matong street dareton · 2020. 8. 21. · shaina collins sacc facilitator clean hands vs dirty...

Hello everyone Return To School Next Monday You are probably all aware of todays announcement that all students will be required to be back at school fulltime as of next Monday, 25.4.20. This is great news as we hope to get our school back learning fulltime as quick as possible. Extra Cleaning As discussed previously we have extra cleaning of all high use spaces at mid-day each day (thank you to Cheryl for taking on this extra task!) as well as hourly cleaning of desks in all classrooms. Each learning space has hand sanitiser and students are spatially distanced at all opportunities. School continues to be a very safe space for our students to be. Parents in School As we officially move to Phase 3 - all students return to school—we will be asking that all parents drop –off and pick up their students from their vehicles outside the school gates. If parents need to enter the school to collect students, please do so via the Administration Office and apply sanitiser upon entry. If there is already another family inside the Office area, please wait outside. Thank you for your co-operation. Parents will not be able to attend assembly etc at this time. We will let you know as soon as we enter Phase 4, which allows for normal, full operation. Please contact me if you want to discuss this or any other aspect of school operation. Regards Mr Coleman, Principal. Calendar of Events Tuesday 19th May Goannas Barkindji Lesson Wednesday 20th May Thursday 21st May Perch Barkindji Lesson Friday 22nd May Library Lessons Monday 25th May All students return to school 5 days per week. K/1/2 Barkindji Lesson Matong Street Dareton Phone: (03) 50274586 Fax: (03) 5027 4680 E-Mail: [email protected] Weekly Whole School Attendance 51% Cheree Jacinta Harry John Charleigh Missy Lydia Raymond Brodie Cheree Jacinta Emmanuell Jakoda Harry Zephaniah Brodie Luke Cameron William Happy Bihday 2nd Maya 4th Ki-anne 10th John & Kathren 15th Harry

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Page 1: Matong Street Dareton · 2020. 8. 21. · Shaina Collins SaCC Facilitator Clean Hands vs Dirty hands I did an experiment about 1 —2 weeks ago around Clean Hands vs Dirty Hands

Hello everyone Return To School Next Monday

You are probably all aware of today’s announcement that all students will be required to be back at school fulltime as of next Monday, 25.4.20. This is great news as we hope to get our school back learning fulltime as quick as possible.

Extra Cleaning As discussed previously we have extra cleaning of all high use spaces at mid-day each day (thank you to Cheryl for taking on this extra task!) as well as hourly cleaning of desks in all classrooms. Each learning space has hand sanitiser and students are spatially distanced at all opportunities. School continues to be a very safe space for our students to be.

Parents in School As we officially move to Phase 3 - all students return to school—we will be asking that all parents drop –off and pick up their students from their vehicles outside the school gates. If parents need to enter the school to collect students, please do so via the Administration Office and apply sanitiser upon entry. If there is already another family inside the Office area, please wait outside. Thank you for your co-operation. Parents will not be able to attend assembly etc at this time. We will let you know as soon as we enter Phase 4, which allows for normal, full operation.

Please contact me if you want to discuss this or any other aspect of school operation.

Regards Mr Coleman, Principal.

Calendar of Events Tuesday 19th May Goannas Barkindji Lesson Wednesday 20th May Thursday 21st May Perch Barkindji Lesson Friday 22nd May Library Lessons Monday 25th May All students return to school 5 days per week. K/1/2 Barkindji Lesson

Matong Street Dareton

Phone: (03) 50274586 Fax: (03) 5027 4680

E-Mail: [email protected]

Weekly Whole School



Cheree Jacinta

Harry John

Charleigh Missy

Lydia Raymond

Brodie Cheree

Jacinta Emmanuell

Jakoda Harry


Brodie Luke

Cameron William

Happy Birthday 2nd Maya 4th Ki-anne 10th John & Kathren 15th Harry

Page 2: Matong Street Dareton · 2020. 8. 21. · Shaina Collins SaCC Facilitator Clean Hands vs Dirty hands I did an experiment about 1 —2 weeks ago around Clean Hands vs Dirty Hands

Mrs Shaddock. Josh and Aunty Naomi

This week in Emus we continue our Mathematics lessons with Addition & Subtraction and Position. Students have been learning to count off decade to 120 and beyond. It has been pleasing to see students participate enthusiastically in our Mathematics ‘warmup’ activities each day.

In English, students are working hard during spelling activities. On Friday students did their weekly test with everyone coming to the teacher’s desk when it was their groups turn. Some great results again this week. Well done to Charleigh and Jacinta who got 100% in their test. This week students will bring home their Spelling List so they can practice at home.

Home Readers Each day students participate in a guided reading lesson with the class teacher and also read a familiar book from their reading tray to Naomi or Josh. The familiar reader becomes their Home Reader. However some students have not returned their ‘Home Readers’ for sometime. If your child has lost their reader and you are unable to find it I am happy to issue a new one!




Page 3: Matong Street Dareton · 2020. 8. 21. · Shaina Collins SaCC Facilitator Clean Hands vs Dirty hands I did an experiment about 1 —2 weeks ago around Clean Hands vs Dirty Hands

Hi all and welcome to Week 4. Another busy week is behind us and an even busier one ahead!

It is so good to have almost everyone back. We still have a couple of children “missing in action” but I’m sure that they will be back with us very soon.

Everyone that is in class is really trying their very best to complete work that has been given to them. It is wonderful to see that they are all so eager to try and as I say to them daily … “It’s not about making mistakes, it’s about having a go and trying!” Mistakes are expected, respected and (hopefully) corrected! That is what learning is about.

It is fabulous to be able to go to the school Library each week. The children spend time looking at books, then they do an activity with Mrs W. Last week we began to read “Mr Twit.” The start of the book was a big hit with Perch class as they heard some awesome adjectives to describe the main character in the book. We can’t wait to see what he gets up to this week?

Last week’s Student of the Week was Missy. Missy has been practicing her read-ing skills over the break and has gained such confidence! She is reading with such expression and it is fantastic to hear her reading aloud. Our two achievement awards went to Harry, who has been such a happy learner and Jakoda has been really trying to do everything that has been asked of her. Well done to you both.

For now we would like to wish you all a very happy and safe week ahead. Ms Smith, Aunty Lisa, Wendy and Perch Class.

Page 4: Matong Street Dareton · 2020. 8. 21. · Shaina Collins SaCC Facilitator Clean Hands vs Dirty hands I did an experiment about 1 —2 weeks ago around Clean Hands vs Dirty Hands


The weeks seem to be flying past here in Dareton Public School. Before we know it, 11 of our gorgeous superstars will be entering Year 7! This week we have been knuckling down with our work on British Colonisation. It has been very interesting to find out the perspectives of both sides and what impacts Colonisation has had on Indigenous people. I am so proud of the Goannas showing their upmost respect when listening to information from Uncle Will, who has a lot of knowledge about this topic. We have also been doing our daily Multiplication grid race, seeing more then half the class already on Level 2! For some of our Goannas, we will be starting a novel study on the book “Wonder”. I am so excited to start this with them as they delve deep into themes of empathy, compassion and perseverance. I wish everyone the best for the coming week and as always, I am so proud to show off my incredible students. Miss La Hood, Uncle Will and Aunty Courtney.

Page 5: Matong Street Dareton · 2020. 8. 21. · Shaina Collins SaCC Facilitator Clean Hands vs Dirty hands I did an experiment about 1 —2 weeks ago around Clean Hands vs Dirty Hands

Dareton SaCC

SaCC Playgroup Activity Packs Last week in our Activity packs, we had Edible Playdough, Crazy paper Eyeglasses and Torn paper Shape collage. We are receiving fantastic response and support from a lot of our families in our Community that would usually attend our SaCC programs. It was amazing to see our families on Friday and have some time to have a chat and engage with the children. Looking forward to seeing you all again this week :) Stay Safe!! Shaina Collins SaCC Facilitator

Clean Hands vs Dirty hands I did an experiment about 1 —2 weeks ago around Clean Hands vs Dirty Hands. I didn't wash my hands for about 2 hours and went about doing things I would normally do. I then got a piece of bread n rubbed n squashed my hands around it and placed in zip lock bag. I went a washed my hands, sang Happy Birthday twice so approx. 20 seconds of washing and repeated the same thing with the bread ,except this time my hands were clean. It really does show how important it is to wash our hands regularly and ensuring that our children do so as well!!

Page 6: Matong Street Dareton · 2020. 8. 21. · Shaina Collins SaCC Facilitator Clean Hands vs Dirty hands I did an experiment about 1 —2 weeks ago around Clean Hands vs Dirty Hands



Wk 1

27 April SDD

28 April SDD

29 April




4 May

5 May

6 May

7 May

8 May



18 May K/1/2 Barkindji Lessons Goannas STEAM Lessons

19 May Goannas Barkindji Lesson Perch STEAM lessons

20 May

21 May Library Lessons Perch Barkindji Lessons K/1/2 STEAM Lessons

22 May


25 May K/1/2 Barkindji Lessons Goannas STEAM Lessons

26 May Goannas Barkindji Lesson Perch STEAM lessons

27 May

28 May Library Lessons Perch Barkindji Lessons K/1/2 STEAM Lessons

29 May


1 June K/1/2 Barkindji Lessons Goannas STEAM Lessons

2 June Goannas Barkindji Lesson Perch STEAM lessons

3 June

4 June Library Lessons Perch Barkindji Lessons K/1/2 STEAM Lessons

5 June


8 June Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday—No School

9 June Goannas Barkindji Lesson Perch STEAM lessons

10 June

11 June Library Lessons Perch Barkindji Lessons K/1/2 STEAM Lessons

12 June


15 June K/1/2 Barkindji Lessons Goannas STEAM Lessons

16 June Goannas Barkindji Lesson Perch STEAM lessons

17 June

18 June Library Lessons Perch Barkindji Lessons K/1/2 STEAM Lessons

19 June


22 June K/1/2 Barkindji Lessons Goannas STEAM Lessons

23 June Goannas Barkindji Lesson Perch STEAM lessons

24 June

25 June Library Lessons Perch Barkindji Lessons K/1/2 STEAM Lessons

26 June


29 June K/1/2 Barkindji Lessons Goannas STEAM Lessons

30June Goannas Barkindji Lesson Perch STEAM lessons

1 July 2 July Library Lessons Perch Barkindji Lessons K/1/2 STEAM Lessons

3 July LAST DAY OF TERM 2. 3pm finish