may 5, 2013 - · pdf file · 2013-05-052013-05-05 · may 5, 2013 6th...

Serving the Outer Sunset since 1925 name Holy Name of Jesus Parish 1555 39th Ave. San Francisco, CA 94122 (415) 664-8590 Reverend William P. Quinn June 19, 1929 - April 24, 2013 May 5, 2013 6th Sunday of Easter Photos courtesy of Ramsey Ramos

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Serving the Outer Sunset since 1925

name Holy Name of Jesus Parish

1555 39th Ave. San Francisco, CA 94122 (415) 664-8590

Reverend William P. Quinn June 19, 1929 - April 24, 2013

May 5, 2013 6th Sunday of Easter


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Sixth Sunday of Easter May 5, 2013 May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you!— Psalm 67:6

MASS INTENTIONS WEEK of May 5, 2013 Sun 05 7:30 AM Mass for the People

9:30 AM Vilma Borabon†

11:30 AM Ciriaco Norona†

Mon 06 7:30 AM Heli/Laura Rozario Family†

9:00 AM Marguerite Costello†

Tue 07 7:30 AM Lindamira Rosario†

9:00 AM Margaret Driscoll†

Wed 08 7:30 AM Emmons, Ward &

Quiroz Families†

9:00 AM St. Magdalen of Canossa

Feast Day

Thu 09 7:30 AM Durkin & Costello Families†

9:00 AM Denice & Henny Dietzen†

Fri 10 7:30 AM Roger Pendenza FamilyL/†

9:00 AM Consuelo Delen†

Sat 11 7:30 AM Beverly Briones†

9:00 AM Thomas Malorny†

5:00 PM Helga & Archibaldo da Luz†

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The question of whether circumcision is necessary for salvation (Acts 15:1-2, 22-29). Psalm — O God, let all the nations praise you! (Psalm 67) Second Reading — John envisions the holy city, the new Jeru-salem (Revelation 21:10-14, 22-23) or Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20. Gospel — Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you (John 14:23-29) or John 17:20-26. The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Jn 15:26 — 16:4a Tuesday: Acts 16:22-34; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8; Jn 16:5-11 Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22 — 18:1; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14; Jn 16:12-15 Thursday: Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17-23 or Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23; Lk 24:46-53 (for Ascension); otherwise Acts 18:1-8; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 16:16-20 Friday: Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-7; Jn 16:20-23 Saturday: Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3, 8-10; Jn 16:23b-28 Sunday: Acts 7:55-60; Ps 97:1-2, 6-7, 9; Rv 22:12-14, 16-17, 20; Jn 17:20-26; or, for Ascension, Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17-23 or Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23; Lk 24:46-53

SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Sixth Sunday of Easter; Cinco de Mayo; Julian Calendar Easter Thursday: The Ascension of the Lord (unless transferred to Sunday) Friday: St. Damien de Veuster

We pray for the Sick ...that they may experience God’s Love and Healing. Dalmacio Briones Jr., Deogracias Cusi, Evangeline Ag-bunag, Mani Glanz, Janice Di Martini, Mary Medina, Clara Lee, Amy McNally, Arturo Martin, Alexis Rivera, Aurora Urmeneta, Alice Fiumara, Philip Nordstrom, Inge Nordstrom, Rosa Maria Alonso, Laura Andrade, Leny Lopez, Mee Yee, Juan Aguirre, Dory Constantino, Marga-ret O’Brien, Fr. Tom Seagrave, Max Kirkham, Joan Boike, Kevin Maguire, Soledad Rico, Anne Hannan, Leny Aguirre, Ann Murphy, Ann Rourk, Kathy Ignacio, Daniel Da Luz, Amelia Lippi, Arlene V. Rivera, Anna Goodwin, Theresa Ick, Dorothy Lao, Narcisa Sunga, Lee Kennedy, Monica Briones, Anthony Cresci, Isabel Dominguez, Erik Hanway, Luz Neri Vives, Kathy Gallagher, Dodie Teague Those who have Died: Fr. William P. Quinn, Everett Belcher

ST. MAGDALEN OF CANOSSA FEAST DAY Wealth and privilege did nothing to prevent today’s saint from following her calling to serve Christ in the poor. Nor did the protests of her relatives, concerned that such work was beneath her. Born in northern Italy in 1774, Magdalen knew her mind—and spoke it. At age 15 she an-

nounced she wished to become a nun. After trying out her vocation with the cloistered Carmelites, she realized her de-sire was to serve the needy without restriction. For years she worked among the poor and sick in hospitals and in their homes, and also among delinquent and abandoned girls. In her mid-twenties Magdalen began offering lodging to poor girls in her own home. In time she opened a school, which offered practical training and religious instruction. As other women joined her in the work, the new Congregation of the Daughters of Charity emerged. Over time, houses were opened throughout Italy. Members of the new religious congregation focused on the educational and spiritual needs of women. Magdalen also founded a smaller congregation for priests and brothers. Both groups continue to this day. She died in 1835. Pope John Paul II canonized her in 1988. Please join the Canossian Sisters and Lay Canos-sians in celebrating the feast day of St. Magdalen of Canossa at the 9 AM Mass on Wednesday, May 8, 2013 with Wednes-day hospitality to follow in the Pastoral Center.


The Second Va can Council: A 50th Anniversary Retrospec ve By the twenty-first Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church, October 11, 1962-December 8, 1965; Edited by Jerry Back

Ques on: Should a literal interpreta on approach be taken every me regarding all text in the Bible? Answer from Dei Verbum: However, since God speaks in Sacred Scripture through men in human fashion, the inter-preter of Sacred Scripture, in order to see clearly what God wanted to communicate to us, should carefully inves gate what meaning the sacred writers really intended, and what God wanted to manifest by means of their words.

Ques on: What should we pay a en on to when inter-pre ng Sacred Scripture? Answer from Dei Verbum: To search out the inten on of the sacred writers, a en on should be given, among other things, to "literary forms." For truth is set forth and expressed differ-ently in texts which are variously historical, prophe c, poe c, or of other forms of discourse. The interpreter must inves -gate what meaning the sacred writer intended to express and actually expressed in par cular circumstances by using con-temporary literary forms in accordance with the situa on of his own me and culture. For the correct understanding of what the sacred author wanted to assert, due a en on must be paid to the customary and characteris c styles of feeling, speaking and narra ng which prevailed at the me of the sa-cred writer, and to the pa erns men normally employed at that period in their everyday dealings with one another. Editor’s Note: The meaning of a word can change over me or may have a different meaning to a different group of peo-ple. For example, the word “mad” in typical American usage today is synonymous with the word “angry.” It was common-ly used to mean “crazy or mentally-ill” only a few decades ago (and s ll means “crazy” in Great Britain). We should always be on the lookout when reading our Bibles for older, archaic language that may have taken on a different defini on in our modern age. And we should also be aware of figures of speech being u lized by the sacred au-thor. For example, if the author of any book writes “it was raining cats and dogs,” we don’t assume that cats and dogs were literally falling out of the sky. Instead, we know the au-thor is trying to communicate that it was “raining really hard.” As such, with the Bible, we should always ask our-selves “what is the sacred author trying to communicate?” There might be more than one literary tradi on being em-ployed to communicate divinely-inspired truth. In addi on to giving us the truth God wants us to have, such literary tech-niques help to make the Bible great literature in its own right, as well.

FAZtor’s Notes By Fr. Arnold Zamora “In the sight of the angles I will sing your praises, Lord.” We sang this line as our Responsorial Psalm for the funeral of our former pastor, Fr. William P. Quinn, last Tuesday April 30, 2013. Fr. Bill, who was our pastor from 1991-1999, continues to give praise to the Holy Name of Jesus in the sight of the angels in heaven. It was

a beautiful ceremony, presided by the Most. Rev. Patrick McGrath, Bishop of the Diocese of San Jose, in the pres-ence of his Eminence Cardinal William Levada, Archbishop George Niederauer, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone and assisted by Bishop Bill Justice, Bishop Tom Daly, and Bish-op Bob McElroy. There were over 35 priests who concele-brated. What an irony, when Fr. Bill always wanted some-thing simple, he received a special tribute with all the big folks in the church hierarchy. Or perhaps, it’s in line with what the scripture says, “The humble, will be exalted.” We are now in the month of May. We used this word “may” as we make our wishes and dreams for somebody or something. So to Fr. Bill, as the Song of Farewell goes, “May the choirs of angels come to greet you. May they speed you to paradise. May the Lord enfold you in his mer-cy. May you find eternal life.” The whole month of May is dedicated to honor our Blessed Mother. This weekend, Saturday, we will have our May Crowning. That simply means we will put a crown on the Blessed Mother as a symbol of the honor and praise we give her. And we honor her by the love we give to her and to her children, our brothers and sisters in Christ. Also this Saturday, our parish will experience a Virtual Tour, a virtual pilgrimage to Lourdes where we immerge ourselves to the messages of our Lady, the Grotto Rock and the Lourdes water. We thank Angela Testani for bringing the North American Lourdes Volunteers to Holy Name and we welcome them. Let us also welcome our Blessed Mother into our hearts especially this month. This weekend also, members of our Holy Name Legion of Mary praesidium will be speaking at every mass, to pro-mote their membership and offer us the opportunity to be close to our Blessed Mother. The group meets every Tues-day evening. They do a special ministry of finding the “lost of our parish” – those who are inactive and those who still don’t know that we exist. We need people who are willing to de-vote their life, even a portion of it, to the service of God. Some members of the Legion of Mary were delivering holiday goodies to some neighbors during a terrible blizzard. When they arrived at the home of two sisters who were well into their nineties, they were surprised to see the women pulling their car out of the garage. When asked where they were going in such a storm, they smiled and replied, “We’re going to visit the elderly.” Old age is not a reason to stop our service to the Lord. And if you don’t think you are old, it is even much more a reason to serve. ASCENSION OF THE LORD

Please note The Ascension of the Lord is observed on Sun-day, May 12, 2013 for our Metropolitan Province as approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and con-firmed by the Congregation of Bishops.

HOLY NAME YOUTH GROUP (7th Graders & up) meets every 1st & 3rd Sunday after the 9:30 AM Mass

SAVE THE DATE: SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 2013 AAA 2013 1% CLUB APPRECIATION DINNER Details will be mailed to you.

FIRST COMMUNION CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL FIRST COMMU-NICANTS AND THOSE WHO RECEIVED THEIR BLESSING ON APRIL 27, 2012. May the joy and peace of Jesus, present in the Holy Eucharist be with you today and always. Those who received First Communion Angelina Denefeld Ashley Gonzalez Eoghan Gormley Luke Grogan Evelyn Koriganowitz Samuel May Isabelle Morren Glenn Munar Emmanuel Nascimento Aaron Nong Elia Saoud Anna Snigorenko Alec Sugars Jaden Ton Thot

Those who received a Blessing Kelvin Chan

Sara Chow Melena Elin

Samantha Gee Caitlyn Ju

Caleb Leung Ray Li

Jade Lim Alexandra Lunbeck

Victoria Lunbeck Joshua Makhmudov

Darrin Nghi Kaylee Ong

Ashley Quan Kelsey Sum Justin Tam

Lily Teng Kaloon Ridge Walker

MINISTRY OF CONSOLATION To offer spiritual support and the healing comfort of God to all who mourn a loss through death. In the scriptures Jesus comforts those who mourn, as in Matthew 11:28-29: “Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, I will give you rest...and you will find rest.” In the same Gospel, Jesus reassures us of God’s sol-ace: “Happy are those who mourn; God will comfort them!” (5:4). We as Christians follow this example. If you are suffering the loss of a loved one, please attend the meeting. The first meeting will be on May 9, 2013 at 7 PM in the Pastoral Center Event Room. For more information, please contact Susan at (415) 664– 9127 or Sr. Stella at (415) 664-8590.

MOTHER’S DAY CARDS The Holy Name Ladies Aid Society will be selling Mother’s Day Cards this weekend (May 4 & 5). Honor your mother whether living or deceased with a spiritual remembrance.

MOVIE NIGHT Thursday, May 23, 2013 6-9 pm ( 3-hour movie)

Feature Film: St. Peter starring Omar Sharif As a dedicated follower of Christ, Peter spreads the message of the Christians across the land, of-ten staying only one step ahead of those determined to persecute him. But on the road to Damascus,

Peter comes face to face with a stranger who shows him the only way—he must put himself on the cross in order to bring peace to Rome.

DAILY ROSARY (Monday to Saturday) for the month of May

Every morning before 9 AM Mass and Every evening at 6:30 PM in the Chapel except Wednesday at 7:30 PM

(including Sunday) SUNDAY MORNING ROSARY

After 7:30 and before 9:30 and 11:30 AM Masses


May 11 & 12, 2013 We come to you on this Catholic Charities CYO Sunday to ask for your help on behalf of: Over 250 families on the San Francisco housing wait-ing list, yearning for their opportunity to feel safe and se-cure in their own beds and in their own homes Children ages 5-10 from working families in San Rafael who struggle with poverty and limited English skills in after school enrichment activities striving to read and to succeed academically. 6,500 young people in San Mateo County that seek ac-cess to immigration services so that they can work and at-tend school to build a future for themselves and their fami-lies. PLEASE HELP US MEET THESE CRITICAL NEEDS IN THE FIGHT AGAINST POVERTY IN OUR COM-MUNITIES. YOUR GIFT WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

LEGION OF MARY Active members of Legion of Mary serve God under the ban-ner of Mary by practicing the Spiritual Works of Mercy. The Legion at Holy Name meets every Tuesday at 7:30 pm in the Pastoral Center for a 90 minute meeting of prayer and reports of assigned work. At Holy Name the Legion has a prison min-istry, hospital ministry and home visitation ministry. Our bap-tism requires all of us to share our faith. The Legion of Mary helps all to fulfill this obligation and grow in faith and love of Jesus and Mary.

Fr. Bill passed away after a brief illness, April 24, 2013 at Nazareth House in San Rafael. Fr. Bill was born on June 19, 1929 in Butte, Montana to the late Abigail and Pat-rick Quinn of Ireland. Survived by his eldest brother, Thomas P. ( Lor-

raine ) Quinn; sister-in-law Carmel Quinn and many nephews, nieces and grandnieces and nephews. Preceded in death by his sister, Julia Gaffney and his brother Hen-ry Quinn. When the family moved to San Francisco, they settled in St. Philip Parish. Bill attended Saint Philip Ele-mentary School, Saint Joseph College, and Saint Patrick Seminary. He was ordained a priest June 11, 1955. Fr. Quinn served as associate pastor at Holy Angels Church, Colma; Saint Cecilia Parish in SF; Saint Augustine Church in Oakland; Saint Anne of the Sunset, SF and served in the Tribunal of the Archdiocese. Father served as pastor of Saint Veronica Church in SSF and Holy Name of Jesus Parish, SF. Fr. Bill retired in 1999, and lived at Serra Clergy House and most recently, Nazareth House in San Rafael. The family is grateful for the care and camaraderie of his brother priests at Serra Clergy House and the Sisters and staff at Nazareth House. He is remembered for his humor, generosity and pastoral care. Donations to Saint Paul Church Preservation Fund, 221 Valley St. SF 94131 or Holy Name of Jesus Memorial Fund preferred. We thank all those who attended the services for Rev. William P. Quinn, our former Pastor on Monday evening and Tuesday morning. We were honored to have Cardi-nal William Levada, Archbishops George Niederauer and Salvatore Cordelione, Bishops Patrick Joseph McGrath, Tom Daly, William Justice and Robert McElroy and the other Diocesan priests, including Fr. Bill’s classmates join us to say good-bye. Our own former seminarian, Fr. Mike Quinn, and his family have lost a beloved brother and uncle, and our prayers are with them. We thank the family for designating donations to the Holy Name Me-morial Fund in Fr. Bill’s name, and hope to add a leaf for him to the Tree of Life shortly. We believe this may have been the first time a Cardinal has attended a Mass in our church.

Rev. William P. Quinn June 19, 1929—April 24, 2013

Dear Holy Name Families, Thank you Mrs. Sharon Aymard, Mrs. Diane Preble and Sister Esther Ling for preparing the second grade students during this school year for their First Reconcilia-tion and First Holy Communion. On Saturday, April 27, students received their First Holy Communion or a special blessing from Father Arnold. Students were well prepared and participated in various parts of the Mass. Students’ voices filled the church following the lead of our pianist, Mr. Tony Eiras. It was truly a beautiful ceremony. Thank you Mrs. Monica Syler (Tristan 4th gd & Sachiko 1st grade) and Mrs. Cynthia Lee (Alanna 6A) for being in charge of our annual Math-a-Thon which was kicked off on April 16th with a clown performance and ended on April 26 with the whole school community taking an age appropriate math test. A hard working group of volunteer parents (please see the list in this bulletin) corrected hun-dreds of math tests in record time so that students could take their scores home and begin collecting pledges over the weekend. Thank you to all of our parents who work so hard to make our fundraisers successful. God bless you. Sincerely, Mrs. Judy Cosmos


BASEBALL NEWS Congratulations to Jordan Barraza (3rd Grade), Ethan Ignatius (4th Grade) and Benito Valle-Jhanda (5th Grade). These Panthers will compete in a long toss qualifier on Saturday May 4 against all the Parish team representatives in the Archdiocese. The Top 5 throwers in each grade level will get to meet Giants players before the game and compete on the field at AT&T on Parish Family Day for the title of Long Toss Champion 2013. Good luck boys!


Weekly Offering 4/28/13 4/29/12

CASH 1,221.30 1,353.81

CHECKS 2,615.00 3,511.00

Total Collection 3,836.30 4,864.81

# of Envelopes 182 218


DEPARTING 9:00 AM $36.00 per person

Contact: Madeline Morten (415) 566-4351 Benny Capuyan (415) 863-6576

TREE OF LIFE LEAF FOR FR. QUINN Donations towards a leaf in the Tree of Life in Fr. Bill Quinn’s name are gratefully accepted. Please see Colleen or Jackie at the Parish office.

Holy Name Parish Business Office: est. 1925 1555 39th Ave. San Francisco, CA 94122 Phone: (415) 664-8590 Fax: (415) 759-4293 E-MAIL: [email protected] Rev. Arnold E. Zamora, Pastor Rev. Toan X. Nguyen, Parochial Vicar Most Rev. Ignatius C. Wang, Bishop Emeritus of San Francisco, In Residence Sr. Stella Negri, FdCC, Pastoral Associate Sr. Esther Ling, FdCC, Spiritual Director Chinese Ministry/D.R.E., Holy Name School Jackie C. Alcaraz, Parish Manager Director/Holy Name Conservatory of Music Colleen A. Durkin, Parish Secretary Holy Name School Alumni Coordinator Carol Elliott Maloof RN, Parish Nurse HOLY NAME SCHOOL: (415) 731-4077 Website: Judy Cosmos, Principal 1560 40th Ave. San Francisco, CA 94122 HOLY NAME PRESCHOOL: (415) 664-4753 Alice Ho Seher, Preschool Director Website: & click on Preschool Holy Name CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Private lessons are offered in piano, voice, guitar and violin. To register or more information please contact Jackie at (415) 664-8590. HOLY NAME SPORTS PROGRAM: Rodil Hidalgo, Boys Athletic Director Vince De Lucca, Girls Athletic Director RECTORY: 3240 Lawton St. San Francisco, CA 94122 (415) 759-4294 FLANAGAN CENTER: (415) 564-2632 PARISH NURSE PROGRAM: Carol, R.N. (415) 664-8590 ext. 109 CANOSSIAN SISTERS: (415) 753-6685 1858 38th Ave. San Francisco, CA 94122 Benny Capuyan, Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson Jim Regan, Parish Finance Council Chairperson

Pls. contact the Parish office if you would like to contact members of the Pastoral or Finance Councils.

SCHEDULE OF MASSES Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM (Family Mass), 11:30 AM, 3:15 PM (Vietnamese) Saturday 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 3:00 PM (Chinese), 5:00 PM (Vigil) Weekdays 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM Holy Days 7:30 AM, 9:00AM, and 7:30 PM Confessions: 15 minutes before 9:30 and 11:30 AM Masses on Sunday & 4:30 - 5:00 PM Saturday or by appointment

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Every Wednesday—9:30 AM—7:30 PM Sacred Heart of Jesus Devotions: Friday after 9:00 AM Mass Perpetual Help Devotions: Saturday after 9:00 AM Mass First Saturday Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary begins at 8:30 AM with the Rosary, then Mass & Benediction Baptisms by appointment Baptismal Preparation—Fourth Thursday of the month in the Pastoral Center - 7:30 PM Marriages Contact Pastoral Center 6 months in advance. Religious Education (for Children): Kindergarten to 9th, Saturday 10 AM—12 Noon RCIA for youth Monday 5:00 PM-6:30 PM Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) Wednesdays, 7:30-9:00 PM in the Pastoral Center R.C.I.A. (Chinese): Every Saturday—Pastoral Center—10:00 AM Religious Education (for Adults) : Please call Sr. Stella 664-8590 Bible Class every Tuesday@10-11 AM (Flanagan Center) Bible Study Group (Chinese): Every Wednesday—7:30 PM — Flanagan Center Parish Pastoral Council: contact Fr. Arnold Zamora St. Vincent de Paul Society meeting— every Monday at 7:30 PM (Pastoral Center) Legion of Mary: Contact Rose Symkowick (415) 731-4652 Blood Pressure Screening: every 2nd Wednesday from after the 7:30 AM Mass until Noon (Pastoral Center) except JULY & AUGUST Holy Name Ladies Aid: every 1st Wednesday of the Month at 11:45 AM (Flanagan Center) Senior Club: every Thursday at 11:00 AM (Flanagan Ctr.) Monday Night Yoga: every Monday at 6:15 PM (Assembly Room); Please contact Jackie at (415) 664-8590 FIL-AM Club: Every 3rd Friday of the month, 6:45 pm (except Oct. and Nov. at 7:30 pm) at the Flanagan Center. HOLY NAME Choir Practice: every Tuesday at 7:00 PM Welcome New Parishioners! Please complete and return form to the Pastoral Center (1555 39th Ave.), or simply drop it in the collection basket. Kindly print all information. Name(s) ____________________________________ Address ____________________________________ City & Zip __________________________________ Phone ______________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________ Send me envelopes: ____ Send me info on auto-donations____