matters of the heart: working with emotional pain · matters of the heart: working with emotional...

Matters of the Heart: working with emotional pain Homeopathy helps to soften emotional pain, unlocks trapped emotions, and eases transitions while supporting growth and self-empowerment. National Center for Homeopathy Webinar Series, Dec. 2017

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Page 1: Matters of the Heart: working with emotional pain · Matters of the Heart: Working With Emotional Pain! This webinar is intended for home care ailments, complaints which can be self-diagnosed,

Matters of the Heart: working with emotional pain

Homeopathy helps to soften emotional pain, unlocks trapped emotions, and eases transitions while supporting growth and self-empowerment.

National Center for Homeopathy Webinar Series, Dec. 2017

Page 2: Matters of the Heart: working with emotional pain · Matters of the Heart: Working With Emotional Pain! This webinar is intended for home care ailments, complaints which can be self-diagnosed,

Tanya Renner, CCH, RSHom(NA)

Tanya Renner is a certified homeopathic consultant, Life Coach, and educator with a private practice in New Hampshire. Tanya has served as a Core Faculty Member and Co-Administrator of Teleosis Homeopathic Collaborative, LLC. She is a professor at New Hampshire State College. Tanya has a particular interest in helping people discover how to strengthen their healing capacity by accessing simple, effective wellness strategies.

© 2017, Tanya Renner

We carry within ourselves the seed of healing.

Page 3: Matters of the Heart: working with emotional pain · Matters of the Heart: Working With Emotional Pain! This webinar is intended for home care ailments, complaints which can be self-diagnosed,

Welcome to the NCH Homeopathy Academy of Moms program, Matters of the Heart: Working With Emotional Pain! This webinar is intended for home care ailments, complaints which can be self-diagnosed, self-treated and self-managed.

This material is offered for educational purposes only. Nothing herein is intended as medical advice nor is any claim made that the comments or opinions expressed herein are approved by any government department or agency. Whenever dealing with a health issue consult a qualified health care provider.

Page 4: Matters of the Heart: working with emotional pain · Matters of the Heart: Working With Emotional Pain! This webinar is intended for home care ailments, complaints which can be self-diagnosed,

What we will cover today

Taking a case with an emotional center

Some common remedies for emotional relief

Homeopathic Cell Salts for emotional support

Resources for further exploration

Page 5: Matters of the Heart: working with emotional pain · Matters of the Heart: Working With Emotional Pain! This webinar is intended for home care ailments, complaints which can be self-diagnosed,

E-motion: energy in motion

turbulent tumbling soothing tranquil

Page 6: Matters of the Heart: working with emotional pain · Matters of the Heart: Working With Emotional Pain! This webinar is intended for home care ailments, complaints which can be self-diagnosed,

Emotions are a whole being experience

Emotions can become overwhelming, exhausting, or frozen. Our body may respond in uncomfortable ways.

• Headaches

• Stomachaches

• Body Tension

• Chills, Hot Flashes

• Trembling, Weakness

• Restlessness, Insomnia

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Thoughts and mood scramble

Behavior and mood can become uncomfortable: • Unfocused/Distracted • Forgetful/Confused • Irritable/Snappish • Withdrawn/Aloof • Resentful • Angry • Numb • Exploding/Rage • Bitter • Vengeful

Page 8: Matters of the Heart: working with emotional pain · Matters of the Heart: Working With Emotional Pain! This webinar is intended for home care ailments, complaints which can be self-diagnosed,

Think like a homeopath: consider the whole picture

What has changed? Cause: the stress that preceded the change Which symptoms are strongest? Which symptoms are striking/unusual/unique? Change in a general symptom(s)? Emotional changes? Cognitive (mental) changes? Physical changes? What makes the symptoms better or worse?

General symptom: a sx that affects the whole person, such as feeling worse when lying down, better from dancing, being more thirsty or perspiring more than usual. Symptoms statements often start with “I feel….” or “I am ….”

Taking the case

Page 9: Matters of the Heart: working with emotional pain · Matters of the Heart: Working With Emotional Pain! This webinar is intended for home care ailments, complaints which can be self-diagnosed,

Notice emotions

1. Give the feeling(s) a name, a metaphor, a description. Use as many descriptors as you like.

2. Notice any conflicting emotions. Name them.

3. Highlight the strongest emotions & descriptors and unique emotions.

Notice what is right about your emotions. Hear their message. See their wisdom. Thank the emotions. Allow the emotions to pass.

E.g.: This sadness is heavy, as if I am carrying an extra 50 lbs. I love her, but feel jealous too. She laughs when she feels sad. He wants to be picked-up and then screams when you do.

Page 10: Matters of the Heart: working with emotional pain · Matters of the Heart: Working With Emotional Pain! This webinar is intended for home care ailments, complaints which can be self-diagnosed,

Become aware of thought patterns

1. Bring awareness to your story or narrative.

2. What are the repeating story themes? (Unique Perspective – “Your Take” on your life.)

A repeating narrative informs, but does not heal. You may release the story without judgment.

E.g.: If only I could be a better mom, he would be healthy. The injustice is eating away at me. I’ll never forgive him. I worry about everything under the sun. Nothing will ever be the same. Everyone is insensitive and mean. Nobody understands me or even cares. I almost died! I know I’ll screw up again. My thoughts race. I bounce from one idea to the other.

Good news: Homeopathy help us rewrite these narratives.

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Tune into body sensations

1. What are you feeling in your body?

2. What is the change in sensation?

Recognize your body is doing the best it can do right now with the resources that are currently available. Thank your body. Send your body compassion and love.

E.g.: I feel chilly. I am trembling inside. I feel dizzy when in bed. My thigh feels numb. My lips are cracking and I have a cold sore. There’s a lump in my throat. I know I would feel better if I cried, but I can’t cry. My stomach is sinking. Foods sits in my stomach. I’ve lost my appetite. When I make myself go to the gym I feel better. Fresh air lightens the heaviness in my body. I fall asleep and wake in panic 2 hours later.

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1) Make a list of the unique symptoms. 2) Aim for 3-6 symptoms. 3) Include the “cause” on the list. Common mistake: using common symptoms, because you think more symptoms is better. Hint: Try using different symptom categories. E.g.: cause, emotions, mental, physical, generals (But only if they are unique symptoms!!!)

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Common Mistake in Case Taking

Mistake: Focusing on common symptoms E.g. of Common Symptoms: feeling sad after a loss; sleepiness from lack of sleep; thirsty after dehydration, fatigue worse by exercise

Strong Case Taking: E.g. of Unique Symptoms: sensation of a lump in the throat with sadness; exhausted but cannot fall asleep or stay asleep; sleepiness from anticipatory anxiety; thirstless with dry mouth and concentrated urine, fatigue better with exercise

Hint: Unique symptoms and the causation will help you find an effective remedy!

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Aconite, shock followed by fear, anxiety, panic

Cause: Fright. Onset of aliment is sudden after fright. Person looks frightened; can’t be pacified All senses are keen Pupils may contract Wakes a couple hours after sleep with a sense of panic (night terror or panic) Agitation: Restlessness, tossing in bed, fidgets Thirsty May retain urine May develop a sudden fever, earache, or cystitis with great inflammation Inflammation: Redness, Dry Burning Heat, Swelling, Throbbing Pain Palpitations Tightness/Tension/Inflammation in throat or chest Fears the future and what it might bring Homeopath’s Hint: Focus on the strongest and most striking symptoms in your case. Does Aconite cover the symptoms? You don’t need to have complete coverage of the symptoms, but the strongest and most striking symptoms should be covered. For a more detailed description of aconite, search the NCH website. Aconitum napellus

Page 15: Matters of the Heart: working with emotional pain · Matters of the Heart: Working With Emotional Pain! This webinar is intended for home care ailments, complaints which can be self-diagnosed,

Case Aconite: shock followed by fear and anxiety The wheels of the car hit an icy patch on the road and the car spins out. You see your life pass in front of your eyes as you regain control of the car. Everyone is safe, but you can’t shake the feeling of shock. Internally, you feel unstable, muscles feel tight, and anxiety seems to settle in the chest. You have trouble focusing. That night your sleep is restless and you wake shortly before midnight with a feeling of panic. Heart is racing. The physical body wasn’t injured in this case, but the effects of a close call resulted in physical, emotional and mental symptoms. Emotions create a “whole being experience.” There are many different situations which could lead to an aconite state, for example • A near miss with a deer on the road • Experiencing an earthquake • Witnessing a near accident with images in your mind of a disastrous outcome • Shocking news • Victim of a personal crime • News that you may be deported from the country you now call home

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You might be thinking about Arsenicum album or Arnica in the previous case. Arsenicum album is more strongly indicated in a case when the fear is more generalized or unknown. Anxiety about health, finances, and family is common. They are more likely to wake between midnight and 2:00 am. Like aconite, they experience anxiety, tension, restlessness with prostration, and panic. Arsenicum album covers many GI complaints with a relationship to emotions. Their anxiety is better with company and constant reassurance -- the reassurance wears off quickly. Better warmth. We commonly think of Arnica as a first choice remedy in cases of physical trauma. It’s also strongly indicated for emotional shock and grief associated with accidents. In an arnica case, the person often looks a little spacey or disconnected as if their energetic body has been bruised or displaced by the incident. Sleep may be disturbed by thoughts of the shocking incident. They may be asked to be left alone as they work to regain composure.

Homeopathy speeds up a natural process.

Hint: Carry Arnica in the car. It’s a first line remedy for physical and emotional shock.

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Gelsemium shock followed by internal trembling, weakness, and spaciness • Cause: bad news, disappointment, fright, anticipation which is followed by weakness,

trembling, numbness • Distress, weakness & apprehension with memory of an accident. • Fear with great fatigue and heaviness, aching in head, neck, arms, back, legs • Sleepy but can’t sleep • Silent grief (unable to cry or express his grief) • Loose stools • Chills in the back

Case: He is trying to rebuild his energy after hearing the diagnosis of a loved one. He is sad but unable to cry. Somedays he feels trembling and weakness inside. He is exhausted. His body is heavy and he moves slowly. When the wave of fear is strongest, his stools become loose. Sometimes a chill runs up and down the back. Examples of situations that may create “anticipatory anxiety:” • Fear of taking a driver’s test • Fear of acceptance to college • Performance stress • Meeting with former spouse • A pending natural disaster • A visit from an estranged family member

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Ignatia-shock followed by despair and inability to fully express grief Case: She recently learned that her boyfriend is under investigation for petty theft after steeling produce from a local farm to help feed his hungry family. She feels she needs to be strong for her boyfriend and doesn’t cry. Her throat is choked up with grief and she is angry at the injustice. Her chests feels constricted. She sighs aloud. Several days later her back goes into spasm. Her mom reports she can get hysterical at home over the smallest things. • Cause: loss, grief, emotional shock, disappointment • Unexpressed grief creating ups and downs or “micro burst” of emotions,

crying jags or “silent” grief • Attempts to console, aggravate • Cannot handle injustice • Insomnia with active dreams • Constriction and spasm: Hysteria, Tightness in throat, chest and back.

Sighing and yawning to release tension.

Emotional Spasm: Hysteria, Sighing, Outbursts of emotion Muscle and Nerve Spasm: Tightness, Cramping

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Natrum muriaticum grief followed by silent withdraw or alternating between cheerfulness and melancholy emotions Mike has mixed feelings around the holidays. While he enjoys reconnecting with family and friends, he knows somebody will say something that will cause him to feel sad or mad. He wishes his dad had been more present for him while growing up. Every visit confirms that things will never change. His back starts to hurt and is better lying down on firm surfaces. His mind is reviewing stories of the past and he cannot fall asleep. • Cause: Disappointed love, forsaken • Loss of self through grief, rejection or criticism, they withdraw and erect a barrier • Wants connection but consolation aggravates – pushes you away • Hopeless about the future • Monomania-repeating story line. Resentment. • Headaches worse light, noise, before or after period • Headaches from grief, perfectionism • Headaches “pounding” • Hay fever, sneezing, excessive discharge then dry and stuffy • Herpetic eruption on lips • Asthma worse in the late day and evening • Desires salty foods

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Remedies with overlapping themes Ignatia and Natrum muriaticum are similar in emotions, especially grief from disappointed love. Both may passionately express their feelings or be reserved. Both may lose themselves in noble causes. They don’t let go of or share their feelings easily. Natrum muriaticum often follows Ignatia states. Let the body guide you: Look at the physical symptoms to help differentiate the remedies.

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Nux vom: grief followed by tension and irritability - snappish Case: The anniversary of her husband’s death is coming up soon. Her body feels tense and she is impatient, impulsive, and quarrelsome. Nothing is right. To ease the emotions she finds herself eating spicy and fatty foods and drinking alcohol more than usual. She wakes between 3-4 am thinking about work. She finds herself constipated and is worried about developing hemorrhoids. The tension in the back is worse lying in bed. • Cause: overwork and desire to control life • On the go, impatient, impulsive and quarrelsome • Tension and spasm in the body

• Constipation (spasm or constriction in motility) • Back pain worse lying down • Tense mood

• Wakes between 3-4 am making To-Do lists in her head • Overindulges in stimulating foods-spicy, fat, sugar, alcohol

Notice how Ignatia and Nux vom both have tension and constriction. Ignatia constriction/spasms is more often noticed in the throat & chest and Nux vom in the abdomen/intestines and back.

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Sepia: grief followed by “deflated, sinking” feelings Case: Jean’s friends call her the “energizer bunny,” but recently she feels it is impossible to recharge her batteries. She loves her family, but right now she feels indifferent. She is caring for her aging parents and children. She is greatly disappointed that she can’t give 100% to everyone. “Slowly sinking in quicksand” is a way to describe the feeling. Her lower back in the sacral region aches and is worse standing and better lying on firm surface. Exercise and purposeful occupation gives her a temporary lift. • Always on the go, organizing, get things done • Feels irritable, disconnected, and overwhelmed. Snaps at the family, when she is fatigued

and people are interfering with “progress” • Irritability progressed to indifference. Feels guilty about her indifference • Ameliorated when alone. Would love to be sent to her bedroom by herself for the rest of

the day or better yet, have the grandparents take the kids for the weekend! • Mental dullness, sluggishness, and confused • Everything is worse from 2-5 pm • Headaches, especially over the left eye, worse around menses • Empty feeling in stomach, not better from eating • Craves sweet and sour foods

Sepia and Nux vom drive themselves to exhaustion.

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Staphysagria: grief from betrayal, criticism, humiliation and trapped Case: She is underemployed and needs to live with her brother in-law who is dictatorial and judgmental. Her sister does not defend her. She helps out with cooking, cleaning, and the kids, but it all goes unnoticed. She can’t say anything. When she gets really angry she clenches her fists and trembles. She aches all over and cannot sleep she feels so angry. In the last year, she has had 3 bouts of cystitis.

• Cause: suppressed anger, wounded pride, no place to safely express self • Indignation • Silent grief, which eventually may erupt in aggressive action such as throwing

things • Styes and tarsal tumors of the eyelids • Cystitis • Clenches teeth. Excessive tooth decay. • Desires Tobacco

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Cocculus: grief/worry complicated by lack of sleep with unsteady feeling Case: My son is being bullied at school and I am so angry and scared about the possible effects on my child. I can’t sleep and I’m sick from worry. When I do fall asleep, I have nightmares. My mental process is slow. Sometimes I feel unsteady, like the ground is moving underneath my feet. I am dizzy and have a headache. My low back feels weak and it feels like it’s trembling. Cause: Lack of sleep from worry or night-watch. • Bad effects from grief, anger or anxiety over a loved-one • Bad effects from “night-watch” – nursing a loved-one

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Support tissues with homeopathic cell salts. Macro-minerals taken in a

3x-12x potency.

Calc phos, Calc fluor,

Calc sulph, Kali phos,

Kali mur, Kali sulph,

Ferrum phos, Silica,

Mag phos, Nat mur, Nat phos, Nat sulph

Creating Calm with Cell Salts

Homeopath’s note: For our purposes, a cell salt is always one of the twelve macro-minerals in a potency between 3x-12x, often 6x. See Homeopathic Cell Salt Remedies by Lennon & Rolfe

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• Cause: Nervous strain. Loss of sleep. Mental Strain. • Brain is tired. Difficult concentrating. • Difficulty unwinding. • Irritable, anxious, jumpy, snappy. • Nervous system fatigue leads to temper tantrums. • Heaviness in limbs with coldness. • Empty feeling in pit of stomach. • Backache, spine feels sore; better for movement.

Kali phos 6x: potassium phosphate

Soother of jangled nerves

Homeopath’s Tip: When Kali phos 6x works well, but not completely, consider adding one or two of the other phosphate salts. Phosphate cell salts: Calc phos 6x, Ferrum phos 6x, Kali phos 6x, Mag phos 6x, Nat phos 6x

Cell Salt

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• Emotions up and down (emotional spasm) • Spasms in abdomen, uterus • Tight back and muscle spams • Headache (migraines) from tightness/constriction • Complaints better pressure and heat • Leg cramps • Nervous asthma

Homeopath’s Tip: When Mag phos 6x works well, but not completely add Calc phos 6x.

Mag phos 6x: magnesium phosphate Soother of jangled nerves

Cell Salt

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• Irritable from the fast-paced life • Difficultly unwinding and wakes unrefreshed • Overindulging in sweets, fat, and alcohol • Asthma after grief, worse damp conditions and 4 am • Emotionally heavy feeling • Slow waking

Nat sulph 6x: sodium phosphate natures digestive support

Homeopath’s Tip: When acidity symptoms are prominent in the case, try Nat phos 6x.

Cell Salt

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Popular cell salt combinations: Destress tonic: Kali phos 6x, Mag phos 6x and Silicea 6x Sleep tonic: Ferrum phos 6x, Kali phos 6x, Mag phos 6x Nervous release tonic: Kali phos 6x, Calc fluor 6x, Cal phos 6x, Mag phos 6x Rejuvenate tonic: Nat phos 6x, Nat sulph 6x, Silica 6x Vitality boost tonic: Ferrum pho 6x, Kali phos 6x, Nat mur 6x

Make your own combo: 2 tablets of each salt in a little water Buy a combo: See a homeopathic pharmacy or

Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful.

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Blooming with Flower Essences

Rescue Remedy: a blend of flower essences Impatiens, Star of Bethlehem, Cherry Plum, Rock Rose, Clematis Available in a • Tincture drops • Spray • Cream • Gum • Chewy Pastilles

Start here if you don’t know where else to start! Recommended use for traumatic situations, stress, emergencies, or other situations where there is a sudden lose of balance.

Note: Flower Essences are very dilute preparations or flower essences, not to be confused with strong, fragrant essential oils.

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Gratitude goes a long way

Thank yourself for the courage to deepen your awareness.

Thank yourself for acknowledging the special qualities of your energy self.

Thank yourself for the intelligence of your feelings states.

May peace find a place in your heart. Tanya Renner

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I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in tune once more. John Burroughs

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When to see a medical professional

• Emotions are overwhelming and are interfering with relationships and work.

• Home care is ineffective.

• People are concerned about your well-being.

• Emotional symptoms might be linked to a physical problem.

• Trouble with alcohol or drug use.

• Use of recreational, OTC, or Rx drugs is increasing.

• Engaging in risky behaviors.

• Thinking about harming yourself or someone else.

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More sensitive 30x or 12c


• Require less medication than the average person

• Avoid certain foods

• Are sensitive to changes in environment

• Have difficulty with confrontation

• Identify yourself as “sensitive”

More Robust 30C


• Tolerate medications easily

• Can eat “anything”

• Express a wide range of emotions and are not effected by other people’s emotions

• Enjoy a stable mood and high energy throughout most days

What about potency?

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What about frequency?

Potency: 30x or 12c (sensitive) or 30c (robust) Dosing: follow the instructions or 1-3 pellets per dose Frequency: • Every 15 minutes for very recent trauma with strong clear symptoms. • Every couple of hours for recent injury with strong symptoms. • A couple doses a day for other injuries. • One dose and reevaluate in 5-21 days, for older emotional trauma. WAIT and WATCH. Remedies speed up a natural process of healing. Create time and space to work through emerging emotions. Mental Health Practitioners can help work through emotions when needed. When to stop? • Stop as soon as symptoms start to improve. Re-start if the same symptoms return. • If there is no improvement after 3 doses, stop and try a different remedy. • If there is no improvement after trying 3 different remedies, stop and contact your health care provider or a professional homeopath.

© 2017 Tanya Renner

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NCH Webinars

Homeopathy Happy: The Key to Resilience in Depression and Anxiety with Jennifer Bahr, March 2015 This webinar has a helpful review of Ars alb, Lyc, Calc carb, Aconite, Gels, Aurum met, Ign, Nat mur, Phos, Puls, Staphy for emotional complaints. Homeopathy: A Strategy for Weaning off SSRIs and Benzos with Jennifer Bahr, July 2016

Sunlight warms the soul.

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Easing Political Stress, Jonci Jensen, Summer 2017

When the Fabric of Safety is Shattered, Amy Rothenberg, Autumn 2016

Emotional First Aid, Lia Bello, Autumn 2015

Forgiving and Moving Forward, Kenneth Silvestri, Feb. 2009

Addicted to Love? Mary Aspinwall, Jan/Feb 2008

Hurricane Katrina and the many faces of Ignatia, Irene Sebastian, August 2006

When Grief and Sorrow Overwhelm, July/Aug 2005

My Top Ten Stressbusters, Miranda Castro, Jan, 2004

Homeopathy Today, an NCH publication

Not a member yet? Move forward by gifting yourself a NCH Member today!

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Book Resources Homeopathic Guide to Stress by Miranda Castro Written for Home Care Emotional Healing with Homeopathy by Peter Chappell For the more experienced Permission to Mourn by Tom Zuba The process of healing from a great loss Complements the above resources Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves. John Muir

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1. “The Heart of Homeopathic Healing,” Homeopathy Today, Summer 2010

2. “The Power of Words & Presence To Heal,” Homeopathy Today, Autumn 2010

3. “Back from the Brink: Real Help for the Walking Wounded,” Homeopathy Today,

Spring 2011

4. Verbal First Aid: Healing Children’s Pain and Fear with Words

5. The Worst is Over: What to say when every moment counts

Classical Homeopathy New Mexico

Verbal First Aid™ developed by Judith Acosta & associates

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• Homeopathic Cell Salt Remedies by Nigey Lennon & Lionel Rolfe.

Ideal for home use.

• “Nurture Your Inner Athlete with Homeopathic Cell Salts”, Tanya

Renner, Homeopathy Today, Summer, 2015

• “Gentle Little Souls-All about the Cell Salts” by Miranda Castro,

Homeopathy Today, July/August 2008 and

• Cell Salt Teleconference, Kim Kalina:

Cell Salts: best friends

Focus towards a more tranquil state.

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Contact your health care provider or a professional homeopath National Center for Homeopathy Practitioner Directory North American Society of Homeopaths Council for Homeopathic Certification

We can help, if you get stuck

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A Special Thank You To Our Sponsors!

© 2017, Tanya Renner