may 2013 wda journal


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Focus on: Leadership


Page 1: May 2013 WDA Journal

MAY 2013 | Focus on: Leadership

WDA JournAl is A publicAtion of Wisconsin DentAl AssociAtion, inc. MAY 2013 • Volume 89, No. 5

Connect with us on and visit us online @

Organized dentistry welcomes six The Wisconsin Dental Association is pleased to welcome six new members to organized dentistry. These new members, their cities of practice and/or residence or components (if applicable) are:

Gov. Scott Walker tweeted from WDA Legislative Day to his 62,632 followers. @GovWalker: Spoke to dentists from across the state at the Monona Terrace.

Dr. Vincent Hansen, MilwaukeeGreater Milwaukee Dental Association

Dr. Kevin Knutson, La CrosseLa Crosse District Dental Society

Dr. Becky Maher, HudsonNorthwest District Dental Society

Dr. Nicholas Mattila, AppletonOutagamie County Dental Society

Dr. Roberto E. Monteagudo, MilwaukeeGreater Milwaukee Dental Association

Dr. Veronica Smith, OshkoshWinnebago County Dental Society

See page 5 for an expanded listing of new dental hygienist members!











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Dental hygiene membership growing ..................... p. 5

ACH dues option a ‘win-win’ .................... p. 5

Do not ignore antitrust law! ................................. p. 6

WDAIP Insurance News ...........................p. 10-11


p. 20p. 12-13

In February 2013, the Wisconsin Dental Association Board of Trustees approved a name change for the Peer Review program to become WDA Mediation Services. Recommended by the Long Range Planning Committee, the change was done to have the name more accurately reflect the service offered and shows its impartiality. A long-standing member service of the association, Peer Review was initially offered to improve the quality of dental health care in Wisconsin. It provided an alternative for patients and dentists to resolve differences rather than going through the expense of the legal sys-tem or before going to the Wisconsin Dentistry Examining Board.

“I think this change is a positive thing because mediation has always been the first step in the process. A majority of complaints are resolved this way, and most never reach a more formal meet-ing phase,” WDA Mediation Services Coordinator Kris Anderson said. As a profession, dentistry is trusted by society to act for the patients’ best inter-ests. Every dental professional is held to the same high standards and ethics. To fulfill this obligation, the profes-sion voluntarily regulates itself. WDA Mediation Services is one part of the self-regulation. Mediation Services Committee mem-bers will continue to assist in re-estab-lishing communication between disput-ing parties, and serve as an impartial

third party to provide opinions and sug-gestions on how to fairly resolve conflicts between our members and their patients. The focus remains on resolving prob-lems between the dentist and patient or third-party payer in an expeditious, fair and confidential manner. Many of the phone calls the WDA receives are actually questions in dis-guise. One of the biggest benefits of WDA Mediation Services is that in most cases we can help members without them ever knowing it. “We often answer patient questions/concerns and then encourage him/her to contact their dentist to give them an opportunity to respond to the patient’s issues on a firsthand basis,” Ms. Anderson said.

Emily Bultman WDA Communications Coordinator [email protected]

continued on page 19...

Peer Review now Mediation Services

Let’s get

Page 2: May 2013 WDA Journal

2 WDA Journal May 2013

Long-range planning focuses on WDA stability In January 2013, the Wisconsin Dental Association Long Range Planning Committee met to review the organiza-tion’s strategic plan and to ensure focus and resources target programs and services relevant to members. Prior to the meeting, staff and committee members examined current programs and made recommendations for changes.

Program changes Continuing education registry and dental home initiative were recommended to be sunset. The Pyramids of Pride Recognition Program and non-annual session continu-ing education had their priorities changed from medium to low.

The WDA Board of Trustees approved these recommendations, as well as updates to program measures and outcomes, at its February 2013 meeting.

LRPC meeting focus WDA President Dr. Tim Durtsche (La Crosse) identified three issues important to the association’s long-term stability, sustain-ability and relevance. Small-group discussions centered-on

technology, leadership development and governance and employee dentist membership.

Technology use Technology was looked at from two dif-ferent angles – technology used by our members and technology to conduct the association’s business. Several potential action items were dis-cussed, including member’s only content updates and technology training during BOT meetings for leadership. Staff completed website updates and training was discussed at the February meet-ing. Other technology suggestions will be reviewed by staff and appropriate commit-tees.

Leadership development and governance Leadership development and governance have been identified as important issues throughout the tripartite. Finding members interested in becoming more involved, making sure volunteers are able to be effective as leaders and utilizing members’ time wisely led to the suggestion to implement development programs. It was proposed to hold programs in con-

junction with Board, InSession and House of Delegates meetings. The composition of our delegation to the American Dental Association House of Delegates and delegate recruitment to the WDA House also was addressed. This resulted in the request for a task force to be appointed by Dr. Durtsche to look into selection, potential term limits and pos-sible criteria for serving. The task force is expected to report to the BOT in June 2013.

Employee dentist membership The committee spent time discussing employee dentists, the fastest growing seg-ment of our market. A vast majority of employee dentists work for large-group corporate practices. However, there are also a considerable number of dentists employed at Federally Qualified Health Centers. Others are on faculty at Marquette University School of Dentistry. Regardless of the type of employer, den-tists usually have employment benefits provided. This makes it difficult for them to find value in WDA membership. Identifying benefits and services that would be most valuable to employed den-tists and relaying that value in a mean-ingful way to capture their interest was

a priority action item resulting from the conversation. Another item identified was continuing efforts to reach out to dental students so they see the value of joining organized dentistry early on in their careers. The committee will reconvene next year for a full strategic planning meeting, which is conducted every three to five years. Led by an outside facilitator, this takes an in-depth look at the association’s vision, mission and goals. Long Range Planning Committee mem-bers will be joined by key committee chairs and other general members from across Wisconsin for this important task. Contact WDA Executive Director Mark Paget, at 414-755-4100 or [email protected] or WDA Associate Executive Director Lani Becker at 414-755-4114 or [email protected] for more information or with questions.

Lani Becker, CAE WDA Associate Executive Director [email protected]


WDA President Dr. Tim Durtsche (La Crosse) and Immediate Past-President Dr. Steve Stoll (Neenah) “brush up” on their long-range planning skills.

WDA prioritiesHigh: Absolutely essential; huge value to members or financial gain to association if we do it or disastrous consequences if we don’t.Medium: Excellent idea and should remain in place as long as there aren’t any high priorities that will be robbed of necessary resources.Low: While doing it could be a good thing, it could be discontinued if resources are needed for medium and high priority items.

Page 3: May 2013 WDA Journal May 2013 WDA Journal 3

The Issue Current Buzz WDA Actions Next Steps

Non-Covered Services or NCS legislation to stop dental plans from setting fees for services they don’t reimburse.

Provides for transparency in the cost of care and also keeps treatment decisions between dentist and patient; improves small-business climate with marketplace determining reasonable fees.

Minimal fiscal impact on state budget.

Similar legislation adopted in 29 states.

Hours of meetings facilitated by Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-Burlington) and includ-ing the WDA, NCS bill lead sponsor Rep. Joan Ballweg (R-Markesan), Assembly Insurance Chair Rep. Kevin Petersen (R-Waupaca) R-Burlington) and insurance representatives were held during March to determine middle-ground on the bill.

On the “fast track” NCS bill is being scheduled for a hearing before the Assembly Insurance Committee the week of April 1 with a vote by the full Assembly in mid-April.

At the start of Legislative Day, there were a dozen Assembly and Senate co-sponsors and after dentists and students made their visits, a total of 52 legislative sponsors were on the bill; hopefully more will add their names prior to the hearing.

After significant discussion between dentist leaders, staff and lobbyists, the WDA agreed to compro-mise language similar to National Council of Insur-ance Legislators (NCOIL) model legislation plus a “de minimis” clause. This would prevent insurance companies from paying a nominal fee (e.g., $5 for an implant) and then calling the service “covered” and being able to dictate the fee. (Tennessee is the only other state with a de minimis clause).

WDA considers this a key step in the right direc-tion to stopping the bullying tactics of insurance plans trying to dictate fees on dental services they don’t pay anything for.

Constituent dentists at Legislative Day and local grassroots coffees are addressing the NCS issue with their elected officials.

WDA dentists are asked to encourage legislators to sign on as co-sponsors! Find your legislators and their contact info here:

Contact Mara Brooks at 608-250-3442 or [email protected] with questions.

Wisconsin Dentistry Examining Board meets every other month at the Department of Safety and Professional Services in Madison.

(See below for upcoming meeting dates.)

Three dentist slots on the DEB become available July 1. A first hearing on these pending vacan-cies was to be held March 26.

Dr. Leo Huck (Milwaukee) had a confirmation hearing before the Senate Health Committee on March 26 for one of the July 1 openings. The governor’s office has also identified Dr. Tim McConville (Verona) as a potential DEB dentist member; hearing date to be scheduled.

The WDA registered in support of Dr. Huck’s DEB nomination.

The WDA thanks Drs. John Grignon (Milwau-kee), Kirk Ritchie (Crandon) and Adrianna Jara-millo (Stoughton) for their service to the DEB over the last eight years (maximum of two consecutive, four-year terms). Second terms of these three dentists expire July 1, 2014.

WDA staff and at least one officer attend every DEB meeting. Members and leaders testify before the DEB as needed.

Two public DEB seats remain vacant.

Member dentists and dental hygienists are asked to encourage individuals (e.g., patients) interested in serving as “public members” of the DEB to call the WDA at 888-538-8932 for more information about the application process.

Community water fluoridation is safe, effective and economical, providing substan-tial oral health benefits to approximately 90 percent of children and adults on public water systems in Wisconsin.

Effective Feb. 1, 2013, Wisconsin’s optimal level of fluoride is to be 0.7 mg/L. New, lower level established by state’s Oral Health Program in Department of Health Services and Public Water Supply Section in Department of Natural Resources in response to U.S. Depart-ment of Health and Human Services proposed change.

The Centers for Disease Control and Preven-tion recognizes community water fluorida-tion as one of the 10 greatest public health achievements of the 20th century.

Factions within 15 communities already in 2013 continue challenging oral health value and safety of public water fluoridation despite 67 years of scientific results. Objections often tied to budget concerns or safety concerns.

Holmen – Village board voted to spend $6,000 on engineering survey and $72,000 to convert equipment to process sodium fluoride for water supply to avoid having fluoride ions remain after more complex molecule is broken down. Engineering to take three to six months, followed by another three to six months for equipment installation. April 2013 was original target date for implementing fluoridation.

Milwaukee – DNR monitoring shows city below recommended operating range of .6 – .8 with monthly average at least .7mg/L: Oct ‘12/.48 mg/L; Nov ‘12/.52 mg/L; Dec ‘12/.55 mg/L. DHS is planning to contact the city.

St. Croix Falls - Mayor postponing council vote until April 8 or 23 after a “community forum” earlier in the month (date and place to be an-nounced).

WDA is using its ADA State Public Affairs grant to implement proactive, coordinated, statewide communications plan with focus on educating WDA members, local elected officials and the general public about fluoridation’s benefits via website, social media, “Tongue ‘n’ Cheek…and Teeth, too!” patient newsletter, press releases, letters to editors and Op Eds and the WDA Healthy Choices Legislative E-Lert.

Dentist and dental hygienist members are invited to join in the WDA Facebook discussion on Fluoride Fridays.

Legislative-related meetings

2013• Dentistry Examining Board: May 1, July 10, Sept. 4, Nov. 6; all meetings are held at Department of Safety and Professional Services, 1400 E. Washington Ave. in Madison

and start promptly at 8:30 a.m.

• April 25 – Sheboygan County Dental Society Legislative Meeting; The Bull, 1 Long Dr., Sheboygan Falls; 5:45 p.m., social; 6:10 p.m., dinner; 6:45 p.m., roundtable with legislators.

Grassroots Legislative “Coffees” (Please contact WDA Executive Director Mark Paget at [email protected] or 414-755-4100 with questions about this pilot program.)• April 29; 8 – 9 a.m., State Sen. Tom Tiffany (R-Hazelhurst), Great Northern Coffee Traders, Minocqua

Information has been shared with legislators via a NCS white paper and WDA Healthy Choices Legislative E-Lert.

WDA wants to meet or exceed the 41 co-sponsors and bipartisan support of NCS bills in the last legislative session.

Members facing fluoride challenges in their communities OR who would like to have their local water supplies fluoridated are should contact Erika Valadez ([email protected]) for WDA assistance.

Children’s Health Alliance of Wisconsin, DHS, DNR, DPH, Wisconsin Oral Health Coalition, WDA and Wisconsin Dental Hygienists As-sociation working together on “rapid response process” and public education in communities with fluoridation challenge.

WDA staffers Erika Valadez and Emily Bultman will join Drs. Dave Clemens (Wisconsin Dells), Cliff Hartmann (New Berlin) and Brian Hodgson (Lake Geneva) at the first ADA fluoride training in Chicago on April 12.

WDA Government Buzz gives members a snapshot of the current status of dental-related policies and legislation. The Issue tells you who, what and why; Current Buzz gives you a status update on the issue; WDA Actions highlights your professional associa-tion’s activity and position; and Next Steps anticipates what’s around the corner and, in some cases, identifies what WDA mem-bers can do. “WDA Government Buzz” is updated for each issue of the journal. Current “buzz” available on website and accessed monthly via WDA Executive Director’s Update e-newsletter. For more information, visit or call the WDA Legislative Office at 608-250-3442.

Updated information is highlighted.

NEW! Grassroots Legislative “Coffees” Please contact WDA Executive Director Mark Paget

at [email protected] or 414-755-4100 with questions about this pilot program.

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4 WDA Journal May 2013


The WDA Journal invites readers to express their views in letters to the editor. This provides a forum for discussing topics of interest to the dental profession. To be considered, letters must be 300 words or less and signed with an e-mail address or phone number. The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit for space, clarity, civility and accuracy. Any changes will be shared with the writer before publication. If your letter is selected, contact will be made to confirm receipt. Submit letters to the editor via email to [email protected] or fax to 414-755-4111. You may also mail your letter to: WDA Journal | Attn: Dr. Robert Brennan | 6737 W. Washington St. | Suite 2360 | West Allis, WI 53214

WDA style note: We make every effort to bold members’ names in articles.

Submitting letterS to the editorWDA Editor Robert Brennan, DDS, Neenah

920-725-0551 • [email protected]

Robert Darling, DDS, Sheboygan920-457-1717 • [email protected]

Ellyn English, DDS, La Crosse 608-775-2696 • [email protected]

Glenn Gequillana, DDS, Milwaukee414-649-3510 • [email protected]

Gene Shoemaker, DDS, Waukesha 262-542-0326 • [email protected]

editorial adviSory board

A challenge to participate

EFDA, CDHC, MLP – What is the difference?

Timothy Durtsche, DDS, WDA President [email protected]

Robert Brennan, DDS, WDA Editor [email protected]

T his issue of the May 2013 WDA Journal is on leadership. I wanted to write about it for my president’s message but the problem is, I don’t know much about leadership. In

my experience, leadership has been the byproduct of participation and passion, so I am going to write about that. When I first started getting involved in organized dentistry, my hair wasn’t gray and I was, like most of us, working hard to build my practice and balance family, work, church and recreational activities. Early on, when I was at component meetings, some committee reports sounded like Charlie Brown’s teach-er – “WAH-wa-Wah”. But, there were a few reports that really ignited my interest or related to situations in my practice. I realized that I could add value in THOSE areas. I have always believed that if one doesn’t take the time to vote one shouldn’t complain about the elec-tion outcome, and if a person doesn’t participate he or she shouldn’t expect goals to be accomplished. So, I decided to make the effort to learn about the issues and dedicate some time to getting involved. When I look at where dentistry is today, it has come about only because of the efforts of current and former dentists. The Wisconsin Dental Association didn’t just hap-pen. It was the effort and persistence of many before us.

Therefore, I really do believe I am responsible for the future and integrity of dentistry. The WDA is looking at ways to make participation easier for members. Teleconference and electronic communication have made for less time out of the office and away from home while still accomplishing our goals.

We have ad hoc committees and task forces rather than relying only on standing committees. This gives specific purpose to a project instead of multi-year com-mitments with no finite target or timeframe for accom-plishing goals. Dentistry is a great profession. We are granted per-mission by the state to provide diagnostic and surgical care to our patients and we do deliver that care with great expertise and compassion. We all need to realize that our ability to continue to provide that care to our patients is dependent upon a multitude of factors controlled by the Wisconsin Legislature. It is far too easy to become complacent

with our life and our routine and assume someone else will be our watchdog. For me professionally, it is important to “show up”. It is important to get involved and take ownership. If I don’t take the time and make the effort, I have no one to blame but myself. For me personally, getting involved gives me a sense of purpose. I don’t want to just coast through life. I don’t want to get to the end of my life and wonder why I didn’t give my best effort. I understand that you are busy. But I really need you to get involved. The WDA needs you to start tak-ing interest in issues and volunteering to help solve problems. We need you to call your legislators and collaborate with the other dentists in your community. We need you to actively care. Once you make the decision to get involved you will meet colleagues from around the state and people in your community. Participation has given me the opportunity to interact and make friendships locally, statewide and nationally. I have gained confidence in debating issues and ideas and presenting information. Learning about the challenges affecting us all and having the opportunity to try and have an impact on those issues is another outcome of involvement. Please ask yourself what you can offer to our profession. For me, the return has always been far greater than the effort.

Last year as I traveled around the state attend-ing component meetings and listening to our Wisconsin Dental Association president, it became evident there is confusion among our

members regarding the differences between EFDA, CDHC and MLP, the services each provides and the level of supervision required. It is important that members understand the dif-ferences, as we are likely to see continuing discussion and possible proposals for implementing some or all of these dental providers in Wisconsin. EFDA stands for Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary. These are dental assistants who have received advanced training in an approved program. Program length and type of training can vary by state. EFDAs can perform more procedures than regular dental assistants, such as placing and finishing amal-gam and composite restorations after the dentist has removed the decay. They also can place sealants and adjust dentures and other oral appliances. They cannot cut hard or soft tissue. The dentist must be in the office while the procedures are performed and is responsible for the treatment performed. CDHC stands for Community Dental Health Coordinator. They receive 18 months of training fol-lowing high school, during which time they learn to

screen patients, apply fluoride treatments, place seal-ants, excavate decay with hand instruments and place temporaries, coronal polishing and patient education.

The American Dental Association House of Delegates approved this model and a trial program is currently underway in urban, rural and tribal areas, including the Oneida tribal dental clinic in Green Bay, to evaluate CDHCs’ effectiveness. The goal of this provider program is to reduce the decay burden by having CDHCs out in the community where they can educate patients on oral hygiene and decay pre-vention, while coordinating restorative care through dental clinics or offices. MLP stands for mid-level provider and is a term with multiple definitions and names, such as dental nurse or dental therapist. They have been used in other countries for many years, but are a relatively new con-cept in the United States. MLP training and scope of

practice also varies depending on where they practice, but generally involves diagnosis, cavity preparation and placement of restorations, pulpotomies, stainless steel crowns and extractions. How MLPs practice also varies from direct supervision by a dentist to indirect supervision to no supervision. Presently, the WDA is supportive of the EFDA and CDHC concepts, but not the MLP. Although the WDA House of Delegates approved the EFDA concept a few years ago, the WDA cur-rently has no plans to initiate legislation to introduce the EFDA or CDHC concept to Wisconsin. With the expansion of the Marquette University School of Dentistry, it is even more evident that there isn’t and won’t be any shortage of dental providers and therefore no need to introduce new ones. The current access problem with Medicaid is a fund-ing problem, not a provider shortage problem. However, the WDA is not the only voice in Madison talking about dental issues and other entities could propose the MLP as the solution to access to care problems. If so, the WDA can offer the EFDA or CDHC as a better and more cost-effective solution than a MLP.

Please ask yourself what you can offer to our profession.

For me, the return has always been far greater than the effort.

The current access problem with Medicaid is a funding problem not a

provider shortage problem.

Page 5: May 2013 WDA Journal May 2013 WDA Journal 5


EditorRobert Brennan, DDS, Neenah

920-725-0551 • [email protected] Editor

Mark Paget414-755-4100 • [email protected]

Managing EditorEmily Bultman

414-755-4110 • [email protected]


Timothy Durtsche, DDS, La Crosse 608-784-7319 • [email protected]

President-ElectJulio Rodriguez, DDS, Brodhead

608-897-8645 • [email protected] Vice President

Paul Levine, DDS, Milwaukee414-355-0213 • [email protected]

Past-PresidentSteven Stoll, DDS, Neenah

920-725-4307 • [email protected] Treasurer

John R. Moser, DDS, Milwaukee414-273-9800 • [email protected]

EditorRobert Brennan, DDS, Neenah

920-725-0551 • [email protected] Executive Director/Secretary

Mark Paget, West Allis 414-755-4100 • [email protected]

Region 1 Northwest David Kenyon, DDS, Altoona

715-832-3385 • [email protected] Nehring, DDS, Mercer

715-476-3432• [email protected] Jennifer Peglow, DDS, Stevens Point 715-344-2324 • [email protected]

Region 2 NortheastPaul Feit, DDS, Sturgeon Bay

920-743-6976 • [email protected] Peter Hehli, DDS, Appleton

920-997-1557 • [email protected] Kraig, DDS, Fond du Lac

920-922-9000 • [email protected]

Region 3 Greater MilwaukeeThomas Kielma, DDS, Milwaukee

262-649-3510 • [email protected] Lepak-McSorley, DDS, Milwaukee

414-383-8787 • [email protected] Thomas Raimann, DDS, Hales Corners414-425-1510 • [email protected]

Region 4 SoutheastRyan Braden, DDS, Lake Geneva

262-248-0120 • [email protected] Hartmann, DDS, New Berlin

414-543-4700 • [email protected] Murphy, DDS, Racine

262-886-9440 • [email protected]

Region 5 SouthwestL. Stanley Brysh, DMD, Madison

608-417-6500 • [email protected] Clemens, DDS, Wisconsin Dells608-254-2345• [email protected]

Patrick Tepe, DDS, Verona 608-848-4000 • [email protected]

Region 6 Student RegionDerek Schmidt

Marquette University School of [email protected]

Speaker of the HouseRichard Lofthouse, DDS, Fennimore

608-822-3770 • [email protected]

ADA 9th District TrusteeDennis Engel, DDS, CDE, Mequon 262-242-8929 • [email protected]

Dental hygiene membership growing

Lisa Koss joins WDAIP as marketing director

Welcome new RDH members!

Since launching last year, more than 100 registered dental hygienists have joined the Wisconsin Dental Association. Membership increased from 113 in 2012 to 116 at the time of this journal printing and this number continues to grow.

Opportunities to get involved Our first dental hygienist member has accepted an invitation to serve on the WDA Public Relations Committee. Welcome Beth Hettwer, RDH (Fond du Lac)!

Additional opportunities for dental hygienists to get involved include serving on the Membership and Annual Session Committee.

Sourcebook member directory The 2013 WDA Sourcebook was mailed to members with this issue of the journal. It features an alphabetical listing of dental hygienists in the member direc-tory. This valuable resource allows you to stay in touch no matter what part of the state you are in and offers other

useful resources, including updated fre-quently asked practice questions and the Wisconsin Dental Practice Act. Contact Amy Landis at [email protected] or 414-755-4126 for more informa-tion about the WDA dental hygiene membership. To apply, visit and complete an application. We look forward to continued relation-ships with these valued members of thedental team.

Together we are the WDA!

Lisa Koss, MSC is the new market-ing director for the Wisconsin Dental Association Insurance Programs and Professional Insurance Programs. She brings nine years of professional experience to WDAIP and PIP. Ms. Koss will be responsible for pro-moting more than a dozen insurance products state-wide to dentists, dental hygienists, accountants, law-yers, real estate brokers, appraisers and financial con-sultants. Prior to joining WDAIP and PIP, she was marketing director at The Starr Group, an independent insurance and risk reduction agency, in Greenfield. Ms. Koss returns to WDAIP, having worked for the organization while attending the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee where she earned her bachelor’s degree in journalism and mass communication. She served in a variety of roles, includ-ing account coordinator, customer service assistant, account representative and sales and marketing assistant. A village of Caledonia resident, Ms. Koss also is a licensed agent for property and casualty, life and health insurance. In 2010, she also obtained a certifi-cate in marketing skills from the Business Marketing Institute. Welcome Lisa!

The Wisconsin Dental Association is pleased to wel-come 47 new dental hygienist members to organized dentistry. These new members, their cit-ies of practice and/or residence are:

Meg Ahlstrom, RDH ReedsburgLisa Bell, RDH MadisonKelly Bennigan, RDH EdgertonMeggan Berna, RDH PulaskiJennifer Boehlke, RDH West BendLynne Charmoli, RDH JacksonTeresa Ciejka, RDH WausauRhonda Cormican, RDH Black River FallsJanell Deming, RDH De Forest

Patricia Dequardo, RDH SussexBonnie DesJardins, RDH Green BaySusan Freisleben, RDH MilwaukeeCindy Friedrich, RDH ElroySamantha Graham, RDH EttrickHeather Greene, RDH Fish CreekJudith Johnson, RDH La CrosseShannon Koepp, RDH Wind LakeNicole Koontz, RDH Johnson CreekRosemary Kuhnle, RDH Madison Mary Jo La Tona, RDH Hales CornersKatie Leak, RDH ElroyHoua Lee, RDH Milwaukee

Lucy Leschke, RDH NeenahPaulette Lewis, RDH Mc FarlandRebecca McFadden, RDH MadisonChristine Moczynski, RDH West BendMichelle Mogensen, RDH Eau Claire Patricia Natrop, RDH RhinelanderHailey Oehlke, RDH AppletonBernadette Petersen, RDH Watertown Erica Reineke, RDH Jim FallsCarrie Rieck, RDH Amherst JunctionAndrea Saadia, RDH MiddletonJanet Sartori, RDH PlymouthLisa Schroth, RDH Hortonville

Ashley Schulte, RDH DarlingtonNancy Schultz, RDH SlingerRebecca Sirinek, RDH BirchwoodSara Spence, RDH OconomowocJennifer Stadler, RDH Green BayAnna Stamas, RDH BrookfieldDiane Tomczak, RDH Elk MoundChristine Traeder, RDH LodiAshley Urness, RDH Eau ClaireLorri Wanserski, RDH WausauCiji Weeden, RDH Richland CenterAnna Wineland, RDH Madison

Amy Landis WDA Member Relations Coordinator [email protected]

ACH dues option is a ‘win-win’ Kelly Sics WDA Director of Finance [email protected]

Thank you to all Wisconsin Dental Association members for submitting pay-ment for 2013 dues. The automated clearing house or ACH payment option increased in popu-larity this year. Direct payment via ACH is simple and convenient for the WDA and its members; it is a win-win for both of us. If you have not paid 2013 dues and want to pay in full, a one-time ACH payment option is available. Contact WDA Accounts Receivable Coordinator Anne Hart at 414-755-4164 or [email protected] for more information.

By the numbers:

ACH member testimonials “The opportunity to pay my WDA dues over several months rather than all at once is terrific. The ACH payment method has been a positive experience for my office,” Dr. Cliff Hartmann (New Berlin), WDA Trustee Southeast Region 4

“WDA Accounts Receivable Coordinator Anne Hart helped make the transition from check to ACH a breeze. Making payments rather than paying in full actually helped my practice,” Dr. Sue Cable (Kenosha)

“Our group previously just paid our dues with our credit card. The ACH auto debit from our checking account allows us to securely and easily spread out to six payments. It helps cash flow and the bottom line by not having all seven of our dues hit the books all in one month,” Dr. Patrick Tepe (Middleton), WDA Trustee Southwest Region 5



fewer dues payments by credit cards

in credit card fee savings to WDA

Page 6: May 2013 WDA Journal

6 WDA Journal May 2013

Antitrust laws cannot be ignored by dentists on the basis that they are not fair, are too complicated or make no sense. The U.S. Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission are particularly interested in prosecuting physicians and dentists for antitrust vio-lations. Since dental organizations like the Wisconsin Dental Association are com-posed of independent practitioners, the activities of organized dentistry fall under federal scrutiny. A basic understanding of the anti-trust laws is therefore essential for all WDA members. Here’s what you need to know, it is perilous indeed to ignore the laws.

Requirements for violation Section one of the Sherman Antitrust Act declares contracts, combinations or conspiracies in restraint of trade to be unlawful. For a violation of this act to occur, two things must happen: • Two or more independent dentists or entities must engage in joint activity • The joint activity must restrain competition

Joint action – The law does not apply to actions taken individually by a dentist. There must be an agreement or under-standing, and it takes more than one person or entity to have an agreement. Such joint action does not exist in

a completely integrated dental group practice. In such a group practice, the sepa-rate practices of individual dentists are “merged” or “integrated” into the group. The dentists share profits and losses, and do not have independent compet-ing practices. Because there is only one practice, the joint action element required for a violation is absent.

Any agreement by two or more independently practicing dentists, or group practices, which

restrains competition, may constitute “joint action”.

Any agreement by two or more inde-pendently practicing dentists, or group practices, which restrains competition, may constitute “joint action”. An example of such joint action would be two or more independent dentists who together decide not to sign a managed care participating contract or who decide to terminate such a con-tract. Another example would be two or more dentists with independent practic-es who agree on minimum or maximum fees or capitation amounts. Business managers of two independent dental

practices who agree that the practices will not compete against each other in a certain geographic area would be another example. The “agreement” need not be formal or written to be illegal. A tacit under-standing is enough. Dentists do not need to know the agreement is illegal in order to violate the law. The key is to avoid even the appearance of an illegal agreement. For example, informal conversations with other dentists at a dental society meeting about problems incurred with a managed care plan, which result in some dentists terminating their con-tracts with the plan, may be construed as an illegal agreement. A letter to another dentist that merely discusses fees may evidence an agree-ment to fix prices. Restraint on competition In order for joint, action or an agree-ment to constitute an antitrust vio-lation, it must unreasonably restrain trade. This occurs when the effect or purpose of the agreement is to decrease competition. To determine whether the agreement is unreasonable, the courts use two dif-ferent standards, depending on the type of agreement: Illegal per se - If the agreement involves price-fixing, group boycotts or the allocation of practice territories or patients, the courts apply the per se rule. Under the per se rule, the court presumes that an unreasonable restraint of trade occurred. The plaintiff only has to prove the existence of the agreement, not that the agreement decreased competition. Under the per se analysis, it does not matter that the dentists did not intend to violate the antitrust laws, or that the agreement operates to lower consumer prices. Rule of reason - If the per se rule does not apply, a court applies the rule of reason. Under this analysis, the court balances the pro-competitive purposes and effects of the agreement against the anti-competitive purposes and effects, If, on balance, the agreement is consid-ered to be anti-competitive, then the agreement is illegal.

Illegal per se joint action Price-fixing and group boycotts con-stitute the greatest risks of joint activi-ties conducted by dentists that may lead to antitrust violations. Price-fixing - An agreement or under-standing among competitors to fix, sta-bilize, raise or lower prices (or any ele-ment of price) and is per se illegal. The following types of activity gener-ally constitute price-fixing, if conducted by independent dentists: • An understanding to submit a cer-tain fee to an insurance company or managed care entity • An understanding not to discount fees beyond a certain percentage • A letter to an insurer stating that if fee schedules are not raised specified dentists will terminate their contracts

Oral or written communications between independent dentists regarding price should be avoided. Group boycotts - An agreement by two or more dentists not to deal with a third party may constitute an illegal group boycott. The following types of activity may be considered group boycotts if conducted by independent dentists: • A tacit understanding to refuse to participate in an insurance or managed care plan • An understanding among general practitioners not to refer to a specialist who participates in an unpopular man-aged care plan • An agreement to terminate par-ticipating contracts with a plan for any reason

Antitrust enforcement Federal antitrust laws are enforced by the Justice Department, the Federal Trade Commission, and suits brought by private parties. The Justice Department may bring either criminal or civil action against dentists who are in violation of the anti-trust laws. Criminal actions are felonies punishable by imprisonment and fines. Private parties can sue dentists for antitrust violations and, if successful, recover treble damages.

Reprinted with permission from the Michigan Dental


Do not ignore antitrust law! Important information for all dentistsDaniel J. Schulte, JD Michigan Dental Association Legal Counsel

BUSINESS of Dentistry

Page 7: May 2013 WDA Journal May 2013 WDA Journal 7

I’ve heard a lot about leadership lately. I’ve read a lot about it too. We’ve all seen examples of good leadership and what happens when those in leadership posi-tions fail us. I heard Dr. Barrett Straub (Port Washington) talk about how it takes vision, courage and a strong set of core values to be a leader in his introduction of Gov. Scott Walker at Wisconsin Dental Association Legislative Day in Madison on March 27. I agree with Dr. Straub. I think that if you are lacking any one of those three key ingredients you will find it impossible to face the strong winds of resistance which

will inevitably arise as you chart your course in life – especially if it is a new, unfamiliar one to those around you. You may not even think of yourself as a leader, yet others will see you as one. In your dental practice, your staff looks to you for answers on employee relations, business matters, treatment plans, ben-efits questions and a host of other issues. A big part of their life is wrapped up in how well your dental practice does finan-cially. Your leadership skills are what set the personality tone for your practice. In your local community you may not think of yourself as a leader yet others see you as one. You are a health care provider

with specialized training and the ability to relieve pain. People will seek you out for your opinion on health care and look to you for guidance. In your family you may not think of yourself as a leader yet, if you have chil-dren, they will certainly see you as one and this is where those three key ingre-dients: vision, courage and a strong set of core values will be more important than ever. You don’t have to be on the big world stage to be a leader- we are all leaders in our own lives, we just need to acknowl-edge it.

You’re already a leaderMara T. Roberts, CLU, RHU, REBC WDAISC President [email protected]

Key takeaways...

• Review requirements of antitrust violations to ensure compliance.

• Perform routine safety checks in your office once a year.

• Billing codes cannot be alternated solely to maximize dental insurance payments.

The Wisconsin Dental Association is taking the opportu-nity this spring to remind dentists and staff members to perform rou-tine safety checks in their offices. It is important to regularly inspect equipment and supplies in the dental office. The American Dental Association developed a safety checklist for dental teams which includes guidance on how to safety check nitrous oxide equip-ment, X-ray equipment, automatic external defibrillators, dental unit waterlines, sterilization equip-ment, amalgam recovery protocols and medications in medical emer-gency and drug kits. A copy of the checklist can be downloaded at

Have you performed safety checks in the dental office lately?

RecoMMended pRoducts, pRogRAMs And seRvices Your association did the reap the benefits!

Dental practice FAQ The Wisconsin Dental Associa-tion staff receives a multitude of phone calls and emails on a daily basis. Questions come from member


dentists, member hygienists, assis-tants, office managers, other organi-zations and patients who are look-ing for answers to a variety of topics related to dentistry. In 2013, a frequently asked den-tal practice question and answer will run frequently in the WDA Journal. For more information, visit or review FAQs in the WDA Sourcebook.

Q. A patient’s insurance covers two regular cleanings (D1110) per year and two perio-maintenance clean-ings (D4910) per year. The patient has gone through scal-ing and root planing and is now on periodontal maintenance intervals four times per year.

Can we alternate the two cleaning codes so their insurance will pay with less out-of-pocket costs?

A. No, billing codes D1110 and D4910 cannot be alternated solely to maximize dental insurance pay-ments.

This is considered insurance fraud. You must bill for exactly the treat-ment performed regardless if insur-ance will cover it or not. With this scenario, it is best to inform patients from the beginning their periodontal treatments are not always covered. Let them know about additional cleanings they need and give an estimate of the costs associated with the perio-maintenance cleanings.


Professional Liability and Office Protection WDA Group Health Insurance Program Auto and Homeowners Insurance Group Life and Disability Individual Health, Disability and Life HSAs, HRAs and MSAs Section 125 Plans Medicare Supplement Programs Long-Term Care Insurance Workers’ Compensation Direct Reimbursement Advanced Planning ServicesPaid Dental of Wisconsin

To take advantage of these quality plans and their high-level benefits geared to the special needs of Wisconsin’s den-tal community, call 800-242-9077, send e-mail to [email protected] or

pRActice MAnAgeMentThe Dental Record (patient records) Central Data Storage (online data backup and recovery)Patient eForms (online patient forms)DentForms by MedicTalk (electronic forms)800-243-4675 |

AED Brands (defibrillators)

AMO - Association Members Only (office supplies) 800-420-6421 |

CareerConnection (online job center) 866-364-7646 |

Delta Gloves (examination gloves)800-633-6867 |

FedEx Advantage Program (shipping) 800-members (800-636-2377)

InTouch Practice Communications (custom on-hold advertising and appointment reminder system)877-493-9003 |

The Omnia Group (pre-employment testing and background checks)800-525-7117 |

Officite (websites)888-738-8834 |

The QTI Group (human resources) 888-575-3273 |

Scientific Metals (metal refining)

Sharps Compliance (medical waste disposal) 800-772-5657 |

FinAnciAL seRvice

ADA Visa Card from U.S. Bank (credit card)888-327-2265

AMP Wealth Management (401k Plans, and Personal Wealth Management) 414-332-1011 |

CareCredit (patient financing)800-800-5110 |

Chase Paymentech (credit card processing)

Mercer Advisors (financial planning)800-898-4642 |

Transworld Systems Inc. (credit and collections)608-276-8307

U.S. Bank Practice Financial(practice and commercial real estate financing)

OTHER PRODUCTS Hewlett/Packard (computers/printers)800-888-4164

Mercedes-Benz (auto)866-628-7232 Lands’ End (staff apparel)

Whirlpool Corporation (home appliances)

Page 8: May 2013 WDA Journal

8 WDA Journal May 2013

Focus on:Leadership

Pathways of becoming an officer

Dr. Ryan Braden (Lake Geneva) recalls being introduced to Wisconsin Dental Association leadership at the House of Delegates in 2001 while a first-year student at Marquette University School of Dentistry. Three years later, he was serving on the WDA Board of Trustees as Region 6 MUSOD student trustee. “The amount of knowledge I gained through the experience left a strong desire to learn more about organized dentistry. It was a great experience that strengthened my desire to get involved in any way possible following graduation from dental school,” Dr. Braden said. Volunteering to serve as a WDA trust-ee provides several benefits, including the opportunity to network with peers who have a similar professional background or interests. It also exposes members to trends and best practices within dentistry and gives leader-ship training and experience. “It has been eye-opening to learn about external parties that want to change dentistry in Wisconsin. Without the WDA and its volunteers, our great profession could be dif-ferent. The WDA is the voice of dentists as we strive to provide the best care for our patients. Also, I found it amazing how much the WDA accomplishes with dues dollars. It is a tremendous return on investment,” Dr. Braden said. After serving two terms as Southeast Region 4 trustee, Dr. Braden has decided to run for WDA vice president this year. “The one thing that stands out is WDA past-presidents encouraging me to continue up the ladder of leadership once my terms as a WDA trustee came to an end. As a result of their encouragement, along with the sup-port of my wife, Dr. Jayme Braden, and my father/ business partner, Dr. Mark Braden, I have decided to run for vice president. I look

forward to the potential new challenge,” he said. The WDA Board of Trustees has three face-to-face meetings in February, June and September. Trustees are also assigned to serve as board liaisons to committees and invited to attend those meetings throughout the year. Dr. David Kenyon (Altoona) said he didn’t know how he would find time for duties, but has found it is easy to plan for a few days out of the office for WDA meetings. “I have learned that there is truly an amaz-ing amount of work needed to make WDA function. However, the daily amount of work as a trustee can be performed without disrup-tion to my normal day in the office. I feel I am better at budgeting my time effectively. MUSOD student Michael Jumes served as the Region 6 student trustee in 2011 and feels the experience made a tremendous impact on his dental school experience. After years of seeing membership atten-dance and involvement decline, Southeast Region 4 Trustee Dr. Ned Murphy (Racine) began to hear legislators labeling dentists as “greedy”. “I knew this was not so and decided to help straighten out their thinking. I joined the WDA Legislative Advocacy Committee as my first step,” Dr. Murphy said. Serving in different ways, he learned there is significant number of dentists who wanted to improve the image and influence of the dental profession, assist dental students look-ing for mentorship and improve the health of Wisconsin residents. “Being selected as a WDA Trustee places a responsibility on me to follow through. I have local members with whom I discuss issues, and know if they agree to do something, they will complete that task which in turn helps to motivate me,” he said.

Former student and WDA trustee, Dr. Barrett Straub (Port Washington) credits his time on the Board for giving him a solid foundation on issues facing the profession. “The most valuable aspect of my experi-ence as student trustee was the opportunity to meet a group of amazing people, the dentists serving on the WDA Board. I was able to learn from them and still call many of them friends and mentors,” he said. While serving, Dr. Straub learned there were many different opinions as to how dentistry should be provided and witnessed a number of groups, dentists and non-dentists alike, seeking to make changes to the profes-sion. “I realized the importance of our associa-tion being the strongest voice and the provi-sion of dentistry became very apparent. A healthy WDA is imperative,” Dr. Straub said.

Wisconsin Dental Association Immediate Past-President Dr. Steve Stoll (Neenah) never aspired to be involved in WDA lead-ership. He was asked to be on the WDA Legislative Advocacy Committee and then to be a trustee. The more he got involved, the more interesting, enjoyable and reward-ing the experience was for him. “I have learned that in our dental prac-tices, we as dentists use only a few of our talents. Those who rise to leadership offer qualities beyond simple expectations. The interesting part is how those qualities seem to blend and work together for the good of the association,” Dr. Stoll said. Dr. Stoll’s involvement in leadership gave him the opportunity to ask for more help and understand his staff. “I believe it encour-aged more pitching in and helping each other,” he added. “I think the accomplishments necessary to become accepted into and graduate from dental school are evidence that most den-tists have leadership capability, although many of us probably don’t think of ourselves that way. We don’t have to take training or change who we are. The process will help us develop the skills we may not realize we have. The support of our colleagues lifts us

to a higher level,” he said. After being a delegate at the WDA House of Delegates for 13 years, WDA President-Elect Dr. Julio Rodriguez (Brodhead) describes his service as a natural progression for a trustee and officer. “Throughout the years, my love for the profession and what organized dentistry rep-resents got stronger and more focused. I always felt that if we want to improve things or influence changes, they all have to be done from the inside and not looking in,” Dr. Rodriguez said. For Dr. Rodriguez, lessons learned while serving on the Board and now as an officer have been real-life lessons. “You realize that you can’t do everything you need to do all by yourself. It is not a real-ity. We need everybody working together to be able to accomplish our goals,” he said. Dr. Kent Vandehaar (Chippewa Falls) was surprised at how comfortable he became in public speaking and running a Board meeting while serving as WDA president in 2011. “Serving as an officer made me a better lis-tener. I can engage in conversations with my patients and I learned to be patient with my

staff. I look objectively at the business of my office. The professional friends I have made in my travels will last a lifetime,” he said. WDA Vice President Dr. Paul Levine (Milwaukee) remembers writing a letter to the Greater Milwaukee Dental Association Journal stating the only time he heard from organized dentistry was when paying his dues. “Someone responded and encouraged me to get involved and make the most out of my experience. I have learned that the WDA is made up of people from all walks of life. Every situation needs to be looked at to determine the best course of action,” he said. WDA Treasurer Dr. John R. Moser (Milwaukee) credits serving as an officer for making him aware of new techniques, including the 1-year-old baby exams and fluoride varnishes. Dr. Moser encourages other members to be open to new experiences and opportuni-ties in this association. “When I was a dental student, I never would have dreamed that I would be as involved as I am. My love of our profession grew as I interacted with my mentor after graduating, and that led me to want to pay it forward,” he said.

Emily Bultman WDA Communications Coordinator [email protected]

Emily Bultman WDA Communications Coordinator [email protected]

Looking to get involved? Current and former trustees and officers have the following advice:


“Just do it. You will never regret say-ing ‘yes’ to the opportunities the WDAhas for volunteers. You will meet amazing people. I feel I get back so much more than I put in, and I try to put in a lot.” Dr. Ryan Braden (Lake Geneva), WDA Region 4 Southeast Trustee


“Don’t be afraid. You have great resources at the WDA that will guide you through a new journey. Joys in life are appreciated by pushing on the four walls of your comfort zone. Expand that zone and challenge your-self.” Dr. Kent Vandehaar (Chippewa Falls), WDA past-president


“Many may fear the commitment, be it time or experience. I feel there are many opportunities to get your feet wet that don’t require a lot of time. Many committees require “thinking” more than multiple meetings and trav-el. Email can facilitate communication without leaving your office or home. And, there are many local dentists available for discussion. Not only will the profession be better, you will be better for your involvement.” Dr. Ned Murphy (Racine), WDA Southeast Region 4 Trustee


“Become involved as soon as pos-sible. It will prove a great experience and will benefit you as a dentist, as a leader in organized dentistry and as a person.” Dr. Barrett Straub (Port Washington), WDA Legislative Advocacy Committee member and former Southeast Region 4 Trustee.


“The WDA is welcoming and sup-portive of students, which makes get-ting involved easy. The information I learned and the experiences I had through my involvement are things that I will take with me through the rest of my dental career.” MUSOD fourth year student Michael Jumes

WDA board service brings different perspectives

In February 2013, the Board welcomed new WDA trustees (clockwise from back row, far left) Dr. Cliff Hartmann (New Ber-lin; Southeast Region 4), Mr. Derek Schmidt (Wauwatosa; MUSOD Region 6), Dr. Lynn Lepak-McSorley (Milwaukee; Greater Mil-waukee Region 3) and Dr. Jennifer Peglow (Stevens Point; Northwest Region 1).

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Focusing on leadership development

Teamwork makes leading fun; Component officers value the experience With more than 100 officers within the 27 components throughout Wisconsin, we value the time these individuals contribute to their leadership roles each year in plan-ning events, setting up continuing educa-tion opportunities, meeting with legislators and much more. Every component officer has a different definition of what it means to be a leader and each experiences leadership in a different way. The following are a few com-ments from current component officers: “I think organized dentistry is important so that we have a uni-fied voice when engaging in dia-logue with legislators and insurance companies...the people that have a huge impact on the delivery of care to our patients. Without it, trying to advocate for our concerns as provid-ers would be impossible. That being said, I felt it was my responsibility to get involved as those before me did.”~Dr. Vijay Parmar (Green Bay), Brown Door Kewaunee DentalSociety president

“I don’t really consider myself a leader, but more of a team member of organized dentistry. I chose to become active in organized dentistry because I feel that the best way to inspire others is to lead by example. I believe in giving back to the profession and to the under-served part of our community.” ~Dr. Allison Dowd (Fitchburg), Dane County Dental Society secretaryand membership chair

“I became involved in my local dental com-ponent as I realized the dentists I admired the most were the ones who were involved in leadership positions in our professional dental organizations. My participation has not only been rewarding, but has directly helped me to improve my dental practice.”~Dr. Michael Kokott (Verona), Dane County Dental Society treasurer

“I chose to get involved in our component

because, I feel it’s important to be a part of our profession on a greater scale than just going to work every day. If we don’t come together as dentists to represent ourselves, then other people will make decisions for us that may have nega-tive consequences.”~Dr. Jane Wright (Pleasant Prairie), Kenosha County Dental Society secretary

“I believe all of us have responsibility to uphold the value of our chosen profession. One way to do that is to lead in any capacity that will enhance the profession, even if it is at the com-ponent level. If we don’t take care of ourselves it opens the door for more government control.”~Dr. Thomas Peterson (Valders), Manitowoc Calumet County Dental Society membership chair

“To me, being a member of a group should also include being involved with that group. Giving back is just as important as what you learn being part of the WDA. My leadership skills have improved greatly due to the confi-dence the WDA staff and members have given me.”~Dr. Jon Nelson, Northern Wisconsin

Dental Society secretary and membership chair

“As a young dentist, I find the network of col-leagues in the Sheboygan County Dental Society to be a wealth of information and support. My leadership responsibilities allow me grow as an individual while I interact with dedicated and respected Sheboygan County dental profes-

sionals. As a group, our dental society fosters friendships, col-lectively expresses a voice with local legislators and continually strives to promote personal and professional development.”~Dr. Laura J. Rammer (Sheboygan),Sheboygan County Dental Society presi-dent

“I became involved in orga-nized dentistry to help change the future. You can’t make things better by quietly thinking about what needs to happen or what could be done. In order to enact change, you need to voice an opinion and become actively involved. I’ve always been taught that it is better to try something and fail than to not try at all. For only then can you know what could be achieved.”

~Dr. Mary Karkow (Waukesha), Waukesha County Dental Society president

“The Fox Valley area has had an impres-sive tradition of WDA members stepping up to leadership positions. Although we are all busy individuals, I felt the need to become part of leadership because of the precedence set by those members that served before me and to assure the future of our profession continues to be bright.” Dr. Jeff Keesler (Neenah), Winnebago County Dental Society president

If you are interested in component leader-ship opportunities, contact your local dental society or the WDA office at 800-364-7646.

Lani Becker, CAE WDA Associate Executive Director [email protected]

Amy Landis WDA Member Relations Coordinator [email protected]

Focus on:Leadership

Become a volunteer leader Taking a leadership position is a great way to influence the future of your profession and can be the start of an exciting journey that takes you to new heights of achievement. Becoming a leader has many benefits: • Learn leadership and organiza-tional skills •Havethechanceforyourvoicetobe heard • Increaseyourknowledgeofyourprofession •Workwith someof thebestandbrightest in dentistry

We look forward to your continued interest and future participation in the activities of the association. If you have questions about avail-able positions or how to get involved, contact WDA Executive Director Mark Paget at [email protected] or 414-755-4100.


Other volunteer opportunities

Change often begins at the local level. Contact your component officers to find out how you can get involved. If you are a dental student or den-tal hygiene student interested in get-ting involved, contact WDA Member Relations Coordinator Amy Landis at [email protected] or 414-755-4126.

Application and election timeline

February – ADA position applications due

April – WDA trustee candidates must declare

June – Officer nominations due November – Election to

positions at WDA House of Delegates; term begins

A new Wisconsin Dental Association task force has been created to review leader-ship recruitment and development. In February 2013, WDA President Dr. Timothy Durtsche (La Crosse) appointed a task force as an outcome of the Long Range Planning Committee meeting. The task force will review how membersare selected to serve in the House of Delegates for the American Dental Association and WDA. It will also exam-ine leadership development and look for future opportunities to encourage members to serve in the future. Currently, nine ADA delegates are allo-cated for Wisconsin along with an equal number of alternate delegates. The WDA president, president-elect andvice president serve as automatic delegates. Each region then selects one member to serve as a delegate.

Individuals who wish to serve the del-egation must submit their curriculum vitae to the WDA prior to its House meeting. Names submitted are considered in a vote for the one open delegate position and eight alternate delegate positions. As for the WDA House, each compo-nent has representation with a minimum of one delegate per component. Additional delegates are allocated for every 50 members or majority thereof in the component. Components are allowed to have the same number of alternates as they do del-egates. There are no term limits or prerequisites to serve in these ADA or WDA roles. It should be noted that some compo-nents have defined who will serve as their delegates or alternate delegates in their bylaws.

This will be taken into consideration by the WDA leadership task force. After meeting in May 2013, the task force will give an update to the WDA Board of Trustees at its June meeting.

WDA Leadership Task Force members

Dr. Paul Levine (Milwaukee), chairDr. Ned Murphy (Racine) Dr. Jeff Nehring (Mercer) Dr. Tom Reid (Madison) Dr. Steve Stoll (Neenah)

Dr. Albert Zambito (Lake Geneva) Mark Paget, executive director

Lani Becker, associate executive director

Component officers gather for breakfast and an open forum discus-sion with WDA staff prior to the start of the WDA House of Delegates in November 2012

Page 10: May 2013 WDA Journal

10 WDA Journal May 2013

W hen it comes to individual disability income insur-ance, underwriting can be

challenging. Discussing options early on can sometimes make a difference when it comes to implementing high-quality coverage for dental professionals. An applicant must be able to finan-cially qualify for the amount of applied coverage.

Only eight out of 10 appli-cants will receive an offer for coverage for individual disability insurance, and

approximately 75 percent of those will receive an offer

with exclusion, rider or a premium rating.

There are a variety of programs offer-ing coverage that require little, or in some cases, no financial underwriting. Applicants for disability insurance must be able to qualify medically. In many cases, we all face more medi-

cal challenges as we get older which is why consideration is encouraged early while still in the final year or two of dental school. Only eight out of 10 applicants will receive an offer for coverage for indi-vidual disability insurance, and approx-imately 75 percent of those will receive an offer with exclusion, rider or a pre-mium rating.

The following are the underwriting areas considered with individual dis-ability insurance: • Medical – to evaluate overall health or health challenges in the past • Financial – to evaluate and justify the amount of benefits being applied for • Occupational – to evaluate the occupational risk and to determine the duties of the applicant’s occupation

In recent months, Wisconsin Dental Association Insurance Programs have been conducting a number of Lunch and Learn programs on individual dis-ability insurance for students and resi-dents. The reception from the students has been fantastic. WDAIP has been able to answer questions, implement policies and accommodate the common cash flow challenges. We design policies that grow with a students career progression. The key is locking in your insurabil-ity for years to come, so you don’t have to worry about medically qualifying for coverage.

T he Affordable Care Act signed into law in March 2010 covers eight new additional women’s

preventive services without cost-shar-ing requirements.

These include: • Well-woman visits – an annu-al well-woman preventive care visit for adult women to obtain the rec-ommended preventive services and additional visits if women and their health care providers determine they are necessary. These visits will help women and their health care providers determine what preventive services are appropriate, and set up a plan to help women get the care they need to be healthy. • Gestational diabetes screening – women 24-28 weeks pregnant and those at high-risk of developing gesta-tional diabetes. • HPV DNA testing – women who are 30 or older have access to high-risk DNA testing every three years, regard-less of Pap test results. • STI counseling – sexually-active women have access to annual coun-

seling on sexually transmitted infec-tions. • HIV screen-ing and counseling – sexually-active women have access to annual counsel-ing on HIV. • Contraception and contraceptive counseling – all Food and Drug Admin i s t r a t ion approved contra-ceptive methods, sterilization proce-dures and patient education and counseling as pre-scribed by a health care provider. These recommendations do not include abor-tifacient drugs. • Breast-feeding support, supplies and counseling – pregnant and post-partum women have access to compre-hensive lactation support and counsel-ing from trained providers, as well as breast-feeding equipment.

• Interpersonal and domestic vio-lence screening and counseling – screening and counseling for interper-sonal and domestic violence will be covered for all adolescent and adult women.

Contact your WDAIP account rep-resentative at 414-277-7727, 800-242-9077 (toll-free) or [email protected].

Evaluating options early is key when it comes to disability insurance

Women’s preventive services update

David Dorley Individual and Multi-Life Disability Specialist [email protected]

Insurance News

Nancy Wuenne WDAIP Property and Casualty Division Manager [email protected]

Finding the right insurance program can be like pulling teeth.

But with West Bend Mutual Insurance Co.’s A s s o c i a t i o n Plus program, you get the pop-ular Home and Highway policy which offers ter-rific coverage, benefits and discounts.

If your home was destroyed in a fire or tornado, would you remember every possession you had in it? It’s not very likely. That’s why it is a good idea to take a home inventory of your possessions before suffering a loss. Keeping a current inventory provides benefits: • It helps establish a replacement value for all your possessions. • You won’t forget anything. Trying to remember what was taken after a rob-bery is not easy. Compensation cannot be given for items you don’t remember you had. • If you suffer a loss, you need to pro-vide your insurance company with an inventory anyway. It is easier to have it prepared before something happens instead of trying to create it when deal-ing with the emotional effects of a loss.

Ideally, you will never need to file a homeowner’s insurance claim. However, if you do, an updated home inventory checklist can make the pro-cess faster and easier, and help you get the most from your insurance. Contact WDAIP with questions at 414-277-7727 or at [email protected]. Information courtesy of West Bend Mutual Insurance Company.

Be the leader in your home: Does your personal insurance need a check up?


Page 11: May 2013 WDA Journal May 2013 WDA Journal 11

As your association member spe-cialist, it is our goal to provide you with advice, solutions and resourc-es. With those core values in mind, a new Wisconsin Dental Association Insurance Programs’ website was created and recently launched. Please take a few minutes to visit Here are a few website highlights: • Topical insurance news • Live social media feeds • A spot to renew your Professional Protector Plan® for Dentists • Detailed information on your WDA member benefits

After reviewing our new web-site, we would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you for your continued support.

HRA or HSA – Which one is right for you and your employees?


WDAIP’s partner David Dorley, an individual and multi-life disability specialist, speaks with Marquette University School of Dentistry students from the prosthodontics residency program at a recent Lunch and Learn program.

I frequently get calls regarding Health Reimbursement Arrangements and Health Savings Accounts. Below is information to better assist you in understanding the difference between the two plans.

What is a HRA? A HRA is funded by the employer. The employer can choose which expenses they would like the HRA to pay for, and then they use the account to reimburse some or all of the employee’s health care expenses.

Who may participate in and contribute to a HRA? Rules for participation in HRAs are set by employers, and only employers are able to contribute to the account on behalf of their employees.

What is a HSA? A HSA is established either by an in-dividual or employer, and allows tax-free money to be set aside in a trust or savings to cover health care expenses that may arise. HSAs must be used in conjunction with high-deductible health insurance plans.

Who may participate in and contribute to a HSA? Individuals are able to participate in an HSA if they are covered by high deducti-ble health insurance plan, not covered by any other health plan that is not a HDHP, not claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return and not currently en-rolled in Medicare. People who can contribute to the HSA include the employer, the employee, fam-ily or any other person that wishes to put in money.

While there are many more com-ponents to HRAs and HSAs, the information pro-vided will help to differentiate be-tween the two. Both serve as excellent ways to lower your health insurance premi-ums. Your WDAIP benefits account rep-resentative would be more than happy to spend time answering any individual questions you might have. We are also always available to review your current policy. Contact us at 414-277-7727, 800-242-9077 (toll-free) or [email protected].

WDA Insurance Programs launches new website

Davina Golden WDAIP Benefits Division Manager [email protected]

Theresa Hunter WDAIP Sales and Marketing Assistant [email protected]

Attorney W. Patrick Sullivan Siesennop & Sullivan Attorneys at Law

One of my patients was involved in an automobile accident last year and they started a lawsuit

against the other driver claiming a tem-poromandibular joint injury. The lawyer who represents the other driver left a message on my answering machine asking me to call them back. What should I do?

Presumably your patient is repre-sented by an attorney in the lawsuit. Either way, you cannot discuss your

patient’s care in any respect without his or her permission, because such information is con-fidential under Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and Wisconsin Statute § 146.82. The other driver’s lawyer should be aware of this, and they cannot discuss your patient’s

treatment with you. They may be calling to schedule your deposition in the case, and if that is the pur-pose of the call, you can discuss scheduling of a deposition, but nothing else. If in fact your deposition will be taken, immediately notify Wisconsin Dental Association Insurance Programs as your insurance policy may include coverage for an attorney to represent you at the deposition.

Q: A:

Insurance News for Dental Profess | [email protected] | 800-242-9077

Find us on

Thank you to CNA Foundation On behalf of Wisconsin Dental As-sociation Insurance Programs and the WDA Foundation, we want to thank the CNA Foundation for its generous grant donation of $1,500. This grant will support the WDA and WDA Foundation Mission of Mercy event scheduled for June 2013 in Wal-worth County. WDAIP has partnered with CNA Health Pro, the underwriters of the Pro-fessional Protector Plan® for Dentists, for many years. The CNA Foundation plays an essen-tial role in funding vital programs that teach the value of diversity and help build strong relationships between indi-viduals, groups and communities.

Through their Community Involve-ment Grant program, they are able to provide the foundation with this gift. We are honored to partner with such a giving organization. Your dedication to the dental community does not go un-noticed.

Lisa Koss MSC WDAIP Director of Marketing [email protected]

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12 WDA Journal May 2013


Emily Bultman WDA Communications Coordinator [email protected]

An estimated $1.2 million was donated in oral health care and education to more than 9,500 of the state’s low-income children Friday, Feb. 1 and during subsequent weeks for Give Kids A Smile® national children’s dental access day. More than 330 Wisconsin dentists, 234 den-tal hygienists and 530 other dental team mem-bers, dental, hygiene and assisting students, fac-ulty and community advocates volunteered their time and skills to get underserved children across the Badger State out of pain and treat dental disease. Events ranged from large-scale dental clinics delivering exams, cleanings and fluoride treat-ments to individual dentists providing fillings, extractions and crowns to underserved children in their private practices to dental professionals offering screenings and educational programs in various locations. The Wisconsin Dental Association offered a book giveaway contest to members that reg-istered their GKAS® event with the American Dental Association and the WDA (see page 13 for winners). Posters and stickers also were mailed out for distribution to children. WDA Insurance and Services Corp. offered pediatric dental forms to Wisconsin GKAS® events through The Dental Record under its Professional Services Division. Corporate support was given from Colgate-Palmolive, Henry Schein Dental and DEXIS® Digital X-ray.

Abbotsford – Drs. Christina and Troy Rens and their dental clinic team provided free den-tal exams and sealants to 115 second graders enrolled in Abbotsford and Colby public schools. A Clark County public health nurse also pre-sented dental health information and scheduled follow-up care for children as needed. State Rep. Scott Suder (R- Abbotsford) vis-ited with Christina and Troy at their practice and observed their efforts.

Amery – Dental Arts’ four dentists, includ-ing Drs. Robert Johansen, David Doroff and Thomas Van Someren and staff welcomed 80 children for necessary preventive and restorative services.

Antigo – The father-daughter dental team of Drs. Timothy and Meghan O’Brien and their Antigo Dental Clinic staff provided some 50 youngsters with dental examinations, teeth cleanings and necessary preventive care.

Appleton – Tri-County Community Dental Clinic coordinated care for approximately 85 children, ages 3 to 18, from Calumet, Outagamie and Winnebago counties. Appointments were made with 32 volunteer dentists and their teams to provide basic preventive dental care, fill cavities and treat other dental disease. Volunteers also included TCCDC staff and students from Fox Valley Technical College and Marquette University School of Dentistry. Care was provided at the clinic and mul-tiple private dental offices on Feb. 1, 2013 and through the remainder of the month. Drs. David Emanuel, Jane Mathen, Roger Stanek and James Springborn saw children referred by TCCDC. Dental Associates’ Evergreen Drive team treated eight patients referred by TCCDC. In addition, staff visited local schools throughout February with oral hygiene presentations and distributed goody bags to students. College Avenue Dental Associates sched-uled needed treatment for 18 children referred by community charitable and medical clinics. They also visited eight Fox Valley schools dur-

ing National Children’s Dental Health Month and spoke to an estimated 800 students about the importance of brushing, flossing and eating a healthy diet. Dr. Michael Buck and his team at Midwest Dental team saw children ages 3-13 and provided preventive and restorative dental care.

Baraboo – Dental Associates teamed up with social service agencies and local health depart-ments to identify children in need of dental care.

Baldwin – The Midwest Dental Baldwin team provided 10 children with free preventive care, including dental sealants and fluoride rinse or varnish, along with treatment of any cavities.

Black River Falls – Drs. Steve Hegna, Rachel Steele, Todd Reich and Bruce Walters’ Community Dental office worked with the Jackson County Health Department and the Black River and Alma Center-Humbird-Merrillan School Districts to organize in-school dental screenings and schedule children with tooth decay for follow-up care. Approximately 27 8-year-olds benefited from this charitable dental care outreach.

Brookfield – Members of Drs. James Rollefson and Edward Trochlell’s pediatric dental team spoke about the importance of good nutrition, daily oral hygiene practices and regular dental visits at various Brookfield and Pewaukee area elementary schools. The Midwest Dental office in Brookfield welcomed 10 youngsters where they received treatments to prevent tooth decay and had any cavities filled.

Cassville – Dr. Tom Hughes marked 30 years of taking his traveling oral hygiene education pro-gram to Cassville-area kindergarten and third-grade classrooms during NCDHM. He presented age-appropriate oral hygiene education informa-tion and sent each of the 190 children home with a toothbrush, toothpaste and dental health education materials.

Chetek – Twenty children, ages 4-13, received a dental exam and preventive care at the Midwest Dental office.

Chilton – Drs. Lara Baus, Michael Baus and Mariah Murphy and their team at Baus Family Dental offices provided education, screenings and treatment as needed to an estimated 50 children. Dr. Constance Burns and her team at Midwest Dental worked with the local health department to schedule 10 youngsters, ages 3-14, for needed preventive and restorative care.

Durand – The Chippewa Valley Dental Clinic team provided free preventive and restorative dental care to 25 underserved children.

Eau Claire – Volunteer dentists and 30 Chippewa

Valley Technical College dental hygiene and assisting students provided preventive and restorative care and dental education to 120 children. Participating dentists included: Drs. Lonnette Breneman, David Kenyon, Thomas Luepke, Terrence Miskulin, Christopher Poss, Courtney Reich, Curt Travis, Walter Turner and Kent Vandehaar.

Elkhorn – Dr. Robert Dillman and the Walworth County Public Health Department teamed up to address the urgent dental needs of several area children.

Evansville – The Midwest Dental office worked with the local Head Start program to identify 20 children and provided needed care.

Fond du Lac – Fond du Lac County Dental Society members worked with the county health department to identify youngsters in need of oral health care. Treatment appointments were scheduled throughout February and March 2013. Participating dentists included: Drs. Kathleen Doyle-Kelly, Jeffrey Kraig, Thomas Kraus, Christopher Maury, Julie Maury, Danielle Pike, Todd Sarauer, Kenneth Scholz, William Shaw and John Welch. State Rep. Jeremy Thiesfeldt (R- Fond du Lac) was welcomed at Dr. Kraig’s office for a tour during GKAS®.

Fort Atkinson – The Rock River Dental team saw 15 youngsters in their office for exams, along with basic preventive and restorative care. The local school district and foster care program helped identify young patients with oral health needs.

Green Bay – Dr. John Zweig and his team at Dental Associates on Main Street welcomed 20 children for needed oral health care. Dr. Heidi Eggers-Ulve continues her com-mitment throughout the school year to provide free dental exams and oral health education as needed by the Green Bay School District’s Head Start program, which serves nearly 350 students. As the volunteer dental director for the program, she also provides free follow-up care. The Midwest Dental Green Bay East Office, including Dr. Jamie Mlnarik and her nine-per-son dental team provided needed preventive and restorative dental care to youngsters. The Midwest Dental Green Bay West Office with Dr. Molly Gervich also welcomed at estimated 10 children.

Greenfield – Dr. Majelle Susler and her team at Midwest Dental saw 10 young patients and provided preventive and restorative care.

Greenville – Dental Associates was among the teams seeing children referred by TCCDC.

Holmen – The Midwest Dental team partnered with Head Start and local schools to find 30 youngsters in need of basic oral health care.

Hudson – Dr. Julie Lesher and her Dentistry on the Vine team provided preventive and restorative care to 30 children between the ages of 2 and 18. Good personal oral hygiene and dietary habits were discussed and each child received a snack bag. Follow-up care was sched-uled throughout February. Pediatric dentist Dr. Andy Mancini, with the help of his La Petite Dentistry staff provided sealants and fluoride varnishes, conducted dental screenings and provided limited restorative treat-ment.

Hurley – Dr. Paul Hagemann and five volunteer staff provided dental screenings and fluoride var-nish to 75 youngsters enrolled in Head Start and local schools.

Janesville – Drs. David Robinson, Robert Prijic, John Bauwens, Lance Miller and Nicole Vilter with 20 staff members at Robinson & Prijic Family Dental Associates worked with local school officials and community programs to identify children, ages 3 – 8, for much-needed care. This dental team welcomed 100 children and provided dental exams, X-rays, cleanings, sealants and fluoride treatments.

Kenosha – For more than 11 years, Dr. Byron Kozak and a member of his team have visited local schools during February to discuss good oral hygiene with students.

Kewaskum – In honor of GKAS®, Dr. Stephen Van Ess and staff welcomed 12 children for com-prehensive dental care.

Kimberly – Drs. Charles Howenstine and Callie Romenesko with their Midwest Dental staff welcomed seven young patients for dental cleanings and sealants.

La Crosse – La Crosse District Dental Society members and volunteer staff screened area school children for oral health needs. Youngsters need-ing follow-up care were seen in various private dental offices. Drs. Kurt Hulse (Onalaska) chairs this area effort. Dr. John Moore and his six-member staff scheduled appointments to provide kids in need with dental exams, sealants, fluoride treatment and basic restorative care. Approximately 50 children, ages 4 – 14, were treated by the Midwest Dental South team.

Madison – Dane County Dental Society con-tinues to celebrate GKAS® year-round. Some 80 general and specialist dentists donated in excess of $196,000 in preventive and extensive restorative care in 2012 alone. The program served more than 280 young people over a recent 12-month period. The Midwest Dental Madison University team provided 12 children with preventive care, including sealants and fluoride rinse or varnish.

Dentists, hygienists and others made GKAS® 2013 a success in Wisconsin

Give Kids A Smile® 2013

Page 13: May 2013 WDA Journal

Manitowoc – Three dentists and 15 other volun-teers at Dental Park worked with the local health department to identify and treat a dozen children in need of care.

Markesan – Dr. Paul Miller and his team at Midwest Dental scheduled appointments for a dozen patients to receive exams and basic pre-ventive treatments like fluoride and sealants.

Medford – The Medford Dental Clinic team worked with the Parent Resource Center to identify families in need of basic dental services. In addition, clinic staff discussed good personal oral hygiene habits as part of a “lunch and learn” program at the center.

Menasha – Dr. Michael Wockenfus and his team at Mid-Valley Dental worked with the local school district to identify students in need of care.

Menomonie – Midwest West Dental welcomed 10 youngsters for a variety of preventive and restorative services. Patients were referred by various community groups, schools and educa-tional programs and social service agencies.

Merrill – Dr. Dale Nixon (Tomahawk) and his team at Midwest Dental saw 10 children for basic preventive and restorative care.

Milwaukee – GKAS® again was celebrated with a large-scale, multiple day cooperative effort involving 175 volunteer dentists, dental team members, dental and hygiene students, Marquette University student translators and other helpers. Organizations involved included the Greater Milwaukee Dental Association, MUSOD, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Clinic, Children’s Dental Center at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Area Technical College dental hygiene program and numerous private dental offices. Holt Dental Supply and DASH Gloves pro-vide additional support and materials. More than 500 children were welcomed to MUSOD on Jan. 26 to be screened for dental dis-ease. The young patients had their teeth cleaned and fluoride varnish applied. About a dozen required treatment for urgent care needs that day. Follow-up treatment was provided to 67 chil-dren at participating clinics and in private dental offices throughout the Milwaukee area during the first week of February.

Participating dentists included: Drs. Cheska Avery-Stafford, Fred Ballerini, Frank Caputo, Thomas Charapata, Mark Crego, Michael Donohoo, Russ Dunkel, Susan Freundl-Klein, Cesar Gonzalez, Monica Hebl, Megan Heitke, Brian Hodgson, Charles Lenarduzzi, Kathy Leonard, Lynn Lepak-McSorley, Paul

Levine, Angela Lueck, James Markenson, Rick Mueller, Conrad Nenn, Neil Peterson, Laurin Rackham, Thomas Raimann, Laura Russell, Ron Stifter, Jon Sisulak, Paul Smith, Lisa Teel, Dorothy Theogene, Chan Tran and Julie Wills-Stier.

Minocqua – Throughout the school year, two dentists and 16 other volunteers provide 1,300 children in area elementary schools and Head Start programs with free dental screenings, fluo-ride varnish applications and oral health educa-tion as part of the Northwoods Dental Project’s Healthy Smiles effort.

Mondovi – Midwest Dental’s Drs. David Young and Kayla Schreiner and their six-person staff welcomed eight children on GKAS® day. Services included exams, preventive care and treatment of any dental disease.

Mount Calvary – Dr. Thomas Gietman part-nered with the Fond du Lac County Health Department to identify and treat five children ages 3 to 16.

Neenah – Dr. Dino Bordini and his Midwest Dental team welcomed five children for a variety of services on GKAS® day. Dr. Steve Stoll welcomed four patients referred from TCCDC and provided needed preventive and restorative care.

New Richmond – New Richmond Dental pro-vided oral hygiene education along with preven-tive and restorative services to 64 children.

Oconto Falls – Dr. Debra Munes and her office team worked with the county to identify 20 chil-dren from low-income families who were in need of dental care. Services included X-rays, teeth cleanings and fillings and extractions.

Oshkosh – Dr. Christian Marsh and his team at Midwest Dental on Sawyer Street provided oral health screenings, preventive services and neces-sary restorative care.

Plymouth – Drs. Sherry Joseph and Joseph White and their team worked with the Sheboygan Dental Access Committee to provide oral hygiene education, exams, cleanings, dental sealants, fluoride treatment and urgent care to area children. Dr. Peter Muehleis and his team at the Midwest Dental clinic staff also provided exams and preventive treatment to 10 youngsters.

Portage – Dr. Timothy Rosin and his Midwest Dental Portage team scheduled appointments for basic preventive care.

Prairie du Chien – Dr. Wayne Hanson and his team at PdC Dentistry welcomed 15 young patients for needed care.

Racine County – More than two dozen Racine County Dental Society members and 30 volun-teer staff partnered with the nonprofit Health Care Network of Racine to provide 52 needy youngsters with critical dental care. Drs. Nicolet DeRose, Wendy Knoell, Ned Murphy and Jerry Oksiuta volunteered on-site at the clinic.

Reedsburg – The Midwest Dental office saw 10 Reedsburg Public School students. They received preventive and restorative care and instruction in good personal dental habits.

Rice Lake – Six dentists and 28 Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College dental team mem-bers delivered important preventive restorative care to an estimated 250 children.

Ripon – Dr. Christopher Rauch was part of the Fond du Lac County Dental Society and health department GKAS® outreach. He welcomed six young patients to his practice for comprehensive care.

River Falls – The Midwest Dental team provided oral hygiene education, teeth cleanings, fluoride treatments and sealants to seven youngsters referred by local schools.

Salem – Midwest Dental worked with local schools to identify children in need of care and scheduled appointments during February.

Sheboygan – Dr. Linda Bryce and her six-member team welcomed 28 children to the office for exams, cleanings, basic preventive care and personal oral hygiene instruction. The Sheboygan Dental Access Committee with representatives from the Sheboygan County Dental Society, Sheboygan County Health and Human Services Department and the Sheboygan County Head Start worked with the local Salvation Army and Women, Infant and Children program to identify and treat 51 youngsters with more than $15,000 in care. County health nurse Beth TenPas worked with the individual office staffs to schedule this Friday’s appointments. State Rep. Mike Endsley (R-Sheboygan) vis-ited Dr. Robert Darling’s Midwest Dental office to observe the GKAS® event.

Other participating dentists included: Drs. Robert Armstrong, Reick Beiersdorf, Linda Bryce, George Bullard, Jerry Cooper, Dean Delasanta, Kenneth Geiger, Andrea Igowsky, John Korolewski, James Kuhlow, Jamie Marchi, Laura Rammer and Rhonda Sleiter.

Stevens Point – Dr. Michael Schmidt and his Midwest Dental team members provided 12 youngsters with preventive treatment and neces-sary restorative care.

Stoughton – Dr. Thor Anderson and members of his dental team visited local classrooms dur-ing February, March and April to talk about the importance of dental health to overall well-being and provide basic oral hygiene instruction.

Strum – Dr. Brian Underwood and his Midwest Dental team saw 12 youngsters, ages 3 to 15, for basic dental care on GKAS®.

Sturgeon Bay – Dr. Steve Kaminski and his four-person Midwest Dental team provided basic preventive care and fluoride treatments to three kids. The Ministry Door County Medical Center Dental Clinic recruited six dentists and 15 sup-port staff to volunteer for the GKAS® effort. Seventy-five children from low-income families living in Door and Kewaunee counties received dental exams, teeth cleanings, preventive ser-vices and treatment for dental disease. Participating dentists included: Drs. Paul Feit, Jennifer Fojtik, Tyler Hubbard, Regan Luders, Jenny Olson and Patti Sigl.

Spring Valley – Dr. Dan Connors’ Spring Valley Dentistry opened its doors to 12 elementary and middle school students for much-needed care.

Tomahawk – Dr. Dean Hussong and his prac-tice team celebrated GKAS® on Jan. 31. The staff welcomed 28 children for exams, cleanings and restorative care.

Union Grove –The five-person Midwest Dental team on Main Street saw 15 children for clean-ings, preventive care and necessary restorative treatment.

Verona – Dr. Michael Kokott of Associated Dentists scheduled several youngsters with tooth decay for needed treatment. Dr. June Mello and her team at First Choice Dental brought good health messages to local classrooms in February. An estimated 175 ele-mentary students are expected to heart about the importance of daily brushing, flossing and eating a balanced diet.

Viroqua – Dr. Steve Solverson and his Midwest Dental staff provided charitable care to 12 low-income youngsters referred for treatment.

Watertown – Dr. Cary Gillingham and his team at Midwest Dental provided an estimated $2,500 in basic preventive and restorative care to 15 children on GKAS® day.

Waukesha – Waukesha-based Smiles 4 Life, Inc. provides dental screenings, sealants, fluoride treatments and oral hygiene instruction to ele-mentary school-aged children in the Wisconsin counties of Dodge, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Jackson, Jefferson, Monroe, Rock and Walworth. This program expects to help at least 2,000 children and deliver more than $200,000 worth of care during the 2012-13 school year. Nine Waukesha County Dental Society den-tists, along with 30 other dental staff and com-munity volunteers worked together at Waukesha County Community Dental Clinic pre-screening on GKAS® Friday. An estimated 40 children received X-rays, teeth cleanings, exams and fluo-ride treatments. Follow-up care was provided for those young-sters with cavities or other dental problems.

Wausau – Drs. Rodney Messner and Dawn Paffel and their Midwest Dental team provided 20 Head Start children with basic oral health care.

Weston – Dr. Christy Gajewski and her team at Midwest Dental provided 14 children needed preventive and restorative dental care.

Wisconsin Dells – For the sixth year, Drs. David Clemens, Nicole Clemens, Jeremy Gross and their Dells Dental team celebrated GKAS® by providing 20 young people with preventive and restorative care. This dental practice worked with the local health department to identify children with oral health care needs.

Give Kids A Smile® 2013 information for this article was generated by WDA event registra-tions and post-event evaluations so to be includ-ed in the future, please register your GKAS® event with the WDA and complete the post-event survey. Mark your calendars for the annual GKAS® 2014 on Friday, Feb. 7, 2014!

Congrats to our GKAS® book giveaway winners!Associated Dentists, S.C. (Verona)Dr. Todd Sarauer (Fond du Lac)

Midwest Dental Portage New Richmond Dental May 2013 WDA Journal 13

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14 WDA Journal May 2013

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presented by Ezedin M. Sadeghi, DDS, MS, MUSOD Associate Professor and Oral Pathology Director [email protected]



DY #


A 62-year-old male was referred to an oral surgery clinic for the diagnosis and treatment of an expansile and firm lesion of left posterior buccal mandible (Figure #1). Radiographic evaluation revealed an osteolytic lesion of the inferior border of posterior mandible (Figure #2).


1- What would you consider in your differential diagnosis?

A. Primary malignant tumor B. An odontogenic tumor C. Metastatic tumor D. Infection E. All of the above

2- What would you do to make a definitive diagnosis?

A. Incisional biopsyB. Excisional biopsyC. Brush biopsyD. Needle biopsyE. None of the above

Answers on page 19



Marquette University School of Dentistry approaches diversity in two direct ways by offering the pre-enroll-ment support program and the college science enrich-ment program. Both are federally-funded grant programs under the umbrella of the Health Careers Opportunity Program. MUSOD has shared part-nership with the school’s College of Health Science in actively hosting the Marquette HCOP Program for 28 years. HCOP’s primary purpose is to create a pipeline in the health professions for disadvantaged students with the ultimate goal of improving service to underserved popu-lations and to diversify health professions. Additionally, HCOP programs are geared toward recruitment, increased enrollment and persistence of stu-dents of color attending medical and dental institutions.

Our programs target disadvantaged undergraduate and postgraduate students who have a strong possibility of success when given the opportunity. The pre-enrollment support program is a conditional

six-week academic program. It occurs every year in June and July. Students who are selected must meetthe same requirements of every studentapplying for admissions to MUSOD. However, acceptance into this program does not guarantee dental school admis-sion. The PESP curriculum is designed to mirror the first semester of dental school to include didactic course work and the simulation lab. The target populations are disadvan-

taged college graduates. Upon successful completion of the program, the students are guaranteed a seat in the fall dental class. The College Science Enrichment Program is open to qualifying college sophomores, juniors or seniors (locally or nationally) interested in dentistry.

It is a six-week summer program consisting of science courses, Dental Admission Test prep, clinical observa-tion, mock interviews and informational sessions on the admission process, financial aid and dental careers. Its purpose is to prepare students for the tedious admis-sions process and create a stronger applicant pool. To address issues and challenges of diversity, a cultural competence course is a mandatory requirement for PESP and CSEP students. Topics include cultural awareness, communications, sexual harassment and learned behaviors. This course is a major component in educating our students about the world around them. It is an interactive class that confronts the obstacles of culture, discrimination, intolerance, interpersonal rela-tionships, how we view the world and how those views effect what we say and do. The course also provides ways to maneuver and be successful in a diverse and multicultural world. Every year, these programs have proven to be suc-cessful as CSEP students apply for dental admissions and PESP students become dental clinicians and provide invaluable service to underserved communities.

Two MUSOD programs foster diversityYvonne Roland MUSOD Director of Diversity

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WI2-FEB-2013.pdf 1 2/13/13 11:32 AM

Names in the newsDental student research day Two dentists honored with MU awards Marquette University honored two Wisconsin Dental Association member dentists for their personal achievements and support of the university during Alumni National Awards Weekend in April 2013.

Dr. Kathleen Roth (West Bend) received the Service to Marquette Award. Dr. Roth co-chairs MUSOD’s Building for the Future cam-paign and served on the school’s advisory and reunion councils. She was the first female pres-ident of the WDA and only the second female president of the American Dental Association.

Dr. James Van Miller (Green Bay) also was recognized with the outstanding dental service award.

Dental Associates recognized for job creation Dental Associates, a family-owned dental group practice with 10 clinics, was featured in the inaugural edition of Inc. Magazine’s Hire Power Awards that recognizes private businesses that have generated significant new jobs during the past three years. Dental Associates created 50 jobs from 2008 to 2011. During this time, the company opened clinics in Franklin and Sturtevant hiring den-tists, dental hygienists and office personnel to accommodate growth.

Madison dentist named to ADA council Dr. Fred Jaeger (Madison) has been chosen to represent his 9th district Wisconsin and Michigan colleagues on the American Dental Association’s Council on Government Affairs through October 2016.

From left: Dr. Paul Levine (Milwaukee), WDA vice president; Mr. Judson Smith, MUSOD dental student; Dr. Tim Durtsche (La Crosse),

WDA president attend the annual Student Research Day at Marquette University School of Dentistry.

Page 16: May 2013 WDA Journal

16 WDA Journal May 2013


Practice PositionOpportunity

Practice WantedEdge Advisors has 15 and counting dental practices for sale! Want to sell your real estate with the practice? Contact Jessica at [email protected] or call 715-379-1796 to find out about how to sell both at the lowest price in the industry. #11-2012-09

Western U.P. practice, near Wisconsin border, will gross buyer over $300,000 the first year, after debt service. Contact Mark Breit, Paragon Dental Transitions, 906-250-9666 or [email protected]. #04-2013-05

For sale or lease (negotiable). Beautiful two-year-old office with 2 operatories (3rd available), Radiology suite and dark room Staff washroom, break room, private office and computer room. Has central sterile and lab. 2500 sq. ft. in a convenient location. Call 608-963-2659. #05-2013-05

General dentist seeking a practioners, preferably with own patient base, to share office space. Ideally suited for general dentist, prosthodontist, periodontist or orthodontist. Four operatories and laboratory available. Respond to Wisconsin Dental Association, Blind Box 0403, 6737 W. Washington St., Ste. 2360, West Allis, WI 53214. #04-2013-03

Dental Suite – Brookfield: 3 plumbed operatories, lab, reception, business office, private office and restroom. Ideal central location just West of Mayfair – building has other dental specialists – plentiful parking, $1,500. Call Regina at Bohl & Race Ortho 262-784-6700. #03-2013-02

Dentist with five years of experience seeking Madison area associate position with potential for partnership or ownership. Please reply to [email protected]. #05-2013-02

Practice for Sale/Lease

Dentist Available/Position Wanted

Classified Advertisements The rate for classified advertisements for Wisconsin Dental Association members is $65 for 30 words or less; additional words 50 cents each. All ads are placed online at A blind box number is an additional $10. Non-WDA mem-bers are charged an additional $25 for each ad and payment must be received prior to publication. Include company logo for $30 per month. Boxed classified ads also are available in three sizes: one inch = $100; two inches = $150; or three inches = $200. Make your ad stand out with a full color, mini-display. Save 10 percent when you run a display ad for three months or more. Mini-display classified ads now avail-able in three sizes: two inches = $200; or three inches = $250; or four inches = $300. Artwork can be created for you at an additional charge: $75 for initial mini-display creation $50 per hour for edits after initial run (one hour minimum will be charged). Visit to view rate sheet and download classified contract.

Cancellation of ads must be received in writing. Please note all ads must be pre-paid. Please include payment (check or credit card number) with your classified ad when submitting. You can download the contract online at or call 414-755-4110. To place an ad, mail, fax or email [email protected] copy to the Wisconsin Dental Association, Attn: Emily Bultman, 6737 W. Washington St., Ste. 2360, West Allis, WI 53214; fax to 414-755-4111. The deadline for classified advertisements is the second Tuesday of the month, two months before advertise-ment insertion. It is against WDA policy to do unauthorized mailings pertaining to individual classified advertisements. When responding to a Blind Box, please indicate the blind box number on the envelope. When they are received by the WDA office, they are forwarded unopened to the address of the person holding the blind box. Sample: Wisconsin Dental Association, Blind Box #10, 6737 W. Washington St., Ste. 2360, West Allis, WI 53214.

Dentist seeking association position (with buy-in potential) or practice to purchase on Madison’s west side or surrounding suburbs. Respond to Wisconsin Dental Association, Blind Box 0301, 6737 W. Washington St., Ste. 2360, West Allis, WI 53214 #03-2013-01

#WI500 – Madison Area Practice Wanted – Buyer interested in acquiring a satellite practice with owner willing to stay as associate. Are you looking to slow down and let someone else deal with the business management of your practice? You just want to treat patients and leave without a worry of the day-to-day management of the practice? This may be the perfect time to transition your practice! Call Deanna Wright at Henry Schein Professional Practice Transitions at 800-730-8883 or email [email protected] for more information on how we can help. #02-2013-15

Small group practice would like to purchase a general practice in the Oshkosh Area. Respond to Wisconsin Dental Association, Blind Box 0506, 6737 W. Washington St., Ste. 2360, West Allis, WI 53214#05-2013-06

Southern Wisconsin Practice Wanted for Purchase: We are looking to purchase a modern general practice with at least 3 operatories. We currently have 4 locations and are open to retaining current owner as IC dentist. Please contact Mary Beth at 630-833-5110 or [email protected]. #01-2013-09

Full-time Associate Dentist needed to join the expanding practice in beautiful Door County. This is an excellent opportunity for an associate to step in and contribute immediately and be part of a friendly work and community environment. Competitive salary commensurate with experience and an excellent benefit package available. Email resume to [email protected] or call 920-743-6976. #05-2013-07

Position available. Associate wanted in Eau Claire – Two Doctor general dental practice seeking associate to partnership candidate. Excellent salary guarantee/benefits. Reply in confidence to [email protected]. #05-2013-01

Andy Lehmkuhl and your local team at Edge Advisors have transitioned 30 practices in the past two years. We charge less and get the best results in the industry. Need help hiring an associate? Currently we have more than 14 available. See what your colleagues are talking about at Contact 414-255-5669 or [email protected]. #11-2012-10

Associate Dentist – State of the Art DentalFacility located in Wauwatosa, WI has an opportunity for an experienced dentist to join our dedicated staff. Full-time with benefit package or part-time available. No evenings or weekends. Respond to Wisconsin Dental Association, Blind Box 0510, 6737 W. Washington St., Ste. 2360, West Allis, WI 53214.#05-2013-10


Midwest Dental is seeking candidates for the Duluth/Superior area. Since 1968, our philosophy of supporting doctors and staff has lead to unmatched consistency and paved the way for future growth. We pride ourselves on providing doctors the ability to practice in a traditional, non-HMO practice environment coupled with the flexibility and rewards that a group can offer. We are currently working on new opportunities in Duluth/Superior. We’d enjoy the opportunity to learn about your practice philosophy, career goals and expectations. To learn more, please contact Andrew Lockie at 715-579-4076 or e-mail [email protected]. Visit us online at #05-2013-04

Recently remodeled 2 doctor practice in southeastern Wisconsin. Fully digital, all the latest technology including CEREC and CBCT. Full service practice, refer out almost nothing. Full or part-time associate needed ASAP. Competitive compensation package with guaranteed minimum salary. Great opportunity for new dentist. Email resume to [email protected].#04-2013-02

Dental Dreams desires motivated, quality oriented associate dentists for its offices in IL (Chicago & suburbs), DC, LA, MI, MA, MD, NM, PA, SC, TX and VA. We provide quality general FAMILY dentistry in a technologically advanced setting. Our valued dentists earn on average $230,000/yr plus benefits. New graduates encouraged! Call 312-274-4524 or email [email protected]. #03-2013-05

Outstanding Opportunity: Partners in Care is seeking a part-time general dentist, 3 and a half days per week, for our new Southeastern Wisconsin location. We offer excellent benefits and a minimum pay guarantee to start. We are looking for candidates with at least two full years of experience to be a part of our dedicated team of professionals. Visit our website at: to see our other four locations. Email Resume/CV to [email protected]. #04-2012-11

Temporary/Flexible/Dynamic Opportunities

Do you have a passion for patient care? Do you enjoy new challenges and desire a flexible work environment? We want to talk with you! Our team is looking for doctors with open personalities who are interested in covering maternity leaves, military leaves, and extended vacations in our Fee for Service practices. If you’ve ever considered the benefits of temporary coverage, give us a call. With us, you can work as much or as little as desired. We have practices located in various communities throughout WI, MN, IL, and IA. To learn more, please contact Laura Anderson Laehn at 715-926-5050 or [email protected]. Visit online at and #06-2010-01

Properties/Office Space Available

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Page 17: May 2013 WDA Journal May 2013 WDA Journal 17

Five complete like-new ADEC operatories. Rear delivery. Track lighting. Also, Midmark, MII Ultraclave, handpieces, velscope, Kodak intraoral camera and Gendex X-rays. Everything you need to set up a dental practice/satellite office. Call 715-341-5001. #04-2013-04

Antique dental cabinet – Mahogany, dark green marble, beveled mirror and glass. Purchased used in 1947, probably fabricated in the 1920s. 22 drawers, 5 doors. 62”H x 30”Wx14”D. Beautifully restored. $2,450. Contact [email protected] or 920-379-7521. #05-2013-03

Mike Bark – The ONLY accredited “Institute of Dental CPA’s” certified Wisconsin CPA/Accountant and best valued. Give us a call and let’s talk about how we can help you improve your situation. Contact 414-759-9629 or [email protected]. #11-2012-11

to pLAce A dispLAY oR cLAssiFied Ad, pLeAse contAct

eMiLY BuLtMAn At [email protected].

MORE REASONS TO SMILE! We’ve always believed in putting patients first. In fact, Dental Associates was built on the notion that everyone deserves access to affordable dental care of the highest caliber. From a small solo practice that launched more than 35 years ago, Dental Associates has grown to 10 multispecialty dental centers. We’re proud to bring quality, progressive treatment to communities across with the day-to-day business tasks. Put all your focus back on your patients and you will enjoy more of those rewarding moments! We’d love to have you join us. Visit our website at, call or send resume/CV in confidence to: [email protected] or Dental Associates Attn: Susan Bullen, 11711 W. Burleigh St., Wauwatosa, WI 53222, 800-315-71107, 414-456-9911(fax). #02-2013-02

Green Bay – Midwest Dental is seeking a full time dentist in Green Bay.

We offer the opportunity to lead your own clinical team while shedding the administrative and financial burdens. Our philosophy of preserving and supporting the traditional private practice setting provides a great work-life balance, excellent compensation and benefits, and unlimited opportunity for professional growth. If you possess a passion for providing quality care and are looking for a rewarding practice opportunity in Green Bay, please call Andrew Lockie at 715-579-4076 or email [email protected] them online at #10-2012-02

Gendex 9000 Pan/Ceph, $5,000, excellent condition, perfect for satellite. Contact 608-356-9595. #05-2013-11

For sale – Retiring in June and all office equipment (2 ops) chairs, lights, units, X-ray units, cabinets, stools, autoclave, nitrous units, instruments, supplies, reception room furniture, etc. Everything for $6,500. Call 715-682-3636 for details. #05-2013-04


Office Equipment for Sale

Advertising IndexThank you for supporting

the WDA Journal!AFTCO ............................................... 16 Delta Dental ........................................ 14 www.deltadentalwi.comDelta Gloves ................... See sample insert www.deltagloves.comEdge Advisors .................................... 15 www.edgeadvise.comKeller .................................................. 18 Midwest Dental .................................... 15 www.midwest-dental.comOfficite ............................................... 19 Paragon .............................................. 15 ....................................... 18 www.proassurance.comThe Dental Record ....................................... 2 www.dentalrecord.comWest Bend Mutual Insurance Co. ............ 20

New Product/ Service CornerSometimes little things mean a lot

When something happens to your home or car, it may not be a disaster. But whatever it is, you always deserve fast and fair service from your insurance

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with the Home and Highway® policy, you can find a Silver Lining with a variety of terrific benefits, including:

• Coverage for just about everything you own: home, condo, or rental unit, as well as cars, trucks, boat, motorcycle, snowmobile, jewelry ... all on one policy with one premium, one bill, one deductible. And it’s all available from one agent.

• Five percent of your annual premium back in cash if you don’t have a claim all year.

• Guaranteed replacement cost with no cap so if your home is destroyed by a fire or tornado, West Bend will pay what it costs to replace it even if it’s more than your policy’s limits.

• A wide variety of proactive identity protection services, and coverage if your identity is stolen.

• Automatic coverage for some of the costs you may incur, including most veterinarian expenses, if a beloved pet is the victim of a covered accident.

• A special discount just for being a member of the Wisconsin Dental Association.

Sometimes little things mean a lot. And every day, when something bad hap-pens to someone, West Bend makes sure our customers experience the Silver Lining®.

Because the worst brings out our best®.

To find out more, visit

Wausau, WI – Busy Central Wisconsin Dental Practice (in business for 30 years) looking for a full-time associate dentist to join a family friendly dental practice. This growing practice offers a very competitive plus compensation and benefits. Please send your information to [email protected]. #05-2013-08

Opportunities Available - Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Office of Rural Health has detailed information on general and specialty dentist positions in both smaller towns and larger cities located throughout Wisconsin. Most of these positions qualify for the $50,000 loan repayment program from the State of Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Office of Rural Health has recently added a Dentist Placement Program to our successful Physician Placement Program. Located at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, we are a not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping improve the quality of health care for the people of Wisconsin. For information, call Marsha Siik at 800-385-0005, email [email protected], or fax CV to 608-261-1893. #03-2013-06

ForwardDental is in search of exceptional Dentists to join our busy Wisconsin practices. Positions offer competitive compensation, enhanced benefits and the opportunity for ownership! Contact Kelly at [email protected]. #10-2011-05

Appleton, WI – Associate position available for 2 Dr. practice looking to add a 3rd Dr. 3,000 patient base. Sign-on bonus and no non-compete initially. Buy-in option available. Please call 920-225-0123. #02-2013-14.

Are you happy in your current office? Before you make a move or accept another offer, be sure to check us out! Our dental practice, located in Southern Wisconsin, is looking for a long term associate to join our steadily growing practice and community. We service all aspects of general dentistry, including implant placement and restoration. Come and be a part of our fun, talented and enthusiastic team! We are offering a top base salary, production bonus program, and a generous benefits package. Please submit CV/resume to: [email protected]. #03-2013-04

Opportunities in Rice Lake and Merrill

Midwest Dental is seeking a full time dentist in our Rice Lake and Merrill practices. We offer the opportunity to lead your own clinical team without the administrative and financial burdens. Our philosophy of preserving and supporting the traditional private practice setting provides a great work-life balance, excellent compensation and benefits, and unlimited opportunity for professional development. If you possess a passion for providing quality care and are looking for a rewarding practice opportunity in the Rice Lake or Merrill areas, please contact us at 715-926-5050 or email [email protected]. Visit us online at #02-2013-06

Green Bay, WI – Well-established, private group practice looking for an Associate General Dentist. Position includes highly-trained clinical and business support, use of digital x-ray and chartless systems, and a competitive salary and benefits package. This is a potential buy-in opportunity. New graduates are welcome to apply. Interested parties should send resume or CV to Amy (Business Manager) at [email protected] or fax to 920-494-8195. . #02-2013-03

SzmandaDental Center

Let Your Classified Advertisement Work Harder for You.

To place an ad, mail copy to the Wisconsin Dental Association, 6737 W. Washington St., Suite 2360,

West Allis, 53214, or fax to 414-755-4111.

Get the Results You Need


Journal now offers mini-display

classified ads, available in three sizes.Column width by:

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Page 18: May 2013 WDA Journal

18 WDA Journal May 2013


The WDA Journal is published monthly by the Wisconsin Dental Association (USPS 0285-460), 6737 W. Washington St., Ste. 2360, West Allis, WI 53214. Phone 414-276-4520. Yearly subscriptions are $20 for WDA members; $100 for nonmembers; $25 for associate members; $30 for dental school students; $45 for dental schools and agencies and $125 for foreign mailings. Periodicals postage paid at Milwaukee, Wis. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to WDA Journal, 6737 W. Washington St., Ste. 2360, West Allis, WI 53214. The Wisconsin Dental Association reserves the right to illustrate and/or edit all reader contributions. Views expressed in the WDA Journal are not necessarily those of the WDA. All advertising in the WDA Journal must comply with the advertising standards of the WDA. The publication of an advertisement is not to be construed as an endorsement for approval by the WDA or any of its subsidiaries unless the advertisement specifically includes information that such approval or endorsement has been granted. The deadline for all display advertisements is the second Tuesday of the month, two months before advertisement insertion (For example, if you want your ad to appear in the July 2013 WDA Journal, which is mailed to members in mid-June 2013, all advertising materials must arrive in the WDA Executive Office by the second Tuesday of May 2013.) Advertising space is limited, so advertisers are encouraged to reserve space early. Back issues of the journal are available for six months following publication or while supplies last. Communications and copy for publication should be addressed to Dr. Robert Brennan, editor, and may be mailed to the WDA at 6737 W. Washington St., Ste. 2360, West Allis, WI 53214; faxed to 414-755-4111 or emailed to [email protected]. Portions of the WDA Journal can also be found on the WDA Web page, Ride-Along Enclosed.

*Shaded events offer continuing education credits.

30Renewal deadline for Wisconsin dental and dental hygienist licenses. Visit for more information.

OCTOBER31ADA Annual Session New Orleans Visit for more information

NOVEMBER1-3ADA Annual Session New Orleans Visit for more information

15-16WDA House of Delegates Marriott Madison West Middleton Visit for more information –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Do you have an event you’d like to include in the WDA Journal Calendar of Events?

If so, please call WDA Managing Editor Emily Bultman at 414-755-4110 or 800-364-7646; fax to 414-755-4111 or email to [email protected].

10Dentistry Examining Board 8:30 a.m. 1400 E. Washington Ave., Rm 121ADepartment of Safety and Professional Services • Madison

SEPTEMBER4Dentistry Examining Board8:30 a.m.1400 E. Washington Ave., Rm 121ADepartment of Safety and ProfessionalServices • Madison

9WDA Foundation Golf Outing North Hills Country Club Menomonee FallsVisit for more information

13WDA Insurance Programs Risk Management Seminar Radisson Inn Paper Valley Appleton Visit for more information

27-28WDA Board of Trustees Crowne Plaza Wauwatosa

MAY1Dentistry Examining Board 8:30 a.m. 1400 E. Washington Ave., Rm 121ADepartment of Safety and Professional Services Madison

2-4WDA InSession Kalahari Resort & Convention CenterWisconsin DellsFor more information, visit WDA.orgEarn up to 16 CE credits

7 & 9 “Radiology for Dental Auxiliaries”Rod Daering, RTR; Sherry Ortiz, RTR; Vicki Romans, RTR 4 CE credits For more information, visit

27WDA offices closed for Memorial Day

JUNE13“Implant Diseases and Complications”Wei-Ting, DDS and Paul Luepke, DDS

3 CE credits For more information, visit

14 Wisconsin Dental Study Club meeting “Restoring the Worn Dentition and Complex Cases”Jose-Luis Ruiz, DDS 6.5 CE creditsContact Dr. Gene Sorensen at [email protected] or visit for more information

21-22 WDA Board of Trustees meetingLandmark Resort Egg Harbor For more information, visit

28-29WDA and WDA Foundation Mission of MercyBadger High School Lake Geneva For more information, visit

JULY4-5WDA offices closed for Independence Day and floating holiday

Register to volunteer at WDA and WDA Foundation Mission of Mercy by May 10 to receive one shirt for each clinic day you are working.

Visit to register and for more information.

One thing I am certain about is my malpractice protection.”

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Many dentists are feeling the impact of lowered demand for dentistry due to the economy.Profi tability challenges and increased risk to meet those challenges contribute to an atmosphere of uncertainty and lack of control.

What we do control as dentists: our choice of a liability partner.

I selected ProAssurance because they stand behind my good dentistry. In spite of the maelstrom, I am protected, respected, and heard.

I believe in fair treatment—and I get it.



Page 19: May 2013 WDA Journal May 2013 WDA Journal 19

1) e

2) a

Case study continued from page 12


Final Diagnosis: Multiple myeloma


Multiple myeloma is a malignancy of plasma cells. It is a type of lym-phoma that arises from bone marrow-based B cells that have undergone ter-minal differentiation into plasma cells. Multiple myeloma perhaps starts as a solitary tumor and eventually becomes disseminated, involving several bones.

The solitary plasmacytoma is a plasma cell tumor in an extramedullary site. Some patient survive with solitary plasmacytoma for several years, and some eventually develop disseminated multiple myeloma.

Multiple myeloma usually arises during fourth, fifth and sixth decades of life and affects men and women equally. Deep bone pain is a character-istic feature of this malignancy.

Osteolytic lesions (punched out radiolucencies) are found in different bones including jaw bones. Multiple myeloma of the jaws may cause tooth ache and may be responsible for the mobility of the teeth.

The prognosis for this disease is poor, despite the chemotherapy, total body irradiation and bone marrow transplantation.

Acknowledgement: This case was contributed by Dr. Phillip Hawkins (Milwaukee), an oral and maxillofacial surgeon.

Ezedin M. Sadeghi, DDS, MS Oral

& Maxillofacial Pathologist Associate Professor, Marquette University School of Dentistry Referral and Consultation: 414-288-6559. Biopsy Service: 414- 805-8440.

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32 legislators, staffers attend second WDA Dental Academy Seventeen state legislators and 15 legisla-tive staffers were among 40 people in atten-dance at the Wisconsin Dental Association’s second Dental Academy on Jan. 16, 2013 at the Concourse Hotel in Madison. Six state agency representatives also attended, including Wisconsin Secretary of the Department of Safety and Professional Services Dave Ross. This “Dental 101” program provided newly-elected lawmakers and members of administration with an understanding of basic dental issues and terminology. Started in 2011, the WDA Dental Academy also helps position the association and its 3,100 member dentists and dental hygienists as advocates for quality oral health care policy and the authoritative source for dental care information in Wisconsin.

Agenda topics included: • Overview of dentists as “doctors of oral health” • Dental education

• Dental debt load • Uniqueness of dental care delivery model • Dental connection to overall health • Medicaid program in Wisconsin • WDA Healthy Choices • Charity

The purpose was to provide a “big picture” overview of dentistry in Wisconsin, including the challenges dentists face as small business-es-owners and as health care providers. The goal is to host a WDA Dental Academy at the start of every two-year legis-lative session with the next event planned for early 2015.

Mara Brooks Director of Government Services [email protected]

State Rep. Dave Murphy (R-Greenville) accepting his WDA Dental Academy “molar” from member dentist Dr. Jim Springborn (Little Chute).

Disputes range from complaints about the quality of care, to the appropriateness of care or the fairness of fees. The number of exact complaints varies each month. However, the most frequent issue is communications between patient and dentist stemming from displeasure with an office policy or the patient feeling their dentist is not listening to their needs. “If the patient is looking simply to vent their frustrations, we provide a platform for them to voice their concerns. Often, the patient is satisfied by having been given that opportunity. Sometimes along with a little education, the issue ends without the dentist ever having known the patient originally wanted to file a complaint,” Ms. Anderson said.

Mediation Services continued from page 1

Page 20: May 2013 WDA Journal

20 WDA Journal May 2013

The Wisconsin Dental Association’s Pyramids of Pride program gives you the opportunity to honor a colleague who has shown true commitment to the pro-fession and community. Recognize those behind the scenes that make it possible for community projects and programs to happen. If you know of someone who has gone above and beyond, show your appreciation in a public way and nomi-nate them. As a member-driven organization, this is your association. We encourage you to highlight the efforts of your peers and organizations that support us. Awards will be presented at the annual dinner held in conjunction with the WDA House of Delegates. This year’s dinner will be Nov. 15, 2013 at the Marriott Madison West in Middleton.

Nominations are now being accepted in the following categories:

Lifetime Achievement Award – WDA’s highest honor recognizing an individual dentist who has given time, energy and expertise to organizations that represent organized dentistry throughout his/her career.

Community Outreach Award – Honors an individual, a team of individuals, or an organization who has systemati-cally provided exceptional service to the public, of a nature which reflects great credit on the dental profession. Friends of Dentistry – Honors an entity that makes ongoing contributions to the mission of the WDA.

Media Relations Award – Honors a dentist or team of dentists who have uti-lized mass communications to promote the WDA and its mission as detailed in the WDA Long Range Plan.

Media Awareness Award – Recognizes a member of the print or broadcast media industry for demonstrating a com-mitment to inform and educate the general public about the importance of oral health and/or dental-related issues in Wisconsin.

New Dentist Leadership Award – Recognizes the efforts of a WDA mem-ber dentist for significant involvement in organized dentistry at the local, state and/or national levels. Nominees must be dentists who have been out of dental school for 10 years or less.

Outstanding Leadership in Mentoring – Recognizes a member dentist who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in mentoring.

Political Action Award – Honors an individual, a team of individuals or an organization that has increased member

WDA Pyramid of Pride is more than an awardAmy Landis WDA Member Relations Coordinator [email protected]

involvement on the grassroots level to further WDA legislative interests.

WDA Award of Honor – Recognizes individuals and organizations for contri-butions and activities that reflect great credit on the dental profession.

WDA Foundation Philanthropic Award – Recognizes a member of the dental com-munity that supports the mission of the WDA Foundation.

POP nominations are due by Monday, July 15. For complete award category descrip-tions, a list of past recipients and the award nomination form, visit the mem-ber benefits section on, or page 102 in the 2013 WDA Sourcebook. For more information, contact WDA Member Relations Coordinator Amy Landis at 414-755-4126 or [email protected].

Silver Lining.®You deserve a

When something bad happens, it may not be a disaster. But whatever it is, you always deserve fast and fair service from your insurance company.

West Bend provides a Silver Lining, no matter what the claim may be. If your beloved pet is injured in an accident, having coverage for veterinarian expenses is important. So that’s just what we offer with our Home and Highway® policy.

And you’ll find a Silver Lining in many other ways, like coverage for just about everything you own; a 5% cash back award if you don’t have a claim; and one policy, one premium, and one deductible. You even get a special discount just for being a member of the Wisconsin Dental Association.

Some things can never be replaced. But if something bad does happen, West Bend makes sure our customers experience the Silver Lining. Because the worst brings out our best.®

To find out more, contact WDA Insurance Programs at (414) 755-4182 or [email protected].



Children’s dental health promoted via social media Amanda Brezgel WDA Electronic Communications Coordinator [email protected]

communiqu e´

Thank you to everyone who liked, commented, shared and/or retweeted posts on Wisconsin Dental Association social media channels during National Children’s Dental Health Month in February 2013.

WDA Facebook posts during NCDHM helped spread the word about the impor-tance of baby teeth and oral health to more than 12,000 people.

Posts received 65 likes, 53 shares and two shares with a reach of 66 percent female audience.

On Twitter, the WDA gained 39 new followers and NCDHM posts were re-tweeted 21 times.

All WDA members are encouraged to follow and join future WDA social media discussions on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Share photos on Pinterest and Flicker and view WDA videos on Youtube.

As dentists and dental hygienists, your professional insights and real-life obser-vations bring a welcomed voice to your association’s public awareness efforts on all oral health topics, including but not limited to fluoride, the importance of baby teeth and establishing a dental home.