may issue 2016

Magazine Actor, Musician RONN MOSS JOY HACKING & THE FUTURE OF HAPPINESS by Jonathan Robinson May issue 2016 Volume 6 issue 5 T h e COURAGE by Tara-Jenelle Walsh

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The Eden Magazine is a free online magazine focuses on spreading compassion to all sentient beings Living in a healing and peaceful world


Page 1: May issue 2016


Actor, Musician



May issue 2016 Volume 6 issue 5


COURAGEby Tara-Jenelle Walsh

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COURAGEby Teal Swan 27


AWAKE, Michael White Ryan 36








Page 3: May issue 2016

Spreading compassion to all Sentient Beings and Lliving in healing and peaceful world

[email protected]

Maryam Morrison

Contributing EditorDINA MORRONE


Jan DianaRoxana Jones & Arnaud Sain-Paul

Heike StenzelMichael White Ryan

Frank Daly




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Eden Magazine is an independent monthly online magazine. Our aim is to create a better environment where we live among other living being

in peace and harmony. We support artists that their work match our criteria. If you would like to submit your artwork, article or/and your Photography

For our future issues please contact Maryam Morrison at;[email protected]

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RONN MOSSRonn Moss doesn’t need much of an introduc-tion. We all know him for his longstanding, mul-tiple nominated role in the daytime soap opera, “The Bold and The Beautiful,” and also as a very successful musician/singer/songwriter with the band Player.

The Eden Magazine had the privilege of being welcomed into his beautiful home for an interviewand photo-shoot, where we also met his lovely wife, Devin DeVasquez an actress, model, and en-trepreneur.

Ronn Moss was born and raised in Los Angeles. He grew up surrounded by the arts, theatre and the rock and roll music world. When he was eleven, he began to play the drums, guitar and the electric bass. In the late 70s, Ronn joined fellow singer/guitarist Peter Beckett, guitarist/key-boardist J.C Crowley, and drummer John Friesen, to form the band Player. Together they wrote and played music that would one day attract the attention of Robert Stigwood, a music impresario/producer, who signed them to his RSO Records. Everyone remembers their hit song, “Baby Come Back.” This was a huge single for the band. In fact,

in 1978 the song reached the #1 position on the national pop charts and Player was voted to the Bill-board Magazine honor roll of Top New Singles artist of that year. Their follow up single, “This Time In It For Love,” hit No. 10 in the same year.

The bands impresario/producer, Robert Stigwood then recommended to Ronn, that he should try acting. Ronn got a chance in his very first feature film, “Hearts and Armor” which filmed on lo-cation in Italy. In 1978, a new soap opera came along on CBS called, “The Bold and The Beau-tiful” and Ronn was offered one of the leading roles, Ridge Forester. He accepted the role and the rest, as they say, is history. He became a household name and face around the globe, garnering thou-sands of fans worldwide as the show is broadcast in many nations all around the world. Due to the enormous success of his role and of the show, over the years, Ronn has had the pleasure of traveling overseas often to promote the show and his won-derful music. In 2012, after 25 years of playing the character Ridge, Ronn decided that he would leave “The Bold and The Beautiful” and move on to the next artistic and exciting chapter of his life.

Former star on "The Bold and The Beautiful" and member of the band "Player"

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Tell us a little bit about yourself.Ronn: The one thing I’m least fond of, talking about myself. But, here it goes. I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. I’m actually a sixth generation Californian on my mother’s side. I grew up in Hollywood being exposed to almost all forms of music, dance, and theatre. My father was an impresario, which is an old fashioned term for producer or presenter. He presented art-ists, sometimes for the first time. For example, he brought the Leningrad Ballet from Russia to the United States for the first time. So I was able to experience Ballet, classical music and dance as well as all live stage performances throughout Los An-geles.

Your passion is for music and art, which one came first into your life?Ronn: Probably the music. From a very early age, I loved and gravitated to music of all styles. Classical, Opera, Jazz, Folk, Bluegrass, and of course, Rock & Roll. I’ve spend a good part of the last fivedecades being involved in music and acting. Early in my life I decided I wanted to be a doctor. Maybe because I thought this was a way to help people. Maybe because I thought I’d make a damn good surgeon. I’ve always been good with my hands, always been good with details. I was not a partic-ularly great student in school, unless it involved dissecting something or taking it apart and put-ting it back together to see how it worked. That, I loved. The human body and how it worked fascinated me. So I began taking all the pre-med courses throughout high school and college. I also volunteered in hospitals as part of that training.

What inspired you to write and sing your hit song “Baby Come Back?” Ronn: This now iconic song has stood the test of time. This was the first song released off our first album. The group is called PLAYER and there are now two of the original four members still per-forming as PLAYER. That’s me and Peter Beckett. Peter sang the main part on that song and myself and JC Crowley joined in for the chorus. I’m also the bass player in that group. What made us sing that song? Peter and JC wrote that song when we formed Player and it became obvious as we re-hearsed it that we had something special in that song. Within a relatively short period of time

after it’s release, it went to the number one position on the national music charts and stayed there for the first three weeks of 1978. To this day, that song has been in many commercials (Swiffer, Sprint, Toyota Trucks, TV shows (The Simp-sons, King of the Hill, General Hospital), movies (Transformer, Safe Men), and it’s been played several millions of times on the radio. So that’s good.

If I were to turn on your iPod right now, which five artists/songs would I see on your recently played list?Ronn: The fact you said iPod, tells me you’re an old-fashioned music listener. That device has been replaced for most people by an iPhone. On my iPhone is a very eclectic collection of music. The last ten artists right now would likely be Paul McCartney, The Beatles, Peter Gabriel, Elvis, Elton John, The Eagles, Michael Jackson, Andrea Boce-lli, The Doors, Crosby Stills Nash & Young, and a random playlist of everything in my thousands and thousands of collected songs. I like the diversity; I like having different songs come up that I haven’t heard in awhile.

At what age did you start acting? Ronn: I started my acting experience in High School. We did school plays with costumes, makeup, sets we had to make. It was great train-ing on what really has to happen to put on a play in a theatre. After that, I took a twenty-year break in acting to pursue my love of music. Music was everything to me then. I find my life has been very cyclical. Meaning I’ll dive into something like music for years and years. Then I’ll dive into the acting profession for years and years. Eventually I’ll find more of a balance where I can bring them both together and switch hats, so to speak. I’m much better doing that now than I was back when I started either of those projects. I would be SO concentrated on one thing, so focused that other aspects of my life might suffer, like my personal life. But I’ve learned that’s the process. Everyone has their own process that either works or doesn’t work for them. We all have to figure it out. Some-one can try and tell you how you personally need to do it, but ultimately, you have to follow your own path.

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Acting or Music? Which one is your biggest passion?Ronn: I gravitate to both now. I want to be able to wear both hats because they’re both major roads of expression in my life. Call it my desire for diversity but I’ve dedicated my life to both these elements and I don’t see that changing any time soon.

Which charity organization is closest to your heart? Ronn: I’m not one to tout one specific charity I support. I tend to support different charities, if I’m able to do so. But I find I do donate a fair amount of my time to many charities around me. The musicians in my circle of friends will often come together and perform for a charity. There are two and only two things in life that you can’t replace. Your time and your health. Time is the most valuable thing you can give because you can’t get it back. Enjoy it while you have it.

Can you tell us a little bit about your role in “The Bold and the Beautiful?”Ronn: I am an original character on that show. We start-ed that project in 1987. It is the creation of Bill & Lee Bell whom I’m forever grateful to for bringing me into such an amazing life experience. Bill let me run with and make the character of Ridge Forrester my own. That experience lasted for twenty-five years for me. That, in itself, is amazing. To be involved in basically one pro-gram, one play, for that many years without stopping is phenomenal.

What was the hardest or easiest part of acting?Ronn: For me, probably the hardest part of acting, at least in the beginning, was the memorization of all that dialogue. It would take me a couple days to memorize a couple pages of script. It was not the fun part for me and it still isn’t. Eventually, over time, my brain was more able to absorb those words a little easier. But it did take time and lots of practice. Now that I’m out of that envi-ronment, I can’t remember shit anymore anyway. Call it muscle memory or whatever. Use it or loose it. I can’t remember which.

What has been the most difficult part of your career?Ronn: I would say the most difficult part was having to function at a job like B&B or my music, when some-thing personal happened in my life. Like going through a horrible divorce or loosing a family member or very close friend to death. You still have to perform like nothing’s wrong because there are no “cue cards” telling everyone “sorry, Ronn’s a little odd and out of it today because his father just died or his marriage is falling apart.”

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”Whenever someone not involved in the business would say “Oh, I can do that. I could do that silly thing on that commercial or TV show.” I’d say maybe you could. But could you do it if there was something horrendous going on in the background? Something so distracting and emotionally debilitating that you didn’t even want to come into work? That’s what the pros have to do all the time. And they often make it look so easy. Maybe that’s part of what you develop over time. Maybe you just go to a higher consciousness where you can separate the worldly troubles from a job that has to be done. Who’s to say?

What other passions besides music and acting do you have?Ronn: I love photography. I love movies. I love cinema-tography. I believe if I hadn’t dedicated so much time to acting and music I would have likely been a cinema-tographer. Who knows, maybe that’s my next path to make. I’ve always been very visually influenced and I love what cameras see.

What do you think put you on the path of acting and music? Ronn: Who knows what and why we do certain things in our lives? Maybe it’s an inner calling. Maybe it’s something we have to play out from a past life in or-der to evolve as a human being in this earthly world. I know the acting helped me transcend enormous shy-ness during most of my childhood. That shyness didn’t come about because I was withdrawn, it was because I was an observer. I watched everything. I tried to learn from others mistakes so I wouldn’t have to make them myself, because there aren’t enough years in life to make all the possible mistakes that people make. So… watch and learn.

How do you see your life from here?Ronn: Living happily and simplifying my life. I’d love to be a part of raising consciousness, being more of an inspiration to those in my world, learning more, helping this world come closer to complete and total peace. I’ve always felt if we all did this collectively, we could affect a change. There’s too much crap in the world now. Maybe it’s always been there but we just hear about it quicker and the media is very good at making it eem like it’s everywhere. The media is also very good at lying and execrating to sell their program. For some odd reason, people just love to hear bad news. I will never understand that. We are fed a daily diet of bullshit and fear because it fuels the war ma-

chine; it fuels the pockets of large families who make billions on instabilities in our world. But I believe we, the majority collective “WE”, can become more ed-ucated, become more conscious and achieve a higher consciousness to offset those who only seem to want to destroy everything and everyone who doesn’t live and believe as they do.

How have you overcome your challenges?Ronn: I overcame many, many challenges in my life so far by using as much of the high road as I could muster. If I said that was easy, I’d be lying. But ultimately, I had to believe behaving in a high-er consciousness would win out. I’ve tried to always live my life like that.

What are your personal goals/ambitions?Ronn: I’d like to continue making movies, because I’m visually driven and personally love movies as an art form and also as a personal avenue of expression. I’d also like to continue making music. I’ve always believed music was one of the most pure of the artistic expres-sions as well as the most intangible. You can’t touch music. You can’t see it. It’s a vibration moving through space and it affects you internally if you let it. I find most music to be something magical and mysterious. I know I hear it and I know I feel good, I just can’t really explain why it affects me that way. But I’m also ok with not having to define that feeling. That’s the intangible part. Sometimes it’s ok to not have every answer to every question. Life flows within you and without you.

Is there anything else that you would like to share with your fans?Ronn: That I love them. That I honor them and am always humbled by their continued support. I don’t take them for granted as I never take every moment of life for granted.

If possible, I’d also like to tell those who may not know how to keep in touch with all that we’re trying to achieve. Here are the online connections I share with you. that’s Ronn(underscore)

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Doris Roberts

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I first met Doris Roberts at a friend’s house. What struck me right away about this woman that I had seen over the years on television and who made me laugh so much, was that she was a very warm, loving person. We talked about her career, her movies, her personal life, and her passion, which we both share, for rescuing animals.

It was my honor to feature this great woman in The Eden Magazine. We had already made plans for an up-coming interview, but it is with great sadness that The Eden Magazine was not able to complete the interview with her.

Among the many acting roles that Doris played on TV, stage and film, the one that first comes to mind and that we are most familiar with is the role of Marie Barone on the hit TV series “Everybody Loves Raymond”. She received five Emmy Awards and Screen Actors Guild Awards during her acting career. In 2003 she was awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 7021 Hollywood Blvd, in 2005 an honorary doctorate of fine arts from the University of Southern California, and in 2011 she was awarded the Ellis Island Medal of Honor.

Doris’s long illustrious career began in 1952 with a role on the TV series “Studio One.” She went on to appear in countless other projects including, A Lovely Way to Die, No Way to Treat a Lady, The Honeymoon Killers, Such Good Friends, Little Murders, The Taking of Pelham One Two Three, The Rose, Ruby and Oswald, and so many more.

Besides Doris’s passion for the Arts and for performing, her other passion was for animals and for children with Aids. She was an animal lover and an animal rights advocate who worked with the group Puppies Behind Bars and Ranch Hand Rescue, and she also volunteered for the Children with AIDS Foundation, where she served as chairwoman. She hosted a documentary on Ranch Hand Rescue and their efforts to rehabilitate abused and neglected farm animals. In the documentary Doris takes the viewers through the doors and into the rehabilitation center of Ranch Hand Rescue, a charity dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating abused and neglected farm animals. Ranch Hand Rescue is a pioneer in the rescue and rehabilitation of abused and neglected farm animals. They rescue the animals that would normally have to be put down, bring them back to health and then put them on a new purpose in life, Through Equine and Assisted Animal Therapy they are introduced to children, veterans and other needy people to aid the humans in their own rehabilitation.

Prior to her death, Doris was busy preparing for another fundraiser for the Ranch Hand Rescue Foundation to be held on June 5th in Los Angeles. She was really looking forward to it and spoke with such enthusiasm the last time we saw each other. Sadly, the event will now happen without Doris, but her presence will be surely felt, as the event will now be held in her loving memory.

When I go, if there's a tombstone it will say, She doesn't give in. She doesn't give up.

And she never takes no for an answer. ~Doris Roberts

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"I am sad-dened by the sudden loss of my best friend Doris Roberts. Doris was more than my friend. She was my confidant, my role model and a mentor. Many people don't know

that Doris saved my life when I had a stroke in 2007. We had a bond and friendship that most people can't understand. We were their for each other. We shared the kinds of things best friends share. She was very kind, compassionate and a loyal friend. Doris encouraged me to start a public charity in 2008. Most people told me I couldn't do it and Doris encouraged me and offered to help. Since then She raised over $1,000.000 to help abused animals and abused children. She was passionate about Ranch Hand Rescue and helped to shape its current mission today. She loved helping animals and she loved helping abused children. She was always there for me personally and for my organization Ranch Hand Rescue. I loved Doris, I loved everything about her. I will miss her daily calls to me and her loving voice asking how I was and how everything was at Ranch Hand Rescue. I will miss her visits to Dallas and my visits to LA will never be the same. I will miss her friendship and her amazing spirt and love of life and helping others. I will honor her in my heart and in my work at Ranch Hand Rescue. She is gone but her spirit will always be with me. I love you Doris and I always will. We will meet again someday and I know you are looking down at me, our animals and the children we serve with a smile on your face and protecting us. We feel your presence. You will always be with me. Thank you for your love honey!" ~Robert "Bob" William

"I will miss Doris tremendously , because of her heart, generosity and infinite friendship ! She was one of the first people I met when I moved to LA and knowing that she believed in me and my talent always gave me immense strength and got me to where I am today. As I would follow her advice of never giving up on your dreams and never to take no for an answer!"Grazie Doris ~Maria-Elena Infantino

“I had the privilege of meeting Doris three years ago through my dear friend Mariaelena Infantino and upon getting to know her, I discovered a woman truly committed to her ART and not just to her own art but to those around her. She supported artists! At a time/age in life when most people feel the need to stay in and call it a night, Doris was out enjoying life, taking in shows, plays, music movies, conversation, and volun-teering her time to her charities as well as being a devoted mother, grandmother and friend to many. I would say that

Doris is a woman who lived life to the fullest. Bravo Doris. May we all learn from your example.” ~ Dina Morrone

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“All that we are is the result of what we have thought.” Buddha

With the lights dimmed, I was ready to go to bed when a huge knife-like pain carved my lower back. The first thing that came to mind was a twisted muscle, a spasm, an inflamed nerve caused by packing my bags for my trip to Europe. What else could it be?

I crumbled on the floor and tears sprang from my eyes. I tried to move, but the pain was numbing my legs, while my mind did cartwheels thinking about how I could a flight to Europe in two days if the pain persisted. I lay flat on my back, tried to stretch my back, and a “crack” sounded clearly in my ears. With all the strength I could gather, I pushed myself up and crawled into the shower, letting boiling-hot water run down my spine. Heat will definitely calm down whatever I have, I thought to myself. Heat would make it go away, and it did—for a minute or so.

“Rodney,” I said into the phone, leaving a message for my chiropractor late. “I need to see you tomorrow. Igot this back pain out of the blue and the day after tomorrow I need to be on an eighteen-hour flight. I need your fix. Call me. Please.”

I had been losing my mind in the last five months, after finding out that my mom had been diagnosedwith terminal liver cancer and given between three and six more months to live. Each and every muscle in my body was tense; every nerve stretched to thelimit. Everything had been aching even if nothing was broken.

by Aura Imbarus, Ph.D.

The Power of Your Mind

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I had started familiarizing myself with the many different terms used to describe spinal disc pathol-ogy and associated pain, such as “herniated disc,” “pinched nerve,” and “bulging disc,” now used by my chiropractor, back doctor, and general physician. Everybody had different suggestions for easing the pain: acupuncture, no more high heels, inversion table, or a DRX 9000 decompression machine, or back surgery.

Treatment on the DRX machine would only cost $8,000, and I am not even going to mention the back surgery’s price!

With cold - and hot-packs and a back supporter and drugged up on Tylenol and Aleve, I embarked on the Lufthansa flight that would take me to Romania to see my mom and be next to her while she went through her chemo. How can I talk about my prob-lems when I know she is fighting for hers? How can I say that I am in pain when she doesn’t know how many days she has left? Tsunamis of thoughts were clashing in my brain while the plane departed. I had eighteen hours to take care of my debilitating back problem; no more, no less.

Before leaving for the airport, I had grabbed my book called How We Decide, by Jonah Lehrer, which explains decision-making on the scale of neurons. I started reading while the big white bird was taking me to the other side of the world to meet my beloved mother. Engrossed in my engaging, literate, and well-researched glimpse into the great mystery of how we make up our minds, I started to think about the process of thinking itself, of decoding messages, of influencing my mind and my thoughts. The spinal cord is made up of thirty-onepairs of spinal nerves; our muscles are controlled by thousands of nerve cells in the spinal cord. This entire complex system works as a whole in order to successfully create a single motion.

I totally get it, I reiterated to myself while the flight attendant announced that we are landing in Munich where I was supposed to catch my connecting flight to Sibiu, Hermannstadt, Transylva-nia—the land of Dracula.

Totally fascinated by Jonah Lehrer, I started gog-gling him while waiting for my connecting flight

and found his article entitled, “The Psychology of Back Pain” published in Best Life Magazine. Like a wolf devouring its prey, I attacked the arti-cle and found something that I was already suspect-ing: “chronic back pain is a disease of the nervous system, not the spine. This breakthrough has opened the doors to new kinds of treatments that could banish back pain forever.”

My road to recovery began right there and then, with the article and the book Lehrer was quot-ing in it, Healing Back Pain, by Dr. John Sarno, a physician at NYU. I started thinking that I really had no pain and all the labels I had been given by my doctors were nothing more than placebos. The more I thought about this, the less pain I had. My back pain didn’t have a structural pain or a structural cause. I didn’t break anything in my lower back, and I didn’t have any injuries, but the amount of stress I was dealing with due to my mom’s illness had piled up. My mind had induced bodily pain as a form of distraction, turning a minor physical incident—packing my luggage and moving it around the house—into a debilitating physical symptom. It was then that I realized my back pain was caused by the mind, and my mind was the only thing able to cure it.

Since that day, I repeated over and over in my mind—like a song whose lyrics I couldn’t let go—that I had no pain; that my back didn’t hurt. One day I woke up, three months after the doomed day and, since then, I have no recollection what back pain is all about.

In my case, my back pain was triggered by my mind, because nothing was broken after all. Elevated lev-els of stress can induce the most horrendous painin our bodies. Our dis-eased organism, due to a low immune system, cannot fight the outside attack-ers and induces physical pain, as a way to keep our mind safe and at bay. Healing our bodies many times relates to healing our mind. The more we think right, we feel right.

Negative thoughts are the manufactures of deplet-ed, sick lives, while positive ones are the creators of successful, happy driven existences.


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Excerpted from Soul Courage


Most people live in fear. And what most peo-ple are afraid of is exactly what the Soul wishes to experience. Namely, feelings. Most of us have a generous amount of physical courage and men-tal courage, but Soul Courage may be another matter.

Soul Courage is about bringing who you really are to your life—your instinctual wisdom and endless curiosity, your feelings and the expres-sion of them, your wonder and vulnerability, your joy and pain, your fear and excitement—all that you carry inside from before you were made physical, and all that you have picked up along the way on this human journey.

Soul Courage is about daring to be and own all of yourself without shame or judgment, apology or excuses, hiding or hindering. It’s about meet-ing your feelings with gentle grace, expressing them with absolute freedom, and connecting with total presence.

It’s about bravely being all that you encompass—body, mind, and Soul. Feeling into the living of your life, speaking your truth, singing your song, and revealing your true nature to yourself, to others, and to life.

And here’s the best part: You already have Soul Courage.

Everyone has Soul Courage because everyone is a Soul, and the Soul encompasses the essence ofall of life. But to have courage and to be courageous are two different things.

Having courage is courage in hibernation, while being courageous is waking courage up. It is very much like having talents. All of us have them, but many of us do not use them.

Babies are born with Soul Courage. It is not even experienced by them as courage, because itdoesn’t occur to a baby not to behave naturally, expressing every feeling. It is only after years of being pressured by life not to do so that children begin cloaking their feelings (sometimes even from themselves).

by Tara-jenelle Walsch

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And then, if they wish to explore, express, and share the deepest emotions held in the mind, they have to reach back and call forth the courage that resides in the Soul.

For much of our younger years it seems that we all stumble along thinking that life is about how much we have, what we look like, and who is on our arm. I say, “stumble along” because most of the time we don’t even realize that we are living that way. We’re caught in the day-to-day patterns of unconscious living, thinking that life is about what we are doing. That is, until something happens in our life (usually it’s a major loss of some kind) that cracks us wide open, and we start thinking and feeling in a different way.

It’s not that we suddenly turn into walking phi-losophers, poets, or hippies, but simply that we are able to look at life with a new perspective, having created experiences of such pain and joy for ourselves. We finally see clearly that, trite as it may sound, there really is “more to life than meets the eye.” There’s something more going on here than just what is happening!

The Choice Being Made by All of UsMy childhood was filled with love and joy, but my actual turning point, the moment of my life’s most important realization, came as the result of pain.

For you, perhaps it was also pain. Possibly the result of a heartbreaking divorce, a near-death experience, being rescued from drug or alco-hol addiction, or the departure of someone you deeply love. It could have also been the result of a joyful experience, such as receiving an unexpect-ed inheritance, meeting the love of your life, or having children.

However you come to your life’s most important realization (that life was created for us to complete the Soul’s agenda and not simply the agenda of the body or the mind), once embraced, you are forever changed.

And this—this—is what gives all of us the desire

for even more connection. We (finally!) now have an unwritten and unspoken understanding of it all in our bones. Correction: past our bones. We now know what the Soul has always known: We are here on the earth to experience our True Selves. We have a larger agenda than “survival” or “success.” We are in alignment with the Soul at last.

It is this clarity that blooms the courage toproactively reach into ourselves, and then reach out to others from that place. We intuitively understand that Feel-Express-Connect is the Sacred Formula. We may not articulate it in precisely that way, we may not use those exact words, but we internally “get” the process. And that explains why it is something that we instinc-tively want to do—even though half the time we’ve been afraid of doing it. (It wouldn’t the first time we’ve been afraid of following our in-stincts.)

Every single person reading these words right now is facing the same choice. We all are making the exact same decision in this exact same mo-ment. Actually, every single person in your town is contemplating this exact same decision in this exact same moment. In fact, to be clear, and to be precise, every . . . single . . . waking . . . person in the world is facing this same decision in this same moment.

Put in more human terms, the decision is this: How much of my heart will I open in order to fully feel my feelings, allowing my Soul to com-plete its agenda?

How much of myself and my overall energy will I let shine through in this moment?

How much of me am I willing to share with Me?

We may never have thought of our journey through each day in quite this way, but we’re always deciding, consciously or unconscious-ly, how much of our(true)selves we’re going to allow ourselves to experience. And likewise, how much we will hide, protect, cloak, shrink, mask, or neglect in each moment.

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We’re also deciding how much of what we are feeling we want to share with others.

Many of us have limited what we allow ourselves to express by what mood we’re in or who we feel comfortable with—conducting ourselves ac-cording to how “appropriate” we feel it is to be authentic with this or that person, or in a partic-ular situation.

In a sense, we’re measuring out our authenticity based on how much we feel is suitable in each cir-cumstance and proper with each person.

Even when we’re completely alone we are often not willing to share ourselves with our Selves. We desperately seek to distract ourselves from any feeling of inner connection, using one thing or another: watching TV, browsing the Internet, texting excessively, overeating, smoking, or even over- thinking. These (and more) are our Resis-tance Techniques—anything to engage our mind elsewhere and escape our emotions.

We so often hide under an illusional blanket of protection to keep our feelings and deepest thoughts about life and love at a safe distance. The challenge here is that this reduces our ability to do what we came here to do—which is, may I remind you, to experience our True Self.

So every one of us is facing, actually, a two-part decision every moment of every day. Not only.

How much of me am I willing to share with Me? But also . . .

How much of me am I willing to share with others?

I’m not talking about just the heaviest or saddest or most challenging feelings. The sharing of those might be reserved for closest family or friends. \I’m also talking about the feelings of oneness itself, which the Soul is continually inviting us to ex-perience with everyone. Ask yourself: How much face time am I willing to grace others with? Will I actually look them in the eyes and really see them? And will my eyes rest with theirs long enough to allow them to really see me? How open will my ears be to truly listen to others with compassion?

How will I use my mouth to acknowledge another through the words that I speak, or with simply a warm smile?

There is no metric system for the Soul, and like-wise, no measurements of big and small when it comes to courage of the Soul. Asking yourself how much of your essence you are willing to share is not an attempt to gauge your participation in life, but rather a reminder of the gift that is always available for you, through you, to give and receive.

Is any of this important? Is your sharing with oth-ers somehow a “key” to life? Do any of these ques-tions, and their answers, really matter?Yes.


Tara-jenelle Walsch is the founder and spirit behind the Soulebrate greeting card company, the cards of which are being sold in hundreds of stores worldwide, carrying messages of encouragement & empowerment. She also speaks publicly about a personal devel-opment program she created called Soulcialize that increases emotional awareness and inspires others to live soul first, which she believes creates Soul Connection and has the ability to enrich the world at large.

Tara-jenelle was raised in Annapolis, Maryland and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Communications from Towson University in Baltimore, Maryland. She currently lives in in the beautiful hills of Ashland, Oregon with her pug, Sascha.

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An excerpt from Buddha Speaks: To the Buddha Nature Within

by Rashmi Khilnani

Battle Between The

Love & Fear

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“I assure you, my children, that the terror you will expe- rience from meeting your fears eye to eye and getting through them (as opposed to avoiding them

or suppress- ing them) is of far less intensity and duration than years or lifetimes of petrified ego-oriented living in fear.”

Lord Buddha, I have spent years in various spiritual practices with gurus, avatars, and powerful teachers. Still the I and the ego have not totally dis- solved, and though I spend a large part of my consciousness in a so-called elevated state, the battle between my personal-ity and my higher self rages on from time to time.

The more I disengage from the world, the easier it is for me to be in a transcendental state and especially when I am in nature, listening to beautiful music, or playing with children. I find that sacred ceremony, teaching and initiating others takes me into very expansive states of being and becoming. I so wish to live my life beyond the constraints of money and the marketplace, but I am constantly drawn back into the mundane world.

So my question is, is it advantageous for me to oscillate between these two worlds: the transcendental and the mundane, depending on what is appropriate, moment to moment; or is my hankering for total enlightenment a more desirable objective from your space of high wis-dom?

Dear One, as you know, you are already that which you wish to become.

Just before I gained Nirvana or total Mahasamadi under the Bodhi tree in Bodhgaya, I had to give up the desire for enlighten- ment. It was the last desire within my being, and by letting that go I finally attained oneness with all that is.

When you achieve Mahasamadi, or total unity con-sciousness, one becomes very silent. This experi-ence and state of consciousness is beyond words and beyond the mind. Just as an ant on a matchbox cannot describe or comprehend the entirety of the matchbox; in the same way, when the individ-ual dissolves into the ocean of the Unified Field, it cannot be comprehended or described by lan-guage or the mind. Another powerful little story to illustrate this phenom- enon is that of a salt doll stepping again and again into the ocean with a view to define the ocean. Each time it steps into the ocean, the salt doll dissolves, and so there is nosalt doll left to describe the experience of the ocean.

When it is time for the mango to ripen and fall off the tree for you to enjoy its juicy sweetness, it does so effortlessly. There is no forcing the ripening pro-cess. If one tries artificial means, with pres- sure or impatience, you will not get a very tasty mango.

In the same way, be at peace and enjoy your jour-ney. It is a beautiful and unique voyage on the sea of consciousness. There is no rush Rashmiji. At the same time, it is beautiful and powerful to practice a single-pointed focus on the inner temple of silence and nothingness. The unmanifest is the anchor, the very bedrock for the creation of manifest possibili-ties. You are strengthening this anchor- ing with your spiritual practice.

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The stronger the manifestation of inner silence and calm, the easier it is to let the personality play its many roles on the stage of life.

Lord Buddha, people generally feel that they have to choose between the spiritual and the material world. That is precisely what you did in that lifetime as Prince Siddhartha. You chose to give up your kingdom and the mundane for the spiritual life. I feel in this time now that we can choose both. For the Divine I feel resides in all things. Is that true for this time now?

Absolutely, dear one. As I will keep saying, this is a different moment of now. This is a time when allconcepts, beliefs, races,‘isms’, countries, and divisions are merging into a large cauldron of oneness and unity. In this unity diversity is allowed. Your Inter-net is a great example of people coming together to communicate, and the ending of a time of secrets and lies.

In many ways your technology is beginning to reflect the divine aspects of your being. We the Ascended Masters are facilitating mankind to begin to drop war and the use of your technology for violence and destruction.

As you know, humanity has total free will, but as this wake-up cycle strengthens on your planet, thevibrations of war and conflict will give way to peace, to cooperation, and to nonviolence.

For this nonviolence is to be achieved now, not onlyyour actions, but nonviolent thought and ultimately nonviolent emotion are needed.If you begin to reorient your awareness with all that is, achieving these states of peace within and therefore without, becomes easy and effortless.

You have to start with yourself. As you say, you have to become the change you wish for in the outer world.

There is no point in you saying that you wish for peace in Iraq or Afghanistan, if in your heart you are feeling, for example: “I hate my mother,” or any-one or anything else as the case may be. Lord Buddha, from your perspective as an ascended master, which do you think is the most challenging lesson for humanity as we swim through the sea of challenges

to the full dawning and strengthening of total Christ Consciousness (unity consciousness) on the planet?

Excellent question, my dear one. As fields of high-er conscious- ness, let us say expanded conscious-ness, we the Ascended Masters feel the pain of all human hearts. The battle is between love and fear. It is between separation and unity. It is between cooperation and competition. It is between sharing and choosing to hoard.

As the wondrous Maitreya teaches you through the being of light Benjamin Creme, “Share and Save the world.” So in one sim- ple sentence, human beings need now to relearn to love themselves and to love others as an extension of themselves. This love is essen- tially unconditional in its nature. Love as you know is all-inclusive as opposed to exclusive in its essence.

I wish to talk to you about the infamous shadow. Loving all parts of oneself including the shadow isessential in this moment of now, and as you know the shadow is the part of your being that is unwanted, unrecognized, suppressed, repressed, subconscious, unconscious, and judged to be wrong.

As you know dear one, the larger the light the greater is the shadow.

Yet, ultimately the shadow is not real; fear is not real; death is not real. (Death is just a change in form). For what we deny becomes bigger as the whole universe seeks a constant state of embracement, atonement and union.

Lord Buddha, I was told by a powerful channel in the Blue Ridge Mountains that on one of my trips to India I would go to the cremation grounds and watch the burning of the body and that I would ask, with great respect of the soul of the departed, if he might show me how his body merged back into the five ele-ments of earth, water, fire, air, and ether. She said I also would ask for permission to be shown the deceased one’s soul leaving the body to journey on in the cycle of birth and death.

So I did just that in India, and as I meditated in crossed-legged position on the ground, with the ashes of many dead bodies around me,

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amidst the dancing flames of the funeral pyre, I was amazed to be shown the body dissolving into water, and ashes—which is earth—and into fire, and the subtle air above the fire was the release of the body’s air com- ponent. I then felt the energy of the departed’s soul become one with the energy of the sun that was fiercely shining down upon us on the banks of the Jamuna River in Old Delhi.

My question is that in this time where the fear of hu-manity is coming up, like a massive clouding of theentire atmosphere within and without, would you not say that death is the predominating angst of man-kind? Secondly, how do we individually and collective-ly acknowledge and over- come this intense angst? I have to say that for most people there isn’t even a conscious aware- ness that this fear predominates their psychologi-cal, mental and emotional landscape?

Dear One, as Siddhartha my first experience of the death phe- nomena moved me deeply into the ques-tioning and exploration of the root causes of human suffering. As you know Rashmiji, every in-breatheis life and every out-breath is a small death, mo-ment to moment, and as you breathe in and out youare dancing perpetu- ally between being born (in-breath) dying (out-breath) and being reborn (the next in-breath).

In deep meditative practice, you learn to focus your awareness on the gap between two breaths and in some cases to expand this gap space. This space between the in-breath and the out-breath is the space of the unmanifest from which all manifest reality springs forth. As a spiritual aspirant, you be-come aware of and realize this process of being born, dying and being reborn through your breath.

I would like to clarify for beginning meditators that the unman- ifest is the realm of the void, the place of pure potentiality, the space of no-thingness. For example, your scientists now know that galaxies prob-ably arise from black holes. The unmanifest realm, dear ones, is beyond time and space.

So coming back to your question, dear one: death is indeed the biggest fear for the ego and the mind for one who wishes to be anchored in separation, or for one who totally doubts there is Unity Con-sciousness. There is only unity from within which all diversity dances forth.

Once the individual begins to embark on a journey of self- inquiry asking powerful questions such as who am I and what is the true nature of my reali-ty, then one slowly begins as a spiritual seeker to unravel the fear of death through an anchoring of one’s con- sciousness in the unified field of awareness. One becomes more like a tree that knows that it is whole and complete as opposed to being separate individual leaves, branches and roots. One slowly merges into the vast ocean of Unity Consciousness. As this awareness of oneness increas-es, the fear of death which comes from separation decreases.

As far as acknowledging one’s fears, whether they be the fear of death or other fears, awareness is a key. Dear ones, you have full choice within free will to continue to walk around like conditioned robots where your responses come from precon-ditioned beliefs and behavior patterns or to choose, moment to moment, centered awareness.

Dear ones, as your personality self starts dissolving (through meditative practice), fear comes up. This is the way the mind and the ego wish to gainseeming control. we the Ascended Masters observe hat many of you new agers are hankering after enlightenment, after nirvana, and yet terror comes up at the idea of the experiential state of the small “I” dissolving.

As you know dear ones, that in my tapasya toward enlighten- ment, as I meditated ceaselessly, many temptations from within myself tried to entice me away from the dissolving of the small “I.” This did not deter my sankalpa (my intention) to reach Nir-vana and to let go the identification of being my mind, body, and intellect.

what I am saying is that of course fear will come up on the path and naturally the greater the progress toward the goal of Light and Oneness, the greater will be the fear. A true spiritual warrior peaceful-ly continues with strong determination to face fear, after fear, after fear. Such a pure entity finds to their pleasant surprise that each fear ultimately falls into the nothingness and illusion that it is. Courage on the path and staying power are important.

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You might say that this is too much hard work, and that you would rather stay with your clinging, your limitation, and your con- trol. “I would rather,” you might say, “cling to my terrified little ego.” I assure you, my children, that the terror you will experience from meeting your fears eye to eyeand getting through them (as opposed to avoiding them or suppressing them) is of far less intensity and duration than years or lifetimes of petri-fied ego-oriented living in fear. Try it and see foryourself. There is an immense wave of alignmentand serenity that comes after a layer of so-called fear is faced and transcended.

From our viewpoint as ascended consciousness, we feel great compassion and some amusement as we watch you acting as indi- viduals, like the air in a jam jar clinging to the reality of being a jam jarwhen the limitless skies upon skies are who you really are. why not allow the jam jar of your beingness to shatter so that you may become limitless space, limitless being?

Dear ones, remember that each time you feel fear, you can invoke me, that is you can invoke the energy of the Buddha field to infuse you with the energy of courage or healing or peace —what- ever it is you need in that moment—to come to a more integrated realization of yourself.

Remember to pray. Remember to ask.

All the ascended masters and other beings of light and love are here now to assist you. Because you are in a free will zone, we cannot force health or healing upon you without your permission. Re-member that it is not always useful to keep using the same tool if the job at hand is not getting done. Allow your inner knowingness to guide you. In one moment meditation may be appropriate, in another nature, in another silence, or in another it may be prayer and in yet another chanting. Some-times the power is in gratitude, sometimes in sharing, and sometimes in practicing aloneness. At another moment it is all about integration through dancing, singing, and celebrating.

You cannot come to your knowingness without prac-

ticing sim- plicity, silence, and the acceptance of what is in a given moment.Be here now. Be here now.Be here now.

Rashmi Khilnani was born in Chandigarh, India and spent the first six years of her life inCairo, Egypt. She went on to study and teach with world-renownedavatars, gurus and teachers and became a specialist in energy medicine.

She is on the forefront in bringing the ancient Mystery School teachings of Egypt,India, Tibet and China, as well as theteachings of the Essenes, into currenttime and making these wisdoms simpleand accessible to people at all levels ofsoul journeying.

Rashmi teaches and practices severalhealing modalities and has taught ReikiMasters, doctors, scientists and othersfrom many walks of life the secrets of theMystery School teachings. She is a globalmetaphysical teacher, urban shaman,international lecturer, artist, seminarleader and TV personality. Rashmi is thehost of 2013 and Beyond with JeremyMcDonald heard monthly on

Rashmi is the executive producer and oneof the speakers in a new documentary film,IGod, which will feature spiritual authors,heads of various religious denominationsand people at all levels of soul journeying.

IGod is being produced by Robert Friedmanand Neale Donald Walsh, and directed byJonathan Friedman.

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by Michael White



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“I know” these days I hear it time and time again, wake up! But those thoughts, like “I know” are not worthy actions when a person is still playing with their navel. There’s a great line that I added a couple words to, goes like this “there are no straight lines in nature, life or business”. 2016 is well on its way, this year’s wave of expanding energy is about to leave behind anyone who hasn’t already decid-ed to get off their butt and start moving in a direction and benefit the their personal evolu-tion. What does that mean? Call it what you may, vision, mission goal, desire, who cares but get some form of carrot out in front and start

moving towards it with passion and conviction.

Last year we all left the box thinking but still kept the habits. Dumb dumb dumb yep, dumb is the distraction we managed to hang on to for dear life! I could be wrong, the only ways to find out is get serious with you, put on your “awareness glasses” and take a peek!!! When dealing with other people we expect honesty, so why not tryit out on yourself, get honest with awareness and if by chance you are having difficulty, ask a friend who has been waiting in the trenchesto tell you, ha ha.


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There’s no waiting for the next generation. The season is upon us, the first quarter is done, we are the next generation, so start off right by produc-ing your next best! Personal foundations are meant to be updated regularly, you’ve got this. At this point all I can offer is encouragement, we create systems, set routines, investigate the conquering of disci-plines, and when it is all said and done, in comes the curve ball. Life is organic, we think/imagine routines imprison us but when we discover their little hidden secret, they actually set us free.

In a world where change appears absolute, it’s not. A tree produces a seed which in turn produces a tree, routine and discipline is a law of nature and humans are nature. Imprisonment does not comefrom repetitive actions, it sprouts from a dysfunc-tional mindset!!! Think of all the repetitive actions you enjoy, coffee, sex, bacon and think of all the repetitive actions you don’t like, voting for a nobody, putting out the garbage after midnight, when in reality it’s only a state of mind.

Starting point is always the self. It’s not the neigh-bor, it’s not the one we blame, maybe sometimes, either way it all points in your direction. What simple act can you perform where success is a given, then throw accolades all over yourself each and every time you succeed. Hopefully some oth-er human will do the same. Not so easy you may say, when trapped in one’s own crap/self judg-ment. It’s understandable considering we are not all the same, especially with all the various levels of sensitivity us humans tend to harvest. Hence support with absolute trust becomes crucial, not to be avoided or overlooked.

Trust is flow, life is flow, it is a precursor to contin-ued human evolvement. We can look outside of the self, but it’s a Band-Aid at best, a waste of time as we contemplate our navel once again. A tradition-al yogic practice which has had its day? Every day we are standing facing a new dawn, it’s a “ground hog day” new world how we achieve, how our pres-ence shows up is how we deliver the goods that serve and nourish our core. Strange at it may appear, are we the customer receiving all the goods we un-knowingly created???

Choice is over rated and yet there is no escape.

Feel good about you no matter what the situa-tion, for all things come to change. Be a sponsor of zero waste, eat well, support change, step confident-ly into the future you imagine. There are no risks, it’s been a fabricated lie programmed as a belief picked up by followers which inevitability we all paid a price. Feng Shui is all about the human,how we function, who we are, the surrounding environment, the physical body, the energies we will encounter in our future and a whole lotmore. We have been distracted into believing wealready know due to the tiny pieces which havebeen fed by the uneducated. Wholeness doesn’t come from knowing a slice, remain true to self and the world will open its doors!!! Blessings oneand all.

Michael White Ryanis a co-founderwith his wifePamela Edwardsof Language of Space.They are leaders insustainablebusiness growth viaPerformanceDesign andPerformance Code.Sustainable designencompasses both Western and Easternphilosophies including advanced Feng Shui principles, Environmental Design, Buildings, Alternative Health, Business Advisory Consultants and 20 plus years as entrepreneurs.Recognized in the top 100 globally and are Americas Leading Feng Shui Business Consultants.

They are on faculty at CEO Space International one of the oldest business organizationsin America today, currently operate in 7 countries and reside in Henderson NV.

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by Frank Daly

Imagine Your

Today, concerns about the environment dominate public and political discussion. From the melting ice shelves in the Arctic to the disappearing rainfor-est and extinction of species there are many trou-bling issues involved in this global crisis. It is com-monly believed that this catastrophe is due to human activity and habits. Questions abound: How can we fix this problem as a nation and as a global commu-nity? Is it too late to make the change necessary in order to survive devastation? What will happen if we do not do enough in time? These worries quick-ly become overwhelming, evoking fear and panic as we are faced with the uncertainty that lies ahead.

Here we must pause and remember that “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them,” as Albert Einstein so eloquently stated. We need to understand the natural laws that govern our world. As we come to have a better understanding of the universe we begin to realize that it is designed to be self-balancing and self-organizing.



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Imagine the universe as a computer and consider the complexity of the design required in order for the user to navigate efficiently. As the system becomes more familiar the user is able to accom-plish tasks with greater ease. The universe truly is a kind and supportive place but if we don’t understand how it is designed to work it can seem harmful, even dangerous. For example, when we sit inside of a car and drive we are able to travel simply but if we don’t fully understand how the car works navigating becomes difficult and we find ourselves banging into things and causing accidents wherever we go.

We can begin to understand the self-correcting na-ture of the universe by simply observing the natu-ral world around us. Notice how a tree or a flower grows with ease. There is no effort, simply an allowing. We constantly choose how to perceive the world and this perception will set the course for the future. We are the constant creators of our world because the focus of our awareness generates a feeling and that feeling will determine what is re-flected to us in the external world. If what we see is desirable, our perceptions are helpful, but if we see things we do not prefer, such as pollution and the adverse effects it has on environment, we must first examine our interior world.

When we are in a state of irritation, frustration, or even fear and we take actions to fix the problems we face we actually sustain them, or in some cases make them worse due to the fact that these negative feelings are the causes of our environmental issues in the first place. Remember, the external world is just a projection of how we feel inside. Therefore, if our attention goes to cleaning up our thoughts and creating a more positive perspective, we will inevitably see the world change for the better.

Recent studies reveal that 90% of disease is caused by overwhelming stress and when we stress we reflect it outwardly. After all, the external world is a reflec-tion of our inner expression. The reflection will not change until we correct our inner being. Just like a mirror, if our hair is a mess we do not try to fix the mirror we fix our hair and the mirror reflects back our progress.

In order to change our inner world we must simply

let go and allow. When we are frustrated and can’t find our keys we get to a point when we stoplooking (let go and allow) as time passes our frus-tration disappears and all of a sudden we find our keys. We may think someone moved them or come up with some other so called logical reason, but what happens when we are frustrated is our mind works at a disadvantage. In return we don’t see clearly making it difficult to find the keys.

Know that our minds are designed to transcend to a quiet place when we let go of stressful thoughts just like when a diver let’s go of the platform without effort they are drawn to the water. When we allow the mind to transcend to a quiet place we are presented with an entirely new perspective in relationship to our situation and the solution will appear naturally and easi-ly. If we want to experience a clean and peaceful environment we must start with ourselves and clean up our inner environment. As individuals we are more powerful then we are lead to believe. We can make a huge difference and with each individual it multiples tenfold. So be the change you want to experience and together we will create a better environment, for ourselves and for our future generations

Frank Daly is a wellness coach and author who has transformed lives for over 15 years with his ability to enable his clients to see beyond the immediate drama of life and connect to the greater whole.

His recent publication, Enjoy the Ride is a simple explanation of how to use your inner guidance system to reach your goals and live a life of joy. Frank lives in Arizona with his wife and son and is currently working on his second book.


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Expressions Unlimited“Showcase Sizzle”

by Allison Chance


Bobbie Chance’s A-List Thursday Night Showcase is a Hollywood Legend. It is a Star-Making Showcase, performed by the hottest, freshest, castable talent, performing scenes from the best films, tv series, and plays. Two and a half hours of non-stop raw, emotional entertainment. Academy Award Winner Anthony Hopkins, Brad Pitt, Giovanni Ribisi, Jennifer Aniston, Scarlett Johansson, and Martin Lawrence are among some of the celebrities that have worked out on Bobbie’s Stage. All celebrities, all high rolling industry professionals, all movie investors are welcome to our Showcase on a weekly basis.

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At age 16 Dany won the Wilhelmina kids contest in NYCand started her International modeling carreer. Soon after she was booked for Guess Jeans which catapulted her to the next level and she was working with the other Topmodels such as Naomi, Kate and Cindy for brands such as Chanel, John Galliano,Laura Biagotti, and many more She was living her dream and lifewas perfect.

After surviving a bad marraige, Soon aftershe was struck by breast cancer but fought through it. She just celebrated her fourth birthday in December 2015. She chose to make her Cancer battle public to incurage others to keep on fighting.

She is back in the public eye since 2014. Since then she has been starring in several German TV series, magazines and doing lot´s of presenting and test driving work.

Her next TV appearance is this summer when RTL one of the three biggest private channels in Germany will report about her life.

Dany Michalski

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“There is an enormous difference between what themajority of people call love and the real Love that is nothing else than a synonym for the only universal force, creator of all things in this world. This is whymany religions affirm that God is Love, because they are one and the same, simply different names for the same miraculous energy flowing through all human beings, without any exception. There is this human tendency to feel attraction for another human and call that love. There is this human belief that condi-tions love according to what the mind wants. The heart is often times silenced by the ego that is only looking to keep the conscious mind inside its “comfort zone.” In this comfort zone, money, positions and other many labels, are the ones conditioning and limiting love. But real love cannot be limited, you see. Real love lives beyond all human mental illusion. It per-sists and subsists beyond death and eternity. We must attune to that real Love. And never settle for less.”

The difference between the love of the mind and the love of the heart.

I did not always believe in real Love because for many years of my life I did not even realize such Love existed. I grew up with a conditioned mind where my ego was in charge of selling me an illuso-ry love that would give me all the things I desired. Through this socially imposed type of love, I learned how to achieve many things, if not everything. This mental love I used to practice, allowed me to fall in love (falling instead of rising,) get married, have a family, create a wealthy lifestyle where appar-ently nothing was missing, and so many other ‘things’ I could add to the list.

According to my mind, I was a successful person. But then, why was it that at age thirty and having “everything” I wished for, I felt so incomplete and unfulfilled?

My search continued for many years, before I could accept the only way I would find that unconditional Love I did not even know I was looking for would

Love Is In The Heart Not In The


by Roxana Jones


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be by moving out of my comfort zone and beyond what my mind could offer me. I went a little bit deeper every day until I found my inner landscape. There, I learned how to experience reality through the feelings of the heart, not the emotions of the mind. For the first time I understood the reason why I had come to Earth: to love myself in such away that all I could do from that Love was to feel unlimited compassion for all human beings, no matter their stories or even my stories related to theirs.

One of the questions I am often times asked is how to get to that heart and feel that Love I talk about. I believe that connecting with the heart is an empirical and almost indescribable process that can only be defined by the person who experiencesit. Once you are ready for it, you begin searching with discipline and determination until it reveals to you. It always does.

What I am writing about is not something I discov-ered on my own, of course not. This is a truth that many extinct civilizations knew and tried to pass on.

One of my favorite quotes that explains it so well comes from one of the oldest Upanishads:“If someone says to you: ‘In the fortified city of the imperishable, our body, there is a lotus, and in this lotus a tiny space: what does it contain that one should desire to know it?’

You must reply:‘As vast as this space without is the tiny space within your heart: heaven and earth are found in it, fire and air, sun and moon, lightning and theconstellations, whatever belongs to you here below and all that doesn’t, all this is gathered in that tiny space within your heart.’”~ Chandogya Upanishad 8.1.2-3

Within your heart, is where you can find true Love, the only force that can transform it all. A few days ago, I read an article explaining how love was found in the mind, not in the heart – the op-posite to what I have been describing. “A recent study shows love is a complex emotion triggered by 12 specific areas of the brain — the network of love.” It is amazing to see how so many people ignore the importance of what is inside the human heart and insist on finding all the answers in the human brain. As stated previously, I agree with

the fact that there is indeed a love of the mind but this does not mean that a deeper Love is not to be found in the heart.

So how to know which love you are putting into practice?

Here are a few ways to distinguish between the love of the mind and the love of the heart that you might find helpful:

1. The love of the mind wants to possess. The love of the heart wishes to liberate.2. The love of the mind feeds on judgment and comparison. The love of the heart promotes healing and forgiveness.3. The love of the mind is dramatic. The love of the heart is equanimous.4. The love of the mind only understands in terms of the material world. The love of the heart is infinite and goes beyond this material world.5. The love of the mind can be indifferent and even cruel. The love of the heart is always kind and compassionate.6. The love of the mind wants you to stay small. The love of the heart wants you to expand and grow.

7. The love of the mind involves eros or sexual passion. The love of the heart invites you to learn about sacred sex and the awakening of your Kundalini.8. The love of the mind can be unhealthy and associated with narcissism. The love of the heart is always healthy, unselfish and does not under stand vanity.9. The love of the mind can generate apathy. The love of the heart is always empathic. Last but not least,10. The love of the mind can love others but ignores the importance of self-love. The love of the heart loves Self and from that Self-love it allows you to love others in deeper ways you or them have never felt before.

My wish to you is that you discover the Love that allows your self-realization, one that permits you to go beyond the material world that so often seems so confusing and “unloving.”

Until next time and don’t forget to be love,


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Roxana Jones and Arnaud Saint-Paul devote themselves to their life purpose: To open as many hearts as possible and to help shifting the consciousness of the planet.

As spiritual healers and teachers, life and business partners, their intent is to “help millions around the world to embrace change and start living the type of love, happiness and abundance both of them now know exists for everyone once they are healed.” Together, they work enthusiastically in bringing to their audience the best of themselves so that everyone can connect to their own Truth and unveil who they truly are: divine beings enlightening the world in their own unique ways, even when darkness makes it hard to believe it is so.

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About BritWeek:BritWeek is a non–profit organization, started in Los Angeles in 2007 by Nigel Lythgoe and the then Consul General Bob Peirce, to highlight the creative relation-ship between the United Kingdom and California. Brit-Week’s mission is to create greater awareness of the many ways in which Britain and the US work closely together, and further build this relationship to advance business, the arts, and philanthropy in both of these thriving regions of the world. Every Spring, BritWeek hosts a program of events in Greater Los Angeles that pro-motes British creativity, innovation and excellenceacross multiple categories including, film & television, music, art, fashion, design, retail, sport, philanthropy, business, and more.

BritWeek’s Tenth Anniversary kicked off Saturday April 23rd, with a celebration of Shakespeare’s 400th anniversary. Harry Hamlin’s “Macbeth”, Stacy Keach performing from "As You Like It" and Michael York’s extraordinary speech from “Richard III” brought down the house, as did the Impro Theatre’s hilarious Pyramus & Thisbe scene from “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Shakespearean scholar, Louis Fantasia, who directed the one night only production says, “In the 400 years since Shakespeare’s death, I doubt that there has beena better cast anywhere on the Globe than what we had on Saturday night. Great classical acting, mixed with Hollywood star appeal, plus some music and dance — who could ask for anything more!”


Bob Peirce, Steve Cooke

Joely Fisher & Ioan Gruffudd

Jack Lowe, Audrey Hamilton

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Sharon Harroun Peirce, Bob Peirce

Timothy Omundson

Actors performing were: Jimmy Akingbola, Ashley Bell, Eric Braeden, Adan Canto, Jane Carr, Suzan Crowley, Karen David, Neil Dickson, Joely Fisher, Judy Geeson, Michele Greene, Ioan Gruffudd, Ran-dy Guiaya, Harry Hamlin, Lexie Helgerson, Isabel-la Hofmann, Stacy Keach, Jen Lee, Jack Lowe, Jim Nowakowski, Timothy Omundson, Victoria Platt, Joe Spano, Joan Van Ark, Sherry Williams, Robert Wisdom and Michael York. The cast were joined by members of the LA Impro Theatre.

Amongst those attending the performance and af-ter party with the actors were: Nigel Lythgoe, Sha-ron Harroun and Bob Peirce, Mace Neufeld, Peter & Wendy Asher, Jo Frost, Lady Victoria Hervey, actress Celia Imrie, actress Lesley Nicol, new artistic director of the Wallis, Paul Crewes, Ross King, George Lazen-by, Julien MacDonald, Mayor of Beverly Hills John Mirisch, and Bruno Tunioli.

BritWeek10 showcases over 50 events, runs from April 23 – May 7th, 2016. Check for listings. May lst is the ticketed BritWeek Anniversary Gala at the Fairmont Miramar Hotel, Santa Monica. Press may apply for red carpet. Tickets are for sale online at

For sponsorship inquiries please contact: BritWeek Director, Lauren StoneFor media inquiries please contact:Caroline Graham, C4 Global [email protected] | 310.899.2727

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Jimmy Akingbola

Timothy Omundson Harry Hamlin

Jane Carr Jane CarrKaren David

Jimmy Akingbola

Jeri Ryan

Francis O'Toole

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Stacy KeachJane CarrKaren David

Jimmy Akingbola Ashley Bell

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art by Maryam Morrison Art

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Joy Hacking and the Future of HappinessBy Jonathan Robinson

I popped the pink pill into my mouth and waited for the expected feelings of ecstasy. No, the pill wasn’t the drug XTC, but rather a legal and safe alternative. Then I put on my trans-cranial stimulation device, known as “The Thync,” and waited to see what hap-pened. Wow! After five minutes, it felt like my brain was flooding me with endorphins. Finally, I placed the scalp stimulator known as the Tingler on my head. When I did this, an orgasmic wave of intense pleasure rippled through my entire body.

After a few minutes of this euphoria, I took off the devices and went about my day. Having just been catapulted into sweet ecstasy, my day became both incredibly productive and happy.

This is not a future scenario. This is how I like to start my mornings. Nowadays, there are new and improved ways to feel good—even ecstatic—that most people don’t know anything about. In an age when depres-sion is rampant and dangerous drug use is epidemic, amazing new ways to feel peaceful, euphoric, and just plain happy are popping up all over the place. Howev-er, people miss out on these amazing methods because they simply don’t know about them. From safe drugs to “happy apps,” to high tech brain stimulation devices, a whole new world of ways to feel good is blossoming.

We live in an age where everything is shifting and accelerating. Yet, most people still pursue an ancient path for finding happiness. Their formula for be-ing happy is to try to control all the external events and people in their lives to be exactly the way they want. This is a tiresome activity at best, and there are always some events and people that we can’t control. However, there is a new model for finding more joy and peace of mind: find it within your self. Of course, this is a not a new idea. Everyone from the Buddha to Jesus has said that heaven can be found within, but now there are cutting edge and more efficient ways to tap into this magical inner kingdom.

About a year ago I was invited to talk to Google em-ployees about “The Future of Happiness.” I described new ways to control their minds and emotions that were more effective than trying to be happy by con-trolling all the events in their life. The reaction was intense. Everyone wanted to know what some of these innovative ways to “hack happiness” were, and how they could get them. That led me to write a book on the subject.

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In my research I learned that different things work for different people. For example, there are a lot of supplements known as “cognitive en-hancers” that can dramatically increase your fo-cus, energy, and mood. Yet, you have to try out many of them in order to find the one or two that really rock your world. I also learned that people define happiness in unique ways. Some people want a gadget that increases their plea-sure, while other folks want a tool that improves their relationships or makes them feel totally peaceful. As with all technologies, “inner” tech keeps getting better. In fact, some of them are so good that it’s possible to get addicted to them. Ultimately, one has to discern whether a given gadget is truly a friend that helps them the joy within--or is just another WMD—Widget of Mass Distraction. Since there are many tools that do different things, there’s no simple answer as to whether something is beneficial to you.

For example, people become addicted and de-pendent on coffee. Yet, on the other hand, caffeine can prevent many types of cancer, and helps people feel good and be productive. So, is coffee a “good” thing? It’s up to you to decide…

In my own case, I decide if a specific technolo-gy is truly my friend by asking myself two ques-tions. First I ask myself, “Does this tool lead me to being dependent on it?” It’s always better when technology acts like “training wheels” on a bike—meaning that the tool exists so that you can eventually do without it. If instead a gadget fosters a sense of dependence, then that’s a warn-ing sign it may ultimately not be worth it.

The second question is, “Does this technology help teach me how to better connect with a sense of peace, love, or joy within?” Even the Dalai Lama has reportedly said that if there were a pill that duplicated Buddha’s awakening, he would take it immediately and prescribe it for all living beings. If a tool helps me learn how to get to a more peaceful, loving place more efficiently, I think that’s a good thing.

It’s hard to say exactly what the future holds, though Steve Jobs was seemingly pretty good at predicting it. In 1972 I had the unusual opportunity to be in a computer class with Steve

Jobs. Of course, at the time he was just nerdy teen and I was four years his junior. He and I would vie to play Tic-tac-toe on a 500 pound “computer” that our High School had recently purchased. Steve was obsessed with this ma-chine. One day I asked Steve why he was so fixated on this refrigerator sized computer. He turned to me and said in an intense manner, “Don’t you see? This machine is going to change everything! It’s going to change the world!”

It turns out Steve Jobs was right. Well, nowa-days it may not seem like the latest brain sup-plement, neuro-stimulator, or mood enhancing app is going to change the world, but technolo-gy has a way of discreetly slipping into our lives. This “technology of joy” will only accelerate until the entire way we pursue happiness is trans-formed in the next few years. I’ve seen that when people try out enough of these new gadgets, apps, and supplements, they inevita-bly find something that feels good--and is even good for them. When that happens, their lives are never the same.

Jonathan Robinson is a psychotherapist and the author of “The Technology of Joy: The 101 Best Apps, Gadgets, Tools and Supplements or Feeling More Delightin Your Life.

The book is the culmination of Robinson’s personal experiments with a vast number of apps, gadgets, tools and supplements seeking the very best “happiness hacks.” Robinson is one of the world’s leading experts on happiness and how to get there.

Robinson has reached more than 100 million people around the world with his practical methods and appeared on numerous national television shows including Oprah.

Robinson's website is where offers free audios and articles, as well as a list of his books.

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Message from the Goddess Mother

Greetings My Beloved Children of light,

“Welcome to our time of sharing. Today I come with a message that will uplift and inspire, lead-ing you to a greater sense of your joyful nature.

Within the realms of Earth there now exists a wonderful new energy. This energy emanates from a Sacred Ray, new to all worlds. It is the Golden Rose Ray.

This is a gift that I now offer to all of my chil-dren, which will radiate such sweetness to your hearts. It will assist you to remember the great wonder of you, for truly you are a wonder tobehold.

In these times of great change, you are shifting into levels of greater awareness. This growing awareness touches upon knowing your divine nature, your divine source, and your life purpose.

This beautiful Golden Rose Ray can and willassist you in this process of remembering, mov-ing gracefully in your readiness into the higher levels of conscious awareness.

Oh, the glory of these times! Oh, the glory of you, for you have chosen this time of personal expansion!

Take a moment to reflect on my words, Feel into your heart and know this truth. As youfeel the truth, your heart will fill with sucha sweet wave of joyfulness. Yes, joy validates truth. It is the way of the heart, for the heart only speaks truth .

This gift is offered to all as a gift from my heart to yours. The gift of the Golden Rose Ray has much to offer you in ways of great bless-ings and opportunities for expansion into the realms of greater wisdom and understanding.



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By Jan Diana

Do you thirst for knowledge about yourself and your purpose? Do you feel drawn to have a greater understanding of you and your life?

The Golden Rose Ray is a Ray of the Sacred Heart. Your heart is all-knowing. You are receiving communication from your all-know-ing self through your heart conduit perpetu-ally. You receive and you understand on many levels.

Now you have a greater opportunity to height-en your receptivity to this loving flow. As you recognize this connection and open your mind to receive through the heart, you will be able to develop a greater understanding of these sweet messages of your heart. This will assist you in recognizing your divine nature, your many innate gifts and abilities and begin to utilize them more directly in your life to direct and manifest what you truly desire to experience.

You will be able to use this blessed ray to de-sign your life to be filled with whatever brings you joy. It offers pathways of great illumina-tion and personal empowerment. It is a Ray of great love and wisdom offered to all as a blessing for further advancements in personal development on your life journey.

The Golden Rose Ray will assist the collective of Earth to rise in consciousness and assist with the elevation of Earth into the higher dimensional realms. It is already blessing the whole of mankind and Earth as well as many other worlds.

Now, the beauty of this sacred gift can also be used for your personal development. Let me share with you some ways for you to consider exploring these possibilities.



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First, always begin your advancements by cen-tering in your heart. Take a few deep gentle slow breaths, while placing your hand on your heart. Focus with loving intention on connecting to your heart. Notice the flowing love messages that are a constant. Feel the peace, the joy, and the wonder.

You may take the Golden Rose Ray into your per-sonal life by choosing and claiming this blessing. Think or say these words, “I choose to accept the gift of the Golden Rose Ray into my life. I am grateful for this gift and choose the blessings and guidance associated with this gift. Thank you.”

Now feel the flow of the energy from your heart. You will feel the flow of sweet peace. This gift will now begin to manifest more directly into your life experiences, based on your choice, as your free will is always honored.

The greatest way to utilize this gift is to be heart centered and open to receive. Allow the bless-ings to unfold as they will. Be open to new ideas, and accept the wonder that unfolds. You will be guided by the quiet whispers of the heart.

Celebrate your magnificence, My Beloveds, for you have reached this point of readiness to re-ceive this great gift of love. The Golden Rose Ray will assist in elevating all of Earth into the fullness of the Golden Age. What joy this brings to us all.

Ponder on these words shared with you today, for there is much more being spoken to you through the heart. Allow yourself to receive the love and blessings. It is your time to blossomand become as the beautiful gold rose, bloom-ing in all its glory. May you feel the Golden Rose Ray showering upon you as gentle rain drops of love and know the joy that is your truth.”

With great love, Your Beloved Mother

FREE CLASS -As a Gift I am offering you a Free Tele- Class, “The Gift of the Golden Rose”.

This offers you an opportunity to expand upon

this gift. You will be able to experience more deeply the Golden Rose Ray on a journey to the Sacred Gardens of Light. You will learn how you can use this sacred ray to expand your conscious awareness, assisting to develop your ability to design and manifest your heartsdesires. This class is a joy bringer, assisting you on a pathway of greater acceptance of your divine truth and nature.

Note: Register by subscribing by email at: the time is not convenient, register to receive the recording when available)

3Jan Diana is an intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and master practitioner.Her mission is to assist clients & students in creating harmony, balance, heightened levels of clarity, develop in-nate gifts & abilities, empowering them on their personal evolution to create the dreams of their heart. She utilizes several modalities including SVH L3M, Animal healing, GHM, Language of love, Reiki Master, and more. Sessions and Classes by phone.

You can reach her at website or by email [email protected] .Free meditation journeys, articles, & classes.

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an excerpt from his book What My Soul Told Me

The Consciousness Model

by Richard Barrett


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The proposition I set out in this book is that there is a unifying cosmological model that draws together science, religion and psycho- logy, and that this model is intimately linked to the concept of consciousness. Further-more, we can only grow to understand this unifying cosmological model by embracing self-knowledge and recognizing the limits of our three-dimensional perception. The uni-fying model transcends birth and death, and leads us into an energetic dimension of real-ity where we are able to encounter our souls.

The main problem we have in relating the belief structures of science, religion and psy-chology is defining the common ground where they meet. Science deals with the physical world and the material aspect of our lives. Psychology deals with the mind and the mental aspect of our lives; and reli-gion maintains a mysterious balancing act between the material and spiritual world, providing us with a perspective on life that transcends death. Each of these belief systems deals with different aspects of our reality and each has their own vocabulary. In this respect, the following words written by Peter D. Ous-pensky in the early part of the last century are as meaningful today as they were then:


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We fail to understand many things because we specialize too easily and too drastically, philosophy,religion, psychology, natural sciences, sociology, etc. each has their own special literature. There is nothing embracing the whole in its entirety.3

In trying to develop a unifying model, the lay-person is confronted with two problems: first, the difficulty of comprehending the meaning of the specialized terms used in each of the differentdo-mains; and second, the correlation of meaningbetween the different domains. In reality, thelayperson is only slightly more handicapped than the specialists since they too have difficulty under-standing the vocabulary of other domains.

Pastors find it difficult to understand scientists and psychologists; scientists find it difficult to under-stand psychologists and pastors; and psychologists find it difficult to understand pastors and scien-tists. Our knowledge has become more and more differentiated. Clearly, however, all the different areas of modern knowledge must have significant interrelationships. We need to identify and explore these linkages if we are to develop a cosmology that unifies science, religion and psychology. The con-necting principle I propose to explore is conscious-ness.

Science and ConsciousnessAt the beginning of the last century science was replete with objectivity. Scientists assumed that there was no connection between the experiment and the experimenter, and there was an absolute measure of time. Two scientific theories promul-gated in the first part of the century changed these beliefs. The theory of relativity, which explained the movement of the macro world of planets and stars, changed our beliefs about time, and quan-tum theory, which explained the micro world of the atom, changed our beliefs about objectivity. These theories, which resulted in major techno-logical innovations and verifiable explanations of our universe, made the observer a participator and led us to recognize that time is fluid concept which is closely related to the situation of the ob-server.

Up to that point, scientists did not recognize that the observer had any influence on an experiment.

It was as if the phenomena being examined and the observer existed in two separate unconnected worlds. The first crack in this shell of objectivi-ty came with the arrival of Einstein's Theory of Relativity. He showed that time is relative to the position and movement of an observer. Thus, time could not be considered absolute. Further evidence of the important role of the observer came in the 1930s in the form of quantum theory. To make sense of quantum experiments, the observer has to choose what he or she wants to measure. One can never make simultaneous measurements of such factors as position and momentum. If you choose to measure the position of a particle, you cannot measure its speed, and if you choose to measure its speed, you cannot measure its position. In other words, the outcome of such experiments is affected by the consciousness of the observer. In The Tao of Physics, Fritjof Kapra comments on these ideas in the following way:

Quantum theory has abolished the notion of fun-damentally separated objects; it has introduced theconcept of the participator to replace that of the observer, and may even find it necessary to include the human consciousness in its description of the world.4

Scientists have discovered that matter and ener-gy are equivalent. All matter is a manifestation of energy. Energy can exist either as electrically charged particles or as waves of information. The reality of the particle is three-dimensional: it has specific physical properties. The reality of the wave of information is four-dimensional: it is an energy field that is unbounded by space and time. Thus, everything in our physical universe is com-posed of matter, and at the same time is contained within an energy field that is “invisible” to our physical senses. In the wave form one finds infor-mation that describes the full potentialities of the material particle. In the physical form one finds only one f those potentialities expressed. All ma-terial objects, including our own bodies, have a three-dimensional physical form and four- dimen-sional energy field. One is in a state of doing—con-stantly attempting to maintain internal stability and external equilibrium in the physical world. The other is in a state of being—prepared at any mo-ment to express its potentiality.

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Paul Davies suggests that the lesson of quantum theory is that matter can only achieve concrete, well-defined existence in conjunction with mind.5

In other words: the material aspect of a “sub- stance” only exists when there is an observing con-sciousness present. At all other times it remains a wave of potentiality.

The physical manifestation of a potential state of being is influenced by our beliefs, driven by our emotions and formed through our thoughts. In other words, the outcomes we attract into our lives have their genesis in our beliefs, are birthed into our three-dimensional world through our emotions, and molded into physical form by our thoughts.We can summarize this discussion of science and consciousness by saying that the content of our consciousness—our beliefs and thoughts, togeth-er with the emotional charges that are associated with our beliefs (positive or negative)—is thedriver of our reality. Whatever thoughts you al-low into your mind conditions your experience of reality. If you allow your mind to be full of fear-based thoughts, then you will feel afraid. If you allow your mind to be full of love-based thoughts, you will feel joy. If you allow your mind to be full of separation-based thoughts, then you will feel lonely. At the quantum level, all these potentialities exist. Your conscious and subconscious choices determine which of these realities you bring into your life, experience and feel.

The problem we have is that we are not aware we are subconsciously making these choices. Not until you develop mindfulness—the ability to step aside and observe your beliefs, thoughts and emotions—are you able to recognize you have a choice, and can consciously choose what you want to experience, not what your subconscious beliefs have chosen for you.

With the practice of mindfulness you can over-come your subconsciously created realities and-consciously create the feelings you want to expe-rience. This begs the question: Who is the you that is having the beliefs, thoughts and emotion-al reactions, and who is the you that is stepping

aside and observing the you that is having these experiences? In other words: Who is the one whois experiencing mindfulness? The proposal I am putting forward in this book is the following. The part of you that is “choosing” your beliefs, thoughts and emotional reactions is your ego, and the part of you that is observing these experiences, when you are in a state of mindfulness, is your soul. Learning to become your own self-observer (self- witness) is one of the ways you can connect with your soul.

Richard Barrett, Founder and Chairman of the Barrett Values Centre, is an internationally recongnised thought leader on values, culture and leadership in business and society.

He is a Fellow of the World Business Academy, Member of the Wisdom Council of the Center for Integral Wisdom, Honorary Board Member of the Spirit of Humanity Forum, and Former Values Coordinator at the World Bank.

His books include: Evolutionary Coaching (2014), The Values-Driven Organization (2013), What My Soul Told Me (2012),

Love, Fear and the Destiny of Nations (2011) and The New Leadership Paradigm (2010).


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art by Maryam Morrison Art

What Can’t Be


By Lee Milteer

an entrepreneur, you can replace everything except your time. You can make more money and get new customers, but you can’t re-place or replenish the time you waste. Dan Kennedy says: “Most

people give more thought to protecting the crap stored in the garage than to protecting their time.” This is sad but true. Where is your integrity with yourself about what is important in your life?

Effective time management is linked to integ-rity with self. If you have integrity, you take your commitments seriously. When you make a commitment to yourself and you let yourself down, you are setting yourself up for failure, insecurity and self-doubt. You program yourself with your thoughts and you teach others how to treat you with your actions.

We are now at a point in reality where we face unrelenting and constant communication and data. We have no time for recovery, and we suffer from serious brain overload in life and business. As I observe the coaching clients I work with, I see extreme burnout, serious mistakes being made with bad decisions, and great business opportunities being overlooked and delayed. We have lost integrity to our businesses and ourselves.

Dan also says that success is ultimately and

fundamentally about behaviors. It’s not your attitude, your upbringing, your education, your capital, your skill, or your luck; it’s all about YOUR BEHAVIORS. Think about it: if you behave in a way that is incongruent with your goals, you can’t achieve them.

I want you to give yourself permission to be conscious because most people are seriously unconscious. They don’t notice what is going on around them. They do the same things in the same way by rote, and they always getthe same results. Their time is consumed without any consciousness about where it goes or who uses it, yet they wonder why things never change for them.

It’s an interesting fact of life that people with no financial security are the worst about being able to tell you where their money went. Un-productive people can’t tell you where their time went.

The Solution to your Time Integrity Prob-lems lies within you right now to say STOP. I now give myself permission to honor my-self and have integrity with my purpose and business right now. It’s your job to take control of your time and focus on the money-mak-ing activities you know you should be doing instead of letting other people suck up all of your time.


the excerpt is from Reclaim the Magic


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I want to give you a homework assignment that I feature in The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Banish-ing Time and Energy Vampires Program (find out more at Take the time today to make new decisions about the following questions. These questions are going to make critical distinctions for how you run your business and life. These questions and the decisions you make about them are going to determine how much profit you have at the end of the year, how much time you take off to enjoy with your family and loved ones, and the integrity you have for your own time.




Ask yourself: where am spending my resources of time: Mentally, emotionally, physically, finan-cially, and spiritually? I’m asking you to answer questions because you’re the only person who really knows what you do with your time, how you use it, and how you give it away.

Have integrity with yourself. Do you want to work in your business or do you want your busi-ness to work for you?

If you’re not having integrity with yourself and your business, come check out the Peak Perform-ers Implementation Coaching program. We’ll help you conquer indecision and Chaos, and re-gain control of your life and your business and help you make the profits you want.

One of my talents is to assist people to find their blind spots, where they’re wasting time, and op-portunities to make money. If you’re dealing with challenges with effectively using your time, mar-keting strategies, and personal blocks, PLEASE stop trying to do this all alone. Join me, Dave Dee, and Darcy Juarez in Peak Performers-Im-

plementation Coaching. This exclusive Coaching Program is focused on Performance, Productivity, Right THINKING, Wealth Building, Entrepre-neurial Marketing, Masterminding, and Imple-mentation Strategies. Go to and look under Coaching to find out more about it today. See how Peak Performers has helped GKIC members upgrade their lifestyle, make more mon-ey, and jump ahead of their competition.

LEE MILTEER is aninternationally known andcelebrated bestselling author, award-winning professional speaker, TV personality, entrepreneur, visionary, and intuitive business mentor. Lee is that rare soul who lives and thrives in both the business world and the metaphysical world.

She is also a Reiki healer, a shaman, and runs Lee Milteer’s School of Wisdom, where she teaches students how to manifest on levels that mainstream education or business schools cannot teach. Lee has created and hosted educational programs airing on PBS and other cable networks throughout the U.S.and Canada.

She is the author of Success is an Inside Job and piritual Power Tools, and her latest book Reclaim the Magic as well as the co-author of ten books.

Lee speaks all over the world, and has counseled and trained over a million people in her speech-es. She has authored over 150 training, entre-preneurial, spiritual, and educational products, and is the founder of the Millionaire Smarts® Coaching program, in which she provides success and spiritual advice and resources to people worldwide.

You can find her at


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Cats At The Studios, Inc is a non profit rescue organization comprised entirely of volunteers.

We are dedicated to nurturing, neutering/spaying, and finding a good homes for abononed cats and Kitten.

We are looking for volunteers and help please contact us at [email protected]

Cat & Kitten for adoption

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Randall Slavin's pho-tography debut was in the prestigious New York Times Magazine, and has continued to appear in magazines including GQ, Esquire, and Rolling Stone where Slavin has pho-tographed everything from the earthquake in Haiti to dozen of celebrities including Jeremy Renner and Timothy Olyphant.

Celebrities attend-ed Randall Slavin's "Achromatic" Exhibit

as to name just few as Ryan Philippe, Eva Longoria Seth Green, Breckin Meye, Geoff Stults, Jennifer Morrison, Brandon Boyd and many more.

Randall Slavin'Achromatic'Exhibit Opening at KM Fine Arts. Los Angeles California

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Vafa Shelter

We Needs your help, many beautiful animals

waiting for a loving home

For Adoption please contact:

Your 2016 Calendar is here!…/vafa-market…/572-vafa-2016-calendar

photo by Habib Miri