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visually t a sty a visually

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Post on 14-Jul-2015




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v i s u a l l y


DEFINITION of“The one who is eye-minded; a visualizer.”

De!nition of Visualizer: Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia


3D visualization3D Imaging

Product Render 2012 | Non-commercial

Product Render 2012 | Non-commercial

Product Render 2012 | Non-commercial

Product Render 2011 | Client: PP Promotion Oy

“The one whovisualizes, especially a person whose mental images are predomi-nantly visual.”De!nition of Visualizer: American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition


photographyStudio PhotographyImage Editing3D Imaging

Product Advertising 2011 | Client: PP Promotion Oy

Product Advertising 2011 | Client: Normincies Oy

Product Advertising 2011 | Client: Normincies Oy

Product Visualizing 2010 | Non-commercial

Product Visualizing 2010 | Non-commercial

Product Visualizing 2010 | Non-commercial

Product Visualizing 2011 | Non-commercial

Product Visualizing 2010 | Non-commercial

“The quality that gives pleasure to mind or senses.”

De!nition of beauty: American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

with love...Technique

exhibitionOutdoor PhotographySincire LoveRetouching

Love and Looting in Sitges 2009 | Exhibition ’09

Love and Looting in Sitges 2009 | Exhibition ’09

Love and Looting in Sitges 2009 | Exhibition ’09

Love and Looting in Sitges 2009 | Exhibition ’09

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is noth-ing left toremove.”- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


workingImage EditingPhotography3D Imaging

I am a 28-year-old, Helsinki based commercial visualizer. I have been working with im-ages full-time for over 4 years, with experience ranging from photography and imageediting to 3D.

In the beginning of 2010, after returning from a 4 month Sitges / Barcelona -project, I started working on a project called Studio ma, ma which later evolved into a joint company, Malmi & Mattila. Malmi was specialized in cultural management and event producing. With an iron !st she organized anything from permits to public exhibitions. Mattila, my half of the company, was specialized in commercial product photography, image editing and CGI. Our studio was locat-ed in Kokemäki, Finland.

In my work I focus on the visual aspect of advertising and branding. I’m happy to stay in the background and make ideas a reality. Sim-plicity leads to perfection, but it can only be achieved through learn-ing, and like most Scandinavian people, I’m obsessed achieving the the former.

In photography, I have experience of both studio and on-location shoots. Photography has always been a way for me to unleash my creativity, whether it be through creating a miniature rainforest inside an aquarium or using 5 Euro re"ective beach carpet as a main light source. I enjoy creating new setups from scratch, letting my creative side run the show. Part of the reason why I chose photography as

one of my instruments at creating beautiful images is that it has en-abled me to gain an extensive understanding of Photoshop and re-touching.

Since the fall of 2011 I have brought in 3D -rendering as a part of my work"ow. I pay attention to the smallest details and aim to al-ways get them to work correctly, which is a key to get photo realistic results in my opinion. I apply this same attention to detail to all my work.

All product renders in my portfolio were made digitally, not from photographs. No ready blueprints were used. I started with creating an accurate blueprint of the actual bottle. This was done by taking measurements and transferring the bottle’s base-reliefs on to paper, which later was scanned and vectorized. After taking measurements the bottle was modeled in Maya 2012. Earlier scans of base-reliefs were then transformed into displacement maps, which were applied on to the bottle. Labels were also scanned and vectorized. Render-ing was done in a single phase in Maxwell Render, followed by gen-eral retouching in Photoshop.

The purpose of this portfolio is to introduce myself as a visualizer. It was put together to cover different aspects of my work and show my skills and personal style in those areas. In the end, I am not try-ing to reinvent the wheel. I just want to make gorgeous pictures.I hope you had an visually tasty experience!

Jarkko Mattila


2009 2012

© Copyright Malmi & Mattila 2011, all rights reserved. Malmi & Mattila logo is pro-tected by copyright law and may not be used without permission.

Design by Jarkko Mattila

contact Jarkko Mattila

[email protected]+358 41 3130 052

Aleksis Kiven Katu 48 C 6600510 HelsinkiFINLAND