of the demodulation

Design the filter

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• Run the model and observe the output at the oscilloscope.