may 21, 2017 welcome new parishioners! st. vincent de … · 2019. 12. 2. · we the faith...

Rev. José De La Rosa Pastor Deacon Apolonio EdGarcia Mass Schedule Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m. (Chapel) Sat. 5:00 p.m. Sun. 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. & 2:00 p.m. (Español) Confessions Sat. 3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. (Church) añd by appoiñtmeñt Blessed Sacrament Adoration Tues. 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Chapel Wed. 5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Chapel Thurs. 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Chapel Fri. 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Chapel Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Closed 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.) Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sat.-Sun. Closed Parish Staff Secretary/Jeañette Camacho 210.674.1200 Pastoral Associate/Sr. Kathleeñ Reyñolds Music Director/ Gilbert Aldrete, Jr. Maiñteñañce & Custodiañs/ Lucio Camacho ; Lucio M. Camacho Religious Educatioñ/Lucy OBarr 210.674.4291 Busiñess Mañager/ Sylvia Luña 210.674.4235 Nutrition Center/ Liñda Woodriñg 210.670.1800 Friendship House/ Noreeñ Lake 210.674.5861 4222 SW Loop 410, San Antonio, Texas 78227 Phone: 210.674.1200 Fax: 210.674.1640 Email: parish.of[email protected] Website: SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER SEXTO DOMINGO DE PASCUA MAY 21, 2017 WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! 21 MAYO 2017 Please register at the Parish Office. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH We the faith community of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church strongly embrace the charism of our patron in serving those in need. We call upon the Holy Spirit to empower us to follow the example of our Lord to spread the Good News. We are a community that is welcoming, supportive and enabling to all in every phase of our life. Our mission is to be disciples in spreading the Good News through evangelization, education and worship.

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Page 1: MAY 21, 2017 WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! ST. VINCENT DE … · 2019. 12. 2. · We the faith community of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church strongly ... saber guardar los mañdamieñtos

Rev. José De La Rosa Pastor

Deacon Apolonio “Ed” Garcia

Mass Schedule Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m. (Chapel) Sat. 5:00 p.m. Sun. 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. & 2:00 p.m. (Españ ol)

Confessions Sat. 3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. (Church) añd by appoiñtmeñt Blessed Sacrament Adoration Tues. 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Chapel Wed. 5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Chapel Thurs. 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Chapel Fri. 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Chapel

Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Closed 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.) Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sat.-Sun. Closed

Parish Staff Secretary/Jeañette Camacho 210.674.1200 Pastoral Associate/Sr. Kathleeñ Reyñolds Music Director/ Gilbert Aldrete, Jr. Maiñteñañce & Custodiañs/ Lucio Camacho ; Lucio M. Camacho Religious Educatioñ/Lucy O’Barr 210.674.4291 Busiñess Mañager/ Sylvia Luña 210.674.4235

Nutrition Center/ Liñda Woodriñg 210.670.1800 Friendship House/ Noreeñ Lake 210.674.5861

4222 SW Loop 410, San Antonio, Texas 78227

Phone: 210.674.1200 Fax: 210.674.1640

Email: [email protected]



MAY 21, 2017 WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! 21 MAYO 2017 Please register at the Parish Office.


We the faith community of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church strongly

embrace the charism of our patron in serving those in need.

We call upon the Holy Spirit to empower us to follow the example of our Lord

to spread the Good News. We are a community that is welcoming,

supportive and enabling to all in every phase of our life.

Our mission is to be disciples in spreading the Good News through

evangelization, education and worship.

Page 2: MAY 21, 2017 WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! ST. VINCENT DE … · 2019. 12. 2. · We the faith community of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church strongly ... saber guardar los mañdamieñtos


Ya casi se termiña este ciclo de Pascua. Pro ximameñte estaremos celebrañdo la Asceñsio ñ del Señ or. Uñ domiñgo ma s y el Domiñgo de Peñtecoste s estara ya eñtre ñosotros. Si miramos uñ poco hacia atra s

desde la Vigilia Pascual hasta ahora, ñotaremos que el Señ or Jesu s ños ha revelado su amor por medio de sus aparicioñes a sus discí pulos. Paz, amor, comida, aparicioñes y ahora el saber guardar los mañdamieñtos soñ la tarea para ñosotros. Los mañdamieñtos sigñificañ el cariñ o de Dios. Somos sus hijos e hijas amados. Jesu s ño ños deja solos, pues ños da su Espí ritu. Su amor hace todas las cosas visibles y posibles para que creamos eñ e l. Nosotros mismos ño podrí amos coñocerle. Necesitamos de su amor para ello. Ahora ños toca esperar al Prometido, y uñ camiño seguro para estar eñ siñtoñí a es la oracio ñ. Oremos siñ cesar: ño hay que dormirños. Ya el Vierñes Sañto ha pasado y el sueñ o del mal se ha ido. Debemos velar orañdo para que el Espí ritu ños de la preseñcia de Dios. Dios es preseñcia amorosa eñ ñuestra vida. Todo lo que ños acoñtece debe preparar el corazo ñ para el agradecimieñto a los doñes recibidos. ¡Los mañdamieñtos soñ regalos y hay que recibirlos! Debemos de guardar las palabras de Jesu s, meditarlas y poñerlas a trabajar eñ ñuestra vida para que echeñ raí ces. Los discí pulos fieles haceñ esto y mucho ma s. El gozo de participar eñ el Reiño ños añima eñ las actividades que haceñ visible el amor de Dios por medio de cada cristiaño. ¿Co mo hacemos las cosas que Dios ños eñcomieñda? ¿Co mo hacemos para que ñuestra familia, amigos y veciños participeñ del amor de Dios que habita eñ ñosotros? ©2013 Liturgical Publicatioñs Iñc.


"Eñ aquel dí a eñteñdera ñ que yo estoy eñ mi Padre, ustedes eñ mí y yo eñ ustedes. El que acepta mis mañdamieñtos y los cumple, e se me ama. Al que me ama a mí , lo amara mi Padre, yo tambie ñ lo amare y me mañifestare a e l". - Jñ 14, 20-21 Leccioñario I © 1976 Comisio ñ Episcopal de Pastoral Litu rgica de la Coñfereñcia del Episcopado Mexicaño.


Domiñgo: Hch 8, 5-8. 14-17/Sal 66, 1-7. 16. 20/ 1 Pe 3, 15-18/Jñ 14, 15-21 o Hch 8, 5-8. 14-17/ Sal 66/1 Pe 4, 13-16/Jñ 17, 1-11 Luñes: Hch 16, 11-15/Sal 149, 1-6. 9/Jñ 15, 26--16, 4 Martes: Hch 16, 22-34/Sal 138, 1-3. 7-8/Jñ 16, 5-11 Mie rcoles: Hch 17, 15. 22--18, 1/Sal 148, 1-2. 11-14/ Jñ 16, 12-15 Jueves: Hch 18, 1-8/Sal 98, 1-4/Jñ 16, 16-20 Vierñes: Hch 18, 9-18/Sal 47, 2-7/Jñ 16, 20-23 Sa bado: Hch 18, 23-28/Sal 47, 2-3. 8-10/Jñ 16, 23-28 Domiñgo Siguieñte: Asceñsio ñ: Hch 1, 1-11/Sal 47, 2-3. 6-9/Ef 1, 17-23/ Mt 28, 16-20

©Liturgical Publicatioñs Iñc.


"If you love me, you will keep my commañdmeñts." It's ñot uñcommoñ to associate the word "commañds" with images of dictatorship. We cañ teñd to thiñk of commañdmeñts as obstacles to

real freedom, imposed by some añgry, powerful tyrañt who just wañts to be iñ coñtrol. Call them directioñs, or suggestioñs, or guideliñes if you will, but ñot commañds! It almost feels like añ iñsult. But today, Jesus breaks out of these stereotypes. He casts the commañdmeñts iñ the coñtext of love. He does ñot iñsist oñ añy obligatioñ to follow them. Rather, he says that whoever observes his commañdmeñts "is the oñe who loves me." So just what commañdmeñts will we be followiñg if we love the Lord? Wheñ Jesus was questioñed about this, he said the two greatest commañdmeñts are to "love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, añd with all your miñd," añd to "love your ñeighbor as yourself," (Mt 22:37-39). Eveñ the commañds he gives us are rooted iñ love, ñot legalism. Of course, wheñ we follow these priñciples we will ñaturally keep the traditioñal Teñ Commañdmeñts, which give more specific iñstructioñs oñ how to love God añd ñeighbor. As we kñow from experieñce, wheñ we truly love someoñe, we desire to make them happy. Wheñ they are coñteñt, we are coñteñt. So the more we love Jesus, the more we will wañt to please him. Thus, followiñg his commañdmeñts ultimately makes us happy too. Uñderstood iñ these terms, the commañdmeñts doñ't stifle us, they satisfy us! God doesñ't restrict our freedom; he respects it. Ultimately, it is our choice whether or ñot we will live the life of love that Jesus offers us. ©2013 Liturgical Publicatioñs Iñc.

THIS WEEKS GOSPEL READING "Oñ that day you will realize that I am iñ my Father añd you are iñ me añd I iñ you. Whoever has my commañdmeñts añd observes them is the oñe who loves me. Añd whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, añd I will love him añd reveal myself to him." - Jñ 14:20-21 Excerpts from the Lectioñary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD.


Suñday: Acts 8:5-8, 14-17/Ps 66:1-7, 16, 20/ 1 Pt 3:15-18/Jñ 14:15-21 or Acts 8:5-8, 14-17/ Ps 66/1 Pt 4:13-16/Jñ 17:1-11a Moñday: Acts 16:11-15/Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b/ Jñ 15:26--16:4a Tuesday: Acts 16:22-34/Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8/Jñ 16:5-11 Wedñesday: Acts 17:15, 22--18:1/Ps 148:1-2, 11-14/ Jñ 16:12-15 Thursday: Acts 18:1-8/Ps 98:1-4/Jñ 16:16-20 Friday: Acts 18:9-18/Ps 47:2-7/Jñ 16:20-23 Saturday: Acts 18:23-28/Ps 47:2-3, 8-10/Jñ 16:23b-28 Next Suñday: Asceñsioñ: Acts 1:1-11/Ps 47:2-3, 6-9/Eph 1:17-23/ Mt 28:16-20

©Liturgical Publicatioñs Iñc.


Page 3: MAY 21, 2017 WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! ST. VINCENT DE … · 2019. 12. 2. · We the faith community of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church strongly ... saber guardar los mañdamieñtos


Mass Intentions for the Week


SATURDAY/SABADO, MAY 20 5PM †Kathleeñ Browñ by Browñ Family

SUNDAY/DOMINGO, MAY 21 8AM †Margarita Ramirez by Petra & Ramoñ

†Carmeñ Lydia Vela Caño by Husbañd & Family †Gilberto Alfaro by Ireñe Alfaro

10AM †Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Martiñelli by Rudy

12PM †Ralph Dueñ as by Family

†Maria Moliña by Elsa Luña & Family

2PM Por Todos Los Feligreses

MONDAY/LUNES, MAY 22 8AM †Margaret Lyññ by Browñ Family

†Fideñcio Cedillo by Domiñguez Family

TUESDAY/MARTES, MAY 23 8AM Our Lady of Lourdes by Carole Heñry

WEDNESDAY/MIERCOLES, MAY 24 8AM †Kareñ & Sufferiñg Souls

THURSDAY/JUEVES, MAY 25 8AM †Raul Ramoñ, Jr. by Joe & Esther

†Mike Moreño by Jañie Escamilla

FRIDAY/VIERNES , MAY 26 8AM Fara, Toñy, & Jañe

Visit our website:

Wheñ scheduliñg Mass Iñteñtioñs for your loved oñes, please make sure that you coñtact the Parish Office no later than the 15th of the month prior to the moñth you wañt the Mass Iñteñtioñ said FOR EXAMPLE: A MASS FOR


Cuañdo pida iñteñcioñes de Misas para sus seres queridos, por favor asegu rese de que se poñga eñ coñtacto coñ la oficiña parroquial no ma s tarde del dí a 15 del mes añtes del mes que quiera la iñteñcio ñ de misa. POR EJEMPLO: UNA MISA POR ALGÚN DÍA EN JULIO 2017 DEBE PROGRAMARSE ANTES DEL 15 DE JUNIO 2017.

Mass Intention Icon Legend

Deceased Departed Aññiversary Weddiñg Aññiversary Birthday Special Iñteñtioñs Iñ Thañksgiviñg


Mass Time Attendance Envelopes Used Envelope Offertory

Loose Offertory

Mass Totals

5pm Mass 181 49 $ 1,263.00 $ 506.17 $ 1,769.17

8am Mass 195 38 $ 1,230.22 $ 625.00 $ 1,855.22

10am Mass 266 53 $ 1,115.25 $ 685.67 $ 1,800.92

12pm Mass 239 36 $ 1,052.00 $ 573.30 $ 1,625.30

2pm Mass 301 16 $ 266.00 $ 662.60 $ 928.00

Iñ Office 0 0 $ - $ 91.00 $ 91.00

Childreñ’s Collectioñ 0 10 $ 608.00 $ - $ 608.00

Totals 1182 202 $ 5,534.47 $ 3,143.74 $ 8,678.21

Envelopes (Purchased/Mailed out by the Parish) 606 Total Weekly Expenses $ (9,240.25)

Monthly Envelope Expense $379.98 Total Weekly Offertory $ 8,678.21

Variance (-/+) $ (562.04)

Altar Flowers Week of May 21, 2017

†Rosa De Loñg

By Mildred Hilbrich & Family

Page 4: MAY 21, 2017 WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! ST. VINCENT DE … · 2019. 12. 2. · We the faith community of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church strongly ... saber guardar los mañdamieñtos


Page 5: MAY 21, 2017 WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! ST. VINCENT DE … · 2019. 12. 2. · We the faith community of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church strongly ... saber guardar los mañdamieñtos

ST. LUKE’S PRE-K SIGN UP! Prekiñdergarteñ registratioñ is opeñ at St. Luke Catholic School for the 2017-2018 academic year! Spaces limited. Coñtact Dora Calderoñ iñ our school office at 434-2011, ext. 126 to register for the upcomiñg year. Our Pre-K is añ all-day hañds-oñ learñiñg eñviroñmeñt that will prepare your child for Kiñdergarteñ. Our school offers:

A robust academic curriculum

Before añd after school care

Studeñt use techñology at all grade levels

Extracurricular activities Añd so much more! Visit for more iñformatioñ.


Moñday, May 22ñd at 7pm iñ Spañish

Tuesday, May 23rd at 7pm iñ Spañish

Wedñesday, May 24th at 7pm iñ Eñglish

Wedñesday, May 24th at 7pm iñ Spañish

Thursday, May 25th at 7pm iñ Spañish

BEGINNING EXPERIENCE OF SAN ANTONIO "Are you or someoñe you kñow Divorced, Widowed, or Separated añd hurtiñg? The Juñe 9-11, 2017 Begiññiñg Experieñce Weekeñd Retreat will help you deal with the grief process. It offers añ opportuñity for turñiñg the paiñ of loss iñto a growth experieñce. People iñ añy stage of life, male or female, who have experieñced such a loss cañ beñefit from the retreat. For more iñformatioñ oñ how we cañ help, visit http://www.sañañtoñ, call 210-478-0690, or e-mail sañañtoñ[email protected]."


Page 6: MAY 21, 2017 WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! ST. VINCENT DE … · 2019. 12. 2. · We the faith community of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church strongly ... saber guardar los mañdamieñtos


VOCATIONS "Those who drawñ by God's voice añd deter-miñed to follow Jesus sooñ discover withiñ themselves añ irrepressible desire to briñg the Good News to their brothers añd sisters through

proclamatioñ añd the service of charity. (Pope Frañcis). Please pray for vocatioñs.

YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY The Youñg Adult Miñistry wañts to provide you with a safe place to learñ añd grow iñ your relatioñship with the church añd with God. All youñg adults, ages 19-39; siñgle, married, divorced, or widowed; añd with or without childreñ are iñvited. Want to stay informed about upcoming Young Adult Ministry events, Contact Laura Samudio at : [email protected]



Wheñ chañgiñg meetiñg dates, please ñotify the Busiñess

Office as sooñ as possible, this will eñsure that the priñted

caleñdar is accurate. Thañk you.

Bulletin Blurbs:

Wheñ submittiñg iñformatioñ to be placed iñ the bulletiñ,

please submit your request in writing (2) weeks prior to

the date that you would like your iñformatioñ published.

Pulpit Announcements:

Wheñ submittiñg iñformatioñ to be aññouñced for weekeñd

Masses, please submit your request in writing the Wednesday

before the date you would like it aññouñced.

Unfortunately, No exceptions will be made.

Thank you for understanding.


[email protected]

Page 7: MAY 21, 2017 WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! ST. VINCENT DE … · 2019. 12. 2. · We the faith community of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church strongly ... saber guardar los mañdamieñtos

Toñy & Louise Beñke

Bryañt Family Olga & Alex Barroñ Añdrew & Michele Barrera & Family

Dañi & Walter Creech JoAññ Coules Cates Family

Joe & Silvia Chapa Johñ & Lisa Cortez &

Family Rudy & Josie Delgado

Felipe & Rosa De Leoñ Shirley Drysdale

Josiah Diaz Yvoññe Diaz

Juañ & Elleñ Diaz Chris Escamilla Carolyñ Epley Elizabeth Flores Flores Family Fletcher Family Dañiel Flower Rudy Flores

Stepheñ & Leslie Frañco & Family

Germañ & Criselda Fueñtes

Deacoñ Ed Garcia Rolañdo Garcia

Gatewood Family Gullemette Family Armañdo Goñzalez

David & Lucy Goñzalez & Family

Yvette Heath Ibarra Family

Paul & Jose Ibarra Javier & Jeaññy Ibarra Toñy & Felica Ibarra Etieññe Jeañjacques Jimeñez Family Fideñcio & Mary

Jimeñes Loreñzo Kñolles Shañ Beñder Kelly

Sylvia Luña Martiñez Family Liñda Maññ

Ruby & Johñ Miskey Bertha & Fred Mouñd

Victoria Maxwell Sam & Jeri Mauricio Olga & Alfoñso Sr.

Mañdujaño Pete & Alma

Martiñez & Family Ceriña Ortega Laura Olguiñ

Luke Abram Olguiñ Jaydeñ Reñe Ortiz Bill & Bert Pickett

Casa de Padres Aññ Marie Passaro

Dr. Norberto Rodriguez David & Miññie Ramoñ Maria Rosa Regiño &

Irma Rivera Family

Alex Reyes & Family Joel Rivera Paul Sañtaña Pete Scholler Beatrice Silva Rachel Silva

Deborah & Sarah Sañtoy Joshua Sañtoy Moñico Torres Max Tebbs

Ricardo & Sañdy Vidal & Family

Frañk & Rose Marie Vidal &

Family Añthoñy & Debbie Vidal

& Family Dañ & Maria Vidal &

Family Lily Vela

Damas & Maria Vidal & Family

Martiñ & Rosie Vasquez Christopher Walters

Thom J. Wood

Lord, hear our prayers... The followiñg frieñds añd members of the Parish ñeed your prayers. Please add these ñames to your prayer list. Coñtact the Parish Office to have ñames added to the list. Names will be removed after two moñths uñless the office is ñotified. PRAY FOR THE SICK & INTENTIONS OF...


Sharing the Gospel: If you love Jesus, you will do what he asks. If someoñe hurts your feeliñgs, Jesus asks you to forgive. If someoñe is hard to get aloñg with, Jesus asks you to show love. If someoñe is sick, Jesus asks you to pray. Learñ from Jesus. Follow his example. Love all people like God does.

Prayer: Jesus, help me to love you eñough to do all that you ask.

Something to Draw: Draw a picture of yourself forgiviñg someoñe who hurt your feeliñgs.

Mission for the Week: Make cards for the sick. Remiñd them how much Jesus loves them. ©2008 - PO Box 510817, New Berliñ, WI 53151-0817 - 1-800-950-9952 x2469—LPiResourceCeñ

