may 2020 friday may 29th @ 7:00pm saturday may …...what i am saying, is that our physical bodies...

Risen: Death Where is Your Sting? May 2020 Friday May 29th @ 7:00pm Saturday May 30th @ 2:00pm & 7:00pm Sunday May 31st @ 5:00pm

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Page 1: May 2020 Friday May 29th @ 7:00pm Saturday May …...What I am saying, is that our physical bodies cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. These dying bodies cannot inherit what will last

Risen: Death Where is Your Sting?

May 2020 Friday May 29th @ 7:00pm

Saturday May 30th @ 2:00pm & 7:00pm

Sunday May 31st @ 5:00pm

Page 2: May 2020 Friday May 29th @ 7:00pm Saturday May …...What I am saying, is that our physical bodies cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. These dying bodies cannot inherit what will last

O Death, where is your victory?

O Death, where is your sting?

For sin is the sting that results in death,

And the law gives sin its power.

But thank God!

He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord

JESUS CHRIST So, my dear brothers and sisters

Be strong and immovable.

Always work enthusiastically for the Lord

For you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.

1 Corinthians 15:55-58

But someone may ask, “How will the dead be raised? What kind of bodies will they have?” What a foolish question! When you put a seed in the ground it doesn’t grow into a plant unless it dies first. And what you put in the ground is not the plant that will grow, but only the bare seed of wheat or whatever you are planting. Then God gives it the new body he wants it to have. A different plant grows from each kind of seed.

It is the same way with the resurrection of the dead. Our earthly bodies are planted in the ground when we die, but they will be raised to live forever. Our bodies are buried in bro-kenness, but they will be raised in glory. They are buried in weakness, but they will be raised in strength. They are buried as natural human bodies, but they will be raised as spir-itual bodies.

What I am saying, is that our physical bodies cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. These dying bodies cannot inherit what will last forever. But let me reveal to you a wonderful secret. We will not all die, but we will all be transformed.

Then, when our dying bodies have been transformed into bodies that will never die, this scripture will be fulfilled: Death is swallowed up in Victory.

(1 Corinthians 15:21-26, 35-38, 42-44, 50-51, 54)

Page 3: May 2020 Friday May 29th @ 7:00pm Saturday May …...What I am saying, is that our physical bodies cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. These dying bodies cannot inherit what will last

A Word about a Virus...

When we started rehearsing this production back in January, things were “normal”, who could have guessed a few short weeks before Easter things could change so drastically. Life as we knew it came to a grinding halt and left us all wondering how long it would take for things to go back to “normal”. Here we are over eight weeks later and things are still very different than they were when we began. Thankfully, we can now get toilet paper in the stores… restaurants are beginning to open...gas prices are going back up...But many things remain uncertain. Like what is really “essential”. We wear masks, sanitize surfaces, keep our distance, keep groups to a minimum...all to protect us from things we cannot see. We fear the unknown, we do not like being powerless, we don’t like things we cannot control. Yet, fear and worry get us nowhere. No amount of fear or worry can keep your family safe. Our world is awash with sin, and I hate to tell you but life will kill you. This world will end in death for you. No one survives death, it comes for everyone.

A pretty dark message? Yes, but it is a true one.

But there is good news. There is more to life than death. This world is not our home. We are in this world but we are not of this world.

As the cast shares this performance with you, six weeks delayed and down to 75% of our original cast, I ponder the words of its title.

Risen: Death, Where is Your Sting?

Where is the sting of death? Thanks to Jesus death no longer has power over us! In our uncertain world are we living this out? Are we living like we truly believe in Jesus Christ? Or are we letting the fears and worries of this world choke out the truth of Christ?

In the words of the apostle Paul: “...if Christ has not been raised, then your faith is useless and you are still guilty of your sins. In that case, all who have died believing in Christ are lost! And if our hope in Christ is only for this life, we are to be pitied more than anyone in the world.” (1 Corinthians 15:17-19)

In a world of COVID19...Leprosy...Black Plague...Cancer...Death...where is our faith? Is our faith useless? NO!

For Christ has been raised from the dead, and there is no fear in Christ.

So you see, just as death came into the world through a man, now the resurrection from the dead has begun through another man. Just as everyone dies because we all belong to Adam, everyone who belongs to Christ will be given new life. But there is an order to this resurrection: Christ was raised as the first of the harvest; then all who belong to Christ will be raised when he comes back. After that the end will come, when he will turn the King-dom over to God the Father, having destroyed every ruler and authority and power. For Christ must reign until he humbles all his enemies beneath his feet. And the last enemy to be destroyed is death.

Act One Scene One………………………….…….…In the Beginning

Scene Two………………….…………….....John the Baptist

Scene Three…………………………The Temptation of Jesus

Scene Four..…..……………………..Jesus Calls the Disciples

Scene Five.……...………………………………….Miracles

Scene Six.……………..……………..……Feeding the 5,000

Scene Seven…………………………..The Priest’s Complaint

Scene Eight.………………….………………..Caesar’s Coin

Scene Nine.……………….………..................The Parables

Scene Ten.….……….……...………….Lazarus, Come Forth

Scene Eleven..……………………….…The Triumphal Entry

Scene Twelve……….………………………....In the Garden

Scene Thirteen...…………………………..Judas’ Agreement


Act Two Scene One...…….………………………..…The Last Supper

Scene Two……...……..….……………….……Gethsemane

Scene Three…….………………………Denied and Betrayed

Scene Four……………..……………………..Trial by Pilate

Scene Five…………………….….………..The Via Dolorosa

Scene Six……….……….……………………..Driving Nails

Scene Seven……….………Can Someone Please Tell Me Why?

Scene Eight…………………………..…………In the Grave

Scene Nine…….….……………………….…HE’S ALIVE!!!

Scene Ten…….……………….….……Rise and Sing (Finale)

Page 4: May 2020 Friday May 29th @ 7:00pm Saturday May …...What I am saying, is that our physical bodies cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. These dying bodies cannot inherit what will last

Cast Jesus………………………………………………………….Brett Wiltz

The Narrator ……………………………………………..Starci Scheffler

The Serpent……………………………………………….Starci Scheffler

Adam…..…………………………………………...…..Steven Scheffler

Eve….………………………………………………………Sarah North

Mary……………………………………………………..…Mina Langness

Joseph……………………………………………..……………..AJ Lira

Young Jesus…………………………………………….Braeden Fontaine

John the Baptist ……………………………………………Jake Langness

Mary Mother of Jesus...…………………………………….Shari Scheffler

The Disciples

Peter……………………………...………………...……….…..AJ Lira

Andrew……………………………………………………Jason McDade

James...……………………………………………...….Steven Scheffler

John…………………………………………………….Samuel Scheffler

Matthew …………………………………………………….Darrell Gull

Thomas …………………………………………………..Adam Scheffler

Bartholomew………………………………………...…...Gavin Fontaine

Phillip…………………………………………………...........Luke Gull

Thaddeus..………………………………………………...Aaron Stephan

James of Alphaeus ………………………………………….Matt Hawkins

Simon………………………………………………….…….Daniel Gull

Judas ………………………………………………………Chris Stephan

The Priests

Seriah…………………………………………………...Dan Nassimbene

Josiah………………………………………………………….Ed Rivera

Nicodemus ……………………………………………….….Lynn Stone

Joseph of Arimathea ...………………………………………...Carl Spray

Lynn Stone (Nicodemus/Moses)

Lynn has performed in a number of productions including: Hot Mikado, Seussical, Oklahoma, My Fair Lady, Children of Eden, Moses-A Prince of Egypt, and Summer Shenanigans 2012-2014, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, White Christmas, Jesus Christ Superstar, Wizard of Oz, Fiddler on the Roof, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Peter Pan, and RISEN 2016.

Hannah Stephan (Ensemble/Demon)

I'm Hannah, I'm ten years old and I have a little sister and three older brothers. I have a lot of friends and know almost everyone in my church. I'm in gymnastics and I love my mom's potato soup and homemade pizza. My favorite movie is Mulan and my favorite book is Harry Potter. My favorite animals are dogs, horses, penguins, koalas and puppies. I love bows and arrows, fireworks, Chinese music and singing! I hope to continue to be in these plays as I love the cast and have so much fun with them!

Brett Wiltz (Jesus)

Brett is excited and humbled to play the role of Jesus. He has enjoyed being a part of the theater since he was a child and has played various roles including Moses (Prince of Egypt), George Bailey (It's a Wonderful Life), Judah (Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat), C.S. Lewis (Messenger University), and more. He hopes that while watching Risen, you are able to glimpse the amazing love Christ has for us all. He is Risen! Romans 10:9

Page 5: May 2020 Friday May 29th @ 7:00pm Saturday May …...What I am saying, is that our physical bodies cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. These dying bodies cannot inherit what will last

Steven Scheffler (Adam/Jairus/James The Disciple/King David)

Carl Spray (Joseph of Arimathea/Solomon)

Shari Scheffler (Mary Mother of Jesus)

Shari is the proud mom of the writer and director, wife of the tech guy and mom to some of the cast members and dancers. Shari’s full time job is that of a Research Associate in Child Development and Human Relations. What duties are involved with this job? A continuing program of research in the laboratory (the house) and in the field (outside). She’s working on her Masters (the whole family) and already has 10 credits (the 10 kids) This job is the most demanding in humanities and often requires more than 14 work hours a day...on call 24/7. The job is challenging, but the rewards are out of this world! In her free time she enjoys, relaxing in the hot tub in the winter and floating in the pool in the summer.

Starci has performed in numerous shows with several theatre groups around Colorado Springs. Some favorite credits include The Narrator in RISEN 2016-2017, a Russian Dancer in The Fiddler on the Roof, and the title role in Peter Pan. She has also been the Ballet Mistress for the Colorado Springs Philharmonic’s The Nutcracker with Oklahoma City Ballet for two years. When not at rehearsals, or dance classes, Starci enjoys writing, reading, baking, playing harp, and travelling. She is a Culinary School graduate, a certi-fied SCUBA Diver, and was voted in the Top 20 at the Miss Colorado Beauty Pageant last fall.

Starci Scheffler (The Narrator/The Serpent/Choreographer)

The oldest of the Scheffler kids, Steven is Mr. Fix It and loves to help out with family projects. He loves to cook and hopes one day soon to have a Big Kitchen to try out his culinary escapades. He has six different Associates of Business Degrees, and a Bache-lor’s Degree in Business Marketing. Steven is also a Pilot and flight instructor and enjoys travelling the world at the drop of a hat.

This is Carl’s fourth performance with Trinity Shows, first appearing in the 2017 produc-tion of Risen. He feels blessed to be able to assist in the telling of this story. Hope everyone enjoys the presentation!

Aaron Stephan (Thaddeus the Disciple)

My name is Aaron. I am 13 years old and I am the 3rd brother of five kids. I like thinking of stories for a movie I want to make in the future. My favorite thing to do with my fami-ly is to eat out at any fast food restaurant. I wanted to be in this production to learn more about the things I don't understand about the Bible.

Christopher Stephan (Judas the Disciple/Meshach)

My name is Christopher. I am sixteen years old and the oldest of five children. I have a wild imagination and I like making up stories and videos. My best friend is Samuel and we both love making up stories. I also like listening to action music that I can imagine scenes to. I wanted to be in this production because I love to act and I want to show peo-ple what Jesus did for everyone so they won't have to suffer like He did.


Pontius Pilate ………………………………………………..…Ed Rivera

Cornelius…………………………………………………..Scott Hawkins

Arius………………………………………………………..Jake Langness

Quintus……...…………………………………………….Casey McDade

Gaius ……………………………………………….……..…Darrell Gull

Servant……………………………………………………...Sienna Rivera

Prison Guards……………………..………….Daniel Gull, Steven Scheffler


Jairus……………………………………………………..Steven Scheffler

Joanna ..……………………………………………………...Sarah North

Elizabeth …………………………………………………..Alyson Landon

Timothy………………………………………………….Nathan Fontaine

Levi……………………………………………………..Braeden Fontaine

Luke………………………………………………………..Hunter Fields

Lazarus ………………………………………...……..…..Jacob Langness

Mary of Bethany…………………………………………..…Rachel Bower

Martha of Bethany ……………………...……………………Kenna Fields

Mary Magdalene ……………………………………………Mina Langness

Leper………………………………………………….……..Bobbie Deis

Blind Man…………………………………………………..Scott Hawkins

Crippled Boy…………………………………………………Michael Deis

Crippled Girl……………………………………………….Autumn Fields


Brooke Cuthbertson, Bobbie Deis, Michael Deis, Autumn Fields, Hunter Fields, Braeden Fontaine, Katelyn Kessler, Brookelyn Kirk, Madalyne Kirk, William Kirk, Alyson Landon, Cailyn Laubscher, Adam Scheffler, Shari Scheffler, Hannah Stephan


Brooklyn Godec, Brookelyn Kirk, Sienna Rivera, Alea Scheffler, Faith Scheffler


Autumn Fields, Hunter Fields, Nathan Fontaine, Brooklyn Godec, Brookelyn Kirk, Sienna Rivera, Adam Scheffler, Alea Scheffler, Faith Scheffler, Hannah Stephan

Page 6: May 2020 Friday May 29th @ 7:00pm Saturday May …...What I am saying, is that our physical bodies cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. These dying bodies cannot inherit what will last


Director………………………………………….…...Stephanie Scheffler

Lighting and Sound Designer…………………………….…..Bob Scheffler

Stage Manager……………………………………………..Shari Scheffler

Vocal Director………………………………………….......Angie Rivera

Costumes……………………………………………..Shows and Clothes

Sets……………………………...Tarah & Brett Wiltz, The Scheffler Crew

Script………………………………………………..…….Range Writer

Music…………………………………………………….Steven Scheffler

Choreography……………………………………………..Starci Scheffler

Barry Zimmerman and the Staff at Meridian Point Church for their support and for letting us take over the church for rehearsals and performances

Nate Stephan for his help with promotional materials

Isaac Scheffler for his hard work on the Romans

Angie Rivera for her vocal direction

Andrea Kessler and Crystal Gull for their amazing photography!

The Hawkins Family for organizing intermission

Our Ushers: Robin Bower, Cindy Hawkins, Faith Fields, & Cindy Rivera

The Cast and Crew for giving up your time to be involved in this project. Especially those of you who went above and beyond in your dedication to this

production putting in those early mornings, late nights, and over nights… We can’t thank you enough!

Last but not least a big thank you to our amazing GOD who has been the glue throughout this production that held us all together.

This couldn’t have happened without our King of kings!

Special Thanks

Sienna Rivera (Dancer/Demon/Servant)

Adam Scheffler (Thomas the Disciple/Demon/Jacob)

Alea Scheffler (Dancer/Ensemble)

Sienna is very excited to be in this year's performance of RISEN. This is her 3rd produc-tion with Trinity Shows. She is so happy to be a part of these performances to help spread the word of Jesus. She is the youngest of three girls and has nine nieces and one nephew. She loves to dance and has also been a competitive figure skater for seven years. In her free time she loves to play with her two dogs and read.

Adam is the youngest of the ten Scheffler kids. Adam is 12. He is home schooled and in the 6th grade. He is involved in gymnastics. Adam has performed with Sunrise Players in Wizard of Oz, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Peter Pan , Cinderella and Mama Mia. Adam has performed in The Nutcracker at The Pikes Peak Center in Colorado Springs. He has also played the role of Fritz with Kaleidoscope Dance Project's version of The Nutcrack-er. He has had various roles in the Easter productions, Risen , Forgiven and The Promise. Although Adam is bashful, he loves performing as long as his siblings are there to en-courage and support him.

Alea is one of the 10 kids in the Scheffler Family. She loves Jesus, and is so proud of what her sister, Stephanie, has accomplished by putting on this production. Alea enjoys singing, dancing, and acting. She loves to take photos, and enjoys traveling when she can. Currently she is studying Theater and Voice at Pikes Peak Community College. She is planning on pursuing a career in the performing arts. Her greatest dream is to one day be a dancer and performer on Disney Cruise Line.

Faith Scheffler (Dancer/Demon/Ensemble)

Faith is the ninth of the ten Scheffler kids. She is home schooled and in the 10th grade. Faith has been dancing Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Musical Theatre and Worship since she was five. She has performed in various Nutcracker Ballets and Christmas pageants. She has been playing the piano since 2010. Faith's debut performance on stage was with Sunrise Players when she was cast in Jesus Christ Superstar. Since then she has been hooked on performing. She was also cast in Sunrise Players production of Wizard of Oz, Fiddler on the Roof, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Peter Pan, A Wonderful Life, Cinderella and Mama Mia…. her favorite acting roles have been Elizabeth in the Easter production, Risen and Mary in The Promise! As well as ZuZu in A Wonderful Life. Faith is also a member of the CARA Competitive gymnastics team. Her favorite event is the balance beam.

Samuel Scheffler (John the Beloved Disciple/Daniel)

Samuel is the eighth of the ten Scheffler kids. He is home schooled and in 11th grade. Samuel made his debut performance on stage with Sunrise Players in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. He performed in The Nutcracker at The Pikes Peak Center in Colorado Springs. He has also performed in Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat with Kalidescope Dance Project. Samuel has performed in various Christmas pageants. Samuel portrayed the part of John in the Easter production Risen! Last year he was Phillip in the Easter production of Forgiven. Samuel enjoys playing the Bass on the worship team. When he is not busy at school (or rehearsals) he is a master with building and designing LEGO crea-tions.

Page 7: May 2020 Friday May 29th @ 7:00pm Saturday May …...What I am saying, is that our physical bodies cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. These dying bodies cannot inherit what will last

Ed Rivera (Josiah the Priest/Gideon/Pontius Pilate)

AJ Lira (Peter the Disciple/Joseph/Samson)

Casey McDade (Quintus the Roman/Abraham)

Cailyn Laubscher (Ensemble)

This is Sarah's third production with Trinity Shows. She has performed in Forgiven 2019, The Promise 2019 and is excited to be a part of Risen 2020. Sarah enjoys spending time with her family and friends, being outdoors, cooking and crafting when she can. Thank you for coming out and enjoy the show!

My name is Cailyn Laubscher. This is my first year performing in Risen. I have been in school musicals and in the Country Christmas musicals at Meridian Point Church. I am also part of my school's choir. What I really enjoy doing is tumbling at Peak Gymnastics.

AJ likes to sing! This is AJ's second production with Trinity Shows, the first being The Promise. He has also been in Sunrise Player's productions of Hunchback and Cinderella. AJ likes to play instruments sing and make things.

This is Casey’s first time doing any acting at any level. It was through watching my son Jason start participating in Forgiven last year and seeing how much he enjoys perform-ing, that I considered being a part of this show. It has been extremely rewarding and en-joyable and I am excited to help bring the amazing story of Jesus’s sacrifice for our salva-tion to life for others to see!

Jason McDade (Andrew the Disciple/Shadrach)

My name is Jason McDade. I am 17 years old. I like to watch videos, make videos, play video games, and do stuff on my computer. I am in this play because it's so fun expressing myself in front of people. The songs are fun to sing to. It's truly a great honor to be featured in these great plays.

Dan Nassimbene (Seriah the Priest/Ezekiel)

This role is Dan’s 6th role with Trinity Shows. Dan played Pilate in Jesus Christ Superstar 2008, Priest 3 in Jesus Christ Superstar 2014, Peter in Resurrection, and Jimmy “the bar owner/chorus in White Christmas 2013 and Fiddler on the Roof 2014. Dan also portrays Jesus in Sunrise UMCs Living Last Sup-per and played Jesus in Risen 2016 and 2017. He loves the challenge and joy that theater places in his life and its impact on his Faith Walk.

Sarah North (Eve/Joanna)

Ed is excited to help share the Gospel of Jesus in Risen! This is his 3rd time performing with Trinity Shows. He was hoping to play professional baseball but, due to life circumstances, he joined and served 36 years in the USAF. During his first assignment in Germany he was invited to play flag football. It was this invitation that led him to the Lord and he was SAVED! He has been striving to live for the Lord ever since. He has 3 beautiful daughters and 10 grandchildren. He enjoys being active in his home church, spending time with his family, and anything involving sports.

Cast Bios

Brooke Cuthbertson (Ensemble)

Rachel is a senior in high school taking classes at PPCC. She enjoys making music, and has been doing theatre since she was seven. She is trying to decide between going into aerospace engineering through Colorado School of Mines or Worship Arts through Colo-rado Christian University.

Michael Deis (Ensemble/Crippled Boy)

This is my fourth Easter production and I love sharing Jesus with my family and friends through this drama. My husband Rob and I have four children along with bunches of dogs, goats, and chickens that we love to raise at our little home in Falcon.

Hunter Fields (Ensemble/Demon)

I have two sisters. I am part of the crowd in the play. My favorite color is red. I am home schooled and I like to read. This is my first year doing the play and it has been a lot of fun.

Braeden Fontaine (Young Jesus/Ensemble)

This is the fourth show I have been in.

It is truly amazing!

My name is Brooke and I'm a crowd member in the play. My favorite color is yellow and I have one dog. I would say that I have a great family. I just started homeschooling and I love it so much. I'm very excited to be in my first big play!

Braeden is 11 years old and is a 6th grader at Falcon Middle School. Braeden has been in two shows previously: Forgiven 2019 and The Promise. Braeden likes basketball, camp-ing, and drawing. He is currently in Boy Scouts. Braeden is actively working towards a better relationship with God through the church and Boy Scouts.

Rachel Bower (Mary of Bethany)

Bobbie Deis (Ensemble/Leper/Ruth)

Kenna Fields (Martha of Bethany)

Autumn Fields (Ensemble/Demon)

Hi! My favorite animals are snakes and peacocks. I am 10 almost 11. I am in gymnastics. I am in level 3. I love Michael Jackson. My favorite color is dark blue. I love making slime. I am home schooled. I am in the crowd. I have a sister and brother. We have one dog, three cats, and one fish.

Kenna is 16, a sophomore at Peyton Highschool and has been doing plays for 7 years. She has been in Risen 2016-17, Forgiven 2018-19, The Promise 2019, and is super excit-ed to join the team once again for Risen 2020. Her favorite hobby is being on Tik Tok for hours and hanging with friends. Music is her passion and she can’t live without it. Kenna’s favorite season is summer and she lives for the VSCO moments.

Page 8: May 2020 Friday May 29th @ 7:00pm Saturday May …...What I am saying, is that our physical bodies cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. These dying bodies cannot inherit what will last

Daniel Gull (Simon the Zealot/Isaac/Prison Guard)

Darrell Gull (Matthew the Disciple/Job/Gaius the Roman)

Luke Gull (Phillip the Disciple/Samuel)

Matt Hawkins (James son of Alphaeus/Elijah)

Scott Hawkins (Cornelius the Roman/The Blind Man/Jonah)

Hi, my name is Gavin. I am 15 years old. I'm a sophomore at Falcon High School. This is my first performance. I enjoy exercising and playing video games. My favorite food is pizza and my favorite color is Blue.

Nathan Fontaine (Timothy)

This is Daniel's fourth production including a disciple in Forgiven two years in a row, and a henchman in the Christmas show The Promise. He is currently a Sophomore at Falcon High School and is active in leadership positions in JROTC and Boy Scouts. He has aspirations to join the Air Force as an Aeronautical Engineer.

Gavin Fontaine (Bartholomew the Disciple/Abednego)

My name is Nathan and I'm nine years old. I love Star Wars and LEGOs. I have been in Forgiven 2018, Forgiven 2019, and The Promise. I'm excited to be onstage perform-ing RISEN 2020.

This is Darrell's third production including Forgiven and The Promise in 2019. He works as an IT engineer at Peterson AFB. He is married to his lovely bride, Crystal, and has two boys, Daniel and Luke, and two girls, Ariel and Madison. He enjoys the outdoors and serves as Scoutmaster for Troop 149 right here in Falcon.

This is Luke’s fourth production including The Promise and two production years of Forgiven. Luke is in the 8th grade at Falcon Middle School and is active in Boy Scouts. He also strives to obtain the highest score on any given video game.

Hello, my name is Matt. I'm in 9th grade and go to Liberty Tree Academy. I enjoy play-ing Dungeons and Dragons and Magic the Gathering with my friends. I like LEGOs and love the fantasy world created by J.R.R Tolkien. I also enjoy music, playing the piano, and singing.

Participating in 5 different performances since 2016, Scott has really become a fan of acting and singing. Each year taking on a different role in order to challenge himself more. Bringing to life characters that shaped Christianity has become very rewarding. This will be my 6th year of performing with Stephanie and I look forward to many years to come!

Jesus Christ (Our Savior)

A carpenter by trade, Jesus is a hard worker and an excellent craftsman. At the age of 30 Jesus left the family carpentry business to pursue His true calling in ministry and wound up starting a revolutionary movement in Ancient Judea. Jesus preaches a Gospel of Love and Peace to All and His messages are often accompanied by astounding displays of heal-ing. Jesus spends most of His time travelling with His ministry but can always be found at your side when you need Him. When He isn’t preaching or healing, Jesus can be found with his 12 closest friends. Some of Jesus’ favorite pastimes include: walking on water, fishing for men, telling stories, and casting out demons. Though when asked He says His favorite activity is spending quality time with His Father in prayer.

Madalyne Kirk (Ensemble)

Alyson Landon (Elizabeth)

William Kirk (Ensemble)

Katelyn Kessler (Ensemble)

Hi I am Katelyn Kessler and I love to explore, read, write, animate, and play video games. I am in sixth grade and my favorite color is blue. My favorite animal is a llama. I hope you enjoy the fifth play I’ve been in.

Brookelyn Kirk (Dancer/Demon/Ensemble)

My name is Brookelyn, I am number 7 of 8 kids, I am home schooled, I am a type 1 dia-betic, and I am in the 6th grade. I have done ballet, hip hop, and tumbling at a dance stu-dio since I was 3 years old and took a singing class through ACTS (Academy of Chil-dren's Theater) last year. This is my first year being part of Risen along with my twin sister and my little brother, plus a couple of my older sisters have been in it before too. I love being part of Risen!! I love singing, dancing, drawing, reading, playing piano, play-ing saxophone, going camping and just being out side.

My name is Maddie, I am number 6 of 8 kids, I am home schooled, and I am in the 6th grade. I have done ballet and hip hop off and on since I was 3 years old. This is my first time being part of Risen along with my twin sister and my little brother, plus a couple of my older sisters were in it a few years ago. I love building LEGOs, putting together puz-zles, reading, cross-stitching, playing the clarinet, playing board games, camping, and hiking. I praise God everyday for helping me survive cancer two times in my life.

My name is William, I am the youngest of 8 kids, I go to CMA (Colorado Military Acad-emy) and I am in 5th grade. I have been in hip hop for two years. This is my first time in Risen along with my twin sisters. I love video games, running, reading, drawing, and I have lots of friends.

Alyson is twelve and in the 7th grade at Falcon Middle School. She enjoys playing the flute in her school’s band, playing basketball, going camping, spending time with her friends, and being a prideful member of the National Junior Honor Society. Alyson has a compassionate heart beyond her years. Alyson radiates independence, leadership, and a helpful nature. Her nurturing soul provides love and encouragement to so many. Between two years in Risen, two years in Forgiven, and most recently in The Promise, Alyson is thrilled to have the opportunity to continue being a part of powerful productions to share the story of our Savior!

Mina Langness (Mary Magdalene)

Mina is 17 years old and a Junior in High School. This is her second show with Trinity Shows, after The Promise in December. She has done 9 shows and 13 roles throughout her high school career, including Chiffon in Little Shop of Horrors, Cinderella in Rogers and Hammerstein's Cinderella, and Isabel in The Pirates of Penzance. She thanks every-one for attending and hopes you all enjoy the show!

Jake Langness (John the Baptist/Lazarus/Arius the Roman)

Jake has just recently revived his love and passion for performing in theatre by joining his daughter Mina on stage as The Sergeant in Pirates of Penzance, and the Innkeeper in The Promise 2019. He wants to express his gratitude to the cast and crew of RISEN for their warm, gentle hearts and fun loving spirit. This experience has been truly special and he looks forward to more shows in the future!