may 2014 newsletter

The Men's Ministry Movement Who WeAre: We are a Word-based ecumenical and an interchurch group that focuses on solutions and not just the problems that face men. We aspire to develop the discipline to seek God the Father, Son and The Holy Spirit in implementing solutions to the problems we face as men that affect our communities, families and our walk with God. We challenge men to be Victors and not victims, focusing our attention and efforts to : a. Family Reconstruction b. Poverty Relief I Wealth Building c. Education Reform d. ealtlLlssues e. Spiritual Development Our Vision: To Mobilize, inspire and equip men's ministries to work together in unity thereby living out Psalm 133 verse 1 "behold how good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in Unity" Our Purpose: a. b. c. To Glorify God To develop lasting relationships among men rooted and grounded in and by the Word of God. To share common resources to help build up every ministry in the faith. Steering Committee Members: The Rev. Horace A Stewart Pastor, St. Paul Community Church, Harlem NY The Rev. Dennis J. Henderson, Pastor Harlem Grace Tabernacle Church, Harlem NY The Rev. Robert Earl, Assoc. Minister Calvary Baptist Church Rev. Bernard Forte, Assoc. Min. Dabar Bethlehem Cathedral Queens NY Min. Andre Broady, Greater Allen Cathedral./ St. Paul CC Bro Glenmore Hinds, Convent Ave Baptist Church, Harlem, NY Bro. David Welch, St. Marks United Methodist Church Bro. Lamont Morales, First Sharon Baptist Church Bro Anthony Pratt. Mt. Calvary Baptist Church Bro. John Welch, St. Marks United Methodist Church Deacon Mack T, Miller, Union Baptist Church The Steering Committee Meets the 2nd Friday of every month 6:30P.m. at St. Paul Community Church 256 west 145 St. We host a lJNITY worship services every 3 months to build fellowship among men.

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The Men's Ministry Movement

Who WeAre:

We are a Word-based ecumenical and an interchurch group that focuses on solutions and not just the problems that face men. We aspire to develop the discipline to seek God the Father, Son and The Holy Spirit in implementing solutions to the problems we face as men that affect our communities, families and our walk with God. We challenge men to be Victors and not victims, focusing our attention and efforts to :

a. Family Reconstruction b. Poverty Relief I Wealth Building c. Education Reform d. ealtlLlssues e. Spiritual Development

Our Vision: To Mobilize, inspire and equip men's ministries to work together in unity thereby living out Psalm 133 verse 1 "behold how good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in Unity"

Our Purpose: a. b.


To Glorify God To develop lasting relationships among men rooted and grounded in and by the Word of God. To share common resources to help build up every ministry in the faith.

Steering Committee Members:

The Rev. Horace A Stewart Pastor, St. Paul Community Church, Harlem NY The Rev. Dennis J. Henderson, Pastor Harlem Grace Tabernacle Church, Harlem NY The Rev. Robert Earl, Assoc. Minister Calvary Baptist Church Rev. Bernard Forte, Assoc. Min. Dabar Bethlehem Cathedral Queens NY Min. Andre Broady, Greater Allen Cathedral./ St. Paul CC Bro Glenmore Hinds, Convent Ave Baptist Church, Harlem, NY Bro. David Welch, St. Marks United Methodist Church Bro. Lamont Morales, First Sharon Baptist Church Bro Anthony Pratt. Mt. Calvary Baptist Church Bro. John Welch, St. Marks United Methodist Church Deacon Mack T, Miller, Union Baptist Church

The Steering Committee Meets the 2nd Friday of every month 6:30P.m. at St. Paul Community Church 256 west 145 St.

We host a lJNITY worship services every 3 months to build fellowship among men.

The MMM Prayer Ministry 1st Monday every month Teleconference dial in# (605) 475-3200 Access code #504141


The Struggle For lJNITY

"Good luck with that," a friend of mine uttered, his voice laced with sarcasm, as I tried to articulate to him the vision and mission of the Men's Ministry Movement. I suspect that is a sentiment shared by many others who have heard of our efforts to bring men together in UNITY, even though God deems it "good and pleasant." (Psalm 133:1)

Brothers, I am confident that UNITY is an attainable goal because Jesus prayed for it. As He shared in the Last Supper with His disciples, Jesus prayed a prayer for all who would believe in Him, "that they may all be one: even as Thou, Father, art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be in Us, that the world may believe that Thou hast sent Me." (John 17:21)

It would seem that in the very beginning of the church there was that UNITY that Jesus prayed for. As they waited for the Holy Spirit to fall on Pentecost (Acts 1:14), "they were all with one mind, continually devoting themselves to prayer." However, throughout the rest of the New Testament scriptures we read of lots of divisions, doctrinal arguments and quarrels. In fact it seems much of the content of the Pauline letters was written to address such conflicts.

Centuries later, much of those same divisions and conflicts still exist and are still impeding the work of the Lord. One could easily argue that the church is more divided today than perhaps any time in her history. Ergo, my friend's statement, "good luck with that."

Well my brothers, did Jesus miss it somehow in His prayer? Should we disregard His prayer for UNITY? I say, unequivocally, without reservation, absolutely not. This is one of the great prayers in the Bible. It is significant because it was Jesus Himself, the King ofKings and Lord ofLords, the Great lAM who prayed this prayer. Make no mistake this prayer WILL be answered.

Brothers, UNITY promotes fellowship and evangelism. In just the few months of its existence, the Men's Ministry Movement has helped me to forge lifelong friendships that perhaps I would never have otherwise encountered. Because of the MMM I have fellowshipped with more churches in the last year than I have in previous years. UNITY promotes the gospel more than we can understand. Maybe that is one ofthe reasons the early Christians were said to be turning the world upside down. (Acts 17:6)

UNITY is necessary, but it is hard. It takes much commitment a.11d determination. The enemy of our souls will do anything and use anyone to sow the seeds of disunity, especially among men. He knows that when UNITY occurs his kingdom suffers. His strategy is always to bring disharmony, suspicion and bickering.

cont. on page 3


Good luck with that...NO! We don't need luck, we have the prayer of Jesus on our side and the power of the Holy Ghost working on our behalf. I am confident in the vision and mission of the Men's Ministry Movement because Jesus prayed for it, and Jesus never uttered a prayer that will not ultimately be answered. It is a great prayer and it will have a great answer. I believe that the Men's Ministry Movement is a part of that great answer. We are moving forwar~ covered by the prayer of Jesus, believing by faith that WE SHALL BE ONE.

-Rev. Horace A. Stewart

------What Defines A Man? The attributes, standards and expectations that defme a man in today's society are very different than in generations past. It used to be that a man was judged by his ability to accept responsibility for himself and his family. The phrase, "a man of his word," was considered a hallmark of manhood. When you made a promise you kept it. 1bis generation is a generation that makes up excuses. We blame racis~ poverty and lack of education as reasons why many men in today's society fail to mature to a level expected a generation ago.

I personally know men in their 50s who exhibit behavior that one would expect of a teenager. What's shocking is some of these men have college degrees, successful careers and families; yet when you get to know them on a personal level, you notice character flaws that alert one to a lack of maturity.

Another disturbing attribute that I've noticed is insecurity. I'm stunned and amazed at men who are insecure in who they are as men. Even with jobs, families, education and money to some extent, they are not confident in their own souls as to who they are. I could go on ranting but suffice it to say these are just a few of the troubling problems exhibited by this current generation of men.

What is the solution to turn this around? Men have to first come to know God. When you have a personal relationship with Go~ only then can you be secure in the man God has created you to be. Out of that relationship flows maturity, responsibility, self-confidence and boldness. When you know Jesus you strive to model your life after His example, thereby automatically reversing many of the problems I've mentioned.

What defmes a man? God defines a man and a man's relationship to God determines who he is and what he will become.

-Bro. David Welch St. Mark's United Methodist Church



Strategic Destiny Dispatch Vol. V By Rev. Dr. Alfonso Wyatt, Founder Strategic Destiny: Designing Futures

Through Faith & Facts

Cry From The Abyss

Did you know that May is National Mental Health Awareness Month? I

would wager--if I were a betting man, that most people are unaware. The Holy

Spirit at times encourages me to be transparent about my shortcomings, fears, past

bad decision-making and the like. One thing I have never talked about publically is

my bout with depression in my mid-twenties-until now.

I was lost, confused; dragged down by a stunning series of self-destructive

decisions that finally caught up with me. I felt trapped in a now monochromatic

world devoid of rhythm, definition or sense of time. There was no exit. There was

no relief--just more of the same diffused malaise. I was trapped by a relentless

invisible foe that would show no compassion, not even when it was painfully clear

that I was utterly and completely defeated-or so I thought.

So why is it so difficult to talk about depression? I think one reason is that

people who have not been depressed may not fully understand what it feels like to

not feel, act, or react. The easiest thing to say to a depressed person is, "Why don't

you just snap out of it," assuming there is acquired or congenital internal personal

weakness contributing to their plight.

I have a childhood friend who served this country in Vietnam. He told me

almost as an aside, "Living with constant pain is depressing." In the same week, I

counseled a young sister who broke up with her boyfriend and she feels depressed.

A psychiatrist friend recently conducted a study on depression within the faith

community. One of his findings is that more men are clinically depressed than

women are. Could it be that men are expected to handle their pain stoically as an

indicator of manhood? Depression is the result of internalized deep emotions that

are magnified and diffused at the same time-at least this was the case for me. I

knew something was wrong but felt powerless to address concrete options that my

mind could not offer.

Some depressed people tend to either, suffer in silence, or in plain sight,

surrounded by well-meaning, caring people who may have formed a sympathetic

attachment but will not take direct action for whatever reason. This is a good time

to thank a dear sister, friend and colleague Terrie Williams for writing, Black

Pain: It Just Looks Like We're Not Hurting. Her testimony has helped many people

suffering in shame and silence. Here is a thought provoking excerpt from her book.

A depressed Black man doesn't necessarily look like he's "down in the dumps," "cryin' the blues," or any of the other cliches we use to describe what depression looks like. A depressed Black man might be the most energetic man you know, a ball of fire who never stops moving or doing, whether or not the moving gets him anywhere or the doing does anything. A depressed Black man might be accomplished in all kinds of socially acceptable areas (career, church, sports, school), or he might be the kind of man who can't stop making everything worse for himself and anyone who loves him ...

Now that you know May is Mental Health Awareness Month, if you are

depressed find the strength to get help. You do not have to suffer. If you know

someone is depressed, find the appropriate resources. Beloved, there are loved

ones in our families, churches, car-pools, sororities/fraternities, jobs, communities

crying out from the abyss of depression. Do you hear their anguish-or are you the

one in pain? I end-or begin, with this scripture of encouragement:

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41 : 10 (NIV)

Strategic Destiny Dispatch Vol. III By Rev. Dr. Alfonso Wyatt, Founder Strategic Destiny: Designing Futures

Through Faith and Facts

The Promise of Spring

Spring is here-but you may not see the evidence yet. The grass is still

brown, tree branches still bare, and no flowers yet visible. The calendar tells us

the Spring season is here. A quick spiritual lesson: The beginning of one season

does not change the reality of the last season. There is a transition gap or what

psychologist would deem as cognitive dissonance between what we see and what

we desire. Are you there? Let us apply the Spring metaphor to life.

You may have experienced a season of devastation evidenced by a set-up,

put-down, get-back, or break-up. You yearn to "magically" get through the pain of

the moment that seemingly will last a lifetime. Your mind will not turn off. Long

into the night and well into the day endless scenarios of what if; what next; who

said; why now take residence in your mind.

When all is seemingly lost, what do you do? Where do you tum? What hope

do you have in a brighter day? If you live long enough, love hard enough, give too

much or take too much-one day you may find yourself dry and barren, bereft of

solutions, yearning for a Spring season to find you. If you been there, are there, or

know someone there-read on.

I want to offer a spiritual solution to a practical problem. Spiritual people

will go through life issues but their take on the journey is markedly different.

Come with me to The Book of Isaiah, a major prophet with a timeless 'In Season"

Word. I ask that you try to hear this prophecy with your soul and not reason with

your mind:

Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing. Now it will spring forth; shall you not know it? I will make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19.

You are instructed in the passage of scripture to 'disremember' [forget the

former things, nor consider the things of old] and shed the heavy things you can

no longer afford to carry. Let go and let God. The Lord can help you when all else

fails [behold I want to do a new thing]. The Word will blow your mind [shall you

not know it?] as-you are mired in ym1r circumstance and suddenly a a o of o

way [I will make a road out of the wilderness] appears. Only God can refresh that

which is dying or dead [rivers in the desert]. Your situation is not hopeless. It is not

over as much as you need to tum it over.

The Promise of Spring is learning how to rest assured that change is on the

way even though not readily visible. The Promise of Spring is much deeper than a

New Year's resolution because it has nothing to do with personal willpower. It has

everything to do with God's omnipotent power. The brown grass will soon tum

green. The branches of the trees will bring forth leaves. Beautiful flowers will soon

bloom. You may be asking what is this promise. I say The Promise of Spring is

divine and inevitable renewal. .. Keep looking until you see ...

There's A Champion in me.

Men from the Greater Allen A.M.E Cathedral, Convent Avenue Baptist Church, Shiloh Baptist, Mount

Sharon Baptist, Mt. Calvary Baptist Church, United Methodist Men, Harlem Grace Tabernacle in UNITY,

were moved in worship and motivated by the powerful message. There's A Champion In Me. Forty men

in total, experiencing the blessings that are authentically verified in the words of the psalmist "how good

and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity" psalm 133:1. All of this on a Friday night the

un-mistakeable and undeniable Presence of the Spirit of OUR LORD and transferring his transformative

personhood from heart to heart.

Yes, as brothers from around the city of New York, Friday nights is the time when the men look for

fellowship, friends and times to bond. SO fulfilling was this gathering of men, we all wished that no man

with a desire to grow in their walk with the Lord would be absent from this celebration. The Speaker

Rev. Ticrte_Car OJl ofthe..§ Allen A.f'{I. E. Cathe .ral, subtit led his message of t he well known story of

David and Goliath "its on now".

Then Goliath, the nine feet giant and challenge to an anointed teenage shepherd boy voiced his familiar

boast and intimidating snarls before the fighting men of the Lords army. David likened this performance

by Goliath as a re-enactment of the lion and bear who tried to steal one of the little Jambs that he

cared for. David said to the giant 11 I will smite thee and take thine head from thee; and I will give the

carcasses of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beast of the

earth : 1 Sam 17:46. David remembered what was within him. He saw not only the demise of the giant

but the vanquishment of the entire host of the Philistines. David knew that the Lord was within, and no

giant can match the power that he had learnt to rely on. Sometimes we forget that after the champion

and big mouth's head was cut off, the rest of his compatriots ran for their Jives.

Pastor Carson counseled the men at our meeting 11 you don't have to try and figure it all out when

our God has already worked it out". Men of faith should observe from David that the giants in their

lives will fall down when we take the fight to them because we have a champion within .THE ALMIGHTY

SPIRIT OF GOD is within. We need to be mindful of the reality that Satan hates to see the man of God

coming and he will object to the Powerful spirit within you by using the' haters."Could hate have been

the motive for the words coming from the mouth of Davids own brother Eliab? But surely we should

note from David that h~ had learnt from his life experiences, our God will take Goliath out and then all

of his relatives.

By the time we got to the end of our Friday of manly fellowship the Spirit of the Lord had filled the

sanctuary at Saint Paul. Before the altar, all the men came together in locked embrace and the Spirit

confirmed its approval of the unbroken unity that has been sown within the hearts of the men of this

movement. It could be that the only man missing from this unified bond is YOU. See you next time ....

Tony Pratt: Blog

The business of life



Men's Fellowship 2nd Saturday, 2:30p.m.

St Mark's United Methodist Church 55 Edgecombe Ave., New York, NY

212-926-4400 Rev. Tisha M. J ermin, Pastor

Chosen Men's Assembly 2nd Saturday, 8 a.m .

--- The Greater Allen A.M.-E. Cathedral __ 110-31 Merrick Blvd., Jamaica, NY

718-206-4600 The Rev. Dr. Floyd H. Flake, Pastor

Men's Ministry 2nd & 4th Saturday

Convent Avenue Baptist Church 420 W. 145th St., New York, NY

212-234-6707 The Rev. Dr. Jesse T. Williams, Pastor

Men on Fire 2nd Saturday, 10:30 a.m.

St Paul Community Church 256W.145thSt.,NewYork,NY

212-234-1714 The Rev. Horace A. Stewart, Pastor

Men's Fellowship 3rd Sunday, 2 p.m.

First Sharon Baptist Church 233 East 116th St., New York, NY

212-348-2038 Deacon Janie Saunders, Servant Leader

Christian Men's Fellowship 3rd Sunday

Flatb11sh To111pkins Congregational Church

424 E. 19th St., Brooklyn, NY The Rev. Wilmot H. Taylor, Pastor

Men's Locker Room 3rd Friday, 7 p.m.

Dabar Bethlehem Cathedral 218-38 98thAve., Queens Village, NY

Bishop H. Curtis Douglas, Pastor

Men's Fellowship 4th Saturday, 11 a.m.

Harlem Grace Tabernacle 256W.145thSt.,NewYork,NY

The Rev. Dennis J. Henderson, Pastor

Christian Men's Fellowship 2nd Saturday, 10 a.m.

Union Baptist Church 240 W. 145th St., New York, NY


The Right Places, ].,he Right Friends

"He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed." Proverbs 12:20 NKN

Who will you tiy to please today, God or man? Your primary obligation, of course, is to please your Father in heaven not your friend in the neighborhood. But even if you're a devoted Christian, you may from time to time, feel the urge to impress your peers. Sometimes that urge can be very strong.

Peer pressure can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending upon your peers. If your peers encourage you to follow God's will and to obey His commandments, then you'll experience positive peer pressure and that is good. But, if you are involved with friends who encourage you to do foolish things you are facing a different kind of peer pressure and you better beware. When you feel pressured to do things, or to say things, that lead you away from God you are are aiming straight for trouble. Do not do the "easy" thing or the "popular" thing. Do-the-right-thing and do not worry about-winning popularity contests. Those who followth~ crQ.wd_usually get lost in it. Are you satisfied with following that crowd? If so, you will probably pay a heavy price for your shortsightedness. But if you are determined to follow the one from Galilee, He will guide your steps and bless your undertakings. To sum it up, here is your choice: you can choose to please God first (and by doing so strengthen your character) or you can fall prey to peer pressure. The choice is yours and so are the consequences.

When you are tom between trusting your peers and trusting your conscience, trust your conscience.

conL from page 7

Testosterone Test

-Bro. Glenmore Hinds Convent Avenue Baptist Chur~h

This simple blood test can say so much about a man's overall health. Men with low testosterone levels are more prone to being overweight, having diabetes, or feeling fatigued and depressed. They are also at greater risk for osteoporosis. Testosterone does drop with age but certain things, such as a lot ofbelly fat, can cause it to plummet. With it can go your sex drive and even your erectile function.

Low levels can be corrected by losing belly fat (follow a good diet and get lots of exercise). If the doctor is seriously concerned, there are prescription anti-estrogen pills, gels and injections that will block the effect of belly fat until it's lost naturally.

There. Now that doesn't sound so hard, does it?

Reprinted from:


Health Corner

5 fJealth ~rests Every Man Needs Testicular Exam

Early detection of testicular cancer increases a man's chance of survival by 90%. It's especially important for Caucasian men under 40 because they are at the greatest risk. And, guess what? A doctor's visit isn't necessary. Men simply need to take a few minutes in their own home once a year. Their partner can even help. Here's how:


• Slowly roll each testicle, one at a time, between your thumb and fingers gently feeling all over for any lumps or hardness. Normal testicles should feel soft. Cancer may feel like a knuckle or a small, hard bean.

• Make sure that nei:t;ber of the. Lc:;lides.has grown smaller-sine€ your last check. The-testicle should be about an inch and a half long (don't worry, a ruler isn't needed; just put two fingers next to each other, lining up the fmgernails and compare that length to your testicle width). Testicles smaller than that distance could indicate a higher risk for testicular cancer.

• If a lump or abnormality is detected, schedule a doctor's appointment right away.

Prostate Exam (see last issue of MMM Newsletter)

The test is simple, painless and over in seconds. The doctor will put a dollop oflubricant on a gloved finger, quickly insert it into your rectum to feel for any irregularities in the prostate tissue and whether the prostate is enlarged.

Guaiac Test (Better Known as the Poop Test)

While checking your prostate, your physician can help him or herself to a tiny sample of your stool. By putting a solution onto the specimen, your doctor can tell in seconds if there is any blood in your stool (one of the signs of colon cancer). You can also do this test at home by picking up a Hemoccult kit at your local pharmacy.


Colon cancer is one of the most common cancers in the US and 11Sed to be one of the most deadly. But if it's caught early, colon cancer is actually curable and the treatment is relatively easy. This test is the most involved one on the list, but the goodnews is that people with an average risk for colon cancer only have to do it every 10 years. Make an appointment now and be done for a decade. Before the ex~ instructions

. often require a special diet and laxatives to help clear out the colon; an enema may also be necessary before the procedure. This exam prerequisite is the part that most folks complain about.

At the actual test, sedating medication will ensure the patient is relaxed. Some doctors will even use general anesthesia. Then the doctor will insert an instrument called a colonocope into the colon to look for polyps, which can be the beginnings of colon cancer. They can be removed right then and there and, if necessary, tested for cancerous tissue later. The entire exam takes about 30 minutes. Drugs may cause the patient to feel groggy, but there is no physical pain. Because colon cancer usually produces no symptoms until it's at an advanced, and more difficult to treat stage, it is important that everyone begin testing at the age of 50 (or earlier if there's a significant family history).

cont. on page 8


Wisdom Warriors

Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your many blessings, see what God has done.

These are challenging words by the writer of this great hymn of the church. Yet, as I reflect over my life, I realize there really are not enough minutes in a day for me to count and name all the blessings that God has graciously afforded me. One undeniable blessing that stands out is that God has always provided me with strong, older men in my life to offer guidance, support and certainly correction wheR needed. Tbis may be reflective ofthe fragile relationship that I had with my own biological father.

These men are my Wisdom Warriors; men who, perhaps, the world would consider to be "over the hill" and have little to contribute, but who to me are like wells of wisdom that I can draw from anytime. These are men who have, and continue to, ''fight the good fight." Just to name a few my Wisdom Warriors are: Joseph Herbert, Charles Jenkins, Poppa George Pyle, WmstonAllen, Edward Prescott, William Campbell, Josiah Walker, Mack T. Miller, Charles Cook, and so many others. They have unselfishly helped in some way to shape my life and, in some instances, my service in ministry either by direct contact or simply observance. I think of them as I read Psalm 84: 5-7, "Blessed are those whose strength is in You, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage. They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion."

I salute the Wisdom Warriors in my life who continue to prove that if you belong to Jesus you are never "over the hill" because you are created to go from strength to strength. Yes, your body will weaken and ultimately fail, but the core of who you are does not have to because as Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 4:16, "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are renewed day by day."

If there are senior men in your life honor them. I salute my Wisdom Warriors.

P.S. - Ifl did not mention your name please do not be slighted. I only ran out of space.

-Rev. Horace A. Stewart