may 2018… · 4/5/2018...

May 2018 Newsletter 357 Walnut Street, P O Box 157, Denver, Pennsylvania 17517-0157 Church Telephone — 717-336-2141 FAX — 717-336-6475 Email — [email protected] Website — James and Marie Redcay 95-A Tannery Road Reinholds, PA 17569 717-336-4645 Thursday, May 10, 2018 7:00 PM Included in the Lenten Cluster Series is the Ascension Day Service of Holy Communion. Swamp Lutheran Church 275 Swamp Church Road, Reinholds, PA "We ask this so that you will live the kind of lives that prove you belong to the Lord. Then you will want to please him in every way as you grow in producing every kind of good work by this knowledge about God." Colossians 1:10 Synod Assembly Representatives Two (2) Representatives from Faith United are needed to attend Synod Assembly, May 31 - June 2 (Thursday- Saturday). If interested, please contact Pastor Joe. NEXT BIBLE & BREAKFAST Saturday, May 12, 2018, 7:30-9:00 AM. We will study Revelation 2:1―3:22 messages to the first four churches that John of Patmos addresses. If you plan to attend, please sign the chart on the cabinet. Also, if you can supply breakfast, please note on the chart. Sara Winters Scholarship We will be accepting applications for the Sara Winters Scholarship during the month of May. In order to approve and pay the scholarship(s) for September, the Council plans to approve in June and pay in July those who are chosen. If you are a current or incoming “post secondary” student, please contact the Church Office, 717- 336-2141 or [email protected] for application information. The award is in the amount of $500.00 and may be used towards your tuition for the 2018-19 school year. SPECIAL WORSHIP AND TOWN HALLMEETING ON SUNDAY, MAY 6 AT 9:00 AM The Council is hosting an Open Discussion during a Special Worship in the Fellowship Hall about the future and mission of the Congrega- tion. This is an important meeting in which the ideas of the members will be gathered and options presented. PLEASE COME

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Page 1: May 2018… · 4/5/2018  · May 2018 Newsletter . 357 Walnut Street, P O Box 157, Denver, Pennsylvania

May 2018 Newsletter

357 Walnut Street, P O Box 157, Denver, Pennsylvania 17517-0157 Church Telephone — 717-336-2141 FAX — 717-336-6475 Email — [email protected] Website —

James and Marie Redcay

95-A Tannery Road Reinholds, PA 17569


Thursday, May 10, 2018 7:00 PM

Included in the Lenten Cluster Series is the Ascension Day Service of Holy Communion.

Swamp Lutheran Church 275 Swamp Church Road, Reinholds, PA

"We ask this so that you will live the kind of lives that prove you belong to the Lord. Then you will want to please him in every way as you grow in producing every kind of good work by this knowledge about God."

Colossians 1:10

Synod Assembly

Representatives Two (2) Representatives from Faith

United are needed to attend Synod

Assembly, May 31 - June 2 (Thursday-

Saturday). If interested, please

contact Pastor Joe.


Saturday, May 12, 2018, 7:30-9:00 AM. We will study Revelation 2:1―3:22 messages to the first four churches that John of Patmos addresses. If you plan to attend, please sign the chart on the cabinet. Also, if you can supply breakfast, please note on the chart.

Sara Winters Scholarship We will be accepting applications for the Sara Winters Scholarship during the month of May. In order to approve and pay the scholarship(s) for September, the Council plans to approve in June and pay in July those who are chosen. If you are a current or incoming “post secondary” student, please contact the Church Office, 717-336-2141 or [email protected] for application information. The award is in the amount of $500.00 and may be used towards your tuition for the 2018-19 school year.


The Council is hosting an Open Discussion during a Special Worship in the Fellowship Hall about the future and mission of the Congrega-tion. This is an important meeting in which the ideas of the members will be gathered and options presented.


Page 2: May 2018… · 4/5/2018  · May 2018 Newsletter . 357 Walnut Street, P O Box 157, Denver, Pennsylvania


May Worship Sixth Sunday Of Easter

Sunday, May 6, 2018 Acts 10:44-48; Psalm 98:1-9; 1 John 5:1-6; John 15:9-17. This Sunday’s image of the life the risen Christ shares

with us is the image of friendship. We are called to serve others as Jesus came to serve; but for John’s gospel, the image of

servanthood is too hierarchical, too distant, to capture the essence of life with Christ. Friendship captures the love, the joy, the deep mutuality of the relationship into which Christ invites us. The Greeks believed that true friends are willing to die for each other. This is the mutual love of Christian community commanded by Christ and enabled by the Spirit.

Seventh Sunday Of Easter Sunday, May 13, 2018

Acts 1:15-17, 21-26; Psalm 1:1-6; 1 John 5:9-13; John 17:6-19. The gospel for Easter’s seventh Sunday is always taken from the long prayer Jesus prays for his followers in John’s gospel on the night before his death, and always includes Jesus’ desire that his followers will be one as he and the Father are one. This oneness is not mere doctrinal agreement or institutional unity, but mutual abiding, interpenetrating life, mutual love and joy. This oneness is the work of the Spirit whom we have received but also await. Come, Holy Spirit!

Day Of Pentecost Sunday, May 20, 2018

Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:24-34, 35b; Romans 8:22-27; John 15:26-27, 16:4b-15. On the fiftieth day of Easter

we celebrate the Spirit, through whom and in whom the people of God are created and re-created. Pentecost is sometimes called the church’s birthday, but might more appropriately be called its baptism day, since the gift of the

Spirit is the fullness of baptism. Ezekiel’s vision shows the Spirit resurrecting and re-creating not just individuals but a whole people. Romans makes it clear that God is in the process of re-creating the entire cosmos; yet the Spirit is also at work in the most intimate and personal way, praying in us “with sighs too deep for words” when we do not know how to pray.

The Holy Trinity First Sunday After Pentecost

Sunday, May 27, 2018 Isaiah 6:1-8; Psalm 29:1-11; Romans 8:12-17; John 3:1-17. When we say God is the triune God, we are saying something about who God is beyond, before, and after the universe: that there is community within God. Our experience of this is reflected in Paul’s words today. When we pray to God as Jesus prayed to his Abba (an everyday, intimate parental address), the Spirit prays within us, creating between us and God the same relationship Jesus has with the one who sent him.

Administrative Assistant Vacation Shirley Sweigart Will Be On A Mission

Trip To New Jersey - May 7-11, 2018 Church Office Hours - 9:00 AM—1:00 PM

The Upper Room Daily Devotional May - June, 2017

Christ In Our Home Daily Devotional April, May, June, 2017

Also, A Large Print Version is Available Available on tables at both entrances.

A Basket is provided for donations.

Church Office Requests Please call the Church Office at 336-2141 when: You are in the hospital or prior to going

to the hospital (or have a relative call for you). In order for the pastor to visit, someone needs to inform the church. In an emergency, call Pastor Joe’s cell 724-255-3323;

You are confined to your home for an extended period of time because of illness or accident;

You are going to a rehab center or a nursing home;

There is a change in your family status (birth, death, marriage, or divorce);

You move to a new home, move out of the area, or go away to college or graduate school;

You schedule a meeting or an event of a group or committee. In an effort to be open and communicative with everyone, we would like to include all scheduling on the Church Calendar and in the Weekly Bulletin.

May Food Collection Food, household, and personal items will be collected for Peter’s Porch. Please check the list on the grocery cart for the items needed and deposit the items in the grocery cart.

Communion Bread Please Sign The Green Chart On

The Cabinet At The Back To Provide One Loaf Of Bread.

Please Bring The Bread To The Church By Friday - 9:00 AM—1:00 PM

Photo Use Practice In attending church events, photos may be taken to help keep shut-

ins and friends of the church aware of the life and activities of Faith United. If you do not wish to be photographed, please let us know so we may honor your wishes. As a practice, we consider the privacy appropriate to people with special circumstances, but may not know of all sensitive situations. Your help is required or we anticipate permission is given.

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A Moment NRS Luke 12:28 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith! What does the future hold? Ever see “Back To The Future?” If a movie’s premise is a reflection of people’s attitudes, there is a curiosity and hope to control that future. We learn the future is more easily damaged than managed. Future is the ghost of the unknown. I have always loved Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carole” where the Ghost of Christmas Future looks like the grim reaper; a startling contrast to the more robust and lively Ghosts of the Christmases Past and Present. Maybe that is Dickens’ point; there is a singular future for humanity EXCEPT for when Christmas is lived and made part of us. We have a grim fear of the future and act accordingly. What is the future for Faith United? It holds all the uncertainty that Marty McFly thought he could manipulate with that gaming book where he figured he could change his present…only, that got messed up, didn’t it? It may be best to admit we cannot know what we do not know. We could, however, be bold in believing that God is calling us into a future where FAITH makes anything possible. Contrary to Luke, we must NOT be of “little faith.” There are a couple things I have prayed WE might do. First, that whatever future is chosen it is a decision of the whole community. To that end, we are using May 6th as a “Congregational Town Hall” Worship Service at our usual 9:00 AM. This means your voice and thoughts will be heard if you come. This service will be in the Fellowship Hall. (For those with mobility issues, please use the parking in the back so ramp access is available to attend. Others—please reserve that parking for these brothers and sisters.) Secondly, we can think about “our past.” When I came, I heard much of the long call process that happened before I came. This affected me and how I think about Faith. The baby-boomer pastors are all coming to retirement. Fewer people are entering ministry. This means the existing procedure of calling a pastor will likely have FEWER candidates and take longer. BUT…and it’s a BIG but, it’s a familiar process. We have a past where we know how it works—a Call Committee is formed, profile papers are submitted to the Synod, the Synod sends out people to talk

to the church, and then MOST everyone knows nothing until a person appears that has been vetted by the Committee and then Council. Most of you are finally involved in a decision based on maybe a “meet and greet” and a single sermon and worship. It can be frustrating, but you know “sort of” what to expect. [Now, a variation on this idea is becoming a multipoint parish where ONE Pastor serves two (2) or more churches…and we have Bergstrasse and Holy Trinity, Ephrata looking for Pastors now also. That is a consideration.] Thirdly, the dreaded “M” word. The church might merge. My first thought is to say, “Yeah that is vaguely possible, but it’s HIGHLY improbable” when you think about with whom Faith might partner. The primary issue is: “Are they down the same mission pathway” that defines Faith? Do they reach into the community? Do they have a history in feeding the hungry? Are they open to new possibilities? Are they “someone we’d marry” (to use a metaphor)? Here, we start to think geographically when the REAL issue is mission compatibility? Mission, I believe, is the key. Who is Faith United? That’s the $64,000 question for May 6th. Is there another way to think about the future that poises Faith United for a future that uses the commitment, the leadership, the people skills, the education, the initiative…the treasure that is Faith United? THERE is the opportunity! I do not like to put people into a position to be “shamed” into coming to church, but here I ask everyone to attend. We need you here and that means especially those that are more absent than present. You all have something important to this time in the church’s life. The best of who we are will be achieved by having broad discussion of Faith’s future.

With blessings…Pastor Joe

CUSTODIANS The church is looking for new custodial personnel starting in June, but we want a chance for new personnel to learn. If you are interested, please contact Brad Fichthorn, 717-368-1438 or call the church at 717-336-2141. Please have a resume with work experience available and anything that affects your ability to have the church prepared for each Sunday plus special services.

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Congregation Council Report Faith United Evangelical Lutheran Church

March 7, 2018 Members Present: Terry Burkholder, Terri Kilrain, Tim Hegeman, Scott Gola, Jennie Weinhold, Kyle Gaskill, Lori Stover, Deb Demler, Keith Main and Pastor Joe. Traci Krick excused from meeting. Meeting called to order by Terry Burkholder. Devotions: shared by Deb Demler: Mark 9:33-37…Who is the Greatest? Jesus called the 12 Disciples and said “If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all.” (Mark 9:35). The true way to greatness “is not by seeking to be first, but by willing to be last. It is not by getting people to serve you; it is by becoming a servant of all.” Minutes: The February 13, 2018 Council Minutes had one minor edit and were approved by Council. Pastor’s Report: Additional Topics Were Discussed - Pastor asked Council to support Lisa Gaskill with upcoming Egg Hunt preparations if possible. Pastor is organizing a “Chicken Capers” outreach for the Peters Porch and FUEL children utilizing a Thrivent Grant working with Jim and Marie Redcay to provide an opportunity for them to see how chickens are raised and get these children involved in a social activity with lessons of God coming through this experience. Social Media Position: Continues to be open; would like Staff Support to consider offering position as an internship opportunity to local students attending trade or technical schools. President’s Report: Shirley will be on vacation May 7-11, 2018. Committee Reports: Property Committee - Kyle updated Council on the following property projects: Updating FUEL Sign - With estimates as follows: Eckert Sign - estimated at $5,638 (with some possible revisions); Tyler Fichthorn (electrical costs) estimated at $1,200; Steve Weller (stone/concrete) estimated at $2,200; Pastor to be in touch with Borough to get permits approved; Council to present project costs to Congregation for approval. Paving Project - Kyle revisiting paving contracts with Hackman and Martin, reviewing company guarantees, with discussions on best ways to complete project to minimize future cracking. Kyle will also check with Denver Borough if possible to pave the street at same time. Bathroom Seats - Women’s bathroom proposal for comfort height toilet seats - quote to install on 10 toilets came to $8,272.18. Water Surge Test was completed (required by Denver Borough). Council to present to Congregation a vote for approval of above projects. Council is still considering possibility of raising more money to help offset some of the parking lot project costs. Treasurer’s Report: Additional Topics Discussed - Updated paperwork completed for Check signers (each Executive Board member approved to sign FUEL checks) One Thrivent Account still needs to be updated. Discussion re: Vanguard Account in St. John’s name (Unrestricted), Pastor moved to give Scott authority to cash out account and transfer to Account 2 – Capital Improvement Fund. Scott provided Finance Committee Report to Jennie for filing with February Meeting Minutes. Discussion: Contributions made on behalf of Bob Means

and Ralph Roseboro designated for Peter’s Porch to be deposited directly into the Peter’s Porch bank account. Scott led discussion of presenting Congregation with a letter to help raise money toward parking lot project. Scott recommended that FUEL do a “key audit” and create a better system for tracking FUEL keys. Keith Main offered to work with Scott on this project (to include electronic keys). Old Business: Safety Management Insurance Recommendations - Each item is in process of completion. Terry to follow up with Shirley regarding the billing, Kyle to follow up with Mike Gable regarding outstanding property issues, and Council led discussion regarding Formal Written Abuse and Molestation Program and how we can develop and implement a program for FUEL and all who are involved in our Sunday school and Nursery program. This recommendation continues to be reviewed. Sarah Stober Winters Scholarship Fund - The Scholarship Application and Criteria was reviewed by Council and this process is to be monitored by our Christian Education Committee. Current outline specifies that the individual scholarship amounts should not be less than $500 each, and in the event that sufficient funds are available for multiple awards, that the Christian Education Committee may recommend multiple awardees. With this understanding, Scott Gola will follow up to see if our 2 applicants (Emma and Evan Frees) can each be awarded $500. If enough funds are not available, then FUEL will only issue to Emma Frees, whose application has already been approved by Council. (Council recently received an application from Evan Frees). Scott to follow up with Council on money available for Scholarship and will then follow up with Shirley for distribution of funds. Council agreed we need to set a hard deadline for future applications, with May announcement (in newsletter and Sunday Bulletin), deadline for application (June 1) and Disbursement by July 15th. Christian Education Committee to be responsible for updating Scholarship criteria and disbursement. New Business: FUEL Wedding Policy - Current policy was shared with Council. All agreed that this policy needs to be revised with concern to outside members utilizing the church property and the time it takes from Pastor to oversee Weddings from non-church members. Terri K. led a discussion about the consideration of renting out Salem for non-member Weddings. No decision was made but discussion was fruitful. Salem Task Force – Needs to be reignited. Previous members were Scott Gola, Todd Stewart, Blake Daub, Tim Hegeman (Chair), Bill Ludwig, Nina Mayhew and Dave Bradbury. Task Force is needed to make recommendations to Congregation on future of Salem Property. Pastor Glen Beard has some ideas for property. Tim will continue as Chair and confirm participants on Task Force. Recommendations should be made by end of 2018. Tracy Krick would like to host a future Council Meeting. Council is open to changing the day of the week to possibly a Saturday afternoon. Meeting Adjourned following the Lord’s Prayer Submitted by Jennie Weinhold, FUEL Council Secretary

Congregation Council Meeting Saturday, May 12, 2018

2:00 PM

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May 1: Grady Daub May 2: Michael Means May 3: Shauna Filson May 4: Linda Riddell May 5: Abby Means Leach, Samantha Glover

May 6: Shannon Tomasko May 9: Crew Stover May 10: Katie Gerhart May 14: Christi Purcell, Terri Macker May 15: Tyler Weinhold May 17: Teresa Arment, Donna Sensenig May 18: Melinda Anderson May 19: Lauren Stricker May 20: Kyle Martzall May 22: Ronald Worline May 26: Joanne Phillips May 28: Stephanie Nissly, Lillian Arment

Even though you might not be able to attend Church due to circum-stances, the Church’s expenses (lawn mowing, electric, etc.) continue and your stewardship is important.

If you cannot attend, you can mail your offering envelope to: Faith United Lutheran Church, PO Box 157, Denver, PA 17517.

May Birthdays Please remember our 80+ members with a card, visit, or phone call: Pauline Matthews - May 2 -

80 East Pine Street, Ephrata, PA 17522 Dorothy Schmeck - May 2 - 735 Greenville Road, Denver, PA 17517 Brian Shober - May 12 - 204 Fieldcrest Lane, Ephrata, PA 17522 Vernon Boose - May 20 - Keystone Villa, Apartment 103, 100 North State Street, Ephrata, PA 17522

May 6: Skip and Lorna Buohl May 14: Chris and Jennie Weinhold May 15: David and

Kathryn McGarvey May 16: Troy and Kathleen Hafer May 17: Donald and June Wolf May 20: Jeff and Kim Brugger May 22: Matthew and Jennifer Martzall May 31: Homer and JoAn Weaver

Offering Envelopes Generic Offering Envelopes are available for use on the cabinet next to the hallway and at the ends of each pew. A good alternative is “Simply Giving” which automatically remits your offering to the church. Contact the Church Office, 336-2141, Monday-Thursday 8:00 AM—3:00 PM; Friday, 8:00 AM—1:00 PM for more details.

2018 Altar Flower/Bulletin Sponsor Sign-Up The Altar Flower Chart for 2018 is posted on the bulletin board inside the front door. Sponsors for Altar Flowers may use the standing order the congregation has with Roxanne’s or you may use the florist of your choice. Cost is $30.00 per

Sunday. Open Dates: July 22, 29, August 26, September 2, 23. The Bulletin Sponsor Chart for 2018 is also posted on the bulletin board inside the main door. Cost is $25.00 per Sunday. Open Dates: May 27; June 3, 10, 17, 24.

Please continue to provide the Church Office with your email addresses (changes also) to be used for Newsletters, Schedules, etc.

Email your changes to:

[email protected]. Thank You!

Staff Pastor — Pastor Joseph A. Veres Organist — Caryll Lausch Assistant Organist — Cynthia Kauffman Choir Director — Matthew Donley Assistant Choir Director — Ellen Houser Administrative Assistant and

Newsletter Editor — Shirley Sweigart Custodians — David and Kathy McGarvey

Monday, May 28, 2018



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Family Ministry At Faith United For Information Contact Lisa Gaskill

Cell: 717-471-2567 Email: [email protected]

Help For The Homeless Via Wyatt’s Mission

Susanne Wragg has shared with our group her work with Wyatt’s Mission, the effort of an 11 year old Lititz boy to help the homeless in Lancaster and surrounding areas. In support of this mission, the Cozy Comforters will be collecting socks (adult sizes) and grocery tote bags (not plastic) to be distributed to those in need. All donations can be placed on any table in the sewing rooms. For more information about Wyatt’s Mission, go to [email protected] or call Susanne at 717-625-7382. Thank You for your help in this effort.

Cozy Comforters


Trip To Contemporary Worship Service

St. Matthew Evangelical Lutheran Church

839 West Market Street, York

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Leave at 8:30 AM

Service at 9:15 AM Service Held in Auditorium With

Praise Band and Choir.

EVERYONE WELCOME!!! (Especially Teens)

Please Sign The Chart On The Cabinet

10 Hilarious Gas Station Signs... 1. Ban Pre Shredded Cheese, Make America Grate Again 2. If Attacked By A Mob Of Clowns, Go For The Juggler 3. If Pride Comes Before A Fall, Humility Should Come By Winter 4. I Child Proofed My House, But The Kids Still Got In 5. The Past, Present And Future Walked Into A Bar, It Was Tense 6. Ever Forget To Think And Forget To Start Again 7. Hold The Door Open For A Clown, It Is A Nice Jester 8. A Clear Conscience Is The Sign Of A Fuzzy Memory 9. When It's Raining Cats And Dogs, Don't Step In A Poodle 10. I Checked Into A Hokey Pokey Clinic And I Turned Myself Around

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To My Faith United Family, I am blessed to have received all your best wishes to me on my Birthday. I am grateful for your kindness. Thank You.

Shirley Ludwig Thanks to everyone for your kind thoughts, prayers and

cards during my recent surgery. I am sure that your prayers helped me to come through surgery and recovery without any complications and I am most grateful to my Faith United Family. Terri Macker

Faith United Evangelical Lutheran Church

357 Walnut Street, Denver, PA 17517

Phone: 717-336-2141 Email: [email protected]

The First Saturday of Each Month May 5, 2018 - June 2, 2018

8:00-10:00 AM

Breakfast will be served.


TUESDAY, MAY 29, 2018

6:00 PM Please bring your Breakfast Donations to the Secretary’s Office on Friday, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

Refreshment Sponsor Sign-Up The yellow sign-up sheet to provide refreshments following the Worship Service is on the cabinet at the back of the Sanctuary. Open Dates: May 13, 20.

Take A Book, Leave A Book There is shelving in the Library with books and DVDs and everyone is invited to share in the joy of reading. The premise is to bring a book/DVDs to put on the shelves, then browse the other books/DVDs to find one to take with you. When you're done and you

really like it, you can keep it or bring it back for others to use. Any subject is welcome. There are no deadlines and no signing out books/DVDs. If you like it, take it. There are LOTS of books…so please come and enjoy them.

CONGREGATION COUNCIL Terry Burkholder — 717-962-0839 — President Tim Hegeman — 717-475-3530 — Vice President Scott Gola — 717-733-4299, 484-955-5106 — Treasurer Jennie Weinhold — 717-715-2595 — Secretary Kyle Gaskill — 717-682-1359 — Property Chairman Bruce Carpenter — 717-336-5311 Deb Demler — 717-336-4492, 717-926-1003 Terri Kilrain — 717-201-0099 Traci Krick — 717-336-6238 Keith Main — 717-940-1890 Lori Stover — 610-406-7970

WANTED Recipes, inspirational articles, poetry, gardening tips, household tips, etc. to be used in Monthly Newsletters. Please put your items in the Secretary’s mailbox marked “Shirley Sweigart” in the Coat Room.

Thank You for sharing your useful items with your Church Family.

Thrivent Action Teams Want to do something positive to strengthen your community? Think you can organize a team to help bring it to life? If you said “yes” to both, simply gather a team, submit an application to Thrivent and—once the idea is approved—you receive $250.00 in seed money to help cover promotional, production and material expenses. We have a possibility of getting 30 - $250.00 gift cards at FUEL.

For further information contact Tim Hegeman, 717-475-3530.

Please let us know who will be graduating from High School or College this year. There is a chart on the cabinet at the back of the Church to sign.

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Bible and Breakfast… a spirited discussion about Peter and what he teaches us about discipleship.


SIGNS OF FAITH Luke 24:36b-48

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Care Of Members Committee Health Notes

Don’t Forget Your First Aid Kit Summer is coming and people will be flocking to

beaches, parks and other outdoor locations for some fun and fresh air. But with summertime activities also come those inevitable bumps, cuts, scratches and bug bites. To combat these annoying maladies and more, the American Red Cross recommends keeping a stocked first aid kit at home

and in your car. The following are the Red Cross’s recommendations of what to keep handy: Two 5 by 9 inch absorbent compress dressings 25 adhesive bandages (assorted sizes) One 1 inch width adhesive cloth tape Five antibiotic ointment packets Five antiseptic wipe packets Two packets of aspirin (81 mg each) One blanket One breathing barrier with one-way valve for use

when performing CPR One instant cold compress Two pair of non-latex gloves (size: large) Two hydrocortisone ointment packets Scissors One 3 inch wide roller bandage One 4 inch wide roller bandage Five 3 by 3 inch sterile gauze pads Five 4 by 4 inch sterile gauze pads Oral thermometer (non-mercury/non-glass) Two triangular bandages Tweezers Instruction booklet

Source: American Red Cross

Memorial Garden Helpers

Helpers are needed to water and weed the Memorial Garden. This is an easy chore when done weekly to keep it ready for us and guests.

Please sign the chart on the cabinet to help.

Communion Bread

Please Sign The Green Chart On The Cabinet At The Back To Provide One Loaf Of

Bread Each Sunday. Please Bring The Bread To The Church By Friday - 9:00

AM—1:00 PM



We work with Mark Nestleroth of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Lititz. Mark raises chickens that’s part of our Peter’s Porch Meat Distribution. Mark is active in Heifer International, an organization dealing with world hunger. They are attempting to raise $25,000 from now until June where matching grants of $17,500 will be gained. Checks may be made to “Heifer Inter-national.” Mail to Mark Nestleroth, Co-Chair S. E. PA Heifer Volunteer Committee, 1741 Airy Hill Road, Manheim, PA 17545. Questions Call Mark at 717-664-2159. More Info at WWW.HEIFER.ORG.

Kid’s Church The kids will begin in church with their

parents and then after the Children's

Sermon the kids will go with the

teacher to Kids Church until

communion. The kids will take

communion with their parents and stay

with them for the remainder of the

Worship Service. Teachers for May are: May 6 - No Kid’s

Church; May 13 - OPEN; May 20 - OPEN; May 27 - OPEN.







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MAY 2018 EVENTS WE PROCESS PASSPORT APPLICATIONS AND TAKE PHOTOS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Please call 717-484-4200. PRESCHOOL STORYTIME every Tuesday and Wednesday at 10:00 AM. Stories and an easy craft for ages 2-6 with adult caregiver. Please register. LANCASTER COUNTY DAIRY PRINCESS HANNAH GOCKLEY will visit preschool storytime on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 1 and 2 at 10:00 AM. For ages 2-6 with caregiver. Please register. READER’S CHOICE CHILDREN’S BOOK CLUB – First and Third Tuesdays, May 1 and 15 from 6:30-7:30 PM. Join us on a discovery of “Super Series”. May 1: Cam Jansen; May 15: Ramona Quimby. Please register. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY ANNUAL USED BOOK SALE – Wednesday, May 2 - $5.00 Early Bird Admission from 5:00-8:30 PM; Thursday, May 3 from 7:00 AM to 7:30 PM; Friday, May 4 from 8:00 AM to 7:30 PM; and Saturday, May 5 from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM with $5.00 for a bag of books or half price for individual books. Peace United Church of Christ Fellowship Hall, 37 East Swartzville Road (Route 897), Denver. TECHNOLOGY NIGHT – Wednesday, May 2 from 6:30-8:00 PM. This monthly program will be dedicated to helping our patrons cope with the ever-changing world of computers, mobile devices, and technology. Each Technology Night is divided into two parts. Registration is re-quired. LAPSIT PROGRAM - Every Thursday at 10:00 AM. Simple stories, rhymes, songs and fingerplays for babies up to age two with parent or other adult caregiver. Please register. TODDLER STORYTIME – Every Thursday at 10:30 AM. Stories, songs and fingerplays, followed by an easy craft. For two and three-year-olds with parent or other adult caregiver. Please register. DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS CLUB – Saturday, May 5 and May 19 from 12:00 PM to approxi-mately 4:00 PM. Join us for Dungeons and Dragons, the adventure role-playing and collaborative storytelling game. Anyone over 13 who likes to play or who wants to try it out for

the first time is welcome to join. For teens and adults. BEDTIME STORIES – Wednesday, May 9 at 6:30 PM. Enjoy stories, a craft and snack. Don’t forget to wear your pajamas!! Please register. LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING – Wednesday, May 9 at 6:30 PM. GENEALOGY INTEREST GROUP – Thursday, May 10 at 6:30 PM. The group will be led by genealogy researcher Ken McCrea. For older students and adults. Registration is required. MEDICARE EDUCATIONAL SEMINAR: UN-DERSTANDING MEDICARE - Thursday, May 17 at 6:30 PM. Approaching Medicare age or al-ready on Medicare and want to understand more? Join us for this state approved* presentation on understanding Medicare and get the most up-to-date information. Subjects covered include: en-rollment timelines and special election periods, how to enroll in Medicare, What do Parts A B C and D mean and what do they cover?, What if I am still working?, avoiding future penalties, Ad-vantage Plan versus. Supplement, Rx coverage and the donut hole, and government assistance programs. For registration you may sign up at the Library at 717-484-4200, or register online at *Approved by Pennsylvania Department of Insurance (#1S.PA.01.16). Not endorsed by federal Medicare program. WALK-IN CRAFT –- Children may stop in at the Library any time between 9:30 AM and 5:00 PM on Friday, May 18 to make and take home a seasonal craft. No registration needed. MAKE IT AAL STEM PROGRAM: Engineering Challenges – Saturday, May 19 from 10:00-11:00 AM. Students from Cocalico High School will share their love of engineering with two building challenges for younger students! Teams will brainstorm and build the tallest possible tower with the Spaghetti and Marshmallow Tower Challenge, and they will engineer the strongest index card tower in Tower Power. In the process, they will learn and explore the en-gineering design process hands-on. For ages 6-12. Registration is required. MEMORIAL DAY – Monday, May 28 – The Library is closed.

MOOVELOUS MOO MONEY! On the table at the back, there is a basket to drop off your Turkey Hill milk caps to help Kiddie Korner. Turkey Hill donates money to the preschool for each cap!


Page 13: May 2018… · 4/5/2018  · May 2018 Newsletter . 357 Walnut Street, P O Box 157, Denver, Pennsylvania



Thrivent Grant Opportunity Ministry is mostly acting in response to things we see…understanding where a need exists. recently, I took flowers from the funerals to the Gardens at Stevens (Denver Home). The seniors lit up when they saw the sprays of flowers. I’m looking for someone to do a periodic flowers ministry—taking flowers and having an activity where the seniors make themselves a bouquet. If you are interested in exploring this idea,

see Pastor Joe

Thrivent Action Teams Want to do something positive to strengthen your community? Think you can organize a team to help bring it to life? If you said “yes” to both, simply gather a team, submit an application to Thrivent and—once the idea is approved—you receive $250.00 in seed money to help cover promotional, production and material expenses. We have a possibility of getting 30 - $250.00 gift cards at FUEL.

Tim Hegeman, 717-475-3530.

Page 14: May 2018… · 4/5/2018  · May 2018 Newsletter . 357 Walnut Street, P O Box 157, Denver, Pennsylvania





May 10 and 24, 2018

6:00 – 7:00 PM

Trinity United Methodist Church

420 Main Street, Denver

Hosted by Local Churches Handicap Access Available

Come and Enjoy a Free Meal

Page 15: May 2018… · 4/5/2018  · May 2018 Newsletter . 357 Walnut Street, P O Box 157, Denver, Pennsylvania


COMMUNITY EVENTS Grief in the Workplace:

Thriving in the Midst of Our Personal

Experiences with Loss Wednesday, May 2 and

Thursday, May 3 8:00 – 11:45 AM

at Charles F. Snyder Funeral

Home & Crematory 3110 Lititz Pike, Lititz - 717-627-8668

Caring for others at end-of-life takes a toll on professional caregivers. Noted author and educator Dr. William Hoy from Baylor University in Waco, Texas and Patti Anewalt, Director of the Pathways Center for Grief & Loss will address the grief process as experienced in workplace loss, differences between personal and professional relationships and skills needed to successfully respond in workplace loss to manage the stress of grief. Continuing Education Credits (3 hours) are available for RNs, Funeral Directors, Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists and Licensed Professional Counselors. There is no cost to attend. Registration is required.

Save the Date!

Monday, September 17, 2018

Lebanon Country Club

3375 Oak Street, Lebanon, PA 17042

Page 16: May 2018… · 4/5/2018  · May 2018 Newsletter . 357 Walnut Street, P O Box 157, Denver, Pennsylvania



Page 17: May 2018… · 4/5/2018  · May 2018 Newsletter . 357 Walnut Street, P O Box 157, Denver, Pennsylvania



Ushers Communion Ushers

Communion Assistants

Children’s Sermon

Communion Bread

Altar Care

Coffee and Refreshments After Worship



6th Jim

Stewart Blake and

Janice Daub Jeff Hartman

13th Lee Arment Teri Arment

Angela Stewart Terry Burkholder

20th Harold Martzall

Linda Riddell Chris Weinhold John A. Luciani

27th Mike Gable Lisa Gable

Robert Fischer Nicholas Gable

6th Jim


13th Lee


20th Harold


27th Mike


Communion Table Usher May Jim


6th Blake Daub

Adrianne Arment

13th Grady Daub

Angela Stewart

20th Bruce Carpenter

Dawn Frees

27th Scott Gola

Kelly Lesher

6th Dawn Frees


Pastor Joe


Pastor Joe


Pastor Joe

6th Bruce


13th Tracy Nissly



27th Doris


May 1st-14th Mary

Stewart and

Joanne Phillips

15th-28th Lori

Stover and Ann

Roseboro May 29th-June 11th

Lee and Teri


6th OPEN



20th OPEN

27th Gerry and

Joanne Phillips


OPEN Terry


CLOSE 6th Matt

Luciani 13th Tracy Nissly 20th Todd

Stewart 27th Mitch


Lector Greeters Nursery Acolytes Sound Sponsors Counters

May 6 Easter 6

Ann Roseboro

Betty and

Leroy Witmer

Lisa and Mike


Seth Filson

Andrew Nessinger

Flowers Debbie Anthony

Bulletins David and Kathy


Matt Luciani Skip/Lorna Buohl Mae Raudenbush

Gloria Shober

May 13 Easter 7

Terri Macker

Jenny and

Chris Weinhold

Adrianne and

Mitch Arment

Ethan Gola

Mike Gable

Flowers Marlene

Fritz Bulletins Marlene


Tracy Nissly Lois Geist

Lori/Craig Stover June Wolf

Marlene Fritz

May 20 Pentecost

Todd Stewart

Marlene Fritz and

Harold Martzall

Lisa and Kyle


Kyra Arment

Blake Daub

Flowers Vernon and Barbara

Boose Bulletins

Vernon and Barbara Boose

Todd Stewart Jim/Mary Stewart

Ann Roseboro David/Kathy McGarvey

May 27 Holy Trinity

Kathryn Voler

Kelly Lesher

and Terri


Lori Stover

and Andrew






Flowers Rob and Terri

Macker Bulletins


Mitch Arment Janice Daub

Mike/Lisa Gable William Ludwig

Dawn Frees


SUNDAY, MAY 13, 2018

Page 18: May 2018… · 4/5/2018  · May 2018 Newsletter . 357 Walnut Street, P O Box 157, Denver, Pennsylvania


IN THIS ISSUE Highlights - Welcome Our New Members .......................................................................................................................................................... 1 Special Worship And “Town Hall” Meeting ......................................................................................................................................................... 1 Lenten Cluster Ascension Day Service Of Holy Communion ............................................................................................................................. 1 Synod Assembly Representatives ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Sarah Winters Scholarship ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1 Bible & Breakfast ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Administrative Assistant Vacation ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Photo Use Practice ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 2 Communion Bread ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 2 Daily Devotionals The Upper Room and Christ In Our Home ............................................................................................................................ 2 May Food Collection .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Church Office Requests ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 May Worship ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 From The Pastor - A Moment ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Custodians ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Congregation Council Report - March 7, 2018 ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Congregation Council Meeting ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4 May Birthdays .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 May Anniversaries ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Your Stewardship Is Important ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5 80+ May Birthdays ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Offering Envelopes ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 2018 Altar Flower/Bulletin Sponsor Sign-Up ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 Email Address Updates ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Memorial Day .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Staff ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 May Calendar Of Events .................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Family Ministry At Faith United - Trip To Contemporary Worship Service .......................................................................................................... 7 10 Hilarious Gas Station Signs... ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Cozy Comforters Corner - Help For The Homeless Via Wyatt’s Mission ............................................................................................................ 7 Thank You ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Thrivent Action Teams ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Wanted .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Refreshment Sponsor Sign-Up .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Graduating This Year ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Peter’s Porch ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Take A Book, Leave A Book .............................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Congregation Council ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Photo Collage - Good Friday Café, Easter ......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Photo Collage - Easter, Bible And Breakfast, Signs Of Faith, Chicken Capers 3 ............................................................................................. 10 Communion Bread ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Memorial Garden Helpers ................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Partnering Venture Heifer International ............................................................................................................................................................ 11 Kid’s Church .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Care Of Members Health Notes - Don’t Forget Your First Aid Kit..................................................................................................................... 11 Save The Date For Church Picnic .................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Community Events - Adamstown Area Library May 2018 Events .................................................................................................................... 12 Moovelous Moo Money! ................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Thank You - Lutheran Camping Corporation Of Central Pennsylvania Letter, United Lutheran Seminary Letter ............................................. 13 Thrivent Action Teams ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Thrivent Grant Opportunity .............................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Community Events - Used Book Sale, Spring Afternoon Of Music, Fundraising Yard Sale, Free Community Meals ....................................... 14 Community Events - Prayer For Unity, Ephrata Manor Flea Market, Grief In The Workplace; Tee It Up For Kids Golf Tournament ................ 15 Kid’s Page - Heart Light, Worthy Of Respect Puzzle ....................................................................................................................................... 16 Serving This Month - May ................................................................................................................................................................................ 17 June Newsletter Deadline ................................................................................................................................................................................ 17