matter and its properties

Matter and its properties.

Upload: irenebyg

Post on 16-Jul-2015




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Matter and its properties.

Matter is everything that has or causes:


Matter occupies space.

It has volume. (m3).

InertiaThis property keeps the body still

or in motion. The larger the

mass, the greater is the inertia.


Gravitational attractionBodies attract each other because of gravity.

Mass is the amount of matter in an object.

Mass and inertia: You can measure the mass of an object by seeing how much force is required to change its state of motion.

A 10kg object double inertia than

5kg object:

For same movement in both objects,

we must apply a double force in the

first one.

Mass indicates the inertia of a body.

Mass and gravity: The gravitational field

of matter is another measurement of mass.

Jupiter’s mass = 310xEarth’s one.

If an object was set right between them, it would be attracted to Jupiter by a 310 times higher force.

Finally, there is an equivalence of mass and energy.

You will study this later.

A body can have little

mass and big size

or a considerable mass

and a small size

Do bigger objects have more mass?

This is due to a body’s matter can be more or less compacted, thus occupy more or less space.

You have already studied relation between mass of a body and its size (its volume) is determined by DENSITY.

No, mass and weight are not the same. It is

important to not confuse both concepts.

Are mass and weight the same?

mass is a measurement of how much matter

is in an object;

weight is a measurement of how hard gravity

is pulling on that object.

Your mass is the same wherever you are (on Earth, on the moon, floating in space) because

the amount of stuff you're made of doesn't change!!!!

What you call weight, is in fact your MASS!!! Measured in kg in the IS.

How can I calculate my weight?

Your weight depends on how much gravity

is acting on you at the moment;

Earth’s gravity is 9’8m/s2, so…

weight = mass x gravity;

unit Newtons “N”

you would weigh less on the moon than on

Earth, and in interstellar space you'd weigh

almost nothing at all.

What is your mass on Earth and on the Moon?

And your weight?


Earth’s gravity: 9’8 m/s2

Moon’s gravity: 1’61 m/s2

A material system is anykind of matter whoselimits are undefined. Ex: Clouds.

A body is anykind of matter whose limits are defined. Ex: A ball.

Natural science studies from tiny things(bacteria) to huge things (stars).

Scientist use two scales:

◦ A macroscopic scale: to measure things that can beperceived using our senses.

◦ A microscopic scale: to measure things like cells oratoms.

It’s a way of writing numbers to avoid writingtoo many zeros.

It consists of writing using powers of ten.

Ex: 1026

0’000000000000001= 10-15

1. What is matter? What are the characteristics of matter?

2.What is the difference between a material system and a body?

3. Give an example of inertia in everyday life.

4. Calculate the weight of my dog on the Earthand on the Moon, knowing it is 20kg. What isits mass?

6. In your notebook fill in the blanks using thewords of this unit.

Matter is everything that has……., ……… and isthe cause of ………. attraction.

7. Classify the following as bodies or material systems:

a)A ball b) A galaxy c) The water in a river

d) The air in the atmosphere